#ISIS in South Asia
libertariantaoist · 1 year
News Roundup 7/7/2023 | The Libertarian Institute
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 7/7/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, particularly in the GOP, are pushing back against the renewal of a law authorizing a tool used by US spy agencies, in the post 9/11 era, to conduct warrantless surveillance on foreign targets and Americans with whom they may be interacting. The Institute
Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov told Financial Times in an interview published Wednesday that his country serves as an ideal “testing ground” for Western weaponry. AWC
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Wednesday that its inspectors have seen no sign of explosives at the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in Ukraine despite claims from Kyiv that Russia had planted bombs. AWC
A group of former senior US officials has held talks with influential Russians, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, in an effort to lay the groundwork for negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, NBC News reported on Thursday. AWC
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Wednesday that not many members of Russia’s Wagner Group followed their exiled leader to Belarus. AWC
Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda said Wednesday that Ukraine will receive “a lot” from NATO at the summit his country is hosting next week from July 11-12. AWC
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Thursday that Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin was now in Russia, raising questions about the deal between Moscow and the mercenary leader that ended his short-lived mutiny. AWC
The Associated Press reported Thursday that the Biden administration has decided to arm Ukraine with cluster bombs and will announce the munitions as part of a new $800 million arms package. AWC 
Ukraine’s military intelligence chief, Kyrylo Budanov, said Thursday that the threat to the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) is subsiding. AWC
The Chinese Defense Ministry on Wednesday said the US was turning Taiwan into a “powder keg” in a warning over the Biden administration approving new arms deals for Taiwan worth $440 million. AWC
The US wants to turn India into a center for resupplying and maintenance of naval vessels in South Asia as part of its military buildup against China in the region, Nikkei Asia reported Thursday. AWC
The Pentagon released a video of a Russian fighter jet flying near an American drone above Syria. Moscow and Washington have accused each other of conducting unsafe aerial operations. The Institute
According to neoconservative columnist Josh Rogin – one of Bill Kristol’s protégés – Biden told these regime change advocates that, among other things, Assad must go. The Institute
US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a press release on Thursday that it was involved in 37 operations against ISIS in Iraq and Syria during the month of June. AWC
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
What Is Sun Myung Moon’s And Hak Ja Han’s Legacy?
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han and their numerous organizations have been active leaders on the fields of religion, politics, business, media, education and culture during the last 70 years. What is their legacy on these different human enterprises?   RELIGION: Sun Myung Moon did not create any unique religious doctrine of his own. He did not have any revelations from God but borrowed (read: stole) the doctrine of the Divine Principle from the Jesus Church and its various branches. The Jesus Church was founded officially in 1933 by Rev. Lee Yong-do but for instance one branch The Holy Lord Church lead by Ms. Kim Song-do and it’s daughter church The In The Belly Church lead by Ms. Huh Ho-bin were functioning already in the 1920s. Sun Myung Moon was not a theologian nor was he an original thinker but borrowed his ideas from other religious teachers. So Sun Myung Moon has no religious legacy as a founder of a new religion. Hak Ja Han, Sun Myung Moon’s widow has been the leader of the Unification Church since 2012. She has tried to create some feminist doctrine in order to promote herself as a genuine religious leader. Her main doctrinal innovation is she claims to be The Only Begotten Daughter of God, Goddess Incarnate. But of course there is nothing new in her doctrine. Christianity (especially Roman Catholics) honours Virgin Mary as Heaven’s Queen who was born without original sin and she is regarded as a co-redemptrix with Jesus Christ. And in other religions there are a legion of mother goddesses like Shakti, Parvati, Kali, Isis, Hathor, Ashera, Anat, Ashtarte, Ishtar, Afrodite, Venus etc.   POLITICS: Sun Myung Moon’s and Hak Ja Han’s main legacy in politics is their Anti-Communist doctrine and practice. Sun Myung Moon established the World Anti-Communist League WACL in 1966 together with South Korean President Park Chung Hee, Generalissimo Tsiang Kai-Shek and Japanese Yakuza gangsters Ryoichi Sasakawa and Yoshio Kodama. WACL was co-operating very closely with the CIA in the Cold War. WACL was active in the Phoenix Program in Asia in the 1960s - 1970s, in the Operation Condor in Latin America in the 1970s - 1980s and in the Operation Gladio in Europe after the World War II. These anti-communist operations tried to annihilate all communist and leftist activists on all continents. Hundreds of thousands of victims were kidnapped, tortured, disappeared and killed. And together with the CIA the World Anti-Communist League was controlling all the networks of anti-communist forces and co-ordinated their activities. WACL funded and lead the hit-death squads which operated quite freely across the borders of different countries. The political legacy of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han is horrendous: hundreds of thousands of killed people in the anti-communist war all over the world  What was the crime of their victims? Their crime was that they wanted better salaries and better working conditions and living standards. They wanted decent housing for their families and bread on the table. They wanted better education for their children so that they would have more chances in life than their parents had. Was this a crime?   BUSINESS: Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han have had a myriad of different businesses but their main source of money comes from four “businesses”: drug trade, arms dealing, money laundering, human trafficking. Sun Myung Moon was closely co-operating with the Japanese Yakuza and they were involved in heroin trade in the Golden Triangle and after that in heroin trade in Afghanistan and then in cocaine trade in Latin America. Sun Myung Moon got limitless amounts of money and he could bribe influential politicians and presidents in Korea, Japan and the USA in order to further his cause and get immunity from prosecution. Sun Myung Moon has weapons factories in Korea and he sells arms to the South Korean army and worldwide. He does not discriminate anybody: all terrorist organizations are his clients like Mujahideens and Talebans in Afghanistan and Isis terrorist organization. Sun Myung Moon has been involved in money laundering from the beginning. He bought many banks in the USA, Uruguay and Cayman Islands and they are used for money laundering of his illicit money. Most of his “normal” businesses are losing money for instance in the USA but they are useful fronts for money laundering. And the fourth source of income for Sun Myung Moon is human trafficking: He uses Unification Church members as slave workers who do not get any salaries but must work for free for 24/7 in many of the Moon family businesses and in fundraising teams. They do not even get pensions when they get old and sick but are thrown to the street to survive by themselves. Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han are trafficking these slave workers from one country to another wherever they are needed. The last source of money are immense donations required from the members. This is just now a big scandal in Japan. Members are robbed by the Unification Church of their last dime and their children go hungry and do not have any money to go to college. The financial legacy of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han is the following: the Moon family wealth is now about 100 billion USD. Sun Myung Moon’s own son Sam Park told in a conference in 2014 that the Moon family assets were 60 billion USD. This number is mentioned in the depositions of the UCI court case in Washington D.C. The court case was between Hyun (Preston) Jin Moon vs. FFWPU. Now approaching the year 2023 these assets must have risen to about 100 billion USD. The members of the Unification Church have not got anything from the enormous Moon family wealth. All assets are under the name of Moon family members.
