#I'm watching LoSH
Can we get a ranking of speedsters most to least likely to kill
This thing is gonna be an upside down pyramid. Jesus, okay.
Tier 1 (Have killed, will kill)
Jay, Max, Dawn, Don
Tier 2 (Have killed, will kill again but is more prone to torture when angry and/or threatened)
Barry, Bart, Wally
Tier 3 (Hasn't killed but will if needed)
Avery, Ace, Jesse, Jenni
Tier 4 (Actual child)
Irey, Jai, Wade
My explanation for this? Simple. Tier 1 is all people who have actively fought in wars. Jay fought Nazis, he killed people in WW2. That's just what happened. He doesn't feel bad about it. Jay avoids killing people now because he isn't at war currently, but he will kill and has killed if he absolutely has to.
Max has also fought in wars and he has had a long and storied past throughout history. The man has seen and done things. Not all of them good. But yeah, Max has killed. Will he kill again? Unlikely. Unless someone is threatening his daughter or Bart, in which case, yes, it's very likely.
Dawn and Don also fought in a war and killed entire platoons of Dominators. They're unlikely to kill again because they're dead. But if they weren't dead? I'm pretty sure they'd still be fine with killing people in wartime situations.
Tier 2 is a little bit more complicated. Barry, Wally and Bart have all killed people. It's a last resort for them but it's still always an option. If they have to kill the bad guy to save the civilian then they'll kill the bad guy no questions asked. Some people have to die for the time stream to function correctly? Sure. Okay. Especially bigger bads like Darksied. They had absolutely no problem killing Darksied. Oh, and you better watch out if you threaten their loved ones because the people they love are worth dying and killing for.
They don't like it. They really don't like it. But they'll do it.
(Honestly though? Bart is unnerving unfazed by it)
Tier 3. So... This may come as a surprise but I actually haven't read all the LoSH comics? So while I'm fairly certain Jenni hasn't killed anyone, I can't say that 100%. Either way, she'd be down for it if it was the only option.
Avery would 100% be down for murder. So would Ace. That's the Iris West influence right there. Those two kids are not afraid to get their hands dirty and, while I'm fairly certain they haven't yet, I have no doubt that they will. These two just inherited Iris' moral code and she's totally fine with homicide.
Jesse surprises me because she's gotta have killed someone. I'm wracking my brain and nothing comes to mind but I don't buy that for a second. She's just got that homicidal energy, you know? She's 100% done it and will again, I just can't remember when it was.
Tier 4 is the children. Now... to be clear. I'm not saying that they haven't killed anyone because they are children. No, I'm actually fairly positive they have killed a significant amount of people. I'm saying that they are children and therefore do not understand the concept of death. They don't really understand that they've killed people and I don't really think they are any more or less likely to kill again. Until they understand it they are just destructive forces of nature. No malice or intent. Just sheer raw power.
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legionarebrainy · 11 months
Who is your favorite brainiac 5?
My favorite Brainy is the losh 2006 animated series Brainiac 5. I fell in love with his design right at the start. Thought he was an interesting and cool-looking girl at first. That's what happens when you watch cartoons from youtube randomly without quite understanding the english language fully😅. When I found out he wasn't a smartass girl, but a smartass boy I liked him even more. Something about androgynous characters always spoke to me.
Also, I never got access to DC Comics, it's very hard to get them where I live, so I'm only familiar with the ones on yt clips and tv. Such as CW Brainy(like him a lot too), young justice one(on the end😅😭), justice league one and a new one from the movie with pretty cool animation ft. Supergirl(LOVE him)
So I'm not that familiar with other Brainiac 5s, would love to read more on them eventually tho. Thank you for asking me and hearing me ramble. I'd also like to know who's your fave B5?👀👀👀👀
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kara-zor-els · 8 days
Superfam Ask Game : ✨;👽;⭐
✨ : What was the first superfam-related media you consumed?
I remember watching that super old Krypto cartoon so I'm pretty sure this was the first time I ever saw the S shield on anything. Other than that, it was the LOSH cartoon a few years afterwards.
👽 : Favourite villain
I don't consider him a strictly Superman villain but I'm always excited to see Darkseid pop up in Superman-related stuff. But as far as actual Superman villains are concerned, probably Brainiac. ⭐ : Most underrated character in your opinion
She was never officially in the Superfam but Thao La would have made a great addition imo. If we talk strictly Superfam then Natasha (also Chris but I don't know him well myself... I guess that I am part of the problem lol)
Superfam Ask Game
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nikrei · 20 days
August Comic Round-Up
Look the thing about the 60s and silver age comics is that a whole lot of stuff happens, but not a lot of things.... accumulate. Knowing what's actually going to be carried forward into the continuity is a total crapshoot. This is why its not my favorite. Some day I will be free of the sixties. I have done this to myself.
