luckymoonly · 3 months
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🧵🪡 Read it here. This fic is now COMPLETE!!!!
Pairing: Feng Xin/Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
Rating: E
Length: 125k
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Happy Ending, Mpreg, Unplanned pregnancy, yearning, Twin babies Fu Yao and Nan Feng, Jealous Mù Qíng, Frenemies with benefits (they tried), Explicit Sexual Content, Bottom Mu Qing, Top Fēng Xìn, Fēng Xìn and Mù Qíng are Idiots in Love, Background Relationships aka Hualian and Beefleaf, Grief/Mourning, Humor, Pei Ming and Feng Xin himbo BFF agenda, a touch of angst here and there, Oh they were roommates, Jealous Mu Qing, Possessive Mù Qíng, Pregnant Mu Qing, Miscommunication, Getting Together, Shi Qingxuan, Xie Lian and Mu Qing shenanigans, The ordeal of being pregnant with twins, Feng Xin and Xie Lian are besties, Trans Shi Qingxuan, wedding proposal
After his mother's death, Mu Qing tries to get his life back on track and moves in with Xie Lian and Feng Xin.
Things don't go as planned.
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schrl · 7 months
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morgott...save me..
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fangaminghell · 1 year
In which Taka and Leo slow dance together.
" Are you sure you don't want in on this? You're asking him out too...."
Cain hums, adjusting Leo's color. He's not wearing anything fancy- he doesn't want to overdress. But he definitely doesn't want to underdress either- a simple button up and pants. Easy. Nothing special. Perfect for a simple dance lesson, which doesn't make Leo nervous. Nope.
Cain unbuttons one of the buttons on Leo's shirt. He pauses, thinking, then unbuttons another. He smiles contently.
" Much better!" He beams at his work. Leo gives him a look, but Cain smiles innocently.
" Is this necessary?" He says with a raised brow, and Cain nods a matter of factly.
" Yeeeep! Totally necessary. Besides if I didn't do it, you would have,"
Leo hates how right Cain is there.
" Anyways~ You'll be fiiiine. Taka is already heads over heels for you. As he should because you're amazing and adorable,"
Leo blushes at the complement. Ever since they started dating- no even before that- Cain has been making sure to compliment Leo any chance he gets. Despite loving the attention, Leo can't help but get flustered by it all. He would be lying if his self confidence isn't as high as it used to be, so Cain actively complimenting him kinda helps in that department. Though he thinks that Cain is mostly doing it to see Leo blush. He loves seeing Leo blush, apparently. Leo should have known from all the times Cain flirted with him before.
" W-well, okay, but you-"
" We can all talk about our relationship after you ask him out. Right now this is something you need to do, yeah?"
Leo thinks back to his time in Tourmaline Desert, back with Taka on the Teknite Ridge. Their kiss. Taka's death. The awkwardness of his return.
" ....Yeah. I need to do this. I want to do this," he says with a new conviction. Cain gives him a quick kiss on his cheek, smiling with pride at his boyfriend.
" That's the spirit!" He turns Leo around and pushes him out the door, " Go out there and charm that man's socks off!"
Leo nods determined, already walking towards his destination.
" I will!"
When Taka told Ace about his dancing lessons with Leo, he was expecting a quick pep talk to make him momentarily forget the bundles or nerves in his stomach. He was not expecting to have a full blown makeover with Zero, Lumi and Eve. Even less excepting the argument on whether or not he should shave.
'The stubble has got to go. He's going ballroom dancing, he gotta look smooth!' Zero argued.
' The stubble gives character!!!' Lumi countered.
Eve pointedly stayed out of the conversation. Ace was busy getting him dressed but he knew they were deeply amused.
Ultimately Taka's stumble ( he's not even sure if he could call it that) was voted in by the courtesy of Ace. And soon he was on his way, all dressed up for what should be a simple, dance lesson. He feels like he overdressed...
" Taka!" Leo's voice snaps Taka out of his thoughts. Following his voice, Taka looks behind him and almost loses his breath.
' I definitely overdressed'
He curses himself internally as Leo greets him with a smile.
" Hey," Taka waves.
" Hey," Leo replies, with a smile that makes Taka's hearts do flips, " I wasn't late, was I?"
" Nope," Taka smiles back, " I came a little earlier, haha,"
Leo smirks, almost catlike, raiding a cheeky brow at Taka.
" Oh-ho~You wanted to see me that bad?"
" Yes, actually," the words come out before Taka can stop them, and he tries hard not to blush when Leo's eyes widen, suddenly flustered. Admittedly, he was rather pleased with himself seeing Leo blushing. He's cute when he's flustered.....okay, cuter than usual.
" O-oh uh-" Leo stutters, looking away bashfully, and Taka swears he sees a small smile on Leo's face, " I-I, uh- I'm wanted to see you too,"
Taka hums, trying hard not to smile like an idiot. He gestures to the building next to them.
" Shall we?"
" Y-yes!"
And so the two enter the building together,Taka playfully bowing as he opens the door for Leo. Leo's laugh makes him feel even lighter.
When the two started the waltz, both of them only looked down at their feet, wanting to make sure that neither stepped on the other's toe. So far, they've been successful, and even fell into a nice pattern. The problem, Taka soon realized, is that now they're too shy to look at each other. Occasionally, their eyes would meet, but they both look away as quickly as they meet.
It's weird, really. Given the amount of time they've spent together, you'd think they wouldn't be as awkward around each other. Especially for a simple dance. Except this wasn't a simple dance. This was a confession. A proper one this time. One with no looming threats that can take his or Leo's life. Taka practiced his multiple times. He's repeating it in his head right now. But how can he bring it up? Are they just going to be stuck like this for the whole session??
