#I've been thinking of drawing some au Sanses I've been seeing
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etahk · 1 month ago
Passion 💗💖~
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Passion!Sans by @vantriloquist
Plum helped him ofc
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gayhorrorsans · 3 months ago
shakes you
head canons that make you insane about the bad or star sans?
okok this can be taken two ways
Insane as in AHHH I LOVE THIS
or insane as I'M GONNA HURT YOU
So I'll do both, starting with the first one.
I find it amazing when Dream is given less innocence, but also isn't an asshole. I know this isn't really a 'headcanon', but the amount of times Dream is either some innocent toddler or an asshole is ridiculous. Like give him morals and stuff that he might lash out at but come on.
Dream having possession of something that reminds him of Passive Nightmare, a journal or some pictures. Maybe something like Basil's photo album from Omori.
When they aren't all assholes... AHHH I LOVE IT. I know this is the bare minimum but the stars have been butchered by the fandom so badly ☹️
Ink knowing about some AU details, but not all. It's more interesting, he may forget some of it anyway, as he's very forgetful.
Swap not being yandere.
Them being friends, I don't like them having drama, or at least if they do they can ignore it to protect the multiverse.
Most of my headcanons focus on the bad sanses since that's how I maintained my interest in the fandom. I've always preferred villains in stories. There's probably more I'm just not remembering. I know theres more it's just not coming to mind
Bad Sanses:
Dadmare is a headcanon I have always LOVED. it's not my main au, so depending on how I want a story to go, I may adjust characters, but Dadmare is a guilty pleasure.
Headcanons that delve deep into the mental of them. How Horror is mentally, Dust is, Killer is, Cross, error etc.
Speaking of that, Cross being a part of the bad sanses is a must, or he must be at least aligned with them (I'll discuss what this means in another post) and Error must occasionally work alongside them, and would have a room at the castle.
BRO I could yap for ages oml.
A general idea that Horror, Killer and Dust cancel out each other flaws. Horror is amazing physically, Dust is amazing magically, Killer is a mix. They all balance out another. Like I'm not saying Horror is gonna wipe the floor with with Murder, but he would certainly stand a chance, and given a chance, would easily win. Killers a Jack of all trades, hes fantastic magically and physically, but doesn't specialise. However since he has both he can use his skills to confuse apponents.
Silly Killer is funny.
okay this is actually kind of hard to write about. I can do bad headcanons easier. So in no particular order:
Making Fell abusive towards Lust
Making the Fallen Starts exist... I've seen them properly executed less than 5 times.
Making Horror act EXTREMELY feral (I do like it, but there's a line... and people treat it like a fucking jump rope.)
Making Nightmare extremely horrible. I don't mean he has to be a dad, but I personally have a limit, I like the angst, it's just not what I'd personally have in my AU.
The Bad Sanses becoming 'good', maybe they're not as bad as people thought, but making them good I don't like.
I think my least favourite headcanon of all time would probably be like Classic being on the star sanses.
I LOVE MY BOY CLASSIC OKAY. AND I WANT HIM NEUTRAL. And when he joins the stars for some reason he veomes super emo and depressed and shit and suddenly has an alter ego like this is some Jeckyl and Hyde. I don't like him being on the star sanses AT ALL.
Okay I'm writing these so Im forgetting them... I'll update if I remember anymore.
but my fav one I love to see.
is where classic IS one of the MTT. Classic is Dust or Killer mainly.
the stories you can make. the animations you can make. THE ART. oh my lord. guys
😼 Heh. if you're struggling for ideas on what to draw yknow 😉😼 there's an idea 😊😊
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toffeebrews · 3 months ago
Okay, I've been in the dark about Color for waaaay too long, and I know you're the resident Color Sans enthusiast so if you have the time could you give me a summary of his au/what it's about?
I know the basic stuff like how he's absorbed the six human souls but that's literally it, I see him everywhere and I know next to nothing about him!! ; ;
Enlighten me? /silly/nf ofc
Alrighty, I think I can help here! I'll try my best to keep it briefish.
Color!sans originates from the AT (yes, alternate TIMELINE not AU) Othertale which was a series of animations that became a comic and then went on indefinite hiatus. I always use the wrong terminology 😞 but technically AU is incorrect here.
The directory for all of the animations and the start of the comics here
there's also this trailer which? I couldn't find on her channel for some reason. Not sure why it was deleted.
The animation "experiment" sorta is a prequel animation? taking place before the events of Othertale.
In the Judgment Hall frisk lands their final blow, EXCEPT Sans absorbs the 6 human souls tp prevent himself from dusting. With this new found power Sans (Color) he kills Frisk but a TRUE RESET is triggered which inadvertently sends Color to the void. In similar fashion to Gaster, Sans is wiped completely from the timeline and it starts over without him.
Undyne replaces Sans and she takes the place of Papyrus' sibling. They live their lives and grow up completely without him, effectively making them strangers now.
