#Ican Harem
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raddlounge · 12 days ago
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【 Styling 】 FUTURE LOUNDRY BY ICAN HAREM (Gabber Modus Operandi) Worldwide Shipping Available! Order from Anywhere, We Deliver Everywhere 📦✈️🌎
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ghettoorion · 4 months ago
Gabber Modus Operandi - PUXXXIMAXXX
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#gabbermodusoperandi #vinyl #vinylrecords�� The 2021 reissue of Gabber Modus Operandi's groundbreaking album PUXXXIMAXXX serves as a reminder of the duo's unique approach to electronic music, blending traditional Indonesian elements with the raw energy of global rave culture. Originally released in 2018, this album by Ican Harem and DJ Kasimyn (Aditya Surya Taruna) challenges the boundaries of genre, creating a soundscape that is both chaotic and cohesive. The reissue, through Aisha Devi’s Danse Noire label, introduces a wider audience to the duo's audacious blend of Balinese gamelan, breakcore, and gabber—a mix that’s as culturally significant as it is sonically adventurous.(...) Read the full article
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cyo-web · 1 year ago
インドネシア・バリ島よりGabber Modus Operandiが来日。共演にはMERZBOW、∈Y∋(BOREDOMS)、VMOをはじめ、アーティストデュオMESによるパーティー「REVOLIC」も! レイヴ、ノイズ、ハードコアが閃くエクスペリメンタルな祝祭。
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インドネシア・バリ島よりGabber Modus Operandiが来日。9月2日(土)名古屋CLUB GOODWEATHER、9月3日(日)大阪CONPASS、9月6日(水)東京WWW & WWWβと巡るジャパンツアーが決定した。 Gabber Modus Operandiは、レイヴ、ノイズ、ガバ、グラインドコア、ファンコット、ガムラン音楽などを同列に捉えて、曰く「架空のハードコア・ミュージック」を生み出しているDJ/プロデューサーのKasimynとアーティスト/ファッション・デザイナーのIcan Harem(本ツアービジュアルはIcanが手がけている)の二人によるグループだ。実験精神をもとに、生まれ育ったインドネシアの伝統音楽と先鋭エレクトロニック・ミュージックを交差させた革新的なサウンドとパフォーマンスで、世界中のカッティング・エッジなフェスティバルからアンダーグラウンドなローカル・パーティーまで熱狂させ、激震を与えている。ビョークの最新アルバム『Fossora』(2022年)にも参加するなど、現行の音楽シーンにおいて重要な位置を占める存在と言ってい���だろう。
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東京公演には、ノイズ・ミュージックの象徴的存在であるMERZBOWや、2022年にはウガンダのNyege Nyege Festivalにも出演するなどオルタナティブな表現を拡張し続ける∈Y∋(BOREDOMS)をはじめ、ポスト・レイヴの最重要レーベル〈NEVER SLEEP〉から2ndアルバムのリリース間近のVMOは本ツアーに帯同し、ブラックメタル×レイヴをスパークさせる。東京の新世代オルタナティブ・ハードコア・バンドmoreruや日本スケートボードシーンの革命児、吉岡賢人によるパンク・バンドJapanese Super Ratsといったエクストリームな面々もラインナップされるほか、昨年、閉店前のContact Tokyoを賑わせたアーティストデュオMESによるパーティー「REVOLIC -revolution holic/革命中毒-」がWWWβをジャック! 新進気鋭のDJ、ヴィジュアル・アーティストとともに、この日のためだけのエッジィでスペーシーかつSLAYなレイヴを蠢かせる。 猥雑な、爆音な、ダンスな、カオスな、昂揚と実験と解放とリアリティーのあるフロアへ!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【Gabber Modus Operandi Japan Tour 2023】
[Tour Schedule] 9/2(土)愛知・名古屋CLUB GOODWEATHER 9/3(日)大阪・東心斎橋CONPASS 9/6(水)東京・渋谷WWW & WWWβ
GOODWEATHER #51 https://goodweather.shop/items/64adf1183ffd8e00457033c4 日程:2023年9月2日(土) 会場:CLUB GOODWEATHER(名古屋市中区新栄1-14-24 第三和光ビル2F) 時間:Open/Start:22:00 料金:Adv. 3,500円 / Door 4,000円(ともに1ドリンク付) チケット:https://goodweather.shop/ 出演: Gabber Modus Operandi VMO a.k.a. Violent Magic Orchestra CRZKNY Indus Bonze and more
世紀末 vol.68 https://www.conpass.jp/9824.html