....the music is nice. It's calming. He thinks it's helping him with his nerves right now. He wonders if it's the same for Leo.
' Come on Taka, say something,' he chastises himself, and then opens his mouth to speak.
" I-"
" I missed you," Leo cuts him off, still not looking at him directly. Taka's mouth slams shut, a sudden bitter taste in his mouth, a wave of understanding and grief washing over him.
He remembers dying. At least he thinks he did. Time and space makes the whole situation weird, and it makes his head hurt thinking about it. But he knows he died. He can't imagine what that was like for Leo. He remembers Leo's tears. He wished he could have wiped them away.
" I don't think I said that before, so I am now. I missed you so much Taka, I....I'm so sorry I dragged you into that. I'm so sorry you lost a life because of me,"
Taka frowns shaking his head.
" That wasn't your fault, Leo," Taka reassures, taking his hand from Leo's shoulder to caress his face, " And in don't blame you either,"
Leo turns his head to Taka. He still doesn't look at him,but he does place a hand over his, signing as he traces his thumb over Taka's knuckles.
" I....I still have a hard time believing that. Even when I know I should," he laughs bitterly, " And now I've ruined the mood. "
" No! Not at all!" Taka reassures once more, " I don't think there's anything to forgive, but if it makes you feel better, I forgive you. And I don't blame you for what happened to me, "
Leo looks up at him with watery eyes.
" Really?"
" Really,"
And then Leo smiles. It's small, but it's enough.
" T-thanks, I. I'm still having trouble with it but. But that helps a lot, thank you..." Leo stops to wipe his eyes, still smiling.
" Happy to help....do you still want to dance? We can stop now if you want?"
Leo shakes his head, bringing himself closer to Taka. He rests his head on Taka's chest, causing the older man to blush.
" Nah. I still want an excuse to be close to you," he whispers into Taka's chest, and for once, he's glad isn't looking to see how red his face is.
" A-ah," he says, wrapping his arms around Leo, letting the two just away, " Well who am I to object,"
The two sway for who knows how long, enjoying each other's warmth, listening to the music surrounding them. Taka almost forgot he planned a confession. Almost.
" Hey Leo, "
" Hm?" Leo hums, clearly sleepy.
" I love you. I don't know if I said that yet. I love you Leo," taka whispers, as if saying it too loud would have the meaning behind it go away.
Leo leans back from their dance.
" Really?"
" Y-yeah," Leo beams.
" I-I love you, too!"
" Really?"
" Yeah! Would you go out with me?" Leo says quickly, adrenaline pumping through him. Now it's Taka's turn to smile like an idiot.
" Yes!"
" Yes?"
" Yes, Leo, I would love to go out with you!" Before Leo can properly answer that, he is swiftly picked up off the ground, and is spun around by Taka.
" Woah!" Leo laughs, " Since when can you do that?!"
" Since I started training with Titania. And the overwhelming happiness of finally being able to date you now,"
The two laugh, and share a kiss. It's even sweeter than the one they shared on Teknite Ridge.
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honeyednights · 2 years
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hurthermore · 6 months
But of course I've also wanted to ask for a request after going down bad heart broken about Alastor originally having a supposed relationship. WITH TWO GIRLS. TWO GIRLS, MIMZY AND KAYCEE basic request about you being the only one in his heart so I can feel loved 🥹
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𝙷𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚢, 𝙼𝚒𝚖𝚣𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙺𝚊𝚢𝚌𝚎𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚕𝚖𝚊𝚘; 𝙰𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢, 𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚋𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛<𝟹
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"Ha! What nonsense!" Alastor scoffed with dramatics as Angel Dust deadpanned him. "Why, I find it quite outrageous that you'd suggest I'd be with anyone other than my darling spouse!"
“Then why did Mimzy say you and her used to be a thing?” Angel questioned, his accent thick with his words as he rested his head in his palm.
Alastor was agitated to say the least, especially as Angel suggested that it was Mimzy who was spreading the gossip that he and she were a thing; which not only was highly inaccurate and unbelievable, but hurt as he considered her a friend. But he knew instantly why she had been spreading those rumours: It helped her get away with doing whatever she pleased as people would fear the consequences of him. Regardless, he was quite disgusted that anyone would dare to attempt to suggest that they had been his lover; the only lover he had ever known was you. 
“Mimzy is the last place you should go to for trustworthy information; I find it quite grotesque that she would even suggest such a thing.” Alastor spoke matter of factly, his claws tapping in agitation against the wooden counter of the bar. “As I stated earlier, my spouse is the only being alive that I have been and will ever be with. End of.” Alastor pushed himself away from the bar, only to shadow warp away to wherever you were. 
“It’s best you don’t spread rumours like that,” Husker mumbled from behind the bar as Alastors form finally left the lobby. “Especially when it comes to bosses darling; last girl who did that got ripped to shreds by him himself.”
Angel only grimaced. “Oh, yeah? Who was it?”
Husker only shrugged. “Dunno, think her name was Kaycee or something.”