So Color is locked in with Gaster for a good chunk of time (at least a decade). It's unclear whether or not if Color would even recognize or know who Gaster is because the events of Othertale: before the hack take place after some time has already passed. We dunno LMAO. He's also got the name "Color" instead of Sans now. I don't think we ever learn what the name change came from either.
So, in Othertale: Before the Hack a new genocide run begins and based off a "feeling" Gaster gets he knows it's started. Gaster suggests they get out via Undyne by jogging her memory using the sentry stations as entry points to lead her to the void (but they can't be used as exits only entries). This process will be slow though, not a one and done deal. Uhh, also they needed to activate her "eye" which Color does via punching Undyne IN THE FACE. Funniest thing of all time.
Interesting things to note here: Color mentions here he can OPEN PORTALS out the void but apparently this would use so much of his power it could risk his life to do it. It's why Gaster suggests the other idea. It's also implied Color did something in the past that put his life at risk to get out of the void. Gaster says something along the lines of "You'd shatter and leave me to pick up the pieces. The last time I managed to salvage what was left of you. "
Also here's my favorite snapshot of Color ever v
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Now here's the part everyone knows about. Color getting out the void isn't canon to Color, but has been entertained by Youmna. Drawing art of him, Killer, The Abyss Team and the Epic Sanses interacting.
I skipped alot of stuff, but that's the gist. Sorry I rambled but this always happens......
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fl00mie · 7 months ago
Heyyy, got any fun headcanons you'd like to share with the class?? :3
oh god someone really asked this—
i'm not good at all with headcanons unless they come from nonsense situations, out of that i try to attach the most to the canon of every character Dx i might be able to think of ideas that fit them from time to time but it's not something i give much thought to, i tend to forget about it after a while and prefer to read other people's takes instead, but i'll make an effort! ok, here we go
starting from ink
i always think about this line he said in the truce comic about how paradoxical it would be for error to destroy any universe or creation, obviously this is a character trait so that artists can create content with him but certainly the only thing he would achieve would be to create more AUs or alternate TLs. based on this i think that if ink met him he would see him as a potential friend or battle partner regardless of what he may think of him, he would fight with an error who believes would achieve his goal by defeating him.. although i feel that this is something the community (or at least those folks who are passionate about the actual canon of characters) had already taken for granted😅
still talking about what ink thinks about error, he loves that he makes sanses dolls, it makes him think that he doesn't only think about destruction because he takes the time to make them in detail<3 he admires that about him
adding this thing i said a while ago of ink taking swap on trips to outertale because of his passion for space:3 they would be calm nights where swap contemplates the starry sky while from time to time he asks ink things about astronomy, ink would be just drawing, dream could join sometimes! (adressing star sanses topic later)
ofc ink would be a fashion icon, sometimes- in the words of comyet herself, ink could wear a fashion-acclaimed outfit one day and the next day wear just a pair of duds that only HE thinks look good, AND I LOVE TO THINK ABOUT IT!! he likes to experiment with any kind of aesthetic as if he were some kind of canvas for his ideas
he would totally have a sketchbook full of fell drawings, he'd completely deny having a favorite universe or sans no matter how obvious it may seem lolss
about dreamtale hmmm
i prefer to think that dream is someone who is constantly insecure because of something i have already mentioned before, he carries the guilt of not having been there for others when they needed him the most (when nightmare had just turned him into stone and he couldn't do anything about the negativity recently spread across several universes), and not to mention his actual mental age, although he was somewhat conscious while being made of stone he didn't live his life like his brother so i could grant him a certain degree of naivety
that last thing could go hand in hand with the fact that he never learned to read and leads to kinda angsty situations
besides, i still trust that star sanses can work, dream would have eventually felt guilty for how he addressed ink when he found out how he allowed universes with cruel stories to follow their course but he realized that he had a purpose and did not really enjoy the suffering of others (unlike the comic joku made about this), ink would forgive him without problems and they would go out sometimes with swap
there's this 8h long video in spanish explaining everything that's known about dreamtale so far (and that's only the first part lol, i've only seen 4 hours but i plan to watch it all), there's mentioned how love is a neutral feeling that can lean towards negativity or positivity, this gives rise to the possibility on the part of nightmare (we already know that dream is capable of becoming fond of people) that he feels some kind of love -not romantic- for others, proof of this could be how he has come to treat Killer when he's hurt using his healing powers
in general i think that nightmare acts extremely calm and serious rather than someone mocking
also, now that i know a little more about dreamtale's lore, i like to think that one of dream's favorite animals are cats, because of neil!:D (this could indicate a potential friendship between dream and killer lolll)
that last one goes for killer as well!! obviously when he got his happy ending with color
this might differ a bit with error's canon but i love the concept of "allowed anomalies" in the anti-void, i'm planning to do a drawing of this but they would be ink, fresh, swap and sometimes fell, allowed because of fear, neglect, (possible) fond and as a chocolate source respectively
random idea, i always thought that a child in geno and cross' life (separately) would bring them a lot of happiness
regarding geno, this is more of an assumption from how i've seen him act in the aftertale comic, like, we know he's still a regular sans because that universe counts more as an alternate timeline but as time went by he started to act calmer than classic, he gives me mother vibes if you ask me xP so also based on how he behaved with after!frisk(? in the end i think a child to take care of would bring him more peace in his happy ending
and cross! we could say that it's canon because of lux's joke comics, he certainly looks genuinely happy taking care of her. although we can also see how he's somewhat overprotective with her even when she's an adult, yes it would make him happy but it may be a disadvantage/neglect at the same time
also, it's cute to consider how dream and epic can form a friendship based on cross, i haven't seen epictale story but as far as i know cross is canon there sooo i believe in dream and epic as a protective duo over cross supremacy!!
