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hasarjunadoneanythingwrong · 2 months ago
Nasu really seems to think that melanin is like, a personal choice and something you can catch as opposed to genetics that the majority of the world has
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maknaesketches · 2 years ago
aaaa i never post on here but oops here i am! a quick intro abt me- hewwo! i'm jisung! a small story writer (sometimes) and fanart maker! i'm into de, kpop, anime, kamen rider and super sentai! the styles of stories i write are mostly romance ones! and today i got a romance one for ya!
yes yes normally ppl try to make character × reader ones; and i would try to as well but for this particular one i had used my oc because i wanted to write a oneshot for her and my boi tim drake! ik i'm prolly not the best at writing but i try my best!
anyway enjoy this short info abt my oc b4 we start!
Name: Elizabeth "Liz/Lizzy" Vail
Hero Name: Pyrite (not mentioned
Age: 15 (takes place prior to the start of YJ season 3)
Parents: Nick Vail/Spark (deceased) and Lexi Vail (deceased Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (adopted father) and Dinah Lance (adopted mother)
Love Interest: Tim Drake/Robin
Powers: Fire and Crystal
TW!!: death, mentions of killing, mental abuse, gore, self doubt, anxiety, and depression. let me know if i missed any!
Word Count: 5959
Plot: 10 years ago a supervillain by the name of Arid would kill two superheroes, he sets out to kill their child as well, but before he can he gets locked away in Belle Reve. 10 years later he escapes prison and teams up with the Joker in hopes of finding now 15 year old Elizabeth Vail, the last known Vail in existence. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is a “powerless” girl who thinks she can’t do anything right and has been experiencing nightmares for the past few months, only for them to be true. Can Elizabeth manage to find herself and save everyone form Arid or will Arid have his way and kill Elizabeth? Only reading it will reveal the answer!
Haze covered the ground as moonlight shone down onto the lonely streets of Gotham, under the light laid a body on the ground with blood seeping around it. Darkness swallowed the moon with eerie clouds as a male wearing a clown mask would lick blood off a knife he held and howl with laughter.
Waking up in a puddle of sweat on the other side of Gotham, a young female no older than 15 would breathe heavily as she looked around for something to cling onto, though too late because her palms were bleeding due to them being clenched for so long and hard. She would get up, going into the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror; her yellow eyes had bags under them while her hands were bruised. Sighing softly she would sit on the closed toilet and wrap them with gauze that was sitting out, assumingly from her parents who forgot to put it away. “That stupid dream again… Elizabeth Vail what’s wrong with you…”
“… You don’t think it’s a dream huh?” A female with blonde hair would ask a female that had green skin and red-brown hair. The two stood in the Watchtower alongside the green one’s lover.
“I don’t believe it is, from the sounds of it happening so frequently it could be a warning.” The green skinned female would say as she ran her fingers through her short hair. “If she will let me look through her brain I can probably get a better idea.”
“You know that’s not right, M’gann, she isn’t the type of person to let someone sort through her memories.” A male wearing a skin tight black tee shirt with the superman logo on it would say with a slight annoyance seeping through his voice. The green female— M’gann would roll her eyes as she heard the Zeta Tube announce a few members' arrivals into the tower. Nightwing— Richard would enter followed by Eclipse— Ava, Batman— Bruce, Robin— Tim, Green Arrow— Oliver, and Elizabeth would enter, talking amongst themselves.
“I never knew you could throw a punch like that, if I hadn’t dodged that would’ve hurt.” Green Arrow huffed a chuckle as he ruffled Elizabeth’s hair, “babe, you should’ve seen her in action, she was amazing, Liz took down two villains by herself today.” The arrow user said as he would walk over to Black Canary— Dinah, the first female, holding her hand as he looked at the bat family and his daughter. Superman— Clark followed by Helix— Amelie would quickly follow, the two talking amongst themselves when entering before noticing everyone else, making them open up more.
“How was your mission, Ba—“ Superman’s words would be cut short as Helix placed a hand on his chest, signaling him not to speak.
Black Canary would watch her adopted daughter, she would be holding onto Robin’s shoulder, steading herself from falling it seemed. “Lizzy, what’s wrong…?” The bird heroine would ask as she watched the child let go of her friend's shoulder, before stumbling, almost falling if it wasn’t for Robin grabbing onto her again, pulling her against him.
“Elizabeth?” He asked as he slowly moved into a sitting position on the ground, letting her sit in his lap.
“I-I’ll go get some ice!” M’gann said as she ran off, Superboy— Conner/M’gann’s boyfriend would rest a hand on Elizabeth’s forehead, sighing,
“She’s warm, but she seems fin—“
“Guys, give her some space, crowding around her like this is making it impossible for her to speak.” Eclipse would sigh as everyone would scoot backward. Elizabeth would sigh softly, thanking Eclipse before looking at the room.
“I just… I haven’t slept well, I think it’s because of the dreams I keep having.” Elizabeth said as she would stand up, with Robin holding onto her still, worried almost.
“What dreams?” Superboy asked.
Elizabeth would clench her fist as she looked down, sighing. “It’s been happening for like a month now, there are nights when it’s just this guy holding a balloon repeating the words ‘I will find you.’; and then there are nights where he is actually killing people… I see the reports on the news about a mysterious killer out on the loose and they look the same as the one in my dreams… recently when he just stands there his words are now ‘I’m closer now, you will die soon!’ a-and behind him there is a wall with the word die on it written in blood…” Her eyes would shake slightly as she felt her hand shake. “I-I don’t know who this person is or why they’re after me…” She would whimper softly. Robin would grab her shaking hand and rub it soothingly.
“Whoever this guy is, he will be turned in.” Robin would say as Batman went to the computer, he would sigh in a complaining way.
“This is the guy?” He asked as Elizabeth confirmed it, Batman and Superman’s eyes would sharpen on their faces. “Arid. He worked alongside the Joker for years before he abandoned the Joker and murdered two superheroes before getting locked up in Belle Reve… 10 years ago. It seems someone paid his sentence fee and now he’s free from jail… out to kill you.”
“Killl me? Why me?” Elizabeth asked.
“Because… your parents were the two superheroes he murdered the night he was arrested.” Green Arrow sighed as he looked at the young female. “Ember and Spark; respectively the fire warrior and the crystal warrior; Your father, Nick Vail/Ember was a firefighter in his human life, but as a hero, he was one of the best, meanwhile your mother, Lexi Vail/Spark was a meteorologist in her human life; They fought side by side, they ended up having you even before they got married, when you were just born, they wed one another… and when you were just 5… they were slaughtered on their anniversary night… me and Dinah were watching you that night while your parents were out… but they never came to get you, then the worst happened… and after that, we kept you, the league wiped all existence of Ember and Spark, not wanting to relive the trauma from that night.”
Elizabeth would look down as she would lift her hand, trying to summon any bit of power she contained, though nothing came out. Helix would watch in silence letting her face fall, worried for Elizabeth. Robin would take her hand in his as he peeled his mask off, “Let’s go out for a bit, get some fresh air, you need it.” He would say as he dragged her off to the Zeta Tube. Black Canary sighed and turned away from everyone, her eyes shaking as she looked down clenching her fists.
Walking through the streets of a carnival, music playing softly as lights flashed to the music, Elizabeth walked alongside Tim, the two of them holding hands still, smiling like the goofs they are. “Tim…” Elizabeth’s gentle voice asked as she looked at him. Tim noticed her facial features drop, saddened.
“Liz..? What’s wrong?” He asked as the two stopped walking, facing his school friend. Elizabeth felt her face sink more into sadness as tears began to well up in her yellow eyes. Tim’s blue ones widened as he pulled her into a calming embrace letting the girl cry.
“I-I don’t want to be the worthless, weak, unpowerful daughter of heroes…” Elizabeth would say through her tears as she buried her face against his neck trying to calm herself. Tim’s face would blush gently as he looked around, sighing softly.
“Liz, you’re not worthless or weak.” Tim said as he rubbed soft circles on her back, a gentle smile crossing his lips as he loosened up some, calming himself. He felt the girl calm down after a moment, though they stayed in the position, smiling softly against each other’s hold. “You’ve trained every second you can with us, you also literally took down two— not one but TWO— supervillains today even without powers.”
Elizabeth would finally bring herself away from Tim’s hold and remove the sunglasses the boy wore, placing them on his head. “Thanks, Tim.” She said finally bringing a smile to her cheeks. Tim would blush gently before placing a hand on her head, ruffling her hair gently. After playing games and chatting all night, the two finally decided to head home. Tim would keep his hands fiddling with a fidget toy to keep his mind sane while Elizabeth fiddled with the zipper on the boy’s jacket, smiling like a goofball as she wore it. A sudden eerie vibe set the two back some as they glanced at one another. “C’mon… let’s hurry back…” Elizabeth said as Tim pocketed the fidget toy, taking Elizabeth’s hand.
The sound of something falling made Tim quickly pull Elizabeth against his body as a metal sign fell next to them. “Run!” Tim yelled as he held her hand, running in front while she ran behind him. They suddenly came to a stop at a cliff making the young bat boy’s eyes widen as he looked around. “Shit…”
“Glad to see you again, my boy.” A maniacal laugh would pierce the two heroes' ears. Tim would make a mix between a weak/angered face as he saw the white faced, green haired villain appear right before his eyes. Tim turned to Elizabeth and quickly placed his grappling hook in her hands.
“Get out of here, quick, go find Batman and tell him he’s back.” Tim said quickly as he pulled his mask from his pocket and placed it on the girl's face. “No questions— just go!” Elizabeth watched as the boy turned back around getting into a fighting stance holding some batarangs. “I won’t let you take me again!” He yelled at the Joker, his face turning enraged.
The Joker would laugh and point his gun at the two, “Bang~” Tim watched as a golden bullet flew past his eyes, watching the bullet graze Elizabeth before she fell backwards off the cliff.
Waking up after who knows how long, Elizaberh would slowly open her yellow eyes, blinking slowly as she sat up, flinching. “Oh thank god you’re okay Lizzy…” Black Canary would breathe out as she would hold her daughter’s hand.
“We were so worried when we found you on the ground unconscious with a bullet wound.” Green Arrow said. They were in the batcave…? But why? Nightwing stood to the side looking at the computer with Oracle and Eclipse while Batman was standing with his kids. Superman and Helix were leaning against the wall near Elizabeth’s bed, smiling softly as she awoke.
“Tim…?” She would softly ask, looking around. Green Arrow and Black Canary would both tense and look at one another.
“He… isn’t here.” Green Arrow said as he took his mask off, placing it on his daughter’s bed. “Liz… you fell off a cliff with his grappling hook and mask clenched in your hand… Tiim wasn’t anywhere.” Elizabeth would look to the side table and feel her eyes widen. They filled up with tears as she took the mask into her fingers feeling the fabric. He was gone… Frustration took over her feelings before they froze in a matter of seconds seeing the computer screen change to a video from the Joker and Arid.
“Ah~ Batman; good to see ya.” The Joker’s mincing laugh would pierce everyone’s ears, “I got something here that you may want~” The Joker would step back and reveal a bloody Tim. “If I don’t see you, hand over the girl to Arid… Then the boy dies.” The Joker would say as he walked over to Tim, throwing him onto the ground. “Guys don’t do it I—“ Tim’s words were cut short by blood trickling from his lips, clearly in pain. “6PM, at the Gotham Park, not a minute late or the boy dies, JUST Batman, the girl and Nightwing.”
As the video ended, Green Arrow would hold Black Canary close to him, Nightwing was shaking with anger while Eclipse tried to calm him, Batman had an enraged look on his face and Elizabeth, she was in pure shock, hands shaking as she felt like screaming, throwing up and crying all at once. “I’m going.” Elizabeth said standing up, she ignored the pain as she clenched the grappling hook in her hand before walking over to all of Batman’s supplies grabbing Tim’s utility belt, placing it on.
Eclipse would grab her shoulders and make her face her, “Elizabeth, calm down. You’re not just going to rush in there.” She said, Elizabeth shook her head and showed her the time. 530.
“I have 30 minutes to be there to save Tim before he dies! Eclipse, I can’t let that happen.” Elizabeth would push Eclipse off her shoulders before putting the belt on.
“Elizabeth, you HAVE to stop.” Helix would say walking in front of her. “If you go, there’s a chance it could be trapped, Nightwing and Batman can’t always protect you.” She would state the obvious.
