#I've never done a challenge so hopefully this works!
queenie-ofthe-void · 6 months
written for @steddiemicrofic
Prompt: 'pin' | wc: 388 | rated: T | cw: sexual innuendo
Pin the tail on the donkey is, in theory, an obvious game. Wear a blind fold and tack a plastic tail onto a picture of a donkey. Like Henderson said: Easy.
But he’s still siding with Steve. It just seems… wrong.
“Henderson,” Eddie interjects their arguing, throwing his arm around Steve’s shoulders, “I think our darling Steve here has a point.”
He looks at the man, nose brushing against Steve’s cheek, triggering a flush across his jawline. Steve turns and their noses touch. His eyes blow wide, flicking down to Eddie’s mouth. Steve’s tongue darts out to wet his lips and oh god is Steve leaning in?
Before Eddie can get carried away– in front of Robin and the Party and Chief fucking Hopper– he forces himself to turn back to Dustin, whose mouth is hanging open, flopping around a word that looks like darling.
“Pin the tail on the donkey is one thing, Henderson. Pin the bloody nail bat on the hellbeast is a bit poignant.”
“See,” Steve shouts. “Eds agrees and he didn’t even have to fight the stupid demodogs!”
“It’s Will’s birthday, Steve,” Dustin screeches, “and he drew this himself so–”
“Those things almost ate me, Dustin!”
Eddie glances over at the game in question, hung up outside the Byers' shed. The juxtaposition of Will’s blue and yellow birthday decorations as a backdrop for the hyper realistic monster drawing isn’t lost on anyone. The nail bats may have been overkill, even for him.
“Alright boys break it up let’s go,” Eddie claps his hands, startling them to attention. “Stevie, you’re with me. Dusty, indulge in some cake with the other tiny tots”
Dustin guffaws but before he can respond, Eddie grabs Steve’s hand, towing him inside the empty house, away from the commotion.
“We’ll make our returns when they conclude their little hellspawn game.”
“Well then,” Steve asks, “what game will we play while we wait?” Tone heavy, his lips curve into a predatory smile. He squeezes their joined hands, crowding into Eddie’s space.
Eddie steps back automatically, but Steve only follows until he’s backed against the wall. He swallows, and Steve clocks the movement, pushing in even closer.
“Because, darling” Steve purrs, “I can think of a few things in here I’d like to pin you to.”
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(astarion / acebard!tav)
Astarion never received any gifts before - and if he did, he forgot - but he would have loved for the first giver to be his lover, although they seemed pretty occupied with Gale and an object that suspiciously looked like a present.
(not native in english. so sorry if the wording is clusmy in some parts, i wan't sure how to write this xD)
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A/N: I made a few adjustments, but I think I know what you're getting at. Hopefully it still works. Also, this turned out way more than five sentences because I have no self control.
Astarion x AsexualBard!Tav Masterlist
Word Count: 921
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Astarion couldn't remember the last time he received a gift. The idea of being gifted anything was down right laughable. Nobody truly gave anything without expecting something in return. Some way, some how a price would be paid. He didn't need that hanging over his head, along with everything else. So why did seeing you hand Gale a wrapped parcel sting so much?
He watched as the wizard pulled apart the paper, his brows furrowed with curiosity clearing into a bright smile.
"Oh this is perfect!" he exclaimed. "How did you get it?"
"Do you really want to know?" you challenged, grinning yourself.
Gale opened his mouth as if to say something, but stopped himself with a guilty look. "Perhaps it's best I say thank you and leave it at that."
"What do you know, intelligent and wise," you teased. "Just make sure to pace yourself. Don't read it all in one night."
"I've made a point never to make promises I can't keep."
You laughed, giving Gale a light squeeze on the arm before turning in Astarion's direction.
He schooled his features into a casual expression, trying and failing to ignore the burning in his chest. Admittedly the fond look in your eyes did quell the fires, at least a little.
"Successful day?" he asked.
"More or less," you said, taking a seat beside him. "We've got a map. No way to read it just yet, but it's a start."
Astarion humphed, nodding in Gale's direction. "And that?"
"Just some petty thief," you explained. "Gale expressed an interest in it last time we were in town. Couldn't for the life of me explain why, but the bookseller refused to sell. Terrible way to run a business if you ask me."
This was normally when he would laugh or at least grant you an approving smile. Truly, he did love your casual relationship thievery, but it only made him more frustrated. He'd almost preferred you'd paid for it. If you had, he could dismiss the whole thing as a simple errand and not something more.
You frowned slightly, clearly taking notice of his mood.
"Alright, what's got you pouting?"
"I'm not pouting," he said, indignantly. "I'm brooding. There's a difference."
"My apologizes," you said, dryly. "What's got you brooding, oh mysterious one?"
He narrowed his eyes at you, his lips pressing into a hard line.
"I'm just surprised you would go so out of your way for a book. It's not as if you'd be able to understand it anyway."
A flash of hurt struck across your face, but you pushed it down in a way that made him sick to his stomach. What in the hells was wrong with him?
"Well, it's a good thing it wasn't for me then," you said, stiffly. "Now are you done being childish or are you actually going to tell me what's going on?"
Astarion tried to maintain eye contact in some vain attempt to hold onto his pride, but it was no use. He ducked his head down, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.
"I...I don't see why you think Gale is worth the effort is all," he admitted. "It's just a stupid book. It's not as if it's useful to the rest of us. So...why bother?"
He chanced a glance in your direction. You just stared at him, your lips slightly parted as you took him in.
"Astarion, are you jealous?" you finally asked.
"No," he said, a little too quickly, even to his ears.
"So what else would you call being upset over the fact I stole something specifically for Gale and not you?"
"I'm not upset," Astarion objected. "I'm just..."
He very much wanted to say something devastating in that moment, that would shut you up and let him walk away from this with some kind of dignity; but, he couldn't think of a damned thing.
"Fine, I'm jealous," he spat. "Happy?"
"Not really."
He closed his eyes, letting out a short sigh. He deserved that.
"I'm sorry," he said, softly. "You're right, it's...petty and I shouldn't have said that to you. Gods know if it were anyone else I would have torn their throat out."
He looked to you then, hoping you would see the honest truth in his words.
"I wish I was better at this. I know you care about me and I don't need you to commit robbery to prove it. Although, I wouldn't be opposed to it."
To his relief, a small crack of a smile turned at the corner of your mouth.
"I'll keep that in mind," you said, some of the teasing coming back into your voice.
"Does that mean I'm forgiven?" he asked.
"Only if you mean it."
He didn't have an answer for that. At least, not right away.
With deliberate care, he slipped his hand into yours, raising it to his lips.
He watched as your eyes widened in surprise, only to soften as he pressed a gentle kiss to your fingers. His eyes never strayed from yours. He needed you to see him too.
"I mean it," he said.
A true smile came to your lips, as you nodded. "Then you are forgiven."
He returned your smile, feeling a lightness in his chest only you seemed to grant him.
Perhaps he was wrong in his assessment. He had been given many gifts since meeting you. You practically showered him with them every single day, and damn him for taking any of them for granted.
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handdrawnverathin · 5 months
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Hi. So, uh... it's been a while. And after all this time, I think it's time to be honest with myself and admit that this animatic is probably never going to be finished. I started it when I'd only watched a couple POVs of Third Life and it really shows in the designs. Some of them aren't bad - I still like how I drew Tango - but enough of them have details wrong or just weird vibes that continuing to draw them is kinda dissatisfying. That being said, I put a lot of work into it and didn't want to let it just die without saying anything, so here's a collection of GIFs from the few scenes I managed to get edited.
For the record, I am still on the Hermitcraft/Life Series brainrot train and I have some drawings that I've been working on that I genuinely like. So hopefully those will be done soon! Just as soon as I finish that one project that I started eight years ago. But it's getting there! I swear!
Also: for anyone interested, I've included the original frame-by-frame plan below the cut
SONG: Willow Tree March, The Paper Kites
Feet swinging over sandstone cliff face (0:00 - 0:05)
Lower half of Grian’s face visible, whistling (0:05 - 0:12)
The cool bit
Fade to front face view of Grian, looking up slightly (0:12 - 0:16)
Real quick zoom out to all players standing in a row looking dramatic (0:16 - 0:28)
Title card fades in as overlay (0:20 - 0:28)
Player introductions
(0:28 - 0:30)
(0:30 - 0:32)
(0:32 - 0:34)
(0:34 - 0:36)
Peaceful times
Grian walking through a forest, early morning. First frame is a footstep, then a side view of him looking around (0:36 - 0:44)
Flower Husbands meeting, afternoon. First frame is Scott peaking into the hole from outside, then Jimmy looking up at him sheepishly (0:44 - 0:52)
Renchanting looking up at the sky, sunset. First frame is a hand raised to block the sun, then a rear-view shot of them from the waist up (0:52 - 1:00)
Phantom shelter, night. First frame is a wide view of the group either hiding or fending off phantoms, then a close up of a few of them laughing with each other(1:00 - 1:08)
Wide shot of Scar burning the tree (1:08 - 1:12)
Close-up of Grian’s face as he looks to the side. Creeper visible in the reflection of his eyes. (1:12 - 1:16)
Scar doing some smooth talking. A wisp of smoke fades in behind him.(1:16 - 1:20)
Close up of Scar’s face turning around, eyes widening (1:20 - 1:22)
Yellow heart (1:22 - 1:26)
The promise
Wide shot of Monopoly Mountain, cut to close-up of Grian swearing loyalty with a hand over his heart (1:26 - 1:34)
Close-up of Grian’s face, mostly the eyes, looking a little unhappy with the whole situation (1:34 - 1:42)
Tensions rising
Skizz looks at an enderman: over-the-shoulder shot of him looking back, then a close up on his eyes widening (1:42 - 1:50)
Cleo threatening Pizza - animated? Initial/final poses plus two in-betweens (1:50 - 1:58)
Tango’s lava game: first a close up of his smiling face, then a wide shot with his arms outstretched in front of the challenge (1:58 - 2:06)
Scar threatening Ren for the enchanter: first an over-the-shoulder shot of Scar, then one of Ren (2:06 - 2:14)
Wide shot of ceremony (2:14 - 2:18)
Ren, kneeling, waist down and cloak on (2:18 - 2:22)
Low-angle shot of Martyn looking very uncomfortable. Winces a bit, axe raised and…  (2:22 - 2:28)
Swings down. We get a flash of Ren's face, grinning, before fading out. The red eyes linger just a bit longer. (2:28 - 2:32)
Flower wall burns down (2:32 - 2:40)
Rear view wide shot in silhouette
Front view, sad and also a little horrified
Desert battle (2:40 - 2:48)
Profile view of Grian with a slightly manic smile on his face as explosions go off. The camera is pretty close to him, so we can’t actually see the explosions, but add in some effects and it’ll get the point across
Siege of Dogwarts (2:48 - 2:56)
Aerial attack using slowfall arrows
Ground combat feat. Joel and dogs
 Bdubs kills Impulse, Scar kills Bdubs (2:56 - 3:04)
Scar (right) kneeling in the water before Grian (left). We can see Scar from about chest down and only the lower half of Grian’s legs (3:04 - 3:12)
Low-angle shot of Grian looking down at Scar holding a sword. We can see Scar’s head and maybe a bit of his back depending on camera angles. (3:12 - 3:20)
Fade to the Tree in a dark void, glowing as if by firelight. Very slow pan out. Fade to a wider view before the light is extinguished, leaving us in darkness.  (3:20 - 3:28)
Ghosties (dark gray background, white outlines)
Jimmy/Cleo/Skizz (3:28 - 3:32)
Joel/Scott/Etho (3:32 - 3:36)
Tango/Ren/Martyn (3:36 - 3:40)
Impulse/BigB/Bdubs (3:40 - 3:44)
They want blood (survivors haunted by ghosts)
Grian, with chestplate and sword, looking very much like he’d rather be anywhere else(3:44 - 3:48)
Scar, also not having a good time, sword and shield but no chestplate (3:48 - 3:52)
Facing each other, no weapons or armor. Scar of left, Grian on right (3:52 - 3:56)
Close up side view of Grian’s face: scared, then steeling himself (eyes closed) then shouting as he runs in (3:58 - 4:02)
The girls are fighting! ;A;
(4:02 - 4:10)
(4:10 - 4:18)
(4:18 - 4:26)
We have a winner
Full body behind shot of Grian standing at the edge of the cliff before falling (4:26 - 4:36)
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pikahlua · 9 months
Control your heart, but not like how you think
I've tried so many ways to write this idea out before. Hopefully I get it right this time.
There's a widely-accepted fandom interpretation going around a lot lately that I think needs to be challenged. Perhaps I won't be able to express it in its complete version because I don't subscribe to it, but I'll try my best to approximate it and hopefully most of you will know what I'm generally talking about.
It seems like a lot of people believe "control your heart" is a plot line that refers to Izuku's inability to contain his love for Katsuki, that "control your heart" is advice from a well-intentioned but ultimately incorrect adult who wants Izuku to suppress his feelings for Katsuki, and that Izuku is hiding his feelings but will eventually let go and embrace his love for Katsuki in an explosion of anger. Or something. Admittedly this interpretation varies a lot depending on who's talking about it, and I cannot hope to encompass every interpretation of it with one paragraph. But it always boils down to some version of "control your heart is about Izuku repressing his feelings for Katsuki."
Let's discuss.
Table of Contents I. Why I want to challenge this aka false dichotomies II. What Banjou said III. Katsuki's rage IV. Tomura doesn't control his heart V. The AFO connection
I. Why I want to challenge this aka false dichotomies
I want to challenge this interpretation of "control your heart," but my main goal here is not to shoot down BKDKs. I want this to be understood more than anything: the goal here is to help BakuDekus.
