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musicallygt · 5 months ago
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Oh i didnt post this here huh
Ratattorney belongs to @spirit-small
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spirit-small · 2 years ago
From a young age, borrowers are encouraged to do as much for themselves as they can. They're social creatures by nature, and thrive in larger community settings, but their continued existence depends on not being detected. This means that small family groups and, often, solo individuals, are the norm. Not by nature, but by necessity. To that end, borrower children are taught the necessary skills for survival as early as they're able. It's not to get them out on their own quickly, but more because of how fragile and volatile a borrower's life can be. Orphans are remarkably common. They're taught to fend for themselves, because soon enough they may have to.
This is Phoenix Wright's first solo borrowing.
He is 9 years old.
The risk is low. Only two beans live here, and they're both rather preoccupied at the moment. All he has to do is get a couple of things. It'll be over before he knows it.
He silently makes his way across a countertop, and climbs into a cupboard. He knows where his target is. This borrowing stuff is easy, he didn't even SEE a bean.
Too bad he didn't hear one either.
The cupboard he's in is opened and light floods his eyes. He squints and finds himself face to face with the younger bean, caught red handed, quite literally, on account of the Cheeto dust. Flamin' Hot, naturally.
They stare at each other for a minute.
And another.
And another.
It almost seems like the bean is having trouble processing what he's seeing, as if he can't figure out what the appropriate response is.
"Um, hello. My name is Miles Edgeworth. What's yours?" He finally settles on.
"Uh.. Ph-Phoenix... Wright?"
The bean- the Miles- laughs. "I'm not sure, you tell me. Is it Phoenix or not?"
Phoenix is baffled. "Y-yes. That's right, Phoenix."
"Right." Miles nods.
"That's right. I'm Wright."
"You're right? Then we're both right. Right?"
"I thought you were Edgeworth? Am I wrong?"
"No, you're right."
"That's right."
The two of them just look at each other for a moment, and simultaneously laugh. Laughing! With a bean! Phoenix is starting to suspect everything about his worldview might be a lie. Either that, or he found a rare One Of The Good Ones.
"So, um... May I ask what you're doing in my cupboard?" Miles asks. Phoenix has to think for a moment. What if he only gets mad when he realizes he's being borrowed from? Beans don't tend to take kindly to learning that.
But then again. What other explanation could there be?
"I... I was inspecting them. See, sometimes little bugs can get into these things, through even the tiniest of cracks in the wall. How would you feel if you started putting on the Ritz, only to find your crackers crawling with ants? I'm really doing you beans a service, here." Phoenix lies through his little teeth.
"...Ah... yes. Of... of course. That... makes sense. You know, if you're hungry, you can just help yourself. I don't mind. I'm sure you don't eat much. You can even take a little extra for later, if you want."
Phoenix bites into a Cheeto. He doesn't even hesitate.
"Mmmrf... Shank you... Mrrnff..."
Miles laughs, not necessarily at Phoenix's shameless display of his lack of table manners, but just... At the absurdity of the whole situation. Phoenix double checks the contents of his bag, and prepares to leave.
"W-wait! Are you... Leaving?" Miles looks at him like a sad, lost puppy.
"I have to. If I don't return soon, I'll never hear the end of it. I mean it, though... Thank you. For letting me take that stuff, and... For keeping me a secret."
"I don't recall promising to keep you a secret." Miles raises an eyebrow.
"Well, you did now." Phoenix winks. Miles gets a determined look on his face and nods.
"I understand..." He watches him as he disappears through a crack in the wall he'd never even put a second thought into. "Wait! Will I... Ever see you again...?"
Phoenix steps back out into the light for a moment. He looks down, thinking hard, considering all of the angles. Turning his thinking around- If beans are so dangerous, then the best way to survive a world full of them is to have one on your side, right? He looks up at Miles, and smiles.
"I think we can arrange that."
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might-be-tiny-gt · 3 years ago
Thank you anon for oiling my brain gears……. I call this the Rattatiniest Tourneybout
Credit for the Ratattorney AU goes to @spirit-small I hope you’re ok with me posting this dvsksvsk
Maya was careful to avoid eye contact with random passerby as she sped down the courthouse hallway. Snatching a not-guilty verdict from the jaws of defeat had taken a lot out of her, and she hadn’t gotten the chance to speak with Phoenix since the verdict was handed down.
