#I'm way happier now that I eat properly and hope I can get a bit more definition in time
smerchingaround · 2 months
Pretty happy with my """"fitness journey""" so far. Evidently I am no bodybuilder, nor am I putting in maximum effort nor time into my gym.
It has still been a long road with a lot of doubts, but I aim to keep improving bit by bit.
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changingplumbob · 8 months
Woods Household: Chapter 1, Part 7
In this final part of the chapter Samir gets a visit from his adoptive mother and brother, reminding all of us that Reece is the only one able to get more than one word or sentence from him. Samir gets ready for another shift where he tries to keep hold of his humanity.
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Low level content warning: Some sim spice and mentions of death
Kawikani: Maybe he’s not home
Yesenia: Of course he’ll be home
Samir: Visitors?
Yesenia: Better not be calling us that or you’ll disappear in two seconds flat. Come here honey, are you doing okay? You eating properly
Samir: Suppose
Kawikani: Still a man of few words huh bro
Yesenia: Now where is that boyfriend of yours? It really is high time I meet the boy my son is living with
Samir: Fishing
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Having seen guests approaching the house Reece packs up his gear and jogs back from the lake.
Yesenia: Oh look at these photos, very nice dude (she's a bro sim btw)
Samir: *smiles* Reece looks nice
Yesenia: Don’t be modest honey, you’re up here to
Samir: Suppose
Yesenia: I’m so proud of you for being brave enough to claim your home back, you know that right
Samir: *nods* Hmm
Kawikani: Reece, dude! Nice threads
Reece: Thanks
Yesenia: Is that my boys boyfriend?
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Reece: Hi Ms Mireles, I’m Reece
Yesenia: Gosh, you’re a lot… younger than I expected *looks at Samir with concern*
Kawikani: Scoring a younger partner, nice one
Samir: *blushes* Yeah. We fit together *blows kiss*
Reece: Aww, thanks
Yesenia continues to look worried and at a loss for words. Samir's brother however sees nothing wrong.
Kawikani: two sentences at once bro? This day is full of surprises
Yesenia: Now Kawikani, you know your brother doesn’t like to talk, don’t make fun
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Kawikani: Any updates on your parents case
Samir: Yes… werewolves?
Yesenia: I beg your pardon
Samir looks pleadingly at Reece who promptly takes over sharing what they’ve found. Samir figures Reece is better with words anyway, that's one reason why he loves to hear him talk. When Reece gets to the part about Samir turning into a werewolf Reece can feel Samir tense up, waiting on a response from his family.
Yesenia: Hopefully this will help you find some answers then. No matter what, I'll be your mother. But I know you need to know what happened to your birth parents
Samir: You don’t… mind?
Kawikani: Course we don’t bro, come here
Kawikani pulls his brother into a hug and Samir feels his chest lighten just a bit.
Kawikani: Besides, when have we ever been a typical family unit? Why not add werewolf to the mix. I seriously hope you find the bastard who killed your folks, I know you’ve always wanted a why
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Kawikani and Yesenia get talking and Reece pulls Samir aside.
Reece: You need to go for a run right? You're getting restless
Samir: But blondie I get the feeling mum...
Reece: Thinks I'm immature? Yeah, me to. But hey the best way to change that is for me to talk to her right
Samir: Just know I love you, no matter what she thinks
Reece: I know. I love you to, regardless of others approval or disapproval
Samir heads out for a run while Reece tries to win over Yesenia. She’s in a tense mood so Reece attempts to calm her emotions. She’s much happier after that and Reece hopes it’s a step in the right direction.
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Samir: They gone
Reece: Yep, the house is ours
Samir: Good because I need to mark again
Reece: *smiles* I have to admit, I find the claiming territory thing attractive as hell, even though puddles are included. You letting the other thousands of werewolves know this house is in your territory
Samir: You’re my territory blondie *howls* everyone out there should know *howls*
Reece: *blushes* but seriously, do you think there are others out there? Apart from whoever bit you
Samir: *shrugs* Maybe. There are... a lot of smells in those woods
Reece: Do you want to like-
Samir: Cozy up and make a werewolf bff pack, nope. You know I don’t do crowds
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Samir: I see you got books, good boy
Reece: And a bookshelf to put them in boss
Samir: Wait... why are half of them romance
Reece: *chuckles* You really wonder why I'd like to read about woohooing werewolves
Samir: Well... yeah. Why read when I can show you whenever your needy self wants?
Reece: *laughs* Not that I could ever say no to you but these books could help. Myths, legends and folklore have to come from somewhere right?
Samir: I mean that sound like the excuse of a- wait... I feel like there’s something in the margins here. Do you see?
Reece: I can't see what you're seeing
Samir: I can’t see it properly enough to read it… but it’s there
Reece: Maybe your eyes are still changing, give it time
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Reece: One sausage and peppers for me, one raw steak for you
Samir: *eating* thanks, it’s all I really feel like
Reece: Maybe I was wrong, if you catch all the food you eat then grocery cost shouldn’t be a challenge
Samir: Plus, the plate disappears, no dishes
Reece: Guess I’ll clean up my single dish before we head outside then, hey!
Samir: *eating* what
Reece: I thought you didn’t want to eat the meal
Samir: *chewing* I can’t resist food in front of me though
Reece: You’ll get an angry moodlet
Samir: *swallowing* worth it. Always worth it
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Samir: Okay, one planter box. How hard can that be really
Reece: Just remember to keep it all square
Samir: What’s a square again
Reece: *sarcastically* Wow, you’re hilarious
Samir: I’m glad you see- ouch
Reece: What happened
Samir: I got distracted by the plant evolving lights and hit my head
Reece: Blame the watcher, I normally do
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Reece: You ready for bed
Samir: Yeah. I just… it feels like I could turn tomorrow
Reece: If you do, you do. We’ll handle it
Samir: Any genius ideas of how
Reece: You take the house, I’ll take the outdoors?
Samir: *laughs* Fine, you get outside, this time. I suppose that makes sense if I’m not wanting to scare people. Now, you mentioned something about bed… woohoo and cuddles? But only cuddles after if you’re good
Reece: *giggles* such a task master
Samir: Come on. You show me what you think those books have taught you, and I'll show you some stuff I've read up on that involves your birthday gift
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In the morning Samir feels his internal rage nearing its peak and marks his territory out of habit before going to find Reece.
Samir: Hey gorgeous I don’t know how long I’ll be rampaging
Reece: I should have done scouts, then we could have used smoke signals
Samir: I mean... phones exist
Reece: Have it your way, but I'll still be listening out for when the howling stops
Following breakfast Reece heads outside and makes sure the external doors are locked. More than just wanting Samir to be safe inside, he doesn’t want any nosy sims trying to check out the howling. Especially not Sheriff Captain. The dew collector has broken, again, so he fixes it before foraging for wild berries.
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Samir has some leftover meat for breakfast. Not the freshest but still fresh enough. He wants to go hunting but doesn’t trust himself around others when he’s not in control of the fury within. He figures if he’s stuck inside, he may as well stress clean. He’s just finished in the bedroom when he feels the rage boil over and his body starts to shift.
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Reece spends the morning fishing, or trying to fish while listening to the semi regular howls. He could always catch something in Sulani, even if he’s nowhere near as skilled as his dad. In Moonwood Mill however the fish are having fun alluding him. After a very unproductive hour at the lake he decides to switch to the river that runs through town. While he gets a change of scenery he doesn’t have any luck catching more than seaweed.
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We need to mark what’s ours! No, no, we already did that. We need to do it again! Howl so Reece knows it’s not safe yet. No, howl so whoever that killer is they know not to mess with us.
Poor Samir deals with the battling voices in his head for an hour, marking his territory repeatedly and howling so much that he shoots up to being a prime werewolf! With more power seems to come more control and with a series of collecting breaths Samir is able to calm himself down, returning to his human form and unlocking transformation mastery.
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Adjusting back to his human form, Samir realises he’s standing amidst an abundance of puddles. He looks around, hoping he broke the sink. Nope, sink is fine, they have to be from him. Rather than feel ashamed at the mess Samir feels something resembling… pride? (his latest temperament is prideful) Of course he managed to pee more than could actually fit in his bladder, he’s clearly going to be a wolf not to be messed with. With a smug smile he sets about starting to mop up, the marking will stay but he doesn’t need the puddles damaging the already dodgy floor.
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Reece: *knocks* Can I come back in now
Samir: Sure blondie just… watch your step
Reece: I see you went to town with marking
Samir: And howling, my throat is killing me. But… I managed to turn back by myself!
Reece: That’s great! So it means you're getting some control over it, right?
Samir: It feels like it
Reece: Although that probably means whoever killed your parents…
Samir: Chose to do it in wolf form. Yeah. Hey, I need to get out of here. Come on a date with me?
The couple head back to the park in Cooperdale where they had their first not date of skipping prom together.
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The two take a seat and as per normal begin flirting up a storm with each other. It helps that the rain has kept most people away from the park, as Samir really doesn’t do crowds. When Reece pulls out some mistletoe for a special kiss however, Samir realises he does really do romance, cementing his identity as a romantic sim!
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Samir: So tell me blondie, are you truly okay with all that’s happened to us since we moved in together
Reece: I mean, it’s been a lot… *chuckles* wilder than I was anticipating, but yes. I’m better than okay, I’m with the guy I love. I’m happy
Samir: I love you to. Now you are still going to apply to university right
Reece: If you insist
Samir: I do. I don’t want trying to find out who killed my parents stop you from flourishing into the genius you are. Plus, there’s many ways we can study biology together
Reece: Have some ideas for that do you
Samir: *smiles wickedly* always
Reece: I mean there is a public bathroom over there if you felt like getting a head start on the curriculum
Samir: *kisses* clearly we still need to work on your patience. Let's go home
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Separate dinners eaten together, some wild and playful woohoo, and Reece and Samir fall asleep happy, if on the wrong sides of the bed. This is the end of their first chapter living together, but they’ve got many more stories ahead.
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thebaepatricia · 1 year
I Thought Training Was The Goal. As It Turns Out, It Is Simply The Gateway To Bigger, Better Things
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When I discovered weights lifting, I wanted to do more of it for fun. Then I did it for aesthetics. Then "expectation," because it's what I'm supposed to do. Now I'm doing it for performance and discipline.
I thought training would give me benefits just in itself alone.
But as it turns out, the discipline I gain from training cascades to other areas of my life. Slowly, it's helping me make conscious healthier choices even when I'm the only one who knows them.
I avoid using my phone at a certain hour at night even when it's tempting
I require proper lighting when working or reading because I don't want to make my eyesight worse
I listen to my body whether I need a bit more rest or I need to move more
I own up to my choices and take responsibility, so I can a) stop beating myself up and/or b) blaming others
At times, I don't recognize myself. Younger Patricia would have chosen to sleep at 2am, feeding her anxieties. She would have been emotionally sensitive, avoiding as many responsibilities and abusing "mental health" as an excuse to be lazy.
I can't say I'm no longer those people completely, but I'm definitely veering away from them.
In most cases, when we talk about progress, we often think of "moving forward." People hardly talk about the progress in simply not going backwards.
Not picking up another bottle of beer
Saying no
Ignoring the thought instead of giving in to impulses
Drinking, but not drunk texting your ex
Eating half a donut instead of half a box
We overvalue constant movement that we overlook the power of pause.
Inertia is also good; you don't always have to be in motion.
Inertia helps you regain balance and control, so you can start your engine, drive forward slowly and gain momentum until you can pick up speed. By knowing what not to do, you have better knowledge of what you should do.