“You don’t think I can beat them?” Elizabeth asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“Honestly? No. I don’t think you can, two supervillains that have been around for who knows how long want you dead and you think— as powerless as you are right now— that you can beat them?” Helix would scoff and hold her hands into the air, “You're so wrong.”
“Helix—“ Superman said as he sighed, walking up, placing a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back. “You gotta stop.” He said rubbing his temple, “—looks Liz, what Helix is trying to say is that she doesn’t want you getting hurt, none of us do.”
Elizabeth would look to the metal ceiling of the batcave, tears welling up in her eyes, “I know it's risky, but I can't bear the thought of losing him too. I have to face the Joker and that stupid villain, for my parents and for us. I can't let fear stop me from trying to save him… Tim has been there for me countless times, it’s time I do the same for him.”
Superman would gently wipe away Elizabeth's tears and sighed again, “I understand your determination, Elizabeth. We'll do everything we can to help you save Tim and keep you safe. Just promise me you'll be careful.” Elizabeth would nod softly and look at Batman and Nightwing, both slightly on edge, but also ready to go.
“Let’s do this…”
Standing in the blocked off park, Batman and Nightwing both stood in front of Elizabeth, determination and anger firing in their eyes. Standing across the way was The Joker and Arid, as promised, with Tim on the ground, dried blood covering his body. “Oh Tim…” Elizabeth whispered as the bat boy rolled over, making eye contact with them.
“L-liz…?” He uttered, shocked to see her.
The Joker would look at the clock and smirk softly, “Time’s up, Batman, hand the girl over or my partner here will kill him… and I’m pretty sure you don’t want him to die, not like your last Robin.” Batman and Nightwing’s faces turned darker than normal, both of them seeming to hold every urge to not fight. Elizabeth looked down, stepping past the two elder bat boys, walking in between both groups. Arid would also step forward holding. his hand out to her,
“Come here, Vail.” Hearing the commotion from Nightwing and Tim to stop, she closed her eyes and gave her hand to Arid, who pulled her roughly to him, laughing. “Finally! The last Vail is mine!!!” He would look to the Joker, “Let the bat boy go, we have what we want.”
“Elizabeth!” Batman would yell, the Joker sighed and threw Tim down.
“I can’t believe I agreed to this…” The Joker would grumble walking to Arid’s side, “lets go.”
“Wait—“ Arid looked at Elizabeth and cocked an eyebrow, “—let me say goodbye first… please…” She whispered, her eyes pleading. Arid would look to the side and loosen his grip, letting go.
Elizabeth bolted to Tim and helped him stand, her arms wrapping around his waist, tears welling in her eyes again, “Tim… you’re… you’re okay… you’re okay…” She whispered, hiccuping as she hyperventilated slightly, her hand running along his cheek and back. Tim flinched, but smiled hugging her back.
“Liz… I’m okay… you didn’t have to do this though, I would’ve been fine… now you’re going instead of me…” Tim would rub her cheek, moving a tear. Elizabeth would think for a moment and take off his jacket, confusing Tim, even more when she placed his jacket in his hands before backing up, next to Arid, “L-liz—“ His eyes would widen, shaking as he tried to reach out for her. Elizabeth would look down, clenching her eyes as the Joker kicked Tim back, Nightwing and Batman both caught the boy,
“Shit— ELIZABETH!” Nightwing yelled, watching the three disappear.
Looking at the unnaturally fancy room Elizabeth kept her arms close to her body as she looked around, posters and famous paintings everywhere. “Making yourself at home?” Arid asked, walking around her, he was a slender dude with slicked back black hair, a black & red eye while the other was white & green, his skin was tan and he had a black handlebar mustache.
“W-why haven’t you killed me yet…” Elizabeth asked softly.
Arid would laugh and circle the wine he carried in his cup, he would lift it above her head and pour the wine over the girl's body making her yelp at the cold feeling rushing over her body, the room getting significantly colder on top of that. “Because, Miss Vail~ I’m going to enjoy killing you, I had to give you parents a quick death, but you? I can torture you to death… I think today… Let's start with some… mental pain.” He would laugh as he left the room. Elizabeth slid to the ground as she shivered, tears staining her cheeks as she noticed the room becoming foggy, memory gas. Her eyes would widen as she tried to hold her breath, scared. The gas would fog her mind, and everything else as she felt herself struggling to breath, she looked towards a window feeling her tears well in her eyes before everything went black.
“Elizabeth, what do you think you’re doing!” The high pitched scream coming from Helix who looked horrified, confused, she would look down to see Superman, struggling to breathe, he had a stab wounds to the heart, choking on something as well. Helix would shove Elizabeth aside and bend down, “Clark? Clark!” Helix cried out as she shook the dying hero. “Clark, c-come on wake up… CLARK!” Elizabeth shook her head and stepped back, shaking. She would bump into a chest turning around quickly, Batman. He looked at Elizabeth and swung at her, the female dodged quickly, heavily breathing, scared.
“How dare you kill him!” He screamed as he swung again. Elizabeth dodged before getting hammered in the back by a tomahawk, followed by a bo staff sending her flying into the black void, struggling to stand. Once she managed to get to her feet she saw Tim.
“T-tim!” She whimpered standing up, grasping his shoulders. “I-I didn’t do it! I didn’t kill him!” She would cry, shaking him. Tim would shove her off of him and back up, joining a dashing male’s side, holding his hand.
“You didn’t just do that… you destroyed everything, you destroyed our home, your parents, us, all of it, thrown away because of you.” He grumbled.
“Hey hey…” The dashing male would say, rubbing his hand, “Let’s go Tim, she’s not worth your time.” He said, walking into the void, leaving Elizabeth alone.
The scene would whirl around to her standing in front of her parents in her dad’s house, yelling coming from both of them… but it was all directed at her. The house was badly destroyed on the inside, burns and blood everywhere as spit flew from her raging father and high pitched shouting from her mother. Tears just fell as she held her head, covering her ears crying. Nothing was right. It didn’t make sense. Nothing made sense.
The scene would change again, with her back in the void, staring into the darkness for miles and miles. All she did was scream, that’s all she could do, scream. She didn’t kill Superman. She didn’t ruin things with Tim. She didn’t do anything to make her parents mad. So what happened!
“Elizabeth…?” Fear struck the girl as she turned around slowly, gentle glowing figures who she couldn’t really make out were standing in front of her now. “I know things seem tough… but you will get through it… just hold on a little longer, my little flame you’re doing so good…” A masculine voice spoke, he glowed a reddish-orange color.
“I’m so proud of you baby, you’ve become an amazing hero even with your dormant powers.” A feminine voice spoke, she glowed a pinkish-purple color. Elizabeth stretched her hand out to them with a sad smile on her face, the figures floated back though, “It’s not time.. Not yet, Lizzy.” The female mumbled sadly before they both vanished with a poof.
Awakening in a puddle of sweat, Elizabeth looked around the place, locked in the lonely room still. She had purple marks on her arms, seemingly from herself. “Did you enjoy that?” Arid asked over the speakers in the room. Elizabeth just shook her head, soft whimpers escaped still.
Stepping into the Batcave after cleaning up, Tim kept his hands on the bo staff, a familiar comforting feeling taking control of him. “It’s good to be home…” He said as he shrunk his staff placing it into a strap on his back.
“Good to see that you’re awake.” Ava would say.
“It really is, Alfred, said you didn’t have as many injuries as we anticipated.” Richard would say and smile softly, rubbing the current Robin’s head. “Bruce isn’t happy that you sacrificed yourself though.” Richard said, making a face.
“It’s better than letting him get Liz…” Tim quickly said as he looked down, “I was abused by the Joker… but I was never his target…” Tim felt tears sting his eyes, “I overheard him talking to this guy, Arid, he killed Liz’s parents and is also after her life… but instead of the quick death, he is going to torture her..” He would clench his fist and punch the wall next to him, it made Ava and Richard jump in shock at his reaction.
“He’s gonna torture her…?” Dinah would ask in shock as she overheard the conversation, her eyes shook as she sunk onto the ground, crying, overwhelmed by emotions.
Oliver would rest a hand on his fiance’s shoulder and let his mind run quickly with every idea springing through his brain. “Did he take her to the place you were held at?”
Bruce would enter the room and shake his head, “Arid is a lot smarter than that, there is no way he would take her there.” Bruce would go to the computer and start searching things up.
“Dad, let me.” Ava said as she would join his side, she bent down next to him and started searching, quicker than him. Richard would watch, smiling softly at his girlfriend's behavior to her father.
As the bat dad and daughter worked Tim sighed and turned to everyone, “Arid mentioned that he used to be a hero.. Dr. Medical I believe he said that he used to love Spark, who is her mom.. He worked on a team with Spark and Ember, until Ember fell in love with Spark and they ended up getting married, it left Arid fuming… he ended up killing Spark when he was trying to kill Ember instead… then… he became mad knowing Elizabeth was still alive, since her hair color and skin tone match her father while her eyes match her mother… all he sees is her father and that's why he wants to kill her.” Tim would sigh softly, running a hand through his hair. He would look at the belt that sat in his hand and sighed, “We’re going to get her back, I can promise that.”
A few days would pass by and Elizabeth could hardly stay awake, her pink tee shirt torn, her shoes burned as well as her pants. She would look down at the dried blood along her legs making her unable to stand as she eyed the bruises and burns. Everything hurt as she laid there with a hand over her yellow eyes, tears unable to fall due to over crying. She would close her eyes feeling the room get even colder, her body shivering. Parts of her body turned purple with the coldness. “I’m really going to die here… huh…” She whispered as she felt the overwhelming sensation of death awaiting her. “I failed everyone… Helix was right… there is no way I could’ve won… I’m not strong enough to take care of myself, I haven’t trained for as long as anyone else… Dad tried to train me, Zatanna and Eclipse did as well… Helix tried too but none of it worked.” Elizabeth would lift her hand off her eyes and stare at the unfriendly looking hand. “I guess I’ll get to meet my parents… sooner than I thought…” Closing her eyes, she finally accepted her defeat. She would feel herself go…
Waking up in the oh-so-familiar black void, Elizabeth looked down at her clothes, a simple whitish-green dress with her long light brown hair tied with a pink bow. Her yellow eyes would blink at the surrounding empty void. Elizabeth's heart skips a beat once she turned around and saw two familiar faces in front of her. Confusion and disbelief wash over her as she realizes that these strangers from earlier “I-i know you guys!” She gasped out.
The one glowing orange-red would chuckle and shake his head, “Are you sure you remember us? I don’t think you do.”
“You didn’t even recognize her at first!” The one glowing pink would scold the orange-red one and sighed, hissing in annoyance. Elizabeth would hesitate, unsure of how to react, but a glimmer of recognition flickers in her eyes. Slowly, the pieces start to come together, and a mix of emotions floods her. It's a bittersweet moment, filled with shock, curiosity, and a longing to know more about these people who share her blood.
“Mom… Dad… no way… W-wait this means… I’m dead OMG!” Elizabeth would gasp out as she held her face, hyperventilating. The purple-pink one would quickly grab Elizabeth’s hands and pull them off her face, blowing on her face trying to calm her down.
“Hey hey— no no no, you need to calm down… Elizabeth— look at me!” The purple-pink one— Lexi Vail/Spark would say. The orange-red one— Nick Vail/Ember would sigh and rub Elizabeth’s head.
“Lizzy, you’re not dead… not yet anyway, look… we’re here to help you.” Nick said as he backed up and crossed his arms, smirking. “This is going to hurt… maybe.” He said and tilted his head, chuckling gently before filling it with flaming fire. Lexi rolled her eyes at her husband before holding her hand out with freezing crystals. “Take our hands… come on little one.” He said gently. Elizabeth looked down at their hands and shakingly grabbed both of them, her eyes widened as she suddenly screamed feeling power raging through her body, purple-pink and orange-red energy flung through her body, glowing. Everything hurt as the girl fell to her knees feeling her body absorb the energy.
After a few moments, Elizabeth would open her eyes, both of them glowing the theme colors of her parents. “Wha… What is this overwhelming… power…” She whispered as she stood up; the left side of her body flooding with the cold beauty of the crystal powers while the right side of her body surging with the hot gracefulness of the fire powers. “I…I feel so alive!” She yelled out as she shot powers into the void, jumping in surprise. “Oh my gosh! I just did that!” She gasped before looking at her parents who smirked in admiration at their daughter.