日程:2023年9月3日(日) 会場:CONPASS(大阪市中央区��心斎橋1-12-20 心斎橋ダイワビルB1F) 時間:Open/Start:18:00 料金:Adv. 4,500円 / Door 5,000円(ともにドリンク代別) チケット:e+ https://eplus.jp/sf/detail/3917390001-P0030001 出演: Gabber Modus Operandi VMO a.k.a. Violent Magic Orchestra rirugiliyangugili Vampillia(O.A.) DJ hOlysHiT and more
Gabber Modus Operandi Japan Tour 2023 meets MES presents REVOLIC https://www-shibuya.jp/schedule/016692.php
日程:2023年9月6日(水) 会場:WWW & WWWβ(東京都渋谷区宇田川町13-17 ライズビル地下) 時間:Open/Start:17:00 料金:Adv. 5,500円 / U25チケット 4,000円(税込 / ドリンク代別 / オールスタンディング) チケット:e+ https://eplus.jp/gmotourtokyo ※チケットオフィシャル先着先行:2023年7月14日(金)20:00 ~ 7月23日(日)23:59 ※一般発売:7月27日(木)18:00 出演: > WWW Gabber Modus Operandi MERZBOW ∈Y∋(BOREDOMS) VMO a.k.a. Violent Magic Orchestra moreru Japanese Super Rats > WWWβ MES presents REVOLIC -revolution holic/革命中毒- To be announced
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [プロフィール] ■ Gabber Modus Operandi Gabber Modus Operandi(ガバ・モーダス・オペランディ)は、バリ島デンパサールで開催されたアンダーグラウンドのパンク・コンサートに影響を受けて、DJ/プロデューサーのKasimynとアーティスト/ファッション・デザイナーのIcan Haremによって結成された。彼らの実験は、ジャティラン、ガバ、ダンドゥット・コプロ、エベの踊り、ファンコット、シカゴ・フットワーク、グラインドコア、ノイズ、そして特にインドネシアの小都市で疎外されていたコ��ュニティ・パーティーのエネルギーと激しさへの執着から始まることとなる。デビューLP『PUXXXIMAXX』は〈Yes No Wave Music〉からデジタル・フリー・ダウンロードでリリースされ、セカンドLP『HOXXXYA』は上海を拠点とするレーベル〈SVBKVLT〉からリリース。2020年にはデビューLPが〈Danse Noire〉よりリイシューされている。 Gabber Modus Operandi は、ジョクジャカルタの Nusasonic festival(2018年)でパフォーマンスしたことを皮切りに、CTM Festival(ベルリン)にてヨーロッパデビュー。Unsound(クラクフ)、Dark Mofo(タスマニア)、ALL(上海)、Final(台北)、WWW(渋谷)、MACAN(ジャカルタ)、WSK Festival(マニラ)、Nyege Nyege Festival(ウガンダ、カンパラ)、Soft Centre(シドニー)、Rewire(デン・ハーグ)、Kilbi Festival(スイス、クレムス)、Primavera(バルセロナ)など世界各国のカッティング・エッジなクラブやフェスティバルに出演している。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scMgtqD4WRQ https://www.instagram.com/gabbermodusoperandi/ ■ VMO a.k.a. Violent Magic Orchestra ダークスローン、メイヘム、エンペラー(真部脩一)らブラックメタル バンドの名前を日本語のカタカナで名乗る人間達、ヴィジュアル担当のKEZZARDRIX。そして3台のストロボライトとスモークマシーンで結成。その後ボーカリストのザスターが加入。2099年のHELVETECHという惑星からやって来たという設定。テクノ、ブラックメタル、インダストリアル、ノイズが渾然一体となり発光されるアートミュージックプロジェクト。それはまるでブラックメタルmeets Kraftwerk。コープスペイントを施したAphex Twin。ちなみに現在もっともライブハウス、クラブで電力を喰うユニット。VMOの総電力量は、5000W(わかりやすく言うとアンプ56台分)。 The BodyのChip King、SUNNO)))、MAYHEMのAttilaが参加した1st album「Catastrophic Anonymous」を、国内盤はworld's end girlfriend率いるVirgin Babylon Recordsより、ワールドワイド盤はCONVERGEのDEATHWISH傘下Throatruiner Recordsよりリリース。 Roadburn Festival、BANGFACE、Brutall Assault、le gues who?など世界中のフェスティバルに出演する。2020年6月フロントマンザスターが参加する初の音源がNEW RAVEの旗手Gabber EleganzaのレーベルNEVER SLEEPから『PRINCIPLE OF LIGHT SPEED INVARIANCE ep』を配信リリース。2021年に京都国際舞台芸術祭で発表されたAsian Dope BoysのTianzhuo Chenの「Sheepman」の2日間のインスタレーション・パーティーに両日出演。
2023年、2月にはベルリンのCTM Festivalに出演し、ベルグハインでプレイし絶賛を受ける。6月、タスマニアの暗闇の祭典Dark Mofoを熱狂させた後、シドニーのSOFT CENTREにて17m×30mの巨大スクリーンを仕様した圧巻のAVライブを披露。Sonar festival 2023にommatidium studiosとのコラボVR作品と音楽を提供した台湾のヴィジュアルアーティストYuen Hsiehの作品DIGITAL AFTERLIFE AGENCYが展示される。まもなくNEVER SLEEPからテクノ、ハードコア、ブラックメタルなどからジャンルを超えた豪華ゲストが参加する待望のセカンドアルバム「DEATH RAVE」を発売予定。秋には複数のフェスティバルを含む長期のヨーロッパとイギリスでのDEATH RAVEリリースツアーを予定している。
