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perianth-nixie · 2 months ago
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Kinda missed them
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cottonundiestf · 11 months ago
Layla's Character Sheet Game
I decided I'm in the mood to bring back my character sheet transformation game, with one catch: to make it waaaay more manageable, make all your changes in one ask and I'll play through those changes occurring! I'm not going to go through 7 asks for each person's changes.
Here's your base sheet! You can change details on here, or even add new details and categories to suit the changes! Whatever changes you make change me, Layla! You can also include if I should be aware of your changes, or if I'm oblivious to them or they happen retroactively.
So yeah, send the things you'd change via asks, anon or not!
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Quick reminders for things that might confuse people:
Ibero-American just means my roots come from the Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal, etc.)
Kinsey 5 just means a Lesbian with some minor acceptions
Switch is just down the middle, neither dedicated sub or dom.
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vintageerieteacup · 23 days ago
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I have found a great article in Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut online archive. It's in Spanish which I can read and get the main idea, but I shall leave translation to competent people. I also have highlighted the parts which, in my opinion, are spot on.
PETER LORRE, el postergado
Hollywood tiene también su porción de contrasentidos. Tiene, asimismo, sus entretelones, sus cosas no muy claras. Hay mucha bruma tanto en la aparición de una nueva estrella como en la trayectoria de aquellos intérpretes que han dado de sí todo.  
Y Hollywood tiene también sus postergados. Son aquellos que, en oportunidades, salvan una película desde un puesto de segundo orden, pero que, por ello mismo, difícilmente pasan al primero. Y si lo hacen , no falta el buen pretexto para hacerlos retroceder.
Peter Lorre es el caso más patético del actor postergado por la Meca del cine. Lo es en una medida verdaderamente sorprendente. Ha sido figura de primerísimo plano - recuérdese “Crimen y castigo”, “Las manos de Orlac” y otras. Ya previamente se tenía la certeza de sus grandes condiciones, y las labores citadas sirvieron para prestigiarlo en una medida realmente ponderable. Pero luego pasó otra vez a segundo término. Y llegó una serie de películas en las que aparecía esporádicamente, fugazmente. Para el buen entendedor no pasaba desapercibido. Su rostro y sus manos, tan expresivos, tan vivos, tan poseedores de un gran lenguaje, eran entonces seguidos con más interés que las acciones del protagonista. En el reparto, en el juego de las situaciones, era el segundón, pero su sola presencia servía para traerle a primer plano. Así han corrido decenas de films cuyo único saldo positivo era el de traernoslo una y otra vez, aun cuando, aun cuando debieran soportarse a otras figuras sin la hondura, la finura y la policromía de sus extraordinarios recursos de intérprete. 
Peter Lorre se ha impuesto, sin embargo, a esa contradicción evidente de su vuelta a la penumbra. Sigue siendo el actor de enormes posibilidades, sigue siendo el actor que tiene más suma de matices interpretativos. Es indudable que con esa incomprensible política de subordinarlo se le ha hurtado a él muchas posibilidades de grandes triunfos y al público muchos momentos de notable emoción, pero él ha sabido sobreponerse a esa subestimación y el público sigue fielmente su trayectoria, esperando siempre que se le de el puesto que le pertenece. 
Y es indudable que si el espectador debiera ubicarle, le asignaría un lugar de vanguardia.
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sksethi · 1 year ago
Martín Rodríguez Biography, Age, Wiki, Movies, TV Shows
Martín Rodríguez Biography, Age, Career, Height, Wiki, Family & More, Career, Biography, Ethnicity, Profile, Net Worth, Photos, Videos, TV Shows and More
Actor Martín Rodríguez is primarily recognised for his roles in American films and television shows. He has appeared in numerous well-known films, including Time and the Wind, Zanahoria, Leo’s Room, and many more. For his performance as Leo in the Uruguayan film Leo’s Room (Spanish: El Cuarto De Leo), Martin has been honoured with two prizes from the Uruguayan Film Critics Association for Best Male Actor. Martin made waves in January 2024 when she appeared in the Netflix criminal drama miniseries Griselda as Rivi.
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On May 7, 1978, Martín Rodríguez was born in San Juan, Argentina. She completed her education in his hometown.
