#this was hands down one of my favourite aus to write!!!! i love cute nervous hyuck!!!!
softie-rain · 5 months
Give me some Sejanus headcanons please? 🥺
I love how you write him 💖
Note: ok first off anon please marry me I'm such a whore for compliments I'm like Rachel (from friends) when she's pregnant, you compliment me I give you EVERYTHING you ask for. Second off, I'm assuming you meant x reader so I went with that! If you meant only about Sejanus' character, please tell me and I'll write those too :D
Pairing: Sejanus Plinth x gen!reader
tw: none babes pure fluff
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Sejanus Plinth will literally do anything for you, and it is not an exaggeration.
"Sejanus I'm cold."
"I wish I could control the weather to make you feel warm, but since I can't, here, have my jacket."
If you're sick, for example a fever, he'll take the whole day off/skip Academy just so he can take care of you. He doesn't care that he might get sick as well. You're hungry? He'll prepare you a soup just like his Ma' taught him. You're cold? All the blankets you need are on the way.
He'll also help you take your pills, medication, anything you may need!
He helps you study, I feel like Sejanus is very good at school (he is in canon, if I'm not wrong) so he's 100% up to help you with your classes.
He'll make cards with questions to ask for any upcoming test you may have, and give you a cookie he made for every correct answer! Or a kiss, too.
... he'll strip down for every correct answer if you want it to he nsfw. up to you.
Cuddles!! All the time!
Sejanus is a listener, he loves listening to you talk. Especially if it's something you love, like your favourite book or simply a special interest you have
Picutre this: you're sitting on your bed talking, as Sejanus is laying on his side next to you listening to and at some point he zones out, which you notice.
"Sejanus? Are you listening?"
"Sorry darling, got distracted by how beautiful you are."
And you get flustered and blush and feel like you're 12 with your first crush
He's so smooth with his flirting??? So so damn charming.
He LOVES to make you flustered, he gets so happy when he sees how red in the face you get after a compliment
He's so protective and jealous of you too, but that doesn't admit it because he's a bit ashamed of that. Even after you reassure him it's fine and that it's normal.
He's so nervous when you meet his Ma' for the first time, but she loves you the second she lays eyes on you
This is a Strabo Plinth hate account so he's not there ❤️
Take this one in a modern au probably, but she'll totally show you embarrassing Sejanus baby pics
He's not a huge fan of pda but he'll hold your hand any time he has the chance. In class, in the hallways, at home, as you walk
He always spoons you. Idc if you're taller my man WILL be the big spoon.
in a modern au again, you're watching your favourite movie which he hasn't seen but he's so confused
"Wait who is he" "Oh is he the bad guy?" "What is going on?" "I don't understand, why did they do that?"
Though it's probably just so you get to talk about and he knows how much you love to talk about it
He'll read for you if you ask him to!
As I said he's very jealous (ahem insecure ahem) but he trusts you, so it's the cute kind of jealousy
He's always reminding you that he loves you, both by buying you gifts or just by telling you.
Please remind him you love him too or he'll cry
and me with him
You don't want him to because you don't want him to spend money on you but the only reason he'd use his father's money is to buy you gift or take you out on fancy dates
Hugs from behind!!
if you're shorter he loves to pick you up
Can you tell Sej's my favourite character
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disaster-j · 1 month
okay bestie here you go take your pick (or don't 👀): 👑 😈🔮☣️
(because the royal bucktommie au has a corner in my mind and i will NEVER not go 👀👀👀 at any mention of the labrats OR the demon white au <3)
I had the most fun with yours negl just kept hopping from au to au xD
👑 magical royalty au 
It’s hard for them both to look the other in the eyes after the things that were done in the library. 
Buck, for one, cannot look at the king’s thick, calloused hands without the heat rising inside him yet again. But he must not let his earlier mistakes recur. The carriage is far too tight a space to hide anything from anyone. 
He doesn’t even have a coat to cover himself up, for heaven’s sake!
Buck catches the king staring at his neck yet again, at the bruises he’d carefully drawn across Buck’s skin. His gaze lingers long enough for Buck to feel the purpling patches tingle under it. 
He shivers, tries not to look directly at his majesty, so as not to imagine up the hunger he’d misinterpreted from the man earlier tonight. 
Without notice, the gaze drops down to his wrist. Or, more correctly, to the cursed iron wrapped around them.
😈 Demon!White (this one is funnier if you read the snippet from this ask first hehe)
White pats himself on the back for his choice in men when Sean sends him the location pin for where they should meet. It’s a place he knows extremely well. Sean must have done his research, asked around to find out what White loved best and now he was gonna give it to him.
10/10 what a date!
He shadow hops his way to the cafe-lined street by the canal that he spends most of his free evenings strolling through and sees Sean is already waiting for him, right in front of the best place in the world. 
There’s a little skip in his step as he makes his way to Sean, ignoring the annoying shrieks that tend to follow him every time he shadow hops to crowded places. Sean is smiling at him as he takes his hand, drops a quick hello kiss on his cheek and-
Pulls him away from the restaurant. What?
“There’s this cute cafe just down the road,” Sean says cheerily as the distance between White and his favourite McDonald’s outlet grows and grows.
A mountain of despair weighs him down as he mourns the McSpicy Chicken he already had his heart set on devouring. But then he catches a glimpse of the nervous smile on Sean’s face and the doom and gloom fades away. 
The cloud chasing them shrinks into nothing before Sean even notices it's there. 
It’s fine. It’s all good. He can always get McDonald’s after the date.
🔮 psychic!Buck
“That was how I knew it worked,” Eddie could have spent a lifetime watching that smile take over Buck’s gorgeous face. “Because after I told you, I started seeing you instead of her. You were talking to your son, slurring really, but I just knew you’d be okay.”
Eddie didn’t remember talking to Christopher that day. He never did get those memories back. But there’s a sense of comfort in knowing that moment is safely buried somewhere in Buck’s incredible mind. A piece of Eddie only Buck will ever truly have. 
No one had wanted any part of him in a long, long time.
☣️ Labrats!
“Nope, I’m good,” Black says, pushing the plate of omelette and rice away from him. The fish sauce smell alone makes him feel all weird. 
“Aren’t you hungry?” Yok asks, mouth already so full of rice that some of it flies out and lands grossly onto the table they’re all gathered around. “You haven’t eaten all day.”
And he’s the freak here?
“Correction,” Todd yells from somewhere in the back. “He hasn’t eaten since Tuesday.”
As if summoned by that fucker’s inflammatory words, hia Kumpha appears behind him. 
“Eat your rice.”
“I’m not hungry. I don’t need to eat!”
“Everyone needs to eat!”
“Not me!” he says, “The scientists didn’t feed me all the time and I was fine!”
Everyone stills. He gets the sense that he has, once again, said the wrong thing. Fuck.
(make me write!)
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Oooo for the ask game. Red and 9
9- What’s your favourite headcanon(s) for this character?
oooh okay so!! i'm actually writing red with like an arc and everything in my next fic so i've actually gotten to spend some time with him as a character! i don't know all the popular headcanons for him besides just like. he soft boy and also does arson. but i have kinda come up with some of my own, at least within the au i'm writing:
he sometimes feels like no one else is trying as hard as he does to keep the peace, and that makes him genuinely mad. like he wishes someone could take that pressure off of him, even though it's mostly self-inflicted
i came up with a different kind of clothing aesthetic/style for each of the boyz in this au (light academia for vio, 50's greaser for blue, casual equestrian for green, etc) and red was actually the hardest to pin down. i think he'd make a lot of his clothes and accessories by hand and wear them proudly. i could see him rocking a good skirt and floofy blouses. peter pan collars might be too preppy, but also, maybe not? and he'd definitely do the mabel pines thing where he has like 45 hand knitted sweaters with random designs
i think red would listen to the most explicit and obscene music with a cute lil smile on his face. like, the gang is in the car and red get the aux and plays deepthroat by cupcakke and he's just like :-)
red loves to sing and hum and whistle just make idle rhythmic noise in general. it pisses blue off but he tries to let red enjoy himself because he knows he does his own annoying shit red lets him get away with
of all the main characters i feel like the assumption would be that red would do the best in therapy, but i don't think so? like, he'd get into a therapist's office and just fold his hands over his lap and be like "hi :) i'm doing good how are you?" and it would be like pulling teeth to get him to express any negativity
he's a dog person. he doesn't dislike cats, but he gets nervous that he's offending them by existing
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imaginingit · 6 years
high school au!haechan
GUESS WHO’S BACK !! in case you’ve never met anyone that embodies SUCH a typical high schooler like hyuck before, here u go ! may or may not have done the quarterback and band geek trope . i regret nothing 
oh BOY
first of all 
let’s backtrack a little bit and talk about middle school!haechan too cause...,,, dude is a Mess 
was the sketchy one in seventh grade that sold like g-shocks and silly bands at the hill in front of the park every lunch recess 
had a power ranger lunchbox all the way up until he was like 13 lol when yukhei would be like.....hyung......What.
during the summer when the school staff are making up the lists for the classes everyone’s like 
“nO no way he’s in a class with renjun, renjun is the only person he’ll ever be afraid of i can’t have that dispute in my class”
“um. hyuck can’t be in the same class as jisung either...i once saw him try to feed jisung yellow snow saying it was lemon flavoured... poor boy believed him...”
“mark’s mother gifted me a box of chocolates last year with a note thanking me for my hard work and begging her son to be in a different class than hyuck. sorry, guys.”
the principal looks over all the lists and is like UM these are bullshit reasons, just put all of them together, how bad could it be???
ahem. BAD.
every science class starts with chenle and yukhei SCREAMING the bill nye theme song do u guys watch the vlives my GOD i thought chenle was hard to keep up with and nOW THERE’S LUCAS 
dodgeball during phys-ed is just haechan, yukhei and jeno absolutely slaughtering everyone
mark has his headphones in the entire time in art class and if one of the guys try to talk to him he just raises his finger and shushes them
jeno and jaemin flirt 
renjun, chenle and yukhei trying to win jisung over and then ending up just swearing at each other in mandarin 
has been the football captain since he was at the youngest age that was  eligible to even sign up,,,,, he’s that good 
always always makes mark walk home with him after practice 
so mark just sits on the bleachers with his bio textbook in his lap and glasses slipping down his nose, pages just flying left and right from the wind, bored out of his mind like fUCking hyuck i hate u i hate waiting two hours for practice to end just so you can show me your new pokemon cards at home ffs
everytime there’s practice before school, he’s always the last one to stay on the field, promising coach he just wants to try another long catch
SO because he’s always late this BITch just runs straight to first period with sweaty hair and practice clothes and athletic tape still on his fingers 
renjun: you disgust me.
jaemin: here’s my deodorant. and jeno’s. and jisung’s. here take all of ours take it please just take it oh my gO d
loves this sport more than absolutely anything honestly 
his entire bedroom is just full of patriots posters and banners 
his mom pranked him on his birthday telling him to open the box on his bed with pats tickets inside 
ran upstairs crying hysterically and fucking opened it to find a picture of his siblings going HA YOU THOUGHT 
resented them for the rest of his life 
but this boy also really loves music!!
always performs a ballad every year at the school talent show with jisung doing some sort of contemporary performance
his parents are both fans of old schoolers, like abba & elvis & beatles such, so he grew up with the beautiful combination of football on the tv and ‘mamma mia’ spinning on the record player in the kitchen 
during his final middle school year, he performed a version of his favourite park hyoshin song, and finished with the entire school in uproar, cheering and screaming HYUCK HYUCK HYUCK!!! YES!!!
and so he puts the mic back on the stand and runs down the stage to his teammates waiting in the crowd
so excited and and ready to jump into their arms
only to witness a couple of them standing there motionless and checking their wrists, as if waiting from the start for his performance to be over 
he sees the defensive tackle of his team, some dude that probably shaves twice a day and is beefed BEYOND belief 
“hey man, abt time you’re done, coach wants to run over some plays for next week’s game against yg tech, let’s go”
and that was it
the hoard of guys in letterman jackets pull him into their midst and before he could even complain, they mercilessly make their way to the gym as a group
with renjun, chenle, jaemin, jeno, mark and yukhei all just standing there like ... o ... ok ... we just wanted to congratulate u, hyuck...
donghyuck never brings that moment up ever and the dreamies don’t question (yes lucas is a dreamie square up)
from then on, they notice hyuck’s been humming less and isn’t even commenting about day6′s new releases or how renjun’s grandfather bought a brand new record player from the most expensive record store in their town 
donghyuck continues being the school’s star quarterback and having meetings with minor league scouts every week 
they know it’s a touchy topic and being as close as they are with each other, they don’t pry hyuck about it and knows he’s the type to hold it in but will bring it up when he has to 
but unlike what they all think, hyuck doesn’t explode in anger or spite 
he finally opens up on a regular friday night when mark’s sleeping over after finishing a hefty assignment 
and mark is surprised that he prods on this topic with, not anger or spite, but ,,,,, fear? 
“hey mark.......what if this is the only thing i can do?"
“what do you mean?”
“i don’t want to just be some brainless jock” 
mark is a little... stunned... he’s known him all his life and this is the first time hyuck has shown any sign of fear?? of anything???
mark just scootches in a little closer....”you’re not brainless, and this won’t be the only thing you’ll be good at, i promise”
BUT OF COURSE they never speak of it again hyuck’s just kinda like hahahahahha emotions what ahahahah sadness what ahahhahah
but graduation hits and before the dreamies (and yukhei hehe) know it, it’s time for high school
all the upperclassmen know him and think he’s a little shit but love him anyway, so embraced him and all his friends when they entered 
fascinated by how much wider the hallways are and how BIG  the school actually is 
tryouts for the football team are on like the second day 
was so excited!!!! to play with his close hyungs and co-captains jaehyun and youngho 
coach personally came up to him and was like .... boi it’s so rare for a freshman to be on the varsity team, hERE’S YOUR JERSEY NUMBER AND YOUR LOCKER AND YOUR EQUIPMENT AND YOUR OWN PERSONAL PRACTICE SCHEDULE I’LL WORK AROUND U IT’S OKAY 
is treated automatically like the superstar at the first official practice and honestly doesn’t ..,,know how to handle 
he’s only always been around his middle school friends, aka people he’s known all his life and who know he doesn’t like being smothered 
donghyuck knows he’s good but again, will anyone ever look him past the football?
mark sees all this new attention he’s getting and his heart silently breaks a bit knowing hyuck doesn’t truly want all of this
the football, yes !!! the clout, not really 
but hyuck is a freshman!! and knows he can’t speak up quite yet so he endures this superstar status already bestowed on him and forces his uncomfortable smile away 
it’s ok !! he tells himself
it’s good to be recognized for something you’re good at ..,, right ?
but as years pass and seniors graduate and championships continue to be won, hyuck slowly climbs up the popularity pyramid with it too
so by the first day of senior year, having just recently started getting close with the captain of the cheerleading squad and throwing the biggest party of the summer break as a last hurrah a few days prior, hyuck walks into the high school doors as the talk of the TOWN
all those stereotypical popular pretty boys you see on tv namely um troy bolton um austin ames um finn hudson um scott mccall um YES 
that’s literally him at this point 
loved by all students for being a social butterfly and not ??? an asshole ??? to those that aren’t as popular
teachers adore him cause he participates in class and always hands assignments in on time despite his student schedule and always gifts them little holiday baskets at the end of every semester
renjun had junior year chem with him and almost threw his paper out the window when he saw hyuck’s mark
“how are you this good ,,,,,,,, when you don’t even DO anything?!” 
point is, he’s at the top of his game
and this year, senior year, the stakes for the championship are higher than ever; with hyuck’s school topping the rankings for the east, they’ll likely be meeting with the champion team in the west for the finals, and coach claims he hasn’t seen a matchup this neck-and-neck in terms of stats, style of play, and pairing matchups in .,,,, years
so there’s absolutely no screwing around this year - losing is not an option
but overall, haechan believes he has his shit planned out: there were assignments, then exams, then playoffs, then the championships, followed by celebrations here and there, and then hopefully a scholarship, followed by graduation and then college, and then it’ll just be the flower road from there
what he really doesn’t factor in, though, is a certain captain of a certain school marching band, swooping in to save his ass for the first time of many,,,,many more to come 
it happens on a regular tuesday afternoon 
you two shared the same stupid humanities elective class during last period, and it didn’t dawn upon him that a rough copy of this useless visual presentation was due today that he did nOT even know was even assigned 
the teacher comes around with her pointy ass glasses and a clipboard decorated in purple flower stickers, visibly softening at an obviously panicked hyuck 
“hello, donghyuck, ready to show me the rough copy?” 
“well,,,,see i-i um ,,, i”
the teacher kind of urges him on, half in disbelief and half in pity at how scared he looks for the first time ever
he’s still trying to conjure up a plausible excuse, all the while LITERALLY WANTING TO HIT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD
ugh ur so stUPID, hyuck, he thinks, coach even ended practice early last night too and all u did was binge the last airbender for the 80th time AGAIn like a DUMBASS ugh 
so there’s a couple more awkward moments of silence 
“oh, ms kwon! i should have said something, haha we partnered up for this one! i have it on my laptop here!!”
his flushed face whips around and lands on you 
in your oversized knit sweater and cute skinny blue jeans ripped at the knee, round glasses threatening to fall from your nose 
and a surge washes over him he’s neve r ev  er felt before 
relief ?? ya, sure. we’ll call it that for now 
the teacher looks at you, then back at hyuck with an eyebrow cocked and you steal that moment to send him a nod and stern look in your eyes
he’s spluttering at this point 
“ye-yeah, sorry miss, just a little tired and f-frazzled i guess...”
the teacher kind of just gives herself a knowing smile, as sort of a “heh....alrighty then” but walks over to your desk nonetheless 
the entire class seems to buy it too, and go back to their white noise chatter 
hyuck lets out the loudest exhale before scrambling to his feet over to you just glaring at him with a knowing smile and your arms crossed across your chest
“i’m so soRRY I DON’T EVEN KNOW YOUR NAME WHY DID YOU JUST DO THAT FOR ME YOU REALLY DIDN’T HAVE TO i’m s o sorry i had practice late last night and holy crap it just totally slipped by me and-”
he stops at the sight of you bursting into a fit of giggles and is even more ??? confused ?? hes so frazzled
you: “it’s ok, you idiot, i know you always get stuff in on time anyway” 
and he shuts right back up and turns BRIGHT RED bc who even is this person? who’s so cute n helpful 
you: “i’m y/n btw!! i’m captain of the marching band for ur team” 
and the lightbulb visibly clicks for hyuck 
“OOOOH so that’s why you look so familiar!!” 
so the two of you chat away about playoffs coming up and the championships the last few years and how it’s so strange neither of you have crossed paths in the pass when you’ve had so many connections
and you kind of just smile and nod at that 
because you fully know why 
lee donghyuck, captain and quarterback of the football team
lee donghyuck, school heartthrob and teachers’ favourite
lee donghyuck, the social butterfly and the amicable figure in every situation 
he had always been there, practicing on the field in front of you as you tried to pry your eyes off of him and run the trumpet section one more time,,.,,,,he was always there, but always so??? unreachable???
you couldn’t pretend you never laid eyes on him on freshman orientation day when he was being stopped by every person he walked by to be high fived and welcomed to the team
and thought wow . his skin? his aura? the way his smile lights up the whole goddamn room? 
and you’re in a lot of classes with jaemin and always see hyuck drop by a few minutes before class to sit and goof around before getting lovingly chastised by the teacher 
but never reached out to say hi or anything 
he was always too unreachable 
BUT OF COURSE you don’t say anything and instead just smile at the ground and shrug 
“guess that’s just the way we’re supposed to be, you know?” 
and just as he was about to ask what you meant by that, the bell rings and you let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding 
like w Ow a whole 1 hour class w ur crush and he’s finally talking to you ???? TOO MUCH FOR ONE DAY 
you don’t even utter a goodbye  but just give him a bright, knowing smile, stuff your papers into your bag and leave for the day 
and even as the classmates pack up and the teacher is gone and hyuck knows he doesn’t have practice today but needs to get home bc he promised his mom he would help with her flat tire, he can’t find it in himself to stand up and leave 
he’s sitting there processing your words, and just,,,,you
“i’ve really been around y/n this whole time and didn’t even know it?” 
suddenly he just feels stricken with guilt and shame and remembers all the time the ball landed by the bleachers and you exCitedly running down the steps to toss it back clumsily 
he remembers always smiling back and saying “thanks”, but never quite meeting the eyes of the person 
he lets out a grumble and just plunks his head onto the wooden desk loudly 
chenle and jisung come bc they were all supposed to walk home together 
and just see a slumped hyuck bumping his head up and down on the table whispering “stupid, ,,,,, so stupid” over and over again
jisung: he did it oh my god it’s done it broke him football finally broke him HIGH SCHOOL FUCKING BROKE HIM 
so after fixing the tire and helping clean after dinner and finally lying in bed that night
he makes this silent promis e ??? to make it up to u somehow ?? 
you both wake up the next day, both w each other lingering in your minds, and both unsure of what to do to get rid of it 
though hyuck isn’t sure he wants to 
you both daze off during classes and stare at the back of the head of the person in front of you,,,,just,,, thinking 
and then it’s time for fifth period 
and you don’t think you’ve ever speedwalked so fast to a class before 
people start pouring in and as the second bells starts to ring you still don’t see his face and you decide getting your hopes up all day for no reason was just stupid 
the teacher is about to start the class before the door opens one last time and you see a visibly flustered hyuck shuffle in 
right into the seat next to you 
what you don’t know is two minutes prior to this, poor dude was in the bathroom rinsing his face and trying to do something, anytHING to get the blush off his cheeks but to no avail 
so the lesson today was about families and societies and you swear the next ten minutes felt like forty 
your eyelids start getting a little heavier before you hear the scratching of a pencil on paper 
he’s marked the side of your notebook with a little “hello ^-^” 
you try to conceal the beaming smile threatening to creep on ur face but you really can’t
you’re just a little whipped aren’t u
that entire class is then just spent doodling stupid things on each other’s notebooks and giggling and even had to have the teacher turn to you guys and give a stern look before realizing it was hyuck and just BEAMED 
by the time the class ended you were packing your stuff up to leave before he gRabs your hand 
“what the--?” 
he takes your thumb and places it on the fingerprint scanner before fiddling with something on it 
your mind immediately sprinted to the WORST IDEAS
“he’s hacking my instagram right now isn’t he he’s telling my family on facebook that i do drugs, isn’t he LEE DONGHYUCK GIVE ME MY PHONE”
so you start to fumble for it before he hands it back to you calmly,
“i’ll be expecting a text tonight”
and then he’s gone 
and that was the start of the cutest friendship ever ???? 
you guys talk about anything and everything, from the colour of your room to his sister’s favourite food to the one time you fell from your treehouse and had to get stitches to the time lucas got stuck in a slide on a children’s playground when they all decided to sneak out at like 11pm at night and had to call the fire department to come get him out 
and texts eventually turn into calls and calls eventually turn into being inseparable at school
the boys LOVE YOU and immediately pinned you on their side to torture hyuck together
and as time goes by, all the boys start noticing changes in hyuck and how he would never do anything with them without mentioning your name
like they’d be out having ice cream after studying at jisung’s and he’d absentmindedly mention that this lemon ice cream is the perfect colour of your room and that yellow is your favourite colour 
or that the disco ball in jaemin’s basement is exactly the one you have dangling on the rearview mirror in your car 
so WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE but the boys respect you enough to not tell you yet bc you deserve to have hyuck confess on his own
you guys hang out any chance you get and it isn’t till near spring formal that he comes over with some mcdonalds that you realize you’ve gotten so comfortable so fast 
so you both settle into the kitchen before he opens up the big mac, takes off one of the buns of the burger, to reveal ketchup dotted across the patty spelling “SF? :D” bc the patty was too small to spell the full words, “spring formal?” lol 
and you scoff and throw a fry at him bc of course you’d go with him 
and your heart’s just racing for the rest of the night
after dinner you head out to your backyard and lay a blanket on the grass to stare up at the stars 
hyuck knows a lot about astrology so you love just lying there and hearing him tell you about the lyra constellation and its myths 
you spend the night just giggling and laughing and shoving each other around before it starts to get really late and he knows he should be going 
but he can’t seem to move
and so he asks,
“hey, are you mad at me?”
and you’re a little,,,confused before you reply, “for spilling jisung’s apple juice on my laptop the other day? just a little, but i’ll forgive you if you pay for my spring formal ticket for me hehe”
he rolls his eyes and scoffs and says, “no you idiot”
you can’t think of why you’d be upset with him, considering it was just a regular night for you two
he explains, “you know.....for not really knowing you before this year”
your heart kind of sank bc you weren’t really expecting it but you also deep deep deep down seriously wished he would never bring this up 
it’s silence until you answer
“no, because i don’t blame you for it” 
“what do you mean”
“well...” you know it’s a tough thing to tell him but you know he’ll listen to your words
“you’ve just always been unreachable, you know? like i remember seeing you on freshmen orientation day and just thinking, you know, this guy is just something else,,,something i’ll never be. and over the years, i made my peace with that, bc that’s just the situation you were thrust in,,, you know, football and parties and stuff”
and hyuck’s heart sinks with each word because you really mentioned everything he was afraid of,,,,that he was only ever gonna be popular because of football,,,,and that he never really had a say before he was thrust into the social status he’s in now 
just as he’s about to clear his throat from emotions and get up to spout some stupid excuse on why his mom wants him home now even though she was probably already in bed, you continue
“but....now i know that’s not all that you are...you’re kind and smart and sweet and funny, and yeah you’re crazy good at football but you’re also crazy good at singing and science and fixing tires and vacuuming and playing with your little sister and making people laugh,,,that’s why you’re my friend now”
hyuck doesn’t realize how long he stares at you after you said that before you wave your hand in front of his face ((”uh dude.....”))
he feels tears welling up in his throat so he just lies back down and makes some nonchalant comment again, playing it all off like he usually does
“mhm okay yea enough with the sappiness i just wanted to know if the geeky band girl hates the quarterback captain like they typically do okay blah blah”
but you and him both know
you’re both concealing smiles as you lay there, staring at the stars 
he’s never heard anyone talk about him like that before 
and you’ve always known that he was still a little unsure of himself 
and maybe this just put this all to rest 
and as you both lay there with the sound of your own frantic heartbeats in your ears, you dwell on the fact that maybe it shouldn’t be beating that hard,,,,that fast,,,,
senior year is going by, and before you guys know it, championships are in three days  
your school wins the semi-finals in dramatic fashion, with the winning touchdown seconds before the final whistle 
and you couldn’t make it to that game bc of a huge assignment due the next day but hyuck makes sure to call you as soon as he grabbed his stuff from the locker room 
it was only a beat of silence before jungwoo just scoffed and shrugged, “someone’s WHIPPPEEEDDD” 
hyuck just blushes red and runs out in the midst of the entire locker room hollering and throwing sweaty towels at him 
bc he knows he doesn’t really have feelings for you, does he? 
these past few months have been amazing but it can’t be 
all he does know is 
how your hair smells like vanilla when you whip your head around to scold him for pinching your sides 
how your eyes crinkle when you laugh at some pun you read on reddit 
how your fingers get really bad circulation so they’re always cold and red and you have to make sure to wear sweaters during the winter to keep them warm
how you hate helping out the flutes cause they’re always screechy 
how you started playing the saxophone because your grandma did when she was in college 
how your eyes light up when someone mentions your favourite tv show character 
how you hate carrots but he always makes you eat them cause they’re good for you and you just sit there all pouty
how much he loves loves LOVES when you come over to just do nothing like sit on his windowsill and read or go through his old childhood pictures for the millionth time and giggle at every cute smiley one for the millionth time
he’s standing there in the middle of the field with his phone in his hand, dangling by his side, with you hollering through the receiver like “,,,,hello? bitch u called ME, HELLO?!!” 
and he just mumbles a “uh i gotta go sorry i’ll tell you about it tomorrow” 
and hangs up
cause fuck 
he’s in love isn’t he 
and he’s lying in bed again that night, knowing that he wants to tell you but he’s also so afraid, cause you’re his best best best (sorry mark) friend
and he’s never gotten so close to anyone so fast 
and he loves going to practice early with you so you guys can grab breakfast before 
and how he always makes sure to “accidentally” miss a toss and have it land on your head while you’re running a piece
so he tosses and turns all night 
before he comes to a decision
he knows the marching band always has practice on the bleachers every wednesday morning, coinciding with the team’s morning practice as well  
he rips his sheets off his tired body but surges up and runs to his computer, types in a few things onto the search engine and presses “print” 
it’s the next morning, and as you groggily heave yourself up from your bed, dreading having to deal with the flutes and their screeching sharps today, you also think abt hyuck and you wonder why he was acting so weird last night
but you brush it off as fatigue from a long and gruelling game 
it’s a beautiful day outside already at 7:00 in the morning, with just the slightest bit of chilliness and dew on the morning grass, and hyuck thinks it’s no accident that the sun decided to come out today too 
he holds the crinkly sheets of music in his hands, slightly shaking and profusely sweating, somehow nervous bc of someone he admires for the first time ??? in his life ???? 
he practically sprints to school, wanting to be there before you do
he spots the majority of the marching band already there and he sighs in relief when he doesn’t spot you
“hEy guys!” he runs up to the bleachers 
and he stops for a second before he realizes like ..... all these people look like deers in headlights bc ,, ,,,,,, the quarterback,,,,isn’t here with you?? aren’t you guys always stuck beside each other ????
“i’m s o sorry i don’t have a lot of time to explain and i know its confusing and this is gonna be such a rush but here !!!!” 
he hands out the sheet music to everyone there and makes them promise to not let you know about it 
everyone exchanges confusing looks ((one dude’s just like ‘fuck man it’s too early in the morning for secrets’)) but end up agreeing anyway and haechan doesn’t even have time to celebrate before he hears his teammates starting to make their way out of the practice room
he runs over to seungkwan, your best friend in band and someone who haechan knows won’t hold his word unless a bribe is involved
“okay look i know you’re y/n’s best friend but you have to promise me you won’t let her know about this okay?”
seungkwan props his clarinet on his shoulders, almost as if he was holding a baseball bat instead and does his best to puff his shoulders like “HMPH well what do i get out of this??”
“if you can establish a secret rehearsal time for tomorrow with the rest of the band where i can come and rehearse with you, i’ll set you up with our running back” bc god fucking knows vernon and seungkwan have been crushing on each other for years but have never had the guts to go NEAR each other and haechan is just sick of vernon’s endless daydreaming in the locker room 
seungkwan goes BRIGHT RED before clearing his throat and muttering “ugh fiNe” under his breath even tho he’s finally !!!!!! gonna talk to hansol !! agghhhhh!!!! 
haechan practically blows him a million kisses and runs off to the locker room before seungkwan asks
“HEY ummmm but uh why are you doing this?”
haechan sighs and feels he can’t even begin to explain himself without becoming a blubbering mess
so he just reassures him with a, “you’ll see”
hyuck doesn’t come to class that day even though you swore you saw him at practice 
he had cancelled breakfast w you earlier that morning and only waved to you once during practice, but again, you credit that to the finals being in 48 hours 
you shoot him a “cute bum where u from” text in hopes of getting his attention
“okay but no seriously WHERE ARE U I HATE MS KWON SO MUCH”
and no answer again 
you huff and give up and know he’ll message when he has to 
what you don’t know is he made sure to steer clear of you from now until the championships bc 1. he’s still not sure what he can do around you anymore now that he Knows how he Feels 
and 2. bc his hands are just glued to the sheet music, trying to rehearse as much as he can for this little surprise he has planned for you 
so all he does is just send you back a simple “not feeling well, just gonna rest up until the game” 
and your heart sinks bc you guys haven’t gone 48 hours without talking since like 8 months ago 
regardless, with championships coming up and endless school assignments piling up, you’re pretty well distracted 
but you do also silently curse yourself for imagining every quote in romeo and juliet to be hyuck and you 
and how every hour of those 48 hours seemed so excruciating and long and empty bc both of you were so busy 
so by the time it’s game day, you are restless and in so much yearning for a presence you never knew you needed this bad 
but you know, as soon as the game’s over, you can hopefully run into his arms and congratulate him 
ahem platonically ofc ahem, you try to convince yourself 
you get to the field and it’s already bustling with mascots and spectators and streamers and you can barely hear the sound of the band warming up above all the noise 
intros begin and you guys start playing the opening pieces as the banner rips and out runs 
and it’s like suddenly the earth just . stops 
looking at him running out, eyes blazed and all determined and strong made you feel so much all at once, you could feel your knees starting to buckle
and it didn’t really help when, mid run, he turns his head to you and gives a subtle smile and wink before heading to the center of the field 
you bite back a beaming smile of your own
for the next two hours, that’ll have to be enough 
and there wasn’t a single doubt in your body that they were gonna lose 
the game starts and the volume doesn’t dim for even a second 
you feel yourself sweating profusely through your blue and white uniform with each toss and whistle and tackle and you swear you’ve never been so nervous in your life 
it’s the final quarter and your school is down by just a touchdown and you swear you won’t be able to handle this anymore it’s toO MUCH
you glance up at the stands to see yukhei holding chenle’s head and screaming and jaemin with his head in his hands and jeno just closing his eyes ((”i can’t watch i can’t watch i can’t watch”)) and mark and jisung grabbing onto each other muttering things that look like praying ??? 
you even spot former alumni, youngho, taeyong and jaehyun, biting their nails and clasping their hands 
there’s barely a minute left and the ball is in our possession 
you hear hyuck echo a “HUT!! HUT HUT” before he tosses the ball in the air
it’s like time slows down as you see the running back catch it and dash for the end 
THE ENTIRE FIELD IS ON THEIR TOES as you watch your team’s defence tackle and hammer people out of vernon’s way 
he’s going and going and just before the horn blows for the end of the game, he crosses the line and 
the horn blows for the final second and once again, you guys have done it 
everyone from the stands pours down onto the field and before you can process it, mark and the boys are running up to you and dog-piling you, dragging you into the crowd with them
they did it!!! hyuck did it!!!! 
there are streamers and confetti everywhere but your eyes are just straining and stretching, looking for him 
it’s just loud, white noise for a second before you hear something behind you 
your band is in position and you see seungkwan counting them in for the opening beats
your heart starts to panic to remember if you forgot you had another piece to perform?????
the opening chords to a familiar classic starts playing and before you can even react 
there’s a voice in a mic 
and the sound of someone singing 
and it’s hyuck 
the band plays along with him and you’re just,,,,,perplexed and confused as to what he’s doing 
until you realize he’s looking straight at you
the swing beat starts to get everyone in the crowd singing and dancing 
but you’re frozen in your spot 
did he plan this?? what is he doing and how did you not know about it???? you feel hands behind you and eyes start to land on you as the boys push you forward and hyuck starts making his way onto the field to where you’re standing 
the crowd gets even louder and the music gets even happier as he’s dancing and grooving his way to you 
and then there he is, right in front of you 
his voice has you hypnotized and you’re absolutely sure this is a dream 
you guys move together to the beat, never taking eyes off one another and you just have an amazed expression on your face the entire time 
the songs comes to a beautiful climactic end and you still have no idea what’s going on
the lyrics still echo in your head
“hey, hey, baby....i want to know if you'll be mine...when i saw you walking down the street, i said that’s someone i’d like to meet,,,”
and the entire school is watching ((INCLUDING HYUCK’S PARENTS AND YOUR TEACHERS))) and your head is just spinning, spinning, spinning
he lowers the mic and just leans close and rests his forehead on yours and whispers his words to you
“i love you, and i’m so sorry it took so long but i really really do, i just hope i can make up for all the time lost,” 
his eyes are pouring emotions into yours and for some reason you want to cry 
his team just won a championship!!!! scouts are probably here, scribbling his name down for a scholarship right now!! and everyone on this field was just yelling and whooping his name a second ago!!! 
yet he’s standing here, so vulnerable and nervous in front of you 
so you grab his face and swallow your nerves
and tell him you love him, you’ve loved him for so long 
all you hear is just muted yelling and cheering and whooping around you before you swear you see a glisten in his eyes as he leans and swoops you in for a kiss 
the band is going off and playing some other 80s love tune and there is still confetti just flying all over the place and people running up to you and hugging you guys 
but his hand is still entangled in yours and he just winks 
bc in the midst of all the chaos and all the noise of being such a superstar, there you are 
and he’s sure that’s all he’ll need 
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onceuponastory · 3 years
normal - steve kemp: chapter one: into the lion’s den
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Plot: Hunting a new serial killer, FBI criminal profiler Agent Y/N Y/L/N’s boss decides that to catch this new threat, she needs to talk to the one person who can help them understand people like him...the cannibalistic serial killer Steve Kemp, currently in prison for murder. (Fresh x The Silence of the Lambs AU/Mashup) Pairing: It’s not exactly a Steve x reader fic, but he keeps flirting with her, and she’s....intrigued by him, let’s say.  Warnings: Mentions of death, murder, maiming, serial killers, bodies and cannibalism. Also I tried to show how manipulative people like Steve are and how easy they can get under your skin. So if any of this sounds like something you’d hate, please do not read. 18+ Only please. Notes: OKAY LOOK. I’ve seen Fresh twice already, and I loved it, so I just had to write something for Steve. And I also decided to combine it with another of my favourite films that has sort of a similar theme I guess? Not sure if I’ll continue it and make it multi-parted, but we’ll see. It’s not a yes, but it’s not a no either.
