#I'm totally patting myself on the back here but I think it's really cool
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year ago
SSR Ace Trappola - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National  Museum of Art]
Ace: Huuuh, so this museum's been open for 100 years, huh. It's got some pretty cool exhibits.
Ace: Tryin' to appreciate art just seems boring, and I totally thought bein' a supporter was not my bag, but I might be able to enjoy myself here after all.
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Ace: ―Ooh, found me the painting of some card soldiers! Look at 'em, all cool the way they're standing at attention like that.
???: Mhm, their perfectly aligned call to attention is quite the spectacle.
Ace: Ah, hey, Lilia-senpai. You must have great taste to see the true quality of this painting here! Haha.
Ace: If the rank and file are in disarray, then it doesn't look good at all. They gotta be in perfect formation, especially when marching.
Lilia: That's correct. So, you understand what it means to march as they do… Not bad, kid.
Ace: Not that much. I mean, back in my dorm, we just have certain days that all the students are required to march in formation.
Lilia: Kufufu, I heard that practice for that begins as soon as you enter. I've heard many a classmate complaining about it here and there.
Ace: Yeaaaaah, I can see why they'd want to complain. It's not just the Housewarden; even our usually nice upperclassmen come down on us hard during the training.
Ace: The first time I had to march after joining the dorm was the worst. We definitely looked nothing like the card soldiers in this art piece.
Ace: When we looked at the video that Cater-senpai took for us, we could see that the first years' walking was ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Ace: Every one of 'em couldn't get their arms and legs up and moving properly, and they were all looking down. It was sooo lame. I couldn't even laugh at how bad it was.
Ace: By the by, I got praised pretty much right out the gate ♪ They all said that my spirit fully embodied the heart suit card soldiers.
Ace: It's easy for me to just copy what I see the upperclassmen are doing, or what the video's showing. I don't get why all the rest of them were havin' a bad time.
Lilia: OHO~~~?
Ace: Eh? What's with that grin? You're kinda giving me the creeps all of a sudden.
Lilia: How rude of you to call someone as cute as me creepy! But aren't you actually quite the diligent one.
Ace: DILIGENT!? I don't think that word suits me at all!?
Lilia: Not only did you follow the examples set by your upperclassmen, you also watched went further and watched the videos and practiced on your own… I'm seeing you in a whole new light, Ace.
Ace: Ahh, c'mon. Stop patting my head like that. It's not like I was trying to study for it or anything.
Ace: It woulda been a pain and pretty lame if I had to stay behind to practice. That's why I just wanted to get it done ASAP. That's all!
Lilia: It's nothing worth getting all worked up to deny.
Lilia: I think it's rather commendable that you put in the extra effort in order to seek what you think is "cool."
Ace: I'm not getting worked up…! Wait, I got a feeling that if I keep responding, he'll just keep stringing me along to tease me.
Ace: Uh, I'm gonna go to check out the cool-lookin' painting over there!
Lilia: Hey now, don't leave me behind. Kufufu, this must be that adolescence I've heard much about.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Lilia: Let me see, what cool painting were you talking about… Oho, it's of the King of Beasts. He looks oh so dignified, I can't help but find it charming.
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Ace: Aaand he followed me… But yeah, I definitely agree that's he's pretty dignified.
Lilia: There are many legends swirling around the King of Beasts. Just from looking at this painting, I can't think of which scene they're trying to depict here.
Ace: Uhhh, based on this info they got plastered next to it…
Ace: Looks like… Oh, it's where he was talking about his vision for the country's future with his hyena retainers.
Ace: I actually really like the story of how the King of Beasts would always trust in his hyenas.
Ace: Oh yeah, and that one where he performed songs for his people!
Lilia: Mhm, that's a good one. He is a sophisticated king indeed to utilize singing to vow to improve his country.
Ace: Riiiiight~? Totally get why the hyenas were so excited that they were singing and dancing all through the night.
Ace: The King of Beasts looks pretty unapproachable from just a glance, but he must have had a ton of charisma.
Lilia: Well, he did have the power to move his people's hearts through song. If he had his due, perhaps he would have been able to sway the whole world with his song.
Ace: Totally. If I had lived during the same era, I would have loved to go and karaoke with him.
Lilia: Speaking of karaoke… I heard you and Sebek went for that.
Ace: Ah, did you hear that from Sebek? We went with Deuce and the two from Ramshackle…
Ace: Jack and Epel also tagged along. But maan, it was pretty insane.
Ace: So many of them were new to it, so I had to teach them everything, from how to choose a new song, to ordering food. You'd think they'd have common sense to figure out, but c'mon.
Ace: We literally couldn't sing a single song for the first 30 min or so, I was like, what did we even come here for!?
Lilia: Kufufu, now, now, you can't say that. I'm sure there's things you're not familiar with, too.
Ace: But c'mon~ …Well, I guess it was kinda fun to have a small competition using the karaoke's scoring system.
Lilia: So, you had a karaoke competition! I would love to tag along next time. So, who won?
Ace: Well, that's obvious… IT WAS YA BOY ACE-KUN HERE!
Ace: When I hit 100 points, everyone was lookin' up at me like idiots, all like, "you gotta be kidding!"
Ace: As a bit of a handicap, I chose of the recent viral songs and did the dance that went along with it, too~
Lilia: Oho, that's amazing that you can sing while moving your body without missing a beat.
Ace: I mean, unlike those guys, back in middle school I would go karaoke a lot.
Ace: And all those guys kept shouting that they'd practice singing so they could sing next time, but y'know…
Ace: There's actually a trick to getting the high score on that machine's scoring function. It's not enough to just be a good singer.
Ace: At this rate, I think I'll be taking home the win next time too ♪
Lilia: Kufufu, looks like even the ones who don't get to spend that much time together with you all had some fun, eh?
Ace: Well, I guess it wasn't too bad.
Ace: They'd choose stuff like old songs that were popular during my parent's heyday, or minor folk songs…
Ace: It was kinda neat that I heard a ton of songs that I normally wouldn't listen to. It was completely different to how it'd be if I was with my friends back home.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Ace: This painting is of those eels that served the Sea Witch…
Lilia: Mhm. It's said that whenever they found merfolk in distress, they would encourage them to seek the guidance of the benevolent Sea Witch.
Ace: Huuh, they look kinda scary, but… Guess you can't judge a book by its cover.
Lilia: Speaking of… Ace, I heard you went a little viral on Magicam the other day.
Ace: Geh! So, you saw that post too…
Lilia: Kufufu, I took it all in.
Lilia: "This scary-looking young man in a flashy shirt was kind to a kid in this burger shop," it said.
Lilia: You did a good thing, Mister "Scary-Looking Young Man in a Flashy Shirt."
Ace: C'mon, can you not tease me!?
Ace: The comments section was going wild with stuff like, "I love that personality gap~" and "The scarier the person looks, the softer their heart is."
Ace: I definitely don't like people just deciding that I'm scary just from how I look, or just assuming that I'm nice.
Ace: More like, I think it was 'cause I was with all my basketball teammates that I ended up looking scary too.
Ace: And 'sides, that patterned shirt I was wearing wasn't even something I'd pick out on my own.
Ace: Floyd-senpai made me buy it sometime back, so I thought it'd be bad if I didn't wear it, that's all…
Lilia: Hm, guess it was a mistake of them to comment on your appearance, then. But it was true that you were nice to the kid, right?
Ace: Nope. I just was throwing something I didn't want at 'em!
Lilia: You gave them something you didn't want…? So how does that turn into being "kind" to the kind?
Ace: So, when my clubmates and me went to the burger shop down in town, we got a free card with our orders.
Ace: Something about how they were doing a collaboration campaign with a movie that was recently released.
Ace: I at least knew what the movie was, so I opened it up, but just as I was thinking to myself that I didn't really need a card, or anything…
Ace: This kid who was nearby just randomly started crying. Apparently they wanted a hero card, not a villain card.
Ace: That's why I just gave him the card I had. It just happened to be the one he wanted.
Ace: I was able to get rid of something I didn't want, and I didn't have to listen to the sound of crying in the background. Win-win, right?
Lilia: Well, when you explain it like that, it definitely no longer feels like a heartwarming story.
Ace: Riiight? But then all the folks on Magicam had to go and try to treat me like a nice guy. Everyone's been teasing me about that too…
Ace: In the end, even the Headmage got wind of the video and just wouldn't stop praising me, saying "This is a fantastic thing you've done!"
Ace: Maan, preconception can be a crazy thing. I bet if I was wearing my school uniform, it definitely wouldn't have taken off.
Ace: They say that it's not all about appearance, but I guess that first impression you get is still important.
Lilia: Kufufu, I bet if the parents of that child were to hear your true feelings about it, they'd be shocked.
Lilia: Well then, I think I'll go on to check out the other exhibits. Bye then, Ace.
Ace: Whew, Lilia-senpai just couldn't stop teasing, huh. Wellll, what should I go and look at next…? Hm?
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Ace: Woah, it's a painting of a walrus and the oysters. Lookin' at it here, the walrus really looks like a proper gentleman.
Ace: I bet those oysters were also tricked by how the walrus looked. Can't help but feel sorry for them… Heh.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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telomeke · 9 months ago
I was tagged by @lurkingshan (at this post linked here) and @pickletrip (at this post linked here). Thanks dearies! 🥰
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
I'm sticking to BLs as well, because the field would be far too wide otherwise (can you imagine a poll with Dolly Levi, Buffy Summers, Joe Rossi from Lou Grant, Lady Deathstrike from X-Men 2, any one of the Golden Girls, Erik Killmonger from Black Panther the movie, the Beastmaster and cartoon Aladdin? 🤣).
Anyway, I don't watch all that much BL (not compared to the majority of people here on BL Tumblr, who have watchlists longer than Babe's wig when he was Wansarat in The Sign). So that narrows the field considerably for me – and my list has some likely suspects, including an unbreakable pairing, and also one highly unusual choice. But I'll explain my choices after the poll itself:
Why these characters? Here's my spiel:
PatPran (Bad Buddy)  I've combined these two as a single choice, because obviously they go together (and so well too). But really, I would have loved to have listed them separately, because I have different reasons for loving them. Pat is just an all-round good guy, hopelessly optimistic, generous and so giving; he thinks of others before himself (and if both partners in a couple do that, well, you then have a mutually-reinforcing relationship). Pran I love because I can see so much of myself in him, from his tics and foibles, his interests, to his struggles finding his courage and growing into his own identity.
Li Ming (Moonlight Chicken)  In a lot of ways, what Li Ming was going through in MLC paralleled some of my own experiences when I was a teen his age. If only they'd had MLC or something similar for teenage me to have watched growing up! Li Ming was somehow able to navigate the pressures of becoming someone true to himself (something that Pran, and I too in my teens, struggled with) while dealing with real world issues at the same time (economic hardship in Li Ming's case, while in mine it was general teen angst and family stress). He didn't let life get to him, and he stayed the course, knowing his own self-worth even when others were telling him to scale back his expectations (Uncle Jim and Heart's parents). Lessons in there for all LGBTQ+ teens, and Khun Noppharnach's socially-conscious BLs should be given more credit for the positive role models they portray and how they help the younger set. Plus Fourth did an excellent job bringing Li Ming to life (thanks in part I think to Director Aof's guidance; Fourth's Atom in My Love Mix-Up Thailand is a lot less grounded and authentic, at least from what I've seen in the first couple of episodes).
Porsche (KinnPorsche)  This entry is just for fun. KinnPorsche was a wild ride, whacking us with whiplash at every turn, and Porsche was emblematic of that experience. Cool, sexy martial arts fighter in one episode, total buffoon at the mercy of sprinklers, piss-allergic carp and mermaid costumes in others. Apo gamely played along, and he can do both slick action and slapstick comedy well, so watching Porsche always brought a smile to my face. Whether it was seducing Kinn with pappy supermarket bread, or warding off ghosts with a penis amulet, you never knew what craziness was in store next with this character. Pure entertainment.
Adachi (Cherry Magic)  Adachi charmed the briefs off me the moment the lift doors went CLANG!!! on him while he was distracted with whatever it was that was speedrunning through his head again. Such a lovable doofus, always surprised by whatever situation he managed to stumble into. Eiji Akaso is really good-looking, but he didn't care about image and happily took all the pratfalls in his stride. He somehow managed to imbue Adachi's clumsy clownery with a strange sense of dignity (helped along, I suppose, by the fact that we could also hear Adachi's inner monologue, allowing us to see the innocent good-heartedness within).
Dissaya (Bad Buddy)  This is the odd one out. Pran's mom was hated by so many fans during Bad Buddy's run, who blamed her for ruining Pran's life in many ways. And it's true her own hang-ups wrought havoc on Pran's relationship with the world outside. But for someone with so few scenes, I think she's actually one of the more complex characters in Bad Buddy, with a turbulent backstory that explains how her own relationship with the world got so warped. My read is that everything she did, including sending Pran away in high school, was done out of love for her beloved only son and motivated by a desire to protect him at all costs. She was a smothering, over-protective mother to be sure, but I think the lady just didn't know any better, and the last two episodes of Bad Buddy really do invite us to rethink our earlier appraisals of her. It wasn't easy doing Dissaya's character study based on the fairly scant details we got (write-ups linked here and here), but they were enough for me to glean an understanding of who I think she is. And I think in the end she is someone worthy of respect, so I do tip my hat out of respect for her. It's also obvious Pran loves her dearly, as much as she loves him back. And I think I trust Pran's judgement of character on this one. 😍
Onward tagging:
@neuroticbookworm, @colourme-feral, @airenyah, @wen-kexing-apologist, @solitaryandwandering
I really want to tag more, but this game limits us to five so these are just five people tagged at random. If I haven't tagged you but you'd like to play, please do so (knowing that I want to tag everyone and then some)! And please tag me if you play, so that I can read and vote on your poll too. 😍
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mango-fizz · 2 years ago
16 and 22 with, Shiver of course :)
why did u give me the hardest questions djfhsjfbsjrhwnfbsb ok for 22 shiver's lowest point is whatever the fuck happened here
second for number 16 i dont know if i have any childhood hcs ? honestly? i think theres some backstory stuff but idk how much is canon and how much is fanon, but one hc i do have is that shiver's tentacles were longer when they were younger and they cut them. i think thats it sjfhsjdhsbd i did write this one vent fic a while ago ahaha i guess it could count as a hc ! (???)
"Hey, Shiv!" Frye hoists herself up and sits cross-legged on the windowsill. 
Shiver is at her desk sobbing into her hands.
Frye frowns. "You good?"
Shiver looks up at her through her tentacles, face scrunched up and streaked with tears. She starts crying again at Frye's expression and buries her face in her arms. 
Frye furrows her eyebrows. She lowers herself from Shiver's window and approaches the desk. The paper closest to her is marked with a big red 96%. Frye recognizes it as the essay assignment from last week.
She spots another one, this one marked 82%. Another, 91%. Lastly, the paper in front of Shiver is half-written, somewhere along the first body paragraph, but it's hard to tell with them sobbing all over it.
"It's awful," they blubber. 
"But all of these are good, though."
"No, they're not! I've never written a worse essay in my life."
Frye briefly skims the papers. "Looks pretty good to me. You got good grades on all of these."
Shiver pulls at their tentacles, "No. I hate it, I hate writing essays so much. I knew I would be struggling with this class but I didn't think it'd be like this." They press their forehead against the surface of the desk. "It didn't used to be this difficult. I didn't used to struggle like this. I was always just… good at everything."
Frye doesn't really know what to say to that. Luckily, she doesn't have to, because Shiver keeps going. She sits next to them patiently.
"I was good at everything, so I never had to try. And now I'm actually struggling, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to do this," Shiver gestures at the paper in front of her.
"A-and- and I feel terrible for thinking that way, y'know? I feel lazy. I feel so fucking disappointed in myself. I didn't used to be this lazy. But if I really was lazy, it wouldn't bother me this much, right?"
She wipes her eyes. "My mom wants me to take more difficult classes. Where they make me write more essays. And I hate writing essays more than anything. But she keeps saying I have so much potential, and that I can do it if I just try," her voice cracks. Frye hands her a tissue. She accepts it gratefully.
"She says I can do it if I just try, but I'm tired of trying. I'm tired of the expectations. I'm tired of always feeling like I'm just waiting to disappoint someone. I just want to be average for once. We argue a lot about this, and that makes me feel worse."
"I don't think you necessarily have to be the best. It's okay to just be you," Frye smiles encouragingly and pats her arm.
Shiver sniffs. "Thanks." 
"It's also okay to not want to take harder classes. I mean, no one wants to, so I totally get you," she adds with a giggle. "Tons of people don't take em, and they turn out fine."
"But I'm not just anybody, Frye. I'm-- I'm perfect--"
"Nuh uh! None of that!" She grabs Shiver by the shoulders. "You'll be fine. You don't wanna take hard classes? That's fine! You don't wanna write essays? That's fine too! I don't either! So please don't be too hard on yourself. You're only looking out for your health, I promise you're not disappointing anyone. We'll figure it out, okay?"
Shiver nods.
"Speaking of which, we're gonna be the freshest new band in the Splatlands, so who cares what your mom says!? You don't need essays to be cool!" Frye pumps her fists in the air. Shiver smiles slightly.
"Thanks, Frye. I appreciate it, really." 
Frye smiles back. "That's what friends are for, right? Now c'mon. Forget those papers and let's go practice our vocals." She gets up and rips one of the sheets in half.