ohhhh god i think that's all for now, i can't think of anything else
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pjunicornart · 8 months ago
Papercut (Reclaimed)
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I've decided to reclaim Papercut for the fandom! Here's the explanation.
Papercut (a Fell variant of Paperjam) was originally created by the person who created PJ's Daycare and NaJ. I'm not name dropping them because... I just don't want to. Anyway, the creator (if you know you know) is not a great person. I believe fandoms can reclaim characters from people who were less than role models. Now, a QnA under a cut:
Doesn't Paperjam already have a Fell variant? Yes. They already have a canon Fell and Swap variant if I'm remembering correctly. That being said, this is what I propose for Papercut: He's a completely original variant away from the Fell labeling. He's from a universe where he was named Papercut instead of Paperjam. Outside influences made him edgy instead of it just being his nature.
What did you change about Cut's design? For starters, I made his design less "rule of cool" and more practical. Admittedly some of the AU Sans designs I think are bad because they follow too heavily on the rule of cool. His outfit ties into his new story. Plus, if I'm going to draw him again, I want his design to be simple. Second, I desaturated the color palette, except for around his face. I kept the "hairstyle" Cut had, because I think it makes him stand out compared to other Sanses.
What's his lore? Currently I'm going for a troubled teen angle. Gets mixed up with the wrong crowds, been in and out of juvie, that type of thing. He's clearly hurting, but his environment and home life make it worse and hard for him to stabilize his life. Speaking of his home life, Ink and Error are NOT his parents... creators... people. They don't even exist in this AU. Instead, his parents are two completely different people who will NOT be classified as Sanses. These two people are one of the many reasons for Cut's rebellious persona.
What are some specific details about Cut? He's 17, a cis boy (amab), and pronouns he/him. Because he's been suspended and put into juvie a lot, his formal education is lacking. He can read and write just fine, but he won't be able to answer questions about history or sex ed. If his parents cared, they'd realize he needs serious help in this regard. But they only care about themselves and making sure he's out of the way. He's been arrested for minor crimes - Theft, vandalism, and misdemeanors. His vandalism is graffiti, of which he is quite skilled. His graffiti includes the usual stuff (tagging and such), but also political and artistic pieces. He thinks he's only into girls.
Does he have any powers? Yes, but he's not especially powerful or skilled with them. He can control paint fairly well since graffiti art has given him practice with it. He got this power from his mom. His other natural born ability is a blade only he can summon. This is something he inherited from his dad's side of the family. All the men on this side have their own unique blades. His is a dagger with a serrated blade for a ripping flesh effect. As for learned abilities: Teleportation (short distances), Healing (can't heal major wounds, but he can heal a bruise), and various stat boosters (attack, defense, and speed - minor changes). He's not particularly powerful because he hasn't taken the time to learn his abilities.
Will his story have anything to do with The Playground? We'll see. His story is still in the early stages of being fleshed out, so things are definitely subject to change. However, if he were to be in The Playground, he would become Playjam's third little brother.
Since he's technically not a Fell variant, could he be put into RNaJ? Yeah, he definitely could! He'd probably skip class and hang out alone. Maybe smoke a joint or two. Very confrontational and rude at first, but if you tolerated him enough he might open up a little. His vulnerability will be layered under tons of jokes, though.
Outfits, roleplay, and fan stuff? Outfits: I don't have any more at the moment, but if you wanna design some, be my guest. Roleplay: I'm down to roleplay as him, but you can also rp as him if you wish. I'm not gonna police you about it. Fan stuff: Everything is pretty loosey-goosey right now, sooo... go nuts.
Any more questions I didn't address can be sent to my ask box!
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instaquarius · 2 years ago
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For full res
"Who do you think you are, Crumbling my Tower?! Dare you disrupt My Temporal Power?! Who are you now, Are you Friend? Are you Foe? I don't know....
The Dark broke Time's flow!!"
