#I'm. I'm going to go have a shower to calm down probably I think haha
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thelonelyshore-if · 4 months ago
I want to request Beck sfw alphabet in case no one else has. I need it for...reasons.
I hope you're doing well, or as well as possible at least.
I'm trying to take it one day at a time; so I'm doing as well as can be expected. I hope you're doing well, too <3
Beck's alphabet below the cut!! I had a lot of fun with this one :3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very affectionate, but it's definitely in their own way. They're very teasing and playful, and they tend to show affection by trying to do things together rather than like…being warm and fuzzy. They do also show affection through kissing. Lots of kissing. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Beck is a wild friend to have. They're somebody who loves fun and adventure and basically never thinks about consequences. They'd be the friend you go to if you just want to have a good time, but probably not someone you'd talk about your trauma with. And the friendship would start when you do or say something that catches their eye–and they're pretty easy to impress, haha.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Ehhh up to a point. And that point is like. Five-ten minutes. Anything longer than that and they'll get restless and start to fidget. They really don't like feeling trapped in one place for too long. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Nope! But he's alright at cleaning and quite good at cooking–baking especially. His go-to strategy to blow off steam in the winter (when it's too cold slash icy to be outside) is to furiously bake until he manages to calm down. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It wouldn't be pretty!! Beck is bad with emotions!! He'd be tempted to just ghost you, even after a long term relationship. And even when he did sit down with you to do it he'd be prickly and defensive and try to get it over with as quickly as possible. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Not good!! Dating stresses him out enough, marriage sounds impossible. It will take a LOT of character growth for him to even consider something like marriage.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Eh, Beck can be a bit rough around the edges. She doesn't know how to comfort people, especially because she's more of the ‘run away from all my problems’ type. She does try, though. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
She's pretty hug neutral. Likes them well enough but doesn't seek them out. Her hugs are typically quick squeezes.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Ahahahaha. Ah. It takes a while. Though I could see her blurting it out without meaning to in a really intense emotional moment. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Beck can get pretty jealous. Not as much in a relationship, although it does definitely happen, but especially when they’re crushing and things aren’t official. They’re very clingy–trying to get MC’s attention, trying to be playful and endearing and fun. And they can be a bit catty with the person they’re jealous of.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Hot and fast and wild. Burning. Beck doesn’t do anything slowly and kisses are no exception. They like kissing their way down your torso, and they like being kissed on the neck and shoulders.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Beck’s great with kids! Like a camp counselor, or a little league coach. Not so much like a parent.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Sleep in as late as you can manage. Wake one another up with kisses–or more. Shower together after. Beck makes a big breakfast, unless you’re in a rush to do something–then grab something fast. The only times this would be broken up are days she decides to go for a morning jog. Mornings are probably the time she goes the slowest overall–she isn’t a morning person.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Staying up late doing something fun and entertaining. Motorcycle ride, going out to a bar, bonfire on the beach, ghost hunt in the forest. Never boring, if she can help it. You probably could talk her into getting cozy and watching a movie, but she’d get antsy half way through. Once it’s good and late and she’s exhausted, collapse into bed together. That’s her ideal night, anyway.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Beck claims to be an open book. Beck is a liar. She’s very open about surface-level things, and will openly complain about her (many) grievances with the town, but anything deeper? Her emotions–her feelings for you? That you’ll have to pry out of her with a crowbar.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
They’re quick to anger, quick to cool down. They don’t really hold grudges.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Eh, Beck tries their best. They remember the big stuff–like your birthday–but their mind tends to slip on the details. Especially if they’re distracted when they hear about it in the first place. They’re not the best at retaining that sort of thing.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Looking to the future: Beck’s first date will be an (optional) motorcycle ride, and then a walk along the river.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
VERY VERY VERY Beck will fight literally anyone or anything to keep you safe. They act without thinking, they’ll straight up tackle a monster unarmed to try and protect you. They’re a good shot and scrappy as hell, too, so they stand a chance. On the opposite end, they don’t actually love being protected. It makes them feel weak–like they should have been able to keep themself and you safe.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Beck gets creative with dates–or, as creative as they can in Easthaven. They don’t like doing the same thing twice, and put a lot of effort into keeping things exciting. As for gifts, they aren’t so much the type to agonize over getting you the ‘perfect gift’. More likely they’d buy something on impulse that reminded them of you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He’s reckless to the point of self-destruction, terrified of commitment, and would rather die than talk about his feelings. He also isn’t always the best listener. If his mind wanders or he’s distracted while you’re telling him something, there’s a not insignificant chance he’ll forget what you said altogether. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Very. Beck knows he’s attractive, he’s proud of that, and he works hard to keep it up. He likes looking good. Likes being desired.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Oh. Hm. This is complicated for them. Not for a long time, I think, but if you managed to get them in a dedicated relationship and they managed to get over some of their commitment issues, then I think they might lean this way, yeah. MC has the potential to become their whole world.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Beck is ambidextrous. Their grandpa was the most important person in the world to them, and they haven’t felt the same since he passed away. They don’t like sweets much but do like soda. In middle school they once accidentally started the science classroom on fire and was suspended for a week.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I think one thing that would really unsettle Beck is a partner who tries to boss them around. They don’t mind somebody looking out for them–in fact, somebody tempering some of their more unwise decisions would be good for them. They like being challenged. But being treated like a child or a rowdy teenager would be an instant turn-off.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Beck’s somebody who can sleep just about anywhere. They prefer being cozy in bed or on a couch, sure, but they won’t balk at sleeping somewhere strange if it means getting a few hours in.
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scumbagjaeger · 2 years ago
omg! I love the college major one! if you're still okay with requests, how would the guys be as a study partner ?
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starring: Eren, Jean, Armin, Connie, Porco, Reiner, Levi, Zeke
rating: mostly sfw! 18+
notes: Omg thank you!!! I'm always open for requests I'm just really slow with them lol. Since I was a history/english major, most of my homework in college was papers so I kind of framed these with them helping with a paper! I also love the idea of them pining for you a touch so some of these might be more geared around that, instead of an established relationship, but I think they're pretty versatile anyway haha. Enjoy!!(:
college majors
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It's rare for him to be seen actually doing school work
So when he sends you a text inviting you to do homework together, that's exactly what he's going to do, simple enough
He's probably extremely behind in like four classes oops
Eren prefers to study in the evenings, probably after hours in the library? So there's like no one there besides the other people way behind in their classes lol
I love basketball player Eren, so he's either wearing the same big hoodie and sweats that he wore during the day, or a clean shirt and shorts, wet hair from the post-practice showers, and maybe even his gym bag
If you have plans to meet in the usual spot, he'll have your favorite energy drink waiting for you when you get there
He'd probably be super nice to study with
After practice he's extremely chill, calm, asking about your day and what not while you pull out your laptop and papers
If you ask he'll tell you about how his practice went and what he's been up to, he's tired from a long day of school and what not but he's super comfortable around you, so it's just a nice vibe
He's a good listener, remembers the names of the professors you like and the guy you hate in your class
Once you're actually really to start studying he's extremely quiet, he lets you work in peace
Honestly the sounds of his keyboard is probably so comforting? The man is good with his fingers what can I say
You might catch him sneaking glances (or full on staring) at you here and there, bright green eyes poking up from behind his laptop screen
Lowkey he's looking for any reason to talk to you again
The second you acknowledge his gaze he'll start up a small conversation again
If you need his help he'll do the thing where he leans over you a touch
He definitely saw the pink on your ears when he did it the first time and now he will never not find an excuse to be that close to you lmaooo
If you're writing a paper, he'll read it after you're done and give you feedback, but he's not good at giving it??
"Yeah, seems good to me," or "I don't get this part", he doesn't really know how to explain it or provide specific advice about how to strengthen the analysis of your evidence lol sorry
Afterwards he might put a hand on your arm and ask "So... got any plans tonight?"
Lol it's like 1am but if you're down he might take you to get ice cream, or back to his place if you want to hang out there. If not he'll offer to drive you back to your apartment, he doesn't want you walking around late at night alone :)
He probably sucks to study with lmao so sorry
It's just hard to get him to stop talking and actually get work done?
Your conversations start to dwindle as you begin typing on your laptop and he just changes the topic
In his defense, you guys probably find time to study together either in between your classes or immediately after, so he's just kind of distracted with everything going on
He'll invite you to do homework together and he literally thinks it means work on your essay together and like write it together
And you'll have to explain that you can do your own paper while he studies and he's like "OH okay then"
But he'll offer to help you with it anyway, which would be really nice!!
He'll read the paper once to get a feel for it, almost scans through it which makes it seem intimidating but he's just a fast reader lol
He'll explain the paper back to you???? Like he'll tell you what he's got out of the paper, your thesis and your main points; if there's any general comments or miscommunications you guys can sort that out there, he helps you frame your paper better
Then he'll help you fine tune each paragraph and make sure the evidence and analysis is solid! He's probably the best with helping you with your papers because he's super supportive and patient
When you pause to ask for his input he'll smile and give you a nudge, "Hey, you've got this. I know it's tough but you're smart, you already know the content! (Y/N), you've got this, I believe in you"
And then he gets really pink in the face "Uh, yeah. So. Onto the next paragraph?"
Sometimes you will need to tell him to focus on his own work lol
Jean with glasses. That's it
If he's writing his own paper or reading one for class they're low on his nose
Looks like a model reading, holding the book in hold hand and barely dropping his gaze down to look at it
Writing notes that are indecipherable with his other hand lol
Jean reads aloud because it helps him focus and it's really cute okay
If you're stressed or you guys are in a public/busy setting he won't! He doesn't want to be distracting
But if he's comfortable with you you might hear him whispering quietly to himself
If you offer, he'll give you some context and ask you for your input about something he's stuck on!
Remembers when your papers are due and will ask you how you did on them a week or two later!
If you're frustrated about your grade or another upcoming paper he might send you a text before your weekly study session: "change of plans. wanna catch a movie in the park? they're playing a good one :)"
Armin with the double major???
He has you studying together a couple times a week AT LEAST
I bet he holds 'tutoring sessions' where he invites a bunch of friends together to study and get help from him because he can whip out a 12 page paper in two hours tops
But Connie and Ymir derail these sessions
If you guys are studying alone together he's extremely helpful
He'd love to call them private sessions with you though lowkey?? I bet if y'all were together he'd even try and roleplay some sort of tutor thing, lil freak
Studying with you is a TOP priority. This man will cancel a doctor's appointment to study with you
He'll rent you out a study room in the library!!
Armin can actually pull strings with the librarians to reserve a room last minute, if you really need one!
Study rooms are nice because they have those big whiteboards to use and he'll fill one side with "(Y/N)'S PAPER" and have you go through everything about your paper
Title, intro, thesis, paragraph topics, evidence, analysis, conclusion...
Even if you have an outline already lol he just likes to write on the whiteboard, it makes him feel important
If you're dong a worksheet or something he'll also use the whiteboard for that!
Good luck if you're writing a paper about something he's knowledgeable on?? If it's history he can literally pull evidence (like a book, author, quote and page number) out of thin air for you to use
But he might try and take over your paper oops
"(Y/N), I totally get what you're saying about Hegel's religious theories serving as a metaphor for Germany's idealized and romanticized view on their newly formed state, causing the reign of the Third Reich during the 20th century, but would you agree that this idea extends BEYOND Hegel, and in fact combines the martyrdom of the empire and their warmongering tendencies to that thought?? Just an idea :)"
He's probably the smoothest when it comes to inviting you to do something after you study
He knows your favorite coffee shop is right next to the library, or he knows of a mini golf park that's half off for students
He writes down your exam dates and paper due dates in his calendar so he can remind you and ask you how you feel afterwards!
Before a big exam he'll surprise you with something like a gift card to your favorite coffee place or a flower omg I love him
IMMEDIATELY after your class ends, your phone goes off" "How'd the exam go!! Wanna tell me about it over lunch? :)"
Sorry to any business majors but all my business friends had the easiest homework ever??
Like one of them had to redesign a monopoly board for their MIDTERM, so studying with Connie is probably more like arts and crafts lmao He’ll ask you to study with him when he notices you’ve been especially stressed or down
Connie’s got a real good skill at reading people I bet but he doesn’t show it?
He’ll check in occasionally but it can also be overwhelming when someone’s constantly looming over you while you’re stressed so he doesn’t do that!
But right in the heat of your semester, you’ve got like five different papers and projects due and you get a text from Connie saying he’s on his way to your apartment with food and a project
He makes some dumb excuse about needing to borrow some tape or something
He brings your favorite takeout and lightly forces you to eat it, put your books down and think about something else for ten minutes!
He points out that you’ll do your best work when you’re healthy and gives you a look
You guys probably study in silence for a bit before he finally breaks the tension
"So... stressed much?"
He'll let you rant to him about all of your classes, about your parents pressuring you, about how you're scared you're pushing away your friends by closing yourself off but you NEED to, everything
You'll feel him at your side, his hand rubbing your back gently
"(Y/N), you're like the smartest person I know. You don't have to prove anything to anyone about that. You're friends all know that exams are hectic, so you don't need to worry about us! I just worry about you when you stop taking care of yourself, (Y/N). So... let me take care of you, yeah? We'll get through this."
All-nighters aren't probably the healthiest thing, but Connie makes them fun and you guys are able to get through them without two pots of coffee
He let's you explain everything about your projects and he'll play devil's advocate a little bit during your essay, just asking you simple questions that you should answer in your paper. "--But why is that important?" and "--What about any opposing arguments?"
If you're memorizing terms for a quiz, he's making it a game, rewarding you with chocolate chips or something dumb whenever you ace your flashcards
Honestly he'd end up learning all of your terms too? I think a good way to learn something is to explain it to someone else (or just talk through it at least), so as you go through your terms and their definitions he is slowly starting to memorize them? He may not seem like the most studious person but he's definitely a quick learner
He also forces you to take breaks when you're starting to get overwhelmed though, which is also how you guys do his projects lol. "Why don't you put down your laptop and give yourself some space from your essay. Help me color in this poster and then we can look at your paper with fresh eyes, yeah?"
By the time your paper is done and your terms are all memorized, it's 4am and the sun is starting to peek through the tree line, and only then do you start to feel the weight of your overnight study session. Connie does too, and he nods towards your bedroom where you both collapse onto your mattress
"Don't go to class today," "What?" "C'mon, you need to sleep, you've got all your projects done, your paper is perfect, you need to sleep." and as he's pulling you towards him, rubbing your back, who are you to decline that offer?
I feel like Porco is also very down-to-business, like Eren
Which can be extremely nice? He's very disciplined, so studying with him is perfect when you procrastinate too much and NEED to get your shit done
He probably gives you shit for procrastinating lol, sorry he just doesn't understand how you could do that to yourself?
He's an extremely busy guy, to the point where homework is probably fun for him, because it's the only thing he can really control (compared to his soccer practice and work schedule, that has set times)
Like he can get homework in class and then get it done immediately after, while the content is still fresh in his mind, and then his afternoon is free
So if you ask him to study with you sometime he might look at you a little funny because he doesn't really need to study that often?
But he's also a gentleman so he'll agree, inviting you over to his place sometime after soccer practice
He might save some homework to do in the evening with you, or he'll just sit there with a blank word document across from you because all of his homework is done LMAOO
But let's be real he'd never pass up a chance to spend some alone time with you
Love Porco to pieces but he's probably a bit dense when it comes to talking to people one on one?? Like people he's interested in
"Yeah, all the boys are playing COD right now and they want me to join but I said I had to study with you ://"
But then when you tell him that he can go play if he's done with his homework he's like "no shut up, stupid. I want to help you"
He'd lowkey be such a parent-type friend when it comes to studying at his apartment, like he has a dinky little platter of like vegetables out because it's good brain food, what a dork
You can convince him to order a pizza if you end up needing to stay later, and he orders your favorite toppings without you having to tell you what they are
"When Sasha and Niccolo hosted that make-your-own pizza thing two months ago, that's what you put on your pizza so I just figured that's what you liked I don't know"
When you ask him how much you owe him he just rolls his eyes. "Shut up and get back to writing your paper, dummy"
At one point he asks you how many pages your essay needs to be he is shocked??? He thought it was like a three page paper, so when you tell him it needs to be a minimum of twenty four pages he dies a little bit
"People have to write papers that long???" He might even call the pizza place back and order a dessert, paying the delivery charge and tipping a driver again just because he really had no idea that's why you were so stressed
You can definitely get him to take your mind off of studying by asking him about something relating to soccer or his family and he does not realize that you're doing it to get your mind off of your work, he's just happy to talk to you lol
He'd probably be similar to Porco in that he gets most of his homework done like right after class, it just makes more sense to him to do it that way
Like the content is fresh in his mind and then he doesn't have to worry about it
If it's a paper or something he just goes to the library immediately after class and gets lost in his research and then a couple hours later he leaves with at least half of it done, does the rest the next day
But I'm sure he still gets super stressed out about all his work
So when you ask him to study with you he's totally down, he could always review his notes for the 18th time!
When Reiner does need to study he cram studies in the most unhealthy way?? I bet he had a really healthy and disciplined way of studying in high school, but something about college and his anxiety just caused all of that academic discipline to go out the window
He could have a paper due in two months and if he puts it off for a day he starts to beat himself up over it :(
Still a good student obviously!! Just doesn't take care of himself as kindly as he should
When you guys study together it's different, because he'd hate to encourage you to treat yourself the same way he treats himself
You guys go and get lunch together before you study and he pays (duh), and he even suggests that you guys go on a walk or something before actually settling down to study
Maybe you talk about the work you need to done to plan what you need to get done today, what you can afford to put off until the next day, etc
Or maybe you talk about something else entirely, just about how nice the weather is! You both end up feeling refreshed and ready to get started once you make your way to the library
Since he's going to school for education he's probably extremely helpful when it comes to memorizing your terms and concepts
He'll make flash cards for the both of you with your respective content and you guys take turns quizzing each other
Unrelated but I bet he has decent handwriting?? But when he makes the flashcards for you both he makes sure it's all super neat and perfect, gets weirdly paranoid about misspelling a word or his handwriting looking bad, causing you to misspell a word on your exam day??
"Reiner, trust me, you're already helping me so much, I appreciate all you do for me!"
His face just goes bright red and he nods, unable to speak so he just goes back to making more flashcards
He'll print out your essay once you're done with it, paying the $0.94 per page charge for each draft, so he can highlight and annotate it for you
You explain to him that he can just edit it on his laptop but he refuses, he thinks he will do a better job editing with the hard copy in hand
Will 100% take you to get ice cream again once you guys are done studying, to recap how you did, whether you got done the stuff that you set out to, and plan another study date hangout
I feel like Levi would be really intense when it comes to studying?