Walking down the hallway towards the cells of the maximum-security prison, her heels clicking on the floor, Y/N Y/L/N tries to calm herself down. Her hands are clammy, so much so that she almost drops the file in her hands a few times. She has no idea why she’s so nervous. She’s been a criminal profiler in the FBI for at least five years now, and she’s met countless serial killers and other criminals without breaking a sweat. But for some reason, today, the day she meets Steve Kemp, the Portland Cannibal, she’s the most nervous she’s ever been. His story has been all over the news in recent years, with everything he did to all those women described in more detail than she’d like. She doesn’t usually keep up to date with the news on her cases, thinking it would negatively affect her investigations, but for some reason, something about Steve Kemp intrigues her more than it should. And she wants to know why. 
So, when her boss told her she would be the one interviewing him in the hopes that he’d give them information that would help them find information to convict the newest serial cannibal terrorising Portland, she had mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, maybe she can realise why she’s so intrigued by him and finally realising what makes someone like him do the things he does might help solve the case...but on the other hand, she’s fucking terrified. Soon, she reaches the end of the hallway, Steve’s cell being located right at the far end of the dark corridor. Because of course it is. Once she reaches the bars, she notices he’s got his back turned to him. “Hello?” She calls.
When the man in front of her turns around, she gasps slightly. He’s not what she expected someone like him to look like. She’s seen his face plastered all over news reports, but it’s different seeing him in real life. When you think of a cannibal who has kidnapped, maimed and killed multiple women, you think of a monster under the bed, someone who looks grotesque and frightening. You don’t expect someone who looks like the man who faces her now. He’s younger than she expected, for one thing. And he’s so....attractive. He looks better than she expected him to. She hates how she thinks that about him, but it’s true. He is really cute. He seems so...normal. But then again, if she’s learned one thing from her job as a criminal profiler, it’s that most serial killers look so...ordinary. And to her, that’s scarier than any monster under the bed. He steps forward, his blue eyes looking her up and down. Almost as if he’s sizing her up for a meal. 
“Hello.” She jumps a little at the sound of his voice. But there’s a softness to it. And that’s making things even more confusing for her. Even though she knows what sort of person he is, everything he’s showing her tells her otherwise. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Now. Who might you be?” He chuckles, cocking his head to the side. She clears her throat and holds up her badge. 
“I’m Agent Y/N Y/L/N. I’m a criminal profiler with the FBI.” The man leans in closer, peering at her badge. Nervously, she steps back. The man laughs. 
“I know you’re an agent. They told me you were coming. Didn’t tell me you’d be a woman, though...or how cute you are.” He grins, and she gulps. His smile sends shivers through her blood. Considering the number of serial killers she’s met, it’s normal to be terrified of them. And Steve is not the first or the last to flirt with her. But for some reason, a part of her likes it when he calls her cute. And that’s what scares her the most, even when she’s thinking about the sort of person he is. Sighing, she shakes her head, as if she’s trying to move her thoughts of him and how cute he is out of her head. Steve frowns. “It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you. I can’t anyway.” He holds up his hands, wrists bound by handcuffs, and gestures to the bars in front of them. “I hate these fucking things.” He hisses under his breath, clearly not intending for her to hear him, but she picks it up anyway. Anger fills her blood, but she tries to keep it down. She can’t piss him off because then he won’t talk to her.
“Well, most people would say you got what you deserve, after what you did.” She mutters. He quickly looks back at her, and she sees a flicker of rage on his face. And there’s the rage he was hiding. She gasps, moving back in fear again. But almost as quickly as it arrived, his anger is gone, and he smiles at her like nothing has changed. 
“You’re not going to eat me though, are you?” He asks. She shakes her head, and he laughs, making her frown. “Sorry, that was an awful joke. I’m-I’m Steve.”
“I know. You’re Steve Kemp, the Portland Cannibal. Convicted of murdering ten women and  maiming another three. You’re also the main suspect in most of the missing women cases in the state.” Steve raises an eyebrow.
“Oh, am I now? And how many would that be?”
“...Twenty.” Steve sighs, rolling his eyes.
“It’s not that many! There’s a precision to my work. I don’t just grab every random woman on the street! I need perfection!” He exclaims, and she can tell he’s getting angrier. 
“Well, um-” She begins, her voice shaky. But as if he senses the fear within, Steve stops her, immediately getting calmer.
“I’m so sorry, darling. I didn’t mean to scare you.” She hates how he calls her darling...and how that same small part of her from before likes it. “I’m sorry.” He repeats. “You did all this research on me, and I didn’t even bother to look you up. Not that I could, mind you, but I would’ve.” He nods as if he’s trying to reassure her. It doesn’t help much, but she knows that if she’s going to get anything out of him, then she has to pretend like it does. So she nods too, muttering a thank you under her breath. “Anyway...how may I help you, Agent Y/L/N?” She takes a breath, pulling out a file. “Whatever it was, it wasn’t me.” Steve cuts her off again, and she nods. “Sorry, my jokes are awful.”
“I know...that it wasn’t you, I mean.” She opens the file. “There’s been more women going missing in the Portland area. Bodies have been turning up. Similar MO to you. Body parts missing...bite marks.” Steve huffs.
“Okay, first of all, I didn’t just dump their bodies in random locations. I have a little bit more...finesse when it comes to my work. I didn’t bite them either. This doesn’t fit me at all. I’m sorry, but you came all this way for nothing.”
“Well.” She continues. “There’s clear evidence that some parts have been eaten and that we’re probably dealing with a cannibal.” Steve’s eyebrow raises.
“I see. I still don’t know how the work of this amateur fits me, though, aside from that.”
“I know.” She repeats. “But I...well, my bosses, thought-”
“Thought that if they sent you here, into the lion’s den, I might be able to help you realise what makes him tick so that you can stop him?” Steve finishes for her, and she nods. “I see. Well, it would be nice to stop having the work of that amateur connected to me. So, what would I get out of this?” He smirks. Her cheeks flush after he does that, which makes her feel even worse. Steve grins at her as he notices her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
“Well, I’m not sure...they didn’t specify anything, but....” She curses, flipping through the file in case there’s a note left for her, but she finds nothing. She checks a few more times but still sees nothing.
“You know, you need a new job if this is how they treat you.” Steve muses. “Sending you out here to speak to someone like me...all alone...no back up. It’s not very nice of them. I’d complain.” He steps even closer, his nose almost touching the bars of the cell, so close he can reach for her. “Who knows what could happen to a pretty girl like you in a place like this? I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” Something strange stirs within her. Why is he saying this to her? It’s not like he cares about her. Surely he’s just trying to get under her skin like they warn her about every time...but why does she like it so much?
“I’m um...I’m not sure, Steve. They didn’t tell me what you’d get out of it.” She hates how she feels like she has to apologise to him for this oversight, as if a monster like him deserves any special treatment after all the pain and hurt she’s caused. “I don’t think you’ll get anything else.” Steve nods and turns, walking away from her in silence. Her heart sinks. She’s messed it all up, and now he won’t talk to her. Now her investigation is back to square one.
“Okay.” He begins, his voice scaring her once again. “It looks like the only perk I’ll get out of this is helping you solve the case and advancing your career.” He sighs. “Usually, I’d say no, especially if it was a man doing this. But, I like you, Y/N. So I’d like to help you.” She blinks in confusion for a moment.
“Really?” She asks. Steve nods. Most of the serial killers she works with only help if they get something out of it by doing so. She’s never had anyone do it to help her. “Well...um, thank you, Steve.”
“So...” Steve trails off, grinning and leaning ever so slightly closer. “Shall we begin?”
TAGLIST: @buckysboobs and @sgt-seabass​. If you’d like to be added to any more Steve fics I write, lemme know.
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levisgirll · 3 years
Hi! I love your work so much! Could you do a oneshot/hc about y/o and Levi having a crush on each other. Hange knows that and asks y/o why won't she confess to him. Y/O is insecure coz she's younger than him by 5 + years and she thinks that Levi wouldn't want her coz she thinks that he thinks she's childish (lol how many thinks). Thanks!
𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
→ Text: Hi there sweet anon! Thank you for letting me know that you love my work 🥺 that makes me happy! And this is such a cute idea♡ ♡ I hope you enjoy this and let me know what you think about it if you can! Hope you see this and sorry it took awhile :,( Also, while writing this I was inspired by this song called kiss u better by Katzù Oso and Lady (Hear Me Tonight) by Modjo 🥰 they both were stuck in my head when I got your request!
Synopsis: Y/N and Levi have known each other for quite awhile now. Levi clearly likes Y/N, but she feels hesitant to take things further with Levi since they are both at university(when he is ready for that!) but won’t cause she is quite nervous and insecure. Levi and even Hanji notices that, and with that Levi takes his chance and tries to win his lover’s heart after a party at Zeke’s place. To make her finally have trust in him to give him a chance, and to prove to her that he would be a great man to y/n! Finally to open her heart again back to love <3 so find out what happens! (I promise you, you won’t regret this c: many soft and fluff levi!)
cute fluff, university modern au, headcanon imagine ♡ —
It was obvious, to everyone in their university course, also around campus, that Levi and Y/N totally had a crush on each other.
But Y/N is hesitant, even though though she might have a feeling that Levi might like her too, with the many moments they shared together, the times they went out together after lectures to go to the café, walking her home, watching sunsets together (but, Levi is watching you instead) and talk out their struggles and feelings, always texting and calling her to just at least hear from her everyday, buying her snacks and food to make sure she ate, all the time going out with her to any events, would bend down and tie her shoes for her if he saw undone, and also going to the shopping mall with her to just be by her side when she shopped all around. 
During long trips too or taking the bus to the university, Y/N and Levi would swap seats, she wanted the window and Levi wanted to look at you instead.
Would definitely come over to your place during the days you didn’t eat or make any food, expect him to cook for you and especially clean your place! And you both would spend the evening at the balcony, watching the nightsky and if it was a bit chilly or there was a cold breeze, he would give you his jacket. “Tch, Don't want you catching a cold.”
Levi would also give her and buy her some flowers on special days such as her birthday, celebrations, and would just give you some if you ever felt sad! He wanted to see you happy all the time <3 
Everyone at first thought Y/N and Levi were a couple and Levi was just being shy about it to not mention or talk about it. But in fact, it was Y/N who didn’t try and push the relationship to the next step. As she was feeling quite reluctant about it, feeling insecure that she was younger than him by 5 years and thought Levi was just doing all of these things to her as a ‘nice act’ and being polite and respectful. But, Y/N has no idea that one of Levi’s top love language was actually ‘acts of service’!
Levi is not the kind of man who would just do all of these things just randomly to someone unless he knows them pretty well and if he over does them, then he actually loves them! He would only do these things for Y/N knowing that she would like it, and he would honestly give up his time for you, and you only.
It was a long tiring day at university, but finally it was the last lecture for the day and the end of the first Semester! Y/N got up and took her stuff, ready to leave the lecture hall when Hanji jumped from behind her, giving her a hug around her shoulder. “Y/N! We finally finished!” Hanji said in their usual happy and cheerful tone. You smiled at Hanji and patted their head, “Yup, and the semester break started.” You said as you both left, heading to the university café. 
Hanji smirked and elbowed Y/N to the side, “Soooo, I have been realizing for quite a while that you and Levi are getting at it, Huh.” Hanji said with a wink and started drinking their iced coffee drink, looking at Y/N who their cheeks started to heat up.
“W-What? It’s not what you are thinking though...” You mumbled and started to take your own drink, sipping it and looking away. “No way. You both are STILL not dating?! Why don’t you just confess to him? I can’t handle it anymore, you both are clearly in love with each other!” Hanji now started to squeal and was amazed how you and Levi were still not taking your relationship to the next step after being with him for such a long time. “Quiet down! I don’t want anyone to hear. But...I’m not sure, he might just think I am childish a-and might not want me..” You mumbled the last part and then gave out a sad sigh while looking down to your shoes, you were quite down about it whenever you thought about how you badly wanted to confess your feelings to him, but with how older he was to you, you probably just thought he was better off with someone else. You really did love him, but....does he? With the way he constantly checks up on you and asks about you, Y/N just wondered that he might just only do that cause he only worries for her only.
“Y/N! Wake up girl. Have ever you seen him treat you like this to anyone else? No!” Hanji wanted so badly to let you know that Levi did actually have a crush on you, but they promised Levi (well was threated by Levi) that they wouldn’t tell her.
You were about to question and ask about what Hanji meant when suddenly, Connie, Sasha and Mikasa came by. “Yo! Did you guys hear?” Connie said with a grin and brought a chair to join them, while Sasha and Mikasa tagged along giving you a little wave. “There is gonna be a party at Zeke’s place tonight! He invited us! I heard it’s gonna be crazy though.” 
“As long there is free food, I am in!” Sasha said with a nod, already planning what she will eat first when she first goes there. Mikasa looked at you and then asked, “Y/N, if you are going. I’ll tag along.” She said while looking at you, waiting for a response. Zeke was a popular guy at your university and course, he knew everyone and everyone seemed to like him. You were once placed in the same group project with him and he helped you out a lot, and even during exams he seemed to be friendly enough to share you his notes to you! Y/N never got the chance to have a proper chat with him though. 
But instead Hanji replied yelling out, “Oh hell Yea I am in! I never had the chance to hang out with Zeke, but I so wanna go to this party! Y/N Let’s go Please!” Hanji begged, giving you their usual puppy eyes and you sighed while getting up from your seat. “I’ll see and let you guys know.” You sighed and when you looked at your friends, all of them looked behind you and had a surprised look on their face. You went blank, and turned around slowly. Shit.
It was, Zeke. “Hey There.” Zeke said with a smirk and approached you closer, “Y/N, Yea?” 
You stood there, all shocked and surprised, how the ‘cool popular guy’ from your university is actually talking to you right now. You felt all eyes on you and your friends were all there, their eyes widen and were seeing what the hell was gonna happen.
“Y-Yea. Um, do you need something?” Y/N said in a nervous tone, not sure what to say or do. “Yea, Come tonight to my party.” Zeke said bluntly, and you were about to question him why when Hanji suddenly held both of your shoulders and yelled out. “Yes Yes! We are all coming!”
“Great! See you all tonight, and you too...Y/N.” Zeke said in a flirty tone while he kept his eyes on you, then walked off. You just stood there, all surprised and taken aback at how quickly things escalated. “Hanji...Seriously?” You let out a sigh and decided to walk out of the café, while Mikasa, Hanji, Connie and Sasha tagged you along. All talking about what to wear and when they are going.
As you were walking with them, you got a text message. When you saw who it was, you made a big smile.
Levi: Hey, Where are you now?
Y/N: With the others, still at campus though. Something up?
Levi: No. Also, was wondering what are your plans for tonight.
You stopped walking, and stood still, and you felt your cheeks go hot. You really liked it when Levi asked you out for hang outs.
Y/N: Well, Hanji and the others are begging me to go to Zeke’s party. So going there tonight. 
Levi:....Okay, I am coming too. Don’t go in without me.
“Oh, Levi is coming too.” You said aloud to yourself but Hanji heard it and was so shocked. “Levi? You mean Levi ACKERMAN? That guy never ever goes out with any of us, especially to parties.” 
After hearing what Hanji said, you wondered and thought, maybe just maybe....he might like you? But you later shook the thought off away from your mind.
You decided in the end to go and just meet your friends and Levi in front of Zeke’s place. You started to get ready once you got back to your place as the evening was approaching wore your favourite outfit, and just get the night over with. Hopefully nothing crazy happens right? I mean you had Levi and your other friends. So surely, it will be okay.
The night approached, and you were outside Zeke’s place, his house was huge as expected from a popular university student. You suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned to see the person you loved most, Levi.
“O-Oh, Hey!!” You quickly said, quite taken aback with his sudden appearance. “Was trying to call you out but guess you didn’t hear me.” He said with a teasing tone and went to hug you gently. He noticed what you wore, and to him anything you wore always looked beautiful and pretty to his eyes, he just wanted to say it and say how great you looked but he knew he could not do that. “You good? Where is four eyes and the others.” He said trying to ignore his thought while he had a slight faint blush which you didn’t notice.
“Soon, they are coming. Lets go in though, I think Miche and some others went ahead too.” You said looking around and as you started to head in, Levi held you hand and said calmly but had a nervous tone in him. “Wait um, I don't want us to separate so c-can I hold your hand?” Levi said but then quickly looked away, cursing himself for stuttering like an idiot in front of the the girl he loves.
You felt your face burning up and you held out your hand to him, and nodded, to which he gently held your hand and you both entered inside Zeke’s place. Wondering what the other side awaits.
It was crowded, too crowded. You felt nervous but with Levi’s soft touch holding your hand tightly, you felt relieved and safe, he was there holding you tightly, making sure no one weird was behind you and he would let you walk in front of him as he put his hand on your shoulder. Levi was honestly keep his eye out for you, it was his instinct to protect you and always making sure you are comfortable and safe. Afterall, you did mean a lot to him.
“Hey! Y/N came and Woah....Levi!” Miche yelled out waving at the both of you while Nanaba was by his side smirking at you two. You quickly let go of Levi’s hand and went away from him, Levi glanced at you on his side, a bit hurt how you let your hand go, how he didn't get to feel your touch anymore.
“Tch....What is it.” Levi said in his usual annoyed tone and gave them his stoic expression because of how they interrupted, and making Y/N letting go of him. “Zeke was waiting for you guys, Come on.” Nanaba said while a grin and kept her hand around Y/N’s shoulder to guide her and Levi to where Zeke and the others are at. Apparently he gathered around certain people and you and your other friends where among them!
You saw all your friends, Jean, Mikasa, Armin, Eren, Sasha, Connie and Hanji and many others you recognize! You spotted Zeke talking to Pieck Finger, another popular girl in your university and once you both had eye contact together, he got up and waved at you. “Hey you came!” Zeke said with a happy tone and approached you, he then noticed Levi who was clearly glaring at him. “Oh. Levi.” Zeke said bluntly and looked away from him, completely ignoring Levi and gave Y/N a smirk. “Let’s begin the fun, sweetheart?” You were taken aback when he called you that, Wait..did he actually call me that?
This fucking bastard. Levi thought as he was trying to control himself not to twist the guy’s hand when he placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Okay everyone listen up! Since the first semester finished, and to celebrate. To have a little fun, I decided let’s all play Drink or Dare!” Everyone now got hyped up and gathered around, sitting in the coaches and were all excited. You had a weird gut feeling about this as you sat next to Jean while Levi followed you and leaned aganist the coach side with his arms crossed, completely not interested in what the hell Zeke is doing, but he was just here for you.
“But...If no one does the Dare I tell them, you have to drink something I made instead and nothing else.” He pointed at the big bottle that was on the table, it had a label saying Zeke’s Spinal Fluid which you found really odd for a drink to be called like that. Afterall, he was the kind of guy who would do these random things. You figured it might have been just a weird mixture of juices all together. You asked Armin to which he said that he was not even sure himself what was in the drink and would prefer to do the dares instead!
It went by turns and everyone seemed to have been doing the dares they were told to do, such as Jean getting a dare from Eren to call a random number and try to flirt with the person whoever picks up (and how he terribly failed on that, making everyone laugh like crazy). Overall, the night was going great and everyone seemed to having fun, including yourself! Although, you did not notice though that Levi, this whole time couldn’t take his eyes off you and Zeke noticed that instead. This was now Zeke’s time to ‘shine’.
“Okay. I got a dare for you. Y/N.” Zeke said with a smirk, looking directly at your eyes with his arms crossed, which made you jolt a bit, and this got everyone’s attention. Everyone was now curious what kind of dare Zeke would give you.
“Hm...” He stood there thinking and pushing his glasses a bit up, Levi started to slowly get irritated and was ready to beat this guy up anytime. He hated how he caught Zeke seductively looking at you and would sometimes add in flirty comments to you during the game, he found him extremely annoying and hated him even more.
“I dare you to kiss me.” He said bluntly with a grin, this made everyone yell out with a surprise, especially Hanji. “Oh my god! How lucky of her, Zeke is a great kisser Y/N!” Pieck said with a giggle, as soon as Zeke was gonna approach you, Levi got up and stood in front of him.
“Fuck that. I’m not gonna allow it.” Levi said with such a enraged and threatening tone while he glared at Zeke. Levi’s eyebrows frowned and his jawline was now tensed up, he was now ready to fucking kill the guy. How could he even make such a dare to Y/N? Levi clearly knew that he was trying to get on his nerves ever since he met him. 
“I mean....I asked Y/N. And if not, she needs to drink. I mean it is part of the game!” Zeke said playfully while looking at you. Y/N now felt worried, she definitely did not want her first kiss to be with Zeke! and also she definitely did not want to drink Zeke’s drink as she felt very uncomfortable about it. But, she mostly felt worried for Levi, worried if he would actually beat up the popular guy and getting in trouble of it because of her!
Y/N quickly got up and held on Levi’s arm which made him slowly control his anger a bit with Zeke. But what happened next shocked you.
Levi went to the table, picked up  Zeke’s Spinal Fluid drink and poured the whole drink on the floor. “No. Fuck you and your game anyways shit face.” Levi said in a pissed tone, his jaw still clenched and he gave Zeke such an intense eye contact which actually scared him a bit and took a step back, away from Levi. Everyone now was all shocked by what Levi did, they never saw him go this mad or angry, and the fact that it was because of this dare to Y/N was even more shocking. Most of the reason is also because Levi would never tolerate anyone who would make you feel uncomfortable or put you in a situation you didn’t like.
Levi then, just grabbed your hand and took you out of the room, and out of his place, you just held his hand tightly, looked at his back, his undercut and your eyes would widen. Feeling all the butterflies now in your stomach slowly growing, and having also getting your fuzzy feeling. You loved how Levi just did that all, for you.
You haven’t even realized, after walking out for such a long time with Levi, still holding his hand and looking at him from behind. You felt shy and even nervous to say anything, Y/N then looked around and realized they ended up in small garden park and Levi gestured you towards a bench to sit that was near the both of you.
“Hey. You okay?” Levi said, looking down at you with both of his hands in his pockets, focusing on your eyes and facial expressions for any sign of you feeling scared or uncomfortable. But found none, and instead you were calm and happy.
“Yup. Thanks Levi.” You said shyly and looked away. It was now quiet between the both of you. Levi wondered and thought to himself, why did he react like that earlier. He could have just easily walked you out with him and not say anything or even not pour the whole drink away, ruining the game and the mood. But, he didn’t care. Levi did then admit to himself that he actually felt a bit jealous when he saw how other guys tried to approach you, how they talked to you, and how you smiled at them when he barely gets to see that from you sometimes (and it was just because you were shy when it comes to your crush, Levi).
And Zeke, made it all worse and terrible for him. He hated how he just had the audacity to just flirt with you and touch you, Levi swore the next time he sees him, he will make sure to twist his arm.
He looked back at you, and then mumbled something, which got Y/N’s attention. “Hm? I didn’t quite hear that. What did you say?” You said in a curious tone and looked up at Levi, who was shyly looking away from you, and he started to slowly go red.
“I said....” Levi then mumbled it again the last few words. ‘What?!’ You thought to yourself, all confused and Levi then sigh and looked at you. Finally saying what was in his mind tonight to you. He didn’t care anymore, just being at the party tonight and all made him realize that he had to let you know how he really felt.
“Tch...I said that...I can kiss you better than that shit face.” You stood there, feeling as if your whole face burned up, and you jolted up from your seat. Not believing what he actually said. Levi then looked at you, and you could see his cheeks go red, feeling all embarrassed and flustered while scratching the back of his head. Oh my god. Was your words on repeat in your head this whole time.
Now, Levi had an internal monologue on whether what he was gonna do and say was the right or wrong thing. But it was now or never to tell Y/N whom he knew for quite a while that he was in love with her. He couldn't handle this foreign feeling he kept feeling all the time with you and every time he tried to avoid it, it kept growing. 
He then mastered all his courage and took your hand and slightly pulled it while caressing it. “I hope that it’s true...”
“What it?” You said quietly but still having your shocked expression.
“If you are feeling what I am feeling now....Please let me know that it’s real.” Now, he sounded real soft, and he was begging you to finally give him a chance, to let him know and not to ignore this feeling you both shared, it was hard for him to even explain it and say it in words to you and he hoped you got his message. “Just hear me out tonight.” Even thought he was feeling a bit overwhelmed at how you might still not accept him and this. You were shocked, and surprised because this whole time you thought Levi wouldn’t want someone like you. He wouldn’t confess unless he knew for sure you reciprocated this feeling he had, but he wanted to hear it from you.
You nodded slightly and finally looked at him, at his eyes which was now glisten and realizing his love for you is real, while his pupil size increases, looking at you.
“Y/N, I’m falling for you. And, I can’t get you out of my mind.” He now took your other hand, and pulled you a bit slower, still looking at your eyes. “I am feeling love for the first time when it comes with you...I can also tell by the look in your eyes that...you do too.” He said gently and brought his hand to softly touch your side cheek, you felt his cold fingers warming up your cheek that you still felt burning up.
“So....Please let me love you. And give me a chance?” You finally felt your heart warm up but also melt at the same time, the fuzzy feeling kept on growing and your eyes now soften, to your eyes now tearing up, letting out your emotions. You felt happy and loved. And you thought, at long last love has arrived for Y/N, one which you craved a lot, especially from Levi. You decided to open your heart up for him and it was the best decision you ever made. Levi understood your actions and gave you a big smile, not even words can describe how he was feeling too, and he then, slowly went closer and closer to your face, to your lips, and finally. Levi kissed you. A sweet kiss under the beautiful moonlight, one you won't ever forget. Is this how love feels? How a kiss feels? Apparently it was Levi’s first kiss too and even though you both weren’t sure how to do it, you both didn’t mind, cause now you both are together, having each other, and with time Love would guide you both ♥
If only this happened sooner you wondered as you both kept on kissing and trying to kiss again and again to get the hang of it. He was happily and willing to listen if you just let him know how you were feeling from the start, but the same thing could be said to him too. And, he never found you childish, and instead he found you as his girl, which he can now say proudly.
𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬: Apparently, it turned out that Zeke played out an act and everyone was part of it! It was mainly Hanji’s plan just to get Levi’s nerves and to make him or either you confess both of your feelings ASAP as everyone in your university campus was shipping you both so hard. But now, Zeke is scared shit of Levi and he would never do this again, never listening and following Hanji’s plan ever again.
wow I actually loved how this work turned out!♡ I really hope you like this anon and everyone else who read this I hope you enjoyed it too🥺 Please let me know by leaving a like, a reblog or a message! 
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☀︎︎-: 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍 :-☀︎︎
Kimetsu no yaiba x reader
°•.《 characters 》.•°
Rengoku, Giyuu, Shinobu, Sanemi
Tw: Swearing because Sanemi is Sanemi
I'm definitely gonna binge write this series after watching the movie, I literally cant stop thinking about it--
Send in as much requests as you want!! :))
I do fluff, different AU's, angst and NSFW(we'll see).
Keep in mind, I havent read the manga. I'm caught up to the train Arc and that's it, so try not to spoil anything by requesting characters that havent appeared yet lol
« `` •"𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞~"• ´´ »
☼︎ ☀︎︎ʀᴇɴɢᴏᴋᴜ ᴋʏᴏᴜᴊᴜʀᴏᴜ☀︎︎ ☼︎
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Holding hands is sort of a need for him-
He's huge with PDA and holding your small hand within his reassures him quite a bit. He never needs to ask to hold your hand, he just grips it whenever and wherever.
I feel like he'll sense when your nervous and be really perceptive, so he'd hold your hand to ground you in a way
It's highly effectve.
"Delicious!" Your energetic boyfriend chirped, eating his takoyaki with fervour and a bright smile.
You ate your own food from across him, shaking your head a little with a slight smile slanting onto your lips.
It's definitely been a long day, so winding down and eating with your amazing boyfriend is definitely a preferable way to end it.
He sort of sensed your stress as you came back from training, sweat sleek across your forehead. And thus, he ran a bath for you and then took you out for dinner to take your mind off of whatever was bothering you.
He's always had a keen intuition and was brilliant at reading emotions on others. It was a weird super power at this point. But he noticed how relaxed you were now that you were with him, it melted his heart.
His eyes flickered over your expression, his eyes soft with adoration and affection." This is certainly calming after a long day!" He exclaimed happily.
At his jolly aura, you nodded in agreement," Honestly... It's like you have some weird superpower to make me forget about whatever was annoying me. Kinda freaky." You shivered.
Letting out a hearty laugh, the man reached out, interlacing his long fingers with yours suddenly. The warmth of his skin sending goosebumps over your arms.
"I just know you too well! Nothing wrong or freaky about that!" His grin was filled with light.
Your fingers tightened around his, his warm skin seemed to be heating up your own body as well. Thank God, you were beginning to get cold anyways.
"Have I ever told you about how cute your hands are!" It was more of a statement than a question, pulling his hand and your hand closer to him so he could get a better glimpse at your soft hands." So tiny... So soft. It's like I'm being touched by an angel!"
"Geez, you're cheesy."
"You love it~!"
"... Fair point."
•«☔︎ 𝙜𝙞𝙮𝙪𝙪 𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙤𝙠𝙖 ☔︎»•
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Bro I'm sorry, but I dont think he holds your hand much-
I feel like he thinks he doesnt need to show how much he loves you through actions, more so through blunt words.
But he will get the sudden urge to hold your hand every once in a while, so be prepared because he could get the jump on you at any point.
Doesnt like PDA that much, it makes him slightly uncomfortable because it's in public but I feel like he would get used to it later in your relationship.
Ocean-blue eyes stared at you hesitantly as you continued to speak about the new breathing technique you had learned.
Both you and Giyuu were walking peacefully through the garden you had grown over the years, the plants varying in different colours and sizes. They reminded him of you.
Your peaceful personality cued him to remember the petals of the flowers blowing gently in the breeze. Not to mention you smell very distinctly and sweet just like the flowers as well.
But as he walked with you in this haven, he felt pretty agitated and frustated. He hid it well with his usual deapan expressions, but he could feel the pit of the emotions growing bigger.
His hand twitched suddenly when the back of yours brushed against his, his cheeks tinting pink at the abrupt contact.
Gulping, he looked straight ahead with sharp eyes and a furrowed brow.
The atmosphere shifted.
And when you had stopped talking, he knew that you had noticed the harsh shift as well.
"Giyuu?... Are you feeling okay? You look like you're burning up." You questioned out of concern, a worried expression upon your face.
Shaking his head briefly, the ravenette continued to walk with his head staring straight ahead," I feel optimal. Why do you ask?" He was so obviously trying to change the subject.
You frowned a little at the stiff response and opened your mouth to respond but your boyfriend had beaten you to it.
"Let me h-... Hold your... Hand... Please." He uttered, looking down with red cheeks, an embarrassed scowl squirmed on his lips.
You were silent for a long while, making him wait nervously for your answer. What he wasn't expecting was the cute snort of laughter coming from you and grabbing his hand tightly within your own, your other hand wrapping around his forearm like it was a substitute teddy bear.
His cheeks heated up tenfold and he had to look away before you noticed.
"You're such a cutie. You don't need to ask to hold my hand you know?" You teased lightly, nudging him playfully by bumping your hip against his.
"I-it's embarrassing." He retorted.
"Whatever, cutie."
"Stop it."
꧁ꕥ 𝑲𝒐𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒖 𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒐𝒃𝒖 ꕥ꧂
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She would sooo tease you for wanting to hold her hand-
Like, she would hold it obvi, but she'd tease you about it for a good 5 minutes before finally giving up lol
Flustering you is one of her favourite pastimes, it was what your relationship was built on top of in the first place. Teasing eachother was always a thing you guys did.
But Kocho takes teasing to a MAXIMUM.
It's like you guys are challenging eachother to a tease off and she just refuses to loose. She'd rather die.
Dramatic but true
What a fucking queen-
"Ara, ara~ what was that? You want to hold my hand?" The raven haired woman pressed her hand against her lips, raising a suggestive eyebrow at you." Oh~ How scandalous! You're saying we should do pre-martial hand holding? why, that's practically a crime!"
You deadpanned at your girlfriend's words," Holding your hand is a crime?..."
"But we literally made-out yester-"
She smiled at you passive-aggressively," I'm afraid we can't hold hands until we're married! Too bad!" She sighed, pretending to seem devastated ," How could you suggest we do such a lewd thing? In public, no less! You're quite the little scoundrel, hmm?~"
Your deadpan only deepened," Well then... I guess I'll just have to marry you then, hm? So I can hold your hand for the rest of my life." You chimed out, a slight twinkle in your eye. At the sight of Kocho's cheeks tinting a bright red, you smirked in triumph." Oya~? What's that I see? Is that blush?" You poked her warm cheek affectionately," I think it iiiis~!"
Biting her lip, Kocho scoffed and rolled her eyes," Just because you won doesn't mean you-... Shut up." She huffed out, losing her composure.
" Aha! So I won." You grinned out," I think I deserve a prize for winning for like... the first time." You said that last part quickly.
" You're not getting a kiss, if that's what you're referring to!" She smiled up at you passive aggressively.
Now the win didn't even feel like a win.
I guess, Kocho will always win in the end.
You pouted at her, eyebrows furrowed," You're so petty...." You groaned out, before a cheeky grin crossed over your lips," How about letting me hold your hand instead?"
Kocho stared at your grin with an unimpressed look, before her eyes softened and a gentle smile spread onto her perfect lips." Wipe that cheeky grin off of your face and I might consider it."
A bright smile instantly spread onto your lips and you held out your hand expectantly for her to take it. Her radiant smile only widened and her hand settled into yours, her warm fingers closing over your own as if she was keeping them safe in her hold.
" Now you have to marry me." She stated simply," I want to hold your hand in mine for the rest of my life as well."
᯾༄𖦹.𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕘𝕦𝕫𝕒𝕨𝕒 𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕚 .𖦹༄᯾
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Ok, so hear me out lol-
I have read up on his character a tiny bit and bro he's such a fucking SOFTY like-
If you were to ask him to hold your hand he'd highkey have to process what you said for like a minute or two before finally agreeing to it lol
He has such a tough-guy exterior when on the inside he's actually really caring to those who are important to him.
