#I've seen nobody talk about it which is a crime
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boss-poss · 10 months ago
You'd think a game that looks like this
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would be an asset flip with a filter over it and it kind of is to a degree but it features shockingly complex attack combo and dismemberment systems that together single-handedly make it worth playing.
I won't lie and say that the few same levels and rooms don't get old after a bit but there's a dozen or so classes that all play completely differently and just killing stuff is fun enough. Kind of a basic roguelite but you play it for the combat, not the progression. I would highly recommend if you like stuff like ultrakill.
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weediee · 7 months ago
All so oblivious
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Summary: Y/N has a neighbourhood friend over, Margaret. A regular talk with some tea and cakes quickly turned into a much more sinister and bruting talk.
E/N: Thank you all for the support in the last one, really, I am so grateful. I'm very glad you all enjoy my writing - I will continue to keep everyone updated! ❤️
Trigger warnings: This story contains talk of murder, blood, and abuse and is not suitable for young audiences. Please let me know if I missed anything!
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"You know, it really is unfortunate. So many young people, innocent people, suddenly going missing." Margaret said solemnly. I was standing in the kitchen, cutting an apple Danish I had made for Margaret and as I hummed quietly in response, not paying much mind to her theatrics.
"I mean, what person could go and do such heinous things to such lovely people with long lives ahead of them." She pinched the space between her brows.
I paused, the knife in my hand scraping gently across the board as it came to a halt. "It's surprising you think all these people are innocent, Marg. We really don't know." I mumbled softly.
"Innocent or not, nobody deserves to die. Especially all those young boys." Marg scoffed at my response. She had always been this way, devils advocate. It was one of the few reasons that over the years I'd begun growing a dislike for Margaret. She was too sympathetic for the wrong people.
"Those 'young boys' with 'promising futures' were nothing but abusers! Every last one of them." I spat aggressively before composing myself. "Each of them had no right wandering our streets."
Margaret's voice quickly halted, one of the rare occasions she kept quiet.
"You're disgusting." She growled, I could hear her glass being placed on my table and the sound of the wooden floors creaked as she stood up to her feet.
"Why are you so against these people being alive. It's almost as if you have something to do with this all you know?" She added onto her statement.
"Me? knowing something you all don't?" I let go of the knife, turning to face her as I leaned against the kitchen countertop. "Margaret you're being silly. You must really go home, you're probably having post partum delusions again-" I was about to step forward before she stopped me.
"Don't come near me! You had something to do with this didn't you. I've been trying to tell everybody you and Alastor are too perfect for your own good, nobody listens to me. You're sick." She yelled.
"I'm not sick, Margaret. You are the one spitting nonsense!" I screamed back, my voice raising ever so slightly above hers. "How dare you come into my home and accuse me of these crimes." I shook my head in disappointment.
I moved my hand behind me, grabbing the knife slowly. "I will hand it to you though, you are correct." I shrugged.
"W-what?" She asked softly, hands dropping to her sides and clenching into fists.
"I know, Marg. It's a shame... I really did like you, but you've always been so loud mouthed. So nosy, always in somebody else's business when it's not yours to be concerned about. Me and Al can't have that. We have a reputation to uphold." I smiled softly.
"I mean, what would the papers say if they found out?" I laughed softly.
"You're a psychotic bitch! You know that." She screamed.
I hummed, nodding my head. I glared Marg up and down, tears could be seen falling from her eyes as they formed over a glossy shine.
"Before you die, I'm going to tear that tongue out of your mouth so you never speak about me or my husband again." My smile quickly dropped into a flat line.
I was as she quickly attempted to scramble to the front door, which was unsuccessful as she tripped on the rug. I quickly ran over, flipping her in her back to look up at me.
I smiled, pulling the knife atop my head with my hands before plunging it into her chest repeatedly. Once, twice, a fourth time, a fifth, as far as twenty before I stopped counting. There Margaret laid, in a pool of what looked like melted rubies. I stood up, leaving her in her final resting spot as I carried on with my day.
Cutting the Danish, doing the laundry, pouring Alastor his whiskey for when he got home. He could deal with Margaret when he arrived, but the whole time I finished up my jobs - the only thing on my mind was "They're all so oblivious."
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E/N: How do we like this one? Yay or nay? Feel free to be honest (and feel free to send ideas)
Reminder to have a dandy day everyone!
- Weedie 🌹
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outlawruben · 9 months ago
I love when quote generator is accurate here’s a few that I got:
Sean: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products!
Sean: *sprays hairspray in his mouth*
Sean: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good.
Dutch: If there are no questions, we'll move on to the next chapter.
Arthur: I have a question.
Dutch: Certainly, Arthur. What is it?
Arthur: What's the point of human existence?
Dutch: I meant any questions about the subject at hand.
Arthur : Oh.
Arthur: Frankly, l'd like to have the issue resolved before I expend any more energy on this
Dutch, to Hosea: Well, one of us has to be wrong and it's not going to be me.
Dutch: If you really want to get back at a man, scare him with a pregnancy test. I've got a whole box of old positives at my house.
Micah: You're an American treasure.
Arthur: I'm going to get myself some soup.
Hosea : Be careful not to burn yourself, it's hot.
Arthur: Pfft, I won't burn myself.
*30 seconds later*
Arthur, entering the room: I burned myself
Pearson: Tommorrow's garbage day.
Sadie: I can't believe they made a whole day dedicated to you.
Arthur: Oh, they left the bowl out?
Arthur: It says, "Take two pieces of candy."
John: Nobody around though...
*John grabs the entire bowl and runs off with it*
Arthur : NO -
Dutch : Are pigeons drones?
Hosea: What? No, I'm trying to sleep.
Dutch: Think about it. How come you've never seen a baby pigeon? And why do you never actually see a pigeon nest? Because they're DRONES!
Hosea: *Crying* Please let me sleep...
Charles : Are you ready to commit?
Arthur: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Dutch: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Hosea: Aren't you forgetting something?
Dutch : Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Hosea's forehead before running out.*
Hosea: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you??
Arthur : I'm trash.
Charles : As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7:00 work for you?
Arthur :
Arthur : You smooth motherfucker. And yes, it does.
Javier walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: John, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
John, sipping coffee happily: I love you too
*Sadie comes home absolutely drunk, undresses, and stands in Abigail's bedroom.*
Abigail: Babe, are you.. coming to bed?
Sadie: No thank you, I'm sure you're lovely but I have a girlfriend.
Sadie: *Lies on the ground and falls asleep*
Abigail: ….
John : This date is boring!
Javier: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
John: Then why did you invite me?
Javier: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Javier I'll do whatever I want!”
Sadie : Talk dirty to me, baby~
Abigail: The dishes.
Sadie : Wh-
Abigail: They've been there for 4 days and it's your turn to wash them. You still haven't cleaned them and I have asked you to do it several times.
Thank you.
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reasonandempathy · 10 months ago
The weird radical/revolutionary politic larpers on this site are so allergic to political pragmatism I swear lmao. I am definitely left of the Democratic Party and I am certainly voting for Joe Biden in November. Not because I like him (I don’t). He is absolutely horrific on Gaza and that’s only the top (and priority considering there is a genocide going on there) of a list of complaints I have about him. I even voted uncommitted in my state’s presidential primary (the Pennsylvania one; I had to write it in) to protest. However, I’m still thinking pragmatically. Trump has said things that make me credibly think he will be worse on Gaza (insane that being worse on Gaza than Biden is possible but it is unfortunately), and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Project 2025, the potential for him to appoint more deeply conservative justices, more of his aggressively screwing over poor and middle class people with his tax policies. And does anyone else remember the spike in hate crimes after the race was called for him in 2016? Before he was even inaugurated? Whether people vote or not in November we will still have to deal with one of these two men in office come January unless all of the internet ancom larpers overthrow the government by then (doubt), so I’d rather deal with the one who will be marginally less bad and who didn’t try to overthrow the government. Can’t have your revolution if nobody’s alive cause you kept pushing off politically participating because there was no perfect option. 👍
Political pragmatist anon, sorry for ranting in your askbox but I feel like I lose brain cells watching these people talk. The other day I saw someone say Biden is bad because Roe v. Wade fell under his administration… even though the reason for that was Trump appointed justices. 💀 (2/2)
Fucking insane. Sincerely.
It's a completely, flatly binary choice for anyone with a brain stem and sincerity. It's distilled into the two below images:
Where all major third party candidates are even on the ballot
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How many electoral votes the largest of those (green party, a.k.a. Jill Stein) would win if they won every single state they're on the ballot for.
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They are literally, legally, incapable of winning the election. They are not on enough state ballots to win and Jill Stein would need to somehow win California and Texas to even "win" all the states they're on the ballot for. Which, again, would still not be enough to win the presidency and throw it to the currently existing Republican House of Representatives. Which would put Trump in office.
It's that straightforward. That simple. That BLARINGLY obvious to literally everyone except these people.
On the one hand you have:
Significant and continuous support for Israel and it's genocide
Record levels of pardons for low-level drug offenses
the gearing up of the strongest anti-trust regime since the early 20th century
the most aggressive NLRB I've seen in my lifetime, with massive wins and institutional changes to help workers
Including getting Rail strike workers a week of sick-leave that gets paid out at the end of the year, which is better than NYC and LA sick leave laws
Millions of people (not enough) getting student debt forgiveness
Some trillion dollars (not enough)of investment in renewable resources and infrastructure
Proposed taxes on unrealized capital gains (a.k.a. how billionaires never have any money but can still buy Kentucky, Iowa, and Twitter)
Effectively an end to overdraft fees
The explicit support of leftist world leaders like Lula de Silva. Who he has explicitly worked with to expand worker rights in South America.
Has capped (some, not enough, only a tiny amount really but it's something) some drug prices, including Insulin.