Action Comics (286-335) (1962-1966)
We're really getting into the superhorse content now.... Leo Dorfman why must u ship this so bad. Also, Kara's parents are still alive?? That's truly a ballsy move to make Leo Dorfman. With all the interstellar and time travel they're really conscious of the fact that folks from other planets and other time periods wouldn't speak the same language, but they like to side step it in increasingly ridiculous ways. Lois and Clark and Lana all know ancient Welsh. Lois and Jimmy are fluent in Latin. Most aliens they interact with apparently watch earth like it's their favorite soap and have therefore all learned English.
Superman (143-182) (1962-1966)
This set of comics tend to do this thing where there are post scarcity worlds that "have virtually no crime because everything is provided" and the few people who are committing crimes at doing it for the thrill of it..... so like.... tell me ur aware that like 95% of crime comes from resource scarcity and then turn around and slap me with the "all criminals are evil and its a state of mind the only reason crimes are committed is because how evil these people are." Also... anti-evil mindcontrol I hate it.
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (59-90) (1962-1966)
Convinced that no comic writer working on a superman title knows how to write romance or chemistry there's nothing there bro! Jimmy and Lucy are just going through the motions, she's dating other people semi seriously he's doing one off dates to make her jealous i cannot be convinced that these people care about each other. She asked him to take care of her dog for the weekend and he literally went over to her place and DID NOT TAKE CARE OF THE DOG!! Tbh they only convince me they car about each other when they are sandra and magi.
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane (29-62)(1961-1966)
Siiigh, it's about 80/20 haha that uppity lois lane got her comeuppance/competent and compassionate lois. And 95% of it is her being desperate to marry superman. Honestly it's sorta the most difficult to get thru at this point.
World's Finest Comics (124-155)(1962-1966)
Batman and Superman are getting more time to actually interact which is fun. These two are sorta deranged in the exact same way. Seeing the "presents" they get for each other for anniversaries and birthdays, Tim's 16th birthday makes perfect sense and also it's possible that Bruce thought it would be well recieved. As far as backups go, I didn't read Congorilla at all, the Green Arrow backups are getting longer so there's some actual personality shining thru, and hey mom, how come aquaman gets two comics?? (at least for a few issues)
Superboy (89-126) (1961-1966)
Started this run where Mon-el showed up! But uuuhg I'm so bored with the Lana Lang plots!! Ooooh she's scheming up ways to find out his secret identity! Cause that's what women do, they scheme! Schemey schemers gotta teach them a lesson am I right?? I'm so over it.
Adventure Comics (281-341) (1961-1966)
Thank god in issue 300 the back up started being LoSH i honestly hate the bizarro back-ups so much, it's so awful and ableist in a very 60s way ahhhhhhhggg! Anyway now that it's LoSH I'm enjoying it. And oh-ho, at 309 LoSH goes from back up to main feature, nice! All these children are my precious babies now, btw.
Aquaman (1-25) (1961-1966) + Showcase (30-33) (1961)
Omg Mera showed up, hi Mera!! Garth continues to be the most precious fry in the sea. Also they keep getting halfway there about caring about the environment. Like.... the enemy has made a desalinator to prevent aquaman's saltwater fish from attacking him. But. The fact that he has apparently desalinated the whole gulf of Mexico is treated as a tremendous feat of human ingenuity?? That time they cause a gas leak to defend against interdimensional wizards. Its fine things leak into the ocean all the time don't worry about it. The army warns aquaman about nuclear testing sites so he can stay clear of them because they know that the bomb and fallout are dangerous.... but any further reaching consequences are not considered. It's still better than all the runs which really don't care or consider at all, don't get me wrong. One more thing: it was more fun when aquaman was this homeless hick nobody who had never even been to Atlantis and was just calling himself the king of the sea. Now that he's been to Atlantis and was actually elected king it is not as much fun. Tho Aquaman and Mera's blissful matrimony is v fun. Aquababy had also arrived on the scene! I know ur days are numbered, baby.
Green Lantern (11-42) (1962-1966)
Look, this comic is the only one to be normal about non-human shaped aliens and I love it for that. Not even LoSH manages that most of the time, and the super titles super don't. Also Black Hand routinely breaks the 4th wall and directly addresses the readers all the time and it's never remarked on. He's the only one who does this, it's fascinating to me.