You see, fandom and shipping arguments--they're very susceptible to false dichotomies. I believe this is the source of a LOT of certain shipping interpretations that seem to go so far in one direction they fall off the rails.
I'll give you an example. I vividly remember how an anti-BKDK once went for chapter 1 in which Izuku rescues Katsuki. They started with the argument "Izuku didn't save Katsuki because he loves him, he would have saved anyone else in that situation."
This is a false dichotomy. "Izuku loves Katsuki" and "Izuku would have saved anyone else in that situation" are NOT mutually exclusive. It's very possible for both statements to be true (and I would argue they both ARE true). However, in the heat of an argument, it's very easy to accept the framing of these statements as mutually exclusive without stopping to think. You can try to argue against the premise. You can try to argue "no, Izuku saved Katsuki BECAUSE he loves Katsuki, and he wouldn't have done the same for anyone else," but you have to ignore or distort so many canon elements to get there. That makes it very easy for your opponent to point and laugh about how your interpretations are so wrong that they have to bend the story to make them work.
But there's another option: reject the framing. If you accept the framing, you're allowing the other person to dictate the discussion.
What does this look like? Let the evidence lead you to the conclusion and not the other way around. And that's a difficult thing to do. I would never say I'm perfect at it either. But if you are convinced Izuku loves Katsuki, then whatever evidence lies in canon shouldn't scare you. In some way, it doesn't MATTER what happens in canon--in that you're invested in their dynamic together and you'll ship them regardless, because there's ALWAYS an interpretation that will support the ship. But you can read the ship into whatever the canon provides. If someone says "Izuku would save anyone, so the reason he saves Katsuki is not because he loves him," one potential response would be "Izuku would save anyone, and also he saves Katsuki because he loves him." Don't let others control how you interpret the story with their words.
To take this back to "control your heart," there may or may not have been a shipping argument that spawned this--I have no idea. But there doesn't have to be. The point is to challenge the framing of the assumption, because there may still be another shipping interpretation if the original assumption doesn't hold up.
"Control your heart is bad advice that causes Izuku to repress his love for Katsuki and he will end up exploding" is one way to frame this.
But consider this new framing: "Control your heart is about Izuku using his anger/love as a source of strength so long as he doesn't let it control him--just like Katsuki does."
II. What Banjou said
The "control your heart" line comes from Banjou in chapter 213.
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But I think people really gloss over the part that comes before:
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This isn't about repression. Banjou says, "It's okay to get mad. That rage can be the source." Control here is not about repression at all.
This is about whether or not the rage controls Izuku instead. This is about Izuku going berserk and losing his senses. I've discussed the phrasing in Japanese before:
The phrase in Japanese is "kokoro wo sei suru" (心を制する). The word in question, kokoro, does not have a direct translation into English. It is often translated as "heart," "mind," or "spirit." The meaning of sei suru is "to control," "to command," "to get the better of."
The notion that "control your heart" means "don't let your rage get the better of you" is supported by chapter 367.
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Tomura reveals that the reason he wanted to leave Izuku the "presents" of his comrades beaten and Katsuki dead was to anger him--which would cause Izuku to fight poorly. Mirio talking Izuku down after this further supports that "control your heart" is meant to be a good thing, something Izuku should do.
We also see a precursor to this in All Might vs AFO in Kamino (you know, the first one). AFO was determined for years to find something to "steal a bit" of his heart away--and he came up with using Nana Shimura's grandson.
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Tomura himself stokes All Might's anger by attacking his students at the USJ.
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But each time All Might gets angry, he keeps control and saves the day.
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All Might is able to be effective despite his anger--or perhaps even because of it. Izuku needs to be able to do the same.
III. Katsuki's rage
In a weird way, the poster child for using anger as a source of strength is Katsuki Bakugou.
I say "in a weird way" because Katsuki's anger is often used as a front for something else. He hides behind anger. But at the same time, since he seems to be angry constantly, he surprises everyone with how much control he has over himself...
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...to the point where Tomura even misjudges Katsuki's veil of anger at the sports festival to be resentment towards society.
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And we know a big part of the dynamic between Izuku and Katsuki is about emulation.
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We've just had a grand battle between Katsuki and AFO in which Katsuki achieved his strength by emulating Izuku--his battle analysis, his tolerance and willingness to endure pain, his use of his own pain as a weapon, etc.
So what if "control your heart" is the corollary to what Katsuki just went through? What if Izuku's "control your heart" is about him learning to use anger to win in the way Katsuki always does?
IV. Tomura doesn't control his heart
If Izuku does need to "control his heart" to be like Katsuki, this provides an opportunity for a moment in Izuku vs Tomura where Izuku can acknowledge Katsuki's role in Izuku's growth. This will depend on Tomura acting as a foil.
I start with the assumption "control your heart" means “if I want to save the people I love, I can’t let anger in the moment control me. I have to use my anger, which comes from my love, to reach the bigger goal.” In this case, Izuku has to control his heart long enough to get what he wants (to save Tomura), and he may have to go even further by applying this ability to someone else who doesn’t control their heart (Tomura).
I do think Tomura can represent a person who is not in control of his heart--which is why he lashes out and destroys everything. He gives in to his instincts to destroy. He loves destruction. And he represses the child inside him who has to explode out when someone like Mirio says he doesn't have any friends. If there's any character who represses his true desires, it has to be Tomura Shigaraki. He denies the idea that he's human, that he's saveable, that there's a crying child inside him--things Izuku asserts because he has seen the truth of them. So Izuku learning to control his heart may be what allows him to save Tomura, and if so, he can give some credit for that to Katsuki (and to All Might as well).
V. The AFO connection
I think one of the major details people discuss surrounding "control your heart" is this notion that Izuku lied about what triggered Black Whip in chapter 217.
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"Any clue what set it off? Maybe something's triggering it." "I dunno..."
There's this assumption by the fandom that Izuku is lying because he should know that Black Whip going berserk was triggered by Izuku's anger at Monoma insulting Katsuki. Honestly, I think this is a misreading of the above scene. I don't blame anyone for the misreading because the scene is written in a confusing manner, but I think this page is talking about something else.
Katsuki isn't asking "What caused Black Whip to go berserk?" (answer: Izuku's emotions). He's asking "What caused Black Whip to become accessible?" In other words, why is One For All evolving in this way now? Why didn't All Might have access to these quirks when he had One For All? Why didn't you, Izuku, have access to these quirks until now?
To which all Izuku can say is, "they [the vestiges] just told me the time was right."
If you think about it, it doesn't make sense that Izuku's emotions triggered the "unlocking" of Black Whip and Izuku's sudden access to all these new quirks. If all that was necessary was for Izuku to have a surge of emotion and the desire to "catch" something to unlock Black Whip, he should have unlocked it back at summer camp when Compress kidnapped Katsuki or when Katsuki was about to disappear through Kurogiri's portal.
So in the above page, we're really meant to hone in on Katsuki's suggestion: "Yeah, something to do with All For One..."
There's evidence to support All For One is connected to One For All's evolution. In chapter 209, right before Izuku's team's match in the joint training exercise (where Black Whip first appears), we "randomly" get a cut to All For One in prison:
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There are plenty of hints scattered about that this all has something to do with AFO. Remember, Izuku has a dream where Yoichi spoke to him the night before the Joint Training Arc begins--and the dream included a bit of AFO's backstory. It's very possible this was the true "unlocking." I would argue the best hint we have about what's happening with OFA is AFO's line of "I hear my little brother's voice!"
...because it sounds like the AFO-OFA resonance from chapter 369.
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Putting all these pieces together, I would like to share with you my current theory about "control your heart." You don't have to subscribe to this idea, but this is where I personally am at right now.
I think the fact Black Whip went out of control in the Joint Training Arc reveals this evolution is about the resonance between OFA and AFO (the QUIRKS, not the people) that we’re seeing in the story right now. Katsuki’s role in this is that he’s the trigger for Izuku’s anger, which didn’t unlock the quirk factors but allowed them to go berserk in the moment. The idea of "control your heart" most likely means “anger is good, but don’t let your anger control you, you should be the one in control.” And Shigaraki understands this because he tries to provoke Izuku’s anger to defeat him. Izuku has to keep his own anger from interfering with his heart’s desire to save Shigaraki, and Katsuki is horrified that he’s a trigger for Izuku in this way (which is why he freaks out when Izuku attacks Tomura in the Paranormal Liberation War, and why he tells Izuku "stop trying to win this on your own" after he gets stabbed saving Izuku). This informs Katsuki's desire to "no longer stand in Izuku's way," because Izuku can only be triggered when Katsuki isn't strong enough to keep himself from being exploited. Izuku was triggered by Katsuki's death, but he managed to CONTROL his anger, not suppress it. He's still angry, he's just channeling it to achieve his goal of saving Tomura. And it's likely this point could come up in Izuku's attempt to save Tomura as Tomura is someone not in great control of his heart. And in the same way Izuku was an example for Katsuki to emulate so that he could use his pain and analysis as a weapon to defeat AFO, Izuku can use Katsuki's example to emulate "controlling his heart" aka controlling his rage to be his power in battle.
For your consideration.
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superlunar-eclipse · 8 months
🌑 ੈ✩‧₊˚ ━━━━━ ACROSS THE COUNTRY
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SUMMARY ➤ Dean and Sam, concerned about their missing father, approach their estranged elder sister Y/N, an FBI agent, for help. Despite initial resistance due to past grievances and her current job, Y/N eventually agrees to join them in their search, setting the stage for a journey filled with potential challenges and dangers.
WARNINGS ➤ injury’s, injured Y/N, stabbed wound (to the shoulder), small shard of glass on Y/N’s face and the back of their head, and slight arguing.
CHARACTERS ➤ Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Y/N Winchester, mentions of John Winchester, and Adam William (added character)
WORD COUNT ➤ 1,180 words
OTHER ➤ Y/N is a FBI agent, small mention of Y/N being 32 years old, set in season 1, episode 1.
AUTHOR’S NOTE ➤ first fanfic! hopefully dean and sam don’t act too OOC, but lmk if they do!
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"Dad hasn't been home in a few days."
Sam took a deep breath before responding, "So, he's working one of his usual overtime shifts on a 'Miller Time'. It's nothing to worry about. He's bound to stumble back in sooner or later."
Dean glanced down at the cold, hard ground, allowing his eyes to linger there for a moment before looking back up at Sam. His voice was full of concern as he said, "Dad’s on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days."
Sam’s expression remained stoic, giving away nothing of the worry that was slowly starting to creep in. Jess, who had been quietly observing the exchange, glanced up at him.
"Jess, excuse us. We have to go outside."
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"I mean, come on. You can't just break into my place in the middle of the night, and expect me to hit the road with you," Sam said, his voice echoing in the silence of the night as he followed Dean down the stairs.
"You're not hearing me, Sammy. Dad's missing. I'm not just asking you to hit the road with me. I need you to help me find him." He looked back at Sam, his eyes pleading for understanding.
"I- I don’t understand, why couldn’t you have called Y/N? Isn’t she an FBI agent or something like that?" Sam questioned, his hand reaching out to grab Dean’s shoulder in an attempt to halt his progress.
Dean sighed loudly, a sound that echoed throughout the quiet night. He bounced on the balls of his feet, a nervous habit he had whenever he was troubled. "Well I… kinda don’t know where she is…" he admitted shamefully.
Sam’s eyebrows furrowed, a clear sign of his confusion. "What do you mean you ‘don’t know where she is’?"
Dean pursed his lips and rubbed his hands together, his gaze dropping to the ground. "Well I don’t know her exact location but I know she’s somewhere in Washington DC or something like that!"
Sam scoffed in disbelief and shook his head. "That’s all the way across the country."
"Well did you want this to go quicker?" Dean shot back defensively.
Sam simply rolled his eyes at Dean.
"Look, are you coming with me or not?" Dean asked, his patience clearly running thin.
"I’m not." Sam said, his tone leaving no room for argument.
"Why not?" Dean questioned, his frustration clear.
"I swore I was done hunting. For good."
"Come on. It wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t all bad."
Dean starts heading down the stairs once again, with Sam quickly on his trail.
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"You know, in almost three years I've never bothered you, never asked you for a thing," Dean tried to reason, his voice softening.
Sam looks away and sighs, then looks back.
"All right. I'll go. I'll help you find the both of them."
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Y/N, a 32 year old FBI agent, sat in the back of the ambulance as the woman cleaned up her many cuts. Her shoulder had been stabbed by the unsub and her head was smashed into a sheet of glass.
"Alright, you're done." The woman finished cleaning her cuts, placing a bandage on her forehead and applying gauze tape to her wound.
Y/N smiled at the woman and hopped off the ambulance truck.
"Y/N!" someone shouted from the distance. She turned to see her great friend Adam, who was the first one to welcome her to the FBI.
She smiled softly as he gave her a comforting hug, "Ow, my shoulder." Her nose scrunched up in pain.
"Sorry," the corners of his mouth turned up as he let go of her.
Other agents of the FBI walked up to her, thanking her for her bravery. "Thank you for saving that girl's life."
"No problem." She gave them a comforting smile.
The agents walked away to discuss matters with other departments.
Y/N and Adam talked about the case for a little while, before Adam turned his attention to something behind her.
"Hey, do you know those people over there?" He asked.
She turned around to look at the people Adam was pointing at. She tilted her head to the side, squinting slightly as she tried to recognize them.
Why did they look so familiar?
Her face paled when she realized who they were.
"Uhm, yea- yeah I do, I’ll be right back," she stuttered, patting his shoulder reassuringly before she walked away.
