platoapproved · 2 months
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louis + cruelty
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lylahammar · 3 months
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I will never ever ever ever get over Diego Velazquez's portrait work
First four are paintings of little people (jesters) of the Spanish court - you can read more about them here.
Last one is a painting of Juan de Pareja, another painter (you can read more about him here, this article and most other sources say he was Diego Velazquez's slave who was later freed, but I saw another one say that that was recently debunked so idk which is correct lol). It's the earliest known portrait of an Afro-Spanish man.
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isjasz · 11 months
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Sacrifice - Burst - Fool
Day 10, 11, 12 for hermittober and day 111 dddaily4sherin! :)
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possamble · 5 months
falin shirt rip (and marcille reaction) comparison
god bless emily rudd.
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kirby-the-gorb · 6 months
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#kirby#daily kirby#my art#digital#hal laboratory#nintendo#so like aliexpress used to have a terrible reputation in terms of like quality and truth in advertising and such right#but like. amazon and etsy are swamped with bootleggers and dropshippers now too#so I figured like. can't be any worse right?#besides I know how to double check descriptions and measurements and examine images critically#I've shopped shady sites before like back when banggood was the only place to get those cute diy miniature kits#(now you can get them at regular craft store chains which is Wild to me)#but I have never opened aliexpress because everyone was always just like 'Never Go There'#(but then again these days folks are doing massive temu hauls left and right)#(so clearly norms have changed even if common perception of aliexpress has not)#I open it up and I immediately find the rug I spent an entire day hunting for unsuccessfully earlier in the month.#and a ton of incredible bootleg kirbs.#and a style of hair clip I've been hunting for for *years*.#soooo I spent the entire day in a pastel fugue lol#(I have not spent any money yet but I'm probably gonna)#(so like I can't confirm that you're not gonna get scammed or whatever just like. use common sense.)#(don't trust sale prices read descriptions/reviews when available and try to avoid work stolen from independent artists)#(that's usually gonna be on printed stuff like phone cases and posters)#(and tbh I have no qualms with stolen official art as long as the quality is as advertised)#(but there's a big difference between stealing from Multinational Corporation and stealing from Some Guy)#anyway done rambling now <3#favorites
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mixelation · 7 months
wait okay i DID fall asleep days ago when i said i would post about this and then was too busy to Blog. but here are some points on the tori/minato au
it is time travel late game plasticity!tori. so just assume she can basically do anything she wants with fuinjutsu (with sufficient time/resources) but she's not a ninja. instead she's just in ame midway through the third shinobi war one day. which SUCKS-- ame is a fucking mess and tori is essentially homeless and no one knows her. so tori's first idea is that she'll LEAVE ame, get to the coast, and then take a boat somewhere with no war. unfortunately this is means crossing through active ninja war zones
the Mood for tori in this is: imagine her muddy and damp at all times. she is floundering around the elemental nations mainly by attaching herself to other civilian groups trying to relocate and, when necessary, scamming ninja. her ability to take down ninja is all over the place, but if she tricks you into making the wrong move, you WILL end up stuck in an unbreakable barrier or dying horribly and she will take your things.
and then the mood for minato is: he's like 19-20, so he's young and more reckless with less direction than i usually write him. he is only JUST now getting an international reputation for hiraishin related shenanigans. he feels dusty and overworked all the time, but also he currently has no strong ties to konoha as a physical place (jiraiya and his genin teammates are rarely there due to war, he and kushina are buddies but not dating, and he hasn't been assigned team 7 yet). so basically he's loyal to konoha but he's not like.... eager to get back or anything. he's fine fucking around in weird corners of the world during his down time. he is basically a Nice Guy but he has no problem with murder as the quickest and easier solution.