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cherry-bomb-ships · 4 months
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Aaaaaah I know I've been talking abt this art for like 3 days but I FINISHED IT HEEHEE 💖💘💖💘💖💘💖 The thought behind this was Cherry was getting mugged during their walk back to her apartment cuz Townsville be like that, and this is the moment Mojo swooped in to her rescue (How did he know it was happening? He deeeefinitely wasnt spying on them lol) ANYWAYS ENJOY If you want more thoughts look at my tags!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
[[🧡 Reblogs and comments are all seen and very appreciated!! 🥺 Tag list below the cut, check out my pinned for my taglist form! 💙]]
@absentmoon @ava-ships @bee-ships @beetleboyfriend @berryshipbasket @canongf @clawfull @cloudyvoid @derelictdumbass @dissonantyote @edencantstopfallininlove @final-catboy @flowering-darkness @gible-love-nibles @nagirans @hoppinkiss @hotrodharts @hyperionshipping @iwishihadfangs @iyamifucker @judetama @lex-n-weegie @lficanthaveloveiwantpower @little-miss-selfships @little-shiny-sharpies @loogi-selfships @mandrakebrew @mintpecks @mothfinite @mrs-kelly @nameless-self-ships @orbitingaroundyourlove @nerdstreak @paper-carnation @p-i-t-s @qilinkisser @reds-self-ships @rexscanonwife @rotten--cotton @ship-trek @spacestationstorybook @squips-ship @toogayforthistoday @winterworlds
#my art#💜: loving you's a felony#🍒🧬: emotional processing lag#self ship#oc x canon#self shipping#self ship community#self insert#fictional other#mojo jojo#okay with organization tag outta the way. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH 💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖💘💖#GUYSSSSSSSS THIS ART WAS SO FUCKING FUN 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#i have NEVER done lining like this before and messing with line thickness was a fucking blast!!!!!#ALSO HATCHING. FIRST TIME DOING HATCHING AND THAT WAS ALSO RLY FUN 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#and of course oho. ohoho OHOHOHOHOHOHOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#ive definitely talked about it on the blog before right. the idea of him being sooooooooo protective 💀💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#like whoever the assailant is here is DEFINITELY BOUTTA DIE LOL 💖#i hope i did good on the expressions but i mean i rly love it!!! 😳💖💖💖💖💖💖💖#also the way that cherry's a little roughed up. i like to think that they just tripped trying to get away 😂#like the person mugging them had very little to do with actually causing those scuffs. doesnt change how definitely dead they boutta be 😳#anyway whoo hooooooooo here it is i am so happy with it it was so fun and its making me so 😳😳😳 i hope yall like it too!! 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖#also last thing sorry for shitty hotel room lighting hrnsnzhf it was all i had to work with but I tried my best 😂💀😂💀
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livesworthlivingau · 4 months
Lives Worth Living Chapter 6
Spoilers for ISAT and Two Hats especially, CW: More mental spiraling, mentions/memories of being stabbed.
"AAAAAAH!!!" (You scream, jolting up in bed, frantically feeling at your chest then gripping at your sore neck. You gasp for air, panting violently, desperately filling your still burning lungs.)
"F… Frin?…" (Bonnie leaps back in shock, their excited expression instantly dropping into worry.)
"S-Sif! I-It's okay, it's over! We're here!" (You hear Isa's voice to your left, feeling his hand reach for you cautiously. Without hesitation you throw yourself into him, wrapping your arms as tight around his large frame as you could, burying your face into his chest. Tears continue to flow from your eye as you just struggled to breath for a short while, repeating your mantras to yourself. You're safe, you are loved. You're safe, you are loved. You're safe, you are loved… You feel a smaller figure pressing against you from behind, causing you to flinch at first before relaxing once again. Bonnie wrapping around you in a big hug as well. You're safe… You are loved…)
"O-Okay… I-I'm okay, th-thank you…" (You stammer out, sniffling and wiping the tears from your face. You slowly pull away from Isa, in spite of much as you'd love to stay in that moment forever.)
"Of course Sif, I'm here for yah…"
"Yeah! Me too!" (Bonnie bounces cheerily, happy to have helped, making you chuckle some at the sight of it, how proud they look, especially knowing the amazing person they grew into.)
"Hehe… Thanks Bonnie, y'know, I think your hug helped the most!"(You lean in to whisper loudly at them, making sure Isa could hear as you tease. Isa just chuckles to himself while Bonnie gets starry eyed before rushing out of the room.)
"Hah! Can't believe you'd betray me like that Sif, and I thought we had something special!"
"Sorry, just being honest, you better step up your game big boy~."
"Heh… I guess that's something else we'll have to practice then…" (Isa adds, his cheeks growing darker as he does. You can feel yours heat up as well… You've been bonded for decades and he still gets you like this…Stars you're so pathetic, heh…)
"O-Oh! B-Bonnie was almost done with breakfast, I'll grab you a plate and you can rest up a bit more, alright?" (You nod some, still a bit flushed but giving him a happy smile as he leaves.)
(You finish breakfast and get dressed, feeling a bit better after… 'last night'. You look to the window, then to the door, contemplating for a moment, before deciding this required all of your attention. You open the window and climb out of it, you weren't as experienced with this as you used to be, but you keep a careful grip and manage to shimmy down well enough. You set your sights on the biggest tree you could find again… and you start walking.)
(You get lost in your thoughts as you wander, reliving the moment of your death over and over again. You place a hand on your chest… it still hurts a little, like a wound just freshly closed over. You don't understand what made Loop do that, but you still wanted to help… If you couldn't have Loop around this time then what was the point of having to go through all this over again…)
(You come to a stop, finally finding the small clearing from before. The favor tree towers over you. It's silent aside from a light rustling of leaves as the wind blows through.)