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beansmack2021 · 2 years ago
Webs and Woes
Note: Series that will eventually end in Xavier x fem!Reader
There are a few details I filled in myself or that may not be fully consistent with the show
Y/N sighed as she took in the sight before her. Large metal gates stood before her, the only thing between her and Nevermore High School. As a child, she'd been homeschooled. Her parents had always said they were worried about how she'd handle a school setting. She knew that really, they'd worried she'd scare the other students and teachers.
She also knew that, even though they'd try to be nice, they were uncomfortable around her. She was a freak, after all. They'd brought her to Nevermore so that she could meet kids her age like her (and so that they could get her to leave the house and they wouldn't have to handle her anymore).
Y/N pushed through the metal gates, walking through the courtyard and into the main building, taking a deep breath as she went to meet with the Principal.
"Well, dear, I understand that your situation is… unique. You're the first student ever to attend Nevermore who wasn't born with their abilities. That does not mean you will be discriminated against, and you will be accommodated the same ways the rest of our students are."
She sent her off with a pat on the head and her schedule, Ms. Thornhill meeting her outside of Principal Weems' office to escort her to her room and introduce her to her roommate.
"Y/N, this is Yoko. Yoko, I trust that you'll be as hospitable and pleasant as you typically are." The girl silently nods, and is quiet even after Thornhill leaves. Finally, she says something. "What're you here for? What's your 'gift'?" From the way she said gift, Y/N could tell she thought of whatever her abilities were as a curse.
"I'm um… I'm part spider" she mumbles a bit. She knows that even at a school like Nevermore, she's a bit of an interesting specimen, and doesn't know how Yoko will react.
"What? Like… actually?" Yoko sits up and finally seems genuinely interested in talking to Y/N.
"Yeah… I'm a mutant of sorts, I suppose. My parents are biochemists who focus on similarities in the biological and chemical structures of humans and animals. I was born with this disease that targeted certain cells in my body. They found that a species of spiders can produce venom that causes apoptosis, killing all of the infected cells. Something went wrong with how they'd gone about targeting the cells, or they'd gotten something wrong while collecting the data they needed to make sure I'd survive and… here we are." She looks down, laughing nervously.
"That's dope" Yoko says, and goes back to playing with her phone. After a few minutes of silence, she adds "I'm a vampire." Y/N knows that's probably all she's getting from the girl, and just says "Cool", nodding and sitting on her bed.
"You know, you kind of got here at the perfect time" the vampiress chimes in after a little while. "Enid's been scrambling to find another person to join our team for the Poe Cup".
"The Poe Cup? What's the Poe Cup?" Y/N wasn't really expecting to join any sports teams upon arriving at Nevermore, but the name had her curious.
"The Poe Cup is only, like, the coolest thing we do here at Nevermore!" Enid squeals. "There are four players to a team, and our name is based off of one of the poems of Edgar Allen Poe. This year, we're The Black Cats. We never win, but I think we totally could this year!"
Well, Yoko was right. Enid definitely wanted Y/N on her team, and she's definitely super bubbly. Her pink and blue hair bounced while she hopped up and down in excitement. The girl with her was the exact opposite. While everyone else had blue uniforms, she had a black one. Her dark hair was in two braids, and she seemed genuinely very monotonous. She wasn't on the team, but seemed to hang around long enough to talk with Enid while she and the other girl on the team painted the boat.
"I really think we have a good shot this year. The Cask of Amontillado, the team over there," Enid points to a group of boys painting their boat bright red, "is alright. We stand a good chance against them. The Pit and The Pendulum won't be an issue, either. The Gold Bugs are the team I'm really worried about. They're not afraid to play dirty, and since they're all sirens, they'll have a bit of an advantage over us in the water. We need to be faster than them on land if we want to stand a chance at winning this thing. What can you do?"
Y/N and Yoko briefly glance at each other before smirking. Y/N walks over to the wall closest to her and just continues to walk up when she reaches it. She walks across the ceiling to an open archway, attaches a string of silky white web to it and lowers herself back onto the ground.
"Oh, we are so winning this!" Enid cheers.
"We are so losing this!" Enid shouts, the distance between their boat and the others increasing. The Gold Bugs had indeed decided to play dirty, sending one of their own to mess with the boat from in the water. Wednesday, who was filling in for poor Yoko after she'd gotten a bad cade of garlic poisoning, noticed the boy first. He must have hit his head or something because he'd suddenly stopped and slowly drifted away, apparently unconscious.
Y/N looked around quickly, trying to think of something, and then she had it. "No, we're not! Keep rowing!" She stood up, pulling her own paddles into the boat and held up each hand, thick webs shooting out of her wrists and attaching to a nearby tree and boulder on each side of the water. She pulled on her own webs with all of her strength, pulling them further and faster, and they'd made it to the island not long after the other teams had.
"Y/N, stay back and guard the boat. Wednesday, you run ahead of us and get the flag. Denise and I will be behind you to intercept and distract." Enid instructs, nodding to the other werewolf on their team. They take off into the woods, and Y/N climbs up the nearest tree, hiding in the leaves in order to see when another team makes it to where the boats are docked and stop them if they try to mess with her team's.
She didn't really need to see members from The Cask of Amontillado to know that they were coming. She could hear them whooping and yelling as they ran through the brush and to their own boat. The boys had their faces painted as clowns, wearing colorful clothes and funny hats. They were carrying their flag high above their heads, and put it in their boat before one of them turned toward her's.
"Can't beat us back there if they don't have a boat" one of them said, picking up a rock. Y/N dropped down from the tree, firing a web at the rock and pulling it away from the boy. "It's not very nice to break things that aren't yours". Another boy tried to pick up a rock of his own, and she turned to him, hissing. Her teeth extended into two long fangs, her eyes turned pitch black, and two smaller eyes appeared right above them.
"Holy sh-" the boy dropped the rock as Y/N shot a web at his hand, sticking him to a nearby tree. His teammates tried to pull his arm away from the bark, and Y/N noticed one with long, dirty blonde hair looking back at her. She blinked and the second pair of eyes closed and disappeared, her fangs retracting.
"You must be the new kid, I've heard a little about you. Part-spider, right?" The boy with the long hair asked. She nodded, and as she did, the team had somehow managed to unstick their friend from the tree. "Well, it was nice to meet you, but we have a Cup to win". He and his team hopped into their boat and started to row away quickly. Little did they know, before running off, Enid ran her claws along the bottom of their boat, leaving thick gashes.
Wednesday, Denise and Enid came back not long after the other team had left, throwing themselves into the boat and rowing. Y/N pulled them along faster with her webs again. The clown boys had started to sink, their boat filling with water because of Enid's claw marks, and Y/N glanced back at the boy with the long hair, who'd thrown his hat and was clearly frustrated.
She didn't have time to pity him, as her team had made it back to the docks and was now running for the finish line. "The winners of this year's Poe Cup: The Black Cats!"
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cringefail-loser · 2 years ago
The Art of Screwing Up, by Mike Wheeler
SUMMARY: Mike Wheeler, (an absolute idiot), stupidly decides to procrastinate asking Will to senior prom, before it's too late. Watching his childhood crush dance with a girl is absolutely heart wrenching for him, but there's nothing he can do about it now... right? NOTES: Hey !! This my second ever byler fic, so soz if it kinda sucks. I'm in a really shitty mood because I said something horrible to my (ex) boyfriend and now he hates me, so I figured that writing fan fiction about it would get my mind off of things. Hope you enjoy !! Also, the song that plays at the end is "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol :)
warnings: mild language
words: 1.7k
also read it on AO3
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I screwed up. It was as simple as that. I didn't ask Will to the dance in time, and now he's dancing with some random girl I don't even know. He looks like he's having the time of his life, and I'm standing over here in the corner of the room, shuffling my feet awkwardly while Dustin, Lucas, Max, and El are all laughing and drinking fruit punch. I'm such a loser. "But there's always next year, Mike!" You might be thinking to yourself. No. No no no no. This is senior prom, which means that it's the last dance of my life. At least, probably. Unless I become, like, super famous, and get invited to a bunch of super fancy parties or whatever, there is no other dance I can ask Will to. This is it.
I figured that, as much as it seemed like my only option in the moment, moping around wasn't the best plan of action, and maybe I should just, y'know, go talk to my friends like a normal person who doesn't have a prom date would do. 
I awkwardly make my way over to the snack table, and nonchalantly grab one of the mini bottles of water out of the plastic material that they're kept in. You know what I'm talking about. (If you don't, that's super embarrassing for me, and I'm sorry.) I tried my best to make my presence known to the rest of the party, but Max is the only one who does, and all she does is give me a little wave. Even Lucas, the friendliest member of our little group, doesn't even look my direction. My logical mind is saying that they're just too distracted with whatever they're talking about or doing to notice, but my emotional mind is saying that they're purposefully ignoring me because I did something to piss them off. The more I think about it, the more likely it seems. I guess I did make that one slightly mean joke to El about how she needs a haircut, when I know full well that she's very sensitive about her hair. Whatever it was, they were clearly pissed with me. 
Except for Dustin, apparently. 
He's chatting with Lucas about our most recent campaign (the one where I was clearly flirting with Will, but he didn't seem to take notice), when he spots me. He waves me over to where the pair is standing together. I awkwardly make my way over to them.
"Mike! Hey, man! I feel like we haven't seen you in forever," Lucas smiles. He gently pats me on the back. I don't know how to reply, so I just smile. "How have you been?" He asks, but I'm too distracted at the sight of Will, laughing and smiling as he dances and twirls with the brunette. Dustin takes notice and elbows my arm. 
"Are you really checking out Will at senior prom, instead of asking him to dance?"
"Look at him! He's having the time of his life with some random girl," I groan. "And why would he want to dance with me anyways?" 
"Because... you're super awesome and cool? And he clearly loves you?" Lucas suggests. I'm not sure about the second part, but the first part is totally accurate. 
"Thanks, man." I smile weakly. 
"So, are you going to ask him to dance, or what?" I hear Max from behind me. She's managed to roll her way over to us without me noticing. It's been a while since we've hung out. Ever since she's been using a wheelchair to get around, her mom never lets her leave the house. I mean, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. Although, she did get her hair cut short, and I will admit, it looks pretty rad on her. 
"I-I mean-" 
"Just go do it, Mike." She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms "I'll help you, even." My eyes go wide.
"Really?" I ask. There is just no way that Max Freaking Mayfield is willing to help me. She basically hated my guts when we first met a few years ago. And for good reason. 
"Yes really, dumbass," She rolls her eyes once again. "c'mon, let's go!" She pulls on my arm with her one free hand, and drags me across the room, making her way through the crowd. I'm closer to Will than I have been in like a week.
"Ok." She speaks. "When I say to, you're going to go up to Will, and say 'Hey, do you want to dance?', got it?" I nod in response. I look over to Will again. He's sitting on the wooden bleachers, smiling and nodding to everything the girl he was dancing with says. A lump in my throat forms. Sure, most people at this point know that I like men (and women, but that's not really important right now), but still, asking another boy to dance in front of someone I don't know? What if she like, yells at me or something? You really never know with people. 
My heart is beating faster, palms covered in sweat, like I dipped my hand in a bucket of grease. I can feel myself heating up, the feeling boiling in my chest and sending a tingling sensation throughout my body. It's uncomfortable, but it only gets worse.
"Mike? Mike!" I hear Max yell. I look over to her, she has a concerned look twisted on her face. "Are you ok?" she mouths. My quickened breathing slows down to a light pant. "Dude, you like, totally zoned out there. It was weird. Is everything ok?" She asks. I nod like an idiot. "then get yourself out there, and ask Will to dance!" It's obvious at this point that she's tired of my shit, and honestly? Me too. I'm tired of my own bullshit. I've spent the past five months pining over Will, and doing literally nothing about it, basically clinging to him like a wet kitten, and always talking about him. But apparently, I don't even have the courage to ask him to dance? What's wrong with me? I'm going to take a deep breath, puff out my chest, go up there and ask Will to-
"Hey, Mike!" Apparently, Will had made his way up to me without me even noticing. Maybe I fell in love with a ghost instead of a real human boy. 
"o-oh! Hey, Will! Wh-what's up?" Why am I stuttering? I've talked to him like a bajillion times.
"Oh, not much, just, y'know, waiting for you to ask me to dance?" He grins. Wait. Did I hear him correctly? He wants me to ask him to dance? He's waiting for me to ask him to dance? Am I going insane?
Will notices my pause, and how I nearly choke on the air trapped in my lungs. "I-i mean, only if you want to? We don't have to dance. Sorry if that was weird."
"No!" I yell, maybe a bit too loudly, as a few people turn their heads my way. "I do want to. I do want to dance with you." His slight frown turns into the biggest smile I've ever seen on a person, and I swear to God, his eyes were glistening a bit. I turn to Max. She's motioning wildly to the dance floor.
"Go, you idiots!" She yells, playfully shoving us to the center of the room. Will looks at me. He places his arms on my waist.
"Wait." I furrow my eyebrows.
"Yeah? What's up?" He asks. 
'I've never danced with anyone before." I hate to admit it, but it's true.
"Honestly, I haven't either. At least- I've never slow danced with anyone. But I'm sure we'll figure it out." He grabs my hands and puts them on his shoulders, then he wraps his hands around my waist. He steps one foot backward. I'm not sure what to do, so I just stand there. He tugs on my arm a little bit, causing my to nearly topped forward on top of him. "Mike. you're supposed to dance with me, not just stand there." he laughs. But I'm nervous. There are dozens of couples surrounding us, and none of them are two boys or two girls. Or two of whatever. To make matters worse, a few of them are staring at us like we've just formed into one being with two heads. I can feel myself starting to panic again. 
"Mike, come on and dance with me! Everything's going to be fine." My head immediately snaps towards Will's directions once the words leave his mouth. "Just dance with me!" He smiles. I nod. "All you really need to do is shuffle your feet a little bit." I do as I'm told, and move my feet like I need to piss, but in slow motion. I can see Will is trying to stifle his laughter. I'm a little bit embarrassed at first, but once I watch him move around, I get into the flow too.
Right as I finally feel like I've got it down, the music is changing and all of a sudden everyone is jumping up and down and dancing at a fast pace. I feel disoriented and like all of a sudden, I'm all the way across the world at a different party. The whiplash doesn't seem to affect Will, though, as he's grabbing me by the hands and yelling at me to dance with him while he moves his body around, not exactly to the beat, but also not exactly to a different beat either. He's just moving around and having fun.
On the floors of Tokyo, or down in London town to go-go 
The crowd is singing along, and Will is screaming with them. You only live once, so why not join in?
When there's no one else in sight, in the crowded lonely night
Now we were having the time of our lives together. I had successfully danced with Will at senior prom. I didn't throw up, I stand in the corner all night, and most importantly, I didn't chicken out like I thought I would.
Maybe there were some things I could do right in life.
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troublesjunkyard · 2 years ago
About the prompts:
How about 7 - Ice cream?
I'm currently melting away and wish I had some ice cream to eat, lol. xD
Ice (s)cream
Summer was finally here and it came with a full blast. The time for more outside activities and laying in the sun and enjoying the warmth was now here. Or at least for some people. For you it was absolute hell. You really don’t get how people could love the heat and even dare to move around outside in the sun while you lay on the ground, dying from the merciless hotness. You were sure that you already were one with the ground with how much you literally melted. Even in the shadow the heat was unbearable, the wind just moved warm air around. “Go outside, they said. It’s nicer than inside, they said!” You murmur to yourself, a bit mad at yourself for letting you convince you to go outside.
Now you rest in the grass, giving up to your fate that you will probably die here. With eyes closed you tried to think of cold things, as if that mind game could help you. To your surprise it got a bit cooler. Wait, how did it get cooler? Was this stupid mind trick really worked? You opened your eyes just to see a big shadow towering over you. 
It takes a few heartbeats until you can recognize the person or better to say, the turtle: Asha. You weren’t small at all but this girl was even for you like a giant. You wondered why she stops by, you two hadn't much social interaction together in the past. She looks at you with a mix of confusion and worry. “Why are you lying here? I thought you don’t like summer…”, her question came quiet, trying to think up a reasonable explanation why you’re outside. You give her a half-hearted smile. “Honestly I don’t even know why I did this to myself. I knew how it would end and still I got convinced to be here because it’s sooo great to slowly melt to death...” Asha hums sympathetically.
She seems totally fine with the heat to your surprise. Slowly Asha sits down next to you. “Maybe we should get you inside then before you really get a heat stroke or worse.” She tries to fan some cool air to you without much success. “Too late…I don’t want to move. Just let me die here, it’s fine…”, you sighed out, closing your eyes again. You can hear her chuckle, before you notice some soft rustling noises. It was quiet for a moment before something ice cold hit you smoothly on the chest. A surprised gasp was all that came out of you as you sat up and opened your eyes in a split second to look what just hit you.
A bright wrapping with the simple words “ice cream” greeted you. In disbelief you stare at Asha who just gave you a wide grin. “What are you waiting for? For it to melt like you?”, she laughed for a moment. “Wait, that’s for me? Why do you have ice cream with you? And how is it perfectly cooled?!” The girl jolts a tad away from you as you scream your questions out. “Well, Coen and Aster have some problems with the heat so I went out to get some crushed ice and ice cream for them. Luckily I always have a small cooling bag in my bag.” She explains to you while showing her bag to you. 
