#IMA BE HONEST i wasnt sure if i would be able to come up with an answer that looks legitimate so i had to let this sit for a bit.
crescentfool · 2 years
Do you know why Minato is naked when he does his fusion spell in Persona 3 and when he's in the velvet room in Persona 3 Dancing?
asdfdklh hi anon! while i can't give a definitive/canonical answer, i get the vibe that it might have something to do with inner selves and spiritual kinds of stuff? the p3 protagonists are the only ones who can pull off fusion spells without assistance, and i'd imagine it has something to do with the strength of their soul? (gestures at other shit that happens at p3. you know. the fucking door.)
or for a simpler answer- you can think of it being in the same vein as a magical girl transformation. 😂
that said, i CAN say that this isn't the only instance of that kind of imagery! you also see this near the end of the PSP remake's opening for persona 2: innocent sin (which i highly recommend watching btw ITS GOOD SHIT, even if you don't know much about p2!).
hope this helps! i'm not too sure about the p3d instance as i haven't encountered it- but it was nice to give this some thought. and have a nice day! ✨
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sunfortune · 6 years
wym by steve should’ve had an infinity stone in him?
steve shouldve had an infinity stone in him Or the remnants of an infinity stones power inside of him so Avengers: Infinity War (2018) couldve been At least slightly more interesting and Made a little more Sense
LIKE looking first at steves entrance in infinity war: big…ICONIC, waiting in the dark for like 15 minutes watching vision and wanda get there asses beat so he could make that Baller entrance at the exact right time and catch proximas spear? absolutely #Legendary. 
BUT like..he should Not have been able to do that
(catch the spear, i mean. not the standing around for 15 minutes to make a dramatic entrance, he Can and should do that)
LIKE Sure hes strong and a legend but with his powers alone from the serum, he should not have been able to catch proximas spear and especially not with ease like that. like these guys helped thanos conquer (“help”) worlds and shit, etc and theyre on earth doing the weakest shit??? it doesnt add up (not to mention how wildly powerful they are in the comics.) but if they wanted to change that they couldve changed things thatd actually make the movie more interesting
like Red Skulls, Weird as hell and Unnecessary, role in infinity war… literally any new character couldve told thanos about the sacrifice rule. if they were gonna go through the trouble of bringing him back they couldve At Least had his role be relevant to cap or one that couldnt easily be fulfilled by any character 
For EXAMPLE, remember the end of the first cap movie when red skull touched the tesseract with his bare hands like a dumbass which opened up the galaxy wormhole while all that power of the stone pulsated through the ship while steve was right there ??? like THIS scene is something red skull couldve recalled and would justify bringing him back
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and it wouldve been the most WILD and VALID plot twist for him to have been like “some of the tesseracts power was left behind” or “remnants of the stones power is in the captain” like Could YOU IMAGINE 
like steve was able to hold the stones power bc of the serum or even WILDER the Actual reason steve didnt die when he crashed that ship was Because of that remaining power from the stone
anyways back to infinity war: the Entire earth plots motivation was… vision
and that was ????? like ima be honest with you i dont give a shit about him but even if i did like him being in danger and all of them being like “oh no!” and hauling ass to wakanda wasnt like…. groundbreaking or a plot twist or like….Anything because we KNEW he was gonna get merked since age of ultron?? he had an INFINITY STONE IN HIS FOREHEAD ???? 
having the Entire earth plot revolve around him, an underdeveloped, boring and “blink and you miss him” kind of character was ???? #bad Like i thought he was gonna die in the beginning but if they really HAD to drag it and keep him alive, the fear they felt at whether they could take his stone out or not shouldve been the stepping stone to the absolute PANIC they’d feel at the Plot Twist that steve might have one or some of one in him too like THAT wouldve actually been SOMETHING
and then THIS
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LIKE How The Fuck was steve able to do this? what reason would there be? OTHER than steves obviously Stronger than hes supposed to be 
like thanos is wearing the gauntlet and the stones ???? and sure you can argue he doesnt hold him for long but with how supposedly powerful thanos was described, steve Should NOT have been able to hold him off AT ALL
AND im not saying this is Exactly what shouldve happened bc i wrote this out in like over an hour off the top of my head while marvel had like a year And also a billion dollars 
im just saying infinity war was lacking and if they were gonna go around changing things they couldve changed things that would have actually helped the story
anyways thanks for coming to my TEDx talk
pour one out
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ohnohetaliasues · 7 years
Zila Umbra (Fairy Tail)
I'm not sure if I've reviewed this before, but I don't think I have. Let's begin.