"… Loop?…. LOOOOOP?!…" (You wait, hoping, begging, wishing for a response!… No… No more wishing… You have to find them on your own. You suddenly perk up, looking down at your hand as you remember. You put your hand into the odd gesture that you were taught so long ago, bringing your thumb to your ear, and pinkie to your mouth. You hope so dearly that this still works…)
"… Loop?…" (You aren't sure how or why, but a part of you knows the message was delivered… You wait for a moment before realizing a response won't come.)
"Please talk to me Loop… I'm sorry I-"
["YOU'RE SORRY?! Am I such a sad excuse of a person that YOU'RE apologizing for getting STABBED?!"] (You flinch as their voice screams into your mind, hurting at first from the volume rattling through your brain.)
["Don't you get it?! You won! You can move on, you HAVE moved on! Why do you still need me?! I have no use to you or your family! I will never be able to move on, especially having to stare at you all constantly, knowing what was taken from me!!… What… What I gave up on… Because I wasn't as strong as you…"] (You feel the connection severed abruptly before you can speak, even hearing a bell ring for some reason? You lower your hand, just standing there, defeated… You slowly turn around and start the long trek back to your family… still missing the same member it always has…)
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ticklygiggles · 4 months
Option B, option C | Kageyama Tobio & Hinata Shouyou
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A/N: another commission finished for always amazing and angelic Max (@wertzunge)! Thank you as always, Max ❤️ I hope you enjoy this and I hope they're not too ooc skdkkdf
Summary: Kageyama can't toss?! It's all that test's fault!
Words: 1k+
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“Ka. Ge. Ya. Ma! What the hell is wrong with you?!” 
Kageyama tried to ignore the heat gathering on his cheeks. That was what he'd like to know! Why was he so distracted? Could it be because of that exam he had earlier? No, that can't be- he thought he did very well, but maybe he should have chosen option b, right? Yes. Yes, dammit, he should've chosen option b! It made more sense than c! He was going to fail that test, he definitely was going to- 
“Ba. Ka. Ge. Ya. Maaaaaa!” Kageyama hissed when he felt a harsh slap on his back. He quickly grabbed the culprit’s skull and squeezed it. “Ouch! Ouch! Aaaaaah! Let go! It's not my fault you're sucking today- Aaaaaah!” 
Kageyama felt the blush spreading to his ears. Stupid Hinata was so annoying… but he was not wrong. Kageyama’s tosses had been bad– no, bad was an understatement, they have been hideous. Hinata hasn't been able to hit the ball not even once. Too low, too high. Too short, too long. Simply not right!
“It's your damn fault! You should be there wherever I toss! Why can't you do that?!” 
“HUH?! Are you blaming me?! How's this my fault?! You are the one-”
“Let's take a break, everyone!” Daichi called. “This is going to take a while.” 
The rest of the team moved to the sides of the court, some happy to rest after the heavy training, some others mocking the duo starting their usual bickering, but regardless of that, Kageyama and Hinata no longer had ears for anyone else. They started yelling at each other (perhaps too loudly for Daichi's liking), blaming each other for the situation, even when Kageyama knew perfectly well that the only one to blame was himself, but admitting his mistakes had always been difficult, especially when Hinata was the one who noticed Kageyama was not doing right. 
Their little shouting fight soon escalated into a physical fight, not actually punches, Kageyama knew well enough that Daichi wouldn't let him get in the gym for who knows how many weeks if he dared to hit Hinata. So they would just pull each other's shirts and try to take each other down in some kind of wrestling. 
“Kageyama! You're gonna get us in trouble! You can't even toss the ball properly and now you're trying to kill me!” 
“Hinata-boke!” Kageyama gasped, gripping Hinata's shoulders. “You. Only. Have. To. Hit- why are you laughing?!” 
With every word, Kageyama poked Hinata's chest and after two pokes on his collarbone, Hinata started to giggle, trying to grab Kageyama’s hand. 
“Thahat tihickles!” 
Kageyama blinked in disbelief. Look at him, giggling like a kid with no worries in the world, huh? How pathetic and- wait. A malicious grin suddenly spread across his face and Hinata jumped. He certainly couldn't hit Hinata, but tickling him? Well… 
“Ba-B-Bakageyama, nohoho! Nohohot tihihickling!” 
Kageyama was able to finally pin Hinata down against the squeaky wooden floor, his fingers digging into Hinata's sides, making him whine in pain, but Kageyama quickly lightened his touch and the bright giggles echoed through the whole gym. Hinata kicked and tried to crawl away, but Kageyama had set himself on top of him and was tickling him on every spot he could reach. 
He poked at his ribs and squeezed at his sides and when he noticed that Hinata's giggling turned more frantic whenever Kageyama touched his tummy, he made sure to claw at the muscles and even dip his finger into his belly button.
He really had no experience tickling people, but he had an older sister who could sometimes be a handful, so he definitely knew a trick or two. 
“Lehehet gohoho!” Hinata giggled, wrapping his arms around himself. “Thihihis is nohot fahahair!” 
“Maybe this'll teach you not to say anything to m- ack!” One of his arms retracted, gluing to his side when he felt a squeeze to his waist. “Don't you- aaah!” Another squeeze to the other side of his waist made him curl forward a little and Hinata took the chance to change their positions.
Kageyama panicked and he tried to free himself from under Hinata, after all, he was taller, but when he felt fingers clawing on his stomach, he was a goner. He had always been very sensitive there and he hated that it was a spot so easy to get. He tried to hold his laughter in, but Hinata's fingers were light and so ticklish, he only lasted about two seconds before he started cackling. 
“S-Stohohop, Hinahahata! I'll kihill you!” 