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infinity-state · 1 month
Crimes Against Women: A Global Crisis
Throughout history and across cultures, women have been subjected to unspeakable acts of violence and torture. These atrocities have taken many forms, ranging from physical abuse to psychological torment, and have left lasting scars on countless lives. Despite progress in some areas, crimes against women continue to be a pervasive and persistent problem worldwide.
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Historical and Modern-Day Tortures Endured by Women
Historical Tortures:
Witch Hunts: During the 16th and 17th centuries, thousands of women across Europe and America were tortured and executed under the suspicion of witchcraft. These women were often innocent victims of misogyny, scapegoated for societal woes.
Foot Binding: In China, the practice of foot binding, which began in the 10th century, subjected women to severe pain and lifelong disability, all to conform to societal standards of beauty.
Honor Killings: A practice rooted in ancient traditions and still prevalent in parts of the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa, where women are murdered by their own families to preserve "honor" after perceived acts of shame, such as premarital relationships.
Modern-Day Tortures:
Domestic Violence: Globally, 1 in 3 women has experienced physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, often at the hands of an intimate partner. Domestic violence remains one of the most widespread yet underreported crimes against women.
Sexual Violence and Rape: Women and girls around the world continue to be victims of sexual violence, including rape, trafficking, and sexual harassment. The use of rape as a weapon of war in conflict zones is a particularly egregious example of this atrocity.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): In parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, FGM is still practiced on millions of girls and women. This brutal procedure, often performed without consent, causes severe physical and psychological harm.
Human Trafficking: Women and girls make up 71% of all human trafficking victims globally, with many forced into sexual exploitation or forced labor under inhumane conditions.
Cyber Abuse: With the rise of technology, women face new forms of abuse, including cyberstalking, revenge porn, and online harassment. This digital abuse can have devastating psychological effects, often leading to isolation and depression.
Events from History and Recent Times
The Rwandan Genocide (1994):
During the Rwandan Genocide, an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 women were raped. Sexual violence was systematically used as a tool of war, leaving a legacy of trauma that persists to this day.
Nirbhaya Case (2012, India):
The brutal gang rape and murder of a young woman in Delhi sparked nationwide protests and led to significant changes in India’s laws regarding sexual violence. The case highlighted the pervasive issue of gender-based violence in India.
The Yazidi Women (2014, Iraq):
The Islamic State (ISIS) abducted thousands of Yazidi women and girls, subjecting them to rape, forced marriages, and sexual slavery. The plight of these women brought international attention to the use of sexual violence as a tactic of terror.
#MeToo Movement (2017-Present):
Originating in the United States and spreading globally, the #MeToo movement has empowered women to speak out against sexual harassment and assault, exposing high-profile abusers and challenging systemic gender inequalities.
Dealing with Trauma
The trauma resulting from such violence can be profound and long-lasting. Healing from this trauma requires a multi-faceted approach:
Seek Professional Help:
Therapy with a licensed counselor or psychologist who specializes in trauma can be invaluable. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) are effective treatments for PTSD and trauma-related disorders.
Join Support Groups:
Connecting with others who have experienced similar trauma can provide comfort and solidarity. Support groups offer a space to share experiences, receive encouragement, and learn coping strategies.
Practice Self-Care:
Engaging in self-care activities such as mindfulness, meditation, exercise, and creative expression can help manage stress and improve mental well-being.
Report and Seek Justice:
Whenever possible, report the crime to authorities. It’s crucial to hold perpetrators accountable and to seek justice, not only for oneself but for others who may be at risk.
Education and Advocacy:
Educating oneself and others about the issues of violence against women is essential. Advocacy for legal reforms, better protection, and more robust support systems can lead to lasting change.
Helplines and Support Resources
Here are some helplines and resources available to women around the world:
United States
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network): 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Website: https://www.thehotline.org/
Canadian Women’s Foundation: 1-866-293-4483
Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 1-866-863-0511
Website: https://canadianwomen.org/
United Kingdom
National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999
Website: https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/
1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732
Lifeline Australia: 13 11 14
Website: https://www.1800respect.org.au/
National Commission for Women (NCW): 1091 or 011-26944880
Sakhi (One Stop Centers for Women): 181
Website: http://ncw.nic.in/
South Africa
GBV Command Centre: 0800 428 428
Lifeline South Africa: 0861 322 322
Website: http://www.lifeline.org.za/
New Zealand
Women’s Refuge: 0800 733 843
Shine: 0508 744 633
Website: https://womensrefuge.org.nz/
Hotlines by Region
Global Women’s Rights Resources: https://www.equalitynow.org/
International Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Hotlines: https://www.hotpeachpages.net/
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The history of violence against women is a dark chapter that continues to be written in many parts of the world. Yet, with awareness, education, and support, we can work toward a future where women are free from fear and violence. If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, reach out to the resources available. Remember, you are not alone, and help is just a call or message away.
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marxistswiftieism · 1 month
What do you mean the US government lied about Afghanistan? Living in Afghanistan sucks, especially for women
I will try and explain this to you simply, but the Taliban was created and backed by the CIA because the US was concerned about Afghanistan having just been invaded by the USSR, a socialist state, because the US has a vested interest in maintaining the capitalist system. The US govt helped create and fund the Taliban, then used the existence of the Taliban as an excuse to kill, torture, and drone strike Afghani citizens thereby making them (justifiably) enraged about the US, thus creating further radicalization and pushing people (specifically young men) towards militant extremist ideologies like ISIS, The Taliban, and Al Queda, giving the US more incentive to keep torturing and murdering people in Afghanistan. Why did they do this? To stop the spread of socialism and to steal natural resources like coal and gas from the SWANA (south west Asia and North Africa) region. The US GOVT ADMITS TO THIS AND THEY DO NOT HIDE IT
Here’s a quote from the council on foreign relations!
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Here’s a Washington Post article about it
And a short 3 pager on JSTOR
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hanban371213 · 2 months
last book1 hooray
good evening Hannah nation, finaly i got to the last book necessary for the exam. which also happens to be the most boring to me personaly, since it covers a FUCK ton of topics but with not much depth, quantity over quality. full context on the first post, check the first tag
Book 9 - Geoestrategic changes, political tensions and socio-cultural transformations in the modern world
Part 1 - The end of the international system of the Cold War and the persistence of the North-South dichotomy
With the Soviet system deteriorating Mikhail Gorbachov decides to restructure the economic model of the USSR, decentralizing it and promoting the private sector. These measures are known as the perestroika, and they also had a political side to it, the glasnost, meant to mix Democracy and Socialism.