So my friend All Sanses are the best#6886/@clearprincessturtle in my discord server got me OBSESSED with Dialga's PMD theme: Fight to the Finish, and I found a lyrical version www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPH0sy… ((To which I've literally been listening to maybe for like- 48 hours give or take???? :'D)) 
And that got me into researching who the frick Primal Dialga was which then resulted in me making another AU off of PTA (PokeTale Ascendance) But also Pokemon Mystery Dungeon which then resulted in me getting hella inspired to make this
Also meet MagiCHARA cuz 1) I honestly feel like Chara would totally become a Magikarp cuz the whole LV20 motif with Chara, like in Genocide when Chara becomes LV20 by taking the players LV, EXP (since Chara is the narrator and she more or less confirms it at the end of genocide that Frisk basically uses her stats) and at LV20 Chara is strong enough to literally yeet the entire game into the void/world/timeline And even ignore TRUE RESETs (since she still remembers your Genocide run and prevents the Player from ever getting the happy pacifist ending and makes the player think she kills everyone on the Surface anyways to show the Player/Frisk that you aren't above consequences and stuff)
And Gyarados according to the pokedex can annihilate entire fucking cities with a single Hyper Beam or something???? (and can also be very very angry, which reminds me of Chara too when you finally meet the first fallen human in Undertale during the Genocide run like she's EXTREMELY pissed at the player for probably killing off all the monsters she loved/died for to save and stuff- *WHich also happens at Level 20 if you let Magikarp evolve into a Gyarados)
2) Also cuz of Chara's self-hatred/hatred for humans + possible abuse makes her feel as if she's worthless/useless/etc. which kinda also fits Magikarp cuz it is also useless until like, level 15 where it finally learns tackle and stuff and idk- I just feel like Magikarp totally fits tbh lol *And maybe I also like the idea Arceus is trolling his daughter and turned her into a Magikarp since she hated being a human so much/hates humanity in general* idk-
but= ye. For the drawing my thoughts were also like: What if the Primal form did something a little extra as well to Dialga instead of just only a color change?? (Hence why in my drawing Dialga has extra fangs, more streamers through out his body pumping in more power the more his anger rises) Since Bulbapedia's explanation for the Primal form for Dialga made it totally sound like it's some sort of corruption or something since Dialga loses all sense of sanity, morals and so on and only focuses on self-preservation and stuff and can even only communicate through growls and roars apparently if Dialga loses too much of his sanity to the Primal state-
And Chara sees this happening to her brother and desperately wants to help him (also for the PMD/PTA AU Dialga either doesnt recognize Chara being his sister since she's a Magikarp now and he remembers her being a human) OR he doesnt remember Chara at all and immediately just assumes she's lying, but Chara remembers being adopted by Arceus and stuff- and idk
And then Palkia in the Post-game also attacks her once he realizes Chara is from a diferent universe altogether *Undertale* And gets pissed thinking she's an enemy for disrupting Space and stuff-
and yeah- thats all I got for this AU tbh
//ALso I know Magikarp is not one of the Starters you can choose to become or whatever in the PMD Universe but frick you okay- Magikarp SHOULD be one for those psycho people like me who likes making games 10 million times harder for no goddamn reason and Magikarp is adorable so REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- XD//
For PokeTale: Ascendance
An AU based off of an RP between me and a friend of mine from my discord server discord.gg/pQf9ZsdF6E where the Creation Trio as babies (a time they all cant really fully control their powers and junk) accidentally create a portal into the Undertale Universe and meet Chara and basically Arceus finds Chara and adopts her after finding out about her shitty human parents and Chara ends up helping Arceus raise the babies and basically lives in the Pokemon Universe now
((And ALso yes. Up until the Dialga Boss fight, MagiChara was mostly just there as Moral Support and to be annoying/narrate for Riolu sometimes lol
And also used as occassionally a weapon to be yeeted at Enemies for being annoying and a bew lmao)) 
//FYI: The Riolu has been replaced with Volopi (Togepi but its Volo that's been turned into a Togepi) and thus retconned
Canon version to the PMD-verse of my pokemon/Undertale AU "Poketale: Ascendance" (PTA)
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motivatedtale-blog · 5 years ago
About Motivatedtale
.:Author’s Note:.
.:Stray Facts and Resources:.
.:Author’s Note:.
   Hey, so I've noticed this a long time ago but I��m just now confronting it since I got my computer fixed- it seems pretty impossible to reach the “About Motivatedtale” on mobile, even with the literal LINK to the page (I could only sort of access it through some loopholes in a browser- and the link just took me to my Tumblr instead), so I wanted to compile the information that’s in there into a post for any mobile users who may follow this blog. I’ve got more followers here than my art blog-- so even if there’s not much interaction each post, I think there’s at least a few people who might not have access to an about page here. Changes are very likely to be made and things will be added occasionally :)
 “Have you ever wondered what happens to creations when a creator gives up?”
