#I'm whining again...sorry
alex-guerin · 3 months
I had a Death Wish when I left for work today. I was backing out of the driveway and saw something hanging from our little garden flag. I had noticed it last night when I got home but thought it was something Coonhound related (we have 3 and my mom is obsessed with them so....). So, I hadn't thought anything of it.
Then I saw it...a flag with Trump's mugshot on an old fashioned wanted poster saying, "WANTED FOR PRESIDENT" I slammed on my breaks, threw my Jeep in park, got out and ripped it off it's little flag pole so fast I'm surprised nothing ripped or broke. I crumpled it up and threw it on the floor of the front seat and left for work. Got to work and took this ransom photo
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Which I then proceeded to send to my mom along with this message
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Now, I admit, I probably should have phrased some things differently, and I probably should have left out the swearing, and waited until I cooled down a bit before texting her,but every time I saw that damned flag, I'd just get pissed off all over again, so I gave no fucks and did it anyway.
Unfortunately, my mother had a reply of her own.
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I left her on Read.
Now, nowhere did I happen to mention God or religion when I texted her. So where did this rant about God come from? And secondly, me going to college was HER idea. I did not WANT to go to college and be up to my eyeballs in debt. I couldn't think of anything that interested me enough to want to get a degree in that would make me any money. This didn't matter to her. She didn't care if I, and I quote, "get a degree in Underwater Basket Weaving! Just get a degree in SOMETHING!" so that I wouldn't end up working in a warehouse like she had for so many years.
Well. Oops? Looks like that backfired on her and now she's mad cuz I'm working in a warehouse and I have a different view of things from her. Both her fault.
Anyway, I digress.
When I got home, this took place...
I walked in the door, said hi to the dogs, gave Goose his medicine and went to go upstairs...
Mom: WHERE is my flag?
Me: *having folded it up respectfully instead of throwing it out in the garbage at work like I wanted to* Under the cookies I brought home on the counter.
Mom: Good! It better be.
Me: *walking behind her at her computer to get to the stairs, rolling my eyes and trying not to let out an audible sigh of resignation. Get to the stairs...*
Mom: And I do NOT appreciate you infringing on MY First Amendment Rights! This is the SECOND TIME you've done it to me, and it's going to stop!
Me: *under my breath, pretending not to have heard her* Ah yes. Good ol' Freedom of Speech. The only one the Trumpers know, and they are the only ones allowed to exercise it...
Now, dear well-meaning friends...please do not tell me I need to get out of this house (I already know this, I've known for a while, keep walking please), that I do not HAVE to stay here (will you find me a cheap apartment that will let me keep my cats and is close to work...), believe me when I say...no fucking shit. However, as already stated, it's very difficult to find apartments less than 40 minutes from my job that will let me have my boys. Believe me, I have looked. And the ones that WILL allow my boys, want a stupid amount of rent.
For those who fear my mother my throw me out...valid, I sometimes fear that myself. Then I remember, oh yeah, I pay my dad $440/month in "rent", which is literally half the mortgage payment. So even though my mom refuses to admit that I pay half the mortgage, and even though my name is nowhere on the mortgage paperwork, I am literally paying half the mortgage, and without my "rent" money...they wouldn't be able to make their mortgage payments. So they need me to stay so they don't risk losing the house. Thus, she won't kick me out.
I seem to have this knack for pissing her off. We butt heads on so many things, and I think part of what makes her so mad is that in the last few years, I've finally started trying to stand up for myself and not let her try to dictate my life for me. I'm not the timid little six year old who hangs off her every word and never questions anything, just blindly does what they're told. I have my own views. My own beliefs. My own opinions. And I don't think she likes that.
And what's worse, she likes to remind me that I'm just like my father...and I honestly can't remember the last time she had anything good or positive to say about him. I actually don't think I have EVER heard her truly say anything good or positive about him. She's always bitching to me about him. I think she also forgets I am half her DNA also. So like, I got her stubbornness and being ornery and independent streak.
😮‍💨 Sorry. I know people avoid RL Blogging and it's annoying to see someone whining about their life. I just needed to get it off my chest.
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demodraws0606 · 2 months
People complaining about Tsukasa5 already are pissing me off, because like, it's so unbelievably obvious what this event is trying to do and the fact that people are so hung up on "urgh dur tsukasa strong why can't he do a wall climb".