"What are you guys doing here and how in the hell did you guys find me?" Y/N whispered-yelled at the two boys, her eyes wide with surprise.
"We need your help," Dean replied simply.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and put her hands in the back pockets of her jeans, "Oh, so all of a sudden you both need me after what, three years of not talking to me?"
Dean, with a dramatic flair that was all too typical of him, let out an exaggerated sigh. "Listen-" he began, a note of desperation creeping into his voice.
But she cut him off, her frustration palpable. "Dean, please, I really don’t have time for this," she said, waving a hand dismissively.
Sam, practically silent until now, took a step forward. His eyes critically scanned over her face and body, noting the signs of recent distress. "What happened to your shoulder?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.
In response, she lifted a brow and shot him a sarcastic look. "Take a guess, Sam. I’m in the FBI," she said dryly.
He rolled his eyes at her retort. Typical Y/N, he thought, not for the first time.
Dean, who had been silent during their exchange, finally spoke. "Dad’s been missing for a few days, and we… we need you," he stated, his eyes narrowed and serious.
Her reaction was almost immediate. Her jaw tightened, her eyes darkened, her whole demeanor turned defensive. "And why would I want to find him?" she shot back, her voice icy.
He faltered, at a loss for words. He turned away, his gaze landing aimlessly on the nearby crime site.
Now it was Sam’s turn to speak up. He stepped forward, his eyes pleading. "Y/N, please, we really need you right now," he implored, giving her a puppy-dog look. It was a tactic he used to use all the time when he was younger to get what he wanted.
She looked away from him, her lips pursed, her face screwed up in thought. After a long pause, she finally voiced her question. "How- how long is this going to take?"
Dean was the one to answer. "Four days."
She sighed out loud, a wearied sound that echoed in the silence. "You do realize I have a real job, right?" she asked, a note of exasperation in her voice.
Dean rolled his eyes, a retort already forming on his lips. But before he could speak, Y/N interrupted him.
"Fine, I’ll go with you two," she said, her voice resigned.
Dean smiled lightly, relief flooding his features. "Thank you, Y/N."
And so, they walked together to Dean's car, unaware of the challenges and dangers that lay ahead of them.
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floralcyanidee · 1 year
ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟɪᴘs, ᴍʏ ʟɪᴘs, ᴀᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ - ᴄɪʟʟɪᴀɴ ᴍᴜʀᴘʜʏ
Young!Cillian Murphy x AFAB!Reader (NSFW)
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A night over at your best friend, Cillian's, leads to something more than friendship but something less than romance. Will you ever tell him how you feel, or will you always just be friends with benefits?
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warnings: smut, nipple play, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, oral sex, cock warming, friends with benefits, friends to lovers, dirty talk, squirting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, hair pulling, mentions of choking, love confessions
word count: 4409
author’s note: I'm shadowbanned on my main account everyone please clap (not for nsfw, I was flagged for spam yay) so I'll be posting on this shiny new blog, ao3, and wattpad for the time being. (those are both linked on my masterpost) hopefully I'll be unbanned soon because I've had my main tumblr for a decade and it has 2.5k followers on it and I'll fr cry my eyes out if I can't get unbanned!!! anyway please enjoy this!! I wrote a good chunk of this while at work this week. the horny really unleashes in the second part haha. please leave feedback if you enjoy! <3
main masterlist | cillian murphy masterlist | add yourself to the taglist here
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
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Cillian’s lips hover over yours, and you can feel his warm breath hitting your face. His eyelashes almost touch your cheeks, and his nose is beside yours, barely brushing against it. 
“I want you so bad,” Cillian whispers, his hands finding your hips.
You have been friends since the 90s when Cillian first arrived in Hollywood, stumbling upon you at a local bar where you worked. Ever since, you’ve both been the best of friends. But tonight, that’s being challenged. The lights in Cillian’s place are dimmed, candles are lit, and wine is flowing through the two of you. Having a bit to drink in a comfortable setting isn’t out of the norm, but for some reason, tensions were high tonight. You could almost cut it with a knife. Everything about him is more mesmerizing tonight- his eyes, his freckles, the way he smiles. You needed him, and apparently, he needed you too. 
“Then have me,” you mutter against Cillian’s lips.
He chuckles humorlessly, shaking his head slightly, “I don’t want to ruin us.”
“You won’t,” you look down at his lips- they’re so close to yours that you can feel them move whenever he speaks.
“I promise,” you breathe, grabbing hold of Cillian’s face as he finally puts his mouth on yours.
The kiss immediately becomes hungry, your teeth nearly clashing together as Cillian slips his tongue around yours. He’s gripping your hips fiercely, and his sideburns press pleasantly into your palms as you hold his head steady. Cillian pulls you onto his lap from your sitting position on the couch next to him, seating you firmly on his thighs. Your fingers find his hair, tugging it slightly as a small whimper vibrates in Cillian’s throat. The sound spurs you on, and you take over the kiss, dominating his tongue with yours. You explore his mouth and suck on his tongue harshly, pulling away from the embrace to catch your breath.
“Fuck,” Cillian curses, leaning his forehead against yours, “You’re good at this.”
You scoff, putting both your hands on his cheeks as you trace your thumb along his sharp cheekbones, “And to think you would’ve never known.”
“Not necessarily,” Cillian looks you in the eyes, “I would’ve gotten you one way or another.”
“Then why have you waited so long, then? Hmm?” you ask.
“I value our friendship,” Cillian admits.
“I do, too, Cill. But god, if I had known you were so good at kissing, I would’ve done it ages ago,” you smirk, running your finger across his bottom lip.
His eyes follow your movements before they flick up to yours, darkening, “I’m not just good at that.”
His words shoot straight to your lower belly, warmth spreading through you, “Is that right?”
“Mhmm,” Cillian pulls you closer to his chest, your core settling right on his.
“Show me.”
Cillian attacks your lips again, this time biting down on your lower lip and rolling it between his teeth. You watch his face as he does it, his icy eyes becoming a darker shade of blue. His hand moves from your hip to your hair, his fingers sliding through your locks before they tighten, pulling your head backward to expose your neck. Cillian leaves hot, open-mouthed kisses along the column of your neck, licking a stripe up the side before he bites at the skin, leaving a small bruise to form below your jaw. You squirm slightly at the feeling of his teeth pressing into your skin, dangerously close to breaking its surface. Cillian then kisses your collarbones, stopping when he reaches the neck of your shirt, well, his shirt. You always took from his wardrobe, whether it was a beanie, t-shirt, or hoodie that he forgot he had. He slides his hand from your hip to underneath the shirt, pressing his palm to your feverish skin and pushing it up slowly until he reaches your breast. 
“No bra?” Cillian asks, surprised.
“I never wear a bra when I’m over here,” you admit, “I’m surprised you’ve never noticed.”
“I’m glad I never noticed, or else I’d be underneath your shirt constantly,” Cillian pulls his hand from your hair to move it under the shirt along with the other.
“Doesn’t sound too bad to me,” you giggle, but it’s cut off by a quiet moan when Cillian grasps your breasts.
Cillian brushes his thumbs over your nipples, circling the buds as they harden under his touch. You hum, letting your head fall back at the sensation. Cillian pushes the shirt up and over your chest, and you help him pull it all the way off, tossing it somewhere in the living room. Immediately, Cillian latches onto one of your nipples, toying with the other one with his fingers. Electricity shoots to your still-clothed core, and you know that Cillian can feel you beginning to throb through your thin shorts. His playing with your breasts could get you off alone; his touch is like nothing you’ve ever felt before. It’s sometimes sensual and soft and rough and firm when needed. Cillian grazes his teeth over the sensitive bud, pulling it toward him as you let out a yelp. You involuntarily bare down on his lap and feel him growing harder underneath you. He lands a slap to your breast, and you gasp, hands going to grip his biceps to ground yourself. 
“I can feel you getting excited,” Cillian teases, raising his hips a little to let all your weight sit on him momentarily.
“What are you gonna do about it, then?” you stifle a moan at his bulge pressing into your clit harshly.
Cillian pushes you off his lap and onto the couch, where he spreads your legs and yanks your shorts down your thighs, discarding them wherever the shirt also previously went. He pulls your calves onto his shoulders, laying on his chest between your thighs. His breath hits your dampened underwear, sending goosebumps across your skin. You bite your lip as Cillian plays with the edges of your underwear right against where you need him most. He toys with the fabric, letting his fingers barely touch you underneath. 
“I’ve waited so long for this,” Cillian confesses, his intense eyes flickering up to your face.
You feel your cheeks burn, “Me too.”
Cillian smiles his typical beautiful smile, teeth and all, as he pulls your underwear down your legs painfully slow, “I’ve always imagined how wet you’d get just from me teasing you.”
You bite back a whimper as he removes your underwear from your legs, letting them fall to the floor. 
“You’d get soaked from me playing with your pussy, rubbing your clit slowly, and eating you out until you cry,” Cillian lets his filthy words fall from his lips as you shiver from them, wanting to close your legs subconsciously.
But they were perched on Cillian’s shoulders, and he was about to go in for the kill. He kneads your thigh before pushing it to the side, letting it drape off the edge of the couch and opening you up further to him. Cillian’s fingers brush against your hardening clit like it’s the most delicate thing in the world, making you tremble as you grunt from the sensual feeling.
“Please,” you sigh, your hips jerking up when Cillian pulls his hand away.
“Please, what?”
“Touch me, Cill. God, I need you to touch me.”
Cillian strokes your entrance with his index finger, gathering your wetness before dragging it up to your clit. He circles the bundle of nerves slowly, making you whine above him. 
“So wet already,” Cillian moans, “You’re so beautiful.”
You throw your head back against the arm of the couch when Cillian finally replaces his finger with the tip of his tongue, going around and around the sensitive bud, never coming directly in contact with it. He changes his mind about that and starts to lap at your clit, flicking his tongue over it as his fingers travel back to your now-dripping entrance. Cillian hums in satisfaction at the feeling of your arousal seeping out of you at his expense. He flattens his tongue and licks a fat stripe up your slit before swirling his tongue around your clit, his tongue still flat and giving your entire bundle of nerves attention. Cillian probes you with a single finger, pushing it in as you moan his name. He pumps it in and out of you, curling it against your g spot with every thrust. He adds a second finger, and the sound of your wetness grows louder, mixing with your breathy moans and Cillian’s pants. 
“Say my name again,” Cillian bites his lip, watching as his soaked fingers move in and out of you.
“Cillian,” you whine, moving your hips along with his fingers.
“That’s right, fuck yourself on my fingers, darling,” he says, adding a third finger in you.
To say you‘re a mess is an understatement. You need Cillian inside you, as your walls are clenching around his fingers with desperation. You grab his shirt, “Fuck me, please.”
“Thought you’d never ask,” Cillian smirks, lifting his shirt off his lean body before standing up to tug his pants and underwear down and off his legs. 
Cillian teases your clit with his leaking head before lining himself up with you. He looks at you with an unsure expression, and you nod in response to the unspoken question. He slowly pushes himself into you, your warmth already fluttering around him. Cillian guides himself all the way to his hilt, letting out a throaty groan when he feels his entire length surrounded by your velvety walls. His hands run up and down your abdomen, stopping when he palms over your breasts. They’re still sensitive from the previous activity and your growing arousal, causing you to wriggle when Cillian’s fingers deftly pinch at both your nipples as he slowly pulls himself almost out of you entirely before slamming back into you. You cry out, your hands flying to where his back meets his shoulders, nails digging softly into his flesh. Cillian moans when you clench harshly around him when he tugs at your nipple particularly hard. 
“You like these pretty titties to be played with, huh?” Cillian runs his tongue along his bottom lip as he watches your face twist in pleasure when he pulls at the sensitive skin.
You nod, but he lets go of your breasts, running his hands over your body before his hand snakes between the two of you, rubbing tight circles on your clit. You let out a throaty moan, and Cillian curses under his breath as his hips snap against yours at a steady rhythm. 
“Fuuuuck,” you drawl, eyes rolling into the back of your head as your body heaves into the couch from the velocity of Cillian’s perfect cock slamming into you without mercy, “You feel so good inside of me.”
You push Cillian up and off you, shoving him onto the couch behind him. You climb on his lap, throwing your legs over his thighs as you line him back up with your aching cunt. Feeling him stretch you out completely while at a different angle makes you moan uncontrollably as you set a pace, riding Cillian as if your life depended on it. Your ass slaps his hips as he guides them up and down, thrusting into you dead-on. Cillian’s tip hits your cervix flawlessly, and you feel that tightness in your belly. 
“Cum inside me, Cillian,” you swivel your hips, “Fill me up and make me yours.”
“Gonna cum around my cock first?” Cillian’s lips are swollen from incessantly biting as he watches you fuck yourself on him.
You decide you’ll milk him for all he’s got and lean down to land a bruising kiss on his lips. Both of you pant into each other’s mouths as you near your peak, reaching underneath you to flick your clit. Cillian grips your ass as you feel yourself unravel, your orgasm ripping through you. Your walls cave in on CIllian’s length, causing him to reach his own orgasm before he’s ready. He squirms underneath you as you continue to bounce on his cock, coaxing every drop of cum out of him. 
“Fuck,” Cillian exhales as he runs a hand through his sweaty hair, looking just as fucked out as you.
You lay down on his chest, him still inside you. He doesn’t bother moving either; the feeling of you still cloaked around him made him dizzy. Cillian is still trying to wrap his head around how this is real. He also is trying to figure out where to go from here. He’s terrified of telling you his true feelings for you, fearing you won’t want to be friends anymore. Obviously, tonight the dynamic has changed from just friendship between the two of you. 