Justice League of America (9-33) (1962-1965)
Traditional JLA stuff, wacky and wild but pretty usual. Snapper is the most likeable he's ever been.
The Brave and the Bold (50-57) (1963-1965)
This is where B&B starts being about actual team-ups rather than a random anthology mostly about robinhood/knights/vikings it seems. Got to read Rex's first appearance, which was v fun! Rex <3 Sapphire 5ever!
My Greatest Adventure/Doom Patrol (80-93) (1963-1965)
MGA 80 is the first instance of Doom Patrol, before the magazine is renamed Doom Patrol at 86. Before that it was just an unrelated anthology. Anyway i really like the og team! Rita is my fave but of course Cliff is a close second. Steve can go jump off a cliff.
Hawkman (1-11) (1964-1966)/Brave and the Bold (34-36 & 42-44) (1961 & 1962)
I actually really like the relationship between Katar and Shayera, like, it's 60's flavored but you can actually tell that they like each other as well as love each other. There's a lot of little story beats with them connecting with each other that are very sweet.
House of Mystery (143-155) (1964-1965)
What i expected from the Martian Manhunter stories in a magazine called house of mystery: J'onn J'onzz, police detective, solving mysteries in the city, as a police detective. What I got: J'onn J'onzz living in a cave with a small alien side kick named Zook dealing with magic in rural America. Didn't read the other stories in the anthologies.
I've been trying to read about a year a week, so if I manage to keep that up then I should be able to get back to the 90s in..... 5-6 months?
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Random unsolicited challenge feel free to ignore I'm just suddenly curious: What LoSH villain would you assign to each song in the disney villain medley? (Link for reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBYGmHagPDE ) can also do general DC villains if you'd prefer
This was actually a lot of fun! Hope people see my vision!
Poor Unfortunate Souls - The Emerald Eye Be Prepared - Mordru, but if we really pay attention to the fratricide elements this is Mekt. Hellfire - ??? I am struggling placing this one just due to the sheer level of sexual entitlement, shame, ego and madness. Any input? Gaston - This is Superboy Prime (he wishes)
Mother Knows Best - Winema Wazzo
Friends on the Other Side - Mysa Prince Ali (Reprise) - Computo as a stretch.
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millimononym · 1 year
made a pinned post cuz why not
Milli / Oli / Oliver / Olivia
any pronouns! (He/Him, It/Its, They/Them, She/Her and neopronouns are fine too if you feel like it)
I speak SRP/ENG
Here's my tag guide
Warnings are tagged as both "cw SOMETHING" and "tw SOMETHING" with the EXCEPTION of unreality, which is just tagged as that. if i haven't tagged a warning properly feel free to tell me and i will try to fix it
OH AND ALSO i like to change my pfp and theme p much every month i remember to. It's still me! Don't worry (or do?)
Some things I like:
-Brawl Stars
-Bully scholarship edition/ Canis Canem Edit
-Galactik football
-Batman the animated series
-The Batman 2022
-Legion of Super Heroes 2006
-One Piece (caught up to manga btw)
-Homestuck (on act 6 btw)
-Danganronpa 1 and 2 (don't like v3)
-Ginga Nagareboshi Gin and GDW
I am also currently watching/rewatching/reading:
-MAR (Marchen Awakens Romance)
-Adventure time (on like s5)
-Batman the Audio adventures (finished s1)
-JL cartoon
-LOSH comics, in chronological order (im not even through the classic comics)
-Yu-Gi-Oh, very slowly
-Watership down
Some other things about me:
-i like to draw. Dunno if I'm any good at it but i try
-i am interested in translation!!! I like translating things from English to serbian and vice versa but it takes an ungodly amount of time unfortunately
-gonna try and learn how to code so i can make my own neocities site
-gonna also try to finish Homestuck but hgghhh time consuming comic is time consuming
-love lego sets but don't have too many cuz expensive...