Like he just looks extremely focused in on his work, so it might seem like he's angry when you invite him to study with you in the library
But he insists that you go to his apartment instead. The library is going to be full of students trying to get their work done, and he can even cook for you afterwards, if you'd like
He writes down his apartment address and you agree to meet there at 3 o'clock sharp
When you get to his apartment there's classical music playing, he already has his laptop on with like four open books next to him so he can work on his literature paper
If you're also working on an English paper he has dozens of anthologies for you to borrow, if you're looking for a specific one he'll go to his bedroom (where he has a massive bookshelf) and will pull it out for you
"Bartleby the Scrivener? By Melville, yes? Hm, I think I have that in my seventh edition, let me--" and without waiting for response he's gone, and then he's back moments later with a massive text in his hand. He'll flip to it in the anthology and he'll set it on the table for you, "here, I've even annotated my copy"
Actually if you ask him to help you write your paper he would also be really helpful?? Very direct with it, but as long as you know that going into it, it's fine lol
I love the idea of him being a graduate student who teaches an undergrad/Intro to English Studies course, so he's extremely comfortable with helping you with your papers, even if they're not about English!
In group settings he can be really intense, and even though he's still extremely direct one-on-one, he is patient with you, and understanding as you explain what confuses you about your assignment
If you are going into this study session hoping for it to be a date of some sort, prepare to be disappointed because this man keeps his academics and his love life separate lol
Until he hears your stomach grumble!!
The second he does, he shuts his laptop and makes his way towards the kitchen to start dinner
"You can't do your best work on an empty stomach, and the noise will be distracting anyway," lmaoo
If you offer to help out he'll take it, maybe suggesting you prepare the vegetables while he makes the pasta sauce
He might brush a hand against the small of your back to signal you of his presence while reaching over to grab something next to you?? Like a spice or something
While you cook together, he'll ask you how your day was, he might even offer to pour you a glass of wine, so long as it doesn't spoil your appetite
He might smack your hand away from snacking on the vegetables you cook, but will also accept if you try and feed him one-- "to see if it's seasoned properly"!!
Levi would think about the taste for a second, humming with approval before turning back to focus on his entrée with a tinge of pink dusting his cheeks.
He will keep up this flirty energy all throughout dinner, but the second the dishes are washed and put away, he is opening up his laptop and going back to work, straight faced as ever oops
So cocky?? For no reason?? Someone put this man in a time out
"So you need my help, hm? I guess I can take a peek at your paper."
Even if you just ask to study with him, he's going to assume you need his help
Which can be nice if you're stubborn or have a hard time asking for help (like me lol)
He's extremely observant, so the moment you begin to reread a paragraph to see how to improve it, he's at your side. "Okay, what's the problem here"
He can tell by the way you furrow your brows, or the way you begin to read aloud quietly to yourself!! The man doesn't even understand why he's so lasered-in on you, he's basically studying you while you study lmao
I will always headcanon him as being a coach for a little league baseball team in his hometown, and he does most of his own homework on the train ride there and back
So when you ask him to study with you he's usually not doing much himself anyway, just there to help you out
Maybe he'll bring some papers to grad from the class he's TA'ing for, because he wants to show off a little bit hahahah
He'll even invite you to the classroom that he TA's in, because he knows that it's going to be empty by the time you finish your last class
Similar to Reiner, he'd prefer to edit your paper with a hard copy so he can 'grade it' with the rest of his undergrad essays, but he'll send you to the printer down the hall with his credit card, might even tell you to pick out something from the vending machine for yourself (they say chivalry is dead)
He's also extremely thorough though when editing your paper, gets so quiet that it's almost scary, but he's super encouraging and helpful with all of his notes, even just rewriting things for you in red ink in the margins
After he's finished he'll go through his revisions with you so that you understand why his rewrite of your thesis is stronger, more concise, so that in the future you know how to do it yourself
Not that he doesn't love to help you! But he wants you to learn the stuff
Honestly if he's helping you learn terms or remember concepts he is also using a whiteboard like Armin lol
I think Zeke would want to be a surgeon or oncologist to follow in his dad's footsteps, but I think he'd have a real gift for teaching and should go into that instead, he could teach one of his little league kiddos medical terminology and have them pass a test he's that good at teaching people
Talks with his hands a lot while he's explaining concepts to you, circles phrases and draws arrows connecting them to other ideas, basically acts as if he's a professor giving a lecture to you lol but it's okay because he looks hot doing it xoxo
He won't say much once you nail your practice term quiz or show him your final draft of your paper, just nod and give a little "hm, not bad, (Y/L/N)"
But deep down I think he'd be going crazy because Zeke loves an intelligent and competent partner?? I mean don't get me wrong he'd probably like someone less intelligent than him so he can a) feel better about himself and b) manipulate them without them knowing, but he'd be kind of speechless once he's aware of your intelligence and his heart is racing a little bit?? He doesn't realize he's experiencing feelings for the first time hahaha
For that reason, once you are done studying he is like "okay bye" and he is gone in like two seconds UNLESS you start up a conversation with him about little league, then you may be able to convince him to walk you back to your apartment (who's being manipulated now, Zeke)
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AHH I'm so sorry this took so long!!! I hope you liked them!! My next set of headcanons is going to be some meet-cute scenarios that I think would lead to your relationship with the guys respectively, so this was tough!! I was torn between it being an established relationship or them kind of crushing on you/a study date-not-date type of thing?? But I really hope you liked them and I appreciate your patience with me :)
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lifeonthemurdersim · 4 months ago
lowkey i’m curious about law and violet for the ask meme u just posted
Ship questions ask meme
Ooh, OK! For those who don't know, Violet is the name I gave to the reader in my Law x Reader hanahaki fic Petals of Nerium! They're a reader insert not a full OC so I'm going to write this in second person based on how I've already written their personality!
• Who said “I love you” first? You, but Lawrence did so very soon afterwards! Both of your confessions were what finally stopped your Hanahaki (it's more abstract rather than like a known disease in my fic) from taking over. You were very close to death before that.
• Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background? You might? Lawrence wouldn't think to do that, he barely uses his phone anyway.
• Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror? Both of you. Lawrence would actually do it more often than you would though, if you were the one in the shower he would write things like "Your skin looks very soft today, I wish I could see it inside out", "The heat is making your blood vessels widen", and of course "I want to cut you but I won't.".
• Who buys the other cheesy gifts? Neither, I don't think? Lawrence buys you flowering plants a lot after work, starting with a large violet plant so he could prove that that was the scent you had noticed in the apartment. You'd probably try to think of things that would be useful to him like bug spray or new shears, but mostly just get absurd things to make him laugh, like fairy lights to string around one of his animal skulls
• Who initiated the first kiss Kind of a bit of both, but primarily Lawrence, while in the middle of his speech on how scarily close to you he wants to be.
• Who kisses the other awake in the morning Neither. You wake up and he's staring at you.
• Who starts tickle fights I don't think Law would start them, and actually I'm not sure he'd like being tickled. It'd feel a bit out of his control and overwhelming. So likely no-one.
• Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower? Both, I think. With you it's likely you're flirting or want some intimacy. With Lawrence it's more curiosity and want to be close, but he will end up getting turned on too when he touches you.
• Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch? Neither! I think once you've worked through the whole kidnap situation to a more normal relationship, you would probably get a night job too, unless Law agreed to support you so you could continue helping look after his plants and stuff. So you're both asleep in the middle of the day. You would be cautious enough to offer before surprising him on the night shift, and he would most likely say no because he doesn't like most of the guys he works with and doesn't want them to be weird about you.
• Who was nervous and shy on the first date There was no first date, you were kidnapped, haha. You're both some degree of nervous overthinkers but Lawrence is a little more shy. By the time you actually go on a date he'll be very comfortable with you because you're already in love. But he still might find it overwhelming being in public and you might have to help calm him down.
• Who kills/takes out the spiders Lawrence would kill things that would harm plants but not so much spiders. He wouldn't really react to them, he would just leave them as they can be pest control themselves. You would probably take them outside.
• Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk Both of you proclaim your love a lot when you're drunk or high, but it's not loud, it's quiet, aroused whispers against ears and necks and lips...
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caramel1mochi · 1 year ago
ぐちゃ ! (Splat!) [Yoru x F! Reader] [4.5]
Guess what? I managed to write a short one between chores! I would've made it longer, but I'm terrible at hiding things and my dad would've been pissed if he found out haha
Promise when I'm 100% free, the next one won't be under 10k words!! Dare I say, pinky promise.
Yoru x F! Reader
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 4.5 / Part 5 / Part 6
Genre: Fluff, angst
TW: Heavy mentions of anxiety. Like really really heavy haha
Words: 4.9k
Synopsis: Hapless doesn't even begin to describe you. With your life flipped upside down within the span of a day; you're left to rely on your best friend Tala to help you pick up the pieces and build the new one forced upon you. And this 'luck' seems to have caught the attention of one of her friends.
。+❤ฺ·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ· +❤·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ·
It’s been a long time since that debacle took place. And you never knew how fun it would be to spend a few hours with Omen looking up on how to make candles, but here you were, in the cafeteria, with a few dozen candles in the counter.
You’d taken a short break to shower and, in that time, you had discovered that Neon snuck in that spiked choker you saw that day at the store. But since she was gone today, you decided to wear it and save the scolding for later.
Luckily, though you haven’t seen Neon today, it started off well with you being called to Viper’s office. It seems like, after that catastrophe and everyone had their rest, the break was now officially over. And you were deemed ready to be sent off on your first mission.
Simple, just a mission where you’d be playing a passive role whilst your partner took care of most of the work.
Viper tapped on her laptop and rapidly switched to different folders. But given that you stood on the other side, the back of the device facing you, you had no idea what she was doing.
“So, I’ve singled out the best candidates for this mission, but you can only pick one.”
You nodded with a smile, and she began listing out their names.
“You can either choose Chamber, Astra, Fade, or Sova.”
She flipped the laptop and allowed you to look over their pictures. And yeah, sure, seeing their faces helped, but you still had one tiny issue.
“I don't know any of them. I don’t think I’ve even talked to them once. Can’t you pick like, Jett, or Neon?”
Viper straightened her back, arms crossed.
“This isn’t a scouting mission, those two can’t anchor the area I want them to.” She crossed her arms. “You’ve been here for almost two weeks, have you really not talked to everyone here?”
You nervously shook your head, and she flipped the laptop back towards her.
On your first mission, you hoped you’d get someone close so that you wouldn’t let your anxiety get the best of you. You wanted to explain, but the words just wouldn’t come out. Guilty couldn’t even describe how you felt. Was she feeling annoyed? Did she think you were hopeless? Maybe you should’ve strayed from your comfort zone for once and talked to everyone here! Maybe you–
“I can manage to fit in Yoru, instead. Omen told me you talked to him often. Is that true?”
Your face turned white, and you awkwardly laughed.
“Why not, uh, you know, Skye, at least? She’s probably a better candidate, and stuff.”
It just felt so awkward when he’d just healed up only a day before.
“Yoru’s the best I can do. He’s also the best when it comes to novice agents. I guarantee things will go smoothly with him.” 
“Uh, what? How can you be so sure?”
“I’ve seen him with Neon. Her performance was notable around him, and it’s not just because they’re friends.” She straightened her back once more, sighing. “Look, I’ll talk to him. If he says no, I’ll see if I can squeeze Neon in.” 
You almost wanted to laugh at the thought. Yoru, and best when it comes to novice agents? Please. He’s probably only reliable because he uses physical force to keep things in order.
If anyone would fulfil that role, it would definitely be Omen. you remembered how he calmed you down that day, how much more gentle he was compared to Yoru. The same guy who called you spineless and dubbed it ‘honesty’, or whatever mental gymnastics that was.
“Okay, great! I’ll go get ready, then.”
Just as you turned to the door, Viper called out and forced you to halt.
“Hold it.”
You turned and met her gaze nervously.
“Just in case things don’t go well, promise me you’ll cooperate. I tolerate enough squabbles as is, and I'm not in the mood for more. You won’t be arguing with Yoru. Is that clear?”
You forced a smile and nodded. With how stern her tone was, her rigid posture and those piercing green eyes, how could you not be alarmed?
“I’ll– uh, you– you have my word.”
“Do I?”
You nodded once more. And this time, it was only a tiny bit more convincing than the previous one.
“Good. Well then. Chop chop.”
You were finally allowed to leave, and this chance was immediately taken before she’d say anything else. With a loud slam, you left her office and immediately made your way down the halls towards the more familiar sections of the HQ.
And on the way, sure you intended on keeping your no-argument promise, you were also desperately hoping that he’d say no.
With Yoru by your side, it felt like the very grim reaper decided to accompany you, despite the fact that his skin beamed like that of a newborn baby’s. Cute, admittedly, but you still had to work with someone who probably hates your guts and you didn’t know why he even said yes.
Nevertheless, unable to go back, you were forced to exit the vehicle and make your way towards a deserted part of town. Guns in hand, you were nearly ready until you took in the sight that befell you. 
Sure, it was just an alley, but the rows of buildings that towered over you on each side were stunning, especially when combined with the gentle touch of the morning sun’s rays. Built with unfathomable meticulousness, their baroque architecture rendered your mind blank for a few seconds. It felt like you were staring at a renaissance painting in real time.
Yoru immediately noticed your silence.
“What’s up with you?”
You were ripped away from your hypnotic state, anxiously cradling your Bulldog like a baby.
“Nothing, I–” you turned your gaze to the path, “just surprised.”
Though you were angry at him in every sense of the word, you couldn’t help but note the tone of that question. What the hell?
You met his gaze.
“Are you okay?”
Yoru cleared his throat and kept his eyes on the exit way in front of you.
“Tell me you read the brief.”
“I– uh, what? Duh, why wouldn’t I?”
“Great. So that means I won't have to baby you.”
You rolled your eyes and moved past an abandoned bicycle, strapped to a withered tree growing through the flooring, somehow. Surprisingly enough, Yoru took a sharp turn towards said bike.
“Wait, wait, where are we going?”
“The Radianite reserves, lady.”
He explained. And only when you followed him did you see a black gate, obscured by the tree. You held your weapon and followed him in silence in an attempt to shield your embarrassment.
The mission sounded easy enough, though. Go in, delete some files, and get out. Boom, done.
Both of you climbed up the stairs, and you were unable to voice a question that randomly popped up earlier. Were the mirrors really just them, but from another earth? It sounded so surreal, not when you haven’t even caught a glimpse–
Yoru said, attempting to force the doors to one of the buildings open. You stepped up, looking around for any other entrances. Aside from windows waiting to be shot, there was naught, and Viper specifically stated that nothing be damaged unless it’s an emergency.
And the feeling that Yoru would constitute this as an emergency popped up. He’s going to punch or shoot the glass, isn’t he?
“Well, we can always just find another door.”
“Tch, what are we, delivery boys?”
Or girl scouts. He pulled back his arm.
“Yoru, wait–”
A loud contorting sound took over your ears. But instead of breaking the window, you watched his fingers somehow disappear like they were being cut off. Then, he moved his arm, and a massive rip formed in front of him, various shades of blue merging together each second that counted by. It dwarfed you in height, considering that it worked to match his.
It was as if he tore the very air to reveal… whatever that was. And to say you were baffled would be an understatement.
“Stay here.”
He ordered, and slipped into the dimension, the storm of blue surrounding him like some form of ethereal being. However, amidst your shock, you noticed the opening close.
“Yoru, wait, don’t–”
With one swift motion, it sewed itself shut, and he was gone.
“...leave me here…”
You brought the bulldog close to your chest and hugged it, rapidly looking around. You were jumpy. So much so, the sounds of the very leaves touching the ground made you react, even the pebbles that were crushed under you with each step.
Where the hell did he go? The least he could’ve done was provide a demonstration for his abilities!
But then again, you just argued… Gah, that idiot. Does he ever think logically?! What if one of the mirrors already arrived and could see you out in the streets like this?
You jumped and aimed at the door once the doorknob twisted. With each second the person behind it spent fumbling with it, you backed up, doing your best to keep your aim steady. And with one more click, it swung open, revealing…
“Hurry up.”
He ushered you inside, giving you only a picosecond to comprehend what the hell he just did.
You huffed and walked behind him, using the lingering glowing shards of blue that surrounded him as a guide amidst the darkness of the building. Whatever was inside, you weren’t sure, but you knew the colours were stunning.
You suddenly felt a burst of confidence, especially since he willingly came along.
"Couldn't help yourself, huh?"
And you immediately regretted saying that.
"Tch, as if. Viper forced me here because you'd freak out working with people you don't know."
"Oh… really?"
"I would've expected you to at least talk to Sova or Astra. But if I were you, I'd stay away from the Chamber and Fade."
You stared at the elevator you both neared for a moment, the metal doors glimmering in the darkness almost like a guide built especially for you.
"I just don't trust either of them. Unless you're into animals, Chamber's good with those, I guess."
"Isn't that Gekko's thing?"
"Gekko has asthma, genius."
He promptly pressed the button on the elevator. Surprisingly enough, it still functioned, and a green ring encircled the button alongside the distant rumbling. Against the eerie silence around you, it stood out, like a distant titan taking slow steps towards the city.
How the hell did Yoru of all people keep track of everyone’s ailments? Even you forgot he had asthma. The silent screech of the elevator doors sliding open promptly snatched your attention.
“You know, for a loner, you know a lot about everyone."
"Someone has to babysit when Sage isn't around."
You giggled, entering alongside him.
"Really? Who's the hardest to babysit?"
"All of them."
Yoru slipped out a disc from his pocket and attached it to the screen of the elevator’s keypad. With a press of the button proudly displayed on the front, it glowed and immediately began working at the elevator, moving you towards the reserves.
You weren’t sure whether or not he was just bragging or being truthful about this babysitting thing, but it was funny to imagine. Yoru completely lacked the patience Sage was endowed with. Maybe one day you’d walk in on him tossing someone to a rift.
The moment the elevator opened, Yoru immediately walked out and marched across the massive room you weren’t given a moment to process, moving in between the stacks upon stacks of glowing cyan boxes. This sight, though normal to him, was completely arcane to you. Said boxes were the only sources of light in the area. Combined with the dust and the intimidating darkness, it was hard to tell what’s what, despite their insistence on how simple the mission is.
“A/N. That wall next to the cables,” he pointed at the far left corner of the area, “find a way to break it down without too much damage.”