“I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting for that,” you trace shapes into Cillian’s bare chest, peering up at him when he doesn’t answer. 
He appears deep in thought.
“Everything okay?” you ask, furrowing your eyebrows at the man underneath you.
Cillian nods, his hand finding your hair before stroking it softly, “Just thinking.”
“About?” you rest your chest on his collarbone.
“How much I’d like to do this again,” Cillian says, and you chuckle.
“That can be arranged,” you leave a kiss on his neck, his eyes meeting yours through his eyelashes.
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship, though,” Cillian says worriedly.
“You haven’t ruined anything. And I’ve had just as much to do with this as you,” you say, putting your finger under Cillian’s chin to look at him directly, “You’re still my best friend.”
“And you’re fine with whatever this is?”
“It’s the best of both worlds,” you shrug with a smile. 
Cillian moves to sit up against the couch's armrest still sheathed inside you. And as you start yet another make out session and begin to rock your hips with your walls still hugging his cock, you try not to think. The idea that you must hide your feelings for Cillian even more is hard to wrap your mind around.
But little did you know, he was having the same problem. He tries not to think about it as he thrusts into you sloppily, letting you ride him as you please. 
“Jesus, shit!”
“God, you’re so fucking drenched. All of this for me?”
“Uh-huh,” you whimper, letting out a pornographic moan as one of Cillian’s hands holds your swollen cunt open while the other rubs at it vigorously.
“Just like that-” Cillian moans at the sounds you’re letting out, “Need you to cum on my face, pretty thing.”
You cry out, rocking your hips against Cillian’s merciless hand as it flies across your pussy with no sign of stopping. He pokes out his middle finger to catch your clit with every swipe of his hand. Your orgasm explodes in your stomach, your core gushing cum as Cillian hurries to dip his face down. He latches his mouth onto your cunt, flicking his tongue over your bundle of nerves, causing you to squirt again. 
“Fuuuck,” you squeal, your hands gripping Cillian’s hair like a vice.
Cillian can’t get enough. He’s not gonna lie, he thinks he’s absolutely obsessed with making you squirt. He could do it all night and still get off at the sight. Cillian laps at your pussy, spreading his tongue around your folds, stimulating the sensitive area further.
“Cill, I’m gonna cum again,” you warn, but Cillian just keeps his eyes closed as he sneaks two fingers inside you.
His fingertips brush against your g spot and send you over the edge a third time, and Cillian’s nipping at your clit causes you to gush again. You were slightly embarrassed but incredibly turned on by it. And you know Cillian is relishing in it, literally and figuratively. He pulls away from you, a little reluctantly, and wipes his mouth and face with the back of his arm. You grab his face and pull him into you as he collapses on your naked, heaving chest. You stare at Cillian, the light from the side table’s lamp shining into his eyes just right. They’re returning to an arctic blue as his heart rate calms, his pupils going back to normal size. Cillian stares back at you, studying your features just as you are his. Freckles sprinkle Cillian’s cheeks and nose, dotting along his forehead and chin as well. His lips are red and swollen, and he’s sporting a lopsided smile as he looks at you. 
“You’re perfect,” you whisper, combing your fingers through his hair, “Literally everything you do, say, and how you look is just flawless. Are you sure you aren’t an angel?” you joke.
A smile spreads upon Cillian’s face as his cheeks tinge pink, the warmth traveling to his ears, “I’m not perfect by any means, and no, I’m not an angel,” he says, his accent thick and raspy from the previous exertion. 
“Mmm, I’m not sure about that,” you say as CIllian softly kisses your neck.
God, I love you, you want to say. Because you do; you love him. You always have, but sharing such intimate moments with Cillian has just strengthened the feeling you already had. You’re honestly exhausted but still blissed out from Cillian going absolutely feral on you. You have never squirted before, and if you could, you’d let him make you squirt all night. You’d watch as your arousal covers his pretty face, delighting him much like it did earlier. Cillian looked like a kid in a candy store as you gushed for him. 
“I’ve never squirted before, so,” you mutter, covering your face with your hands, “Yeah, I’d consider that angelic.”
“Really?” Cillian asks incredulously, “Never? Not even by yourself?”
“Especially not by myself,” you chuckle, uncovering your face to look at Cillian, “You’re better than any vibrator or dildo I own.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Cillian bites your jaw playfully before reaching down and grabbing the duvet, covering the both of you with it.
He rolls off you, much to your dismay. But he immediately pulls you into his chest, holding you tightly with his arms as if you’ll disappear. Cillian slides a leg between yours, his knee pressed against you softly. He rubs his nose against your ear, “Still wet, pretty?”
“Shut up,” you mutter shyly, burying your face in his arms.
“Only if you make me,” Cillian teases you, nipping at your earlobe.
You groan, “Too tired,” you feel Cillian’s hand travel down your navel to gauge how wet you still are, “I don’t think I can move.”
“Who said you had to move?” Cillian asks, pulling your thigh up until your leg is draped over his hip, spreading you open for perfect access.
Before you can ask him to touch you, Cillian lines his length up with your still-needy cunt. You’re surprised you had any remainder of horniness left in you. But there’s something about Cillian that naturally turns you on. You’ve noticed it’s gotten more intense now that he’s your sexual partner. It’s like you can’t get enough of him, and he can’t get enough of you, either. Cillian nudges his tip into you before letting it glide in without a hitch. The way you’re laying makes the angle at which he’s inside of you feel irresistible. You let Cillian play with your still-sensitive clit as his hips snap into your ass. His hot, heavy breath is in your ear as he fucks you slowly. You toss your arm behind you, grabbing the back of Cillian’s neck for leverage as you turn your head around. His lips meet yours hungrily, and he swallows your guttural moans as you fuck yourself on his cock. Cillian’s other hand snakes from underneath you, his fingers wrapping around your throat. He doesn’t press them into your skin but lets them rest there, almost possessively. 
You’ve been exploring each other’s bodies ever since the first night you had sex- trying different angles and positions. But you told Cillian that you didn’t want anything rough. That was reserved for a romantic relationship. Cillian felt a twinge of hurt in his chest when you said that, as if you had meant you weren’t planning on a romantic relationship with him specifically. But he understood and respected your boundaries despite his weird sadness about not being able to do certain things with you. Cillian thought it odd because you were not his, so he had no right to hurt you consensually or mark you as his. So, he shouldn’t be so upset about it. Yet he is because he wants you to trust him with everything you have, and he wants to take care of you after the roughness. Cillian wants you to be taken care of. But he knows his limits and that he can’t break the rules of the friends-with-benefits situation. So Cillian doesn’t choke you during sex, or slap you, or kiss you outside the bedroom- especially in public. He bites his tongue every time you do something that melts his heart. He refrains from saying those three little words every day. Cillian has no idea how much you wished he would break the rules just once or how you wished he’d say he loves you. 
Something comes over you, though. You reach a hand up and cover Cillian’s that is on your neck and press his fingers into the sides of your throat. You sigh contently as your head becomes cloudy from the lack of blood flow to your head. Cillian stops rubbing your clit and takes your hand from over his, slipping his fingers between yours and pinning it in front of you.
You whimper in detest, and Cillian nips at the skin behind your ear, “Naughty thing. Don’t break your own rules, sweetheart.”
You sigh in defeat, but before you can pout, a moan rips through your chest. Cillian pushed your clave up into your thigh, thus making it easier for him to ram his cock against your cervix in a way that sends stars floating across your vision. Your hand squeezes his as you feel your release creeping up.
“I’m gonna cum,” you whisper, watching as Cillian’s length moves in and out of you quickly.
It was erotic yet romantic, him being so close to you and inside you. You and Cillian are now one, but you wish things were different. 
“Good,” Cillian kisses the back of your neck, his nose drawing circles in your skin delicately.
You breathe deeply, feeling your stomach clench. You cry out Cillian’s name as you unravel, his fingers pressing to your clit. Your body trembles and shakes as he continues his assault on the bundle of nerves, still chasing after his own high as he keeps thrusting into you. Your back arches, toes curling as another wave of pleasure hits you. 
“You’re doing so good, angel,” Cillian praises in your ear, “Taking my cock so well. I’m almost there, just hold on.”
The feeling of Cillian exploding inside you sends you over the edge for the third and final time. Stars erupt behind your eyelids, your body convulsing from pleasure. Your pussy clenches around him as he rides out his orgasm, panting in your ear. He almost doesn’t hear you say it. Almost.
“Fuck, I love you,” you whine quietly.
You gasp, immediately realizing what’s slipped from your mouth in a shroud of cloudy pleasure. But you hide your gasp as you catch your breath, inhaling and exhaling sharply. You pray to whatever is out there that Cillian didn’t hear you proclaim your feelings in a vulnerable moment.
Cillian grunts as he pulls out of you, letting your leg go limp and relax back on the bed. He keeps his hand entangled with yours. But you pull your grasp out of his, turning around and facing him. You hurriedly bury your face in his chest so you can’t look at him and see how he’s possibly reacting to your words. Cillian wordlessly wraps his arms around you, pulling you even closer to him. You fight the urge to cry at the silence of the dimly lit room as Cillian tugs the duvet over your sweaty, naked bodies. You try and steady your breath and keep your heart from racing.
“Can you say it again?” Cillian finally asks after several minutes of dead silence.
You lift your head from his chest, looking at him confused, “Say what?”
Cillian looks at you seriously before lifting his hand to touch your face gingerly, “What you said a moment ago.”
“You didn’t hear that, did y-”
“I did. But I want you to say again.”
Tears brim your eyes as you feel heaviness in your chest- will he make fun of you? Did you just ruin everything?
You let out a choked sob, hiding your face in his neck, “I love you. I fucking love you. There, I said it,” you slam your fist against his chest. “Feel free to hate me, but it’s true.”
“I could never hate you, gorgeous,” Cillian pulls away from you, his hands grabbing your cheeks so you’re looking directly at him.
His eyelashes flutter against your cheekbones, much like they did the first time you kissed him weeks ago. You blink away your tears, but Cillian wipes them away with his thumbs.
“I love you too,” Cillian confesses, “I love you so much. You know that?”
Your lips tremble as you nod, but Cillian presses his forehead against yours, and you try to ground yourself. He loves you. Cillian loves you back. Cillian kisses your lips gently as if he’d break you. You grasp his hair, kissing him back passionately.  
“I love you,” you say, pulling away from his lips and kissing his eyelids instead.
“I love everything about you,” you brush your lips across his cheeks, then kiss his nose, “Your angel kisses. Your beautiful eyes. Everything about you. I wasn’t lying when I said you’re perfect.”
Cillian laughs, and you melt at his smile.
“You,” Cillian says, “Are everything to me. Everything that brings me joy, everything that makes me happy.”
You wrap your arms around Cillian’s neck, pulling him close to you as you tuck your face into his neck.
“Never let go,” Cillian says, his arms snaking around your waist and holding you close.
“I won’t,” you say, a heaviness lifting from your chest at last, “I never will.”
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@baizzhu @aporiasposts @hjmalmed @queenshelby @amanda08319 @naty-1001 @orijanko @raineeace @nela-cutie @cutexlr @flwrs4aust @langdons-slut @shynovelist
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dilucsflame33 · 2 years
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Four is Better Than Two 🔥
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Oh, boy, this was a mouth full (no pun intended 😉). I have never wrote something like this and @turtlesmakemehappy you gave me a challenge. You didn't specify on which pronouns I should use, so I used female reader. Hope that's okay!
Here's your Turtle Power Martini, love! I hope you love it. ^^
🔞 Warning 🔞 NFSW 18+ Only
Cat/mouse chase, anal, sex toys, overstimulation, triple penetration, blindfold, praise, spanking, claiming/marking, and feral turtles. Literally a fivesome between the reader and four hot, ninja turtles and we're all gonna die happy. 🙃
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"Excuse me, what?" 
There was a pause from the leader in blue as he looked between his brothers. They are currently in the living room as Donnie and Raph are sitting on the sofa with Y/N next to them while Mikey sat on the floor. Leo stood awkwardly as Y/N crossed her arms over her chest. 
"Well, since we've been dating for over a year now, we are wondering if you're comfortable enough to take the next step with us." Leo repeated as he eyed his brothers for help. 
The guys have been dating Y/N for over a year and they loved every single second of it. It's quite hectic considering she's dating four guys at the same time. They all have different personalities and body language she has to watch out for. They all have their own ticks and ways to do things. The brothers were surprised when the woman agreed to date all four of them at once. 
And they were all on cloud nine. 
The brothers make sure to live up to her expectations, but also be themselves in any way because the woman requested it. The only intimacy they've done was heavy make out sessions and soft touches, only because the boys weren't confident enough to make the next step. With endless research (and masterbation), it's time to take their prize.
Raph eyed his older brother in amusement. For a leader, Leo gets flustered during certain conversations. Sex was one of them. The leader preferred to be more private with intimate stuff, same with Donnie. What's happening in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom. Raph and Mikey are more adventurous. They want to take their partner everywhere in the lair, even outside. Or, at least, Mikey wants to. 
But, right now, they had to go easy.
"We've already discussed how to do it and combined our kinks and fetishes. We just need your limits and off-limits." Donnie says as he turned his body to face Y/N as he took hold of her hand, making the woman smile gently at his gesture. 
"And Sensei wouldn't be here either. So we get to have you to ourselves!" Mikey cheered as he rubbed her calves, a sigh escaped from the woman as tension slowly eased from her legs. Work has been stressful and having a massage from one of her boyfriends makes her day. 
"So what do you think, tiger?" Raph says as he leaned towards her ear. Y/N could feel him taking in her scent and her body trembled. "I promise we'll give you a good time." 