So there she was, searching for a secluded place to speak with the borrower currently perched on her shoulder. It was too dangerous to converse in the open, after all—especially with so many prying eyes around. Hidden behind Maya’s locks of hair, the man’s tiny hands gripped her robes for balance. He remained silent as Maya continued speed-walking.
A sign pointing to the courthouse bathrooms caught her eye. She turned the corner, ignoring a nearby bailiff, and shoved herself into the farthest stall from the door. It was hardly the perfect place to chat, but it was safer than anyplace else and would suffice for the moment.
“Nice job out there, Maya!” Phoenix whispered a quiet cheer into Maya’s ear. He grasped her robes to keep himself steady, which only slightly offset his excited bouncing. “I thought we were done for, but you really pulled through.”
“I don’t know how lawyers do this full-time,” Maya sighed, collapsing onto the closed toilet seat. She reached behind her ear, holding her hand flat for Phoenix to step onto. “But it’s worth it, you know? I think our client was about to cry tears of joy.”
When she retracted her hand, Phoenix stood atop it, grinning widely. His face was flushed from embarrassment and adrenaline, but his eyes glimmered with pride nonetheless. “Yeah… we did great today. Burgers to celebrate?”
“You read my mind.” Maya fumbled for her cellphone. “Maybe Edgeworth wants to come with us!”
Phoenix shook his head and laughed. “No way he wants to buy you food after losing so badly.”
“He can’t say no to this face,” Maya replied with a cheeky grin. She began punching Miles Edgeworth’s phone number into the keypad, wondering what kind of burger she should order. The phone rang twice before someone picked up. “Hey, Edgeworth! Wanna meet us in the lobby for burgers?”
“Miss Fey,” Miles hissed from the other end, ignoring her question and sounding incredibly irate all of a sudden. Perhaps he was upset about losing the trial? “Tell me… has Wright suffered any major head injuries recently?”
Maya glanced down at Phoenix, who shrugged in reply. “Uh, no,” she told Miles. “Not that I know of.”
“Then could you explain to me,” Miles continued, every word laced with fury and anger, “why I found him wandering in the open? In the lobby, no less?”
“Huh?” Maya scratched her head, as if it would help her figure out what the hell Miles was talking about. From his spot on her palm, Phoenix appeared to be just as confused as she was. He could only offer a puzzled stare. “Nick knows better than that,” Maya said slowly. “He wouldn’t—”
Miles cut her off, his words rising in pitch until his voice cracked. “Well, he did! He was almost found by Payne of all people, and I shudder to think how that could have gone!” He sucked in a sharp breath, evidently trying to calm himself down. “Come to the lobby. I have Wright with me and I’m taking you both home. Now.”
With no further fanfare or explanation, the line went dead. Miles had hung up on them. Maya stared at the phone with a puzzled expression before turning her attention back to Phoenix. “Huh? Edgeworth has… you?”
Phoenix simply shrugged again.
When Maya returned to the lobby, Miles was silent at first. He simply motioned for the girl to follow him to the parking lot, and although his face remained carefully blank, there was a wild panic in his eyes that betrayed how he really felt. Maya trailed him without complaint, and they stayed silent until they were in the safety of Miles’ car.
That’s when hell broke loose.
“You’ve spoken to me at length about the importance of staying hidden,” Miles growled, slamming his hands hard onto the steering wheel. “I took great care in keeping your existence a secret from the courts. I’ve overlooked countless crimes just so you can practice law!”
Maya winced at the volume. She stuck a finger into her ear and scowled. “Edgeworth, what—”
“You could have gotten Miss Fey into serious trouble, you know. You could have gotten her arrested! What happened to being careful?!”
At first, Maya had been annoyed at being yelled at for seemingly no reason, but seeing Miles in his half-angry, half-panicked state was strangely fascinating . He never once looked at her (or even in Phoenix’s general direction, although he was still hidden behind her hair). In fact, he never once looked up—his gaze was kept locked downwards, avoiding both Maya’s and Phoenix’s eyes.
How curious.
Apparently, though, Phoenix had already heard enough. He jumped off Maya’s shoulder, landing on her knee with a soft thud. “Edgeworth, what do you take me for? Of course I’m careful.” Miles flinched a bit, blinking at Phoenix with buggy eyes. Phoenix simply folded his arms and curled an eyebrow, unimpressed and annoyed with Miles’ odd behaviour. “Maya was with me all day. I wasn't by myself for a second.”