Martín made his cinematic debut in the 2009 film Leo’s Room (El Cuarto DE Leo), playing the role of Leo. Enrique Buchichio directed the movie. The San Sebastián International Film Festival hosted the film’s world premiere. Martín portrayed Leo, a young man discovering and coming to terms with his sexual orientation. He received several honours for his performance, including Best Actor and Best Male Revelation from the Uruguayan Film Critics Association. He also won Best Actor at the Luna and Ibiza film festivals in Spain.
Martín, in the part of Jorge, in the Enrique Buchichio-directed film “Zanahoria” (2014), which won the Colón DE Oro, the top prize, at the 40th Ibero-American Film Festival in Huelva, Spain.
Martín Rodríguez Biography
NameMartín RodríguezBirth NameJorge Martín Rodríguez AguirreProfessionActorDate of BirthMay 7, 1978Age45 YearsBirth PlaceSan Juan, ArgentinaHome TownSan Juan, ArgentinaNationalityArgentineFamilyMother: Not Available Father: Not Available Sister: Not Available Brother: Not Available Wife: Not AvailableHeight5′ 7″ FeetWeight60 KgChest40 inchesWaist32 inches
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whistletown · 1 month ago
January 16th, 2025 (Shannon)
Exploring Sevilla
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   We slept in and went out in the afternoon to explore a little more of the city. Our first stop was the Plaza de España. It was a beautiful and large plaza with a fountain, bell towers and lovely tile work that had been built for the 1929 Ibero-American exhibition. Around the huge half circle there were little seating alcoves representing each province, with appropriate tile work, art, and a map of its location and major cities. Lots of people were relaxing in these little seating areas.  The bridges over the small waterway were very pretty with blue and white tiles. We ended up trying out googles new “add me” photo feature which resulted in some fun time wasting taking increasingly silly photos. 
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(Oh no, my feet!!)
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  After exploring the beautiful plaza for longer than anticipated, we were very ready for lunch.  We walked towards the waterfront and ended up at a chicken place. Then we walked along the water looking at the river with some neat Bridges and a strange pirate ship.  We passed by an old Tower that had been converted into a military museum but we didn't go inside.  Then we crossed the street to see the old bullfighting ring. We didn't go inside there either, but we walked around the outer rim of it seeing some of the offices or old apartments of the matadors.  
   From there we walked through town a bit farther away from the Old Town where we've mostly been staying.  It was nice to see some other sections of the city.  We passed by the “Barber of Seville” so Harry could get his needed  photo op, and managed to keep Mary from spending too much time in a large fabric store.  
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  We made it to casa pilatos where we had a quick tour of the interior. Its construction started in 1483, and it is the residence of the Dukes of Medinaceli. We only had time to do the lower floors. It had beautiful tile work and carving similar to that of the Alcazar but on a smaller scale. Still, its courtyard was lovely and it was full of really intricately carved ceilings. There were lots of statues of various Greek gods around, and the place appeared only partially restored.  There were lots of bits and pieces and corners and the gardens were not well taken care of.  There is also a giant old church (?) room that was completely in the dark.  
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  Finally, we went over to the flamingo dance museum where we had a show at 7:00.  We had a little bit of time to peruse the museum before the show started.  It talked about the origins of flamenco and the various styles.  It seems to have influence both from Asia, Asia and afro-caribbean cultures, as well as France and Spain of course.  Then we went down and got front row seats for the show.  
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(No photos of the show, here's more of the Plaza España)
  All of the performers were extremely talented, the guitarist, the singers/percussion, and the dancers. It was interesting how a lot of the singing had that sort of emotional wailing quality, that reminded me of Arabic call to prayers. I'm not sure what you call that kind of tonality and singing, but I think it exists both in the Arab world and also in India, so it was interesting to hear it in Spanish. 
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  The dancers were incredible, and their outfits were beautiful.  A lot of the dancing involved manipulating their outfits with their hands or using various props.  For example, they used hand fans to tap on their bodies for sound, and the sound of the fan opening and closing was part of the percussion as well. Percussion or rhythm seemed to be a huge part of it, with a combination of stomping, tapping their feet, clapping, slapping their bodies with their hands, snapping their fingers, and using castanets and other props. I frequently felt like I was supposed to be clapping along, but all of the clapping was so specific and timed to work with the other four people clapping that it was clear it was a part of the art. It all blended together into really epic rhythms. 
