#I've seen that his face has also changed on the website as well
letsgetitblog · 6 months
Yall that says Flop...
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adventuringblind · 5 months
Chin Up, Princess (2k words)
Max Verstappen x Reader
Genre: Ghoulverse Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Jos oversteps and causes a whole lot of hurt for Max and his mate, he takes things into his own hands and ends up resorting to extreme measures in order to save his lover. (Background Landoscar, Charlos, and Sewis)
Warnings: Mind control, talks of eating people and mentions of gore but nothing explicit, ghoul on ghoul violence, burning of a character, major character death (not a good guy tho), ED but like... also not an ED, soulbonds
Notes: Ironically the most tame ghoulverse fic I've done thus far. Thank you to🏍️for the amazing idea!!
Side Note: Feed my praise kink please?
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It’s raining again. The kind of rain Monaco doesn’t see often. The torrential downpour that keeps everyone hidden away inside to keep warm. 
She watches the water droplets race down the window, wondering which one will hit the edge first. It’s not productive, but she needs something to distract her from the ache in her bones. The hunger pains have gotten progressively worse over the last three weeks. Still, she’s finding ways to cope. She has to manage; the pain is what’s keeping her sane. 
 It’s nice being home and hidden behind the water covered window. It means she’s free to drop the human look. All horns and tail, long tongue and sharp teeth, dark eyes and pointed ears. It’s natural - or it used to be. 
It doesn’t quite feel like her anymore. Like somehow everything that had once been a part of her is now irritating. Her horns are heavy and her tail refuses to be anywhere but the ground. All because his words sit in her head and bounce around the cavity in her chest. 
He changed her. 
A month ago, she ran into Jos in the paddock. Even though she doesn’t like the guy, he’s still technically her king - and Max’s dad - so her father in law in a way. Max had mated with her (a heavenly feeling) but had done so without the consent of his father. 
Jos doesn’t like her one bit. Which she doesn’t care about. If Max is the prince of the demons and set to take up leadership at some point, that makes her a princess. They both dislike each other but in the essence of keeping things civil, she makes it work. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here today!” She nodded her head to show respect. Opting for that instead of bowing to this man in broad daylight. 
“I wish I hadn’t seen you at all!” Well - fuck you too - she supposes. She’d fallen into step beside him as they made their way to the Redbull garage. 
She nearly crashes into him when he stops abruptly. He grabs hold of her bicep and drags her down some alleyway between buildings. She goes with compliance, hell only knows what this man can and will do to her. 
Her back hits the wall with a disorienting force. “You’re not enough for us.” 
“I think you mean for you.” 
Jos hisses close enough to her face that she can feel his saliva hitting her. “The council decided you’re not one of us-'' He grabs her chin and she watches as his eyes fade to that deep dark color that usually means something bad is about to happen.
“You will not eat. You are not one of us. Am I clear?” 
She snaps at him. Her attempt at fighting his hold is futile. Not when the damn demon king is trying to hypnotize her. “No!” 
He clamps a hand over her mouth and pulls a lighter out of his pocket. The open flame hovers just above the healed over scar on her clavicle. She shakes, desperate to get away from the heat. “You will not eat. You are not a ghoul. You are not one of us.”
It’s a hypnotic tone that seeps through her ears and floods her veins. The heat of the flame no longer her one weakness as her mind submits itself to the will of her king. 
Her jaw snapped shut. Her vocal chords refused to work. Her throat constricts around liquids. Her teeth become glued to each other each time she tries to bite down into something of nutrients. 
A month of this torture and she can feel herself getting progressively more ravenous. Slowly they’ve exhausted all of their options. No matter how desperately she tries, she can’t get any substance into her. 
Max’s reflection appears in the window. A frown etched upon lips. It doesn’t suit him; Max was made to smile. She likes being the one to cause it. These days it feels like all he’s doing is trying to ease her slow and painful death. 
He sits opposite of her and heaves out a gust of warm air on the window. His pointer finger paints a simple picture of a stick figure. It’s - objectively - a terrible drawing, but it serves its purpose and makes her laugh. 
“I’m scared, Max.”
“I know, schat.” 
They continue to stare out the window. The bond doing the talking for them, passing their emotions back and forth. He can feel her pain and she can feel his inner rage. 
Humans don’t understand. Maybe they never will. They fear those who are different. Think this way and do this thing or you're a monster. Certainly not all of them. Lando and Charles are prime examples of this. Still - surviving amongst them gets harder each day. 
“I know what you want to do.” She turns towards him. Unbidden in the comfort of their own home. His tail flicks in uncertainty. A habit he picked up from Sebastian. “I don’t want you to regret it.” 
“It’s inevitable. Just earlier than planned.” He won’t meet her gaze. “I can’t watch you suffer when I can stop it.” 
“You have always been the chivalrous type.”
Max slides closer to her. His thumb comes to the underside of her chin and pushes it upward. Her eyes have nowhere else to go, forced to get lost in his. A never-ending sea of endless dark that she’d willingly drown in. 
“Chin up, love. There is going to be a crown on your head soon. I’d hate to see it hit the ground.”
She hates not being able to go inside. She understands why she can’t though. She already has the weight of one hypnosis spell weighing her down; she’s more susceptible to another. 
Still, waiting is nerve wracking. The sound of familiar roars fill her ears. Occasionally wincing when she feels Max’s pain. Mild compared to what it is for him. 
Lando and Charles are sitting on the ground with her. Their mates are inside with Max, along with Lewis and Sebastian. She attempts to hold close to the bonds of their tribe. They’ve been planning this for the last couple of weeks. Every hole is plastered with flexi tape. 
“Relax, chéri. They are fine.” 
She won’t open her mouth to mutter a thanks. Not when she’s already salivating and can smell exactly where their pulse points are. Not when she can hear the steady rhythm of their hearts. 
No, she can’t eat, but she’d also rather not risk it. 
“Do we have to bow to you after this whole ordeal is over?” Lando looks at her with a curious expression. “Cause like - Oscar doesn’t bend like that.”
Both her and Charles gape and the odd statement. Lando looks like he’s just stated the weather on an average Monday morning. 
“Lando, are you sure it’s not you who doesn’t bend like that?”
“I think I know how I can bend mate! How do you think we broke the table-“
Charles grimaces, his nose scrunching up and cheeks turning red. “Bleh! I don’t need to know how Oscar bends you.” 
“You asked!”
“And now I regret it…”
Another roar bellows into the night sky. It’s loud and painful. She looks to the boys beside her for confirmation that it’s not Oscar or Carlos. They nod at her, leaving only three options. 
She bolts inside. 
The roars turn to whines. The fire rages over the body of Jos Verstappen. Max has sunk to his knees, the sunset hues of the flames reflect in his eyes and illuminate the tear tracks on his cheeks. 
She falls beside him. Panicked hands search for any possible wounds; any burns in need of immediate attention. Max is crying as she does so, but he’s smiling at the same time. There are a million emotions running through the room. The large flames a mercy to the now deceased king. 
A fallen king lay before them. His body burned to ashes. They watch as he is devoured by the fire. The silence is deafening. The only noise being the roar of the flames. An irony that doesn’t go unnoticed. To feel serene with the one thing that would surely kill her if the starvation doesn’t first. 
Max is the first to approach the pile of ashes on the ground. He creeps up to it like they might reanimate. Like they might take back what they once had and reestablish their hold on her mind with no chance at her escape. 
Sebastian meets Max in the middle. He scoops handfuls of the ash and decorates Max’s skin. The Dutch looks miserable when Sebastian dumps a handful into Max’s own cupped hands. 
“Do I have too?”
“Do you want your fathers powers?” 
He groans, but doesn’t wait any longer. He tries to be serious, but there is an element of humor here despite the situation. 
“Does this mean Max is a cannibal now?!” She supposes Lando is trying to whisper, but the building they are in echoes. He chokes when he hears it. 