“But… We… But y—you were…” Miles devolved into incoherent sputters, glancing between Phoenix and Maya rapidly. It seemed like it was the prosecutor’s turn to be utterly confused. “B—but we were… just…”
“Edgeworth,” Maya pressed, taking advantage of the quiet to speak up. “What’s going on? Why are you being so weird?”
Miles didn’t answer her. His lips pressed into a thin line, and he once again fixed his gaze downwards. “…Is every borrower named Phoenix Wright?” he breathed, his voice strangled.
“What’s a borrower?” a faint new voice asked nervously, and to Maya’s surprise, something in Miles’ breast pocket began to shift and squirm. He wasn’t talking to Maya. He was talking to his pocket. Or at least, whatever was inside it.
Miles scowled. “What do you mean, what’s a borrower? And how do you know my name if you’re not Wright?!”
Phoenix let his arms fall limply to his sides. He climbed around the stickshift and onto Miles’ leg, cocking his head at the new presence in the car. Maya shifted around so she could face Miles fully. They both looked on with varying degrees of uncertainty.
“I—I… I’m sorry, I’m just a bit confused,” the new voice continued, stammering over its words. “Why are we at the courthouse? Did I fall asleep?”
“Edgeworth,” Phoenix said suddenly, looking rather grim. “I think you kidnapped a borrower.”
“But he’s you!” Miles shouted. It took all of Maya’s effort not to wince from the volume spike. “I’m not blind, I wouldn’t just kidnap a random borrower!”
“Let him out,” Phoenix said simply. “I’ll handle this.”
Miles tried to protest, but gave up halfway through a sputtered first word when Phoenix shot him a look. Hesitantly, he reached a hand into his pocket. He carefully gathered up a mess of blue limbs—a tiny person—and set them down in his lap. Phoenix gasped sharply, and Maya found herself gaping like a fish.
Miles wasn’t kidding—the resemblance was uncanny.
The borrower’s hair jutted backwards, seemingly sharp to the touch, and his suit was crisp and well-pressed—not to mention expertly made. But other than that, the little man fumbling for a foothold atop Miles’ leg was eerily similar to Phoenix. Even their heterochromatic eyes were identical—brown and blue, and wide as saucers.
The strange borrower didn’t fully register Phoenix’s presence until he’d accidentally stumbled and fallen forwards, collapsing into Phoenix’s chest and sending them both sprawling onto the nearby armrest. “Crap,” the man whispered apologetically, fumbling for something to hold onto. “I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?”
Phoenix blinked rapidly, alternating his bewildered gaze between the new borrower and a rather helpless-looking Miles. “I’m fine,” he eventually settled on saying, shoving the man off his chest and rising to his feet. He paced around the spot the other man sat, gripping his forehead with his hand. “You’re… You’re a…”
“I can’t believe that stupid machine zapped another person. If the doctor wasn’t already dead, I would have killed him myself.” The borrower shakily rose to a stand, focusing more on steadying himself than anything else. “And when we get back to normal, I’m throwing that piece of junk into a volcano.”
Doctor? Machine? Maya was beginning to wonder if the borrower had hit his head at some point.
“My name is Phoenix Wright,” he continued, brushing dust off his suit and turning to face Phoenix for an introduction. He stuck his hand out and finally looked at Phoenix’s face.
“What about you? What’s your—n–ngh?!”
The man suddenly choked on his tongue, his eyes bugging out comically. It seemed that he finally realized what everyone else had already noticed. “Y—you’re me!” he shouted, pointing an accusatory finger in Phoenix’s direction. “What the hell?! You’re… y—you’re me!”
“That’s what we’ve been saying,” Maya said carefully, her face scrunched up in confusion. “Who are you? Are you a borrower, too?”
The answer to Maya’s question was the borrower promptly passing out where he stood.
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downsizedclab · 3 years ago
📖? ^^ for the ask game?
You and two other anons asked this! This goes out to all of you!
📖 Got any G/T fics and/or art you can recommend? Or perhaps any G/T fic and/or art ideas you want to share?
My immediate recommendations are @sa-gt-tarrius's The Tiniest Turnabout (Phoenix is shrunk while investigating a case), and @spirit-small's Ratattorney AU (Phoenix is a borrower helping Maya act as a lawyer)!
