deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
We apologise for our lack of content lately but can reassure you the adoption agency is still open for business! Due to the current state of the universe it has prevented us from being able to regularly check in, but we assure you we are getting back on track!Ā 
Needless to say there will now be even more measures taking place before someone enters the agency, as we cannot afford for any deadlights to get ill. Thanks!
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
The woman smiled, following slowly behind them, until they reached the door. This was the hardest, yet best part of her job. She had helped raise most of the deadlights after it was time for them top leave their creator, or in Pennyā€™s case, and her own little one, she cared for them from birth.Ā 
So although seeing a deadlight go to a family, and be able to finally reach its full potential, it tugged on her heart strings as it felt like giving up a child. She still felt astonished by how smooth the application had been, and was sure that Penny was now in the best possible hands.
The young deadlight glimmered with joy at his hair being ruffled, holding onto the others clothes in little fists to help support him. Finally, the place of a parental figure had finally been filled, and somehow the little one felt whole, and overwhelmed.Ā 
It turned to the older with a cheeky grin plastered on its chubby cheeks.Ā ā€œDo you have any toys?ā€ It asked coyly.
*clears throat nervously *"I heard you... have deadlights to adopt here??" *squints *
*Smiles* we sure do! I must warn you though, a lot of them are very troublesomeĀ 
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
ā€œAhh only that in a few days I will just come to check on you both, just to ensure Penny has settled in okay and that everything is running smoothly, although I donā€™t imagine you to have any problemsā€ She smiled, taking the adoption papers and securing them in Pennyā€™s folder.
ā€œWell, thatā€™s everything done!ā€ She smiled, feeling a little tearful. It wasnā€™t everyday that a deadlight got a chance to be adopted, especially babies. Once potential families heard about how much more care they needed, they turned their nose up to the little ones, it made the girl sick to her stomach.
She kneeled down to Penny, taking his small hand.Ā ā€œYou ready, honey?ā€ She asked quietly. The little deadlight looked up at her with an almost bamboozled look, then back up at IT, with a look that seemed to believe the whole procedure was a cruel joke. He smiled and stood up slowly, grabbing the girls legs in a tight embrace, looking up at her with a beaming smile. The girl ran her hand through his har with a soft smile, watching as he broke his embrace with her to take ITs hand with a grin.
ā€œReady, Papa....ā€
*clears throat nervously *"I heard you... have deadlights to adopt here??" *squints *
*Smiles* we sure do! I must warn you though, a lot of them are very troublesomeĀ 
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
The girl wobbled her hand side to side as a way to say so and so in response to Papas question.Ā ā€œHe can, but only mildly. He cant fully transform his whole body yet, but he tends to play around with his eye colours or change his fingers into little snakesā€ She laughed.Ā 
She flipped through the pages, making sure everything was in check, humming to herself happily that the little deadlight was finally going to get a safe home.
ā€œI will say though, when he gets angry, he turns his hair into flamesā€ She said nervously. She looked over to the deadlight, currently sitting cross-legged on the carpet, playing with a soldier and doll, rather harmoniously. Before he picked up a second soldier, and started hitting them together, in ways of fighting.Ā 
ā€œHe can be....rather....violent in a tantrum. Though he has never hurt any of our staff or any of the other kids, he is prone to break things in a fitā€
*clears throat nervously *"I heard you... have deadlights to adopt here??" *squints *
*Smiles* we sure do! I must warn you though, a lot of them are very troublesomeĀ 
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
The little one giggled, quickly pulling its hand away playfully, before smiling at him with wide eyes.Ā ā€œYou gots a kid already?ā€Ā 
The girl felt her heart sink as the young deadlight prodded the sensitive subject, but of course he was unknowing, it wasnā€™t his fault.Ā 
She nodded quickly, surprised how quickly and smoothly the procedure had been going for the pair, leading the way back to her office.Ā 
Once there, she graciously asked Papa to take a seat opposite her, whilst Junior wandered to play with a trunk of toys she had situated in the corner.
ā€œOkay, so this is a little longer than a human adoption, as Iā€™m sure your aware, our deadlights are under a constant potential threat of harm, so everyone has to be thoroughly checked.ā€ She smiled, clicking away at her computer.Ā ā€œButā€¦.looking at all your informationā€¦.you seem the perfect candidate. Not to mention you have raised deadlights beforeā€¦.ā€ She mentioned, trailing the last of her sentence.Ā 
As she handed Papa the papers, a fairly thick stack of them for him to fill out as they spoke, she opened a draw under her desk, muttering the alphabet as she dragged her finger over dozens of folders.Ā ā€œThere he isā€ She smiled, pulling out the young deadlights file.Ā 
ā€œAs I already mentionedā€¦.Junior is troubledā€¦.it could take him some time to fully get used to all of this. But he seems to love you off already so Iā€™m sure there wonā€™t be many issues. As for his development, he is growing at a healthy pace, but his powers are a little sporadic and short circuitedā€¦.nothing Iā€™m sure you wont be able to help with?ā€ She smiled.