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kenyatta · 3 years ago
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TANK MIX | Gabber Modus Operandi
TANK You’ve described your sound as “post-alay”. Could you tell me a bit about that term?
Aditya Surya Tarun It’s speculative. Ican will explain better. Ican Harem It’s the way we present the absurdity of our urban culture, the clash between tradition and celebrating grassroots.
TANK You’ve also spoken about the roll-out of 4G and cheap smartphones in Indonesia was integral to the evolution of your sound. What kind of shifts did this enable? IH The way people got access to technology and uploaded everything they thought was interesting – it’s the way we celebrate democratisation. Technology and cheap smartphones are the tools. AST This country is massive, with more than 100,000 islands. It was hard to connect before through the same old channels – TV, government, all that stuff. Then suddenly that explosion shifted whatever stuff that me and Ican love: things like watching Jathilan (local trance dance in Java) or Rantak Kudo (traditional rave from south Sumatra) on smartphones, uploaded independently by real people who are doing it without curatorial bias, a filter or someone else claiming it. I never thought they would be so persistent! Mutating their tradition into something else, something really relevant – at least for me. It took me back to the 10-year-old me having fun, enjoying shadow puppets with my dad. That hit hard on me as a person stuck in the global music algorithm, making stuff for international shit and living in Bali, one of the most colonised scenes in Asia. That shift summoned my inner demon. I deleted all my previous music productions and started writing new ones with simple rules: using the Indonesian scales and tunings of pelog and slendro and doing what they’re doing, not giving a fuck.
TANK It seems like there’s a new wave of international cross-pollination in experimental music where Europe is no longer the epicentre. An act like yourself can release on a Shanghai-based label and play a festival in Uganda, and there’s dialogue and collaboration between all those different scenes and locations. Is this something you feel excited about? And has it influenced your approach to music at all? AST Of course! You know how beautiful it is to have conversations in broken English and dance with Chinese or Ugandan kids? It’s really primal. It’s amazing. To complement [each other] and be on a learning process [together] is weirdly fun. Also, to see how persistent each of them is to challenge and mutate what they have. Chinese and Taiwanese kids’ music is futuristically beautiful, and then there’s singeli From Tanzania, Ugandan acholitronic or budot from the Philippines… I can talk forever about how fascinating they are. IH It was almost a joke for us, and then [those connections] happened. To share this, a multi-disciplinary, multicultural, multi-lingual creative process was a massive goal, to find natural synchronisation.