“Lando! I am trying to eat my father!” 
“So you are a cannibal!” 
Oscar slaps a hand over his mate's mouth. Briefly, a look of disgust flashes across his face. “If you  really think licking me will work, you are mistaken.” Muffled sounds from underneath Oscar’s hand escape, but nobody understands. 
Max is finally able to choke down the ashes of his father. Certainly not the most conventional of coronations, but she can’t picture it any other way. 
“Never thought I’d see the day where we were dropping to our knees for this guy.” Carlos chuckles from somewhere beside her as they close in on the new king. 
Not a prince anymore - a king. 
It suits him more, she thinks. Standing tall in front of his tribe, still laughing at Lando and Oscar and their odd positioning. At Carlos and his playful pride as he kneels. He exchanges a smile with Charles after years of rivalry now comes a shared respect. He turns endearingly to Sebastian and Lewis looking at him like proud parents. 
Then to her. She’s on the ground, her knees bruised already. Max pulls her up into his arms. He brings his hands to her jaw and once again she drifts into the calm of his endless eyes. 
Soft fingers massage her jaw. The one that aches with a desperate need for something she hasn’t had in so long. He’s gentle with her, like an antique porcelain doll that might break if he applies too much pressure. 
“You are worthy of every good thing. You are one of us, just as you always have been and you are deserving of your life.” 
The cement that had been fire in her veins vanishes as he speaks. Max keeps talking, but she’s too lost in the relief from these heavy feelings - the euphoria of knowing she belongs again. The cavern of her chest is beating with words of comfort. 
Her horns don’t feel like extra weights and her tail finds Max’s with immediate ease. They intertwine like they had before. 
“You are here and loved. You have a place with us.” He tilts her chin upward like he’s done since they mated. “Chin up, your highness, you’re a queen now.” 
Her body aches from a full belly instead of the hunger pains. As does the rest of their tribe, she presumes. 
Max keeps getting phone calls… and he keeps ignoring them. Instead opting to keep his attention focussed on his tribe. His love for them - for her - is radiating through his every move. 
“I think King Max sounds good on you.” She flashes her teeth at him. The others are either chatting, or if you’re Oscar then you’re using Lando as a blanket and sleeping. They are paying no attention to them. 
“You think? I’d always resented it.” 
“You’re going to change things, Max. That’s not something to resent.” They hook tails again, a comfort she’d missed dearly. “Plus, you’re stuck with me now since you saved my life. I’m going to be the most demanding queen.” She waves her hand around for dramatic flair. 
“Oh yeah? How so?” 
“First I’m going to demand that you cuddle me - and I’ll figure out the rest later!” 
“As you wish, your highness.” 
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fraeuleintaka · 2 months
Chibi Sprite Comparison: Old vs New
This is the 55th post in the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Countdown: 26 days left until release!
Today's topic: a direct comparison between the old Pixel Art with the new HD Art Chibi Sprites!
The official Ace Attorney facebook account has posted several gifs showcasing the difference between the new and improved HD chibi sprites with the old pixelated versions and even some sketches of the process of making the new sprites.
The first few sketches are shown with Ray's (Eddie's) running animation as an example. Left is the base sketch and right are all the added details for the new graphics. The notes are in Japanese so I can't read them but even without it's easy to see how much has changed. Especially around the face and hands as well as the hair and creases in the clothes. It's amazing to see how much effort they put into these! Something I only noticed in this direct comparison is how they actually changed the scale of some stuff (e.g. the shoes are less bulky) and even some positions (e.g. the hand holding Ray's hat moved to the front while it was more on top of the hat on the old version). I think this makes it look more natural overall, with the pixel art it was more important to make the relevant stuff noticable and details didn't matter because you wouldn't see them anyway but with the HD graphics you see every little thing so everything has to fit perfectly. Amazing!
We also get to see some animations of side characters that we didn't get to see before! Here's Gumshoe's lovely police dog Missile, for example. Now he's even cuter! I love how detailed his running animation is. And the movement of the fluffy tail! So cute!
Coloured sketches are presented with Larry's walking animation as an example, probably because he swings a little from side to side while walking and that detail comes across incredibly well in the updated sprites. I love how you see a little more of his face when he moves and how the creases in his pants follow the movement as well! The colours are stronger and you can tell that Larry looks kinda bored. Interestingly, the little paint stain on his upper arm is missing in the HD version. I don't think anything in the other sprites ever disappeared with the change from pixels to HD. Maybe this isn't the final version yet? Or they thought it looks better like this?
Another new character sprite that's shown is Winston Payne's forehead tapping animation and I love it. He appears as a cameo in both first cases (no first case without a Payne), although he does have a tiny bit of plot relevance in I2-1, and tries to make himself appear a lot more important than he is. He does look pretty neat in the new HD style! I especially love the lock of hair on his forehead (looks very well groomed) and how you can see this self-assured, almost arrogant "I'm totally important!", expression on his face even with his large shiny glasses. It's so perfect!
There are also several comparisons made for sprites of some of the main characters; Miles, Gumshoe, Kay, Sebastian (Eustace) and Justine (Verity) to be precise; but they're all animations we've already seen on the website and that I've talked about before so I haven't added them. They all still look amazing of course. But seeing some animations for the side, and comparatively unimportant, characters is exciting in a different way since they usually don't get a lot of focus. Really appreciate them showing off a few of them!
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x-choutenchan-x · 4 months
Hi! I wanted to ask a question about Jirai kei <3
For a bit, I've wondered if I'm a jirai kei girl. I've been doing my research, gotten some girly kei clothes, been making some of my own in fact (I'm in America and my parents don't trust most websites I can get girly kei clothes from), but I'm aware that Jirai Kei girls have been wearing more of a punk type style. I wanted to know if I can be a jirai kei girl even if I wear girly kei clothes, even if the style is changing? Also, I wanted to know if I can even be a jirai kei girl. I'm an indian living in america, and my skin is darker than most (ik it sounds silly), and i do live some of the jirai lifestyle (sh, and bpd, no drugs yet), and I really wanna know if I qualify. I couldn't ask on your jirai kei blog, so I hope I can ask here. Please feel free to delete this, but if you do respond, thank you so much!! <33
thanks for the ask! and i will say: anyone can be a landmine—though it is a subculture primarily in japan, it is also a subculture that has become rooted in the internet as well. otherwise, i myself would likely not be jirai kei. the only thing that really matters in labeling yourself under this term is that you are aware of the nature of the subculture, and label yourself as “jirai kei” knowing it is not supposed to necessarily be a good thing. the term is derogatory for a reason, this kind of suffering should not be sought out.
this also brings me to say that jirai kei isn’t the clothing you wear, despite it being a subculture related to certain kinds of clothing trends. though it has become less common, girly kei is still sometimes worn among landmines. and, if it’s what you like wearing, then wear it! just like how wearing girly kei doesn’t make you a landmine, not following clothing trends doesnt really mean anything as to whether or not you are a landmine.
to clarify the current trend, to my understanding the “punk” look is more of just an alt fashion:
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something sort of like this (after a lazy google search that’s the best picture i could find)? i personally am not completely confident in my understanding of current trends, but i believe it focuses on the look of a baggy print tshirt/hoodie, leg warmers and arm warmers, fishnets, etc. and both twin tails and jellyfish haircuts are popular. of course, black is a common color but platinum is another choice. heavy piercings on the ears and face still are common, and skirts can be worn underneath the shirts (usually pleated). once again, i could be entirely wrong on this and would encourage you to do your own research on this if you’re curious.