*clears throat nervously *"I heard you... have deadlights to adopt here??" *squints *
*Smiles* we sure do! I must warn you though, a lot of them are very troublesomeĀ 
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
The tiny deadlight only beamed to the affection it was suddenly given, nuzzling against the elder as he did the same. The boop on the younger nose caused him to go cross-eyed, following ITs finger.
ā€œPromise promiseā€¦.?ā€ The little one asked quietly, feeling his nerves rise once more. Everything was so new at this moment. In a single breath he had been cuddled and nuzzled, his hair ruffled and nose bopped, and now someone was making him such a promiseā€¦.it was rather overwhelming.
Feeling shy once more, the little one began to toy with ITs collar, twiddling the material between its little fingers.
The girl smiled back brightly at the pair, feeling a sense of relief for little Pennywise.Ā 
ā€œYes we do, but if you come with me we can start the process right nowā€ She grinned, shooting the little one a reassuring smile, to which he smiled back, a small, yet shy smile. But a smile nevertheless.Ā 
*clears throat nervously *"I heard you... have deadlights to adopt here??" *squints *
*Smiles* we sure do! I must warn you though, a lot of them are very troublesomeĀ 
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
Note to self: hide the popcorn tub, because now my little one has figured out how to climb walls, I now have pieces of toffee popcorn stuck to my carpet.
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
The little deadlight looked to the girl as some form of reassurance, before looking back at IT, examining its features. Something sat right in the little ones heart, and somehow he felt some kind of distant connection with IT, regardless of this being their first meeting. The young deadlight slowly approached, twiddling itā€™s hands nervously when he came inches away from IT, outstretching Ā his little hands and touching the others cheeks.Ā 
The girl watched with awe in her eyes, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. Pennywise was a troubled soul, and due to this fact he rarely spoke to many people, and he especially did not touch. Despite his young, tender age, the little one kept to himself a lot of the time.
His big blue eyes connecting with ITs caused the little one to giggle, a big smile gracing his red lips as he suddenly threw himself into ITs arms, hugging him tightly, standing on his tippy toes to reach his shoulders.Ā 
ā€œY-Yes please....ā€ He uttered quietly.
*clears throat nervously *"I heard you... have deadlights to adopt here??" *squints *
*Smiles* we sure do! I must warn you though, a lot of them are very troublesomeĀ 
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
Looking over at the little deadlight, she gave a small, saddened smile.Ā 
ā€œAhh, thatā€™s little Pennywiseā€ She said quietly.Ā ā€œHeā€™s rather absent from the othersā€¦.yet due to his circumstances you canā€™t really blame the poor thingā€ She said sadly, before looking up at Papa.Ā ā€œHis creatorā€¦.well IT died in labourā€¦.he was the only one that survivedā€¦so naturallyā€¦.he was deprived of the first vital stages of careā€¦.ā€ She sighed sadly.Ā Such absence caused a lot of deadlights to become trouble and pure demons while young, yet Pennywise just secluded himself from everyone. Something that bought the upmost pain to the girls heart, her own little one having gone through something similar.
ā€œThough, he is a very loving little thing when he wants to beā€ She smiled, attempting to bring back a sense of joy to the air.
ā€œWould you like to meet him?ā€
*clears throat nervously *"I heard you... have deadlights to adopt here??" *squints *
*Smiles* we sure do! I must warn you though, a lot of them are very troublesomeĀ 
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
ā€œI understandā€¦.Iā€™m very sorryā€ the girl replied, shooting him a small smile, before shaking her head of the bad thoughts of what the poor man had been through.Ā 
ā€œOf course you canā€ She smiled, walking Papa down the hall.Ā ā€œWe have deadlights of all ages hereā€¦.are you specifically looking for a child?ā€
*clears throat nervously *"I heard you... have deadlights to adopt here??" *squints *
*Smiles* we sure do! I must warn you though, a lot of them are very troublesomeĀ 
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
ā€œOh my....Iā€™m so very sorry to hear that....ā€ *looks at you with soft eyes, laced with worry*Ā ā€œwhat....what happened to them....if its okay to ask you?ā€Ā 
*clears throat nervously *"I heard you... have deadlights to adopt here??" *squints *
*Smiles* we sure do! I must warn you though, a lot of them are very troublesomeĀ 
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
*clears throat nervously *"I heard you... have deadlights to adopt here??" *squints *
*Smiles* we sure do! I must warn you though, a lot of them are very troublesomeĀ 
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
My poor little guy got scared by the blender again, now heā€™s sitting on the ceiling and refuses to come down
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
Sick deadlights
While grown deadlights are a different story when it comes to being ill, it is IMPERATIVE that if your young deadlight gets ill that you contact a specialist immediately.Ā 
Baby deadlights have a weakened immune system, just like human children. When they get ill, it can seriously impact their lives, and in some very serious cases will result in quarantine and being taken away from their family home until they are well again. However, this is an extreme circumstance.