Definitely one of those characters who seem like pricks but they like something cute like cats or something-
"Uhm... Sanemi?" You spoke up suddenly, interrupting the peaceful silence.
Your boyfriend broke out of his daze of appreciating your beauty and hummed to let you know that he was listening, picking up some of his uneaten rice with his chopsticks.
"Can... Can I h-hold your hand?"
He choked on the rice he was eating, coughing into his fist and thumping his other hand against his chest to try and get the rice that shot down the back of his throat to go down.
You went to get out of your chair to help him, concern etched onto your face, but he held a hand up to stop you. Instead, you simply passed your water to him, as of which he chugged greatfully.
When he had finally gained his composure, he held out a slightly trembling hand, his cheeks tinted red as he let out a gruff," yeah... Of course you can, idiot. You don't have to ask..."
Adoration bloomed in your chest at his words and you grabbed his outstretched hand, instantly interlocking your fingers with his. Absentmindedly, you ran your thumb up and down his hand comfortingly as you smiled like an idiot to yourself.
Sanemi's heart thumped in his chest at the look of love on your face, feeling his whole body heating up. The wind pillar was known for being ruthless, intimidating and quite frankly... A bit of an asshole.
But around you? He's a completely different person.
Between you and his little brother, he's always going to have a huge soft spot for you both.
So he'll always treat you well.
Squeezing your hand lovingly, he let a slight smirk curl onto his lips," You look like a dumbass smiling like that.... You must really like me, huh?" He tried to tease.
"I don't like you."
Arrows shot through his heart, his smirk dropping in an instant," Oi-!"
You giggled at his response," I love you."
The frown on his lips wobbled a little, threatening to break out into an idiotic smile. Clearing his throat, he looked away from you and pressed the back of his unoccupied hand against his mouth to hide the smile that threatened to appear.
"Oh..." He could only respond with," y-yeah... Same here."
"You're so socially inept."
"I'm damn not!!" He grumbled, eyebrows furrowing," I fucking love you too!! Is that better?"
You grinned childishly, bringing his hand up to your mouth and placing a light kiss to it," much better."
It's safe to say that this was the day he vowed to marry you.
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jungkxook · 4 years
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⟶ pairing: jungkook x reader
⟶ genre: hogwarts/harry potter au / enemies-to-lovers + fluff
⟶ words: 5,486
⟶ rating: pg-13
⟶ summary: jungkook loves everything strawberry but the simple pleasure is always kept hidden, stowed away as if some hideous secret to protect the rumours that had built up around him — until a love potion outs him.
⟶ disclaimer: this is a repost of an old fic from my old blog since i know some of you were asking about it! i hope you enjoy!!
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Jungkook loves strawberries.
He remembers fondly the warm summers as a child when he would go strawberry picking with his grandmother, and revels in the taste and the memory each time he bites into a fresh berry, the juices coating his tongue in sickly sweetness; he likes the smell of all the lotions and lip balms, candles and fragrances, that carried notes of the red fruit in comforting wafts, remembering distantly a time when his mother’s fruity perfume would breathe warm life into his cold house in the middle of a dull winter; he remembers sentimental times spent at the local cafe near his home, loving and basking in the way the homely and warm aroma of a freshly baked pie and the sugary tartness of strawberry lemonade would fill his nostrils and consume his senses, leaving his mouth watering. 
Jungkook loves everything strawberry but the simple pleasure is always kept hidden, stowed away as if some hideous secret to protect the rumours that had built up around him.
Ask any girl that thought Jeon Jungkook is handsome or any boy that thought Jungkook is a god and they would say he smells like the purest form of any man with a harmonious scent of musk, cedar wood, and oak; like fresh rain that soaked in the middle of a mossy forest, spices, and black coffee — but they couldn’t have been more wrong. Maybe he did smell of musk or wood or rain when he was continuously outside, practicing every moment he had with his Quidditch team, but Jungkook was more than just that. Really, though, it made sense as to why people thought that way about him when he had left such a lingering impression on the school.
You can still remember the very first day you saw him; the very moment you had, from your spot in line in front of the Sorting Hat on the first day as a first year, saw the stoic boy step forward. Made up of a nervous face and obsidian locks that fell into his equally dark eyes, the Hat had instantly deemed the boy a Ravenclaw — and perhaps the house’s reputation was what added to his mystique and strange charm. Even then, from what you observed, he had been a silent boy, making his way to and from classes usually alone, and somehow ignoring the gaggle of girls (from all years and from all houses) that trailed along behind him, giggling and clamouring over how cute he is.
As the months went on, you never witnessed much change in Jungkook safe for the friends he suddenly made in the first half of second year (a surprising mix of Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors, and Slytherins) and the smug attitude he began to develop. A rebel, they said, a bad boy at heart, the very antithesis of Ravenclaws. Someone all the girls craved for and all the boys yearned to be. And while you tried to assume that perhaps there was more to the boy than meets the eye — that maybe he was built on different layers you could one day explore — when he begins to become too conceited with the way he is praised, you grow disenchanted by him and his cocky smirks. Yet, for some reason, he finds it necessary to go out of his way to talk to you no matter what — and you were quick to learn to despise him and his constant mocking, all possibilities of trying to get to know him diffused. 
In first year, you had to endure a whole semester worth of Jungkook tugging at your hair when he sat behind you in Charms class. In second year, an unspoken rivalry began in which the two of you would compete to see who could earn the better grades. You can’t quite pinpoint when or where the hatred for one another began, but the irritation that comes as a result of it only grows more adamant with each passing day.  
In third year, you distinctly remember being confined to the many dusty oak shelves and rows of leather bound books in the library, your eyes constantly flickering to the ornate grandfather clock nearby you as you wait alone. An agreed time of 6 pm to meet in the library after dinner to work on a partnered assignment had otherwise vanished from the boy’s memory. Had it been up to you to decide what partner you wanted, you would have much rather preferred to pick one of your friends and not the Ravenclaw who was fifteen minutes late. With the project due in two days, and with the nearly three weeks you had to finish it, you had constantly asked to meet with Jungkook to work on it and each time he had made a different excuse. 
As time crept on and the waning hours of the daylight dwindled to a dull darkness, twenty minutes would pass and it was then that you would grudgingly begin packing your belongings. The wait was not worth the trouble. Yet just as you are standing from your seat, the boy waltzes into view, coming to a nonchalant halt in front of you and placing his bag on the table, as if he didn’t know how late he is. He has abandoned his robe to wear only a grey fleece pullover on top of his white button up, his torn up Converse shoes ruining the uniform outfit with his casual flare. Your stare flickers up to meet his smug face and a frown forms on yours as you spot the other third year Slytherin girl giggling a flirtatious goodbye to the boy who winks in response. Finally, he turns to look at you.
“You’re leaving already?” Jungkook asks. “I just got here.”
“Twenty minutes later, Jeon,” You snap.
The boy quirks a brow, twisting around in his spot to look at the clock. “I could have sworn you said we should meet at six-thirty. I’m ten minutes early.”
“I remember saying six o’clock,” You say. “As well as you telling me that six was perfectly fine. Look, History of Magic isn’t my favourite either but I would appreciate it if you at least put some effort into the class and this project.”
The hiss that comes from the student studying near you only makes you scowl. You turn around hotly to continue shoving your books and papers into your backpack.
“I was busy,” Jungkook says.
“Busy flirting with every living thing?” You asks.
“What?” Confusion paints his face, and then he is shaking his head furiously. “No!”
Your eyes narrow into a scrutinizing glare. You point over your shoulder at the same Slytherin girl who is still within the library, standing just a few feet away from the pair of you. She has an opened book in her hands in an attempt to look distracted but her eyes are fixated solely on Jungkook. When she catches Jungkook staring, his gaze lifting over your shoulder, she hurriedly looks away and blushes.
“So I assume she’s just a friend?” You retaliate. “You know what your problem is, Jeon? You never take anything seriously.”
Immediately, Jungkook tenses. His arms snake around to cross in front of his chest.
“Well, you take everything too seriously,” he says. “When was the last time you had some fun? Any time I talk to you, you’re always fussing about the work or about how much you hate me—  it’s like you’re a walking, talking, breathing dementor! You suck the life out of everyone.”
The snarl this time is much harsher, coming from yet another student who has been devoting his time to writing an essay. But now you can’t be bothered to worry about silence. You slam shut the book in your hand with a very loud thump that seems to echo around the eerily silent room and fling a strap of your bag over your shoulder.
“Well, I’m sorry that I, and this assignment, are such inconveniences to you,” You say, “but from now on I give up on making sure we both don’t fail this class. If you need me, which I assume you won’t, I’ll be in my room, far from you.”
“Excuse me!” The familiar bark of the librarian’s voice hardly makes you jump even as she comes marching down to the two of you. “This is a library, a quiet place to study. It would be greatly appreciated if you could bring your conversation out into the halls.”
Had she not interrupted your conversation with Jungkook, you would have never realized just how loud your voice had risen. Clearing your throat and tightening your grip on your bag and the book, you tear your eyes from Jungkook and stomp defiantly out into the corridors to retreat to your common room, leaving Jungkook alone. He would find you the day after in a sluggish state, his hair dishevelled and his clothes askew as if he had slept in them — or, rather, had not slept at all — showing you all the work he had finished for the assignment the night before.
In fourth year, you are leaving the stands of the Quidditch pitch on a surprisingly warm November evening. Following the slew of students back to the school after a heated game between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor — where the latter team won after a fiery race between the two Seekers for the golden snitch — the eager chatter buzzes in the air. Beside you are your two friends who are, just as many others are doing, whispering excitedly about Jungkook’s role as Seeker and his “amazing performance.” 
“Did you see the way Jungkook played?” Hana asks from the right side of you. “How can someone be so attractive?”
To your left, Nayeon is practically standing on the tip of her toes, desperately craning her neck to search the crowd for the boy and his friends. “Oooh, look! There he is! He’s so sweaty! Imagine his muscles—”
“You’re ridiculous,” You sigh with a disapproving shake of your head.
Despite your condescending tone, you can’t help but glance over your shoulder to follow your friends’ gaze. Laughing in triumph with his team and friends, Jungkook stands adorned in the usual Ravenclaw royal blue Quidditch uniform, the robes somehow accentuating his tanned skin and dark hair that clings to his sweat-covered forehead. Since when had he grown so tall? And maybe Nayeon was right — since when did Jungkook start looking so muscular? 
“Your staring is obvious, Y/N,” Hana says. 
“And so is your crush on him,” Nayeon murmurs. 
“Crush?” You burst out into laughter. “Now that’s funny. I could never have a crush on him!”
“Have a crush on who?”
The familiar voice makes you groan inwardly and the arm that is tossed around your neck almost makes you gag. Your body grows rigid under Jungkook’s touch, though he doesn’t seem to notice that or the way you carefully try to peel his arm off of you but to no avail. Joining him is his typical duo of friends. The other Slytherin boy next to Jungkook is the shy and soft Park Jimin, accompanied by their inseparable Hufflepuff friend, Kim Taehyung. The two boys smirk wolfishly down at your friends, both of whom are so suddenly at a loss for words.
“Evenin’, ladies!” Jimin says. “Enjoy the show?”
“We hate to brag but we taught him everything he knows,” Taehyung says, ruffling Jungkook’s hair.
Jungkook rolls his eyes and swats Taehyung’s hand away. “Maybe the three of you can come down to watch us practice one day.” 
Your friends exchange glances and giggle nervously. 
“We’d love to,” Nayeon smiles.
Your lack of response clearly doesn’t go unnoticed by your friends, nor Jungkook and his friends. As you turn your head to look away from the group, you briefly catch the sudden scent that is Jungkook and your face scrunches. It isn’t so much as gross as it is overpowering. Passed salt and sweat, you can smell something clean like freshly cut grass or some sort of lemongrass shampoo. But instead of telling him out loud what you thought, you pushed him away.
“You smell terrible,” You said. “Go take a shower, Jeon.”
“Always playing hard to get,” Jungkook sighs. “Sorry we can’t all smell like your floraly essence after playing an intense Quidditch game.”
You only hum in response, turning your head to look away from him and his friends. The act seems to earn a smirk from Jungkook and then he and his friends are parting from you, walking back to the locker rooms. After that day, your friends’ profuse pleads and begs for you to come with them one day when the Quidditch teams are practicing would eventually make you cave in. When Jungkook sees you sitting in the stands burrowed in a wool scarf and heavy robes, albeit with a frown on your face and your eyes scanning the pages of a book in your lap, he catches your attention by shouting your name and then winking at you. Seconds later, a Quaffle is thrown his way by a fellow teammate and nearly knocks him off his broom.
In fifth year, you are seated in your Transfiguration class at the back and nearly dozing off as your Professor drones on and on in the early morning about some boring lecture. Jungkook sits in the row opposite you and a seat behind but that doesn’t stop him from constantly trying to catch your attention, whispering your name. It is only when you hear a few classmates near you break out into wondrous awes that you lift your head from its resting place wedged between your folded arms on top of your desk and turn. Soaring above the students’ heads is an enchanted paper bird, its thin wings fluttering its way to you.
You gaze at it for a moment, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips, before noticing that it is Jungkook who had magicked it, wand in hand as he waves it towards you. As soon as it reaches your table, it floats around your head and lingers in front of your face, beckoning you to take it. Instead, your hands try swatting it away though it doesn’t seem to budge. When you relent and succumb to taking the bird, it is not before you shoot an annoyed glance back at Jungkook. Then, you unwrap the bird in your hand. With thin black ink sprawled out in perfect cursive writing, a single dreadful question is poised in pretty script: Meet me tomorrow at noon at the Three Broomsticks? It’ll be my treat.
“Is that from Jungkook?” Hana asks. She peers over your shoulder from beside you to look down at the paper, her voice incredibly louder than you would have liked. “It is! Is he asking you out? You know, I always knew you liked him. You’re a terrible liar— ”
You gasp. Your hand quickly covers the paper, yanking it out of Hana’s view. “I do not like him!”
“Do too!” Hana laughs. “So, what are you going to say? Huh, who knew Jungkook was so soft and cute? Have I told you how cute the two of you would be together?”
Maybe it’s the way she so suddenly begins to gush over you dating Jungkook, or the way her voice garners the attention of those sitting around you, letting other girls fawn over how cute his simple gesture is, that makes you curdle with embarrassment. But what are you so shy of? You are insistent that you don’t like Jungkook but you were certain that if word spread that you did have feelings for him, your whole life would be drastically ruined. Or maybe you were more fearful of the idea of possibly liking Jungkook in return, even if you had so profusely been lying to everyone and yourself.  
“Stop it!” You hiss. “I would rather kiss the squid in the Black Lake than date him!”
Then, as if to emphasize this apparent hatred, you grab your quill and furiously write in big scratchy letters “NO” before crumpling it in your hand and twisting in your seat. Set on chucking the balled up piece of paper right at Jungkook’s smug face, you are startled when you feel the paper being plucked from your grasp by none other than your Professor. She stands before you with a sour look on her face, a willowy old lady with gray wisps of hair pulled back into a tight bun. 
“Ah, Miss Y/N,” she hums, “if you have more important matters that you seem to want to discuss with Mr. Jeon, surely you can divulge with the rest of the class too.”
Your mouth clamps shut. You watch, stricken with horror, as she unravels the paper in her hands, her glossy eyes skimming its contents from beneath her half-moon spectacles. She purses her lips, and then shifts her gaze to you and then to Jungkook sitting behind you. The silence that follows as she moves towards him is near unbearable, making you shift uncomfortably in your seat.
“If you would have much rather preferred to flirt with Miss Y/N than listen to my lecture, feel free to leave my class, Jeon,” Your Professor says. She drops the paper onto his desk with a flourish. “Though, it’d be in your best interest to stop your daydreaming and pay attention to my class because I’m afraid her answer was no.”
Your eyes widen as you twist in your seat to look at your Professor and a startled Jungkook. And, maybe, if you looked hard enough and passed the smug smirk, you could see his conceited stare falter as a look of hurt flashes across his eyes. A few murmurs and giggles break out amongst the students, making your cheeks burn hot and forces you to turn back around and away from Jungkook.
“And I suppose that now neither of you are busy tomorrow, you wouldn’t mind spending it in detention with me,” Your Professor says. Then she was rounding on her heel, marching back to the front of the classroom and restarting her lecture.
After the torturous detention where Jungkook suddenly refuses to look or talk to you after what had happened, and a week after the missed Hogsmeade trip, you would find Jungkook walking the halls, hand-in-hand, with another Ravenclaw girl. As they pass you, seemingly unaware of your lingering presence, you see the girl stop Jungkook and lean forward to kiss him, his own hands resting on her waist and tugging her closer to him. Though you tell yourself you’re free from his constant flirting and mocking, you can’t help but feel somewhat let down as you walk away that day.
In the beginning of sixth year, when all the students had found a moment to themselves and a much needed break from all the sudden stress of homework, you would wind up at a party being held in the Room of Requirements. Though you weren’t quite sure how the students were able to smuggle alcohol into the school, you remember drinking until you are blissfully numb and without a care in the world. Most of the evening had been spent chatting to Nayeon and Hana but when they become distracted with flirting with their crushes, you are left alone. It isn’t much long after that you stumble into Jungkook. Drunkenly dancing to the upbeat thump of music that reverberated around the room, you had, somehow, lost your footing. As you fall into the thick crowd, a pair of strong hands reach out to swiftly catch onto yours arms and hold you up. Jungkook’s surprised when you don’t bother pushing him away and let him help straighten you up. Clearly, you’re much too drunk to function, and he makes sure to hold you at a comfortable distance away from him. Then, there, under the dim lights of the room, you are met with his typical smirk tugging at his luscious pink lips (which you find yourself gazing at for longer than necessary). 
“Ah, if it isn’t Jeon Jungkook,” You rasp. You sway dangerously in his hold and nearly fall to the floor again. He tightens his grip on you and catches you once more before you can slip away. “What do you want from me tonight?”
“Hey, you bumped into me. I’m just being nice and making sure you don’t face-plant the floor.” 
“Yeah, but of course you had to be right beside me. I think I’d rather have face-planted the floor.”
He quirks a brow. He feigns dropping you, momentarily loosening his grip just enough for you to come flailing forward with a yelp of surprise. He doesn’t let you fall too far, though, and catches onto you swiftly once more, hooking his arm around your waist. When you meet his stare with a scowl, he grins. “You were saying?”
“Do you remember that one time you told me I never have fun?” 
“Not really.”
“Ah, well, you say a lot of shit to me,” You say. “But that stuck out the most. You called me a dementor. A dementor. My thirteen year old self never forgot that.”
Jungkook winces at how carefree you seemed to say it, at how you still remembered it three years later. His hands drop from you once you’re steady and he runs his fingers through his locks, softly pushing them up and out of his eyes before they ultimately fall flat against his forehead once more. 
“I didn’t mean it,” he says. “I mean, look at you now. You seem to be having a lot of fun. How drunk are you anyway?”
“It’s not fun when it feels like I’m trying to prove a point to you,” You sigh. “But I already know you don’t care about me.”
“That’s not true,” Jungkook says. “You’re the one who doesn’t care about me.”
You burst out into a fit of mocking laughter and shake your head at him. Swaying forward, almost precariously close to him, you tap the tip of his nose with your finger. “Jeon Jungkook, you can be real oblivious.”
And then you are kissing him, pressing your soft lips to his. He doesn’t push you away, albeit however incredibly surprised he may be. Instead, as he feels your lips move against his, he finds himself basking in everything that is you. All he can smell is your floral perfume and, passed the liquor that stained your lips, could taste your peach lip balm and the bubble gum you had been chewing earlier in the night. He hates how much he loves it. His hands lift to rest on either side of your face and he gently brings you closer to him, his tongue laving at your peach flavoured lower lip. He hears you moan softly in content as you melt against his chest, your fingers suddenly tugging desperately at the hair at the nape of his neck. It’s then that you realize that all you can smell is the scent of freshly cut grass and his lemony shampoo, but all you can taste is something warm and sugary that feels all too comforting.
You come to the conclusion in your drunken mind that you would have loved to keep kissing him. That, maybe, kissing Jeon Jungkook wasn’t so bad. But then just as suddenly as you had kissed him, he is pulling away from you, sending you crashing and burning down from your reverie. With swollen pink lips, wide eyes, and dishevelled hair, Jungkook shakes his head abruptly and mumbles a quiet, “I’m sorry.” 
He flees from your grasp and from the party before you can stop him — and it is in that moment that you began to hate Jungkook, but not more than you hate yourself for actually enjoying the way it felt to kiss someone like him. You would never learn why he had left so soon until much later when he tells you that he didn’t want you to regret anything you did drunk — didn’t want you to regret kissing someone like him when you had seemed to hate him for years prior.
In the second half of sixth year, when you begin to fail Potions, your Professor does what he thinks is best and pairs you with Jungkook, the smartest student in his class. Hearing that Jungkook, of all people, is remarkable at Potions doesn’t come as a surprise. You are quick to learn just why he had been placed into Ravenclaw, carrying their impressive ambition and intelligence. If anything, you are almost jealous of how easily he seems to pick up on things and can reproduce them at top notch quality.
Your friendship with him is still strained and is perhaps even worse than it had once been ever since the night of the party. Neither of you talk about the moment and, from what either of you were concerned, both of you had long since forgotten the night had ever happened. Unbeknownst to you is that when Jungkook sees how cold and distant you become in the days after, he refuses to tell you the truth that the kiss is always on his mind. So, when you are forced to work with him for any assignments or in-class work, most of your conversations end in constant bickering. Miraculously, somehow, your grades do gradually begin to pick up. 
One day, when you both walk into class, you are greeted to the sight of a smoldering cauldron placed neatly on top of your Professor’s desk, a beautiful scent filling the room that seems to be coming specifically from whatever has been brewing. The liquid contents within contains a mother-of-pearl sheen and clear smoke spirals from it in wisps. As soon as everyone is seated at their desks, your Professor steps forward and begins his lecture.
“Good evening, class!” he chirps. “Today we have a very exciting lecture that has to do with what is currently sitting on my desk. Now, can anyone tell me what exactly it is?”
A few shouts of guesses are tossed into the air but all are wrong as your Professor simply shakes his head. Jungkook raises his hand casually and your Professor points enthusiastically at him. 
“Yes, Jungkook?”
“It’s Amortentia,” he says.
“Right you are, my boy!” Your Professor beams. “Five points to Ravenclaw! This is, in fact, Amortentia. Now, for those of you who do not know what it is, that is perhaps all the best. But as it is, it’s important to educate you on the various effects each potion can have on a being and why someone should, or should not, administer it. Amortentia, simply put, is a love potion.”
Gasps of awe and murmurs from certain students circulate the room as your Professor carries on.
“And not just any love potion — the most powerful love potion in the world,” he says. “If anyone were to receive such a potion, it would cause an intense infatuation and obsession on the drinker. However, the potion must be continuously administered to the drinker or else the effects will wear off and the drinker will regain his or her conscience and free will. Now, if you ever wanted to know how to identify Amortentia, you can rely on its very distinct smell. Differing on the person who smells it, it will always morph into the scent of whomever you desire most. For instance, I smell lemon drops, toothpaste, and parchment paper. You may all smell something different.”
A handful of students lean forward in their seat, desperately moving closer to the cauldron and the potion that carried such charming scents. Despite not wanting to show your immediate interest in something as strange as a love potion, you sit back in your seat but inhale a slow, deep breath of air and the scent that makes your heart skip a beat. It would pose as an obstacle to focusing on the lecture as your Professor carried on, though you find you’re not the only one so easily distracted by it. Halfway through the class, he stops his lecture and informs the students of their task for the evening: replicating Amortentia perfectly with the help of the partner sitting next to them.
So, you and Jungkook immediately head to work, beginning the tedious process of preparing ingredients and brewing the potion. Naturally, your own potion brewing goes faster than others as Jungkook seems to know what to do with everything. For the most part, you sit back and watch, as Jungkook refuses your help any time you offer, claiming you would only just slow him down. When it’s done, and the entire class is still halfway through theirs, you fold your arms over your chest and look up at Jungkook, noting the way his eyebrows scrunch together as he peers down at the glistening potion.
“I can’t smell anything,” You say. “Did you even do this right?”
Jungkook grimaces, though his stare falters. He doesn’t admit it aloud, but he worries for a moment that maybe he isn’t as good at Potions as he thought he was. In the next second, he scowls and shoots you a look.
“What kind of question is that?” he asks. “Of course I did it right! I followed everything properly. It even looks perfect.”
“Well, obviously it isn’t perfect if neither of us can smell anything,” You say.
“Well,” Jungkook says, irritated, “maybe if you didn’t bathe yourself in your ridiculous floral perfume, I could smell something.”
“Me?” Your mouth drops open in an appalled gap. “Now it’s my fault? You’re one to talk. Did you have practice this morning? All I can smell is grass and your stupid lemon shampoo or whatever it is. It’s disgusting.”
The bickering continues on between the two of you until you’ve seemingly grabbed the attention of the entire class. Near the very end of the period, it’s Taehyung who finally says something, leaning back in his chair to look at the two of you. 
“Jungkook didn’t have practice this morning,” he says. “He also didn’t shower because he slept in late. Or did you forget that, Jungkook?”
“And Y/N?” Nayeon chimes in from beside you. “Didn’t you run out of your perfume last week?”
Jungkook clamps his mouth shut. Your own heart stops. Suddenly, your face is burning intensely and Jungkook’s own cheeks are pinched a bright red as, slowly, the realization seems to dawn on the both of you. Chuckles emit from your friends as your Professor signals that the time is up. You don’t dare look at Jungkook as your Professor grades each potion, and then anxiously await the chance to dash out the door when your Professor claims yours and Jungkook’s potion was done just perfect. As soon as he moves on to the next pair, you have gathered your belongings and have darted out the room. You are nearly halfway down the corridor when you hear Jungkook calling after you, begging you to stop.
“Y/N! Hey, Y/N! Wait up, please!”
Your feet quicken in pace as you round the corner. Just when you think you’re free, you feel a hand clasp around your wrist and pull you back into a hardened figure. Jungkook. He’s standing so incredibly close to you now, his gaze softening as he looks you once over. You can only avoid his stare, though your eyes fall to the distraction that is his hand clamped around your wrist. 
“I really am not in the mood to talk right now, Jungkook,” You mumble. “Just leave me alone.”
“What else did you smell?” Jungkook asks.
His question makes you stop. It’s what causes you to carefully lift your stare to look at him.
“What?” You stammer. “What does it matter?”
“Just tell me, please,” he says, his grip tightening around your wrist. “I need to know.”
You could have shaken your head at him, pushed him away and walked off, but the longer you stare at him, the faster you begin to cave. Your mind is instantly brought back to just moments ago and the love potion that had filled your senses. As you think about all the lovely things you could smell, you whisper the answer in a sheepish voice:
There is a split moment where all you can see is Jungkook’s beaming grin before he is pulling you toward him for a kiss that nearly sweeps you off your feet. You collapse against his broad chest, your hands flying up to bundle in his shirt and pull at him tightly as he kisses you and kisses you. You wonder why he had done so spontaneously but then it seems to hit you.
All you can smell on Jungkook, all you can taste, is lemon, grass, and strawberries. 
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⟶ All rights reserved to © jungkxook. I do not allow reposting, translating, or any sort of modifying and reuploading of my work.
⟶ Feedback is always appreciated!
2K notes · View notes
extravaguk · 4 years
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part of my opposites attract! series. 
ksj / knj / myg / jhs / pjm / kth 
pairing: tattooartist&tattoed!jungkook x baker!reader
summary: jungkook was everything you feared but exactly what you needed to heal your broken heart.
wordcount: 5k
genre: fluff - angst - smut (s2l!au)
rated: m (?
warnings: some cursing, mentions of past abusive/toxic relationships/trauma that might be triggering, a lil of making love at the end. it’s overall just suuper fluffy, trust me. jungkook is a s i m p. we love that for him! slow burrrnnnn.  
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Jungkook knows it was love at first sight, but doesn's know how to really explain it.
He knew from the moment he entered the small shop, pastel green walls welcoming him  replete of sugary treats, a sweet and heavenly scent engulfing him as soon as he stepped a foot inside.  With a new found sense of calmness and serenity within he hadn't experienced in a long time, he searched for deserts of his liking, mouth watering while assessing the many options of baked goods available and bright colored frostings stealing his attention.
"Hi. How may I help you?"
Then he looked up and found you. It wasn't easy to appreciate your whole appearence with the counter hiding the lower half of your body, but it was enough for Jungkook to think to himself that he had never seen a prettier girl in hiis entire life. And that's when he knew it. Any type of movement in his surroundings coming to a halt, his heart skipping a beat, his favourite song playing inside his head. And that particular sensation. The same one that had made him feel so at ease since he found your bakery. For a moment he thought his doe eyes might have actually turned into heart eyes until you raised your eyebrows, a concerned expression replacing your previous warm smile. 
Blinking his eyes and clearing his throat, coming down from cloud nine into the real world, he stuttered his order as best as he coud manage, heart pounding inside his chest and later feeling mortified for not being able to pronounce "gingernap cookies" correctly. 
At first he kind of hated Seokjin for blackmailing him into going to his favourite bakery to buy his favourite cookies (Jungkook really should've known better than accidentally spill ink all over Jin's new script), but when he comes back home with a goofy smile on his face and dreams of your face, he makes sure to text him he'll go get his cookies anytime he wants.
But Jungkook is a masochist apparently. 
Because a week after your first encounter he realizes that not being able to get his mind off a girl he's literally only seen once in his entire life is not exactly normal. Not for anyone, but especially not for him. Realizes that the way he embarrassed himself in front of you and probably looked like a bluberring mess (or a creepy weirdo who had never interacted with any woman before) is not reason enough to not keep wanting to try again. And the way you just giggled at him and simply shook your head as you wrapped the ginger cookies he had asked for in a pretty packaging has kept him aching for more. 
So he comes once a week now. Still as nervous as the first day, but content to see that your face seems to light up at the sight of him stepping through the door the same way his does. He likes to see you in your cute pastel dresses, and if he didn't know better he'd think you were just trying to keep up with the bakery's aesthetic. But the more he frequents your shop, the more he realizes you're exactly like the treats you bake. He likes how your vividly honeyed persona contrasts with his darker and reserved one. Likes how you're all colors of the rainbow and he's just a scale of greys.
They are small interactions. Just courtesy and cordial exchange of words everytime he visits. He doesn't even know your name and you don't even know his, but sometimes he asks how was your weekend and sometimes you ask how many people had he inked that week. Sometimes he tells you how pretty you look, and sometimes you blush in response. Sometimes you add an extra macaron in his order and sometimes he debates on whether or not he should write down his number on a napkin and slide in right on the countertop before he waves goodbye. 
And although Jungkook has never been one to shy away from women, he feels a certain way he can't exactly pinpoint. A way that makes his confidence falter and leaves him feeling like a little kid who's afraid to confess to the girl he likes. Because as cliché as it sounds, you're not like any other girls he's ever met. You don't feel like any other girl he's ever met. Not the older than him, tattoed and pierced type of girl he's accustomed to; not the type of girl that's addicted to trouble and believe him (maybe even hoped) to be something he's not. So it takes a while for him to summon up enough bravery and determination. It takes weeks of pining and overthinking, and a single push from Yoongi ('stop being a fucking pussy and just do it') to ask you to have coffee with him.
"I... I'm sorry. I can't."
And it only takes those words leaving your mouth to shatter his heart into pieces. 
 It's fine though, he told you and himself. He wasn't going to be one of those guys who believed the 'friendzone' was an actual thing and tried his best to not make you feel uncomfortable, really tried his best to erase the guilt across your face as you rejected him.  So he scratched the back of his head and mustered up a big smile before leaving the shop with a bag full of cupcakes and an unsettled stomach.
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Letting out a deep breath you didn't even know you were containing, you observe as the handsome stranger exits the shop. Running a hand through your hair before gripping the counter with your hands, you try to steady the heavy throbbing insde your chest. 
The boy in question had been unknowingly tormenting you and flooding your mind with thoughts of him for almost two months now. That day you first had spotted him eyeing the desserts in display in amazement and then you in the very same way. It was sudden and precipitated, but it had almost made your head spin, something you hadn't felt in a long time unexplainable tugging at your insides. 
You had kept your cool as best as you could, as best as you had taught yourself in the past. Wrapped those cookies he had asked and then waved goodbye, hoping under your breath he wouldn't come back but silently wishind he would. But then he did. He came back once. And then again. And again, and before you realized he had become a frequent costumer. Trying whatever treats you'd recommended him, creating small talk, sending friendly smiles here and then. 
You had learned to expect him at the very same time, the very same day of the week; had learned to manage the fluttering in your tummy and the reddish warmth spreading through your cheeks whenever the eye contact was prolongued. Everything was innocent, it was brief and, most importanly, it never went beyond, even if sometimes you hoped it did.
However, after all these years, there was still something you hadn't learned to control yet. And as he spoke, clearly nervous, hesitant and clearly out of his comfort zone, wondering out loud if he could ever treat you to a coffee sometime, your body shut down. The fondness and excitement you had been harboring over the last few weeks quickly replaced by that which made you want to recoil, made you want to back to your well to let its darkness and loneliness envelop you.
That horrible and ugly wave of crippling fear and axiety all mixed together; a little monster that you had successfully concealed, now displaying its ears in warning and the same smile that had been haunting you for years, now advising you, reminding you and most of all, threatening you, to go back to your own comfort zone. And so, powerless, there was nothing else you could really to but to comply, muttering an apology and a rejection that probably pained you more than it pained the boy in front of you.
You knew you did the right thing, but it definitely didn't feel like it. 
Especially a week later, as you expected his arrival- as always, ready with a tray full of fresh baked scones you had particularly made just for him, but were left severely disappointed when time passed and he was nowhere to be seen. Or two weeks later, after spending an extra hour making cake pops that you had specifically designed with him in mind (covered in dark chocolate and white sprinkles), only to realize it was closing time and that he never even showed up.
 To say you were bummed was an understatement. You knew you always looked forward to him coming in every week to grace your day with a smile and a polite talk, but you didn't come to terms with how much you would miss it until now. So three weeks later, you still bake with him in mind, trying not to lose hope but still chastising yourself for not being brave enough and accepting his offer. It was just a coffee date, for God's sake, not a marriage proposal! Trying to busy your mind with work and customers coming in and out, even if your eyes dart in anticipation everytime you hear the door swinging. 
When hours pass and the sun hides to make room for the moon and stars into the sky, you look at the clock and, with a defeated sigh, finish cleaning and tidying around the shop. But before you can gather your things, the door swings open and there stands the stranger you had been praying to see again. 
"Am I too late?" he asks, and you don't exactly know but can tell his words hold a double meaning. You smile, a genuine smile, because he looks bashful with a hand scratching the back of his head like he had done the last time you saw him, and because there's a warm sensation spreading through your chest, like your heart is smiling for you. 
"I was about to close, but I can make an exception." you accomplish to say and surprisingly don't sound as nervous as you feel. He mirrors your smile as he walks closer to the counter. "So, what would you like?" 
That takes him by surprise because he really had nothing in mind when he decided to come here and now he feels like an idiot. 
"Uh, um... I would like... maybe cupcakes?" he sounds like an idiot too. But you nod and smile at him and start gathering his cupcakes into a polka dot cardboard box.
"You missed the cake pops I made last week." you say, trying to keep your voice in check as he hands you his credit car. "I think you would've liked them."