However these changes came too late, as the built-up tension of decades of supression, suddenly blow up with the slight opening of the USSR. The country implodes, with the various soviet republics declaring independence. The Eastern Bloc and the Berlin Wall both fall, and the Warsaw Pact and the COMECON are dissolved. Russia's transition to a capitalist market economy ends up being disastrous, with the economy rapidly deteriorating, with most of the population getting poorer, while a very small group becomes rich very quickly.
The fall of the USSR and the Soviet Bloc mark the end of the Cold War, and alongside the USA's economic prosperity, technological advancements and military supremacy, they become the sole hegemonic power. They went around militarly intervening on all conflicts, imposing and securing their own interests, becoming known as "cops of the world"
With the creationg of the European Union, Europe becomes a grand economic power, on par with the USA and China, making it very influencial and giving it a voice in international affairs. They expanded with the fall of the eastern bloc, created a single large unified market, a single coin, second most important, and a single unified European citizenship.
In Asia various countries, starting with Japan, rapidly developed, most notably China under Deng Xiaoping who, after the failure of maoism, liberalized the Chinese coastline and integrated the country in international economic organizations, turning China into the second world power. And with the anexation of the ex-colonies of Macau and Hong Kong, European dominion over Asia finaly ends.
After the Cold War, ethnic, religious and nationalistic tensions remained persistent around the world. Near the USSR, the invasion of Chechnya, the Yugoslav wars and the current invasion of Ukraine; in Africa, due to the made up borders by the Europeans, different religious and ethnic groups were grouped together, or split apart, leading to violence, civil wars and massacres; and in the Middle East, especialy due to British and unitedstatian intervention, instability only grew, leading to extremist groups such as ISIS.
Part 2 - The turning of a new age
Due to the oil crisis in the 70s, the "Thirty Glorious Years" officialy end, as inflation and monetary instability take place. As a result, the welfare-states and intervencionist policies no longer become financialy possible and a new economic model, neoliberalism, reducing the State's intervention to the minimum possible and heavily liberalizing the economy. This led to increased economic development, however it's also responsible for an increase in economic inequality, worldwide recessions, worsens the social situation, and is also blamed for climate change.
The world nowadays faces many problems. Migrations, caused either because of wars and conflicts, or due to natural disasters caused by climate change, that mostly affect third world countries. There are many issues relating with Security, be it due to terrorism, cyberatacks, or the persistance of nuclear threat. And in the Environment, such as polution, soil degradation, and global warming.
With multinational companies all over the world selling standardized products, and the development of technologies that facilitate international communications and the spread of information, interests and life styles become homogenized across the whole world. The rise of the internet affects all aspects of life, and also facilitate the spread of misinformation and fake news, making digital literacy very important.
Part 3 - Portugal in the new international framework.
With the Portuguese integration in the EU and the funds that came with it the Portuguese economy was able to develop for a while, but with the adhesion to the Euro, the single market, and with the following restrictions on agriculture and fishing, the Portuguese economy starts to decline. Portugal has had significant prestige and respect by other nations, having had 4 presidents of the European Council be Portuguese, and many Portuguese people being chosen for high level jobs at an European and international scale. Portugal also maintains good relations and cooperation with it's ex-colonies through the CPLP(Comunidade de Países de Língua Portuguesa).
and that is all, im done studying, if anyone finds any of these posts i hopeyou have fun reading about history
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gary232 · 5 months
South Asia: Many people, such as the African continent. The big sticky wicked is India and Pakistan, with their nuclear weapons and religious divides, being Muslim and Hindu, and differences over water rights too. Bangladesh speaks for itself, Muslim, but not as radical as Pakistan. Afghanistan is important to monitor for the US because India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons and a Taliban influence in Pakistan.  The last thing we need is the Taliban, Al Queda, ISIS, and other terror groups getting nuclear weapons in their hands. India would get involved w/o US influence if Pakistani things changed for the worse. China backs Pakistan in weapons sales and economically.  The South Asian area still has great economic potential but is threatened by the heightened problems of Pakistan with elements of the Taliban in Pakistan. Also, the future Silk road being built by China that will run through it.
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tahirinfo · 8 months
INFOREEL: The plight of Kurdistan
Since 1978, around 40,000 and more Kurds living in northern Syria have been killed by Turkish airstrikes in the name of counter terrorism. Kurds are the ethnic group of peoples living in the mountainous regions of Syria, Iraq, iran and Türkiye . The Kurds are around 40 million living and breathing in this region and have long called for a self autonomous and self independent nation.
The Kurds have fought & defeated isis in the Syrian civil war, later In September 2017 , An independence referendum for the Kurdistan Region of Iraq was held . Which was a sign of small relief for kurds.
But on the other hand turkiye led by Erdogan have continuous targeting innocent Kurds in Syria & Iraq through airstrikes as well as suppress the Kurdish voice in Türkiye through extrajudicial killings, abduction and blockading the media coverage and internet.
I ask only this? Where Is muslim ummah, where are they , muslim ummah always stands & defends for the rights of muslims - correct ,but when it comes to Kurdistan why are they silent, Are Kurds not enough to be a Muslims ?
#kurdistan #duhok #hawler #zaxo #kurd #kurdish #slemani #akre #karkuk #amedi #erbil #ranya #stopkurdishgenocide #freedom #isis #iraq #iran #syria
welcome to tahirinfo_ 🗺️
This channel is made to spread the national & international information about the Islamic society current affairs from all over the world. We choose the topics which becomes taboo is muslim communitys whether in South asia or throughout the world & we elaborate those topics which are hidden from muslim ummah.
We stand with boloch freedom rights movement, Kurdistan freedom movement, Sindhi freedom rights movement, western Sahara freedom movement & also we stand strongly with those Muslim womens who we're being oppressed & suppressed for wearing hijab & gender inequality in Muslim society.
We also promote muslim womens empowerment. We wholly focus on muslim community's radicalization And also we spread spiritual guidance for muslim community to overcome this radicalization.
The aim of this channel is to show true mirror to the muslim community about themselves without filtering it.
In conclusion - we spread & promote truth, peace and spirituality to all.
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dan6085 · 1 year
The United States maintains a vast network of military bases around the world, often referred to as "forward operating bases" or "forward deployment." These bases serve a variety of purposes, including projecting military power, protecting US interests, and supporting allies and partners.
As of 2021, the US military has over 800 bases in more than 70 countries and territories worldwide. Some of the largest concentrations of US forces are in Europe, East Asia, and the Middle East.
In Europe, the US has a significant presence in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom, among other countries. These bases serve as a deterrent against potential Russian aggression, and also support ongoing operations in the Middle East and North Africa.
In East Asia, the US maintains bases in Japan, South Korea, and Guam, among other locations. These bases are primarily focused on deterring North Korean aggression and maintaining stability in the region.
In the Middle East, the US has a large presence in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Qatar. These bases support ongoing operations against terrorist groups such as ISIS, and also serve as a tool for projecting military power in the region.