This was like a gift from heaven, a sweet release from hell even if it just held on for a moment. With a happy expression and a soft sniffle you still stare at her. “You’re my savior right now, thank you so much.” Asha just smiles back while you take the ice cream out of the wrapping and start to eat it. She gives you a small pat on the back, while accompanying you in your personal hell called summer.
You still hate summer and the heat, but sometimes it can be quite alright. Especially if you get free ice cream.
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onceuponmystory · 5 years ago
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Day 17 - Best Season Finale
2x22 - SOS Part Two.
I may be biased because I love Season 2 so much, but gosh, this was a brilliant finale. All the storylines tied up beautifully, with more still being set up for the next season, and all the actors’ performances were top-notch and incredibly emotional.
I thought the whole Daisy storyline was handled absolutely perfectly here, from the horror of her mother’s betrayal to saying goodbye to her father to accepting her name and her powers. Chloe Bennet really gave it her all here, and the Daisy/Jiaying faceoff was devastating while the Cal goodbye was heartbreaking. All in all, this was an outstanding episode Daisy-wise, and since Daisy is my absolute favourite character, that already makes this a great finale in my eyes.
But more than that - Huntingbird!! Oh my gosh, the Huntingbird in this. From Bobbi taking a bullet for Hunter to relieved bedside teasing, this episode was both great and terrible to my favourite divorced couple.
And then of course, Fitzsimmons. Just as everything was going so well - THEY ACTUALLY PLANNED A DATE, MY HEART - Jemma gets sucked up by the Monolith. I don’t know about you guys, but I actually screamed at my screen. 
So in summary, this finale had everything I could have wished for and more: gripping storytelling, great acting, unexpected plot twists, and that indefinable brilliance factor that makes me want to watch it over and over again.
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vigilvntes · 2 years ago
A Little Company – Adrian Chase x Reader
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A/N: this is a prequel to I got so fucking romantic, I apologise (which you can find on my masterlist!!) like this is quite literally just a fic of how vigilante and shadow from that fic met. you don't have to read the other fic, like at all! it's totally optional! but vigilante!reader x adrian is my favourite thing, and i have SO many ideas for this concept, including a direct follow on from this fic so if you want it?! let me know?!
feel free to send me fic/headcanon requests !!!
likes and rbs are appreciated <3
W/C: 4k+
Warnings: language, violence (use of knives, guns etc), mentions of kidnapping, vigilante being a Weird Little Guy™️
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
“Hey, what're you doing?”
You don't panic. Instead, you drop your sniper from your shoulder quickly, cringing slightly when it hits the concrete of the rooftop. You stand up and twist your body, stepping away from the edge of the rooftop to press a gun up to the masked forehead of your interruptor. It seems he had the same idea, as his gun is firmly pressed against the black leather of your mask before you can even blink.
“Who the fuck are you?” You hiss.
“Who the fuck are you?!”
“I asked first, motherfucker! I swear you better tell me who you are and why the fuck you're here or I won't hesitate to pull the trigger.” You threaten, gripping your gun tighter. Your finger brushes over the trigger. A warning.
“Maybe I won't hesitate either.” He retorts.
“Then. Don't.”
The two of you stare at each other for a few moments. Well, you assume he's staring right back at you, the red visor covering his eyes makes it hard to tell. Eventually, he lets out a quiet sigh, “Fuck. Fine.” He raises his gun-free hand, showing you that he's somewhat surrendered. “You're fuckin’ hardcore.”
“Tell me who you are.” You demand. He may have relented pretty quickly, but he has one last chance to explain who he is before you decide it's not worth the trouble and blow his brains out.
“Vigilante?” You scoff. It has to be the most stupid, on the nose name you've ever heard.
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “My friends call me Vig. But we're not friends, so you can't call me that.”
Yeah, no shit, you think.
“And let me guess, you're a vigilante?” You mock, fighting back the urge to laugh with all of your strength. You feel slightly bad when you notice his shoulders sink. But then you remember that he interrupted your mission, and then you feel slightly less bad about it.
‘Vigilante’ drops the gun from your forehead. “Yeah, and what about it? I bet your name isn't any better!” He sounds genuinely offended.
You return the favour and drop your arm. “Really? Because I don't think it can get any worse than ‘Vigilante’. I mean, that's so uncreative, man. And it's a shame, because I'm actually really digging the suit.”
He visibly tenses, “Oh. You like my suit?” His hands pat at the utility belt sitting on his waist and the coloured stripes on his chest. “I made it myself.” He tells you, sounding almost shy about it. You can hear the smile in his voice, though.
“Yeah. It's really cool, actually. I like the visor. Does it… do anything?”
Vigilante tucks his gun back into his belt, swaying on his heels slightly. “Nah. I mean, I wear glasses so… it's a prescription visor. That's all it does. Helps me see.”
You can't fight off the giggle that escapes from your throat, so you allow it. Just this once. “Your visor is prescription?! Dude, you have to be shitting me.”
He breathes out a laugh, “Yeah. It was a pain in the ass to get a hold of. I almost exposed my secret identity, like, three times.”
You nod, somewhat sympathetic to his situation. “Yeah, I can imagine.” You know all about almost exposing your secret identity. Having multiple black leather masks delivered to your house every month is probably a cause for concern. You're sure your delivery service, and even your neighbours, either think you're a murderer (which isn't exactly untrue) or a dominatrix.
“Uh, your suit is cool, too. It's… fitting. Not in that way, though. I just mean that… It suits you! Not that I would really know since I haven't seen your face and we've only just met. It's also fitting in the other way, just in case you were wondering. It hugs your body just right.” He nods once, an affirmation of his words before he awkwardly folds his arms across his chest. You just stare at him for a few moments.
You're not sure why you're talking to him, or why you're allowing him to overstay his welcome like this (not that you'd given him a warm welcome anyway). Anyone else would have been dead at your feet within minutes if they pulled a gun on you like he did. But Vigilante is… surprisingly charming. There's an awkwardness about him, but the charm is definitely there. Not to mention he's made you laugh. Sure, you were laughing at him more than with him, but it's still a point in his favour.
You shake your head, stopping your own thoughts before they wander any further. You still have a mission to complete. “Well, it's been nice talking to you. I have to, uh… Get back to it.” You tell him, using your thumb to gesture over your shoulder.
“Yeah. Yeah. Cool.” Vigilante nods at you, giving you a thumbs up before nervously scratching at the back of his neck.
“Cool…” You say under your breath. You turn your attention away from him and pick up your sniper, hoisting it back over your shoulder again. You hear no footsteps, but you assume he's gone. Maybe he's just light on his feet.
So, you kneel down at the edge of the rooftop and look through the scope. A wave of relief rushes through your body when you see that the men you had been tailing through Evergreen all night, the bastards who currently have a young woman tied up in the trunk of their car, are still standing outside of the abandoned building across the street. They're still waiting for their contact to arrive. They're still an easy target. If you shot one of them right now, and the other ran, you're confident in your ability to take him down before he could even make it halfway down the street. You take a deep breath to steady yourself and set your sights perfectly, just two seconds away from pulling the trigger. And then—
“So what are we doing?”
You drop your rifle for the second time tonight, your shot once again ruined by fucking Vigilante. When you turn your head, you see him knelt down beside you, observing the scene. Shaking your head incredulously, you scoff, “We are not doing anything. I— Why are you still here?” He's well and truly overstayed his welcome, and you're getting pissed off.
“I don't know. Figured I could help.” He mumbles, shrugging his shoulders casually.
“I don't need your help.” You spit back.
“In my defence, I never said you needed my help. Maybe I just wanna help? I can be your backup. Not— Not that you need backup. I'm sure you can handle it on your own. But those guys look tough— Not that you're not tough, either. I just don't really have anything to do tonight. My buddy’s banging a girl he met at a bar last night and—...”
A harsh sigh from you cuts him off. “Those guys have a woman in the trunk of their car. I don't know who she is, but I can only assume they're planning to sell her or kill her. I found out about their plans earlier tonight from a contact of mine but I couldn't stop them from taking her in time. So I’m stopping them now. Satisfied?” You give him a pointed look.
He nods, and your gaze lingers on him for a moment longer before you go back to looking down the scope, lining up your aim.
“Hey, you never told me your name.”
“Vigilante…” Your voice is low. A warning. This is a race against time and you can't allow yourself to be distracted like this for much longer. If the girl was taken inside, your job would get a whole lot harder. You want to avoid that, if possible.
A quiet, “Sorry.”
Sighing for what feels like the hundredth time, you mumble, “Shadow. You can call me Shadow.”
“Shadow?!” He exclaims suddenly, making you jump slightly. You can only hope he didn't catch that.
“You ripped on me for Vigilante and your name is Shadow?!”
You look over at him, your mouth agape, “Are you kidding me?! Shadow is a fucking cool name! It's simple and effective!”
It's Vigilante’s turn to laugh now, and boy is he rubbing it in. He leans back on his heels, his hands clutching at his stomach. “And let me guess, you're called Shadow because you kill in the shadows?” He mocks, throwing his head back as he laughs.
“Oh, I'll be killing you in the shadows if you don't shut the fuck up.” You threaten. If looks could kill, Vigilante would be dead ten times over. Oh, how you wish looks could kill.
“I just don't understand how you could possibly think that ‘Shadow’ is a cooler name than Vigilante.”
You roll your eyes, glancing back down the scope, “I don't understand why you th– Fuck.”
“What is it?”
The men are gone. The car is, to your relief, still parked up outside of the building. You can only assume the woman is in there with them, and their contact has arrived. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fucking FUCK. The last thing you wanted was for them to move their business inside.
Your job just got a lot harder.
You stand up quickly (your sniper hitting the ground for the third time), sheathing your knife and pointing it at Vigilante. He lets out an ‘oh fuck’ as he scrambles backwards, away from the knife that's currently a mere ten centimetres away from his face.
“I could fucking kill you. Right here, right now.” You hiss, venom laced into your tone. You're seeing red. It's tempting to just plunge the knife right into his skull.
“Me?! Why me?!” He squeaks out, looking up at you from the ground.
“Because you fucking distracted me! If you weren't here then I could've had this whole thing finished by now!” You want to scream in frustration. This is just one of the many reasons why you always work alone. Why you don't see the point or the appeal in having a partner anymore. Alone, you're completely in control. You don't have to look out for anyone else, and there's less opportunity for distraction. “I should've killed you the minute I saw you, because now I'm paying the price for being nice. I should kill you right now…” You pause, your breathing heavy and angry, nostrils flaring as you curse yourself internally for what you're about to say. “But I won't. Because I could use some help.”
He's silent for a moment, then he carefully asks, “You… You want me to help you?”
You roll your eyes and shove your knife back into its holster, “Yes.”
“Y–You need my help?” He stutters over his words, and if you were in any other situation, you might have found it kind of cute. Unfortunately for both of you, you're not.
“I don't need your help. I can handle myself. What I said is that I could use your help. It'd be useful to me.” You pat your body down quickly, accounting for all of your weapons. Gun number one? Check. Gun number two? Check. Knives? Check. Extra ammo? Check. You'll come back for the sniper. “And if you ask me to repeat myself for a third time, I'm gonna change my mind.” And I might just kick you right off the rooftop.
You don't even give him a chance to ask again, because you're already halfway across the rooftop, making your way to the shaky ladders you climbed to get up there earlier in the night. It's only when you turn your body and carefully place your foot on the top step, hands gripping the rusty bars, that you realise he isn't following you. He's just staring at you from where you left him on the hard concrete. “Well? Are you coming?” You demand a final answer.
“Fuck yeah, I am.” He mumbles, picking up his gun before scrambling to his feet and following you.
You both scale down the ladder, quickly descending until your feet hit the ground. That's when you start to panic, just a little bit. You prefer to be on higher ground, to have some kind of territorial advantage over your targets. It's not that you're bad at ground work, you just like to keep your hands as clean as possible. Literally.
Vigilante joins you on the ground, and the two of you get moving. You make your way around the building you'd been perched on only minutes ago, pressing your body against the wall on the corner when you reach the street, hiding yourselves in the shadows.
It's quiet. Buzzing streetlights and Vigilante’s quiet breathing is the only thing you can hear. Your own racing heartbeat, too. But you want to forget about the anxiety that's burrowed itself into the pit of your stomach. You can see the abandoned building. It's directly across the street from you, and the door is closed. You'll have to find your own way in. A window that you can shimmy through or another door around the back with a lock you can quietly pick at. Then you'll have to figure out how to not cause a commotion. You'll have to be stealthy, making a point to not—
“This kinda feels like a date.” Vigilante’s voice throws you off, ruins your concentration. You take your eyes off of the building and glance up at him with narrowed eyes, brows furrowed under your mask. He continues, “The more I think about it, this kinda is a date.”
“How is this a date?” You ask, bewildered because never in your life would you take rescuing a girl from a group of kidnappers to be a date.
“I don't know. I mean, this whole situation is kinda romantic, if you think about it. It could be classed as a date.” He shrugs.
"Romantic? Really?"
"Yeah. When you pulled the knife on me it was, like, the hottest thing I've ever seen. I honestly thought you were gonna kill me, but you didn't. And now I get to think about that moment forever. That's romance."
Vigilante has stunned you into silence. You can only stare up at him, mouth agape as he looks down at you. You're hoping he'll burst into laughter, and tell you that his warped idea of romance is just a joke. That he's just playing around. But he doesn't, so you just tell him, "This is not a date. I don't even know who you are.”
“Uh, yeah. You do. I’m Vigilante.” He tells you, sounding ever so slightly offended that you might have forgotten his name in the twenty minutes you've known him.
“That's not what I meant. I don't know who you really are. And you don't know who I am.”
Vigilante scoffs, “That's so irrelevant. Our alter-egos know each other and they could totally date. Like in those spy movies. The ones where the main characters hate each other but they're forced to work together under their alter-egos and eventually they fall madly in love.” He lets out a sigh that almost sounds… dreamy. As if he believes that this scenario is going to play out exactly that way.
You're hellbent on telling him otherwise. “This isn't a date. There's gonna be no falling madly in love, or whatever. You ruined my plan, and now you're helping me. And when we're finished here, we go our separate ways. That's the end of this story.”
Unfortunately, you and Vigilante make a pretty good team.
You were so hoping he'd be useless. That you had an excuse to never want to see him again after tonight. But you soon found out that he's smart, strategic. Capable. As soon as the two of you entered the building, he was focused and driven. That quirky persona he had before was no more. Vigilante was more than happy to take the lead for you; he snuck up behind the fuckers who kidnapped the woman and drove his knife into their skulls with precision and an alarming amount of stealth, holding his hand over their mouths until he was sure they weren't breathing anymore.
You didn't mind this arrangement, the less literal blood on your hands, the better.
Eventually, the two of you come to a halt outside of a small room right at the back of the building. You press your ear up against the wooden door, cursing when you hear a male voice coming from inside followed by muffled whimpers and cries.
“She's in there. With the contact.” You whisper to Vigilante. The guys you'd been tailing through Evergreen are already dead, lying in a puddle of their own blood near the entrance. You can only assume the fucker they were planning to sell the girl to is the owner of the voice.
“Want me to go in and fuck him up?” He whispers back.
You think about it for a moment. These guys have been pissing you off all night. You've been through a lot of trouble to save this girl. Of course, you don't mind. If it means she's safe, that's all that matters to you. But you would like to get the final blow. So, you reply, “No. I got this.”
Slowly, you take your knife out of your holster, and before you can even think about talking yourself out of it, you kick the door. It swings open violently, hitting the wall with a loud crash and you're sure you broke at least one of the hinges. Who cares? It's not like the building’s going to be used for anything other than criminal activity.
The man inside lets out a loud and confused ‘what the fuc–', but you move too quickly for him. You kick in his knees before he can even think about turning around or creating his own plan of attack. He's on his knees, wide-eyed and panicked, and you have one arm wrapped around his neck to hold him in place while the other holds your knife, pressing against the tender, stubbly skin of his neck.
He's younger than you expected him to be. When you heard the woman was being sold to a contact, you expected him to be some sick freak in his mid 50s. But no, he's probably younger than you; and given the way he's thrashing around in your hold, he's probably more inexperienced than you.
He's working for someone, and you'll find a way to get it out of him.
The woman is in the corner, watching the scene with wide eyes and muffled screams coming from her duct taped mouth. You give her a slow nod, trying to reassure her that you're not here to kill her. That you're on her side and you will get her out of here. She seems to calm down ever so slightly.
“Oh, fuck. Fuck. Fuck. P–Please don't kill me. I–I’ll do anything. Anything you want. You can have the girl. You can have whatever you want. Money? Do you want money? I–I can pay you! Please I— I have kids.” The man begs, his voice shaking.
“Ew. Why would we want your kids?” Vigilante asks from behind you, and the sudden appearance of a second voice only makes him panic more.
You can't help but roll your eyes at his squirming and pleading. “Why did you take her?” You ask.
“I– I don't know. I don't know anything. I swear!” He tells you.
Of course you don't believe that, so you press your knife against his neck harder, nicking at the skin, making sure you draw some blood. He lets out a sob, and in response Vigilante lets out a quiet laugh. “I don't believe you. Why did you take her?” You ask again.
“I– I don't know. I– I was just told to collect her. I think she– She tried to sell us out. Boss wanted to–”
“Boss?” You ask slowly. So he is working for someone.
“Oh fuck. I'm fucking dead. He's gonna kill me. He's gonna fucking KILL ME.”
Vigilante approaches now, kneeling down in front of the man. He places a hand on his shoulder, a reassuring gesture. “Buddy, no. He's not gonna kill you. You don't have to worry about that.” For a moment you're confused. You didn't take Vigilante to be the sympathetic type. But then he says, “Because we're gonna kill you first.”