“Now… Liz hun, you’re going back to the living side…” Lexi said as she rubbed her daughter’s cheek before holding her husband’s hand; the parents opening a white void behind them. “Go home Liz, please… you’re not meant to be dead.”
Elizabeth looked at her parents confused. “Won’t.. won’t you two be gone then…?” She whispered as her dad pushed her toward the white void.
“We will… but we are apart of you now, we awoke your powers… at the cost of our lives… well what is left of us anyway.” Nick laughed before he bent down and kissed his daughter’s forehead. Lexi would do the same thing. “Go on.” He mumbled as he gently pushed her forward. Elizabeth smiled at her parents before mumbling a thank you before going into the white void.
Awakening in the pitch black, freezing room. Elizabeth would sit up, in the torn clothes making her sigh. She questioned if the dream she had was even real, but she felt better, more alive… She would look down and watched her right hand flare up, making her yelp softly, “It’s real!” She gasped. She looked around and stood up slowly as she rolled her arms, warming up her body. She would smirk and hold her hand to the wall and watched it catch fire. A snicker would escape her lips before watching the room start burning. She would laugh and throw her head back, her eyes glowing the colors of her powers.
“Woah— a massive fire just broke out at the old abandoned manor…” Helix said in shock as she scrolled through the news on her phone. Superman made a face and leaned over the former villain's shoulder.
“The fire is pink— how can a fire be pink?” Superman asked, making a confused face.
Richard would take the phone and look at the article, “No signs of any gas lines or oil around there… the only way to start something—“
“Police and Firefighters say nobody can get inside… that fire is over 500 degrees…” Ava added.
Tim would look down, sighing in annoyance. “Guys we HAVE to find Elizabeth, this fire isn’t any of our business.” He said, making a face.
“Tim, we’re trying… let's try to deal with this fire, it may lead us to something.” Bruce said, “Superman, Helix, Green Arrow, Nightwing and Robin, go. Oracle, Canary, Eclipse and I will keep searching.”
“But Bru—“ Tim would receive a glare from Bruce making him go quiet. “Fine… let’s just get this over with…” He grumbled.
The team would arrive on to the scene, Superman and Helix taking to the sky, “Robin… something isn’t right… yes this fire is hot but… there’s someone standing inside of it.” Superman would utter to the bat boy who looked confused.
Squinting his eyes in the pink flames he made out a figure in the flames. A white and pink hair ribbon fell infront of his face fragily making his eyes widen as he quickly rushed forward. “ROBIN!” Nightwing would yell as he tried to grab the panicking 16 year old.
“No… no no no…” Robin would yell as he ran. Helix and Superman would fly to try to grab the boy, but before they could the fire made a path open up. Helix would quickly pull Superman back, holding onto him. Robin would rush into the pathway making him confused when he came to a stop infront of a female. Her hair was down all the way as her clothes were ripped and tattered. Tears stung the young boy’s eyes. “Lizzy…” He gasped out as the fire closed behind him, leaving the two unharmed.
Elizabeth turned her head back to see the cleaner up bat boy prior from the other day. “Tim…” She whispered in awe as the girl would stop the fire on her hands before looking him up and down. Overwhelmed with emotion, she would step back, scared. Robin would take a step forward and grab her hand.
“It’s me.. in the flesh.” He whispered as he placed her hand over his heart. “I’m alive… and this beating heart proves it.” Robin would pull her into a hug as Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears, Robin would tighten the hug as the two slid onto the ground, the fire around them disappearing.
“Robin!” Nightwing called out again as he made his way over to the two followed by everyone else that was there. A smile fell onto the blue bird's face, “Lizzy… you’re okay…” He spoke as Helix quickly flew down, followed by Superman who held Helix in his arms as the girl would feel her body shake.
“S-something… isn’t right…” Helix mumbled as she laid in Superman’s arms. The muscular hero would notice a stone on the ground making him hold Helix closer.
“Because this place is surrounded with Yalex energy… it’s hurtful to you.” Superman said as he looked at everyone. “C’mon; we saved Elizabeth, now we need to go, before things get worse.” He said as he flew back, trying to save the weakened girl in his arms. Everyone else would retreat back, Robin holding onto Elizabeth. A swoosh sound would be heard resulting in Elizabeth quickly turning around, throwing up a massive crystal, blocking the attack.
“Have fun getting through Obsidian.” Elizabeth smirked softly before screaming was heard on the other side, the crystal breaking.
“You— You stupid girl get back here!!!” Arid yelled as he ran at Elizabeth. Robin and her made eye contact, ready to fight. An arrow pierced Arid in the stomach before it was followed by 3 more arrows.
“Hurt my daughter again… and I won’t miss your heart next time.” Green Arrow growled as he lowered his bow. Elizabeth turned to her adopted father and bolted into his arms, “I missed you so much baby…” Green Arrow whispered as he picked up his daughter into a tight hug.
Once he released her, Elizabeth rushed to Nightwing and hugged him. “I’m glad you’re back kiddo… Tim hasn’t slept well these few days.” He said and patted her head.
“Who says Tim sleeps even when I am here?” Elizabeth commented; the two sharing a small laugh before the younger turned to Helix and Superman, walking over to them. “Helix… Superman… I’m… I’m sorry… for acting the way I did and not upholding my promise. I thought I could beat Arid, and save Tim without any issues… but look at the mess I caused.”
Helix would lean down and gently pull Elizabeth into a hug. “I’m not mad… I was just worried… me and Clark may not be your parents, or adopted parents, but we both see you like a daughter we don’t have…” Helix would rub her cheek and smile softly. “I’m glad you’re okay.” Superman would nod in agreement as he watched Helix stand back up and join his open arms.
Elizabeth would feel arms wrap around her back making her flinch but lean into his hold. She smiled, not even needing to turn around, knowing who the back hug was from. She would rub his cheek and smile softly, feeling her tears fall freely again. The painful memories of the feeling of death… now to this moment of standing here around the people she loved, it was all so much. She would turn around in the bat boy’s arms and hold his cheeks. “Tim…” Just with the whisper of his name, nothing else and nothing more, the masked boy melted as he leaned in and did what he should’ve done along ago, kiss her.
(drawings are mine btw!!)
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blightsending · 3 years ago
hello! I'm working on my original character app and I wanted to put a bit of their thoughts on the leader of their clan (I am applying for Copse). I was wondering if we can know a bit abt the leaders of each clan, or if that's private info for now?
Ratstar is the leader of CopseClan, she is the oldest and most experienced of the current clan leaders - and her confidence in her leadership reflects this, she is a difficult cat to shake. From a young age she was a practical and goal-oriented cat, always moving forward - she was not particularly ambitious, per se, but even as a humble scout her singular purpose had been to serve her clan the best that she could. It wasn't until well into adulthood that she began to mellow out, with the help of her mate she learned to stop and smell the roses - she learned the virtue of enjoying the moment, rather than keeping her eyes on the future. Ratstar is a compassionate and wise leader, she wants to keep her clan safe but can be a bit of a mother hen - that is to say, at times can be a little overbearing - and may be interpreted as unnecessarily strict at times, but it is always with her clans well-being in mind.
- Mod Rufus
Hollystar is the leader of GladeClan, and in her youth she might have been described as wise beyond her moons. Now that she is climbing in age, though, Hollystar is simply known for her levelheaded approach to life, perhaps being seen as even a bit too cautious in how she tackles any troubles facing her clan. Although not hostile, she is certainly not a heavily social cat when it comes to cats outside of GladeClan, approaching them with an awkward, tense demeanor on most occasions. Hollystar spends quite a bit of time ruminating over decisions, and because of this, she has a tendency to remain stuck on a solution once she settles on it, stubborn to the very end. Getting her to change her mind once its made up is something that seems more impossible than convincing a fish to live on land. Despite her best effort to maintain a constantly cool demeanor, she is flustered quite easily by small shows of affection, and granting her a thoughtful gift is a certain way to earn her favor.
- Mod Maya
Shatterstar is the leader of BarrenClan, and prior to becoming leader, they kept a low profile outside of their clan. Raised by the community of their clan after the death of their parents, they have always loved their clan with all of their heart, although they are not the best at showing it. Aloof and quiet, they are a cat of few words and allow their actions to speak for them. They have always been regarded as a bit of a shy cat both in and out of their own clan, and only after becoming leader did they begin to come out of their shell. This is not to say that they are hesitant or anxious in action or word — they are not one to sugarcoat things that need to be said, or waste time mulling over things that need to be done. Shatterstar is a tough and protective leader, but merciful all the same. While they typically give the other clans the cold shoulder if they try to engage in anything more than small talk, they have a soft spot for the underdogs of every clan.
- Mod Shep
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kae-karo · 5 years ago
okay i know we’re all heartbroken over 266 but i want to talk abt this for a sec
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that’s hawks’ name (鷹 見 - takami) which of course begs the question of how dabi knows, and there are probably plenty of logical theories BUT i just want to entertain a couple fun hcs that are unlikely but just....interesting
dabi worked for the commission hc
dabi was originally an undercover agent for the commission (potentially became an agent after whatever happened with endeavor, but that’s a whole other story) and due to his position/quirk/etc and the fact that he’s never been a well-known hero/is presumed dead, he was sent to infiltrate the league as an ‘actual‘ villain without rousing much suspicion (anyone remember how he had no prior record up to that point?) but he went rogue, stopped responding to commission’s communications, stopped providing intel. but he’d definitely been at the commission long enough prior to this mission to know about the commission’s prodigal weapon (and to do enough digging on his own to know hawks’ name). hawks was sent to infiltrate the league after they lost contact with dabi in the hopes that a fresh approach (with their most well-trained and loyal weapon) would garner them the information they needed
except. except. except. of course dabi recognized the hero commission’s weapon, and he absolutely knew from the start that hawks was sent as a spy. but! he also knew that he had turned away from the commission, and why not give hawks the chance to prove that he might be of the same mind? that he might have figured out that the commission/hero society isn’t all they’re cracked up to be? that there’s someone like him, who saw it all from the inside and got so disillusioned that he turned to the other side because they understood him better
dabi was involved in the takami battle with endeavor hc
this is something i think a lot of people started speculating about during the endeavor agency arc/ending fight, where ending mentioned that endeavor caught a thief named takami (yes, the kanji are the same - x) and that, some time later, caught ending as well (which was specified as 7 years ago). so it’s not unreasonable to consider that the capturing of takami happened around our generally estimated time of touya’s ‘death’. now, this is where things are too vague for anything really evidence-based, but it would make sense to think that touya was training with endeavor at this time. it’s potentially possible, then, that endeavor might take touya out on a patrol at some point (if he’d been around the same age as todo/baku/deku are now)
again, this is very much like...fabricating my own story within the confines of what we know from canon, but what if this battle with the thief takami is what ‘killed’ touya? if he was on patrol with endeavor, they had to fight takami (i think it’s reasonable to assume that there was some kind of battle, otherwise what exactly would ending have been idolizing him for?) and something Bad happened that caused touya to be severely injured
now here’s where my theory gets very very speculative - it sounds like takami was definitely caught, but i would wonder if he didn’t try to defend himself by mentioning that he had to steal for the sake of his son, and doesn’t endeavor have children? doesn’t he know what it means to do anything to keep them safe and cared for? given the fact that ending knew about takami’s name, it would stand to reason that dabi would also know it (assuming he said it or something like that), and he’d know takami had a son if takami mentioned it
i think the biggest place this falls apart for me is in the time-scale of things, like hawks was taken from his fam at a young age - but supposing this took place, what, ten years prior to the present in canon? keigo would be 13ish. could it be that takami was trying to get his son back? ie that if he could make a good life for them, he stood a chance of taking on the commission to get his kid back?
and so, when whatever happened to dabi Happened, he had in his head this kid who was taken by the commission bc he had some amazing quirk, and his name is takami, and between that and the disillusionment of hero society based on what he’s seen from his father, the thing he’s focused on during his recovery is that hero society is fucked from all angles - he’s seen the abuse firsthand, seen the people affected by what the commission has deemed acceptable (and what it makes those people do - like turning to thievery), seen the way that heroes think they can do anything they want, even basically kidnapping children, and his New Life is dedicated to trying to tear that apart. so stain comes around, it sounds like he’s allied with the league, so dabi finds his way to them
and oh, when he sees this hero, the one who was stolen from his family, coming to the league as well? claiming to feel the same disillusionment that dabi felt all those years ago and every damn day since? sure, he’s willing to give the guy a chance. he’s wary, but...maybe he’s a little more lenient with hawks because he understands what might be motivating him
yes i’m aware this is just a Lot of speculation but it’s not really with the intent to Prove anything it’s just fun to consider the possibilities that horikoshi will probably never explore
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clickbait-david · 6 years ago
The Boy Is Mine - David Dobrik Imagine
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summary: in which david throws a party and a lot of stuff happens.
word count: 2,100
warnings?:  none today
a/n: i wrote this a couple weeks ago and i really don’t know how i feel abt it but i hope ya’ll enjoy
Request || Masterlist ||
The party David had thrown was now in full force, and people were dancing, drinking and doing anything to get into David's vlog.