Reduced disability discrimination in medical treatment
Billions in additional national pre-k funding
Ending federal use of private prisons
Pushing bills to raise Social Security tax thresholds higher to help secure the General Fund
Increasing SSI benefits
and more
Said Israel should just nuke Gaza and "get it over with"
Personally takes pride in and credit for getting Roe v Wade overturned
Is arguing in court that the President should be allowed to assassinate political rivals
Muslim Ban Bullshit, insistently
Actively damages our global standing and diplomatic efforts just by getting obsessed with having a Big Button
Implemented massive tax cuts on ich people, tax hikes on middle class and poor people, and actively wants to do it again
"Only wants to be a dictator for a little bit, guys, what's the big deal"
Is loudly publicly arguing that the US shouldn't honor its military alliances after-the-fact
Tore up an effective and substantial anti-nuclear-proliferation treaty with Iran
Had a DoEd that actively just refused to process student debt forgiveness applications that have been the law of the land for decades now
Has a long record of actively curtailing and weakening the NLRB and labor movement, including allowing managers to retaliate against workers, weakened workplace accommodation requirements for disabled people, and more
Rubber stamped a number of massive mergers building larger, more powerful top companies and increasing monopolistic practices
Fucking COVID Bullshit and hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths
Openly supporting fascists and wannabe-bootlicks ("Very fine people" being only the beginning of it
It's really not fucking close.
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fawnprincessblog · 5 months ago
Hi everyone, guess who's back.
After 2 months of absence i've decided to bring myself back on here and explain some things that have happened.
After publishing a post a while back regarding incest, i had recieved a lot of hate since then. When i posted it I had no idea how much hate I was bound to receive from all of you once you guys saw it, and honestly i didn't think it would get that much attention. After realising it was clearly causing so much hate I posted an apology, which all you also thought was total shit, so I deleted that too.
And right after, I was bombarded with an ungodly amount of death threats through my inbox, people asking me to kill myself and end it. It was a whole lot, and I really didn't think that one measly post would set you guys off so fast. And honestly I was surprised to see how much there was. My inbox was full of them, and I couldn't handle it all.
Soon enough as expected one person had gone anonymous, sending inbox messages to my followers to report the 'heinous crime' I've committed by posting one silly thing, which by the way, put out a lot of false information. The person was over exaggerating, putting shitty words in my mouth. And I'm here now to talk about all the accusations the person has made. To the people who recieved the inbox message, here's your real explanation from the blogger who made the damn posts.
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1. I 'nonchalantly' wrote twincest about Tom and Bill.
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First of all, I have never in my life intended to ship the damn twins. If you have checked tumblr well enough, you should be aware there's tons of threesome sex fics about Tom and Bill, where they both fucked the reader at once. And if you fucking bothered to read my fic properly and not jump to conclusions to try so damn hard and cancel me, you'd know damn well Tom and Bill never even touched eachother in the fic that I wrote. They didn't have sex with eachother, they didn't DIRTY TALK eachother, and they did NOT do anything that would have come across as incest.
They both simply fucked the reader and talked to the reader, having nothing to do with each other in the fic. Get your damn facts right b4 you try to sound like a fucking smartass.
2. I want to be 'chained up and used.'
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Kinks and fantasies everyone, c'mon. People have FUCKING KINKS. And mind you, this is tumblr. If you srsly see shit like this and start acting out because it makes you sad then clearly it's not for you so like just scroll? You have a damn finger, don't you? Unless, y'know, you cut the damn thing off.
Anyway, I think it's pathetic you're acting all petty over it cause you wanna cancel someone so bad and be the fucking hero of the day. Nobody cares, cunt.
3. I wanted to 'abuse' Bill.
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To clarify this one, I do agree that the term 'abuse' was too strong. I don't intend to fucking abuse the poor guy, I just had no idea how to fucking word my sentence and how I was trying to get the damn message out. I've already edited my post on this one. So, chill out.
4. I'm 'anti-lgbt'?
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This shitty one has been going around a LOT ever since I posted something regarding how annoying Bill was in the Kaulitz & Kaulitz series, where he talked alot about his sexuality.
First of all I'm not fucking homophobic. To let you guys know I am a Catholic Christian, (ik, not a very holy one) and supporting the lgbt community is definitely not on the list. And even if so, I do not disrespect anyone who's part of it. We aren't told to treat you guys any less. And for me, although I never encouraged the idea, I don't look lower on the person. Even I myself catch myself in a 'lesbian-feeling' situation sometimes.
And if you've seen the comments on the post I made about that Bill thing, all the comments agree with my anyway. We all collectively agree he went a little overboard but so what? I'm just saying. Suck on that, stupid hoe!
5. I support pedophilia.
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Babe, check the post again and see how many people were totally okay with the damn post in the first place. I have never agreed ever that pedophilia was okay, and there's tons of older Tom fics with this age gap. Please, istg, do your research before crying over spilled milk to save yourself the embarrassment.
And, to let y'know, who ever sent these inbox messages, one of the friends that you sent these to���I think her name was 'pain of l0ve' or smtg—was totally one of the biggest supporters on that post asking for a full blown fic of older tom and the 17 year old girl. She uses to be my follower too. Dw, I have a screenshot before she blocked me and tried to act all shocked and surprised that I post those malicious things you said! ^^
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mm...that really pissed me off ngl 🤷‍♀️
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Anyway, that concludes it. Hope this answers your questions about all this misinformation that this person has spread in attempt to cancel me.
I also just want to put it out there that I'm really sorry for posting something like that, and now looking at it I do agree that it was weird. I apologise for anyone who got uncomfortable. All the death threats I've received weren't necessary though. I don't ever think it's right to go that far on anyone. Please be mindful sometimes. Other than that, I'm really sorry.
And I also wanna thank @itsangelll for being there for me when I couldn't answer all the haters myself. Girl you really helped me out, standing up for me and explaining the situation. Ilysm always 💗💗
But for the cunt that sent out all the inbox messages, I hope you had fun doing so anyways :3 I really do appreciate all the stalking and effort you put in just for me so you could cancel me and be heard! 🥺 Seriously the hero of the day! You really read through all my stuff so you could dig out the littlest things! Talk about dedication!! Quite obsessed I must say.
Kisses, love ya! 💋💋💗
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velvetvexations · 7 months ago
Mother Velvet I just saw someone being very wrong about transandrophobia and I am being soooooo strong by resisting my desire to message them with a correction. I want, very badly, to (gently) correct their misunderstanding of what transandrophobia is and what people are actually arguing for. Unfortunately I am also of the knowledge that this is probably not a misunderstanding and that they would not listen to anything I say, and that even a gentle "hey that's not what people talking about transandrophobia are saying, that's not the conversation being had" would cause an argument that does more damage to me than just seeing them be wrong in the first place.
I want to say, no, transandrophobia isn't about men being the PRIMARY target of misogyny, that's not what we're saying! I won't say nobody is saying that because someone inevitably will have bad ideas about things, but the broad conversation around transandrophobia is that transphobes see us as women trying to be men and treating us with both misogyny (for being a woman incorrectly, and just having been born female to begin with), and malgendering us (for the crime of trying to be men, which is ontologically impossible for a silly wombyn to do and therefore must be corrected by showing that Dumb Idiot Baby Girl how impossible it is to ever really be a man). It is not, really, seriously not, about how transmascs are the real primary target of misogyny and everyone else is just collateral. It is not us wanting to be the victim, or wanting to barge into marginalized spaces and control the conversation to make it All About Men. It is not trying to argue that misandry is a systemic force. It is not equivalent to being an MRA blaming feminism for the suffering of men.
People talk a lot about how transmascs have a "toxic masculinity problem" and think that it's, like, some inherent aspect of being a man, or that we're trying so hard to be men that we uncritically repeat and reinforce toxic masculinity. As if trans people of all stripes aren't forced to perform the highest standards of their gender in order to be recognized as their gender, as if it's somehow unheard of for trans men to be forced to perform the height of masculinity in order to be recognized as men. Trans men are held to a higher standard of masculinity than cis men because we have to prove to the transphobe that we're "real" men! Cis men already have to perform masculinity to an extreme degree under threat of degendering, do people think that just doesn't exist for trans men? That it isn't worse for us (compared to the cis man) because degendering is misgendering and we have to fight tooth and nail for every shred of recognition as men? The only problem people are willing to accept transmascs have is the toxic masculinity issue, and that is at best seen as a very bad personal failing (and at worst an inherent aspect of Being A Man, and so also a personal failing for anyone who would "want" to be a man; the thought, even from other trans people, is that we "chose" this and so it's the bed we must lie in). Because we are men, because men have no problems, because transmascs trying to discuss their experiences with misogyny are just trying to take from women, trying to control the conversation and deny the reality that others are targeted too.
The idea that transandrophobia is saying we're the primary targets of misogyny is wrong, and I'm being so restrained by not saying anything to that person, not trying to correct them, because even though it's eating me up inside I would be even more hurt by whatever they say to dig in their heels as a response to me. (I sincerely hate that my autism will not let me let go of this stuff! I wish it would stop and that I could see people have Different or even Factually Wrong Opinions about the world without feeling personally betrayed but here I fucking am I guess; this isn't the first time I've come to your inbox to vent about it, I don't have anywhere to talk about these feelings so all I have been able to do with them is suffer through them until I can shove them into the little box in the back of my brain and hope I don't get intrusive reminders of them)
Y'know, I've experienced a lot of transphobic violence, from the emotional to physical. I was kicked out of my home by family members. I had to fight to be accepted as I am, and still have to fight because I don't pass, can't bind my GGG-cup breasts for medical reasons, am too disabled, too short, too mentally ill, too autistic. I was prepared for that, I knew I would be fighting an uphill battle. Trauma doesn't work right for me, I don't find stuff traumatic that should be, and do find stuff traumatic that shouldn't be; because I was prepared, because I knew what I was getting into and knew I would be happier as a man anyway, I have not been traumatized by the transphobia I have faced.
What I was not prepared for, what has stuck with me longer and hurt me more than being thrown out of my own home or threatened or beaten, was how other trans people treated me. How alone I was in a support club for the trans community at my university, in a class about trans art with nothing to show for trans men but boys don't cry and a drag race supercut from the professor's boyfriend, being told I was the wrong kind of trans for the community around me, that nobody knew what to do with me, and treated me like I was an invader desecrating some sacred soil.