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   Both the women and men played with their skirts or the edges of their jackets while they danced in a sensual manner. The highlight was a woman with a long trailing skirt that she effortlessly flipped in circles or over her shoulders and all over the place just using her feet and the motion of her spins. The edge of the skirt would whoosh by about 6 in from your face causing a gust of wind to hit you. All of the performers showed a lot of emotion on their face with frequent sudden pauses reaching out mournfully to the audience and such. One of the dancers spun so hard that her earring flew off onto the front of the stage, and she used it as a deliberate set piece to very emotionally lean down, pick it up and put it back on her ear while she continued dancing.  I was very impressed with the entire show!  
  After the show, Alex and I walked back to the hotel grabbing just a quick bite to eat on the way. Harry and Mary walked around somewhere else for a while. I worked on work a little bit and then we went to bed. I'm still feeling slightly under the weather but I'm definitely on the mend.  Tomorrow we have an early morning as we head southeast.
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migueldelaguila · 6 months ago
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🎶 September is packed with exciting performances of my music around the globe! From Calgary and Seattle to New York City and Brazil. Swipe for the full schedule and join us in celebrating these amazing musicians! 🌍🎻 #MiguelDelAguila #LiveMusic
9/6: SAMBEADA* with Windsync, Honens Festival, Calgary, Canada.
9/7: SUBMERGED* with Archipelago Collective, Brickworks, Friday Harbor, WA.
9/8: BARROQUEADA* with Trio Sanromá, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
9/15: WIND QUINTET No.2* with Winds5, The Royal Room, Seattle, WA.
9/18-19: CONGA* with Louisiana Philharmonic, Covington, LA.
9/18: SALON BUENOS AIRES* with DSoM Ensemble, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
9/22: MALAMBO* with Atlantic Collective, New York, NY.
9/26: PACIFIC SERENADE* with Domino Ensemble, Knoxville, TN.
9/26: SUBMERGED* with Radius Ensemble, Cambridge, MA.
9/28: SEDUCCION DANCE* with Antonio Eduardo, Festival Música de Ibero-America, Santos, Brazil.
See you there! 🌍🎻 #MiguelDelAguila #LiveMusic #composer #september #2024 #performances #concers #events #CONGA #LouisianaPhilharmonic #orchestra #MatthewKraemer #CovingtonCenter #SAMBEADA #Windsync #HonensFestival #BisonNoire #Calgary #Canada #SUBMERGED #ArchipelagoCollective BARROQUEADA #TrioSanroma #SanJuan #PuertoRico #WINDQUINTET2 #Winds5 #Seattle #SALONBUENOSAIRES #DSoM #OldDominion #Norfolk #MALAMBO #AtlanticCollective #Christ&StStephens #Church #NewYork #NYC #NY #PACIFICSERENADE #DominoEnsemble #KnoxvilleChamberMusicSociety #RadiusEnsemble #LongySchoolofMusic #Cambridge #MA #SEDUCCIONDANCE #FestivalMusicadeIberoAmerica #Santos #Brazil
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thatfostergirl · 10 months ago
DLI 7 - ¿Cuántas piezas te constituyen?
Desde hace unos meses tengo una sección quincenal en Ibero 90.9FM que se llama Disculpen la ignorancia. No he sabido que hacer con lo que escribo para ella, asi que he decidido que lo subiré aquí. Pásenle a leer este DLI 7. Luego subo los anteriores.
¿De que te acuerdas tú cuando tratas de regresar a una pieza? Cuando tratas de contarle a alguien que lo que viste lo debe ver también, ¿por qué el color, el concepto y el material? Desde donde volvemos a la pieza que queremos invocar? ¿Cómo la traemos de vuelta? Con la memoria, con el cuerpo, con el afecto? Una descripción basta? Si recordar es volver a vivir, cuál ha sido la obra de arte a…
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ynkzv1 · 1 year ago
cecilia meneghel souza.
