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serieoo · 2 months
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"Sui. Sui, buddy, friend, pal. Dearest grand mage. What am I if not also a flightless bird."
Revenge on @lytmeowtif (Also ~lytmeowtif on AF!)
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theveronicasdaily · 8 months
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If You Love Someone by The Veronicas
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s1gmagirl · 1 year
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current mood
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cnihachu · 1 year
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alaxamost · 1 year
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 1 year
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Also for any one who reads my fic In Your Love, here's an incomplete IYL!Mickey tattoo tour via a lazy day in bed
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trustinsighters · 7 months
Dungeon Dialogue: The Great Gubal Library
School of Phantasmagoria #1 (X: 3.8, Y: 11.2) - Starting the search for Master Matoya’s tome
Y’shtola: Pray lead the way.  ↳ Pero Roggo: With pleasure, ribbit!
School of Phantasmagoria #2 from (X: 6.9, Y: 10.0) to (X: 9.7, Y: 11.0) - Books on Garlean Hierarchy
Y’shtola: Even at a glance, I see many interesting tomes.  ↳ Alphinaud: 'Tis a pity they had to be abandoned. On Garlean Hierarchy Volume 1: The rise of the Garlean Empire in the Year 1522 of the Sixth Astral Era led to significant changes in the structure of Garlean society. This is most evident in the adoption of titles which serve to indicate an individual's place within the social hierarchy. The following information was compiled with the aid of informants within the Empire and has yet to be verified: Royalty: Zos - The emperor; Yae - Member of the royal family in the line of succession; Wir - Member of the royal family with no claim to the throne. Military: Van - Legatus; Tol - Tribunus laticlavius; Sas - Tribunus angusticlavius or Praefectus castrorum; Rem - Primus pilus or Pilus prior; Quo - Primi ordines or Centurion; Pyr - Optio, Tesserarius, or Decurion; Oen - Duplicarius or Legionarius. Specialists: Nan - Chief engineer or engineer; Mal - Primus medicus or senior magitek technician; Lux - Chief medicus or magitek technician; Kir - Senior medicus or senior technician; Jen - Medicus or technician. On Garlean Hierarchy Volume 2: Public Officials: Iyl - Dictator or Princeps senatus; Het - Consul, Praetor, Tribunus plebis, Aedilis, or Quaestor; Goe - Censor; Fae - Unknown; Eir - Unknown; Dus - Lictor. This hierarchy extends to the general populace as well, though it is far less complex. The majority of citizens bear the “Bas” title, and there is a smaller group which appears to be comprised of respected artisans who have adopted the “Cen” title. The “Aan” title is bestowed upon the peoples of annexed territories and indicates that they lack even the most basic rights afforded to a citizen. However, many Garleans view this as an opportunity rather than a condemnation, as citizenship may be granted to those who have demonstrated exceptional skills, as well as those who have contributed twenty or more years of military service.
First Boss, Before engaging (X: 10.8, Y: 11.2) - The Demon Tome
Alphinaud: Is that supposed to be a grimoire!?  ↳ Pero Roggo: Yes, but not the kind you want to read, ribbit.
First Boss, After defeating (X: 10.8, Y: 11.2) - The Demon Tome
Pero Roggo: Everyone hale and whole, ribbit?  ↳ Alphinaud: Thank goodness we weren't crushed...
Research Rooms #1 (X: 13.2, Y: 11.5) - Page 64
Pero Roggo: Watch out, ribbit!  ↳ Alphinaud: What a curious familiar...
Research Rooms #2 (X: 12.3, Y: 12.5) - Book on Aetherology
Essences and Permutations: Chapter I─The Six Nativities & Myriad Creation. The spark of Lightning ignites when it strikes, and thus Fire is born. The heat of Fire renders to ash all that it touches, and thus Earth is born. The density of Earth shuns sun and harbors cold, and thus Ice is born. The armor of Ice melts away, and thus Water is born. The moistness of Water mists and rises, and thus Wind is born. The gusts and sighs of Wind gather the clouds, and thus Lightning is born. Chapter II─The Three Conquests, Boundless and Unwavering. Earth grounds Lightning. Water erodes Earth. Lightning boils Water. Chapter III─The Three Submissions, Timeless and Unending. Fire is extinguished by Wind. Ice is melted by Fire. Wind is obstructed by Ice.