You had been standing across the room from him, leaned up against the wall as you talked to Natalie and Corinna sending him a small smile when he looked over to only receive a wink back from your boyfriend.
It hadn't been until now that you had realised that the two of you hadn't spoken since people had begun filling up his house but it was pretty nice, having spoken to separate groups but you couldn't help but notice how good he looked as Joe had been talking to him.
He had been absently swiping his tongue across his chapped lips as he focused on what Joe had been saying and all you wanted to do was go over and press your needy lips to his. However, you held yourself and continued speaking to the girls nodding your head along to the song that was loudly playing in the house.
"Girls I want to get drunk," You said out of nowhere as they just laughed and you told them you'd speak to them later as you went off to find Heath and Zane, knowing full well if you wanted to go crazy they'd be the people to see.
"Zane, pour me one," You shouted as you found Zane in the kitchen pouring drinks, as he gave you a cheeky smile before nodding and passing a cup over to you as the two of you downed the drink, and he poured another.
- - -
It had now been an hour later, and you wouldn't say you were drunk but more so the tipsy kind where you stumble over yourself, and you were now craving to see your boyfriend whom you hadn't spoken to all night.
Assuming he would still be in the same spot he had been over an hour ago you had been surprised when he wasn't stood there anymore and neither was Natalie or Corinna so you couldn't ask them where he had gone to.
Although you spotted one of your friends Matt and hoped he would know where he would be. "Matt" You gushed as you walked over and gave him a big smile glad to have been able to find one of your friends.
"Hey Y/N what's up, it seems someone has had a bit to drink" He laughed as you just gasped and denied it, although you both knew you were very much lying.
"Matt have you seen David, wanna see his pretty face" You sighed a pout on your lips as you looked around and he was still nowhere to be seen.
"Oh Y/N I haven't, I did see him near the living room about an hour ago, but since then I have no clue," He said giving you a small smile.
"Oh Okay, I'm sure he's somewhere around here. Thanks though Matt" You said giving him a quick hug as appreciation before deciding that your best bet would be to walk around the house and hopefully find him.
You went to all the rooms of the house, to only not find him until you opened the door to his backyard now seeing Him and Suzy speaking, a spark of jealousy hitting you when you thought back to what you had seen on your twitter feed about someone saying they thought Suzy had a crush on Dave.
Although you knew Suzy was a sweet girl and you had nothing against her knowing she could crush on whomever she wanted but now being drunk and the two of them being out here alone, other then a few people minding their own business you had began to feel jealous. A feeling you didn't often think around David.
You had been standing there for about a minute completely lost in your thoughts before you dazed out and realised neither of them had noticed them yet, and you hadn't been looking for David this whole time not to bother even seeing him.
"David" You called out a huge smile on your face that you had now been able to speak to your boyfriend. "I haven't been able to find you" You spoke a pout on your lips as you reached where he was and wrapped your arms around his neck pressing a quick kiss to his lips before you took your arms off his neck and turned to look at Suzy with a smile.
"Hey Y/N" Suzy said a small smile on her face as you could see her fidgeting with her fingers now that you had arrived.
"Hey Suzy," You said your jealousy dying down a bit as you had gone to your common senses, but you had still felt that small tinge in your heart. "What were you and Dave speaking about," You asked although you knew you didn't have a right to know.
"Oh, nothing important to be honest," She said, looking at you awkwardly as if she didn't know what to do. "Just two friends having small talk" She smiled crossing her arms from the fresh air which you had begun getting cold by as well.
You just nodded as David let out a small chuckle looking down at your face, as he had known why you had been so invasive into his conversation. However, he hadn't understood why you had been worried about Suzy, from his prior knowledge the two of you were good friends.
"I better go back inside otherwise I'll freeze to death" Suzy spoke with a small laugh as you just laughed along with her, glad to finally have some alone time with David as she walked back inside.
"I've been looking for you" You once again had a pout on your lips as you now faced him and had your arms around his neck there is barely any space between you as you just admired his pretty face.
"Well I'm here now aren't I" He laughed swiping his tongue against his lower lip after the words left his mouth.
"Don't do that" You whined as you couldn't help yourself and pressed your lips against his as you felt him chuckle on your lips before kissing back.
"Do what?" He said after pulling away and crossing his arms with a cheeky smile on his lips. "Also someone seemed a tiny bit jealous" He spoke a smirk on his lips as you bit your lip not realising how obvious you had been.
"Hey, I was not jealous" You spoke playfully smacking his chest. "And so what if I was, I hadn't spoken to you all night, and when I finally found you, you were off speaking to another girl" You muttered as he just smiled at you.
"You have nothing to worry about Baby, Suzy is genuinely the most harmless person, and I know you're a bit tipsy right now, and Sober y/n would also know you're overreacting" He laughed a gasp leaving your lips as he told said you had been overreacting.
"Whatever, I never overreact" You spoke feeling a cold air pass by you, and you wondered why you were still outside now. "Can we please go inside, It's freezing out here, and I want another drink" You spoke and didn't let him respond as you grabbed his hand and pulled him inside and towards his kitchen pouring yourself a drink and downing it in one go.
"Be careful there, don't want you to be too wasted" David spoke playfully as you just stuck your tongue out and decided that one shot of vodka wouldn't hurt anyone as you also poured that out.
"Want one?" You asked already knowing the answer as he just shook his head laughing as he watched your face turn to one of disgust as you downed the shot. "Ew, I don't know why I always take vodka shot they're fucking disgusting" You laughed as you held onto David's arm as you had now both been walking away from the kitchen.
"David Zane's being crazy, some good clickbait" Heath spoke drunk as he pointed towards where Zane was pulling a crazy stunt as David got out his camera and began walking towards where Zane was as a large group of people started surrounding them as David was now lost to you in the crowd.
You couldn't help but feel sad that David had been gone from you again, and sure you knew it was his job to film the guys for content, but you hadn't seen him all night and wanted him to yourself.
So as you downed some more drinks, it wasn't long till you were properly drunk and now you didn't care who you would be interrupting you wanted to see David.
And yet it seemed like the millionth time tonight that you hadn't been able to find your boyfriend whom frequently had a large crowd around him.
"Natalie" You whined extending her name as you frowned and stomped your foot like a toddler who didn't get the toy they wanted. "The fuck is David, you saw him?" You sighed doing another once over of the place to see no sight of him. "I swear to god he always does this and disappears when I want to be by his side" You whined once again.
She let out a small laugh, having always enjoyed the drunk side of you come out because you became the most clingy and needy person ever. Not that it was terrible or anything, just adorable. "Sorry Bubs, I have not" She spoke as you just nodded and decided to vacate yourself next to her until you found him.
So as the minute turned to an hour you began to feel your eyes close, head resting against Natalie's shoulder as you heard her speaking to someone about how people were starting to leave but you had been too tired to open your eyes.
- - -
Minutes had gone past which felt like hours, but alas it had not been that long.
"Hey Baby" You heard the voice you had been wanting to hear as you snapped your eyes opened and now saw for yourself that the majority of people had begun leaving David's place. "Heard you've been looking for me" He laughed an appreciative smile sent to Natalie as he placed your arm around his waist and guided you to his bedroom saying he would be out soon to his close friends which still stood chatting in his living room.
"I love youuuuu" You gushed as you now sat on David's bed the door now closed as he was grabbing some spare clothes you had left at his place.
"I love you too" He laughed as he was now stood in front of you the clothes he had grabbed for you in one hand as the other hand was being pushed through his hair. "How we going to do this" He laughed as he put the clothes beside you.
"I'm too drunk to dress, help me please" You begged to lay back down on the bed as exhaustion had hit you before he grabbed you and helped you to sit up again.
"Okay stand up and turn around" He ordered and you did as he said, he then unzipped your dress as it fell to the floor him grabbing the shirt and bottoms helping you into them before then letting you get into his bed as he walked to the side of the bed you had been snuggled into.
"come to bed," You asked or more so begged as he had to shake his head as you grabbed onto his shirt and made him fall onto you. "Please" You spoke looking into his eyes as he just smiled at you.
"I promise I won't be long, the sooner I get back out there, and everyone leaves the quicker I can come back to you" He spoke as you just nodded and he got back up. "Goodnight Bubs, I love you" He whispered as he pressed a kiss to your cheek before walking towards the door and turning off the light as you fell into a deep slumber
It wasn't long until everyone left, people now tired and David could finally go and see his girl who was now very much passed out.
He managed to get changed and got into bed beside her with the light still off as he wrapped his arms around her and fell into a deep sleep himself.
Him being completed and utterly endeared by the girl sleeping next to him.
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imaginingit · 6 years ago
high school au!haechan
GUESS WHO’S BACK !! in case you’ve never met anyone that embodies SUCH a typical high schooler like hyuck before, here u go ! may or may not have done the quarterback and band geek trope . i regret nothing 
oh BOY
first of all 
let’s backtrack a little bit and talk about middle school!haechan too cause...,,, dude is a Mess 
was the sketchy one in seventh grade that sold like g-shocks and silly bands at the hill in front of the park every lunch recess 
had a power ranger lunchbox all the way up until he was like 13 lol when yukhei would be like.....hyung......What.
during the summer when the school staff are making up the lists for the classes everyone’s like 
“nO no way he’s in a class with renjun, renjun is the only person he’ll ever be afraid of i can’t have that dispute in my class”
“um. hyuck can’t be in the same class as jisung either...i once saw him try to feed jisung yellow snow saying it was lemon flavoured... poor boy believed him...”
“mark’s mother gifted me a box of chocolates last year with a note thanking me for my hard work and begging her son to be in a different class than hyuck. sorry, guys.”
the principal looks over all the lists and is like UM these are bullshit reasons, just put all of them together, how bad could it be???
ahem. BAD.
every science class starts with chenle and yukhei SCREAMING the bill nye theme song do u guys watch the vlives my GOD i thought chenle was hard to keep up with and nOW THERE’S LUCAS 
dodgeball during phys-ed is just haechan, yukhei and jeno absolutely slaughtering everyone
mark has his headphones in the entire time in art class and if one of the guys try to talk to him he just raises his finger and shushes them
jeno and jaemin flirt 
renjun, chenle and yukhei trying to win jisung over and then ending up just swearing at each other in mandarin 
has been the football captain since he was at the youngest age that was  eligible to even sign up,,,,, he’s that good 
always always makes mark walk home with him after practice 
so mark just sits on the bleachers with his bio textbook in his lap and glasses slipping down his nose, pages just flying left and right from the wind, bored out of his mind like fUCking hyuck i hate u i hate waiting two hours for practice to end just so you can show me your new pokemon cards at home ffs
everytime there’s practice before school, he’s always the last one to stay on the field, promising coach he just wants to try another long catch
SO because he’s always late this BITch just runs straight to first period with sweaty hair and practice clothes and athletic tape still on his fingers 
renjun: you disgust me.
jaemin: here’s my deodorant. and jeno’s. and jisung’s. here take all of ours take it please just take it oh my gO d
loves this sport more than absolutely anything honestly 
his entire bedroom is just full of patriots posters and banners 
his mom pranked him on his birthday telling him to open the box on his bed with pats tickets inside 
ran upstairs crying hysterically and fucking opened it to find a picture of his siblings going HA YOU THOUGHT 
resented them for the rest of his life 
but this boy also really loves music!!
always performs a ballad every year at the school talent show with jisung doing some sort of contemporary performance
his parents are both fans of old schoolers, like abba & elvis & beatles such, so he grew up with the beautiful combination of football on the tv and ‘mamma mia’ spinning on the record player in the kitchen 
during his final middle school year, he performed a version of his favourite park hyoshin song, and finished with the entire school in uproar, cheering and screaming HYUCK HYUCK HYUCK!!! YES!!!
and so he puts the mic back on the stand and runs down the stage to his teammates waiting in the crowd
so excited and and ready to jump into their arms
only to witness a couple of them standing there motionless and checking their wrists, as if waiting from the start for his performance to be over 
he sees the defensive tackle of his team, some dude that probably shaves twice a day and is beefed BEYOND belief 
“hey man, abt time you’re done, coach wants to run over some plays for next week’s game against yg tech, let’s go”
and that was it
the hoard of guys in letterman jackets pull him into their midst and before he could even complain, they mercilessly make their way to the gym as a group
with renjun, chenle, jaemin, jeno, mark and yukhei all just standing there like ... o ... ok ... we just wanted to congratulate u, hyuck...
donghyuck never brings that moment up ever and the dreamies don’t question (yes lucas is a dreamie square up)
from then on, they notice hyuck’s been humming less and isn’t even commenting about day6′s new releases or how renjun’s grandfather bought a brand new record player from the most expensive record store in their town 
donghyuck continues being the school’s star quarterback and having meetings with minor league scouts every week 
they know it’s a touchy topic and being as close as they are with each other, they don’t pry hyuck about it and knows he’s the type to hold it in but will bring it up when he has to 
but unlike what they all think, hyuck doesn’t explode in anger or spite 
he finally opens up on a regular friday night when mark’s sleeping over after finishing a hefty assignment 
and mark is surprised that he prods on this topic with, not anger or spite, but ,,,,, fear? 