“What? I thought you wanted to get tickled too, Kageyama-kun~ ack! N-No! Nohoho!” 
Both Kageyama’s hands latched to Hinata's sides and he started tickling him back, his hands trembling, begging for him to stop the tickling at his tummy, but he refused and soon they were engaged in an intense tickle fight, rolling around, getting the upper hand only for a few seconds before being thrown off again. 
“Ah, seriously, will they ever stop?” 
“Calm down, Daichi,” Suga said softly, patting Daichi on the shoulder. “They've been at it for like ten minutes, we still have some more time left.”
“They're childish, we're waiting time here,” Tsukishima rolled his eyes.
Yamaguchi chucked, “although they're screaming at each other, they seem to be having fun.”
“N-Noya, calm down.”
“Tanaka, Nishinoya. Don't you even think about it,” Ennoshita warned and both boys slumped back in place, whining. 
No matter how loudly they spoke, Kageyama and Hinata were in their own world. Kageyama's laughter had been echoing in everyone's ears for a long time, Hinata had Kageyama's hands under his knees and the poor setter was bursting into loud laughter while his poor armpits hot tickled out of his mind. 
“Hi-n-naha- waha-AHAHA!” He tried to speak, but his laughter just wouldn't let him. His body had grown weak and he couldn't pull his hands free, but Hinata's were nestling nicely under Kageyama’s arms, fingers wiggling and digging into the muscle. 
“Do you surrender, Kageyama?!” 
“He will surrender,” Yamaguchi said. 
Tanaka, “nah, he'll turn the tables on Hinata.”
“His face is too pink,” Suga said, a tad worried. “Should we help?” 
Tsukishima, “helping will only be more troublesome.”
“Daichi-san is about to lose it,” Nishinoya laughed. 
Yamaguchi, “he will surrender.” 
“Isn't it super weird that Kageyama's so ticklish?” Asahi asked and all nodded in agreement. 
Kageyama really was ticklish and his armpits were, probably, his most sensitive spot. Hinata had been tickling him there for a while now, he really couldn't stand it anymore. The more the tickling continued, the more his laughter got louder and panicked, would the tickling ever stop?
“I told you!” 
“Aish, good thing we didn't bet on it.” 
“OH! Are you giving up?! Are you giving up?! Pr-Promise you won't get me back when I stop!” Hinata pushed and Kageyama threw his head, nodding as he laughed hysterically. “O-Okay!”
He stopped and Kageyama went limp, breathing heavily and pressing his arms against his side, wanting to protect himself from a surprise attack, but Hinata didn't tickle him again, he got up and sat beside him, also breathing heavily as if he was the one almost dying. 
Kageyama hated to admit it, but that residual sensation of tiredness felt kinda good. He was exhausted, but revitalized and energized at the same time. His brain was buzzing and his head was pulsating, but he wasn't thinking about anything. His mind was empty of thoughts causing him stress and anxiety and he felt good, relaxed.
Suga, “d-do you think he's alright?” 
“I wonder,” Daichi said, starting to get worried. “He hasn't moved much, huh?”
Nishinoya, “oi, Shouyou! Did you kill Kageyama?”
“Haah? I didn't! He's breathing… I think?” When Kageyama opened his eyes, he found Hinata's face, looking at him from above. “Are you okay, Kageyama?” 
Kageyama rolled his eyes, “I'm fine. Just tired, stupid!” 
“Hey, Bakageyama,” Hinata said, extending his hand for Kageyama to take. “It's okay, you know? I'm sure you'll do well on that exam.” 
Kageyama halted, gripping Hinata's hand. “W-What? How- How do you know?!” 
“You kept mumbling to yourself all the way to the gym about option b this and option c that,” Hinata explained, matter of factly. “It’s obviously option c! That test was super easy, so just relax and play well! This training is so boring because you're not tossing properly!” 
“You-! Haah,” Kageyama sighed. 
Noya, “the heck are they talking about, Ryuu?” 
“Hmm, probably about fighting again? Oh, Kageyama is getting up now.” 
“Let's train,” Kageyama said, nodding at Hinata. “I'll toss properly this time.” 
“Okay, seems like the break is over, finally. Let's go, everyone.” 
Kageyama wasn't so sure what just had happened, it really had been a strange training, but he was glad he could shake off that feeling of anxiety over his test- he really owned Hinata this time, huh? Well, some high tosses for him would be enough!
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the-colourful-witch · 3 months
Holy Shit :)
I just finished the biggest book project I've ever done. It's a storybook full of fairy tales, for children. Ten months of work, 80 illustrations... I am so tired :) And wired. And I can't wait to see the final result. It's being released in September! AAAAAAH!
Just needed to let of some steam :)
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galaxy-lilies · 1 month
okay im going to put my thoughts under the cut cause OUGH this is going to be a long post LMAO
FIRST OFF can i just say how amazing and incredible the folk who organized the whole event are, they deserve absolute kudos
okay okay finally into the recap that was an amazing 3 and a half hours of my life
Pages 1-103:
When I first saw the heads up about how the zine was interconnected and skipping any part would potentially lead to some plot i was immediately intrigued then i was immediately hit with the other realization of "410 PAGES???? HELLO????"