You looked over at where he pointed.
It matched up with the words on the brief, there was a room on the other side that was so well-hidden it was nearly impossible to get in traditionally.
“Didn’t Viper say that there shouldn’t be any damage?”
He took out a flash drive, inserting it into the computer and turning it on. It allowed Cypher access to exactly what he wanted, and you could tell he immediately got to deleting by the command prompt that popped up.
“That was a recommendation.”
You turned and stopped in front of the wall, held out your hand and worked on only emerging a small part of your hand. Most importantly, your pinky finger, so that it doesn’t take much room. Your eyes were stuck on the ground and you watched it diligently, waiting to detect any shadow that was out of place.
And as you worked, a tiny portion of your mind wandered elsewhere.
You could see why Viper picked this mission for you. All you had to do was take away any proof that radianite exists in this area, and you’re gone. Nothing too heavy, and perfect enough for you to comprehend what was to come. Even Yoru looked bored out of his mind as he worked.
Clearly, what he was used to was so much worse. Duh. He proudly showcased his previously mangled neck to you a few days ago.
But unlike him, you felt excited. This was the perfect way to ease you into things.
The air then stopped.
With a loud bang, an invisible force smashed against a portion of the concrete wall, breaking down an entrance. It was barely wide and tall enough to fit you. Without words, you knew Yoru would give you a dirty look, wouldn’t he? But then again, you also thought he’d be savagely breaking his way in, so.
You gently twisted your hand, and more of the wall came tumbling down, large chunks of it piling on to the ground alongside the debris that scattered like scared fish. You successfully formed an ‘elegant’ entrance enough to fit either of you, but not too big to break down the roof on top of you.
“Hoy, I’m going in!”
You called out, earning a hum from him. And with that, you entered, taking in the more crowded area.
Boxes were scattered everywhere, and so were the cables. Blueprints, paperwork, drawers upon drawers, all of it added on to the messy look of the room. Clearly, this area carried the most confidential data. You observed the contents for a few seconds, perking up at the sight of another computer.
Taking out your own gadget, you plugged it in and turned it on, watching as the flash drive worked to infiltrate whatever was within. Scanning, taking in the information, isolating what was important, then swiping it. Judging by the fact it took three minutes to even get to one percent, you were sure it would take a while.
You took a step back with a sigh, setting down your weapon on the massive mouse pad and looking around. 
A thump from above made you jump, and on instinct, you immediately looked up. Your vision proved to be useless, but your other senses weren’t. Your palpitations increased exponentially once another thump echoed throughout. Then, a set of noises that you could make out as footsteps.
“Yoru, I– uh, I think there’s people here.”
“There aren’t. They don’t have any data about this place.”
You snatched your gun and took a step back, sweat dripping down your chin.
“I don’t think it’s the mirrors– I don’t know, but there’s someone here! Don’t you hear them?”
You could barely hear a distant sigh. Then, loud contortion, and a tinge of blue that softly illuminated the ground.
“Hide. Make sure nobody sees you. I’ll take care of it.”
“Don’t leave me again!”
The blue grew stronger, and even his voice was slightly altered as he stepped into the rift.
“Relax, you can hold out until the files are wiped.”
You couldn’t. That’s what you wanted to say. But the blue was promptly swallowed up and thus, it finalised Yoru’s journey into the other dimension. 
You jumped and moved away further, your back pressing up against the wall with the Bulldog in your hand. Instead of holding it like a weapon, you resorted to hugging it for comfort. With every drop of adrenaline that filled your veins, everything Harbour taught you further dissipated. Hot flashes on your neck, your eyes darting to every section of the roof with each noise; you weren’t ready.
Nobody was supposed to be here.
You took a deep breath, muttering a few repetitive phrases in Tagalog in an attempt to reassure yourself. You’ll be fine, right? You will be. Even the brief stated that your partner will take care of everything over your head. All you have to do is wait. Besides, how couldn’t you trust Yoru? His actions spoke louder than anything else, and you knew that he’d protect–
You jumped once the elevators let out a loud ding, the doors sliding open and allowing the light to accentuate two looming silhouettes. Neither of them sported any features that reminded you of Yoru. Not their hair, not the spikes, nothing.
You’ll be fine, you thought, desperate for any hint of reassurance.
You silently moved towards a pitch black area, everything obscured by the shadows, only interrupted by a single radianite crate that sat inconspicuously right across from the computer. Then, you hid behind it.
“Look, look, there’s a hole here!”
A feminine voice called out. And just from the accent, the slight gruffness of it, you knew it was Raze. Her partner said something else, but your mind hyper focused on the nearing footsteps, your clammy hand tightly clutching your weapon.
Then, she stopped, taking a deep breath.
“Do you… Do you smell that?”
Their partner walked in, their tall silhouette growing more visible from where you hid with each step.
“Guns up.”
Your breathing hitched, and you pushed yourself further onto the wall, relying on the crate to protect you. You hadn’t noticed it, but your right hand was seeping a dangerous amount of poison.
“The computer, it’s on! Wait, let me get a closer look.”
“Raze, be careful. I’ll cover you.”
She rushed up to the computer and immediately set down her Vandal, reading what was on the screen. After almost twenty minutes, it had only gotten up to ten percent. Then she tugged on her colourful hat in irritation.
“Bah, eu não posso trabalhar com esse cheiro estúpido,” <Bah, I can't work with this stupid smell,>‎ 
God, you couldn’t focus.
There was this horrible stinging in your chest, and you couldn’t breathe properly no matter how much you tried. Thoughts of your incoming death warped your frame of mind, and with each passing second, you were more and more convinced that this is it.
You were going to die.
Despite the anguish, you worked to fix your posture and aim at Raze’s head, struggling to keep a steady hold with how horrible you felt. Finger on the trigger, just one push, and she’d die before you could.
One called out, before loud gunfire rang out from far away, coupled with a deafening string of vivid distortion. Though you pulled the trigger, Raze already had her gun in her hand and rushed across the room, unable to hear or see you from the ruckus outside.
Then, the radio cracked in your ear, wincing under the loud gunshots that whizzed by Yoru’s cheek.
“A/N, hide until the transfer’s done, I have this under control.”
You wanted to speak. You wanted to respond. You wanted to say something, anything. But you couldn’t bring yourself to move. Under the command of your primal instincts, you pushed yourself against the wall once more, staring at the ground in shock.
All you could hear were your palpitations, and your other senses were clogged up by way more than you could possibly process.
Yoru, on the other hand, was aggravated by the situation.
They ensured that the mirrors had no idea about this place’s existence. Hell, the entire reason you even came here was to take away anything that they could go off of. Yet, here they were, and he knew you couldn’t do anything. In this situation, you were useless, he thought, shoving his hand into the rift and taking out a flash.
With Sova blinded, he peeked just enough to be able to gun him down, yet remained concealed from Raze’s shots. Fatuous, they only dug through the pillar he hid behind.
They were to be killed under Brimstone’s orders.
Then, with another flash, he peeked, eyes widening once he saw her rush towards the area you were hiding in. Damn it.
Yoru stepped out, gun in hand, rapidly thinking of a way to get her out and keep you concealed. But Raze had a different idea. It didn’t matter if she was going to die, all she needed to do was stop the files from being deleted.
He stopped the moment he heard a number of familiar beeping, ones you didn’t recognise. All without exposing herself, her bright orange bomb was promptly rolled towards the computer, ticking down. Yoru’s eyes widened.
Then, the air stopped.
The process was interrupted. But it wasn’t yours, it was the computer he had been working on, now completely destroyed. Now, they relied on knowing where your progress had stopped. It’s not like it was an easy thing to find out either, not when the entire area you were hiding in had been completely engulfed in piles upon piles of concrete.
Yoru coughed and waved the debris away, taking a few steps back to breathe properly. And there, he could see that the floor above had tumbled down on where you were. 
For the first time, he panicked.
“A/N– A/N, where are you?!”
He immediately called out, tucking away his Sheriff and approaching the dilapidated section you were in. Yoru prayed that you weren’t dead. But your lack of response made that contingency highly possible.
No response. No time to waste, either. He quickly got to work on getting to where he knew you were. Forced to follow the strong unpleasant scent he really wanted to get away from, he had to find you.
Yoru couldn’t find a way to get through the stacks of concrete. The idea to simply go to the floor above you and jump down popped up in his mind, but then, how would he make it back out? He couldn’t get you through the teleporter.
Then, he found a small opening around the constricted corner, immediately slipping a teleport through and allowing it to make its way inside. 
He promptly tore through the rift and stepped back just in case anything would fall through. But thankfully, nothing did, and from what he could see, it was safe enough for him to step through.
And step through he did, the entrance sewing itself shut from behind as he observed the area from the other side. To his left was a pool of blood that increased by the second. He was surprised, but…
“A/N, where the hell are you?!”
He exclaimed and took out his gun, immediately looking around just in case it was Raze who made it. Stepping through the boxes, he found the computer sitting just across from him, the screen glowing a blinding shade of white. And next to it was…
Curled up into a ball, hugging your knees, eyes wide open and locked on the ground.
He hid his weapon and approached you, taking a deep breath. Yoru made no attempt to hide his annoyance as he looked down on you, waiting for you to stand up at the sight of him.
“Let’s go, they’re both dead. Are the files gone?”
Then, he looked back at the screen, noticing that the percentage had jumped up to ninety percent in forty minutes. But there was naught of an answer from you. Yoru, concerned, met your gaze. But you still didn’t look back at him.
“Hey, you there?”
He moved in front of you and got on one knee. But even then, your eyes were locked on the ground, as if you didn’t acknowledge he was there. Only now did he notice that you were shaking violently, coupled with your extremely inconsistent breathing. It bordered on hyperventilation, but you’d suddenly hold your breath for way too long. No, it’s not that you didn’t acknowledge his presence, you just didn’t see him.
Yoru’s gaze softened, and so did his posture. He could feel your alarmingly high palpitations just from getting near you.
“Can you hear me?”
It took you a second to even notice what looked like a massive lump of blue in front of you, the various shades and intricate details of it too overwhelming to comprehend.
You stared at him for a few seconds, liquid dripping down your right hand. Being so close to you, the poison’s effects on him made him both dizzy and despondent, but he knew he couldn’t leave you like this.
“I– I think I’m-” you gasped, “I’m dying, I’m dying– I, I think–”
“Hey, it’s fine, they’re gone. You’re safe.”
“I’m dying, I’m dying, Yoru, I’m–” you shook your head, struggling to breathe, “I’m going to die,”
“I’m with you. It’s okay.”
It’s not like it’s anything new. Yoru saw you panic before. Multiple times. But this wasn’t you mumbling while clutching your temples like you usually did, no. This was different. 
You met his gaze, taking note of his tone. You didn’t know what it was, but there was an unfamiliar air of benevolence that threatened to extinguish your panic.
“A– are we– are we going to die? Are we going to die?”
He shook his head, slow enough for you to grasp what he meant.
“No, we’re safe.”
“Are we going to die?”
You huffed, taking in a sudden gust of air. So sudden, it felt like an ice cold knife plunged your lungs.
“I, I can’t, I can’t– my arms, I– I can’t feel the– I can’t feel my arms.”
Yoru stared at you for a few seconds. Then, your hands, the clear poison allowing it to glimmer as it dripped down to the already soaked ground. He hesitated.
“If you want, I can hold them.”
You nodded repetitively, even after his fingers slowly intertwined with yours. Now, with his touch, you could finally feel the hands that were attached to you, and it helped ground you back to reality. Of course, it still wasn’t enough to take the horrifying sense of doom away. That, and the terrible heaviness in your chest.
It felt like you were having a heart attack. But for some reason, you just couldn’t muster up the words to tell him what was happening, not when your mind repeated only a select few phrases and focused on death so much.
“Are we going to die?”
“No, no. We’re fine.”
You stared at him for a few seconds, before turning your gaze back to the coarse ground. It felt like your eyes were about to pop out of your skull with how wide you had your lids open.
“Take a deep breath, okay? I’ll help you.”
You nodded and met his gaze, sweat dripping down your chin. Yoru, seeing this, wasted no time. He took a deep, slow breath, and you watched him diligently, like an oncoming explosion.
Then, Yoru exhaled slowly,
“Two. Like that. Now, follow me,”
Just as Yoru repeated the first step, you followed along, taking a deep and shaky breath, one that stopped halfway through.
He then exhaled. But this time, your breathing was only slightly more consistent, but the panic that stabbed at you like demons made it all the more difficult to focus on him.
“Two. Again, okay?”
You nodded, tightly clutching his hand in an effort to distract yourself from the situation. Though he winced at the strength of your hold, he didn’t let it derail from what the main objective was. Not the firm embrace, not the harrowing scent that sent a painful sensation across his head.
Coupled with how close he was, the discomfort only grew.
Both of you repeated the process. And since you were incredibly focused on getting your breathing back in order, with his help, you managed to gain a small amount of your rationality back; enough to remember that you were on a mission. You remembered panicking at the sight of Raze’s bomb. And with one swipe, it all came tumbling down.
“Yoru, I–”
You turned your gaze elsewhere, dread still bleeding into your voice.
“Can we… Can we leave? I– I can’t stay here anymore.”
He stared at you for a moment. Then, the computer, noting the progress. Ninety five percent.
“Sure. Let’s go.”
He helped you stand up and turned to the pile of cement, already forming a plan on how to clear a way for you.
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years ago
after some reflection I've reached the conclusion that to my mind nona the ninth did need to be its own book -- not in terms of delivering the plot or character developments, necessarily, but to be a thematic mirror to harrow the ninth in a way I don't think you could have done if this was also trying to do its job as the last book of a trilogy.
harrow the ninth is about the horror of nothing changing -- the grim, unending slog of mental illness, the inexorable method in madness grinding along, grinding you down, moment upon moment; it's about how grief can seem to create its own pockets of eternity. it's about how some things can only be remembered in forgetting.
nona the ninth is about the horror of everything changing all the time forever -- the people you love, until they aren't quite the people you loved any more, the places you love, until it's become somewhere you can never go back to, the world, every day -- you, until you die one way or another, in truth or in no longer recognizing yourself. you go to school for the hour of science and noodle every day, until one day you just don't anymore, and nothing can be done about that. nona is about 'life is too short, and love is too long', but also 'you can't take 'loved' away'. pyrrha, who's tried for ten thousand years to kill her feelings but "Don't worry, kiddie. I'll keep loving you -- my problem is I don't know how to stop." even when it just hurts us, we love. we just can't help ourselves. and at the end alecto remembers herself (itself?), which means forgetting nona.
the strange paradoxical comfort of madness vs. the unbearable loneliness of sanity. harrow is mad, and for all her suffering it keeps her from having to face the most inconceivable, the thing she can't live with: a universe without gideon. cam and pal are so so sane, and they can't bear it. they die to live in a way they can... uh, well, live with, and it's a crazy thing to do but it's the kindest thing they could find for themselves. the world of harrow the ninth is so dead and deadened, and the world of nona is so unbearably alive.
(ironically ntn was a much more difficult read for me than htn, because the way htn works is already so close to how my own mind works (yes, unfortunately, really. no, I'm not okay, but not in a way anyone can do anything about with any immediacy so let's ignore that for now lol). I understand the logic of it intimately, for all it looks confusing if you just see the surface. but the ongoing nature of the restless dread in ntn -- the way you love these people, and through the book they keep drifting away from you so steadily and gradually that you can't even put your finger on exactly when you really lost them as they were at the beginning. at the end, when pyrrha is carrying nona because she can't stand anymore (carrying her in 'the halo of her arms'...... god. yes, that is what a parent feels like for a child huh), I vicariously felt what I suspect is pyrrha's train of thought as well that like... what if you could just hold her close enough, love her hard enough, that she won't have to go, that she could get to live. what if you could just refuse to let go of her, what if you could be strong enough for that. and one person in this universe is that strong-- why would you let someone go -- away from you -- untouchable? John's obsession with being able to touch his loved ones, except he's so profoundly fucked up he doesn't understand any way to do it but to make them into extensions of himself, to consume them and transform them into himself, the very hungry caterpillar style -- he wanted to touch so he made them his hands, and he doesn't understand why it doesn't fulfil him. and thank god pyrrha has the soul and sense to understand why you can't just eat what you love, narrowly, but I still wanted her to be able to still hold nona and protect her from everything including death so fucking bad, and of course she can't. that's the tragedy of it, that's the beauty of it. love doesn't change anything, and we just can't help but love anyway, and it changes everything, and it's all we can do sometimes. fuck I'm going to need a lot of lying face down on the floor for a few hours to process this book huh lmao)
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Sick days with Stucky
Another one from my wattpad, this is a fic with Steve x Bucky x Reader.
"morning sweetheart" Steve lent down and pecked your lips.
"mornin-" you got cut off by a certian super soldier moving his head of your chest, "where is my morning kiss?!" he said loudly.
"buck not so loud"you moaned.
"I didn't even see that you were awake" Steve replied calmly giving Bucky a peck on the lips too.
"I want one from you too princess" Bucky spoke quieter this time and gently kissed your lips.
See the thing is you Bucky and Steve were all in a relationship, all three of you loved each other evenly and gave each other the same level of attention. It was originally Bucky and Steve who were in the relationship but after about two months they realised that they both had feelings for you and asked if you'd maybe like to join them. It's now three years later and all of you love each other more than anything.
Some people had things to say at the beginning of your relationship but it was now just common knowledge that three Avengers where in love with each other.
keeping your eyes closed you didn't make much of an effort to kiss him back, instead you began falling asleep again. "baby don't go back to sleep" Bucky smiled showering your face in kisses.
"ughh Buck I'm tired" you stuffed your face into the pillow.
"he's right y/n we should probably get up it's half twelve" Steve said stroking the back of your head.
"I don't want too" you complained feeling your eyes fill with tears and clearly the boys heard because they both grabbed your shoulder turning you over.
"why you crying honey?" Bucky asked starting to wipe some fallen tears.
"I don't know" you whispered as more fell.
"hey come on sweetheart" Steve tightened his grip around you letting you rest your head on his chest while Bucky also put an arm around your shoulder the other one lightly rubbing your stomach to try and calm you down.
"are you feeling ok?" Bucky asked trying to figure out why you were upset.
"I don't know" you sniffled cosying into your two boyfriends more.
"what do you mean you don't know? Is something sore? do you feel ill?" Steve asked automatically going into mum mode.
"i just don't feel right" you said quietly feeling more tears brim in your eyes.
"its ok your ok" buck kissed your head.
