#IDV Marise
"Marise~e, ah my friend, sorry for my absence! I hope it wasn't.. ah whatever. How were things around here while I was out?"
Logan peeked through Marise's door, waiting for his permission to enter his room.
Marise turned around to see Logan standing next to the door. he couldn't help but smile warmly when he saw him after a hot while. Although he wasn't sure if Logan had been gone for a long time or if he had lost track of time again, nevertheless~ he had missed him still. Even though to him, time seemed to pass unnoticed.
“Logan! It has been a while since we last met. I was not sure if you would visit me again anytime soon… but I am glad you showed up today!! As for what I have been up to, well, I have been spending most of my time here at the manor, just as usual.”
Marise gestures to him to come in already and not just stand there “But enough about me~ tell me about you? What were you up to these past few months??”
[ @idv-ask-the-horatiusfamily ]
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simplifiedboris · 1 year
“Gay people these days” No, gay people in the oletus manor are smth else mate.
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//@idv-askchaoticduo @idv-ask-the-train-conductor 😇
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Angels of Death AU with @picnicbask3t XD!
I made some random ugly sketches while on stream with Joe’s and my OCs as the characters in angels of death :D!
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The following is just silly doodles as well but has some spoilers for the story so~ yeah! Anyway the character shown here are the following:-
Herald as Rachel
Sanity (aka Flynn) as Zack
Marise as Danny ( @idv-ask-the-train-conductor )
Trickster as Eddie
Carina as Cathy
Phineas as Gray
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boris-surov · 9 months
Hunter Logan!!!!
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Hunter… Logan 😧😧…
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idv-askchaoticduo · 1 year
“Greetings, are you Lawrence The Gambler?” A man with king white hair that slowly fate to light orange at the end approach Lawrence while asking that.
“I have heard about you from other survivors around here when I first set foot in the manor and I thought you sounded interesting to get to know!!… umm… so if it isn’t alright with you, can we chat for a bit?”
"Oh!. . .Hearing about me from other survivors can't be good..." He says chuckling to himself. "But yes, I am Lawrence Cotas, Gambler. You flatter me by thinking of me as 'interesting to know'" "Anyways, You must be the new folk in the manor! A...uhm, Train conductor right?" "And please, I would enjoy chatting with you, it's always nice hearing stories from someone new."
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idv-craftsman · 1 year
James can see a young looking lad staring at him from afar, he look as if he in a daze and a state of confusion while looking at James.
Each time it seem like he would finally started walk and approach him but would hold back soon after and be in his state of consciousness again before suddenly he seem to have a headache leading to him to hiss loudly.
( @idv-ask-the-train-conductor )
The Craftsman did take note of a presence around him. It felt odd, more confusing if anything. Usually he'd feel threatened, especially if it was a hunter making this sort of gaze to him. But he wasn't in a match or anything like that. This is during their off time, where both factions can relax... So what's going on?
He was at his desk, the door open in case anyone needed him. He glanced over at the Train Conductor, giving a confused look himself before waving awkwardly. He would say hi verbally but... He felt too nervous to do so. Hearing the hiss, he jolted up but didn't move from his spot.
"Are you okay?"
He awkwardly signed while syncing his lips to the sentence, trying to not let his shaky hands get in the way.
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idv-the-scientist · 3 months
A knock was heard near the open door.
“Hello? My apologies for the interruption but are you by any chance The Scientist, Glenn Collins?”
There stood a man with a really long hair and a fancy suit.
“My name is Marise The train conductor and I came here looking for you in hope you may help me with a problem that may require your assistance. I know is kinda rude for me to immediately ask for your help when we just met but I have heard you specify on memory loss, no?”
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“Oh, yes, that would be me! I have specialized in memory loss, but only for a few years now.”
“However, by the way of your approach, I assume something troubles you! So, do tell, where does your problem lie exactly?”
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idv-news-boi · 8 months
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If 2-more answers are tied at the end of the day, another semi-round will be done.
OCs from @idv-ask-the-showman , @idv-ask-the-train-conductor , @idv-ask-the-unknown @idv-ask-the-phantom-thief , @ask-the-artist-lily (not in order)
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puppet-radio · 4 months
If the spot still open can I have First Sounds for Marise @idv-ask-the-train-conductor
// OOOOO YEAH YEAH !! Choo Choo Marise… hehe
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idv-fifis-toybox · 10 months
Can I have the following role for my two ocs?
Morgana (The Existence) - Marise @idv-ask-the-train-conductor and Evren (The Null) - Gabriel @ask-the-artist-lily
yup :333
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Just random video about Da Time Travelers trio✨
Logan - ( @idv-ask-the-horatius-siblings )
Edric - ( @idv-askchaoticduo )
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✨🎊{A New Friend!!}🎊✨
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Flynn had received a special doll from his Brother in his birthday named Poppy to be both his playmate and bodyguard!!
Everyone welcome The Magical Jester Plushy, Poppy!!
{story and more info about Poppy 👇}
Despite everything that is going on in the manor currently, Flynn didn’t expect anyone to remember his birthday is today… not like he even bother to tell anyone and in fact he forgot about it himself.
He stopped celebrating it three years ago so it was a unexpected surprise even for him when his brother suddenly appeared out of the blue with a cake and presents, along with some of their friends like Lily, Gabriel, Marise and Heifu!!