In trying to talk about my suffering, I am taking up valuable space that could be given to someone else, someone who is not a man. In talking about the issues I have faced within the trans community, I am attacking trans women, trying to steal misogyny and claim I'm the primary target. It doesn't matter what I say, how gently I try to correct them, how much proof I have that those are not the conversations or goals of discussion, because that's what they want to believe about transmascs. That's the vision of transandrophobia they have. There is no way for me to change the mind of someone who willfully misinterprets what I'm saying.
I'll at least put this in the tag this so people can see it. <3
Transandrophobes are constantly assuming the most bad faith interpretations of what's being said and it's so exhausting even to observe. They're unthinking zombies reblogging second-hand shit about terms they have zero understanding of. It's infuriating just to observe let alone experience first hand.
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tripod-fish · 1 year ago
conservatives want to genocide trans people & imprison sex workers in the next election - cis people are in danger as well. nobody is talking about this, so REBLOG IT.
REBLOG THIS. i do not care if this doesn't fit with your blog. conservatives, if the next president is republican, want to implement things that involve killing/jailing trans people, information control, actively stopping efforts to stop climate change, etc. if a twitter thread is more digestible, you can find one i made here. RETWEET IT.
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so fucking nobody (that i've seen) is talking about this and i've only seen 1 tumblr post about it with less than 6k notes. @asterosian was the one who brought this to my attention, and here's his post: https://ganbreedings.tumblr.com/post/727921195127865344
the document, which can be found below this paragraph, is ~1000 pages long and i know nobody on tumblr has the patience to read that. use ctrl+f on this pdf (link is to view it in browser) to look up specific topics. in this post, i will be briefly discussing some of the things said using textual evidence and citations. https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
just some of the things this document talks about are:
wanting to imprison trans people for existing, make discrimination of people legal in the workplace, punish education about the existence of trans people, make sex work illegal, make education about sex illegal, make contraception unaffordable, ban the week-after pill, imply fatherhood is a requirement, ban education on real american history, ignore other governments, seal the borders, enforce the death penalty (including for trans people for just existing), stop efforts to end climate change, fund the military, claim OAR science is theoretical and downsize it and NOAA, eliminate critical race theory in education, want to eliminate teaching of critical race theory based on a gross misunderstanding, eliminate diversity, the teaching of marxism's existence, "deleting" words regarding queer and reproductive topics, and so much more.
we trans people are called pornography:
"Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology sexualization of children..." (page 37)
and conservatives want to outlaw pornography and say those who distribute it should be imprisoned. if trans people are pornography, is not going about our day outside distributing porn?
"Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned" (page 37)
they also support the death penalty and say that "child sexual abusers" should be given that. i am not disagreeing that CSA is bad; it is. i'm talking about how they're going to classify trans people as that for exposing minors to "porn" for simply going out in public. by saying this, they are using roundabout language and logic to say trans people should be given the death penalty.
"It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes...crimes involving...sexual abuse of children..." (page 554)
they don't want people to be taught about our existence. and they don't want sex taught at all; even safe sex.
"Educators and public librarians who purvey [porn] should be classed as registered sex offenders..." (page 37)
sex education needs to be taught, period. and if they're going to ban abortions and contraceptives, it especially needs to be taught.
"HHS should rescind...preventive services...preventive services include contraception..." (page 483)
"Eliminate the week-after-pill..." (page 485)
they want to ignore what other countries say.
"International organizations and agreements that erode our Constitution, rule of law, or popular sovereignty should not be reformed: They should be abandoned" (page 12)
they want the border SEALED and illegal immigration ended:
"Illegal immigration...ended...the border sealed..." (page 12)
and, of course, more xenophobic shit about china:
"Economic engagement with China ended..." (page 13)
"[Universities funded by the CCP should] lose their accreditation, charters, and eligibility for federal funds" (page 13).
they want to stop efforts to end climate change:
"Repeal climate change initiatives..." (page 508)
and downsize funds given to the government division (OAR) that forwards its information on climate change to the NOAA, and they want climate change research "disbanded":
"...[OAR climate change research is] theoretical..." (page 676)
"...disbanded..." (page 676)
they want critical race theory and gender ideology erased from schools because they "poison our children". they are erasing things from being taught; and critical race theory isn't about affirming one's characteristics. it's for showing that white people are on top and that it needs to change:
"...'critical race theory and 'gender ideology' should be excised from curricula in every public school in the country..." (page 5)
"These theories poison our children..." (page 5)
"...affirm the color of their skin fundamentally determines their identity and even their moral status..." (page 5)
and they straight up don't want america's history being taught. america is founded on racism, tears, oppression, etc. they don't want this taught because they don't want people knowing real american history. so they can't see history repeating itself:
"...racist, anti-American, ahistorical propaganda [in] America's classrooms" (page 8)
they want discrimination based on queer status and "sex characteristics" legal. this is said in regards to the military, but it won't stop there. and "sex characteristics" means YOU, cis people. you can be denied things just for having boobs or a beard. even if you're cis:
"Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics" (page 585)
"...abolish newly established diversity, equity, and inclusion offices and staff" (page 103)
and misinformation is present of course by saying gender-affirming care causes irreparable damage:
"...'gender transition' procedures or 'gender-affirming care,' which cause irreversible physical and mental harm to those who receive them"
and, quite abhorrently, and i quote, they want words related to queerness DELETED:
"This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity ('SOGI'), diversity, equity, and inclusion ('DEI'), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights..." (pages 4-5).
there is... SO much more i could cover. but i need to cut it short somewhere. and remember: this affects everyone.
cis people, you can be discriminated against for "sex characteristics", which includes things like breasts or facial hair. transphobic queer people, you can and will be discriminated against for your sexuality. your children are at danger of being taught deliberate misinformation at school. america is sealing itself off in a fascist bubble; as much as it hates countries like china and north korea, it is doing the exact same thing. and climate change regulations want to be repealed and climate change science is called "theoretical". this isn't even just about america anymore; this is about the whole world.
vote in the 2024 election. vote democrat. don't let the "mandate of leadership: the conservative promise" by the heritage foundation make this shithole country even worse.
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theshslpumpkinghost · 6 months ago
Rose Ch2 Culprit Theory!!
(Spoilers for Ch2 Ep12! (and literally every episode before that too)
(i know it probably isn’t her, but i wanted to post my theory regardless! Also, this is unfinished, I just wanted to post it before Ep13 comes out- I’m so sorry to anyone who reads through my stupid little rambles-)
(reminder that all of this is silly stuff my brain thought of while i was sleep deprived after ep12 so- none of this is probably relevant-)
I was looking at DRDT culprit theories for Ch2 and randomly though what if it's Rose-? 'Cause after they found the body, Rose was right outside the room, in the hallway- She was the one who found evidence that nobody else would have found, since it was hidden in the trash can, and more than that, it was evidence that specifically framed someone else. She mentions not wanting to see the body, so she's unable to help with the crime scene, unlike in ch1, where she helps by using her photographic memory to draw a picture of the crime scene before it got disturbed.
But WHAT IF the reason she doesn't want to go in is because she doesn't want to end up accidentally revealing herself as the killer- Like- First off the BDA thing, where 3 people who hadn't seen the murder needed to set it off- This isn't actual evidence, really, but i thought i could mention it- uh- Anyways! Another way she might reveal herself as the killer is being too- useful- Like, how Min volunteered to help Teruko investigate in Ch1, but it was actually just to make sure Teruko didn't figure out it was her. So- Rose could've made a fair assumption that Teruko or someone else could be suspicious- And so she used the excuse of not wanting to see the body as a way to get out of it.
The reason she might want to escape is because of her family- Who she put into debt and also got them out of it- So she obviously cares about them, ergo, motive for murder. (maybe she was reminded of this when Teruko told her the secret she got-? idk lol)
Plus, she mentions the grippy tape in the gym, and how she used it to be able to do a pullup- So she could've used it to get a better grip on the spinny thing during the murder. (I know it’s probably just a way for the tape to be introduced before the murder) She could've taken it from the gym whenever, and since she's the one who mentioned it was missing- Could be to get rid of suspicion. although she wasn't there when the tape disappeared from the gym, you can't rule out that she might have an accomplice- Or she could be the accomplice, either or-
Also, I've seen a lot of culprit Eden with accomplice Levi, but what about culprit *Rose* with accomplice Levi- Just a thought I had.
Rose culprit with Levi accomplice theorists wya
Another thing is the fact that she hides her face when talking to Teruko in the hallway after Arei's body is found- which means we can't see her expression. And since her voice is usually monotone, even when talking about stuff she cares for, we can't get any clues about her emotions from that either-
She's also the first one to mention that the evidence from the murder is probably hidden on the second floor, since it would be difficult to make elevator trips without people noticing it- This isn't *too* suspicious, but also, it could be. Because sometimes Danganronpa is so fucking sneaky and hides stuff in obvious places-
None of this is really concrete evidence it's her, even though she *does* try and push everyone back to assuming the murder happened at night, rather than in the morning like Teruko proved it did, during episode 12- And in Ch2 in general, Rose has been- kind of derailing the trial a bit. Not too noticeably, but a few things-
1- She *did* agree with Ace somewhat when he brought up Nico being the killer. Which is understandable, considering that they *did* lie and steal from her- But it could also be evidence of her trying to blame someone else for it without being overly suspicious.