Filha de Maria da Graça Xuxa Meneghel, mais conhecida como Xuxa, é uma atriz, apresentadora, cantora, empresária, filântropa e ex-modelo brasileira. Uma das apresentadoras mais conhecidas da década de 1990, Xuxa construiu o maior empreendimento do entretenimento infanto-juvenil ibero-americano. Irmã de sasha meneghel que nasceu dia 28 de julho de 1998 e de Felipe Melto 27 de junho de 2001, por sua vez Cecília nasceu em São Paulo no bairro Jardim Europa onde viveu boa parte de sua infância, aos seus 8 anos Cecília junto com seus irmãos e sua mãe foi morar no Rio De Janeiro, morou até os seus 13 anos no Leblon onde foi muito feliz.
quando Cecília completou 14 anos voltou para São Paulo onde vive atualmente
não mais com a sua família Cecília mora com seu namorado Kauã Moreira e seu filho Pedro Meneghel no bairro Brooklin-sp
Cecília, trabalha atualmente como atriz e modelo, iniciou sua carreira como atriz aos seus 4 aninhos onde interpretou sua primeira personagem em uma novela infantil. Sua carreira de modelo veio através da sua primeira novela aos seus 7 anos, ser modelo não era o seu grande sonho mas ela se apaixonou genuinamente por essa área e a manteve pela vida toda.
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dirtybarn · 1 year ago
El after del mundo: Crossing paths of two souls
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Humanity ended on the planet Earth and there are nothing but ruins everywhere. El after del Mundo (The World's After) is an animated short film created by Florentina González. After everything was destroyed, there weren't many living creatures around there. The story starts with a soul seeking a stable wifi connection. His luck isn't in his favor but he's persistent. Eventually, he meets with another ghost, we begin to realize their relationship and similar sides as well as opposites. While their environment changes the story develops. The animation and character design are spectacular, the story hooks the viewer to other aspects. In some moments I felt the same vibe with Midnight Gospel, a Netflix-produced animated series. In some ways, the similarity is out there and that also gave me comfort and let me into the story. El after del Mundo does not need any praise from anyone because the awards they get from festivals show its value. You can check Florentina González's Instagram and Vimeo profiles for more information. You can also watch the short film from Vimeo with close captions as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRMnwjmSNH0
El after del Mundo - Credits:
Script: Florentina Gonzalez and Luz Marquez Art: Florentina Gonzalez and "Same" Daniela Barella Layouts: Florentina Gonzalez and Florencia Ponticelli Music: Juana Molina Animation: Autour de Minuit Compo: Florentina Gonzalez and Pablo Kondratas
El after del Mundo - Awards:
2022 1. Fantasia International Film Festival - Montréal - Canada 2. Bucheon International Animation Festival - South Korea >> Special Distinction Prize 3. Weird Market - Segovia - Spain 4. Catalonia Fantastic International Film Festival - Sitges - Spain 5. Anima - Cordoba Int. Animation Festival - Córdoba - Argentina >> 3rd Prize for the Best Argentinian Animation + Audience Award 6. Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival - France 7. Bit Bang - Buenos Aires - Argentina >> Best Latin American Short Film Award 8. Anim'est International Animation Film Festival - Bucharest - Romania 9. Innsbruck Nature Film Festival - Austria 10. New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival - Japan 11. Armagnac Short Film Festival - Condom - France 12. Uppsala International Short Film Festival - Sweden 13. Etiuda&Anima - Krakow - Poland 14. Alcine - Alcalá de Henares - Spain 15. CutOut Fest, International Animation Film Festival - Querétaro - Mexico 16. Curta Cinema International Short Film Festival - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil 2023 1. Festival Premiers Plans - Angers - France 2. Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival - France 3. Rennes French Animation Film Festival - France 4. Anima - Brussels Animation Film Festival - Belgium 5. Film Maudit 2.0 - Los Angeles - USA 6. African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival - Milano - Italy 7. Tricky Women Animation Film Festival - Vienna - Austria >> Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Award 8. Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) - Germany 9. Animac - Mostra Internacional de Cinema d'Animació de Catalunya - Lleida - Spain 10. Go Short - Int. Short Film Festival - Nijmegen - The Netherlands 11. Animocje International Animated Films Festival - Bydgoszcz - Poland 12. Regard Saguenay International Short Film Festival - Chicoutimi - Canada 13. Bordeaux European Short Film Festival - France 14. Ciné Filou Festival / Festival Trois Jours Trop Courts - Castres & Albi les Cordeliers - France 15. Tout Court ! - Gisors - France 16. Animafest - Zagreb - Croatia >> Special Award 17. Festival 2ANNAS, Riga International Short Film Festival - Latvia 18. Cinema Jove - Valencia - Spain 19. Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival (LALIFF) - USA 20. Euganea Film Festival - Monselice (Padova) - Italy 21. Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia - Tokyo - Japan 22. Imaxinaria - A Coruña - Spain 23. Baixada Animada, Mostra Ibero-Americana de Cinema de Animação - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil >> Best international film 24. Mecal Pro, the Barcelona International Short and Animation Festival - Barcelone - Spain 25. Contis Film Festival - Contis - France 26. São Paulo Int. Short Film Festival - São Paulo - Brazil 27. Festival du film merveilleux & imaginaire - Paris - France 28. Fantoche - Baden - Switzerland 29. Pixelatl - Guadalajara - Mexico 30. Festival Internacional Jóvenes Realizadores de Granada - Grenade - Spain 31. Auch Short Film Festival - France Images: Screengrabs from the short film Read the full article
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felipeandletizia · 2 years ago
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February 7, 2023: King Felipe and Queen Letizia visited Banco Económico, where they attended the presentation of the International University of Cuanza, which was inaugurated in Cuito in 2021 and is integrated into the network of collaborating institutions with the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) and inaugurated the exhibition “El Cántico del Sol y Las Maravillas Acrostáticas” of Joan Miro with 52 original works divided into two series, which make up FUNIBER's Cultural Work.