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imagine-allthethings · 7 years ago
Illumi Zoldyck: Comfort
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“It is nice out” Illumi said to his fiance, after noticing you were upset. It had been two hours since he had noticed, yet still he had no idea what to say. You just weren’t like this, and the whole situation had thrown Illumi for a loop. You stared right past him, but he would lean into view, trying to initiate conversation. Finally you gave up and sighed, “What is it that you want?” you questioned him sharply. Illumi cocked his head to the side, “You seem really interested in something behind me... Mike?” 
Illumi turned his head to look behind him, seeing nothing. “No?” he said turning his head again to face you. “Didn’t you say you would be ‘practicing’ reading emotions?” You scowled at him, “Obviously I’m upset right now.” Illumi lifted his head up straight and stared into your eyes “Oh. You don’t appear to be showing the usual signs. Your lips are straight and your eyebrows are where they always are.” Your eyebrows come together a bit more, as you grow even more annoyed than before “You know Illumi, expressions aren’t as easy to read as road signs. They’re more complex, and they vary too. There’s no set of rules.”
Illumi put his fingers on his chin, and stared down at you. His eyes waver as attempts to process what you said. “I suppose you’re right. I can at least work to learn yours, correct?” He recalls receiving advise from his father, Silva, that matters of the heart were time sensitive, and should be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible. If not, they may begin to fester and become unmanageable. Efficiency in this case, came in the form of interrogation. 
He reached for a pin, and balanced it atop his fingers. “What exactly is it that’s causing you such grief?” You sigh once more, and lift your head to meet his gaze, “Is your solution always to remove the problem?” Illumi cocks his head again, “That’s the largest part of my life, removing things. You’ve been told about the Zoldyck family operates. Many times.”  
You’re torn. This isn’t the kind of problem that could be solved in such a black and white manner. Illumi never seems to see the world in such a way that you can wrap your head around. For him, it seems, the rest of the world has a target on them, waiting for a reason to be taken out. If it weren’t for your position and his father’s orders, you would be no different to him, just another potential source of income. It’s been hard to overcome, being the wife to this expressionless, seemingly emotionless assassin. It’s been difficult to live with the idea that this is the man who will provide for, and protect you, but, he’s been surprisingly good at it. Stiff and awkward as he may be at times, he’s had a few moments. Flowers and jewelry might have all been cliche, but the fact that he was thinking of you when he got them, gives you a feeling of joy. Even now, his creepiest tendencies have grown on you, now just quirks of his. Even his unfaltering blank stare has its tells, when you look long enough and have stared at it for as long as you have.
Right now, you can sense his feeling of frustration and confusion. It’s both sweet and somehow more aggravating. He’s trying, and it’s obvious to see, but you just wish he knew from the start. “You’ve been lost in thought again. Have you decided what the problem is? Have you decided and how you want it to be dealt with?” You can tell Illumi’s patience is slowly running out. It’d be best to dismiss it quickly. “It’s nothing, honestly. At least, nothing we can’t put off until we have more time, right?” Illumi glances up towards the sky, noting that it’s only a little after high noon. “We have plenty of time right now to solve the issue. I dedicated my time for today specifically to be with you. Now. What is the problem?” “It isn’t,” you stand up slowly and smile faintly, “something you can solve, even with all of your abilities” Illumi’s expression doesn’t change, but the way he shifts his stance, tells you he’s put off. An issue he can’t solve isn’t something he ever expected to be forced to deal with. 
“You can always-” Illumi’s body tenses up as he is wrapped in a tight hug. He struggles against your grip for a few seconds. Eventually he accepts that this is merely one of the things involved in courtship and affection. He gently nods, and you feel his chin brush the top of your head as he does.  “This... a hug I think is what will make me feel better. Please, Illumi, just this once,” you look up at him, hoping he’ll reciprocate, “please...” If this is truly what would solve her issue, than Illumi must concede. He repeats the actions he’s seen commoners preform many times before and what he sees his smaller wife doing now. His left arm wrapped around your shoulder and his right hand begins to pat your head. It’s a bit heavy-handed for your taste, but the fact he’s doing it just means so much. Maybe one day, he’ll get it. But until then, step by step, you’ll have to learn how to make this work together.  