 Motivatedtale is essentially an abandoned AU with no finished story or a plot. Which, ironically, not having a story is the story itself. It’s a tale about how the lack of motivation (along with other things like self doubt and lack of interest) in a Creator leaves a story unfinished, and with no reason to exist, no story, the AU is crumbling into nothingness, as it is being forgotten by the only one who knows about its existence- the Creator. However, there’s two characters in it that have to deal with that burden of having no ending or reasons to exist. And they’re completely aware of what’s going on.
 At least, the first one that was created is aware, because they were made to be that way. They inform the only other character (Frisk/Motive) about all of this when they meet. They’re a Sans of course (which is sort of a self aware joke because a lot of people either start with the Sans of an AU when creating characters, subtly revolve around a Sans of an AU in a story, or the entire story literally and shamelessly revolves around a Sans. This is not an attack on anyone). This Sans goes by Unmotivated, and is quite bitter about existing.  These characters have no finished story, no destiny, and no purpose. Being self aware of this can be a great burden on hope and happiness; ignorance is bliss, after all.
 What the AU would’ve been if it was “completed” is unsure.
 How the story ends is not fully decided or meant to be disclosed (for now), but even if this AU is finished or not, it is already technically complete. It symbolizes a project that is given up on; a project that is abandoned, and what would happen if the characters in these types of projects were conscious about this- if our ideas existed somewhere out there, somewhere where our decisions, intentional and unintentional, have a serious affect.
 So, if this AU is abandoned, it’ll be quite ironic.
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    Motive is the Frisk of this AU, and one of only two characters that are in this AU. Motive was created after Unmotivated, but the coloring of their design was given up on towards the very end. Their sweater is unfinished because the creator gave up on them due to being overwhelmed with empty and destructive thoughts, but the outline/shape is still there. The sleeve usually is never shaded/effected by light.
  Motive is an optimist, and believes that their AU will one day be finished. They have the soul of motivation, which is outwardly visible and tied to the loose hanging strap of their overalls. They don’t have preferences in pronouns (though they/them is usually the default), and calling them by any pronoun is fine (she/he/they/it..it really doesn’t matter, honestly).  
  Motive acts impulsively a lot of times and does not think of the consequences of their actions…or, they do, but they choose to move forward with their actions anyways. Since optimism is one of their key traits and it’s exaggerated and simplified in their character and logic, it can result in some bad outcomes. The same goes for their impulsitivity. They’re not that serious natured, and act more like a child than a young adult (despite being 18). However, they do make a lot of (sometimes unnerving) jokes that could be considered uncomfortable, but they mean no harm. While Motive is quite intelligent and empathetic, they’re distracted quite easily and might say or do inappropriate things during certain situations.
  Since Motive is technically a new character and was not fully developed by their Creator (backstory, powers, etc), their underdevelopment as a character is actually a big part of their development as a character. 
(More is to be added later)
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 The Sans of the AU, and the first ever character created (which again is poking fun of the idea that people usually start with the Sans of the AU for characters). Unmotivated is bitter and cynical towards his existence and his Creator, and is completely aware of the multiverse and AU Creators. A big fourth wall breaker. He’s apathetic, bored and often paints himself as emotionless and uncaring to hide any hurt/feelings of helplessness. He bottled them away a long time ago.  At first, Unmotivated was hopeful about his AU, but he was alone for an unspecified but long amount of time in his AU, and was driven to toxicity and bitterness during that time. He’s seen his universe grow, halt, and then slowly deteriorate- he has seen new ideas come and go, and is helpless to stop the rampant decay of his universe- his home- his story. He’s overall a pretty lonely character. 
When or why he got the nickname “Unmotivated” is unclear- but it’s definitely supposed to be a pun. He hates the name but finds it funny and ironic at the same time. 
  Unmotivated’s soul is held by a string that is woven into his rain coat. He considers this to be poor design choice but doesn’t really do anything to fix it. He often keeps his soul in his pocket for safe keeping.  (More is to be added later)
.:Stray Facts:.
• The AU resets (sort of like an update) each time a new idea is added. This is how Unmotivated is generally aware of Motive when they’re created. • The “Creator” resembles anyone who has abandoned or given up on their projects or ideas. This isn’t meant to put people that do this in a negative light.
•The white of Motive’s sleeve isn’t meant to be shaded since it’s “incomplete.”
FAQ (most are from amino since not many people ask here)
- What was the AU supposed to originally be before it was abandoned?
 This is undecided and left up for interpretation. However, based off of the design of the current characters, it can be safely assumed that the AU was supposed to be more lighthearted and cutesy. There are random bits and ideas spread throughout the AU that give glimpses to what it could’ve been.
- Can I draw fanart of these characters?
 Of course! I’d be honored to receive fanart and would love to see it! Just please keep things appropriate if you do.
- Is Ink Sans or Core Frisk going to be in the comic?