At first he was embarrassed and thought this was so childish but it didn’t take long before he started to smile when they showed him all the sweets, gifts and his birthday cake, immediately sparks the childhood wonder and happiness inside him and brought him back to the days when he used to celebrate it with his family and friends in the circus. He now found himself enjoying the small birthday party that being celebrated just for him.
After blowing the candles and eating the cake, the time for receiving gifts had finally come and Flynn couldn’t be more happier then he already is with all the wonderful gifts he got from everyone and he wondered what could his brother had got for him now since for some reason he decided to make his gift the last one to be received even tho normally it would be the first in the past birthday.
“Flynn~ I have a extra special gift for you this year for your birthday, I worked so hard to make it for you so I hope it would be to your liking~!!”
Flynn said happily before he summoned his gift out of the blue and it was… a Jack-in-a-box?? Flynn was confused a bit but the look on his brother’s eyes tell him he should trust him. So he started to move the handle on the box and a beautiful music started to play for awhile, everyone waiting to see what would jump from the box in any second… knowing Phineas it wouldn’t be just a normal Jack doll—
The box opens suddenly from each corner with a cloud of light yellow and purple with many confetti and what come out of it was a cute looking Jester like Plushy!!!… it was cleary alive by how it was doing a cute little dance on top of Flynn’s lap while singing him happy birthday before it sat down happily.
Flynn can’t help but gasp… this plushy… he remembers he draw something like it when he was 8 when watching the clowns and jesters in the circus and showed it to his brother and father but he never thought Phineas actually kept the drawing all those years even after death!!… to be honest he was so moved he started to tear up making both Phineas and the plushy panic if they did something wrong but Flynn chuckled and dismiss their worries and just happily thanks his brother while hugging the plushy.
“Hahah~ don’t give me all the credit. I had the help of Rosie~Rose (@idv-artists-trio) to make this doll so it also a gift from her!!”
“Eh~ Roise is so talented as always!!” Heifu couldn’t help but comment on that when Rosie is mentioned and soon after that Marise also say “that quite interesting indeed to see a living plushy, I could never get tired of seeing one ^^!!”
Gabriel claps his hands a few time to make everyone stop talking and he looked at Flynn with a smile “well it is indeed a cute plushy but we can’t just keep calling it that, can we?!…do you have a name in mind Flynn?!” Lily also asked “YEAH YEAH~!! What would you call the cutie_^_?!
Flynn took a second to think but immediately come up with a name and hold the plushy up high with his hands “POPPY!! Your name shall be Poppy from now on, do you like it??!!”
The plushy title their head and there was silence making Flynn wonder if they didn’t like the name but before he know it plushy happily started to swing their arm around jump down from his hands and started to dance in circles while repeating their new name “POPPY, POPPY,POPPY!! AM POPPY!!”
Everyone can’t help but laugh seeing Poppy being happy with their new name and just watch as the cute plushy dance around in joy before Phineas pick them up “oh!! And there also another unique thing they can do!!… Poppy~ would you like to show?!” Poppy happily nodded and Phineas suddenly throw them up to the air and mid way through they spin and with each spin they appear to become taller and more human like then a plushy before they landed on their feet playfully on the floor with a dramatic pose.
And~ of course they can!! Flynn kinda excepted that but he still surprised to see it like the rest yet he really loved this!! Is like his whole childhood had come back to him in a form of a magical plushy that was literally designed from his childhood self so he couldn’t be more thankful and happier then he already is that he openly started to cry with happy tears and keep thanking everyone… he didn’t think he can be this happy after many years and especially what currently going on in the manor as well but yet somehow his brother found a way to make him happy as always!!
Truly… he can never as for a better older brother!
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Isn’t Marise a girl name?
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“I believe so, although I come around to like the name so I kept it. I remember the way I ended up using this name was because of a little girl who found her way to my train. while we were looking for the timeline that she came from to send her back home, she wanted to know my name but as you know, I forgot my name so I let her pick whatever name she liked to call me by and she ended up picking Marise”
Marise smiled softly remembering the little girl, glad he still could remember her to this day “We went through many different timelines and worlds together to find her home and during that time we grew closer… but everything had to come to an end and when we finally found her home we said our goodbyes and as a way to honor her I kept the name she gave me”
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Rozae: Now that I think about it, this train sure is interesting! 0u0
*Rozae was staring at the entrance of the train*
The train conductor noticed from the windows inside the girl that was standing before the entrance of the train and went to her to see if there anything he can help with.
“Welcome to The Cosmic Navigator Express. I am The Train Conductor here, hoe can I be of help to you my lady?!”
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The timetrio switch their pocket-watches
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//Anon, you do remember that Marise is ineed of his pocket watch in all time or else he would freeze like a statue, no?… It is a fun idea but not a good one, sorry anon :’)
( @idv-askchaoticduo and @idv-ask-the-horatius-siblings )
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A small and light knock was heard behind Marise's door. The timetraveler stood there with a small smile and held a bouquette of different flowers which usually grew on clock vines.
"Happy early Valentine's, Marise! heard you liked clock vines so you know, picked some flowers from them just for you." He handed the bouquet to Marise before walking away, waving him a small goodbye
(not an RP ask, just wanna draw their interactions as a small Valentine's event :3 Yaoi for LIFE!!1!11!1!)
Marise was pleasantly surprised when Logan handed him a bouquet made of different types of flowers that grew on Clock Vines. He didn't really know what to say, nor did he have the time to react when he realized that Logan had already walked away while he was still in a daze.
All can Marise do is just smile warmly and think to himself “what a silly guy óuò….♡”
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