"Ah, sorry... Work has been really hectic." and even if it's true, it's also true the fact that he chickened out and was frightened to face you again. He likes how even when you're alluding to his absence, there's not a malicious tone behind your words. He likes how you're still smiling at him even after he's been acting like a pussy for two weeks. But that's why he's here. "I also would like to apologize for... you know. I didn't-...If I made you feel uncomfortable, I'm really sorry."
With your eyebrows raised, your smile dissipates. "What? No, you didn't do anything wrong, really. It's not- It's not that. I just...can't." you stumble through words, trying to explain how much you actually wanted to go to that coffee date, to get to know his name and more of himself, but unavailable to. You can feel it again. The same anguish that always seem to creep up on you and numbs you altogheter. But him, worriedly sensing your distress, waves his hands in front of him.
"No, no. It's fine, you don't have to explain anything! It's alright!" his smile seems to soothe you and you return his smile in gratitude. "Anyways, I'll... I'll get going. See you next week?"
You nod, anticipation already making its way into you. "See you next week." and then he takes the box filled with cupcakes and says goodbye. Before he can open the door though, a tingle of impulsivity and fearlesness makes you say:
"I'm _____, by the way."
He pauses, clearly taken aback.
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Jungkook hasn't stopped repeating your name in his head ever since you gave it to him, grinning like a fool and thinking about how good it sounds next to his. He hasn't stopped frequenting your bakery either and has lost count on how much money he's spent on muffins and whatever else you sell. He doesn't care though. All he cares about is how much likes seeing you even if it's only for fifteen minutes in your floral dresses, and as long as you keep looking like you're glad to see him every time, then he's fine. 
He's more than fine. He feels amazing. Sings tunes while he works on customers, feels his creativity flowing more than ever and he feels whole. It still baffles him how a minimun interaction with you once a week can make him feel on top of the world. 
He's got a bouquet of white and pink lillies next time he visits, so sappy and romantic he doesn't even recognize himself. He doesn't tell you he googled their meaning and his mind instantly associated them with you. Purity is exactly what he thinks of you and admiration is exactly how he feels about you. Hands it to you and the surprised look on your face and the spreading of pink all over your cheeks makes his heart burst. You thank him and he tells you he didn't know what your favourite flower is. You answer it's carnations. He writes it down somewhere in his mind, for next time. And then you're the one surprising him.
"Would you like to have coffee sometime?" 
There's uncertainty in your voice that doesn't go unnoticed by him, and for a moment he thinks he's dreaming. He's cool with what he's got right now with you, but you repeating his words back to him makes him feel euphoric, like he can't believe it. He knows he looks dumb, the way he's looking at you. 
Completely dumbfounded. He stutters like the first same he met you, but he says yes (omits the part where he tells you he could almost die). You exchange number in each other's phones with shaky hands, set the day and hour, and then wave each other goodbye. 
You instantly regret it as you watch him leave. Keep regretting it the following days. That voice in your head telling you 'it'll happen again', telling you fairytales didn't exist and this most likely wasn't one, even if it felt like it was, suffocating you like it had done many times before. Screwing with your head until you consider canceling. 
But you power through it, like you had taught yourself to do. This time it's harder though. Because this time there's a new romantic interest at hand, one that's making you feel things you buried a long time ago and made you swear to yourself you'd be smarter and stronger than any man could. 
It's Hoseok's encouraging words that help ease the panic. It was also Hoseok's words who encouraged you to ask Jungkook out. Said you deserved something good for once and that you couldn't close yourself to love your entire life. 
Thought it was time for you to write a new chapter after a rather sad one. 
So on Saturday, Jungkook insists on picking you up and it already feels like too much for you. Especially when he shows up with a bouquet of carnations in his hand and a smile that takes your breath away and definitely doesn't help to ease your nerves. 
Takes him by surprised how pretty you look.  maybe because it's the first time he's seen you out of your shop and even though you're still loyal to your clothing style, he still fumbles with his words like an idiot to try to express how beautiful you look. Seeing he's as much of a mess as you settles you a little bit. Then he takes you to a cute café that almost makes you laugh, because seeing him, inked arms and piercings and a closet that consisted mainly of black oversized t-shirts and pants in such a bright environment reminds you of the first time he entered your shop. 
You're surprised to see how well the conversation rolls, how easy it is to talk to him beyond the usual brief interactions you two have. You like how he makes you laugh and how he seems to love hearing it. You like how his attention is solely focused on you, even if his gaze on yours sometimes feels too intense and his overall character intimidates you. You like how soft spoken he is, how careful he is with words and the sound of his voice. Sounds like a lullaby without melody. 
And when the date is over, he drives you home, walks you to your door and respectfully wishes you a good night. You kiss him on the cheek spontaniously before hiding the embarrassment on your face and stepping inside your home. You miss the way he stays at your doorstep for a whole minute before getting in his car and driving himself home. You also miss how peacefully he sleeps that night, dreaming of cupcakes and you. You don't miss the heart emoji he sends you before going to bed, making yours quiver.
You're glad you didn't cancel, and now you're sure you don't regret it at all
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It goes on. The dates, getting to know each other more and more, Jungkook's visits to your shop and spending way too much money on sweets and carnations, the butterflies in your stomach everytime he's near and the birth of something inside of you that's starting to make you feel alive after feeling dead for so long. 
It's still new, still wholesome, moves in slow motion. You're glad Jungkook doesn't push, doesn't ask for anything, never demands more than a kiss on the cheek everytime he drops you off. He is nothing like he looks like, you realized that right away.
But with every brand new beginning that requires feelings like this, especially as unique and exceptional as the ones Jungkook is causing within you, comes the evil monster trying to scare you off, to make you back off and remind you that not everything that shines is gold. The voice inside your head that keeps bewitching you back into a dark room, reminder in your head everytime that one day Jungkook will want more. He'll want more and you might not be ready to give it to him. 
A voice that keeps resonating and has kept you unmoving for the past few years and now is making you feel more frightened than ever. 
You've been more quite than usual and Jungkook can tell something is not quite right. It's a friday night, and after having dinner that he insisted on paying, he decided this time to drive you away, to a secluded space somewhere where you both can appreciate the city lights on the hood of his car. He can tell, so he asks you, but you give a vague answer. He wants to ask again, but he's afraid of overstepping your boundaries. He wants to get to know you in every level, want's to scratch the surface until he can see everything. He wants to learn you inch by inch. Wants to love every part you bare to him, because he's sure he will. 
"My ex partner was abusive."
You finally say with a voice that's not entirely yours, and it doesn't feel real. Doesn't feel real to say out loud and letting the words sink in. It's taken all this time of excusing behaviors that were not excusable, trying to make light of a situation that wasn't and blaming yourself for things that you were not to blame for. Jungkook stays silent, but his attention immediately focused on you as soon as you spoke. Eyes slightly wide and mouth starting to open as if to speak himself. But you go on.
"Not physically." you swallow a lump in your throat. "Sometimes he would throw things at me, but they didn't always land. Or... one time he pushed me while we were arguing. Never raised his hand at me though. It was mostly psychological and emotional. He was extremely jealous and possesive. Didn't like me hanging with my friends, would never bring me to hang out with him and his friends. Though I' was cheating on him with anyone. The cashier at the supermarket, a randome dude on the street that simply looked at me. Anyone." tears prickle your eyes, but you'd learned to hold them back.
"He would always get mad at me. Would already wake up angry and take it out on me. Without reason. Would always blame me for everything. He would get mad, insult me, call me any terrible name you can imagine, tell me I wasn't worth shit. That I wasn’t worth living.Then he would punch the wall, or break whatever was in sight. Everytime, I told him I was terrified of him. Would cry in a corner and beg him to stop. Sometimes he would just laugh at me for it." you sniff, still looking straight at the city lights, and trying to keep a composed tone throughout. You had grown up a lot since then, and you knew Jungkook deserved to know you. He deserved to understand. 
"Then he would calm down, apologize while he cried and promised he loved me and would change. He never did. It took me a long time to finally walk away, but the demons still haunt me to this day. You," you choke, because comparing your ex to the guy currently sitting next to you was like day and night, like heaven and hell. "You make me feel things I've never felt before. I always felt like asking for respect was asking for too much. And then here you come, like a knight on shining armour ready to sweep me off my feet. It felt like a dream. Still does..."
Jungkook's hands are balled into tight fists, his whole body rigid as he listened to you. His own heart breaking, like he could feel himself inside you and experiencing your own heartbreak. His blood's boiling, jaw so tight and eyes blinking. Pushing down his anger, because this is about you not him, he lets his body relax before sliding your hand in yours. 
"I like you so much,_____, it literally kills me at night how much. Not as much as hearing all of this, though. From the moment I saw you, I was whipped. I wanted and still want to give everything I can to see that smile of yours. It's me the one who can't believe you're paying me any attention at all." you're still not looking at him, but he still sighs in relief when your lips quirk up. "Just having you here next to me and letting me take you out on dates is more than enough for me. Whatever you give me, whatever your terms are, I'm content with that. You're healing, and while you do, I'll be right here."
You look at him now, not bothering to hide the tears streaming down your face anymore.
"What if I never heal completely?" there's fear in your voice as your eyes meet his, but just the dark brown in his gaze help you feel secure, less worried about the future and more serene about the now.
"I'll still be here."
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It doesn't take long for you to call it love.  
Not when Jungkook keeps proving himself to be so different and so special. Not when his gestures never cease to make you feel so special, so worthy of recieving and sharing love. Because Jungkook makes you feel invincible, makes you feel one in a million. 
"What to you even see in me? We're like, polar opposites." you ask him one day. And it's true, you are. So different from each other, yet the same. He laughs in disbelief, shaking his head, still holding your hand in your doorstep about to kiss your cheek goodnight. 
"I see everything." he simply says, eyes boring into yours in adoration. "I see the sun, and the moon, the stars, the entire galaxy when I'm with you." your heart clenches as he interlaces his fingers with yours. "Before I met you, I felt like I was blind. Like I was lost and was looking for an exit that I couldn't find. But then I saw you, in your little bakery, with your cute dresses and those eyes, and it was like my eyes opened for the first time. Everything made sense. Everything has been filled with so many colors ever sinc-" 
You shut him with your lips on top of his, emotions pulling at your heartstrings the same way you pull him down by the neck. He takes a few seconds to respond, but then this hands are dropping to your waist, their warmth immediately spreading through your skin against the chilly night.
"Would you like to come in?" you whisper, breath fanning over his lips. He nods, hurriedly, and he knows he looks like a damn idiot for the hundredth time, but he doesn't care. Because coming in doesn't only mean stepping in your home. Coming in means you're letting him in. Means you trust him, means you want him there, means you're allowing him inside your heart. 
Again, Jungkook doesn't expect nor demands much. Your presence is everything he needs. You kissing him is like winning the lottery to him. Like completing a marathon, like climbing the Everest, like getting his first tattoo. Kissing you is sweet, fills him with something strong that makes him feel on drugs, like nothing matters but you and him. Like nothing has ever mattered to neither of you. 
So it's you who leads him to your room, it's you who straddles his thighs and pushes his hair back as his hands carress your sides. It's nothing fiery. It's slow, tentative, and full of care. Of lingering touches, low sighs against each other's mouths. 
It's you who reaches inside his shirt, hand sneaking past the hem of the fabric and trembling cold fingers coming in contact with firm skin. It's also you who asks for more with a small roll of your hips. It's you who asks him to take his shirt off. It's him who complies. Still tells you you don't have to, you tell him you want to. 
It's you who asks him to touch you. He's scared like he's never been, because you're you, and you're so perfect and everything he's ever wanted and suddenly he's afraid of you're too good for him. Jungkook only wants to make you happy, never wants to see you cry, just wants to treat you the way you deserve. 
It's you who begs.
It's you who tells him you need him. Need him take care of you, need him to show you much you're worth, need him to help you write a new chapter, probably even a new book where you're both the main characters and nobody else has ever existed. You say it with tears in your eyes, and he's quick to kiss them away, tongue entangling with yours. He's quick to undress you as well, with hands that still ask for permission even after you've granted it already. Hands and lips that are also quick and eager to learn your body, to find every mole in your skin as he lays you back to look at you in admiration. He keeps kissing you. From head to toe, muttering praise, making sure every 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous' and 'perfect' that leave his lips stay fire engraved in your being forever. 
He first makes you cum with careful fingers and skilled tongue, thighs wrapped aro around his head, eyes still looking for yours as his hands keep your body still and yours crumple the sheets beneath. Tells you how good you taste, how long he's been dying to have you like this. Tells you this you his favourite sight as he kisses his way up. 
You beg him again, asking him to please, please, fill you up. He groans against your mouth and he tells you again, you don't have to. He says he's happy like this. Repeats he's in no rush and just wants to please you and make you feel good. That it's about you, and will always be about you. You beg him again, and again and again, enticing him with a trail of wet kisses down his neck, up to his eralobe. You whisper there, tell him you need him to fill you with his cock so bad. His whole body goes rigid as your legs wrap around him, legs pulling him closer to where you want him, his erection grazing your entrance and his teeth nibble your lower lip. 
Jungkook doesn't move for a while, eyes closed shut, jaw clenched and head buried in your neck. He doesn't move because his mind is somewhere else keeping him stagnant, pussy wrapping around him so good and wet and tight he's about to bust. Takes a while for him to move, but when he does he makes sure to grip your thighs around him, keeping you close, never wanting to let go as he tells you you were made just for him. Just for him. Tells you how good you feel. He tells you he loves you. Kisses your lips as you sob, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. He tells you he loves you. Tells you he'll love you forever and will always keep you safe and happy. 
You're crying now, cheeks wet and he stops for a moment to look at you, concern written all over his face as his hands craddle yours, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. "We can stop, baby." You shake your head no. Pull him back into another kiss, urging him to go on. You tell him you love this, love him so much. That it's a good thing. That they are happy tears. That you've never been happier. And then his hips start moving again, your words egging him own, soft whimpers and sobs leaving each other's throats until you cum at the same time. 
He then removes himself from you, rolling onto your side but he's quick to pull your body close, arms wrapping around you and lips kissing away the wet stains on your cheeks. 
It doesn't take long for you to know Jungkook would be the healthy forever and after you had always dreamed of.
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Blind mistake
Rowaelin month - day 8
So, this fic was fighting me at the beginning. as I started, deleted and restarted a million times.
Then slowly the idea came and here it is. What I was not expecting was to write a A Little Braver AU.
Aelin and Rowan meet under different circumstances and are two different people from thee actual story. Aelin is still the captain at east station and Rowan still the airforce captain.
Yes, this is a happier fic but as Aelin said in KoA... she loved Rowan because it was him, the man who had known pain as deep as hers.
IN order to enjoy this fic you do not need to have read ALB. A part from Pete popping up for a brief second at the end, this is a complete stand alone story and no knowledge of ALB is needed.
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Rowan sighed. His love life sucked so much that he ended up using a dating app. Since Lyria dumped him a year before he had been struggling to go back in the game. He had been on a few dates but so far none of the women he met had sparked his curiosity. Far too bland and with almost no personality or far too bothered by looks. Some of them had been downright stupid and he had been a gentleman and played along when all he wanted to do was run away screaming. The last nightmare had been a woman called Remelle who Lorcan had recommended to him. He had to feign food poisoning and pay the chef to let him escape from the back of the restaurant to flee the monster. He had paid the bill sneakily, and once home he had insulted Lorcan and his poor taste in women.
Now he was again in a restaurant, ready for probably another fiasco. He and the woman had chatted a bit and she had seemed interesting so he had dared to ask her out and she had accepted. On the paper it was all good. In reality he was getting ready for another crazy escape. Maybe he should just give up and live alone and become a grumpy old man.
He had a kingsflame on the table near him, their code to recognise each other at the restaurant. The fact that they knew very little about each other made him nervous. It was a recipe for disaster. He knew she was a personal shopper and that she liked movies and music. He was really dreading the encounter now, and started to realise that perhaps it had been a mistake. She could have lied.
Until he raised his head and he noticed the woman who had just entered the restaurant. He then spotted the flower pinned on her green dress as they had agreed. Gods, the woman was way too hot for him. There was a catch somewhere. His heart raced when realisation dawned on her face and she waved and started to walk to him. The smile. Damn, the smile could stop a man’s heart. The woman walking toward him was a goddess. He was expecting her to turn away for another table until she sat down in front of him at his table. Rowan was speechless.
“Sorry, I am late. Accident on the ring road. I stopped to give a hand to west station.” She used her hand to brush off the smudge of grease he had only just noticed she had.
“You stopped?”
“Yes,” she looked at him with a strange light in her eyes “I am a firefighter. I am the captain at east station.”
Rowan blinked twice. Shit. She was the wrong woman. She was not here for him. Of course. It was too good to be true. She had sat at the wrong table and a part of him was sad.
“I am Aelin.” she said and he knew that it had dawned on her as well that he was not her date “You are not Chaol.”
Rowan shook his head “I am Rowan.”
“Holy shit. I saw the kingsflame. The restaurant. And you smiled at me when I came in. I just assumed...” He did not want her to go. 
“Ach, I was having second thoughts anyway.” He shrugged.
In that moment the waiter came and they were hesitant for a moment then Aelin grabbed the menu and started ordering, surprising him. Rowan got some wine for both and they placed as well their order.
“Our dates are late anyway. Maybe stuck in the horrendous traffic out there.”
“You will not hear me complain.” Said Rowan with a smile “so, you stopped and helped?”
Aelin nodded, sipping a bit of her wine “I couldn’t resist it. West station was there but there were so many cars involved that I had to something. The traffic wasn’t moving anyway.”
Rowan could not believe the woman in front of him. Not only she was a goddess. She had even stopped to help her colleagues save people from a car crash on her way to a date. Where had she been all his life?
The waiter came with their order and smiled at the expression of joy when Aelin looked at the amount of food in front of her. Another point for her. She had an appetite. He had no need of another date ordering a boring salad. He was a healthy eater but loved a woman with an appetite, especially because he loved cooking.
“So Rowan, what do you do?” She asked him while tackling the gigantic prawn on her seafood tagliatelle.
“I am an airforce pilot. I am a captain.”
Her face lit up “as in the uniform and all? And the awesome planes?”
Rowan nodded.
Aelin was about to take another sip of her wine when two figures stopped at their table. A brown-haired man and a blonde woman. Both had a kingsflames pinned on their dresses.
“Excuse me but you are with my date.” Said the stranger.
Rowan looked up from his risotto “finders keepers.”
“And he is my date.” Said the woman in a shrill voice.
“What he said.” Added Aelin while eating another prawn.
“We got stuck in traffic. There is a massive road accident on the ring road.” Chaol complained, not letting it go.
“Yeah I know. I stopped to help and I still made it here before you.”
“So what does this mean?” Asked Chaol.
Aelin stared at Rowan. It was a no brainer. Chaol was cute but Rowan was sex on two legs. Between the silver hair and the green eyes he ticked all of the boxes. And he was a pilot. Chaol was an accountant.
“You two can go on a date together.” She suggested and hoped they took the hint.
“That is rude.”
“Oh shoot,” said Aelin covering her mouth in fake surprise “I must have left the fucks I have to give in my bunker gear.”
Chaol looked at her aghast. The blonde woman turned on her heels and left.
“You missed an opportunity.” He added before he left as well.
As soon as he left Rowan burst into laughter and she joined him “no fucks to give…” he said trying to catch his breath “I have to steal this when my CO drives me nuts.”
“Ansel, one of my firefighters, she taught me that.”
“It’s fucking perfect.” 
And both resumed their dinner without the awkwardness of a blind date. No stupid questions like how many siblings do you have or what is your favourite colour. No, with Rowan there had been a connection from the start and the joke had been the final proof.
“Most guys would have left running at my joke. I have a big and foul mouth. Not very lady-like.” She apologised. “I work in a male dominated place. Apart from Ansel and my two paramedics, I am surrounded by guys and well, they are not easily scared.”
Rowan chuckled “I am in the military. My CO uses fuck you as a term of endearment and one of my lieutenants has the record for the most innuendos in a sentence.”
“How many?” Asked Aelin curios.
“No friggin’ way.”
Rowan nodded solemnly. Then looked at her and he was glad she sat at his table mistaking him for another man. They had known each other only for twenty minutes but he was dumbstruck by the woman.
She was fierce, intelligent and with a wicked sense of humour.
The meal had been perfect. Aelin had polished every single plate in front of her and also ordered dessert. And when she offered to pay for half the bill he had smiled. He had plenty of dates where the woman didn’t even offer. She took it for granted that he, being the man, was the one paying. He had no issues with that, he was happy to pay, but the fact that Aelin offered made him realise that she was different.
They left the restaurant and he gasped when he saw a red pickup reading Terrasen fire department on its livery, parked just outside the restaurant.
“Way to scare the patrons away.” He joked.
“Sorry. Yesterday I took a lift to work from a colleague and I forgot for a moment that I had a set the date for tonight after my shift. So I grabbed my work pickup to get here. I need to go back to the firehouse and return it.”
“I’ll follow, you drop off the pickup and then I drive you home.”
“I can take a cab, you don’t have to come all the way to the station and back.”
“Humour me,” he said giving her a beautiful smile and she accepted.
Ten minutes later they were at east station and she parked the pickup in its corner at the side and out of the way.
She saw Rowan getting off the car.
“Welcome to east station.” She said extending her arms. She pushed a button and the rolling doors slid up and two big trucks appeared in front of him. He had always wanted to see one up close.
“Cap,” said a man at her back “what are you doing here? I thought you were on a date?” He smiled “that bad? I told you accountants were a bad idea.”
Aelin laughed “looks like I got myself an airforce pilot instead.” She winked at him and Rowan’s heart skipped a beat.
“I’ll tell you next shift, Pete. I just brought back the pickup before Dorian kills me.”
She waved at her relief captain and followed Rowan in his car and told him her address.
While he drove she studied him. He was wearing a nice pair of jeans, a shirt and a black leather jacket. She should have guessed he was military. Aedion had the same posture and he was ex-army.
“Which house?” Asked Rowan, waking her up from her thoughts.
“The one with the blue door.”
He parked and walked with her up to the door “I had so much fun tonight,” she said to him, not wanting him to leave her.
“I am so glad that you sat at the wrong table. This was the best blind date ever.” He looked at her and wanted to kiss her so badly but they had just met and he did not want to pass a a pig.
She moved a step toward him “I am glad too.” And her lips brushed his cheek in a kiss “perhaps we could go on a proper date. One where we are actually meant to meet each other.”
Rowan sighed relieved “It would make me very happy.”
Aelin rummaged in her bag until she found a pen then grabbed his wrist and pulled up his cuff a bit and wrote down two numbers.
“The first one is my personal mobile number. The second one is the direct number to my office. I am known to leave my mobile in my bunker gear.”
“Thank you.”
“Let me know a date and if I am not free we can find a better one. Us firefighters have crazy long shifts so I need to be off.”
He took her pen and her wrist and wrote his number “then you text me. A day that you are off shift. I work regular hours. This makes more sense.”
He took a step down from the few step and she hated the idea of him leaving.
“Goodnight, Rowan.” She opened the door and looked at him one last time.
Rowan waited for her to disappear behind the door and then went back to his car and was grateful for the best blind mistake of his life.
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faevi · 3 years
Levi Ackerman Scenario.
SCENARIO: You and your boyfriend, Levi are relaxing at his home. All is well until anxious thoughts begin to appear in your mind, triggered by past memories. You let it all out and tell Levi of your trauma. He listens.
Note: This one is extremely personal and the trauma may seem detailed because it’s what happened to me. I wanted to write it out as a way to cope and it helped. I often feel really anxious and dirty when I think of what happened. I wanted to write this and find comfort through a character I love. Maybe there are some lines of his that may seem a little OOC but well, this is fiction and my writing. Creativity happens. Some people write him as a really aggressive asshole. Some write him as a gentleman. We’re all different in fan-fiction writing. I’m not a perfect writer of personalities and always looking to improve! So basically, be kind. 
I decided to post it because someone else may have experienced the same things as me and might also find comfort through Levi. Besides, it’s nice to just think of Levi as your boyfriend. Even if you haven’t experienced it, I hope you still enjoy this piece. My writing is really rusty, especially since this is the first time of me trying 2nd POV. Please feel free to let me know about your thoughts!
Word Count: 6,526.
Trigger & Content Warnings: NSFW. Talks of sex, pressure, manipulation, trauma. I don’t like to view it as a form of sexual assault but you might… There’s a cute moment, too. I swear!
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His long fingers are gently brushing through your hair, the tips of his nails tenderly scratching along your scalp and it coaxes you further in the relaxing headspace you were already floating in. Your boyfriend, Levi is sitting comfortably on the couch, long legs stretched out with his heels resting on the pillow that lays on the coffee table. Levi is known to be short, which he is. There’s no shame in his height but his body proportion? Perfect. Something you always admired. It’s a free day for you both in the bustling city. Levi didn’t have to go to work and usually on your free days, you spend time together. Usually, you both go on simple dates, still getting to know each other. You remember being so nervous for the first few dates, thinking that Levi will be like someone else and dive headfirst into things. ‘Cause, your mind has shifted to think men are scary and it’s best to follow whatever they say. Right?
You’ve only been dating for a few months now and things have been— well, perfect. Too perfect. It’s nothing you’re used to. Levi has been a gentleman. He never pushed for anything. He eventually asked you to be his girlfriend but that was that. No detailed conversations of what he wants and about the future. It’s as if he left it up to you to decide when to talk. It truly was at your own pace. Then why is there a fluttering sense of panic settling in your chest? Why does your throat feel tight and you’re completely dreaded by guilt?
Your fingers come up to gently rub at your throat, head tilting to lovingly nuzzle against his stomach, breathing in his comforting scent; often smelling like his favourite tea. “What are you reading?” You ask softly, not wanting to interrupt but, something inside of you is rapidly bubbling to boil and your head felt like it’d explode if you don’t fill the now uncomfortable silence.
“Mm. A book.”
A small snort escapes you, amused by his overly simple response. You quickly glance up at him and despite his eyes scanning across the words on the pages, the corners of his tiers were curled slightly to firm a subtle smile. Your heart is easily swayed and couldn’t help but wiggle up until you were sitting and pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. Levi has never been an openly affectionate person. Prefers it in privacy rather than outside but still, he happily accepts it when it comes to you. He initiates his affection by setting down the book and bringing a hand up to carefully cup your rosy cheek, pressing a kiss to your lips. The love is there, even when those three little words weren’t whispered between you both yet. Neither of you is ready. You both like to take things slow.
The same thoughts swirling in your mind. The same memories of someone else and leaves your skin crawling and leaving you unsettled. Levi is a man. Don’t all men want—.
“Why don’t you want to have sex with me?”
The words suddenly escaped you and leave you feeling frazzled, leaning back and eyes shifting down. The guilt is back, your fingers gripping onto the flesh of your arms. This isn’t what you needed to talk about deep down and you knew that but, it’s what you started with. “I just— Did I do something wrong?” You continue to nervously blabber out, not giving time for Levi to speak. You look up and you could tell he wants to when his brows knit together to form a frown of concern, lips parting to speak but again, your still too quick and your hands are now clutching at the shirt, trembling.
“It’s all— It’s all my fault, isn’t it? I did something to put you off? You’re a man. I know you’re a gentleman but men are driven for sex, right? That’s what I’m supposed to be used for?”
His voice is so soft and calm, coaxing you to lean in as his toned arms easily wrap around your trembling frame. It’s like Levi could read your mind, knowing you have no bad intentions from your questions and that something deep down must have been traumatic to leave a scar like this. A scar that leaves you questioning relationships and people when you don’t even mean to. His fingers curl around your shoulder from behind, firmly holding you against him.
Tears threatened to spill and you couldn’t hold it back anymore. Everything was too much. Things were going perfect and something deep down switched and now leaving you feeling hurt and drowning in all kinds of torturous thoughts you’ve had before. “Levi, I—.” You cut yourself off with a hiccup and tears glide down your cheeks, leaving them all red and blotchy as your crying becomes hard and loud. If it wasn’t for Levi holding you and keeping you grounded, you probably would have passed out from struggling to breathe.
Levi is a man of few words but whenever he speaks or shows his thoughts through actions, he’s powerful. His lips ghost against the top of your head, one hand soothingly rubbing along your back as you curl up against him. He knows that it isn’t time to talk just yet. It isn’t time to ask for answers, even if he’s clueless as to what exactly happened to leave you feeling broken like this.
You felt like you fucked up. You never wanted to be broken or have forms of trauma that people usually just shrug off as experience to grow from. Not everyone can grow. You definitely couldn’t. Not by yourself. You’re dependent and you hated that about yourself.
Levi is comfort. He’s the epitome of it when it comes to you. “It’s alright, hm? You don’t need to tell me right away. Whenever you’re ready and feel comfortable, we can talk it all out. You can tell me what’s going on or what has happened to you.” Levi murmurs against the top of your head and it only encourages you to bury your face against his firm chest and breathe in deeply once more.
His favourite tea smells so good. Like home already. You begin to calm down. Not exactly all the way but the tears didn’t spill out and you only sniffled quietly. You pull away with a small pout, glancing to see Levi is smiling softly and with fondness. This is the man you’re falling in love with. You know that. He’s never going to be like that man in the past. You just crave reassurance. You’re weak when it comes to yourself, seeking reassurance to feel okay. If only you would remember that Levi would be more than happy to give it whenever you needed. ‘Cause, it’s not just all about you and helping you. You don’t realise that you help him in so many ways. You help each other grow with the love and care you give to each other.
Levi is cautious to not do anything heavy physical wise. Only doing what you lean in for. Innocent pecks on the lips between the chuckles and sniffling. Hands tenderly stroking along your hair before they grip your legs to guide them over his lap, one arm wrapping around your waist. You think it’s okay to talk now.
Levi gazes at you with his half-lidded grey eyes, allowing you to timidly play with his fingers. He thinks it helps you stay grounded and relaxed. He didn’t want to push but he did want to check. “Ready to talk?” You nodded your head.
You stay silent for a minute or so. You know you’re not going to make sense. How could you with so many thoughts running through your mind? Your breathing in time with his before you finally open your mouth to speak.
“I’ve never had a lot of experience before.”
Levi stays quiet, not encouraging you to push on. Encouraging you to take your time. He knows when to talk. He reads you well.
“Before you and I decided to finally start to try going on dates, there was someone else... A guy. He’s older than me. I mean you’re older too, but, well. I had no experience. He was nice to me at work, helping me when I was feeling anxious from something stressful.”
You pause, tightening your grip on Levi’s warm hand. You feel him squeeze back.
“I ended up having this small crush cause I thought he was, you know. Nice. A good man. We ended up befriending each other over the internet and I was shy talking to him. He asked if I wanted to play a game and so we did.”
Levi’s thumb gently strokes your hand, managing to calm you down to continue.
“It was fun, I guess? I like games but he joked about kinks and made sexual comments. Deep, deep down it put me off but this is the first time I was experiencing something, you know? I felt like I had to continue it, just so he doesn’t feel guilty for making me uncomfortable as well...So it’s my fault— We ended up discussing sexual things but it was just that. A discussion. Nothing like dirty talk. We continued to talk. There was a time when he sent me a picture of something meant to be innocent but his bulge was in the photo, too. Anyways, I ended up saying I think he’s great cause he helped me at work and he asked me out on a date. I said yes. I thought back then, I’d never get another shot.”
You glanced nervously up towards Levi and you could visually see him tensing up but it only makes him tighten his hold protectively. You bring your knees up to your chest as you lean against him, a shaky breath escaping.
“So we went on our first date. It was okay but— He kept mentioning the future and it sort of...” You pause, wondering if you could even word all the emotions you felt during this period in your life. It was fleeting but still so heavy. “Messed with me. I was thinking, finally, I found someone who wanted me for once and I could run away from my insecurities but I was also scared of how fast it all seemed to go. He’d mention sex on that first date, too. Saying there’s no pressure and we’ll go at my pace. You’d think that was good of him, right? Even if it was weird to mention it on the first date? He— He also kept— Whenever we were walking and talking, he kept mentioning how difficult it was for him to walk cause he was— You know— He was hard.”
You kept stumbling over your words, feeling nervous as they escape and Levi breathes harshly through his clenched teeth, both of his hands now coming down to cover your hand in your lap. His hands are warm. It made you feel so small yet so safe. It was silently reassuring. He still didn’t dare to interrupt. Even if he wanted to tell you that it’s okay to keep going, that he’ll understand. So, you do.
“It’s like I convinced myself at first to be okay with it. To think of it as flattery that he’s always hard and he’s telling me, even if nothing remotely sexual is happening. He’d apologise and say his mind is in the gutter but then I’d feel bad and say he can do whatever, that I don’t mind. I didn’t want to give my first kiss on that date but I did. He wanted it and so I gave it. It wasn’t like he forced me but there was just this subtle amount of pressure and even though he kept saying there isn’t, and we can take our time, it was still there. He.. kept wanting kisses and even tried for the tongue but I managed to say no. Then he once again mentioned that we’ll go at my pace and there’s no pressure. I hypothetically asked him what if I didn’t want to do something for even a year and he jokingly said that’s too long but, I don’t think he was joking, right?”
Your voice is breathless and your eyes meet his. His eyes hold yours, never wavering. “No, Y/N. I don’t think he was. Did more happen? Tell me, what happened to leave you in so much pain.” Levi asked cautiously. He’s a good boyfriend. You know he is. An awkward laugh escapes and you didn’t think it was possible to curl up even further on him.
“I thought the first date was a success. Who cared if I look back and think about how uncomfortable I was. It’s my fault for thinking it was okay... Making myself think it was okay and to find flattery in his behaviour, I mean— It must be flattery, right? Like I’m put to use—.”
You pause and exhale out softly. Too many thoughts. You could never get everything out in one night and you can only hope that Levi understands that.
“We went on two other dates and talked in between. He always asked for kisses and always wanting to try making out. Texting me or talking to me, it was always the same thing coming out. Sex. That we’ll go at my pace. That I make him hard. That I turn him on. Still my pace and no pressure, though. That we will have a future and be together. It was sort of— suffocating. It’s like again, my mind forced myself to find the positives in it all. Be grateful that someone wants me. That it’s good of them to be like that and I should please them. Even if it was exhausting that the conversation always ended there. I’d tell myself to go out with him because it means I won’t be alone forever. He’d preach about respecting me and still, going at my pace but how he wants to go further than holding hands and simple pecks on the lips.”
You feel Levi’s thumb tenderly grazing against your flushed cheek, wiping away the tear that escaped. You couldn’t look at him. Shame was beginning to drown you and leave you struggling.
“On one of our dates, I eventually gave in and accepted to make out. He said we’ll do it away from the public eye and I just followed him... I followed him in the city until we ended up somewhere dark and private. I was so— So nervous, Levi. I told myself to just do it because it will make him happy and that’s the only thing that matters. Not me being worried or the memories of all the sex mention in the back of my mind. It couldn’t be pressure just cause he kept asking. I told myself I wanted this. To not be a loser anymore. So, he said he’ll guide me in making out. I felt like there was no guidance at all. He kissed me very— aggressively and shoved his tongue down my throat and I didn’t know what to do? I don’t know how to move my lips or what to do. I stood there and pretended to enjoy it. Forcing myself to make sounds and not mind the hair-pulling or groping. It’s all a part of it and I need to accept it. I accepted it. He got so into it and— horny. We sat down and he guided my hand to feel his— I wasn’t ready and he didn’t push too far but it still left me feeling confused. Surely I wanted it if I let it happen? Who cares if I felt awkward and uncomfortable. I wanted it. Experience. He asked me to be his girlfriend but I managed to ask for more time.”
You couldn’t stop yourself as you choke on your tears. They cascade down your cheeks and you’re unaware of Levi’s heart is breaking slowly from hearing this. Some may think this is pathetic of you but Levi knows trauma and pain comes in all shapes and sizes. The male presses a kiss to your forehead before pressing against yours. “There’s more, isn’t there? He didn’t— Did he?”