Good heavens, she's gonna die.
They are really making it difficult for her to think things over and Leo noticed. "You don't have to if you don't want to, my love. We're just asking if you're okay with it." 
"I've made up my mind," The woman says as the boys perk up, awaiting for the answer. "I will do it, if you follow the rules I have set."
"Oh, of course! We don't want you to be uncomfortable, dove." Donnie replied as he kissed her knuckles, feeling his heart melt when she kissed his knuckles back. If the purple terrapin was alone, he would be jumping because of the affection he was getting. 
These guys are touched-starved, whether they admit it or not. 
"So," the woman says as she eyed her four, ninja men. "When are we gonna start?" 
"Friday sounds good?"
"Friday sounds good."
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Friday was finally here and the woman will admit that she was nervous. She only slept with a man once and hasn't been intimate since, so hopefully the guys will go easy on her. But a part of her wants them to go all out, and that's what she told them. She told them her "do"s and "don't"s, and they respected her limits. 
Her body starts heating up just by thinking of what they all have planned for her. 
Y/N quickly starts packing her bag for the weekend. Packing four different pairs of clothes and added two more for underwear and socks. The boys mentioned they will have their way with her all weekend, so she had to put in extra pairs of undergarments. 
Her phone buzzed as she grabbed it from the pocket from her jeans. Four different messages from each of the guys: telling her how they are excited for tonight and how they can't wait to bring her so much pleasure. 
She bit her lip in anticipation as she replied to them back, saying, "I've finished packing my bag, about to leave the apartment." Hitting send Y/N zipped up her overnight bag, grabbed her keys, and exited her apartment while locking the door behind her. 
When she walked towards an abandoned part of an alleyway, she opened the cover from the sewers and slowly eased down, closing it behind her. 
When she dropped down, Y/N felt like she was being watched. Turning on her flashlight on her phone, there was nothing there. Sighing, she continues throughout the sewers. 
At the lair, the boys are in Donnie's lab as they watch the woman drop down from the entrance of the sewers. 
"Target required, heading south." Donnie says as he watched Y/N through the security cameras that he installed on the night they wanted to take things further. This was one of Donnie's fetishes; no matter where Y/N goes, he will always find her. Even if she cuts off communication, he's right there. Watching her. 
"Man, I could feel my shell tightening!" Mikey groaned as he waited for Leo's orders. If he had his way, he would go down to those sewers and take her right there. 
"Patience, little bro. All is well with patience." Leo says as he watches the screens. He smirked when Y/N took a turn. "All right, guys. It's go time!" 
"About time!" Raph gruffed as he rolled his shoulders. He was pacing back and forth; just the thought of his woman on her knees, begging him to stuff her with his cock just made the red terrapin growl. 
"You guys know the plan. Don't do anything to her until she gets to the nest." Leo warns, mainly towards Raph and Mikey as the leader watches three of his brothers leave the lab. He could hear Mikey's cheers as they entered the sewers. 
Leo turned towards the cameras once again, watching his woman look through the tunnels. "I hope you like games, my love. Cause we're gonna play 'cat and mouse'."
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Y/N cursed to herself as she encountered a three way. The guys told her to go this way of the sewers instead of the usual route, and Y/N questioned it but the guys didn't answer her. Instead, they gave her some directions but she could hardly remember them. 
Oh, how she wants to punch them for setting her up like this. She heard a creek from behind her and she quickly faced towards the sound, finding nothing. 
Just going with her gut, she went with the middle and she quickly jogged through the tunnel. Bunches of twists and turns later, she's in a hall with a bunch more tunnels. She groaned out in frustration. 
"If you guys can hear me, I swear I will murder you all!" She yelled throughout the tunnel but froze when a gush of air hit the nape of her neck.
"I would like to see you try, princess." 
Y/N quickly turned around and he wasn't there.
She could hear snickers and dark chuckles radiate throughout the dark pipes as her breathing increased. 
What kind of trickery is this? Y/N thought as she slowly backed away from where that voice came from, but stopped as she ran into something hard and warm. 
A deep groan came from its throat as it took a whiff of her scent. "You smell so delicious, dove. I can't wait to have you."
She turned around once again and he was no longer there. A whimper left the woman's throat as she looked everywhere through the tunnels, trying to find her four terrapin boyfriends. 
"Donnie? Raph?" Y/N says breathlessly as she reaches the end of the tunnel, a dead end. A sigh of defeat left her as she had no choice but to go back. She turned around and a choked scream left her as Mikey stood in front her. "Mikey?"
"Hey, angelcakes," he said as he slowly walked towards the woman and backed her against the metal wall. "God, I want you so bad."
"Easy, Mikey, you know what Leo says." Y/N looked behind Mikey, Raph stood behind him with Donnie next to him. 
"Guys, what's going on?" The woman questioned as she looked into Mikey's baby-blue eyes, begging for the orange terrapin to give her answers.
"What's going on is that you're not naked right now and not sucking me off." Mikey chuckled as he devoured her lips instantly and the woman melted into his arms. She could hear the others growl and Mikey turned them around, her body facing the others. 
When they pulled apart, Donnie grabbed her overnight bag and tossed it over his shoulder. He then took hold of her hair, pulled it back, and suckled on her neck. The woman's moans echoed through the tunnels as Mikey and Raph stripped the woman bare. 
Raph and Mikey suckled on her breasts as her eyes stared into Donnie's. "Look at you. Doing so good for us."
The woman whimpered as Donnie made her look down and watched as Raph and Mikey suckled on her nipples. The way the two men devoured her body has her trembling with want. She needs them to hurry up and take her already. 
Raph trailed his hand towards her rear and smacked it, the woman moans out as the red terrapin smirked. "I bet you're soaked, princess. I can smell ya." 
Mikey let out a guttural churr as her scent filled the tunnel. "I want her now, guys! Please? I bet she tastes so good, too!"
Raph growled low from his chest. "Spread 'em wide, babygirl." 
She didn't have to be told twice as she spread her legs, but gasped as Donnie held her legs up into his arms. Now her sex was exposed to the two turtles before her. 
Churrs and growls were heard as Mikey went forward and slowly dragged his tongue over her wet cavern. His eyes rolled back at the taste. "Holy crap, guys, she tastes so good!" 
Y/N whimpered as Raph slowly eased his finger inside her, but took it out and brought it to his mouth. A predatory growl escaped his throat and she could feel her legs tremble from it. She needs to let Donnie in on the fun. To their surprise, Y/N trailed her hand down to her wet sex and coated her fingers with her essence. She raised them towards her purple terrapin. The grip he had on her almost wavered as he slowly took her fingers into his mouth. The way he moaned around her digits sent tingles down her spine. 
Donnie pulled away from her fingers as he breathed deeply. "We have ten minutes until we head back to the lair. Give her the orgasm she wants and we continue with the plan Leo set up." 
"All I heard was give her an orgasm and I'm all in for it." Raph smirked as he devoured her sex. Y/N screamed as her legs trembled, his tongue worked wonders inside her and he reached spots that no man has ever reached with their tongue. 
"Raph, Donnie, Mikey, please! I want you so bad." The woman rocked her hips as she tried to get more friction from his tongue, but gasp as she felt a finger from her anal canal. She looked down as Mikey gave her a cheeky grin. 
"Relax, baby-cakes, we have to prepare you." He says as he rubbed the rim, coating it with his saliva and slowly eased it inside her. She laid her head back on Donnie's shoulder, turning her head towards him and kissed him with a passion. 
Donnie groans as his strength slowly wavered from the taste of her once again. He could hear her increased moans and whimpers through the intense session, Raph growls and Mikey slowly working her anal canal. Oh, how he wants to bury his cock down her throat. Or to feel her wet insides as he pounds into her with such ferocity until she begs him for mercy. 
She pulled away from the kiss as she wailed their names and came hard on Raph's tongue. Their growls, churrs, and moans echoed throughout the sewers as they felt their woman tremble. 
Raph and Mikey pulled away from her body as Donnie slowly eased her down, but Raph quickly caught her before she tumbled over. "Careful, princess. I've got ya." Y/N held on to him as he picked her up with one arm, carrying her through the tunnels. "How much time Donnie?" 
Trying to get out the fog of lust, Donnie starts scanning. "We have five minutes. We need to get going before Leo gets mad." 
Raph rolled his eyes but they picked up their pace. Mikey chuckled as Y/N met his blue ones. "Wait until Leo gets his hands on you. It'll be fun!" 
Oh, good heavens, she's definitely gonna die.
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When they entered the lair, Raph placed Y/N on the nest of blankets and pillows. She turned around and looked up, mouth turned dry as Leo stood in all of his glory. Oh, how he looks so powerful right now. Arms crossed, stance unmoving, blue eyes bore into her soul. She felt so small under his gaze as she tried to hide but couldn't. The female was naked and vulnerable. 
She can't escape her terrapin boyfriends even if she tried. 
"Judging by her scent, I am guessing she had an orgasm?" 
"Yep! And even prepared her like you said." Mikey smiled as he stood to her right. Raph behind her and Donnie to her left. She was completely surrounded. 
"Good. She needs it." Leo says as he slowly makes his way towards her, squatted, and grasps her chin with his thumb and forefinger. "Color?"
"Green. Very green." Breathless, her eyes dilated at his dominant pheromones. His smirk says it all. This man knows that he has her under their spell and they're going to deliver the best pleasure she has ever felt.
"Good girl," he replied as he kissed her forehead and stood to his feet. "Donnie, you have the bag?" 
Donnie placed a black duffel bag on the floor. "Everything should be in there. If I'm missing anything, let me know."
Leo nodded and looked through the contents. The woman's heart was pounding as he took out a blindfold, lube, a crop, and a butt plug. He tossed the plug and lube to Raph, the crop to Donnie, and blindfold to Mikey. 
"Since Donnie hardly gets any action, he'll go first. I will watch everything and go last. I want her completely brain dead before I come into play, you guys got that." His brothers nod their heads with affirmation as Leo grabs a chair and sits down. His devilish smirk widened as Y/N's eyes widened. "Itadakimasu."
"Itadakimasu." They said in unison as they all got to work. 
Raph applied the lube on the plug and got behind her, Mikey quickly placed the blindfold around her eyes and checked to make sure she couldn't see anything. Everything was going to be all sensory. Her senses heightened as she felt fingertips run her backside.
Y/N swallowed as she got into position, butt in the air as Raph growled in arousal. "Relax, baby girl. I've got ya." He said gently as he lubed his finger and kissed her shoulder blade. She relaxed the best she could as he entered his finger inside her anal canal. Even though Mikey stretched her, Raph's finger was much bigger. When he hiked his finger to his knuckle, he saw Y/N clutched the sheets below her. "Color?"
"G-Green." She whimpered out as he wiggled his finger inside her, moans soon came out of her mouth and she could hear churrs around her. "You're doing so good for us, princess. So, so good." 
The praise made her knees weak and wiggled her hips side-to-side, wanting more friction. Then she felt it, the smack of the crop. The moan that left her throat was completely sinful. It would make any pornstar blush. A whistle was heard as a palm rubbed where Donnie hit her rear with the crop. "Dang, Donnie. You're really getting into this."
"I-I'm sorry, was I too hard, dove?" Donnie asked sheepishly. The woman couldn't tell what he was doing but she would know that he was nervous that he had done something wrong. 
"Donnie, please, do it again." Was all she said and she moaned as Raph moved his finger in and out of her canal. "Oh, gods, please don't stop!" 
Raph removed his finger and slowly eased the butt plug inside of her, whimpering as he pulled away from her body - leaving the woman wanting more. But it didn't last long when another smack from the crop hit her rear, a moan of ecstasy made itself known and a chorus of groans came with it. The purple clad turtle slowly trailed the crop from her bottom to her back, then over over shoulders. The leather was feather like to the touch and she can't help but tremble when he perked her face up, probably to look up at him. 
"Look at you," Donnie's voice went deeper than the usual high pitched tone. Y/N could drool from that. "You look so beautiful, sweetheart. I can't wait to shove my cock deep down your throat."
"Then do it." Y/N challenged. She could hear chuckles from the other brothers as Donnie snickered. 
"Be careful on what you wish for, darling. You don't know what's coming to you."
"Literally." Mikey countered and a sea of groans, not from pleasure but frustration. "Sorry, I had to."
"You're fine, Mikey-baby." Y/N says but soon gasped as her hair was being pulled back. She could feel Donnie's lips hovering over hers and he chuckled when she tried to connect them.
"So desperate." She could hear the devilish smirk on Donnie's face. "I wanna hear you beg, but my time is running out before the others take over. So, I want you do something for me."
He pulled away from her but she could hear a button and zipper come undone. Oh, how she wants to see what his cock looks like. What he taste like? When Donnie discarded his pants, he groaned. "Open your mouth, darling, and make it wide." 
She opened her mouth to him, even stuck her tongue out, and the growl that came out of him made her even wetter. And that's when she felt it. His tip. Donnie's scent was all male. Musky and prominent. The woman has her hands on his thighs as she slowly teased his cock, licking and sucking on his tip. She could hear her men panting as they took off their pants as well, preparing what's next. 
When she slowly took Donnie into her mouth, however, she gasped as the males hand pushed his cock deeper into her throat. Deep throating, she tried her best not to gag. Groans and churrs escaped from Donnie as he moved her head. "Told you I will shove my cock down your throat. You should know I always keep my promises."
She could feel pleasurable tears forming in her eyes as she accompanied his size, and he was nowhere near the normal size. She knew that she couldn't take all of him, but she tried her best. Sucking sounds echoed throughout the living room and Donnie growled deep within his throat. 