Ah. That makes more sense.
“Who are you working for?” You tighten your grip on his neck, your knife pressing into his skin harder. If you have to kill him before you find anything out, you will; you'd just prefer to get at least something from him. He stays quiet, only whimpering and sobbing quietly to himself. “Look, you're as good as dead anyway. You might as well tell me which asshole you're working for.”
A moment more of silence. You're just about to drag your knife across his throat when he shouts, “Scorpion! I'm working for Scorpion! The girl– She– The girl was gonna sell us out! She has information on us– I don't– I don't know how she got it! Fuck, I don't even know who she is!”
“Fuck.” You hiss. Of course it's Scorpion.
“Scorpion? Who the fuck is Scorpion?” Vigilante asks, glancing up at you.
You just shake your head and screw your eyes shut, slashing at the man’s throat quickly. It's a deep cut, and the blood flows from the wound like a waterfall. He lets out a strangled yell, gurgling and choking on his own blood before you push his body to the floor. He stills after a few moments.
“Check the body.” You tell Vigilante, and he obliges, reaching into the pockets of the man you just killed. You make your way over to the woman quickly, shoving your knife back into its holster.
She panics as you approach her, pressing her back against the wall. She whimpers and writhes in her restraints, and you can't blame her. If you were a witness to what she just saw, you'd probably be afraid of yourself too. But you kneel down in front of her, and tell her gently, “You're gonna be okay. You're safe now.” You take out your pocket knife slowly, and her eyes widen. “I'm just gonna use this to cut your restraints, okay? Then we’ll get you out of here.”
She seems to calm down a little, and you take the opportunity to cut the duct tape around her mouth, peeling it carefully until she takes a deep, frantic breath through her mouth.
“Hey, Shadow?” Vigilante calls from behind you, and you glance over your shoulder at him as he stands over the body, inspecting the wallet he found. “This guy’s name was Robert Robertson. How fucking lame is that? You know, I think we did him a favour. Who wants to live with a name like Robert Robertson?”
“Oh, his parents hated him.”
You go back to cutting the rope restraints around the her wrists and ankles as she watches you, breathing shakily everytime the metal brushes against her skin. You offer her quiet apologies. Eventually, she's free, and you stand up, offering her a hand.
She doesn't take it. Instead, she asks you in a small, scared voice, “You're not gonna kill me, right?”
“No. Of course not.” You reassure her.
She's not convinced by your words. She looks at you with pleading eyes, and then her gaze flicks behind you, prompting you to turn around. You see Vigilante standing just a few metres away from you, flipping his knife in the air and catching it. You scoff, “Dude, can you put that thing away? You're freaking her out.”
“Sorry.” He mumbled, tucking his knife back into its holster, kicking his feet like a scolded puppy dog.
“We're not gonna kill you. I promise.” You tell her, offering your hand again. This time, she takes it, allowing you to pull her up to her feet. She stumbles almost instantly in her exhaustion, every muscle in her body aching and sore; you catch her, calling out to Vigilante.
He picks her up, and the three of you make your way out of the building and into the street.
It doesn't take long for your contact, Erica, to arrive. The woman is reluctant to leave you, insisting that you should come with her for protection. It takes around ten minutes for you to convince her that she'll be safe without you; that you trust Erica and she'll be taken somewhere safe.
You wave her off, and not long after you find yourself back on the rooftop with Vigilante.
“So… Scorpion. Who's that?” He asks, sitting down beside you as you pack your rifle and other miscellaneous weapons into your grey duffel bag.
“How long have you been doing… this? Like, how long have you been Vigilante?”
He shrugs, “Maybe five or six years.”
“And you've never had any run-ins with Scorpion or his men?” You ask, and he shakes his head in response. Lucky bastard. “He runs the biggest underground black market for illegal weapons in Washington. He chose Evergreen as his base for operations because it's relatively quiet. I mean, who would expect something like that to be happening here? He's been on my radar for… a while. And I’m on his.”
“You've met him?”
You take a deep breath, a few moments decide your course of action. You could tell the truth, or you could lie. Lying seems like to be the most appealing option. "No. I haven't met him. But I've made sure to be a pain in his ass, for sure. He probably knows about me."
You stand up and sling your bag over your shoulder before he can respond, making it clear that you're not interested in carrying on this conversation. You barely know him, and you don't feel it's necessary to reveal everything to him. “Anyway. Thanks for tonight. For helping me out. Even though it was kinda your fault that I needed help. It was… fun. I guess.” Fun? Did you seriously just say that?”
“Yeah. Sorry about that.” He apologises, sheepish. "I had fun too. Just in case you were wondering."
A silence falls over the two of you, allowing some time for you to collect your thoughts. You meant it when you said that it'd be fun, and that freaks you out. It's been a while since you've spent time with anyone outside of your workplace. Having friends means having baggage, something that others can use as leverage; that's something you can't really afford to have.
“So… Is there any way that I could, like… contact you?” He asks, kicking his leg back and forth nervously, his shoe scuffing against the concrete.
“You… You want to contact me?”
Vigilante shrugs, “Yeah. I don't know about you, but I think we made a pretty good team. Unless you disagree. Then I think it was awful and we should go our separate ways and never do it again.”
“N-no. I think… Yeah. I agree.” You stutter. You fucking STUTTERED. How dare your voice betray you like this? You want to grab your own shoulders and shake yourself. Scream ‘THIS ISN’T YOU’. You've proven to yourself time and time again that you're ruthless. That you don't need anyone's help, or anyone to look out for you. Yet here you are, agreeing that you and Vigilante did make a pretty awesome team, and that maybe you'd be open to meeting with him again. What the fuck is wrong with you? You're truly fucked.
Still, you pull out your burner phone and hand it over to Vigilante, “You can just… y’know, put your number into there.”
So he does just that, handing your phone back to you. “So, you'll text me? Or.. call me? Whichever you prefer. I know some people prefer to text because it's less pressure–...”
“I'll text you.” You assure him, giving him a quick nod before making your way to the ladders, wondering what the fuck just happened and when you'd decided to start being friendly with random Vigilante’s. Especially Vigilante’s that are literally called Vigilante.
You still think it's a dumb name, but that does nothing to wipe the stupid grin off your lips as you make your way home.
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helloalycia · 4 years ago
my patient’s neighbour [two] // wanda maximoff
summary: as you spend more time with your patient's neighbour, you come to realise that your crush may be getting too much
warning/s: none, just fluff tbh
author's note: i’m so glad you guys enjoyed the first part! here’s the next bit :)
part one | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | masterlist | wattpad
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When Sunday rolled around, I did everything in my power to make it the perfect day for Anna. We went out for breakfast at a café around the corner, a stroll around the park, then I made her lunch before she conked out afterwards, napping in her bedroom. I took that as my chance to decorate the living-area with birthday decorations. Nothing too much as I knew she'd kill me if I went overboard, but little things like a banner, some balloons and streamers.
I told Wanda to come at this time, too, and she showed up with a bag of groceries and a pretty smile on her face.
"Here, let me help," I said, already moving to take the bag off her. "How are you?"
"I'm good," she said, closing the door behind her and following me into the kitchen. Her smile widened when she saw the decorations. "Y/N, this is lovely! Anna is going to love it!"
"You think?" I asked, spinning around and doing a once over of the living-area. "It's not too much? I know she'll hate if I do too much."
"It's just the right amount," Wanda reassured, glancing at me. "How has she been today?"
We both began to unpack the groceries as we talked.
"Really good actually," I said with a nod. "I treated her to breakfast at that café she likes. We went to the park, fed the ducks, had a nice stroll. Then I made her some lunch and she's napping which leaves us the perfect time to crack on with dinner."
Wanda chuckled. "Great." She paused, making me look to her to see her smile fading. Nervously, she asked, "Did her granddaughter call?"
I sighed quietly and Wanda seemed to know what that meant without me saying anything further. 
"It's okay, we'll just have to make this the best meal ever," she said, not letting it get to her.
"We will," I agreed, before looking to the food on the table. "So, chef. Where do we start?"
Wanda and I spent the next hour prepping dinner, a beef stew called Solyanka, as it would require two hours to cook on the stove so we were starting early to make sure it would be ready in time.
I was chopping some onions as she prepared the beef, but I couldn't help myself from glancing at her every two seconds, still filled with concern because of her cast and minor injuries.
"You should take a picture, it'll last longer," she said teasingly, making me look up to see her watching me with a stifled smile.
"Sorry," I mumbled, shaking my head and looking back to my chopping board.
"What's wrong?" she asked gently.
I chewed on my lip as I glanced at her wrist again, before meeting her gaze. "How did it happen?"
"I already told you," she reminded me playfully, trying to lighten the mood, but I was still fretful. "It happened on a mission."
"Yeah, but how?" I asked again, hoping she understood what I meant.
She seemed reluctant to share, face scrunching up with thought, before looking down to her own chopping board. I thought she wouldn't tell me, but then she spoke.
"I can't tell you too much," she started, shrugging, "since it was a confidential mission. But basically, I was undercover when my target recognised me and we got into a fight."
Watching her with the utmost attention, I nodded, imagining it in my head.
"It wasn't difficult or anything, but it surprised me, y'know?" She looked to me with a smile, as if trying to make it sound less scarier than it was. "The guy, the target, he managed to get in few good hits. And he sprained my wrist. But it's alright."
I wasn't as amused as she was, wincing at the thought of her being in a fight. "Are you sure you're alright?"
She tilted her head knowingly. "I'm sure, Y/N. It's my job."
Shaking my head, I looked back down to my chopping board and continued chopping the onion. "I don't know how you can do that as a job..."
"Well, it's rewarding," she said like it was obvious. "Why do you spend most of your week caring for the elderly?"
"It's rewarding," I said without hesitation, before realising what she'd done and looking her way.
She was smiling cockily, making me roll my eyes and laugh.
"Okay, I see your point," I gave in. "But still. It's a dangerous job what you do. Just be careful, yeah?"
"Always am," she promised. And I wanted to believe her, but the cast on her wrist said otherwise.
"It smells like home, devochki, spasibo (girls, thank you)," Anna said from her place at the table. "Are you sure you don't want me to help?"
"We're sure, Anna," Wanda called back to her. "I'm just putting the food into a serving bowl and Y/N is grabbing some glasses. You sit and wait like the patient woman I know you are."
Anna mumbled something in Russian which I didn't understand, but it seemed to make Wanda chuckle as she rolled her eyes.
It was finally time for dinner and the stew had turned out beautifully, not that I had doubts since Wanda didn't seem like one to kid around with cooking.
As she was readying it for the table, I was setting everything up and all that was left were the glasses. But, of course (and oddly enough, since Anna was shorter than I), they were stored on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard and just out of my reach.
In hindsight, I probably could have grabbed a stool and stood on it, but I was too lazy, so I went on my tip-toes and stretched with all my might. The tips of my fingers brushed against a glass and I attempted to move it towards me, unable to see if I was actually doing anything since it was too high. After a couple of tries, I managed to bring it forward, but my stupid self flicked it too hard and it came tumbling off the shelf and towards the counter.
I braced myself for the sound of glass smashing, but instead, a wondrous red energy wrapped itself around the glass and kept it suspended mid-fall.
"Very clever," Wanda said sarcastically, appearing directly beside me. Her accent was daringly teasing.
I looked up and saw her smirking at me with amusement, right hand raised and aimed at the glass. Red tendrils of energy glowed around her hand and the glass; I widened my eyes a little, amazed at how easy she made it look. Though I knew she had powers, I'd never actually seen her use them up close and personal. It was stunning.
"I totally knew you were going to do that," I played it cool, cheeks flushing as she set the glass on the counter.
"Mhm, sure you did," she played along with a melodious laugh, before pressing her front to my back without warning and reaching to grab two more glasses. "Here, I got it."
My body tensed at the feeling of her unexpectedly so close to me. My mouth went dry, her warmth emanating from her and washing over me with the scent of her perfume. Did she always smell so good?
When she grabbed all three glasses, she didn't seem to notice the effect she had on me (unless she did and kept quiet for her own amusement).
"Think you can grab the food without dropping it?" she asked, quirking an entertained brow.
Still distracted by her perfume, I nodded and cleared my throat. "Food. Right. Yeah."
As I stirred the stew to mix everything thoroughly, I felt my heart rate return to its normal pace and told myself to chill out. Wanda just happened to be an extremely pretty individual who was kind and thoughtful and funny. It wasn't a big deal.
When I was sure I wouldn't make a fool of myself, I returned to the dining table with a pot of stew and set it down on the placemat.
"Priyatnogo appetita (enjoy your meal)," I said, trying not to stumble over my pronunciation. 
Both Anna and Wanda raised their brows with matching surprised smiles on their faces.
"You said that perfectly, Y/N!" Wanda said encouragingly, as I took a seat to the right of Anna at the head of the table.
"I see you've been practicing," Anna added, looking to me with an endearing gaze. "A present in itself. Thank you, milaya (sweetie)."
I smiled bashfully. "I have to keep up with you both somehow, right?"
Anna chuckled as Wanda gave me a brilliant smile. Something in my chest stirred as she did, and I was forced to look away, though my own smile didn't fade.
"So, Y/N and I put this together for you and I'm sure you'll know what it is," Wanda said, before serving up a bowl for Anna.
"Solyanka," Anna exclaimed with delight. "Devushki (girls), this looks and smells amazing." She paused, glancing between us both with a grateful smile. "Since you've both been here, this place... it's beginning to feel alive again."
To my surprise, she teared up and began to laugh, using her napkin to pat the corner of her eyes. I rested my hand on hers, squeezing it gently and giving her a small smile.
"I appreciate this very much," she continued, before squeezing my hand and letting go to grab her spoon. "I can't wait to try it."
The three of us dug into our stew and Anna loved it, talking about the first time she ever had it as a kid and how it was one of her favourite dishes. The rest of the meal went by wonderfully, with Anna looking as happy as ever and Wanda listening to her intently. I was listening, too, but my gaze did end up wandering to Wanda as she sat there animatedly, nodding along and smiling to Anna.
For some reason, she was ethereal tonight, though she looked like she always did. Her long brown hair was tied up in a ponytail and she wore a loose tee shirt over some jeans. Nothing fancy, but she pulled it off so well. Rings adorned her fingers as she played with them thoughtlessly, and it caught my eye before I got distracted by her cast on her left wrist.
She'd said she was okay, but it still worried me. It wasn't my right to worry, but she was my friend. I was concerned. She could take care of herself, but that wouldn't put the ache in my heart at ease.
As if she could hear my concerns, her eyes flickered to mine, a kaleidoscope of blue, green and gold. She sent me a reassuring glance before looking back to Anna with focus. I chewed on my lower lip, trying not to let my worry get the best of me, before looking back to Anna.
Towards the end of the meal, after we'd eaten and were merely conversing, Anna's landline rang in the apartment.
"I'll get it," Wanda said, already standing up to grab the phone from its cradle.
Anna and I watched as she answered the phone with a friendly 'hello', before a surprised expression appeared on her face.
"Sure, I'll pass it on now," Wanda was saying before approaching the table and stopping by Anna. Her expression softened as she said to Anna, "It's Sasha."
Anna's expression fell at the mention of her granddaughter. She nodded slightly, before standing up and grabbing her cane to balance. Accepting the phone, she began to walk away into her bedroom. Wanda and I heard her say a faint 'hello' before she closed the door behind her.
"Her granddaughter rang?" I asked with mild disbelief.
"It is her birthday," Wanda pointed out, returning to her seat.
"Bit late into the day though, isn't it?" I retorted, pulling a face. "Almost like the day is over, in fact."
"Sounding a little judgemental there, Y/N," Wanda teased, leaning forward into the palm of her hands and watching me.
"I'm not," I said with an eye roll. "I just think she should show her grandmother some respect. Who does she think she is?"
I paused as Wanda gave me a knowing look, then winced.
"Okay, I heard it that time," I admitted, making her laugh.
"I get it," she said, nodding slightly. "Maybe she's finally starting to realise though."
I sighed, leaning back in my seat. "I guess... For Anna's sake, I hope so."
Wanda and I talked amongst ourselves until Anna returned silently, hushing our conversation. She returned the phone to its cradle before taking a seat at the head of the table. Wanda and I exchanged looks before I decided to speak, noticing Anna wouldn't.
"Is Sasha doing okay?" I asked gently.
Anna was staring ahead, barely listening, before she glanced at me then looked down to her empty bowl. Sentences left her lips in Russian, mumbled and incoherent, at least to me. Wanda leaned forward, holding her hand and frowning with sympathy as she listened to her words. I felt horrible, sensing something was wrong, but unable to do anything to help.
"I'm sorry, Anna, I didn't mean to upset you," I said, shaking my head.
Wanda met my gaze. "It's not your fault... Anna just misses Sasha."
I frowned. "Oh."
"But I'm glad I have you both," Anna finally spoke, accent thick with emotion, as she looked between us before settling her eyes to me. "Even if you're paid to be here."
She cracked a smile, making my shoulders relax. I returned her expression, glad she still had a sense of humour.
Anna didn't mention Sasha's name for the rest of the evening. We cleaned up, had some tea, played a quick board game before I made sure she was okay for the night.
"She alright?" Wanda asked when I closed Anna's bedroom door and stepped into the hall.
"Yeah, she's tired from all of today's excitement," I said with a smile.