“hey mark.......what if this is the only thing i can do?"
“what do you mean?”
“i don’t want to just be some brainless jock” 
mark is a little... stunned... he’s known him all his life and this is the first time hyuck has shown any sign of fear?? of anything???
mark just scootches in a little closer....”you’re not brainless, and this won’t be the only thing you’ll be good at, i promise”
BUT OF COURSE they never speak of it again hyuck’s just kinda like hahahahahha emotions what ahahahah sadness what ahahhahah
but graduation hits and before the dreamies (and yukhei hehe) know it, it’s time for high school
all the upperclassmen know him and think he’s a little shit but love him anyway, so embraced him and all his friends when they entered 
fascinated by how much wider the hallways are and how BIG  the school actually is 
tryouts for the football team are on like the second day 
was so excited!!!! to play with his close hyungs and co-captains jaehyun and youngho 
coach personally came up to him and was like .... boi it’s so rare for a freshman to be on the varsity team, hERE’S YOUR JERSEY NUMBER AND YOUR LOCKER AND YOUR EQUIPMENT AND YOUR OWN PERSONAL PRACTICE SCHEDULE I’LL WORK AROUND U IT’S OKAY 
is treated automatically like the superstar at the first official practice and honestly doesn’t ..,,know how to handle 
he’s only always been around his middle school friends, aka people he’s known all his life and who know he doesn’t like being smothered 
donghyuck knows he’s good but again, will anyone ever look him past the football?
mark sees all this new attention he’s getting and his heart silently breaks a bit knowing hyuck doesn’t truly want all of this
the football, yes !!! the clout, not really 
but hyuck is a freshman!! and knows he can’t speak up quite yet so he endures this superstar status already bestowed on him and forces his uncomfortable smile away 
it’s ok !! he tells himself
it’s good to be recognized for something you’re good at ..,, right ?
but as years pass and seniors graduate and championships continue to be won, hyuck slowly climbs up the popularity pyramid with it too
so by the first day of senior year, having just recently started getting close with the captain of the cheerleading squad and throwing the biggest party of the summer break as a last hurrah a few days prior, hyuck walks into the high school doors as the talk of the TOWN
all those stereotypical popular pretty boys you see on tv namely um troy bolton um austin ames um finn hudson um scott mccall um YES 
that’s literally him at this point 
loved by all students for being a social butterfly and not ??? an asshole ??? to those that aren’t as popular
teachers adore him cause he participates in class and always hands assignments in on time despite his student schedule and always gifts them little holiday baskets at the end of every semester
renjun had junior year chem with him and almost threw his paper out the window when he saw hyuck’s mark
“how are you this good ,,,,,,,, when you don’t even DO anything?!” 
point is, he’s at the top of his game
and this year, senior year, the stakes for the championship are higher than ever; with hyuck’s school topping the rankings for the east, they’ll likely be meeting with the champion team in the west for the finals, and coach claims he hasn’t seen a matchup this neck-and-neck in terms of stats, style of play, and pairing matchups in .,,,, years
so there’s absolutely no screwing around this year - losing is not an option
but overall, haechan believes he has his shit planned out: there were assignments, then exams, then playoffs, then the championships, followed by celebrations here and there, and then hopefully a scholarship, followed by graduation and then college, and then it’ll just be the flower road from there
what he really doesn’t factor in, though, is a certain captain of a certain school marching band, swooping in to save his ass for the first time of many,,,,many more to come 
it happens on a regular tuesday afternoon 
you two shared the same stupid humanities elective class during last period, and it didn’t dawn upon him that a rough copy of this useless visual presentation was due today that he did nOT even know was even assigned 
the teacher comes around with her pointy ass glasses and a clipboard decorated in purple flower stickers, visibly softening at an obviously panicked hyuck 
“hello, donghyuck, ready to show me the rough copy?” 
“well,,,,see i-i um ,,, i”
the teacher kind of urges him on, half in disbelief and half in pity at how scared he looks for the first time ever
he’s still trying to conjure up a plausible excuse, all the while LITERALLY WANTING TO HIT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD
ugh ur so stUPID, hyuck, he thinks, coach even ended practice early last night too and all u did was binge the last airbender for the 80th time AGAIn like a DUMBASS ugh 
so there’s a couple more awkward moments of silence 
“oh, ms kwon! i should have said something, haha we partnered up for this one! i have it on my laptop here!!”
his flushed face whips around and lands on you 
in your oversized knit sweater and cute skinny blue jeans ripped at the knee, round glasses threatening to fall from your nose 
and a surge washes over him he’s neve r ev  er felt before 
relief ?? ya, sure. we’ll call it that for now 
the teacher looks at you, then back at hyuck with an eyebrow cocked and you steal that moment to send him a nod and stern look in your eyes
he’s spluttering at this point 
“ye-yeah, sorry miss, just a little tired and f-frazzled i guess...”
the teacher kind of just gives herself a knowing smile, as sort of a “heh....alrighty then” but walks over to your desk nonetheless 
the entire class seems to buy it too, and go back to their white noise chatter 
hyuck lets out the loudest exhale before scrambling to his feet over to you just glaring at him with a knowing smile and your arms crossed across your chest
“i’m so soRRY I DON’T EVEN KNOW YOUR NAME WHY DID YOU JUST DO THAT FOR ME YOU REALLY DIDN’T HAVE TO i’m s o sorry i had practice late last night and holy crap it just totally slipped by me and-”
he stops at the sight of you bursting into a fit of giggles and is even more ??? confused ?? hes so frazzled
you: “it’s ok, you idiot, i know you always get stuff in on time anyway” 
and he shuts right back up and turns BRIGHT RED bc who even is this person? who’s so cute n helpful 
you: “i’m y/n btw!! i’m captain of the marching band for ur team” 
and the lightbulb visibly clicks for hyuck 
“OOOOH so that’s why you look so familiar!!” 
so the two of you chat away about playoffs coming up and the championships the last few years and how it’s so strange neither of you have crossed paths in the pass when you’ve had so many connections
and you kind of just smile and nod at that 
because you fully know why 
lee donghyuck, captain and quarterback of the football team
lee donghyuck, school heartthrob and teachers’ favourite
lee donghyuck, the social butterfly and the amicable figure in every situation 
he had always been there, practicing on the field in front of you as you tried to pry your eyes off of him and run the trumpet section one more time,,.,,,,he was always there, but always so??? unreachable???
you couldn’t pretend you never laid eyes on him on freshman orientation day when he was being stopped by every person he walked by to be high fived and welcomed to the team
and thought wow . his skin? his aura? the way his smile lights up the whole goddamn room? 
and you’re in a lot of classes with jaemin and always see hyuck drop by a few minutes before class to sit and goof around before getting lovingly chastised by the teacher 
but never reached out to say hi or anything 
he was always too unreachable 
BUT OF COURSE you don’t say anything and instead just smile at the ground and shrug 
“guess that’s just the way we’re supposed to be, you know?” 
and just as he was about to ask what you meant by that, the bell rings and you let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding 
like w Ow a whole 1 hour class w ur crush and he’s finally talking to you ???? TOO MUCH FOR ONE DAY 
you don’t even utter a goodbye  but just give him a bright, knowing smile, stuff your papers into your bag and leave for the day 
and even as the classmates pack up and the teacher is gone and hyuck knows he doesn’t have practice today but needs to get home bc he promised his mom he would help with her flat tire, he can’t find it in himself to stand up and leave 
he’s sitting there processing your words, and just,,,,you
“i’ve really been around y/n this whole time and didn’t even know it?” 
suddenly he just feels stricken with guilt and shame and remembers all the time the ball landed by the bleachers and you exCitedly running down the steps to toss it back clumsily 
he remembers always smiling back and saying “thanks”, but never quite meeting the eyes of the person 
he lets out a grumble and just plunks his head onto the wooden desk loudly 
chenle and jisung come bc they were all supposed to walk home together 
and just see a slumped hyuck bumping his head up and down on the table whispering “stupid, ,,,,, so stupid” over and over again
jisung: he did it oh my god it’s done it broke him football finally broke him HIGH SCHOOL FUCKING BROKE HIM 
so after fixing the tire and helping clean after dinner and finally lying in bed that night
he makes this silent promis e ??? to make it up to u somehow ?? 
you both wake up the next day, both w each other lingering in your minds, and both unsure of what to do to get rid of it 
though hyuck isn’t sure he wants to 
you both daze off during classes and stare at the back of the head of the person in front of you,,,,just,,, thinking 
and then it’s time for fifth period 
and you don’t think you’ve ever speedwalked so fast to a class before 
people start pouring in and as the second bells starts to ring you still don’t see his face and you decide getting your hopes up all day for no reason was just stupid 
the teacher is about to start the class before the door opens one last time and you see a visibly flustered hyuck shuffle in 
right into the seat next to you 
what you don’t know is two minutes prior to this, poor dude was in the bathroom rinsing his face and trying to do something, anytHING to get the blush off his cheeks but to no avail 
so the lesson today was about families and societies and you swear the next ten minutes felt like forty 
your eyelids start getting a little heavier before you hear the scratching of a pencil on paper 
he’s marked the side of your notebook with a little “hello ^-^” 
you try to conceal the beaming smile threatening to creep on ur face but you really can’t
you’re just a little whipped aren’t u
that entire class is then just spent doodling stupid things on each other’s notebooks and giggling and even had to have the teacher turn to you guys and give a stern look before realizing it was hyuck and just BEAMED 
by the time the class ended you were packing your stuff up to leave before he gRabs your hand 
“what the--?” 
he takes your thumb and places it on the fingerprint scanner before fiddling with something on it 
your mind immediately sprinted to the WORST IDEAS
“he’s hacking my instagram right now isn’t he he’s telling my family on facebook that i do drugs, isn’t he LEE DONGHYUCK GIVE ME MY PHONE”
so you start to fumble for it before he hands it back to you calmly,
“i’ll be expecting a text tonight”
and then he’s gone 
and that was the start of the cutest friendship ever ???? 