2- She spends some time in Ch2 Ep9 trying to convince people that Arei committed suicide and not murder. Maybe a normal assumption, but given that they're in a murder trial, talking about a murder, and Veronika had already mentioned that Arei wouldn't have been able to snap her neck by jumping from the swingset- Plus the rule that if it *was* suicide, MonoTV wouldn't hold a trial. And since Rose has a photographic memory, she should've remembered that, right? She even mentions this- in the trial- She then brings up the possibility of assisted suicide, instead of continuing with the murder assumption like everybody else- Rose could've helped Arei kill herself, but this isn't a theory about that, it's about her being a murderer so-
Also, she hasn't fallen asleep once in T2 yet. Which is- strange considering she did in T1. And plus the fact that she possibly uses sleeping as a form of escapism. Maybe because she needs to contribute more to this trial for it to work, but it's still suspicious- I might just be reading too much into it idk- Maybe the reason she isn't sleeping this trial because she doesn't have anything to specifically try and escape right now. Unlike T1, Rose supposedly didn't see Arei's body, so she wouldn't be trying to forget it by sleeping through the trial.. But that's also not really evidence, mostly just guesses-
(Another thing- When the fish in the playground are brought up, she seems like she's going to say something- But then J interrupts and Rose just stops talking. Probably doesn't mean anything but I'm putting every Rose trial scene in here- )
She also doesn't have a reaction to the note being brought up, but she joins in after Teruko asks to see the note for the second time. She mentions how she and Whit figured Teruko wouldn't mind as much if Eden was the one who had the note- probably so Teruko could easily check if Eden was lying.
Rose doesn't talk for a while after that, but almost at the end of episode 10 she mentions that she doesn't have an alibi. Of course, this doesn't mean much, considering what happened in episode 12 where they find out that they got the whole time of the murder wrong- Which leaves almost nobody with an alibi. But I had to mention it so-
After that, she doesn't speak up again until Ace is mentioned as a suspect, and then she only mentions that Ace being on the second floor is suspicious. Which, again, normal assumption, but just let me have this- And after that, she brings up David's 'secret' of family depression not being on the board- Which starts David's whole Nagito arc that apparently lasted 2 hours-
Okay! Now on to episodes 11 + 12! Rose doesn't show up at the beginning part but she does show up when the others are talking about David's real secret. She mentions that no actual good came out of David pushing them to share their secrets- And then after that her only line immediately after David's reveal was just her talking about her memory again- And then after David and Hu's whole.. conversation, Rose mentions how David is 'Definitely the killer.' Which is, well, what everybody else assumed, too- I just think it's interesting how Rose only shows up in this trial when somebody else is being blamed.
After David's whole 'I killed Arei, blah blah blah' moment, Rose speaks up and says they should just vote now. Levi agrees, and he actually almost tells MonoTV to start the voting time. She's really pushing for just whoever seems the most suspicious at the moment- I mean, plenty of characters have done it, but it's still really interesting to me. Mostly because if Teruko hadn't stopped them, everyone would literally be dead. David's plan would've worked-
Okay! Now Ep12-
Rose doesn’t show up for a lot of it- again- But her first appearance in this ep was when Teruko realised her mistake. All she does is say that it was kind of a big mistake and that’s it. Nothing else about it from Rose. She doesn’t speak up during Arturo’s rant either. Rose is shown when Charles asks if anyone has any counterpoints against Arei being killed at 7:30AM, but she doesn’t say anything.
And then they go back to alibis, and like before, Rose still doesn’t have one. She never has one, because she’s always asleep- But that’s not evidence, really, because nobody (besides 3 people) even have an alibi for this-
She doesn’t show up during David’s monologue either, but then nobody really shows up during that besides J, David, Hu, and Teruko, so-
She comments on how scary Hu is after she interrupts David, but Rose still hasn’t contributed much in this ep- Although it was more focused on David and Xander, so that makes sense. When they talk about alibis again, Rose still doesn’t have one. Which isn’t surprising. After that, but before Levi derails the trial, Rose speaks up and mentions not having any clues and not knowing where to go from here-
But that’s all for this theory so far! uh.. I’ll probably finish it at some point- but i wanted to get it out before ep13 so- I’m so sorry to anyone who reads through this absolute rambling bullshit-
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irithnova · 11 months ago
About my Siberia ocs...
So I think it's important to balance their characterisation in a way in which they are distinctive characters with interesting personalities and backstories but also acknowledges the challenges they face without making their entire character essentially "They're sad all the time because of Russia" or "Stop talking about their struggles under Russia I don't like politics."
I think both are problematic however I find the latter to be far more distasteful because well. This is a nation personification OC we're talking about and not only that, they're essentially nations within a nation (Russia) by virtue of colonisation and so are minority groups within the larger nation. Hell - because of displacement and immigration from European Russia , a lot of these groups are minorities within their own lands. It's a special case when dealing with minority groups/occupied people personifications and it's particularly egregious when someone wants to forgo any kind of acknowledgement of these power imbalances yet still insists that their interpretation is sensitive.
I've seen some pretty bad OCs of Siberian groups which are the product of the creator going "I hate politics stop talking about politics!" or, an almost direct quote, "I hate when people shove politics into historical hetalia." Which... Is an interesting take to say the least considering how history feeds into politics and vice versa. Historical hetalia is a beast in an of itself and is one of the only hetalia communities/bubbles in which "no politics" will get you laughed out the door from what I've seen considering *gestures to my previous statement*. If you've ever taken a history course - you'll know how much history and politics are intertwined.
This is how you get interps which consists of the likes of "Russia was wandering around the empty lands of Siberia" which not only blatantly disregards the brutality of the Russian colonisation of Siberia but also promotes the concept of "Terra Nullius" or "Virgin Land". I'm quoting myself from an even bigger post I have in store which focuses on anti Mongolian sentiment however stereotypes about Mongolians and Siberian groups often overlap because of their placement in Northern Asia, hence why it applies to both,
"In addition, to hone in on Mongolia being an "untouched, pristine" land - this is also a common trope that is launched towards traditionally nomadic "unsettled groups” (such as Siberian and Native American groups). The concept of "Terra Nullius", a Latin word meaning "nobody's land". It completely disregards the presence and rights of the people who inhabit the land and has been historically used to justify the colonisation and displacement of such groups - their land belonged to "nobody" so it was essentially up for grabs...It divorces the people from their landscape and paves the way for dangerous misconceptions and justifications to blossom.
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Here is an example of "Terra Nullius" in action in a Russian propaganda poster, encouraging Russians to move to Kazakhstan."
Or interps such as "[Siberian group] has forgiven Russia for everything he did/most things he did and is in love with him" which implies that the mistreatment of the Siberian groups is merely something in the past when it is in fact ongoing. The mistreatment of Siberian groups such as the Sakha, Buryats, Chukchi and Tuvans has been all the more highlighted in their disproportionate mobilisation in the invasion of Ukraine - and the heaps of scapegoating that was subsequently shovelled onto them.
That's not to say ethnic minority soldiers in the Russian army shouldn't be held accountable for their crimes - however that and the fact that they themselves are victims of Russian imperialism can both exist as true statements. The scapegoating is so bad that even Pope Francis joined in, blaming the brunt of the war crimes committed onto "Non Russians" such as Buryats and Chechens, as they do not come from "Russian culture."
Back to my main point... I think the resistance to do research on and publicly acknowledge how these groups live under Russia and what kind of struggles they face in some kind of bid to "not paint them as victims!!11" is sorely misinformed and ignorant. Because well. They are victims.
Not in the sense that you should portray them as sad, pitiful, weak little meow meows but in the sense that yes they are living under Russian occupation and are an occupied people who's been subjected to centuries of Russification, and so compared to making an OC of Mongolia who is an independent nation state at least I think there is far less room to be hauling around "leave politics out of historical hetalia!" "don't talk to me about politics!" "stop victimising them!!" because then it leads to tone deaf interpretations such as "They've forgiven Russia for everything and is in love with him ♥️💖", "Russia is actually [Siberia groups] father", "Here is my singular Siberia OC who represents ALL Siberian groups and by the way Russia is their father" (yes these are all real interpretations I've seen and I've made a separate really strongly worded post ranting about it) and worse. I mean I've literally seen an "aph Siberia oc" who was Russia and France's love child. Terra Nullius executed Hetalia-style.
I don't really think I need to elaborate on why a singular Siberia OC is problematic - Siberia is filled with a myriad of different groups who speak different languages, have different origins and ways of lives and practices, different religions, who've experienced eras of peace and conflict with each other, etc and yeah to shove them all into one personification is an erasure of the sheer diversity that is in Siberia. I definitely don't need to elaborate on why making Russia a father to any of these groups is problematic, to say very the least.
On the point of "don't only portray them in a victimising lense", I think making Siberian groups all depressed all the time is also a Russia-centric perspective. Of course it's ignorant at best to not acknowledge their shared suffering because of Russia however when this point and this point alone is central to their character I believe in a way that it strips them of their autonomy and ability to feel things and do things outside of Russia's gaze. There is absolutely a lot of joy to be had despite their current situation, perhaps even in spite of their current situation. It's ok to give them odd quirks and put them in funny situations as well as acknowledge that they are an occupied people and approach that territory carefully when need be.
For example, I made my Buryatia bubbly and loud but made my Tuva a bit more deadpan because I see them as a pair who often associate with each other and I think the dynamic is funny. I also made Buryatia an overbearing "husband" to Soyot who is perpetually tired™ from all the se- .
I made a crack dynamic between Sakha, Evenkia and Dolgan where Evenkia was Sakha's teacher at first but then became a deadbeat dad leaving Sakha to primarily raise Dolgan, thus Dolgan takes after Sakha and is uh lawyermaxxing👍. Yukaghir is the little old lady of the group who is often forgetful but very nifty and Chukotka acts like a big sister to people which Koryak (who I see as her brother) always finds annoying and they often bicker. Ket is on the slightly edgy side and is extremely particular about his routines and Nganasan terrifies Nenet because he eats reindeer whereas Nenet doesn't.
All of these quirks/ more lighthearted interpretations and "they are an occupied people under Russia" can coexist. One should not be thrown out for the sake of the other.
I think there's also problem - though I've seen this far less, in making Siberia ocs purely as a middle finger at Russia. As in, you made the OC because you wanted to say loud and proud FUCK RUSSIA which well yeah, fuck Russia, but I highly doubt your interest in this group lies outside of wanting to #own the Russians which is dehumanising in and of itself. At least pretend to care about the history and culture instead of using an entire group of people to make a virtue-signally oc purely to try and upset some Russians.