"So are you by the sounds of it," she joked, but stepped forward to rest a hand on my arm. "I think we should call it a night."
"I think we should," I said in agreement.
After grabbing my stuff, Wanda and I left the flat before walking to her apartment and stopping outside.
"Thanks for helping me out today," I told her with a tired smile. "I really appreciated it."
"Well, you asked so nicely... how could I resist?" she said, staring up at me through her eyelashes. I rolled my eyes playfully, making her smile. "I had fun. Thanks for inviting me."
I was going to respond, but a yawn escaped my lips, prompting me to cover my mouth as I did.
"Sorry," I said, trying to blink the fatigue away momentarily.
She chuckled, tilting her head and watching me carefully. "You're cute."
I breathed out through my nose, unsure what to say to her words, but I definitely felt my heart rate speed up a little.
"I'll let you go," she said, clearly entertained by my silence. "Get home safe, yeah?"
"And you look after yourself when saving the world, yeah?" I replied with a quirked brow, eyes glancing at her wrist.
"I promise." She grinned before moving forward to hug me.
I returned the hug, the smell of her perfume permanent in my nose by now, before pulling away with a final smile. Of course, I probably shouldn't have stared at her lips so intensely, wanting nothing more than to kiss them.
"See you tomorrow," I said, snapping back into reality and taking a step back. "Goodnight, Wanda."
"Goodnight," she said sweetly.
I turned to leave and was suddenly wide awake. Did I just think about kissing Wanda?
It was a few visits later when I was caring for Anna and she decided to have a dance around the living room. One minute we were flicking through different radio stations, and the next she was putting on some old records on her record player. She settled on an upbeat, 50s dance song, the music filling the apartment with joy.
"Egor and I danced to this very song when we first met," she told me, talking about her late husband with a twinkling passion in her eyes. "It was a party and he had been staring at me all night, and I him. Then finally, when this song came on, he approached me and said, 'dorogaya, okazyvayesh' mne chest' tantsevat' so mnoy?'"
I suppressed a smile as I watched her reminisce. "And that means...?"
"'Darling, would you do me the honour of dancing with me'?" she repeated in English for my benefit.
My heart melted. "Anna, that's adorable. He sounds like such a gentlemen."
"He was," she said with a sigh of agreement, smiling to herself.
Whenever she talked about her husband, I'd never seen her look more content. The mere mention of his name was enough to put a smile on her face. I could only hope to have a love like theirs some day.
I stepped forward, putting out my hand. "I'm no Egor, but I'd love to dance with you if you'd let me."
"Oh, I can't do that," she said, waving my hand away. "I can barely walk, milaya (sweetie)."
"Hey, as your carer, I am insisting that you dance with me," I said, feigning sternness.
She hesitated, before resting her hand in mine and smiling with gratitude. The two of us danced together, myself being careful to keep her upright and make sure she didn't overexert herself. She was smiling and laughing as I spun her around, dancing her all around the living room, and it warmed my heart to see her so cheery.
A knock on the door caused me to excuse myself from Anna, only to find Wanda on the other end.
"Someone's in a good mood," she said instantly, taking note of my smile.
I stepped to the side to let her in. "Yeah, well, Anna is doing good today. It's contagious, what can I say?"
Before Wanda could respond, Anna called from the living-area with excitement.
"Wanda, idi syuda i potantsuy so mnoy!" she exclaimed, already grabbing Wanda's hand and pulling her in.
It didn't take a genius to know that Anna had basically asked Wanda to dance with her. I chuckled as I followed after them, enjoying the sight of Anna and Wanda dancing together.
"What's the occasion?" Wanda asked, glancing over the short woman and to me with a helpless smile.
"No occasion," I quipped, crossing my arms and trying to hold in my laughter at Anna's speed and perseverance with a reluctant Wanda. "Just having a good time."
Wanda looked like she wanted to retort with a comment, but Anna spun her around before she could, making me laugh aloud.
"Prikhodi odin, milaya (come on, sweetie)!" Anna said, holding out a hand. "Dance!"
Unable to resist, I joined in with the two Sokovian women, appreciating how happy Anna looked and how awkward Wanda felt in the situation. She wasn't much of a dancer, but she was trying and God was that adorable.
We danced for a little while longer until Anna's back began to hurt and she took a seat. Though, she insisted that Wanda and I resume with our dancing.
Just on time, like a sign from the universe or a higher being or whatever you wanted to believe in, a slow song came on next, filling the apartment soothingly.
To my surprise, the awkward dancer that was Wanda was oddly confident as she held out her hand to me.
"Would you do me the honour of dancing with me?" she asked softly, a small smile playing on her lips.
At the familiarity of her words, I glanced to Anna, who seemed to pick up on it, too. She said nothing as she watched us with a smile of her own.
"I'd love to," I said, looking back to Wanda's eyes.
They looked blue in the light, a beautiful sky blue that put me at ease as soon as I stared into them. I slipped my hand into hers, letting her pull us closer together as she rested her other hand on my waist, the touch sending shivers up my spine. I put mine on her shoulder, allowing her to take the lead.
It was the most intimate we'd been, and as she maintained eye contact, I wondered if she could feel my hands trembling slightly, or my heart hammering loudly, or my palms turning a little sweaty. She made me nervous in the best way possible, her smile dazzling without realising and her eyes piercing without meaning to be.
She must have felt it, too, that tug in the pit of her stomach that I was feeling now. Otherwise there was something seriously wrong and I was already too deep into a crush on my patient's neighbour.
When the song ended, it feeling like mere seconds in total, she let go of me and I missed the contact and the smell of her perfume and the way she was looking at me.
"Couldn't have done it better myself," Anna spoke, forcing me to tear my gaze from Wanda's lips. She smiled at me knowingly. "You ladies definitely know how to dance."
I felt a heat creeping up my neck as I smiled to myself, distracting myself with the laces on my shoes. When I finally brought myself to look up, I saw Wanda already looking my way, a calm expression on her face.
As she did most times she visited, Wanda stayed with me and Anna until I tucked Anna into bed and bid her a goodnight. We left the apartment and Wanda decided to walk me to the lift that evening, a distracted look on her face.
It was silent between us, a comfortable one, until the doors slid open and I looked to her with kind eyes.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I told her, making her look to me. "Have a nice evening, Wanda."
She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. I watched with amusement, wondering what was going on in that pretty head of hers. The lift doors began to shut, so I put my foot between them to keep them open.
"I should go," I said with an awkward laugh, before grabbing her hand and squeezing it gently since she wouldn't speak. "Goodnight."
When I turned to leave, I got, maybe, a step into the lift before I felt her fingers wrap around my wrist and tug me backwards, spinning me around. I didn't get chance to ask what was up as she stepped forward, pressing her lips to mine in an instant.
Startled, I froze at the contact, but then her hand rested on the back of my neck as her thumb caressed my jaw, and I found myself melting into her, closing my eyes at the blissful feeling.
Her other hand fell to my waist as she deepened the kiss, sending me into the lift and the wall hitting my back. I moved my lips in time with hers, revelling at how soft and delicate and gentle she was being. Kissing Wanda Maximoff wasn't something I had realised would be this good, but now that I was, I never wanted to stop.
Unfortunately, the sound of the lift doors shutting pulled us apart. I was breathless, my heart racing and my lips swollen from her spectacular kiss.
"I've wanted to do that for such a long time," she revealed, stepping back a little. Her eyes were bright and her cheeks were flushed as she watched me with mild concern. "I completely should have asked though. I'm sorry that I overstepped."
She pursed her lips, forefinger and thumb pinching her bottom lip regretfully and gaze falling to the floor.
"You didn't overstep," I said, already missing the sensation of her lips against mine. "You stepped just the right amount."
She looked back up, eyes softening as her lips curved into a radiant smile.
"You wanna, maybe, do that again?" I asked without thinking, my mind a haze as Wanda still remained so close to me.
She laughed melodiously before raising her hand and cupping my cheek. Her eyes looked between mine before falling to my lips affectionately.
"I'd love to, dorogoy (darling)."
I smiled toothlessly before closing the gap between us, secretly wishing this lift ride would go on forever if it meant I could kiss Wanda like this.
After making out with Wanda in the lift, she asked me out on a date and it was the best date I'd ever been on. Nothing over the top but very thoughtful as she took me for a picnic in the park before getting ice cream for dessert.
We went on a few more dates after that, taking turns to take the lead with them, and she ended up asking me to be her girlfriend which of course I said yes to.
All whilst this was going on, I still cared for Anna and Wanda paid her visits when she could, though we tried to remain as normal as possible. We didn't think it was best to tell Anna that we were together since we didn't want to startle her or make her feel uncomfortable in our presence. Of course, keeping a secret from Anna is as good as nothing when she had eyes like a hawk.
Wanda and I were putting a plate of tea and biscuits together for Anna one day, myself lining up the biscuits neatly as Wanda lingered beside me. She was about to grab a biscuit from the plate when I smacked her hand away.
"Just one," she pleaded, but I shook my head before nodding to the packet on the side.
"Help yourself to those," I told her condescendingly. "These are for Anna."
"Just get her another," she said simply, before reaching over again.
I smacked her hand away again, giving her a knowing look.
"Wanda!" I mirrored her childish smile.
She narrowed her eyes petulantly. "Are you seriously doing this right now?"
"Are you?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
She pouted and I so badly wanted to lean forward and kiss it away, but Anna was sat on her recliner behind us. Wanda seemed to know this as a mischievous smile fell on her lips, eyes watching me carefully.
"You're not cute," I mumbled, before grabbing the tray and turning to leave. As I was walking to Anna, a biscuit began to float off the plate, red wisps of energy wrapped around it and bringing it to– "Wanda!"
She laughed, eyes glowing red with magic, before grabbing the biscuit from mid-air and taking a bite.
"Such a child," I said under my breath before setting the tray on the coffee table before Anna. Smiling at her, I said, "Here you go, Anna. Do you want anything else?"
As I straightened up, flipping Wanda off behind my back and encouraging her laughter further, I noticed the way Anna looked between us both curiously.
"Everything okay?" I asked, eyebrows knitting together as she continued to study us both.
"Something happened," she decided. "Between you both."
"What do you mean?" I asked, taking a seat on the couch. "Nothing happened."
"Something definitely did," she said knowingly. "I may be old, milaya (sweetie), but I have very good eyes."
"Anna, what are you talking about?" Wanda played dumb, taking a seat beside me, biscuit in hand.
"Don't think I haven't seen the way you two steal glances when you think I'm not looking," she said, pointing between us. "Or the way you," her finger settled on Wanda, "have been helping Y/N out more often than usual."
Wanda and I flushed, embarrassed that we'd been caught out. I was so certain that we'd successfully hid it from her, but clearly we were mistaken.
"We wanted to tell you," Wanda began, cheeks still pink as she leaned forward.
Anna silenced her with a wave of her hand. "Save it. I knew I was right. You two are together."
Pursing my lips, I waited for her to say something because I wasn't really sure what to say myself. Suddenly, a smile appeared on her lips.
"I'm very happy for you both," she said to us. "Wanda here always needed somebody in her life who wasn't me. And you, Y/N, are the perfect match for her."
I chuckled, looking to the girl in question, whose face was as red as her powers that she used to torment me with. I grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently, and nudged her in the shoulder.
"You hear that? Perfect match," I teased, making her roll her eyes to distract from her flustered self.
Anna said something to her in Russian, way too fast and incomprehensible for me to understand, even with the extra effort I was making to learn it. Whatever it was, it made Wanda get even more embarrassed, her green eyes darting around the room in an effort to overcome it.
"What did you say?" I asked Anna with amusement.
"Oh, nothing Wanda hasn't heard before," she said dismissively. "It's all okay. Isn't it, Wanda?"
"Yeah," Wanda mumbled.
"I don't know what's happening here, but I'm all for someone putting Wanda in her place," I said, looking between them both with an entertained smile.
Anna chuckled as Wanda shoved me in the arm gently before pulling me close again. I smiled at how cute she looked, pink blush creeping up her neck and teeth chewing on her lower lip to contain her smile.
I'd never get sick of the sight.
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sirenascales · 4 years ago
-> double black [part one] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPov!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
A night out drinking leads to a small misunderstanding with a handsome, yet dangerous man. [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader]
3,894 words
note: edited this so it could still be read as a reader fic! it's actually a lot of fun writing in first person! hope those who read this enjoy my first bsd fic!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || masterlist
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I've experienced a lot of amazing things since I've moved to Japan. A new job in a different country, new co-workers and friends, work parties, themed bars, cafes, and hookups with pretty strangers. There was a long list of great things I've had going on, and a long list of things I've never expected... and being fired from the job I had for a year was not one of them.
"A year of hard work... for nothing," I mumbled bitterly as I sat at the bar with my close friend, and now ex-coworker, Keiko. She was beautiful, with long black hair and brown eyes. She frowned, a sympathetic look on her pretty face as she sighed.
"I'm so sorry," she said softly, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "I'm sure you'll find something else soon! You have an awesome resume, and you're an amazing worker who can speak English, Japanese AND Spanish... there is totally a place for you out there!"
Keiko has always been supportive and enthusiastic, a really bright and friendly girl who made it her mission to befriend me as soon as I started working with her. She was relentless, and soon enough, I found myself spending many hours with the woman.
"Yeah..." I just mumbled again and she laughed softly.
"It's okay to mope... that's why I brought you here!"
"Yeah, about that," I started, sending Keiko a look as I swiveled the stool so my body faced her. "Why did you bring me here?" As soon as the work day was done, Keiko immediately dragged me to what was clearly a mafia bar. That didn't surprise me, since she was actually dating a mafioso.
A mafioso, who was part of the Port Mafia. It wasn't long after I moved to Yokohama that I started to hear stories about the organization, and was also warned not to cross them. Of course, with my luck, I became best friends with someone who dated someone who was in the Port Mafia. How a sweet girl like Keiko ended up with a man like him, I'll never know.
What I do know is that Taichi adored Keiko, gave her everything she could possibly want and need with the money he makes, and that was just being a normal grunt! Even so, it was dangerous, but Keiko didn't seem to mind.
"I come here with Taichi all the time," Keiko answered, sipping her drink. I turned to sip on my own. "You can't tell me it isn't luxurious." It was. My jaw had dropped to the floor when we first stepped into the very luxurious bar. "Don't worry about it, okay? Drink your sadness away! You're safe here. Since I am Taichi's woman, and you're with me, nothing will happen, okay?"
"Where is Taichi anyway?" I asked, glancing over her shoulder when I spotted a group of men walking in through the entrance. I missed the way the light left Keiko's eyes, chewing on her bottom lip anxiously. My eyes were on the men, which in the middle was a man with orange hair, a black hat adorning his head. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, my eyes looking at the very handsome man up and down. I swallowed thickly.
"He had a job tonight and couldn't make it. He'll be home to- hey, what are you looking at?" Annoyed at me ignoring her, she turned in her seat, a shocked look on her face before she smiled tightly.
"Taichi! I thought you had an assignment!"
"Hey, babe! We finished early, which was quite surprising, honestly."
The couple embraced and I barely registered the mushy love between the two as I watched the ginger man lead the rest of the group further into the bar. He walked by me, and before I knew it, dark blue eyes were staring right at me, eyebrows furrowed.
"The hell are you looking at?" he sneered and my face turned red, heart dropping in my chest.
"No one! I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, quickly turning back around and facing the bar.
"Tch. Whatever," the man only responded before walking off.
"You look like a cherry," Taichi said, clearly amused. I sent him a half-hearted glare, Keiko slapping his chest lightly.
"Be nice to her. She got fired today."
"Ohh, that sucks. If you need help-"
"She won't take it," Keiko said with a huff. "Stubborn ass."
I rolled my eyes at her, biting my lip nervously as I fiddled with my glass. "So uh... who was that guy? With the hat?"
Taichi blinked. "Oh, that's Chuuya Nakahara."
"Is he part of the Port Mafia?"
Taichi barked out a laugh, Keiko giggling softly behind her hand.
"Baby... he's an executive. Chuuya works closely with the leader of the Port Mafia."
"And I work under Chuuya," Taichi finished, amused at how wide my eyes have gotten at the answer.
"You mean to tell me... I pissed off... an executive member..." I was dismayed, heart pounding in my chest.
"Hmm, probably. Don't go home alone tonight," Taichi grinned as I balked, clearly having fun torturing me.
"Taichi! Babe, don't listen to him."
I gulped nervously, downing the rest of my drink before signaling to the bartender to get me another one.. "R-right..." Despite my better judgment, I turned my head, looking towards the obvious VIP section of the bar. Chuuya sat with some other grunts, a glass of what seemed to be red wine in his hand. Of course, his eyes found mines yet again and I whipped my head back around. Fuck, I did it again! I quickly downed the newly made drink, unaware of Chuuya's eyes narrowing as he watched me.
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"Nooo, do you have to go?" a drunk Keiko whined as she latched onto my arm, a forever amused Taichi watching on. "Don't leave me with hiiiiiiim."
"I want to go home, dammit," I huffed, successfully peeling her off of me and handing her to her boyfriend. "I have to start job hunting tomorrow. Thank you for bringing me here, I do feel better and I love you but... I'm tired."
"Ugh, you are such an old lady!" Keiko whined again and I couldn't help but laugh, turning to start walking towards the exit.
"Goodnight, you too. Please get her home safe, Taichi."