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morethanboomtschk · 4 years ago
Over the course of the 12-hour duration of Tianzhuo Chen’s performance work, Trance, the artist captures the movements of the performers and musicians gathered on the stage in order to document physical and emotional changes that occur over time. As the performance ritual continues he plays back this hyper-detailed footage in slow motion, allowing the audience to shift their perspective of the work in both time and space. These small, self-contained moments of audiovisual time travel open new portals into the work, opportunities to dive deeper into the ritual and experience the intimacy and ecstasy of those in the trance. Musicians Dis Fig, Ican Harem of Gabber Modus Operandi, City, ¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U and Felix-Florian Todtloff are joined by choreographer Ylva Falk, rapper KHNG KHAN and a host of professional and self-taught performers, including Bidjé de Rosa, Lavinia Vago, Lisette Ros, Ndoho Ange, Omid Tabari and Siko Setyanto. Inhabiting different characters during each of the performance’s six chapters, our focus shifts between the performers, who take turns leading the ceremony, guiding the group in the transformative process of the ritual. In the above behind the scenes footage, Chen weaves together this slow-motion documentation in a sustained study of physical experimentation and exploration. Returning full circle from The Dust, a work that considers what ritual and ceremony looks like in the absence of the body, Chen strips away everything but the corporeal, presenting Trance as it plays out across the bodies of his cast.
“Eroticism is the ritual Chen’s performative bodies generate when depicting the unseen, the hidden, and the forbidden. It reveals the limits of anthropocentric culture and crosses these limits, simultaneously transposing it back to its spiritual and mythical Gaian origin.” - Oxi Pëng
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rwbyfans · 4 years ago
hey i been wating rp more butt    disocred  adn twiiter  are bad i so much just stay here     but  amslot  impossible for rps i cant rp much with people here only very   few i    rp  rwby attack on titans Naruto bortuo and sally face mainly rwby        i prefer  lewd rps cause i write them better       i can do  none lewd just not a good a them     but welling to    umm age dosnt really matter for rp it fantasy       i now have age limt  on  bio or rules page but  rules p age kinda out dated i dont care how how some one for rp as long we have fun toghter     like  said i wel lstill do none lewd rp  i just   witere none better it  aslo  easery for rp in ims cause my learing distbyils but if welling to rp  but only do tread  i well do it   but plese dont make super long or  so short it boring i could only do around lke 4  to 5  secnst     and that hard for cause my learing disbtiyls   do best make    easy for  me to follow       if going to tread aslo i   can be examprlty in patient i but i need to work that aslo      for  rp i am exiexlrmey picky with oc but if like  your i well go with it   i have few ocs to       i prefer   canon for rwby rps plese no ghira   or tryian or port or glyda or ironwood weiss dad  watts          or hazel   ghria tryian and  hazel and port may be okay in none lewd rps    i like them i just don't want to lewd them  aslo i  don't want vine either      iwell any gender i am genderdfuild i have none issue   but i prefer   playing   futa hermboi  trans chaachter      dont why just  prefer  ican play normal gender    but iwell only play noraml gender boys in yaoi or        bi or   pan        stuff or    with futa or trans girl character   0f  cause i well play with the other a hermboi male version of futa    or trans boy character         i well not play normal girl as  often not to fun for me  but i well does some time   i well morely  do i f playing more then one  character  in rp    like play more one chachrwer in  rp   i try one those i    lewd rp  i  like   fembois    futa trans chahcter  hermbois   i well go for normal boys if there cute enaught like jaune  