the meetcute:
tori is good at what she does but her scams/lies/manipulations obviously don't always work, and failing to trick a ninja can end with dire consequences. she has 'died' a couple times, been imprisoned and moved by ninja and civilian groups AWAY from her goals and had to escape, etc
she is currently having a Very Bad Time. she's been captured by ninja and they're actively harassing/humiliating her. she doesn't have an opportunity to DO anything bout this so she is quite upset
minato shows up and murders the ninja. this has nothing to do with tori's presence-- it's his mission to clear enemies in the area.
minato doesn't care THAT much about helping random civilians who aren't even fire country, but he IS very good and smiling prettily and asking people if they're okay.
he asks tori if she has a safe place to go. she lies and says yes bc she doesn't want to find out what happens if the fucking YELLOW FLASH talks to her for longer than necessary.
but also she is. she is very flustered. she's not used to being saved with no strings attached. he's handsome and being kind to her. she's SO upset
they part ways. tori stomps off into the woods and she's COLD and LOST ALL HER SUPPLIES because she ran away before she could LOOT THE CORPSES.
and! the worst part is!! she keeps having idle fantasies about if she HAD said she needed help and minato? helping her?? WHY WOULD HE HELP HER. how would he 'help' her. she bets it would feel good
she INTENTIONALLY gets herself recaptured while she knows he's in the area just to be saved again. except this time she's a small group of people and he gives the same exact speech and offers help to everyone? he does not seem to recognize her even though she keeps thinking about him? tori NOT special???
tori: okay so he's psychological torturing me tori: guess i should.... kill him....? tori: only if we ever meet again though. tori: which we probably won't
so while this interaction will haunt tori for months, minato mostly forgets about it immediately. however there ARE mounting rumors that SOMEONE has a fuinjutsu master running around. it's unclear which village is responsible for it. jiraiya's investigations indicate it's probably a wandering-nin because the things this person is doing make no SENSE from a 'village at war' perspective, because he's following around tori's wildly inconsistent path of destruction. jiraiya only even cares because a few times she's been forced to leave behind active seals, and they're? insane looking???
so the sequence of events that ends up happening is:
minato is in the same area as tori, because he's helping hunt down this mysterious fuinjutsu user. he ends up chasing a bunch of ninja out of a civilian village because it is, in fact, more convenient to him if civilians like him and let him use their resources. he gives them the same speech he always does about are they okay and everyone is safe now. one of the villagers, a young woman, approaches him and is like "hey can you help with this weird ninja technique down by the river, it's killing the fish?" and minato is like "yeah sure" and he follows her down the river and voila! one of the weird seals he's looking for!
and then? somehow?? he ends up IN the river AND the river is fucking BOILING. he gets out because he can fucking teleport, but he hasn't been spamming his hiraishin as much as he will in the future and he ends up having to teleport pretty far away. he's decently injured because BOILING so he seeks medical attention and doesn't go back for a few days. but when he DOES the girl is gone and the villagers are like "oh yeah we have no idea who that was"
tori: hi sorry, you seem to have not noticed i'm the main character. die horribly, i guess
minato: i think the renegade fuinjutsu user is..... a random civilian? jiraiya: proposterous jiraiya: that makes no sense all of konoha leadership: nope, sounds wrong
so now it's minato's personal mission to refind tori, despite konoha leadership's orders to drop it, because he's 100% sure SHE is the mysterious fuinjutsu user. i don't think it would actually take him that long because he is a highly competent ninja and tori is tricksy but she's also... a walking disaster. (basically, she's good at getting herself out of immediate problems, but she's bad at long-term problems, so she does things like "flee before hiding evidence of insane fuinjutsu" and "gives her name as Cup Noodles to more than one person")
meanwhile, tori is wandering around backwater hot water country like, "i did it. i fixed my feelings on the yellow flash. u_u" and he shows up again like "hello!!!" and she's like "NO FUCK"
the problems minato immediately runs into are:
he doesn't actually have specific orders on what to DO about tori, on account of konoha thinking she has to be some sort of bad ass ninja. the game plan for the mysterious fuinjutsu master is basically just "identify and then report back" and he already did that
he COULD just drag her in and sit her down with a yamanaka, and then probably jiraiya would be like "huh, good work, kid" and he would get another accolade for excellent service he doesn't care about. but, consider: he wants to know WTF is up with her, how her seals work, and also how is she doing them if she's not a ninja
he figures out pretty quickly that they HAVE met before, twice, and she targeted him specifically to try and boil him alive. he's had ninja fixate on him before but.... the disconnect between tori's perceived threat and how close she got to boiling him alive is absurd
he's kind of into it?