Some critics argue that the US military's global network of bases represents an unnecessary and costly projection of American power. They argue that many of these bases are remnants of the Cold War and are no longer necessary in the post-9/11 era.
However, supporters of the US military's forward deployment argue that these bases are necessary for maintaining global stability and protecting US interests. They point to the ongoing threats posed by countries such as Russia, China, and North Korea, as well as the continued threat of terrorism in many parts of the world.
There are several criticisms of the US military's global network of bases. Some of these criticisms include:
1. Cost: Maintaining a global network of military bases is a costly endeavor. Critics argue that the money spent on maintaining these bases could be better spent on domestic programs such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.
2. Sovereignty: Some countries that host US military bases argue that their sovereignty is compromised by the presence of foreign troops on their soil. Critics argue that the US military's global network of bases can be seen as a form of imperialism or neocolonialism.
3. Blowback: Critics argue that the presence of US military bases in other countries can provoke local resistance and resentment, leading to anti-American sentiment and even acts of terrorism. They argue that the US military's global network of bases can actually make the US less safe in the long run.
4. Environmental impact: The US military's global network of bases can have a significant environmental impact, particularly in areas where large numbers of troops and equipment are stationed. Critics argue that the US military should do more to mitigate the environmental impact of its bases.
5. Strategic relevance: Some critics argue that many of the US military's bases are relics of the Cold War and are no longer strategically relevant in the post-9/11 era. They argue that the US military should reevaluate its global posture and focus on more pressing threats such as cyberwarfare and terrorism.
Overall, while there are valid justifications for the US military's global network of bases, there are also many criticisms and concerns that need to be addressed.
In conclusion, the United States' vast network of military bases around the world serves a variety of purposes, from projecting military power to supporting allies and partners. While there are valid criticisms of this network, many argue that it is a necessary tool for maintaining global stability and protecting US interests in an increasingly complex and uncertain world.
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gadgetsforusesblog · 2 years
1993 Mumbai Bomb Blast: ISI made it happen, Dawood Ibrahim executed it, that's how the lines of research are connected. Expert says 1993 Mumbai blasts linked to ISI and carried out by Dawood Ibrahim
The 1993 Mumbai attacks are almost 30 years old, but the accused is still beyond our reach… Read the direct conversation with experts about this terrorist attack here… Prem Mahadevan, Specialist – Investigating Organized Crime, Terrorism in South Asia and Cyber ​​Security. Image Credit source: News9 Plus New Delhi. TV9 Network’s OTT platform News9 Plus in 1993 Mumbai happened inside bombings…
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xtruss · 2 years
From Reichstag Fire to War Criminal Colin Powell's Anthrax Vial: Top 8 False Flags in History
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The alleged chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma on April 7 served as a pretext for US, French and British airstrikes against the Middle Eastern country on April 14. Sputnik France contributor Irina Dmitrieva decided to look back at a few other incidents which led to wars in the decades, centuries and millennia past.
The suspected Douma attack prompted the US and its allies to fire over 100 missiles into Syria, just hours before the arrival of a fact-finding mission by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Days earlier, Russian chemical warfare specialists visited the site of the alleged attack, finding no traces of chemical weapons use. Furthermore, the video evidence purporting to show the fallout from a chemical attack at a Douma hospital has come under intense scrutiny amid eyewitness testimony suggesting that no chemical attack had taken place.
Sputnik contributor Irina Dmitrieva outlined eight other egregious cases of false flag attacks used to serve some political or military goal.
Reichstag Fire
On the night of February 27, 1933, Reichstag Palace, the seat of the German parliament in Berlin, was ravaged by fire. Police arrived on the scene and arrested Marinus van der Lubbe, an unemployed Dutch communist. Germany's fledgling Nazi authorities used the fire for political purposes, presenting it as a criminal act by Germany's then-powerful communist opposition. The fire put an end to personal freedom in the Weimar Republic, and marked the beginning of the campaign to crush all opposition to the Nazis.
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Reichstag fire. Archive photo. CC0/Record Group 208: Records of the Office of War Information, 1926 — 1951/Firemen work on the burning Reichstag
"There are several versions about what happened that night, from an act of an individual to a Nazi conspiracy," Dmitrieva wrote. "Subsequent investigations found that the building was already burning in several areas by the time the Dutch communist arrived. French historian Jacques Delarue believes that the act of arson was committed by a Nazi stormtrooper on the initiative of Hermann Goering."
Vial of Anthrax in the Lead-up to Iraq War
On February 5, 2003, US Secretary of State Colin Powell delivered a speech at the UN, waving a prop vial of anthrax, meant to represent Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's supposed efforts to hide his weapons of mass destruction. The UN Security Council refused to support US-led intervention. However, a month and a half later, the US and the UK started a military operation anyway.
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The image seen round the world of War Criminal Secretary of State Colin Powell (Now Staying, Resting, Rotting, and Burning 🔥 in Hell Forever) and his mock vial of anthrax,which he held up during a presentation before the UN on Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction program, February 5, 2003. © AP Photo/Elise Amendola
The Iraq War cost the coalition thousands of military casualties, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians were killed. The war also led to the near collapse of the state of Iraq, and the rise of Daesh (ISIS).* No substantial evidence of biological, chemical or nuclear weapons were never found.
A year after the war began, War Criminal Boak Bollocks Powell admitted (After Killing Millions of Innocents in an Illegal War) that he had been misinformed, and that the details in his UN presentation were "WRONG." WTF?
Mukden Incident
The Mukden Incident, also known as the Manchurian Incident, took place on the night of September 18, 1931, and marked the beginning of the Second World War in Asia. The incident saw soldiers of Japan's Kwantung Army laying a bomb near the railway track at the Japan-leased South Manchuria Railway near the city of Mukden, on the border with Japanese-controlled Korea. Tokyo blamed the incident on China, thus justifying its invasion of Manchuria. The invasion succeeded, and Japan's occupation lasted until August 1945. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East established in Tokyo after the war under the Potsdam agreements concluded that several senior Japanese officers were responsible for the plot.
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Japanese troops enter Manchuria following the Mukden incident. CC0//Japanese cavalry entering Mukden (Shenyang) Gulf of Tonkin Incident
The incidents in the Gulf of Tonkin on August 2nd and 4th, 1964 triggered the American war in Vietnam. According to the version long adhered to by the United States, North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked the US Navy destroyer USS Maddox on August 2nd in international waters in the Gulf of Tonkin, prompting a skirmish.
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Photograph taken from the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Maddox (DD-731) during her engagement with three North Vietnamese motor torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin, 2 August 1964. The view shows one of the boats racing by, with what appears to be smoke from Maddox' shells in its wake. CC0/U.S. Navy - Official U.S. Navy photo USN 711524 from the U.S. Navy Naval History and Heritage Command / the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Maddox (DD-731)
Following the incident, President Lyndon Johnson ordered the destroyer USS Turner Joy to support the Maddox, and on the night of August 4, they made their way back to the Gulf of Tonkin, where they were again 'attacked' by unidentified enemies and returned fire. US aviation deployed to the area did not manage to find the 'enemy ships', but Washington was informed.