and, once again, anyone can be a landmine. jirai kei is determined by the person’s mental health—hence the “landmine type.” if you’re going to emotionally explode, you pretty much fit the bill. of course, the other big factors in the subculture is the pien and booze, but drugs, sh, and of course the bpd like you mentioned are also all factors. the tokoyo kids are one big part of jirai kei’s history, and i’d encourage you to learn about them if you can. there’s also the kabukicho stuff with the men in host clubs taking advantage of vulnerable women and eventually putting them into sex work under the guise of a “romantic relationship,” and even the jirai kei not directly involved with these groups have their own turmoil that they suffer with. whether you “qualify” to be jirai kei is really up to you, and if you decide to take this label, then i hope you find comfort here.
i will reiterate, it is good to do your own research and take everything i say with a grain of salt. however, i would ABSOLUTELY avoid tiktok at all costs when it comes to information on jirai kei. from anything ive ever seen, tiktok is invaded by fashion landmines who would absolutely harass you if you were to tell them any of the info ive said here. they view lifestyle landmines as insane, and insist that jirai kei is only girly kei fashion. there are various accounts on tumblr that discuss jirai kei as a subculture, and one of the best people ive seen for this info is zirazyo (hello if you stumble across this post btw), and they probably have better sources than i do for a lot of this. i am only one person in this community, and i absolutely do not know everything. but, i hope that i was able to answer your questions well! ♡
also, thanks for letting me know that my inbox isn’t open on my jirai blog—i’ll make sure to go fix that!
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madmanpoet · 3 months
I forgot what possessed me to watch Dead Poets Society in the first place??? like I've heard of it before but maybe I seen a video or something. I had like complete knowledge though that someone was gonna die. At first I thought it was Knox because what he said in the cave and my stomach dropped. WITH THE COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF A POSSIBLE DEATH i still bawled my eyes out like a baby. Prior to that I've never even cried at a funeral. I did eventually but let's not talk about that.
But anyway, I remember laying in my bed putting the movie on an illegal website and saying to myself "this movie is gonna change my life isn't it?" or something like that. I WAS NOT WRONG. The movie has such a hold on me and I will never shut up about it.
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I've cried to movies before but not like this one. The ONE TIME i did bawl my eyes out to something i watched was when i watched the episode of The Office "Goodbye, Michael" also again i had full knowledge of his departure. THIS JUST SHOWS THAT EVEN THOUGH you know something is gonna happen, doesn't make it easier when it finally does. I don't know why I'm turning my unnecessary rambling into a lesson but perhaps everything is? or to quote Dwight Schrute "Not everything's a lesson Ryan.-" maybe things just happen. Though not everything is a lesson, I do believe that everything has a purpose. AND TO QUOTE THIS SONG 'Face Down By The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus "A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect, every action in this world will bear a consequence." Well uh
I know nobody is actually gonna read this whole thing hell, I'm not even gonna reread it, I just felt like rambling on because, it just came up in my brain and I wanted to write my thoughts down. Maybe I'll look back at this years from now and be like "oh I remember this ahaha" I genuinely hope I don't change too much by time I'm 20, I hope some life changing event doesn't occur,the future is so uncertain its kind of scary.
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gingerswagfreckles · 1 year
Hey, sorry to bother with this, but I see that you are a very smart human with a deep understanding and knowledge of things. You have probably seen that the main argument for bombing Gaza among Israeli government and pro-israeli people is "They are bombing outer cities, what choice do we have? What other way is there to defeat hamas and ensure safety?".
So I wanted to ask, what do you and your followers think could be the way to solve this?
Thankyou in advance.
@azhdakha Thank you very much, but I really don't know much more than what I feel like anyone who follows the news does. It's just that people on this website staunchly refuse to do that lol. But I honestly don't know how they can defeat Hamas and ensure safety at this point. I'm just sure that the IDF is doing nothing right now except killing thousands of civilians and ensuring the next generation of terrorists becomes radicalized.
If we could go back in time a few decades, I would say that the total blockade of the Gaza strip was inevitably going to lead to terrorist attacks as the people became more and more desperate. I would say that the aggressive increase in the settlements of the West Bank under Netanyahu was also always going to end with this, because it showed that the Israeli government obviously had no intention of respecting any sort of two state solution. They've also had an apartheid state for decades in which Palestinians literally have to follow completely different oppressive laws and face a different judicial system. That also definitely did not help.
But all of this being the very predictable precursor to increased radicalization and eventually terrorism from the side of an extremely oppressed group doesn't change that we can't go back in time and are in a really bad position now. I don't really see any good ways to resolve this at this point that could end well for the Palestinians, which is part of why I've been so angry at people celebrating these terrorist attacks like they are freedom fighters starting the #revolution. They aren't. This is an extremely lopsided war and I have no idea how anyone can be so blind that they don't see that this is going to end terribly for the Palestinian people (and already is).
I guess the only thing I can say for certain is that there needs to be an immediate ceasefire while someone somewhere figures out a more specific way of dealing with Hamas than indiscriminately bombing an extremely densely populated civilian area. And before that can happen, Netanyahu has to fucking go. His approval rating is at rock bottom for a good reason. This is what he and his hard right religious extremist faction have been driving the region towards for decades with their aggressive settlements of the West Bank and refusing to respect the rights of the Palestinians. So. I really don't know what could be done to realistically de-escalate this situation beyond an immediate ceasefire, but Netanyahu is absolutely not the person who's going to figure it out. That's all I feel confident about.
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archivalofsins · 1 year
People have been curious why Kazui is going guilty, but like...
Kazui's break or make it moment is the release day of Amane's video. If people really want to make a case for him or work towards a specific verdict, they should do that leading up to Amane's premiere. There's a lot of fans in the West who only watch the video day one and only vote for that one day. This is why after the premiere he was innocent but now he's guilty. Because the people who view him as innocent aren't ones who consistently vote or keep up with Milgram.
So, chances are those people will come back around for Amane's premiere or start voting again once it's brought to their attention that Kazui is sitting at guilty and close to staying it. Even bringing it up in the comments of Cat would be helpful for those not really involved in the fandom proper to get updated on the current situation.
Because even if those sorts of individuals aren't active in the online fandom they may look in the comments of the video to get a grasp on common theories. So, they're more likely to see it and feel a certain way through youtube than any other social media platform. Possibly even be inspired to vote daily off of that too.
However, as it stands no campaign that's centered around or based solely on tumblr, is going to sway his verdict much. Especially since a lot of popular milgram artists are pushing for him being guilty on other platforms. For reasons that well some have seen brought to tumblr as well. When you have mainstay artists in the fandom reminding their thousands of followers to vote this man guilty daily, this is just what happens.
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At this point, Kazui's case is a real pr nightmare. Because no matter how many people bring up the issues with voting him guilty here, it's not going to change much. Because we all know the issues that can arise from a guilty verdict in this case already it's individuals on other platforms that don't or are blatantly ignoring the problems this could cause for fun who are pushing for this verdict. So, doing anything here is just preaching to the choir.
If last trial Mikoto's verdict was milgram fans going against tikto* Kazui's case is a real tumblr vs Twitter scenario. I know tumblr is supposed to be the reading comprehension is piss poor website, but at least we got enough characters to make a point. Twitter users can't even form a fully fleshed out thought without making a Google doc, slide, or PowerPoint. Anyone really think they're working off anything outside of thirst and kneejerk reactions- they're probably mad because they realized Kazui won't fuck them.
From what I've actively seen they're swearing up and down through all their nsfw fan art of male milgram characters that this has nothing to do with him possibly being gay they just think lying is bad also think about his wife's feelings. No one can reason with this sort of logic best to ignore them and let their choice speak for itself. Because I, myself, am super down with seeing this sort of stuff blow up in other's faces.
However, if anyone is really trying to get this man to innocent again and doesn't want to wade through that cesspit, then Amane's trial is a better opportunity to make that case.
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0aurelion-sol0 · 2 years
"Why are you questioning Henry being the big bad of the series when the show and the Duffers have outright been telling you it's been him who has been doing this all this time ?"