"I wouldn't count on it~"
I rolled my eyes at his teasing, leaving the two behind as I left the bar. I stepped out into the cool night air, shivering a bit as I closed my cardigan tightly around me. I wore a simple but cute outfit; a black dress with burgundy tights underneath, black flats on my feet and my favorite tan cardigan over the entire outfit. It helped me fight off a bit of the cold, but as I started to walk down the block, I grabbed my phone to start searching through my usual rideshare app.
I didn't get far. My phone cluttered to the ground as it fell out my hands, a gasp leaving my mouth as I was slammed against the nearby brickwall of a narrow, dark alleyway.
"Who the fuck are you?" a familiar voice hissed and I'm shocked to find Chuuya Nakahara glaring daggers at me, his strong hands pinning my arms against the wall. He growled when I didn't answer. "Answer me! Who sent you here?!"
"N-No one!" I cried out, shaking like a leaf. Of course, of course I would be confronted by a fucking high level member of one of the most dangerous organizations in Japan. "I swear, I just came here with my friend."
Chuuya growled again and he flipped me around, pressing my front against the wall. "Stay still," he grunted, and my face started to heat up as I felt his gloved hands quickly feel along my body. He was frisking me, and I gulped when he shoved his hand under my dress, producing the knife I had strapped to my thigh.
"I carry that to protect myself," I immediately explained, Chuuya turning me around again to face him. His eyes were still narrowed, staring me down as if trying to figure out what the hell I was up to.
"And the bouncer didn't pat you down?" he questioned and I shook my head quickly.
"No, he didn't pat me or Keiko down."
"Tch, that's Taichi's woman," he said, though he still looked at me with narrow eyes, hesitating a bit before he turned my knife in his hand, handing it back to me hilt first. "You sure know how to make yourself look suspicious."
I cringed a bit as I strapped my knife to my thigh strap again. I missed how Chuuya's eyes lingered, him licking his lips. "That's my fault I... I know I was staring..." I could feel my face heat up again and I couldn't even look Chuuya in his face. "S-sorry if I creeped you out. I don't mean any harm. Keiko brought me here 'cause I got fired and she wanted to help me feel better..."
"Hm," was his only reply, crossing his arms over his chest. "What you do to fuck up?"
My mouth fell and I sputtered as I tried to come up with the words. "What do you mean?! I didn't fuck up!" I protested. "It literally came out of nowhere! I worked my ass off all year, only to get fired 'cause I wasn't what they needed anymore. Fucking bullshit."
Chuuya was amused by my little vent, snickering a bit as he gave me a quick look up and down. "I'm sure it wasn't your winning personality."
I scoffed. "Says the one that shoved a random woman against a wall?! That hurt, you bastard!"
Chuuya raised his eyebrows at me, and I immediately slapped my hands over my mouth.
Oh no. Fuck, I forgot who I was talking to.
Chuuya snickered again, his eyes flashing in amusement. He stepped closer to me, making me press back against the wall again. Chuuya leaned his face close to mine, a smug smirk on his face as he spoke.
"Be careful who you talk to like that," he hummed, and I shivered despite feeling some of his body heat. "Someone might just cut out your tongue for talking back like that. Me? Well, it'd be a waste, especially when I think of all the things I could make you do with it."
I squeaked, the heat never leaving my face as I stared at Chuuya with a puzzled expression on my face. The sudden switch up was giving me whiplash... and lowkey turning me on. "I..." I stuttered, looking away and finally noticing my phone still on the ground. "Crap, I hope it's not broken."
I rushed over to pick my phone up, ignoring Chuuya's hard stare on me. I looked over my phone, sighing in relief when I saw that it had sustained no damages.
Chuuya then stepped up to me, jerking his head back towards the bar before walking off. "Let me take you home. Take that as an apology for being so rough on you."
I blinked. "Um..."
"Hurry up!"
"Okay!" I squeaked and followed after the man quickly, chewing on my lip as I asked myself... what the fuck was I doing? Am I really about to get inside this man's car? He was a stranger! Who frisked me! Let alone, he is clearly a dangerous man.
I must be insane.
"Tell me," Chuuya started and I was dumbfounded as he approached a rather cool looking motorcycle. No way. "What the hell were you being so creepy for?" He turned to me and asked, an all-knowing smirk on his face. I blushed deeply. Of course, he already was able to figure it out once he realized that I wasn't a threat.
"No reason," I huffed out, earning a low laugh as Chuuya grabbed the only helmet I could see. I looked at him confused, gasping when he unceremoniously placed the helmet over my head. "What about you?"
"I don't need it," Chuuya simply answered before he finally mounted his bike. "Come on, you little liar. Hop on."
I couldn't help but stare, my mouth going dry as I took in the image of this handsome bastard with his bike. The engine roared as he turned it on, revving it a bit and making me make a mess in my panties.
"Hey, ya done eyefucking me, dollface?"
I sputtered. "I was NOT eyefucking you!" I stormed over to the bike, glaring at the grinning bastard as I climbed onto the bike behind him.
Chuuya snorted. "Yeah, like you weren't eyefucking me earlier in the bar," he retorted, easily reaching behind him to grab my wrists, pulling me against his back as he wrapped my arms around him. I was stunned silent, from his words, and his actions and the fact that his back felt so solid.... and he smelled so good...
"I was not..." I mumbled, pressing my cheek against his back. "Shut the fuck up."
He laughed darkly, and that sent a shiver down my spine.
"Where do you live?" Chuuya asked and I hesitantly told him my address. "I know where that is. Hold on."
"You do? It's on the other side of the city," I said and Chuuya just chuckled softly, looking over his shoulder and smirking at me.
"And who exactly runs this city?"
I clamped my mouth shut, his eyes staring into mine. I blushed and looked away from him. He turned his head back around with an amused laugh, the engine revving as he took off on his bike.
"Hold tight, dollface!"
He didn't have to tell me twice, my arms tightening around his torso as he sped down the street, weaving in and out of traffic. It was scary, but also so fucking exhilarating. My heart was thudding in my chest, my eyes watering because of the wind. Still, I kept them open, wanting to watch the world blur by us. Chuuya made a sharp, right turn, making me scream while he laughed loudly. 
"Man up!" he yelled at me.
"Stop driving like a crazy person!" I yelled back.
I didn't see the large, almost evil smirk that grew on Chuuya's face. Didn't see him licking his lips excitedly as he eyed a rather tall building coming up ahead.
"Tell me, dollface," he hollered back at me, revving the engine and I gulped as I held him tighter, his bike going faster. A bad feeling started to settle in my stomach, balking when he asked his next question. "Do you want to defy gravity?"
I didn't have time to answer, not when I finally realized that we were heading right towards the side of the building. I couldn't even scream, fear striking me as I suddenly started to see red, body jostling as Chuuya maneuvered the bike to jump in the air.... before landing perfectly on the side of the building and continuing vertically up towards the sky.
"Don't let go!" Chuuya sneered. Like that was ever going to happen.
I didn't dare turn my head to look down, my wide eyes staring up into the night sky as we made it closer to the top of the building. I couldn't even think straight, my body just running on nothing but adrenaline and fear.
"Ch-Chuuya!" I gasped out sharply, the bike finally making it to the roof of the building. Chuuya didn't slow down though, only barreling towards the edge and I started to panic. "Chuuya! What are you doing?!"
Chuuya only snickered, revving the engine once more before sending the bike flying off the edge of the building. I squeak and screw my eyes shut, pressing my face against the middle of his back. I didn't want to watch us plummet to our doom.
"Hey, idiot, open your eyes."
I whimpered and shook my head. "N-No..."
Chuuya sucked his teeth. "Just open your eyes! You'll regret it if you don't."
Biting my lip, I wanted a moment before I lifted my head up and opened my eyes, a small gasp leaving my mouth as I looked around me.
We were still floating in the air, biking moving through the sky. The City of Yokohama was lit up beautifully underneath us. I looked over, seeing the ocean at a distance, the ferris wheel lit up and spinning slowly. My mouth had fallen open, eyes wide in wonder. Chuuya was looking back at me, a triumphant grin on his face.
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We made it to my apartment and Chuuya stood over me, an amused smile on his face as he watched me melt on the ground after I got off his bike.
"That was intense..." I mumbled, still feeling the effects of flying through the fucking sky. "I shouldn't even be surprised that you're gifted, with the power that you have already in the Port Mafia."
"Yeah, it was pretty great, huh," Chuuya said smugly, gloved hands stuffed in his coat pockets. I laughed softly, slowly standing up with my shaky legs. He took one look at my frazzled state and he grew even more smug. "That's a cute look on you, though if I really had my way with you, you wouldn't even be able to stand."
My face turned hot, sputtering as I tried to respond, but I had nothing to even say. Because the thought of actually inviting Chuuya inside and--
"Fuck..." I breathed out softly, looking at the man standing before me. His eyes didn't leave mine, the heat in them making a shiver go down my spine. "Do you... want to come inside?"
Chuuya fixed his hat on top of his head. "Lead the way, dollface."
"So... your ability lets you control gravity?" I asked once we made it inside the elevator of my apartment building. We were going fifteen stories up, after Chuuya parked his bike safely, of course.
"To put it simply, yes," Chuuya answered, stepping closer to me. I gasped softly when he grabbed my chin, the leather of his glove pressing against my skin. "But we're not here to talk about that." He pressed himself against me fully, leaning his face in until his lips hovered just above mine. I shivered, looking at him with hooded eyes. "This will be a one time thing, dollface."
I nodded, appreciating his honesty. "Of course," I replied just as the elevator stopped on my floor, doors sliding open. I grinned at him. "So let's make it count."
He liked the sound of that, grabbing my wrist and leading me out the elevator. I rushed to my apartment, grabbing my keys and hurriedly unlocking the door before opening it.
The door slammed shut as Chuuya immediately pressed me against it, his lips on mine in a fervorous kiss. I knocked his hat off his head as I ran my fingers through Chuuya's hair, moaning when his hands started to roam all over my body.
"Fuck..." I moaned softly when Chuuya started to kiss down my neck, squealing when he squeezed on my ass.
"Damn... you won't be able to fucking sit right, either," he growled against my neck as he massaged my ass and thighs. "Let's go."
Groaning when he moved himself away from me, I rushed to lead Chuuya to my bedroom, our clothes coming off in the process and making a trail on the floor.
It didn't take us too long to start really going at it, our lust fueling us to incredible heights. Chuuya held my hips tightly with his leather clad hands, thrusting his hard cock in and out of my soaking pussy.
He was fucking me hard, my body just sprawled on the bed as I moaned and grunted from the pleasure this man was giving me. "Fuck, fuck, Chuuya!" I whined, making the man grin widely as he kept his pace. Sweat covered both of our bodies, moans and deep growls mixing with the sound of skin slapping against skin.
"That's right, dollface, ride me," Chuuya smirked up at me, now on his back as I bounced up and down on his cock. His hands were right on my hips, his eyes going back and forth between  watching my bouncing breasts and watching his cock disappear inside my heat. "Fuck, you're so fucking sexy," he growled, thrusting up particularly hard and making me toss my head back, screaming when I finally fucking cum.
"Oh my God!" I gasped sharply, still squeezing around him as I began to slow down. "Oh fuck... it's so good," I moaned, reaching out and hooking my finger into Chuuya's black choker. I pulled and he pushed himself up, lips meeting mine in a messy kiss.
I moaned against his mouth, still slowly riding him as his hands ran up and down my sides, the leather cool against my skin. Then, Chuuya placed his hands on my hips, and with a mischievous little smirk, he licked his lips. Immediately, my body started to feel a little bit lighter, and Chuuya started to effortlessly bounce me up and down on his cock, 100% controlling my body with his ability.
"Chuuya..." I moaned his name, head lolling back. He continued to maneuver my body, little grunts and moans leaving his own mouth as he worked to reach his own pleasure, and mine.
I came again, tears falling down my face from the intense pleasure, and that was enough for Chuuya to pull me off of him completely, putting me on my knees before him on the bed. His hand grabbed the back of my neck and he pushed my head down, stuffing his cock in my mouth.
"Take it," he growled, his hands in my hair and using it to push my head up and down as he fucked my mouth. I moaned around him, a new wave of pleasure washing over me as I let the mafioso use me as he wanted. Soon enough, he exploded into my mouth, and I made sure I swallowed all of him.
"Fuck, that's hot..." Chuuya breathed out when I opened my mouth to show him that I did so. "You're such a good girl, dollface."
That made me flustered and I looked away shyly, earning a chuckle from him. I looked over when I felt him get up from the bed, thinking that he would leave. Instead, he just gave me a look. "Where is your shower?"
We showered together,  which took longer than needed because Chuuya couldn't keep his hands to himself. I was surprised when he climbed into bed with me afterwards, allowing me to cuddle against him as we slowly fell asleep.
I wasn't surprised though, when I woke up the next morning, sore and alone. I didn't get too upset about it, though. Chuuya laid it out clear and I accepted it and moved on.
I sat on my dining room table, looking through the newspaper as I sipped on my morning coffee. I was looking for a new job and figured looking at the local ads wouldn't hurt.
"Hm... let's see..." I whispered, reaching over and grabbing my knife. I ran the tip of it down the paper, stopping when one particular ad stuck out. "Hm... the Armed Detective Agency, huh? Interesting..." I set my knife down, staring at the ad as I took another careful sip of coffee.
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winterandwords · 2 years ago
The 10% of my brain that never fucking learns is angry with the other 90% for not doing NaNoWriMo this year even though I consistently use arbitrary deadlines as excuses for self-neglect and indulging unhealthily obsessive behaviour.
You know what though? I miss unhealthily obsessive behaviour. I've been trying to be all not fucking myself up about things lately and cool, good, I guess I sleep a bit more and I remember to eat and get to pat myself on the back for self-care or whatever, but I also don't feel like myself and I sort of hate it. The unhealthily obsessive behaviour was a HUGE coping strategy for a lot of shitty things that I don't get to opt out of and I think I might need that coping strategy because the shitty things are starting to feel really overwhelming.
I really REALLY want to believe that it's entirely possible to be balanced and mentally healthy and also creative. Thing is, I believe it's entirely possible for (some) other people but I honestly don't know that it is for me? Like the obsessive thing at this point is such a huge part of who I am as a person and it's always been so strongly tied to being creative. I keep trying to separate them and be chill but all that happens is I stop writing or I hate everything I write.
I don't even feel like a writer right now and it fucking sucks. Part of it is about accepting that I really don't want to Do Mainstream Self-Publishing and giving myself permission to not. I know that's old news and I've talked about it a lot, but it didn't really land solidly until quite recently and I feel a bit lost because even though I'm doing exactly what I want in a way that totally aligns with my values for the first time in forever, it feels weird to not always be low-key aiming towards this specific external thing.
I don't know. This should probably have gone in my journal but here it is on Tumblr because tough shit, you followed me and you get what you get. Love you.
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angy-mouse · 3 years ago
Hello mouse. Could I request something where Sapnap is stuck taking care of you alone (for the first time) while you’re regressing and he’s worried he’s gonna mess up. Maybe he takes you to the store or zoo and he ends up losing you.
Also can I be Milk anon?
I don't like the getting lost thing bc thats a big fear of mine but idk if it was bc i stayed up way too late writing this or what but i was very close to crying so be careful if you age regress (maybe if you're a caregiver too)
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Sapnap groaned as he managed to get his back to pop, standing up from his desk chair for the first time in hours. He wandered his way into the hall, peeking into George’s office before remembering that he and George had left to get groceries since the fridge was totally empty. “That means I have baby to myself,” he hummed, trotting over to your room. The door was open so he peeked in, faltering as he saw you sitting on your bedroom floor surrounded by your stuffies and toys. You were clearly having a tea party, with your little plastic tea set in front of you as you leaned over to make all the stuffies in the circle drink from their cups.
“Shit, baby’s deep in little space. And George isn’t here. Fuck, what do I do?”
“Daddy!” He snapped out of it, watching you make grabby hands for him. He stepped into the room, carefully tiptoeing around your toys.
“Hey, there, princess, what’re you up to?”
He watched you perk up at the nickname, giggling. “It’s a tea party, Daddy! Here, you can sit…” He watched you contemplate which stuffie to kick out before snatching up the frog to your right. “Here!” You held the frog close to your face, glaring down your nose at it. “You’re not as cool as Daddy: you’re out the gang,” you declared before chucking it at your closet door. Sapnap flinched as it thudded against the wood and fell to the floor.
“Holy shit, baby’s cold blooded.” He let out a chuckle, taking the now open spot. "Well thanks for having me at your tea party, but, uh, I really don't think you should throw your toys around like that, baby, you could break something..."
You shook your head as you poured him his pretend tea. "It's okay, Daddy, it's just a stuffie,"
Strike One
He awkwardly nodded, shrugging it off. "Well thank you for the tea- pinkies up, right?" He loosened up and you eagerly nodded with a giggle, picking your own teacup up and pretending to sip with him. "Delicious, my fair lady!"
"Why, thank you, sir Daddy," you giggled- your Daddy George always preferred cuddling and watching TV to playing pretend and Daddy Dream was willing to play with you but he was always stiff like he didn't know how to play- Daddy Sapnap was the best for playing, even if the tickle monster came around an awful lot when you played together.
Your tea party was quite rudely interrupted when your tummy let out a low growl, startling the both of you. "Ah, when was the last time you ate, sugar?"
"Before Daddies left," you hummed, patting your tummy to try to soothe the belly monster. "Daddy George says little girls have to ask for food, but you were busy so I thought I'd just play instead."