so the mood then is: tori is being casually stalked by the yellow flash because he just thinks she's neat. she's wildly conflicted about this because she enjoys his attention way too much, but also, she hates how he makes her feel. she hates that her life is 90% being uncomfortable and terrified of being randomly murdered, and she HATES how minato being around makes all of that go away. she hates that she likes fucking around with fuinjutsu with him. she starts doing stuff that will self-sabotage her own quest to LEAVE THE CONTINENT just to get his attention.
the get-together:
tori gets herself into hot water that makes her go "oh, hmm, i may have fucked up for good this time"
current scenario i'm imagining (some rotating needed): iwa is ALSO onto Insane Rando Fuinjutsu User running around, and they end up grabbing tori and moving her into like. an actual field prison for ninja, in a major iwa camp in one of the smaller countries. the rumor among the other captives (mostly konoha ninja) is that they'll be moved to iwa proper eventually, and tori is.... pretty sure she's actually fucked forever if she ends up in iwa
but! she has other prisoners! who are ninja! and she's like: "look, despite knowing i can do fuinjutsu, they don't seem to have the slightest idea HOW i've been doing it, because i can still make a blood seal whenever" and she gets to be an integral part of an escape plan!
but she gets left behind/immediately recaptured because no one ACTUALLY cares about her and helping her >:(
i might change this but ONE concept i have for how this pans out is that hiruzen's non-asuma child (konohamaru's parent) is one of the captives. so it's a VERY politically important captive who isn't necessarily very badass by themselves. so the mood is like "this person needs to be rescued, but they're not like some A-tier person who can rescue themselves," which is why minato himself gets sent in
tori, while she's being smacked around by iwa leadership for being a part of the escape attempt that lost them their most valuable captive, realizes that she did actually fuck up in attempting to escape, because she HAD a shot at Konoha rescuing her if she stuck with the other captives, but now those captives are free, and no one is coming for her
MEANWHILE, minato has connected witht he escaped konoha-nin and pieced together that tori was with them but they left her behind
minato: oh minato: BRB
and i've decided in THIS au, THIS is minato's "kills 1000+ Iwa-nin in one shot" moment
so he shows up, covered in blood, kills the guy who's been torturing her, and is like "tori, are you okay?" and it's his speech he gives everyone except he's not using his pretty smile she now KNOWS is fake and he's tenderly wiping blood off her face
and tori is just. SO fucking weak to this. you became the most lethal ninja in history? for h e r?! 🥺🥺🥺
and then they make out 😌
i'm not sure how the rest of the story goes. i think minato's preferred way forward would be for tori to go into konoha's employment, but i don't think she'd like that. but also she suddenly is less interested in leaving the continent so now she maybe has to fix some things?
tori: oh you have a genin team now? um unrelated but there is a cave near kannabi bridge with an old man you must kill minato: wh minato: why do you sound like like a wizard giving me a quest minato, a month later, finding Uchiha Madara in a cave: minato: minato: TORI WHAT THE FUCK
but anyway after that when she's like "we have to find a plant guy and kill him too" then minato is 100% on board because she is. some sort of witch?