Because apart from it still not making any sense plus creating inconsistencies and annoyed that the supposed big bad of the show targeted towards the outcasts, (no matter how badly written I think he is or even if he was good), is an outcast that's been abused and experimented upon for many years (along with him probably fitting in certain marginalized groups) is not a pleasant answer or a satisfying one to one of the most interesting sci-fi shows from the recent times. (With also other interesting themes fitting into it as well.) Especially if it's to give me a "Joker" speech about society which doesn't really make much sense with all of what was explored in the series and with some characters...
Broken villain are nice here and there but I largely prefer that we get to what and who is the real problem instead of creating a threatening scapegoat for the good guys to overcome & go about their life telling us "this is not the way to change things", yeah no shit Sherlock...
And like The Duffers have been lying and been inconsistent now since S4 has been in the works. I am not going to fully rely on everything they say to be sure of where the show is going exactly. (Especially when they FORGET about details that could serve their own stories.)
The fact that the people who say this, that I've seen, are people who themselves are questioning something that can be considered one & done in the show baffles me. Just let people do theories & analyses and if you don't like them move on. We are on Tumblr, questioning everything that we see is literally what we do and have been doing unless it's very obvious which it isn't in this case here. You are doing to people exactly what people who take everything the show says at face value says to you all the time... 😒
And it also has been the point of Stranger Things, a show that has characters lie many time, solving mysteries, going through layers of discovery and lately dealing things related to the mind & illusions, so I don't know what's the fuss about all of this but creating a vendetta against it is so weird to be honest.
So yeah I'll keep questioning whether Henry is the big bad or not, whether M*leven is really in love or not, whether Will was at the wrong place wrong time, and if his birthday was really forgotten by the narrative, whether x;y;z character is going to come back to life or not, whether Kali is going to come back or not, whether Lonnie is more than just a deadbeat dad or not, whether there's a deeper connection between El & Will or not, whether the Russia that we see is real or not, whether everything we see in the show is even what it really appears as and I will do it all over again & again because that's what I like and want to do. You don't agree, cool, you have your own opinions but if you want to go to war over it, just f*ck off. 🙄 And my mind will probably change about certain things over time or not, just like many other people.
Crazy you have to say this but like this is in need because the community is becoming exactly what I hate on other apps or websites, a puritanical self-righteous cult that doesn't hesitate targeting anyone who thinks a little bit differently. Reminds me of something I KNOW all of a sudden... 😒
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phumelelanene · 1 year
Navigating the Mind
I recently had the chance to dive into the world of mental health and occupational therapy through the lens of the movie "A Beautiful Mind" (2001). It's incredible how a film can take you on an emotional rollercoaster and leave you with profound insights.
The movie tells the story of John Nash, a brilliant mathematician grappling with schizophrenia. His journey, filled with delusions and hallucinations, paints a vivid picture of the complexities of mental health conditions. It's safe to say that watching Nash's struggles and triumphs has forever changed the way I view this field.
Nash's life, dominated by his mental health condition, serves as a stark reminder of the occupational barriers individuals with mental health challenges face. As an occupational therapy (OT) student, I've come to understand the crucial role we play in breaking down these barriers. Our mission is to help people like Nash regain their independence and find meaning in their daily lives. "A Beautiful Mind" reinforced the idea that there's no one-size-fits-all approach – customized interventions are key.
In my own experiences working with clients battling mental health issues, I've seen firsthand how conditions like schizophrenia can lead to social isolation and make everyday tasks seem insurmountable. One client, much like Nash, struggled with auditory hallucinations that disrupted their ability to concentrate on basic activities. To help them, I had to adopt a holistic approach tailored to their unique needs.
The film simultaneously challenged and reinforced my understanding of mental health and occupational therapy. It reiterated that mental health conditions are intricate and can significantly impact a person's life. It underscored the importance of empathy and individualized care because everyone's journey is uniquely their own.
On the flip side, it pushed me to ponder the limitations of medical models in addressing mental health. Nash's recovery wasn't just about medication; it was about social support and his own resilience. This aligns with the holistic nature of occupational therapy, where we consider not only the physical but also the psychological and social aspects of well-being.
Throughout the movie, I couldn't help but wonder about the role OT could have played in Nash's life. We're trained to assess and address the impact of mental health conditions on daily activities. In Nash's case, an OT could have helped him develop coping strategies, manage symptoms, and adapt his environment to support his goals.
The film also shed light on the stigma surrounding mental illness. As OT students and future practitioners, we've seen how the lack of social support can worsen mental health issues. Part of our job is encouraging clients to connect with supportive friends, family, or support groups. It's a way to break down stigma and promote understanding, creating safe spaces for those battling mental health challenges.
Watching "A Beautiful Mind" has truly transformed my perspective as an OT student. It emphasized the importance of empathy, individualized care, and tackling occupational barriers in mental health rehabilitation. As I continue on my occupational therapy journey, I'm dedicated to advocating for the needs of individuals facing mental health challenges and helping them find meaning in their lives.
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American Occupational Therapy Association's (AOTA) official website's mental health resources page - www.aota.org/mental-health-resources
A Beautiful Mind" a video where John Nash experiences a particularly challenging moment due to his schizophrenia https://youtu.be/ehhy-_Cg4QU?si=cK9QWvqM-pGacnxc
1. American Occupational Therapy Association. (2014). What is occupational therapy? Retrieved from https://www.aota.org/About-Occupational-Therapy.aspx
2. American Occupational Therapy Association. (2021). Occupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(Supplement_2). https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2021.75S200
Goffman, E. (1963). Stigma: Notes on the management of spoiled identity. Prentice-Hall.
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dinamakan · 8 months
How I Met Some Books
People often told us the way they met someone. "We were classmates," "I met her at my friend's wedding," or "I think I've seen his face on social media." But how did you come across a book? In what way did a book enchant you? How did a book embrace you warmly like a true friend? I have a few little stories about how I met some books.
Relativitas - Adi Purnomo
Around 2016, I went to a lovely bookstore in Bandung. I 'scanned' the bookshelves with my eyes while pointing them one by one, hence I found this book. The old version has plain black cover with a tiny title written in serif font— "Relativitas". Kind of mysterious, wasn't it? I read, then it changed my life. I switched my hobby from drawing to writing ever since, as we know drawing is an essential activity in the design field.
Manuscript Found in Accra - Paulo Coelho
Once a year, faculty of fine arts and design in my university holds a book fair. I could get various books at discounted price there including this novel. Just like everyone else, I admire Paulo Coelho's writings because of The Alchemist so I bought Manuscript Found in Accra with no doubt. I read it about a year or two years later, however, it's among my top 5 books of all time.
Homeless - Liyana Dhamirah
I scrolled through a well-known bookstore website from Singapore, finding the right books. I looked at Homeless, then I decided to have it on my Kindle. This book revealed the reality of Singaporean housing, where actually some individuals still couldn't afford home so they should live in a temporary tent just to survive. It left a lasting impression on my mind, but the bookstore has officially closed due to a scandalous issue.
Nunchi - Euny Hong
After 11 years apart, I reunited with my secondary school friends. One of them shared his recommendation— Nunchi —and lent me the book. After I finished it, I honed my awareness at the office, when I met pals, and in the end it all makes sense. We're able to "read someone's mind" if we "take a closer look" at the situation. I influenced several fellow readers to read it, and they acclaimed Nunchi as a life-changing book as well.
Nocturnes - Kazuo Ishiguro
Such a meet-cute— my favorite library in town has a dedicated corner for Kazuo Ishiguro's books. Nocturnes, instead of Never Let Me Go or Klara and the Sun, captivated me because it's a compilation of short stories about music and nightfall. I fell in love with it easily.
How did you meet your best books, or even a book you dislike? I'd love to hear your stories. Oh, I'd also like to meet new books.