 I’ve gotten asked this several times, and the answer is no. Doing this would completely ruin the theme and point I’m trying to get across with this comic. This story revolves around a Creator and their Creations, and there will be no other characters made by other people.
- Are Motive and Unmotivated shipped together?
 It’s fine as a joke but please realize they aren’t. This isn’t an AU centered around romance and would distract from the goal of the comic if I had that. While I’m not anti-frans in any sense, I still don’t want it in my comic.
- How often do you plan on updating the comic?
  Each page is published whenever I finish it nowadays due to stress of a schedule. I post them in bulks of 2-3 on amino and twitter, and whenever I finish the page on deviantart, instagram and here.
- Is the Creator a character?
 Yes, and no. The Creator represents not only myself, but any artist that has struggles putting their creations out there due to insecurities or other causes. They’re more symbolic and fluent rather than a structured and identified character. Of course though, if there is any introduction of the Creator, I would have to give them some sort of design- and I do have general ideas of what they’d look like. However, they’re still supposed to represent a broader group of people than just myself.
- What does Unmotivated think about other AUs/Sanses?
 Unmotivated has an apathetic mindset when it comes to AUs and other characters like him. He’s incredibly self aware and sees a much bigger picture. He knows characters are just pawns to their creator, and won’t get fazed by any story. Sort of like watching actors in a movie while constantly reminding yourself that they’re just actors. However, he is quite envious of anyone with a complete and happy storyline, since that’s something he lacks but yearns the most. That’s something he wish he had.
 Keep in mind Unmotivated and Motive cannot interact or travel outside of their AU, and no one can interact with their AU except the editor/creator.
• Please do not publicly RP with these characters unless given permission. This might be changed after more of the comic is complete, but I do not want these character’s personalities to be strewn.
•  Please do not draw or write NSFW with my characters– I am a minor, and a large part of my audience are also minors.
  Alright, this part is going to be a lot less formal and more personal. The idea for this AU came from my own self doubt and self destructive attitude as a creator. Doubting my own works and ideas has seriously held me back for a long time, and it STILL holds me back as I’m sure it has for many, MANY other creators like me. Musicians, artists, writers.. Almost all of us have that fear of trying out a new idea or making something you usually wouldn’t. Almost all of us have felt that crushing self doubt when you see someone better than you, and you tell yourself you’ll never be like them, your art will never be that great, you’ll never get that far…so on, so on.
  So, while I was trying to come up with an idea for an AU (which I had actually been considering for well over a year), the thoughts crept in.
“no one will like this”
“there’s enough AU’s”
“you’re unoriginal”
“this is a waste of time”
“the fandom is dying”
“you have horrible character designs”
“AU’s are overrated”
“this doesn’t fit your audience”
“people will judge you”
“you never finish anything”
“this is stupid”
“your art isn’t good enough”
“you’re not good enough”
“someone probably already came up with this idea”
“no one cares about your idea”
“no one would bother with your art”
  And ironically, all these thoughts gave me this idea.
  Even so, these thoughts have still been nagging me every time I even try to work on this, and it’s been taking a lot of courage to take on the heap of anxiety I have over something so harmless. I didn’t join the Undertale fandom for over a year simply because I was afraid of being judged for my interests,, fun fact. Never thought I’d be able to make an AU. I’m still quite nervous posting art of anything that isn’t Mario related for some reason.
  Putting all this to side though, I find the concept of what happens to unfinished and/or abandoned stories and projects interesting, especially if there’s an alternate reality that’s actually effected by your decisions. Kinda like you’re a god. I mean, imagine what it would be like if you had a creator and they just gave up on you, and you’re left with no purpose. Seems like it would suck, haha.
  So that’s basically my AU, Motivatedtale. If you have any thoughts or questions, I’d love to hear them. Thanks for reading if you did!
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undertaleartistshit · 5 years ago
A Little Big Dance
As Ink searched the AUs of his Multiverse for trouble, he came across a little rumor. Well, actually it was a HUGE rumor, one that exploded in the millions of AUs seemingly overnight. Ink was interested, not only because the rumor was of a concert, but because of the person hosting it. Some strange being from another Multiverse, and that was where the rumor seemed to get unstable. No name, no description, no age, no nothing. Just someone.
He entered the Omega Timeline, despite his hatred for white, but instead of focusing on that accursed color, he couldn't help but listen to the gossip and pause, amazed at how consistent the information was. He shook his head, continuing his search for the one being who could help him figure out maybe a sliver of information that was 100% true, not just the unreliable gossip he would have to sift through without them. He passed Sans after Frisk after Papyrus after King and Queen, but he just could not find that damned-
Oh. There they were. The gray and black child was standing in a crowd of shouting and... angry, Ink decided, monsters and humans. They didn't chant any mantras as one would expect, but they all were shouting something. Ink took his time winding through the aggressive group, taking care not to hurt anyone despite having to shove his way into the center. "O-oh, thank the HEAVENS you're here Ink!" Core gasped, their hollow eyes creasing in utter relief as Ink popped into the small circle Core was trapped in. Ink smiled, happy to see Core.