also she lets him draws a hiraishin marker on her For Safety and he's weirdly horny about it
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jorvikzelda · 2 months
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it’s them… The Sillies
(”what are the lore implications of there being bandaids in hallownest” i dunno. ghost put it there)
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maxl-quaxl · 2 years
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[ID: Night Vale fanart of Cecil, a tall brown man who has a third eye and a “#1” crown floating over his head. “Cecil SWEEP” is written above him in big purple letters.  Cecil is wearing a crop top, furry pants, and cat ears and has Esteban, his baby, strapped to his chest. and is talking on the phone with a smile, and
He chats cheerfully, “Hm? Yes, of course dear, I’ll go get groceries on my way home! Esteban needs a nap, after all! OH! And before I forget, I just ran into a live SKELETON! Pretty neat, huh? What a silly little guy!” In the background, San is in the dead Family Guy pose, captioned “#sanssleep / he deserves to rest.”  Three floating eyes look down at him and say “lol loser.” End ID]
[Plain text: Cecil fucking sweep]
ID created by princess-of-purple-prose
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oooocleo · 7 months
Is there even a site left to post art? Seriously here i really like posting my artwork and creating a safe community why this app decides to follow down the rabbit hole of A! and ruin everything?
I want to be more hopeful that it won't last and get sued those who illegally use our pieces. :/
i think anything being posted publicly (bar perhaps on very niche places no one else will find u either) is probably getting scraped, which is supported by the kind of weak 'We Will Try To Stop Unauthorized Data Trawlers' lines we get fed - even sites that have explicit anti-AI stances like Pillowfort can't promise that ur images are fully protected
i'd assume paywalled sites like patreon/subscribestar offer a smidge of protection just bc the ai people don't want income to flow anywhere else than their own pockets? as for lawsuits, ye, i hope they tread on the toes of some other shitty corporation with an interest in protecting their intellectual property since they have the $ to throw at this problem
when all the platforms we post to are owned by corporations that are only interested in shortsighted financial gain/dont need to respect their userbase, this type of behaviour is to be expected... as i mentioned previously though, i have hope that the bubble will burst like it did w/ nfts, that people will realize theyre swallowing shit and it turns out not to be as profitable as the profiteers hoped (at which point theyll turn to the next exploitative grift)
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cj-the-random-artist · 10 months
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"You want this smoke?"
"Bring it."
I agonized over how to draw this moment for literal days. I sketched this in 3 different files. More than 3 times. This drawing caused me actual pain, and I can absolutely see every flaw in it. It's by no means perfect. However. It's dang good and I'm happy with how it turned out and it was a nice challenge and it turned out nice, especially given my weird, ongoing art funk. It was so fun to make.
Enjoy :D
[Version with a teensy tiny touch of blood under the cut]
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It's not a lot of blood but there's a read more for ya anyways :P
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aq2003 · 2 months
smth i like about "and her hair shall be re- OF WHAT COLOR IT PLEASE GOD" in the 2011 much ado (besides the fact it is extremely fucking funny) is bc red isn't a common hair color. you immediately know he's being strangely specific out of nowhere and thinking of beatrice when coming up with his Perfect Unattainable Nonexistent Woman That Would Convince Him To Marry. like catherine tate is the only redhead woman in the whole cast. it's a joke that is exclusive to that production and i think it's very cute
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kheprriverse · 13 days
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Self indulgent doodle for my birthday :]
Character refs: Ares || Volga
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shaylogic · 4 months
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"If you knew the actual me, you'd hate me?"
*Charles looking lovingly and wanting to disagree but knowing he can't convince her with his words*
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so-very-small · 1 year
the tiny, inside the walls, hyping themself up: It’s totally fine. Everything I’ve seen from this human shows that they’re kind, level headed, and normal. There’s utterly nothing wrong with this human, and I can totally befriend them! I shouldn’t be scared at all!
the tiny: *peeks out hole in the bathroom wall, looking up at the giant before them*
the giant, in front of the bathroom sink, obliviously doing their nightly routine: *removes their dentures*
the tiny, has no concept of what dentures are, who just saw this behemoth remove all the bones and flesh from its own mouth in one swift pull, without a flinch of pain: what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
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gophergal · 5 months
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the explosive ladies.... look at them......
(looks better on pf)
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wis-art · 1 year
Women, so pretty, so shaped, i am so lesbian,,,
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