As for my own ideas... I've tossed around a couple involving my OCs, and there's that fic idea I had with sizeshifter Miles settling into the idea of being able to grow taller, inspired by @much-the-millers-kid. A little sneak preview of my notes...
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a-little-piece-of-trash · 3 years ago
im so sorry for the spam agdhf i finally had time to go through most of the ratattorney au stuff by @/spirit-small and i am L i v i n g for it <3
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musicallygt · 1 year ago
Rattatorney but its a dating sim
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SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG i spent so much time booping instead of drawing
ratattorney of course belongs to @spirit-small
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musicallygt · 9 months ago
How would u do AA cast meets GAA cast under rattatorney??
OH OKAY GONNA TRY TO THINK HOW MIXING MY TIME TRAVEL AU AND THE RATATTORNEY AU WOULD GO (things to note for anyone who doesnt know abt it: my time travel au is smth i only now post in theSaveDataTeam server and to friends on discord, due to Reasons i dont rlly share it publicly anymore lol)
(under read more bc this got long lmao)
so first of all, iirc we dont exactly have much on the GAA side of the au, but i want to assume something similar happens with Susato and Ryunosuke like Maya and Phoenix (maybe Susato is playing Ryutaro w Ryunosuke able to help her by giving her a different perspective on cases to help idk). either way, Ryu and Susato end up in modern times like in my time travel au thru some mysterious means and its just like
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except g/t lol. i think at first Maya suggests she and Susato are related bc their circumstances are similar, but then somehow it's learned that Phoenix and Ryunosuke are the ones related (idk how tho bc i dont think borrowers do genealogy lmao. maybe Ema comes back for summer break and does a DNA test or smth.)
similar to my time travel au, bc she thinks its unfair that Phoenix and Ryunosuke get to be related but they don't, Maya asks Susato if she'd like to be adopted as her ancestor, and Susato agrees.
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the girls bond. Maya gets Susato addicted to Steel Samurai. but Maya would probably feel almost....... useless compared to Susato. because Susato is a judicial assistant, she understands law so much more than Maya does. hell, she's been reading the law books in the office and actually understands them, but Maya...... she's a spirit medium. and not even a well trained one ever since taking up her fake job as a lawyer. she doesn't feel as capable as Susato.
but Susato would take the time to help her, even if it's just a bit. she wants Maya to succeed and feel proud of herself– she thinks it's impressive how much the young woman has done as someone without any training in law.
meanwhile, Ryunosuke and Phoenix bond over having been found by beans and also learn differences in their borrower cultures with Ryu from early 1900s Japan and Phoenix living in Japanifornia in teh 2010s. Phoenix feels some relief that he's not the first borrower to end up being Seen by a bean, and Ryunosuke is slightly concerned abt the fact it happens again in the future, especially down his bloodline.
anyway Maya finds it more fun to mess with Ryunosuke (who she's dubbed "L'il Grampa Nick") because not only is he a borrower, he's a borrower from the early 1900s. meaning he has no way of knowing if she's telling the truth about what the future is like. Maya would lie a lot about the future to Susato and Ryunosuke and sees just how much she can get away with. (she's able to get away with a lot more with Ryunosuke).
Phoenix has to tell Ryunosuke not to believe half of what Maya says after Ryu calls him a thot bc Maya told him it means thoughtful person.
also idk where to put this in this ramble but i think Susato would def be a lot more careful and gentle w the two borrowers than Maya lmao.
@spirit-small if you'd like to contribute to this since Ratattorney is your au lol
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musicallygt · 2 years ago
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borrower!reigen and mob aren't as subtle as they think, the kageyama parents definitely know he exists. to them, he's like a third son.
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musicallygt · 2 years ago
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just a lil thought while ive been sick
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might-be-tiny-gt · 2 years ago
Why do I feel this would immediately happen with April May? Or even Redd White?
ratattorney phoenix would get so frustrated after a certain amount of time trying to guide maya through an unhelpful witness interrogation that he would just yell i think, his own safety and secrecy be damned
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musicallygt · 2 years ago
hm. i should really actually work on the comic ideas that i have written down in my notes app lol
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musicallygt · 2 years ago
Sorry to hear ur sick! Hope u feel better!! Can i ask about borrower Mia au in regards to turnabout sisters?