"how about we go onto the sofa and watch a movie maybe get some food?" Steve suggested, making you nod slowly. "what would you like to eat?" he asked sitting up and stroking your hair out your face.
"I'm not hungry" you mumble turning into Buckys chest.
"baby it's almost lunch time you have to eat something" Bucky smiled down at you.
"I just don't know" you murmured feeling like you were going to burst into tears for the second time today. "ok ok how about pancakes?" he suggested.
"ok" you said almost silently.
"alright I'll go make some how about you two go pick a movie to watch" Steve said while walking out the bedroom.
"come on then" Bucky sat you both up then scooped you up bridal stile.
"Buckyy i can walk" you smiled hiding you face in his neck.
"nope if you don't feel good today then I'm going to help you in everyway I can" he smiled walking you towards the small kitchen on the three of yous floor.
"it's not that I don't feel good it's just I don't feel right" you replied feeling slightly agitated.
As Bucky walked you into the kitchen the smell of pancakes hit you, usually this would be a smell you loved but for some reason today you almost gagged at the smell. " heyy there you two are I was starting to think you got lost, hows my baby doing?" Steve smiled warmly flipping a pancake.
"I'm good how're you honey?" Bucky smirked placing you on the counter and pouring three cups of coffee from the kettle Steve had boiled.
"haha your so funny how's my other baby?" he laughed sarcastically.
"I'm fine" you mumbled trying not to sniff the smell too much.
"you sure?" Steve asked giving you a concerned look.
"yeh I'm ok" you gave him a small smile.
"you wanna go pick something to watch while we finish off breakfast?" Steve said plating up some pancakes.
"ok" you said getting out the kitchen as fast as you could just to get away from the smell of food. Flopping down on the couch you scrolled through lots of things on netflix then changed to amazon prime then to disney plus then back to netflix.
"here you go gorgeous" Steve smiled handing you a pancake with nutella and strawberries, Bucky placed a cup of coffee on the side table as well.
"thank you" you mumbled already feeling upset again because in the time they made breakfast you couldn't pick something to watch.
"what we watching?" Bucky smiled sitting on your right side while Steve sat on your left both with a plate of pancakes each.
"I don't know" you replied a little after he asked.
"well what you in the mood to watch?" Steve asked politly.
"I don't know ok?! do you think if I knew I'd still be looking?!" you snapped but immediately after you burst into tears.
"I'm sorry" you spluttered in between sobs.
"it's alright baby come on now" Bucky whispered in your ear hugging you.
"Steve I'm sorry" you continued to cry, the boys shot each other a concerned look. It was very unlike you too be this emotional usually you would hide your emotions and you never really cried in front of them.
" sweetheart don't worry, your completely fine" he smiled wiping the tears from you cheek, he stopped and placed the back of his palm against it. "your quite warm why don't we swap you can wear my t-shirt and I'll take that jumper."
you nodded at the suggestione becasue you already knew the jumper wasn't yours anyway not that either of them would care that you where wearing their jumper, you swap clothes all the time anyway.
"you ok with that?" Steve asked.
"yeh"you hummed placing the pancake he had made you on the coffee table.
While you and Steve swapped Bucky had taken the remote and started looking for a movie "howww aboutt..." he pondered out loud. "the notebook?"
"Maybe a less sad movie we don't want to make our baby cry again" Steve smiled sympathetically at you.
"Ok yeh umm how about tangled?" Bucky asked.
"Yess" you said excitedly.
"Ok tangled it is" he chuckled, pressing play both men started eating the pancake while you completely ignored your plate on the table.
"You not going to eat your food?" Steve asked after about 15 minutes.
"I'm not hungry" you mumbled slouching more to get comfy.
"Baby's girl I think you should eat something" Bucky said picking up your plate and handing it to you.
"I'm really not hungry" you said giving it back to him .
"Please eat just a little bit for us?" Steve gave you the best puppy dog eyes he could manage.
"Ugh ok" you said taking the forkful Bucky had loaded up and shoving it into your mouth.
This time you couldn't stop the small gag that left your mouth when the pancakes touched your tongue.
"You alright?" Bucky asked concerned.
"I'm fine Buck can I get a drink please" you gave him a soft smile but as he turned around to grab your coffee you attempted to swallow the pancake. Softly gagging again you managed to get it down then taking a big gulp of coffee to wash away the taste of food but to your surprise the coffee almost made you gag once again.
"Can you please go get me water?" You asked quietly to your boyfriends.
"Yeh I'll go" Steve left a soft kiss on your head as he went but frowned when he felt how hot you still were even after swapping clothes.
After he came back you took a few small sips then handed your glass to Bucky who put it on the table, then continued watching that movie.
About halfway through you started to get a strange feeling in your stomach. It felt as though you were on a boat that was rocking vigorously causing your stomach to cramp painfully.
Groaning almost silently you tried to pretend that you felt fine, but Steve was already keeping an eye on  you since he felt the heat coming off your skin.
After another 10 minutes of repositioning to try relieve the pain in your stomach it changed to a different feeling. It cramped painfully causing you to gag into your hand.
"Baby?" Bucky looked at you with concern and Steve sat up. As quickly as you could you ran towards the bathroom and slouched down in front of the toilet bowl Steve and Bucky both behind you.
"Do you think your gonna be sick?" Steve asked grabbing a hair tie and softly srapping your hair back.
"Mhm" you hummed nodding gently, not wanting to talk incase you threw up. Bucky was crouched behind you rubbing loving circles on your back while Steve stood beside you stroking your hair.
After a minute you gagged harshly into the bowl but not bringing anything up.
"Your ok hunny breathe.." Bucky talked softly in your ear still rubbing your back. Gagging again you heard Bucky still whispering comforting words in your ear and Steve hold your wispy bits of hair back.
After heaving again you finally brought up your dinner last night along with your single bite of pancake this morning.
You continued to dry heave as you had nothing left to throw up. "Shhh baby breathe your ok" Bucky continued to whisper comforting words while rubbing your back as you gagged and spluttered into the bowl.
Steve wasn't quite as good at comforting you as Bucky was because he was used to being the sick one but he stayed and did the best he could.
Once you'd coughed a few more times you slouched against Bucky while Steve flushed the toilet and handed you a glass of water.
"Sip it" Bucky hummed in your ear, following his orders you took a few sips then sat it on the floor.
Tears filled your eyes as you automatically began to feel like shit.
"Aww sweetheart that probably why you didn't feel right this morning hm?" Steve hummed stroking you hair away from your face.
"Yeh" you said in a hoarse voice from throwing up so much.
"Our poor baby is sick" Bucky hugged you tightly and kissed the side of your head.
"Cmon we should get you back to bed" Steve said offering his hand to help you up. Taking it they lead you to your shared bedroom and helped you into bed.
They both left the room but came back with some stomach relaxers and a bowl along with some water and crackers for when your ready to eat.
"Can I get cuddles?" You whispered shyly.
“Of course you can hunny" Steve smiled pulling you onto his chest while Bucky spooned you from behind.
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animeomegas · 3 years ago
Thank you for liking my ideas <33 it's really fun to be able to ramble about that game sjnsiee
But what about you? What are your ideas? Tbh I'm kinda stumped cause I've only been thinking of the last few hcs I sent lol
-cove lover anon
It really is fun to ramble about it haha, thanks for rambling with me <3
My ideas... hmm, I have a few!!
Getting caught after the n-sfw patreon moment (n-sfw)
I don't know if you played the n-sfw patreon moment or not, but basically it's set in stage 3 and Cove and the MC 'play around' with each other. It's actually very cute haha.
At one point, MC grabs Cove's cock too hard and he says 'It hurt but not in a bad way' qwerqlkwjcebhl okay, I'm getting side tracked, I'll do a kink analysis for Cove if anyone wants one though haha.
In the a/b/o world, hiding these things is a lot harder because of scent. Someone who has just had sex without showering or whatever is easily identifiable. And also, hickeys are more common because they indulge the mating bite urge without actually doing anything semi permanent.
So what I'm saying is, Cove is probably covered in hickeys and smelling like a seaside brothel lol.
I propose that after MC climbs out the window, Cove recovers for a bit before stepping out into the hallway for a shower before his dad gets home.
Only, his dad is coming down the other end of the hallway.
They both look like rabbits in headlights.
Cliff isn't an idiot. Even with his slightly lesser beta sense of smell, Cove is absolutely covered in the MC's scent, and he's pale enough that the hickeys are obvious even in the dark hallway.
He awkwardly says the whole line about how he wasn't much older than Cove when he found out he was going to be a dad, and that Cove needs to be careful. Cove squeaks in humiliation and flees into the bathroom, slamming the door closed behind him.
Cliff shuffles to his room and then has a crisis about how involved he's supposed to be about this. Like, they're both 18, but only just. Should he tell MC's mothers?? Should he give a more in depth sex ed?? Should he talk to Cove about contraception?? Should he enforce a door open when you have a guest rule?? Should he just sneak a box of condoms into his room when he's out??
He's up all night thinking about it.
Cove is also up all night, frantically texting MC about what happened and wishing the ground would just eat him lol.
2. Cove and MC getting partnered for one of those 'look after a fake robot baby' projects in school
This thought came to me right before I was falling asleep last night haha.
But they're supposed to take the baby for alternate nights and then share responsibility during the school day.
Cove panics every time it cries and also takes the whole thing both too seriously and not seriously enough lol.
Like, he'll always soothe the baby while it's crying, but he will also lay it on a beach towel and leave it unattended while he's surfing/swimming haha.
And if you ever say anything about 'practicing for your future pups with him', he'll get so incredibly flustered. He just shoves the baby to you and flees the scene to calm down.
And if you're not having any pups, the whole thing is a miserable experience in why you definitely made the right decision. When it's crying for the fifth time in the middle of the night, there's only relief that this is never going to be real for you lol.
On the weekends, you and Cove have sleepovers to help with the nightly crying. Cliff helps out and also gets a little too attached.
At MC's house, Elizabeth threatens to destroy the thing because it's waking her up, so hopefully she's already at uni. It's for the best.
Overall, I reckon they do pretty well. Cove definitely knocked it's head off some stuff, you did put it in a cupboard to cry it out one night while you were tired. But other than that! It's fine!
I don't have anything else to say on this, let's move on!
3. Proposals
I've played through all the variations of proposals in the game and they're my favourite things ever!! Especially when it's MC proposing to Cove, I just adore them.
But if I was there in real life, the proposal would be way more dramatic and planned out because that's the kind of woman I am!!
And I have hundreds of ideas about how I'd propose to him.
But here's the one that's been on my mind recently.
So, it's a summer night, and MC suggests setting up a cute date night for them both, but tells Cove that it's a surprise, but it'll be at home so he doesn't have to worry about anything.
Then, while he's at work, they put up a tent in the garden, covering the floor of the tent and the small section outside the entrance with blankets and cushions.
Then they put fairy light everywhere, fake candles, a laptop preloaded with some of their favourite films to watch together...
They make a huge spread of picnic style food, lay it out (with lids on because it's outdoors and on the floor lol) and then they blindfold Cove and take him outside to see.
Convincing him that this is the entire surprise.
And he definitely cries and says thank you about a hundred times.
So, when all the food has been eaten and the films watched, they start talking about how happy they are to spoil Cove like this.
It's dark by now, the garden and tent lit by the fairly lights and candles.
And finally! They get down on one knee and pull out a ring. Personally I think he suits the platinum/silver colour, and I'd engrave both names together haha.
Anyway, speech time!! While Cove sits there in shock and then cries for about ten minutes straight.
MC says how much they love Cove and ask him to marry them.
He says yes of course ;)
How would you propose to Cove? I'm curious!
This is all I have for today, but I'll probably do that kink analysis soon 😏
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peachyysugaa · 4 years ago
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― dancer youtubers!lee heeseung x gn!dance major!reader
sparks fly when the top two dancers on youtube collab!
genre: slow-burn fluff, s2l
wc: 3.9k (omg i'm sorry) + 2 twitter pics
warnings: probably some wrong dance terminology, slightly suggestive (the dance is just 😳), short timeskip, it's cheesy please bear with me
part of my youtuber enhypen series, the fifth upload! feel free to read on its own~ ♞──────────────────────────♞
you finish off your last move with your arms wide open, your chest heaving up and down from lack of breath. smiling nevertheless, you know you absolutely love the feeling of getting your breath taken away after dancing because you know it meant you did your best. you walk towards the camera lens and peek at the comments through your open laptop.
"did you all enjoy that?" you ask breathlessly grinning. the flooding comments are filled with compliments from your cover of nct u's boss. however, one comment, in particular, caught your eye as others seemed to reply to it.
heeseung ✔ 2s ago wow that was amazing do you wanna do a collab sometime? 😊
line break insurance you've failed me 5x already
your eyes widen as you let out a gasp. "is that the lee heeseung?" you accidentally say out loud. you wince at the realization of your mistake. the comments are both praising you for your success in getting noticed by the other top dancer on youtuber and relating to your remark.
heeseung ✔ 3s ago haha yes it's me dm me if you want to hear more about it 🤍
"oh wow... this is really cool..." you state before blinking to get you out of your stupor. "well everyone, that's going to be all for y/n's motion of dance today! thank you so much for tuning in, love you!"
you wave goodbye for a few more moments and then shut off the broadcast, closing your laptop as soon as you do. you blink twice and suddenly let out a scream.
you stop with a gasp and cover your mouth with your hands because you cannot believe you forgot that your dance studio isn't the most soundproof of places. "sorry, other dance students..." you whisper to them but more for yourself.
taking a look around your escape, your passion, you can't believe you've made it to where you are, being praised as one of the top dancers on such a vast social media platform like youtube. if anything, you guess it runs in your family, after all, you are related to choi yeonjun, who is considered 4th gen's it boy.
though people were skeptical of you at first when you came on the youtube scene as a dancer after your older brother started taking more to modeling and acting, you quickly proved them wrong by showing them your talent and bloomed from then on. of course, you can't forget to mention the person who skyrocketed just around the same time as you.
and that was the aforementioned lee heeseung. you sigh as you finish packing up your clothes and things to head back to your dorm, glancing out the window to see the sun beginning to set. it seems today was a rare early finish for you.
"i could go for a coffee... i need to finish my classics essay anyway," you mumble to yourself, throwing your bag over your shoulder before hitting the showers and changing into a more casual set of clothes. the finishing touch is a baseball cap that sits snug on your head. tightening the strap on the back and grabbing your backpack and dance bag, you finally take your leave of your beloved dance studio and return the key on the way out. fresh air meets your face, allowing you to take a whiff of the cherry blossoms that have been blooming for a month or so as you make your way to the campus café.
ding ding, the coffee shop's calm doorbell welcomes you as your nose is hit by the sweet smells of freshly ground coffee beans. "welcome!" one of the servers calls at the counter, smiling at your figure that walks closer to order. "what can i get you?"
"hi, may i have..." you scan the menu quickly for a familiar drink. "a honey cinnamon iced latte please?"
"of course, name please?"
"choi y/n," you reply.
if they recognize you, they don't make any notion of it, simply scribbling your name on the plastic cup as you make your payment. you're grateful for the normal interaction and the peacefulness of the café, especially after a surprising stream. "i'll call you when your order's ready, choi y/n-ssi," they inform you with a warm grin.
"thank you," you smile back before going to find a seat. spotting a relatively private area close by with only a pair of boys sitting at the booth, you decide to take the booth two spaces away from them. one boy, you notice, sits taller than the other, but his face is covered by a baseball cap. the other looks like a freshman, his cheeks accentuated by a pair of deep dimples.
as you take your seat, you can't help but think the boy with dimples looks rather familiar but can't seem to place your finger on it. shrugging, you simply begin preparing to write your essay by taking out your laptop and notes from your classics ge. the moment you finish is when you hear your name being called.
"choi y/n-ssi, your honey cinnamon iced latte," the server's voice calls. on your way to receive your awaiting drink, you can finally hear the voices of the two boys sitting two booths down from you.
"did your crush just say choi y/n?" the one with the hat says.
'yes, that's me,' you think to yourself nonchalantly.
"weren't you just watching their stream, heeseung hyung?" another voice says as you pick up your latte and thank the server.
wait, heeseung? as in lee heeseung? it's when you turn around with your drink in hand that you notice the two males looking straight at you. now you're able to make out the features of the boy with the cap, and there's no mistaking it.
"lee heeseung?" you mutter out loud at the same time he speaks out yours.
well, maybe that wasn't what you were expecting today, but hey, life is full of surprises, even if they are one after the other for you. after that unexpected encounter, you and heeseung acquainted yourselves, he invited you to sit with them, and now you're sitting at their table, awkwardly sipping on your latte.
"right, so should i leave?" the other boy, who you found out is studytuber and vlogger yang jungwon (which is why he looked familiar to you), blurts out. you chuckle as heeseung shakes his shoulder lightly. "what? you two clearly have to talk about something, i need to study."
"yea, yea, lover boy. make sure you say bye to your crush on the way out," the male dancer teases, causing the younger one to turn bright red.
"don't call me that, hyung," he mutters before picking up his bag and leaving the booth. sure enough, you watch as jungwon passes by the counter and erupts into a nervous mess the moment the server beams at him.
"ah... so he likes them?" you think out loud.
"yup, it's been almost four months now. i'm the reason he even knows this cafe and that server exists," heeseung mentions, making you nod courteously. he turns his attention back to you with his hand placed under his chin. "but their relationship is besides the point. let's talk about us."
"d-did you have to put it that way?" the forwardness catches you off-guard, and you suddenly have a harder time swallowing a sip of your coffee.
"sorry," he says with a teasing smile. "i just think the collab i mentioned would be good for both of us, and it'll be really fun too."
"i agree, people who like you will come to me and vice versa," you nod. "but do you know what we would be dancing to?"
"so does that mean you're in?" he asks, smile starting to grow on his face. wordlessly, you roll your eyes and hold out your hand for him to shake. that's when his full smile comes out, causing your cheeks to heat up as you think about how much more handsome it makes him look. taking your hand, heeseung shakes it with his vigorously. "alright, dance partner, we have a deal."
after much deliberation and research, the two of you finally agree on troublemaker by the duo hyuna and hyunseung. heeseung suggested this song, stating that he always wanted to do the choreo with somebody and that it's destiny that both males have a name that starts with h and ends with seung. quite frankly, it's not like you could find much anyway, besides some cool music bank mc stages, it is cool that troublemaker was originally an opposite-gender duo in the korean entertainment industry.
the choreography however is an entirely different story. at many points, hyuna's body is touched by hyunseung and vice versa, but if they can do it and stay professional, then you believe you can too. besides, dancing will always be just dancing. heeseung also assures you that if you want, the two of you can just have your hands hovering, which makes you feel relieved to have an understanding partner.
hours pass by, and you and heeseung decide to meet at your usual dance studio daily after all your classes, which wasn't hard because he also frequented the same one.