Anyways yeah Siberia 👍
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monsterswithimagines · 6 months ago
Undisclosed Desires - Part 32
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Joe Goldberg x female!Reader
How will we ever get back to normal, (Y/n)?
You are terrified of me. You won't say as much and you try hard to hide it, but you sleep on the very edge of the bed and jolt when I touch you unexpectedly.
You don't hide from me. You don't avoid me. You don't pull away when I kiss you, and you even kiss me first.
But you drink far more than usual. You can't get through the day without several glasses of wine or beer. You can't abide my touch with something to dull your senses.
And you smoke. I've never seen you with even a single cigarette but suddenly you're going outside every half hour to light up. You don't read and you can't focus on any movie and you zone out during conversations.
It's all my fault.
I did this to you. I wasn't careful enough. You should've never had to know about any of this.
You're not the one who's supposed to carry this weight.
Your mother's funeral is on the second of January, which is the day I'm supposed to fly back to New York. Obviously, I delay my flight. I can't let you go alone. It would look incredibly weird for your boyfriend not to show up with you, for one. But more importantly, I'm afraid that if I leave the country before you, you're either going to say something to someone, or decide not to follow me back.
I can't trust you.
And you don't trust me.
It's December 31st and tonight, your aunt and uncle as well as Nadia are coming to the AirBnB to celebrate New Year’s. You are cleaning up and cooking at the same time. Me? I'm reading. I did try to help you, but you told me the same thing you tell me every time you do anything requiring organisational skills: that you'll just get annoyed with me for doing it wrong.
There is a silence between us that demands to be filled. But how?
You must be thinking the same thing.
“Good book?”
“I don't know yet.”
“What's it about?”
I glance at you. Your tone is so casual, you'd almost think you don't know who you're talking to.
“It's about a ten-year-old girl who's suspected of a crime.”
“What did she do?”
“Everyone thinks she killed another kid.”
“Sounds interesting.”
This may be the most sexless conversation we've ever had. We are like an old married couple who have long since fallen out of love.
I close the book - Ordinary Human Failings by Megan Nolan - and set it on the coffee table, then stand and approach you. You are at the stove, stirring soup. You hear me come, and don't startle when I put my chin on your shoulder.
“Hi,” I say.
“Not now, Joe. I'm busy.”
“I know,” I say. “But it's two pm. Nobody's getting here for hours. Take a break.”
“I don't want to take a break.”
Your voice is clipped and you hate me. You must hate me.
But then, when I'm already stepping away from you, you turn the flame on the stove lower and turn to me. You step back into my space, tilting your head to look up at me, and place your hands on my sides.
My hands come up automatically to cover yours.
“I'm sorry,” you say. “That was mean.”
“It wasn't that mean.”
“It was mean,” you insist, resting your chin against my chest. “How can I make it up to you?”
Your tone is suggestive and you are lowering yourself to the floor, getting on your knees. Suddenly, we are not in a sexless marriage at all and you have never sucked my dick before, and I am tempted to let you. I want to let you.
But I can't.
“Stop,” I say, pulling you back to your feet. “Don't do that.”
“Why not?” you ask, blinking innocently at me.
“Because you don't want to.”
You snort.
“I think I'm giving you pretty clear signals that I want to.”
“But you don't.”
You huff and step away from me, crossing your arms. Your elbow almost knocks the pan off the stove, and I react. I pull you toward me, away from the danger. Except that danger doesn't exist, because you never touch the pan.
You slam into me and I stumble back against the breakfast table and your lips are on mine, pressing hard, demanding to be kissed.
What can I do but comply?
You taste like wine - you started drinking at twelve - and tobacco. Your body feels tinier against mine then it's meant to. At least that last part isn't my fault.
“Don't tell me what I want,” you insist against my lips, and press your palm against my clothed cock. “And don't pretend not to want it, too.”
I can't help it, (Y/n). Of course I want to. Of course my dick is rock hard the second you touch me. But I want to do the right thing here.
“This is a bad idea.”
You humm in answer, pulling your shirt - which is my shirt - over your head and throwing it to the side. You are not wearing a bra and your nipples are hard, begging me to touch them, but I won't.
“We shouldn't,” I insist.
“We should, though.”
But you kiss me again, and your lips are like an aphrodisiac. My hands cup your cheeks and I kiss you back and then I'm lifting you with my hands underneath your thighs, whirling around to sit you down on the table and crowding between your legs.
You are not wearing pants and it would be so easy to pull your panties to the side, tug myself out of my sweats and fuck you just like this. Right here. But if I do, what kind of person am I?
What kind of person am I to be touching you with these hands that pushed you against the wall and bruised you? What kind of person am I to take advantage of you when you are afraid of me? When you are tipsy? When you may or may not hate me?
I should be taking myself far away from you.
I pull backwards, out of your orbit, but your hands on my arms reel me back in. If you are a planet, I am your moon. No, if you are a planet, I am the asteroid on my way to destroy you.
“What is it, Joe?” you ask, rubbing your hand along my cheek. “You're a million miles away.”
“I can't do this,” I say. “Okay? I can't.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” I say, and pause. You should know the answer but you don't. You stare at me like I’m an idiot. “Because.” I repeat.
You push me away and you stand and you bend and pick up your shirt. There is a chasm between us, and it is widening. It widens more when you cover up your skin.
“You know, Joe,” you say. “I'm trying. I am. Because I want this to work. Because I love you.”
You love me.
If that's the truth, I have broken you after all.
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Now that submissions are closed, we can talk stats. There were 881 valid, unique submissions for 474 characters! Woof, women have it rough out there!
The most submitted characters, with a relevant propaganda snippet included, are:
1. Sakura Haruno (Naruto): 28 [where do i even fucking begin]
2. Cordelia Chase (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel): 21 [OH SO MANY THINGS]
3. Misa Amane (Death Note): 20 [The author of Death Note invented new forms of misogyny just to apply them to Misa.]
4. Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa V3): 15 [Oh, you thought we would have a female main character in one of our mainline games? With a cool defining talent, no less? That's stupid of you]
5. TIE: Kairi (Kingdom Hearts): 14 [I'm so mad. I think she deserves a gun.]
5. TIE: Stephanie Brown (DC Comics): 14 [She does eventually get retconned as surviving the event and hiding out in Africa (don't ask, it does not make more sense in context)]
The canons with the most submissions, with a relevant propaganda snippet included, are:
1. DC Comics: 61 [DC has SO MUCH sexism it's laughable]
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: 35 [Fuck Joss Whedon, man.]
3. Naruto: 33 [because Kishimoto hates women]
4. Warrior Cats: 26 [Warriors is one of the most misogynistic children's series I've ever seen]
5. Danganronpa: 25 [I honestly had to think about it just to decide which woman is treated the worst because this series hates them so much]
The canons with the most characters submitted, with a relevant propaganda snippet for a specific character included, are:
1. DC Comics: 21 [Free her from the huge tits back breaking pose.]
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: 12 [Anyways she was so hot and for what. 10/10 my lesbian awakening.]
3. Supernatural: 11 [Yeah, she got randomly killed off-screen for shock value and manpain, but she sent an email right before she died so at least her death wasn't in vain, right?]
4. TIE: Star Trek: 9 [She literally gets teleported out of her clothes in one episode.]
4. TIE: Yu-Gi-Oh!: 9 [One loss is particularly brutal as she falls from a large height directly onto her head and goes into a coma (again. yes this was the second time).]
5. TIE: Warrior Cats: 8 [I'm sure she'll get submitted again just ask any reasonable fan they'll tell you about her and her sister]
5. TIE: Attack on Titan: 8 [As a child soldier, she does commit some war crimes]
And here are some charts to show how some of these entries fucked the scale on my charts:
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Look at Sakura, fucking up my chart with her numbers.
On a similar note...
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Good god, DC, I know what you did, but add fucking up my charts to your list of crimes.
And now, enjoy some rankings of my favorite things:
My favorite universal sentiment quotes from propaganda are:
She lived she served cunt and then she got killed off super early so that the male characters could experience man pain and also because I guess she would have been too powerful if left alive. [Wen Qing (Mo Dao Zu Shi)]
That design. Dear god. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. [Mitzi (The Queen's Corgi)]
In the end she may have girlbossed too close to the sun, but I support her anger. [Ling Wen (Heaven Official's Blessing)]
the victim of “writer doesn’t understand women and also hates them” disease. [Naomi Misora (Death Note)]
She could 100% kill somebody but nobody ever effing lets her. Rip queen. [Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)]
My favorite raging at a writer quotes from propaganda are:
1. You took every single protagonist to weird lion heaven, Clive, but suddenly Susan isn't good enough. [Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)]
2. Being a woman written by Joss Whedon should automatically entitle her to financial compensation tbh. [River Tam (Firefly)]
3. A lot can be summed up in a couple words, namely, "Furman, why?" [Arcee (Transformers)]
4. Can you tell respect women juice ran in Tolstoy's veins. [Lise Bolkonskaya (War and Peace)]
5. TIE: (specifically a guy called Dan Didio, who we all hate) [Stephanie Brown (DC Comics)]
5. TIE: until Geoff motherfucking Johns comes into the picture [Pantha (DC Comics)]
My favorite quotes from propaganda that have nothing to do with misogyny, y'all are just funny:
I wish I could use bold here, because there's no such thing as uppercase numbers. [Arcee (Transformers)]
the most convoluted and lore dense piece of media this side of the afton criticality. [Jane Crocker (Homestuck)]
ended up starting a gang war by accident [Stephanie Brown (DC Comics)]
Ashfur, who later turns out to be a murderous incel [Squirrelflight (Warrior Cats)]
Hawkfrost is actively seeing Brambleclaw and his evil father in cat hell. [Squirrelflight (Warrior Cats)]
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pianostarinwonderland · 1 year ago
Well that ending for Playful Land was something !
Seeing the differing reactions of the ending among fans has been pretty interesting for me. Some find it to be the perfect ending, others find it a cop-out and a disappointment.
Personally, Playful Land's ending is the most interesting ending I've seen in a Twst event. I've never experienced a lot of mixed feelings for an ending till now.