Drive slower when you see a bump on the road. Look both ways, sideways, and all other ways. Don't hit pedestrians and pretend to be a GTA character. Most importantly, drive with caution; not with ego.
When you do all this, your passengers are safe and sound, you get to your destination properly, and your car is unscathed. Everybody's happy. Do it otherwise and you get the opposite results.
The same logic applies to training. And to life, in general.
If I'm going to be blunt, turning 30 was a pivotal moment for me. Had I not turned 30, I wouldn't think to slowly change my habits and live better, healthier.
Learning what I know now, would I do it all over again and start early? I'm not sure.
Sure, I could have started lifting at 15, stayed in my corporate job, not left my first serious boyfriend. All those things would have been possible in an alternate universe, but the lessons wouldn't have been as impactful.
I had to turn 30 to learn my lessons.
I had to wait for 30. It had to take that long. There was no other way. The lessons were being planted, but the changes didn't happen 15 years ago. Not even 5 years ago. They started happening 2.5 months ago, when I turned 30.
A small part of me feels sad that all those decades had to be spent making mistakes. But a bigger part of me is grateful that I know the lessons now and that I have the conscious freewill to make the next 30 years of my life better, happier, and healthier.
The biggest lesson I'm learning through all this to not put a period on things. As long as you're alive, you can keep learning, improving, and growing. Because there's more to life than fear, worries, and uncertainties.
There's hope, courage, perseverance, and success.
Life can still be beautiful. Embrace it while you can.
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
falling in love with a single mom hcs
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INCLUDES: nishinoya, tsukishima, yaku
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you spent a good part of your childhood with nishinoya, chasing away the dogs that had a penchant of scaring your best friend shitless, climbing trees and playing treasure hunt
it was funny, to say the least, seeing how he grew from such a scaredy-cat to the energetic and confident noya everyone knows
throughout highschool you watched him chase girl after girl and he watched you turn down guy after guy
the dynamic you two had was that of a feral gremlin child and its chill owner holding the leash and everyone, including you two, thought you would always be together
everyday was fun with nishinoya's energy hanging around you, no doubt
but when he asked you to travel the world with him right after graduation, he was met with a hesitant refusal
"i'm planning to go to college, yuu"
"it'll be fun, y/n! like going on an adventure!!"
"visit me once in a while"
his heart clenched at the way you smiled at him with teary eyes, "i can't change your mind can i?"
with a soft shake of your head, he sighed
he leaves in three days
the first few months of him being away were filled with calls and pictures of his trips, smile seemingly wider and brighter than before and a part of you regretted not coming with him
but college starts in a week, and with that came missed calls and ignored messages
at some point, neither of you just remembered to hit the other up, caught up with the stresses of your own life and before either of you knew it, 5 years have passed
he came to visit home for the first time in years, no longer the boyish noya you knew but he still had that warm aura around him
you were the first thought to come to mind the moment he step foot in town, his whole body buzzing with excitement at the mere thought of seeing you again
so of course he went straight to your house, feet taking step after memorized step and hands clutching bags of things he got from his travels
"Y/N!!!!!", he calls out as he enters your house which was answered with a harsh shushing
turning a corner he saw you in the living room, lovely as ever-- he thought, and with a baby sleeping soundly in your arms, "the baby's sleeping, yuu"
you laughed at the cracking in his voice, "mine, who else's?"
man, he looked like he was about to cry
he quietly approached you, careful as to not wake the baby
"for you", he mumbled while handing you the bag of snacks and stuff
the room was filled with silence after you hummed a short thanks
he was looking at the child's face, it looked like you, he thinks
he asked when you got married, "you didn't tell me, didn't even invite your best friend to your wedding", he whined
"i didn't, i'm not married"
his eyes were wide as they looked at you
you told him about getting pregnant shortly after college graduation and getting ditched
he thought of himself selfish as he heaved a sigh of relief
"it's fine though, my parents are helping me a lot", he notes how you looked at your baby with such fond eyes and his heart swelled, he felt like crying
you chuckled at the look on his face, "hey don't look so sorry for me, can't be happier to have her"
"what's her name?"
you looked at your daughter's face and pet at her cheek with a finger, "yui"
nishinoya couldn't hold it in anymore and so he let himself cry and pulled you close
and for the nth time since the day of your college graduation he asked you again, "come with me, y/n, let's travel the world" but you have a child "i'll stay with you here until she's old enough", he said while kissing the tears that slipped down your cheeks
"then we can all go travel the world together"
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he liked working at the museum, he really does
at least that's what he tries to tell himself as he led the group of preschoolers through the sendai museum
they were cute, yeah, but also very chatty
especially this one little boy with the frog hat
"what's this called?"
"it's a fossilized remain of--"
"how about this one?"
"it's--", and before he could answer, the child was already running to the other side of the exhibit
he just sighs
the tour ended and he was getting ready for his lunch break, proceeding to the cafe by the entrance as he always does
his eyes almost caught the flurry of green that passed beside him but he chose to ignore it
but of course it wasn't long after he sat down with his order when he heard a familiar bubbly voice
"mama that's the dinosaur guy!", he heard the little boy whisper loudly, "he's so tall, like a brachiosaurus!"
he couldn't supress the chuckle at the child's remark and he turned in his seat, "so you were listening, i thought you were just bouncing all around the place"
"oh sorry, did he give you a hard time?"
your voice drew his attention and he smiled at the sight of your worried face, something that surprised even him, "not really, no"
he invited you two to sit and eat with him and he listened to your son ramble all about dinosaurs and prehistoric animals
"a smart one, i like him"
your son really liked him too and asked you to take him to the museum again and see tsukishima
and so it became a habit for you to visit the museum every friday with the little boy, waiting for the tall blonde to get off work so you three could grab something to eat
and every time he sees you in the little cafe by the entrancne with your son, tsukishima couldn't help but smile a little and pat at his chest to calm the subtle fluttering as he push the door open
it was a weird feeling he never knew would come so naturally at the mere sight of you two
he bought your son picture books and and figurines and copies of the "walking with dinosaurs" documentary
"we should watch it this weekend..." his eyebrows shot up for a moment at your meek suggestion
of course the little boy was elated, excited to have him over at your house "yes! let's go now! i wanna watch it with tsukki now!!!"
tsukishima returned his gaze on you, "if it's not too much trouble then i'd love to go now"
and so the rest of the friday night was spent on your couch with all the lights turned off and a narration of al the allosaurus' life
you looked over at the other side of the couch to see your son laying on tsukishima, eyes fluttering shut with the man passed out and lightly snoring
he must've been tired
you draped a blanket over the two of them and waited for sleep to visit you too and it soon did
morning came and you woke up to the smell of coffee
"i borrowed your coffee maker, i hope you don't mind", his voice was still low, trying not to wake the little boy
"yeah, sorry i didn't wake you up last night... you looked tired"
he chuckled as you walked over to the kitchen to take out two mugs and prepared some toast, "i don't mind, it was the best sleep i've gotten in a while. i hope it wasn't too much of a bother for you though"
you leaned on the kitchen counter as you took in his appearance; hair ruffled and eyes puffy with sleep, "i don't mind it one bit"
he huffed a laugh and looked over to the sofa where your son still laid
"he likes you a lot"
"so it seems, i hope you do too", his face was smug but you didn't miss the red that tinted his cheeks when you told him "of course i do, in fact i was thinking maybe we should do this more often"
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his smirk grew, "just say you want to wake up everyday to the sight of me and leave it at that"
you rolled your eyes at his comment but smiled nonetheless, "oh shut up"
he had just come back from the nekoma volleyball team reunion, head lightly buzzing from the few bottles of alcohol kuroo forced down his throat
making his way through the carpeted hotel hall, he could barely make out the sound of little feet hurriedly padding on the floor and quiet sniffles
taking out the keycard to his room with the blissful thoughts of finally sinking into the soft mattress was interrupted by a soft bump on his thigh, a muffled thud and a small "ow..."
it took a few moments before the sight of the little boy on the hotel floor registered properly in his brain
it was well past 2 am... why the hell is there a child running around the halls
"uh... hi?"
big bright eyes looked up at him and he can't help but sigh at the sniffles increasingly growing louder
"where's your mama, little guy?", yaku crouched to the little boy's level, careful to keep his balance as the booze and exhaustion was catching up to him
however, at the mention of his mother, the little boy's eye filled up with more tears and was ready to burst anytime, "mama..."
"oh no no no no"
yaku's too tired for this
so with a sigh and a groan, he took the boy in his arms and entered his room
"let's look for her in the morning, okay? i think i still have some cookies in my room, would like some?"
the little boy nods his head, earning a relieved sigh from yaku
the rest of the night was spent with cartoons playing on the large hotel room tv, yaku leaning against the headboard with the little boy snoozing away while being tucked in his arm, cookie on his hand and crumbs all around
morning came and panic surged through your body the moment you realized your 3 year-old son was nowhere inside your hotel room
your hurried to the security desk to report and hopefully make an announcement, head reeling and aching with the sudden rush of adrenaline first thing in the morning
with your head in your hands, you let out a groan while trying not to cry at all the possibilites flashing through your mind
your wallowing was cut short with an "excuse me, i found this child last night"
turning your head back to the security desk, you see a man in his pajamas and slippers, hair ruffled from sleep and a sleepy little boy laying on his shoulder
"oh my god"
the whole conlict ended when you came up to them and introduced yourself, the little boy quickly recognizing your voice and whipped his head over to you, "mama!"
your son reached out for you and yaku couldn't help but notice how pretty your glossy eyes were despite how disheveled you looked
"mama, yakkun gave me cookies and we watched cartoons aaaaall night!"
yaku's eyes widened at the little boy's words and let out a nervous chuckle, "you make me sound so suspicious"
he turned to you and explained how your son bumped into him at 2 am and he was just too tired to bring him down to the security desk
"my tired tipsy brain thought it was a better idea to just let him sleep in my room and look for mama in the morning", he ended with the tips of his ears tinged red
you laughed at his nervousness, "well we can talk more about it over breakfast, what do you say yakkun? my treat"
with the way you were smiling at him, how could he even refuse?
the rest of the morning was spent with coffee and waffles, juice and fruits and chatter
he learned you and your son were in town for a few days, "i wanted to go see the fishies in the aquarium!", the little boy quips
with the new volleyball season just around the corner, yaku knew he'd have practices but he offered to tour you two around tokyo
he wanted to see you two again
briefly taking care of the toddler last night and having breakfast with you, he realized, were very much a welcomed change of pace in his hectic pro volleyball life
"are you my dad? mama told me daddy was working in tokyo" he remembered your son quietly mumbling last night, "i haven't seen him though, not ever"
the rest of your stay in tokyo was spent hanging out with yaku, your son growing more and more attached to him and slept over at his room every night
as promised, he took you and your son on a tokyo tour and even brought you to practice, introducing you to the national team and teaching your child receives
of course your trip eventually reached its end, promises of meeting again drowned in the little boy's tears as he tried to reach out to yaku
"we'll meet again, little guy", he says while ruffling the boy's hair, "i'll even go visit you and we'll play lots, okay?
of course he made a point of contacting you frequently, often video chatting during meal times and bedtime and a few more hours after, relishing in the time he could spend talking alone with you
"i can't wait to see you two again", he always says right after "good night"
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taglist: @churochuu @bakarinnie @faithieeee @strawberriimilkshake @paulazockt @pattys-got-cakes @hidden-otaku-stuff @haikyuubabie @sachirou-senpai @your-local-abyss @stcrryskies @toosaltyforacookie @mrs-kuroojinguji @shawkneecaps @miyastrology @galacticstxrdust @wakaushi @boosyboo9206 @sugawara-sweetheart @threeconsecutivefs @chichibia @diyosku @curiouslilbeast @cowbeboppy @tsukkaria @yyvveess @kirakirasaku
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Hi!! If it's ok, could I possibly get some domestic hcs for Jason please? He looks like a great roommate and partner and I'm just *flustered happy noises*
Oh ur absolutely right Jason is the BEST for domestic stuff and I kind of went off with these cause I too am a domestic gal so I hope u enjoy!!!!!