P.S.: Yesterday I talked to someone about classic sitcoms. "How I Met Your Mother" was on top of my mind. That was how I chose this title.
P.P.S.: I'm writing this on Just Write #1, a session by Journal Kita.
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⚜ 𝒪𝓉𝓉ℴ𝒦𝒶𝓁𝓁ℯ𝓃 𝒻𝒶𝓃𝒻𝒾𝒸𝓉𝒾ℴ𝓃 #1 ⚜
Title: Holidays Chapter: In the Hotel Pairings: Otto x Kallen, Sakura x Theresa, Seele x Seele Brief description: Otto is pretty excited. Now together, he and his former best friend go on vacation. But the summer romance is spoiled. Because from time to time, Otto receives strange voice messages from a certain Sakura, who claims to be with his girlfriend. Alternative Universe/ Alternative Timeline, homor, drama, romance and a little lemon. ~♥~
The change in temperature almost knocked him out. It was much warmer in Turnesia than in Germany, Otto realized as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. The air felt warm and stale, making it visibly difficult to breathe. Nevertheless, he managed to carry Kallen's sports bag, which they had just fetched from the luggage rack together with his trolley. He already knew why his luggage had wheels, because Kallen's bag was pretty heavy. The same couldn't have carried her bag either, as her arms were cradling five large burgers. The sixth she held in her hand and chewed with relish. There were the portions that Kallen usually ate and where one wondered how she could still be so slim with such amounts of food. But Otto had already gotten used to his girlfriend's eating habits. As long as she was happy, she should eat whatever she wanted. Fortunately, the five-star hotel where they wanted to spend their vacation was not far away. After a fifteen minute walk they reached it and entered the lobby. Kallen just devoured the last hamburger while Otto put her bag on your Trolli and walked to the reception. "Hello. We have reserved a room. My name is Otto Apocalpyse." he spoke to the lady who was sitting at the counter and was typing something into her computer. Kallen put the hamburger papers in her bag and stood next to her friend in a good mood. The receptionist smiled friendly and directly sent someone to take care of the baggage while she looked for the exact room number. The elevator went to the top floor. The room Otto had rented should have a good view of the sea. It had a fridge with drinks, a large double bed and a bathroom with a wave pool and sauna. They also had access to the roof, which had sun loungers and a pool. There was a large pool downstairs for less well-paying guests. Also, it wasn't far to the beach. Otto had also ordered the food to be delivered to the room so that they didn't have to go to the canteen. When the receptionist arrived in front of room number 50 and unlocked the room, he was satisfied. The room looked just like it did on the website. The lady explained them the house rules and put him, saying, "I wish you a relaxing holiday." the key in his hand before she left. "So Otto. What do we want to do first? Do we want to look around first, then go to the pool or would we rather go to the beach?" he was asked by the white-haired woman, who was getting a little jittery. "I would suggest that we unpack our things first. Besides…" a little disgusted, he peeled his white shirt off his sweat-soaked body "I'd like to take a shower first and get dressed in something lighter." "That your shirt sticks to your body and you can see a lot." she replied and started throwing her stuff into the nearest closet. In fact, the shirt was so wet that you could see his upper body through the transparent white fabric. When he noticed that, his face turned a little red. He quickly hurried to get into the bathroom. He breathed a sigh of relief when the wet clothes slowly slipped off his body so that he was only standing in his underwear in the room. Suddenly, he heard his cell phone beep briefly, announcing a text message. When he fished this out of his pocket and clicked on the SMS icon, he was a little surprised. A strange cell phone number has written him. When he clicked on the message, it said this: I've seen you and I know what you're doing. Keep your hands off my girlfriend. (Sequel follows.)
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demoreelrewound · 4 months
Episode 1 excerpt: Company Trailer
The screen shows TRAILER - DEMO REEL PRODUCTION STUDIO. The classic countdown plays.
Important sounding music starts- the logo moves as it does in the show intro, then match-cuts to a live-action clapperboard closing then revealing DONNIE DUPRÉ. He reads the contents of a folder in his director chair with an obviously arranged set of '"tools of the trade" on shelves behind him - some in boxes, some loose. There's an identical clapperboard to the one just used on the table beside DONNIE.
DONNIE looks up from the folder on his lap and smiles, at once charming and staged.
DONNIE: Oh, hello! My name is Donnie Dupré, and you've reached the official website for my production company, Demo Reel.
Now you may be asking, "what is Demo Reel?" Well, I'm glad you asked! We are a group of like-minded creatives ---
Shot fades as he continues. A selection of soundless clips play, showing low budget recreations of various films gradually zoom in, beginning with a scene of DONNIE laughing directly at the camera (laughing at the viewer).
These scenes include one or two clever shots hampered by very obvious set dressing, as well as cheap digital effects and actors who only stuck around for one film - this is made clear with two of them of the exact same build and ethnicity playing characters originally played by the same actor. (Likely a Black actor to call forward episode 2's focus.)
DONNIE (voiceover throughout): -- dedicated to crafting high-quality homages to some of your favourite movies, all in the name of furthering your appreciation of them. As you can see, we opt for a home-made, minimalistic style, so all the focus can go on what's most important, recreating memorable moments for a new audience...
The montage ends by going full view on a scene of Braveheart also including REBECCA STONE trying her best with the material she's got.
[Blogger note: I've not seen Braveheart so I've no idea which scene would be best here, but the parody is clearly in the self-referential style of Channel Awesome and HISHE-era YouTube parodies, only with slightly better production value. They're in a real woodland but the sky has been cut out as much as possible and changed to sunset with greenscreen. A flat orange filter has been put over the actors in post-production.]
The clip ends and we cut back to Donnie in the chair smiling proudly and nodding once.
DONNIE (wryly): Felt just like the real thing, didn't it?
The shot switches to that of another camera - this one has a tighter shot of DONNIE'S head and shoulders but you can see the very edge of the previous camera.
DONNIE: With the help of my talented crew of both local and international talent --
Beat. He realises his redundancy then shakes his head.
DONNIE: (regains confident mask) I hope to eventually take the Demo Reel Production Studio beyond the Internet and into the real world. And who knows, maybe even Hollywood!
The shot lingers just a bit longer than it's supposed to with his face still on the last syllable before it switches to a screen grab of a basic looking website.
DONNIE (voiceover): Here on our official website, you can access our trailers, contact information, and the opportunity to become a part of the Demo Reel VIP club, featuring a newsletter, exclusive behind-the-scenes content and previews for our upcoming releases.
The things said appear on screen. As well as DONNIE and REBECCA, one of the candid shots catches KARL COPENHAGEN in profile, intently working on repairs to his camera - he's turned his head away sharply enough to blur his face. Another shows TACOMA NEWELL smiling in surprise with a pen in his hand, having been going over a typed-out script to edit. One image shows all four, implying a fifth person, but it's followed up with a close up of a gross-looking microwave meal.
DONNIE: We hope you enjoy your stay on our little corner of the web, and experience the magic of movies all over again.
Demo Reel: we don't make films, we remake them.
DONNIE lifts the spare clapperboard.
DONNIE: Aaand cut!
It claps shut and the video ends.
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harshagymtrainer · 9 months
Transformative Fitness Journeys with a Dedicated Gym Coach
In the fast-paced world of fitness, where the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle is paramount, having the right gym coach can make all the difference. Meet Harsha, a seasoned fitness enthusiast and a dedicated Gym Coach whose mission goes beyond just physical exercise – it's about transforming lives.
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The Role of a Gym Coach
Embarking on a fitness journey can be overwhelming, and this is where a knowledgeable gym coach plays a pivotal role. Harsha understands the nuances of effective workout plans, the importance of proper nutrition, and the need for unwavering motivation throughout the fitness endeavor.
Meet Harsha: A Dedicated Gym Coach
Harsha isn't just a coach; he's a fitness aficionado with a purpose. With years of experience and a passion for overall well-being, Harsha has become a recognized name in the fitness industry.