I was asked to delete the art by the artist, so I have. It was very well done, though.
i haven’t written her complete background yet but i have it written in my minD
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This is off to a rocky start...
I’m curious about the issue with putting the ideas down on the profile, but I’m not here to nitpick.
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Hello, yes, this is my blog, where I nitpick things. Enjoy your stay!
sOOSOoo her name is Zila Umbra and shes a lil bae and im still kinda n the process of designing her character so yee
Don't describe your OC as a 'bae' or I will kill you violently.
Also, 'bae' means 'poop' in Danish...
ok so when she was younger she found out that she could talk to the dead,
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Okay, no. We haven't seen any ghosts in Fairy Tail other than Mavis, but she's only there because of her residual magic and the guild seal that acts as an extension. This is not Supernatural, contrary to the gif I just used.
and it completely paranoid her and her parents.
That's kind of mild....?
Just paranoid?
Her parents where completely religion based and basically thought she was the spawn of satan or something
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The only church I can think of in Fairy Tail is the Church of Zentopia, and that was a filler arc. So please explain why her parents are Fairy Tail puritans.
and sent her off to a mental hospital that completely isolated her from others besides her ghosts
And they didn't just say 'Oh, that's your magic'? No, they just jumped to "SATAN!"
and thats really not something a little girl should have to deal with sOOOO she made friends with one specific ghost who actually turned out to be her mentor in magic.
That's... convenient.
She taught her that the reason she hears all the ghosts and voices is because of the eye she was born with is basically the sorce of most her magical energy so she started covering it up and her everlasting headache went away.
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...No. Just no. That is not a thing. WHEN DID THE HEADACHE THING COME IN? Body parts are never magic in Fairy Tail, other than Erza's artificial eye. 
She was also taught that if she wore sage it would ward off bad spirits, so she put some sage in a small vile and put that on necklace and put the necklace around her neck and she wears it to this day uwu.
she still could talk to ghosts and stuff though.
Oh yes, all benefits and no cons. She can still use her magic usually even though she covered up her eye?
Her mentor ( her name is darcy) taught her all the basics of magic and such as she lived in her little cell.
This is too dark for Fairy Tail.
Darcy though specialized in shadow magic, so she passed it on to zila (along with some knowlege on spells that let you use ghosts as your allies and stuff).
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This is not okay. 
once zila had been taught all she could darcy taught her how escape and about a guild called fairy tail she could go to for help
Why wasn't she like 'Go to a soup kitchen' or a homeless shelter, but nooo, let's go to a MAGIC GUILD.
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Also, Darcy is a ghost. Of course she's an expert at escaping. She can WALK THROUGH WALLS.
Zila made it out succsesfully after 3 years of being isolated ( and thus began her fear of being alone uwu)
i don't think she'd be able to function properly in society after being isolated for three freaking years.
once she made it to the guild she was let in and made friends quickly ( which really suprised her because she haddnt interacted with real people in like forever eheh)
Like I said, she wouldn't be able to function properly. She'd be quiet and reserved.
This is so improbable I CANNOT EVEN.
out of the children in the group
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and was usually the peace maker between gray and natsu bUT ITS ONLY BECUASE SHE LOVES THem,
She literally just stole Erza's job.
once erza came she was always trying to talk to her and make sure she wasnt sad because she felt sorry for her and knew that if she was going to be alone that it would be sad
It feels like this OC is ripping of Erza's struggle. 
anddddddd yeAH THATS A WHOLE NOTHER STORY BUT THEYRE BASICALLY BEST BUDS KINDA ANd they go on jobs together a lot ( like i imagine her being with erza when they came into the story line )
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If she's S Class, I will scream.
shes such a little sweatheart too.
I am suffering.
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She hums when she fights easy battles 
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That... makes her sound insane. Nobody does that in Fairy Tail.
and will only cry if someone tells her its okay  
That is not good for your mental health.
Oh gee, I didn't see this cliché coming.