"hold on let me make some edits-" "no let ME make some edits-"
the artstyle changing based on who was editing what, Joel just trying to support his wife, Scar purposely mishearing "cats" as "cash" absolute hilarity how i heart them all so
Grian rocking the cloak, Scar just absolutely confuzzled: THEYRE SOOOO *shakes them*
and the shenanigans between Ren, Scar, and BDubs oh my god AND THE ON GOING BIT ABOUT HOW "if anyone says hotguy it immediately turns into the logo" it never fails to make me laugh
the early days of the mutation, the proposal of the union, PEARL'S LITTLE >:3c as she pressed publish OUGH
and the trail of petals grian left behind as he considered hotguy's proposal just *splat* i literally ate up all the art and the fics and the silly silly edits in this zine THEY WORLD BUILDING IS AMAZING
speaking of world building: MUMBLR??? HELLOOOOOOO
now i need to know, what does old mumblr *checks notes* teal? green? look like
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(at this point it was around 8 PM but after a long day i was already reaching the point of eepyness and i thought "surely i can finish reading the hOTGuY zine in one sitting!" spoiler alert: i did not)
immediately when i saw the G Team comic i was reminded of the council of Grians LMAO Grian being the absolute chaotic one man band as he tries to collect all this evidence, the readers seeing Scar's means of transportation for the first time, and then *vine boom* SCULK
also ARIANA GRIANDE THE BELOVED HOW I HEART HER SOOOOOOOO i love all of the grians featured here, and the fact that permit office grian managed to make a silly appearance AND his permit shenanigans working in his favor- hE EVEN HAS THE "please hold." MUSIC- iconic i tell you, iconic
I absolutely exploded into a million pieces seeing tibby's art then exploded again because "i can't see the end of the horizon...CUBFAN135- IS THAT YOU??!!?"
seeing the sculk snail follow behind scar idly, the fact that grian's only lead is cub ordering pizza like of all leads. but to be fair it does fit both of them LMAO
i am eating the sculk texturing btw it's very very tasty uwu
it's the fact that both of them turned to each other to yell "ARSON" like of course theyre at the ready to light things on fire
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cub just over scar's shoulder like a sack of potatoes, the match already out of grian's hand, the sculk snail also there to witness the chaos that is about to ensue *chefs kiss* poetic cinema
also i would buy this shirt
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oh my gods the emails, the emails were so fucking funny i- KJSDFHDSJK
BDubs immediately trying to screen Cub out and Cub just continuing his shenanigans unperturbed, grian at his wits end trying to contact scar but of course scar is busy and cub just assumes it's some impersonation account until further notice, TGC trying to contact them but once again Mr. Fan135 Does Not Give A Fuck and he lives to cause mild annoyances and chaos, what a guy LMAO
their littol email icons are so cute, when i saw pearl's i was like "WAH PUPPERRRR"
i havent seen many email-format type beat story telling before so this was an absolute joy to explore the story through pearl's detailed emails, grian's panicked typing (how was mans typing and sending so quickly with 365+ lazer eyed chickens chasing him like a mad man + a green gob- i mean goatman), and both bdubs' and cub's concern and nonchalance. not to mention bdubs just nodding along and going "well cub you have proven yourself...and uh- added a totally not a virus to scar's phone- BUT you have proven yourself...." absolute sillies, absolutely iconic
THE TWITTER BEEF HAD ME CACKLING OH MY GOD THE QUOTE RETWEETS i would pay good money to see that in real time oh my god
mumblr user hermitopia-explained you will always be famous
okay i'll admit it i was distracted by the scitties- BUT the social media handles and names being remade into hermit puns and the fact he's chilling on mending beach I CAN'T
AND OUR ETERNAL QUEEN JELLIE i literally let out a small squeal looking at her she is sO *gently holds her*
birthday gorl getting absolutely spoiled, as she deserves
scar finding a cloak just to do the sailor moon meme: iconic, showstopping, one of a kind, amazing, talented- i love these two idiots
and as a heads up i'm going to try and separate these into about 100 pages each! so expect the next reblog soon
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panhbr · 9 months
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🩵Young Pep🩵
(3 days of going to sleep at 5 am because I wanted to finish this drawing...but it was worth it ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ)
I really don't have much to say, I really love this young Pep design created by @grimmoirre
I also find it quite funny and ironic that he has long hair, and later he literally goes almost bald XD
Some extra random doodles
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(I just think it's so adorable when he talks like that, I don't know why, HELP)
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captainnameless · 1 month
Could you bring something about the McLaren babies and Danny, pleeeeaase?
aaaaaah! i’m trying to keep my thoughts to myself cause i still need to write/finish chapter 2 of Twins & Tantrums so i can’t be spilling too much of the creative juice
since you asked so nicely.
a lil something.
“Work with me here, bub.” Daniel says, squeezing Lando’s ankle as he tries to wrangle his foot into his shoe.
“Oscar,” Daniel says, gentle warning in his voice. “Sit your bum down, we’re almost ready to go.”
Oscar gives him a sheepish smile, shuffling back from where he’d almost gotten off of the storage box that Daniel has him perched on, Lando on a similar one as Daniel struggles with the tight laces.
Daniel can’t blame the youngest member of their little party for having the wiggles, he knew the stroopwafels, or the sugar in them, were going to catch up with him eventually, but he really does not want to be chasing down any of the boys after such a long day and Oscar can be a bit of a wanderer.
“How’s your tongue, buddy?” Daniel asks as he finally figures the laces out, catches Lando’s eyes as he forces a pout. Lando had burned his tongue on a stroopwafel earlier today, and while Daniel doesn’t like seeing him hurt, he selfishly was glad knowing that would put Lando off the sweet treat for today at least which meant he only had one potential sugared up child to deal with.
“Still hurt.” Lando says, sticking out his tongue. “See?”
“I can see buddy, Danny’ll get you a juice in the car, ok? That’ll feel nice.”