You could hear the concern in his voice. The secret tone of anger lingering and you frantically shake your head.
“There’s more but not like— that. This behaviour continued. The same erections when he walked. The same always wanting to touch me even when we’re at work. Somewhere I didn’t want to do any affection but he always went for it and I was too scared to say no. He would touch my thigh under the table or lean in for a quick kiss. I allowed it. All the same. The same statements of we’ll go slow as I want. The same no pressure. The same shit, every conversation. It’d always end up in that direction. I’d end up talking dirty cause he wanted it. I’d tell myself that I like it cause I’m doing it. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t like it and yet, I did. I did it. Later on, I’d be angry at myself.”
You feel unstable. If it wasn’t for Levi, you know you would have spiralled, feeling dirtier than you do now. Filthy and pathetic. Fragile and broken. All your fault. A hand is resting on top of your head and you look around Levi’s apartment. It’s comforting. It really is like a home. Books leftover on the coffee table. Perhaps the only thing in his apartment that seems unorganised, simply because he’s reading multiple ones through the week before they go back on the neat shelves. Not a speck of dust. You’re looking away from Levi when you continue.
“Our last date happened. We had dinner. It was nice. Same conversations still. Always ending up in that direction somehow. We had dessert. Same thing. The food was nice. He was nice to me. No pressure. Always the same nice tone. The same one when he helped me at our first meeting at work. A nice guy. He is nice. I mean it’s my fault, I shouldn’t feel like this. We ate quickly and it wasn’t too late. He recently moved into the city and kept mentioning through the date that he feels dirty from work but that it’s okay cause I’m not ready to go back to his place to hang out further. I felt bad. He’d mention there’s nothing to do but walk. Again, mentioning it’s no pressure to go back to his place. I ended up saying it was okay to go back to his. He asked if I was sure and I just went yeah! Nothing to do! So— We went back to his. Was I nervous through the journey? Yeah. I just kept clinging to him cause it’s what he liked.”
You pause. Can you even continue? What if Levi thinks ill of you? What if he gets disappointed in you? You stare off into space, almost feeling blank if it wasn’t for the thoughts screaming so loudly in your mind and leaving you paralysed. There’s a squeeze to the back of your neck. “Y/N. You don’t have to continue but the space is open for you to do so if you want to.” Levi states with caution. He seemed to have avoided using certain words. That there’s no pressure to continue. It makes you smile momentarily for his carefulness and ability to read you like you were his own picture book with bold words.
“His room was small. Still messy because of no time to unpack. I remember it so clearly. All the boxes, clothes discarded and how his desk is next to his bed. Vividly. I ended up sitting on the edge of his bed and tried to avoid how he took his shirt off to feel less dirty. He ended up sitting next to me and this— I don’t remember what happened before it all. I really don’t remember what we talked about. I just remember his brief touch before he was standing again and asking if I wanted to see his cock, hands on his belt. He has a face where he knows how to look kind, you know? He never had experience before me and was super damn eager. He asked for consent to release his cock from his pants and that’s a good sign, right? Consent in anything. Who cares if I was nervous. Again, I told myself I wanted this, even if deep down I was wishing I was home and watching movies. I ended up saying it’s okay for him and so he— showed me. Nothing spectacular or special. I didn’t know what to think. I mean I should be excited that he— He showed me his cock. I should be thankful I’m getting th-this experience.”
You begin to stutter, struggling through your words as your chest begins to feel tight. You feel anxious. You feel so guilty. You keep telling yourself you wanted this during that time because he said there’s no pressure. It’s your own pace and you ended up agreeing to whatever he wanted. Your fault. The tears feel warm on your cheek but you take a deep breath to continue despite your heart breaking along with your boyfriend’s.
“He asked if I wanted to touch it, so I did for him. He was clearly happy from seeing his expression so I sat there and just continued to touch his— I didn’t know what to do. All I know is that he wanted this and if I expressed I didn’t want to, he’ll blame himself for everything and be upset. I couldn’t let that happen. He— He ended up laying down next to me and asked if I wanted to use my mouth and so I did, Levi. I used my mouth on his... cock.”
Your voice breaks, the palms of your hands pressing against your own closed eyes and your body shakes. Levi is quiet, toned arms wrapping around your body to keep you against him, hands carefully placed on your side. Levi closes his eyes tightly, containing his anger from hearing what you been through, already knowing it’s bad but desperately praying it doesn’t get worse than what it already is.
“He’d pull on my hair so much and I kept trying to please him with my mouth. I wasn’t thinking of him as I was doing it. I was fantasising about being away. Being somewhere safe but it— It couldn’t distract me from how fucking dirty I felt deep to the core. How grossed out I felt from tasting his cock. I was desperately praying it wouldn’t go further and he wouldn’t try for more...”
You pause, face burying into the crook of Levi’s neck for a moment, head tilted slightly so your words weren’t too muffled as he gently strokes along your side, your legs tangled with his gorgeous pair.
“Thankfully, we thought we heard the front door and he panicked about his roommate being home and so he went to check. For that moment, it stopped and I was so fucking relieved. I was so relieved, Levi. It stopped but I was so worried he’d want more when he was back. He didn’t but he asked if he could do something to me but, thankfully I was on my period. I vaguely remember him pressing down on me as he cuddled me and I’d just giggle to force myself to seem like I liked it. I’d tell him things I think he wanted to hear since I already know how sexual he is. He’d spank me and eventually, it was late and I could go home.”
Your head now rests on Levi’s chest, fingers curling into his shirt.
“I was happy when I got home, only to soon feel so dirty. My hair was so tangled from him pulling it too much and I cried out of pain as I tried to brush it out as carefully as I could. I’d message him goodnight to be polite but that night, I spiralled. I was crying and feeling so panicky, I ended up crying to friends and being worried about STI’s through oral sex and then having to calm me down and tell me that I’ll be okay. I—.”
You feel so dirty again. Your mouth clogged up with filth. It’s like this every time the memories come back, no matter how many months it’s been. You can’t kiss Levi with this mouth nor even speak to him. He deserves better. You whimper, hands clasping over your mouth and your eyes closing tightly. Your gagging is muffled and Levi is alarmed. He manages to shift your position so you’re sitting next to him and he’s twisting to face you. Both of his firm hands coming up to pull yours away, the glass of his watch glinting beneath the light.
“Y/N, what is it? What’s wrong with your— Do you feel dirty there? Is that what happens when you relive these memories?”
Anyone would think Levi doesn’t care. He always has a face that people explain as void of emotion but you could see it all. He cares. He cares about you and trying to understand. He wants you to feel okay and cope with these events in whatever way possible. Levi is smart, as well. You’re feeling dirty again, especially when it comes to your mouth. The one place the past male’s private parts have been. You feel disgusting. You are disgusting. Your mind being cruel and replaying the scene of your mouth on—
“Let’s go wash our mouths out together, yeah? Feel nice and clean. Remind you that you are clean.”
Your eyes widen from his words. You never thought that this would happen but you remember your boyfriend is a man of few words and shows his love through such gestures. Though, you think he’s perfect with words, too. Levi stands up straight, hands taking hold of yours properly to pull you up until you’re standing. Levi didn’t need to do anything but he wants to, again in his subtle ways. He guides you down to the bathroom, your eyes glancing at the few paintings that are upon his hallway’s wall.
The bathroom light is almost blinding when it flicks on, revealing the completely clean bathroom. Towels folded neatly and not a single item out of place. The short male’s arms wrap around your waist as he easily hoists you up onto the counter, giving your thigh a brief squeeze and you watch the prominent veins in his arm appear as he rolls up his sleeve. He uncaps the mouthwash, filling up the cap to the brim before he offers it to you.
“Remember to not drink it, tch. Wash your mouth until you feel better. Until you feel clean.” Levi watches you take it, smiling softly before allowing the refreshing liquid to feel your mouth. You watch as he does the same for himself until you’re both swishing the liquid around your mouths. You continue it for a long while, using this as a method to make yourself feel mentally clean and free from the horror of that night. Levi’s arms are crossed and it seems he’s not daring to stop until you do. You do have a good boyfriend. Even when you sprung such a sudden question, he’s still waiting patiently for you to finish before he speaks.
You spit out the mouthwash and he follows. Soon enough, he’s opening the cabinet under the sink to grab a new toothbrush for you to hold onto it. He gently squeezes toothpaste on the bristles before he’s once again doing the same with his one. A soft giggle escapes. A genuine one as you feel like you’re slowly cleansing from your torture. You begin to brush your teeth, fingers lacing with his free hand. The silence is comforting once more, tasting mint as the bristles glide along with each tooth, across your gums and even your tongue. He seems so serious even when he’s brushing his teeth and you playfully swipe your thumb across his bottom lip to collect the foamy toothpaste.
Eventually, you both spit it out into the sink and rinse your mouth once more with water. “Alright, open. I want to see every tooth spotless and shining. No dust.” Levi jokes despite his monotone and you grin before opening your mouth. “Ah!”
He’s leaning in as he pretends to inspect but what he’s hoping for is the sense of feeling clean within you. Not feeling so tense and upset. He presses his lips once more to your cheek. “Alright, love. How did this end?”
Levi’s muscles flex as he lifts you with ease, arms carefully wrapped around your thighs and not daring to move closer to your behind and you flick the light off as he walks back to the couch. “It may seem small to other people but it’s something big that happened to you, Y/N. That’s what matters. So don’t worry, just let it out of your system.” He calmly states, coaxing you to relax further against him. You still feel the sense of panic of needing to finish everything but your mouth at least feels okay. It doesn’t feel like it’s infested with invisible filth. Levi lowers you onto the couch and you decide to sit crossed-legged, facing him. Levi crossed one leg over the other, leaning back into the couch but, his posture still naturally straight, waiting for you to tell the rest; to get it all off your shoulders.
“My friends managed.. to calm me down. You know when someone is feeling panic, it’s like all logic flies out of the window? It was like that. I could be sensible about anything. I just felt dirty.” You mumble, fingertips brushing against your lips. “Then I guess things changed between him and me. He was suddenly really busy with work and then I also avoided him as best as I could, despite him being at work. He’d apologise for not talking to me a lot and I’d just quickly brush it off, pretend it was all fine. I ended up having a breakdown at home and practically stumbling out of the closet to my Mother about being bisexual, something I didn’t want to do but, I just felt so damn messy. I’d cry often to my friends, whether about this or something else. I was just incredibly fragile. No word from him still. I was so relieved like I was free. I didn’t have to hear about how we’ll go at my pace, or that there’s no pressure. I didn’t have to give him any more firsts.”
Levi’s slender fingers are brushing through your hair once more. It’s a routine at this point. Something soothing whenever you speak. Whether you’re anxious or not. As you thought before, he’s not overly affectionate but it’s small moments like these that are special. The corners of your lips manage to curl up to form a soft smile, gazing down at your hands.
“Eventually, he tried to ask me out to go on a walk and I felt panic. After weeks of crying and leaning on my friends, I couldn’t handle it. I ended up rejecting him and telling him I’m not ready for anything and he was relieved because he wanted to end things. We ended it peacefully and I felt free for a moment but, it still doesn’t change the fact that these memories come back like hellfire and remind me. Remind me that I made myself do these things when I didn’t want to but, then another part of my mind is belittling me, telling me I wanted to do it since I did do it. It also hurts that I did it and suddenly, he was busy and not interested. I kind of felt used and tossed aside despite him being so nice. He’s so nice, yet I think all of these things. He’s insecure himself so I know he’d bash himself if he ever heard that this was traumatic for me..”
You trailed off, realising you finally reached the end. Thoughts may linger about how you feel when your mind is triggered to remember. How you feel suffocated and filthy but, it’s out. Your boyfriend knows. You glance up, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for asking you such an absurd question and then breaking down.” You mumble quietly and Levi laces his fingers with yours. You avoided eye contact. “Look at me, Y/N.” It’s a command. Oddly gentle and holding affection. You shift your gaze onto it, noticing that his stare is firm despite the warmth they carry for you.
“To answer your question, I do want to have sex with you.”
Oh. It prompts a small snort, cheeks becoming rosy as he decides to answer the question first. That’s Levi for you. Everything in order. Levi shifts to snake an arm around your waist and pull you in close. “Thank you for telling me but I need you to know a few things. He’s not nice. Not in my eyes. What he did, I don’t care if he was overly excited because a girl became interested in him but he’s not nice. If he truly cared about you as he said, sex wouldn’t be the first thing on his mind. He’s a man. Not a wild beast. Sexual intercourse is nice. It can be fun. It can be loving and intimate with your partner but it’s not the most important thing. It seems that he viewed you as some female object to finally get off with instead of using his own hands. A degenerate.”
You naturally flinch at the dark-haired male’s harsh words but soon you feel yourself becoming happy. Levi is speaking his truth and it makes you think that you’re not the one in the wrong. Besides, flinching out of surprise from your boyfriend’s bluntness doesn’t mean you don’t find him attractive for doing so. You quite like it. “He may not know because he’s too dumb and selfish but, what he did was a form of manipulation. Intentional or not. In his mind, he had a goal he wanted to achieve. It’s not natural to bring up those topics every single time you both talk. I think it’s pitiful to even mention it every week in a relationship that’s beginning to blossom. No pressure and yet, he put so much pressure on you. He manipulated you and if I knew him, it would take a lot of my control to stop myself from punching him in the face. He has a nice facade and a childish mindset. You say he’s older and he behaved like a teenager. He’s the dirty one.”
Levi breathes in deeply, pressing his lips together. A man of few words and yet, he wanted to ramble for once. This meant a lot to you and he understands why. You rest your head on his shoulder as he decides to continue. “He manipulated the entire situation and pressured you from the beginning, I need you to realise that. I’m sorry that you felt forced to do things you didn’t want to do. Your mind will play tricks on you, whenever it comes alive but I need you to remember that just because your mind is telling you that you wanted to do it because you did, you didn’t. You’re not dirty, either. Whenever you feel dirty, let me know. We’ll wash our mouths together. Make our routine to help you cope.” His tongue darts between his lips, hand stroking up along your side soothingly. “This was traumatic for you and it doesn’t matter what anyone else says. Trauma works in different ways for people. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Tch, look at me rambling for the first time in my life but. I’m sorry this happened, Y/N. This man is scum and I’m sure deep down he knew what he’d achieve by talking about it all the time and always pushing for more. He manipulated you, as I’ve said. The pressure was truly alive. Thankfully, he didn’t reach his end goal but he still left a deep scar.”
Levi pauses, leaning forward to adjust his novel straight, his other hand now resting on your knee. There were other things he wish he could say. His other thoughts and opinions on the man but he decided against it, not wanting to hurt you further. Besides, he thinks you know deep down. He hums for a moment before he opens his mouth to speak. “I’m your boyfriend now. This may sound triggering and I’ll avoid certain words but, I’ve never mentioned sex or asked for it simply because I do believe it’s up to you. It’s up to you for when it happens. Every step is up to you. I won’t be mentioning it until you think you’re ready. Whether it’s within a month or a year or even twenty years. Even, never. I value sex in a relationship but I value you the most. I can live without it and find joy with reading a book and you leaning on me. Understood?”
You couldn’t stop your smile from growing, the tears in your eyes now from happiness and relief. You nod your head eagerly, fingers curled into small fists. “Understood, captain!” You joke lightly and it prompts him to nearly choke on his spit and break his calm demeanour. Levi thinks he might like being called that. He rolls his eyes, leaning over to cup your cheek and press a loving kiss to your lips. It only lasted for a few seconds.
“Right, I’m going to make a cup of tea. Want one?”
You watch as Levi pulls himself off of the couch and you bring your knees up to your chest, hugging them as you smile, nodding. “Yes, please.” Levi hums in response. “Manners. I like it.” The dark-haired male places his hand briefly on the top of your head before he finally moves to make way to the kitchen. Your heart flutters, resting your chin on the top of your knee as you smile. You feel free. Crushing weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. Levi didn’t have to do any of this and yet, he did. He listened. He comforted. He reassured. He helped you cope. He gave his own opinions and views. He cared. A man of few words is often looked down upon and yet you love everything about him. His calm personality. His gorgeous appearance; from his grey eyes to his chiselled jaw and toned figure. You love his attitude towards life and relationships. You love how he’s so different to everyone. Every rare affectionate moment special. You could go on inside your mind about what you love and feel like you could never end. You are falling in love with the best man on the planet. Levi Ackerman.
© 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — FAEVI. Do not modify, repost, plagiarize, or claim my work as your own. Do not promote any of my work on any forms of social media without my prior consent.
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opalescient · 4 years
haikyuu fic recs — the most beautiful, lovely, breathtaking masterlist (vol. I)
so i’ve been binging fics to cure my sadness, and i thought that these select masterpieces were too magnificent to not be plastered on every billboard ever. some tore my soul into shreds, while others melted said shreds back whole, but all of them made me feel some form of sheer, unadulterated love, so. please enjoy! 🥰⛅️✨
note: all of these fics are exquisite and you should read all of them, but if you’re short of time, those with ☆ are my all-time favourites!
butterfly in the subway by bigspoonnoya ☆ | T
Sugawara Koushi has no idea he's already in love with the man he's supposed to hate.
i lovelovelove how all the concepts tied in together like a perfectly wrapped gift
also very wholesome, made me feel so inexplicably warm. like, love can exist everywhere!!! despite everything!!! that’s just so inspiring
i revisited this many times, i think it was (one of) my first haikyuu fics and honestly. it set the bar so high and i have no regrets
you’d fit my lonely arms so perfectly by boxofwonder ☆ | G
“Oh. You're. Not Asahi.”
Calmed down enough that he can speak again, Daichi takes a deep breath, his smile settling on his face easily and wide.
“Not as far as I know, no.”
Suga accidentally calls a stranger instead of his best friend, tells him all about his burned batch of cookies before realising, and that particular mistake might turn out the best one he ever made.
major, major fluff
the buildup!!!
god this made my yearning for love so much worse
the perfect stranger by downmoon | T
There’s a man standing outside Suga's door.
Scratch that. Start over.
There’s a man he doesn’t know standing outside his door, holding his sleeping nephew in one arm, with another kid clinging tightly to his free hand.
so domestic please read the entire series from start to finish it has my whole heart
shoyou and tobio as their actual kids 🥺
these two parents are so in love it makes me wanna cry
silica sand by lilien passe ☆ | G
Overworked, over-stressed programmer Azumane Asahi works on the top floor of a Shinjuku skyscraper. Nervous around his coworkers and terrified of the long drop on the other side of the window, Asahi falls into a miserable routine, only to have it broken one day by a simple message on the outside of the glass.
PLEASE. so well-written it makes my heart glow and ache simultaneously
made me ascend into asanoya heaven
such a brilliantly unique concept i love it A+
qué syrah syrah by loudlucy | M
Asahi wants to be a Master Sommelier. It's the highest honor in wine service, and the certification would allow him to live the life he's always envisioned for himself. Too bad the certification test is notorious for being the world's most difficult.
Most people fail their first time taking the exam, and Asahi is no exception, but he has more difficulty than most dusting himself off and getting back on his feet. Enter Nishinoya, a young man who shares his same dream, and who believes in their goals so fiercely it forces Asahi to embark on a delicious and sensuous journey of viticulture and validation.
AKA The Wine Tasting AU that literally no one even knew to ask for.
NOTE: You Do Not Need to Know About Wine to Understand This Fic!
another super unique concept!!! (´∀`=)
my god their chemistry is amazing
the writing made me feel things ngl
stop my bones from wondering by cerasi ☆ | T
After graduation, Asahi hides from the world and needs help from a few sources to find his way back.
i want to write sonnets and sing ballads for this fic, it’s that beautiful
as always, Top Notch Writing *chef’s kiss*
no but i seriously... can i kiss the author? asking for a friend 😳👉🏼👈🏼
star-crossed by starlitcities | T
“I never thought I’d see the day that I’d envy a human,” Oikawa admits, showering himself in tiny suns, because he can actually feels those, like a fusillade of warm kisses on luminous skin that leave marks. To humans, they’d be freckles. Skin stars, Oikawa calls them. He didn’t make that up, a human did.
“Who created the rule that we can’t touch, I wonder,” Iwaizumi ponders, floating heedlessly through space.
“Maybe it’s because we can fly. Humans dream of flying, right?”
“I don’t think so.”
gsjsgsjshsjshsjsj star!iwaoi
beautifulbeautifulbeautiful i love how the author conveyed the beauty of touch and humanity 🥺🥺
please bless yourself further with the sequel sun-kissed
conquering the great king by suggestivescribe ☆| E
Iwaizumi blinked his gaze over to Oikawa, "Last time was supposed to be a one time thing," he said, voice low, lacking some conviction.
Oikawa's lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi's, "One time thing, Two time thing, what's it matter as long as it's not a Relationship thing?"
in fact, this entire series (breaking the rules) features daisuga, kuroken, asanoya and it’s SO GOOD. every single one.
but anyway, character development!!!!! plot!!!!!!!!! writing!!!!!!!! i’m here for it all
campfire in your chest by deanpendragon ☆ | M
Kei realizes in their second year of high school that he’s probably been in love with Yamaguchi since they were ten. However hopeless he might be in handling that situation, Kei prays he’s at least not as hopeless as Hinata and Kageyama. But he just might be.
i am also a sucker for anything with stars, moons and all the love in between
no words to describe this work of art please just go read it and be blessed
under the lilac tree by raewrites | G
there’s a lilac tree in Kei’s backyard.
gorgeous in its simplicity
not as grandiose as the rest but the love written into every word, action and character is absolutely show-stopping
saffron and cayenne pepper by dontsaycrazy ☆ | T
Cooking is hard. Even if you have your very attractive, very grumpy neighbor there to help you.
In which Hinata's lack of cooking skills are a danger to him and others. Luckily (or not), Kageyama is willing to teach him, if only for the sake of avoiding any burned down apartments.
the essence of their characters were captured so well and yet it’s like they’re completely new characters too? author, whoever you are, you totally owned this
this made me ship kagehina so hard
fluff! cuteness! lots and lots of cooing!
the galaxy is endless (i thought we were, too) by cosmogony ☆ | T
/ˈsəʊlmeɪt/ • noun
A person who was made from the same star as you.
// Kuroken AU where the last words your soulmate will say to you appear on your skin when you turn 16, and how Kenma and Kuroo learn what this means over the course of their lives.
ahhh here it is. beautiful, heartbreaking, soul-emptying agony. you want angst? choke on this, and your tears later on.
no but seriously please read this if you haven’t you won’t regret it at all i promise
written from kenma’s perspective so you experience every depth and multitude of emotion he does and it’s so raw and- brb imma go cry for a sec
knot in my heart by hearthope | T
There’s a picture. Kenma blinks, looking at the little calico cat, being held up next to the face of a guy with stupidly messy hair and a crooked grin.
The— the cat. The cat is cute.
Just the cat.
Kuroo starts spending a lot of time at the flower shop Kenma works at. Kenma definitely isn't into him.
okay so i like it when authors unravel a normally stoic character’s full scope of emotion and give them depth, sue me.
anyway, back on the fluff train!
i absolutely f*ck with flower symbolisms, cats and bitchy best friends who have dirt on each other. the layers of romance, friendship and everything in between is so prettily developed 10/10
the jacket you never returned by daisuga ☆☆ | G
He leaned over, kissed Bokuto on the cheek, and smiled bitterly, eyes watery.
He will never remember. Not now, not ever.
What they were will now forever be forgotten.
"You used to call me Keiji, Koutarou."
i beg you to listen to Spiegel im Spiegel when it’s first mentioned in the story please
i read this and screamed through my tears for a solid 1.5 hours. i rarely cry.
no f*ckin regrets though i read this thrice already and it hurts so good every time
rules by conesofdunshire ☆☆ | E
In which Akaashi Keiji is an overworked accountant who stumbles upon Bokuto one night playing the piano in the lobby of his work. Bokuto is different, that much is obvious. But with such supreme musical talent and a smile so dazzling it rivals the sun, there's just something about him that brings Akaashi back every night.
this fic. this fic has my whole, broken, sobbing heart and laughing soul
gorgeous. breathtaking. magnificent.
bokuto is so WARM and akaashi is so STRONG and they both find the solace they need in each other and it’s all i want for me 😭😭😭
in another life by littleluxray | T
Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too.
The hospital AU that no body asked for, but that I took upon myself to write.
this is a famous fic that i doubt any seasoned haikyuu reader wouldn’t know, and RIGHTLY SO BECAUSE, the PAIN. the pain. the pain.
i could feel my lungs shrivel up and my chest cave in on itself. fatigue and rest are things i struggle with too so this whole story resonated with me from start to finish, and it broke me. in like, the best, most revitalising way
i would read this again but it still haunts me at night. i need to heal from the first time before i have the guts to try one more time HAHAHA 😆💔😭
tea-stained polaroids by dalyeau | G
“I'm gonna date that,” Bokuto declares solemnly, and Kuroo throws a plastic spoon at his head.
mmmmmmm pretty photographer + personalised coffee cups + cute baristas = diabetic fluff fic
i smiled so much throughout this you have no idea. cheeks achey but so good
i may have squealed a little at the ending
moonfall by batman | T
There is no unlearning Tetsurou, after all. There is only leaving him.
(Five things of Tetsurou's that ended up in Kei's home, and one that never left.)
the writing!!!!!! is pure beauty!!!! sheer grace!!!!!!! the construction of the AU and the romanticism and hsjsgsjshsj
didn’t cry but. heart ache and bittersweet smiles are another level of misery that is just as fulfilling
yea just pleasepleasepleaseplease go read it thank you and have a good day
hidden gem by realmSpinner | E
Things get complicated when everything you thought you knew about a guy changes, and they get even more complicated when you actually start liking those changes.
That guy working with you AND becoming your neighbor? That's just a cherry on top of the cake of confusion.
this AU was refreshingly different, and amazingly so
top!tsukki??? sign me the f*ck up
the whole plot, man. perfection.
pings by barfs ☆☆ | T
[5/02/16, 3:50:17 AM] Tsukishima Kei: Please wake up.
[5/02/16, 3:50:23 AM] Tsukishima Kei: I hate begging. You know I hate it.
[5/02/16, 3:50:34 AM] Tsukishima Kei: I bet you’re snickering at that, wherever you are.
[5/02/16, 3:50:53 AM] Tsukishima Kei: But, it keeps hurting and I don’t know why and it feels like shit and I know you could tell me why, but you’re not here and I would really appreciate it if you’d just wake up.
[5/02/16, 3:51:02 AM] Tsukishima Kei: You’re laughing at that too, aren’t you.
[5/02/16, 3:51:10 AM] Tsukishima Kei: Dying is probably up there in the list of top ten shitty things you’ve ever done, and you’ve done a lot of shitty things.
you already know what’s coming, and yet. when it comes.
how the f*ck did the author make grief beautiful????????? (at the expense of me dying along with kei and everyone else i guess)
this fic will ruin you and bury you under all your pain (i hope you’re ready)
but also put you back together with the “sequel”
close to the chest by darkmagicalgirl | T
It takes Yahaba thirteen years to realize he's different from the other kids, one to figure out how to hide it, and two more to learn to be happy just the way he is. Yahaba's journey ft. an extremely annoyed Kyoutani, best friend in the world Watari, and loads and loads of good senpai Oikawa.
cause i’m (not) alright with the slow, burn~
no fr, take slow and burn very seriously
overthinking yahaba? i understand. i do.
again, such an amazing fic; 10/10 recommend
safe here by crossbelladonna ☆ | M
“Raids are routine work,” Kyoutani tells to Yahaba before he can air the question. “Sometimes there is no sleep done until we accomplish something, say kill a certain ghoul. I guess they’re still going through the possibility that people in the accident are still alive huh?”
Yahaba quirks a smile, pushing his mask up his head.
“You’re alive.”
Kyoutani looks at him intently and all of the things that they’ve gone through for the past month seems to flash in his mind.
“Yes I am.”
i haven’t watched tokyo ghoul but i understood everything perfectly. such is the power of f*cking kickass writing
*cue ugly crying and a lot of unresolved angst*
like the grief??????? ruin me please thank you 🙏 (i think i’m a little masochistic)
rare pairs
mannequin men by surveycorpsjean ☆ | M
The modelling world is full of hungry wolves, constantly clambering over the other, snarling and desperate. They fight, and they kill, trampling over anything in their path.
In this case, Akaashi fell in love with the wolves.
i did not expect this to be good, and it wasn’t. it was SPLENDID.
akaashi is so enamoured with them from the get go i love it
a tiny bit of angst that stabbed me in the heart, but the happy ending soothed it (thankfully, because if there wasn’t one i will sue)
characterisation, writing, plot development; everything is great. can you tell i’m running out of synonyms for ‘beautiful’
feel like gold by heronfem ☆☆ | T
In which Kenma is unapologetic and comfortable with who he is, Akaashi learns a lot about himself in a short period of time, Kuroo is wildly in love and an eternal survivor, and Bokuto remembers that love doesn't cure mental illness, but having a support system sure helps a lot.
Or, the one where 4 young men get together, and are helplessly, hopelessly, utterly in love despite everything.
e.e. cummings?? poetry??? f*ck yes
so beautiful. i’m so star-struck by this fic it’s simply stunning
there are no words to fully capture how worth your time and heart and mind reading this fic is so please. do yourself a favour, and fall in love with this fic with me
the sky and guilt are the only feelings i have left by oopsthisisqueertoo ☆☆ | not rated
Akaashi is at his wits end. He feels nothing. He's quickly crumbling as a human being. He wants nothing but sweet release of death. In his fourth year of college he drafts a plan for his suicide. He is to graduate, publish writing for others to be inspired by, and slip quietly away. Shortly after, he meets a dog walker named Bokuto who asks him out and Akaashi reluctantly agrees. Nothing matters anymore and he treats Bokuto like an obligation. Until he's not anymore.
this was... this gutted me entirely and filled my body with too many shades of agony
arguably one of the best haikyuu fics i’ve ever read
so beautiful in the most painful way fathomable; strongly recommend
april to may by surveycorpsjean | T
They're an odd family.
The four of them? Parents?
But still, they're a family.
So they'll support each other until the end.
aaahhhhh third gym as parents 🥺
so much fluff. i also love april and may
they’re still so in love there’s love in every millimetre of this fic :”)
that’s it for now! i’ll add more if i come across anymore good fics. i hope you enjoyed this list! if you have any requests/fic recs, or if u just wanna chat, feel free to just ask! hehe 🥰 k aight bye~
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
A lot like ‘Us’ (Part-36)
Word count: 5.6K
Pairing: Sam X Reader AU
Warnings: Feels, PTSD, fluff
Series Summary: Y/N Y/L/N is eager and honestly, still in awe that she managed to get herself an acceptance from Stanford Law School. On the face of it, her life seems as put together, mysterious and independent as one might hope for. On the insides, she carries the burden of past that haunts her till date. Seemingly, she’d left it all behind; that is until she sets foot in the class of the Law School’s youngest, most promising professor.
A/N: The story employs two different timelines. The present timeline for the story takes place in 2014. Please let me know what you guys think :)
Beta: @deanssweetheart23​​​​. Love you babe <3
A lot like ‘Us’ masterlist
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“I’ve decided I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m going home.”
“Jack!” You grabbed him by his elbow just as he turned. “You can’t abandon me!”
He looked a bit terrified. “I can’t do this, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes. “Sure you can. Jody is awesome and you’re so cute. I know she will like you.”
Jack did not look convinced. A tiny part of you was nervous with him. He was about to meet his girlfriend's mom for the first time. After calling Sam to tell him that you were up for the picnic, the wild optimism in his voice had you wearing out the carpet of your living room, freaking out about messing it up- for Sam and for Max. As a last resort, you had knocked on your neighbour’s door and convinced Jack to accompany you. As it turned out, Claire had been after him for a while to meet her family, and Jack being Jack was worrying the hell out of it. 
Now, you stood in front of the gate of your building, waiting for Sam to come pick you up, and not letting each other chicken out of this situation. That’s what friends did. 
“It’s not just Jody,” Jack admitted. “It’s also your husband.”
Your heart still lurched at the word. “Sam? What about him?”
Jack groaned, rolling his head. “I don’t know. You’re our Y/N… and then suddenly we find out you’re married. I really want to like him, but he’ll take you away from us.”
You were touched by his words, and the innocence in them. “No one can take me away. In fact, this is just my grand scheme to make sure that you’re stuck with me for life now. I’ve been slowly getting you hooked to the cookies. Soon there will come a day when you’ll realise you can't live without them. And then you just can’t get rid of me. It’ll be too late.”
Jack smiled at you and slung his arm around your soldier. “It’s not the cookies we’re getting addicted to, it’s you.”
A car made the swift turn and came to a stop next to the gate, right in front of you- Sam’s sleek, black Mercedes. 
Jack let out a low whistle. “I take it all back. You get back together with this guy and adopt me. Max is so much nicer than Kevin anyway. I'll share a room with him. I’ll do the dishes everyday.”
You were crying because of laughter by the time Sam opened his door and stepped out. 
“You alright?” He asked, face startled but amused.
Nodding and gasping for breath, you made the hasty introductions. Jack gave his patented customary hand raise of a greeting with palm facing forward. Sam was going for a handshake but seeing Jack’s wave, he did the same with a smile.
From the backseat, Max called out your name. Without caring about the rest, you opened the door and got in besides him, ruffling his hair.
“Hey, Y/N, aren’t you riding shotgun?” Jack asked, voice restrained to appear casual. 
“Nah, you got it. I’m going to hangout in the back with Max.”
Jack might be looking daggers at you for throwing him under the bus, but you knew he’d live. Sam was excellent company. In the next fifteen minutes of the ride, you were proven right, because Jack was busy discussing the mysterious circumstances under which Edgar Allan Poe died, and how The murders in Rue Morgue was actually his best work. Sam was exceptionally well read and Jack was in his element with literature discussions. 
You turned to Max, showing him your basket. “Look, what I got for you- your favourite cookies and a pie!”
He let out a squeal of delight and you snuck a cookie out for him. 
The car was spotless, rich upholstery gleaming, but you knew Sam couldn’t care less if Max got crumbs on the seats. Right on track, Max dug into the cookie, not bothering about the mess. Secretly, it pleased you that you were beginning to decode their relationship.
“I didn’t know what the others would like, so I baked muffins and some savoury croissants. You think that’s okay?”
“Stop gnawing over it, Y/N,” Sam said. “Everyone’s gonna love it.”
You didn’t think he was even paying any attention to you. Course you were wrong. His eyes were melting in the rearview mirror as he smiled at you.
“Y/N woke up at 4:30 in the morning to get everything set,” Jack added.
You bent forward to look at him. “How do you know that?”
“I could hear your beater whirring. Thin walls.”
“That woke you up? I’m so sorry, Jack!”
Jack snorted. “Was she always like this?”
“Always,” said Sam, with all the warmth. You could feel the heat in your chest.
For the rest of the ride, you happily listened to Max chatter about the badminton racquet in the trunk and Claire’s home bowling set. He was such a joy to listen to when he was just being a kid and not careful. You listened very attentively, picking out the things that were only in the subtext of his words. Max loved these people- Jody, her girls and even Chase. He knew their habits and their natures like a family. Sam must have relied on them a lot and often. 
You were so lost in Max’s words, that the car was already silently cruising along the San Francisco bay. The water stretched by one side of the road. Instinctively, you tightened the grip on Max’s hand. 
Why hadn’t you thought to ask where the picnic was!
As it turned out, the place they had chosen was very serene… The little landscape was a small distance walk from the highway, secluded enough that it wasn’t frequented, but beautiful nonetheless. Tall, full trees dominated the landscape. The rich fall colours, oddly made the shade underneath brighter somehow, inviting. The shadows of the trees bleeded into an open, grassy area and ultimately into the sandy, pebbly waterline of the bay. 