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atletasudando · 1 year ago
El Ibero del 2024 se hará en Cuiabá-Mato Grosso
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fuente: CBAT El Campeonato Iberoamericano de Atletismo 2024 se realizará en Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil, del 10 al 12 de mayo, en la pista del Centro de Entrenamiento Olímpico de la Universidad Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT). La sede fue anunciada, en un comunicado oficial, este sábado 16 de septiembre, por la Asociación Iberoamericana de Atletismo (AIA). Las negociaciones entre la Confederación Brasileña de Atletismo (CBAt) y el Gobierno del Estado de Mato Grosso para llevar la competición a la región Centro-Oeste comenzaron en julio, durante el Trofeo Brasileño de Atletismo, con la Secretaría de Estado de Cultura, Deportes y Ocio ( SECEL) Jefferson Neves y el gobernador Mauro Mendes. El Campeonato Iberoamericano es una competición de atletismo a nivel de selecciones nacionales que se disputa cada dos años entre países iberoamericanos más Andorra y países africanos donde el idioma oficial es el español o el portugués.  Brasil fue sede de cuatro ediciones de la competencia en Manaos-1990, Río-2000, São Paulo-2014 y Río-2016, que fue preolímpica como lo será ahora la de Cuiabá. La primera edición se celebró en 1983, en Barcelona (ESP). En un comunicado oficial, publicado este sábado (16/9), la Asociación Iberoamericana de Atletismo informó que el torneo se realizará los días 10, 11 y 12 de mayo en Cuiabá. "Gracias al presidente de la Confederación Brasileña de Atletismo, Wlamir Motta Campos, por su compromiso y apoyo a este importante evento", publicó la AIA en su Instagram. El Trofeo Brasil, realizado del 6 al 9 de julio, contó con más de 250 mil personas en vivo en la transmisión del evento, en el pool de locutores formado por TV Atletismo Brasil, canal CBAt en YouTube, Canal Olímpico do Brasil, Primeira Página y UOL. En las gradas del Centro de Entrenamiento Olímpico de la Universidad Federal de Mato Grosso, más de 7 mil personas presenciaron los cuatro días de competencias. El estadio también fue sede del Campeonato Sudamericano Sub-23 de Atletismo en 2022, dentro de la política del CBAt de llevar el atletismo a todo el país. Read the full article
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perianth-nixie · 11 months ago
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Looks better than I expect
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cottonundiestf · 10 months ago
You know what, Layla? Let's give you your break. We're going to give you a delightful life and you are going to be aware of every change I make!
Let's start with your Charisma, I think a small boost to this would be lovely for your career and social life, so let's bump that up to a 16.
In this new life I'm giving you I don't think you'll need much strength, so we can drop that to a dainty 9. I'm sure you'll easily find strong ladies and gentlemen to help you when needed.
Let's drop your intelligence down to a solide 7, not to dumb you down, but to brighten you up! Can't overthink yourself into a depressive state if you can't overthink! It is clearly a favor.
Next, we are actually going to give you a solid bump in Wisdom to a big 18. This bump isn't in everything, though. You aren't going to be streetwise, or home remedy wise, no. You are wise when it comes to people, whether that is cheering them up or, if you are feeling malicious, manipulating them into doing or feeling what you want.