Strike Two
"You should have known that and been checking on her. You left her alone and little." If he'd been thinking straight he would have told himself that he had no way of knowing you'd go into little space while he was editing, but he couldn't think straight when he was trying to figure out what a good daddy would do in this scenario. "Well, uh, how about we take this party down to the dining room table and get a snack to go with our tea."
You cheered at that, stumbling to your feet. "Okay, Daddy!"
He winced as he watched you navigate the land mine that had become your room. "Let's pick up your toys first, alright, pumpkin?"
You pouted. "But, Daddy, I'm hungry."
"Well… alright, we'll do it later, then," he decided, carefully climbing to his feet. He managed to step right on a bouncy ball, tripping right onto his ass and hitting the back of his head against your closet door. "Ah, fuck," he hissed, rubbing the sore spot under his hair. He sighed as he realized he landed right next to your discarded stuffie.
Strike Three
You gave a shout, kicking toys out of your way as you rushed to plop yourself onto his lap. "Are you okay, Daddy?! Do you need me to kiss it better?!"
"I'm fine, princess," he sighed, doing his best to put a smile on his face for your sake. "You know, though… I don't think I'm very good at this Daddy business. Maybe I should be 'Uncle Sapnap' or you could call me Kuya or-"
"No, no, no!" He startled at your shout and the way you tried to burrow your face into his chest like you could make a tunnel straight to his heart. "I'm sorry I didn't listen and I'm sorry I thought I could get away with things because you're not as strict as the others and I'm sorry you got hurt because of me but you're a great daddy! You're the best daddy because you're my daddy an-and I don't want you to be anything other than Daddy!"
Sapnap shakily put his arms around you as the wetness seeped through his shirt. "H-Hey, it's okay… I just thought- it doesn't matter what I thought. Daddy was just having silly thoughts, okay, baby? Like when you need to hear that we love you and we tell you you were only questioning it because of silly thoughts? Daddy just needed to hear that, so thank you, baby."
"You are not gonna cry you are not gonna cry, Daddy doesn't fucking cry because of this shit… Who am I kidding yes he fucking does." He held you tight as you sniffled into his shirt and he let a few years escape to drip onto your hair. Once you both calmed down he gently pulled your shoulders back so he could wipe your tear trails away with his thumbs. "There, did you get all the sad out, pumpkin?" He smiled softly as you shook your head. "Yeah, I don't think Daddy did either but that's okay. Why don't we go get you something real to drink to replace all those tears, okay? And a snack, too."
You nodded, moving to pick up your toys first. He smiled at that, helping put them all in your toy box. He left the last few to you, feeling his heart clench as you picked up your frog and whispered an apology to it, tucking him into your bed before rushing to grab Sapnap's hand and wait for him to lead you downstairs.
Maybe he could figure this Daddy thing out.
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yurtletheturtlehenderson · 4 years ago
COSMIC - S1:E1; Chapter One, The Vanishing of Will Byers - [Pt. 2]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘖𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥'𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦, 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘏𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘢 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥.
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|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
The boys and I finally make it to school; my legs are always exhausted by the time we reach the student drop off.
I hear the bell ring when we park our bikes.
"That's weird. I don't see him." Mike finally says what we've all been thinking. 'Where the hell is Will?' Personally, I'm starting to get really worried.
As if catching onto my growing worries, Lucas chimes in.
"I'm telling you. His mom's right. He probably just went to class early again."
I always admired how Lucas can always be so optimistic with stuff like this; always thinking logically. He's really good at keeping the party level-headed. I tend to worry a lot so it's nice to have a friend like Lucas to keep my feet on the ground.
"Yeah, he's always paranoid Gursky's gonna give him another pop quiz."
"Well, I don't blame him. Gursky gives me pop quizzes all the time, and it's exhausting. Never knowing when you will be put on the spot" I say.
"Step right up, ladies and gentlemen."
'Oh just perfect. Troy and his goon'
"Step right up and get your tickets for the freak show," Troy says smugly.
I click my tongue and shake my head in a mocking tone.
"Oh, sorry guys but we actually can't make it today. By any chance, can we catch your act tomorrow?" I bat my eyelashes at them in innocence, the comment earning a few chuckles from Lucas, Mike, and Dustin.
Troy's face scrunched up in anger, clearly offended by my comeback.
"Hey, no one asked you, shithead!"
I roll my eyes at his cheap insult. However, the boys were having none of it, especially Dustin, as usual. They get into a threatening stance, while Dustin tries to lunge for them, but I put my arm out to stop them before they can even do anything.
"Guys, just ignore them. It doesn't matter to me. They're not even worth it."
Troy and his puppet James only seem amused.
"So who do you think would make more money in a freak show anyway?" Troy continues.
"Midnight," he punches Lucas. I clench my fists, my chest already burning with anger.
"Frogface," he punches Mike, and my jaw tightens so tight it threatens to lock.
"Orphan" he punched me. I took a deep breath trying to control my anger.
"Or toothless?" He shoves Dustin.
It's taking everything in me not to tackle him right now. I've always been like this. Whenever someone insults me, I'm able to brush it off, but as soon as someone goes after the people I care about, I lose it. Big time.
His goon sighs and holds his hand to his chin as he pretends to think about it while he looks at all of us. He then stops at Dustin and singles him out, in a voice that's clearly supposed to be Dustin's.
"I'd go with Toothless." My nails are probably drawing blood from my palms at this point.
"I told you a million times, my teeth are coming in. It's called cleidocranial dysplasia." Dustin says.
"I th'old you a million th'imes" he continues.
"Screw you," I shout, lunging for him. But before I could ever actually reach him, Dustin pulls me back, stopping me as I had him.
"Y/n, you were right. They aren't worth it."
They just laugh smugly in response. I grit my teeth and cross my arms.
"Do the arm thing."
"Do it, freak!"
"OH, I swear to GOD," I go to charge at him but Mike pulls me back and pats my back trying to calm me down. I glare daggers at the boys in front of me. I swear I'm seeing red and it feels as if my blood is literally boiling in veins.
"Y/n it's fine. Look, here," he sighs tiredly, putting down his backpack and taking off his jacket. He then extends his arms out and you can hear his bones crack. He then looks to the bullies pointedly and says, "There, I did it. Will you leave us alone now?"
The bullies groan in disgust and Troy says, "UGH. It gets me every time!" They laugh, shoving us aside roughly and walk away.
"Assholes," Lucas beat me to it.
"I think it's kinda cool," Mike offers, looking at Dustin. "It's like you have superpowers or something. Like Mr. Fantastic."
"Yeah, except I can't fight evil with it."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
{Trigger Warning for Anxiety Attacks}
Troy and his friend had just left us alone, so the four of us began making our way to class. As we walk through the hallways, the three of them end up side by side by side next to each other while caught up in their conversation which at this point, had drifted to planning our next campaign. Normally I'd be all over it but I found myself drifting back and keeping to myself, my thoughts wandering to Will.
'I really hope he's okay. Ya know what? No, Lucas is right, as usual, he's got to be at class by now. He has to be.'
I try to push all the negative thoughts to the back of my mind as I try and focus on getting to the classroom as soon as possible just to prove to myself he's okay and I'm just overreacting. The four of us approach Mr. Clarke's room and I run ahead, no longer able to wait another second. I pop my head in the door and to my great dismay, he is nowhere to be seen. I take a deep breath, and stumble back, that familiar viscous feeling of a pit in my stomach. My anxiety is kicking in.
The boys look to each other in silence, all thinking the same thing.
'This is bad. Will would never skip. And he's not at home, so something must be very wrong.'
Before the boys get the chance to say anything, I slip away and walk quickly down the hall to the bathroom, my arms tucked into my sides defensively while my head is down. I always run to the bathroom to be alone when I have an anxiety attack. I can't be around people when it's this bad so I usually end up sitting in the stall, trying to calm down. The guys know I have anxiety attacks like this sometimes and I know they want to help, but they don't know how and that's fine.
When I reach the familiar stall, I slam it shut and sit on the edge of the seat and put my face in my hands as my elbows are propped up on my knees. My breathing is ragged and my eyes become soaked in tears as panic takes over my body. That familiar feeling of nausea returning. The endless 'what ifs' begin flooding my mind.
'What if he got hit by a car on his way home?'
'What if he got kidnapped?'
'What if... he's dead?'
Just the thought of never seeing my best friend ever again makes me wail. I'm rocking back and forth hugging my torso when I remember I have to take deep breaths or I might pass out. I try to remember to tell myself that I don't have all the information and that there has got to be some sort of explanation for all of this.
That it's just my anxiety talking. It's just brain noise. I just need to learn how to manage it.
I spend the next few minutes focusing on taking deep breathes, and after what feels like hours, I am finally breathing normally again.
I grab my bag which had been thrown to the ground during my attack and exit the stall. I stand in front of the mirror washing my hands and I look at my eyes which are now totally swollen from crying.
I reach down and splash some water on my face, and rub my eyes. Getting the remainder of the water off with a paper towel. As I look at my slightly improved reflection I take another deep breath and head to class. Pretending everything's normal and I hadn't just had a meltdown in the bathroom, as usual.
I pick up my pace as I shrug my shoulders to secure my backpack so it doesn't fall. I was lucky I was able to come down from my attack as quickly as I did because it seems I wasn't late like last time. It looks like I made it with just a minute to spare. I walk over to where the party and I usually sit. I think twice before sitting down next to Dustin.
I know at this point the boys are aware of the state I'm in judging by the looks of sympathy they are giving me. The state of my eyes and the fact I didn't take my normal seat next to Will's probably gave me away. I decided to take the seat in front of my usual so I don't have stare at Will's empty seat and be worrying all class. So as they say, out of sight out of mind. While waiting for class to start I try and think of different things to keep my mind off of Will, and my mind wanders the new Heathkit ham shack that was supposed to have come today.
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spirit-small · 3 years ago
Ratattorney Size Swap 3: Franziska Edition
Franziska von Karma glared up at Phoenix Wright, tightly gripping her whip. She stomped and whipped on the floor beneath her, which just so happened to be his palm. She doesn’t know how their sizes had been swapped, but she’s going to blame him. That fool. That horrible, foolish, good-for-nothing little fool. As if it wasn’t enough for her to be bested in court by what amounts to vermin, now she is the vermin.
Franziska whips Phoenix, which causes him to flinch, which results in him moving his hand suddenly, which throws Franziska off her balance, which pisses her off, which makes her whip him again, it’s just kind of a cycle here.
Maya can’t bring herself to watch this anymore. It was funny the first few times, but it’s getting old now. She has to separate them. She reaches toward Franziska, putting her hand right in the path of her whip. It hurts, but this is far from the first time she’s been whipped by her. If anything, this is one of the least painful times, since her whip is so much smaller now. 
She braves the wildly flailing whip to scoop Franziska up and carry her across the room.
“Unhand me this instant, Miss Fey! That fool still hasn’t tasted the sting of my whip nearly enough!”
Maya holds Franziska in her palm and gently pats her head to calm her down.
“It’s okay... it’s okay... simmer down... cool your jets... just ignore Nick, be here with me, okay?”
Franziska looks up at Maya and scoffs. She glances over to Phoenix to see him putting generic adhesive bandages over a few particularly hard whip lashes. She’s a little proud of herself for breaking skin even at this size.
"Alright, fine. Ignoring the fool," Franziska looks up at Maya. "What is it you want, Miss Fey?"
"Like, real talk honestly? I just think you're really cute like this and wanted to hold you. I'm so used to carrying Nick around, but he's like, a gross old man."
"Hey! I heard that, y'know!" Phoenix yells from across the room.
"It just feels... Different with you. I don't even know how to describe it." They stare at each other for a moment, and Maya puts Franziska down gently on a table. Franziska looks a little disappointed.
"You know, you're actually quite good at that. Your hands are soft and steady, firm yet gentle. Much better than that foolish Phoenix Wright. I suppose it's all that practice."
"Y-you really think so? Nick never compliments the way I hold him!" She says the last part louder to make sure Phoenix can hear it. He does.
"I do. If, by some horrible stroke of misfortune, or divine punishment, or whatever it is that caused this scenario, I happen to be stuck like this for an extended period of time... I suppose I'm happy to be under your supervision. I can't think of a single person more qualified. N-not that I need it, of course, I'm still perfectly capable of taking care of myself! I'm not some useless little bug who needs someone bigger to stand in for me and take credit for my achievements."
"I know you're not, Prosecutie von Karma," Maya places her palm down flat for Franziska to step on. "You're totally independent, I'm only helping you because I want to, right?"
"That's exactly right, Miss Fey," she steps on it and sits down. "I could easily manage to get around on my own! This is simply more convenient for the both of us."
"Mmhmm. Definitely. Smile!" Maya brings Franziska up against her cheek and takes a selfie. She's a little taken off-guard, so while Maya is making a winky-smiley face, Franziska's expression is a lot more shocked and blushy.
"Don't you dare post that. No one can see me in this moment of weakness! I'll be the laughingstock of the prosecutor's office!"
"Come on, there's no way one picture can turn the bad bitch of the prosecutor's office into its laughingstock, right?"
Franziska grumbles. "If Winston Payne laughs at me even once I am coming back here to personally destroy your phone. That is not a threat, it is a promise."
"Fine, fine, I'll just keep it for me. No one else will ever see it. Happy?"
"W-wait, wait, you can send it to me, at least... I... Or you could just delete it, fool!" Franziska turns away and crosses her arms. Maya laughs.
She sits down, placing Franziska in her lap and gently running a finger up and down her back. Franziska would normally complain, but... Maybe it's okay. Just this once.
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chibinekochan · 4 years ago
I saw your post about requests, I hope I'm not to late! I fell in love with your Lucifer & Diavolo AU where they adopt a child! Any wholesome moments with the kid & them or the brothers/undateables would be so heartwarming! I especially love Beel so maybe Beel, as the biggest and with a big love of his family, seeing the kid and being like "so tiny, must protect" and becoming like her personal giany buddy 🥺❤
Ahhhh that au is so wholesome. I'm happy to revisit it. Note that the reader is a toddler-aged kid.
2.8k words
My Obey me! Masterlist
It's a normal evening with your loving parents. At this point, you are used to living with the demons.
It's chaotic at times but they all really adore and spoil you.
One evening you are plotting a surprise party for Lucifer's birthday.
Knowing that Diavolo just can't keep a secret, you rope the brothers into helping you.
"Uncle Mammon, I need your help." You know your very well-trained puppy eyes will do the trick.
"Umm sure… what do you need?" Mammon has a bad feeling already.
"I want to surprise Papa with a party but it's so hard to do. He is like a superhero who knows everything." You pout a little in frustration.
"Hearing you call him Papa makes me feel so uneasy." Belphie sighs from the couch.
"More like a spy or something." Satan chimes in.
"Belpie don't be grouchy and if he is a spy then he is super cool." You are still unable to say ph but nobody minds that.
Both just shake their heads.
"Mammon, will you help me?" Your puppy eyes get even bigger.
He shifts around uncomfortably. "Well I'd love to but sadly I'm super busy."
"But Uncle!" You use your best pouty face.
Causing Mammon's face to twist in agony. "Trust me little one, I'd help but Lucifer has giving me this task so I have to do it." He obviously feels bad about it.
You cross your arms. "I'm pretty sure my power is bigger than his."
"Well, yeah of course. You are the most powerful one without a doubt, but Lucifer can be pretty scary if I don't do my job." Mammon fully agrees but he knows what punishment will await him if he doesn't do as Lucifer told him to do.
"Papa isn't scary at all." You huff.
"Now, now no reason for that big frown on your face." Asmo chimes in. "I'm just the right demon for you. I happen to have some time and as your most awesome Uncle I will help you with that party of yours." He talks to you with a big grin.
"Wow, you are the best Asmo! You beam at him with a big smile.
"Totally unfair," Mammon mumbles.
"Too bad Mammon. I yet again get to save the day." Asmo grins in a winning manner. "So what are your plans?" Then he faces you.
"I want to make loads of flowers and string them up and then I want to make a huge cake for everyone to enjoy and we also need music. Oh and snacks and games of course." You remember your own birthday parties with glee.
"I see you have some pretty big plans. You can count on me for the decorations. I ask Levi for some music. He has a big collection that even Lucifer envies. For the cake, I'm sure we can entrust Barbatos with that." Asmo is already fully in planning mode.
"That sounds like everyone else will do the work, but I want to do it." You huff lightly.
"I see, in that case, everyone will assist you. Satan, you and Belphie will help us with the flowers." Asmo can see that you won't budge so he quickly changes his plans.
"Hey, why me?" Belphie grumbles.
"You make great flowers." You try to encourage him.
"I'm sure mine is better." Satan shoots back.
"Great, I will tell everyone to come and bring supplies. Let's make some room over there." Asmo whips his phone out and sends an SOS to the other brothers.
"Yeah, I will make a sample so they all can look pretty." With great joy, you make your way over to the table.
"Some need this more than others." Belphie glances at Mammon.
"Hey, I saw that, and let me tell you my paper flowers can win prizes." Mammon seems to be seriously offended.
"Say that when you aren't too busy slaving for Lucifer." Belphie teases Mammon.
"Just wait and see. Once I'm back I'll show you!" Mammon basically rushes out of the room, almost running into Beel on his way out.
"Huh what was that about?" He is carrying a big box with him.
"Don't mind him. Just join us. We are making flower decorations." Asmo just shrugs, already halfway into an elegant-looking paper flower.
"Alright, but why are we making them?" Beel places the box down, and there are parties and flower-making supplies thrown into it.