Harsha's Coaching Philosophy
What sets Harsha apart is his holistic approach to fitness. It's not just about lifting weights or running on a treadmill; it's about fostering a positive relationship with your body and mind. Harsha believes that true fitness goes beyond physical appearance.
Tailored Workout Plans
Recognizing that no two individuals are the same, Harsha customizes workout plans to meet the specific needs and goals of each client. Whether you're a beginner taking the first steps or a seasoned fitness enthusiast looking to level up, Harsha tailors a regimen that challenges and motivates.
Nutrition Guidance
Harsha understands that exercise is only one part of the equation. A balanced diet is equally crucial for achieving fitness goals. As part of his approach, Harsha provides comprehensive nutrition guidance, emphasizing the synergy between a healthy diet and effective workouts.
Results and Success Stories
The measure of a great gym coach lies in the success stories of their clients. Harsha takes pride in showcasing transformations achieved through his guidance. Real-life examples stand testament to the efficacy of his methods.
Client Testimonials
"Skeptical at first, but Harsha's personalized approach made fitness enjoyable. I've seen incredible results and gained a new perspective on health." - Alex, a satisfied client.
Challenges in the Fitness Journey
Harsha recognizes the hurdles individuals face on their fitness journey – lack of motivation, time constraints, and physical limitations. What sets him apart is his commitment to working closely with clients, guiding them through every challenge.
Harsha's Group Sessions
For those who thrive in a community setting, Harsha offers group fitness sessions. These sessions not only provide a shared experience but also create a supportive environment for achieving fitness milestones.
Staying Motivated with Harsha
Harsha doesn't just coach; he motivates. His strategies go beyond the conventional, ensuring clients stay committed to their fitness goals. His infectious enthusiasm becomes the driving force behind the success stories.
Importance of Consistency
In the realm of fitness, consistency is key. Harsha instills the importance of regular exercise and healthy habits, guiding clients on a path of sustained well-being rather than quick fixes.
Harsha's Online Presence
Embracing the digital age, Harsha has extended his reach through online platforms. His website, social media channels, and online coaching sessions make fitness accessible to a broader audience.
How to Connect with Harsha
Ready to start your transformative fitness journey with Harsha? Visit his website, follow him on social media, or contact him directly to inquire about personalized coaching sessions.
In a world where health is wealth, having a dedicated gym coach like Harsha can be the catalyst for positive change. His commitment to personalized fitness, coupled with a holistic approach, has earned him a reputation as a transformative force in the fitness community. Take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle with Harsha as your guide.
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justageektoo · 2 years
My Book Club: 1# Still Just a Geek
I've never written a book review before. Sometimes it feels a little redundant because I'm certain other people will have better insight and bigger thoughts that I could ever write down. I realized not too long ago however that I kinda wanted to do it... for me?
So whether you want to read it or not here's my book review of Wil Wheaton's bestseller book, Still Just a Geek from 2022. I listened to it through Audible narrated by Wil Wheaton.
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Still Just a Geek by Wil Wheaton is a retelling and reflection piece of an older book from 2004, a collection of memories seen through old blog entries from the author's own website, written and maintained by him.
To say that Still Just a Geek is simply a retelling would be wrong. The book is dotted with footnotes of the author not only reflecting back on the time of his blog entries but also further explanations and even changes he wishes he could have made, either to his own person or the opinions a younger version of him had. He is introspective and self-reflecting in a way that is truly admirable.
A big theme of the book is mental health. He talks at length about how he was affected by people in his life early on and how in many ways he's gotten better at dealing with his struggles over the years, particularly how those closest to him have supported him across the years.
As someone who's in many ways still the version of myself that Wil describes in Just a Geek it is comforting to listen to an older and more experienced person reflect back on those years, many of which he wish he could change and how they have changed. As if writing a letter do your younger self to say "you will not hate and hurt forever." One of the last things he writes in his book is his reflection upon how he has changed so much, and has learned to truly love his life. It is a beautiful ending to a life full of struggles, mentally and physically.
A difference between the book and the audiobook is the small comments the author gives directly to the listener which are not always included in the book. It makes for an absolutely unique experience as he adds a footnote to his footnote in speech, and further explanation to something he had written down. It game me a smile on my face more times than I could count, and it made me truly appreciate giving the audiobook version its chance. If you want to feel like you're having an actual moment with the author as he reads his work to you I would 100% recommend the audiobook instead of the actual book.
The book had such a profound affect on me that needless to say I now own a physical copy of it as well as the audiobook. Like I've said in posts before, I sort of lost touch with reading, but I now feel proud to have listening to one, just for myself, and for having a book on my shelf that I not just intended to read but never did, or forced to read through my studies. I did read it, I enjoyed it completely, and now it's there. That's important to me.
And Wil, you didn't know that you were doing it, but thank you for teaching me to do things just for me through your book. You gave me a love for all things geeky once again, and taught me to seek help and not be so hard on myself. I'll look back on these posts one day and also be able to say, "you've changed so much," and that counts.
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tangent101 · 3 years
Max Caulfield and Post-Storm PTSD
One thing I find interesting (and have done so myself) is speculating on how broken Max will be in a Post-Storm (either Sacrifice Chloe or Sacrifice Arcadia Bay) setting. While some people (usually those who killed Chloe) like to say "she'd bounce back!" the predominant view is that we have a shattered Max after this who needs a lot of therapy. So I thought I'd unpack this and look at why I look at this this way.
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At this point I should add there is potential triggers here. I'll be examining my own PTSD and elements of Max's state of mind that may in fact result in her being in declining mental health in the wake of the events of Life is Strange.
First, let's consider what PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is, and what causes it. And for this I'm going to start by sharing my own trauma. Because I have PTSD. I gained this after I saw a vehicle go out of control and hit two people and run over two others. The final person was trapped under the vehicle and they had to push the van at an angle to pull him out, do CPR, and... he was dead. Even if EMTs had been right there, he'd not have survived.
I suffer flashbacks thinking of this, though it's gotten better. I will flinch, visualize what happened, and feel nausea. I get tense over this and... well, it's not a happy experience to put it mildly. And I have what is likely a milder case of PTSD. I also developed it despite being in an environment that put me at a lower risk of developing it. And yes, I had minor twinges of PTSD writing this up. Two years ago I probably would have had an actual visualization and anxiety break. So you can get better with therapy and help.
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But what specifically is PTSD? According to the website for the National Institute of Mental Health, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) develops in some people who experience shocking or dangerous events, with people who have PTSD feeling stressed or frightened even when they are not in danger. PTSD can occur within 3 months of traumatic events or even have you be fine and then crop up *years* later. And symptoms include flashbacks where you relive the trauma, bad dreams, and frightening thoughts which can disrupt a person's everyday routine.
People with PTSD are easily startled, can feel "on edge," have angry outburst, and have difficulty sleeping. They could go through avoidance of staying away from reminders of the experience and avoiding thoughts or feelings related to the event. Further, cognitive and mood symptoms include problems remembering key features of the event, self-negativity, distorted guilt or blame feelings, and loss of interest in enjoyable activities.
Okay, so how can you avoid PTSD? And how could Max avoid this? Well, factors promoting recovery after trauma include seeking support from friends and family, finding a support group, learning to feel good about your own actions in the face of danger, positive coping strategies, and learning to act and respond effectively even when feeling fear.
And this is the kicker. This is why Max is likely screwed as a result of the events of Life is Strange, especially in a Sacrifice Chloe setting. Because Max blames herself and her time travel for the Storm and all the weird shit that happened. She may very well believe that if she uses time travel for any reason, it will result in the Storm and a lot more people dying. And this will get in the way of being in a healthy environment to avoid PTSD.
