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misakiisstupid · 1 day ago
Just One of Those Days…
You know that feeling where you wake up and just know today is gonna suck? Yeah. That’s me right now. I don’t really feel like doing anything. No motivation, no energy, just a general feeling of ugh. I just wanna stay in bed, sleep for like, a century, and pretend the world doesn’t exist. But I can’t, because, of course, it’s a school day.
I already know my depression is gonna bite me in the ass today. It’s just lurking there, waiting for the perfect moment to make everything feel ten times worse. Love that for me.
Maybe I just need something to cheer me up. A funny meme. A nice comment. A sign from the universe that today won’t be as terrible as it feels right now. I don’t know. I just don’t wanna feel like this all day.
So, yeah. If anyone has anything good, feel free to throw it my way. Or just vibe with me in this no-energy, no-motivation pit of existence. Either works. 😞
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mollyflipssss · 7 months ago
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peppermintbuttlemon · 1 year ago
apparently the London con has chosen a series of fan pics taken during the previous events to advertise the next season of cons and one of those pics is thebandyslow with joseph (and his Idontwannabehere face)
lol can anyone share the pic pls?
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m4riaa98 · 1 year ago
i have a serious question:
what do ya'll do when you know you have to go somewhere to like an event or place that you absolutely do not want to be at? like does anybody else feel absolutely sick and scared and wants to stay asleep for like 2 weeks? what do you do about this feeling? telling myself it's gonna be over soon doesn't really help anymore guys-
#idontwannabehere #schooliskillingme #teenagersareassholes
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crazetattoos · 5 years ago
#checkout my #new #song on #soundcloud #freedownload #idontwannabehere search GTink$ #hiphop #rap #soundcloudrapper #spittingbars #fire #tracks #rapping (at Moreno Valley, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-KtmHoJxF0/?igshid=euv487r4643k
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potayto · 5 years ago
I think I’ve hit my lowest point in life
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peppermintbuttlemon · 1 year ago
92 is so specific wtf 😂
It’s so weird to me cuz a pic should be a memory of when you met him. But yall don’t really MEET MEET him. You just get shoved in front of him and take a pic and walk away. Yall are a faceless blur to him in a stream of bodies coming towards him for a couple of hours. I guess that’s why it makes sense to buy an autograph as well cuz then you actually get 10 seconds to look at him? And if you’re lucky he’ll acknowledge you? But all that money for 10 seconds 😕
…You’re right we were shoved right in front of him, the staff members yelled at people. The photos are super quick and the autograph last literally 10 seconds where he looks at you with his “Idontwannabehere” face, very uncomfortable
So pointless and a waste of money. I’m sorry yall. Fans want experience but cons want cash, talent wants cash and getting as much of y’all’s money trumps your experience to them.
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asiahmae · 8 years ago
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When my coworkers asked me if I was a witch today because I work a head wrap on Friday the 13th 😐😐 #MyHeadJustNappy #LeaveMeAlone #YeaImAWitchButGoAway #IDontWannaBeHere
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transmigrationmacabre · 3 years ago
can't believe going to work nd being expected to do my job :/
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ventismacchiato · 2 years ago
we finally have the same time zones😇😇😇
#miserablelife #miserable #idontwannabehere #ihaveafrenchclass. #disaster #saveamy2022 #saveamy2023 #theresssnow.
we boutta never text again cus u have a properly sleeping schedule and i dont 🐺
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defiledtomb · 5 years ago
My visits to my therapist endlessly bounce between Idontwannabehere-glassy stares and uh-huhs to showing up with snacks and three binders of my own conspiracy theories about my brain
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balina13 · 7 years ago
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Have you ever watched the way trees catch the snowflakes and let them pile up? I want that kind of stillness #thoughts #nature #beautiful #escape #mountains #naturelovers #iwannago #exit #sky #snow #missyou #tree #wings #freesoul #freedom #notime #life #adventure #feelings #heart #touched #idontwannabehere (en Iceland)
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theplayboypsychobunny · 8 years ago
#PokemonGo #Pokemon #GottaCatchThemAll #IAmA90sKid #TheOverNightWorkLife #IDontWannaBeHere #BoredAtWork #TomorrowIsMyDayOff #HelpMe #MakeThatMoney #ThenGiveItAllToBills haha
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arrow1366 · 5 years ago
I’m the best when I’m under the influence,
But where is the line between?
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truly-deceitful · 6 years ago
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nonisartblog · 7 years ago
Good Morning ya’ll<3
I was tagged by @eisenhexa to tell you guys 10 random facts about me<3 Thankies mcspankies:3
1. My fingers are (abnormally) short, some of them hardly being 3 inches long.
2. When I talk to some people, usually they tell me to slow down cause I'm talking to fast for them to understand XD
3. The oldest nickname that I've gotten is moon pie since I have a super round face, if I didn't have a chin, it'd probably be more noticable:P
4. When I was a kid, I was pretty accident prone, even to this day I still am... (doing tricks on the playground and falling face first off the monkey bars, running into walls/doors, burned myself in the oven a million times by now -probably since 2015?- ect...)
5. I can speak in a british, french and country accent. I can do others but the first 3 are my best.
6. Sometimes I like putting darker eyeshadow on my eyebrows to (try to) make them look fuller.
7. I still listen to music and watch films from the 1920's all the way up to the early 2000's, personally, I like a lot of old stuff.
8. I can hardly step outside for prolonged periods during winter or summer because it causes my nose to bleed...
9. (Some already know) But I live my life in a bubble due to me being allergic to everything.
10. I like wearing black, listening to edgy music and wearing dark lipstick, mostly because it gets on my dad's nerves.
Thanks again for the tag! I'm gonna tag @amanda-digs-okay @bossveteran @tankie64 @thefrostyshepard @the-folly-of-rin @idontwannabehere and @ariejul<3
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