"I'm throwing a party for papa's birthday." You tell him with great enthusiasm.
"I see that's a great idea, but why isn't Diavolo doing that?" Beel knows that it's usually his duty.
"He is very busy, so I took it on myself to do it." You are feeling troubled thinking about your busy dad.
Beel nods with understanding. "I see, then we need to make sure it's a great party."
"That's the right spirit, Beel." You smile at him.
"I'm not that good at making these though." Beel sighs at the paper.
"It's pretty easy, let me show you." With great pride, you show Beel how to make them.
Beel copies your moves and manages to get a pretty decent flower.
"Good job Beel. I knew you could do it." You pat him on the arm.
"You are very good at this." Asmo smiles gently.
"I'm trying to become reliable." You smile sheepishly.
"That's a pretty big word there, little one. Great job learning that one." Satan nods with a smile.
"Thanks I'm trying to use bigger words but it's not easy." You sigh slightly.
"No worries, you are getting there." Satan encourages you.
You nod feeling motivated.
"Have you made new friends lately?" Asmo asks curiously.
"We got a new kid the other day but they are shy. It's hard to play with them." This only bothers you slightly.
Asmo nods in understanding."Just give it time. Kind of like with Levi."
"What about me?" Levi just enters the room, like on command.
"We were talking about a new kid who is shy." You look at Levi, wondering what his advice might be.
"I'm not shy, just socially awkward." Levi looks troubled.
"Isn't that the same?" You don't have an idea.
"Children's words are indeed sharp tools." Levi sighs deeply.
You look at the others seeking help, but they all shrug.
"Come here and make some flowers," Belphie commands Levi over.
"Ummmm okay." Levi sighs. "I got the music you wanted, Asmo."
"Just put that next to my makeup." Asmo points over to the couch.
For a while, you all make flowers until you decide it's enough.
"So next we should make a huge cake. I also want decorations. Maybe a castle cake would be great." Your eyes sparkle just thinking about it.
"Hmm, that might be an issue since we don't have that much time." Satan knows it can take days to make a cake like that and there isn't enough time at all.
You pout, feeling very disappointed.
"How about cupcakes? We can decorate a bunch of them. They will look great and it's easier to make a whole bunch of them for everyone." Asmo brings up a great plan.
"That would be awesome but a birthday needs cake." You agree but aren't fully satisfied.
"How about we make a special cake for Lucifer and cupcakes for everyone else?" Beel thinks it's a reasonable compromise.
"That sounds great. I will make his cake and you all can make the cupcakes." You agree to that plan.
"I will help with that. The cupcakes would be too tempting anyway." Beel knows you can't do it by yourself.
"And I keep Beel from the cake." Belphie chimes in with a smile.
"Sounds great. Do we have all we need?" You look at Satan.
"We have enough for the cake and some cupcakes. I will go and buy more ingredients while Asmo and Levi can handle the first batch of cupcakes." Satan has a very reasonable plan.
"Okay." You agree and all of you walk over to the kitchen.
It's a bit chaotic giving everyone space to work but you somehow manage.
In the middle of mixing the dough, with the help of Beel, you come to a sudden realization.
"We forgot about candles for the cake." You feel pretty upset by this realization.
"It's not a big deal. We can't put enough candles on the cake for Lucifer's age anyway." Belphie shrugs.
"It's very important. Without candles, it's not a birthday cake." You sternly look at Belphie.
"Hmm we could put one candle on it would that be enough?" Beel seems to understand that this is important to you.
"Dad said it's rude to remind adults of their age so that would be a good idea." You remember Diavolo saying that when it was Asmos birthday.
Beel nods. "I will get it for him. Belphie you take over supporting the little one."
"No, I need to get the right one. I will go!" You blatantly refuse.
"Okay, then I will assist you with that." Beel can't send you alone and he knows you can be pretty stubborn so this seems to be the best solution to him.
You nod.
"Can you take over for me, Belphie?" You look at Belphie.
He yawns. "Sure, have fun you two."
"It's not fun, it's an important mission!" You sternly speak.
"That's right." Beel agrees with a nod. "Do you want to ride on my shoulders or hold my hand?" Beel looks at you with a smile.
"I can walk alone too." You turn away from him.
"I know but I will feel lonely." Beel gives you puppy dog eyes, he is almost as effective as you are.
"Fine, but only because I don't want you to feel lonely." You pout slightly and then take his big hand.
"Thank you. We will be off Belphie." Beel nods towards Belphie, who just waves to us while mixing the dough.
Together with Beel, you make your way to the store.
You stand in front of the candles to pick the right one.
Beel gets distracted for only a moment by a new chocolate bar.
That is the moment when a demon approaches you.
Your parents have taught you what you are supposed to do if a stranger approaches you.
"Hey, are you all alone here?" The demon has a friendly tone but his demeanor doesn't match that.
You keep your distance and shake your head.
The demon comes closer. "Not wanting to talk?"
"Stay away." You loudly and sternly tell the demon off.
The demon seems to find that pretty funny.
You get ready to yell out loud and glare at the demon.
Then the demon looks scared and walks away.
You huff proudly and look for Beel. Who without your knowledge has seen the demon and glared at him, scaring the demon.
"Is everything alright?" Beel is worried about you.
"Yeah, I'm a strong one after all." You puff your chest.
Beel pats your head. "Definitely."
"Oh, this candle is good, what do you think Beel?" You suddenly see a purple candle.
"Looks perfect, let's get it." Beel smiles and grabs the candle, he is just glad that this didn't affect you at all.
You pay and return to the kitchen.
A lot of cupcakes have been done by now and Mammon has also returned and was promptly put to work, distracting Lucifer.
Belphie passed out but the cake is all ready to be decorated.
You beam at the sight. "It looks great."
"All thanks to your hard work." Beel smiles and starts to prepare for the frosting.
You apply it, creating a very colorful cake in the process.
"What do you think?" Proudly you show the cake to everyone.
"Looks great." Beel approves.
"It's so stylish, I'm jealous." Asmo takes a picture of the cake.
Everyone else also approves.
"Now all that is left is to decorate the room." You start to feel tired but can't wait to see Lucifer's face.
"You can leave that to us." Levi can tell you are getting sleepy and is just trying to help you.
"No, let's go." You wave him off, feeling responsible for the party.
Everyone just sighs.
So you all start to decorate the ballroom, Barbatos helps with this part as well.
It takes a while and your tiredness is getting worse but you are stubborn and push yourself.
The brothers get worried about you and look at each other.
"Hey, can you help me, little one?" Belphie is sitting on the couch.
"What do you need?" Despite being tired, you are eager to help.
"I need a nap, but can't get to sleep so can you help me pass out?" Belphie yawns to support his claim.
You are a bit wary at his request, but you know he needs his rest. "What do I have to do?"
"Just lay here next to me until I pass out." The couch is pretty big so it's not an issue.
You hum a bit, wondering if this is a ploy to get you to rest.
"Pretty please?" Belphie uses his sleepy puppy eyes against you.
He learned well.
"Okay but only for a little bit." You feel a bit reluctant but join Belphie anyway.
"Thank you." Belphie smiles and you pass out next to him before you even know it.
Once you wake up the whole room is decorated and looks very beautiful.
You look at it in awe but then feel disappointed since you didn't do everything on your own.
"Hey, little one." Asmo is the first to notice that you are awake again.
"You did such a great job with this all." Barbatos smiles at you.
"But you did the most." You pout.
"No, you did the most. I mean come on we can't do anything like this without a fight." Mammon sighs.
"Wow, that's surprisingly honest of you Mammon." Satan laughs.
Mammon huffs. "Well anyway, it's time for you to do the most important job anyway."
You light up instantly. "What job is that?"
"Get the birthday boy, of course." Barbatos calmly states. "I will get Lord Diavolo."
"Ah, of course. Get ready everyone, I'll be right back." You basically runoff.
"Be careful when running," Barbatos yells after you, you wave him off.
You dart around the corners to Lucifer's office. Almost crashing into him.
"Hold on right there! What's the big rush, little one?" Lucifer seems confused.
"Papa, you need to come with me right now!" You don't have time to explain and grab his hand.
"Is there an emergency?" Lucifer wonders what the rush is about.
"No, just come." You feel impatient and start to drag him behind you.
"Alright, I'm coming." Lucifer figures that everything will make sense soon and simply follows after you.
You keep dragging him until you reach the ballroom. "Close your eyes."
Lucifer does just that, still feeling very baffled.
You open the door. "Now you can open them."
Lucifer removes his hands and sees the colorful decorations.
"Happy birthday Lucifer." Everyone cheers loudly for him.
Lucifer is pleasantly surprised.
"Did you all prepare this for me?" He is pretty surprised.
"No, it was all the little one." Asmo winks at you.
You don't want to lie though. "We did it all together. My uncles helped me a lot."
"I see, thank you, everyone." Lucifer smiles at everyone.
"Hell froze over for all I know," Satan mumbles lightly.
"Let's cut the cake, I'm hungry." Beels stomach rumbles.
Everyone giggles at this.
Diavolo brings the cake in. "It looks so lovely don't you agree?" He smiles brightly.
"It really does. You did that, didn't you?" Lucifer smiles gently at you.
"I did." You admit shyly.
Lucifer blows the candle out and compliments the cupcakes before having a slice of cake.
"Do you want a slice too little of one?" Lucifer gently asks you.
"But it's your special cake." You want to have some but feel rude about it.
"It is even more special when I share it with the people I love. Diavolo will have a slice as well." Lucifer cuts you a piece.
"Alright, then I will enjoy it." Your eyes sparkle seeing the cake.
Everyone enjoys the party after this.
At some point, you pass out, no wonder after all the work you did.
"Look at that being all peaceful," Diavolo whispers.
"Did you have any idea about this party?" Lucifer wonders about it.
"No, they must've heard that I was too busy to plan anything fancy this year." Diavolo feels a bit bad about that.
"Let's bring them to bed." Lucifer carefully picks you up.
In your sleep, you snuggle close to his chest. Softly snoring.
"Our child has a bright future ahead of them. I wonder what kind of partner they will get when they are older." Diavolo muses quietly while walking beside Lucifer.
"I don't want to hear anything about partners for the next 1000 years." Lucifer sighs.
Diavolo chuckles. "I want to see them happy but I have to agree."
They both place you carefully in your bed. Leaving you to dream about your next great adventure.
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julietnterein · 4 years ago
•| Violacea I. chp. 1 |•
Author's note: Hya! I'm really new to this Tumblr fan fiction world but I would like to share my fan fiction that I share for a couple of months now on wattpad, so I decided to translate it to English for you here. I would be really grateful for some tips or something like that!
„W-what?” I looked at the curly haired doctor, who was probably the only one, in this facility full of Earth mightiest heroes, supersoldiers and spies, that treated me like human and welcomed me with open arms. Maybe it was the similarity and the troubles which our mutagenesis brought to us. „So you think you can make my legs work again?”
He smiles a little and push his glasses a little higher on his nose. „I will try my best.”
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Chapter 1.
„Alright, Andreea, I need you to tell me when you won't feel my touch, okay?” Says the doctor as she slowly put her finger on my knee. She starts to drag her finger down along my shin, but lower it gets it gets really hard for me to tell if she's still touching me or not.
„I can't feel it anymore.” I whisper as my irritation grows, because we do that everytime at every single appointment.
„That's alright.” She smiles at my mom that stands behind my back and then she helps me put my legs down so they lifelessly hang down the hospital bed. „Wanna try walking again?”
With a heavy sight I nod and my mother hands me my crutches that I use for very short distances. Doctor helps me to get to those two long hand grips. Every step is harder and harder, and I can feel my own shoulders sunken under my own weight. I was diagnosed with that when I was a toddler, I can't feel my legs from my shins to my feet, so that basically means I can't walk. Doctors told me that with some good practice I might be able to walk again, at least for really short distances, but I am definitely not anywhere near to that. At least I learn how to use the crunches because if then I would be tied down to the wheelchair.
The two other assistants help me use these weird prosthetics that basically makes my legs more steady and I can learn and train my walking. It only takes a couple of minutes because those splints are heavily tightened and my legs start draining blood.
The doctors always speculate that this thing with my legs already happened in the womb and then when I was born a couple of weeks before my due date. They had a real struggle to keep me alive and now they have another one to help me stand on my own legs at least for a couple minutes.
Today's training was more than painful, because the splints were probably much more tightened.
I hold myself steady on the hand grips as I try to do a couple shaky steps forward. But my hands were sweaty and my legs are already tired from the whole appointment that they turns into jelly almost immediately and my face ends up on the floor. My eyes starts to water as I feel the pain running through my whole body.
I sweet laugh rings through my ears and I immediately look around to see that everyone is carefully watching me for my reaction with straight faces.
„Are you okay, Andreea?” Asks my doctor.
I just shakes my head quietly as the assistants helps me stand up and take down my splints.
„We should call it a day, you seem upset.”
I didn't felt upset at all. I felt tired and irritated from all this and how is everyone treating me like a kid. I notice a small blinks from the lightbulb above my head and my doctor only nods at me once again, to signalize that she understands and we really should end our session.
I sit down to my wheelchair as my mom push me out of the room to the hall, where my doctor joins us.
„I know, how you feel, Andreea, it's tiresome and all, but you are really doing great!” She encourages me.
„Thanks.” I mutter.
„Well, I will see you on Thursday.” She pats my shoulder and then says goodbye to my mom, that pushes me to my room in another hospital wing. We decided that it would be much better for our whole family of three, that I just stay permanently in the hospital, so my parents don't have to drive me that much.
As we approach my room at the end of the hall I turn my head to look at my mom. „Will dad come tomorrow?”
She pushes my wheelchair into my room and helps me get up on my bed and then takes the crunches and puts them next to me. „He definitely will.” She smiles at me without any sign of happiness in her voice. „Do you want me to help you with anything else?”
I just shake my head and turn my head towards my window and let her leave.
In the last couple of days I felt really alone. In my room, in this facility and even in presence of my own mother. But at least I had Katherine, the girl that lived across the hall and probably my only friend here. Even though I never found out why she is here, she never had a problem with walking or her hands, but maybe it was some mental health issue. I never asked, I felt like it was none of my business.
A soft knock appears on my wooden doors and a while after that a head full of blond locks peaks into my room.
Speaking of the devil.
„I brought you dinner.” She smiles so brightly and invites herself in. „How was the appointment? Something new?” She puts the tray with food on my bed next to me.
„I was irritated more than normal, but that's probably it.” I shrug and take a fork that sits next to my plate.
Kath just nods and gives me a couple more minutes to eat some more of my own food. „So you were upset?” I look at her with my brows clicked together. What was everyone's deal today with me being upset? „I mean… Because you said you felt irritated, so you were probably upset about all of this, right?”
„Why is everyone keep asking me that?” I mutter and take another bite.
„I'm just asking if you are okay, that's it.” She smiles. „You know… If there isn't anything weird you would like to share with me?”
„I feel the same as I always do.” I say simply and turn my attention back to my food.
Kath gives me a little space to cool my head down. „Soo…” She starts again as I look at her. „Have you already looked at the quiz questions?” She looks at my table where lays all the school work that I am supposed to do.
„I was about to do it tonight.” I sigh as I look away to my window where the sun is setting slowly down, turning the skies into different shades of orange.
I can feel her staring at me.
„Alright. c'mon.”
„What?” I look at her, confused.
„Get your ass on your wheelchair.” She jump up to her legs. „C'mon I will show you something.”
I take my crunches so I can get myself to my wheelchair where I sit down and Kath starts to push me in such a way out of my room and even speeds up in the hallways.
„Kath!” I scream out as she's speeding up and it looks like we are about to hit the wall in front of us before she tooks sharp turn to the right.
She slows down and stops next to the balcony which is a secret smoking spot for nurses, and even for some cool kids from different wings. She takes out a pin out of her hair and with such ease opens the locked door.
„Where the hell did you learn this?” I ask her, totally amazed by her skill.
She just winks at me over her shoulder and pushes my wheelchair on the balcony. And quietly waits as I take the whole scenery in.
The sun is setting down behind the tall trees that are getting darker and darker with the last light, but there are still a couple of beams that still shines through the branches and warms my cheeks.
„It's cool, right?”
„Yea.” I nod. „Really cool.” I turn my head towards the scenery again.
„I discovered that place a couple days ago and I knew you would love it.” She tells me, proud at herself that once again she helped to brighten my mood once again.
„Thanks, Kath.” I smile at her as she pushes my wheelchair back to my room.
„No problem.” She shrugs as she goes into my room and helps me to get up to my bed. „I should really head back to my room, but you know where to find me.” She smiles and leaves my room.
I take my crunches once again to help myself get on a chair and to my table to work on my school work. But as long as I sit there and look at all the weird questions I get more and more angry. These questions have nothing to do with my knowledge or anything. It was stupid.
A lightbulb in my lamp starts to flick a little.
„Do you get angry easily?” I repeat the stupid question quietly as I am trying to answer it on the paper. But as I am about to answer it my lightbulb's sharps fly into whole directions and I push my chair quickly away from the table with a loud shriek.
A nurse runs into my room almost immediately.
„Are you alright?
„I-I… Uh… y-yes.” I look around at the mess. „My lightbulb.” The nurse helps me clean it and then helps me get to my bed.
„I will bring you a new one tomorrow, okay?” She smiles at me from the door.
„Yeah, that's alright. Thanks.”
She smiles one more time and then turns off the switch.
Chp. 2
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