am sloopy
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hey, im tay. 14, he/him
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
undertaleartistshit · 3 years ago
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@anxiety-elf have razz but better this time <3
the caption is CRINGY AS HELL but something needed to go there okay
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undertaleartistshit · 3 years ago
I said i would analyzse this masterpiece so i fucking WILL
Looking at the atmosphere in general, i love how carefree you made this whole drawing feel! the foggy-ness added to that quite a bit. the echo flowers in the background add a soft touch of mystique and i am HERE FOR IT!!!
the lighting is also gorgeous to me... so soft and sweet and fresh and just kiSS already
and to the boys.. i love their poses!!!! nm is relaxed and seems like hes enjoying himself, and blue seems oh so nervous but quite interested at the same time. ALSO THE BOOTS THE BOOTS OMFG HOW DID YA KNOW I LIKE INTRICATE BOOTS??? I loooove the boots aAAaaRRrrrRRgGGGggHHHh and the fluff on nms jacket (I forgot the formal name for that type of jacket but DAMN THATS COOL ToO) is so fluffy and his claws are sharp and claw-y
okay imma end this here but JHGDGIEFGH THE BOYS ARE DATING AND THEY LOOK SO FREAKING HAPP. sending warm blanket snuggies if u like those and some homemade cookies, the gooey kind iykyk
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Its only fair I redraw something for you too dear. @undertaleartistshit
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undertaleartistshit · 3 years ago
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@lostnoot okay I redrew them :D
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undertaleartistshit · 3 years ago
look at the shoulderpads do you like the shoulderpads i like the shoulderpads man all my friends are obsessed with those shoulderpads
their hand on the lil shoulderpad kitty too hnnnn so precious so cute so perfect i am in LOVE
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TRADE WITH @undertaleartistshit my beloved-
I swear to the stars that im in loff with this oc hes precious-
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undertaleartistshit · 3 years ago
Idk when or why I followed you but I am certainly not complaining.
OHHH THANK YOU ANON🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 🤍 ️ 💕 💞 💓 💗 💖 💘 💝
i really needed that today, i appreciate the follow <3
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undertaleartistshit · 3 years ago
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ive never drawn fnaf before so this was an experience, i hope you like the picture!
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undertaleartistshit · 3 years ago
soooo im working on cleaning up my blog a bit so that its not as infuriatingly unorganized, and my ass doesnt remember following 85% of the blogs that i do.
and all the stuff im getting recommended to me doesnt apply at all :,D, this is what happens when you take a year long hiatus kids, might as well scream into the void.
on another note, how do you shift tumblrs algorithm on its head? cuz i REALLY wanna flip it over like a pancake.
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undertaleartistshit · 3 years ago
Hey. What’s up? Nice to see you again.
hey! thanks for the ask, anon. not much, just trying to get life back in order
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undertaleartistshit · 3 years ago
Hello. I was wondering, if an art trade was due
ive been off of tumblr for over a year now so i really apologize for not getting your trade done. if you tell me what it is again, or give me any request really, i would be so so glad to do so
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undertaleartistshit · 3 years ago
yo long time no see.
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undertaleartistshit · 4 years ago
Omg, thank you for getting this done despite me being a flakey douchebag-
Your AU Undyne looks amazing, thank you for drawing the fight 💗💗💞💞💕💖💗
@undertaleartistshit IM DONE WOOOOOO-
after being dead for my art, here. I hope ya like.
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(Dont come at me for undyne's armor- i used my au undyne cuz i was struggling with og undyne.)
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undertaleartistshit · 4 years ago
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The event has gone into chaos, there be popcorn at my fingertips.
I love jester, I just- yeS
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undertaleartistshit · 5 years ago
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undertaleartistshit · 5 years ago
Heyo, u up for a trade?
Yep! Send me a message ✌
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undertaleartistshit · 5 years ago
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undertaleartistshit · 5 years ago
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Jdkaksksk this is for the draw in my style thing
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undertaleartistshit · 5 years ago
Horror's soul twisted and turned in agony as he sat slumped at his former sentry post. It's been so long since he's consumed anything edible that he forgot what it would taste like to feel water fill his soul with clarity and relief. But every drop of water in Snowdin was tainted, even the snow that he gazed upon. The blizzard's brutal winds nipped at his bare face, and the tortuous hunger pains gripped his magic and slowed it, so that even his thinking and movement were affected. He hadn't spoken at a normal speed in ages. He forgot what his 'normal' voice sounded like. He forgot a lot of things, honestly. He forgot the weather after a few minutes too.