Research Rooms #3 (X: 13.1, Y: 12.6) - Treatise on the New World
Y’shtola: Is that a treatise on the New World I spy?  ↳ Alphinaud: Ah yes, I've read that one. I can recommend it. Over the Horizon: Though there is some debate as to whether or not Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn and her League of Lost Bastards were the first Eorzeans to discover the western continent, there is no denying that their navigational charts were instrumental in establishing the major trade routes of today. Moreover, the accounts from their expedition are widely regarded as both informative and entertaining. Of particular note is their first encounter with the Mamool Ja, as well as other indigenous peoples and creatures which seemed curiously intent on their demise. These travel journals have since inspired a legion of explorers and treasure hunters to retrace the League's journey. Yet in spite of their numbers, the existence of “a bleedin' city o' gold” remains unconfirmed...
Second Boss, Before engaging (X: 14.7, Y: 12.2) - Byblos
Pero Roggo: The entrance to the forbidden section is just ahead, ribbit.  ↳ Y’shtola: Which makes this fellow here the gatekeeper.
Second Boss, During the fight (X: 14.7, Y: 12.2) - Byblos
Byblos: Argh, it burns, it burns! Byblos: Argh, oil everywhere! You shall pay dearly, accursed mortals! Byblos: I am undone...but my master's seal is broken!
Second Boss, After defeating (X: 14.7, Y: 12.2) - Byblos
Alphinaud: I wouldn't have guessed it weak to fire.  ↳ Y’shtola: On account of being bound to a tome, I would assume.
School of Fantastics #1 (X: 16.3, Y: 9.4)
Alphinaud: An arcane entity that can summon familiars!  ↳ Y’shtola: The guardians of the forbidden section are a class apart.
School of Fantastics #2 from (X: 16.3, Y: 10.7) to (X: 16.3, Y: 9.7)
Y’shtola: Forbidden tomes can certainly assume many forms...  ↳ Pero Roggo: Master Matoya's tome is at the far end, ribbit. Leather-bound Diary #1: Beauty is ephemeral, but it needn't be. My lady Amandine knows this well, lovely creature that she is. Would that I could have the genuine article in my keeping...but alas, I shall have to settle for a pale imitation. The vessel is not quite up to my usual standards, but beggars can't be choosers, as they say. I washed and anointed it per the instructions, then secured it to the bed with chains─wouldn't want her to get ideas above her station, oh no! Gods, just the thought of it is enough to get my blood pumping! I can hardly wait to welcome my beloved succubus into this world! Leather-bound Diary #2: The tentacles...so many tentacles! And the sound of it writhing on the bed! Gods, just listening to it is agony! I've made a terrible mistake.
Third Boss, Before engaging (X: 11.2, Y: 11.7) - The Everliving Bibliotaph
Alphinaud: Yet another guardian...  ↳ Y’shtola: Did you ever doubt it? Come, let's finish this.
Third Boss, After defeating (X: 11.2, Y: 11.7) - The Everliving Bibliotaph
Y’shtola: Oh, for the time to pore over this collection... Alphinaud: Now then, where might Master Matoya's tome be? Pero Roggo: I can scarcely take another hop, ribbit...
The Great Gubal Library Dungeon Dialogue Infographic
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ayten-ali · 3 months
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#BİR_GÜN !!,,
Belki Bugün,
Belki Yarın,
Belkide Yarından Yakın !! ,,,
Herşey Sona Erecek,
#DÜNYA Dediğimiz ,
#YALAN Sona Erecek !!!,,,,
Kalbimizi #İMAN"La ,,,
Gönlümüzü #ISLAM"La ,,,,
Dilimizi #KURAN"La ,,,,
Kulağımızı #EZAN"La ,,,
Kabrimizi #NURUY"La ,,,
Ahriretimizi #CENNET"iyLe ,,
Sonuçlandırsın #ÎñşãÃLLÃH,,,
Selam ve dua ile
Hayırlı Geceler temennisiyle
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poetlus · 2 months
INTERVIEWS (moots only!) — i’ll assign you a famous profession!!! (ie: actor, singer, influencer, etc)
me!! me!! I volunteer as tribute!!!!! do me!!!!!!!!
auggie wauggie gauggie pauggie YOU are a film director/co-director. you are so like. calm and gentle and you make everybody wanna listen to you because of how awesome you are!! everybody would love to have u as their director because youre just so nice. iyl.
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kirby-is-blackhole · 2 months
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I swear
Keep pestering me with that f'ing picture
I might 😃
Iyl tho/p
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her-canine-teeth · 4 months
Missing you...