you guys talk about anything and everything, from the colour of your room to his sister’s favourite food to the one time you fell from your treehouse and had to get stitches to the time lucas got stuck in a slide on a children’s playground when they all decided to sneak out at like 11pm at night and had to call the fire department to come get him out 
and texts eventually turn into calls and calls eventually turn into being inseparable at school
the boys LOVE YOU and immediately pinned you on their side to torture hyuck together
and as time goes by, all the boys start noticing changes in hyuck and how he would never do anything with them without mentioning your name
like they’d be out having ice cream after studying at jisung’s and he’d absentmindedly mention that this lemon ice cream is the perfect colour of your room and that yellow is your favourite colour 
or that the disco ball in jaemin’s basement is exactly the one you have dangling on the rearview mirror in your car 
so WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE but the boys respect you enough to not tell you yet bc you deserve to have hyuck confess on his own
you guys hang out any chance you get and it isn’t till near spring formal that he comes over with some mcdonalds that you realize you’ve gotten so comfortable so fast 
so you both settle into the kitchen before he opens up the big mac, takes off one of the buns of the burger, to reveal ketchup dotted across the patty spelling “SF? :D” bc the patty was too small to spell the full words, “spring formal?” lol 
and you scoff and throw a fry at him bc of course you’d go with him 
and your heart’s just racing for the rest of the night
after dinner you head out to your backyard and lay a blanket on the grass to stare up at the stars 
hyuck knows a lot about astrology so you love just lying there and hearing him tell you about the lyra constellation and its myths 
you spend the night just giggling and laughing and shoving each other around before it starts to get really late and he knows he should be going 
but he can’t seem to move
and so he asks,
“hey, are you mad at me?”
and you’re a little,,,confused before you reply, “for spilling jisung’s apple juice on my laptop the other day? just a little, but i’ll forgive you if you pay for my spring formal ticket for me hehe”
he rolls his eyes and scoffs and says, “no you idiot”
you can’t think of why you’d be upset with him, considering it was just a regular night for you two
he explains, “you know.....for not really knowing you before this year”
your heart kind of sank bc you weren’t really expecting it but you also deep deep deep down seriously wished he would never bring this up 
it’s silence until you answer
“no, because i don’t blame you for it” 
“what do you mean”
“well...” you know it’s a tough thing to tell him but you know he’ll listen to your words
“you’ve just always been unreachable, you know? like i remember seeing you on freshmen orientation day and just thinking, you know, this guy is just something else,,,something i’ll never be. and over the years, i made my peace with that, bc that’s just the situation you were thrust in,,, you know, football and parties and stuff”
and hyuck’s heart sinks with each word because you really mentioned everything he was afraid of,,,,that he was only ever gonna be popular because of football,,,,and that he never really had a say before he was thrust into the social status he’s in now 
just as he’s about to clear his throat from emotions and get up to spout some stupid excuse on why his mom wants him home now even though she was probably already in bed, you continue
“but....now i know that’s not all that you are...you’re kind and smart and sweet and funny, and yeah you’re crazy good at football but you’re also crazy good at singing and science and fixing tires and vacuuming and playing with your little sister and making people laugh,,,that’s why you’re my friend now”
hyuck doesn’t realize how long he stares at you after you said that before you wave your hand in front of his face ((”uh dude.....”))
he feels tears welling up in his throat so he just lies back down and makes some nonchalant comment again, playing it all off like he usually does
“mhm okay yea enough with the sappiness i just wanted to know if the geeky band girl hates the quarterback captain like they typically do okay blah blah”
but you and him both know
you’re both concealing smiles as you lay there, staring at the stars 
he’s never heard anyone talk about him like that before 
and you’ve always known that he was still a little unsure of himself 
and maybe this just put this all to rest 
and as you both lay there with the sound of your own frantic heartbeats in your ears, you dwell on the fact that maybe it shouldn’t be beating that hard,,,,that fast,,,,
senior year is going by, and before you guys know it, championships are in three days  
your school wins the semi-finals in dramatic fashion, with the winning touchdown seconds before the final whistle 
and you couldn’t make it to that game bc of a huge assignment due the next day but hyuck makes sure to call you as soon as he grabbed his stuff from the locker room 
it was only a beat of silence before jungwoo just scoffed and shrugged, “someone’s WHIPPPEEEDDD” 
hyuck just blushes red and runs out in the midst of the entire locker room hollering and throwing sweaty towels at him 
bc he knows he doesn’t really have feelings for you, does he? 
these past few months have been amazing but it can’t be 
all he does know is 
how your hair smells like vanilla when you whip your head around to scold him for pinching your sides 
how your eyes crinkle when you laugh at some pun you read on reddit 
how your fingers get really bad circulation so they’re always cold and red and you have to make sure to wear sweaters during the winter to keep them warm
how you hate helping out the flutes cause they’re always screechy 
how you started playing the saxophone because your grandma did when she was in college 
how your eyes light up when someone mentions your favourite tv show character 
how you hate carrots but he always makes you eat them cause they’re good for you and you just sit there all pouty
how much he loves loves LOVES when you come over to just do nothing like sit on his windowsill and read or go through his old childhood pictures for the millionth time and giggle at every cute smiley one for the millionth time
he’s standing there in the middle of the field with his phone in his hand, dangling by his side, with you hollering through the receiver like “,,,,hello? bitch u called ME, HELLO?!!” 
and he just mumbles a “uh i gotta go sorry i’ll tell you about it tomorrow” 
and hangs up
cause fuck 
he’s in love isn’t he 
and he’s lying in bed again that night, knowing that he wants to tell you but he’s also so afraid, cause you’re his best best best (sorry mark) friend
and he’s never gotten so close to anyone so fast 
and he loves going to practice early with you so you guys can grab breakfast before 
and how he always makes sure to “accidentally” miss a toss and have it land on your head while you’re running a piece
so he tosses and turns all night 
before he comes to a decision
he knows the marching band always has practice on the bleachers every wednesday morning, coinciding with the team’s morning practice as well  
he rips his sheets off his tired body but surges up and runs to his computer, types in a few things onto the search engine and presses “print” 
it’s the next morning, and as you groggily heave yourself up from your bed, dreading having to deal with the flutes and their screeching sharps today, you also think abt hyuck and you wonder why he was acting so weird last night
but you brush it off as fatigue from a long and gruelling game 
it’s a beautiful day outside already at 7:00 in the morning, with just the slightest bit of chilliness and dew on the morning grass, and hyuck thinks it’s no accident that the sun decided to come out today too 
he holds the crinkly sheets of music in his hands, slightly shaking and profusely sweating, somehow nervous bc of someone he admires for the first time ??? in his life ???? 
he practically sprints to school, wanting to be there before you do
he spots the majority of the marching band already there and he sighs in relief when he doesn’t spot you
“hEy guys!” he runs up to the bleachers 
and he stops for a second before he realizes like ..... all these people look like deers in headlights bc ,, ,,,,,, the quarterback,,,,isn’t here with you?? aren’t you guys always stuck beside each other ????
“i’m s o sorry i don’t have a lot of time to explain and i know its confusing and this is gonna be such a rush but here !!!!” 
he hands out the sheet music to everyone there and makes them promise to not let you know about it 
everyone exchanges confusing looks ((one dude’s just like ‘fuck man it’s too early in the morning for secrets’)) but end up agreeing anyway and haechan doesn’t even have time to celebrate before he hears his teammates starting to make their way out of the practice room
he runs over to seungkwan, your best friend in band and someone who haechan knows won’t hold his word unless a bribe is involved
“okay look i know you’re y/n’s best friend but you have to promise me you won’t let her know about this okay?”
seungkwan props his clarinet on his shoulders, almost as if he was holding a baseball bat instead and does his best to puff his shoulders like “HMPH well what do i get out of this??”
“if you can establish a secret rehearsal time for tomorrow with the rest of the band where i can come and rehearse with you, i’ll set you up with our running back” bc god fucking knows vernon and seungkwan have been crushing on each other for years but have never had the guts to go NEAR each other and haechan is just sick of vernon’s endless daydreaming in the locker room 
seungkwan goes BRIGHT RED before clearing his throat and muttering “ugh fiNe” under his breath even tho he’s finally !!!!!! gonna talk to hansol !! agghhhhh!!!! 
haechan practically blows him a million kisses and runs off to the locker room before seungkwan asks
“HEY ummmm but uh why are you doing this?”
haechan sighs and feels he can’t even begin to explain himself without becoming a blubbering mess
so he just reassures him with a, “you’ll see”
hyuck doesn’t come to class that day even though you swore you saw him at practice 
he had cancelled breakfast w you earlier that morning and only waved to you once during practice, but again, you credit that to the finals being in 48 hours 
you shoot him a “cute bum where u from” text in hopes of getting his attention
“okay but no seriously WHERE ARE U I HATE MS KWON SO MUCH”
and no answer again 
you huff and give up and know he’ll message when he has to 
what you don’t know is he made sure to steer clear of you from now until the championships bc 1. he’s still not sure what he can do around you anymore now that he Knows how he Feels 
and 2. bc his hands are just glued to the sheet music, trying to rehearse as much as he can for this little surprise he has planned for you 
so all he does is just send you back a simple “not feeling well, just gonna rest up until the game” 
and your heart sinks bc you guys haven’t gone 48 hours without talking since like 8 months ago 
regardless, with championships coming up and endless school assignments piling up, you’re pretty well distracted 
but you do also silently curse yourself for imagining every quote in romeo and juliet to be hyuck and you 
and how every hour of those 48 hours seemed so excruciating and long and empty bc both of you were so busy 
so by the time it’s game day, you are restless and in so much yearning for a presence you never knew you needed this bad 
but you know, as soon as the game’s over, you can hopefully run into his arms and congratulate him 
ahem platonically ofc ahem, you try to convince yourself 
you get to the field and it’s already bustling with mascots and spectators and streamers and you can barely hear the sound of the band warming up above all the noise 
intros begin and you guys start playing the opening pieces as the banner rips and out runs 
and it’s like suddenly the earth just . stops 
looking at him running out, eyes blazed and all determined and strong made you feel so much all at once, you could feel your knees starting to buckle
and it didn’t really help when, mid run, he turns his head to you and gives a subtle smile and wink before heading to the center of the field 
you bite back a beaming smile of your own
for the next two hours, that’ll have to be enough 
and there wasn’t a single doubt in your body that they were gonna lose 
the game starts and the volume doesn’t dim for even a second 
you feel yourself sweating profusely through your blue and white uniform with each toss and whistle and tackle and you swear you’ve never been so nervous in your life 
it’s the final quarter and your school is down by just a touchdown and you swear you won’t be able to handle this anymore it’s toO MUCH
you glance up at the stands to see yukhei holding chenle’s head and screaming and jaemin with his head in his hands and jeno just closing his eyes ((”i can’t watch i can’t watch i can’t watch”)) and mark and jisung grabbing onto each other muttering things that look like praying ??? 
you even spot former alumni, youngho, taeyong and jaehyun, biting their nails and clasping their hands 
there’s barely a minute left and the ball is in our possession 
you hear hyuck echo a “HUT!! HUT HUT” before he tosses the ball in the air
it’s like time slows down as you see the running back catch it and dash for the end 
THE ENTIRE FIELD IS ON THEIR TOES as you watch your team’s defence tackle and hammer people out of vernon’s way 
he’s going and going and just before the horn blows for the end of the game, he crosses the line and 
the horn blows for the final second and once again, you guys have done it 
everyone from the stands pours down onto the field and before you can process it, mark and the boys are running up to you and dog-piling you, dragging you into the crowd with them
they did it!!! hyuck did it!!!! 
there are streamers and confetti everywhere but your eyes are just straining and stretching, looking for him 
it’s just loud, white noise for a second before you hear something behind you 
your band is in position and you see seungkwan counting them in for the opening beats
your heart starts to panic to remember if you forgot you had another piece to perform?????
the opening chords to a familiar classic starts playing and before you can even react 
there’s a voice in a mic 
and the sound of someone singing 
and it’s hyuck 
the band plays along with him and you’re just,,,,,perplexed and confused as to what he’s doing 
until you realize he’s looking straight at you
the swing beat starts to get everyone in the crowd singing and dancing 
but you’re frozen in your spot 
did he plan this?? what is he doing and how did you not know about it???? you feel hands behind you and eyes start to land on you as the boys push you forward and hyuck starts making his way onto the field to where you’re standing 
the crowd gets even louder and the music gets even happier as he’s dancing and grooving his way to you 
and then there he is, right in front of you 
his voice has you hypnotized and you’re absolutely sure this is a dream 
you guys move together to the beat, never taking eyes off one another and you just have an amazed expression on your face the entire time 
the songs comes to a beautiful climactic end and you still have no idea what’s going on
the lyrics still echo in your head
“hey, hey, baby....i want to know if you'll be mine...when i saw you walking down the street, i said that’s someone i’d like to meet,,,”
and the entire school is watching ((INCLUDING HYUCK’S PARENTS AND YOUR TEACHERS))) and your head is just spinning, spinning, spinning
he lowers the mic and just leans close and rests his forehead on yours and whispers his words to you
“i love you, and i’m so sorry it took so long but i really really do, i just hope i can make up for all the time lost,” 
his eyes are pouring emotions into yours and for some reason you want to cry 
his team just won a championship!!!! scouts are probably here, scribbling his name down for a scholarship right now!! and everyone on this field was just yelling and whooping his name a second ago!!! 
yet he’s standing here, so vulnerable and nervous in front of you 
so you grab his face and swallow your nerves
and tell him you love him, you’ve loved him for so long 
all you hear is just muted yelling and cheering and whooping around you before you swear you see a glisten in his eyes as he leans and swoops you in for a kiss 
the band is going off and playing some other 80s love tune and there is still confetti just flying all over the place and people running up to you and hugging you guys 
but his hand is still entangled in yours and he just winks 
bc in the midst of all the chaos and all the noise of being such a superstar, there you are 
and he’s sure that’s all he’ll need 
391 notes · View notes
Once again, this will be long. This is every notable piece of dialogue, action, clue, relevant theory, or anything else I see fit to include about the second half of the first video. Hold on to your hats, buckos. I’m a detective.