LIke if she let a friend get hurt when she couldve prevented it she would be so dispointed.
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Of freaking course.
Like every OC ever.
She DOSENT like seeing a people she cares about in pain
Nobody does, sweetheart.
so she’ll do her best to prevent it like rub natsus back while they’re on a train or in a car or somethin u kno.
Not even Lucy does that. Nobody wants him to puke on them. 
Shes pretty caring and forgiving unless you break a promise or betray the guild or somethin, but shes not overly forgiving of people who used to be bad and are now good unless shes had time to understand them and stuff idk. ALSO PLS DONT TrY TO HURT JUST HER FRIENDS IN FRONT OF HER BECAUSE SHES GOING TO tRY AND KILL U NO MERCy.
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Wow, I so haven't seen that before in my three years of reviewing OCs.
ALSO she’ll straight up be like “I love you” if she loves you bUT JUST AS A FRIEND OK if she loves u romantically shes gonna hide it a bunch or iF SHE FInds out that you like her shes gonna blush all the time around you
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Please no.
You know, for someone who was stuck in an asylum, alone, for three years, she sure acts like a normal teenage girl.
and just omg i love her.
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You don't put that on an OCs profile.
You just don't.
She’s also pretty comfortable around people she knows so like if she’s on a train or somethin she will use grays shoulder as a pillow because iTS COLD AND SHES TIRED AND NOBODY CARES BECause it’s her and it’s completely normal for her.
Juvia would mind. Juvia would mind a lot. And so would Gray, to be honest. 
OveRALL SHES NICE AND FRIENDly and shes a pretty strong fighter and stuff and shes calm and optimistic and encouraging even though when shes fighting shes scaRY
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There are no flaws anywhere.
a babe ok shes just a babe 
The more you say that, the more I want to kill her.
negative characteristic wise shes really paranoid still due to all the ghosts and shit,
Wouldn't she be used to that? Also, can't she keep away the bad ghosts?
SHE HAS THAT BIG FEAR OF BEING ALONE LIke she will stay by whoever shes with and usually they make sure they stay by her too because they kNOW SHES SCARED AS FRICK OF BEING ALONe.
The creator is trying to make a flaw. But these will not effect the OC in critical moments. 
but if shes confined in a place and has no idea if people are near her or not shes rEALLY SCARED EVEN THOUGH SHES A TOUGH MOMMA SHES SCAREd.
You are running in circles here. What is her weakness? The situation you provided would scare anyone! 
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shes forgetfull but wont ever forget things really important eheh,
Yay, another weakness that isn't a weakness. 
I do this all the time. Many people do. You aren't a special snowflake.
she can get really anxious and worried for others, and when you upset her in a fight she might get upset and start being reckless but yOU REALLY GOTTA TUG ON THOSE HEART STRINGS (unless ur like ’ ima kill ur bud’ then its really easy for her to go cray on you, but usually
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Okay, no. That is literally Natsu. This person is ripping other characters off.
Also, that was a run on sentence. It stars at "She's forgetful" and ends at "when that happens uwu." USE PUNCTUATION.
if the person being threatened is with her they’ll calm her down and she’ll be able to fight in a less reckless way), but once you do she goes a little insane and is more powerfull but gets hurt eaiser and dosent even care just as long as she fucks the other person up aND SHELL TELL EM TOO idk shes really violent/crazy/scary/blood-thirsty when that happens uwu.
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What happened to "She's such a lovable sweetheart?"
Shes super ’ no mercy’ in fights too, mainly because thats what darcy taught her,
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Was Darcy evil? Because in Fairy Tail, mercy is a virtue. Lucy would hate her if she showed no mercy. Even Natsu shows mercy, though he goes kind of ballistic if someone threatens his friends (especially Lucy). How did she get in if she shows no mercy? How did she even make friends?
and because she has no trust in the enemy to not hurt her after shes won. 
That doesn't justify that.
She has a bad sense of humor too ok shes a cutie
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Zila also has a little ghost friend named Boo ( it’s cliche but idec) who wears a bow with a spell that let’s other people see her on it.
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Is Boo more powerful than Mavis now? Because Mavis's residual energy let the members of the guild with a mark see her, but that was the only reason. Nobody else could. But apparently, Boo is so powerful everyone can see her. 