The incident prompted Congress to authorize President Johnson to start a military operation in Vietnam on August 7, 1964. By 1965, the US had sent over 200,000 troops to the country, with the number going up to over 500,000 by 1968. The Vietnam War lasted a decade, and led to the deaths of over 58,000 US servicemen, and up to 3.1 million Vietnamese, as well as 300,000 Cambodians and 62,000 Laotians.
In 2003, former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara admitted that the attack on the Maddox on August 4 and used to justify the war never took place. Two years later, documents declassified by the NSA confirmed that doubts about the Tonkin attack were raised from the very beginning of the investigation.
USS Maine Explosion
On February 15, 1898, an explosion took place on the battleship USS Maine in Havana harbor, killing 260 men, or two thirds of the ship's crew. Washington immediately blamed Spain, which controlled Cuba at the time, for the attack, with US media presenting Spain's guilt as an established fact despite a lack of evidence.
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USS Maine (archives photo) CC0/Detroit Publishing Co., Copyright Claimant, Publisher/U.S.S. Maine.
On April 19, Congress passed a resolution demanding that Spain leave Cuba. Days later, US forces opened fire on Spanish emplacements in Havana. By mid-August 1898, Madrid lost the war. Under the peace treaty, Spain was forced to transfer its colonies in Asia and Latin America, including the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and Cuba, to the United States.
A 1976 investigation by US Admiral Hyman G. Rickover conducted an investigation, concluding that the sinking of the Maine may have been caused a spontaneous combustion in the ship's coal bins, an issue which afflicted other ships at the time.
Mainila Incident
The shelling of Mainila, the incident which led to the Soviet-Finnish Winter War, took place on November 26, 1939. The same day, the Soviet government sent a note of protest to the Finnish government, accusing Finnish forces of firing seven artillery shells into Soviet forces, which led four dead and nine injured. Moscow demanded that Finland withdraw its troops 20-25 km from the border. Helsinki demanded that Moscow do the same.
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Red Army troops in Karelia during Winter War. ©Sputnik/Go to the mediabank
Moscow refused, since this would mean withdrawing into Leningrad. Red Army commanders were ordered to initiate return fire to any attacks along the border. Four days later, Soviet forces began an invasion of Finland. For decades afterward, Soviet historians argued that Finland was to blame for the incident. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, new theories arose in Russia, including that the incident was staged by the NKVD, precursor to the KGB, or that the November 26 incident did not lead to any Soviet losses in the first place. In 1994, Russian President Boris Yeltsin denounced the Winter War as a war of aggression.
Gleiwitz Incident
The Gleiwitz incident was organized by the Nazis in Gleiwitz, eastern Germany (now Poland) on August 31, 1939.
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The Gliwice radio tower. CC BY-SA 3.0/Smerus/The Gliwice Radio Tower
On the night of August 31, German soldiers dressed in Polish military uniforms seized a radio transmitter at Gleiwitz, calling on the Polish minority in Silesia to rise up and overthrow Adolf Hitler.
The false flag attack, dubbed Operation Himmler, was intended to legitimize the Nazi German invasion of Poland. Details of the false flag attack were revealed by the confession of SS functionary Alfred Naujocks at the Nuremberg Trials in 1945.
On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. On September 3 and 4, France and Britain joined the war, prompting the start of the Second World War in Europe.
Great Fire of Rome
False flags are by no means just a product of the last two centuries. On July 18, 64 BC, Rome, one of the largest cities of Antiquity, was struck by a fire which raged six days and seven nights, completely destroying three of the city's fourteen districts and damaging seven others, and leading to thousands of deaths.
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Emperor Neuro among the ruins of Rome. Painting by Carl Theodor von Piloty. CC0/Carl Theodor von Piloty (1826-1886)/Nero Views the Burning of Rome
Emperor Nero took immediate steps to restore the city, but this did not silence rumors that he was responsible for the blaze. This prompted the emperor to blame Christians. Roman historian Tacitus emphasized that the persecution of Christians began immediately after the fire.
"Any resemblance between these historical provocations and current events is accidental," Dmitrieva wrote. However, "just as the Great Fire of Rome led to atrocities against civilian populations, any provocation today can lead to violence and even war. Let's hope that no country in the world will compel humanity to pay this price in the name of its national interests," the journalist concluded.
— Ilya Tsukanov | April 20, 2018 | Sputnik international
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anoceanofbeauty · 2 years
Breath Prayer
Si Dumnezeu a suflat suflare de viata, Ruah care este si respiratie si Duh Sfant ne indica metoda prin excelenta a misticii crestine, revenirea la momentul creatiei este constientizarea respiratiei care este atentie la Spirit, la ceva imaterial si fara limite in acelasi timp. 
Se spune ca intram in viata cu o inspiratie si iesim cu o expiratie si acest ciclu este repetat toata viata. Dar Hristos a inviat deci el este mai degraba in acea pauza dintre inspir si expir, in acea stare de echilibru etern intre inspir si expir. 
Cand inspiram interiorizam nelimitarea iar cand expiram iesim din limite spre nelimitare. In momentul cand este constientizata si devine “nici activa nici pasiva”, cum spune Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Stiinta Fiintei si Arta Vietii repiratie este limitata si nelimitata in acelasi timp. 
Limbajul universal este acelasi pentru toate religiile: pacea, linistea odihna. Nu asta au incercat sa ne spuna isihastii, sihastrii? Nu asta ne spune Sf Liturghie prin invitatia leitmotiv “Cu pace Domnului sa ne rugam”?
The linguistic connection between Spirit and Breath Prayer is unambiguous in the Bible; both the Hebrew ruach and Greek pneuma mean breath, wind, and/or spirit. The simplicity of breathing can relieve us from complicating our prayer.
Experiencing the Universal Breath: a Guided Meditation
Mindfulness in psychology - a breath of fresh air? | The Psychologist (bps.org.uk)
Voluntary slowing down of breath frequency - EEG studies show an increase in alpha and a decrease in theta power  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137615/  
Conscious breathing can aid in stress reduction, improving breath-related conditions.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscious_breathing  
Petru Damaschin: “Fara atentie, fara privegherea mintii e cu neputinta sa ne mantuim.” nu e apropiat? 