-my fave batman villain is the riddler
DNI/you're getting blocked: "MAPS"(aka pedos),zoos, TERFs, truscum/transmeds, transrace and people neutral on that kind of thing (its racist), proshippers will also usually get blocked on sight. Please block me first so i never have to interact with you ok thanks bye
I don't really care what fandoms you're a part of as long as you're a normal person
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fazedlight · 1 year
RIFT FIC!!!!!!! :D
thank you for your lovely response and for science headcanon post, i especially enjoy when people take random bits of their own knowledge that isn’t so common (like the stable marriage/roommate problem you explained) and find a way to put that into their fics and headcanons. i actually laughed out loud when lena started talking mitochondrial dna in your fic (the not having any extra dna on hand bit made ZERO sense to me as well, especially since the show was written and aired after covid hit and every news program in the world had explained what PCR was ad nauseam). it just makes the world feel that much more real with these little details carefully thought through. excited for your other fics as well, both supercorp and otherwise!
i love how once you headcanon a character enough they will interrupt you to say ‘no, i wouldn’t do that, that makes no sense, i would do -this-‘ and completely derail what you had in mind for them also :D
and thank you for the encouragement re: posting fic!
follow-up question(s): have you ever contemplated the logistics of particular aus or crossovers? are there ships you are particularly fond of that aren’t supercorp? (whether shipping with kara/lena or any other characters)
👀 👀 👀
the show was written and aired after covid hit and every news program in the world had explained what PCR was ad nauseam
Oh my GOD!!! If I had been watching the show when it was airing, I think I would've actually gone insane about this 🤣
have you ever contemplated the logistics of particular aus or crossovers?
Hmm, I haven’t yet - I actually haven’t read many AUs in general, right now canon just has a grip on me that I can’t let go of!
are there ships you are particularly fond of that aren’t supercorp? (whether shipping with kara/lena or any other characters)
In Supergirl? Oh, plenty 👀
Brainia and Dansen are fantastic. I really wish Dansen had gotten more screen time.
For Lena (still with supercorp endgame): I headcanon Lena/Andrea in the past - I actually forget that it’s not canon, I cannot read the whole Titanic thing as anything but gay. I like Lena/Jack as a past ship, too.
For Kara (still with supercorp endgame): I think Kara/Lucy or Kara/Kate or Kara/Leslie all have potential, in that order. The LOSH movie gave me some affinity for Kara/Brainy, too, though I don’t really adopt that into the Arrowverse.
Non-supercorp non-canon ships: I like Imra/Gayle, Alex/Sam, Sam/Andrea, probably a few others that I'm forgetting...
For the most part, they don't kidnap my mind into creating a fic, but they're sort in the sea of tangent Supergirl thoughts (along with all the other scenes and snippets and story ideas... occasionally ideas in that sea start aggregating, and then I'm compelled to write a fic).
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I suppose you already saw the new DC Gods and Monsters announcement by gunn. What are your opinion and speculations?
Anonymous asked:
Commentary on James new DCU plans ?
At long last: the wait is over.
Running through the list:
Superman: Legacy - Not really much to go off of other than the name being rather boring. Probably chose it over something like Superman: Man of Tomorrow simply to make sure people wouldn't confuse it for a MoS sequel. It's coming in 2025 and will be the first "proper" DCU film, which means we will get casting by the end of 2023 at least. I've seen some folks speculate that "Legacy" means the real focus will be on Clark mentoring Kara or Jon and I don't see that happening. If that was the plan then there's no need to drop Cavill, since he just would be playing support. Whoever the new Superman will be, he will be front and center.
The Authority - No one saw this one coming. How the hell this will work in the DCU is anyone's guess. I think they'll have Manchester Black form the team as a reaction to Superman, and ultimately there will be a clash between Supes and the Authority that ends with Black being ousted in favor of Jenny Sparks. Perhaps it will even lead into an adaption of Morrison S&tA given the Morrison influence seen elsewhere in the slate? Either way I'm very excited to see what Gunn does.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow - I loved the mini, I'm excited for this.
Lanterns - I get both of my favorite Lanterns in the DCU! Surprising that they would scrap Berlanti's show right after signing a big deal with him. I'm going to guess that they discover evidence of the White Martians invading, and that's what leads into the DCU JL forming.
The Brave and the Bold - Skipping right to Damian is surprising but that might be to avoid stepping on Reeves toes. I guess there will be another age gap between Superman and Batman?
The Batman Part II - Batman fans eating good, you'll get solo gritty dark Batman and more comic-y Batman.
Swamp Thing - As if you needed any more confirmation that the Abrams JLD projects are dead. I love Swamp Thing but I'm going to need more info.
Creature Commandos - Exact sort of obscure property we were expecting Gunn to love. Good to see DC is investing in animation still.
Paradise Lost - Might be good if they look to Historia for inspiration. "Game of Thrones with the Amazons" could go sour really quickly depending on how they characterize the Amazons.