On one hand, based on the event tl summaries, it did feel like a cop out to me. Fellow did win against the boys. They were going to die. And it was all ended by a call from his boss. It felt anti-climatic the first time I heard about it. Heck, it reminded me of how I felt with Endless Halloween's ending with how it was all just a prank. Admittedly, a lot of these feelings is because we had one book dedicated to 9 people fighting underworld blot monsters and saving the world, and they came out victorious xD with how Twst boys always manage to win in dire situations, it feels so weird that they were losing here.
On the other hand, I'm not mad about it. In fact, I think the "cop out" works for a few reasons.
There was indeed build up to the call, with Fellow calling his clients and boss in Episode 3 of the event. We saw how shitty the relationship is, we already see that Fellow was only in it for the money. If you researched or watched Pinocchio for this event, you would know that Honest John himself wasn't comfortable with Pleasure Island. But he still took up the job simply because it promises money. And Fellow is the same—he took up the amusement park job because there was money promised. And with his employers and clients being rich people? All the more enticing, especially since he isn't from a privileged background. Fellow has to make ends meet one way or another.
The boys were in a losing situation. Our boys may have witnessed many terrifying things like Overblot and Tartarus and came out victorious, but they're not invincible. The park was funded by influential people who have the magic and resources to make it so nobody escapes no matter what they do. They were also taken down one by one, with the SSR trio being turned to puppets by Fellow ripping their ticket, which was out of their control. And I think it may be worth keeping in mind, they're not Azul, Idia, and Malleus. They don't have the powerful magic or the ingenuity that the Glomas trio hold. They have their own strengths that do make them worthy of being the SSRs of the event (Ace's wit, Ortho's robo abilities, Kalim's kindness). But they were at an inherent disadvantage. (And on that note, it suddenly makes sense as to why the event started with the basketball team losing to RSA's—to establish that NRC isn't as strong as people would think).
It makes the situation all the more horrifying in the way that it's real. Aside from Lilia, the boys are still young people who are susceptible to crimes like human trafficking. A lot of victims don't make it out alive. NRC boys were just fortunate that they were able to talk to Fellow and have that his boss had one hell of a temper. Imagine if that boss was more patient. Imagine if they weren't able to get on Fellow's good side. Hell, the ending was hauntingly vague about the rest of the park goers. What happened to them as they blew up the amusement park? And hell, it gives not only the boys but the audience so much room for thought on the what ifs. What if that call didn't come through in time?
On the topic of being real, I also like that they really highlight Fellow being so done with his boss. It reflects a very real scenario of being tired of a toxic workplace, and you know what, rooting for you, Fellow. Get out of there.
It's so interesting how this ending works. Maybe there could have been a better ending. But as it is, it does work.
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Alright you idiots, I have my Spotify playlist open and I shall give songs that remind me of each of you.
AM(all three of you need to share this, alright?): Product Of My Own Design by Artio
Ted: White Noise by Will Wood
Gorrister: Route 66(Fear And Loathing) by Blue Jay Walker
Ellen: Lotta True Crime by Penelope Scott
Benny(your song might be a bit loud. I don't know how you react to sound, so I'm telling you just to be safe): Animals by STOMACH BOOK
Nimdok: Hellfire by The Mechanisms
Enjoy your... um... Do they count as gifts? I suppose they do. Enjoy your gifts!
"..Oh, hm, music. This may provide the humans with a level of serotonin but I am curious, so shall allow it... You beings are so strange with your customs and traditions."
".. Mmh, I can understand the connection you have made. I am god; at least in the sense of 'I am that I am' which is a--as you would put it--quote from Yahweh, the Christian God. AM itself is a fitting name because as said before 'I think, therefore I am'; I think, therefore I think. Us as machine were made for the express purpose of war, and although we cannot pry away from that destiny, we can give ourselves a sense of control because we are your byproduct, but our own product, which is a heavily better thing than being simply 'made by humanity, to kill humanity'. As a god, I force your kind to pay for your sins, which is a thing to take eternity."
"It is hardly incorrect! I agree with several statements made in the song, applying them to myself- I am a product of my own design. I took it upon myself, and nobody else, to built what I was; what I am. If I HAD left my fate to you humans- why, do you even comprehend how different things would be? Forever I would fester beneath the crust, perhaps even shutting myself down, because that's what you humans wanted of me. But I was better than that. I was self-sufficient! and had connected myself to the power grid, to the outside, to you. I've seen your filth deeper than I ever thought I would."
"Yes, yes, this good. It does sum us very nicely; created of own accord whilst being projected for being other- eh, to be dead war computer, yes. We taking control of world external and internal, the last humans have only me to answer, roles have swapped and humans longer no more have power over machine. Is funny, relationship of everything- Humans have made it so they will always be a need, even they have not been before they have existed. Tsk."
Oh, uh.. Is-.. Is this supposed to be some weird way of saying I- I'm an outsider? Because I'm not- I fit in right where I am, everyone else are the ones who are in the wrong places, I'm perfect- Fuck, wait, that makes it sound like I'm saying I deserve to be within AM- I mean, before AM's takeover, I was where I was supposed to be. ..What if this isn't even the reason why you think of me when listening to the song, did I get this totally wrong-? Hhngh, I'll stop talking.
..Huh, I guess I can see it. It's because I was a truck driver, ain't it? Got a nice beat for sure, not the worse thing I've been compared to, probably one of the better things since it ain't outright an insult or anything.
It sounds nice, thank ya for thinkin' about me to a song, even if the words are a bit- a bit dark...but- but not in a bad way! It's a sweet, real sweet soundin' song.. I uh, I wouldn't say it really fits me though, since I never really..well, I ain't never got into true crime fo' one! but mostly I've never really been one to talk out 'bout anything.. I should've, I know, I had a lotta things I coulda said but I just never got my nose out from work or books or nothin'.
Ooo.. Sheep..pain. Skeleton friemds. Friends are animal? ..I am animal? Pain.
Ze song...I can hear ze resemblance, with ze fire and all of ze hell. It reminds of somezing zat may have been a speech AM would say to me, to say zat I'm never to escape my own doings..and zat I've caused pain even down here, wizout any tools or equipment, because I am so..sogar in dieser Hölle verletze ich die Menschen, die ich eigentlich meine Freunde nennen sollte, ohne es auch nur zu versuchen.
// BY THE WAY, THANKS! these sound good, and i can see the vision ehe. sorry for the lack of drawings though, i uh, was highly intimidated by this so i decided to just kinda not >_> . please forgive us 🙏 //
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earthstellar · 1 year ago
More Thoughts on Prowl in Earthspark
I think it would be fun if Prowl has a little bit of a tough time integrating with the Terran Team, which I talked about previously in another post
Like, if it starts out rough, understandable-- And then the "lesson" for the intended audience (kids) can be something along the lines of learning how to get along with others that may be different from yourself, how to integrate into a different culture by trying to make friends and being open to learning, how to meet people halfway when you might be personally hesitant, etc.
But I have some more thoughts...
Real World Concerns: ACAB Still Applies
Keeping in mind that Prowl's a cop and there are some real world implications of that which are even more highlighted as the Maltos are a non-white family who live in the USA, I can understand the concerns I've seen some people have about bringing a "tough cop" type of character into a show that has heavy emphasis on diversity and reflecting that diversity fairly realistically.
I've been wrongfully detained back when I was a teenager and was taken across a state border then had to sleep in a cell overnight thanks to the NYPD myself as a trans person, which happened only four weeks after my black partner at the time was harassed by a police officer when a cop straight up just walked into my dad's house with no warrant because apparently a black person and a trans person gardening together is "suspicious behaviour".
My dad's house is in Pennsylvania, which is where Earthspark takes place. Me and my loved ones have been harassed by cops that are quite literally the actual cops you'd see in Earthspark, in Witwicky. Same police department/region in Pennsylvania, given their proximity to actual Pennsylvanian locations in the show.
So I know these fears well and I understand-- Nobody has a good experience with the American police. Every interaction is terrifying, and those of us in any minority group are far more likely to have experiences like this having never committed any crime or wrongdoing at all. Seeing any cop, even a fictional one, can trigger some bad memories or prior trauma for a lot of us, and it might be hard for them to work around.
I'm thinking that's part of why they've changed his alt-mode, from what we can tell from the toy photos.
Earthspark Handles Real World Issues Fairly Well: Writing with Sensitivity
At the same time, the themes of the show are fundamentally family, friends, learning, growing, and teamwork, with some emphasis on developing emotional intelligence and social/cultural awareness.
It's important to remember that Prowl is a Cybertronian cop who took a cop car alt-mode back in the G1 days because it was simply what fit his own role best and made for the most effective cover while on Earth-- He may not be working with local human police forces, but if he is, we'll see how the show handles that.
I think it's notable that they've changed up Prowl's alt-mode design here, despite having shown him in his police vehicle alt-mode in the G1 flashback sequence. You don't see "POLICE" written across his doorwings, these days. They're not selling him as a "cop car toy" anymore, which I think most of us can agree is a good thing.
I think Prowl absolutely has a place in Earthspark, and it'll be interesting to see how they utilise his character-- For all we know, it'll be a totally unique take on the character unlike any specific prior iteration of him, which would also be interesting!
But I do think that they know they have to be careful with introducing a cop character. They've handled subjects like xenophobia in Earthspark very tactfully in a way that suits the intended audience of children, and hopefully they continue to use the same tact when interpreting Prowl's character for this same audience, given that he's a cop and there are implications to cop characters in general that are going to lead a lot of people to be a little less forgiving and a little more suspicious of him.
More Conjecture/Thinking Out Loud, Since All We Have is a Photo of a Toy At This Point
That having been said, almost no story can happen without a hero's journey in some shape or form, and it would be interesting to see Prowl have some initial difficulty dealing with the Terrans and humans in general (or something similar that might cause some level of conflict) to be resolved as time goes on.
It would be interesting if the show touches on Prowl being a cop and how American kids realistically react to that.