Domestic Headcanons:
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Jason is the perfect partner for the domestic lifestyle! He lives on the campgrounds and surrounding woods of Camp Crystal Lake, so living with him is like camping all day every day. There's also a huge amount of living with him that involves self-sustainability. While he often takes from the victims that cross his path, you can't live off of that completely. Jason will most likely teach you how to hunt, or at least how to prepare meat for eating after he catches it. There will be a lot of scavenging for food off of bushes as well. But once you are able to get enough cash off of the victims (cards are too easily traced), you can get your own little garden with seeds and saplings going to better grow food. 
Even though there's no way you'll be able to get everything back into perfect pristine working order, there's a lot of cleaning to be done at the campgrounds just to make it livable. Jason was content living in filth before you, but he understands that you can't live that way and so helps you out. He'll always help clean whatever you ask him to, just ask! He won't cause a fuss about it. 
Jason takes care of the majority of heavy lifting and intensive repairs, but if you insist on helping then he certainly wouldn't mind! He might hem and haw a bit if you keep insisting you can lift heavy things but are clearly struggling, but if you take the tasks that he assigns to you then there will be no issue at all! 
Jason loves helping you with the cooking! He knows a fair bit of his own just from surviving in the woods for so long, but he didn't bother with anything that wasn't absolutely necessary. So working with fresh vegetables and spices is new to him. You show him how to properly cut and peel things and he is happy to chug along while you do other things. He remembers some of these things from when he helped his mother in the kitchen, but it is a lot different now with someone he loves. Cooking and food definitely become an activity that brings you closer together, and you're so happy teaching Jason new things in the kitchen and he is eager to learn, even if he has to get used to maneuvering his large frame around the small kitchen. 
Jason is a huge fan of cuddles and just spending time with you. It doesn't matter if you are quiet the entire time, he just enjoys your company. He loves getting a fire going in the fireplace or a fire pit outside when it's nice and sitting with you on his lap, wrapped up in a blanket with his chin resting on top of your head. 
Similarly, if you have domestic hobbies or simply hobbies where you're able to sit next to him and relax, he loves that. If you do any fabric crafts he will be happy to hold your yarn or supplies as you work up a scarf or blanket for him. He loves reading with you, especially if you read out loud to him. 
He truly just enjoys being in your company while you sit beside each other. If you don't do it first, he will make coffee, tea, or another hot drink and bring it out to you. He loves when you rest your head on him, sighing and closing your eyes as you trust him completely. It makes him happier than you could ever imagine.
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lostandloney · 2 years
Okay so since Tumblr was an ass, I have to do it this way.
I hope this is the right prompt that you asked for @whateverthefuckyouwantiguess cuz tumblr ate your ask. Anyway have this Theon content!
Ps. Ignore spelling errors, I'm not on my computer lol.
Prompt: " gently wiping something off of their face and noticing them smiling because you're just so cute and close "
Tom had spent most of his day in his little office- well, it wasn't really an office. It was the sun room of his and Leon's home, but he had asked if he could use it for a small art studio and Leon had agreed.
He had been in the sun room painting from the moment he woke up at 9am, until almost 7pm. Of course, he had eaten a little bit through the day, but only little easy snacks from the box Leon made him keep in there for moments like this after an experience where he had found out that Tom had been so in the zone with art that he just... hadn't eaten for the entire twelve hours he had been awake.
Humming a little, Tom added the final fleck of soft baby blue to the painting and then set his paintbrush aside to properly observe what he had created. A careful and very painterly portrait of his husband that he had made the other pose for originally, simplyso hecould do the light sketch of it at first. He remembered how flustered Leon had gotten at the idea and then how pouty the man had gotten when Tom refused to show him with the simple argument of "not until it's finished."
Now it was finished,or, at least, it needed to dry before he actually carried it around. Stretching his arms above his head for a moment and grimacing at the soft cracking noise. "Oof." He muttered, standing slowly and sighing as he grabbed the brushes he used, bringing them to get properly washed in a sink.
Once he washed them all and his own hands and face, Tom carefully returned everything to its rightful place and then went to go hunt his husband down, padding barefoot down the hallway to the livingroom.
"Leon?" He called out curiously, glancing around the decent sized room before his eyes paused on the couch... he could so go for some cuddles and a movie right now. Their cat Icarus had the right idea, sleeping on the warm fuzzy blankets of the couch.
Sighing as no reply came from anywhere, Tom shook his head. Perhaps Leon had gone out?
There was a soft clatter from the kitchen followed by quiet cursing.
Nope. Leon was still home.
Shaking his head, Tom took a deep breath, lowering his center of gravity before slowly walking to the kitchen, changing the way he was walking from heel to toe, into toe to heel so that his footsteps would be completely silent.
He totally intended to sneak attack his husband with a hug. His painting had gone so well that he had ended up feeling incredibly giddy.
Once he got to the kitchen, however, Tom slowly raised from his lowered stance, brows knitting together as he watched Leon try to cook. "Now, I thought we decided that I was the cook here? -unless it's breakfast foods... I'm terrible at those."
Leon jumped slightly, nearly dropping the wooden spoon he had been using to stir what Tom assumed was supposed to be spaghetti sauce. "Jesus christ-"
"No, it's just me. Tom."
Leon cast a look in Tom's direction, sighing heavily. "I figured you would be hungry after working all day and probably only eating granola bars with coffee. Thought it would be nice to surprise you." He shrugged, offering a small smile.
That certainly made him even happier. "You're such a sweetheart, but you know you don't have to do anything special for me." Tom hummed lightly and walked over, moving to instinctively start stirring the sauce a bit only to have his hand lightly swatted. "Okay okay, can I at least taste it?"
The taller man chuckled and rolled his eyes, kissing Tom's jaw. "You deserve the world, Tom." He reminded, gesturing lightly to the small spoon on the counter as kind of a "go ahead, try the food."
Blushing and pecking the other man, Tom turned towards the sauce pan and picked up the spoon, trying it with a little hum. "Hey, you've done a good job with this." He pointed out, smiling fondly at Leon over his shoulder and watching the way the other seemed to swell with pride. "I would just suggest adding a pinch of sugar and then it's perfect."
Leon snickered. "Sugar? In spaghetti sauce?" He inquired, a brow raised in amusement. Seeing Tom nod, he shrugged and stepped closer to the dark haired man, reaching up above him into one of the higher cupboards, he took hold of the glass of sugar. "As you wish."
"And now you're quoting The Princess Bride at me?" Tom blushed considerably at the closeness, looking away for a moment to control himself before he locked eyes with the man who was still very much hovering near him and he paused. Leon had a bit of the sauce on his face.
He smiled fondly, expression soft as he slowly ripped a bit of paper towel off of the roll and wet it with a bit of water, leaning up on his toes to carefully clean Leon's cheek.
Leon couldn't help but smile at the closeness and how gentle Tom looked as he carefully cleaned his face. He slowly put the sugar on the counter. "Well... it's one of your favourites, isn't it?" He inquired softly, leaning in just a little closer.
Tom noted his husband's expression, and the way the man looked at him with pure affection. "I- yeah." He nodded, shyly glancing away again until Leon captured his chin in his hand and turned his face back. "What're you doing?" He asked quietly.
"You're just so cute-" Leon admitted, leaning in and capturing Tom's lips with his own, the kiss soft and loving.
Returning it eagerly, Tom slipped his arms around Leon's neck, fingers softly playing with the other man's dirty blonde hair.
The action made Leon chuckle and pull back to look into his eyes. "As I said... cute."
Tom reddened again. He couldn't recall the last time he had ever blushed so much, and honestly he didn't think he wanted to. "Oh hush-" he replied gingerly, instinctively reaching up to tuck his hair behind his ear-- to no avail. His recent haircut had made the action impossible.
"I don't think I will." Leon replied with a cheeky grin, shifting to focus at least half of his energy back into cooking.
Tom cocked a brow, amused as he spoke, "you better." He moved to the other side if Leon, opening the sugar jar and grabbing a pinch before sprinkling it into the sauce the other was working on.
"What if I don't?"
"Then... I'll have to kiss you."
"I'll take that risk."
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rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years
Pairing: Dr. Toshiki Kasumi x OC (Anna)
Fandom: Voltage, RomanceMD
Genre: Fluff and a little angst
Word count: 2,945
Disclaimer: I do not own Voltage or any of its characters, but I own the idea of this fic. Also, CG borrowed from Voltage.
A/N: I wrote this for my good friend @imoonlit-river as a Valentine's Day present. I hope you enjoy this.
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It started one afternoon. One terrible afternoon, just after you'd clocked out of a long and grueling shift at the Seimei University Hospital. You sighed. You were used to long shifts, but covering two shifts on your first week on the job was one for the books. 
You squinted as you stepped out of the main entrance, the afternoon sunlight shone directly at you. As you trudged to your apartment, you mentally deliberated if taking this temporary assignment was a mistake. Lost in thought, you allowed your feet to carry you through the busy crowd. 
'Maybe I should've just stayed home,' you thought silently. It has only been a week since you started, but you have been passed on from one IT department to another, told off twice for misunderstanding instructions,  had no one else on the same shift as you, and no one to talk to. 
You stopped on your tracks and found yourself on a bridge - the same one you pass every single day on your way to work and back. The vivid hues of the sky caught your attention, and you gasped as you admired the pretty pink palette in front of you. Leaning at the railing, you stared at the horizon, drinking in its beauty, and allowing it to refresh your tired soul. 
"Long day?"
A voice beside you made you jump. You hadn't expected anyone to be there - more so, notice you standing there. As you shifted your gaze to the person next to you, you felt your eyes widen in surprise. 
"Did I guess right then?"
Your heart hammered in your chest, as the beautiful man standing beside you continued to speak. You shook your head and blinked your eyes a few times to make sure you weren't dreaming. You haven't slept in twenty-four hours, you reminded yourself. Maybe this was all a dream. 
Yes, it must be a dream. There was no way that the Seimei University Hospital's Chief of Medicine, and top Cardiologist, Toshiki Kasumi, was beside you looking so cool in his grey hoodie under a crisp blue jacket, and jeans. 
"Uh, are you okay?" 
"C-c-chief Kasumi!" You blurted out louder than you had intended when you saw his face coming nearer to check on you. "It's you! You're here!"
"Yes, I have been for several minutes now, but you seem to have noticed just now. Are you feeling okay?." He raised his eyebrows to study you, before leaning back. 
"I'm sorry, Chief Kasumi," you bowed a lot lower than necessary. "I worked two shifts today to cover for Sena-san. I didn't mean to be out-of-sorts today."
He looked at you quietly before turning his attention to the view in front of you. 
"It's fancy seeing you here, Chief Kasumi. Do you cross this bridge, too?" You asked awkwardly. 
The silence between you stretched for a few minutes, and you suddenly wished you hadn't asked him a silly question. You kept your gaze low, looking around for a hole you can crawl into and hide. 
"Bridges aren't for crossing," he finally spoke, as he tucked his hands in his pocket, and you looked up to see the pink hues had turned purple. "They're for stopping."
He simply nodded. "Who knows, maybe we'll stop by the same spot again sometime," he said, and just before he turned to leave, he added, "but only if you stop calling me Chief Kasumi."