"Gods, your mouth feel so good." He praised as he moved his hips, thrusting into her mouth as he felt her gag a little. "You can take me, right, darling?" He challenged, just like she did to him. And the response she gave him was a whimper. 
And the woman never backs down from a challenge. His tip hit the back of throat as Donnie laid his head back. She could have sworn she heard him say, "That's my girl."
She could feel Donnie's thrust stutter as his breathing increased and his churrs of ecstasy was louder than the earlier ones. He was close and Y/N will make sure he gets there. 
Saliva around her lips, slowly dripping on her chin, she put in more effort into her sucking and Donnie could have sworn he felt his soul left his body as he came into Y/N's mouth. She swallowed his essence and moaned at the taste. She expected him to taste bitter but no, he taste so sweet. His groans filled the room as his thrusts faltered and was gonna pull away, but he hunched over with a groan as Y/N sucked him off one last time. 
Y/N giggled as she felt Donnie laying on the sheets. "Did I satisfy you?" 
A sigh of contentment was her response and she laughed, but soon yelped when her legs have been dragged and her lips were being devoured. Her arms around his shoulders and his hands grasped her rear, the man's growls rumbled the woman's insides and he could smell her. Not that he hasn't the whole time. He could just drown in her scent. 
The blindfold was off and the woman squinted due to the bright light. When she was accustomed to the brightness, she looked up and there's Raphael. A cocky smirk on his face as he licked his lips seductively. He pinned her down with his broad arms and she felt so small under him. The red clad turtle has her legs spread and she could feel the tip of his cock at her entrance. 
"You think Donnie has it bad? Baby, he has nothin' on me." He chuckled as he pinned her hands above her head and leaned towards her neck. "I wanna hear you screamin' my name, princess. And I'm not stopping until you do."
"Raph, please," she begged as she lifted her hips, moaning as she felt his cock slide between her folds and made contact with her aching clit. "I want you inside me, please!"
"Already begging me, hm? Look at you, desperate for my dick." He growled as he positioned his shaft to her entrance and her eyes widened at the size of him. 
Holy guacamole.
She's gonna be ripped in half!
He could see the fear in her eyes and he kissed her forehead. "I won't do anythin' that will hurt you, tiger. I love you too much for that." He says as he trailed one of his hands to her entrance, the other still pined her wrists, and eased it inside. Even though he already worked her up earlier, he still wants to make sure. Her moans encourage him to continue, so he pulled his hands and stroked his cock. It was already covered in lubed and she can't help but to spread her legs wider. Raph chuckled. "Beg for it, baby."
Y/N whimpered. "Raph, c'mon! I want you inside me."
"Please what?" He smirked.
"Please, Daddy?" 
The groan came out of him was the last string of sanity as he slowly eased inside of her. "That's a good girl, taking Daddy's dick so well." He praised as he finally hilted inside her. Oh, how her legs trembled. Pain, yes, but mainly pleasure. Raph just feel so good. 
She wrapped her legs around his waist as they moaned. It's like he went even deeper, if that's even possible when he's literally hitting her cervix. 
"Raph, baby, don't hold back on me." Y/N says as she tries to lean forward to give her man a kiss. Raph took pity on her and released her wrists, growled as she pulled him in. Their passionate kisses grew heavy and Raph moved his hips back, then the woman beneath him wailed as he rammed inside her. 
"That's it, baby. Show my brothers how good I make ya feel." Raph took hold of her hips and went hard and fast; her body being used as a cock-sleeve and Y/N was drowning in ecstasy. Her hands placed on his shoulders, nails digging into his scale-like skin. She could see a bulge where his tip hitting her womb. 
She could see the others looking at her, too. Donnie, out of cloud nine, stroking his cock once again. Mikey was doing the same thing, looks like he's growing impatient and desperately wanting a piece of his girl. She leaned her head back and saw Leo. . .she could have sworn that she grew wetter. 
Leo has his arms crossed as he watched his brother taking her like a beast that's out of the cage. His legs spread and a prominent bulge in his underwear makes the woman's mouth water. She wants a taste of him. It's like Leo knew what she's eyeing because he trailed a hand down to his underwear - palming it with a groan. 
Surprising the woman she was being lifted as her legs were spread wide, her arms incasing around his neck. She turned and saw Mikey walked towards her from behind. The orange clad terrapin spread her cheeks wide, exposing her back end. A moan of satisfaction came from the youngest throat and he smacked her butt, getting a moan from the woman in front of him. 
"Dang, girl, you're wet from both ends. Bet you I can get you even wetter." He chuckled as he slowly took out the butt plug and sat it somewhere on the sheets. He watched as her hole puckered at him, making him whistle. "Oh, I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby-cakes." 
"Then do it." She challenged again, winking at Donnie that was behind Mikey. The genius shook his head. 
Mikey chuckled as he grabbed the lube, put some in his hand, and stroked his cock until it's fully covered in the slick essence. Then he used the rest to tease the rim, making the woman moan. 
He spread her cheeks once again and teased her hole with the tip of his cock. "All right, angelcakes. I'll go slow, tell me when you need to stop." When the woman nods, he slowly eased in. Every hiss that she makes he stops, pulls out, then add in more until she's moaning out from the stretch. Now, having two cocks inside both holes, she feels so full. Y/N reached out for Mikey with one hand and held Raph with the other. She moved her hips and that gave them the cue to move. They took it slow and she wailed at the overwhelming pleasure she's receiving. 
"Raph, Mikey, harder! Please!" She cried out as they went to town on her. They increased their thrusts and she could feel them everywhere in her insides, hitting all the right spots. Her eyes were rolled back as she hit her climax, but they weren't done. Far from it. 
Raph leaned down to her neck, left hickeys and bite marks while Mikey pulled her hair back as Y/N's wails crescendoed. One of the orange terrapins hands trailed to her breasts, tweaking a nipple between his fingertips. 
Y/N opened her eyes when she felt a hand caressing her cheek, turning to her right, there was Donnie. He's on his knees as he stroked his cock, a smirk evident on his face. The turtle went forward as she opened her mouth, tongue out, and eyes begging for his cum in her mouth. 
"Can't help yourself, Don?" Raph gruffed as he watched his woman's dilated eyes, completely screwed out as moans fell out of her open mouth. "Gods, look at her. I won't last long with a view like this."
"Neither can I, bro. She just feels so good!" Mikey whimpered as his thrusts became sloppy. Raph and Mikey looked at each other, then they both bit down on her neck. The woman cried out once again at the feel of her men claiming her as theirs.
Sweat trickled down on all three of the guys as they came with a roar. Both Raph and Mikey coated her insides with their essence while Donnie covered her face with his, soon trailing down her neck and breasts. Y/N came with them again and she could have sworn that the woman saw stars. Her brain didn't register that they pulled away from her and laid her down gently, she could feel their essence leaving both of her holes. 
That was when Leo stood and made his way to her, squatting down and made her look up to him. Underwear completely discarded, a devilish chuckle left him when he saw her screwed out expression. "Good job, guys. Now, let's do the main event."
That's when she's being manhandled into a position like before, but Donnie in the front and Leo in the back. Mikey and Raph stood next to her on their knees. Even though she's completely coated from the inside, they still used lube especially for Leo. 
The leader knew he wouldn't last long, but it's a challenge he was willing to take on. The whole session was such a turn on. The leader will admit that it gave him blue balls and his love will take care of that. 
"Tell us, my love," Leo leaned towards her ear as he felt a shiver go down her spine. "How do you feel about four men taking you like this? Stuffed full of cock that you can't get enough of. I better hear you scream, cry and beg for us to give you our cum. Do you understand?" 
"Y-Yes, Master! Anything for Master!" Y/N doesn't know what she was saying, all she knew was that she wants Donnie and Leo inside her right now. To fill her up with their essence like Raph and Mikey did. 
She could hear Leo groan, and could feel him starting to break his composure. "Good girl." With that, Donnie eased inside of her and her eyes widened at the length of him. He's not Raph's girth, but he's definitely got the length down pat. She could feel him so deep within her and she almost cried either from pain or pleasure, she doesn't know. 
"Color, darling?" Donnie growled, taking deep breaths to help take back whatever control he had left. He doesn't want to hurt her, that's the last thing he wants. 
"Green!" She wailed as she moved her hips, wanting Donnie to freaking move. "Hurry up and move!"
A gasp came out of her throat as Leo spanked her rear, hard. That shut her up. "I don't tolerate brats, love. You know that." He looked up to Donnie. "Pull out. We need to teach her who's in charge here."
Even though Donnie doesn't want to, he did as he was told. The woman below him whimpered and it's like she was crying, little crocodile tears filled her eyes as she looked up to her purple terrapin boyfriend. 
"Donnie, please. I need you." She begged. Oh, how he wants to fulfill her desires. He finally has a feel of her insides. Her mouth doesn't compete with her wet, hot and aching sex. It's was so warm and she was holding him inside of her. A guttural groan rumbled in his throat. 
He's cracking. 
"Don't do it, Donnie. Not yet." Leo commanded. He could see his brother starting to crack. Donnie was deprived, starving for this woman. 
"How long do I have to wait, Leo?" Donnie's eyes looked darker than the usual hazel and it turned the woman on so much. "I finally had the feeling of her wrapped around me and when she's practically begging, I am going to satisfy her every desire. You may be the leader but, in the end, she'll be begging me to fill her insides."
Oh, goodness gracious. 
Donnie was actually standing up! 
And it's so freaking hot!
She could feel Leo growl, his grip on her legs tightened and she moaned from it. "All right, Donnie. Since you want to call the shots, go right ahead." He challenged. 
"Freaking finally." Donnie growled and the woman screamed out as he slammed inside of her. Her legs trembled at the force he was taking her, arms clutching on to his neck as she felt Leo slowly slide inside of her. 
"Gods," Leo growled as he sheathed inside of her anal canal. "So freakin tight!" Wails and cries came from her as both Donnie and Leo completely lost it. Their patience and gentle persona left the door as they let their animal instincts kicked in. Pounding away her insides as slapping sounds of skin to skin echoed throughout the living room. 
"Gosh, dude, this is so hot." Mikey commented as he stroked his cock. Raph groaned in agreement, wanting to chuckle at his brother's lack of control. This went on for what feels like hours but it's only minutes; tears of pleasure came down her cheeks, the feeling of her men inside her was beyond what her imagination came up with. 
Donnie soon devoured her mouth, tongues clashed as their sounds of pleasure drove the others on. Y/N pulled away as she wailed. "I'm cumming!" 
And that's when their thrusts grew sloppy, they could feel that edge of release. Leo reached around and rubbed her clit, and it made the woman's legs tremble even more. It didn't take long for her to release, overstimulation overtook her body. 
Donnie came with a groan and he bit down on her shoulder blade, claiming her as his. Leo came after, claiming her as his as well. Raph and Mikey came on her chest, coating her with their essence. Everything else was a blur. Her body is hot. She could feel her body going slack as she leaned in Leo's plastron. A kiss was left on her forehead. 
"Good job, love. You've done so good for us. Now, let's take her to the bath." Was all Leo said as her eyes fell shut, sleep overtook her worn out body.
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Here's my Master List!
@turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @thelaundrybitch @sharpwindow @scholastic-dragon
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grendelsmom · 10 months
Knitting Update or as I like to call it: the ice bear sock (mis-)adventure
So, I've been getting more comfortable with patterns lately and I thought "Hey! I wanna try my hand at this with something easy!". Seeing as christmas is around the corner I decided I would knit a pair of socks for a friend. And as a little challenge I wanted to design my own pattern for it. Which I mainly did by taking inspiration from an old pair of socks and changing the design around until it fit the amount of stitches required for the size of socks I wanted to knit. And look at that! They look nice - don't they? And they're almost finished!
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Lovely ice bears walking through the snow! Only, I made a mistake with the first sock, which I only noticed once I reached the Zwickel of the second sock (my dictionary is telling me it's called gusset or gore? basically the part of the sock where the heel turns into the foot). In the first sock I had forgotten to leave two normal rows inbetween the decreasing rows - meaning that that part of the sock is now much steeper. It does still fit me, but it could potential be a problem for someone with bigger feet. So, I asked my other friend with the same shoe size to try them on for me. It wasn't a problem. What was however a problem was the ice bear pattern part at the top of the sock. You see, I did try my hardest to knit it as loosely as possible, but I still only knitted the stitches recommend in the guidline for a normal pair of socks without a two colour pattern. Meaning the part, because of the two colours, is less elastic and therefore too tight.
At this point I concluded that I had two options. The work I already done wouldn't fit my friend, so I decided to make them shorter later on and use them myself or gift them to a friend with smaller feet so they wouldn't be wasted. Continuing with the project I could either re-work the pattern so that it would work on a higher stich count or knit two plain socks and then stitch the pattern on afterwards. Because the second sounded like less work, I decided to go with that. And tada!
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Looks fine, right? A perfectly normal sock, just waiting for the pattern to be stitched on. Yeah... well... as you can see I used a different yarn for this one. (I was getting kind of bored of the first one and the local store didn't have it in stock anymore anyway so I decided to change it up.) The first 1 1/2 socks were knitted in a 4 ply yarn. The second one in 6 ply. Or so I thought. Until I put them next to each other and realised that the second version looked way tighter.
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So, I looked back on the yarn label (something I apparently hadn't done since buying the yarn) and - yes, you guessed it - turns out it was actually a 4 ply yarn and I had somehow confinced myself that it was 6 ply to the point that I never double checked it again. (Actually, I know how I did it. I was choosing between two different yarns and the other was a 6 ply. I thought "Oh, I definitely must remember that, because I'll need a different amount of stitches then". Which, yes, I remembered that. I just didn't remember that that wasn't the yarn I went with.) This is a sock the length of a EU 44/45 (US 11.5) with the amount of stitches, so width, of a EU 34/35 (US 4.5) - yes, it's that ridiculous.