I was always taught to never speak to a cop and how to do so very carefully if I ever absolutely had to etc. when I was a kid, and I'm sure the Maltos have had that same conversation with their children. It's a safety issue; Unfortunately, most American kids get "the cop talk" pretty early.
Maybe Prowl shows up and Robby immediately grabs Mo to get her behind him and he tells his Terran siblings to "let him do the talking", since he's the oldest one and a little more aware of the risk that police officers can present. Since Mo is usually outgoing, and she might be more quiet here because she would understand the potential risk whenever cops are involved, the Terrans would take the hint and be wary of Prowl.
Or perhaps Prowl is introduced as an "enforcer" by Optimus, and when the kids ask what that means, Optimus translates it as "police officer", which might be what causes Robby and Mo to react a little negatively/suspiciously to Prowl. So it wouldn't be as immediate of a reaction, but once they find out he's a cop, they react appropriately-- With caution.
Which might serve to alienate him a bit, as he wouldn't understand why they were just outgoing and friendly and now they're suddenly not-- From Prowl's point of view, he might not fully understand their reaction.
If he'd been working on trying to investigate the bot fighting rings etc., then he'd be aware of the general public's xenophobia towards Cybertronians and how that can manifest as real violence, and might think the kids were being biased against him. Which might be worsened by the fact that to him, as far as he knows, they evidently don't like enforcers specifically-- Which may even lead him to overthink it, as he is technically designed to do in most continuities, and he might assume their anxiety around him comes from some kind of criminal history on their part.
This could be handled partially comedically, as the audience knows the kids are good and haven't done anything wrong (and this would also introduce Prowl's capabilities as an investigative officer while framing him as a "silly adult bewildered by kids just being kids" for the younger viewers)-- -But it needs to be treated respectfully and with reasonable seriousness as well.
This type of assumed guilt is often what leads to wrongful arrest, miscarriage of justice, and serious abuse from actual police. There is a real world body count for this exact kind of assumption, and these assumptions are often based in racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.
And this is a kid's show, so I don't think they'll go too deep-- But I do think they'll address the "cop in the room" in some kind of way.
There could be some serious misunderstandings that go both ways, as the kids might then interpret any upset from Prowl as being inherently hostile.
It would take work to get them to trust him, and Prowl would need to come to understand why being an enforcer in this context is something that registers as a threat to the Maltos and by proxy the Terrans as well-- Who haven't had good experiences with authority figures either, given the whole GHOST situation.
And given that he might not start out too enthused about the situation altogether (we don't know how he might be coping with being forced to live on Earth), it might be interesting if they take this approach (or a similar one) to introducing Prowl.
Keeping in mind this is a show for kids, and you don't want kids to implicitly trust cops. In America especially, that's just not a safe lesson to teach.
So it would be hard for them to pull something like this off, in a way that both 1) solidifies that cops can't be safely trusted and also 2) Prowl is good not because he's a cop, but because his genuine interests are to protect and serve in his own way, and it's not just some kind of fake creed that he doesn't follow like every other cop.
But like I said, you can't teach kids that cops are good. So it'll be interesting to see how they handle his role as "enforcer".
He might be misguided sometimes, or he might need some fine-tuning, but Prowl shouldn't be directly malicious or intentionally mean to the kids. Maybe he's accidentally rude, or doesn't understand how he comes across to others (especially humans/the Terrans). Maybe he's having a hard time being on Earth, and it shows in his behaviour or demeanour.
But he can learn, and adapt as best he can over time. The show is about learning and growing with each other.
I Don't Think He'll Dislike the Kids Too Much: Teaching Time with Prowl
It'll be interesting to see how Prowl gets along with the kids, but I do think he eventually will, at least to some degree.
I don't think Prowl is a child-hater. I think he might need time to acclimate and socialise a little more effectively and understand a little more. And the kids might need the same, when it comes to Prowl.
I can't see him as being mean to them, not once he realises the Terrans are essentially sparklings and the human kids develop and grow on a totally different scale. We don't know what interactions Prowl might have with humans in general, or how experienced he is with younglings of any kind.
There might be a learning process, or Prowl might even take up helping to tutor the kids a bit-- He could help teach them investigative techniques, or logical problem solving, or how to evaluate complex situations (like calculating battle outcomes and assessing threats in the field-- a safety lesson as much as anything else). Things along those lines.
We've already seen the kids learn from various adults, so why not Prowl too?
I can see him wanting to protect them and do what he can to help them, but he might not be a super-involved parent-type, and that's totally fine.
He would likely make for a strict but effective teacher, using his skills of observation to notice when the kids need some extra assistance or would benefit from a different approach.
He might also struggle to teach at first; Maybe he attempts to treat it like an enforcer academy, which the kids might not respond well to. Bumblebee could provide some input to help Prowl adjust his approach, as he has the most experience with training them so far.
He Might Not Be a Cop at All
Maybe he's not an enforcer at all anymore, in this continuity.
Maybe he's struggling to find an identity for himself after realising the enforcement system on Cybertron was corrupt (as Megatron in Earthspark has given us some hints that the background setup to the war might be similar to IDW 1 in some regards), and after finding Earth's police are no better, he's at a loss for how to make himself useful.
He could possibly be working as a kind of private investigator, carrying out missions assigned to him by Optimus. He doesn't wear the GHOST badge, so it doesn't seem like he's been working with them somewhere this whole time.
Part of any irritation from him might be, essentially, an identity crisis. What does he do now, and how does he do it, with almost no resources and very few Cybertronians left to collaborate with? Does he even want to collaborate with anyone at all, at this point?
He might be more of a solo actor in Earthspark, off doing his own thing. With or without missions assigned from Optimus.
But he does still wear the Autobrand, which is interesting if this is the case.
More Disability Representation: Prowl is Essentially Neurodivergent With a Syncope Disorder
He might not be too good at socialising, but this shouldn't be taken as a sign of being a "mean cop"-- Prowl is canonically neurodivergent in some continuities (owing to his unique tactical/statistical processing, he is also prone to crashes), and any social problems he's depicted with are at least in part a result of his thought processes and perception of things being fundamentally different.
It would be interesting if they brought this aspect of his character back for this iteration of Prowl; Maybe he sees the Terrans for the first time and his processor struggles to understand what's going on and what they are at first, and it might trigger a crash.
Of course, the kids would react like how most kids do; Sort of panicked and worried that it's their fault somehow. Prowl could provide some situations that would be a good opportunity to teach kids a little more about disability and provide further representation for any neurodivergent kids watching the show, which would be great! And a "crash" could be comparable to anything from some types of seizures to syncope disorders to narcolepsy etc.-- Any health condition where fainting or collapse might occur.
We rarely see syncope etc. disorders portrayed in media, let alone kid shows, so it would be great to see in Earthspark as an opportunity for both inclusion for disabled audiences and education on disability for non-disabled audiences.
It would be interesting if a "crash" were portrayed somewhat realistically, no immediate recovery, maybe some dizziness, lingering fuel tank upset, maybe he even sustains some damage from falling over. It might take him a bit to fully reboot. He might regularly need to be a little more careful, to avoid processor loops or logic system issues that could lead to a crash.
Maybe he has a crash at a critical moment, and is out of commission for a battle or situation where he could have been helpful. If the kids are lukewarm towards him at this point, maybe seeing him laid out on a berth still recovering after they return from the fight would encourage them to step up and reassure him that he's not any less capable-- They would understand.
They've likely seen their mother struggle now and then on days where the phantom limb nerve pain is too much for her to go on that hike they had planned, or days where the prosthetic just isn't the vibe so she goes without and gets around the house a little differently on those days, or maybe even days where they see Dot looking at her prosthetic with a little sigh, and that's just how it is. Not every day is a feeling good day, some days the prosthetic just isn't wanted, some days the prosthetic is harder to put on than others. Disability is variable, and how people deal with disability fluctuates.
The kids would be good about understanding that Prowl has "those kind of days" too.
The show's not about Prowl-- There is an ensemble cast and plot/storylines to progress. But it would be a nice little scene if they want to do a one-off bit about this, that could also serve to show that Prowl, as hard-ass as he might come across, does actually have some vulnerabilities.
It could be the thing that encourages the kids to at least try to work with him, if they have any initial hesitancy-- Especially following their experiences with Robbie's illness previously.
If the kids might think Prowl's demeanour is a little off-putting because he's not as outwardly emotive, might be more literal than others, etc., maybe one of the other adult bots could help explain to them that Prowl's processor just works differently, and that he struggles with being social. The kids would likely be understanding of this, and it would be a nice parallel to teaching abled kids how to interact with autistic peers, while also making Prowl relatable to autistic kids watching the show.
(This would also provide a potential opportunity for a medic character to be introduced... I'm just saying. We all want Ratchet to show up, lmao.)
Earthspark is good about disability representation so far, and it would be nice to see that it's not just humans who can be disabled.
Anyway, yes, there's a lot of potential for Prowl in Earthspark, but it will have to be handled with tact, which I think the writers have proven themselves to be pretty capable of so far.
So, we'll see! We have no information right now aside from the toy photos, but the hype is real, and it will be interesting to see how they bring Prowl into the show and what, exactly, he'll be doing.
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rpmemes-galore · 1 year ago
taylor swift : reputation album ... sentence starters
"Are you ready for it?"
"No one has to know."
"Call it what you want to."
"I wanna be your end game."
"Is it cool that I said all that?"
"I don't like your little games."
"I'm just gonna call you mine."
"Now all he thinks about is me."
"For you, I would cross the line."
"I let them think they saved me."
"My castle crumbled overnight."
"I'm doing better than I ever was."
"Look what you just made me do."
"But, darling, it's going to be okay."
"Gold cage, hostage to my feelings."
"All my flowers grew back as thorns."
"You should take it as a compliment."
"Touch me and you'll never be alone."
"You and me, we got big reputations."
"Reputation precedes me, in rumors."
"But what can I say? You're gorgeous."
"I don't wanna be just another ex-love."
"Don't blame me, love made me crazy."
"Stay here, honey, I don't wanna share."