"You know, you haven't introduced yourself to me properly."
You glanced sideways to see him looking at the same blessed view you admired with him four weeks back. Today was an uneventful Wednesday and you managed to clock out on time. 
"Oh, I haven't? I'm sorry. My name is Anna," you replied, smiling. 
"And you're here on a temporary assignment?" He asked as he handed you one of the cans of coffee he bought from the vending machine just before. 
"For four more months, yes," you said cheerily.
"I see. What's it been like for you so far?"
"The first week was hell," you recalled, sighing. "But lately, Sena-san has been a lot nicer to me. I now have two other teammates on the same shift, so the workload is more manageable. They're also teaching me the ropes so I don't get in trouble."
He simply nodded, keeping his gaze towards the sky, while you secretly stole glances at his picture-perfect profile. Until now, you still couldn't believe you've managed not only to talk to but also to 'hang out' with Seimei University Hospital's most sought-after doctor.
Him. The guy beside you. Cardio surgery's rockstar, EICU's fearless department head - the guy loved and loathed by many because of his top-notch skills and his dazzlingly good looks. Your teammates told you that the most difficult cases always get sent his way, and big shots always requested for him to attend to them. You've seen him in action a few times in the hospital, too, and his intense energy was nothing like the soothing aura he exuded now 
"If you have something to say, speak up," he said, snapping you out of your reverie, and you blushed. Just how long has he noticed you staring at him, you wondered, slightly mortified. As the sky turned a darker shade of purple, he cleared his throat and looked your way. "Anyway, I have to go back to the hospital. Are you on your way home?"
"Yes," you managed to reply as he turned to leave. "I hope to cross this bridge and see you here again sometime."
He paused for a moment and turned around. "Bridges aren't for crossing, you know. Did I ever tell you that?"
"Oh. Yes, you did," you suddenly remembered, as your face turned redder. "Well, maybe we can stop by again another time."
"Maybe we will, Anna."
Maybe it was the way he stopped on his tracks to remind you about what he said about bridges or the casual way he called your name that kept rooted on the spot to watch his figure disappear into the crowd, with an unopened can of coffee in hand, and a goofy smile on your face. 
"I'm glad you were able to restore the files in Kyogoku's computer the other day."
The two of you stood side-by-side at the bridge once again, looking at the pink sky. You had met quite a few times in between, but today, you decided to linger a while longer so you could talk a little bit more. 
"It wasn't that hard. All I did was search the servers for the backup of his data. No biggie," you shrugged, as you handed him the sandwich you bought at the convenience store for him while he opened your can of warm coffee for you. 
You don't know when this whole thing started, and neither of you seemed to have taken notice, but somewhere between the first time you've met and today, you've made up so many unspoken rules with each other. Rules such as who's turn it is to buy snacks, or which topics are safe to discuss with each other. 
But today, you were feeling more daring than usual, so you stared at him again as he was appreciating the beauty of the sky before him. 
"You've got something to say?" He finally asked. 
"You must love the sky so much, no?" 
"I like this one in particular," he said coolly. "This particular view is called the Belt of Venus."
"Belt of Venus…," you mouthed. 
"It only lasts for about 15 minutes before the sky turns dark. It's associated with the Greek goddess, of course, and it signifies…" he said before catching himself. 
"It signifies what, Dr. Kasumi?" You asked curiously. 
He took a deep breath and shook his head. "It signifies a lot of different things to different people."
"What does that signify to you though?" You press earnestly. 
"A passing," he said quietly. 
Something in his voice pulled at your heartstrings and as you gazed into his grey eyes, you knew there was more to the man beside you than he let on. 
Before you could press any further, he moved his hand to tuck a lock of your hair behind your ear and you froze on the spot. He felt you tense up and smiled. 
"I have to go back to the hospital, Anna. Take care on your way home, alright?" 
All you could do was nod at him as he smiled tenderly and went on his way, leaving behind his uneaten sandwich and your half-finished can of coffee. 
He didn't promise you'd stop by together again soon, but something in you knew you would. Soon. 
"I can't believe the time's flown by so fast!"
You threw your hands in the air excitedly and looked to the sky with a big smile on your face. You're only a month away from ending your assignment in Tokyo, and you couldn't be happier. 
He stood beside you, armed with a paper bag filled with sandwiches and chips, and your favorite can of coffee. He smiled silently as you beamed like a child who has just been allowed to go outside and play. It was sunset again, and his calendar was surprisingly clear, so he texted you to ask if you wanted to meet. It was, of course, an offer you'd never say no to. 
"Someone's happy," he said as he leaned by the railing, once again staring at the sky. 
"Well, duh. Of course, I'm happy. I miss home," you replied, finally settling in beside him. "I can't wait to eat home-cooked meals once again, and talking to people who speak the same Language - no offense meant!"
He snickered softly as you leaned on him, your arm against his while admiring the view in front of you. With you, he seemed less like the dark emperor of the lord of death his colleagues made him out to be - he was simply Dr. Kasumi, a guy who loved the sunset and who loved to listen to your endless - often nonsensical - stories, and humor you with his own. 
As you fell into silence, you began to wonder what your days would be like when you went back home. Days without Dr. Kasumi. 
Your heart began to hurt at the thought that in a few more weeks, you would have to say goodbye - to put an end to the sunset stops along the bridge to watch this beautiful view, bid farewell to the conversations you've exchanged over convenience store snacks sometimes until late into the night, and say goodbye to the kindest soul you've never even had the chance to know deeper. The thought made you freeze. What's wrong with me?
"Are you okay?" He asked, peering into your face, as you stared listlessly into space. 
"That was what you first asked me," you replied, recovering quickly. He smiled. 
"Yes, it was," he chuckled, facing you. "Back then, I knew exactly what was going on in your little head after Sena asked you to work overnight."
"And now?"
He sighed. "And now, I'm not sure if your reason is the same as mine," he said, as he backed you up against the railing and trapped you in his arms. "You wanted to know what the Belt of Venus meant to me, right?"
You nodded nervously. 
"My dad died when I was little, and my mom always said you could send off your departed loved ones when the goddess appeared. I watched it every day since," he said quietly, his eyes never leaving yours. "And when my mom and my best friend died, I watched the sunset even more. The Belt of Venus means to send someone off - at least that's what it means to me. And I always felt sad when it's over. At least I did until lately…"
"What changed?" You asked, waiting on his answer with bated breath. 
"You. You happened," he replied, leaning closer to you until your lips touched his. "You came and saw the sunset with me. And for a time, I forgot to be scared. But now, I need to send you off."
"Dr. Kasumi -," you gasped, as he pulled away from you and straightened up. 
"I'm sorry to burden you, confessing as I did," he said, as he reached out to wipe the tears you hadn't realized had stained your face. "Please think nothing of it. I want you to go home and be happy - as happy as you made me in these four months we've watched the sunset together."
He sighed, releasing you from his grip. "And for your sake, I won't stop by anymore. But don't be a stranger when you see me at work."
His image was a blur behind your tears, as he walked away from you, just as he's always done whenever you watched the sunset. Only this time, you had a feeling he was never coming back. 
You scolded yourself right there and then. He was just a friendly face, someone who wanted you to feel you weren't alone in this strange place, you reasoned out. You aren't even supposed to cry over him. 
But as the night grew darker, the realization of your feelings for him came into light. 
You loved him. You were in love with Dr. Kasumi. And you needed to see him one more time. 
The days leading to your departure went by like a blur, and in the flurry of it all, you had not caught sight of the dark-haired doctor that stole your heart. You passed by his office but were often told he was in surgery or teaching at a conference somewhere. He never stopped by your usual bridge, too. 
This isn't fair at all, you thought angrily. How come he gets to confess his feelings and you don't? 
Today was your last day at the Seimei University Hospital, and you've made arrangements to stay two more days in Tokyo before flying back home. 
This was it, you thought. Your last chance to confront the elusive heart thief they call Chief of Medicine at the EICU. As you peered into the exclusive department, a grumpy looking Orthopedic surgeon looked your way and sighed. 
"He ain't here," Dr. Takado said, exasperated. Not that you blame him - he's been in the receiving end of all your inquiries after all. 
"I see. Well, thank you, Dr. Takado," you said, bowing politely, much to his surprise.
"Why do you want to see him so badly anyway?" 
"It's my last day at work today," you explained, trying your best not to melt under his icy glare. "I- I only wanted to thank him for making me feel like I wasn't a stranger around here."
Something in Dr. Takado's eyes flickered, and his lips stretched into a lazy smile. "Is that so?" He said. "I may be able to help you then, but you gotta tell me something first, got it?"
Relief washed over you as you realized you may have gained an ally in his squad. Smiling, you looked at the kind-hearted doctor in front of you and said, "I'm at your mercy, Dr. Takado."
The lovely pink hue tinged the afternoon sky once again, signaling that the day was about to come to a close. Filled with determination, you sprinted towards the bridge at the far end of the river bank. Standing there, just as Dr. Takado promised, was Dr. Kasumi, in casual clothes - the same one he wore when you first met. He stared quietly at the Belt of Venus, his expression solemn, as though he were sending someone off in prayer. 
You paused to catch your breath and to calm your beating heart. You wanted nothing more but to run over to him and tell him off, but that wouldn't do you any good, and you knew it. 
"Fancy seeing you here," you said, feigning nonchalance. 
"You look like you've just seen a ghost." You walked closer until you stood right in front of him. "What's wrong with our old bridge?"
He looked at you with a scowl on his face. "I said I wasn't stopping by there anymore, didn't I?" 
"You also said I shouldn't be a stranger if I saw you at work, but you never showed yourself to me," you retorted. "Don't you think it's cruel to confess your feelings to me and not hear me confess back?"
"What's the point if you're just crossing  -," he asked, turning his gaze back to the Belt of Venus as it was starting to disappear. 
"Well, what if I said I wasn't crossing anymore?"
He paused and held his breath. And you took it as an opportunity to approach him. Cradling his face in your hands, you forced him to look at you. 
"I don't want to just cross the bridge anymore, Dr. Kasumi," you said earnestly, as you gazed into his eyes. "I want to stop. With you."
His breath hitched, but at the same time, you felt his arms around you holding you close. "Are you sure?"
"I thought it was your last day…"
"Someone may have worked some magic to make me miraculously extend my stay," you respond cryptically, as you returned his hug. 
"So, you mean it - you're not going away."
"I said it before and I'll say it again - I won't. I'm staying," you said, pulling away from his hug so you can look at him. "And depending on how this works out, maybe I'll be staying for the long run."
He smiled and touched your cheeks. "Oh, you'll be happy here alright. I'll make sure of it. This is the only place you're stopping - right by my side."
The end. 
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
I'm soft I cant handle angst>∆< Could we have a different route where young pro hero reader accepts shinsou's confession? My heart weeps
misunderstood and unheard [alternate ending]
hitoshi shinso x fem!reader
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[a/n: here’s the fluffy ending to【this ask】 thank you for requesting anon! I hope your heart is okay 🥺️ -yours truly, bunny -`ღ´-]
To say he was shocked is a bit of an understatement. He never thought that his work-study application to your agency would be accepted.
You were someone he looked up to, someone he admired. You were a young hero, no more than a couple years older than him and you were already in the Top 5 and had your own agency. You were known because of your quirk. It was very powerful but also seen as villainous. You had a history of never accepting any students for the work-study program, only accepting office interns. So imagine the disbelief on his face when Aizawa had given him the letter. He took it to his room and got comfortable. With fluttering fingers, he shakily ripped open the envelope and tossed it aside. He took a deep breath before carefully unfolding the paper. It was handwritten. You had taken the time to personally hand write him a letter.
