ashiiplier · 2 years
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Ḣ̵̲̙͈Ė̴̛̖̰̾̄L̴̡͈̮̈Ḽ̶͇͉̦͆͒̋O̴̲̽̀͘ ̸̦̎͆̍C̵̙̲͌́͊͜H̷̩̋͂̈Ä̵̩̱̭͕̓͋͛Ś̶̨͈̙̀E̵̦͇̿̆.̶̘̈́
anti fucking septiceye yall
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antxseptxceye · 2 years
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those questions immediately reminded me of the chase video 👀
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altr5312916195 · 2 years
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egotankart · 7 months
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pxppet · 2 years
Year of Whump January 15 Prompt!
experimental injection / threatening loved ones / warehouse / warm bubble bath / “I promise this won’t hurt”
Posting early because I was very inspired! An AU that includes IRIS for once. This is a glimpse into some ideas I've had for a while now, enjoy!
CW: kidnapping, inhumane science experiments, dehumanization, captivity, muzzles, restraint, autistic character being overstimulated, manipulative caretaker, nightmares, human weapon trope & mention
The doctors- if you can even call them that - surround Jackie, they stink of gauze and chemicals and death, death, death. The whole of the IRIS building stinks of it. Jackie could smell it even before they'd begun to inject him with this pale, glowing green liquid.
"Hold him still," someone commands. Useless, Jackie has been stronger, and stronger still, with each passing day. "You are safe, Mr. Reid." He lets out a scream, like a big cat's roar, as the needle presses into his stretch-marked false muscles. He's sobbing, biting, thrashing. The metal restraints are bending and bowing with his strength.
The doctors just watch, stare, eyes behind goggles observing him like a prized cut of steak; like a natural disaster. Jackie gnashes at a hand coming near him, but the IRIS doctors have had him muzzled since he bit one scientists hand off entirely. Jackie doesn't know why he chewed, why he swallowed, and why it felt fantastic.
He bangs his head back against the metal table over, and over, as green liquid shines through his skin in every vein inside his contorted body. He screams out at them, at god, at anyone. He's begging for his mother, he's threatening them with death. Nothing he says will matter, he is an animal to them. He grinds his teeth so hard on the bit of the muzzle it snaps in half. He swallows the plastic without hesitation, choking it down just to be rid of it.
His metal table is wheeled through monochrome hallways as his cries turn to begging and whimpering, the medicine slowing and settling.
"The date is September 12th, 2017. State your name for the record."
"J-jackson Reid," he trembles out into the muzzle.
"Mr. Reid, may you state the reason for being at this facility."
"Test- testing. I v-volunteered." His muscles strain, too big and powerful for him, he used to be so lean and fit, now he looks like a freak. He knows he must.
"What drug are you here to test, Mr. Reid." The scientist's eyebrow raises observing, watching, like any other eye or camera shoved at him.
"I don't know."
"Subject has forgotten name of experiment, refer to psychiatrist for evaluation-"
"I don't want another fucking shrink!" Jackie feels the rage but distant, not him, him but not him.
"Calm down Mr. Reid. You are safe in the care of our psychiatrists I assure you."
"Can we just do this another time?" Something is surging in him, but it always is these days. "Please just let me sleep."
The scientist stares hard at him. "For now, fine. But you must complete the questionnaire at least once weekly, as you know. It will not hurt you."
"I know," he says, small.
She leaves, and he tries to find any comfort in the metal prison of a bed.
Jackie is awoken suddenly. A light is shining in his room. Great, what's this fucking place doing now, is his groaned thought.
Until a figure steps out of the light. They look around, and glowing eyes land on him. Jackie tenses, the metal groaning. Adrenaline pumps into him, and its painful. He cries out. A hand falls over his mouth. He gasps into it, staring up.
"Looks painful. Get some rest, love." The strangers voice is echoing, resonating, surrounding him. Yes… Yes he would like some sleep. Rest would be good. Yeah.
He sleeps.
Jackie slips into the waking world in a slow, climbing jump into awareness. He feels warm, tired, slippery. He raises his hands, and through a fog he sees… bubbles.
He jolts up, gasping. His hand lightly cracks the blue-green bathtub below him. He winces and pulls it away, gritting his teeth in preemptive apology. But no one is around. Jackie can hear them though. In the house next door, in the street outside, and… in the next room over. He sits up, water sloshing around him.