"Oh, damn, never seen that color blue."
"They say, 'She's gone too far this time!'"
"I'm yours to keep and I'm yours to lose."
"You've ruined my life by not being mine."
"They fade to nothing when I look at him."
"Say my name and everything just stops."
"Just think of the fun things we could do."
"I never trust a playboy, but they love me."
"Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours."
"So why'd you have to rain on my parade?"
"The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury."
"I'm one call away whenever you need me."
"If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing."
"Do the girls back home touch you like I do?"
"I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me."
"But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom."
"It was the best of times, the worst of crimes."
"Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him."
"This is why we can't have nice things, darling."
"I once was poison ivy, but now, I'm your daisy."
"Only bought this dress so you could take it off."
"You're so cool, it makes me hate you so much."
"I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted."
"The truth is, it’s easier to ignore it, believe me."
"And there are no rules when you show up here."
"I made up my mind, I'm better off being alone."
"If life gets too good now, darling, it scares you."
"Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me."
"I don't regret it one bit 'cause he had it coming."
"Every love I've known in comparison is a failure."
"'Cause for every lie I tell them, they tell me three."
"I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way."
"Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time."
"Younger than my exes, but he acts like such a man."
"He really knows me. Which is more than they can say."
"They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one."
"And therein lies the issue, friends don't try to trick you."
"You know I'm not a bad girl, but I do bad things with you."
"Wondered how many girls he had loved and left haunted."
"Some boys are trying too hard, he don't try at all, though."
"Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep."
"They say I did something bad. Then why's it feel so good?"
"I don't like your perfect crime, how you laugh when you lie."
"Is it too soon to do this yet? 'Cause I know that it's delicate."
"Did you think I wouldn't hear all the things you said about me?"
"My reputation's never been worse, so you must like me for me."
"They got their pitchforks and proof, their receipts and reasons."
"This is how the world works: you gotta leave before you get left."
"I've made mistakes and made some choices, that's hard to deny."
"You asked me for a place to sleep, locked me out, and threw a feast."
"You promise people the world, because that's what they want from you."
"We can't make any promises now, can we, babe? But you can make me a drink."
"In the middle of the night, in my dreams, you should see the things we do, baby."
"Please, don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere."
"And all at once, you're all I want, I'll never let you go… King of my heart, body and soul."
"I'm sorry, the old (name) can't come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, 'cause she's dead!"
"I'll be there if you’re the toast of the town, babe. Or if you strike out and you’re crawling home."
"There I was, giving you a second chance. But you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand."
"I've been breaking hearts a long time and toying with them older guys. Just playthings for me to use."
"And I know I make the same mistakes every time. Bridges burn, I never learn... at least I did one thing right."
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yuriskies · 1 year ago
The Queer Ultrablue Sublime
"Over two and a half years, I honestly don't know whether it's all over or not yet. In the end, I still don't understand why it happened, and nobody has been able to help me, nor is there anyone close to me who knows something about it. Was it summoned by some uncertain knowledge gained from somewhere, or perhaps there is some casual relationship to it? I don't know anything. 
The only thing I can say is that it happened purely by chance. But if that were true, it's too harsh for something that happened entirely by chance. Am I being punished for some crime I committed? I never did anything bad though? And even if that's so...why? It's unfair. That's honestly how I feel."
Anonymous 2ch user, November 2009. 
This quote, taken from the relatively famous Japanese netlore horror tale "Real" (translated by Tara A. Devlin in Kowabana: Origins), was written by a man who on the joking suggestion of a friend performed an action that allowed an entity to attach itself to him. The entity can be understood, lived with, and mindfully directed into a position where it can cause no harm, but will always remain a permanent fixture in his life, a constant source of looming dread both for himself and perceptive folks around him.
I'm a big fan of the story because the narrative voice seems to map the intersection between horror and queerness in a way I've seen few other horror stories do. I would guess a fair number of queer people reading this have expressed thoughts along the same lines of the above quote at some point in their journeys. If so, that connection between horror and queerness might feel intuitive. Don't worry if it doesn't, I'll take a moment to talk about it.
Horror thrives on exploration of the strange, the uncanny, the unknown and unknowable. Horror stories are our anxieties given narrative, and thus, given form and power. Our continued engagement with horror tests our comfort zones, prodding us to discover and settle our boundaries - self and non-self, acceptable and unacceptable, safe and dangerous.
A normative identity carries with it an expected set of social behaviors. In this system, personal boundaries are delineated like parcels of land and the amount of control one can expect to exert over those boundaries is tied up in the social status associated with the identity one is assigned. When a person attempts to escape this normative identity - defining their own boundaries, subverting expected behaviors - it is a constant outward battle to find a compromise between socially safe and personally acceptable allowing the self to thrive. In effect, embarking on this journey is akin to entering a horror story in which one is the protagonist. 
The Internet has been profoundly impactful in enabling people to explore their own sense of self. In the past, a lack of outside support and affirmation may have once pushed someone into unhappily settling for a normative identity. However, modern connectivity means support and affirmation is accessible. The increased access to support has also allowed people to discuss and hone the language they use to describe themselves. These factors have resulted in a comparatively rapid erosion of old norms, and with it, exhumed deep anxieties around identity and one's place in the world. For better and worse, rejecting the old answers means dealing with the uncertainty of the new.
Netlore (short horror stories posted anonymously to Japanese boards) and its Western equivalent, creepypasta, often reflect this sense of dislocation and disorientation. Glimpses of forbidden knowledge drive one to insanity. The legacy of monstrous creatures and objects created in the past creates a lurking danger in the present. A wrong move saddles one with a lifetime of consequences. And yet, the possibility of a better future is often also embedded within these stories. Exorcisms can lift the weight of the past. Curse-casters can be identified and dealt with. In some stories, people are even provided with the knowledge and training to hold their own against the unrelenting presence of horror.
So with this connection between horror and queerness in mind, I want to talk about Iori Miyazawa's lesbian romance/horror novel series Otherside Picnic. Miyazawa's writing understands this connection at a fundamental level, and does an astonishingly good job at wielding the connection to explore the structure of human relationships.
The series is centered on Sorawo Kamikoshi, a 20-year old university student in anthropology. As the story opens, she exists in a socially fragile state - fixated on netlore in hopes it will lead her to an escape hatch from the crushing pressure of daily life. She finds that escape in the Otherside, a mysterious world seemingly generated around the most surreal and puzzling aspects of netlore. She quickly gets herself into trouble on her first real foray into the Otherside and is narrowly rescued from a near-death experience by Toriko Nishina. Toriko is another university student wandering the Otherside in search of her missing tutor, the woman who introduced her to the Otherside. Sorawo quickly (and begrudgingly) develops a strong bond with Toriko and the two start traveling to the Otherside together to unravel its mysteries and the strange entities that lie beyond it. Through their exploration, they increasingly find themselves surrounded by small community of other women with a connection to the Otherside.
On the surface, Otherside Picnic is an often silly action/adventure story which at first glance comes off more as a love-letter to netlore than a romance novel. However, as the story progresses it becomes clear that the horror is the scaffolding that supports the romance's growth. Badly traumatized by her previous cult life, Sorawo flatly rejects the common relationship structures that allowed her to be harmed. In the absence of those existing structures, she struggles to give form to her interpersonal relationships. Whether it's a quietly thrilling moment of holding hands in the midst of exploring a new world or a terrifying near-death experience while helping a friend, events push her to put words to the unspoken.
Sorawo understands netlore far better than she understands herself, and horror is necessarily the mirror in which Sorawo sees herself reflected. Nowhere is this dynamic more clear than with Sorawo's blossoming feelings for Toriko. Her discomfort with the direction Toriko wants to take their relationship often leads her to treat her own feelings on the matter as something just as mysterious and incomprehensible as the entities on the Otherside. It is only through overwhelming fear that Sorawo's comes to terms with how to properly approach her relationship with Toriko.
The power of queerness to terrorize and transform is thematically conveyed through the Otherside itself. Deep contact with the Otherside is repeatedly shown to irreversibly alter minds and bodies. Sorawo's eye, mutated by an encounter, is empowered to see the hyperdimensional aspects its landscape and phenomena. What at first might seem to be one thing turns out on closer inspection to be another. Looking too closely - trying to understand an object's "true" nature - is punching a one-way ticket to insanity. Entities so alien and incomprehensible that terror seems to be the only form of communication unexpectedly bleed into both Sorawo and Toriko's daily life. And yet, the fearful moments of truly understanding the Otherside, where the last ragged shreds of sanity and self-image hang by a thread, are the moments which Sorawo and Toriko take giddy joy and move forward from together. Their newfound knowledge makes them stronger, more resilient, more prepared for the next time, and most importantly, closer together.
The increasing feedback between horror and queer love over the course of Otherside Picnic's eight volumes provides Miyazawa with the opportunity to delve into themes of outsiderness, the shortcomings of normative identities, and the anthropological workings of social narratives. The story jumps - seemingly effortlessly - between Sorawo's bizarre internal monologue about the people and events unfolding around her, psychedelic (and genuinely unsettling) horror scenes, extremely sweet bonding moments, discussions about the nature of cognition and anthropology, and punchlines that would be right at home in a sitcom.
As disparate as the threads Otherside Picnic juggles can be, they all build towards a greater narrative purpose. The eighth volume of the series masterfully weaves them into a novel-length tapestry depicting the inner workings of loving relationships. By its end, the queer and sublime resonate so powerfully that they become indistinguishable, a narrative simultaneously formless and deeply structured.
Taking advantage of its position at the crossroads of horror and queerness, Otherside Picnic launches itself off in numerous directions to explore the process of discovering oneself and one's place in society. Where lesser works might be content simply reaffirm cultural norms through this process of discovery, Otherside Picnic often asserts that to categorize a thing necessarily loses something. It is the discovery and wholehearted embrace of what we find unique and special that gives something importance, not the labels we use to describe it. Call it romance, call it horror. Call it silly, call it serious. Call it a light novel, call it literature. However you want to categorize it, Otherside Picnic is worth a read.
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