Like, first of all, a lot of Tsukasa's strength has been used as comedy before and also it's never been said that Tsukasa could specifically do a wall climb before so people calling this a retcon or a stretch is really dumb to me.
Sure we can make jokes about it, but this is not like a serious writing problem or anything.
Also are we just gonna ignore the fact this event is literally just a reference to his 3rd event in a silly trenchcoat. Or the fact that this is obviously meant to be WxS's downtime and training arc to prepare them to face the loose plotpoints in the future?
His inner dialogue when chasing the ninja is very clearly a reference to the whole Pheonix thing, how he can't reach it no matter how hard he tries.
The wall climb is like an extremely fucking on the nose metaphor to him climbing over his issues as an actor.
THERE IS ALSO THE WHOLE THING THAT HINTS THAT TSUKASA CAN ONLY OVERCOME HIS PROBLEMS IF HE HAS HELP FROM OTHERS (AKA tsukasa would've literally BEEN INJURED, if it wasn't for the fact the troupe's leader was there).
In fact this literally followed an event aka Tsukasa 4 where he FAILED to do his role correctly.
It's almost like this event is meant to be a transition point between Tsukasa 4 and 6, where Tsukasa builds up the knwoledge on how to face his problems.
But no this is just mid event because it's very silly and "wow plot is stupid why can't tsukasa wall climb".
WxS fans are slowly just turning into VBS fans in terms of how whiney they're being i swear
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beybuniki · 4 months
the todoroki piece will be up for tonight probably but i'll close my inprnt shop skdjns
long story short, I neither have the desire nor time to turn my art into a business/officially become a freelancer (yes it is that strict and i'm scared sorry sdjbcd,j) however small it might be. for some reason my platform has grown a lot and the more i try to offer to u guys, the more difficult it gets to separate personal/private and online and that is my nightmare, i want to keep my anonymity lmao, like this is just a silly hobby to me and i've been spending way too much time on my fanart endeavors when i have so many other things to do this year. I could go on and on but yeah, I'd like to go back to just posting art for free & do art trades/occasional kofi stuff SORRY
tysm for being so willing to financially support me, it genuinely makes me so happy to see so many people happily support artists <3
if you want my art on your walls you can print it yourself i don't think i'd mind that lol...
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cardos-talking · 3 months
every time i finish a piece i want to fckn drop art... even if i want to draw, this shit is so discouraging for some reason, it's been months and im tired
found this post in my drafts from april i think? but i still feel it so much, nothing has changed. idk why i keep drawing, just bc i have nothing else to do and i feel guilty to waste all those years i spent learning? idk. lately for some reason every small thing feels like a kick in the gut and i've been contemplating about stopping for a while. and considering health issues every art feels like the last now
I never feel like i belong anywhere, in any fandom i like, in any group that i might be invited to... it makes me feel a bit nicer when someone says that my art cheered them up a bit or sth but it's so temporary :( i miss the days when my art alone made me a bit proud like hell yeah i drew that (which there wasn't much of them either)
before i started posting my art online, i was drawing very rarely and only for myself or that one "friend" who either ignored it or said like cool or sth and changed the topic. I absolutely hated what i do. I spend years to start loving my art, i like what i drew during that "offline" period now, i liked what i did at the time and much of my confidence was coming from online support. And now it's all just gone??? all those years, gone in a few weeks it's so dumb. Idk why i write this or why anyone would read this i'm just so done
gonna push myself and keep goin yet again i guess
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greghatecrimes · 7 months
i have to go do more phone calls but guys. i'm sitting at my desk doing my work and I could literally cry tears of joy and relief at how well those electrolyte capsules i posted about earlier work. I didn't know it was possible to feel like this all the time 😭
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matadorofheart · 1 month
sk8 fandom complaining abt adam existing in promotional art for the new stuff is like if one piece fans got mad every time we found out the next season has luffy in it
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merevide · 1 year
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declawedwildcat · 10 months
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lumiereswig · 1 year
Do you still write fics?