‘Dear Hitoshi, I usually don’t take on any students for the work-study program, so I was a little surprised to see your application in my inbox. I decided to take the chance and look it over. Once I saw that you’re currently enrolled at UA, I requested to see footage from your practice matches and the sports festival. You show a lot of promise to become a top hero one day, you’re very talented. As you probably know, I have experience with a quirk like yours and seeing as there’s a lot of very unkind people and unwilling heroes, I would like to inform you that I will gladly accept your application for a work-study. I’m very excited to meet you and help you develop the kind of experience you need to grow as a young hero. I hope you’re ready, your first day starts this Friday at 7am. You’ve already been cleared from class if you decide you want to accept.’
You...you accepted his application...
He hugged his pillow to his chest and buried is red face into it. His heart was racing and adrenaline pumping. He had never been happier in his life. He 100% framed the letter and put it on his wall.
He woke up extra early on the morning of, he just couldn’t contain himself. He had decided to forgo the school uniform and dress in casual clothes, carrying his hero costume in the metal briefcase given by the school. It had definitely improved since his first year, it was simple but it worked. His heartbeat became more erratic as his legs carried him all the way to your agency building. All he could do was stand there, in absolute awe.
“Looks like we were both excited and got here early.” He jumped at the sudden voice beside him, eyes widening as his eyes landed on you. You were dressed in civilian clothes and it took everything in him to not drool. You definitely had style. He blushed when you tilted your head in a confused manner, realizing that he hadn’t responded.
“Y-yeah, sorry. I just c-couldn’t wait s-so...yeah.” He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.
“Well then, come on in.” You giggled as you unlocked the door and held it open for him, he nervously walked. You followed behind him as he looked around in awe. You never really thought that your agency was anything special but he was looking around like he was in disneyland. People had described your office as very homey. There was an exposed brick interior, all the furniture was vintage looking, a turntable in the corner with a shelf of various different vinyl discs beside it. He felt like he was in his dream bedroom.
“Alright then, Hitoshi.” He turned to you, cheeks still pink. “Time to suit up.” The wink you gave him made his face burn. It was going to be a long day.
Going on patrol with you just made his adoration and pride for you grow. You had posed for pictures, did countless autographs, and even went out of your way to make a tik tok or two with some kids. There was no wonder why your social ranking was so high. Other than that, it was pretty uneventful. There was some guy trying to rob a convenience store while the both of you made your way back to the agency.
“Why don’t you take this one Hitoshi-kun.” You patted his shoulder encouragingly.
“Are you sure?” He cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, I fully believe in you.” Your smile is what filled him with courage.
He calmly approached the robber, “Sir are you sure you want to be doing that?”
“Of course! Now leave me alone you wannabe hero!” The second that shout left the man’s mouth, he froze. Eyes going blank.
You watched with your arms crossed, a small smile on your lips.
“Now why don’t you drop the weapon and put your arms around your back.” The man moved stiffly as he did what he was told. Shinso turned to you, eyes asking what he should do next. You unhooked a pair of handcuffs from your belt and tossed them to him. He caught them with ease and slapped them onto the man’s wrist.
After handing the robber off to the proper authorities, you both made your way to your agency. Ordering some lunch and eating it in your office.
“It must’ve been difficult for you.” His eyebrows furrowed slightly. “Growing up with a quirk like that.” After your clarification, he nodded somberly. Unpleasant memories resurfacing.
“All my life, I had been told my quirk was villainous. People were scared that I would take advantage of them, no one would talk to me...and sure things are a little different now but I still feel like no one truly gets it.” He didn’t know why he was being so honest but he felt like he could be honest with you.
“I truly understand how you feel. My own parents disowned me, they were disgusted by my quirk. My classmates were always terrified of me. They’d tell me that, even if I ever got to be a hero that I’d give the person I’m trying to save a heart attack. Even now as a pro, I get slandered in the press or while on patrols. I get called a demon, heroes like Endeavor are trying to kick me from the hero association.” His eyes widened as he listened to you talk, he could hear the tinge of pain in your voice.“Trying to navigate life alone is hard, I’ve been alone all of my life. When I saw you in the sports festival, the way people reacted to your quirk, I felt for you. I know what it feels like so I thought I’d-” Before you finished, a siren went off in your office.
“Well, looks like lunch time is over.” You smiled sympathetically at him. “Let’s go.“
After helping fend off a villain and having you throw yourself in front of him to protect him, the two of you made your way back.
“Uhm there’s a locker room down the hall. You can shower before heading back to your dorm.” You smiled but he could see you were tired. Right before you guys could leave, Endeavor had some interesting choice words for you and him. You were quick to defend him from the current number 1 hero instead of defending yourself. He felt bad. It was only his first day and you had to protect him from a villain and defend him from the sharp tongue of Endeavor. He nodded and grabbed his bag, making his way to the locker room.
“What do you want Enji? Didn’t you already get enough earlier?”
“Don’t run your mouth brat. I’m here to drop off paperwork for the damage you caused.” The stack of papers he tossed thumped against your desk and you got up and crossed your arms, scoffing.
“The damage I caused? I think you’re confused Enji because last time I checked, my quirk didn’t cause someone’s house to catch fire.” You went to reach for the stack of paper but he caught your wrist in a vice grip and pulled you closer to him.
“Don’t think that you’ll ever get to the top (y/n), I’ll always be there to kick you down.”
You chuckled, although it came off as more of a grimace. “That’s not very plus ultra of you Enji...you forget. Not everyone’s goal is to get to the top to try and revive any broken ego we have. Some of us are here to actually help people.” That didn’t please him as he shoved you away.
“I’ll be seeing you around (y/n).” He threatened. Shinso frowned as he watched Endeavor stomp out of the building, turning to you and seeing you rub our red wrist.
“Is everything okay?”
“Hmm? Oh yeah, he just dropped off some paper work.” He approached you and softly took you wrist in his hand, thumb gently running over the slight hand print he left behind.
“Did he-?”
“It’s okay Toshi-kun, it’s nothing.” The smile on your lips was convincing enough for him to drop the topic. “Now, why don’t you head back and get some rest. I’ve got some paper work to do.”
“I can help you with that.”
“Oh no, Toshi you should really go and get some rest.” You shook your head.
“Please, let me help you out. If I’m gonna be a hero, I should learn how to properly do paperwork, right?” He smiled, trying to convince you.
“Okay fine. Go put on a record and I’ll order us some more food.”
Over the next couple of hours, the two of you ate, did paperwork, danced around to whatever record was playing and just goofed around. After a bit, he had fallen asleep while resting his head on the desk.
“I told you to go home and rest.” You whispered, shaking your head. Picking up your phone, you sandwiched it against your cheek and shoulder as you placed your jacket over his shoulder.
“Hey Aizawa, your kid fell asleep while doing paperwork...yeah, I know...well I don’t mind keeping him here. I wasn’t really planning on heading home anyways...of course...thanks Shota.” After you hung up, you pushed Shinso’s hair back. “Sweet dreams Toshi.” You placed a soft kiss against his forehead. He tried hard to fend off the smile threatening to stretch his lips.
After that, the work-study lasted for 3 more months.
“Let’s go out.”
“H-Huh?” He stuttered, looking up from the paper work the both of you were doing.
“To commemorate your last day. Let’s go eat, it’s almost time to clock out anyways.“ He agreed and the both of you decided to go get some ramen. He couldn’t help but feel like this was a date. He knew it wasn’t but a boy could dream. As the both of you ate, he reminisced about spending so much time with you.
“I’m gonna miss you Toshi-kun.” Your sudden confession made his heart skip a beat. “I like having you around.” He paused, standing under a sakura tree that the two of you walked under.
“Is everything okay?” You asked as you turned around, standing in front of him.
“I-I need to be h-honest with you (y-y/n).”
“Oh okay, go ahead.” You smiled sweetly at him, trying to ease his worry.
“I think-I think I’m in l-love with you. You make me feel like I’m not alone and the things I experienced are valid. Y-Your smile makes my heart skip a beat and-and I’ve never really felt this way about anyone before...so uh y-yeah.” He did everything in his power to avoid looking in your eyes. He grew disheartened at your silence, taking it as a rejection. That was until he felt your fingertips on his cheek. He looked up, eyes widening at the timid smile on your lips and the blush on your cheeks.
“Took the words right out of my mouth Toshi.” Your soft voice was music to his ears. “I’m a little bit surprised that you uh-well that you like me.” You pulled away from him, he instantly missed your warm touch against his skin. “I didn’t think you’d return the feelings..that you’d think I-I was too old for you.” He was so shocked that he couldn’t help the chuckle that left his lips.
“S-Sorry, I don’t mean to laugh. It’s just...how could I no like you? Look at you.” He smirked at how your cheeks deepened a shade of red, the fact that he could make you so flustered fueled his confidence as he approached you, moving until he was inches from your face.
He leaned down, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. “Do I make you nervous, (y/n)?” His deep voice sent chills down your spine
“D-Don’t do that Toshi-kun...you’re gonna make my heart burst.” You placed your hands against his chest, softly pushing him away. He quickly held your wrists in place so you couldn’t move.
“Can I kiss you (y/n)?” You bit your lip, silently nodding. He released your wrist and moved to cup your cheek in his soft yet slightly calloused hand. His thumb moving to tug your lip from in between your teeth, caressing it softly. “You’re so beautiful.” This caused your cheeks to heat up once more.
“S-hut up...are you gonna kiss me or-mph!” He cut you off mid shout, the feeling of his lips against yours made the butterflies in your stomach to go crazy. He couldn’t help but grin into the kiss as he finally felt you reciprocate.
Both of you moved your heads to deepen the kiss but ended up bumping noses instead. Both of you jumping away from each other, breathless giggles leaving your lips.
“Come on, we should get going.” You grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers with his.
He was so gonna brag about this to Denki.
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padfootagain · 5 years
Will You Still Be Here In The Morning? (V)
Part 5 : Like Fireflies In The Forum
Last part ! Here it is! Ha, the fluff is here and fluffier than ever, of course, it's me, I'm sure you were all expecting it :)
I hope you all like this, tell me what you think about it!
Gif not mine
Word Count: 6040
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Crowley's laugh was so bright, Aziraphale reckoned it could have blinded the sun itself these days.
A couple of weeks had passed since the apocalypse-that-wasn't and Crowley and Aziraphale were free. It hadn't been easy, it had been dangerous, but their plan of changing their faces had worked. Heaven and Hell would let them be from now on. And it was all that mattered.
They had seen each other every day ever since.
Going to Saint James's Park for a walk, eating a picnic in Regent's Park, spending hours in the National Gallery, visiting the British Museum, watching a play at the Globe… every day there was an activity to do, and every day, they didn't have to be careful anymore.
It was hard to lose the habit of looking over their shoulders, but they were both making progress. Their laughs were brighter, louder. They held hands in the park. They drank too much at restaurants. Crowley wasn't afraid to be seen driving Aziraphale back to the bookshop…
They were free, breathing in this new joy they had earned, and they were happier than ever. An impossible weight had been taken off of their shoulders and freed their bent frames. They stood straighter, they smiled, they laughed, they lived.
Words spoken decades before in the Bentley in Soho still echoed in Crowley's mind though, and thus he was wary, trying to slow down, let Aziraphale make the first steps.
One careful step at a time, so he wouldn't be going too fast.