or netupen or sun  or sacrtleee     or like nolan or some body  or Whitley   or  marrow     but if want  femboi version that okay the reson i dont mention ren he alreya femnine eaught  qrow good looking  yes i well play normal gender character  am pan sexual  i well only  play Nora trans girl and rabbit foots fausne what else do like in  lewd rps    fantasy magic  demons  slim  girls  vamiper     wever wholf robict limbs  amputation  loli shota yaoi yuri   bi pan poly harem orgy         inscest blood guts gore    fausne on human   human on human and fansue  on faunse  is oky   bestially  Grimm necrophilia  dont  worry some these i well    like in fantasy not rl  like in anime manga and      rp        and       iam good person some these are real even  i like i don't like  bestially l in rl i don't like children in rl i don't  incest  in rl i don't like necrophilia in i am very picky with rape i may do in so cases        because i am victim    also   yeah
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toshio · 7 years ago
can u rec some cute shojos (besides ccs or sailor moon) i wanna watch some so ican have a reason to draw cute dresses
try watashi ga motete dousunda (kiss him, not me!) it’s a reverse harem (girl surrounded by boys) plus romantic comedy which is honestly surprisingly relatable due to the protagonist being like a typical tumblr fangirl with a yaoi blog but like, in an anime
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muckizm · 8 years ago
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Yo! Gardu House mempersembahkan VINYL ATTACK 2 ------- sebuah pameran kolektif dari seniman lintas komunitas dengan menggunakan vinyl/piringan hitam sebagai media berkaryanya. Gardu House kembali menggelar Vinyl Attack untuk kedua kalinya setelah sebelumnya pernah digelar pada tahun 2010 sebagai bentuk apresiasi dan perayaan eksistensi budaya piringan hitam serta bersilatuhrami lintas komunitas. ------- Pembukaan pameran, Minggu, 9 April 2017, dimulai 15.00 – 22.00 WIB Bertempat di Gardu House, Jln. Ciputat Raya No.324 Kebayoran Lama Utara, Jakarta Selatan Pertunjukan graffiti oleh, F21ST (BGR) & Nsane5 (JKT) Pertunjukan music oleh, Irama Nusantara Joe Million, Juta, Rand Slam (MEDIUM RARE) Sir Allen Udasjam ------- Pameran berlangsung, 9 April 2017 – 23 April 2017, dimulai 11.00 – 20.00 WIB setiap harinya Bertempat di Gardu House, Jln. Ciputat Raya No.324 Kebayoran Lama Utara, Jakarta Selatan ------- Seniman yang terlibat, Amenkcoy (BDG), Bobby Marjinal (JKT), Bujangan Urban (JKT), Cygnus Lab (MLG), Carol VCU (GER), Gibranos (JKT), Herry Sutresna (BDG), Ican Harem (Bali), Love Hate Love (YK), Lostzeroseven (JKT), Media Legal (YK), Muck (YK), Nadcil (JKT), Nsane5 (JKT), RMPNKS’ (BGR), Shake (BDG), Sidvizeus (JKT), Stereoflow (JKT), Tremor (BDG), XUF (BALI), Unbound (JKT), Yalayala (JKT) ------- Support by, Demajors radio Medium rare Problem boys record Serrum Bad habits magazine Kind magazine Provoke magazine Visual jalanan ISAD #garduhouse #vinylattack #vinylattack2
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totokismo · 8 years ago
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Gardu House mempersembahkan VINYL ATTACK 2 ------- sebuah pameran kolektif dari seniman lintas komunitas dengan menggunakan vinyl/piringan hitam sebagai media berkaryanya. Gardu House kembali menggelar Vinyl Attack untuk kedua kalinya setelah sebelumnya pernah digelar pada tahun 2010 sebagai bentuk apresiasi dan perayaan eksistensi budaya piringan hitam serta bersilatuhrami lintas komunitas. ------- Pembukaan pameran, Minggu, 9 April 2017, dimulai 15.00 – 22.00 WIB Bertempat di Gardu House, Jln. Ciputat Raya No.324 Kebayoran Lama Utara, Jakarta Selatan Pertunjukan graffiti oleh, F21ST (BGR) & Nsane5 (JKT) Pertunjukan music oleh, Irama Nusantara Joe Million, Juta, Rand Slam (MEDIUM RARE) Sir Allen Udasjam ------- Pameran berlangsung, 9 April 2017 – 23 April 2017, dimulai 11.00 – 20.00 WIB setiap harinya Bertempat di Gardu House, Jln. Ciputat Raya No.324 Kebayoran Lama Utara, Jakarta Selatan ------- Seniman yang terlibat, Amenkcoy (BDG), Bobby Marjinal (JKT), Bujangan Urban (JKT), Cygnus Lab (MLG), Carol VCU (GER), Gibranos (JKT), Herry Sutresna (BDG), Ican Harem (Bali), Love Hate Love (YK), Lostzeroseven (JKT), Media Legal (YK), Muck (YK), Nadcil (JKT), Nsane5 (JKT), RMPNKS’ (BGR), Shake (BDG), Sidvizeus (JKT), Stereoflow (JKT), Tremor (BDG), XUF (BALI), Unbound (JKT), Yalayala (JKT) ------- Support by, Demajors radio Medium rare Problem boys record Serrum Bad habits magazine Kind magazine Provoke magazine Visual jalanan ISAD #garduhouse #vinylattack #vinylattack2