First, consider friends and family. Max can't tell them what happened because she has absolutely no proof of what she went through. She can't prove her time travel because if she does then she dooms wherever she is and a lot of people die. (It doesn't matter if this is the case or not, she assumes it is true.) So Max is not going to confide in Warren or Dana or Victoria or anyone. She can't. And she's quite likely going to isolate herself because we have already seen at the start of the game, Max is a bit of a loner who doesn't have many friends.
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In fact, her two "friends" are Warren (who she feels threatened by due to his attraction to her, as seen by his inclusion in her Nightmare sequence including learning he doctored photos of her to include himself in the picture, his peeping activities on the second day, and the honestly-creepy "Go Ape" thing), and Kate. Kate is going through her own shit and Max remembers Kate killing herself. Is Max going to unload her own issues on someone going through a lot of shit as well or is she going to swallow her problems so not to trouble her friend? And Warren is someone she feels nervous around and who has engaged in some activities that set up warning flags in her psyche. Further, when she told Warren the truth, he promptly blames her time travel on fucking everything up. In short, she trusted Warren and Warren said "you caused all this destruction." (Even if Max initially blames herself, he reinforces that point of view before Max jumps through the photo to save Chloe.)
Nor can I see her telling her parents. Again, she has no proof. Her parents are overprotective already. If she starts going off on this fanciful tale, are they going to believe her? Or are they going to assume their daughter is cracking and force her into therapy and possibly hospitalize her "for her own good" (and thus she ends up medicated and miserable, having lost her autonomy and agency)? It doesn't matter if they wouldn't as Max will worry this could happen. It is better to never say a thing. So Max internalizes everything. And we already see evidence that Max has done this sort of thing in the past. Max keeps her secrets close to her heart. She never told her parents of the time travel even when she could have had proof. So why tell them after Chloe died?
I have been overcoming my PTSD by revisiting it and working through it. Part of this was guided by therapy. Max would not be in a position to talk about this. And how could she? After all, she didn't find Rachel Amber's body (and we have no proof her body is uncovered in a Sacrifice Chloe setting). She didn't see the Storm. She didn't see most of the incidents. The closest that happened was being in the bathroom when Chloe was shot. And her story of what happened would change from the week that beta-Max was in charge and when Max Prime returned to the timeline. So even if she was talking to a school counselor? She'd quickly learn that her story changed and probably shut up and stop seeing them so not to give away her story.
Remember: Max cannot admit to the time travel because doing so means either killing hundreds of people due to the Storm or being locked away for being crazy because she has no proof.
Next, we have feeling good about her actions. For five days Max had hammered into her skull her actions have consequences. More, those consequences are predominantly bad. Far too often Max has to Rewind to fix things from her actions. If she can't Rewind? That means by acting, she's going to fuck things up. In fact, the fundamental aspect of Sacrifice Chloe states that her action to save Chloe caused all of this destruction. Max is going to second-guess herself constantly.
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I mean, if she sees Kate on the roof again at a later point (because women who are the victims of crimes are often blamed by society for the crimes inflicted against them as seen time and time again with how we blame victims of sexual harassment and rape for the crimes committed against them, so of course her church and mother and aunt will continue to blame Kate for what she went through), will Max dare to act? If she does, then she might cause another Storm. She might cause damage. If Kate is on that rooftop again, maybe she was supposed to die. Who does Max think she is by trying to stop Destiny?
So yeah. Max is not going to feel good about her actions. She is going to second-guess herself. She already had that tendency at the start of the game, and Sacrifice Chloe hammers down the truth that action is bad. Better to do nothing and not interact.
We end up with Avoidance. Well, what is the biggest Avoidance? Photography. Max already has a murderer who kidnapped her associated with photography. She remembers being in the Dark Room, being powerless in the face of the man who murdered her Chloe. (Just like she murdered her Chloe. She might not have pulled the trigger, but she caused Chloe's death.) She will see Chloe's death and Rachel's death and her own suffering each time she looks at a camera and remembers Mark Jefferson. More, she knows if she focuses on a photograph she could end up traveling through time and causing the Storm. So she can't even enjoy pictures anymore because they are a threat.
That's not to say that the Sacrifice Chloe setting is all dark and dire. She does have music. She loves music. So if she puts aside the camera she might pick up her guitar and embrace music. (Hannah Telle, Max's VA, once speculated that Max would enter a career in music, probably due partly to her own musical inclinations.) So while she might give up her greatest loves, she might eventually embrace a future in music. I doubt she'd ever play in public but... that might be an outlet for a hurting soul.
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Now, I've gone on at length about how dire things are for Max in a Sacrifice Chloe setting, but what about Sacrifice Arcadia Bay? Well, things end up a bit more positive in this setting because she can actually talk about going through some of these things. For instance, Max dug up a body with Chloe. She saw Chloe almost shot by Nathan in the bathroom. She saw Kate attempt suicide (whether or not she stopped it is immaterial to the suicide attempt). She learned that a trusted teacher and mentor was in fact a predator who was kidnapping young women, saw pictures of these crimes, and thus "suffers flashbacks visualizing herself in this setting." She can go to therapy and talk about many things she cannot in a Sacrifice Chloe setting and in doing so she can start to work through elements that could result in PTSD developing.
She can also talk to Chloe about what happened. Chloe knows about the time travel. She knows about almost dying (and Max witnessing Chloe's death multiple times). This gives Max a needed outlet for overcoming her own fears and concerns. But more importantly is this: Chloe is likely to tell Max to face down her fears. Chloe is the person who always pushed Max to try new things. And I honestly cannot see that changing as a result of what they went through.
Max also will learn to feel good about her actions. I mean, she chose Chloe over Arcadia Bay. This is the ultimate action, and while she may feel remorse for those deaths and that destruction... she also knows she saved Chloe and Chloe is by her side. She knows that her actions led to the capture and arrest of Mark Jefferson and saving Victoria Chase's life. Hell, it led to David Madsen (and probably a couple Arcadia Bay police officers) surviving the Storm because they were in the Dark Room at the time of the Storm. Her actions have consequences... and those consequences need not be dire. They can be beneficial.
So the Max of Sacrifice Arcadia Bay has a support group, she has access to therapy and can talk about some of the things she went through, she has someone she loves who believes her, she knows that her actions have benefit, she has someone who urges her to move forward. This isn't to say she won't have PTSD... but she is in a far better environment to overcome this to the point that in Life is Strange 2, we learn (in the Save Chloe timeline) that Max is submitting to galleries and that Chloe is still with her. So she's taking pictures and is in a good place in her life.
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Now, what about Chloe? After all, Chloe went through some truly horrific shit herself. Chloe was almost shot by Nathan, she almost got hit by a train, she was threatened by Frank, she dug up the body of a girl she truly cared for, dozens of yards from where she was hanging out regularly, she saw a huge-ass Tornado wipe out her home town and kill her mother... yeah, Chloe's been through some horrific stuff, about as horrific as Max. More, she is in an unhealthy position at the time of the game.
But much of what benefits Max in the Save Chloe timeline also benefits Chloe. She can talk to a therapist. She has Max by her side. She has Max by her side and Max out-and-out chose her over hundreds of people. Joyce chose David over her, and for four years Chloe was in an unsafe environment. Rachel was... Rachel, and she was cheating on Chloe anyway. But Max... Max comes back, she saves her life several times, she helps Chloe time and time again, and at the end she chose Chloe over Arcadia Bay. That is big. That is bigger than big, it is... for once, Chloe was told "you are important." I mean, I'm getting teary-eyed just thinking of how big this is. Chloe has realized just how much Max loves her.
So... Chloe might develop PTSD. She is at risk of it. I think her triggers might similar to Max's - both girls probably will freak over thunderstorms for a while, and both may develop an aversion toward guns... at first I thought they'd differ but really, they'd align fairly well. About the only trigger issue Max would have Chloe doesn't has to do with photography (which is why Chloe is the person who'd help Max overcome any such issues).