And it worked, it seemed. The angel sat closer to him on their bench in Saint James's Park, he held his hand or arm as they walked their way through the National Gallery, and he smiled… he smiled so brightly and so earnestly and so sweetly… A little bit like he used to smile in Rome, such a long time ago, when the weight of Heaven and Hell weren't so heavy on their shoulders, when they still spent their time together, before they got too scared.
That was the change, really. Aziraphale didn't seem afraid at all anymore. He was his happy, enthusiastic, witty, brilliant self, and no trace of fear came to taint his bright blue eyes.
And Crowley was the same. He even took off his sunglasses whenever he and Aziraphale were alone now. His smile was more earnest than before, brighter. He laughed more and louder. And there was something more tender about his demeanour in general, the angel couldn't really describe it, it was just… in the way he moved, and looked at him, and smiled, and drank his wine. It was something impossible to describe but it was soft and tender, and Aziraphale adored it.
Crowley was entering the bookshop again, with a bag of Chinese food in his hand and a good bottle of red wine. It was lunchtime on a Monday in Soho, and the streets were busy, as always. The heat of summer was still clenching to the air of London, the clear blue sky immaculate of any clouds.
It was a very nice day, and Crowley hoped as he entered the bookshop that they would take a walk outside. It had been a while since they had walked through Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park…
"Angel! I've got lunch! Went to that Chinese you like so much in Mayfair," he called, magically locking the door behind him.
But there was no answer, and he frowned hard. The bookshop was calm, ordered as always, no sign of disruption. And yet, he was met with nothing but silence.
"Aziraphale?" he called again, louder this time, stepping further inside the bookshop.
Again, no response, only silence and the distant buzzing noise of the busy street.
And for the first time in over two weeks, Crowley was afraid.
A thousand possibilities passed through his mind of terrible things that could have happened to Aziraphale. And yet… yet he couldn't feel that the angel was in trouble, and in six thousand years of careful watch, he had never failed to detect when Aziraphale was in danger. So what was going on?
"Aziraphale!" he called once more.
"Crowley? Huh… I'm upstairs," the angel finally answered, and Crowley couldn't refrain a relieved sigh.
He climbed up the stairs without hesitation and was already upstairs when Aziraphale called for him again.
"I'm afraid I didn't see the time, dear. I'm not quite ready. Give me a min…"
But then Crowley was stepping in the room, and froze.
Aziraphale was sitting on the ground, wearing a large white t-shirt and the trousers of his tartan pyjamas, his long, white wings stretched across the room. His hair was a mess of white locks, he fiercely blushed at the sight of the demon.
Crowley couldn't breathe. He was beautiful…
"Oh…" he let out as Crowley was still standing in the doorway.
From the window above the beech desk and chair, a ray of sunlight came in the room to kiss Aziraphale's white feathers. Brushes were splayed on the ground around him, and Crowley guessed he had been grooming his wings. On the right, a small kitchen used mostly to prepare cocoa and tea stretched towards a bathroom. A bed in white sheets Aziraphale barely used was set at the back of the large room. There were books in that room too, of course.
"I'm… I'm sorry, my dear, I… I didn't notice how time was flying by."
It was Crowley's time to fiercely blush as he noticed that he had been gawking at the angel.
"Ha, no problem. Do you want me to come back in a couple of hours?"
"No, I mean. I'll finish up later, I just need… ten minutes, to get ready."
"You should finish up, I mean… when was the last time you groomed them, angel?" Crowley asked in a half-teasing tone as he took a closer look at the feathers, that in some places seemed quite messy."
"A few centuries," Aziraphale admitted. "I've always had trouble with grooming them."
A crazy question passed through Crowley's mind, and he tried… oh he tried so hard to push it away, but failed, and instead, before he could bite his tongue and hold back the words, he was speaking the question out loud.
"Do you want some help? With the grooming, I mean?"
They stared at each for a still moment. Both of them motionless in the room, their hearts the only thing moving in what seemed to be the entire world, and what an erratic movement it was.
Idiot was the only word Crowley could think of to describe himself at that moment.
But instead of pushing him away, Aziraphale shyly smiled.
"Well… would you mind?"
Crowley arched an eyebrow in surprise and shook his head.
"No, of course not, angel."
"Well… then… I guess, yes… If you don't mind, that is."
Crowley nodded, a little shaken, a little shocked, before stepping into the room properly. He went to put their meal on the table in the kitchen before taking off his glasses and putting them in his jacket. He went back to Aziraphale and sat behind him.
"I've done the left one, but… not the right," the angel spoke in a quiet voice.
"Yeah, I can see that. You've got to take better care of your wings, angel," Crowley replied with a frown at the sight of the messy feathers.
"Yes… well… nobody's perfect."
Crowley rolled his eyes.
"I didn't mean that. They're still…"
His voice broke and he looked for the right word to say, but they were all too strong… graceful, perfect, gorgeous…
"… alright."
Crowley mentally slapped himself.
"Oh… well…" Aziraphale breathed, moving a little away.
"No, no, that's not what I meant… your wings are lovely, angel…"
Crowley closed his eyes, now utterly flustered.
"Ngk…" was all he could find next to say as he buried his face in his hands.
And Aziraphale laughed at him, blushing too.
"Why don't you help me with the grooming, my dear?"
"Yes, yes, good idea," Crowley nodded and reached for a brush, but then thought better of it.
He approached his fingers of the angel's white wings, slowly, crossing inches after inches, his heart beating so fast he was tempted to stop it altogether to finally silence the sound that drummed in his ears…
And he ran his fingers in Aziraphale's long feathers.
They both shivered.
Crowley had to take a minute to breathe, before he could run his fingers through the soft feathers again.
He tidied them back where they belonged, untangling them and pushing them back softly into place. Slowly, carefully, aware that he was touching something more fragile and delicate than crystal. Something infinitely more beautiful and precious too…
Aziraphale's head was spinning. After a couple of minutes, he closed his eyes, relaxing into the gentle touch, and feeling more at peace than he could ever remember being. It was so simple and yet so intimate, touching an angel's feathers, like… like running fingers through someone's hair, or kissing their pulse, or pecking their temple, intertwining trembling fingers, brushing their cheek, tracing up their spine, resting a hand on their back right where their wings should be to comfort them and tracing circles there…
The delicate sound of feathers brushing against each others and the heavy breaths of both the angel and the demon were the only sounds filling up the warm room. The moment called for it, somehow. It was suspended in time, too precious and too vulnerable to be disturbed by words. It felt like the Earth had stopped spinning, and time frozen. But the Earth was still spinning, for the rest of the world, simply not for the demon and the angel in this bookshop in Soho…
But Crowley did break the silence. Because that moment of intimacy reminded him of another instant made of the same trembling essence, a wing stretching to protect him from the first raindrops, on the walls of Eden…
…and later on, a night in Rome, stargazing under the cypresses, surrounded by fireflies in the forum.
But Crowley had never learnt why after that night in Rome, things had changed, and he needed to get an answer, now.
"Angel, can I ask you something?"
The feathers slipped between his fingers perfectly, and he reckoned that they could only fit his hands so well because he was meant to touch them so.
"Of course, dear. What is it?" Aziraphale asked, opening his eyes again.
"That night in Rome. Do you remember? In the forum, we were stargazing. It was a long time ago..."
"Of course, I remember, you told me you had created stars. You told me about your fall."
"Yes, that night… Angel, I've been wondering… for all these years, I've wanted to know… What did I do wrong that night?"
Aziraphale frowned hard, turning a little to look at Crowley, who kept his eyes on his task at hand instead of looking back at the angel.
"What do you mean? Nothing, you did nothing wrong. It was a lovely evening."
"You… you changed after that night," Crowley answered in a hesitant tone. "We weren't so close after that night, and I've always supposed it was because I had messed something up. Was it because I told you about falling?"
"Oh, Crowley, of course not!" Aziraphale turned completely towards the demon, freeing his wing from his friend's delicate grasp. "Of course not, I… I know it took a lot from you to open up to me this way, and I… no, you didn't do anything wrong. But I know… I know what you mean by that, but it wasn't because of you, and most definitely not because we talked about your fall."
"Why then? Why did you push me away?"
"Now, pushing away is a bit too much to describe…"
But Crowley gave him a pointy look that immediately shushed the angel.
"Yes… yes, I reckon I did," he was forced to admit.
"But why?"
"Because of… Because Gabriel came to see me. The next morning," Aziraphale explained in a sheepish voice. "He was looking for you."
"For me?!"
"I mean, not for you you, but for the demon staying on Earth. He knew you were somewhere in Rome, and he wanted me to find you, so I…"
"So you ran away to make sure he wouldn't know where I was."
Aziraphale nodded.
"I should have told you."
"Yes, you should have!" Crowley replied angrily. "I thought I was the problem."
"I got scared…"
"And stupid!"
"Crowley, if Gabriel had learnt we talked to each other on an almost daily basis, he would have told Beelzebub, and you would have died! And not just been discorporated, you would have been gone for good! I couldn't… I couldn't take the risk."
Crowley calmed down a little at the angel's words, but it didn't mean he agreed.
"You should have told me anyway."
"You're reckless, Crowley. You would have brushed it off as if it was a mere inconvenience. Don't deny it. And I couldn't let you take that risk."
Crowley remained silent. He wished he could deny it all, but the truth was, Aziraphale was most probably right.
"I thought it was… better to keep our distances after that. Or at least, not see each other so much."
Crowley slowly nodded, looking down at his hands, resting numbly on his knees.
"Besides… it was a long time ago, Crowley."
"Yes, well… it lasted for millennia, sorry to be a little touchy about it."
"What would you have done if Beelzebub had turned up looking for me?"
"I don't know. But not simply…"
"Now, don't lie, dear."
Crowley bit his tongue.
"But we were friends, right?" the demon asked in a whisper. "We were still friends all these years?"
"Yes. Of course, we were."
"Are we friends now?"
Aziraphale held his breath.
"Well, yes… aren't we?"
Crowley nodded, and gave the angel a smile he hoped to be warm, but turned out sad.
"Right. I just wondered why, but now that I have my answer, I can get back to work on your wing."
"What else could we be, Crowley?"
"It was a silly question, angel. Come on, I'll finish grooming your wing."
"Crowley, look at me."
Aziraphale was wearing that tone… soft, almost begging, and Crowley could not fight this voice of his. He looked up as the angel was moving a little closer to him, positioning himself right in front of the demon.
"What else could we be, Crowley?" he asked again, his voice a shaking breath and his eyes glimmering with something soft and bright that looked a lot like hope.
Crowley could feel himself blushing, he could literally feel his cheeks turning crimson, but there was nothing he could do about it.
He mumbled an incoherent answer under his breath and made a movement to stand, but Aziraphale stopped him by taking his hand in his. And for a moment, they merely stared at each other. Aziraphale didn't need to ask his question again, it was written all over his features.
And Crowley wished he could find something clever to say, deny it all, answer with a relaxed and casual line. But he couldn't, because Aziraphale was staring at him with these blue eyes he couldn't lie to, and he wanted to say it all again, like that day after their row in Saint James's Park, when he had come before the bookshop. The same urge rose inside of him to shout out the words he had been holding back for six thousand years. Ever since that first rain on the world. Ever since this idiot of an angel had admitted that he had given up his sword to protect humans. Ever since he had talked with Crowley with kindness and protected him from the rain. Ever since the beginning…
And this time, he couldn't simply turn around and walk away. This time, he just had to let it go.
You go too fast for me, Crowley. The words spun through his mind, twirling like a whirlwind and they hurt, they hurt so much, but for once, he threw them to the wind. Because everything had changed now.