"Yeah, well I'm glad I found you, because as life has it I've got a question." Some people where daring to try to yank Ink away from Core, to which Ink slapped their hands and claws away, glaring threateningly at them, to which they sourly shouted and yelled in response. "Ok, nevermind, three questions. Three." Ink raised his voice a little, doubting Core could hear him if he were to speak normally.
Core smiled patiently. "Alright. Could you take care of my little, um, predicament first?" Ink chuckled, unsheathing his handy dandy brush, making a portal in front of them. Core jumped in first, Ink following them, closing the portal before any ticked people managed to stampede on over in the AU. Speaking of which, it was the beloved OuterTale, one of the more popular AUs among the Multiverse. Ink could understand as to why though, since OuterTale was beautiful and calming. Core sighed, sitting down on the small floating island rock. Ink sat down beside them, his eye lights flickering with relief and curiosity.
"First question, what the heck was their problem?" Ink asked, genuinely sounding frustrated for once, albeit mildly. Core sighed yet again, cupping their forehead in their small hands, looking and sounding defeated. "Because of a rumor that I have been looking into, that group is particularly angry with the fact that we are just letting someone in our Multiverse that we don't even know for a concert we can't be sure even exists. I'm feeling... impatient, and I hate it," Core explained.
Ink was surprised yet again. Core, one of the most patient people Ink has ever met, was getting impatient now. All because of some concert. Ink couldn't lie, he wanted to go to that concert if it really existed, but he didn't know if it was dangerous, and he knew nothing about the other Multiverse that this proclaimed person is said to have originated.
Ink took a deep breath, looked over at Core, and asked sternly, almost barking out an order. "Can you get me all information about this concert and deliver it to the HQ tomorrow?" Core nodded, sensing the order. "I'll get it done in a giffy."
"Core. Since when did you not get a panic attack after being in a crowd for so long?"
Dream heard about the rumor from DanceTale. As far as music and culture went, DanceTale was Dream's favorite place to be if he wanted to escape the stresses of being a "Star Sans". However it seemed that this time there was a new pressure, one huge thing taking the place by storm. What caught Dream's attention at first and even now was the sheer volume of people talking about the concert. Dream had to ask, what was the big deal? Why in the stars were to many people wanting to go?
He jogged over to this universe's Sans, who was stretching for what seemed like training. "heya dream," he greeted, smiling at the positive aura. Dream grinned, "Nice to see you Dance. I have a question, if that's not too much to ask." Dance chuckled at the most likely unintentional and stupid pun, but replied, "shoot for it dude."
"What can you tell me about this multiversal concert? I'm afraid I'm terribly uninformed, haha." Dream smiled patiently, awaiting an answer as Dance took a moment to think. Dance tapped his jaw in thought. "the only thing that i can say for sure is that whatever this is is hosted by someone not from this multiverse. no idea who though. maybe ink can tell you more?" Dream thought for a moment, dumbfounded in a way. How could Dream forget? Ink was probably all over it by now! "Oh my stars Dance, I can't believe I never thought of that before! I'll ask him right away! Thanks for the pointer, I owe ya one." Dance chuckled as Dream jumped away into another AU. Dance blushed mildly. Dream was so amazing, so positive. He'd never remember a copy like Dance for long, never in a milennia.
Dance went back to stretching, turning on the radio. People talking about the concert left and right, gossip and rumors running rampant. Dance wanted nothing more than a solid time and place, but no one talked about that. No one.
Dream landed in OuterTale, of course. Either Ink was here or in the Doodle Sphere. He never went into the Omega Timeline unless there was an emergency, and if there was an emergency he would have called Dream and Blue. But the was no call, not a word from Ink. He wouldn't risk panicking in public, right..?
Well, whatever the case, Dream found Ink talking to... Core Frisk... on a remote island in the middle of nowhere. Dream didn't like Core all that much, although he'd never admit it. It unnerves Dream that he can never sense any emotion coming from the little human, which both annoys him and worries him. Were they bottling it up or could they even feel? Why do they look like they should feel hollow? Do they feel hollow? So many questions ran through Dream's skull every time he saw Core.
Nonetheless, Dream ushered over to them, in hearing range as he heard a sentence come from Ink, who was facing away from Dream. "Since when did you not get a panic attack after being in a crowd for so long?" Dream froze, ducking behind a large boulder. What? Panic attack? Did Core have claustrophobia or haphephobia or something? Why would they-
"And why didn't you freak out after being in a place that's practically only white?" Core shot back, sounding uncharacteristic. Dream flinched. Did they go in the AntiVoid? No, there are no crowds there. The Omega Timeline? But Ink didn't call the others... didn't call Dream.
