#I normally wouldn’t use WAPO as a source bc they’re a right wing us propo tool
marxistswiftieism · 1 month
What do you mean the US government lied about Afghanistan? Living in Afghanistan sucks, especially for women
I will try and explain this to you simply, but the Taliban was created and backed by the CIA because the US was concerned about Afghanistan having just been invaded by the USSR, a socialist state, because the US has a vested interest in maintaining the capitalist system. The US govt helped create and fund the Taliban, then used the existence of the Taliban as an excuse to kill, torture, and drone strike Afghani citizens thereby making them (justifiably) enraged about the US, thus creating further radicalization and pushing people (specifically young men) towards militant extremist ideologies like ISIS, The Taliban, and Al Queda, giving the US more incentive to keep torturing and murdering people in Afghanistan. Why did they do this? To stop the spread of socialism and to steal natural resources like coal and gas from the SWANA (south west Asia and North Africa) region. The US GOVT ADMITS TO THIS AND THEY DO NOT HIDE IT
Here’s a quote from the council on foreign relations!
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Here’s a Washington Post article about it
And a short 3 pager on JSTOR
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