Now, they were free. And they were friends. And Aziraphale took his hand in parks, and smiled and laughed so much more than before, and he had let him touch his wings, and anyway, anyway… anyway… it was killing him from the inside to remain silent and he couldn't take it anymore, it had to be let out, it had to be said, it had be let go of, he couldn’t do it anymore, he couldn’t, he couldn't…
He clenched his jaw for a second, before softening again, and there were tears in his eyes when Crowley spoke, and his voice was just a shaking, breathy whisper, but it wasn't important. The words were out.
"Don't you know? After all this time… Aziraphale, don't you know?"
A single tear rolled down the angel's cheek as he remained sitting there, breathless.
"Well… I hoped…" he whispered with a shy smile. "Never truly believed you would… though…"
"You hoped?"
"Well I… I didn't think you…"
"But you don't, right? I've never expected you to. I'm a demon after all."
Aziraphale's expression softened to grow tender, impossibly tender and… and…
… loving.
"Oh, Crowley. After all this time, don't you know?"
But Crowley frowned, although tears also formed in his eyes.
"I can't tell you when it started. It was… oh, I've felt like this for a long while. I think… I don't know, Alexandria? Or maybe Rome? I am not sure, it was… it was like slipping into a welcomed habit, you know? Progressive, safe, certain…"
He let out a chuckle.
They both laughed as tears escaped their eyes.
"I realized later on, though, so much later… I'm sorry, I was so slow. But I was so scared, Crowley, of what they could do to you, I couldn't… I couldn't let myself acknowledge how I felt until it was way too much even for me to deny…"
"When was that?"
"In the church, during the Blitz. You saved me. And then you saved my books."
Crowley snickered.
"I knew bribing you with books was a good idea."
They let out a laugh.
"When was it, for you?" Aziraphale asked softly, reaching for both of Crowley's hands and entwining their fingers together.
Crowley gave him a soft smile.
"Eden. You idiot giving up your sword, were you serious, angel? You… you protected me from the rain."
"Really? For so long?"
Crowley merely shrugged in response, while Aziraphale was raising his hand to cup the demon's face in the softest, most tender gesture. And Crowley couldn’t stop himself from leaning into the touch.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I wasn't ready. I was too scared, but I'm not anymore. I'm not afraid anymore, dearest."
Crowley's entire frame shook at the pet name. His brain had frozen, as if the reality of it all was suddenly sinking in and hitting him right in the guts, worse than a punch.
He couldn’t think, and maybe it was why he wasn't afraid of being too fast now, and why he simply leaned down, and kissed Aziraphale.
Soft lips against his that tasted like honey and tea, like six thousand years of maybe, perhaps, one day, almost, like heartbreaks, and laughter, and hope, and despair, and fear, and a shadow following them everywhere suddenly disappearing, like a veil lifting…
It felt like the first raindrops falling on Eden, a white wing stretching to cover a demon, like wine drank after a devasting flood, like watching the death of millions hand in hand, like scrolls saved from a fire, like stargazing under cypresses, like a hand resting where his wings should have been, like offering a flawed first edition of the printed bible, like long nights alone and dinners together that always seemed to end too fast, like carrying a child out of a dead home, like watching cities burn and be rebuilt, like sweet rain falling on a salty ocean, like morning dew on the petals of wild flowers, like crêpes eaten during a revolution, like missing a part of themselves for years, like looking for a ghost through muddy faces, like burying people who had died too young, like watching fireworks, like driving too fast through London, like a bomb falling onto a church during the Blitz, like a thermos covered with tartan, like going too fast, like longing, like waiting, like reaching, like touching and grabbing, and the end of the world that didn't end but ended still in another way, like being reborn, like Saint James's park suddenly caught by a summer storm, like the rain on a picnic in Regent's Park, like sunlight through the bookshop, like Monet's paintings and a bench to stare at them for hours, like two hands reaching for six millennia and suddenly brushing fingertips together…
It felt like six thousand years compressed into one moment, and then it was over. Crowley pulled away, out of breath, out of thoughts, certain to be discorporated, and yet still with a beating heart. He stared at Aziraphale through heavy eyelids, waiting for the angel to look up at him to ask in a fragile whisper the only question worth asking now.
"Too fast, angel?"
But Aziraphale's response was to hold Crowley's face in both his hands and crush their lips together, and this time, it lasted way longer… and it was perfect, their two souls mingling and it seemed that they became one and only came apart again when their lips parted. They were exactly where they were meant to be. They were home.
Crowley ran his fingers through Aziraphale's curls, making the angel sigh as he wrapped his arms around the demon.
"Crowley, can you…?"
He stopped.
"What is it, angel?"
Another silence, before Aziraphale would dare to ask for what he had wanted for centuries.
"Can I… Can I see your wings again? Please?"
Crowley arched an eyebrow.
"My wings?"
But Crowley couldn't refuse Aziraphale anything, and certainly not after their first kiss. So he unfolded his long wings, as black as the sky in a moonless night, elegant, beautiful…
The tip of their wings stretched towards each other until they touched, making them both shudder.
"They're beautiful."
"Angel…" Crowley blushed.
There were a thousand words to be spoken, and a hundred confessions to be made, but it could all wait. For now, Aziraphale had only one thing left to say.
"I love you, Crowley. I love you so much."
A tear rolled down Crowley's face, but he didn't even notice it.
"I love you too, angel. I've always loved you, I always will."
Their lips were sealed again, for a long, long while, and their wings folded up around them, as to protect them from the outside world, black and white feathers turned into shields. In the kitchen, the Chinese food grew cold, and outside the sun continued its race across the sky, and strangers hurried through the streets of Soho drenched in heat and sunlight, but it didn't matter at all, not for the couple that had just been born in this bookshop. These four wings wrapped around a demon and an angel kissing were all that was left in their world for a long time…
 "So… this happened."
Crowley turned to look at Aziraphale on his left, his head resting on the pillow beside his. A little bit of sweat still glimmered on his forehead in the soft light of his bedside table, his blond curls made a mess by Crowley's fingers, lips reddened by kisses, his cheeks flushed, and a large grin across his face. He was so gorgeous…
"Yes… yes, it did happen," Aziraphale nodded.
"It was… it was amazing, to be honest."
"Yes, yes it was."
"Humans really have some cool advantages comparing to ethereal bodies and occult forms."
They were lying side by side, but not touching anymore, except for their hands, their fingers still entwined between them. They both struggled to find back a normal rhythm for their breaths, partially because of what they had been doing just a moment before, but also because the realization that they had just done it was slowly sinking in. And it was overwhelming. Crowley pinched his thigh, but felt the pain. No, still not discorporated…
Aziraphale started to snicker, then giggle, then straight up laugh, and Crowley looked at him with questioning eyes and arched eyebrows.
"Can you imagine… can you…" Aziraphale stuttered, struggling to speak as he doubled with laughter. "Can you imagine Gabriel's face if he could see us now?"
And Crowley exploded with laughter too.
"Or Hastur! Oh that old toad would explode!"
They kept on laughing for several minutes, so much that happy tears glimmered at the corner of their eyes and their stomach ached, and they rolled in the bed, but their hands never came apart.
When they finally calmed down, they were lying on their sides, facing each other. They stared at each other as they calmed down, breathing more deeply. Aziraphale reached out to push a loose strand away from Crowley's perfect eyes, and his fingers lingered on the demon's cheek, his thumb gently brushing the sharp cheekbone. He was so beautiful…
"Can I confess something?"
"Of course, darling. What is it?"
Crowley rolled his eyes but couldn't hide that he was blushing.
"These pet names, angel, I swear…"
"Well, why couldn't I call you 'darling'?"
"It's just… ngk… argh!"
"It's not cheesy or anything, it's normal for me to call you that. And you call me 'angel' all the time!"
"It's… I've been calling you that for centuries! Millennia, even!"
"Well, you've told me yourself that you've fallen in love with me within the first five minutes after we've met, so… it was a pet name all along, dearest."
Crowley tried to glower at Aziraphale, but he couldn't argue. After all, the angel was right. And he knew it. There is was, the smug smile, the little smirk.
"It's cheesy, angel."
"It's not cheesy! I love you, it's normal to give you tender names."
Crowley mumbled a string of meaningless words as an answer, making Aziraphale giggle, and the angel kissed his nose to shush him.
"You had a confession to make, darling."
Crowley glared at Aziraphale, but didn't reply to the provocation.
"Yes… I… It's just… I've always thought angels were against sex."
Aziraphale gave him a smile full of mischief.
"On our side, they aren't."
Crowley grinned, touched more than he meant to be by the angel's answer.
"Right… it explains it then."
"I think it does."
Aziraphale slowly moved closer to the demon he loved, hesitant, not knowing yet how to be so close to Crowley but dying to learn, until he could hold the demon in his arms and rest his head on Crowley's bare shoulder.
Crowley grinned.
"Is it un-demonic to cuddle?" Aziraphale asked, and Crowley's grin widened even more.
"Maybe. But not on our side."
It was Aziraphale's turn to feel his heart expand with too much love and tenderness to be contained.
"Oh, I see. Good. Because, I think I like it."
"I think I like it too," Crowley nodded, dropping a couple of sweet kisses in Aziraphale's hair.
He traced meaningless patterns on the small of Aziraphale's back while the angel's breath brushed and tickles the skin of his neck. With his free hand, he took Aziraphale's, playing absentmindedly with his fingers, resting palm against palm and brushing fingers and knuckles and thumbs against each other…
For how long had Crowley been dreaming about this? Hoping about this? A crazy, unreachable fantasy he kept deeply buried in his heart for so long… And yet, now, it had happened, it was happening… Aziraphale resting in his arms, kissing his shoulder from time to time, his scent all over him, his taste on his lips, their heartbeat pounding in unison, their breaths matching in rhythm. It was what it felt like to be Aziraphale's, and for Aziraphale to be Crowley's. It was what it felt like to be infinitely loved.
Crowley smiled without noticing it.
So… that was what it felt like to be truly happy…
 Rome in autumn truly was a sight to behold. Old ruins tainted by bleeding sunsets matching the colours of falling leaves, scarves of all shades and forms wrapped around couples walking hand in hand, oranges and lemons on every market, the Tiber more stubborn than usual.
Night had fallen onto the city, and the lampposts despite their best efforts could not compare to the beauty of the lights hung up to the firmament. The moon was made of silver, bright and large and all round tonight although partially hidden by heavy clouds. The city was still busy at night, but Aziraphale and Crowley were looking for a little bit of quiet today. They walked alongside the ruins of the Coliseum, but didn't stop to admire it. Instead, they walked on, hand in hand, until they reached what remained of the ancient forum.
Crowley miracled the chains to open and let them in unnoticed. Of course, by now, there were no buildings left, and merely ruins of the place they had visited centuries before together. The last time they had entered the forum together was that night they had spent stargazing. It felt strange to walk back amongst the ancient stones, like walking into a distant and yet fond memory. A little melancholic, but it was a good kind of pain, the kind that reminded them how far they had travelled to be where they were now.
The stairs where they had seated long ago where still there. Maybe it wasn't the same trees above their heads, but they didn't mind. They were still cypresses, after all. They were more crooked than the ones in their memories, maybe they too had been bent by time. It was strange for this season, and yet, there were still fireflies flying through the stony lane and buildings.
Aziraphale rested his head upon Crowley's shoulder, tightening his hold on his hand. The demon gave his hand a tender squeeze in response. Aziraphale covered their entwined fingers with his other hand, as to protect Crowley's, to make sure to surround his whole hand with his own.
The demon glanced down at their entwined fingers, smiling at the sight of the golden ring shining around the angel's finger…
… his angel, he reminded himself. He was officially his angel now. Had been for a little over 16 hours. The wedding bands around their fingers were there to prove it.