Boo would have to be god-like in terms of power.
I call nonsense on that.
Boo is only with Zila when theyre ina care-free environment but Boo can’t talk and can only use facial expressions. Boo is bae too
If you call something 'bae' one more time, I am going to lose it.
Also, what sense does that make?
(also heres what her eyes look like without her eye patch uwu)
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That is such a generic thing to do with an OC.
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Literally, just no.
Overall, this OC was terrible. She had no flaws, no weaknesses, and her ghost friend had god-like powers. I cannot even. I'll see you guys later.
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survivormuxloe · 6 years
Episode 16: “I’m a petty bitch betta know that” - Scott
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Oh boy mo lost firemaking. Oh well. I tried. Not sure there is much hope in me winning, but guess I have to try. Ima be preparing a bomb ass speach, and a decent rites of passage. Not looking hopefully but like fingers crossed.
Also I think I’d make end either way now. Scott wants me in the end probably. Ryan wants me in the end probably. So if so. I get 2nd at the least. But I’m probably winning immunity anyway so ;).
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ok its the day after.. n i finished my rop.. hopefully the jury likes it. LOL LIKE I WASNT GUNNA JUST KISS THEIR ARSES FUCK THAT im gunna be honest ab my feelings...
also like. kinda feel bad ab my confessionals last nite ab rhys.. i was a bit. excited. but. its tea. LAMFJBFHBFG
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Final immunity is a little stressful. Like it’s the last one to win, if I win this that’s 5 individual wins. Just something more to put on my speech cause I’m gonna need it.
I’m feeling confident I can manage to pull out this win so like yeah I’m gonna have to work and try to win each part of this.
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im actually gunna lose this fic which is super annoying bc it means i get 3rd LOL! aLMNFBFG
like memory lane i can win if im not dumb which i am so. winterbells i'll 100% lose like i lost to anna lol. endurance i'll 100% lose bc i'm such a forgetful slut i only lasted 40 mins in canadienne.... slide puzzles are legit my worst nightmare and then the mystery task i looked up from last ssn and it took them 11 mins so if i take more than that i lose... yay!
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wow i can't wait to get 3rd place;;;; i feel like scott has gotten into rhys' ear and now i'm not the prime choice to be brought to final 2 grrr. at least thats what it seems like idk. ugh rhys doesnt deserve to make final 2 and it will make for a boring ftc zzzzzz who knows maybe scott or i can pull out an upset. i lowkey think scott would vote me out tho which is ugly and i would 100% be bitter at him idgaf KLFADHSKF
earlier i wasn't really sure what rhys and scott were thinking in regard to who they'll bring to f2, but since then i've talked w both more and i feel like 80% confident both will take me to final 2 so that's cute 8~] i don't think i'm doing well in the final immunity so far so i'm honestly banking on that lol.... as much as I think I'd have better chances against Rhys as the end, I am rooting for Scott to win it and bring me bc that is the ending this season deserves imho. i don't think there'd be a clear cut winner going into it and the ftc would be contentious as fuck... i hope at least lol. Scott def played a really dominant strategic game but def has some iffy relationships with jurors. I played a really purposefully utr game for most of the time but i think it's respectable, although there are some point against me like sitting out of so many challenges, that tie vote with jones voting early being the reason i was saved... but i think i can make a good case despite those faults and i'm honestly excited to show a new me at the live tribal. like i've been nervous as hell every time we had to go to tribal bc calling makes me anxious af, and that was def a contributing factor to me sitting out of the spelling challenge and even the card stacking one. so I'm planning on forming my case around that anxiety, and hopefully the contrast between my ftc performance compared to every live one before that will bank me the jury's respect. kind of like Kristie from AU survivor where she stunned the jury bc all game she had appeared so timid and dumb at tribals. hoping i can channel that energy and pull out the win hehe
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so we got 5 and a half ish hours until deadline. uhm. i'm honestly really happy with my scores? like. i feel as if i have a big chance of winning this and that would be SOOOOO fucking good like both of them can smd honestly if they think im giving this chance up and getting 3rd or getting 2nd to ryan... like i love him but hes beyond dumb if he thinks im taking him to the end i cant throw a victory like that lol.