You wrinkled your nose at the sight of nestled ducks. Sam smirked at you. Was he remembering the same afternoon? When you had tried to feed the ducks Sam and Dean’s epic failure of muffins?
Two girls were already laying out an assortment of food on the blanket. The blonde turned at the sound of Max’s hoots and her face brightened at the site of Jack. It was adorable. Alex still had her hand in a cast and Jody was hauling a cane chair from behind. All of them looked in a jovial mood. Maybe the whole sneaking out at night debacle was behind them. 
Alex greeted you first when you reached them. “It’s great to see you again, Mrs. Winchester.”
You felt rather than saw Sam’s eyes flash towards you. Smiling, you sat down next to her. “Y/N is just fine, Alex. You don’t have to change names all of a sudden.” 
Both she and Claire were a little wide eyed. Your situation had clearly been a topic of discussion with them. This girl they randomly knew as Max’s friend or Jack’s neighbor was now suddenly Sam’s wife. It must’ve been bizarre. After sharing a few pleasantries with Jody, you pulled out your own basket.
You had to admit, the reactions were very mollifying as they dug into the muffins, pies and croissants, moaning with closed eyes. Sam gave you a sideways smirk at their reaction.
“That’s it,” Jody declared. “You’re passing the rest of the semester for legal writing without handing in a single assignment. The muffins alone… mmm.”
“Save me some,” Sam complained. It was mostly aimed at Jody.
She scowled at him. “You stop making those eyes at me, Winchester. I’m not giving up my share.” When you giggled she turned towards you. “Did he always do that?”
“Puppy dog eyes of doom? Yeah… always.”
“You make that shit work for you in the court, don’t you? That’s how you win all of them cases,” she grumbled.
“How rude!”
You turned at the offended sound. Chase stood behind you with arms crossed over his chest. 
“You guys started eating without me?” He huffed, sitting down on your other side and turned to Max. “Your dad, I can expect that from. Since when did you turn into such an Iago?”
“I saved you the cookies,” Max said promptly, pulling the bag from behind him. There was a small furor which was mostly the girls complaining about how they didn’t know there were cookies. It ended with Chase clutching the bag to his chest.
“Flee away, children,” he said. “I need the cookies to mend my broken heart.”
“What happened to your girlfriend? Weren’t you bringing her with you?” Sam asked.
Chase threw him a very impressive shade. “She dumped me, Samuel.”
“She couldn’t bear that I was prettier than her.”
You suspected Chase was just playing it out for the cookies. He did not look heartbroken in the least. 
Once the food stash was considerably depleted, the girls, Jack and Max, picked up the racquets and divided their teams for Badminton. When Max insisted that you join them, Sam vehemently supported your argument of terrible hand-eye coordination. He knew and much like yourself, did not want to put other people in the way of the harm that you might inflict. In the end, only the group of four ended up on the blankets. Sam, Jody, you and Chase who was almost lying on his side, head resting on his hand, propped up on an elbow. He looked younger in a t-shirt and jeans. 
“I still can’t believe you can cook all of this by yourself! No wonder Sam didn’t want to junk the marriage.”
“Chase!” Sam admonished, mortified, but you enjoyed Chase’s unapologetic behaviour, being all too tired of people stepping on eggshells around you- especially Sam.
“No, it’s alright,” you said, grinning at Chase, who returned your grin with a wink.
“You don’t happen to have a sister, do you?” He enquired.
“Well, actually…”
“Someone other than Jo,” he added quickly. “God knows I won’t survive a minute if I went toe to toe with Dean Winchester. One Winchester is enough to keep me in line.”
Sam threw Chase his classic bitchface then went back to his conversation with Jody. Eyeing his absorption, Chase tilted his head towards the side, “Care to join me for a walk, Y/N?”
You chanced a look at Sam, who was busy discussing a faculty matter and nodded. As quietly as you could, the two of you got up and moved away. 
“So, did you end up applying? To Acton Gris, I mean?” He asked, hooking his thumbs in the pockets of his pants.
“I did, the very evening. I’m trying not to be too hopeful.”
His green eyes regarded you. “Now, whyever would you do that?”
“Because I’m a realist and I know what type of competition I’m up against.”
Chase chuckled. “You’re too idealistic, Y/N. Even more than Mr. Mc-dreamy over there. Never thought I’d see him topped in that category. I’m still hopeful. Looks like I’m the only one.”
“Why do you care?” You asked. “What does it matter to you if I end up in Acton Gris or not?”
“It doesn’t. I think it would be great for your career and it’s my duty being from the same alma mater to further your cause.”
You raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “And this has nothing to do with Sam.”
Chase was quiet for a long time, watching his steps as you strolled along the waterline, a safe distance away from it. You had given up on expecting an answer and were just beginning to wonder what would be a good time to turn around and head back when he finally spoke, “I’ll admit I haven’t been your biggest fan, Y/N. Sam never said a word against you… and that is exactly what pissed me off.” 
This was in line with what you had pretty much already assumed so it didn’t come as a surprise.
“I’m telling you this because I know you ain’t a snowflake,” said Chase. “You don’t have the liberty to be a snowflake after everything you’ve been through. I also know you don’t care about my opinion of you.”
“That still doesn’t answer my question,” you pointed out.
He sighed. “I suggested that you try at Acton Gris not for Sam’s sake but mine. That part I told you about- how Sam’s too high up to be involved with paralegals- is one hundred percent true. But I wanted to get to know you for myself.”
“To see if I was any good for Sam?”
Chase snorted. “This whole deal makes me sound like Sam’s possessive mistress but I am protective of him… and of his boy over there. I’ve been around for the start of that story, and they’ve been hurt enough. I am cad for saying this but I just didn’t trust you enough, and Sam being Sam was pining after you from day one… it’s quite tiresome to watch.”
“And now what? You suddenly approve of me? I passed some invisible test?”
“You guys are already married, who the heck am I to set a test for you? For the majority part I was telling the truth, you know. You’d flourish at Acton Gris. It would make you happy and Sam would be over the moon. But I still want to get to know you better.” He paused. “I haven’t had the best of family life growing up. More money than I could count, but my mother ditched me and my dad before I could spell out her name. I’ve seen him miserable for all his life… and well, it gave me mommy issues to last a lifetime.” Chase winked. “So all the meddling is clearly not me projecting my childhood abandonment issues on you. Clearly!”
Chase’s blunt honesty surprised you. He owed you nothing at all. Yet here he was answering all your questions. While he was at it, you decided to ask one more.
“Now you think I won’t break Sam’s heart?”
He looked at you and shook his head lightly. “I don’t know that. What I do know is that you won’t be able to break his heart without breaking your own first. I’ve only ever wanted him to be happy. Tried setting him up with a hundred girls, the guy just wouldn’t budge. Then you come back and it’s fucking sunshine all over his face. I know when to give up.”
Oddly, you understood exactly where Chase was coming from. He was so strongly rooted in Sam’s corner, all of his thoughts were biased, even if it meant being critical and wary of you. You hadn’t tried to achieve it, but somewhere in the middle you had gained both Chase’s confidence and his liking.
“What’s it like working under Sam?” You asked, changing the topic as well as voicing a curiosity. 
Chase gave you a look. “Now or then?”
“Both,” you said after a minute.
“You’ve got to know, I used to look up to Sam when I was at Stanford- not that he knew I existed back then. He was in the final year, I was in the first, and he was everything I wanted to be- Top of his class, valedictorian, popular with the ladies. I applied at Johnson’s because of that.” He paused, continuing only after an encouraging look from you. “He was nothing like I remembered. Every time I faced him, there was a very real risk of being fired for the smallest mistake.”
Chase laughed. You did not. He was describing a Sam you couldn’t imagine, a Sam that shouldn’t have existed.
“Now he’s my best friend. At any rate, he’s about the only person who puts up with my dumb antics.”
“He puts up with a lot from a lot of people,” you murmured, absentmindedly staring at the lake. 
A small moment caught your eye. The birdy that had been flying back and forth between the girls and the boys, flew over a bit too high and far. And as a reflex, Max, his eyes up, backed away fast.
“No!” You were already running by the time you realised that the terrified scream was yours. 
“No, no… Chirp!” You shouted, but it was too late as the boy’s feet hit the wet slope. He slipped and tumbled back, rolling right into the water. 
Your legs were aching from how hurriedly you dove after him, right into the bay, lashing in the water till your hands found Max’s body. Yanking him out of the water and against your body, you backed off quickly. You cradled his body on the sandy shore, frantically checking his face, arms to make sure he was alright. Max didn’t look hurt, just shocked and a bit scared.
“Are you okay?” You asked, too loudly. Max nodded.  
Hands landed on your shoulder, your head. Voices told you to let go but you did not release Max, not till another voice murmured in your ear, “It’s alright, Y/N. He’s okay.”
You turned on Sam. “Why did you let him near water? Why weren’t you paying any attention?” You yelled, not relinquishing your hold on Max.
Sam crouched down before you, not attempting to reach out to Max, who was staring wide eyed at you. 
“What if something had happened to him?” You wiped at your tears with the back of your hand. “He’s just a little boy! How could you be so careless?”
Sam shrugged out of his jacket and carefully wrapped it around your shoulders. 
“Max is alright,” he said calmly, “You can let go of him.”
“Y/N, you’re all wet and you’re starting to shake. Get inside the car before it gets worse.”
“But Max…”
“Max is fine,” Sam said in the same patient tone. “Look at the water, it’s not even waist deep. This side of the bay is very shallow for, at least, fifty yards and Max can swim very well.”
The realisation came very suddenly. Max had never been in any danger at all. The girls had sarongs on, maybe they had all intended a swim. You had needlessly created a scene, drenched Max more than he needed to be and yelled at Sam for being an irresponsible father.
The tears spilled over again but because of a different reason this time- shame. You let go of Max the next instant, staring pointedly at the ground.
Max turned in your lap. Small, soft hands came up to wipe away the tears from your eyes. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said. “I won’t go near the water again.”
You threw your arms around him again and sobbed against his little neck. The people around you seemed to be closing in but you didn’t want to look up at any of them. Your heartbeat was thudding erratically against Max’s head but he didn’t make a move to leave or get up.
“C’mon, girls, start packing,” Jody ordered over you. “Give Y/N some space to breathe. You, too, lover boy!”
Four sets of feet scampered away. 
“Chase, take Max to the blankets. There’s a fresh set of clothes in his bag.”
You did not want to let go of the boy. Doing so would make you face Sam.
It seemed Max was reluctant as well, but with one look at Sam, he disentangled himself. You felt the softest brush of his lips on your cheek and then Max was walking away, his hand in Chase’s. 
Sam put both his hands against your arms and pulled you to your feet. He drew his coat tightly around you and started walking you towards his car, his palm firmly planted against your back. 
You let him, without another word as he opened the door of the passenger seat for you to get in. Sam got in on the other side and turned the heat up. Only when the car started did you shake out of the quiet.
“Wait. Max?”
“Don’t worry about him. Chase will drive him home.”
Sam’s voice betrayed no emotion. Not anger or hurt. It was as composed as the many lectures he had delivered.
Ashamed of even meeting his gaze, you tipped your head against the window, glad that the side was facing the road instead of the bay and closed your eyes. It felt like floating in bliss if you buried your emotions down- this sensation of gliding on a smooth road, the heat in the car swirling with the scent of Sam’s cologne. It felt familiar and safe. 
All too soon you were jerked awake, the car easing into the driveway and coming to a stop. It was already dark outside. Somehow you had slept through the whole ride. Your clothes were completely dry. 
“I’m sorry,” Sam whispered, his voice like velvet in the darkness. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Straightening up, you turned to face Sam who was looking down at you with concern etched on his face. Slowly, you took his hand in yours and spoke through a hoarse voice, looking at them. “Please forgive me.” Those three words did not even begin to cover the regret you felt over what had happened. You were an outsider, looking in on Sam’s life with this strange hunger and desire. You wanted to be a part of his little family so bad, but you weren’t yet. You didn’t know Max the way Sam did, did not understand Max’s choices, and the thoughts behind them. You did not have a right to him or Sam. Ignoring all of that, you had yelled at Sam, the way a wife would yell at her husband for neglecting their child. But, Sam wasn’t neglecting Max. Max wasn’t your son and you were barely Sam’s wife. 
“It was thoughtless and stupid to raise my voice at you and say those words. I forgot that Max belongs to you, that you could never be careless towards him. I had no right to yell at you in front of everyone.” 
Maybe it was all for good. Let Sam see what you were capable of. If he saw the truth of how broken you were, maybe he would stop wanting you in his life. Everyone knew how hysteric you could get now. So much for Jody rooting for you. So much for Chase’s hopes of Sam getting to be happy. They all saw you for who you truly were. 
“You remember what I told you the other night?” Sam asked. “When you came over and we sat by the swing?”
The lightness of his voice made you look up. He should be angry, at least, pissed.
“I told you that I didn’t care what people thought about us.”
“Doesn’t justify what I did… How it must’ve looked...”
“You know how it looked to me?”
Sam’s eyes were clear, no resentment in them. “To me it looked like you ran to protect my son without caring for your life. You didn’t know the water wasn’t deep, you can’t swim and you’re fucking terrified of water. I’m not even talking about what the cold does to you. Why on earth would I care about how this looks to anyone else?”
You were transfixed by the depth of his words.
“Those people either love you or love me. I’m sure they saw it no differently than how I see it.”
“What about Max? I must’ve scared him so bad.” The poor boy hadn’t said anything except apologise to you for stepping in the water. It hadn’t been his fault.
Sam pursed his lips. “I wouldn’t worry too much about him. I think he’s concerned about you the most.”
You put your head in your hands, weary. The fear was still an echo in your stomach despite the sleep, and it was getting stronger every minute- what if something had happened to Max?
“Can I ask you something?” Sam sounded hesitant.
“Do you remember what you said right before you jumped in the water?”
You frowned, trying to remember. “Wasn’t I calling out to Max?” There had been no time to say anything or do anything else.
Sam’s face was tender as he said, “Yeah, you were calling out to Max.”
What a weird thing to ask! You tried harder, failing to remember what Sam was talking about.
Lights flared up behind. You leaned back, not realising just how close you were to Sam. The car coming from behind came to a halt at the start of the driveway. The doors opened and Max and Jack spilled out from either sides. Jack reached your door first. He opened it and pulled you into a hug without waiting for you to turn.
“Hey, hey, I’m okay.”
“You were shaking so bad.” 
It was actually nothing compared to what Jack could have witnessed if Sam hadn’t whisked you off into the car and in front of a heater.
Chase’s reaction was a bit more subdued. He looked worried about how you were doing and wasn’t his usual boisterous self. When Sam invited him for dinner, he took a raincheck. So did Jack. Once, Chase had driven away, Sam looked at you expectantly, but you just shook your head. You had intruded on their time too much already. 
You crouched down to Max’s level who was uncharacteristically quiet. “I scared you today, didn’t I?”
Max didn’t say anything. He placed the back of his hand against your forehead and then under your jaw.
“I’m alright, sweetie,” you assured him. 
Max hugged you around the neck, and you hugged back tightly just for a second. You would jump inside a hundred lakes a hundred times without a single thought if it meant Max would be safe.
“I love you,” Max whispered very quietly in your ear. You were sure no one else had heard it.
Just as quietly, you whispered back. “I love you, too, my little boy.”
“Get inside, Max,” Sam said. “Wash your hands and change out of your clothes. I’ll be there in a minute to run the bath for you.”
With a small sigh, Max went inside, but not before giving you a smile.
“I’ll wait for you right outside the gate,” Jack told you. “It was great meeting you, Sam.”
“Likewise,” said Sam.
You watched Jack almost run out of sight. 
“Cool kid,” Sam muttered, eyes in the same direction.
You sighed. “I can’t believe I ruined the picnic and put a damper on everyone’s mood.”
“C’mere.” Sam gently pulled you to him, so that your body was leaning against his. One hand was curled around your shoulder and his other hand was against your lower back. You could feel the tips on his fingers against the little skin exposed between the hem of your shirt and the waistband of your pants. It sent a thrill through your body. “It’s like you have to find something to worry about all the time. Quit doing that. Everyone’s just glad that you’re okay. We’ll do this again sometime, alright? We can push Chase in the water next time.”
You snorted.
“And don’t worry about the yelling. You know I always liked it when you got bossy like that.”
Sam’s words made you giggle.
“There’s my girl.” His warm breath washed over your face. 
What you did next was inexcusable. Without warning, you were reaching up on the tips of your toes, kissing him. Sam was surprised, his hands left your body, but you threw yours around his neck, raising yourself up against his tall frame. He was so shocked that he lost his balance and fell back against the wall next to his door. You did not give up, sucking on his lower lip, feeling the roll of his muscles under your hand.
Sam let out a primal sound and the next second you were turning, it was your back to the wall now. He hoisted you up against the surface by your waist with one hand, hitching your leg around his waist. The other hand tangled in your hair as his mouth worked hard against yours. His taste was heady, intoxicating and the way he was kissing you was enough to make you forget where you were, what you were doing. It would make you forget your own name. The hand at your waist travelled under the hem of your shirt, clutching at the skin on your lower back, and his lips started to travel downwards, sucking, biting, along your chin to your jaw and back down again to the column of your neck. Sam wasn’t gentle… and as you gasped, indecently, eyes closed, you didn’t want him to be gentle either. 
No, you wanted him to be rougher, go harder and never stop.
“Daaaaaadd!” Max sang from the inside and the two of your sprang apart. Your feet landed on the ground with resounding reality. 
"Coming," he said, voice thick.
Sam bent down, hands on his knees, gasping hard.
“Oops!” You muttered. 
He looked up at you with a boyish grin, face flushed, looking years younger.
“I better go,” you said, biting your lip. “Jack’s waiting for me.”
You wanted nothing more than for him to ask you to stay and by the looks of it, he wanted the exact same thing.
“Uhhh yeah…” Sam huffed, shifting slightly, trying to adjust his jeans furtively. That made your face grow hotter. 
“Bye!” You ducked out of the porch, not looking back, least you should turn around and attack him again. What had gotten into you to react so wildly? That must’ve been highly inappropriate! 
A small voice in your head told you that it was anything but inappropriate… technically, at least.
Jack’s face lit up when he saw you and then it immediately dropped.
“What happened?”
“Y-Your hair!” He muttered, looking anywhere but at you.
“Oh!” It was mussed up in all directions. Hurriedly, you ran your fingers through it, hoping for some semblance. “Sorry.”
After a minute, Jack sneaked a glance and then smiled impishly. “I’m sorry. It’s just the idea of you making out with someone gives me the heebies… You’re like my sister!” He screwed up eyes into slits to show the cringe.
You laughed.
At the door, Jack gave you another hug. “I gotta say, Y/N, I wasn’t convinced about this whole Sam business before today. Neither was Kev. You know we would always support you with whatever you decided, but seeing you with him was very relieving. I won’t worry again.”
It was heartening, how much everyone cared for you. 
You had to take a cold shower once inside, despite your composition. It was regretful, because the water washed away the remnants of Sam’s smell off of you. Idly, you wondered if you could steal the shirt he had lent you and keep it for yourself, climb into it when you went to bed like you used to. 
The shower was necessary to reign in the utter chaos that was your brain. The evening had been eventful enough, but what had happened on Sam’s porch? How were you ever going to keep your hands away from him now? Abstaining was your idea to begin with. Sam had bared his heart to you, and this was your decision to keep your hands to yourself till you said the three words back to him.
So much for self control. But the way he’d looked at you, angels would have fallen for less. You were only a human. Besides, nothing would ever compare to the feeling of Sam’s lips, his fingers digging in your back, his body pressed against yours. 
You got into the bed, missing the warmth of his body when your phone pinged. Rolling on your stomach, you reached out to grab it from the nightstand praying the text was from the one person you wanted it to be from. It was.
*I missed that. I missed us*
Hugging the phone to your chest, you sighed like a teenager back from her first kiss. The incidence with water should have shaken you, the way you were wrecked anytime you got drenched, instead you were laying in bed grinning like an idiot.
*I missed us, too*
His reply was instantaneous. 
*It’s been a while…*
What an idiot! You knew what he was implying. As if he could ever be less than perfect at anything, especially at that.
You typed your response quickly. 
*Oh, Mr. Winchester, you always knew how to show a girl a good time*
The tightening in your stomach which refused to go away despite the cold shower was proof enough. Your skin still tingled. 
*That’s comforting… and encouraging ;)*
Yes, it was going to be really hard to go back to keeping your hands off each other now. Being around him was like breaking dams. Once you broke one, it was impossible to put that barrier back up again. The class tomorrow was going to be excruciating. For tonight, you let the wildest fantasies mingled with old memories take up all of your brain space. Even if it left you writhing in your sheets.
*Good night, Mr. Winchester*
You saw the three dots following one another and then disappearing as Sam typed. Once, twice, thrice. Finally the little pop up bubble appeared.
*Good night, Mrs. Winchester. I love you* 
A/N 2: I quite like this part. Gave me the chance to explore how delicate, confusing, dependent and volatile emotions can be at the same time. I think if I hadn’t had the backing of 35 chapters, I’d never be able to pull of the conversations in this chapter, Sam, Chase, Jack... all of them. They wouldn’t have been as funny, emotional or exciting. That’s just me thinking maybe.
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nuttytani · 3 years
The flying cat & the baker
summary: you are a sorcerer who owns a bakery in new york. one day, steve discovers your abilities when he walks in on your cat flying inside the shop on a broom.
fandom: marvel
pairing: steve rogers x gn!reader
warnings: lots of mentions of baked goods and the word "horny" just once (it's not nsfw, trust me)
a/n- heya! another fic~ this was inspired by girl in red's "fell in love in october". i know it's extremely off season but yeet i dont care + my dear friend @lorei-writes / @mllorei beta read this! *gives hug to lorey* thank you so much ;-; lorey. ps: this is a non-avengers!au
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It wasn't an uncommon occurrence for Steve to get lost in the sea of New York streets, walking along the cobblestone paths, breathing in the scent of baked goods, spice and fresh flowers. After all, it was his most favourite part of his daily routine, discovering a new place or two. He took his time looking around the nearly empty street, for it was too early for anyone to be awake except for the store owners. They were all busy preparing their shops for opening to notice his presence.
Steve looked up for a moment, noticing the light of dawn setting upon the sky, sending small beams of yellow light like blessings cast by angels. His low breathing felt warm against his chapped and cold lips. With a silent sigh, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his pea coat as he resumed strolling without a set direction in mind, eyeing the buildings- the chipped off parget, showing the reds and browns of the brick underneath while moss and vines covered most of the bottom half.
They all turned into a blur once he stood by a jade coloured bakery, the sign reading “magicae et pistoria”, a silhouette of a black cat on a broom just underneath it. He stared curiously at the displayed varieties of pastries and bread, wondering if he should buy a few- would Sam and Nat like to eat them?
With hesitant fingers, he grasped the door handle and entered, instantly greeted by the bell. Barely a few seconds passed, and Steve felt immensely at ease. His body appreciated the warm cocoon provided by the bakery- in contrast to the weather outside. The interior was rustic, with brick walls and wooden fixtures. His feet lead him magnetically towards the delicacies contained in the arched display, varieties of cakes, pastries and bread placed temptingly- he didn’t know which one to pick.
“Hello! Good morning, how may I help you, sir?” A voice pulled Steve out of his reverie.
Steve looked up to see you, your hair a mess, dust covering the black apron and your forehead, a cute smile adorning your face. You looked like an ethereal being- an angel perhaps, standing before him. Somehow, a breath got stuck in his throat, and his heart started to beat rapidly. He could hear it getting louder and louder. His clothes felt too tight, and he suddenly felt suffocated.
“Sir? How may I help you?” you said again.
Steve cleared his throat, embarrassed with himself for staring at you for much longer than necessary. He muttered an apology under his breath, but it was loud enough for you to hear.
“It’s alright, sir, happens all the time. I’ve experienced many people just gawking at the pastries and not knowing what to pick, it’s understandable! I’d be confused too,” you confessed to him.
“Right, of course, glad I’m not the only one or that would’ve been embarrassing,” Steve laughed, trying to bury his awkwardness.
Only if you knew the truth, he’d personally dig his own grave and jump into it.
Steve accepted your help instead of going down the rabbit hole of confusion. You helped him to pick out a few baked goodies- which were a rage amongst your regular customers; a chocolate mousse, Japanese cheesecake and a few vanilla custard doughnuts.
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“Thank you! Have a good day,” you said, as the blonde man left the store with a wave.
“Damn, I hope I didn’t look too nervous,” wiping your sweaty palms on your apron, you heaved a sigh of relief.
You usually didn't open the bakery on the weekends, but some things needed to be done, which required your presence. You were sure that no one would come along so early in the morning but were proven wrong. Although it was your fault to leave the open sign hanging, you didn't mind the blonde-haired man and maybe thought he was kinda cute.
You flipped the sign to “closed” while locking the door from inside, as to make sure no one could come in. You moved back to the counter and caught a hand wrapping around a glass jar.
You cleared your throat and glared at the man in question.
“What do you think you’re doing mister.” You folded your arms and glared at the brunette.
“What does it look like? I’m trying to eat some cookies, obviously. You should get your eyes checked if you can’t see things clearly boss,” Rajeev replied and swiftly turned to look at you.
The brunette shrunk and transformed into a black cat, looking at you with bright doe hazel eyes while purring deeply. You groaned and picked him up, placing him on your shoulder.
“There’ll be consequences if you transform like that out of nowhere, and your sister is going to kill me because you haven't been careful. So, if you don’t want me to be skinned alive and thrown into a cauldron to be boiled, stop doing that here.” Truly, nothing scared you more than Rajeev’s elder sister- she was overprotective and intimidating, you wished to never be on her blacklist.
Rajeev only meowed back at you, which frustrated you further. You hoped that he at least understood where your concerns were coming from.
“Come on, we’ve got a lot of organising to do! New stock arrived today, we don’t want cranky sorcerers waiting for us,” you said while muttering a spell and opening a red portal to an apothecary.
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By the time Steve returned home, his friends were all awake and wandering about the kitchen like zombies. They all knew about Steve’s early morning walks and didn't question him but were curious as to why he came back so late.
Sam immediately rummaged through the bakery boxes when Steve placed them on the island counter.
“So...what took you so much time, hmm?” asked Sam. “Thought you just went to get some bread, dude.” He rummaged through the bag and pulled out a box, ooh-ing delightedly once he got hold of a doughnut.
“I bet it was some grandma asking for directions,” Bucky yawned, still half-asleep as he took a seat on the chair.
Natasha stole the doughnut from Sam and promptly turned to face Steve, who lay on the couch.
“Maybe, he has a secret lover! Oh Stevie, how could you hide this from us?” she said teasingly while licking away at her sugary fingertips.
Sam was distressed by her stealing and guarded the boxes with his arms, grumbling something about him not having enough coffee for this.
“Can you guys just stop- I just went to a bakery and got stuff, nothing more, nothing less!” Steve raised his voice.
All of them just shrugged.
Nat broke the silence, “Okay...But did you see any cuties?”
“NO- I mean... yes, kinda… I mean- Stop asking me these questions!” groaning with embarrassment, Steve covered his face with his palms.
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Steve started frequenting “magicae et pistoria” since then to the point he became a regular customer. Not because he wanted to see your dazzling smile or anything, but because the service and baked goods were really good and his friends wanted more of that deliciousness. He became quite close to you as a result, somedays he just dropped by to say hi and spend some time with you.
Occasionally, Sam or Bucky would tag along to his trips. Even though Steve would deny it, they could clearly see he had a crush on the baker- it was obvious by their playful banter and flushed faces. They’d often tease him about it, but Steve being Steve, would just grump away and aggressively change the subject.
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Another weekend rolled in, Steve was headed to the bakery as usual. It became a part of his routine to visit it during his morning walks. You, on the other hand, arrived late to the bakery and were rushing to get the place running in no time. It was just you and Rajeev today since your other employees didn't work on the weekends- it was tough but both of you managed.
While you were busy running around the place, Rajeev was playing around in his cat form, saying you didn’t really need him until later. He levitated the spare broom in the air and jumped on it, trying to balance his paws on the handle. Like a child with no care, he flew the broom back and forth across the room with an evil cat smile.
The two of you were unaware of Steve’s presence until he spoke in a startled voice.
“Why is the cat flying on a broom- what is this!”
Everything happened in a flash, Rajeev fell off the broom with a pathetic meow and you dropped your utensils on the floor. Flour and batter splattering on your shoes and creating a mess. Your scream resonating from the kitchen.
Steve’s jaw was slack with shock, his body frozen where he stood. Should he run away? Should he go and check if you’re alright? He wasn’t sure what to do, he didn't even know if what he saw was even real.
The cat was definitely real, as it stood up and rubbed its bum with its paws. How was that possible- Did he even want to know? Was he dreaming? Maybe he is still half asleep and is seeing things.
Steve grabbed a nearby stool and flopped on it, his knees were weak from shock and needed rest. His mind was still processing the situation
You came rushing from the kitchen to the scene, the mess you created all trivial compared to what had just happened right now. You didn't know what to do at this moment, should you tell the truth? Or deny everything-
“What is that thing,” Steve finally asked, breaking the heavy silence.
“A cat,” you replied as a matter of factly.
“You keep a flying cat?”
You just stared at Steve with a straight face and said, “Well...firstly he’s not mine and secondly he’s not an actual cat.”
As if showing a demonstration, Rajeev transformed back into his human form, which baffled Steve further.
“What are you?” the blonde asked in confusion.
“We’re sorcerers...I’m sorry, you weren’t supposed to know about it, at least not in this way,” you sighed, gently placing a hand over Steve’s knee.
“But boss- we’re busted, now that he knows we gotta turn him into a toad!” Rajeev exclaimed.
“A WHAT NOW?!” Steve looked back at you with raised brows.
“We’re not turning you into anything! He’s just joking- Rajeev! Apologise to him”
The brunette sulkily grumbled an apology. He excused himself to the kitchen to clean up the mess you had made while you took a seat next to Steve.
“Are you alright? Want some water?”
“No thanks, I’m fine. Just...really really shocked- I can’t believe this is real.”
With a flick of your hand, you made two barstools twirl in the air.
“Okay- definitely real,” Steve chuckled.
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Extra (few months have passed)
Steve sat on the armchair with you sprawled on his lap, tapping away at your phone while Sam, Nat and Bucky sat on the floor watching another episode of “the Bridgerton” on T.V.
“Damn kids these days be really horny huh?”
“Shh just watch the show!”
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laurenairay · 4 years
Take a Chance - D. Hamilton
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Word Count: 12.7k
Summary: Ashley Miller is a Sunday-morning regular at her local coffee shop. Dougie Hamilton is the associate art curator who catches her eye.
Warnings: coffee shop au, some bad language, a lot of cute fluff, anxiety
A/N: This is my @hockeynetwork​ winter gift exchange fic for @huttons​! I had a lot of fun researching & creating this fic gift, and I tried to incorporate all of the preferences you stated and that we discussed. This is very self-indulgent too, definitely the longest thing I’ve written on here, and I’m not going to go into the very niche research rabbit holes I fell down! Bringing this OC to life made me so happy, and I had a blast incorporating the coffee shop au element. I hope you enjoy this! 💚
Also tagging @danglesnipecelly​, @texanstarslove​ and @itsbadgerbadgermushroom​ because they all listened to me stress while writing hah.
“Large latte for Ashley!”
Ashley Miller looked up from her laptop, smiling at her favourite barista at the counter. She got up from her table, leaving her laptop and scone briefly as she collected her drink, before heading back to her seat. Sunday mornings were the same every week – arrive at Storm Surge coffee shop when they opened at 7am, park herself at a table in the back corner, and consume a steady flow of coffee as she worked. Sure, her work might vary – teaching Medieval History at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill meant her lesson topics were all over the spectrum – but she just found that everything from writing notes for her classes that week to marking essays at the end of the semester became easier if she had the thrum of the coffee shop around her.
That, and she knew she’d just spend her entire weekend burrowed in her house if she didn’t get out.
Having moved to Raleigh 6 years ago to undertake her PhD, Ashley had accepted a teaching job at the very same university she’d studied at when she’d completed her studies a year ago, and she hadn’t looked back since. There was just something about Raleigh that she had fallen in love with, only a 30 minute drive away from her workplace, something that had spoken to her very soul, and actually being able to pass on knowledge about the subject that she was so passionate about made her so incredibly happy. Sure, her parents had never understood her love for 11th to 13th century European history (nor anyone else from her small town in South Dakota) but Ashley had never cared about that – New York had given her the opportunity to grow as a person during her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, but Raleigh had given her the opportunity to thrive.
And she would forever be grateful for that.
Sundays though…Sundays were something she cherished. This independent coffee shop had been a blessing when she’d found it early on in her PhD research, and they had never complained about her taking up a table for essentially the whole day (and she did pay for each of the many coffees she consumed). Baristas and bakers had come and gone over the past 6 years, but there were a couple that had stuck around recently - and a year ago when she officially became ‘Dr Ashley Miller’, her favourite barista Andrei had even given her a piece of chocolate cake on the house to celebrate. Storm Surge coffee shop was a home away from home.
Of course, there was another reason that Sunday coffee shop time was one of her favourite things in her week…
Tall Cute Guy.
He was a regular every Sunday morning, and had been for the past year - three Sundays a month he would order a mocha and an americano to go, but one Sunday a month he would come in an hour earlier and order just an americano, and drink it in the shop instead while reading an old paperback book. Every single time, like clockwork.
Okay, yes, that sounded a little stalkerish. But he was so cute. Ashley pretty much always had her earphones in playing music so she had never caught his name, but his blonde curls, pretty blue eyes and warm smile had caught her eye straight away. And he was so tall, she couldn’t have missed him if she’d tried. She’d never spoken to him, never even said hi in passing, but occasionally she would link eyes with him and he would smile at her. And that smile was enough to send her heart fluttering. Ridiculous really, but it brought her a little joy.
What was the harm in smiling back at a cute guy every now and again, right?
Dougie Hamilton walked into the North Carolina Museum of Art with a smile on his face. To be honest, it could’ve been for a multitude of reasons. His career was finally heading upwards, having moved museums to become Associate Curator of European Art a couple of years ago, and he loved his work. He had recently renovated his kitchen, which was now looking pretty sleek and awesome, if he did say so himself. His colleagues had genuinely become some of his closest friends, and he had a standing monthly poker night with several of them. But his smile today wasn’t because of any of that.
No, his smile today was because it was Sunday morning, and he’d just picked up his regular coffee order for him and his boss.
Speaking of…
“So, did you finally talk to your coffee shop crush, or did you just awkwardly stare at her like a weirdo again?”
“Oh fuck off,” Dougie grumbled, feeling his cheeks heat up in a fierce blush as his boss Jordie’s words.
It was far too early for this – he’d only just walked into their shared office for fuck’s sake! Jordie just hooted laughter at his embarrassment as he took his mocha from Dougie, making Dougie groan. “One day you’re going to have to talk to her, man. It’s just getting sad now,” Jordie teased.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t we have a museum to open?” Dougie scowled.
Jordie just beamed even more, wiggling his eyebrows as he left their office. Dougie groaned again, running his hands through is unruly hair before he sighed. Coffee shop crush. Hah. Jordie wasn’t wrong though. Not really. His crush…Mystery Laptop Woman…was one of the reasons he always volunteered to pick the two of them up coffee before the museum opened up on a Sunday morning. Jordie had come along with him only once to pick up their coffee, about 6 months ago, and ever since then he hadn’t let Dougie’s shy smile at her go. Of course, Dougie barely knew anything about her – only that she was always in early on a Sunday, always completely consumed by her work, and she had such a super cute concentration face, whatever it is that she worked on. He could never quite tell – sometimes she had a book or two with her, sometimes it was a stack of papers – but he knew for sure that she appeared to mainline coffee like a pro. Probably some kind of teacher?