“Si ia seama la cele mici facute de tine, ca si la lucruri. Si cerceteaza pururea gandurile tale si roaga-te ca sa castigi ochi.” Isac Sirul 
“Toata purtarea sa-ti fie ca o vedere, sau calauzita de o vedere, de o intelegere. Fi ca un heruvim care e intreg numai ochi.”   Isac Sirul 
“Cel ce cerceteaza sufletul sau in toata clipa isi are inima veselindu-se de descoperiri. Si cel ce-si aduna privirea mintii in launtrul sau vede in ea raza Duhului. Cel ce se scarbeste de orice imprastiere vede pe stapanul in launtrul inimii sale.”  Isac Sirul 
Metoda lui Nichifor Monahul citata de parintele Staniloaie dupa cateva recomandari generale spune:
Apoi, sprijina-ti barbia in piept si indreapta-ti ochii sensibili cu toata mintea spre tine insuti. Si tine putin si inspirarea aerului ca sa tii mintea ta si sa afli locul inimii, unde obisnuiesc sa se gaseasca toate puterile sufletesti. Mai intai vei afla un intuneric gros, de nestrabatut. Dar staruind si facand acest lucru noaptea si ziua vei afla, o minune, o fericire negraita!
Metoda rugăciunii isihaste dezvoltată de Nichifor Monahul este a doua în ordinea vechimii. Nicodim Aghioritul o numește în Filocalia greacă: Cuvânt despre trezvie și  despre paza inimii
Iata un fragment din procedeul care conform lui Nichifor Monahul de la Muntele Atos ”duce repede la nepatimire si la vederea lui Dumnmezeu”:
“Tu deci sezand si adunandu-ti mintea, introdu-o, mintea adica, pe calea narilor, pe unde merge aerul la inima si sileste-o sa mearga impreuna cu aerul inspirat, la inima. Intrand acolo va inceta lipsa bucuriei si a fericirii”, “… mintea cand se uneste cu sufletul (probabil cu intelesul de suflu, respiratie n.n) se umple de placere si de fericire nespusa”
“Fericita mintea care la vremea rugaciunii a dobandit desavarsita lipsa de forma.” “Tineti mintea pururea necolorata, neantiparita, fara chip, fara forma, fara calitate fara cantitate.”  Calist si Ignatie Xantopol
Sfantul Maxim vorbeste si el de aceasta nemiscare a mintii, dupa ce a parasit toate reprezentarile, conceptele si intelesurile. Sfantul Isac Sirul spune “Tot ce e rugaciune inceteaza si sufletul se roaga in afara de rugaciune”. “Aceasta e linistea absoluta (isihia). “Natura ramane fara miscare, fara actiune, fara memoria lucrurilor pamantesti.” Aceasta este ‘”tacerea mintii” care e superioara rugaciunii. “Este starea veacului viitor” cand sfintii, avand mintea scufundata in Duhul lui Dumnezeu, nu mai sunt in rugaciune, sau mai bine zis ei se scufunda uimiti, in slava care-i umple de bucurie.”
Cele de mai sus par a fi mai degraba stari urmarite in meditatie decat in rugacinile cu tipic? 
mindfulness - the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something
“a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.”
Petru Damaschin: “Fara atentie, fara privegherea mintii e cu neputinta sa ne mantuim.”
“Si ia seama la cele mici facute de tine, ca si la lucruri. Si cerceteaza pururea gandurile tale si roaga-te ca sa castigi ochi. (Toata purtarea sa-ti fie ca o vedere, sau calauzita de o vedere, de o intelegere. Fi ca un heruvim care e intreg numai ochi.”
“Cel ce cerceteaza sufletul sau in toata clipa isi are inima veselindu-se de descoperiri. Si cel ce-si aduna privirea mintii in launtrul sau vede in ea raza Duhului. Cel ce se scarbeste de orice imprastiere vede pe stapanul in launtrul inimii sale.”  Isac Sirul
Daca mergem pe etimologia Mind fulness - plenitudine mintii  
“Cand mintea, invaluita de toate revarsarile de lumina ale Duhului, e cuprinsa de ameteala si nu mai stie ce sa faca si se vede pe sine intinzandu-se si preschimbandu-se dupa cel nesfarsit si nehotarnicit, e vremea de a tacea.” “Exista o rugaciune mai presul de orice largime.” “Fericita mintea care la vremea rugaciunii a dobandit desavarsita lipsa de forma.” “Tineti mintea pururea necolorata, neantiparita, fara chip, fara forma, fara calitate fara cantitate.”   Calist Catafigiotul
Despre liniste se vorbeste in Sf Liturghie, Pacea pare sa fie cea mai inalta Fericire, linistea e maica rugacinii, unde e pace acolo e Hristos, “si o liniste adanca este o rugacine adanca” spune Arsenie Papacioc si totusi pe cea mai mare platforma de cursuri online Udemy gasim un sigur curs si acela pe bani despre Rugacinea Inimii, un autor american, dar gasim 2000 de cursuri de Mindfulness din care peste 100 gratuite si gasim aproape 900 cursuri de Yoga din care peste 60 gratuite.
“In liniste e o suprema cunoastere, pentru ca e o suprema iubire. Aceasta rapire in dragostea si cunoasterea dulcetii nesfirsite a lui Dumnezeu, Care, fiind izvorul iubirii, este chiar prin aceasta izvorul vietii, face sa paleasca toate atractiile lucrurilor si a placerilor ce le pot oferi ele, uneori in chip patimas. Acesta e continutul pozitiv al linistii.” https://archive.org/stream/Filocalia/filocalia-10_djvu.txt   SFINTUL ISAAC SIRVL https://ziarullumina.ro/opinii/repere-si-idei/cea-mai-inalta-rugaciune-62058.html  
https://youtu.be/OCoLMlPyv2Y  The Most Important Spiritual Practice | Eckhart Tolle Teachings nu ne arata oare ca ce spune Papacioc despre simtirea prezentei lui Dumnezeu si ce spune Isac Sirul este o cunoastere universala? O cunoastere nu ilumineaza alta cunoastere? Doi oameni la fel pot progresa in cunoastere sau ne cunoastem mai bine prin altul?
Ce forma, ce culoare, ce tipar si ce chip ar putea avea daca unim mintea cu respiratia asa cum spune Nechifor Monahul? 
Cu ce difera metoda lui Nechifor de “Yoga cita vritti nirodah” - Yoga Sutra Patanjali?