We are also going to generally increase you ibero-american beauty. You are going to be putting Sofia Vergara to shame when I'm done with you. Silken, jet-black hair; glowing, bronzed skin; glistening caramel eyes; and a body to die for! Hourglass curves with grippable hips, a waspy waist, and the most perfect tits a girl could ask for; all atop sculpted legs that go on forever.
All of this adds up to your new career as a world-renowned escort for only the wealthiest of clients. They don't hire you for ensure of a carnal variety, no, they enlist your services to elevate their emotional well-being to a higher state. Through your new satin accent and charming personality, all you have to do to satisfy a client is be in their company for an amount of time. You are now an emotional support human for the rich and famous. Enjoy.
It was a change I felt overnight. One day, I woke up and all my social interactions just smoothed out. Baristas were flirting with me and bosses gave me plenty of leeway. I felt the softening of muscles, but it wasn't like I was getting into fights; I'd just talk my way out of trouble if worst came to worst.
Even when it hit me how much my thoughts had slowed down and knowledge seemed to just vanish, I didn't stress. Something assured me I'd be just fine, dummy or not. Life was about understanding people, and I was suddenly so insightful with others, it felt like cheating. It was like being a mind reader who could see the feelings in someone's face.
It was the next day when I woke up, looked in the mirror, and saw an ideal version of myself. Everything my Portuguese roots offered, I had unlocked overnight. My pale skin was perfectly tanned and taught, pairing with this new stunning hourglass figure. I ran my hands over my chest, full and almost unnaturally perky. When I spoke, I even heard the familiar accent of my overseas family on my tongue.
Between my looks and my charms, it wasn't long before I started my new career, body doubling with wealthy clients in emotional turmoil. I was right; I didn't need brains for a wonderful life. I just needed to listen.
And an amazing pair of tits didn't hurt.
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rausule · 2 years ago
Biogeneeskunde Suid-Afrikaanse paters-genetika menswaardigheid
funksie van menswaardigheid kan net so 'n deurslaggewende element uitmaak
uit 'n formele oogpunt, in terme van prosedure wat twee is
juis op grond van respek vir intrinsieke menswaardigheid, wat
'n substantiewe standpunt, as 'n grondslag van regte wat nie is nie
geraak kan word
Wanneer ons egter vandag probeer om die konkrete betekenis daarvan te spesifiseer; wanneer 'n mens spesifieke verpligtinge en regte wil aflei met verwysing na die huidige uitdagings van biogeneeskunde en biotegnologie; wanneer 'n mens die aard, ontvangers en inhoud daarvan in detail wil ondersoek, lyk dit of die waardigheid ontbind, en neem karakters van sterk dubbelsinnigheid aan. En dit loop die risiko om 'n vals duidelike en evokatiewe konsep van skeurwonde eerder as begrip te word
Die verwysing gaan weer na G. ROLLA, Die normatiewe waarde van die beginsel van
menswaardigheid. Kort oorwegings in die lig van Ibero-Amerikaanse konstitusionalisme.
cit., 1878 f.
14 Sien ook onder andere D. BEYLEVELD, R. BROWNSWORD, Menswaardigheid. Human Rights, and Human Genetics, in Modern Law Review, 1998, 661. 662: «Ons gevolgtrekking is dat die konsep van menswaardigheid 'n wettige plek in debatte oor menslike genetika het. Dit is egter ietwat van 'n los kanon, oop vir misbruik en waninterpretasie; dit kan komplekse vrae oorvereenvoudig; en dit kan 'n paternalisme aanmoedig wat onversoenbaar is met die gees van selfbeskikking wat die hoofstroom van menseregtedenke inlig; W.P. CHESHIRE, Toward a Common Language on Human Dignity, in Ethics and Medicine, 2002, 7: "Desondanks het sommige bevraagteken of "menswaardigheid", 'n emosioneel-belaaide frase wat gebruik word om verskeie politieke sake te eerbiedig, voldoende goed gedefinieer is om te dien as 'n nuttige term in bio-etiese diskoers. Die omgangsgebruik daarvan is dikwels vaag. 