i dont wanna get 2 confident tho bc knowing my ass i'll be crushed if i lose this fic lol like at least if i dont i know ryan wins so it isnt that bad but it should be me!!! im a selfish cunt i need this jsjsjs
i say this after doing endurance for 5 and a half hrs so my brain is a little floopy rn :) forgive me :) aLFMNHFG
uhm ya. rhys can suck my ass as well with his OH IDK WHO I'D PICK!!! like bitch if u pick ryan enjoy a rerun of canadienne only this time ur losing unanimously lol
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Honestly im done with Scott. Like stop being rude okay. Like I GET IT. YOU DONT WANT TO BE 3rd!. I GET IT. Like quit it with the "I dont want to wait to be cut", cause honestly, I dont know who im taking, OR IF IVE EVEN WON YET. so like stop it. Like ive been told im gonna loose, stop attacking me, because i essentially chooses who wins.
I think my immunity went good. I did good in all the parts I think.
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ok.... time to guilt scott into bringing me to the end lmfao
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Dammit I was so close to winning, but in the end from what I’ve heard I’d be the best choice for Scott to take to the end. So fingers crossed. Scott will take me there cause I really want to make the end. Even if I loose. I’m proud of my game and I just want to get as far as I can.
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BIG FUN! CUS TONIGHTS THE NIGHT. bitchhh i get to pick who i want in f2 with me!!!
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i feel like scott is gonna vote me out and i’m a bit gagged sbdbjsjsjs i really didn’t expect him to slit my throat like dis but. ig he wants to win badly and rhys most likely secures him an easy win so i cant blame him. still sucks though :C i thot we were solid dndjjdjs and ugh i dont wanna join that angry ass jury
ok so i'm still not giving up on tryna convince scott lol. honestly like i've made it this far in the game, no way i'm gonna accept defeat so easily. i don't actually know if it's better for scott to sit next to rhys than me, it probably is but seriously my game isn't amazing and i very well could see scott beating me. i think he's really overestimating how much the jury "hates" him like idk they aren't that petty, if anyone is it might just be michael. but scott really has dominated this game and everyone is aware of it, he should beat either of us.
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So, this could be my last confession.
Scott, I don’t know where he was thinking. I thought it was general concensous that I was the one to loose. Yet here I am Scott is still unsure about who to take and it’s an hour 40 untill tribal.
So like this could speak well about my game if Scott worries he can’t beat me. It could also just be him wanting to take his best friend to the end. So yeah. I’m like 50/50 when I thought I should’ve been 99/1 about staying.
I can’t believe I’m here. I have a half chance at winning. That’s if we’re even which were probably not.
This is probably an uphill battle for me, so I have to go hard or I’m going home empty handed. I haven’t lasted this long just to come second. I do think I’ve played a winning game. I think I can make a killer final tribal preformance just to solidify my case. Hopefully this will be the third winner of celestial.
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So final tribal happened.
Funny how has mo won that tiebreaker I would’ve lost unanimously. So thanks scott for winning that, and the FIC.
I think this could go either way tbh. However if I win it’s because of Scott’s bad jury management which isn’t the way I wanted to win. I would’ve preferred people to see my game more and respect that but because my moves weren’t big or flashy I have been put down to doing nothing.
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it's 2 and a half hours until we find out the winner. am i nervous? absolutely.
do i feel as though i deserve to win? absolutely.
it just keeps ringing in my mind what ryan said in his speech that the jury seemed to root for rhys and be bitter against me. i feel as though my speeches and answers were much better than his and i was able to explain my game so much more clearer so i'm hoping that they reconsider and see that i controlled the game.
if i lose i'll be gracious and nice to rhys because at the end of the day it was my own fault that my jury management was bad but it'll definitely sting because i don't really see that he did much tbh alkfjhfg. i love him but it's tea. especially when he's said that i probably deserve it more. ):
i'm really just hoping for the best at this point! anything can happen and hopefully it'll be in my favour hehe. it's been an incredibly fun season and i wouldn't change it for anything else.
this has been mr scooty toots with his finale confessional, and hopefully mr scooty toots will join the winner and the hall of fame. hehe. will lowkey be awkward if i lose tho!! LOL but oh well alkdjfg
Scott wins in a 8-1 vote!
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