I thought best to post some information since my little one is under the weather at the moment, and some things I do for my little deadlight may help you.Ā 
ā€¢ Let them snuggle as much as they like. No matter how much effort you have put into putting them in their own beds, let them sleep with you and snuggle you, it helps ease their pains.
ā€¢ Donā€™t force them to eat. Deadlights have odd dietary requirements and will often refuse food when ill. My little guy will only eat popcorn when heā€™s ill, and sometimes he doesnā€™t even let me pop it first.Ā  ā€¢ Hot baths are a big yes. Please make sure you use the right soaps recommended for your deadlight breed as to not harm them. Lavender scented makes a lot of them sleepy.
ā€¢ Be patient. Deadlights will act out when they are sick, more then usual. This could be anything from smashing plates to tearing holes in your cushions or couch and drawing in your walls. I understand itā€™s frustrating but please consider that they arenā€™t in control before you scold them.
ā€¢ Keep an eye on their eyes. Depending on the breed depends on the eye colour change, (for example, The Pennywise breed changes their eyes from blue to yellow, and occasionally green) But if they start glazing over, turning white or even worse, black, you must call a specialist ASAP.Ā 
ā€¢ Try to keep their clothes soft. While most can change their clothes on demand, baby deadlights require you to clothe them and bathe them like a human child. If possible, keep their clothes fluffy and soft to avoid skin irritation.Ā 
ā€¢ if your deadlight pukes up an oozy black liquid, you must rush them to the nearest deadlight specialist as this is an extreme deterioration in their health. Normal puke is nothing to be worried about unless they wonā€™t stop.Ā 
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
Please remember that young deadlights require feeding once every 2 hours on rotation. Please consider this before adopting an adolescent deadlight as if you donā€™t feed them on time, they will eat the first thing they see, which could be you.Ā 
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
Welcome to the Agency, Everyone
Caring for your Deadlight Pt 1
If you are looking to adopt a Pennywise, there are a few things you need to know before going ahead and filling out the papers.Ā 
1. A Pennywise needs constant care. Although it tends to fend for itself when it comes to feeding, it is rather lazy in other areas of its life and you will be required to groom it.Ā 
2. It is advised that you do not have any other pets when you adopt a Pennywise. Deadlights are particularly selfish creatures and do not like the idea of having to share. If you do decide to go against this advisory, and you pet happens to be male, the adoption agency is not responsible for the mutilated state of your pet after your Pennywise had gotten to it.Ā 
3. It isnā€™t unusual for your Pennywise to leave home for a few days at a time. IT will always come home for a rest and to be groomed, before hunting again.Ā 
4. You must NOT force a Pennywise to try human foods. All deadlights in our care are different, but the Pennywise breeds in particular do not respond well to human foods. If they want to try whatever you are eating, some will steal it right from tour hands, while others will stare at you until you offer IT some.
5. You can NOT bathe a Pennywise in typical, run of the mill store bought bubble bath or soaps. If your Pennywise takes well to being groomed and accepts you cleaning him, you will need to purchase a specula soap from the adoption agency that itā€™s easy on its skin. It has been found in some cases that Pennywises have resisted against or even killed their owners over improper treatment. 90% of human bath products will harm a Pennywise, since their skin is not the same as ours in any way.Ā 
6. You must brush their hair at least once a month. If you leave it much longer, he will begin to shed; and will get very uncomfortable. You will need to purchase a comb specifically from us to deal with ITs mane.Ā 
7. You must live close enough to a drain that it is able to hunt in peace.Ā  8. A Pennywise requires a nest. If you provide materials, the clown will build it on his own. Itā€™s better to let IT do it alone, as some Pennyā€™s can get very violent if you build it for them.Ā 
9. Do not ever shame your Pennywise for bringing you presents. Typically, this includes some part of human limbs or dead animals. This is the way the Pennywise species show love and affection, and if you canā€™t handle something so small you should not own a Pennywise.Ā 
10. If you have any other questions, please come into our ask box and we will tell you anything you need to know.
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deadlight-adoptions Ā· 4 years
Hello, and welcome to the Deadlight adoption agency, first, a little about this blog.
This blog is an RP\AU blog. It is just for fun and my own pleasure. I may be doing commissions and drawing real adoptables when I get more comfortable with posting my artwork, but until then, you are free to hop into the asks box, ask any questions about our deadlights and initiate RPā€™s.
My main account is @deadlight-loser, but I felt it best to separate my cute, fluffy AU from my questionable clown smut šŸ™ƒ I have already followed some mutuals I thought would be interested in the AU, if I missed you I am very sorry.
Anyone is welcome here, but you wont find any smut or anything here, if you want that you need to follow my other account ā¤ļø
Anyways, enjoy your stay!Ā 
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