Part One
Scene 5: The Detective (7:02 - 7:51)
After the Mayor leaves, the Detective gives you the preliminary autopsy. 
After a totally procedural and trustworthy rectal exam, our detective has established that Mark died “around” 1:30 AM. Note the use of around.
Also, our Detective is clearly not a real Detective. Why then, I wonder, does The Mayor not have anything to say about it? Nor The Attorney (you)?
A pattern is beginning to develop; the Detective does not want any sort of authorities involved.
Which is odd, considering you’re an Attorney and the Mayor is involved.
You apparently give him your alibi through flashback. Must be that main character privilege. This is definitely Markiplier Logic, so I’ll let it slide, but you do learn something about yourself: you sleep with your eyes open. Weird.
Also, this drug induced flashback alibi is apparently 100% solid, despite there being no witnesses to confirm you didn’t just get up and murder Mark. Methinks the Detective trusts you a bit too much.
At this stage, the Detective says we need to find out everyone’s alibi (without directly saying “alibi,” a term a Detective would definitely know and use during an investigation).
However, after asking about alibis, he hastily includes that you should find who was with Mark last “at the very least.” This could imply that the Detective may not have an alibi.
You are sent off to try to piece together the events of last night, leading up to, including, and following the murder.
Also, you leave the Detective with the body to do more, er... rectal examinations.
Scene 6: Damien and The Colonel (7:52 - 9:46)
You duck under the crime scene tape and walk up to a room where you can see The Mayor through a door left a bit ajar. He’s talking angrily to someone we cannot see.
He accuses them of being flippant, and the Colonel responds from inside the room, out off view, that he is taking the matter very seriously. He sounds rather insulted.
The Mayor doesn’t believe it, and says that he knows the Colonel “hated” Mark, but that apparently Mark had “reached out” to him. What animosity did they have? This is a clear motive for murder, and just short of an active accusation that he did it.
The Mayor is upset. Clearly the most distraught of anyone.
He tells the Colonel he wants him to care. Others have pointed out that he may be saying this because the Colonel is throwing suspicion on himself by acting too aloof.
Meanwhile, the Colonel insists that he does care.
The Mayor expresses disbelief then leaves in an angry huff. This seems like it would be typical of the Colonel, so why the disbelief?
You enter the room once the Mayor leaves, and you approach the Colonel.
He believes that you are the Mayor, and inadvertently reveals the Mayor’s name is Damien.
The exact quote is “Damien, I don’t-” You don’t what, Colonel?
He is immediately quite interested in you.
Just like Damien, he reminisces about how wild you were the night before, calling you a rapscallion. Considering that multiple punches were thrown, Damien did a keg stand, and the Colonel pointed a loaded gun at people, just what did you do last night?
The Colonel doesn’t believe Mark was murdered.
He then gives us a black and white flashback of his version of what happened, voiceover and all. As of Chapter 2, this is the only explanation of what happened by a suspect.
This is silly, but there is some very important information about the Colonel here.
Whilst mocking Mark, he says “My name is Markiplier now.” Then follows that up with “forget all the friends who helped me along the way, just look at my money!” What happened between Mark and The Colonel?
Despite the Colonel insisting that Mark couldn’t hold his booze, Mark never actually drank.
The Butler and The Detective are next to Mark when he says “I need to pay people to be my friends.” Why them, specifically? If he was going for hired help, why not the Chef instead of the Detective? Is Mark indeed paying people to be his friends? If not, why would the Colonel seem to think so?
“You like me? Too bad!” What?
“Gotta go off to the little boy’s room, who wants to join me?” Is this a Detective-like innuendo or a clue?
“My house has more than one staircase!” Indeed it does. Why do you know that, specifically, Colonel? And why is it important?
Mark definitely didn’t die by falling off the stairs. But we have no real reason to believe the Colonel doesn’t believe this, so off you go to investigate the entire house. 
Interestingly, this also means you’ve stopped looking for alibis.
Scene 7: A Domain of Evil (9:47 - 11:02)
The Butler approaches you as you are leaving the home theatre you spoke to the Colonel in. Was he listening?
He has something to show you. Vague and ominous, but okay.
“Now if you’re looking for answers, there’s really no mystery at all.” Is the Butler hinting that he knows what happened?
The Butler knows every detail of the house, and claims he has vetted every guest. Is this a trustworthy claim?
This also makes everything the Butler says and does extremely important.
“A domain of evil this is.” Was this where the murder took place?
Some have claimed to hear an additional voice in the background here, but I simply can’t hear it. 
“You first.” He appears scared. What is he expecting to find?
This is a wine cellar, and the first obvious clue.
A bottle with a red top is smashed on the floor, though there is no liquid anywhere to be seen.
On the racks, there is one row of seven larger gold-topped bottles. Directly next to that is what should be exactly the same except in red, except there’s a gold bottle in the midst where the now broken bottle used to lie.
This means whoever smashed the bottle had to leave and come back to get the 8th gold bottle.
They also had to know and have access to where the wine bottles are kept, or even leave the Manor to get more.
Also, the Colonel’s flask is here. Hm.
The wine bottle appears split in two. That’s not how it’s supposed to look if it was smashed over something... say, a head. It’s safe to assume, due to how intact the bottle is, that something fishy is going on with that.
(...Or teamiplier didn’t want to clean up a bunch of broken glass.)
The Butler is extremely upset. Hysterical even. This is his first display of grief.
He asks you to avert your eyes. Is it because of the mess, or the clues?
He sobs loudly as you exit the cellar.
Scene 8: The Chef and His Little Buddy (11:03 - 13:01)
The Chef is in his kitchen as you approach, angrily chopping... something.
He threatens you in much the same way as at the beginning, brandishing a knife. This is a rather common murder weapon.
Once he recognizes that you’re investigating, he outright threatens you if you were to suspect he’s the killer, and he then launches into his alibi.
He was cleaning up after the food he prepared leading up to the time of the murder.
Obviously this line is funny, but what blood was he "sopping” up?
He retired to his room at 1 AM. 
His chef statue is a security camera.
The FNAF-style security footage has already been analyzed, far before the videos themselves came out...
However, we now have video and audio of the 1:17 AM meeting between Mark and the Detective.
Mark reveals that the Detective’s name is Abe.
Also, according to Abe, both the Chef and the Butler are “clean.”
Where did this occur? There are odd bars in view.
When you finish viewing the security footage, the Chef is gone.
Also, there’s a bottle of red wine on the counter with an empty glass.
Deciding there’s nothing left to do here, you move on to the courtyard.
Scene 9: Damien (13:02 - 14:12)
When you walk up to him, Damien is agitated, fidgeting with his walking stick.
Upon seeing you, he sighs. He then begins to explain himself from earlier.
He apologizes that you had to see him lose his temper. 
He also still seems to believe that the Colonel is acting uncharacteristically, even for him. He thinks that he is in shock.
Apparently, the Colonel is an eccentric. Shocker.
Damien is/was, apparently, friends with both Mark and the Colonel. 
Curiously, this seems to imply that Damien knew everyone at this party, if the familiarity with which he spoke to the Detective in Scene 2 is any indication of prior acquaintanceship. He and Mark are the only characters with this trait.
“I know I’m supposed to be a leader in this scenario...” Because you’re the Mayor? Because you were Mark’s best friend? Why, exactly?
Damien has known Mark since they were kids.
Also, Damien seems to be in denial.
“I don’t have any answers right now.” Damien assumes that his grief exempts him from possible guilt, and he doesn’t provide any sort of alibi.
He leaves to think.
Scene 10: The Body is Gone (14:13 - 14:40)
Abe calls to you from behind, clearly agitated. 
Apparently, the body has vanished.
There is crime tape to mark where the body was found. 
Also there’s a dick. Ha-ha, but Mark may literally have been naked when he vanished.
Also, what’s with the strange head shape?
The scene fades out, and the audience is called to join the hunt.
This took far less time than part one, but it’s also less detailed. I’m running out of steam, lol. This is abt two hours of work so reblogs would be super appreciated, and comments even MORE so!
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purestveins-blog · 7 years ago
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Hi, hello, hey I’m Mowgli and I’m here to bring you everyone’s favorite evil mistress Bellatrix. But fun fact, I have a few character arcs in mind that sort of tie into the plot of how there isn’t currently a war and things like that so she’s a little au... but hopefully that won’t be too much of an issue lmao. 
- (emma dumont, she/hers.) ── didn’t you see bellatrix black wandering around the corridors? i heard the pureblood is finally in their seventh year. it seems like just yesterday that they were sorted into slytherin. over the years, their housemates have said they’re loyal but others say that they’re just cruel. all i know is that they spend a lot of time in the greenhouses and are never seen without their skull and snake necklace.
for some background, in terms of familial relationships bellatrix has never really gotten along well with her parents; they wanted a boy, but instead got her and ever since she’s been a bit of a disappointment to them because she wasn’t desirable enough to help them secure the highly sought after big true blood match they wanted. 
prior to this year, bellatrix wasn’t exactly known for being overly cruel or even fully loyal to her family’s beliefs, rather just loyal to her sisters and making sure anyone who attempted to wrong either of them got exactly what they deserved for even thinking about it. she was the quiet but deadly older sister who took no shit and was more laid back in her fuck anyone who isn’t a pureblood beliefs. she spends a lot of her time in the greenhouses though because she’s highly interested in herbology and really just likes plants okay. 
during her sixth year, bellatrix began secretly dating a halfblood. it had never been her intention to get involved with someone who likely wouldn’t be approved of by her parents, but sometimes when you catch the feels, you catch the feels! and bella wasn’t gonna deny herself a lil bit of loving! so the relationship was a BIG secret to most people, as she didn’t want that kind of information getting back to her parents in any way. it carried on throughout her entire sixth year and even onto the summer, she was whipped! she’d have done anything for this person! but when she got home, she got a quick dose of reality as her father intercepted one of the letters she was writing out to her bae and things went downhill very quickly. 
first, she was made to write a break up letter (yikes), and though it broke her heart to do it, at the time it seemed like it was that or be forced to watch her parents cause harm to them so she really thought she was doing the right thing. little did she know that her own thoughts and mind would no longer really be her own. bellatrix’s summer was spent basically being brainwashed and conditioned back into a full on purebloods only societal belief; it involved a lot of not so great actions, and in the end bella was pushed into habits she wasn’t originally known for. 
before, while she might have simply gone quiet when passing by a muggleborn student, now she is rude, full of vitriol and cruelty cause that’s what her parents wanted so guess what bitch!! she is their star pupil now!! doesn’t rlly feel guilt abt it though if someone she cared for went like bella.... what happened to you?? she’d probably just.... gotta blast. 
she still loves her plants and the greenhouses though. her item -- aka her skull & snake necklace -- was given to her over the summer and is basically her reminder from her parents to do what they say or else so lmao. this is all i’ve got rn for background things but uh i do have more arcs i’d like to do in the future, involving her getting a betrothal to someone?? pureblood obvs bc her parents would never... do anything else. but it doesn’t have to be rodolphus!! i’m okay w straying from canon, so if you wanna be bella’s future hub lemme know and we can plot that out. i’m also?? interested in filling her ex role so if you like that plot FR just message me so we can angst. 