"Well in my defense I was a little preoccupied with that rumor. It's interesting but I'm worried and I don't want anyone to go just in case it's a trap plus I don't know when or where it's supposed to be-" "You're rambling." "Sorry, but you get me right?" Core nodded. "The Protector's job, I know. I think the consert will be a good idea though, you need to unwind with people, not just drawing." Ink flustered at that, feeling embarrassed about drawing, plus Core mentioning it. "Yeah yeah..."
"But it's not just about me," Ink sighed. "If the Dark Sanses go there and start a riot..." Dream blinked, suddenly feeling guilty. How could he have forgotten that? Dream suddenly became aware of the strong negative emotions coming from not only himself, but from the two in front of him. It hurt, and he couldn't just ignore it like normal. Ink was stressed and worried out of his mind, Core was... Dream paused in realization. He could sense Core! His demeanor immediately improved, reducing the pain.
"Funny how someone's pain could make the God of Positivity feel so good," a baritone voice chuckled in the space. Ink and Core froze, Dream brandished his bow and arrow, ready for an attack, still hidden from Ink's view. Damn you Nightmare! Dream growled in his mind.
"God of... DREAM WHAT THE FREAK." Ink's voice went from mildly confused to surprisingly ticked real fast. Dream jumped out from his cover, sliding over to Ink, who was now standing protectively over Core with his brush in hand. Dream scowled. "I'll explain later," he mumbled. "You'd better."
Nightmare materialized right before their eyes, from a shadow of course. The tall goopy skeleton walked leisurely over to the small group. His eye was devoid of emotion as always, his posture relaxed and nonthreatening if it weren't for the long powerful tentacles twitching on his back. The King of Negativity stood about two meters away, showing no signs of aggression, but no sign of backing down. His grin was as sharp and as cruel as ever.
"Go back to where you came, Nightmare," Ink hissed, his eye lights flaring in a dangerous maroon. Nightmare put his clawed phalanges up, as if he were caught by the nonexistent police force. "Hey, hey, chill. Just need to ask a favor." Dream glared, but Ink had to hold in a fit of laughter. "Why would we help?" Nightmare shrugged, putting his hands back in his pockets. "I heard a little rumor, and I want more info."
Ink rolled his eyes, not buying the story. "Why does this even concern you?" Ink jabbed, getting angry and hoping to make Nightmare uncomfortable. It... didn't work. Nightmare fed off of the negative energy, cocking a brow. "Uh... rude? I just wanna know." Dream sighed, letting in. Why oh why was he so weak when it came to his brother?
"We don't know much, just about the concert and nothing much else," Dream answered truthfully. Ink stared daggers at Dream, as he growled, "Dream.." Dream put his bow and arrow away, looking back at Ink, and replied with a sassy monotone nod, "Ink."
Nightmare rolled his eye light at the display. It was familiar, but he'd never admit it. His gang made similar interactions, quite often. But it was a confirmation that Dream released some true information, at least. Nightmare opened a portal, to which Killer and Cross came out, carrying...
"BLUE!" Ink and Dream shouted simultaneously. Killer glanced at the two, stating, "Attack us and we won't hesitate to kill Blue." Ink huffed, as Core whispered something to Ink. Ink nodded, making a portal and then sticking his brush back on his back. Core jumped in the portal and disappeared.
Killer and Cross untied Blue quickly, starting to get uncomfortable being around all three Star Sanses at once. Blue gasped as they undid the rope around his mouth. "You could have made it a bit looser!" Killer smirked, chuckling. "And risk you getting out? Fat fucking chance." Killer took out his knife, to which Ink had to resist the urge to smash Killer's skull in the ground, and Killer cut the rest of the rope off. Blue stood up, brushing himself off. He walked cautiously back over to Ink and Dream, to which Ink just stared open mouthed at the three Dark Sanses. "Why did you kidnap Blue if you didn't even threaten us?!" Ink screeched.
Nightmare grinned. "Backup plan." All six went back to their respective HQs. And Core? They were scribbling every rumor down, in every timeline, trying to find a constant or a source, and it would take a long time before either side would find much else out about this concert and it's host. Or, as the constant says, the hostess.
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toffeebrews · 9 months ago
i think out of all aus to revisit one of the ones im most excited for is horrortale. I always loved sourapplestudios artstyle!! the desaturated colors and sketchy lines really bring the tone together (i hope once i draw him i can do him justice 🙏). It was also one of my first aus!!
I've always been fascinated by horror/dark aus/ats (which is funny considering i love the star sanses so much huh?) like help_tale, underworld, or sixbones. It can just be really interesting to see a world where everything goes to crap and how that would effect everyone's characters and how society functions under the new circumstances (which is why i like aus like underfell as well!). From what i remember horror was one of the better written ones at that time.
um, was the game ever finished? i swore there was a demo at some point. i don't think im imagining that... I used to watch gameplays of it? i think? its been a really long time.
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