The thought brought tears to his eyes, and the feeling of Aziraphale's thumb softly stroking his knuckles did not help.
Sometimes, it was overwhelming, the way Aziraphale loved him. After all these years - countless years, really - spent dreaming about how it would be to be loved by him, Crowley still hadn't come close to how it truly felt. How whole he felt. How he wasn't feeling alone at all anymore. And the tenderness of it all… loving Aziraphale was being surrounded by it day and night, like a halo enveloping him in the fondest feelings. It was like falling but only to be caught by the softest embrace. It was safe, and certain, and unfaltering. And sometimes, the love oozing from Aziraphale was almost too much for Crowley to handle. But it was never quite too much either, and Crowley found himself constantly begging for more even when he believed he couldn't physically take more of it. And yet, he could, and he longed for more still, and Aziraphale seemed to be always eager to give more of it whenever Crowley asked so.
Crowley couldn’t get used to loving Aziraphale and being loved back, and being free to love each other the way they did now, so completely. But then, he wasn't sure he wanted to get used to it. He was happy with the feeling of his heart exploding once in a while because of all the love it received and all the love it created and couldn't hold in.
Aziraphale smiled, pointing at a star that Crowley recognized in the blink of an eye.
"My favourite star is still here," the angel said.
"Well, it's not like it's going to go anywhere, angel."
Aziraphale rolled his eyes.
"I know, honey."
"You really have to settle on one."
"On one what?"
"Pet name. You have to settle on one, and stick to it. Like angel for you."
"But I like changing. You don't like it?"
"It would make sense to settle for one."
"But you are my darling, although sometimes dearest fits better, and then, like right now, you feel more like honey, and sometimes I have to call you my love…"
"You drive me crazy, angel," Crowley sighed.
"Oh, I know," Aziraphale smirked, and his husband simply couldn't refrain a laugh.
"You, bastard…"
"Now, I really do prefer angel though, my love."
They both laughed, holding on each other a little more tightly as a cold breeze blew away dust that had settled on centuries and centuries worth of memories.
Aziraphale shivered with the cold breeze, but found himself instantly surrounded by warmth. And he knew it was Crowley miracling heat through his coat.
Sometimes, it was overwhelming, the way Crowley loved him. After all these years - countless years, really - spent dreaming about how it would be to be loved by him, Aziraphale still hadn't come close to how it truly felt. How whole he felt. How he wasn't feeling alone at all anymore. And the tenderness of it all… loving Crowley was being surrounded by it day and night, like a halo enveloping him in the fondest feelings. It was a thousand attentions targeted towards him in the sole purpose to make him happy. It was abandoning his heart and placing it in the safest of hands. It was safe, and certain, and unfaltering. And sometimes, the love oozing from Crowley was almost too much for Aziraphale to handle. But it was never quite too much either, and Aziraphale knew that there couldn't be any too much, no matter if it was about giving or receiving. It was overwhelming, but not suffocating. It was simply more than he had ever dreamt he could receive, and he wasn't prepared, and he didn't think he would ever be prepared for the next tender gesture Crowley would target him with. It was okay though, he didn't really want to get used to it.
Aziraphale couldn’t get used to loving Crowley and being loved back, and being free to love each other the way they did now, so completely. But he was happy with the feeling of his heart exploding once in a while because of all the love it received and all the love it created and couldn't hold in.
A funny thought passed through Crowley's mind, and when he shared it with his angel, it made him laugh too. If only Gabriel and Beelzebub could see them now… the thought of the two of them having sex together would have made them faint, but the two of them being married, now, that would be enough to discorporate them both.
There was a distant but clear rumbling noise that broke the sky. Rain was coming, and indeed, clouds were slowly drifting towards them, hiding one by one the stars above them.
They remained there all the same, in a comfortable and intimate silence, for a long while, undisturbed and unwilling to walk away as the night grew darker, and the streets became empty, and the clouds gathered above them.
Eventually, a raindrop fell on the tip of Crowley's nose, startling him. But there wasn't a second one. A white, long, elegant wing had stretched out to protect them both, and Crowley was ready to cry.
He rested his head on Aziraphale's.
"Yes, dearest?"
"Will you still be here when there won't be mornings anymore?"
Aziraphale smiled, dropping a kiss into Crowley's neck before answering.
"Yes, I will."
Tag list : @ponycake27 @horsesreign @xinyourdreamsx @jbluevelvet @notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss @stuckupstucky @snek-shit @suchatinyinfinity @i-padfootblack-things  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi
@madamrogers @secret-jester @allegra-the-witch @damalseer @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @draqcnheartstrinq @colddecember-night @allknowingnerd @bluebaggins @mundieoriley @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @yana-versio @hellojawsie @littlee–onee  thank you all for your support during the marathon that this week turned into!! 
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chunghee22 · 6 years
Bond Level: Arthur Pendragon (King of Knights)
requested by anon numbah 13!
(A/N: A few hours past the time I wanted to post it, but my day got a little bit busier than I thought...I hope y'all still enjoy this though ^^. it's pretty long so happy reading!)
Level 1: "It is nice to see you again, Master of Chaldea. Ah, don't worry, I was just being formal considering this is our first meeting in such a place. I happen to like your name and I plan on saying it as often as I can. Now, as I said before I am Saber, Arthur Pendragon. A servant that will protect you whilst you protect the world."
Level 3: -by now Arthur has not only come in contact with the Knights of the Round, the different versions of King Arthur, MERLIN(lord help us), but also the servants that were around during his Grail War. With the Knights of the round, Arthur seemed to be a bit...Distant? At this point you're not quite sure. Therefore, most of his free time is spent at your side. The place where he feels the most comfortable.-
Level 5: "Master, you look tired. We've been at it all morning. Let's stop for a moment. I think this should be a good spot to rest for now...Eh? Why have I come to be with you instead of talking with the Knights of the Round? Well, I think it would be best if you had a servant with you at all times." -you stare at him quietly- "Haha, not buying it huh? I figured you would be able to see through me. I just...I feel as if I'm intruding. They may have the same faces and such as the Knights that are from my world but...Yes. I feel as if they are the Knights of THIS world's King Arthur. Not mine. Besides, whenever I've gone near them in the past they would seem a bit down so I figured that-. Hmm? They were only in low spirits because I wouldn't speak to them freely, you say?" -Arthur stares at the Knights for a bit- "I see...Seems like I've messed up again, huh?"
Level 7: -After a bit of talking, Arthur can now chat with the Knights without issue, much to your relief. Arthur seems a bit happier now without that load on his shoulders and he doesn't always remain at your side(sadly) but when he does he lights up like a Christmas tree. Still...It's strange. Sometimes he looks at you with eyes that hold emotions you don't quite understand. You think you see sadness in them but you're still not sure and it's quite obvious that Arthur won't tell you. No, no, he wouldn't want to put that burden on you when you already have so much on such small shoulders. You can tell that he knows this bothers you, but he still will not speak of it.-
Level 10: "Ah, Master. Would you mind if I sat with you? I can? Thank you." -sits on your bed and holds out a box to you- "Doughnut? Yes, take how ever many you want. I won't tell Emiya about it. I recommend the one with strawberry icing. They're very good. Mmm? What's on my mind? Ah...That. I would like to speak freely if that's alright with you." -you nod and eat your doughnut- "It...I have been troubled as of late. No, it doesn't have anything to do with my stay here at Chaldea. Things have been going surprisingly well actually. Which somewhat worries me. I believe I told you this before, but if I haven't let me reiterate. I am pursuing an evil being. A beast. That is my reason for being here. If not for that, I doubt that I would have even met you on that day, let alone twice. It sounds strange now that I have come to know and grown fond of you...Sad even." -blushes a bit at your expression- "Ahem. Back to my point. now that I have grown so fond of you, I fear that if I find and defeat this evil that I may return back to where I came from. I know that it seems silly and that our bond is strong enough to maintain me but...It is a fear. A very big fear. I just...I don't want to leave you. If I could, I'd stay with you even after you save humanity. Forgive me for speaking of this with you but I didn't want to withhold this from you anymore. I could see that it caused you much pai-?! Master? Why are you crying?!" -panics- "Ah...Ah! Wait here! I'll go get some tissues!!"
Also Level 10: -That night with Arthur was very...enlightening. You were surprised to see that not only had he grown that fond of you, but that his words seemed like some kind of confession. For the next few days it's hard to be around Arthur without turning into a blushing, stuttering mess. He sees this and apologizes about his earlier words. He didn't mean to trouble you and he tells you to just forget all that he said. You practically yell that 'it's a misunderstanding' at the man and proceed to explain why you've been acting the way you have. After which Arthur flushes and finds that he can't speak properly. This then leaves both of you embarrassed and slightly confused on how to proceed from here, but hey. The guy ran a kingdom and you've managed to fix multiple singularities. I'm sure you'll figure it out.-
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idk what to do; it's been abt five years since i stopped eating regularly and my mom's finally caught me fr. it started when i was feeling really overwhelmed and i thought i couldn't feel anything at all and i just kind of stopped eating in response. now i'm definitely happier, but i still can't eat properly. sometimes i'll go a few days without full meals/more than one in that span. i'm scared and idk why i keep doing this even tho ik it's harmful and i dont WANT to be like this, it just is
Hey lovely, 
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling so much with eating! It’s really good to hear that you don’t want to be like this, as motivation is the first step of recovery! I know it’s super scary that your mum has caught you, but I think that can also be a really good thing as now you don’t have to do this all by yourself anymore. She can help you make steps in recovery and support you.
First of all, I think it would be really beneficial for you to speak to a therapist, counsellor, or other mental health professional. Your issues with eating seem to be closely related to your emotions and how you manage them. You mention that you’re happier now yet still unable to eat more, but since it did start with not eating due to your emotions, I think it’s really important to look into this. It’s possible you have a lot of unprocessed emotions and if you can process those a bit better and deal with them, then eating might be easier. Additionally, I also think it would be good to see a nutritionist. They can make a meal plan for you so that you can slowly work up to eating regularly. 
If you think about eating regularly, so three meals and three snacks a day, what is the first thought that comes into your head? What feelings do you experience? Your thoughts and feelings when thinking about eating regularly might say a lot about why you continue to eat the way you’re eating. I don’t know if what you’re struggling with would be classified as an eating disorder since I’m not a professional (and we don’t recommend self-diagnosis for the reasons listed here), but I’m in treatment for an eating disorder, and the first assignment I got was to write down the pros and cons of my ED. The cons of it can help as motivation in recovery, but it’s important not to dismiss the pros. There is a reason why so far you haven’t been able to just start eating regularly again. For some reason it’s easier for you or it feels better for you to not eat properly. If you know this reason, then you can work on finding other ways (healthy ways) to fulfil that reason, which in turn can make it a lot less difficult to start eating regularly again.
Like I said, we can’t know whether you are dealing with an eating disorder or not. But we do have an eating disorders page series which has a lot of tips that can be helpful for anyone struggling with eating. So I’d strongly recommend you to have a look through them. 
I hope you can talk to your mum about all of this and that she will do her best to understand and help and support you. You could use the support! Maybe it’s good to think for yourself of how she can be of help for you. Would it help for her to encourage you through some more meals? Would it help to talk to her about why you stopped eating regularly in the first place? Would it help to just have her there as someone you can lean on, someone who cares? Different things help different people so that’s why it’s good to think of what helps you. 
Please do consider reaching out for professional help. Eating issues are very serious and can have harmful physical consequences, which you probably are aware of already. But this only makes it more important to properly get help so that you can slowly improve your eating habits.
Sometimes what seems impossible, is just hard.Love Pauline
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