So, instead of fixing the original problem of the socks being too tight, I actually just made it worse. And now three weeks after I started a project, that was supposed to take me a week max, I have 2 1/2 socks I cannot use for their intended purpose and just started the first sock I will hopefully, actually be able to gift my friend.
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"Difficult to please"
"Focalors with a reader that can switch bodies"
Characters: Focalors x gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: The obvious things right away: I've never written for Focalors before nor do we have much information about her yet, so I wrote her mostly from my gut feeling after seeing her in the Fountaine trailer.
Anyway, I love Furina as you might have guessed by me changing my theme for her. She's such a little gremlin and her design is so beautiful. I can't wait to see her and how she changes (well, hopefully somewhat to the better at least) in the story.
I’m going to use “Focalors” and “Furina” interchangeably, since I’m 99.99% sure they’re the same person, but hey, if Hoyoverse somehow pulls a huge twist on us and I get it wrong it would also be kinda funny.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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To say that you were nothing more than a glorified babysitter for Fountaine’s Archon would have been a massive understatement. Once a young law student aspiring to one day become a judge, it didn’t take you long in your position as lawyer to attract the attention of your archon. Not in the “have a vision and beat up the bad guys” kind of way, however. Instead the weird clients you represented never failed to deliver her a somewhat entertaining spectacle, causing the Chief Justice to “volunteer” you as the Archon’s advisor… a role that, while sounding nice, de facto only had the responsibility of keeping her entertained enough to not sully any more court hearings than necessary with her cries of boredom.
When you found out about your powers to switch bodies, you knew better than to tell anyone other than your closest companions… especially Furina. While she got away with her attitude in her own body, you didn’t even want to fathom how many friends she’d be able to alienate or from how many shops she’d get you banned from if she did the same while running around in yours.
However, all of your hard work of keeping it a secret eventually turned out to be futile, as the Archon would eventually figure it out one way or another. After all, the reason she got so little done was not for a lack of ability, she simply didn’t care about most cases and delegated them to whatever judge crossed her path first, but when you began acting a bit stiff around her, the challenge of figuring the reason out was more than enough to keep her on your case.
If it weren’t for the fact that a small voice in your head worried about where to start a new life after having your entire image destroyed by the one currently occupying your body, you would have found the day in your Archon’s body amazing, you got to attend as many court cases as you wanted without anyone batting as much as an eye, got to have your first experiences as a judge and even didn’t have to pay for any of the most delicious food and drinks Fountaine got to offer. The stares you received from the other officials, probably wondering what could have happened for their notoriously difficult Archon to have such a good day, were a bit much at some times, but it was not like you were complaining.
“I want to change back!”, Focalors demanded the moment she stepped into her office, swinging the door behind her shut with as much force as she could muster and not even wincing in the slightest at how loud it was. Beelining towards the couch as she let herself fall onto it, letting out a groan of annoyance loud enough to make any bird sleeping outside fall out of its nest.
“Can’t handle being asked out all the time?”, you tried to crack a joke, knowing all too well that answering earnestly would only earn you a bored sigh.
“Ha!”, Furina let out a loud laugh before turning her face towards you. “Remind me to make you my court jester the next time we are in need of one”, she stated sarcastically before looking back at the ceiling. For your and Fountaine’s sakes however, you decided to disregard her order and to not to remind her of how she had just fired the last one for “being boring”.
“Aren’t you humans supposed to have interesting lives? What happened to ‘live every day like it's your last one’? Or is doing *this* what you all desire??”, she asked while extending her arms and wildly signaling into the air.
“What did you do all day?”, you asked, trying to sound as casual as possible even though your mind was starting to panic about what you might be greeted with tomorrow. But instead of answering your question, your Archon ignored you and continued to complain about how boring your life was, causing you to start worrying even more.
“I bet you loved this day, watching boring court cases, getting any food you desired for free, being asked for your opinion… eugh”, she let out yet another groan, making you wonder how easy it was for her to read you.
“Anyway, I want my body back. So give it to me”, she continued to ignore you as she stated her earlier demand once again.
“What did you do while in my body, Furina?”, you asked one last time, grabbing both of her shoulders to force eye contact with her.
“You’ll probably have some explaining to do. I honestly want to see it all play out, it’s going to be the most entertainment I’ve had in months”, she answered off-handedly, causing you to bury your face in your palms as she continued on as if nothing happened.
“I’ll make you a judge as compensation, it’ll be a win-win. You’ll get to do what you always wanted to do and I may get one or two interesting hearings out of it”, Furina stated before pulling your hands away from your face and placing her forehead on yours, prompting the two of you to finally change bodies.
Yet, her offer caused you to feel even more conflicted than you already were. Finally, it was your time to let out a groan.
“That’s Nepotism.”
“I don’t care”, she responded bluntly, forcing you to use all your self control not to fall into the deep pit of hopelessness for your nation currently seeming to open in front of you. “Didn’t you want to become a judge?”
“Yes, but I want to earn it!”
What followed were a couple of seconds of silence before Furina turned around, walked over to a different couch, sat down, let out a long sigh and spoke a sentence so laced with irony that you didn’t know whether to cry or laugh at it.
“Fine. Geez, you’re so difficult to please.”
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Shay McClain - Hopeful Bachelorette
Entry for Mad About Dodo by @akitasimblr
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Tell us a bit about yourself. What do you do to keep busy? How would your friends describe you?
Okay, well, hi, I'm Shay. I never really fit in at school so after graduation while all my classmates headed to university I wanted something different. I've always liked making stuff so I was looking at getting into carpentry and then one of my dads had the best idea. They both know I love adventure and exploring so they suggested I travel and volunteer with organizations like Habitat for Humanity. I do a bit of carpentry when I'm home to keep the funds up. But yeah I travel the world getting to see cool places, surfing and mountain climbing, and putting my hands to good use making homes for people. Most of my friends are people I've met through that and they'd probably say I'm confident, my dads would probably say over confident, have a passion for making things, especially out of junk but in my defense people throw a lot away too quickly, and... just... a lust for life. But have you looked around? There's beauty in everything.
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And why have you applied for Mad About Dodo?
My dad's are worried I'll die alone so have been trying to sort out a way for me to meet people, of course they can't exactly organize a blind date for me when we're in different continents. Don't get me wrong, I would like love in my life, it's kind of the piece that's missing you know. Anyway they sent me the entry details and I have to admit, Dodo is cute. Not that I would just apply because of an attractive person but I was reading about how he's tried other challenges before and I admire his perseverance to keep trying. That's what we have to do at the job sites. So if he's looking for someone to sweep him off his feet I'll do my best.
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What do you think of your outfits?
I'm happy they're not just draping us in leaves and calling it a day. I think we've managed to pull together some stuff that'll fit in on an island. But why did we do a cold weather outfit? Aren't islands warm?
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How do you see yourself getting on with other competitors?
I've honestly no idea. But I can tell you right now they better keep their pranks away from me. Seriously, a joke that's made at the expense of someone else isn't a joke. Learn how to be funny without punching down.
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If you're the kind of person that can spot the good things in life I think we'll get on. I do hate small talk though, let's get to the good juicy stuff! Life's too short to be commenting on the weather constantly.
Tell us about some of your likes and dislikes
Well like I said I really like making stuff. I enjoy fabricating but my favourite is when I can carve stuff like sculptures or furniture. I'm also big into fitness, I like to keep myself in shape. I like yoga to even if I can't balance right half the time.
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Dislikes... juice fizzing. I'm not going to go into detail but I had a bad experience. Mischief obviously, I'll crack jokes anytime you like but don't expect me to tie you to a voodoo doll. Programming is also something I just find boring as well as research, so it really is best that I didn't go to university.
What are you looking forward to?
Getting to know Dodo. Hopefully he can be more than a friend. I'm also looking forward to testing out my survival skills. I think they're pretty good with the work I've done but you never know until you're in the situation I guess. But yeah, mainly getting to see if this guy is the one for me, if I can be the one for him.
What are you dreading?
Sunburn! And walking around not realizing I've been pooped on by a bird.
I know most people would probably say lack of bedding and plumbing but I've gone without them before, I can handle going without them again.
Do you have a message for Dodo?
Hey Dodo, if you want someone who can work wonders with their hands I'm here *laughs* No, I'm kidding, please don't tell him I said that. Umm... Hi Dodo, I'm looking forward to building this next part of my life with you in it. See you on the island!
Download SFS
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lizablee · 5 months
I think I've worked out a way to make an FCG reincarnation attempt satisfying.
Reincarnate obviously needs to be attempted. The party is not going to do any less for FCG than they did for Laudna, and they will have access to the spell through Fearne or Keyleth. Having said that... it might be a mixed success.
Here's what could play out:
1. Choice Matters
FCG chose to sacrifice themself. Reincarnate requires a willing soul. Matt could rule that as FCG's soul departed willingly in their sacrificial death, it would not return during reincarnation. This could be pointed out gently by Keyleth.
2. Core Problem
Maybe, unlike regular humanoids, the only body part an Aeormaton needs to live is their core. Maybe the metal plates and wires and shit are all just cladding, able to be removed and replaced at will. Maybe that means the parts of FCG the Bells scavenged are not enough - maybe it NEEDS to be the core, because the rest is the equivalent of clothes.
Trying to reincarnate FCG based off anything but their core would fail, and their core was incinerated. They are gone.
3. Aeormaton based complications
When originally deactivated in Aeor (probably by the Calamity) FCG lost their memories almost completely. They were reborn with no past just a few years ago.
There are a few options here. FCG could reincarnate with no memory, just like before, and the Bells could mercifully let them stay on Exandria in safety, making a sacrifice of their own and hopefully leaving FCG to start a happy new life as a flesh-and-blood being.
Secondly, FCG could reincarnate using their current, reborn age - a 2-4 year old child. They come back with a mess of memories in the body of a toddler, knowing they want to help but realising they can't. They are emotional and confused but a cuddle and a drink of juice helps them cheer up. The Hells realise that FCG deserves a real childhood (instead of being thrown into service from the point of creation) and refuses to take them, leaving them with a trusted adult... like the fate-stitcher Morrigan. FCG gets to have a whimsical Fearne-like childhood with the hag they once designed team-building exercises with, and Nanna gets a fascinating reincarnated centuries old robot-turned-mortal with a heart of gold. The Hells can visit whenever they want, and if Orym's deal somehow hasn't broken, he can raise FCG like a son.
Finally. Okay here's my theory. It's possible that a unique type of resurrection applies to Aeormatons, given it was still possible after centuries to start waking them up. It could be that an intact core is required to link soul to body, so without their core, there would be no resurrecting FCG. On the other hand, as cores don't decay like regular humanoid bodies, they don't have a time limit for resurrection - hence FCG's activation a few years ago. Maybe D casts resurrection-related spells on all the Aeormatons with cores to wake them up. If the process fails, they sell the Aeormaton body to keep funding their efforts to search and rescue their people. Maybe selling FCG was an honest mistake - they thought resurrection didn't work, but FCG just needed a little more tuning to wake up - or maybe they wanted FCG to be cared for by someone with mechanical skills so they could have regular tune-ups. We haven't seen any resurrection or revivify spells cast on FCG - who knows if they would work? Maybe reactivation is always a challenge for Aeormatons, and the Hells just hadn't encountered it yet. Maybe getting in touch with D is the ONLY way to bring FCG back, core or no core.
In meeting D, the Bells could learn that a core is required for reactivation, and that there never was a hope for FCG. It would be cathartic because they'd know they had done everything in their power, but FCG would be allowed to rest.