Kind of, barely, not really. I don't know why, but I've been sort of burnt out on writing BATB lately—maybe I've said all I have to say about these characters, maybe it's just not the same now that the fandom has gone so quiet and you can only get a couple notes per thing, I don't know what it is. I've tried my hand at cracking into a couple really good prompts that were sent me (I see you guys! Thank you guys!), but I just can't get the characters to sing like they used to. It's like I'm writing caricatures of things I've written before; it doesn't feel as authentic or fresh, it just feels like jumping the characters through the hoops I know they would jump through. (And now Lumiere says the witty French thing. And Cogsworth says something witty and English back. And then Belle is clever. And then Plumette is soft—)
It bums me out, because when I do get in the mood I love scrambling around with these characters, but the last couple times I've written something I was really proud of nobody really looked at it or reblogged it—which then just makes it worse to put in the effort to write things (I used to throw fics off like nobody's business!) and then have no one see them. I know I'm a good writer, but putting in the time to write something with shared characters (I feel like fics are naturally a communal process, because the characters are shared among us, shifting all the time, traded around like favorite toys) and then hear nothing is just...idk man, a bummer! It's just a bummer. To take the risk of sitting down and being vulnerable writing something and then not having anyone see it makes the whole process a little harder to approach.
This ask has become entirely self-pitying, and a little self-indulgent, so forgive me for that. If you have a prompt (that I may or may not take you up on—more likely than not I will love it, and then love it too much to write it, and then sit on it sobbing thinking how much I love it), please go ahead and send it to me. If I see interest in the fics, I'll try to write a bit more. But to me it seems like the fandom has kind of settled down, or broken into cliques I don't really get into, and the effort of writing something long and loving doesn't feel right unless I know it's going to someone who wants it.
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hillbilly---man · 1 year
Trying to accomplish a whole weekend's worth of rest and recreation in the five hours before The Pain returns
This whole thing is weird as hell
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sparklingbinjuice · 11 months
can't believe i finished nanowrimo 4 times in a row and now i can barely get 4 words written in 4 days. i am shaking my fist at the heavens god why
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 years
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
this month I'm doing a challenge called 'how long can I procrastinate buying plane tickets to Germany for March before I go insane' ahahahahaha
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mieczyhale · 1 year
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@gay-jewish-bucky IT REALLY FUCKING IS. No matter what if it’s a canon gay couple it’s just not going to be good enough for the exact same people who complain about wanting more gay rep. Part of getting gay rep is accepting that we’re going to get rep for all kinds of gays, all kinds of relationships, all levels of relevance - not just the kind that some people want or deem acceptable.
We finally have what is, in my opinion, a pretty well balanced canon queer ship that isn’t just ~hints and eye contact~, that isn’t squeaky clean, that have meaningful conversations and show love and affection like it’s not a big deal. It’s treated on equal levels to any straight ship on the show and I think that’s a breath of fresh goddamn air tbh.
I know people are always going to complain, but this topic has gotta be one of the most annoying and most exhausting ones. People should be happy we get any kind of lgbtqa+ rep, and that that rep is getting not just more diverse over the years but better too. There’s never going to be Perfect Queer Representation and to bitch and hold out for it?? To nitpick the fuck out of every ship?? Why would you, y’know??
#sorry for ranting jksdhfkds#i feel ancient saying this - like a grandma regaling her grandkids with tales of walking to and from school in the snow barefoot - but#i remember when there were no canon queer ships on tv or in movies#there wasnt shit for any of us#no matter what your label was#and now we have enough canon ships and canon lgbtqa+ characters that people feel they're entitled to be picky??#like my dude we just started getting this kind of content in my teen + adult life#maybe appreciate how far we've gotten studios and companies to come in a relatively short amount of time#maybe appreciate the positive for 2 seconds before you start demanding stuff and whining when you dont get it. especially when it#wasnt promised to you  - btw. in regards to the ship i was talking about the showrunners said it was going to go down differently from#the books. they aged up the characters afterall + they were smashing 2 series together to create a whole new thing. they warned people#we got the canon ship. they put a lot of thought into writing it and the actors - who are big fans of the books - put a lot of thought#into acting it. that's the other thing!! actors who give a shit a bout providing quality queer rep!!! why are y'all not talking about that?#that's also not a given when it comes to people playing queer roles. there's a lot special going on here and to be so negative..#idk man it's doing a huge disservice to a lot of people + it ignores the progress made + it's whiny and annoying#i'm annoyed. does it show?? i think it might show#sdhjfsdkfs#sorry again for turning my reply into a rant. cole ur an angel and i love u#replies#maison speaks
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incorrect-mltd-quotes · 9 months
Happy New Year!
It's now 2024, where has all of the time gone? I hope the start of your year is as satisfying as how the days line up. I just love that sort of thing, shhh- Happy New Year, everybody!
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not-quitenormal · 10 months
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I see my nemesis has returned. (Hands.)
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