Waller - If Bloodsport shows up here I'll watch it, otherwise I think I'm good.
Booster Gold - Never really cared for Gold myself but this character is exactly the kind of character Gunn loves. If he casts Pratt in the role all hell will break loose and I would be there for it.
Seems like Levi, Gadot, Momoa, and even Miller(!!!) might get to continue in their roles. You won't see actors play two characters at the same time in the DCU, so I guess Momoa won't be Lobo after all? Look, part of the problem is that Gunn can't say anything that will negatively impact the box office returns for 2023, meaning he's not going to say they're done even if they are because then people might go "these don't matter", and stay home. The Wrap claims that The Flash is going to get the Elseworlds brand which makes it unlikely Calle would continue on as Supergirl, but it's too early to say at this point.
Keeping any of the main Leaguers in their roles is going to cause the same kind of continuity clusterfuck as the New 52 not rebooting Batman and GL did, but you know what? At this point I don't care. Not my problem, all I want are good Superman and Supergirl movies, with some exciting spinoffs like LoSH too. Don't give a rat's ass if the JL film sucks or the continuity makes sense as long as I get what I want. I'll follow the projects that look interesting and ignore the ones that don't.
There's a "brain trust" of writers advising Gunn, one of whom is Tom King which is sure to piss off plenty but leaves me rather happy. Maybe King is even writing the script for Supergirl? Morrison and King are clearly Gunn's guiding lights, and far as Superman goes they're two of his best writers. Adam Strange fans are in for a rough ride no doubt.
Gunn also confirmed that they continue to plan on synergy across multiple mediums which makes me nervous. If his Superman sucks then I'm going to be stuck with a take I don't like showing up everywhere in a way not even Snyder/Cavill's take did. On the other hand the emphasis that the synergy will include DCU games makes me hopeful that maybe we might finally get a goddamn Superman game, and if that happens then I'll take that synergy. S&L may get to run for 1 to 2 more seasons - wasn't clear if S3 is included in that 1 to 2 more - but that will hopefully let S&L last for 4-5 seasons which is a solid tenure for a show. Not sure how MAWS will fit into Gunn's plan, but I hope he just lets it run and makes his own Superman cartoon if he wants one.
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Feels nice to be excited after years of flinching and dreading every DC announcement. Not a perfect slate, not what *I* would do, but there's a healthy mix of A-Listers, B/C-Listers, and oddballs that appeal to Gunn. Not all of the slate has been revealed, and I'm sure we will get another JL movie before the decade is done, but for a starting slate I think DC's future looks bright.
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winterskywrites · 2 years
we haven’t talked in a while, but I wanted to say that I really appreciate your writing! sometimes I just start going through and reading a bunch of your Karadox/Brainy-focused fics in a row because I love how you write them so much and I miss Jesse as Brainy (also I’m not sure if you saw, but there’s a Legion of Super-Heroes animated movie that just came out, and it has some great Karadox content in it)
Aah, Rachel, it's definitely been too long since we've talked! I'm so glad you still enjoy my writing, even though I don't really write Karadox anymore. I didn't realize the LoSH movie had come out already, but I'll definitely go watch it!
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thoughts on the trailer for the animated Legion of Super-Heroes movie?
I actually had a post saved in my drafts when the news first dropped that we were getting a SUPERGIRL AND LoSH MOVIE, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2023, but at the time there weren't many details so I scrapped it. XD But! Now we do have details! AND SO...SOME THOUGHTS!
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Personally not a huge fan of the current DC animated film style, but, I think everyone looks pretty good, considering.
The overall design of the Legionnaires appears to be a blend of the 'classic' costumes as well as the recent Sook redesigns--I recognize most of the characters, but there's a few that I can't quite place? Maybe a few more watch-throughs and I'll get 'em.
(But also: Ferro Lad! Sensor Girl! Arm-Fall-Off Boy!)
And much like the costume designs, the plot itself appears to be a bit of a blend too, pulling some of the broad-strokes set-up of the New 52 Crucible arc for Kara (basically Space Boarding School where she fits in better b/c of her Kryptonian upbringing) but also maybe a bit of the JLU cartoon as well where Kara initially has a contentious relationship with Brainy but ultimately decides to stay in the 31st century. It's all wrapped up in the more current looks for the characters, WITH a dash of Classic Legion flavor, courtesy of The Dark Circle.
(Dang, this is making me want to re-read some LoSH comics. XD)
Josie Campbell is the writer and she's currently crushing it on the Mary Marvel book so I'm really excited to see her take on the Legion as well as Supergirl!