Desi e practic aceiasi metoda, sub numele de Mindfulness se practica in marile universitati si nimeni nu aminteste de Nechifor Monahul desi metoda este anterioara modei mindfulness.
mindfulness in universitati:
https://youtu.be/s-GRrpvc9s4  Breath Awareness | UCLA Rehabilitation Services 
https://youtu.be/YFSc7Ck0Ao0  Breathing Meditation | UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
https://youtu.be/PKRAWbq48OY   Introduction to Mindful Awareness | Diana Winston - UCLA Health
https://youtu.be/XInJoYvy_ew  Meditation for Working with Difficulities | UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center  
https://youtu.be/8c-1Ylieg3g   Short Mindful Breathing Exercise with Dr. Lilian Cheung
https://youtu.be/8GVwnxkWmSM   The Science of Mindfulness
https://youtu.be/0F6vIo-1t8w   Making time to meditate at MIT 
https://youtu.be/fB_yl-vnyiw   10 Minute Guided Meditation with Stephen Batchelor 
Daca citim Stiinta Fiintei si Arta Vietii - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi https://amzn.to/3IqOMky, in special capitolul Prana si Fiinta, Respiratia si Arta Fiintei si apoi citim ce scrie Biblia despre cum omul a fost creat sufland suflare de viata si apoi metoda lui Nechifor Monahul de la Athos si observatiile parintelui Dumitru Staniloaie descoperim exact ce spune Maharishi, ce spun si multi teologi crestini, ca meditatia transcendentala exista si in crestinism. Dar a fost pierdut aspectul practic.
Asa cum spune Maharishi Mahesh Yogi meditatia transcendentala a apartinut religiilor timpurii dar s-a pierdut in practica. Este acesta timpul revenirii la teologia practica? 
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polgeonow · 6 years
The second, and much more interesting, installment in our new Afghanistan series. Includes a detailed timeline of events from April 2014 to October 2015.
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tamamita · 3 years
The Taliban, or Tehreek-e-Taleeban is a group of Hanafite Sunnis subscribing to the Deobandi interpretation of the Hanifi school of thought. The Talibans were initially referred to as the Mujahideen, which translates to anyone who is commited to Jihad al-Asghar, to strive physically (in war). You may be familiar with the term as it shows up in a very popular movie where the U.S openly shows support for the group, and you can figure the rest from there.
The Talibans comprise entirely of Pashtuns, which is an ethnic group concentrated primarily in the eastern part of Afghanistan and the western part of Pakistan in the Khyber Pakthunwali region. The Taliban is both a cultural and a religious group, subscribing to the Pakthunwali code of conduct. In short, it has some major principles that concerns itself with manners and the perservation of honor and dignity (=namos) among the Pashtuns.
The Deobandi movement had its rise in India and was a popular movement alongside its rival faction, the Bravelites. Both of them held similar thoughts, however, the Bravelites were more spiritually inclined towards Sufi thoughts, while the Deobandis were more concerned with the perservation of Sunni Islamic law and the complete rejection of anything that is considered an innovation to the religion (=bid'ah). While many other deobandis reject the Talibans, the Talibans are more concerned with Sunni Hanifite Islamism and to establish a deobandi emirate in Afghanistan. The Hanafi school of thought is mostly popular in the South Asia, and make up the majority of Sunnis. This school of thought is more concerned with Qiyas -- analogic reasoning to deduce Islamic law -- and Ra'y -- common sense or personal opinions to arrive at legal decisions.
So some may ask, why do they oppose ISIS? It's quite easy. ISIS is a wahhabist group that is concerned with the ideology of traditionalism (ahl al Hadith) or traditional Salafism. Traditional Salafism rejects Qiyas, Ra'y and is opposed to the idea of Taqlid (=in short, the four sunni schools of thought). Because of the Talibans insistence on Taqlid, the Wahhabis and Deobandis oppose each other. ISIS is more concerned with a global caliphate, subscribing to this Salafist ideology, while the Talibans are concerned with an ethnocentric/chauvinistic state primarily in Afghanistan. Because of the idea to implement the code of Pakthunwali together with Hanafite Sunnism, many ethnic minorities, such as the Hazaris are often victims of harassment and persecution. The Hazaras are a minority group in Afghanistan with the majority following Twelver and Ismaili Shi'a Islam. As a result, the Talibans and Wahhabis do not take kindly to Shi'a Muslims, which has been the result of many terrorist attacks against the Shi'a Hazaras in Afghanistan. Although the Talibans have reached out to the community, often condemning ISIS for harassing them, the Talibans are by no means kind to Shi'as. The Talibans have destroyed cultural heritages belonging to many other ethnic and religious minorities.
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five-rivers · 3 years
Would you ever consider doing a "full" list of the different Kings/Queens of the infinite realms? Like, Danny lists a lot in Mortified, but I am very curious as to how Tiamat fits in. Obviously it wouldn't be all of them. Infinite and all.
I've sat on this for a while! Sorry about that. This is the list I have of ones that have been mentioned so far in order of when they ruled, with a little blurb about them. Average length of rule is about 500 years.
List of Kings of the Infinite Realms
1. Ti-Amat, also called Tiamat, and Tam-Tum, and Tamtu, and Tehon, and Tet, and Ummu-Hubur, and Pseudo-Naunet, Salt Woman, Great Lady of the Deepest Deeps, Shining One, Mother of Dragons, Brewer of One Thousand Poisons, the First and Great Dragon, She Who Avenges the Death of Abzu, Lady King-God of the Infinite Realms – One of the earliest Kings of the Ghost Zone from Earth-equivalent space. Decided that liminals were to blame for the death of her husband Abzu and hunted them down. Considered decent prior to the death of her husband, later became a tyrant.
2. Gugalana – Oldest commonly-known King. Was ritually married to Ereshkigal, the core of the Infinite Realms. Faded naturally.
3. Enki – Great-grandfather of Inanna. Secured the release of Inanna after her invasion. Ruled for about 200 years. Obsession involved family. Either faded or abdicated following the death of known family members.
4. Osiris – Co-ruled with his wife, Isis. Acted as a Judge during this time as well, but the rules for this were changed after his reign, as this was what made his dispute with Seth escalate. Lost the right to rule.
5. Isis – Ruled independently after Osiris retired. The Core was displeased with this and caused natural disasters to occur during her reign.
6. Imhotep – One of the first Kings to be tested by the Ancients in a formalized, measured way. Didn’t want to be King and only ruled for a few decades. Retired to later become Dr. Hope and run the Duat Hospital.
7. Falcon of the East – Ended by the pretender. Actually from South America, not Asia.
8. The Pretender – Not actually a true King, but sometimes included on lists anyway. Prevented the election of a true King by kidnapping Neith. Marked a particularly dark period in the history of the Infinite Realms.
9. Fuxi, aka Emperor of the Land of Ten Thousand Flowers – Husband of the Ancient Nuwa, who replaced Nergal. Changed his name multiple times.
10. Queen of Stars – One of the more mysterious Kings. Was Ended due to Observant interference with her orders based on misinterpretation of prophecy.
11. Loxias, aka Apollo – Slayer of the Python, which the Observants used to make prophecies. Forced the Observants to take noninterference oaths. Stepped down after contracting an incurable disease and arranged for his personal Realm and everyone else with the disease to be quarantined.
12. Morgana, aka Morrigan, aka the Phantom Queen, aka, the Queen of Battlefields – Neverborn. Adopted a lot of daughters, human, ghost, and liminal. Had a human husband. Did not want to be King long-term.
13. Pariah Dark – Started off okay but later became a tyrant. Wanted direct control of everything, including the mortal realm.