'n Meer streng poging tot 'n presiese definisie kan die risiko loop om openbare diskoers te verdeel en konsensus af te breek waar eenheid wenslik is; VAN. HYMAN, Does Technology Spell Trouble with a Capital "T"?: Human Dignity and Public Policy, in Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 2003, 3, 4: «Assesserings van menswaardigheid is redelik subjektief met aansienlike variasie tydelik. chronologies, geografies en kultureel. Sosiale klas, godsdiens, rykdom en die graad van industrialisasie maak ook saak. Daar is ook 'n aansienlike mate van individuele variasie. Oorweeg of menswaardigheid verbeter, verminder of onaangeraak word deur blou wette, doodstraf, kloning, dekriminalisering van dwelmbesit, gay huwelike, geneties-gemodifiseerde voedsel. wapenbeheer, gewettig
funksie van menswaardigheid kan net so 'n deurslaggewende element uitmaak
uit 'n formele oogpunt, in terme van prosedure wat twee is
juis op grond van respek vir intrinsieke menswaardigheid, wat
'n substantiewe standpunt, as 'n grondslag van regte wat nie is nie
geraak kan word
Wanneer ons egter vandag probeer om die konkrete betekenis daarvan te spesifiseer; wanneer 'n mens spesifieke verpligtinge en regte wil aflei met verwysing na die huidige uitdagings van biogeneeskunde en biotegnologie; wanneer 'n mens die aard, ontvangers en inhoud daarvan in detail wil ondersoek, lyk dit of die waardigheid ontbind, en neem karakters van sterk dubbelsinnigheid aan. En dit loop die risiko om 'n vals duidelike en evokatiewe konsep van skeurwonde eerder as begrip te word
Die verwysing gaan weer na G. ROLLA, Die normatiewe waarde van die beginsel van
menswaardigheid. Kort oorwegings in die lig van Ibero-Amerikaanse konstitusionalisme.
cit., 1878 f.
14 Sien ook onder andere D. BEYLEVELD, R. BROWNSWORD, Menswaardigheid. Human Rights, and Human Genetics, in Modern Law Review, 1998, 661. 662: «Ons gevolgtrekking is dat die konsep van menswaardigheid 'n wettige plek in debatte oor menslike genetika het. Dit is egter ietwat van 'n los kanon, oop vir misbruik en waninterpretasie; dit kan komplekse vrae oorvereenvoudig; en dit kan 'n paternalisme aanmoedig wat onversoenbaar is met die gees van selfbeskikking wat die hoofstroom van menseregtedenke inlig; W.P. CHESHIRE, Toward a Common Language on Human Dignity, in Ethics and Medicine, 2002, 7: "Desondanks het sommige bevraagteken of "menswaardigheid", 'n emosioneel-belaaide frase wat gebruik word om verskeie politieke sake te eerbiedig, voldoende goed gedefinieer is om te dien as 'n nuttige term in bio-etiese diskoers. Die omgangsgebruik daarvan is dikwels vaag. 'n Meer streng poging tot 'n presiese definisie kan die risiko loop om openbare diskoers te verdeel en konsensus af te breek waar eenheid wenslik is; VAN. HYMAN, Does Technology Spell Trouble with a Capital "T"?: Human Dignity and Public Policy, in Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 2003, 3, 4: «Assesserings van menswaardigheid is redelik subjektief met aansienlike variasie tydelik. chronologies, geografies en kultureel. Sosiale klas, godsdiens, rykdom en die graad van industrialisasie maak ook saak. Daar is ook 'n aansienlike mate van individuele variasie. Oorweeg of menswaardigheid verbeter, verminder of onaangeraak word deur blou wette, doodstraf, kloning, dekriminalisering van dwelmbesit, gay huwelike, geneties-gemodifiseerde voedsel. wapenbeheer, gewettig
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cnwnoticias · 2 years ago
Ao custo de R$ 7 milhões, Carnaval fora de época trava trânsito do DF
Neste fim de semana, entre sexta-feira (23/6) e domingo (25/6), acontece o Carnaval fora de época em Brasília. A festa, que custou R$ 7 milhões aos cofres públicos, apesar de começar apenas no fim da tarde desta sexta, atrapalha o trânsito no centro da capital do país desde o início desta semana. No total, 13 agremiações vão desfilar em uma passarela montada no Eixo Cultural Ibero-Americano. Já…
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estcaligo · 2 years ago
Episode 7 spoiler: Sebek and his grandfather but not really + wiki
Since Lilia dropped Sebek’s grandpa’s name…
バウル -> Bauru/Baur/Baul?
Of course I had to…
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I’ll lose my mind if Sebek’s mom name is something similar to Ibero/Ibera etc. lol
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