"i still can't believe we attend the same university," you say aloud as the both of you pack up your laptops and supplies.
"i know right, you would think one of us would recognize the dance studio we go to 24/7, right?" he laughs. "although, i've seen you use a different one sometimes."
"do you really watch my covers and streams often?" you ask baffled. he and you wave the workers goodbye and make your way to the brisk evening air waiting outside as the staff sends you off.
"i do, is that so hard to believe?"
"a little," you reply sheepishly.
"well, let me walk you to your dorm and prove to you how much of a choi y/n stan i am," he boasts, and you let yourself laugh freely as you walk beside him to your destination.
it's strange, knowing a famous youtuber you watched also knew and followed you, but then again, you're not exactly nobody either. when heeseung drops you off, he admits that he actually lives a few floors above you and that you two can walk home together after each rehearsal. it's even stranger, knowing a famous youtuber literally has been on your campus, in the same dorm building as you, and this whole time, the two of you have both been clueless as to the other's existence as an ordinary college student.
speaking of which, he can't be a dance major, right? otherwise, you would've already seen him! these thoughts keep you tossing and turning to the point you don't register when you fell asleep. when you wake up, you feel as if you didn't get any sleep at all, but get up and ready nevertheless, going through another regular day as a dance major.
by the time your classes are over, you walk out of the studio yawning about to stop by your dorm to freshen up and maybe fit in a nap. you're holding a hand over your mouth mid-yawn when a voice starts talking to you.
"good thing i stopped by to get coffee." you open your eyes and close your mouth to see lee heeseung holding two cups of coffee. he's dressed in an oversized white shirt and grey sweatpants, a common dance practice outfit, so why is your heart skipping so many beats. "yo, choi y/n."
"heeseung," you say, still shocked. he hands you the coffee, which is actually the same flavor you got yesterday. "thanks."
"no problem," he replies coolly. "maybe we should take a break before we get to it?"
"i'll be fine, how about we can start watching the choreo?"
"they're always ready to dance," he nods with an impressed smile. "as expected of a dance major."
the two of you walk inside and book a studio for a few hours as you raise an eyebrow at him. "wait, what major are you?"
"music production."
"that makes so much sense!" you say relieved, stepping into the studio room for the umpteenth time. "i was racking my brains wondering what major you were."
"so the famous choi y/n is curious about me?" he smirks. you groan and facepalm in response. "i'm kidding, i'm kidding. let's watch the video on my tablet?"
nodding, the two of you watch carefully, eyes glued to the screen at your respective roles. you hold your breath at some touchy parts but also notice that both idols were able to shine in their solos.
"a few tweaks here and there, and it'll be perfect," heeseung comments once the video is over. "but let's go over some boundaries, yeah? let me know what you're comfortable with and what you're not."
"right," you agree, once again relieved to have such a safe and understanding partner like him. "well, i think i'm okay with you touching my arms, shoulders, and hips like hyunseung did to hyuna. i just need some time to get used to it."
"alright, that sounds good," he says nodding with a hand under his chin. "then for today, i'll just hover my hands over the places they need to be."
"what a gentleman," you tease.
he rolls his eyes playfully at you. "let's start marking."
and so that's what the two of you start on. with the video on the tablet, you go through the motions with the speed lowered, eventually picking up more moves until you're able to follow at the normal speed. as expected of the top two dancers on youtube, the two of you are quick on observing and learning the dance and get done with basic marking within 20 minutes or so.
after marking, you take a quick water break to watch the video again in full detail, officially beginning your first real practice. as promised, throughout the entirety of marking, heeseung has kept his hands to himself, but you've become comfortable enough to have him do a little more.
before you start practicing for real, you decide to speak with him. "hee," you call him as he puts down his water bottle.
"hm?" he confirms that you have his attention, looking up with his large doe-like eyes while wiping his mouth off from some excess water.
"uhm.." you fidget with your top a little before mustering up some courage. "you can do light touches now for the choreo."
"really? are you sure?" you nod at his question, causing him to come up to you and ruffle your hair lightly. you bat his hands away with a pout, smoothing out the mess he made as he laughs at you. "that's great, y/n," he says with a bright smile, unknowingly making your heart beat a little faster as you nod again. in your head, you rush to cover up the physical reaction with an excuse that it's just from the amount of exercise you've done.
the two of you stand in front of the mirror, ready to go. before the music starts, heeseung turns to you and says, "just let me know if i make you uncomfortable at all."
"i'll be fine," you reassure him with a small smile. that's when the song begins, and the sparks start to fly. every move flowed like water, yet every touch between the two of you was like electricity as if the two elements were working together instead of fighting. even though the touches are light, they still put chills up your spine, in a way that you can only describe with the phrase "meant to happen."
was fate moving its course to put this match together, or were you imagining it? you're not sure, but you grin while catching your breath once the first practice is over. falling to the floor softly, you sit with your hands splayed behind you and let out a relieved sigh. "ahh... dancing is so... great!"
heeseung chuckles at your reaction and offers a hand to get you up. "i'm glad you think that because we got a lot more practice ahead of us, partner."
"yup!" you say with a widening smile. the moment you took his hand, you felt an electric jolt that almost made you let go. getting up, you shake it off and barely catch the expression on your dance partner's face. "is something the matter?"
he blinks a bit before he's shaking his head with that charming smirk of his. "nope! let's practice!"
practice, practice, practice. that's how the next few hours go. and just like the day before, heeseung walks you to your dorm building, this time the conversation about how excited the two of you are for the recording.
that's basically how the next four or so days go, now that heeseung came into your life. your daily routine of wake up, eat, class, dance, repeat was shaken by him, because now he was a part of it. it's an indescribable feeling, hanging out with him. the best word, or phrase actually, is the same one you used while dancing with him: meant to be.
so when you finally get to the day of recording, you almost don't want it to end. at least, that's what you're telling your best friend and makeup artist, kim sunoo.
"friend, you're telling me that you and this guy have been following along to..." he tells you to look up as he curls your eyelashes. "a dance like that for four days and you've been getting shocks this whole time?"
"i mean, yeah?"
"y/n, i love you, but you're missing a little something, aren't you?"
"pucker up, sweetie, we're making your lips look kissable," sunoo commands. you do an eye-roll but do as he says. "if you don't ask him out or do something by the end of this, you can at least kiss your best shot at a boyfriend goodbye with luscious lips."
he finishes applying the color and asks you to rub your lips together and make that pop sound. "perfect," your best friend compliments. "go out there and get your mans."
"thank you, sunoo!" you say, gazing at your reflection in the mirror and loving the way he accentuated your features. "by the way, you're all talk. you should ask your celebrity crush out when they appear on your channel."
"i'll get there when i get there!" he whines and starts pushing you out of his dorm room. "just go get 'em, tiger."
with that, you make your way to the dance studio where heeseung is waiting for you, dressed in hyunseung's iconic suit with the leopard-patterned blazer. your heart quickens, seeing how much more handsome he looks dressed up, hair slicked back and some makeup done. he looks up upon hearing the door open and his mouth slightly hangs open as well.
the both of you are silent as you approach him, in your equally bedazzling outfit, sheer to mimic hyuna's stage dress. "you look amazing," the two of you say at the same time. stunned at the simultaneous sentence, you two immediately start guffawing at how this was unlike your usual interactions.
"that was so awkward!" you blurt out, unable to contain your laughter.
"yea, not like us at all," he admits while he wipes a stray tear from laughing too hard away. smiling at each other, you admire the way his eyes reflect your image and sparkle. "you ready to get this show on the road."
"ready as i'll ever be." the two of you get into your positions on the opposite ends of the room, and heeseung starts the camera and the music soon after. you take each step slowly to meet him in the middle as he takes your hand and brings it up to his lips to give it a kiss while smirking. you keep your face professional as the two of you take a few steps forward, the back of his fingers curled over the front of yours.
starting back-to-back, you walk forward a bit before the beat drops and heeseung's part begins. you're on autopilot as you dance your fingers from his chest to his shoulders, and then the chorus comes. hips swaying, you're able to feel his hands' light taps on your body as the two of you lose yourself to the music you've danced to hundreds of times this week.
then, it's your killing part as you lipsync hyuna's rap and take bold steps around heeseung's body, ending up behind him to bring your hands over his shoulders and make a scratching movement across his chest. you step towards his side, do your thing, and walk away as if playing hard to get.
you wait for his part during the bridge and make a side glance towards him before moving towards him and performing the hip-heavy part of the chorus together. your partner moves his face up along your arm, taking it in like you're a statue. you then act like you brush him away when heeseung gets close enough. after this second chorus, you're leaving him to do his big solo, watching carefully as he makes his every move precise and crisp yet flow well.
it's the last chorus now, and this time, you can't take your eyes off each other as you finally face one another. you stay drowning in his shades of brown without a single misstep until you have to walk away from him. you wait for him to come towards you, back slightly turned away as he jaunts forward, making his way to be captured by your hand behind his neck.
the last breath of the song is the one where you're supposed to turn your head away as his own chases yours, but this time, you brave forward and lean in close. the music fades away, but all you hear is his breathing, feeling it against your own.
you stay like this, ensnared in each other's arms, forgetting about everything except the person wrapped close to you as you feel his every breath against your lips and every inhale and exhale under your hand. he searches your eyes, looking for some kind of sign. "do you mind if i—"
that was all you needed before you're pressing your lips against his. it only takes seconds for him to kiss you back, moving his hands from their previous position on your hips to hold your face. becoming breathless from dancing was one thing, becoming breathless from kissing heeseung was another thing entirely, it was in a league of its own you note as you pull away and rest your forehead on his.
"we'll have to edit that out," you say after what seemed like ages of taking each other in while chuckling.
"i have a better idea than editing."
"oh, and what's that, handsome?"
"look at you getting all bold, troublemaker," heeseung replies with that smile of his. he shakes his head, moving away from you and taking your hand in his. "how about we go on our first official date as youtube's top dancer couple?"
"that does sound like a better idea," you agree, your own smile widening.
"then let's make it happen, sweetheart."
bonus! - click for full images
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taglist: @cha-raena @imjustme-things @misoiishi @rikitaiyaki send an ask to join the taglist! :3c permanent taglist: @fiantomartell
a/n: wow this was a long one!! i'm not sure if i detailed all the movements well, but i hope you all enjoyed it nevertheless <3
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nicka-nell · 3 years ago
It's Kita Shinsuke birthday today(July 5). I was wondering if I could request of oneshot fic of him (please not the angst theme because I can't get over it easily 😅) It's okay if you publish it late. Thank you so much~~
btw I'm currently reading your Haikyuu fics. I commend your writing, it's really neat and not cringey to read ✨
Hi Anon, thank you so much, these are really nice words omg! 🥺
I made a little something even if this comes two days after his birthday but I hope that’s okay. I was really glad that you said I should write something without angst haha. 😅 But since I didn’t know exactly what you wanted, I just wrote about a fluffy random birthday with Kita and y/n. Just fluff, no angst. I promise! 😇 It might be a bit rushed because I didn’t want to finish it in two weeks, but I hope you like it anyway 💚
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Pairing: Kita Shinsuke x reader
Words: 2k
Warning: just fluff, manga spoiler
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Today is Kita’s birthday and this time you will make sure that you celebrate it. Not like last year, when he used the work as an excuse not to party with you and your school friends. It is true that Kita cannot afford to stay awake forever, because a farm never sleeps. But at least on his birthday, he should not only take care of the work. 
For today, you set the alarm clock earlier, hoping to get up before Kita. But pressing the snooze button was probably a mistake. Because when you open your eyes a second time, the place next to you on the bed is already neatly folded. There’s no trace of Kita. 
“Ah damn it…” you curse quietly before you get out of bed and look at the clock. It is shortly after five, so Kita can not be on his feet for a long time. In July, he doesn’t get up until five o’clock in the morning. 
Quietly, you sneak into the hallway past the bathroom and see a ray of light flickering under the door gap. You can also hear the shower. Kita should get out of the bathroom in fifteen minutes at the earliest. That’s how long he usually needs after his morning-shower.
On tiptoes, you go down the stairs, into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. A little muffin you hid in a tiny box in the fridge yesterday, a scrambled egg with tomatoes and spring onions and a warm soup. You know that Kita loves to start the day with at least a small, warm meal. According to him, he gets into the day much better with a soup than cold food, because his stomach does not feel so heavy after such a warm and light meal.
Everything is already on the dinner table. Only for the muffin you have to lighten the candle, before you want to put it carefully to the other things on the table, as Kita’s voice stops you in your motion. 
“Why are you awake so early?” His calm, soothing voice enters your ears while he hugs you from behind and gives you a kiss on the temple. You realize that after all these years of relationship, the heat still rises in your face, the blood in your body flows faster and you feel like a little teen with butterflies in your belly, when Kita is so close to you. When you feel his body against yours and his breath tickles your skin. 
With the muffin in your hand, you carefully turn around, look directly into his beautiful eyes and hold the mini cake towards him. “Happy birthday, Shinsuke my heart. Today is your day and I know you can’t take a day off so easily. That’s why I at least wanted to make your breakfast today. Sit down and eat a little something, so you can get your strength for the day.” 
A stranger would probably not recognize it, but you see that he is touched, that he is even a little surprised. His eyes widen a bit before he tilts his head to the side and warmly looks at you with a slim smile. “Thank you for thinking of me, Y/n.” 
As always, he’s not the best at expressing feelings, but you know his gratitude is full of love. Because that’s who he is. A quiet but loving and humble man. 
Together you have breakfast, even if you are not hungry yet and actually only want to keep your birthday boy company before Kita gets up, washes the plates and sets off on the way out, to take care of the rice fields. 
You take the opportunity to freshen up, ask Osamu if everything stays the same and if he comes over tonight with the food and the rest of the boys from the volleyball club. Everything goes according to plan. Kita is still of the opinion that the breakfast was his birthday present, and that the day will go like any other.
It has something good that Kita is outside during the day in the fields, because he hardly comes into the house. Most of the time he comes back for dinner, likes to eat your rice balls or Osamu’s Onigiri during the day, which he brings back from his shop for Kita to taste. 
On the tip of your feet you stand in the living room on a chair, hang the last garland with the inscription ‘Happy Birthday’ on the lamps, when you hear the knock on the front door. These must be the boys, you think, as you get off the chair and push it back under the table before you run to the door. For a blink of an eye, you look out of the window, still can’t see Kita because he is probably far away at the last rice fields. The door opens with enthusiasm, and you greet your friends with a warm smile, asking them to quickly come in. As agreed, they parked the cars further away from your farm, so that Kita really does not notice the surprise. 
“Wow, ya really put a lot of effort into Kita’s little birthday surprise, huh?” Osamu’s amazed by what he’s seeing while he and his brother place the food on the dinner table, still scanning the room. Colorful balloons fly on the ceiling. Some of them are attached to the chairs. Garlands hang everywhere and beautiful wildflowers decorate the living room and dining room table. On the living room table you put up a pin board with photos of your school days and the years after. It’s really pretty and something Kita would definitely like. 
“Should we open the drinks?” Ojiro asks, pointing to himself and Suna, wanting to take some of the work off of your hands. Thankfully, you accept his offer, show them where to find the glasses and turn back to Osamu and Atsumu, who are still busy unpacking the food when you hear a key in the door. Directly you flinch, know exactly that this can only be Kita. 
“Come on guys, let’s hide!” you whisper softly, wave your hand to make the men understand to hide behind the furniture. You all crouch down. No one talks. 
“My love, I’m hom-” 
“Happy Birthday~!” You all cheer and fall into his word as you jump out of your hiding places. First irritated, but then moved Kita thanks you. Wander over each one of you with his gaze before he studies his beautiful looking surroundings. 
“Thank you so much… But… but why are you all here?” 
“Well, what do you think, Mr. Robot? We are here to celebrate your birthday with you.” Says Suna, who approaches his old captain and gives him a friendly hug, wishing him all the best. 
“You owe it all to yer lovely girl, my friend. She had written to us and prepared and organized everything.” Osamu adds and goes over to his old friend like Suna did before. Also Atsumu and Ojiro do not wait long before they take their friend in their arms until only you are missing. 
Your eyes sparkle as you stand in front of him, lovingly congratulating him a second time. You look so happy that he can’t help but cover your cheeks with his hands and kiss you tenderly. No matter if his friends can see him right now. He just wants to show you how happy he is, how much he loves you. 
Kita told you he didn’t want to celebrate, but he’s glad you invited his friends. It’s nice to have the people around him who are important to him, who want to celebrate this special day with him. Kita is glad that you sometimes just do what you think is right. 
Until shortly after midnight, you celebrate his birthday as you all slowly get tired and say goodbye to each other. Only Kita and you stay back in the house, which was full of laughter and music a few minutes ago. You sit on the terrace of your bedroom, look up to the moon with your cup of tea in your hand, enjoy the chirping of the crickets, the chilly wind on your skin, as you hear Kita’s steps on the wooden floor. Without a word, he sits next to you, already wearing his sleeping clothes, and looks up at the moon like you did earlier. 
“That was a wonderful evening Y/n.” your boyfriend says and you could swear that if it wasn’t so dark, you’d see him smile. You don’t answer him, just realize how happy you are as you move closer to him, your arms touch and you put your head on his shoulder. 
Kita took a shower again, because he smells like pine cones and herbs, no more of dirt, grass and sweat. His breath and his scent calm you down. His gentle voice makes you just feel comfortable. 
“Thanks for doing all this for me.” Kita’s hand wraps around your body, pressing your shoulder tight for a moment before you feel his warm lips on your crown. 
Although you only see Kita through the moonlight, you still raise your head to look at him full of love. You’re just glad to see him so happy today. Almost nostalgic among the boys, when they reveled in old memories. Ironically, since the school’s motto was that you didn’t need memories. Maybe you also don’t need them, but they are beautiful. 
“And I would make every birthday like this again for you, no matter how many times you would tell me that you don’t need a party.” You giggle, wonder if next time he would just say that he wants to celebrate. 
“I know that and I appreciate that. But… The best thing today on my birthday is that I can now sit here with you on the terrace, shoulder to shoulder, silent while we enjoy the view.” 