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diverdowns · 8 years ago
narciso anasui - 1 am character analysis
so, anasui — one of my favorite jjba characters, he’s probably somewhere around third or fourth on my list. i’ll do a quick rundown of his background and personality before i go in-depth into some of the arcs he’s in as well as some of his quotes, notably from the heavy weather arc and the made in heaven arc.
(as you might expect, major spoilers for all of part 6.)
i’ve tried to go easy on the headcanons and focus more on actual character analysis / meta stuff, so here we go.
anasui probably has some serious abandonment issues — we see in canon that it’s mentioned anasui had some major issues connecting with other people growing up, and so he developed a stilted sense of empathy + an obsession with dismantling / disassembling things. this presumably carried over to people — perhaps an underlying subconscious desire to understand people’s motivations that he couldn’t read on the surface through social cues that had, until that point, gone over his head. (or maybe he just really liked tinkering. who knows.)
judging at least from his obsession being allowed to grow unrestricted and out of hand as he continued to suffer socially as a result of it, we can probably assume that anasui’s parents probably didn’t care about him too much — at worst, they may have been neglectful or abusive. still, everything abt his parents is just speculation. notably mentioned in canon though: as a child, he disassembled his neighbor’s car, and was institutionalized for six months. being placed in a place like that for that long of a time does shit to you, and it’s def nothing pretty. add likely parental neglect to the equation, and you have abandonment issues just waiting to erupt.
(as a side note, psychologically, this is an obsessive ritual that can be seen in a number of conditions from asperger’s to alzheimer’s, so honestly any kind of mental illness speculation is fair game for anasui, but this isn’t the post for that.)
whatever the case, he seems to assimilate back into society once his awkward phase ended, though his strange upbringing probably left some lifelong habits / scars there, who knows. he doesn’t do anything to warrant serious attention until he’s 21. at this point, he has a (presumably) long-term, monogamous girlfriend — if it’s anything like the way he treated jolyne, we know that anasui is… overbearing, to say the least. in any case, he walks in on his girlfriend cheating on him when he makes a surprise visit to his girlfriend’s house, and murdered both of them, dismembering them so that “they would never come together again.”
it’s never mentioned if anasui was a stand user since birth, so we can assume he either used diver down to do all this disassembling or he was just…really good at taking things (and people) apart, but it’s likely that he’d had diver down from a young age — up until he’s imprisoned, it doesn’t seem like he was doing anything in particular that would’ve caused him to be normally strong enough to kill two grown adults on the spot, without the help of a stand. (then again, anasui’s capable of some pretty fucked up things either way, so this is just my speculation / hc.)
after his imprisonment, he has a full psychiatric analysis and — nobody can find anything technically wrong with him. besides his obsessive ritual and explosive temper, he’s…just a regular guy, albeit somewhat of an asshole. emporio mentions that his original obsession’s cause was never really discovered, as well. the murder of his girlfriend and girlfriend’s lover was highly publicized, his name being spread through news both on tv and in newspapers, so presumably the details of the crime were sufficiently brutal.
anasui shows a stunning lack of regard for most people’s wellbeing — for the most part, he ignores F.F. and offers little help as she fights kenzo and his dragon dream — though jolyne (and by extension, jotaro) is a notable exception. anasui claims to have fallen in love at first sight, attracted to jolyne by her iron will and strong determination to do the right thing and save her father, and expresses a strong desire to marry her. actually, when jolyne’s involved, he has an almost humorous lack of self-preservation — eg. during the green birth arc, when jolyne’s infected with a presumably fatal plant…infection…disease….thing, anasui not only touches the flowers growing across jolyne’s skin (trying to use his stand to destroy them from inside of jolyne’s body, to no avail) but also puts the flowers in his mouth, which while being played for laughs is also ridiculously foolish. (in general, though anasui ricochets heavily from being the comic relief character to being the stoic yet brash character in the main ensemble, mostly after weather’s death) there’s kind of an explanation for his reckless behavior, coming up later.
(keeping all of this in mind, and despite anasui’s willingness to use his stand to protect the main cast to the point of taking fatal blows for them, he is definitely not a good person. i just want to get that out of the way before someone accuses me of being like, an apologist lmao)
ok, so let’s go thru anasui’s main appearances, from his introduction onward.
emporio goes on to mention that “if weather report wasn’t here to keep [anasui] calm, there’s no telling what anasui’d do.” seeing as anasui is imprisoned when he’s 21, as mentioned in his introductory chapter, and he’s 25 when SO takes place, four years have passed since he’s landed in green dolphin street jail. (for reference, his sentence is for 12 years — relatively light for a double homicide, all things considered — so he’s served a third of that.) presumably, he’s known weather report for at least a majority of that time, as they at least have enough of a rapport for weather to keep anasui out of serious trouble. (weather is 39 during the events of SO. weather, for reference, has been in prison for around 20 years, since pucci took his memories from him when he was 16. also, at the beginning of the BR arc, weather has trouble using a sink that anasui with his impressive sink knowledge notes has been around in modern plumbing for at least 20 years. as a quick side note, anasui seems to have a ridiculous knowledge, in general, of a lot of mechanical things in general — during the yo-yo-ma arc, he spouts off the specifications of a random machine gun after just glancing at it.)
at the end of ch 697 we also just see a scene of weather and anasui hanging out in what appears to be some random ass hallway in the male ward of the prison with no guards around, so take that as you will lol. the two have presumably been hanging around each other for a while like this, so that’s interesting, at least.
the BR arc is where i really got into anasui, so let’s go a little in-depth on those chapters. anasui seems to know a whole bunch of random facts about disney world (though he holds a theme park guide in his hands while he spouts a bunch of random disney world facts, he doesn’t seem to look at it / open it until after he finishes talking, which draws out the legendary “where the fuck is mickey” line). he also mentions manhattan and rome, and how he’s been to neither of those places. it’s probably safe to assume that anasui is floridian — but maybe he’s just really passionate about orlando, who knows. he seems pretty passionate about sinks, too. other than that, not much real information is released here besides things like “anasui’s very passionate about mickey” and “weather report is a fan of post-impressionism”
so, on to the Fun Arc. heavy weather. when weather first gets his memories back, the first things he does, in order, are shove a injured person out of a chair, take said chair, and then force water into a doctor’s body to make him into a chair.
anasui, despite being a literal murderer and honestly doing plenty of fucked up things over the course of the series, flips his shit. he’s legitimately horrified, probably less so from what weather’s doing and more so that it’s weather that’s doing it. actually, weather kinda acts like anasui, honestly, so maybe this is also just anasui being a giant hypocrite, but hey. he’s literally described between chapters as having no idea what’s going on and being pretty freaked out — he’s just following weather at this point because he still has no idea where jolyne is.
(im going to note for my own self-satisfaction that despite weather’s whole “you’re only useful to me now cause you can kill me, anasui” line and all that, when pucci grabs anasui during weather’s fight against him, weather visibly reacts and gets worried regardless, so hey, my rarepair)
okay, after weather’s death, anasui makes a mini speech. (arguably, weather’s death is the turning point for anasui to take more of a serious and less of a comedic role.) here’s what he says:
“listen, jolyne. people have called me a ‘murderer.’ the papers have called me that, and i can’t say that i disagree with them. when people asked me if i would sacrifice myself for the sake of my family, i answered ‘no.’ i’d probably answer that way, now. my heart was never moved by them.”
(more evidence to suggest that anasui’s relationship with his family wasn’t necessarily the best.)
“but i know that i’d be willing to risk my life for something that was able to revive me. i used to be dead.”
interjection here: whether he’s talking about his betrayal (when his girlfriend cheated) or maybe just a general feeling of aimlessness towards life in general, this is pretty dark for anasui, actually. it’s one of the only times he even talks abt his crimes, and this is an interesting concept that araki explores a few times with multiple characters. (eg. anasui risks his life to revive himself with “love,” or what he thinks is love, in any case, to follow jolyne. abbacchio does something similar to follow buccellati, in p5. weather “revives himself” for revenge, and johnny in p7 for the hope of walking again.)
prior to giving himself a mission (jolyne), anasui thinks of himself as functionally dead. this also explains, for example, his nonchalance towards risking his own life and wellbeing for the others.
“weather was that way, too. weather came back to life when he left that prison. i can tell. so don’t think too deeply about what happened to him. these past few days, weather was happy. weather was already saved.”
— okay, in my mind, most of this is just shit anasui says to make jolyne and hermes feel better about weather’s sudden death. to an extent, it’s true: weather prior to getting his memories back was enraptured with the world outside the prison, helping innocent people, messing with sinks, reading fairy tales, but that’s not really the truth. after getting his memories back, weather admits to wanting to die, admitting that he took a cruel sense of pleasure in watching heavy weather run its course and telling anasui that in a twisted way, he’s glad anasui’s there so that he’d kill him. weather’s not happy.
(but who knows? in the end, the character that actually knew weather for the longest was anasui — maybe he’s right and that there was something that revived in weather that we didn’t get to see as the readers.)
but what’s interesting is that he doesn’t mention weather’s sudden transformation after getting his memories back, he lets jolyne and hermes carry on the weather they knew in their thoughts, instead of telling them the truth of weather’s personality. on my second read-through, i noticed that (besides pucci, i guess, and versace by proxy) anasui is the only one who sees weather’s true personality.
and maybe, dying for the sake of his goal (ie. weather’s attempted revenge) was close enough to redemption, in anasui’s eyes. if we pick apart weather’s final goals, he’s living only so that he can 1. take revenge on pucci and 2. die. honestly, in a sad, fucked up anasui-logic kind of way, weather dying in his attempt to kill pucci at least fulfills half of those goals, so it’s not a stretch that anasui could shrug and say “close enough i guess.” but imo, he still says what he does mostly to ease jolyne and hermes’ consciences. it’s one of his kinder moments.
in the actual final fight against pucci, anasui’s probably just behind jotaro in terms of fully grasping and understanding pucci’s abilities — and their implications in battle. his final plan is the only one they really have: because diver down is able to phase through and protect all of the others, he will take the first hit from pucci, and at that exact moment jotaro will stop time and presumably ora pucci into oblivion.
it doesn’t work, but the plan had merit and was surprisingly well thought-out, showing quite a few of his personality traits — while he’s angry and headstrong most of the time, he’s relatively good at thinking on his feet and is always quick to come up with plans, especially in battle. now let’s look at his last lines.
“don’t stop [pucci’s blow] before he hits me. do it after…”
while all the other characters pause and stare at him in shock after he says this, he’s relatively calm about it. he knows it’s the only chance they have, regardless of the danger it poses to himself. dying, to anasui, is not the worst that can happen — it’s having to live again with no purpose (which he’s established, atm, as jolyne).
“ever since i got out of prison, i’ve managed to stay alive… if i can just stay alive, keep this trend… then maybe i’ll ask jolyne to marry me. …or, you know, something like that.”
a lot of people do make light of this (and it’s somewhat comedic, for sure) but it’s interesting again to see how much this drives him. before i really get into it, let’s take a look at jolyne’s (infamous) response.
(jolyne:) “anasui… all right, ask me. […] your plan… it still as hope. it’s not darkness that drives you… even if there’s only one path that we can take, if there’s a hint of hope, then that’s the right path.
holy shit do i love this quote. in the end, anasui’s not… redeemed, not really. he’s still a murderer. he still feels no remorse over killing those people. but he’s not evil, either. his motivation is that he wants to live for real: he is driven by hope. and through all the morally grey protagonists of parts 5 on, this is what they all have in common: a hope or dream that gives someone who’d thought themselves dead something to live for. jolyne doesn’t say this because she’s suddenly in love with anasui, or because she wants to marry them, she says it because she’s realizing this — she’s realizing that anasui’s hope, his resolve, might be enough for this plan to work.
actually, in the end, in an ironic twist of fate, he does die for — and by — jolyne’s hand. (hah.) pucci redirects stone free’s punch into anasui’s torso, piercing through his chest and killing him near instantly. rip. and that, in any case, draws an end to this wall of text.
also i think one random fic i read mentioned a throwaway line that anasui apparently had about him having been married once in prison? i dont recall anything like that, but someone else has confirmed it (i’d love to find the source, if anyone has it!)
i’d love to get into the whole thing about his motivation in the first place: why anasui “falls in love” with jolyne and why that matters, as well as possible subconscious motivations for his obsessions/his stand ability but that’s falling solidly into the territory of hc’s, and not so much analysis/meta. 
i’ll write it up some other time, maybe, if there’s interest.
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