Lando nods and takes Daniel’s outstretched hand as he hops off the box, turning to wait for Oscar who doesn’t need prompting.
The boys race to the car, which is good for Daniel cause it burns off a little more of their energy.
There’s a debate over who got to the car first and won that Daniel ignores as he gets out a juicebox for the both of them, and the water wipes. It’s a bit of a drive as they’re staying outside of Zandvoort and Daniel figures if the boys fall asleep their thumbs might finds their mouths.
“Hand, please.” Daniel hums as Oscar offers up his hands, giggles as Daniel gets in between his fingers but squirms away when a new wipe attacks his face as well.
“All done,” Daniel soothes before offering Oscar his juice box. “Peace offering.”
He repeats the same routine on Lando before getting in the car.
Surprisingly, no one falls asleep, though Lando’s got his thumb in his mouth the second he finishes his juice box.
Daniel has to whistle Oscar to a standstill when he takes off in a sprint towards the hotel, coming to a halt a couple feet away from Daniel. “No running in the lobby, Osc. And please wait on your brother and me.”
Oscar groans dramatically and bounces in place as Lando gets out, visibly less energetic. “Go hold Oscars hand please.” Daniel instructs while he goes for their bags.
They take the stairs instead of the elevator, Oscars gets a green light for sprinting up them and it seems to have done its job because he’s heaving when Daniel and Lando catch up to him.
Daniel’d pre booked their dinner, so it shows up to the suite almost immediately which helps settle the boys and the promise of one episode of Trash Truck before bed if they shower quickly helps that process tremendously too.
Lando’s out 6 minutes into the episode, so Daniel makes a mental note to remember since he knows Lando’ll have something to say about missing it tomorrow and wanting to still watch it.
Oscar’s still awake when the outro plays but there’s not much fight left in him as Daniel brushes through his hair and gently brushes his finger over the bridge of Oscar’s nose watching his eyes flutter close.
“Good night, buddy.” Daniel breathes, watching Oscar squirm over onto his stomach, mumbling his goodnight into the pillow.
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can you write some pinning (fluff or angst), please?
thank you sm <3
hii!! yess!! I love peter 3, he’s my fav🥹 and no don’t be sorry, I react the same way. I had too many ideas, so I had to shorten everything, hope it all makes sense lol. thank you for requesting, hope you like it 💌
peter parker x f reader
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wc || 854
warnings || none, just fluff
masterlist & taglist
You liked routine and order. You like doing things a certain way, most days of the week. And one of those things is your daily visit to your favourite coffee shop. This quaint little store had become a part of your daily routine a for a year now, where you'd drop by on your way to work or go in-between errands. 
You've grown to know the staff and other regulars well, so when you notice someone new enter, you can't help but look. The stranger sits on the opposite side of the room, parallel to your usual seat by the window, a book in hand with an espresso in the other. He's really quite a sight, a slim guy with brown hair, wearing a chunky knit sweater and glasses, the cute nerdy type. He was a rather beautiful stranger, and you definitely would've remembered his face. 
You pick up your drink and aimlessly look around the room until you meet a set of brown eyes that are not so subtly staring at you. You smile in your usual friendly way to the stranger opposite before resuming the work on your laptop. You slowly peek over the screen, slyly gazing from afar, briefly making eye contact, in which you both momentarily look away as if you're nervous. Get back to work, you told yourself repeatedly, but you couldn't. You couldn't pull yourself away from him because all you wanted to do was look at him. He was like one of those beautifully mysterious people you walk by on the street, the ones you think about weeks later.
Eventually, you finish everything you were supposed to, so as a reward, you allow yourself another opportunity to look at the handsome stranger. But when you peek over, he was gone. He left. New York is a populated place, so the possibility of seeing him again was very slim, a slither of a chance. So when he disappeared, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at his absence. 
The next day you come to the coffee shop at your usual time, order your usual drink and sit in your usual space. You put your headphones on and open your laptop, immediately getting to work and doing everything you need to do.
You take a brief break, sipping your drink and taking a bite of your cake when you notice him. The stranger from yesterday sat in the same place, doing as he did the day before. What are the chances? You thought to yourself.
You subtly gaze at him over your mug, almost instantly locking eyes. You hold eye contact for a few seconds before you glance away, feeling too nervous under his gaze. He notices the shy expression on your face and chuckles into his hand, which causes him to get strange looks from the other patrons, consequently making you snicker into your mug. You meet his eyes again and softly smile at the exchange. 
Over the next week, similar events would occur. You'd make eye contact more frequently, and as the days went by, he sat at a table closer to you. He was almost to you, just one day to go, one table to go. 
Today was the day you two would technically meet, and you couldn't wait. You felt sick, nervous, like a bag of jelly, but you were excited. You were looking forward to finally meeting the man you've been gawking at all week. He wasn't here yet, so you get to work on your laptop, trying to kill time and ease your nerves before he arrives. 
But he never came, and you felt hurt. 
The next day you were feeling better about the situation. You understood he had a life outside the coffee shop, but in that moment, you were upset. You were looking forward to meeting him, so when he didn't show up, it did hurt your feelings.
You walk into the coffee shop and immediately notice the back of a person in your place. It wasn't your seat, but all the other regulars had specific spots, and the one in the corner by the window was yours. The man turns around when he hears the bell chime on the door, and you meet the face of the stranger, your stranger. He smiles at you and waves you over.
Once you reach the table, you see two sets of drinks and cakes, his usual order and yours. 
"Hey, I'm Peter," he grins, gesturing for you to sit. "Hope this isn't too weird," he chuckles, nodding to the spread on the table. 