“But Shinsuke…” Touched by his words, you unconsciously put a hand on your chest, feel your heartbeat knocking faster against your chest. That he describes something you can do every day as the most beautiful moment... Even though he was so happy with all your friends, he enjoyed spending time with you the most...
“Y/n, you know I’m not a man of big words. All the more I love that we can just sit here, that it doesn’t feel weird to say anything, but just enjoy the closeness to each other. Sitting out here, feeling you next to me, hearing you hum makes me fall asleep with a warm heart. Looking from here at all the rice fields in the moonlight, knowing that all this is our future, our family will eventually grow even bigger, that’s what makes me most happy. You make me happy and you don’t need words, no cake, no surprise party for that. All you need is yourself. I love y-”  he wants to say that he loves you, but you interrupt him, throw yourself around his neck sniffing, touched by the many words that otherwise so rarely come over his lips. 
Your hug hits him unprepared. Kita stumbles as he falls back, can no longer use his arms in time to support his body when his back touches the hard wooden floor under him, you in his arms. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, did I hurt you?” you ask with concern in your voice, want to straighten up to help him up, but his arms pin you down to his body. 
“I’m fine.” He whispers to you as he releases a hand from your waist, puts a strand of hair fallen into your face back behind your ear and pulls you down to give you a heart-melting kiss on your forehead.
It’s still dark, you can only see his outline, but you know he’s looking at you, looking for your eyes. “It’s already late. We should go to bed, don’t you think?” 
Just as lovingly as his question came, your answer reaches Kita’s ears, before you give him a long and deep kiss that puts your mind back in high school time, because you still have this tingling in your stomach, like when he asked you if you could imagine a relationship with him back then. 
“Yeah, let’s go to bed, my lovely birthday boy.” 
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sparkleswritings · 4 years ago
Been procrastinating for this one but I've finally finished it!!
This piece if part of a server collab I'm a part of, the masterlink containing other works from other amazing writers will be posted soon so I will reblog it on 17/11. Make sure to visit them all!
And to the requests I've put off because of this, I'm so sorry and thank you for being patient! They'll be out soon I promise ^^
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Word count: 1,209
Prompt: "This is why I fell in love with you."
Tags: Fluff
It had been a long day. A very long, tiring day. The mission you had been assigned to dragged on longer than expected, leaving you and your team utterly exhausted. Physically, mentally--and emotionally.
Your four man cell, now down to three, passed through the Konoha gates with heavy limbs and heavy hearts.
You wanted to be anything but alone tonight. Afraid that, if you had the silence and time to think, you might just go crazy.
So the best thing to do, after reporting your duties done to the hokage, was to trudge your way to your lover's door. He always knew how to handle you whenever your emotional heart was bursting at its limits. He was rational, level headed. Someone who could compliment your emotion driven self quite well.
The streets were currently calm, a mocking peacefulness to the turmoil your body was  currently containing. A loss of a comrade, a friend, never got any easier. 
Your steps slowed as you neared the destination. Now that you arrived you started to regret it, what if you were bothering him? You retracted the hand you raised to knock, but before you could even turn away, the door slid open. Pale, lilac eyes stared into your own, as if understanding why you were here before you even said a word.
"You look awful."
Was the first thing he said.
"Tell me about it," you gave the Hyuga a sarcastic smile. 
"How did you know I was at the doorstep?"
"Strong emotions of your caliber could be sensed from miles away. If you were in enemy territory you'd be spotted and dead."
"Touché haha," you shifted your weight from one foot to another. "And uh-- I'm sorry if I interrupted you or something I just-"
You didn't get the chance to finish your sentence, because Neji had wrapped his arms around you, pulling your head to his chest.
Startled, your body was stiff at first, but god you didn't know how much you needed this. You couldn't hold it in much longer.
"W-we lost him…" you let the tears flow freely. "I couldn't even retrieve his body."
Neji didn't say anything, making sure to listen to every word you had to say before calming you down. His gentle caresses to your hair were the only 'words of comfort' you needed.
Once your sobs were reduced to sniffling, he led you inside, still in between his arms since you refused to let go. 
The mellow fragrance of tea soon wafted around the room. Your cheek was to him, the whole of your body pressed into his back as if you needed him to stay upright.
"You can stay the night. I don't want you to be alone at a time like this," Neji said once he was able to pry yourself off him to sit down, coaxing you to drink the warm beverage.
"You're...alright with that?" 
He nodded slowly, as if contemplating on his words right after he said them. You felt your cheeks burn at the offer. Everyone knew that Neji was a traditional man, even if the two of you were in a long term relationship, he still refused to do anything past hugs, hand holding and kisses on the forehead. All of them done in private, of course. And you were alright with that. Love was more than just being physical, after all.
To have him step out of his comfort zone, so to speak, for your sake made you feel touched. You restrained yourself from glomping onto him and peppering his face with kisses, because that would certainly make him change his mind.
"Thank you, Neji," you looked up at him and smiled shyly. 
"It's only natural that I take care of you. Now please wash up, you smell of blood and dirt."
"Aye aye captain," you teased, poking him on the cheek on your way to the bathroom, to which he frowned at.
After a rather long shower (you didn't mean to sound weird, but now you smelled like him and it was driving you crazy), Neji leant you the smallest pair of clothing he had and insisted you go to bed immediately.
"Where will you be sleeping?" you asked, pulling the covers as close to your face as possible. His scent was just so calming, you couldn't help it!
"I have a spare futon in my closet, I'll sleep on the floor beside you."
"Sounds good to me," you rolled over to the furthest side of the bed to be as close to him as possible. 
Neji looked at you, "And Y/N, don't...stare at my sleeping face."
"Wh-what! I wasn't planning to!" you spluttered, fully aware that you were lying.
He gave you an amused look before pecking your forehead and bidding you goodnight. 
You thought for sure that if you stayed here, with him, you would be able to sleep peacefully. But just like any other night where you had just lost someone, the nightmares came without fail. You could still see them, their faces, the ones you couldn't save. The ones you had to sacrifice in turn to complete missions. They all say that shinobi must remain emotionless in the face of these things, after all, bloodshed was common in the business. 
Though your skills were exceptional, that was one area in which you lack. 
You are an absolute failure.
"Gah!" you awoke with a gasp. Heart pounding, mind racing. The nightmare just felt all too real. Probably because it technically was. 
You tried to calm yourself quietly, afraid that you'd wake Neji up and make him worried. But of course, it didn't go to plan. 
"Nightmares?" he asked in a low tone.
"Mhm." You replied, giving him a sheepish smile, "sorry for waking you up, love."
He shook his head and sat down beside you, running his palm up and down your back. Neji was silent, giving you some time to steady your breathing before:
"If I hold you, would that help you sleep better?"
Your head turned sideways so fast you were afraid you'd snap your neck. Even though it was dim, you could see that his cheeks were reddening. Thank god for the moonlight. 
"You've gotten...bold today," you grinned.
"Don't like it?" 
"Quite the opposite actually," you leaned to rest your cheek on his shoulder. "Who knew you could get so adorable."
"Adorable you say?" He raised an eyebrow at you, "we'll see who's adorable tomorrow during training."
You winced. Neji and his training regimens always made you want to flop to the ground and sink into the dirt afterwards. But you have to admit, they were pretty effective. You had to get better anyways, you had to increase your chances at protecting your comrades better.
A few more moments of solace, and you were once again surrounded by him. This time you were sure, you were going to sleep peacefully all the way through the morning.
Neji just had that effect on you.
"This is why I fell in love with you," you mumbled, mouth half hidden in his chest.
The remnants of your conscious mind recalled a low hum and a kiss to the crown of your head before slowly drifting off to sleep.
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c4-weeb · 4 years ago
Obey me boy head cannons!
Skater!Mc x the demon boys + undateables!
Alright so background! Human mc had invited one of the boys to go to a skating rink with her in the human world, since she is one of the main racers and a very frequent attendee at the place since she was 10. She knows the regular skaters and owners pretty well. Shes held with high respect there and is pretty talented. She has skate races and a whole team of great skaters, so what happens when one day she invites one of the boys to go on a date/ support her during a competitive roller derby? Also please do keep in mind I'm taking inspiration off the monster high roller derby cause that race was pretty cool and difficult to do so make it more modernized and human. You know... no swinging axes or kraken's trying to grab you as you skate. Though in reality that sounds like something Diavolo would put together for devildom roller derby's...
When he heard you beg him to come support you for your first race back in the human world he was a little taken aback. A roller derby? Him? I mean he wasn't going to be the loudest but he did find the thought of watching them succeed and wanting his praise amusing nonetheless....
....in reality he missed the Mc dearly and would appreciate the time with them, but he'd never say so out loud.
When you looked up to him from the stands he smirked at you, the pressure was on... that smirk was the one of judgement and "let's see how you do" which wracked your nerves with enough anxiety that it helped fuel the fire to make sure you succeeded.
When the Mc took off, being shoved by people bigger than her on each side, he was surprised when you fell back and the two idiots collided and she hopped over with ease and sped towards the front with amazing speed.
When The Mc and their team won, she came speeding to him and hugged him from behind and thanked him.
Later he took you out to eat in congratulations, the smile on your face from getting praise and food? All the stress from the day was relieved by that small gesture.
"I dont know why I thought I had finally found out everything I could about you, yet you just keep surprising me...."
When the you asked for his support during a casual race at your local skating rink, with just your team mates going against eachother in a regular speed skate with a few obstacles, he wasnt so interested, saying he wants money in return for his support, when in reality he would have went anyways. But when you told him that since it was a casual race, people could bet on the racers, he agreed so fast and even begged to be summoned right then and there.
Expect him to be screaming at the top of his lungs for you to win
Isnt against calling you baby this loud in public
May or may not have tried climbing the fence when you got pushed
Definitely bet on you, and a huge sum of money too. So much faith 😭❤
Once you've won expect him to come flying at you, poor baby forgot you where on skates tho so you'd end up falling backwards to your friends amusement of your cuddly demon.
Tried threatening the owners to do another race so he could get money and failed
Sulked till you dragged him by the hand to skate in the neon lights since most people left it was just you two
Later he would drag you to either go to bet on races with him to gain more money or go to shower you in gifts, really depended on how well you could convince him to not go gambling, which had a 50/50 success rate.
"If I'm not going to get more money I might as well shower you in what I have, make you the prettiest gem for the whole world to see!" "Mammon you only won 200 dollars not a mil-" "sh, sh, shhhhh, shhh, no arguing! The Great Mammon is going to treat his treasure right tonight, ya' hear!?"
Now getting this otaku outta his room was an absolute struggle. So like a cat trapping their preh, you had to summon him to your house and put a blindfold on him for a special surprise.
Dragged his unsocial ass to the car and road down to the skate rink and took off his blind fold once you both got inside.
It took a lot of coaxing, but you finally got him to calm down enough to get a pair of skates.
If your skater friends said hi to him he'd hide by your arm like a scared 5 year old
The jealousy he felt of everyone in the room was unbelievable, because the poor boy has no balance for skating. On wheels or ice, his body just refuses.
You offered to help him learn and the poor boys face was fuming red, thankfully the neon lights and darkness hid it well.
He held onto your hand for balance throughout the whole date, only stopping to eat some pizza and play some arcade games.
After a few hours you headed back to your house to binge some Starwars, wanting to watch something different with him.....which eventually led to the both of you getting bored and going back to the new ruri-chan movie you guys binged countless amount of times on the phone together.
"H-hey! Hold on you're going t-too fast! No now you're so close I-....um... ack everyone can see us...so many people... but its worth it to show that your mine!"
Now Satan isnt much of a skater, nor a loud supporter, but with enough coaxing you finally got him to at least try and relax with you, doing a nice small couple's night at the skate rink
Really wanted to try human customs with you so there was little resistance
He would hold their hand as you'd skate
Even think of skating away from him and he will chase after you
This man's rage in his bones makes him a natural speed skater
Will tickle you when he catches you, starts a very one sided tickle war tho
If you wanna sit down, it's going to be in his lap, no rejections.
Will find it adorable if your friends make fun of how blushy you're getting as you hide in his chest
"Come now kitten, dont run away or I'm going to tickle you so hard that your face will hurt too much to smile at anyone else but me"
This sweet baby was already dragging you to your room to glamor you up before the race.
Honey no need to say anything, he will make you the most gorgeous skater just tell him the vibes you wanna give off and he will hit the nail straight on the head and match your aesthetic.
Best expect victory photos.
Will record your victory and show it off to the group chat with the brothers.
Absolutely head over heels for you, hanging off your body in a hug and then going for a really close skate together
Might try to convince you to have some celebratory seggs but will 100% be making it known how much you excited him.
"Sweetheart look at all the likes our photos are getting! Everyone's congratulating you! Awe look at how viral my baby is! That was a VERY thrilling experience watching you, and you do need to take care of that body....shall we take this home and undress you so I can congratulate you the right way~♡?"
Immediately agreed when you brought it up that you wanted to bring him to the skate rink, someplace you enjoyed going.
He knew skating was like a work out but was worried about finding skates his size there so he brought his own customized skates.
You better have snacks cause baby is gonna be starving.
Thankfully since you also work there and know the owners, you where allowed to hop over and take his order, putting it on your tab. 4 pizzas 2 Turkey legs 7 hotdogs and a pint of water (remember to stay hydrated)
If you bumped into a few of your friends and he WILL get along with them. He wants to be apart of your life, all of it, so he'll make it a point to get along with everyone in it for your sake.
If you ever look like you're going to fall he will be so close behind you it would be like slipping and falling back onto a brick wall who grabs you before you hit the floor.
If you fall forward he will grab your shirt but try not to choke you in the process
(If you do choke poor baby with be hugging you apologizing profusely)
You two try racing eachother but no matter what you dont win cause hes just too fast
Finds you challenging him over and over endearing and adorable.
"You're so adorable when you're chasing after me trying to win, but I'm hungry now...can we go eat again?"
Will complain once you ask him to go skating for date night in the human world
Wont stop till he finds out it has a sunroof along with the neon lights so he can look at the stars while skating with you.
Will only skate for an hour or two then passes out on your lap
Will not help at all when you fall, just laughs cause he is probably the reason you fell in the first place.
When hes skating he will take your hand in his the whole time and sorta lean on your shoulder while skating from behind you.
You two will stop periodically to sit at the small felt covered benches in the rink to look up at the stars (may or may not fall asleep on your shoulder so you're stuck there with him sleeping for 20 minutes)
You will be the last ones out
Must grab some food for Beel cause belphie promised to bring him home food.
Skating (more like you dragging him by the hand while hes in skates)back to your place and looking at the stars together at like 3am
Wont go back till he can officially cuddle you till the morning and leaves at 11am
"Hey look...theres Ursa major...*yawn* come on let's sit down again, I'm tired..."
Luke (only as siblings you take him skating)
Doesnt know how to skate
You end up teaching him and hes the happiest little boy ever.
If you take him to a race he'll be all worried that you got a scratch and starts to get protective over you when the person who pushed you comes near
Definitely eating cotton candy
Playing claw machines and you win him a stuffed piggy and he holds it near and dear to his heart cause it's from you
"Mc! Mc! Look I'm doing it! I'm skating! Sir oinkers and me are skating together! Thank you so much haha!"
Happily joins to cheer you on during your races everytime. Got a race? Simeon will be there.
If you dont win he will comfort you and make the best of the situation by taking you to the food bar till it turns to a free skate again.
If you're injured he will pamper you and be ready with his first aid. Little angel kisses on every scrap and bruise.
So many forehead kisses of encouragement and praise 🥺😭
Can speed skate, so if you want to practice he'll help but if you want to relax he'll do that too.
Inlines? Regular skates? No matter what hes great at them.
Somehow he has great luck and every stuffie you showed interest in or every candy or prize there was that you would even look at, he would win on the first try.
"Dont worry! I'll carry it all. You just relax alright? You got pretty bruised from that fall."
Getting this man to stop working and go on a date will need a ton of patience, even Lord Diavolo has to convince him the little d's will do their jobs right while hes away.
Will take care of every scrape and bruise you get.
Man has glowsticks prepared to cheer you on
When it turns back to a free skate he will try his best to impress you and teach you little tricks he's picked up in his many years.
You try to convince him to eat some of the food there and he will politely decline and proceed to take you out to a nice fancy, but quaint restaurant.
"You were really quick to dodge them back there, yet you still got a few bruises, truly amazing for humans to get to that speed and dodge so fast. You're really a fascinating one arent you?"
Lord Diavolo
This man.... he made SIGNS
WILL be hollering when you win
The loudest in the stands
Glowsticks, glowing necklaces, bracelets, man is even wearing a glowing necklace around his head for you, glowing head to toe
So happy and proud 🥺😭❤
Definitely brought barbatos to help hold up the glittery signs him and the little d's made
Barbatos will leave with the signs after congratulating you and leaving you two to your date.
He will be a little off balanced when first skating cause the man went straight for the inlines 😂
Will be smiling the whole time, nothing can or will ruin it.
Absolutely in love with the skate rink because of you and even wants to add a few to the devildom so they can hold tournaments like the one you where in
Can get sad if he cant get you a stuffed animal while you're in the bathroom so he summons Barbatos again to help him while you're away.
Sends Barbatos away so you wont know he helped him get the prizes
Ends up getting you 6 stuffies and a phone case that doesnt fit your phone but it's the thought that counts right?
You win him a medium sized dragon from the claw machine and he sleeps with it every night and loves it like it's your guy's kid.
If he meets your friends he will find out just how much you've missed him as you get embarrassed, makes a mental note to see you once a week after that encounter.
Will eat 2 Turkey legs as you eat a slice of pizza and share a pitcher of soda with him
(He makes a mess of his face so you clean it off for him)
Will not want to leave and go back to the devildom so he'll insist on staying the rest of the night and walks you home
Will. NOT. LEAVEEEE! Master of excuses for why he should stay.
"But I dont want to leave! Theres still so much to do!" "Can I at least see your house?" "I wont leave until I see you're safe at home!" "Please can I stay the night, I miss having you wake up in my arms." "I want to see the morning sun rise with you before I go back"
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nameless-shrimp · 3 years ago
heyo shrimpy!! sorry for the late response,, i got busy with exams lolol first, how are you today? :D Is anything good happening to you? enjoy your vacation btw, i hope you have a lot of fun! ^^ second, hmm finding your artstyle? that sounds even more challenging than improving for me, ngl hh- I don't know why but reading your answer made me think of a chibi dazai eating a nice burger... sounds cute,, I'm sure your drawing turned out amazing :D it's always a bliss noticing your art getting better, makes me want to draw more ^^ somehow, you drawing in a cuter art style makes you more adorable,, lovely doodles filling the empty pages,,,,
imagine dazai catching you doodling him with cute little hearts around the page,, and as his lips curved upwards a mild shade of pink dusts his cheeks, admiring you a little bit more before walking towards you quietly, wrapping his arms around your neck from behind. your frame stilled against his loving embrace, the pencil in your hand dropping on the concrete desk, your lover's lips close to your ears... his warm breath hit the back of your ear, kissing it in the process.