He’d certainly never had a teacher that beautiful, that was for sure.
Her long dark hair was always down and always a little messy, like she ran her hands through it often (which she did, he’d noticed). Her warm hazel eyes were hidden behind tortoiseshell glasses, and her lips were always coloured in varying shades of dark pink and red. He’d only seen her standing a couple of times, but he’d caught enough of a glimpse of her long legs to have some very inappropriate thoughts. She just looked so kind, so friendly…and so beautiful. Dougie had never been able to catch her name though – she’d always had a full coffee or at least half a coffee left whenever he was in the shop, so he couldn’t even find out sneakily that way. But whoever she was, whatever she did, when he occasionally got lucky enough for her to look at him, her smile made his entire body light up like a fireworks show. It was a bit pathetic really, how much just a smile from her made his entire day, but he was a year into it now and he wasn’t going to stop that for anything. He had a great career, some great friends, and a pretty great life, even if he was tragically single.
What was the harm in smiling at a beautiful woman whenever he got the chance, right?
“Alright, we’ve nearly run out of time now, but just one final thing I want you to think about for Monday’s love in the middle ages class,”
On cue, her students groaned, making Ashley grin.
“Hey, I’m giving you a head’s up here – I could just let you walk into our general lecture blind?” she shrugged, teasing.
That got her a few laughs at least. She’d take that.
“Okay, so we know through our focus on the Medieval Expansion of Europe that one of the biggest tales about Eleanor of Aquitaine in the latter half of the 1100s was of her role in the courts of love. What I want you all to look into is whether these courts of love have the possibility of being a real thing, or whether they feed into the chivalric notions of her contemporaries and were fabricated from the courtly love dynamics of knights and maidens. Just to give us some talking points, okay?”
Her students murmured their agreement, with most of them writing down a reminder. That would have to be good enough for her. At least this way, hopefully someone would discuss the talking points with her in class – she’d found out the hard way last year that there was nothing worse for a university professor than completely uninterested students. She needed something to feed off.
“Alright then, class dismissed. Have a great weekend everyone!”
Ashley moved to her laptop, switching off the projected powerpoint presentation as her students filed out of the classroom, but jumped in shock slightly as she noticed the head of her department sitting in the back corner. How long had he been there?! What was he doing there in the first place? She just hoped her smile didn’t look as nervous as she felt, as he walked up to the front of the room.
Rod Brind’Amour was a legend in the History department for a good reason. His knowledge of military history pre-1800s was unmatched by anyone, but it was his research on the first and second crusades that had inspired Ashley through much of her PhD. Sure, he wasn’t her direct supervisor, but their work interlinked enough that she’d spent many office hours with him debating the second crusade with fervour. For such a big man, he was such a nerd, and he’d made her feel so welcome as soon as he offered her the teaching position at the end of her PhD, with the promise that she would be able to continue her research to inspire future minds. She had been so moved by his words that she hadn’t hesitated to accept the job. How could she not, when someone of his calibre believed in her?
One year in, she wasn’t regretting it at all
“Very smart, setting up some talking points for Monday’s class. I’m so glad I volunteered you to run this year’s Love in the Middle Ages lectures. You’re much better at them than I was,” Rod mused.
Ashley snorted, rolling her eyes playfully. Oh thank god. It’s true that this seminar was one part of the large mandatory Medieval and Early Modern Studies course…but it suited her perfectly.
“That’s because my research focuses on Medieval Queens and the exchange of power they brought to their marriage countries, whereas yours is the effect of each of the crusades through military history. Bleurgh,” she snickered, “Linking today’s Medieval Expansion of Europe class with the generic Love in the Middle Ages lectures on Mondays is just easy,”
“Speak for yourself,” Rod laughed, “give me military tactics any day,”
Ashley just grinned. Some things never changed. “Was there anything you wanted in particular?” she asked, packing up her laptop into its case.
“Just wanted to check in with you, in general,” Rod shrugged, sitting down on the edge of her desk.
Ashley couldn’t help but smile at the thoughtfulness. “I’m doing okay yeah, thanks. Last year’s first semester was more of a struggle for sure, but I don’t have that transition from PhD student and TA to full teaching this time round. I’ve definitely settled in quicker – and this batch of freshman feel a lot more engaged already,”
“That’s good! It definitely shows that you’re handling things well,” Rod nodded, smiling back at her, “But I meant in your life outside of the university too,”
Ashley frowned. What? “What do you mean?” she asked, confused.
Rod laughed softly at her expression. “I know last year you were trying to find your stride, but this year you’ve already got it, so I’m just checking that you’ve got things balanced outside of work too. It’s far too easy to make teaching your entire life – and I don’t want you to burn out,” Rod explained. “I value you here too much for that,”
Ashley’s heart melted a little at his concern, but she just shook his head. “I may not have much going on for me outside of work, but I do get out. I spend my Sundays in a local coffee shop,” she admitted.
Her mind briefly flashed to Tall Cute Guy, but she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind before she started blushing. So not appropriate for work.
Rod frowned slightly, but nodded. “At least you’re getting out of the house. Just promise me you’ll work on finding time for yourself too?”
“I promise,” Ashley nodded, “I intend to be here for a long time, so I definitely don’t want to burn out,”
“Good, I’m glad to hear it,” Rod grinned, “I’d better get going – see you at the faculty meeting later?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Ashley grimaced.
Rod just laughed at her disgruntled face, lifting his hand in a wave as he left the room. As she packed the rest of her belongings, Ashley couldn’t help but to think over Rod’s words. Was she in danger of a burn-out? Surely not, so early on in her career? Maybe she did need more of a balance in her life…but how?
Another Sunday, another early morning. Sure, Ashley could give herself a lie in every now and again, but that would mean not being able to relax on her Sunday evening, to not have the chance to unwind and reset before the working week starts up again on Monday morning. Spending all weekend in her little 2 bed house wouldn’t do her any good, even as comforting as she’d made it.
Besides, Storm Surge coffee shop was such a part of her routine now, that it would feel wrong to not go in at her usual time. Seeing Andrei the morning barista, Marty the supervisor and Jaccob the baker (who occasionally popped his head out) always made her happy – and as Rod said only a couple of days ago, she needed to make sure she actually kept a balance in her life.
So, as always, just after 7am, Ashley walked through the coffee shop door. She’d skipped eating any breakfast this morning, intent on getting one of the shop’s amazing scones fresh out of the oven, and as soon as she spotted her favourite blueberry-lemon scones in the display, something in her chest settled. Yes, this was exactly why she came every week. This feeling of home.
“Good morning Ashley! Your usual latte?”
Ashley smiled at Andrei, nodding. “Yes please. And one of the blueberry-lemon scones!”
Andrei smiled even wider, if that was possible, and immediate set about inputting her order into the cash register. It was then that she noticed something new on Andrei’s nametag. A pink sparkly kitten sticky. Huh. That was new.
“Nice sticker,” she teased.
“Very sparkly, no? Marty gave it to me,” Andre nodded.
“Oh, Marty did huh?” Ashley grinned.
Interestingly, Andrei blushed. She knew she hadn’t been imagining things. The poor Russian guy just blushed harder, spluttering incoherently, until Ashley took pity on him. It wasn’t like she could be mean to Andrei – he was just too adorable.
“I think the sticker is really cute, Andrei. It was sweet of Marty to give it to you,” Ashley said with a fond smile.
“Thank you! I will tell Marty you like it,” Andrei beamed.
Bless him.
Andrei handed her a scone on a plate, allowing her to go to her usual table in the back corner, setting up her laptop while she waited for her coffee to be ready. She heard a door out the back open, and Andrei quickly slipped away, making her smile.
Marty. Ashley just giggled, shaking her head before putting her earphones in for her background music. Yeah, this coffee shop definitely felt like home.
She quickly got lost in writing her lecture notes, going off on tangents that she knew she’d have to rein in later when she edited. It was a full hour before she even looked away from her screen, only to see the shop busy and bustling, every single table full. What the hell? She looked over to see both Andrei and Marty working the counter, only confirming her suspicions that they really had gotten busy while she was lost in her thoughts. Wow. Full at 8am was a new one for sure. Maybe a convention of some kind?
And it was then that she saw Tall Cute Guy walk in. Today he was wearing a pretty blue sweater, bring out the beautiful blue in his eyes, making her smile on instinct. So cute. But then she noticed him being given just the one coffee…he was planning on drinking in, and there were no tables? No!
It made her heart clench to watch him looking around the coffee shop, becoming more and more disheartened…until he noticed her. Maybe, could she, yes. Ashley bit her bottom lip but tilted her head towards the empty chair at her table, earning the biggest smile. She actually did it. She actually offered him the chair at her table. Shit. Her heart started beating faster as he walked over, and she took her earphones out as he came to a stop next to her seat, looming over her.
“I, uh…do you mind if I sit with you?” he asked softly.
Huh. Such a gentle voice on such a big man. Yeah she could totally handle this.
“Please, go ahead,” Ashley nodding, smiling as she waved her hand to indicate, “it’s so busy in here today,”
Oh no. Was that too forward, acknowledging that they’re both regulars?
“Definitely busier than usual, eh?” he mused, “I’ll try not to disturb your work, I’ll only be here for about an hour,”
Ashley laughed, but shook her head. She was just glad he hadn’t been weirded-out by her acknowledgement. That would’ve been so awkward. Her stomach was filled with enough butterflies as it was. “You won’t disturb me, I promise. Sit as long as you like,”
He smiled widely at her, pulling out the chair opposite and sitting down, Ashley just quickly shuffling her papers out of the way for him. He nodded his thanks at her, pulling a paperback book out of his satchel. Then he cleared his throat, so she looked up at him curiously.
“I’m Dougie, by the way,” he said, almost a little shy.
Dougie. That was a nice name. Oh, wow, she finally knew his name! Ashley couldn’t help but smile at him. “I’m Ashley,”
He smiled back at her. “It’s nice to meet you properly,” he said happily.
Ashley just laughed, nodding as she blushed lightly. To have him acknowledge their smiling-from-a-distance definitely sparked something inside of her. Nice to finally meet him indeed.
They sat in comfortable silence, Ashley typing up her tangent notes so far for the morning, and she couldn’t help the feeling of contentment that sat in her chest. The cute guy she’d been smiling at for a year was sitting at her table with her…and it wasn’t awkward at all. In fact, it was really quite nice. And he’d introduced himself!
No, cool it, keep calm Ashley. No-one got anywhere by acting like a giddy schoolgirl. Play it cool.
That promised hour flew by far too quickly. Every now and again she would glance up and find his eyes on her. Every now and again she would glance up only for him to look up and catching her looking. Every time she would blush. Every time he would send her a wonderful smile. But all too soon her table companion was standing up and putting his book in his bag.
Ashley looked up from her work at him, a smile naturally spreading across her face at his nervous expression. Why was he nervous?
“Yes, Dougie?” she said softly, smiling at a little more at finally getting to say his name.
Dougie. Dougie. Dougie.
“I’ll see you soon?” he said, almost hopefully.
“I’ll be here,” she nodded.
Oh god. Well that was stupid. Of course she’d be here. Why couldn’t she just act smoothly for once in her life?
But then Dougie smiled, such a happy little smile that it made her breath catch in her throat.
“Until next time then,” Dougie murmured, “Bye, Ashley,”
“Bye,” she breathed, watching him walk way.
Well, that could’ve been worse. What a Sunday.
Things felt different after that fateful Sunday. Dougie (she knew his name!) hadn’t sat down with her again, or even sat in the shop again yet, but now…now he always made a point of waving at her, waiting until she had waved back to smile. Those waves sent her into even more of a tizzy, a light blush always on her cheeks, and she couldn’t help but cherish them. Maybe it was a bit pathetic, but he was so handsome and he noticed her. It didn’t hurt to pretend it was more than friendly acknowledgement, right? A girl could dream at least.
It was only Wednesday today, but that meant only one thing. Her weekly phone call with her mom. Knowing Susan Miller, Ashley could picture exactly what her mom was doing. Her phone would be propped up on speakerphone while she pottered around the kitchen, finishing off making dinner while also planning what desserts to bake at the weekend. Her mom led a simple life, a retired teacher herself (although she’d taught at the local elementary school rather than ever leaving town), but it was a happy life. And it was these phone calls that were the only thing that made Ashley miss home.
Nothing was the same as a hug from her mom with a slice of homemade apple pie. But those were the sacrifices she made for her love of Medieval History. They never stayed on the for more than half an hour, but it was just enough to fill Ashley’s heart, at least for a little while.
“And I swear, if he doesn’t stop leaving those nasty cigar butts on the front porch, I’m going to whoop some sense into him!”
“You’ve been saying this for over 20 years mom – I don’t think dad is going to change at this point,” Ashley mused, rolling her eyes fondly.
Her dad had been set in his ways for as long as she could remember. Nothing was going to change that, not even a little nagging from the love of his life.
“Yes, well, he could at least clean up after himself,”
Her parents really were ridiculous human beings – but they loved each other, and that was all that mattered. Even if her dad didn’t clean up his cigar butts.
“You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if you weren’t complaining about his cigar butts,” Ashley grinned. “Maybe threaten not to make that corned beef hash he likes. That might help,”
The laughter that flowed down the phone made her smile even more. Fuck she missed hearing her mom’s laugh in person.
“Oh I miss you sweetpea. Are you sure you’re okay down there by yourself?”
“Yes mom, you know I love my work and my life down here,” Ashley said, sighing softly.
Here we go again.
“I just worry about you rattling around in that old house by yourself!”
Rude. It wasn’t that old.
“I promise I’m fine!” Ashley insisted.
Her mom stayed silent, making Ashley bite her lip to stop herself getting frustrated. Her mom would come out with it eventually…
“I worry about you being lonely, that’s all. You’re such an introvert, you always have been,”
And there it was.
“How could I be lonely mom? I have great colleagues that I talk with. And I’m around students all day and I interact all the time with them! And the baristas at my coffee shop know me by name and we chat too,” Ashley listed.
“The baristas don’t count, Ash,”
Poor Andrei. He definitely counted. Ashley couldn’t help but giggle at the sigh in her mom’s voice though. “Okay maybe not, but there is a guy that I’ve talked to,”
“Ooh a guy?”
Oh no. Oh what had she done? She had to nip this in the bud now.
“No, mom, not like that, just a friendly face to wave at,” Ashley insisted.
Dougie’s shy smiles filled her mind, but she shook her head. Now was not the time.
“Oh boo, you should work on changing that,”
Hah. If only.
“You’re impossible, mom,” Ashley sighed fondly.
“I love you too darling,”
Today he was going to do it. Today Dougie was going to get to Storm Surge coffee shop a little early, get his americano to drink in…and hopefully sit with Ashley again. Ever since that amazing Sunday morning where she offered him a seat at her table (she offered him!), he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her. He could kick himself for not being able to do more than wave at her the past three Sundays, but even just the few smiles he seen in passing since have blown him away. Especially with that cute little blush she always had when she waved back at him.
But today he was coming in an hour before he had to get to work, just to have that chance to sit with her and talk with her. Was it a little desperate? Sure. But Dougie never claimed to be anything other than desperate to get to know the beautiful woman he’d only ever seen in passing until now. His schedule didn’t usually allow him the chance – every Sunday the North Carolina Museum of Art opened from 10-5, and he usually got there just after 9 with coffee for him and Jordie, but every fourth Sunday Jordie came in a little later, so Dougie took the time to sit in and read a little before heading into work…and it was the fourth Sunday today. He could only hope that all the nerves and butterflies would be worth it.
Oh fuck, what if she wasn’t even there?
No, she would be. She always was. Enough stalling.
Dougie walked into Storm Surge with a little ball of nervous anxiety in his chest, praying that Ashley wouldn’t stray from her routine, until he looked over into the back corner…and there she was. He waited until Ashley looked up at him to wave at her, earning a sweet smile and a wave back. Wow, her blush really was so sweet.
“Dougie! You must be drinking in today, yes?”
He snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Andrei’s voice, quickly nodding. “Yeah just the usual americano, thanks,”
“You got it,” Andrei nodded, beaming at him.
Dougie quickly paid and moved to the end of the counter to wait for his coffee. The shop was only half-full at this time in the morning, unlike last month, so he didn’t have the excuse of busy tables. Maybe…he could just walk up to her, right? He could take that chance, right? Yeah, he could do this.
“Here you go!” Andrei said cheerfully.
“Thanks,” Dougie murmured.
The barista gave him a strange look at his distracted tone, and Dougie knew that Andrei was watching as he walked over to Ashley’s table…but here goes nothing. He could totally do this. He was an adult. He paid his taxes on time and everything. He could definitely ask a pretty woman if he could sit with her again.
“Hey, Ashley,”
She looked up from her laptop with a bright smile, making his breath catch in his throat.
“Dougie! Hi!” she said happily.
She remembered his name! Wow. No, focus.
“Do you, um…do you mind if I sit with you again?” Dougie asked.
Oh god, why couldn’t he just sound cool for once in his life? Why did he always have to be the least smooth version of himself that he could possibly be?
Ashley took one look around at all the empty tables and blushed even more, before she bit her lip and nodded. “Sure, go for it,”
That was a good sign, right?
Dougie sat down with a nervous smile, putting his coffee gently on the table.
“So, um, how have you been?”
Ashley looked surprised (oh god, was she only being polite before?) before that melted into a pleased look. Okay, he could work with that.
“I’ve been pretty good thanks, yeah. I’m just revising the list of essay topics that I’m giving my students on Monday, so not too much work to do today thankfully,” she said, “How about you?”
“I’ve been alright yeah. Work has been a little nuts with the new exhibition at the museum but it’s all come together really well!” Dougie said, beaming. What? Could a man not be excited about artwork? “what do you teach?”
Ashley smiled shyly, looking a little hesitant again. Dougie couldn’t help but frown a little. Had people made her feel awkward about her work before? That wasn’t okay! “I’m a Medieval History professor at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My general focus is on the power of Medieval queens, but I teach everything from the expansion of medieval Europe to love in the middle ages, as well as on the general medieval and early modern history modules. I did my undergraduate and masters degrees at NYU, but I moved down here for the PhD opportunity. It’s now my second full year teaching and I just…I love it so much,”
A PhD?! Holy shit, that’s impressive. Wow. Just…wow. How could she be any more perfect?
“That’s incredible!” was all that Dougie could say.
“You don’t have to pretend, I know having a PhD isn’t exactly the coolest thing in the world, especially in medieval history,” Ashley mused.
Well it was definitely pretty fucking cool to him, no matter what other people had ever said to her. “I’m definitely not pretending, I promise. Medieval history is fascinating,” he insisted.
Ashley pursed her lips like she didn’t believe him, making Dougie laugh.
“I’m serious! I may not have a PhD but my masters thesis was a specialism in Rembrandt’s work. I’m a total art history nerd – 14th-17th century in particular,” Dougie explained.
Come on, let the nerdiness pay off for once…
Her face immediately lightened, her mouth forming into a surprised ‘o’, making him laugh again. At least, he hoped it was a good surprise?
“One of the classes I’ll be teaching next semester is Italian Renaissance and European History to 1650,” she murmured.
Holy shit. What a match up.
“Told you I wasn’t pretending to be interested,” Dougie grinned, “I’d definitely love to learn more about that class when you start it,”
Ashley blushed again, but her nervous smile had shifted into a full beaming smile, and his heart could only just about take it. Then she froze slightly, blinking, as if she’d forgotten something. What?
“Sorry, did you say museum earlier?” Ashley said suddenly, “like, you work at a museum?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m an associate curator at the North Carolina Museum of Art,” Dougie nodded.
He did his best not to puff out his chest in pride. He’d worked damned hard on his career and he was proud of it.
“I just…wow, I wouldn’t have expected it,”
Dougie laughed, raising an eyebrow at her sheepish smile.
“A guy who looks like you, like such an athlete’s build…oh god, sorry, that’s so rude of me,” she groaned, burying her face in her hands.
But Dougie just laughed, shaking his head. “Believe me, it’s far from the first time I’ve heard that,”
And never with such appreciation of his body either…
Look, he knew how the world perceived him on first glance. Tall, muscled guy, blonde hair and blue eyes, probably an all-american jock right? How he loved proving them wrong.
“Still doesn’t make it okay,” Ashley winced, “so I’m sorry,”
“Apology accepted,” Dougie mused, “I love my work, so it’s fun surprising people. Especially people with similar interests,”
Ashley bit her lip again but nodded and smiled, tilting her head to show she was listening. Wow, he could definitely get used to her looking at him with this much interest.
“Like I said, I’m an associate curator at the North Carolina Museum of Art. I’m actually Canadian, but I finished my masters degree in Boston and went straight into working at the MFA, but after working on a brief project in Calgary, I realised I wanted to work more in my specialist interests, y’know? So I applied for a role at the Museum of Art here, and became the associate curator of European Art. It’s…it’s everything I could’ve wished for, when I was studying,”
Dougie took a sip of his coffee while Ashley processed that flood of information, hoping he hadn’t come across too strong. People really did tend to zone out when he talked about his work…but hopefully because she also had an interest in European history and art, she wouldn’t be put off?
“I can definitely relate to following and achieving my passions for a niche subject,” Ashley grinned, “and I love that you love it so much. It’s rare, to find someone who gets such genuine joy out of their work. Even though work can sometimes be super stressful,”
“Stressful, but worth it. Especially when a new exhibition comes together so well,” Dougie agreed.
“Oh?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Dougie licked his bottom lip, trying not to look too nervous. This exhibition is such a big deal, and it had been such a lot of work. He could get a little excited about it now, right?
“Yeah, I’ve been working solidly for the past few months on the new exhibition – it’s opening next weekend. It’s a collection of Italian Renaissance Art,” Dougie said, a little hesitant.
Hesitant…because maybe that was a bit flashy? Did it sound like he was bragging? He really hoped not – not just because he was so proud of his work but he genuinely did want to excite Ashley…
“Oh no way! Really?” Ashley gasped.
Dougie bit his lips to control his grin. Oh thank fuck. Finally, someone he could actually impress with his love of art history. “Yeah, last quarter the museum acquired over 30 paintings from the 14th century from various collectors and this will be the first time they’ve all been together in the same room,”
“I bet they’ll be so beautiful all together after so long,” Ashley said, her voice a little wistful.
Wistful? He could fix that. Maybe. Yes, this was the perfect opportunity…
“Maybe we could…I know this might feel a little soon, but I’m…
Dougie trailed off with a frustrated groan, making Ashley giggle. For once, just once, let him be smooth! He took a deep breath, before trying again.
“Would you like to come to the exhibition opening with me?” he asked softly.
Ashley’s jaw dropped slightly, but she quickly nodded, making Dougie’s heartbeat kick up a notch. “Really?” she asked.
“Yeah, I’ve got a plus one as the associate curator, and there’s no-one else I could imagine going with. I think you’d love it,” Dougie explained, “and I’d love to show you the artwork,”
Was that too desperate?
“I’d…wow, I’d love to go with you,” Ashley said, her expression shy but pleased.
Shy but pleased. He could work with that.
“Great, it’s a date!”
Oh God. Dougie could only freeze…but then Ashley smiled. Huh, maybe not so cringey?
“A date huh? I’d love that too,” Ashley said shyly.
Oh thank fuck. Ashley just giggled at Dougie’s blush.
“Give me your number and I’ll text you the details?” Dougie suggested, trying to salvage at least a little bit of his dignity.
As Ashley took his phone from him and entered her phone number, Dougie could only sit in shocked silence. He’d done it. He’d actually asked her on a date. On a date where he could impress her with a topic they both loved so much. All he had to do now was not fuck it up.
That wouldn’t be so hard, right?
Ashley had been in a little bit of a daze when Dougie had left for work. He’d asked her on a date. On a date! And they’d exchanged numbers, Dougie having sent her a little smiley face so she had his number in return. She was just thankful that there wasn’t much work for her to do that day – there was no way she wouldn’t been able to focus otherwise.
And then throughout the week, they’d started exchanging cute little messages. Just sweet little things, like how was your day? and look how cute this dog is and I had the loudest school tour group come through the museum today and which of these texts is going to give me the worst teacher rating? – it was all silly and sweet and fun, and Ashley couldn’t remember the last time that the potential of a relationship had excited her so much.
There was just something about Dougie that made her heart beat a little faster every time she thought of him. It was bad enough when he would smile at her in passing in Storm Surge…but now, with every little text, she felt herself smiling even more than she could’ve imagined, like a giddy little schoolgirl with a first crush.
Because at the moment, it really was just a crush. They hadn’t gone out on their first date yet – in reality, they’d only sat together twice, with one of those times essentially being the exchange of their names. They’d only had one conversation in person. And the texts were so sweet and lovely…but they were just texts. She didn’t want to get ahead of herself and get her hopes up, you know? God knows that had happened enough times.
She couldn’t help but hope that finally, she had met someone with real potential. Dougie made it easy to hope.
Ashley supposed that their first date would be the real test of whether she’d just built up all the excitement of Tall Cute Guy in that coffee shop fantasy in her head, or whether he was the real deal. Their conversation in person on Sunday had been such a good start, but fuck please make him the real deal.
Was it really that much to ask?
Finally Friday rolled around and she was finished with work for the week. Well, mostly. Ashley had just come out of a bi-monthly faculty meeting and just had to check some emails before she could go home for the weekend (and to shave her legs because she found the cutest dress for her date on Saturday) – but as she got to her office, she noticed that Rod had stopped in the doorway, waving to some of their colleagues as they strolled past. Hmm.
“So…you’re looking incredibly chipper for someone who just got out of a tedious faculty meeting,” Rod teased, leaning against her doorframe.
Ashley just laughed, rolling her eyes fondly as she sat at her desk. “I don’t know why you complain so much – you’re the one who runs them,”
“Not through choice, I promise that,” Rod mused, shaking his head, “But you are looking extra cheerful today. Just feeling a little nosy, I guess,”
Ashley bit her bottom lip, hesitating. Should she tell him about her date? It’s not like Rod was a gossip…and it’s not like she had a whole host of friends to tell…
“I may or may not have a date tomorrow night,” Ashley eventually admitted.
His eyes immediately lit up. Oh God.
“Ooh a date, exciting!” Rod gasped dramatically, fanning himself like a southern belle.
“Oh my god, shut up,” Ashley giggled. That could’ve gone worse – but his excitement definitely lit up the butterflies in her stomach all over again.
Rod just laughed, holding his hands up in surrender. “I’m just glad you’re giving someone a chance to sweep you off your feet,” he teased, “Who is he and where is he taking you?”
“He’s a guy I met in that coffee shop I go to on a Sunday, and he’s taking me to the new Italian Renaissance exhibition at the North Carolina Museum of Art,” she explained.
And she couldn’t wait.
“A cultured guy or a try hard?” he smirked.
“A cultured guy,” Ashley giggled, rolling her eyes, “he’s actually the associate curator who worked on setting up the exhibition,”
“Don’t we all love a man who knows his history, even if it is art,” Rod grinned, winking dramatically, earning another giggle, “Let me know how the exhibition is - I know my wife would love to go if it’s any good,”
“I’ll give you a full review on Monday,” Ashley agreed, nodding.
“And a full review of your date,” Rod grinned.
“Okay, out, out. I need to finish these emails before I leave,” Ashley laughed.
“I’m going, I’m going,” Rod mused, “If you need anything, even an escape clause tomorrow night, send me a text, okay?”
Her heart softened a little at his kind gesture, and she found herself nodding. “I don’t think it’ll come to that, but thank you, I appreciate it,”
“Any time,” Rod nodded.
Ashley bit her bottom lip to hide her grin as he shut the door behind him on the way out, and the butterflies in her stomach were still there. Saturday night couldn’t come soon enough.
Tonight was the night. Ashley only had a few minutes left before her uber arrived to pick her up to take her to the museum, and she couldn’t resist having a final glance in the mirror by her front door. She’d had a little panic over what the hell the dress code would be for a gallery opening, but after Dougie confirmed it wasn’t black tie, just formal dress, Ashley had consulted with some of her college friends (who were buzzing about the fact that she was actually going on a date), and decided that a midi cocktail dress was the way to go.
And she’d found the perfect one.
The dress she’d picked out in a local boutique was a beautiful forest green colour, complimenting her dark hair and hazel eyes perfectly. It fell to the middle of her shins, as her friends had recommended, and had thick shoulders straps, no sleeves but a neckline with a deep enough v that it should a little cleavage (classy cleavage of course, very sophisticated in her opinion). Her favourite part though was the Marilyn Monroe-esque twirl to the skirt – something she’d tested out several times already – and she just felt glamorous in it. She’d straightened her usually-messy hair and put on a little make-up too, to match the effort she was making with the dress. To be honest, Ashley felt beautiful, and she honestly couldn’t wait to see Dougie’s reaction. It was a hell of a lot different to her usual Sunday Storm Surge outfits, that’s for sure.
Soon enough, her uber was pulling up outside of the Museum of Art, and she thanked the driver as she got out. Thankfully, Dougie was already waiting at the top of the steps for her, and the smile that he sent her way made her breath catch in her throat. Ashley took the time to check him out as she walked up towards him, and she felt those butterflies start up again. He was wearing a gorgeous navy blue suit with a white shirt and grey tie, bringing out the colour of his eyes beautifully, and the stunned expression on his face as he looked at her made her blush a little. That was a good reaction, right?
“Wow. You look…amazing,” Dougie murmured, looking her up and down with awe.
Definitely a good reaction.
“You look really good too,” she grinned.
Dougie grinned back at her, before offering her his arm. “Shall we?”
Ashley fought not to squeal as she tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow. What a smooth move. “Lead the way,”
Dougie walked her inside, picking up a glass of champagne each after they dropped their jackets off. Then they were off. The two of them wandered around through the exhibition, Dougie guiding her and giving her the most indepth information she could’ve possibly hoped for. She’d never had such a personal tour like this, and he was so shy yet so knowledgeable that she couldn’t help but to drink up every word. This was what she had hoped for out of tonight, that passion coming through Dougie, and she was receiving it tenfold.
“This one is one of my favourites. Batoni’s The Triumph of Venice. There’s just so much going on, and I swear I notice something different every time I look at it,”
Ashley looked at the painting, taking in the many figures, the details, the colours, and couldn’t help but smile. It truly was a masterpiece.
“Oil on canvas? Maybe…early 1700s?” she guessed.
“Fuck that’s hot,” Dougie breathed.
He immediately flushed bright red, making Ashley giggle. Good to know that her vague art history knowledge was paying off. And that she could make him react like that…
“I love all the finessed detail in this one. Especially on the carriage – it’s exquisite,” Ashley murmured, looking back at it.
“Isn’t it?” Dougie grinned.
Ashley squeezed his arm gently, smiling up at him, earning a happy smile back. He was so clearly in his element, and she was loving every second. The way his entire face lit up when he talked about art…there was something just so beautiful in that. Those beautiful blue eyes were even more alive than ever, that spark of passion adding such a gorgeous element, and she really wanted to see more of it. That was a good sign, right? That she was already imagining more.
They moved on to the next painting, and Ashley’s breath caught in her throat. Wow.
“And this…this is the star of the collection. Giotto’s Peruzzi Altarpiece, the only complete altarpiece by the artist outside of Italy,”
Her jaw dropped a little. That was a big deal. “The only one?”
“The only one,” Dougie nodded.
“Holy shit,” Ashley mumbled, eyes wide.
Dougie grinned at her. “My sentiments exactly,”
“All of that gold. So much gold. And the details in their faces. Holy shit,” Ashley murmured.
“One of my favourite frescos, and I get to see it every day,” Dougie sighed happily.
“Well count me as jealous,” Ashley teased, nudging him with her shoulder.
Dougie just smiled shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. He was just so cute.
“Would you, um…would you like a new drink?”
“Sure, another couldn’t hurt,” she nodded.
It’s not like she drank champagne that often after all. And it was a special occasion…
They stayed in the museum for another hour, looking over some of the art again as well as mingling with Dougie’s colleagues (including a mostly silent guy Dougie introduced as ‘Foegs’, who gave Dougie a double thumbs up when he thought she wasn’t looking, and a very enthusiastic big blonde man named Jordie, who she learned was Dougie’s boss – which, wow). Their conversation just flowed, and the doubts that she’d had earlier were easily shoved to the back of her mind.
She’d never thought it would feel so natural spending the evening arm-in-arm with a guy, but Dougie had just blown her away.
All too soon, it was time to leave the museum though, and while Dougie got their jackets, Ashley opened her phone to request an uber. 5 minutes away. Perfect.
“I had a really great time tonight,” Dougie murmured, when they were waiting outside.
His own uber was only a couple of minutes behind hers.
“Me too,” Ashley admitted, smiling up at him, “Thank you for inviting me,”
“There’s no-one else I would’ve wanted to take. I just glad you enjoyed it,” Dougie smiled back.
“I enjoyed spending time with you. The exhibition was just a bonus,” she said softly, looking up at him through her lashes.
Holy shit she just flirted. Blatantly flirted. Too much?
But then Dougie blushed a little, before a small smirk spread across his lips. “Yeah?”
Ashley just bit her lip, nodding. Dougie’s blue eyes flashed a little darker, sending a hot jolt running through her body. Oh wow. Just like that huh. But then her phone buzzed, the uber car pulling up to the curb, breaking her out of her thoughts just before they started to spiral.
Calm down Ashley, it’s only the first date!
She waved at the uber driver to signal that she’d seen him before turning back to Dougie. “See you tomorrow?” Ashley asked hopefully.
“Yeah, I’ll be starting work a little later on the one off, as it was the exhibition opening tonight,” Dougie nodded, “I’ll be there,”
Ashley grinned at him, before leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek, laughing softly as his jaw dropped.
“Bye, Dougie,” she said softly, walking over to the car.
“Bye,” she heard him murmur, just as she closed the door.
“Hot date?” the uber driver teased.
“The hottest,” she grinned back.
That earned her a laugh, and she couldn’t help but smile as the driver pulled away from the curb. Ashley glanced out of the window, only to see that Dougie hadn’t moved at all – other than his fingers brushing over where she’d kissed his cheek, a hopeless smile on his face.
What a first date indeed.
To: Ashley
From: Rod
So how did the date go?
To: Rod
From: Ashley
The exhibition was incredible. You need to take your wife, for real.
To: Ashley
From: Rod
I actually meant the guy but sure…
To: Rod
From: Ashley
He was a perfect gentleman and…amazing.
You’ll get your full gossip on Monday.
To: Ashley
From: Rod
Boo fine.
I’m glad you had a good time though!
See you on Monday
 “I had a really great time tonight,”
“Me too,”
“I had a really great time tonight,”
“Me too,”
“I had a really great time tonight,”
“Me too,”
Wasn’t the saying that if things seemed too good to be true, then they probably were not?
Ashley had gone to bed feeling over the moon, elated, bubbling with excitement. But when she’d woken up, it was like a dark cloud had settled over her, a heavy rock of anxiety sitting on her chest. Everything had gone so well last night. So well. Too well? This wasn’t the first time that she’d gotten her hopes up only to have things fall apart around her – and her hopes had skyrocketed last night. All she felt was like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. And it made her feel sick.
That niggling negativity had swum around her brain over and over again, and she hadn’t been able to shut it off – not when she showered, not when she got dressed, and not when she sat on the sofa debating whether or not to actually turn up at the coffee shop.
Was this really what things had come down to? Tempted to break her solid routine, the exact routine she’d had every week, just because a guy made her nervous? Was he really that important? Was she really that much of a coward?