14. Danny
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Secret Service Counter-Assault Team - Hawkeye Mogul - Keeping Trump Safe
Secret Service Counter-Assault Team – Hawkeye Mogul – Keeping Trump Safe
ISIS posted assassination threats against Trump from an image passed around on the encrypted social media site “Telegram.” The image is accompanied by a call for jihadis to “lie in wait” and “ambush” the US President. Vladimir Putin is also in the threatening image, which show both Presidents’ faces riddled with bullet holes. Enter the elite Secret Service Counter Assault Team (CAT) known by the…
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doorbloggr · 3 years
Wednesday 13/10/21 - Dinosaurs of the World Part 4; Madagascar and India
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Majungasaurus grabs the tail of a Madagascan crocodilian, Mahajungasuchus; Sergey Krasovskiy
When you think of our current geography, it makes sense to think of Madagascar as part of Africa's greater biosphere; a lot of biota found there now have relatives on the African mainland. The same for India, even more so because the Indian continental plate has made landfall on the Asian Mainland. But in the Mesozoic Period, these two landmasses were more associated with the southern continents of Australia, Antarctica, and South America. India wasn't even a part of Asia until after the dinosaurs went extinct.
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Late Cretaceous Madagascar and India, Walter Myers
During the age of reptiles, India and Madagascar were best buddies, and biogeographically, palaeontologists unite these two as their own distinct region. In terms of dinosaur diversity, the two regions share a lot in common with South America. Titanosaur Sauropods and Abelisaur Theropods are king in these regions. So when I started to construct a list of dinosaur highlights, I found it difficult to make a list of dinosaurs that weren't all Sauropods and Abelisaurs. So compared to my Africa, and Asia episodes, this list will be a bit shorter, but rest assured, there is a lot to discover about dinosaurs from Madagascar and India.
Isisaurus colberti
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Isisaurus, Dmitry Bogdanov
Isisaurus was a large sauropod from Late Cretaceous India. It was a member of the Titanosaur clade, the largest and longest, and heaviest of all dinosaurs. Isisaurus colberti was originally called Titanosaurus colberti, united with the Indian dinosaur that this clade is named after, but closer inspection of its fossils led palaeontologists to classify Isisaurus in its own genus. Titanosaurus itself is currently a nomen dubium: a species that may not be real because remains are too fragmentary to be sure.
The most distinguishing feature of Isisaurus is its tall neck spines, giving it a very unique appearance for a Titanosaur, but it's not really known why they had them. Isisaurus coprolites (fossil poo) have had parts of pathogenic (diseasing) fungus found in them, giving paleobotanists a unique insight into the plant life of its habitat. Isisaurus is also unique in its name. It does not in fact call reference to the Egyptian God Isis, but it is fact named for the ISI (Indian Statistical Institution), making the only dinosaur I personally know to be named after an acronym.
Barapasaurus tagorei
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Barapasaurus, SpinoInWonderland (deviantart)
Barapasaurus was an Early Jurassic Sauropod from central India. It was very early for a Sauropod, evolutionarily, but quite large for its time, 5.5 m tall and 14 m long. It's skeleton reveals a lot of traits basal to the true sauropod group, but was primitive in others, particularly its feet. Barapasaurus was the first dinosaur skeleton to be mounted in an Indian Museum, in 1977. It's name is also part Indian (Bengali), Bara meaning "Large", and Pa meaning "Leg" and of course the Greek Saurus to end it out. The large leg bone in question being the first bone of the animal found.
Dravidosaurus blandfordi
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Dravidosaurus, Pavel Riha
Dravidosaurus was (potentially) a late surviving Stegosaur found in Late Cretaceous India. So far in these lists, I've tried to avoid highlighting Nomen Dubium, but I wanted a bit of variety in my Indian Dinosaurs, so this is an exception. Dravidosaurus is named for the Dravidanadu region of South India where it was found. Studies of the specimen in the 1990s hypothesised it was a plesiosaur, a type of marine reptiles related to turtles. But studies in the 2010s decided that among the remains found are a Stegosaur back plate and tail spike, but there's still too little material to be sure of anything. If it was indeed a Stegosaur, it was one of the smallest, 3 metres long and maybe half a metre tall.
Rahonavis ostromi
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Rahonavis, Julio Lacerda (@paleoart on tumblr)
Rahonavis was a small theropod dinosaur from Late Cretaceous Madagascar. It's exact classification has been subject to much debate since it was first described, as it lies right on the boundary between non-avian dinosaurs and the earliest true birds. Depending on who you ask, Rahonavis is either a basal Avialan like Archaeopteryx, or an extremely derived dromeosaur like Dakotaraptor or Microraptor. Given the shape of its arms, and the evidence of flight feathers, Rahonavis was likely capable of flight, but wasn't as good in the air as modern birds. It was the size of a typical modern bird too, about 70 cm long. It's name consists of the Malagasy Rahona, meaning "Cloud/Menacing" and the Latin Avis, meaning "Bird".
Majungasaurus crenatissimus
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Majungasaurus, Moonmelo (deviantart)
Majungasaurus was a medium sized Abelisaur theropod from Madagascar. It was from the very end of the Cretaceous period, one of the last dinosaurs. Majungasaurus was about 3 m tall and 8 m long. It had one of the most complete skull fossils of its family, with a blunt snout, sturdy, but wrinkled face structure, and its signature cone shaped horn right between its eyes. The horn was not built for combat and would've likely been a display structure. Its short but robust jaw allowed Majungasaurus and other Abelisaurs to bite down and twist more effectively than other theropods, and may have been specialised for hunting the many Sauropod species that inhabited Madagascar in its time. Majungasaurus is named for the Mahajunga province of North Madagascar.
The unique horn shape may be the most visual diagnostic feature of Majungasaurus, but many actually know the dinosaur for being the only non-avian dinosaur to have evidence of cannibalism. Signature bite marks found in Majungasaurus prey has also been found in other adult and juvenile Majungasaurus specimens. Palaeontologists are unsure if this is evidence of Majungasaurus actively hunting other members of its species, or if they simply scavenged on the dead.
Thanks for Reading
I apologise for making this article a bit shorter than the last couple has been. I've been trying to include some variety in dinosaur clades in these regional highlights, so rather than discuss mostly Abelisaurs and Titanosaurs, I picked one of each and then a few more notable species I could find. There really are a lot of interesting species from both India and Madagascar, so I recommend looking up info on the other interesting dinosaurs from the regions.
Next blogpost I'm thinking Europe, and there's quite a few interesting species I can think of already without consulting the entire list of species. My intention is to do North America last, since most of the species people know are from there and I want my readers to savour what the rest of the world has to offer first. As usual, links to previous and future articles below, and will be edited once I have written more.
<< Part 3: Africa || Part 5: Europe >>
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