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🎶 September is packed with exciting performances of my music around the globe! From Calgary and Seattle to New York City and Brazil. Swipe for the full schedule and join us in celebrating these amazing musicians! 🌍🎻 #MiguelDelAguila #LiveMusic
9/6: SAMBEADA* with Windsync, Honens Festival, Calgary, Canada.
9/7: SUBMERGED* with Archipelago Collective, Brickworks, Friday Harbor, WA.
9/8: BARROQUEADA* with Trio Sanromá, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
9/15: WIND QUINTET No.2* with Winds5, The Royal Room, Seattle, WA.
9/18-19: CONGA* with Louisiana Philharmonic, Covington, LA.
9/18: SALON BUENOS AIRES* with DSoM Ensemble, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
9/22: MALAMBO* with Atlantic Collective, New York, NY.
9/26: PACIFIC SERENADE* with Domino Ensemble, Knoxville, TN.
9/26: SUBMERGED* with Radius Ensemble, Cambridge, MA.
9/28: SEDUCCION DANCE* with Antonio Eduardo, Festival Música de Ibero-America, Santos, Brazil.
See you there! 🌍🎻 #MiguelDelAguila #LiveMusic #composer #september #2024 #performances #concers #events #CONGA #LouisianaPhilharmonic #orchestra #MatthewKraemer #CovingtonCenter #SAMBEADA #Windsync #HonensFestival #BisonNoire #Calgary #Canada #SUBMERGED #ArchipelagoCollective BARROQUEADA #TrioSanroma #SanJuan #PuertoRico #WINDQUINTET2 #Winds5 #Seattle #SALONBUENOSAIRES #DSoM #OldDominion #Norfolk #MALAMBO #AtlanticCollective #Christ&StStephens #Church #NewYork #NYC #NY #PACIFICSERENADE #DominoEnsemble #KnoxvilleChamberMusicSociety #RadiusEnsemble #LongySchoolofMusic #Cambridge #MA #SEDUCCIONDANCE #FestivalMusicadeIberoAmerica #Santos #Brazil
#MigueldelAguila#composer#september#2024#performances#concers#events#CONGA#LouisianaPhilharmonic#orchestra#MatthewKraemer#CovingtonCenter#SAMBEADA#Windsync#HonensFestival#BisonNoire#Calgary#Canada#SUBMERGED#ArchipelagoCollective BARROQUEADA#TrioSanroma#SanJuan#PuertoRico#WINDQUINTET2#Winds5#Seattle#SALONBUENOSAIRES#DSoM#OldDominion#Norfolk
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Hoy/Today Miguel's #SalonBuenosAires in #Godella, #Spain Info: https://vivetix.com/entradas-ensemble-moonwinds-n6l0?s=link&fbclid=IwAR0FleTseo5VZClsHY5yrhI3n_CenJAjvbiAN5k6HTio-cS38fKK1v1aYM4#/rvwpm8ZiYJF and: https://www.facebook.com/CambraGodella/
#Festival International#Residencies de Música de Cambra#de Godella#Miguel del Aguila#Salon Buenos#Moonwinds#Godella#Spain#España#2023#Festival de verano#compositores#americanos
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I am honored to be the 2023-2024 #ComposerInResidence with Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra collaborating with #conductor Matthew Kraemer in #ICO performances of #SalonBuenosAires and #ConciertoConBrio (soloists Nancy Ambrose King Ryan J. King. In October I'll also be in Residence with Indiana State University #ContemporaryMusicFestival working with #Chicago's Picosa ensemble and all Festival musicians. https://www.icomusic.org/team/miguel-del-aguila/ https://www.indstate.edu/cas/cmf
#miguel del aguila#indianapolis chamber orchestra#Matthew Kraemer#composer in residence#league of american orchestras#indiana state university#indiana state contemporary music festival#orchestra#composers#2023#2024
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Also Saturday IndianapolisChamberOrchestra performs #MigueldelAguila’s #SalonBuenosAires Matthew Kraemer conductor &Demarre McGill flute Info/tickets: https://www.icomusic.org/musical-postcard/
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Sharing recent recording of #SalonBuenosAires by #OrlandoChamberSoloists performed at #ChamberMusicFestival #oftheBlack Hills - https://youtu.be/Ke2pfRjxjfE - #MigueldelAguila
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#JanaerPhilharmonie performs #SalonBuenosAires'orchestra version in Gemany. | Filarmónica de Jena toca #SalonBuenosAires en Alemania. Das sechste Donnerstagskonzert der Jenaer Philharmonie der Reihe B, am 08. Juni 2017 um 20 Uhr in der Jenaer Stadtkirche, entführt die Hörer nach Mexico, Uruguay und Argentinien: Die einflussreichsten Komponisten Lateinamerikas, zu denen zweifellos Arturo Márquez, Astor Piazzolla, Silvestre Revueltas, Miguel del Aguila und José Pablo Moncayo gehören, stehen an diesem Abend auf dem Programm. Das Orchester leitet: Markus L. Frank
#SalonBuenosAires#miguel del aguila#jena#germany#classical music#contemporary#orchestra#music#american composers
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This week 6 concerts featuring #MigueldelAguila’s music in #Europe: #SEDUCCIÓN at #FräiraimFestival #Luxembourg - two #SILENCE performances in #Paris, #SUMMERSONG in #Rotterdam, #Netherlands - #SUBMERGED in #Bath UK and #SALONBUENOSAIRES at #GlazbaFetival in #Croatia.
#miguel del augila#europe#summer#2022#concerts#frairaim festival#paris#théâtre de l’Île Saint-Louis-Paul Rey#codarts#rotterdam#louxembourg#philharmonic#bath#uk#bath recital series#classical music
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Today #SalonBuenosAires at #PurgioArthall in #Seoul #Korea performed by #TroisC #ensemble 푸르지오아트홀에서피아졸라 아길라 현대음악앙상블 트와씨와 함께 춤을 월요클래식 http://prugioarthall.daewooenc.com/
#Miguel del Aguila#Seoul#South Korea#Salon Buenos Aires#chamber music#concert#Trois C#Ensemble#American music#composer
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Coming up Sunday 23, at #GunnTheater #LegionofHonor #SanFrancisco #Avedis Series presents first of three concerts featuring the music of #MigueldelAguila with #SalonBuenosAires perfroming: #AlexandraHawley #PaulHersh #RoyMalan #StephenHarrison #RobinSutherland #MarkBrandenburg
#Miguel del Aguila#Gunn Theater#San Francisco#Legioon of Hoinor#Avedis#Chamber music#Salon Buenos Aires#Latin#classical#contemporary#mus
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Back in #Seattle after a weekend of great music at #ArchipelagoCollective #ChamberMusicFestival in #SanJuanIsland. The premiere performance of the new #bassoon chamber version of #SalonBuenosAires sounded great! Thanks Dana Jackson, Sophie Baird-Daniel, Alex Grimes, Mira Magrill, Francesca McNeeley, Domenic Salerni and MichaelSmith for a great performance
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This Sunday don’t miss premiere of new #SalonBuenosAires bassoon version at #ArchipelagoCollectiveFestival - #FridayHarbor #Seattle area. For tickets/info: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4242157 I look forward to seeing you there and to a great concert
#Salon Buenos Aires#miguel del aguila#Archipelago collective#san juan islands#friday harbor#chamber music#festival#seattle
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#SalonBuenosAires by #MigueldelAguila in performs Germany next week by Jenaer Philharmonic
#Conciertoentango#migueldelaguila#jane#germany#jenaerphilharmonicshes orchester#contemporary#classical#modern#american#music
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