"I didn't know you drew me so much, gioia mia~¹" his sweet, teasing voice gently made its way into your eardrum, with you shivering afterward. his soft, umber locks brushed against your tender skin, the warm temperature his body radiated comforting you. your cheeks were probably red by now, and you were certain he already noticed. after all, when does he not?
clearing your throat, you comfortably positioned yourself, closing your eyelids slowly before speaking.
"u-uh, yeah. I, uhm-"
"and they're so well done, my darling! I assumed you were an artist since you always brought a notebook and pencil with you, even in our workplace, but I didn't expect you to draw me... I am flattered, my belladonna~ your artstyle mirrors the way you are... cute!~" your brain couldn't take in his words, and yours were stuck in your throat. all that was left was a stuttering mess whilst you shakingly turned around, with your lover chuckling at your adorable reaction.
dazai could now definitely see how your cheeks gained color, the redness painting them well. noticing your alerted gaze and trembling, he raised his hand to hold your warm cheek, caressing it with his thumb. although your quivering didn't cease, he took a note of how your eyes widened for a second before calming again. his smile broadened as you leaned into his touch, your timid orbs avoiding his loving ones. unfortunately for you, he had other ideas in mind.
and so, he leaned closer.
your eyes snapped back at him, his nose almost touching yours. a small gasp escaped you as you attempted to form a sentence, but failed to do so. the man in front of you only beamed at your reaction, his heart melting at how adorable and lovely you were. he was truly fortunate to have a loving, caring, understanding partner such as you.
he really loved you and cherished you with all of his soul.
"osamu! y-you're-" and before you could say anything else, the brunette gave you one last loving look before closing his eyes...
and placed his lips against yours.
your eyes bulged out from your sockets as a small shriek left your throat, but was immediately muted by your beloved's kiss. your flustered state couldn't comprehend what was happening, but the warmth of your chest was so overwhelming, you couldn't help but hastily press your lips back against his, tightly closing your eyelids to enjoy the moment more...
smirking, dazai stopped for a brief moment while you whined in protest, but he quickly soothed you while shifting his hands to grip your chair, gently twisting it around. you opened your eyes again to understand what he was doing... and regretted it as soon as you saw his smug look, while he caged you between him and your chair. you glanced around stunned, the dulcet shade of rosé overlapping your already flustered profile. shakingly, you looked up and met his calmer and haughty orbs again, making you gulp as your heart rammed in your chest.
his smooth, defined face was all you could see, and if it wasn't for your panicking mind, you were sure you could observe him for hours. you felt so open under his narrow, shadowy, russet orbs as if you were an interesting book he was very invested in. that fierce, intense way he observed you with, only made you shyer, and you shrank on your chair... which wasn't the best move, you thought, since he cornered you more than before, and all you could do was watch him from below, too red to do or say anything.
his low chuckle reverberated through the room, and a small drop of sweat rushed down your embarrassed face as he towered over you, devouring all of your sweet, lovable expressions. his smirk widened as your pupils shrank, bending down to your level once more. he tremendously wanted to pick you up and place you on the king-sized bed, while you desperately clung onto him and whispered his name, trying to evade his all-seeing gaze... but held himself back to tease you more.
after all, you looked so delicious right now...
"o-osamu..." your needy, wobbly voice brought him back from his little daydream, shaking off any other thoughts he had in mind... all that mattered now was you. humming, he got closer to you, both of your faces millimeters away. if he was trying to kill you, he was doing a great job at it. the smile never left his mouth, and you could feel the confidence seeping through him... his breath hit your lips as he exhaled making you freeze on the spot.
"hmmm? what is it, my dear? do you perhaps need something?" he asked, already knowing what you wanted and needed. but hearing you spell it out for him... it was a bliss.
you nervously exhaled, feeling the warmth in your cheeks rise as if you weren't blushing enough. not brave at all to face him head-on, you fiddled with the hem of your shirt, looking down as you did so. dazai screamed internally at the cuteness with all the courage you had, you shyly told him...
"p-please osamu, i-i need you..." and that was all he needed. chuckling, he stared at you with a wolfish grin, pleased to hear those words coming out of your lips.
"then... let me take care of you, amore mio~²"
your sketchbook was long forgotten that night, but dazai did make you "sing" some sweet songs for him...
¹ = means my joy in Italian, the ask from Sofi sparked something within me 😶 dazai giving you Italian pet names sounds perfect-
² = my love, once again, in Italian- hh
first of all, my vacation is going well! i enjoyed going out and riding some rides, plus took a nice shower and now i am relaxing in my bed, hehe.
second, it's truly a bliss to see my own artwork improve over time! it makes me extremely happy. also, i love the idea of dazai eating a burger, that's adorable. i have been wanting to doodle dazai a lot lately; probably cause he's just so adorable to me and he's absolutely breathtaking, hehe. it's nice to fill up the empty pages and just letting your mind flow as you draw.
third... OH MY GOD. READING ALL THAT WHEN I WAS IN LINE FOR MY RIDE MADE ME SO FLUSTERED UNDERNEATH MY MASK. AND REREADING IT ALL OVER AGAIN MAKES ME SO ASFJFSOXMSK 😳🥺💘 it was so, so sweet of you to write all that! please, dazai speaking pet names in another language truly sounds like him. not to mention, the fact that he was so flirty and he's such a tease from how you portrayed him, my heart is fluttering. and the very end though. oh my. 🥰🙈 goodness that really made me so blushy, hahaha.
thank you for taking your time to write that. it always warms my heart to read these and wow, omg, you just really wanted to fluster me today, did you? ASHFIAOZNA thank you so much for this. my heart... i have no words. it just made my day so much better too, haha. bless your kind soul, i loved reading it all 😭🤍
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barnesandrogersfanfics · 4 years ago
Ocean Eyes - Part 10
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A/N- Another update??? What is going on??! hope you all enjoy this part 💕 Please like/share/reblog.
Within days of being back home from our weekend at Chris's the lockdown was announced and I spent a day packing up some of mine and Masons belongings that we might need while staying with Chris. While i was feeling very nervous about having to spend this time with Chris, Mason was over the moon! He was so excited that we had to go stay with Chris and Dodger.
Chris arrived early with Scott and they loaded our things into Chris's car.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" Scott said happily.
"Are you staying at Chris's too?"
"I am!"
"Oh god that means you're gonna be trying to get me drunk!"
"Well duh!" He laughed shrugging like it should have been a given.
"God help me you two are gonna be trouble" Chris said shaking his head as he helped Mason into his carseat.
"You knew what you were getting yourself into".
While Chris and Scott started bickering i turned and saw Brian coming out of his house, he stood and watched us and then started to walk towards us.
"Oh shit.... quick lets go, Brians coming over!"
"This guy!" Chris said through gritted teeth shaking his head and looking a little pissed off.
"Morning neighbour!" Brian called out, i turned and gave a quick wave.
"You and Mason leaving?"
"Yep, we're gonna ride this out with family" i nodded and felt Chris wrap his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him.
"Come on sweetheart we should go"
"Yeah sure, take care Brian"
"Wait, you look so familiar...." Brian suddenly said looking more closely at Chris "where have i seen you before?"
"I just have one of those faces, i get that a lot" Chris shrugged casually opening my door for me.
"Yeah maybe..... hey Y/N, i was thinking after this lockdown is over maybe you and i can get dinner...."
Was he serious right now??
"Dude really??!....." Chris snapped looking at Brian shaking his head.
Chris closed my door and stood towering over Brian as they exchanged words i could no longer hear. Chris was soon strutting round to the driver side of the car while Brian stood there looking pissed. I turned to look at Chris as he got into the car, he was fuming. He started the car and pulled away onto the road, his grip on the steering wheel so tight his knuckles went white.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked him quietly.
"I will be knowing you and Mason are away from that creep"
"What did you say to him?"
"We'll talk about it later, i don't want Mace to hear"
"Okay, but can you please try and calm down....."
"Im Fine"
"Tell your face that, plus you're kinda white knuckling the steering wheel there....."
"Sorry.... sorry. Im fine really...." he loosened his grip and gave me a tight lipped smile.
"Always so protective" Scott chuckled from the back seat earning him a glare in the rear view mirror.
"Scott i swear to god...."
"Come on boys behave, this lockdown hasn't even started yet and you're bickering"
"You sure you don't wanna go stay with Ma....." Chris muttered at Scott making us all laugh.
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The first week of lockdown quickly passed, there was no news on when the lockdown would let up so we were all just enjoying our time together.....It was just like old times. I called my mom and Hannah everyday just to check in and have some female conversation but other than that it was just me and the Evan's boys in our little quarantine bubble.
I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Chris walked in sporting a new haircut..... the buzzcut was back!
"Wow...... you've shaved your hair...."
"Yeah" he run his hand over his head blushing a little "fancied a change, its been a long time since i can just cut my hair when i want"
"Right, Marvel owned it before"
"You know i'm right" i shrugged "i always did like the buzzcut look though"
"Yeah i remember....." he smirked.
"Morning family!" Scott said loudly walking into the kitchen "What happened to your hair??"
"Fancied a change, plus now i haven't gotta worry about my hair everyday"
"You know that actually sounds kinda smart..... have you seen my bed head??"
"Kinda hard to miss Scotty" i snickered behind my hand looking at his hair that was sticking up left, right and centre.
"Maybe i should do it too"
"And me!" Mason said smiling big at us "i want hair like dads too!"
"Oh my god Chris what have you started..."
"No its fine, its only hair. It'll grow back right.... i guess now is as good a time as any for a haircut".
After breakfast Chris took Mason for his hair cut while i showered and dressed for the day. The next time i saw them all three were sporting buzzcuts and i had to admit it was very cute!
"Let me get a photo of you three, this is just too cute to pass up" i smiled grabbing my phone. I snapped a few photo's and forwarded them to Chris and Scott before setting one as my lock screen and slipping my phone back into my pocket.
"Oh my god i love this.... i'm gonna get this blown up and framed on my wall" Chris smiled looking at the photo.
"Let me get one of you three" Scott jumped up and pulled me towards the sofa where Chris and Mason still sat.
"Oh.... we dont have to do that....."
"Come on, it'll be nice to have at least one photo of the three of us" Chris said looking up at me with those damn ocean eyes of his that always made me week.
"Okay, sure" i nodded taking the seat next to Mason.
"Move in a bit closer....." Scott said trying to get us all in frame, we both leaned in closer to Mason and smiled while Scott took the photo.
"Oh i'm good..... this is great you guys" Scott said before both our phones were receiving photo's from Scott. I couldn't help the smile on my face when i saw how lovely the photo had come out.
"Okay you did good, i love this"
"This ones going up too by the way" Chris looked at me with a huge smile.
"You don't have to do that...."
"You kidding me? I want to"
"Fair enough, its your house. I just don't think your girlfriend will appreciate it much".
"Okay..... who wants lunch??" Scott asked loudly interrupting, it had suddenly got a bit awkward at the mention of Lindsey so i just got up quickly and followed Scott into the kitchen.
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Once Mason was in bed for the night the alcohol came out. We watched some old movie (that Chris found hilarious) played some card games which somehow led to childish drinking games and before we knew it we were all pretty wasted!
"Right you guys i'm going to bed, i physically can not drink anymore" Scott said getting to his feet and stumbling making Chris and I laugh.
"Dude you're such a lightweight" Chris rolled his eyes at his brother.
"Shut up. Goodnight.... love you both"
"Night Scotty, love you" i smiled up at him from where i was laying on sofa.
"Night bro, love ya".
Chris and I sat in silence for a few minutes, just the sounds on the TV playing in the background.
"You want another beer?" He asked getting up from the armchair he had been occupying all night.
"Sure, i'll have one more before bed".
While Chris went to grab the beers i sat and reached for my phone to make sure i hadn't missed any messages from my mom or Hannah. There was a photo from Hannah that made me laugh just as Chris walked back in with the beers.
"Hannah just sent me this photo..." i said to him turning my phone to show him a photo of Lucas who now had a buzzcut.
"Haha! Oh god i really started something didn't i?" He laughed looking a bit guilty.
"I sent her a photo of Mason's new haircut earlier, she said Lucas wouldn't shut up about wanting the same.... looks like he got his way"
"You gotta admit it looks cute though?"
"Yeah okay i'll give you that. Mason is like your little mini me, even more so than usual"
"He’s just missing the beard"
"I think we've still got some time until that happens" i laughed "you definitely have strong genes Evans.....that boy literally inherited none of my looks"
"No but he's got your attitude and sass"
"Im kidding.... mostly"
"Ass" i muttered shaking my head at him before taking a mouthful of my beer.
"He might look like me but his personality is all you sweetheart... he's an amazing kid"
"Yeah he is, id be lost without him"
"I kinda love having you both here" Chris added avoiding eye contact with me.
"Its been nice, just remember its not permanent...."
"I know, i know" he nodded quickly "you know when i came in and saw you laughing at your phone, my first thought was that it might've been Derek.... i hate that guy and i don't even know him" he scoffed "how sad is that?"
"I know, its none of my business who you date or whatever"
"You're right it is none of your business. But just for the record, there's nothing going on with Derek, we were gonna go for dinner before this lockdown stuff but i haven't spoken to him since"
"Can i ask you something?" I turned to face him, he looked up and nodded finally looking at me.
"Why isn't Lindsey here?"
"Why isn't Lindsey staying with you? I mean you guys are obviously serious if you came looking for that divorce but she isn't here....."
Chris looked away again coughing to clear his throat.... was he nervous??
"Lindsey isn't here because i ended it"
"What?... when?"
"When i found out i had a son. When i saw you again and realised anything i thought i felt for her was a lie"
"Are you fucking with me right now?"
"No. Im just being honest. Y/N, i know i fucked up when i ended things with us.... it was the biggest mistake of my life and i regret it everyday.... but i never stopped loving you. Not for one god damn second...."
I suddenly felt very sober, my heart pounding in my chest.
“You’re just saying this because you’ve had too much to drink...” i muttered shaking my head.
“You’re probably right, doesn’t mean its not true. Ive just been keeping it to myself” Chris suddenly got up and came to sit next me taking hold of my hand “i know my timings sucks but i just needed you to know..... and i just need to know if there is any chance at all that you’d give me another chance.....”
“Chris i really don’t think now is a good time to talk about this.... we’ve both had too much to drink..... if you’re serious about this i think we need to have this conversation sober”
“But you’re willing to have that conversation?”
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow” i nodded pulling my hand free and standing up “i’m gonna go to bed.... goodnight”.
I had to put some distance between us before i did something id regret in the morning.
It was safe to say i wouldn’t be getting much sleep tonight.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
@jakiki94 @torntaltos @buchanansebba
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morimallow · 5 years ago
Dive With Me
⚠ : slight (?) NSFW in the beginning.
pairing: Hoshiumi Korai x reader because he be second to my Morisuke.
“K-Korai..!” you called out his name as you tightened around his dick. “Slow down.. a-ahh..” You grabbed the edge of the headboard to gather some strength because he was pounding into you real good. He was filling you to the brim, hitting the exact same spot over and over again.
He leaned closer to you with his mouth dangerously near your ear. Hearing his soft grunts and heavy breathing just turns you on even more than before. “If you want me to slow down, you have to beg,” he pulls out his thick cock until only the tip is in, he continued, “louder, for my name,” he thrusts in you in one swift harsh move, “and harder, my darling.” You clenched your dripping pussy upon hearing that endearment he only uses in bed.
You moaned and screamed his name as he thrusted in and out of you harder and faster. “Fuck, baby. Are you trying to milk me, huh? You feel so fucking good.” Without a word, you squeezed him inside you as you ride out your orgasm prolonged by your boyfriend's hot groans and marks by sucking your neck. Korai followed you and came inside, his thick cum filling up the condom haha u thought practice safe sex.
After resting for a bit, he stood up in all his crowning glory I mean dude he's seriously hot threw the condom in the trash bin and went back to the bed spooning you.
He placed soft open-mouthed kisses on your shoulder and nape, secretly trying to look at your phone screen.
“Korai, love,” you started and he hummed in response, his all attention on you. “Can we adopt?”
He moved his hand from your waist down and started drawing soothing circles on your stomach. “Why? Is one of us infertile or something? We can just make one. You should've told me to stop using con—” You cut him of by your hysterical laughter.
“Fuck!” You continued laughing, grabbing his hand tightly around your stomach as it starts to hurt. Then finally, you said, “But we can't make a whale, babe. I want a whale.”
Right then, you were now laying on your back and you see in your peripheral vision that your boyfriend is staring at you— blankly. After a while, he said breathlessly, “Are you serious right now? You're unbelievable.”
“But I really want a whale. Midnight is so cute!” you tried to reason out to him. You had your obsession with whales when you were in junior high. These large mammals roam in vast and calm oceans that you just wanna swim with them forever. You were a professional diver even before you started college and graduated from a prestigious school, earning your bachelor's degree in Marine Biology and now you're taking up Cetology for further studies.
Seeing that your boyfriend is still not convinced, you straddled his stomach, completely forgetting that you're butt-naked. Placing one of your gentle hands on his hard and toned chest, you gave him your puppy eyes, “Just look at him!” you exclaimed as you held out your phone to him, picture of Midnight's tail above the water.
And with that, Korai almost gave in to your charms like he always does. He placed his rough and calloused hands on your hips, “Baby, we can't possibly home a huge ass whale here—” and you snapped. You know Korai doesn't share the same love for whales as you do but he should at least know it's illegal to take whales from their natural habitat.
You got up and stood by the bed and said with such disappointment, “Home a whale? That's what's impossible. It's an adoption! It's just a certificate but the staff would take care of him. They'd just send us pictures and videos of our baby and that's it.” You stomped towards the bathroom, with your back facing him, you said, “You should've at least known that I'd never adopt a whale to live in our house but to help them,” entered the room and slammed the door at his gaping face.
Feeling irritated at your actions, Korai decided to share this to his team and get their opinions.
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“Even you, Kageyama? Seriously,” he scoffed and went out for his early morning run. You usually go together but you're both irritated so Korai decided to just ignore you.