His clawed phalanges tapped rhythmically on the rotten wood, the dull sound filling his cranium with sweet and bitter nothings, just enough to distract him. Soon, he tipped on his forearms, the bone making a hollow sound. It vibrated throughout him. He felt it. He focused on it. He blocked out everything else. He soon took to tapping on his skull, feeling the little hits, acknowledging their existence. But soon the illusion of distraction wore off, and Horror groaned as another wave of hunger washed him away. He grasped his ripped and bloodied shirt by his ribcage, and he closed his eye sockets tightly- well, at least his unbroken one. The left socket stayed open, never closing, never seeing. The socket had the blood red eyelight in it, a spooky and terrifying display for all to see, Horror's shattered head a contributing factor for his, heh, 'horrific' appearance.
He stood up as slow as a snail, stiffly making his way through the blizzard and back to his house. He walked, humming crookedly to himself, until... a sharp stone struck the poor skeleton in the back of his head. Horror fell foward, unable to make a sound due to his shock, and oh Asgore, the *pain* was almost unbearable, as it tore apart his consciousness. A snicker was made behind him. A familiar human voice.
Little Miss Courage snickered behind him as Horror whimpered silently. "Oh Sans~" she giggled. "I really hate you. After all, you are a MONSTER." Courage walked into his hazy field of vision. As a loud shout rang out, and heavy footsteps pounded in the distance, the bold teenager hissed right by Horror's head, "Don't you worry your pretty little head, I'll take care of Papyrus while I'm here too~!"
The skeleton woke up with a flinch and a gasp. His soul was beating so quickly that it make his ribcage sore. He took a few deep breaths as he tried to calm down. The beating reduced, however the feeling of morning hunger stirred up his pulse once again. He huffed, taking the covers off him in a large swoop of his arm, and he swung his legs off of the side of the bed as he stood and quietly exited his room.
He had food and he wasn't even in Snowdin anymore. He was at Nightmare's mansion with Cross and Killer and Dust. Right...? His panic rose again. What if his memory was playing tricks on him? What if it's just another hallucination induced by hunger? He needed to look for food. He quickened his pace as he slipped into the kitchen, ripping open the fridge and taking out leftovers, begging for it to be real. He opened a plastic box filled with amazing smelling food. Any food was delicious. All food was good. This had to be real, it has to be.
Horror opened his mouth, not caring a bit as he dumped the entire container of food into his large sharp-toothed maul. It was good, but he was still pretty hungry... curse his gigantic size! It was intimidating but it was the reason he always felt hungry, now he was sure of it! He drifted his focus back to the fridge. A few more containers wouldn't be that bad, and it wasn't like they didn't have anything else to eat...
A few containers turned into almost everything in the fridge, and Horror barely noticed in his sleepy mind how much food he had just eaten. Once Horror was finished- and his hunger was gone- he washed the dishes out of habit, disposed of all evidence, including trash and such, and he slowly dragged himself back to his room. Horror fell back asleep quickly, his soul filled with excess energy and the magic around him thickened a small, comfortable amount. He slept until morning, undisturbed.
However, waking up and going to make coffee only to find four very angry looking skeletons glaring at him the second he walked into the kitchen was quite disturbing, especially if among them were to be the King of Negativity. Horror nervously looked at them, slowly starting a sentence before Cross cut him off. "Horror," he began, his tone mildly strained. "Do you know what you ate last night?"
Horror blinked. Was he that lost? Apparently so. "Um, only a few leftovers... why?" Horror inquired, thoroughly confused. He only ate a few, didn't he? Nightmare gave him a blank stare, using one of his tentacles to open the fridge door, revealing an empty space within. Killer and Dust sighed at the same time, Dust pinching his nasal bridge between his thumb and pointer finger, and Killer glaring directly at Horror with empty eyes. "Dude," Killer huffed. "You drank all the damn milk while you were at it too. Even the cream."
Horror looked guiltily at his family, hunching his shoulders in a bit and crossing his arms nervously. "Sorry.." he mumbled softly, a small blush coming across his face. Nightmare sighed at the display, walking over and putting his hand on Horror's shoulder. "We learn from our mistakes. But next time you feel hungry? Drink something or come to one of us instead so that this doesn't happen again." Horror nodded, looking away, still feeling guilty.
"Don't freak out about it too much," Dust mumbled quietly. He needed coffee but he couldn't stand it without milk. Horror walked over to Dust and rubbed his hands nervously together. "...Should I go and get some uh..?" Horror began timidly. Dust stuck his index finger on Horror's lips, making a soft shushing sound. "Shut up, there's some tea somewhere in here."
"...I may or may not remember eating tea bags last night."
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