She sat on the sofa so long that she passed the time she would normally leave. Hell, she passed the time she would normally be sitting down at her usual table. Oh god she couldn’t take this. It was too much. Her legs bounced nervously as she pulled up the message thread she had with him, typing out a message to cancel…
…and then she deleted it.
Fuck that shit. No matter how anxious this whole dating thing made her feel, nothing was worth this. She couldn’t just not show up, that wasn’t right. That wasn’t her. Fuck this. As quickly as she could, Ashley grabbed her laptop and her handbag, driving as fast as she could to Storm Surge.
When she parked her car, she noticed that she had a few texts from Dougie. Oh god.
To: Ashley
From: Dougie
Hey, I’m coming a little earlier than usual today!
To: Ashley
From: Dougie
Are you running late?
To: Ashley
From: Dougie
Are you coming?
Oh god. Ashley winced, practically running to the shop, immediately spotting Dougie at her usual table in the back. The sheer relief on his face made her wince again. Fuck. His expression dimmed at little, but she quickly ordered her usual latte from Andrei, who looked an interesting mix of confused and concerned, but she headed over to Dougie without hesitating.
“Hey, um, sorry I’m late,” she murmured, setting her coffee and her laptop down on the table.
Dougie frowned at her briefly, clearly taking in whatever the hell her face was showing.
“Is everything okay?” he asked softly.
Ashley bit her bottom lip, hesitating. Might as well tell him the truth, right?
“I, uh, I was second-guessing everything?”
“Second-guessing?” Dougie asked, frowning harder.
Ashley just sighed. “Yeah, um, it’s dumb. I just…it all seems too good to be true? I woke up feeling like I’d gotten my hopes up and…fuck, I’m sorry. I just feel stupid now,”
Looking up at Dougie’s sad face immediately made her regret telling the truth, but it was too late now. Fuck. Why did she have to ruin everything? The fact that he was staying silent just made everything worse. Should she just go?
“What do you want to do now then?” Dougie eventually asked “or do you not know?”
Ashley swallowed heavily, looking down at her hands briefly. Hah. The million dollar question. “I know that I like you?” she offered.
Dougie huffed a laugh. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to get mad if you don’t want to go on another date,” Dougie said with a sad smile.
Oh god that was worse. He should never sound that disheartened – it wasn’t right. And it was all her fault.
“Would you even want to go on a date with me again when I’m this much of an anxious mess?” Ashley sighed.
After last night, this really wasn’t where she’d seen her day going. Self-sabotage was a bitch. But it was her own damn fault. It always was. But then Dougie reached his hand forward, fingers brushing over hers lightly to get her attention, making her blush as he smiled a bit more genuinely.
“Yeah, I would like to,” he nodded, “I had a really great time yesterday night, and I still want more,”
Oh, so maybe she hadn’t ruined everything then. What? Well shit, she was grabbing this second chance with both hands.
“I had a great time too,” Ashley admitted, blushing a little bit more, “even with this stupid anxiety,”
“Good. That’s…that’s really good,” Dougie laughed, “well, not the anxiety part, but I’m going to prove to you that this isn’t just getting your hopes up,”
“I’d like that,” she murmured.
Dougie smiled at her, a truly genuine happiness, making her breath catch in her throat. Fuck she didn’t deserve this. But there was no way she was going to let herself ruin this, not now.
“Maybe we could just talk for a couple of hours before I have to go into work? Have some coffee, a couple of those delicious blueberry-lemon scones, and just see where things go?” Dougie suggested.
Ashley nodded, the tight ball in her chest immediately loosening. God, he was such a nice guy. “I’d definitely like to get to know you more,” she agreed.
“Scones are on me then,” Dougie grinned.
Hope. A second chance. Bring it on.
When Dougie eventually walked into work, his shared office had more people in it that he cared for. Well, okay, that was a little mean. But right now was not the best time for the combination of Jordie and Foegs as well as Sebastian and Teuvo, especially not when all four of them had met Ashley last night. Not when they were all so intense. Not while things were still so tentative.
“So, how did it go?” Jordie asked excitedly, “it looked like the two of you were having fun!”
And here we go.
“Well last night, at the exhibition, went really well, but…”
Jordie and Foegs frowned as he trailed off, Sebastian and Teuvo just looked confused. Dougie sighed and sat down heavily at his desk.
“She was really hesitant this morning. Like, so full of anxiety that she almost didn’t show up for coffee,” he admitted, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck awkwardly.
“What do you mean?” Jordie asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion.
“She thinks it’s too good to be true?” Dougie winced.
Foegs looked a little stunned, Jordie’s jaw dropping. But then Sebastian jumped to his feet from where he was sitting on Jordie’s desk.
“Well then you’ll just have to sweep her off her feet!” Sebastian said firmly.
Really? Dougie sent him an unimpressed look, but Sebastian’s pout stayed serious as Teuvo giggled.
“As much as I hate to say it, Sepe has a point,” Foegs shrugged, making Sebastian stick out his tongue at him, “the two of you looked like you’d really hit it off when we were all talking, and the fact that Ashley did meet you this morning means a little anxiety shouldn’t stand in the way,”
“Take her on another date. Wine and dine, man. It’s a classic for a reason,” Jordie added, nodding seriously.
Well shit, if Jordie was being serious then maybe it would work.
“Thanks guys,” Dougie murmured, smiling softly.
“Anything to land you the woman of your many dreams,” Jordie beamed.
Dougie just blushed. Sebastian wriggled his eyebrows, Teuvo just punching him on the arm. It was almost a nice moment.
He waited until Foegs, Sebastian and Teuvo had left to start working before he pulled his phone out, biting his bottom lip as he thought of what to say.
To: Ashley
From: Dougie
Hey, I’m glad I saw you today.
I hope you’re still doing okay.
How do you feel about getting dinner with me?
Dougie jiggled his leg nervously as he logged into his computer, waiting with baited breath for any reply.
And then eventually, his phone buzzed. Ashley. Thank god.
To: Dougie
From: Ashley
I’m alright thanks. That scone definitely helped ;)
I would love to get dinner with you.
Dougie couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face. Good. This was good. They exchanged a few more messages, eventually figuring out that because of his next few late nights with the exhibition and her essays she had to mark, neither of them were really free until next Saturday. A whole week away again. Fuck. No, this was going to work. Dougie knew it was worth it – and if she needed him to text a lot over the next few days to remind her that he was all in, that he wasn’t just going to disappoint her like those other guys, then he absolutely would.
Wine and dine next Saturday. He could absolutely do this.
“Hey, what was the name of that place you took your wife out for date night a couple of weeks back?” Dougie asked, looking up at his boss.
Jordie’s face lit up. “Oh man, it was so good…”
As Dougie promised himself, they kept texting throughout the week. He told her fun stories from visitors to the exhibition. She told him silly comments her students made that she couldn’t respond to without laughing in class. He told her all about his time in Boston. She told him all about her time in New York. He sent her a picture of the cutest trio of dogs his neighbours adopted. She sent him a picture of a sunset that took her breath away. Things were…good. He was just glad that Ashley seemed as enthusiastic as she was before their first date.
All he could hope was that he was proving to her that he was different. That he was serious about giving their budding relationship a shot. He hadn’t bonded with someone as quickly as this, as deeply as this, ever – so he wanted to see where it went. The unknown with Ashley genuinely excited him, and he wanted her to feel the same excitement.
He could only try to be good enough to deserve her.
By the time Saturday rolled around, Dougie was a nervous wreck. He’d left work exactly on time for once, Jordie giving him a thump on the shoulder and Foegs a thumbs up (he mostly ignored Sebastian and Teuvo’s shimmies), racing home to change into a nice sweater and his favourite pair of smart jeans. Casual but like he cared about making an impression. That was what he was aiming for.
And then Ashley arrived 10 minutes early, just after he’d arrived himself, looking nervous but happy in the prettiest baby blue tea-dress he’d ever seen, with her hair curled and wearing a pretty pink lipstick. Wow.
“You look beautiful,” he blurted.
Oh god. Mr Smooth, again.
Ashley just blushed, smiling up at him. “Thank you. I love your sweater,”
Dougie blushed in return. What a pair they made.
“After you,” he said, opening the restaurant door for her.
As much as her anxiety had worried him, he was so glad he didn’t give up – she was absolutely worth it. They were lead to their table, Dougie being a bit extra and pulling out Ashley’s chair for her, but the giggle he got in return was what he was aiming for. Wine and dine. Sweep her off her feet. That’s all that he wanted to do, and if it was working then he wasn’t going to stop now.
“I was thinking we could split a bottle of wine tonight, if you want?” Dougie offered.
“Yeah that sounds good to me,” Ashley nodded, “Maybe a white wine?”
That was more than okay with him. Red wine made him a little…over the top? He definitely talked too much when he had red wine, he knew that much, and he wanted to save at least a little dignity tonight. Hopefully, at least.
The wine was ordered, and by the time they each had a cold glass of sauvignon blanc, Ashley looked as relaxed as Dougie felt. He could only hope the rest of this night turned out the same way.
“So did I tell you what one of Rod’s students said to him yesterday?”
Dougie grinned, shaking his head. “No you didn’t!”
Ashley grinned back. “Well…”
They talked for hours, sharing stories about their jobs, their interests, their families, not stopping when any of their three courses came, not hesitating even once. Nothing was awkward in the slightest – their conversation just flowed like they’d known each other for years, and Dougie’s heart was just so happy. This was everything he’d wanted for so long, someone he could truly been 100% himself with, and he couldn’t believe that she seemed as into him as he was into her.
How was this possible, after only two dates?
Time flew by so fast, too fast, and they did eventually have to leave their table, even as much as Dougie didn’t want the night to end. He just felt utterly consumed by her, completely and utterly lost in her very being, and he didn’t want this feeling to stop for anything.
It probably didn’t help that they’d split three bottles of wine though.
It wasn’t enough to make either of them sloppy drunk, not with the delicious food they’d eaten, but Ashley was definitely a bit more giggly than usual, and he was definitely smiling like an idiot.
“I wish your uber wasn’t on its way,” Dougie sighed, when they were outside.
“I’m actually not a far walk from here, so I was just going to walk home?”
At this time of night? Absolutely not! Ashley saw the look of indignation of his face and burst into laughter, making him blush (again). What? He wasn’t wrong for being worried about her getting home safely.
“You could always walk me home?” she suggested.
Oh. Oh. Oh yeah okay, he could do that.
“Yeah, definitely,” Dougie nodded quickly.
Dougie’s heart started beating a little faster as she looped her arm through his, and it was all he could do not to smile at her too helplessly. How did she manage to affect him like this? He’d never fallen so head over heels so quickly. And she seemed completely oblivious to how gone he was for her – in the most innocent of ways.
They walked slowly, leaning on each perhaps a little more than they would without the wine, but it just meant that they had more time for talking. Dougie was blissfully happy to let Ashley rant about the indignity of the black myth surrounding Eleanor of Aquitaine, taking in everything that she was trying to teach him. He loved how much she loved her medieval history, just like he loved his art. It was quirky and different and so unique to her. And honestly, he could picture them doing this together for years, discussing their passions and their love for their careers and…
“Okay this is me,” Ashley announced, breaking him out of his thoughts.
Dougie looked up at the old two-storey home with a smile. So this was her home. Pretty.
“That wasn’t so bad a walk,” Dougie grinned.
“I feel bad now though, making you get further away for your own journey,” Ashley frowned.
But Dougie shook his head. “It’s fine really. I’m sure there are plenty of ubers still running around here,”
Ashley trailed off, biting her lip, making Dougie smile. What was on her mind?
“You can stay, if you want?” Ashley said, a shy smile on her face.
Oh fuck. Stay? Ashley saw the shock on his face, before she blushed furiously, quickly shaking her head.
“I have a spare bedroom! I swear I didn’t mean it like that,” she groaned, covering her face with her hands.
Dougie couldn’t help but laugh, tugging her hands away gently. Not that he was opposed to…sharing a bed with her, but that wasn’t the vibe of tonight. Tonight was for building them up, getting them to a more comfortable level. And fuck did it feel good tonight.
Waking up to see her first thing in the morning would only be icing on the cake.
“I would love to stay, as long as you don’t mind,” he said softly, brushing his hand against hers.
Ashley inhaled sharply but nodded, wordlessly reaching in her handbag for her keys. They stayed silent as they walked into the house, Dougie barely moving a foot away from her as she showed him the kitchen, the bathroom and then the spare bedroom. He could do a proper tour in the morning, he knew that. He was just a little stunned that he was even still with her, to be honest.
“So here’s some basketball shorts that my cousin left last time he visited. I don’t have a shirt big enough for you though,” she apologised, handing him a soft bundle.
Dougie just shook his head, smiling. “This is more than enough. I usually sleep shirtless anyway,”
Ashley’s lips parted a little in surprise, her eyes glazing over slightly, making Dougie grin as she shook her head as if to clear it. Good to know he had that effect on her.
“There are spare toothbrushes under the sink from when I last when to the dentist’s office, so help yourself to whatever one?” she offered.
Dougie just nodded, squeezing her hand as he walked into the bathroom. He willed himself to retain at least a little bit of chill as he got changed, quickly washing his face and cleaning his teeth with one of the toothbrushes she’d offered. This was all still a little bit surreal, being honest. But he was going to seize this with both hands – this was a chance he was never going to get again if he fucked up.
Ashley couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off him as they swapped places in the bathroom, and Dougie tried not to grin as he flexed his abs a little, making her blush. He could have a little fun, right? Especially since he knew the boundaries he needed to stay behind, he wasn’t dumb.
By the time he’d put his phone on charge and folded his clothes onto a chair for tomorrow, and then headed back out into the corridor, Ashley was back, dressed in a cute little pair of shorts and a giant t-shirt. Oh wow, he could definitely imagine her wearing his t-shirt to bed one day. No, not the time!
Ashley’s voice brought him out of his thoughts, and he couldn’t help but smile down at her.
“Hey,” he murmured.
“See you in the morning?” she said hopefully.
Like fuck he was going to leave. “Bright and early,” he nodded.
But when she didn’t go anywhere, her hand moving to rest on his bare arm, Dougie couldn’t stop himself from stepping towards her. Fuck. She inhaled sharply, but didn’t push him away, and that was all he needed.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked lowly.
Ashley’s lips parted in a soft gasp, but she nodded. “Yeah, please,”
Dougie raised a hand to cup her face, giving her one last out, but as she raised up on her tiptoes he didn’t hesitate any further. He leant his head down, and pressed his lips to hers softly, barely able to stop the moan that wanted to tear from his throat. Holy shit. Ashley clutched at his biceps, leaning up into the kiss even more, making Dougie’s head spin as he kissed her softly, slowly, over and over again. This was so not what he expected from tonight, or even hoped for, but fuck did it fill his body with butterflies. Holy shit, kissing her was everything. Eventually, he brushed his tongue against hers gently, before pulling away, knowing there was a stupid smile on his face.
“Wow,” he breathed.
“Wow,” she nodded, laughing softly, “That’s one hell of a goodnight,”
Dougie laughed softly too, pecking her lips in a soft kiss one last time before stepping away. She leaned against the wall, looking a little stunned, making him grin as he walked into her spare bedroom. If he didn’t walk away, he knew he would do something stupid to break them out of this perfect little sweet bubble, and that wasn’t what he wanted. Not tonight.
Tonight had been perfect. 
Ashley woke up slowly, a little groggy, feeling like she was forgetting something. Then she heard the bathroom door opening, and everything came flooding back to her. Dougie was here. He’d stayed over after their date last night. They’d kissed. Holy shit. Holy shit. She took a deep breath to calm herself, fingers rising to her lips without a second thought, and it was all she could do to smile.
Dougie had kissed her. And it was everything.
She squealed softly into her pillow, feeling stupidly giddy, before quickly picking out a cute jumper and her comfiest skinny jeans to wear. She could hear him moving in the spare bedroom, so she quickly darted into the bathroom, washing and then brushing her teeth, unable to stop the smile that spread across her face at the sight of the toothbrush that Dougie used resting in the holder. There was just something about it that felt right.
She took a deep breath, running her hands down her sweater to smooth it, before she headed out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. It didn’t take long for Dougie to join her, and he accepted the glass of juice that she passed him with a smile.
“Good morning,” he murmured.
“Good morning,” she said softly back.
Dougie seemed to hesitate slightly, before his face became determined. She didn’t have time to ask him what was wrong before he leant down and pressed his lips to hers in a firm kiss. Ashley whimpered softly into his mouth, earning a soft noise back, and it was all she could do to clutch at his sweater. Holy shit. This was just as incredible and sweet as she remembered from last night. Wow. Dougie cupped her face with his free hand, thumb brushing over her cheekbone as he slowed the kiss down to a few gentle pecks, before he pulled away with a smile. Ashley just smiled back up at him, a little overwhelmed in the best way. Wow.
“Coffee shop?” he said.
“Yeah, if that’s alright,” she nodded.
He understood her routines. And he didn’t care that she wanted to stick to them. How could she not appreciate that?
Dougie just nodded in response, smiling as he sat down at her kitchen table, taking a sip of the juice she’d given him. “I wouldn’t mind changing out of last night’s clothes though. Not really my vibe,” he teased.
Ashley giggled, understanding perfectly. It wasn’t her vibe either.
“I could drive you over to yours, to get a change of clothes, and then we could head to Storm Surge together?” she suggested.
“Yeah? You want to walk in together like that?” Dougie asked, a little hopeful.
Holy shit, that would be one hell of a declaration. But…
“Yeah, I want that,” she nodded.
The grin that spread across Dougie’s face made the butterflies in her stomach worth it.
“Let me just put on some mascara and lipstick, and we can go?”
“Sure, whatever you want,” Dougie smiled.
Now that was a dangerous thought.
All too soon, Ashley was parked down the street from the coffee shop. She took a deep breath, Dougie sending her an encouraging smile, before she steeled herself and got out of the car. This was nervewracking. Storm Surge was her home away from home, her safe space, her comfort, and now she was completely changing the status quo. But as Dougie walked to her side, smiling down at her with such hope in his eyes, she knew it was worth it. He was worth it.
“Ready?” Dougie asked, holding out his hand.
Holy shit. Bring it on.
Ashley smiled up at him, taking his hand in hers, embracing the butterflies that came with the warmth of his grasp. They walked to the coffee shop together, Dougie squeezing her hand gently as she opened the door and walked through.
“Ashley! And…Dougie?”
Andrei’s gasp made her blush, Dougie just laughing. Then Andrei’s face broke into a huge grin, and he spun around.
“Marty! It’s happened! It’s finally happened!” Andrei yelled into the back of the shop.
What the hell?
A door slammed open in the back, and then Marty came barrelling out. He took one look at them holding hands before punching his fist in the air.
Ashley flinched at Marty’s loud voice, but couldn’t help but giggle when he bounded over to Andrei, swinging an arm over his shoulders.
“Finally! Do you know how long we’ve been rooting for you two?” Marty beamed.
Oh god. Ashley blushed furiously, as did Dougie, and she couldn’t help but laugh. “Was I that obvious?” Ashley asked shyly.
“Both of you were. It was so frustrating but so sweet,” Marty shrugged, Andrei nodding enthusiastically in agreement. “We just hoped you guys would take a chance,”
Take a chance. Hah. That’s definitely a good way to describe it. And he was so worth taking a chance on. Dougie smiled fondly down at her, before pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
“Well I’d say our second date went pretty well,” Dougie said softly, squeezing her hand.
Ashley smiled back, nudging him with her shoulder, earning coos from Marty and Andrei.
“Okay, you two are giving me cavities,” Marty said cheerfully, not even slightly annoyed, “Coffee and anything you want to eat, on the house. I need to tell Slavs – he’s going to be thrilled!”
Ashley just giggled, leaning into Dougie’s body as she looked over the cakes and pastries on display. Being with Dougie, this fledgling relationship, was scary – but it was also so exciting. She couldn’t wait to see what happened next. This was the start of something amazing, she just knew it.
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imnotwolverine · 3 years
Practical Magic
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Summary: AU Practical Magic w/ Henry Cavill x Sally Owens. The Owens family is a fun family, witchy family, but also a cursed family; the men they fall in love with are doomed to an untimely death. 
Author’s note: I rewatched the movie for the gazillionth time, and felt like writing something based on it. Witchy ways are my guilty pleasure, so.. get ready for some true love spells.❤️
Word count: 2.859
Disclaimer: magic and super natural activites, love potions and curses. Smidge of angst and alcohol use. And did I say fluff? There’s plenty-a-fluff. 
Practical Magic
‘So will you marry me now?’ Henry teased, kissing Sally on the cheek. Sally playfully pouted. 
‘You leave me no choice! Look at that grass! Just..’ She dramatically outstretched her hands as if he just performed the greatest deed ever. ‘..would you look at that Kal!’ The large akita couldn’t be bothered to look up as he lay on the freshly mown grass, his large maw chewing on a dog bone. Sally continued: ‘Look. At. That. I have never seen such perfectly cut grass in..my..’ 
Henry looped his arms around her waist and raised an eyebrow as Sally’s attention wavered. ‘Yes dear?’ He smiled. 
Sally's eyes widened as she watched something move behind Henry’s back. 
‘Gilly!?’ She gasped. 
‘SALMON!’ Another voice responded. 
Before Henry could see Sally’s sister Gillian step through the garden gate, Sally had already escaped his arms. With a bound of squeals and laughter the sisters flew into each other’s arms. Dark brown and red hair mingled as the wind lipped around with equal joy. Years it had been. And here they were, reunited. 
‘Gillian.’ He whispered, slightly defeated. The fiery Owens sister somehow always brought bad news with her, and though she was ever the lovely thing, he couldn’t help but feel it was a bad omen that she had returned after her “greatest adventure of her entire life”. 
What about his greatest adventure of his entire life? With a sigh he turned his lips up in a smile, waiting for the ginger gem of a woman to fly into his arms too. 
‘OOPH! Look at how you have GROWN!’ Gillian unwrapped herself from his stiff embrace and smiled with childlike joy. 
‘Why..thank you Gillian.’ Henry grunted. 
‘Oh please!’ She laughed and poked his arm. 
‘Now, where’s my two favourite nieces of the whole wide world?!’ 
‘At school.’ Sally smiled. ‘But I’m sure they can’t wait to hear that their favourite aunty has returned so...’ Sally’s eyes quickly flitted towards Henry.. ‘..soon.’ 
The day was filled with bouncing-off-the-walls children and an even more excited Gillian. Stories were there in abundance, and for a moment Sally and Henry wondered if ever she’d shut up. Well she did, eventually. The long trip from Los Angeles had finally managed to tame the feisty maiden and after a round of shots - which were truly necessary according to Gillian - Gillian headed for bed. 
‘Wew.’ Henry settled back on a kitchen chair after he finished the last of the dishes. 
‘You can say that.’ Sally yawned, shaking her head in disbelief, also settling down. ‘She didn’t even text me.’ 
‘You think she’s in trouble?’ 
‘My sister?’ Sally chuckled. ‘Always.’ 
Henry leaned forward and reached for Sally’s hands that lay atop the oak table. Here in this cute small rural home he still always seemed a little out of place with his hunky chunk, dream boat physique. And yet he was still very much here, father to her children. The self-labeled “average girl” Sally couldn’t believe it. 
With hesitant fingers she wrapped her hands around his. 
‘You don’t want her to stay.’ 
Henry shook his head. ‘I’m not saying that. I’m just...maybe..we need some ground rules.’ 
Sally nodded. ‘I guess we do.’ 
‘Something the matter sweetie? You’ve been so quiet all day?’
‘No, nothing. It’s...’ Sally shrugged and looked at their interlocked hands. For a moment she wondered what would trigger it. The thing. The goddamned curse that she knew was lurking. For a few years she had nearly forgot. But then came Gillian and she was reminded again that she wasn’t entirely normal. That this couldn’t be. 
And Henry didn’t know. 
‘It’s nothing.’ 
The next day Henry woke to an empty bed, leaving him the time to yawn and stretch with the knowledge that Sally had taken the morning turn for breakfast and school prep for the kids.
But no more was true. With a loud yelp and whine heard from the garden, Henry shot up from the bed. It was Kal. And Kal rarely made such noises. With a leap and bound Henry rushed to the window, hands pulling open the curtains. 
Down on the lawn, a red headed woman waved her hands about like she was dancing. Gillian. But even more interesting was Kal bouncing up and down on the grass, trying his best to reach something that..that.. Henry focused his vision a little better. It floated. The goddamn dog bone was floating. 
Henry blinked and yet it still was there until Sally came storming out the house and the bone fell like gravity had found its course again. 
The glass of the window muddled the sounds, but from the way Sally was pounding into Gillian with an accusative hand, Henry realised one thing; he was right. He was right all along. All those years, he knew something was a little off. The dishes were always done too fast when it was Sally’s turn. And though nobody ever touched the cloth iron, nothing everything wrinkled. And the roses. The goddarn impossibly perfect roses that Sally never seemed to touch with one hand. Neighbours had commented on it so often, he had to come up with the most ridiculous of excuses. 
Was it...was this..? He saw the women look up at his window and he waved at them awkwardly. Sally frowned and Gillian waved excitedly. 
..something like magic? 
Sally avoided him like the plague, and yet she knew she had to get this conversation over with sooner than later. Henry wasn’t a fool. And the way he had tried to get a word in after breakfast before leaving for work, made her know that she had to talk to him. 
She hated it. 
The whole situation was anything but “practical”, like her aunts so dearly would call it. Magic was giving her a plain old headache as she stood here in her sunroom, tending to her African Violets. The late afternoon sun was hot and outside she saw Gillian stretched out on a blanket, a book holding her fickle attention for the moment. 
Why was Gillian even here? Even with all the chatter going on last night, not a word was spelled on why. Why, why, why! 
A wet nose planted itself in her elbow and with a little gasp she awoke from her daydream. It was Kal. Henry’s trusty four-pawed friend, meaning Henry had likely returned from grocery shopping. 
‘I’m home!’ - yep, there he was. 
Sally bit her lip and gave in. It was time for the talk. With silent steps she traced back to the kitchen where a truckload of paper bags stood, the food within them ready to be unloaded into the pantry and kitchen cabinets.
Bent over one of them was Henry, his eyes clearly trying their best to not look at Sally directly. 
Sally halted in the doorway. ‘Hey.’ 
Henry looked up as if surprised. ‘Hey you.’ A sweet smile formed on his lips - ever the actor. 
Sally wet her lips and looked at Henry’s hands as they fumbled just the way they always did when he was nervous or stressed. The paper bag beneath his touch crumpled. 
‘Ugh...’ She let her shoulders droop, knowing there was no way out of this. ‘I don’t even know where to begin.’ With a sweep of the hand she made a few of the bags float up in the air. Henry blinked, but tried to hold his surprise as he raised to his feet. His Adam’s apple bobbed nervously as he watched the bags float before him mid-air. 
‘Are you going to kill me now?’ He swallowed. 
‘What?!’ Sally gasped. ‘NO! No-no-no-no-no.’ With hasted steps she got closer to Henry and pushed the bags to gently drop down on the kitchen counter next to Henry. It was like they had never floated mid-air at all. 
He leaned back against the kitchen cabinets, but didn’t flee. With a gentle hand Sally touched his chest. Could she get rid of him before he too would find his untimely death? She looked at where her fingers slightly sank into the soft grey material of his tee. ‘No..’ She whispered. 
‘Please tell me that was some fancy little trick with strings and..’ Henry folded a hand over hers and squeezed it slightly. 
‘Eh..yea..no.’ Sally scrunched up her nose as if tasting a sour fruit. ‘Unfortunately.. it’s not that. It’s..’ She finally dared to look back up into his eyes. His blue eyes were the size of saucers, yet there also spoke some quiet plea of hope there. 
‘Did you ever use it on me?’ 
Sally immediately shook her head. ‘No. I did not. Please! I never wanted this to get in between us. I...I don’t know why I never..never..’ Her eyes teared up slightly as the whole situation seemed to fall down upon itself. 
He would die, wouldn’t he? She could feel it in her nervously fluttering heart. It had been fluttering more and more of late - especially when he teased about marriage. 
‘I’ll never fall in love Gilly. That, I swear.’ 
‘But what if you do?’ 
‘I can’t. I just swore it!’ 
Gillian chuckled and shook her pigtailed head, legs hanging from the garden swing. ‘Then I swear that you’ll do!’ 
‘Sal?’ Henry waved a hand before her eyes. 
‘Yea! I’m here. I’m here.’ Half-automatically she turned to pick up groceries. 
‘Sally look at me.’ 
Sally turned back to him. 
‘Is it ..magic--?’ 
‘HEyyyyy there you two are. Oh look at ALL THAT FOOD.’ Gillian gasped. With the clip of slippered feet she waltzed into the kitchen. A pair of sunglasses was tipped off her nose as she smiled down at the groceries. ‘I know just what we’re going to cook tonight!’ Gillian exclaimed. 
Sally rolled her eyes and turned to look at her sister. 
‘What?’ Gillian asked, as if completely unaware she was intruding. 
Sally wiped away a stray tear on her cheek. ‘Mom’s soup?’ she sniffled. 
Gillian stepped in and wrapped her arms around Sally and Henry, squeezing them until they were all cozied up in the small kitchen corner. ‘Oh I missed you all so much!’ 
Sally sighed and also wrapped an arm around her sister, her eyes just managing to find Henry’s behind the waving sea of red locks that had pushed in between the two of them. 
‘Later.’ She mouthed. 
Henry bit his lip, but remained quiet. He had just found out his loving partner of four years was a ..witch? Wizardess? What would he even call her? With hesitant eyes he looked at the bags that stood dormant on the kitchen counter. No strings were there to be seen. 
This. Was. Real. 
‘Alright.’ Gillian plopped back down on the couch. She looked truly smug with her self-satisfied little smile. ‘Told you. Fifteen minutes and they’re down. Snug as bugs in fluffy little rugs.’
Sally peeked at Henry, who sat up from his chair in the corner of the small living room. A small fire was lit in the fireplace and glasses of red wine littered the coffee table. It felt perfectly homely, were it not for there to be one ginormous elephant to float around in the room. 
‘Will the girls be able to do it too?’ Henry hesitantly shifted his gaze from Sally to Gillian. Gillian raised her eyebrows. 
‘Get their children to sleep in fifteen? Maybe..’
‘No..’ Sally interjected. ‘Gil...he saw. I told you he saw it. He..he knows.’ 
‘I told you not to and..’
They both looked at Henry, who reached for his wine glass. Even after reading fantasy books all his life, it was still very, very unnerving to have two witchy women right here before him. What could they even do? 
‘Well he didn’t run yet.’ Gillian snickered and also reached for her wineglass. 
‘Do I need to?’ Henry tried to smile, but Sally saw it didn’t reach his eyes. He was one nervous boy. Kal, on the other hand was one sleepy boy. Right before Henry’s feet lay the sleeping Akita, softly snoring as the logs in the fireplace crackled. 
The two sisters shared a look. 
Henry turned his full attention to Sally. ‘Do I?’
‘I-I don’t want you to.’ Sally shook her head and new tears started to form. 
‘Oh no...please don’t cry.’ Gillian scrunched up her face and watched as Henry moved to Sally in two strides, his thumbs finding her tears before they could tumble don’t her cheeks. 
‘Hey. Don’t cry. I’m not mad, okay? Confused yes, but..’ He ushered her to scoot to the side on the loveseat and he squeezed himself right next to her. ‘..I’m sure we’ll get through it. Hey love. Sshh..’
‘I’m sorry. It’s just..so stupid.’ Sally sniffled and quickly wiped away another tear. 
Gillian watched as the two lovers hugged the tears away and with large gulps of her wine she soon was some two full glasses ahead. It was then she decided they needed something better. Something stronger. 
‘I’ve got an idea!’ She exclaimed, jumping up from her chair and moving to the large cabinet in the far corner. With a knowledgeable hand she moved over the upper right edge, and surely enough she found the key that led to the booze that was hidden inside. 
‘Gotcha!’ She grinned, swinging open the door and grabbing for a large bottle of gin. ‘Tonic in the freezer?’ She asked, rushing past while placing the bottle on the table. 
Sally blinked and wished to sit up, but Henry stopped her. ‘Just let her. It’s probably a very good idea. Brew me one of your love potions or something.’
Sally pouted and playfully poked his arm. ‘Don’t joke about that.’
‘So you DID use a love potion on me, hmm?’
‘What? No! Absolutely not. Which is perhaps why I’m still a bit confused to why you like me so much.’
Henry smiled and wiped a bit of hair out of her face. ‘But will our kids be able to do it too..you think?’
Sally looked into his eyes. If the curse continued on: definitely yes. They’d practise magic. And he would die. This beautiful blue eyed man with his rough-gentle hands and his impeccable lawn mowing skills. He would..find that untimely death. 
‘Maybe, maybe not.’ Sally mumbled, looking up as Gillian returned with a tray full with glasses filled with icecubes and a bottle of tonic. 
‘Let’s do this!’ She cheered. 
Hours passed. Drinks were drunk. Smiles were shared. And as Sally felt rosiness tease her cheeks, she saw Henry study Gillian. 
‘Say Gil - Gillian.’
Gillian looked up. 
‘What would make this woman next to me fall in such deep love that she’d marry me?’
Gillian laughed a touch too loud. ‘Oh Henry. You’re a funny one. You do know love potions wear off right?’
‘I don’t.’
‘But then there’s of course the curse and..’
Sally stiffened but Gillian laughed on. Henry had no idea this was no longer some silly joking about. 
Gillian continued. ‘Man even I have to suffer for it. You know I met this great guy in LA. The best. And..fuck Sal.’ She looked at Sally who still sat curled up with Henry on the loveseat. 
‘I think I love him.’
‘You do.’ Sally said quietly. Little cogs and wheels started to turn in her head and Henry finally caught on. 
‘Is that why you won’t marry me? A curse?’ His voice remained light due to the excessive alcohol that had lightened their spirits, but his eyes were still sharp. Sally sat up a bit and looked into his eyes. 
‘Yea. Or I think it is.’
‘You can lift curses right?’ Henry asked. 
‘So I was thinkin!’ Gillian interjected. ‘So I was reading a bit. Yea I know. Paint me surprised - The one and only Gillian Owens.. reading. Ha! But.. Sal I think there’s a way.’ Gillian pushed off her chair and nearly toppled over on her unsteady legs. But, after a tiny swerve she managed to get to Sally and Henry, where she squatted down, one palm turned up towards Sally’s face. 
‘Remember this?’ 
A thin scar ran over her palm, which was similar to the scar that was there on Sally’s palm. With a raised eyebrow, Sally also turned up her palm. ‘Sure.’
Gillian’s lips slowly turned up into a wide grin. 
‘What?’ Sally asked. She didn’t catch what Gillian meant. 
‘Oh bloody hell.’ Henry grumbled. ‘Do you need my blood for this too or what?’
Gillian smiled at him. ‘Would you do that for love?’
‘What? NO! GIL! You can never use humans under influence!’ Sally shot up, but Gillian already sat back. 
‘I know you silly Sally. But I’ve been reaching out to the aunties with my ideas and I think..just maybe..’ She looked at one of the windows where a near full moon shone. ‘Hallow’s eve this year, might be spectacularly practical.’
Sally looked back at her palm and then Henry. 
Not even after all this ridicule and weirdness had he flinched an inch. Instead he smiled. Truly this time. Even his eyes. 
‘So you want to be with a weird witch like me for the rest of your days huh?’
‘I’d be cursed if I wouldn’t.’ He smiled, and kissed her sweetly. 
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​ @madbaddic7ed​ @luclittlepond​ @maroonmolly @just-a-normal-fangirl18​ @hell1129-blog​ @agniavateira​ @tillthelandslide​ @elinesama​ @maddyreads14
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