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so ttired rn but iyl <33
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nevzatboyraz44 · 1 year
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Şair Namık Kemal'in annesi Fatma Zehra Hanım'ın kabri.
Başlık : Gülçe tepelik
Abdüllatif Efendinin dühterr-güzini
Gurbette kaldı mahzun ol nazenin ziba
Bayram gicesi mürg ruhu uçunca ’arşa
Ruz-i Şüruri matem ettirdi bize hayfa
Suretde Sahib-i iffet siretde pak-ı trynet
Bu hüsnile felekde hiç görmemiştim dünya
Monla-yı Rum’a bende olduğu şüphesizdir
Sultan Divani huzurunda idindi me’va
Damd-ı Fatımayla Al-i Rasüle düşdi
’Afv iyle Ya Gafur ol bi-kes garip Zehra
Gözyası ile yazdı Mahvi du’ada tarih
Cennetde bula Zehra Hanım beka’-ı ra’na
Zehra Hanım’ın ruhiçün el-Fetiha
Sene 1848
Mezar taşının sağında : Rical-i Devlet-i aliyyeden Karahisar-ı Sahib Muhassılı sa’adetlü Abdüllatif Efendinin kerime-i muhteremeleri
Mezar taşının sol kısmında: Cennet-mekan-ı Firdevs-’aşiyan merhume ve mağfurun leh Fatımatü’z
Yer : Mevlevihane camii - Afyonkarahisar
Tomb of the Mother of the Ottoman Turkish poet Namık Kemal who lived in the late nineteenth century
The grave of Fatma Zehra Hanım, mother of poet Namık Kemal.
Title : Gülçe Tepelik
Abdüllatif Efendi's dühterr-gülî
Stayed abroad, be sad, kindly ziba
When the spirit of the eid murg flies,
Ruz-i Şüruri made us lament Haifa
Sahib-i chastity in image pak-i trynet in sirat
I have never seen the world in this good luck
There is no doubt that I have Monla-yı Rum.
Idindi me'va in the presence of Sultan Divani
Damd-i Fatima and Al-i Rasul fell
'With forgiveness, be Gafur, cut it off, it's weird Zehra
History written with tears Mahvi du'ada
Find it in heaven, Ms. Zehra, beka'-ı ra'na
For the soul of Ms. Zehra, al-Fetiha
year 1848
On the right of the tombstone: The holy book of Abdullatif Efendi from Karahisar-i Sahib Muhassi from Rical-i Devlet-i aliyye
On the left side of the tombstone: Cennet-i Firdevs-'aşiyan deceased and in favor of the afflicted Fatimatü'z
Location : Mevlevihane mosque - Afyonkarahisar
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xxmurd0ckm1gra1n3xx · 7 months
time for some emo/scene/screamo bands that you prob havent heard of but I love
yourhighwayhome- sorta like a higher pitched P!ATD w/ bells. i recommend Ballad In The Key Of Caitlin. i liek it a lot, its my favourite one of their songs
Beyond Recall- dont kno how to say but they kinda sound like vic fuentes when screaming, my fav song from them is Get It Right
Ghosts On Broadway- they have that Slipknot charm of screamed verse sung chorus, except screamo not nu metal. Shadows and There Are Places For People Like You At The Bottom Of The Ocean That Sell Concrete Boots are some of their best songs
check em out iyl :D
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catdadacd · 5 months
💌 - just here to tell you what an amazing and lovely person you are 💫🌹
mony you're incredible i hope you're doing okay and getting back on your feet iyl
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birfiill · 1 year
Selamun aleykum. Kitap ve kahve kokan, ara sokaklar arasında tenha bir yerde olan, sohbeti kitaplarla olan bir mekan gibi bir blog. Bu fani sizlerden ruhu için hangi kitaplardan, hangi yazarlardan istifade edeceğini öğrenmek ister. Ruhuna iyi gelsin ki kendini kaybetmesin, şu fani dünyada bir öğüt alsın ki koysun ömrüne. Selametle. ✨
Öncelikle Allah razı olsun 😇 çok güzel bi yazı 😌yüreginize saglık elbetteki
Öğüt olarak abdul kadir geylani hz lerinden. “Geçmişiniz ne olursa olsun şu andan itibaren iyl olmaya azmediniz”
Kitap olarak /ömer faruk dönmez\
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