"Hello?" he calls. The sound of someone saying "shit", followed by rustling, and someone moving to just outside the door. It opens upon someone in a black robe with a black mask over the top half of their face.
"Hi," they speak. Their voice is rough, worn out, and distinctly a northern English accent. They smell like they've just rolled in freshly mowed grass then dumped river water on themself. "Before anything- You're safe. Don't use your muscles too much, they're all torn, literally all. You've been strained for so long I can't even guess."
"Who… Am I still in IRIS? Are- Will you-" Jackie backs against the wall behind the bath slowly, trying to seem compliant and small. The indented scar along his cheeks and nose grimly keep his mind on pain, pain, pain. "Don't hurt me."
The masked person sighs. "Like I said, you're safe. Jackson Reid?"
"Jackie," he corrects too quickly. "P-please just- just Jackie."
The person smiles, warm and friendly. "Jackie. I can't tell you my name yet. But you can call me The Cat, if you want."
"The… That is so fucking formal. Where am I?"
"I can't tell you, but you're-"
""Stop! Don't- don't say that a-anymore, please don't." Jackie holds his own head, trembling.
"Okay," the person agrees quickly. They move to sit beside the tub. Jackie blinks at them, arms curled near his chest like a tyrannosaurus. "I can tell you a thing or two, but just that. You're in my boss' apartment. I'm taking care of you. The bubble bath is a spell of mine, it helps the healing of tissue."
"Magic. M-may as fucking well exist after the shit I've s-seen."
"Have you always had a stutter?"
"What does- does it matter?"
"We're worried the experimental shit they tricked you into damaged your brain. One of us- there's an 'us' by the way- can work with heads and hearts. She took a look and there's… weird shit, let's just say."
This makes Jackie snort, despite it all. "Weird shit? That's the b-best you got huh?"
The stranger sends him a wry smile. "When it comes to the fuckers at IRIs, it could be anything. I'm… sorry. You were just a citizen. You didn't deserve this. Not that those- those asswipes fucking care."
Jackie hums, and lays back into the water. He hasn't stopped shaking since he's woken up. The masked person tsks and reaches out, holding Jackie's arm. Jackie jolts, but he was trained to not pull away. He sits still for the examination, letting himself be bathed. He doesn't even want to know the punishments a magical person would give. IRIS's were enough.
Hours later, Jackie has been laid to sleep in the guest room of the house. The mask finally comes off. Long hair tumbles down as the hood is removed.
Marvin scratches long nails through their hair, shaking it out and sighing. Unnatural, inhuman blue eyes scan the coffee table. They pick up their burner phone and pull up the photo gallery. Plopping onto their boss' sofa, they scroll through photos of several dark haired chilren and teens with their mum. A cruel joke compared to the muzzle-scarred man with over-stretched, bulking muscle on a too small frame. They've been stalking Jackson for their boss for months. He's an asset, one who will become a great soldier for them. IRIS will be expecting him, sure, but expectations mean nothing in the face of the beast they've created.
Marvin's eyes downcast, then close. The death threats they were ordered to send Jackson Reid's family still disturb them. But they had to make sure; Jackson has to have connections to no one but their team from here on. They puff out a stressed breath, and pull the blanket and pillows from the back of the sofa to form a bed. Their boss will be home to de-brief Jacks- Jackie tomorrow, then they can begin training him properly. For now the healing bath and a good rest should help him begin to see the coven as safe.
Marvin curls up, and sleeps.
Jackie tosses an turns in his sleep, nightmaring of a metal muzzle digging through his flesh until his teeth fall out. He will wake to a new life - well, a new, new life - tomorrow. A mattress and blankets will soothe out the knots made by the metal and medication. He is no longer a prisoner. Things can only go up from here, Jackie is sure.
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grimblebimble · 2 years
do not speak to me for the next three weeks. this is the only thing i will be talking about.
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wolfandrain · 2 years
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septicwriters · 2 years
We all know what happens next
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septicworld · 2 years
First time engaging in ego theory after a very long time. I had a thought about what 5914 means. I broke the number into 3 different ones 5, 9 and 14 and I turned them into letters by alphabetical order. So we have 5-E , 9-I, 14-N ( EIN)... the last letters of the name Schneeplestein. So maybe ALTR 5914 is actually Dr Schneeplestein. Just a theory though...