I don't think Matt would have put such weight on making sure Sam understood his decision if this was going to be a simple case of casting a spell to fix it. But the table has to try. Don't be discouraged when they start pursuing reviving FCG, just know it's a pathway to more storytelling. Really, everything is.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
I feel like this is likely a bat to a hornet's nest topic but I deeply respect your takes and thoughts overall a lot so here goes: I really appreciate that the show frankly goes out of its way to not pathologize its characters and lets the audience sit with them in the context of their own lives. So I'm kind of baffled that so much focus is given to "diagnosing" them in fan discussions, the vast brunt of which Kendall gets. I don't understand how you can watch this show and understand him as someone who's been heavily abused and had his reactions to being abused weaponized against him and come away being like "wow it's so cringe he acts like that, he must have a brain disease and is just too stupid to understand that. every action he takes is because he is manic/depressed/letting the disease manifest. if only he took the good moral Legal drugs that I do instead of the ontologically bad ones that are Illegal and for dirty addicts. hopefully one day he will Get Help and Receive Treatment so he will be more palatable (no whatever he's done up to this point doesn't count because it didn't work which must inherently be due to his own moral failings)." How did a show like this attract so many Reganites??
bat at a hornets' nest yes. yeah i've said before that i dislike diagnosing fictional characters as a general rule. it's tautological ("they do [x] because they have [y], and they have [y] because they do [x]") and abrogates further analysis of their motives or the meanings of their actions. and it's doubly irksome to me with succession, because unlike a lot of tv, i genuinely don't think that it's written within the weltanschauung of dsm neurobio determinism. ie, it's not a show where the answer to "why did he do that?" is ever supposed to be "his brain is just like that"—these actions are supposed to mean something about what the character wants and needs, and the effect of the capitalist milieu on those things. it's psychological, not psychiatric (& of course, psychoanalytic approaches are common in formal literary studies, whereas blunt psychiatric diagnosis is decidedly less so).
with kendall's drug use there are some particularly irritating ways this all plays out. i've been fiddling with my own reading emphasising the context of logan's demands on kendall and the construction of bourgeois masculinity, and have tried to place kendall's drug use as a response to neoliberal control mechanisms à la deleuze or foucault. i could certainly be challenged on elements of this reading, but what i see on this website is generally just an endless slog of very biomedicalised reads that seem to have no awareness of the particular historical and social baggage present in that model. i do agree there's an element of reactionary DARE-esque moralising going on here (stg if i have to read one more post written by someone who, like, has never so much as met a coke user and thinks all drugs instantaneously give you irreversible morally weighted heart damage, lmao), but it's honestly not just that.
i think most of the time when people do this they're not trying to be reactionary or regressive, and often they not only don't believe themselves to be moralising affective distress, but actually think the dsm diagnosis is the way to avoid that type of moralisation. this is essentially the "it's a discrete disease entity, so they have no control over it and can't help it, so it's not their fault" argument. in practice this fails on many levels. for one thing, it often implicitly assumes that 'ending the stigma' requires any kind of mental disability or affective distress to be treated analogously to physical disability or illness, as though those latter are not also consistently stigmatised and moralised—because ableism is actually more complex than that and has to do with the fact that capitalism values people on the basis of the 'use' it can make of them and their bodies, etc etc. it is also, again, a wildly decontextualised understanding of affective distress, the reasons why people use drugs—including in a manner that feels compulsive and out of control—and so forth.
i'll add also that wrt succession, i actually do see a LOT of pathologisation thrown at roman as well, and more than an incidental amount directed at connor, tom, shiv, and logan. which is to say, i don't think this is solely about people's discomfort with addicts. there's a broad tendency among fans, echoing the even broader social tendency, to see medical diagnosis as personally liberatory, and medicine and psychiatry as passing 'objective' judgments that are necessary in order for a person to 'get better.' this is essentially positivism and is very much a status that the medical profession has fought to obtain (in france you can trace certain 18th-century discourses on national decline, aristocratic luxury, and the corrupting influence of the city -> the birth of clinical medicine after the first revolution -> social hygiene and the pathologisation of the parisian urban poor -> the third republic's 'physician-legislators' and the general class status and professionalisation of medicine; i know less about the gory details of the american and british cases simply by dint of what i do professionally).
we tend to forget these histories when talking about science; it presents itself as a set of timeless, incontrovertible truths that are simply waiting to be uncovered, and we have entire industries of science communication and journalism that propagate this view. which is to say, circling back to succession, i don't believe that most people diagnosing and pathologising these characters are trying to be reactionary or are aware that there are reactionary and moralising elements inherently built into these discourses. i think they're largely people who have not been given the tools to see alternatives, like the perspectives dominant in the history and sociology of science, which are very much kept paywalled and inaccessible on purpose because this is profitable for the academe.
this type of popular literary analysis is simply not going to go anywhere as long as this is still the status and the moral resonance of medicine (and psychiatry by extension because it gained its professional independence without sacrificing the appeal to medico-scientific epistemological authority). i don't think succession viewers are any more or less prone to this type of thinking than the general population they exist amongst. i firmly disagree with this attitude, obviously, and like i said, i don't actually think succession is written 'psychiatrically,' which cannot be said for all tv lol. but i more or less expect to encounter this type of deference to medico-psychiatric judgments in 95% of social interactions and contexts, again because of a combination of institutional control of information, other forms of inaccessibility, and physicians' and psychiatrists' advocacy for their own class and professional interests, both historically and ongoing today.
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leithanienwnt · 4 months
This clear has it all:
1) Bassline solo holding the map for a solid minute while I wait to redeploy everyone;
2) Ebenholz soloing this boss without any blocking or assistance; and
3) In the process of soloing the boss, Eben hitting it while it's untargetable and in the air
There's a lot going on in this one, but I'll get into that below.
So, this isn't the first time I've niched this map. 11-20 adverse is one of my favourite maps due to how much fun I had putting together my first clear here, pre-zwillingstürme. Dealing with the ranged pressure and holding multiple lanes was a challenge with only one ground unit, but with Carnelian beside Eyja, working together to hold the top lane, I was able to manage it. However, to get it down to a four op, Carnelian was the obvious cut. She helped a lot both with the boss and with Eyja's laneholding, but she couldn't solo anything, and I knew I'd need that to get it down to four. But that also meant I had to replace Eyja, since she couldn't survive the artillery fire without Carnelian splitting the damage. And just cutting those two complicated things. Without them, I needed to replace their laneholding AND account for the fact that Carnelian wouldn't be helping with the boss and Eben wouldn't be getting the 22% attack buff from Eyja. But that wasn't the only change.
Viviana was a clear addition to the clear to help take over for Eyja and Carnelian. She's very durable, and on S3 can basically shrug off the boss's arts barrage. Plus, her S3's range lets her help out elsewhere. But the thing was, I'd need to reposition her, and she couldn't help the other lane until she moved. So, we reach the first thing: Bassline just holding the map for a bit while everyone else gets redeployed.
This wasn't plan A. My first thought was having Czerny there, as he's more offensive, and I hoped that with Eyjaberry's healing he'd be able to clear out the top lane on his own, and then Vivi would be able to help with the boss. But he couldn't survive the whole map, and Vivi could help with the top lane OR the boss, not both. So it was going to be Bassline for his durability and healing, and Vivi clearing everything out in both lanes. This meant the only option was (thing two) an Eben boss solo, and to do that, I'd need to maximize the time it spent in his range. Meaning I'd need to move him AND Eyjaberry along with Vivi (since Eyjaberry couldn't survive the artillery fire at the start if I opened with her in her second spot, and Eben would need to take her first spot). So, Bassline would need to hold down the fort while everyone else played musical chairs. And somehow, despite him doing basically no damage at all, he did it.
But even with the redeployments and the revised positioning, the Eben solo still wasn't working. I even borrowed a pot 4 Eben from a friend (thanks Yin!!!) and it still leaked with one HP. So I was left desperately trying to perfectly manage his skill timings in order to just eke out the tiniest but of extra damage so that I hopefully wouldn't have to desperately search for a whale with a pot 5 Eben. Which led to me accidentally discovering thing number three: the boss becomes untargetable while it launches itself, but it doesn't become invincible.
Now, as far as I can tell, I might be the first person to discover this. I can't easily search bilibili, but everyone I showed this to had never seen it. So, very tentatively, I'm going to say that maybe, maaaaybe I discovered this. And even if not, I never expected to uncover a tech this obscure in the process of any of my clears. But anyway, how does this work? If it's untargetable, isn't that the same as it being invincible?
So, Eben's S3 can be manually cancelled, and doing so forces him to ignore his lengthy attack interval and immediately launch an auto. This alone rarely comes up. I think my DoS C map "solo" was the only clear I've done where it was necessary, as usually one off-skill auto attack isn't going to be the difference anywhere. But the skill timings were so tight here that I had to cancel the skill early right then anyway so it'd be up again as the boss entered the blue box. And after a few attempts, I hit this. It relies on cancelling the skill the frame the boss takes damage, so as to launch an attack before it becomes untargetable. As far as I can tell, it's frame perfect, and largely dependent on the game's search cycles (which makes hitting that frame perfect timing kind of a roll of the originium dice), and it's incredibly difficult to replicate. But, with the extra damage from that, the on-skill auto at the end was enough, and the clear worked.
Anyway I have no idea if people read my descriptions, but I had to get this out somewhere lol. I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed putting it together.
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copperbadge · 1 year
I cannot remember if I've asked this before, so apologies if it's a repeat. I'm not trying to be pushy, just forgetful.
Do you think there will be an omnibus Volume 2? Or will that be difficult as the books seem to be getting longer as you go? I'm planning on asking for the hardcover omnibus as a gift in a few months, and I'm wondering if I should also request/buy Twelve Points (which I read on AO3 and was pleasantly surprised to find it my favorite so far 💙) or if I should hold out for another collection.
Can't wait to read the next one!
I haven't had the question before, so you're good, I think!
At this point I'm fairly confident there will be a second omnibus. I'm definitely planning on putting the next few novels into one if I can get them out the door and that seems pretty likely. It might only be Twelve Points and Royals/Ramblers (maybe the short stories too) because Royals/Ramblers is kind of big, but it's also about 2/3 of the way complete, and I have notes for the rest that make it highly unlikely I'll abandon it. It's more a question of how long it will be before the next omnibus, because Royals/Ramblers is also rather challenging, but I'm hoping to have that one on shelves no later than early 2024, and to put out at least one, hopefully two more books in 2024. So my recommendation would be not to ask for Twelve Points but definitely to save yourself off a PDF copy of it so you can re-read it in the meantime if you want :)
At the moment things are moving a bit slow because I'm dealing with a whole bunch of stuff right now -- work is always busier August-Oct, I'm trying to get a new website built and a newsletter to go with it, I'm still working on building new social skills, I'm in therapy for the first time in twenty-five years, and I'm dealing with some (minor, mild) medical stuff. But I'm still getting work in on Royals/Ramblers weekly and the longer I work on it the less apprehensive I am about it.
Beyond Royals/Ramblers I have at least half, if not more, of the Football Novel written, again with notes for the rest; I also have a fairly complete plot for Simon's chef novel, although not much is actually written on it yet. Past that I have at least premises for a novel about Ofelia, one about davzda manufacture, the Roman Ruin story, the historical fiction about the Shivadh pirate and his Nantucket Quaker whaler, and a handful of other vague ideas.
I don't know if all of those will get written; the Shivadh novels are, essentially, my fandom right now, and my general tenure in any fandom is between two and five years. However, a lot of the time I've bounced from fandoms because I didn't like the direction canon went in and like....I am making the canon here :D And my time in the Marvel fandom lasted almost ten years, not to mention I boomeranged into Good Omens fandom, something I've never done before. So I am hoping to put out at least two more volumes of collected novels in this setting. :)
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always-andromeda · 1 year
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Here's my masterlist for the Haunted Hoedown Challenge!! Thank you to @inklore and @psychedelic-ink for organizing such a unique challenge!! I tried to put together a fairly diverse list of characters who I have written for and have wanted to write for. So hopefully this helps bring me out of my writing slump a little. Depending on how things go, some of these may change or may not be written at all. Either way, this list will definitely be updated as the challenge progresses!!
Please keep in mind that this challenge contains NSFW content and some of the works listed below will contain dark themes. Minors, please do not interact with these works and please read my content warnings. Take care of yourself, friends.
Banner inspo goes to @inklore and divider credits go to @saradika!!
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Father Paul Hill x Fem!Reader
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ taboo au + "Everything I've done...every atrocity, it's been for you."
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Jeff (Gone Girl) x Fem!Reader
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ “Tell me you want me back. Tell me I'm forgiven.” + the toxic exes trope
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Edward Nashton x Fem!Reader
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ daydreaming about being with you is better than actually being with you because i missed all the red flags and now it's too late + "You're a monster." + "That's never stopped you before."
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ DBF!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ taboo au + once is not enough + "Do you like when I touch you like this? I can keep going if you want me to."
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Professor!Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ taboo au + dark academia + “I can see how badly you want this, so I'm going to make sure you get it.”
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Love Quinn x Fem!Reader
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ stalker au + “Don't you know how sick with love I am for you?”
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Demon!Joby Taylor x Fem!Reader
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ a ritual gone wrong and now i'm bound to a demon + "You're mine, whether you agree or not."
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Shane “Dio” Morrissey x Fem!Reader
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ slasher / summer camp au + sex in the woods + “This is so fucked up.” + “But you like it.”
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Javier Peña x Fem!Reader x Steve Murphy
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ inspired by your favorite Lana Del Rey song + love triangle gone wrong + “Finders keepers.”
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Ezra (Prospect) x Fem!Reader
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ shapeshifter au + "He's a monster." + "He's perfect."
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ gothic au + “Worship me. Until I tell you to stop.” + priest au
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ✯ Pornstar!Javier Peña x Fem!Reader
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ✯ 1970s porno filming + orgasm denial/overstimulation/edging + “You’re not actually scared are you? Of me?”
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thefringespod · 5 months
Happy #AudioDramaSunday wanderers! It is a beautiful day out but not in @camlannpod episode 8 which ripped me asunder. It really put me through the wringer and I will never forgive and never forget. Super well done!! But I am emotionally scarred <3
@souloperatorpod episode 9 early release had me sobbing into my pancake batter and made my pancake taste sad. Tot is doing a really really good job but also. Sad pancake.
@tellnotalespod 8.5 also made me sob this week. I've mentioned this before but the way Leanne writes queer people is just endlessly beautiful. Each character, no matter how small the role, lives and breathes and grieves even in death. I absolutely adore Tell No Tales
@woebegonepod 155 was delightful and not heartbreaking for once! Getting to see Chance and Marissa friendship AND hearing from Edgar AND another Ty Betteridge? Absolutely perfect no notes.
Just a reminder that @audistorium is amazing and also has a patreon (patreon.com/audistorium) so if you want to listen to a great show and support a great creator, you can do so there!
Here on the Fringes I have been receiving line reads (and bullying @taytayheyhey to send me his already instead of working on Forged Bonds) I also have been working on the transcript for the q+a which should be out soon!
And over at @forgedbondspod I have been losing my mind over people's line reads and trying to figure out the last 6 episodes. I know all the big things that need to happen! The little things are proving to be challenging but hopefully everything will be done this week!
If you like this show and want to support what we're doing here, you can visit patreon.com/PineTreePods and become a member today! I'm hoping to expand the content offered on patreon, so if you have ideas please send them my way
That's all for this week! I took a bit of time off to get my thoughts in order on things and am excited to get back into the swing of things this week!
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