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dhadowacky · 8 years ago
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Gardu House mempersembahkan VINYL ATTACK 2 ------- sebuah pameran kolektif dari seniman lintas komunitas dengan menggunakan vinyl/piringan hitam sebagai media berkaryanya. Gardu House kembali menggelar Vinyl Attack untuk kedua kalinya setelah sebelumnya pernah digelar pada tahun 2010 sebagai bentuk apresiasi dan perayaan eksistensi budaya piringan hitam serta bersilatuhrami lintas komunitas. ------- Pembukaan pameran, Minggu, 9 April 2017, dimulai 15.00 – 22.00 WIB Bertempat di Gardu House, Jln. Ciputat Raya No.324 Kebayoran Lama Utara, Jakarta Selatan Pertunjukan graffiti oleh, F21ST (BGR) & Nsane5 (JKT) Pertunjukan music oleh, Irama Nusantara Joe Million, Juta, Rand Slam (MEDIUM RARE) Sir Allen Udasjam ------- Pameran berlangsung, 9 April 2017 – 23 April 2017, dimulai 11.00 – 20.00 WIB setiap harinya Bertempat di Gardu House, Jln. Ciputat Raya No.324 Kebayoran Lama Utara, Jakarta Selatan ------- Seniman yang terlibat, Amenkcoy (BDG), Bobby Marjinal (JKT), Bujangan Urban (JKT), Cygnus Lab (MLG), Carol VCU (GER), Gibranos (JKT), Herry Sutresna (BDG), Ican Harem (Bali), Love Hate Love (YK), Lostzeroseven (JKT), Media Legal (YK), Muck (YK), Nadcil (JKT), Nsane5 (JKT), RMPNKS’ (BGR), Shake (BDG), Sidvizeus (JKT), Stereoflow (JKT), Tremor (BDG), XUF (BALI), Unbound (JKT), Yalayala (JKT) ------- Support by, Demajors radio Medium rare Problem boys record Serrum Bad habits magazine Kind magazine Provoke magazine Visual jalanan ISAD #garduhouse #vinylattack #vinylattack2
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raddlounge · 29 days ago
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【 Styling 】 FUTURE LOUNDRY BY ICAN HAREM Worldwide Shipping Available! Order from Anywhere, We Deliver Everywhere 📦✈️🌎
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whalerzbigginz · 11 years ago
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plz excuse the bad photo..
thanks to everyone who came down to Smart Space the other night for Heil Sinatra - man had such a fun time, so much talent in the show and it was a real pleasure to be hanging next to such inspiring crew ! endless bummer about Ican being denied his VISA by 'the man' but looking forward to having him over in April. Feast ur eyes pon these ~
ICAN HAREM : )) https://www.facebook.com/HaremIcan (( MARTIN E WILLS : )) http://www.martinewills.com/ (( KIERON BROADHURST : )) http://kieron-broadhurst.tumblr.com/ (( KORRIN STONEY : )) http://junkgarden.wordpress.com/ (( CELENE BRIDGE : )) http://celenebridge.com/ (( BRVCE : )) http://copsmakegoodtargets.blogspot.com.au/ (( SCRAMBLED MEGS : )) http://meaganbatesart.tumblr.com/ (( $NULL SCYTHEY PSEUDOS : )) https://www.facebook.com/ScytheyPseudosArtAndLiveDrawingStudy ((
maximum respect to Kalem @copsmakegoodtargets for putting this shit together - so excited for more things whatever bigger and better blah blah blah
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eggspress-blog · 12 years ago
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Eggs Press #4 Empty Orchestra Edition at Galleria ARI, East Perth
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raddlounge · 11 months ago
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【 Today’s Outfits 】
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raddlounge · 25 days ago
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【 Styling 】 FUTURE LOUNDRY BY ICAN HAREM Worldwide Shipping Available! Order from Anywhere, We Deliver Everywhere 📦✈️🌎
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