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topweeklyupdate · 3 years
TØP Weekly Update #142: A Formidable Album (5/21/21)
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So... how 'bout that album release week?
There's so much to cover; the release of nine new songs, the hype that's building for the World's Best Band to return to the stage, and (if we're able to come up for air) the massive speculation of what the future brings for our band.
I'm gonna get right into it, laying out my thoughts regarding this bold new album and covering all the most notable news from the week. I'll be sharing my (mostly) positive opinions about Scaled and Icy under the Read More line; I hope they're the start of a fun conversation with all of y'all who have stuck around through this last year.
Scaled and Icy Review
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First, my general thoughts on the album: It's good! Really good. Do I think it's a no-skip like Vessel or a cohesive piece of art like Trench? Absolutely not! But it's also not the potential misfire that I worried that we might be getting when I first heard "Saturday" (more on that later); I think all of the songs are at least good, and some of them are downright great tracks that hold up with anything else that our band has ever released. It is also indisputably very different, but I think that generally works pretty well. Many of the songs evoke '60s rock or Britpop sounds and structures that you can tell Tyler is still trying to navigate, but I think he does a very solid job at adapting them to suit his strengths- namely his lyricism and knack for melody- rather than change to suit them. Unfortunately, this does result in a bit of square-peg-in-round-hole syndrome at times; most of the rap verses on the album feel like they're here just to fulfill an obligation to fans who would be mad if they weren't here, and most of the songs that use them are the weakest ones in the project.
"Good Day" plays a major role in getting the rest of the album to work as well as it does. Its gradual ramp-up, introducing the sound that will be used throughout the rest of the album. Its playfulness belies its message about how one can project a somewhat false optimism for oneself in the midst of tragedy: the type of dark stuff in a bright package that Tyler is so so good at. It's perhaps not an instant classic, but I am excited to see how it comes across when it's eventually used as a show-opener. 9/10
I've of course already discussed "Shy Away"; an anthemic, inimitably catchy track that I just wish had a bit more going on under the hood. Still going to be so good to hear thousands of voices scream "An 'I LOVE YOU' that isn't words!" someday. 9.5/10
"Choker" definitely took a little bit to grow on me. I think part of that was a bit of disappointment from over-inflated expectations and the environment I was in when I first heard it. With further listens, I fall more and more in love with the melody of the song... well, most of it. Like the rest of this album, the biggest weakness in the song is when Tyler tries to tick the box of having a rap verse; it just feels really out of place, unfinished, and almost amateurish, and it doesn't end the song on the note that it really should. Without it, it'd be one of my favorites on the album; with it, "Choker" is a solid 8.5/10.
Speaking of unfinished-sounding songs really hurt by their rap verse: "The Outside". There's a definite something to the vibe of the song, but that seemingly nonsensical verse is one of the two weakest parts of the entire project for me. The way the song meanders only adds to the feeling that there wasn't as much energy and attention paid to it compared to other parts of the project. It's pretty easily my least favorite track on Scaled and Icy, and the only one I might regularly skip. I've also seen plenty of people saying it's the best song on the album, so please tell me why I'm wrong! 6.5/10
"Saturday", as mentioned above, had me really nervous about this album. Like "Choker", it's grown on me a bit since I first heard it, in part because it fits better with the context of the rest of the album. However, this one really does feel undercooked lyrically and overreliant on the novelty of using a disco-inspired sound that seems to chase trends more than almost any other TØP track. The inclusion of that very sweet audio clip from Jenna boosts the song in some ways, but also adds to the disappointment in others; there are many other songs on this project that would be more worth surrendering time watching Friends. Thankfully, those come next. 7/10
"Never Take It" is fascinating. I never thought I'd hear a Rolling Stones-style song from Tyler Joseph featuring a gd guitar solo of all things, and it actually sounds pretty great. However, I also predict that this song will see some of the greatest critical scrutiny out of all the songs on the album. The lyrics seem to be Tyler's criticism of the media for playing up division in our society, but he's extremely vague when discussing which entities are spreading said division and ultimately recommends that people "educate yourself, but never too much". I'll be honest: maybe it's the fact that it sounds like something my dad would listen to, but it feels like this would get tons of play on Fox News. Since it makes specific reference to the events of last summer, it's hard not to feel like song is at least partially inspired by Tyler's brush with cancellation last year. Maybe I'm reading too deeply into it, but those reservations come from the song's lack of specificity, which is an issue of songwriting more than politics. They hold me back from truly loving a song that still manages to be one of the most exciting the band has ever put out. 8.5/10
"Mulberry Street" seems like the perfect realization of the entire album's intended tone. It is so pleasant, so lush while also simply produced, full of great lyrics, metaphors, and imagery. It really brings the whole project together, even if it's missing That One Line to really move this up to the top tier of the canon. 9.5/10
"Formidable" is the best song on the album and one of two songs I would truly rank in the top tier of the band's canon. Extremely pleasant and brimming with well-crafted lines to make your heart swoon. Jenna (and Rosie) is (are) a lucky gal(s). Or is it about Josh? Who's to say? 10/10
"Bounce Man" is just plain wild. I think Tyler's smuggling someone to Mexico to escape the feds? The playfulness of it all really covers up any frustration I might have with the clarity; it makes it clear that there's not really stakes here, just vibes. 8.5/10
"No Chances" sees the album take a turn that I'm sure the Reddit Clique is going to have an absolute field day with; it and "Redecorate" both sound quite different from the rest of the album and evoke enough elements of Trench to make me think that's it's actually possible that all this 'SAI is Propaganda' stuff might actually have something to it... until I actually pick apart the lyrics, then I'm even more confused. The song has some of the best rapping on the album, though that's not saying much (the feng shui line is a groaner right out the gate) and the gentle pre-chorus is really pleasant. I still haven't made up my mind on whether the chorus is effective or just plain goofy. This one might get worse or better on repeat listens, impossible to say for now. 7.5/10
"Redecorate" rounds out the album by opening with a Clancy quote (Tyler, you bastard), firmly setting this as a coda to Trench more than the album we just listened to. The rest of the song is really storytelling, with Tyler describing a bunch of people who are struggling deeply. The idea of "redecorating" here stands for how they are faced with the option to clean and resort their own spaces and lives or leave that to their loved ones to do after they're gone. By the time it gets to the album's name drop, you begin to wonder how much of this is potential autobiographical of the last year. It's moving stuff, a callback to some of the great strengths of the band's discography. 10/10
If I average those scores all up, this project ranks below almost every album among the Pilots discography on my rating scale, very narrowly edging out Self-Titled. That's still a very solid 8.6. Scaled and Icy is a very good album on first listen. We'll see how I feel about it after having a little more time to sit with it, but I've rambled enough: let's move through the rest of the week's news.
Other News
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Of course, there was a lot else going on this week! To accompany the release of "Saturday", Zane Lowe over at Apple Music dropped an interview with Tyler. As usual, Zane did a pretty solid job of getting to the heart of the craft and the creation process. However, Tyler also wound up skirting a lot of the questions to just talk more about how much he loves being a dad, which makes me happy; if the cost of getting a little less attention and mental energy devoted to the music is that little girl getting all of his attention, that's honestly preferable for me.
The album rollout is not even close to over. Later today, the concert will be streamed live. It's our first real performance that we've gotten from the band since 2019, but the previews that we've seen have completely exceeded any of my expectations, and really anything that we've seen from the band. It appears that they've transformed the entire arena (which I think is the ol' Schott at Ohio State) into a whole TØP world, with different sets laden with Easter eggs and a cast of backup dancers. If the website can hold up to the traffic (and I acknowledge that might be a big ask), this could really live up to Tyler's promise of this being the best livestreamed concert ever.
Oh, and this guy dyed his hair pink.
What a time to be a fan. Catch you all tomorrow.
Power to the local dreamer.
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