Voice cast seems...fine? I forget who they cast as Supergirl but she sounds good in the trailer. (I guess it's really just the Batman/Superman stuff that's coming across as bland/stiff, but who knows! Maybe it'll be better in the full film.)
AND SO, IN GENERAL: Looking forward to this because OH MY GOSH, LEGION CONTENT??!??!?!?! WITH KARA??!??!?! Be still my heart! :D (But also, like. Tempering my expectations because it's direct-to-video DC fare, which I personally feel is fairly hit-or-miss.)
....Also if Matter Eater Lad isn't in this we riot. XD
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cyclone-rachel · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
awwww thank you, Winter!
favorite fics that I've made/ones that I'm the most proud of:
Pay the Asking Price
so this one, for those who don't know, is my Supergirl season 2 rewrite/Elseworlds story, based on the question "what if Brainy was in the pod from the end of season 1 instead of Mon-El?" It came about in 2019 due to a couple different things, and once I realized how much it worked, I had to write it, and I did. And I really enjoyed doing so! It's the longest fanfic I've ever done, and I think one of the only longer stories I've ever completed.
2. No Connection/Hope Burns Bright
these stories aren't exactly connected, but they do both feature Brainysupes, so I'm just putting them together. The first one came about as a story inspired by my friend Pesky's Heart of Steel collection, which is a bunch of her fanfics that are all based on specific episodes of TV that we watched. The second was inspired by me suddenly realizing how similar Brainy in LOSH is to Aya from Green Lantern the Animated Series, and how much I wanted them to be friends because of those similarities, combined with the AU I already had where Brainy is a Green Lantern as well as some Green Lantern lore from the Rebirth series featuring Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz. I loved writing them both, I love LOSH animated Brainy and his crush on Superman.
3. I loved you yesterday
my first Marvel fanfic, this one is based on Wandavision and features Vision's POV during the Halloween episode and the big climactic scene with him in that episode in particular. Because of course I'd be drawn to writing about the robot who had an evil "relative" but who also rejected that heritage and fell in love with another superhero. I took a lot of notes for this one, and looking back on it, I'm still really happy with this fanfic and how I wrote Vision. I still miss him, I wish he'd come back.
4. look at what well-meant did
aka The One Where Brainy Goes Off
This one I just wrote right after Supergirl 5x06 in a burst of inspiration, and I'm glad it got such a positive response because I really enjoy it too.
5. something we must learn
my second Supergirl/Flash crossover fic, featuring Nora and Brainy because I still think they should have met and I have no idea why they didn't. Especially since, as we learned, they were both inhibited by their parents and it would have been neat for them to talk about it.
honorable mention to this meme
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that I am very proud of for obvious reasons.
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are you gonna watch the LOSH movie?
Probably not xD I haven't seen anything superhero comic book connected (I don't coun't The Boys) since CwSupergirl's finale and I'm ok with that xD
But maybe watch supervalor scenes on yt?
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I’m rewatching that one LoSH clip and Brainiac 5 just made THE Transformers transforming noise and my brain was like “!!!” but I just looked it up and THIS CARTOON PREDATES THE BAYVERSE FILMS WHICH MEANS BRAINIAC 5 WAS MY FIRST INTRODUCTION TO “TRANSFORMING ROBOTS” BEFORE I EVEN KNEW WHAT TRANSFORMERS WAS...FRICK
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coluanprodigy · 2 years
Every time there's a piece of media with the LoSH in it, I get exited to see Clark and/or Kara interact with them with a sense of deep familiarity and fondness, only for the two groups to once again be complete strangers to each other. Why is DC so afraid of letting the two Supers be a part of the Legion or have them as their childhood friends? It feels like they're so set on removing the Legion from their past, I'll never understand it. It just disappoints me every time. They retcon them in and out of it every five minutes. Or replace them with whoever is the Current Superboy™️ -which isn't a bad idea on its own, but why does it have to come with an erasure of the older Kryptonians' history with the group every time?
Imagine how much more interesting the Bendisboot could be if -besides being written by somebody competent- it was a story about Jon learning to connect with his father's past (or is it the future? 🤔) through the people who actually knew him when he was his age. A way for him to differentiate himself as his own person, and to learn about what they had in common. How fun would it be for him to discover that Clark was once just a kid like him, through the stories of people that got to grow up with him? Anyway, I'm just rambling at this point lol.
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lilydvoratrelundar · 4 years
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fairyroses · 6 years
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google earth…………always takin’ pics 
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