Walking out of the bathroom, you saw that Korai was no where to be found. Maybe I hurt him..? You tend to not think of someone's feelings when it comes to whales. Guessing that he won't be back until lunch or probably until dinner, you went to your university to continue your lab research. If he'll ignore you then might as well ignore him too.
You couldn't concentrate on your research and your professor suggested you go home early and come back when you feel better. You agreed, thinking that your boyfriend was waiting for you to come home and you'd make your dinner together but when you got home, it was empty. It was cold and just.. dull. He's not here. It's just a house.
Trying to be optimistic, you started to make dinner. Since your boyfriend is an athlete, you made him something which is low in carbs and high in protein. You were always thoughtful and observant — keeping tabs on every little detail about him. Like how he crunches his nose when he blushes, how he kisses your forehead when he has early morning practice, the way he moves making the smallest sounds possible because he doesn't want to wake you up..
An hour passed. Two, three, four..
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You lost count and fell asleep in the dining room.
You've had enough. Alright, Y/N, you're going to the university, finish Chapter 4, pass it to professor, continue your experimentation, go for an evening jog and don't think of Korai. Who cares if you're getting busy the day before your birthday? Not like your boyfriend will throw an unexpected party or at least come home, right? You're pathetic. And you did just that.
Sun shining through the window, you slowly opened your eyes. You looked at the clock and it was already 11AM. Maybe he's home. You ran towards the door, with the biggest smile on your face, to see if his shoes are there. And they weren't.
You came home at around 21:32 and you're beat, so, you took a quick shower and went to bed, not bothered by the fact that he didn't come back.
The soft mattress of the bed left your back and was replaced by two strong and muscled arms. It was warm. It was home. It was Korai. You didn't believe that he was here carrying you to who-knows-where. But even so, guilt was eating you up and you said to the dream Korai, “I'm so sorry, love,” and you sniffled a cry. The dream Korai kissed your forehead and then a peck to your lips. “I'm sorry too, my love, but I need you to go back to sleep, okay?” He's not real but you muttered an okay back anyway.
When you dream, you always end up waking up on the floor not unless Korai is holding you in your sleep but you didn't expect that you'd wake up in a different.. soft bed. You slowly sat up because you were kinda dizzy. Maybe you did fall off the bed but the small window inside the room said otherwise. It was still dark out, probably dawn. Your boyfriend's Adlers jacket caught your eyes. It was hung beside the window with a pair track pants and your favorite shirt from Korai's closet. Feeling a little chilly, you wore the given clothes and tucked your hands inside the pocket of the jacket. You felt a paper and took it out. It read: Come to the upper deck, baby. There are signs so you won't get lost. I'll be waiting.
You saw him leaning slightly over the railings. With the strong wind and waves crashing against the ship, he couldn't hear you walking towards him. You placed your arms around his torso, placing your hands against his rock-hard abs to keep it warm. “You weren't a dream after all,” you whispered more to yourself as you tightened your grip around him.
“I'm always real,” he replied as he took one of your hands and putting it up to his lips to kiss it. It was warm. It was real. Clenching your hand to a fist, you pressed your forehead against his back and held back the tears. “You're here. You came back..”
He turned around and held your chin with his thumb and index finger to look into your eyes. His features softened even more as he saw your tears. He cupped your cheek and held you by your waist, pulling you closer to him and pressed his lips against yours. You missed this. You missed him. The kiss was slow and passionate. You pulled for a brief moment to tilt your heads and came back to each other's lips. Eyes closed, bodies in one big bubble, and hearts connected. He pulled away and you chased his lips and slowly opened your eyes. He has this mischievous glint in his eyes. You know he saw you wanting for more and you blushed looking down.
“Fuck this,” you muttered. You wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your tip-toes, and kissed him again. This time, longer.
He snaked his arms around your waist and backed you up against the railing. He bit and nibbled on your plump lower lip as he pulled away, out of breath. He placed an open-mouthed kiss on your exposed neck and you moaned at the warmth.
“Let's go back to our room, yeah? It's quite cold,” he stated as he ran his hands through your hair.
“Carry me? You're warm,” you showed him your puppy eyes and super pouty lips, result of your intense kiss.
He shook his head and smiled at your cuteness. He spread his arms and said, “Jump,” and you did. He immediately supported your body as your wrapped your arms and legs around him, burying your head in the crook of his neck and dozed off.
You woke up again in a moving vehicle but this time, you were blindfolded.
“Korai! Are you fucking serious?!” you shouted because you have no idea where your boyfriend is seated or whether he is in the vehicle.
Series of laughters and uh-oh's erupted as someone chuckled beside you and kissed your cheek. “Don't worry, love. We're close. I just hope you're ready for this.” You scoffed, said fine, and squeezed his hand.
After a while, the vehicle stopped. The door was opened and Korai tugged your hand. As soon as you were outside, you asked, “The ocean..?”
Korai guided you to an office. You heard him say, “Mr. Hoshiumi. Yes.. yes. Thank you.”
“Ko-chaaaaaan, tell me what's happening. Take of—” And he really did take off your blindfold. He handed you a paper bag and instructed, “Go change into that. The changing room is up ahead to the right. I'll wait for you here.”
In less than 3 minutes, you came back to the spot and screamed, “I'M GOING DIVING?!” with so much excitement that the staff started to laugh quietly. You eyed your boyfriend. The wetsuit hugging his toned body and it occurred to you.. “YOU'RE DIVING WITH ME?”
Double-checking whether your gears are properly secured, your eyes caught a whale, leaping out of the water. You're frozen in the spot. “Korai..”
“Hmm?” he replied, busy with the equipment.
“I saw Midnight,” you said to him. Then, you turned to the staff who was with you and asked, “The whale who just leapt. That was Midnight, right? Tell me I'm right.”
As she was about to answer, the sound of a whale diving back into the water entered your ears. You whipped your head and just saw the tail. Your eyes widened. “Holy fucking shit, Korai! It really is Midnight!” you whisper-shouted to him.
His eyebrows furrowed and confusion was clear on his handsome features, “How do you know? You just saw it's tail.”
“What? Don't whales all look the same?”
You can't help but roll your eyes at his question. “Of course not. Whales are identified and and named by their tails. His name is Midnight because his whole tail is a dark shade of blue.”
“Oh, good. Now I can identify my son as well,” he said to you smiling. You melted at the sight but then you realized..
“Son?! You adopted Midnight?!” you whisper-shouted at him again.
“Yes, and why are you whisper-shouting? You can just voice out your excitement, you know?”
You glared at him, “Excuse me, Hoshiumi Korai. You must know that whales could be gravely affected by noise pollution.”
After diving into the water with Korai and the staff, who is holding a camera, maybe for documentation of something, you quickly searched for Midnight.
With your keen eye, you spotted him and quickly swam towards him, Korai and the staff followed behind, so you could bond with him.
While swimming with the adopted whale with so much joy, Korai grabbed your hand and made you face him.
You gave him a questioning look and it was answered the time he pulled out a small box and opened it. You were shocked.
You pulled the him upwards, heads now above the water. You quickly took off his mouthpiece and goggles. As you locked eyes with him, he knew the answer.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close, he held the box tightly in his hand and you wrapped yours around his neck.
Your lips met. The saltwater or probably tears joining in your mouth. He pulled away, pressed his forehead against yours and held your left hand. As he slipped the ring and kissed you once again, Midnight leapt just behind you. And the staff captured this perfect moments.
After getting the certificate of adoption and the whale brochure, you were now in the upper deck with Korai by your side, enjoying the full-blown formal engagement party planned by your fiance's rivals and now friends back in his highschool days.
With a drink in his hand, a light brown-haired man approached you. You recognized him as one of Korai's teammates in the Japanese National Team.
“Congrats, man. I was gonna let you pay double for the rent if Y/N-san here didn't accept your marriage proposal,” Yaku-san said and laughed lightly. He acknowledged you by bringing his cup of wine lightly towards you and you did the same.
“Thanks and as if I'd pay double. Go away. Shoo!”
“Oh, you're dissing the owner of the ship now? How bold, Hoshiumi-san,” then Yaku started to walk away. When he was near the door, he shouted, “Pay triple, you fucktard!”
As Korai was babbling incoherent words, probably insults, you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the side of the deck where no one can see you. Looking down and pinching his blazer, “Give it me.”
“Give to you what?”
“Your coat! Let me wear it.. ”
He hugged you tight and placed his chin on top of your head, “Why, my fiancee? Want to show your possessio—”
“My nipples are hard, goddamn it, Korai!” you said it directly at his chest. He pulled away looked at your body. You looked extra ravishing tonight as you wore a red silk dress—low cut to show enough cleavage, a slit up just below your hip, spaghetti straps and your lower back fully exposed.
“You're so perfect I want to pound into you until you can't attend university for your degree but I'll deal with you later,” he said as he took of his coat and draped it over your shoulders.
“Let's go greet some more guests,” he said and started to walk towards the crowd.
Feeling a little bolder, you grabbed his tie and pulled him towards you, nose touching.
Maintaining eye contact, you licked his upper lip and said seductively, “Can later be now, darling?”
He groaned into the crook of your neck and replied, “I'm gonna give you the best birthday present yet.”
M. List
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arctickat2400 · 4 years ago
Safe Is Overrated <> Peter Parker
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Anonymous Request: Can you please write a Peter Parker x reader tangled au story or the little mermaid au story???
Note: This was an interesting one. I'm not sure how much of an AU it is. I had a bit of a hard time writing it, all these different thoughts and ideas that may or may not have made it in. But, I think it came out fine. Two parts. Please request more; I need ideas; and I hope y'all enjoy!
* * *
“Mom, I’ll be fine. I always am.” I told her when she wouldn’t listen to my pleads. Instead, she ignored my desires and continued making dinner.
“No, Y/N. I told you, it’s not safe out there. I’m not sure why we’re still having this conversation. It’s going nowhere.” Mom said. She seemed so nonchalant about all of this, even as my voice rose.
“But, you never let me see him. And who cares if it isn’t safe out there? You can’t keep me locked up in here,” I gestured to our decent-sized, two-bedroom New York apartment. “I’m gonna have to leave at some point. What’re you gonna do when I go off to college? Are you just not gonna let me go? You keep me here every second of every day. It’s a mystery how I even met Peter,” It’s actually not. He lives in the building across the street and he helped me with my boxes and things when we first moved in several years ago and we have been friends ever since. I have had a crush on him for a while, wondering what could happen between us if my mom would just let me go someplace other than the damn living room and bathroom.
“I need to be able to go out and hang out with people, make friends, get a job, try New York food, smell the New York air, and feel the ocean breeze on my skin,” I argued.
“You can feel and smell all those things from the terrace right outside your bedroom window. You do it every day…”
“That’s beside the point. I need to go out. Walk around, do the things you should be telling me to do but don’t because you won’t let me leave. I need to leave!” I raised my voice and mom finally turned around.
“Y/N, I told you no! You will not be leaving this house and you will no longer bring it up, do you understand?” She took me by surprise. She’s never yelled at me before. I for sure quieted down at this.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” I apologized under my breath as I made my way back to my room. Whiskey lifted his head at the sound of me entering my room. The Australian Shepherd is my best friend, besides Peter of course. My mom bought him for me one day, back before we moved here because she “felt bad” that I couldn’t go out and make any friends, even though it’s her that was keeping me from doing so. Whiskey has always been there for me. He always cheers me up. He would sleep with me at night, watch movies with me, comfort me when I’m sad or stressed, would help me with my homework and online classes. He’s honestly the best friend and dog anyone could ask for.
I opened my window to let some fresh air in, looking across the street and seeing Peter’s lights on in his room. I stepped out onto my terrace, Whiskey jumping off my bed and following, and, where most terraces had stairs going up to the following floors, mine had locked up gates preventing me from going anywhere. But, mom bought me all these nice pillows and blankets that I piled up to make a nice place to chill out and be comfortable. Not that it makes up for locking me up, but it was something.
I lived on the top floor of a 20 story building. You’d think I’d be scared of heights when it came to this and would avoid coming to the terrace. But it gave me peace and sincerity. It keeps me calm being out here. I could see a lot of the city up here. It was best at night. I could see every light in the city. Sometimes I’d stay out in the very later hours of the night just to stare at the lights, imagining what it would be like to see them up close. Whiskey made everything better. Just by being around, he grounds me, keeps me on my feet. He’s always at my side.
It seemed like Peter was quite concentrated. Possibly building something for his job or creating something that he brainstorms in his unusually smart mind. Every few seconds, he would pace past his window, each time with a different part or piece of equipment. I’ve never been to his room. I’ve always wanted to. It seems so homey and comfy. I’ve heard a lot about his Aunt May as well. She seems so sweet, very fun to be around, but I’ve never met her either, unfortunately.
Just then, my phone vibrates against the bricks of the windowsill. Peter was calling.
Peter: Hey, Lone Wolf.
That was Peter’s nickname for me whenever he caught me on the terrace since I seem so lonely and have no one to hang out with.
Y/N: Hey, Peter. Whatcha up to?
Peter: Oh, nothing. You would think it’s boring, anyway.
Y/N: It doesn’t look like nothing with all that pacing back and forth you’re doing, and you know I wouldn’t think it’s boring, but okay, if you don’t want to tell me.
I watched Peter open his own window and climb out onto his terrace. He smiled when we sat down and saw me watching him. Whiskey lifted his head off my leg once he sensed that Peter had come out. Whiskey loves Peter.
He has a doggy door so he’s able to go out when he wants or needs. The doorman downstairs opens the door for him, such a sweet man, the few times I met him. Every time Whiskey went outside, he would run to Peter every time he walked by, either leaving or going home. Peter would welcome him with open arms and Whiskey would be so happy, running around and jumping with joy, a feeling I wish I could experience with Peter.
Peter: Haha, very funny. Anyways, wanna come over? Aunt May is making (your favorite meal), your favorite.
Y/N: Peter, you know I can’t. I haven’t been able to in the past, what makes you think I can now?
Peter: I don’t know. A guy can hope, ya know? He seemed very disappointed. Seems like an ongoing emotion.
Y/N: I get it. You know I do. I’m gonna go shower before dinner. I’ll talk to you later, Peter. Hanging up, the sadness and disappointment worse than before, I climb back through my window, Whiskey following behind, but not without missing the same expression on Peter’s face as was on mine.
Hearing knocking on the bathroom door, “Y/N, dinner’s ready. I’m leaving for my night shift. I’ll see you in the morning.” Mom mentioned as I stood in the shower, the warm water cascading over my face and body, calming music playing in the background as I contemplate my life, or lack thereof.
I don’t answer her. She knows I won’t. She works at a hospital a few blocks away. Every night she works the night shift, sometimes taking some day shifts every now and then. She likes to stay home with me, just in case I need anything, and then she works while I’m asleep.
Staying in the shower a few minutes longer, I step out, wrap myself in a warm towel, wringing my hair out and walk into my room to dress in some comfy clothes. I pick up my phone to see I have a text from mom.
You know I’m just trying to keep you safe right? I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you.
I understand where she’s coming from. I always have. But, it’s just so irrational, her wanting to keep me inside all the time.
I know, mom. I love you, too. Have a nice shift. See you later. I text back. I guide myself to the dining room to grab some dinner, which, coincidentally, was meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Grabbing some grape soda from the fridge, I make my way back to my room to see Whiskey eating his food. Mom probably fed him before she left. Sitting at my desk, I put on a movie to watch, putting my feet up, and enjoying dinner.
That was until something hit my window. I ignored it, thinking it was some kids from the lower floors somehow throwing rocks at the weird girls’ window, and taking another bite of dinner. But, when it happened again, I set my food down, paused my movie, and went to my window, only to see Peter hanging from the rooftop in front of my window.
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genshin-hours · 4 years ago
hey!! i would like to request a match up if those are open :))
i'm a 4"11 girl with long black hair and i wear eyeglasses. my personality is a little aloof and reserved, but getting to know me better i'm a little more expressive and bubbly. i'm very easy to talk to, but i never make the first move and mind my own business half of the time.
i'm a zodiac libra with an mbti infj and ennegram 5w4 (if that helps HAHA)
i play the piano, and also drink tea while reading books. i'm very intrested in crime mystery, like forensics science and crime forensics. i tend to get a little philosophical with the topic of life and death, and i ask a lot of questions when i really get into the topic. i do competitive figure skating and ballet at the side as my hobby!
i'm very relaxed in a relationships, i'm very understanding and trusting to those in need, but my walls are a little frustrating to get over to understand where i'm trying to get at. i forgetto get any sleep at all, and i'm a workaholic coming to assignments and paperwork.
thank you so much! i absolutely love your work.
I match you with andrew kreiss!
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andrew usually doesn't make the first move either, but he probably related to your reserved and slightly aloof demeanor, and attempted to start a conversation
after that you two just end up talking and finding out you get along well
he is more quiet and calm, but he finds your bubbly personality undeniably cute
he thinks it balances out his own gloomy self, but you'll have to assure him he is lovely as well
he is very self conscious, so please reassure him that he is wonderful and you love him
he loves hearing you play the piano, and he might just request a few songs he knows from church
andrew also loves to read and share some tea with you, he will usually share his favorite books and tea types with you for some cozy afternoon dates
andrew would probably find mysteries pretty interesting, and though he usually sees the twists coming, he enjoys reading them with you
especially if you read them out loud to him while he rests on the bed wrapped up in fluffy blankets next to you
he can admire your philosophical discussions, and while he has a lot of thoughts, he doesn't say much, only adds in a little hear and there.
he prefers to hear you talk actually
would absolutely love to see you dance and figure skate. his eyes go wide when he sees how graceful you look, and at the end of every performance, he is there with a bouquet of flowers and a bright red face
showers you in compliments, calls you his queen, goddess, etc.
he just adores you so much and he thinks you're the most amazing woman in the world
andrew appreciates how understanding you are, and he will try to shy away from any remotely nice things you may say to him.
don't let him. kiss his face in between every compliment. call him your love, prince, honey, etc.
he feels unworthy, but every day makes him feel closer to you and you get one step closer to making him love himself
andrew tries to make sure you stop working every so often
he likes to cook and bake and usually makes you stop to eat meals by setting things down right in front of you or calling you down for dinner
he will try to help you get through any work you have as much as he can, but he is really there for emotional support
he is often very cold, and likes being wrapped in your arms even though you're tiny.
he also likes curling around you since you're so small. it makes him feel strong and protective.
honestly, this man loves you so much. kiss his forehead, tell him you love him. his heart is already yours.
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