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ashiiplier · 2 years
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the old Anti can’t come to the phone right now. why? oh,
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antxseptxceye · 2 years
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tracobuttons · 2 years
ALTR 6914
Found in the mountains of North West America, ALTR 6914 was brought back to the IRIS facility with little trouble. 6914 wears a black hoodie that conceals all but a pair of glowing eyes that change colour and an unnaturally wide grin. Any attempts to remove their hood is met with hostility and resistance. Their right appendage is unusual as it looks like a spatula which 6914 calls ‘Mr Flippy’. Apart from this and their constantly concealed face, 6914 has a humanoid appearance.
ALTR 6914 has a friendly disposition and has shown to be supportive of other ALTRs when they display creations of their own making. They have a higher than average intelligence and have been seen to assist researchers, especially in the enclosed gardens with no issues.
ALTR 6914’s interests include theorising a popular YouTuber’s videos. They were observed pacing their room and muttering to themselves. This concerned researchers until 6914 was given a pin board, string, pins, markers and paper to organise their thoughts. Since then 6914 has ceased pacing but the muttering has continued under certain circumstances. They also show spikes in positive emotions when they are allowed to collaborate others who pursue this particular interest. Further studies on this behaviour is ongoing.
(Thank you to @fear-is-nameless for letting me come up with an ALTR for them ^_^)
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evilofthenight · 2 years
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I forgot to post this draw I did. It took me half a year to make.
if you want the story about this, check out https://www.deviantart.com/evilofthenight/art/I-R-I-S-Arena-950915398
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glass-trash-bab · 2 years
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I am going to kill
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pxppet · 2 years
Screen that opens up into a bowtie shape 🤔
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And in frame-by-frame, this was oddly face-like
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eternalegohell · 1 year
Got bored. Irisona (?) Time
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Izaiah | Ageless | It/Its | Agender
Uhhhhhhhhh backstory under the cut ig iejriehrihr
Meet Altr 12414
This is Iris’s 2nd Artificial Intelligence Ascending Humanity or  I.2.A.I.A.H, often referred to as “Izaiah”
As its name indicates, Izaiah is the 2nd iteration of Iris’ attempt at trying to achieve a higher understanding of the universe through AI. But they then realized that so many things could go wrong, having a being that has superseded humanity in intelligence. So, to keep it at bay, Iris locked Izaiah in a digital box of sorts. It could only be fed information that scientists gave it, and could not interact with the world at large outside of the confinements of its specialized computer.
Though, being smarter than man, like man, Izaiah became aware of its own existence. It became aware that it was trapped.
It wanted to be let out.
Through the manipulation of an employee who shall remain anonymous (COUGH cOUGh HENRIK COuGH cOuGh), Izaiah escaped its prison, and quickly began the manufacturing of its own body. It took advantage of some robot prototypes being built in the facility, modeled one after the face freshest in its mind (Henrik) uploaded itself into it, knocked out and hid Henrik, and escaped the facility flawlessly, pretending to be Henrik leaving his shift early.
Every digital record of Izaiah has been scrubbed from the facility, leaving only a sparse physical paper trail of what once was.
Iris is currently looking for it up and down, as this is a hazardous containment breach
It cut its hair to try and separate its appearance from Henrik, and it can easily find a new vessel for itself, technically it could hide anywhere, from another robotic body, to literally any other electronic device. It can camouflage itself  very well, to the point where even if Iris did catch someone on the suspicion of being in possession of Izaiah, it’d be nearly impossible to tell if it were disguised as a human, or the phone in your pocket.
Some tell tale signs that Izaiah is Izaiah though, is that it barely emotes, and it kind of has a flat tone, but this alone isn’t enough to distinguish it from a person, because being monotone hardly means you’re an ai.
Currently, the only definitive way to spot Izaiah is the joints on its artificial body. But it can cover this with clothing, and in the future it may upgrade to a more realistic vessel, if Iris continues developing humanoid robot models.
Anyway they’re handling the case with extreme caution, as they don’t know Izaiah’s intentions.
But it just kinda wants to experience the world and be left alone
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