"No, not at all," you smile as you share your name, shaking his extended hand.
"I- uh, hope I got your order right," he softly laughs, nervously scratching the back of his neck. "I had to check with the barista,"
Your smile widens. "It is. It's my exact order, thank you," you pull out a couple notes from your wallet, and Peter instantly pushes it away.
"My treat," he grins before sipping from his espresso. "Maybe you can pay me back by accepting this as a date?"
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@idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @queerponcho @selfryed
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savrenim · 2 months
heyyyyy so like. general life update bc I'm actually finally feeling good about life
--biggest Terror of the summer and oh gods the summer budget of moving my fiance out of Texas succeeded without a hitch???? honestly still a bit in awe over having pulled that one off. it's totally done and finished dotted the i's crossed the t's nothing left to worry about.
--continuing off that one month left to go before we've Made It Through The Summer and we are. within budget. like we've got one month left but. I think we're going to make it.
--it's been several EXTREMELY brutal months (I guess since January?) with Suzy having chronic kidney disease and being so frail and second-guessing myself and second-guessing if she's miserable all the time or just enjoying napping and second-guessing how long we're going to have with her and just. maybe I'll write a longer reflection on this later. we started her on an arthritis shot, using orazn dental gel, and giving her supervised walks outside whenever she wanted them (the latermost I started doing when it seemed like she had only a few weeks left and I couldn't bear to deny her anything) and somehow she is suddenly better than she has been in????? months???????? she's eating 2-3x as much food, her ribs are no longer showing, she can jump on beds again. like. aaaaaah!!!! bestest girl!
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if anyone is dealing with a cat with CKD this website is your gospel: http://www.felinecrf.org/ . but just. I'm no longer unprepared and that's a way better place to be than getting blindsided with things left and right.
anyways idk things generally are??? not The Best Life Ever Has Been but definitely way better than I thought it would be at this point in the summer. like. might even start writing again?????? we will See.
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Bittersweet in my mouth || COLIN BRIDGERTON
PT 2
PROMPT: “People warned me about you. I didn’t listen… God I wish I did.”
Requested?: No
Ship: Colin Bridgerton x reader
Warnings: AFAB pronouns, angst, colin being a cunt (please let me know if I need to add anything else!)
Summary: idk it’s just pure angst at this point
(gif by @bonniebirddoesgifs)
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“Fine, she’s behind me.”
Y/N poked her head out,
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“Eloise please leave.”
“No way, brother.” She stood there with her arms crossed,
“Eloise,” Y/N grabbed her shoulder, “I’ll be back soon ok? Let me just talk to him.”
Eloise nodded, and left to resume her conversation with Penelope.
Y/N just stared at Colin and shrugged,
“So? What do you want to tell me?”
“I wanted to apologise. It was unwise of me to imply that you won’t do well on the marriage market.”
Y/N let out a unladylike snort, before covering her mouth,
“You could definitely say that Colin.”
She paused, as if in thought, then turned back to face him,
“I wouldn’t have cared if the comment came from an ancient, balding lord. But it hurt because you said that Colin, you know how worried I was about me being able to attain a respectable husband. And your comment was like a dagger to my heart. And for your information, I could easily get a husband, but I’ve been holding myself back for someone, who I now see doesn’t deserve me.”
As she said this she took a step closer and closer to Colin, who simply stared at her with a dumbfounded look on his face.
“Who did you hold yourself back for?”
“You, Colin.”
“How could I hold you back? What do you- Oh.”
“Yeah Colin. I’ve waited, and waited. And every time you spoke about some other charming debutant you broke my heart. But then you would be so charming to me, touch my arm for slightly too long, and that would give me a glimmer of hope. Hope that maybe you felt the same way. And this cycle continued, and it broke me every time.”
As she finished her rant, she let out a shaky breath. She turned to walk out of the secluded area of the garden, but Colin lurched forward and grabbed her upper arm,
“Y/N wait-“
She screwed her arm out of his loose grip,
“Colin no, you can’t fix this now. You’re engaged now, remember?”
She stared at him, with a hint of fury and- a sense of hatred? As Colin opened his mouth, she spoke again,
“People warned me about you Colin. I didn’t listen and I allowed myself to be stuck in your trap. God, I wish I did listen…”
She walked out of the secluded area, leaving Colin stood there, shoulders slumped and a defeated look on his face. He wished she would look back but she didn’t. How he yearned to tell her he felt the same…
He felt a pat on the back and looked down, it was Eloise,
“Let’s get you a drink brother, you look like you need one.” He allowed himself to be pulled by her to the drinks table.
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AAAAAAH OMG I FINALLY PUT OUT PART 2. i’m so sorry it’s taken so long, i literally have no excuses, but i finally finished because someone commented they were looking forward to part 2. and i’m a people pleaser what can i say 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways i hope you enjoyed reading it, and once again and any constructive criticism is welcome as i did not edit this.
thank you :)
- caitlin/sage <3
taglist (cause people actually want to read it???):
@snixx2088 @pandoraneverland @scoopsahoyspidey @honeylovemoon
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mobius-m-mobius · 3 months
just finished the loki series. Crying sobbing choking dying aaaaaah *lose 1 hp* *lose 1 hp*
Ahhh please take all my condolences for joining those of us now haunted for eternity because even now it feels like the finale was yesterday 😭😭
Would love to say things have gotten better since but for each imagined reunion scene I've also come up with about a hundred more ideas to angst over and the cycle doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon lmao, hope you're faring much better with processing everything 💕
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