But then I got distracted.
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She/her. Mostly reblogs, sometimes I might contribute something new.
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i-was-going-to · 6 hours ago
the classic Finnish mix of extreme dutifulness and “we will make actual conversation after a silent interaction trial period of 6 weeks, thank you” can be really funny sometimes. told my coworker that I’d like to save the coffee grounds the workplace generated and take them home “for my mushrooms and worms” and she was just like “okei” and dutifully saved every single grounds-filled filter for weeks and weeks. about five weeks into this whole thing, after I thank her for the coffee grounds and tell her my worms must love them because they’re breeding very enthusiastically, she finally asks “so your worms… do they have a purpose or are they just… worms”. like sure I’ll save you all these coffee grounds every single time I drink coffee, 3+ times a day, but god forbid I inquire about your specific worm habits before propriety allows it. you could be eating them for breakfast for all I know but that’s your business
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i-was-going-to · 7 hours ago
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i-was-going-to · 9 hours ago
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i-was-going-to · 9 hours ago
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i-was-going-to · 12 hours ago
Hey, should we check in on that Target boycott? See how it is going?
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Reminder that this is still going on (through April 17th) and that we, the consumers, have a lot of power
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i-was-going-to · 12 hours ago
You won’t see this every day but making sure the system cannot proceed unless women have a seat at the table is the best possibly thing you can do in a place of privilege.
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i-was-going-to · 12 hours ago
what ppl defending kids on ipads don’t seem to understand is that there are other ways to keep kids occupied. my mom had a whole bag full of little toys and games for me to play with while waiting in lines at disney world. once your kid is like 7 or 8 they can read a book. they can color. or they can literally just sit there and imagine things. i did that a lot as a kid.
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i-was-going-to · 12 hours ago
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i-was-going-to · 23 hours ago
The thing about ADHD is that the "lack of reward chemicals in your brain" doesn't just mean that you don't want to do any tasks that don't feel particularly yummy :(, it means that your brain will look at chores and tasks that need to be done like "doing this would be painful and tedious for absolutely nothing to gain from it, Do Not Do That." The same thing that your brain tells you about everything else that would feel really bad and hurt the entire time that you're dying. The part of your brain that stops you from doing the thing is the same part that keeps you from shoving your arm into a wood chipper.
With unmedicated, unmanaged ADHD, "I have to do this assignment or I fail and my life will be ruined and I die" feels like a SAW trap, every single time.
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i-was-going-to · 1 day ago
who’s gonna tell tumblr that executive dysfunction is more than Not Doing Things?
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i-was-going-to · 1 day ago
Dudes shouldn't have to prove themselves by having spartan greyscale homes with dollar store rubber shower curtains and a mattress on the floor. Do you know what life is like with linen
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i-was-going-to · 1 day ago
do you ever realize you have acted in a way that is not just stupid but almost incommunicably stupid, like you've made a choice for reasons YOU could comprehend in an instant, which is why you did it, but it would require hours and a 90000 word appendix to explain your reasoning through this decision to someone else, and even then they'd be like "but—" and you'd have to say no, i know. and they'd be like "but you'll do it differently next time, right?" and you have to say god, i hope so, but i don't know because if the aforementioned instant flash of comprehension that caused me to act this way in the first place!! and you just have to sit there and live with it. yeah me neither bc i always do things for objectively smart and morally good reasons obviously but it seems like it would be QUITE a sensation. sorry if anyone's experienced this 😔🙏
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i-was-going-to · 2 days ago
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earlier this week Twitter user ppuccin0 tweeted about a fashion article that advised against tops with large floral patterns, saying the wearer was in danger of looking like a "ロマンティックおばさん," or a "romantic auntie." the tweet went viral with many agreeing that a "romantic auntie" sounded like a very nice thing to aspire to be, and some even posted illustrations or photos tagged with the trend
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illustration by Toyota Yuu (author of Cherry Magic)
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illustration by 141shkw/Sora Midori (author of Beautiful Curse)
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photos by Takinami Yukari (author of Motokare Mania and Watashi-tachi wa Mutsuu Ren'ai ga Shitai or "We Want A Painless Romance")
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illustration by m:m (mangaka of Matataki no End Roll)
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illustration by ooinuai (mangaka of Onikui Kitan)
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illustration by ma2 (mangaka of The Reason We Fall In Love)
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i-was-going-to · 2 days ago
For your future information, here are medical innovations younger than both the basics of HRT for trans ppl & the first gender-reassignment/gender-confirmation surgery. I put together this incomplete list earlier today bc I was bored:
all organ transplants
most modern vaccines, including the polio vaccine
the gluten-free diet as a treatment for celiac disease
synthetic insulin
oral contraceptives
the concept of a "blood bank"
artificial hearts
naproxen (Aleve)
ondansetron (Zofran)
CT scans
transdermal patches
intravascular stents
In case you run into someone talking about how 'experimental' HRT is.
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i-was-going-to · 2 days ago
Heartwarming story: Little girl doesn’t have to do anything to fund her dad’s surgery because his expenses are covered by his country’s universal healthcare.
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i-was-going-to · 2 days ago
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i-was-going-to · 2 days ago
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Some recent commission examples + a new YCH commission option
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