Ty, anon!!!!
And Im assuming this is referring to the Mia variant of Ratattorney I came up with!! (If not, that’s what im going with dhhdhdhdhddh)
For one, I don’t think Redd White would know about borrowers, so he wouldnt know abt Mia. Meaning for this, someone else is murdered and Maya is still framed for that, after she tries to confront him for leaking her mother’s “failed” spirit channeling 15 years ago.
In classic Ratattorney fashion, Mia hides in Phoenix’s pocket and helps him, but now she’s got higher stakes: the human she deemed her sister is the defendant, and she’s more than positive that Maya didn’t do it. Phoenix doesn’t quite understand the details at the moment, especially when he never knew of Mia’s past, but he can see how important Maya is to Mia, and agrees to take her case.
The details of the murder def change since Phoenix works at Grossberg’s lawfirm at Mia’s insistence and someone else was murdered so it most likely happened somewhere else, and idk if in this scenario Phoenix could even end up accused halfway thru the case since he’d have no reason to be at this other crime scene, not to mention I think this ends up being a more impulse thing on Redd White’s end so im not sure if he can pull off his trick w April May, but I think overall how Redd White is caught is abt the same. Mia has been learning abt DL-6 in her time at Grossberg’s and has learned a lot about Redd White there, so she’s able to tell Phoenix the names to say out loud in court.
Hmm. Maybe after the case, Phoenix ends up opening his own lawfirm and to his surprise, Maya goes to his new workplace asking if she could have a job. She has absolutely no law experience, but she just wants to find a way to thank him for helping her + wants to stay with her borrower sister in the city. And with the promise that they’ll explain their story, Phoenix ends up agreeing.
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musicallygt · 1 year ago
Ur work is awesome!
So what are some of your favorite art that you made? :))
First off, i rlly like this thing i drew mostly for the perspective of Ryunosuke and Susato, and I plan to draw more for this idea, i just havent figured out what exactly
This one I’m still super proud of!! It’s over a year old but im still so proud with how this came out!!! I really need to draw Ratattorney again
Honestly I’m also just in love with all the stuff I’ve drawn doing the crossover between Mobshifter and Borrower!Reigen bc I think the interactions are super fun
This one is a classic its still so funny
I also still really love this silly Ratattorney thing it holds a special place in my heart thank you to my sibling for inspiring this silly thing <3
The first Mobshifter post also holds a place in my heart like it was my first g/t thought for mobbed cycle i cant believe i dodnt draw it sooner
The first borrower!Reigen comic as well!! I remember I rlly liked the idea of tiny/borrower!Reigen but didnt have many fleshed out ideas, but then after drawing that first doodle I eventually thought of how that whole scenario would go
Just assume a lot of firsts have places in my hearts. The first Ratattorney doodles I did definitely do lol
This one just bc the stuff that happened in the g/t aa discord that led to me drawing this was so funny
Silly lil g/t klapollo!!! I remember when i drew this i was having a rlly bad summer due to some stuff in my personal stuff and i rlly turned to them to help me feel better, esp thinking of g/t content for them!!
This bc i still think its silly lol
Tiny!Phoenix playing chess is also a classic
God this is reaaaaaally old art but sizeswaps my beloved, esp this was thought up with a friend of mine
Now for art thats not g/t related
This thing for my Trucy Gavin Au, I just really love how this came out
This has major Great Ace Attorney 2 spoilers, be warned before you click the link, but I LOOOOOVE how this piece came out, I’m so proud of it
Also this!! I worked like a week straight on this and im so happy w it!!
Idk how many of my followers are in this fandom, but this was a gift for my friend and I rlly like how it came out!!
I also love how this comic came out!! I think it rlly shows the difference between my Trucy Gavin and canon Trucy!!
CURLY HAIR FRANMAYA!!! This was the first time where I was like “i am going to make my faves curly hair asians like me” im so happy i did
These pieces I was experimenting with a style, and I still think these look cool
THIS ONE I LOVE its like 2 years old at this point but i love it sm
And then this classic
This is the last one bc i got tired of scrolling thru my art blog but i painted my high school cap and at the encouragement of my friends, i painted it story thieves bc of how much it meant to me in high school
Sorry that was a lot lol
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musicallygt · 2 years ago
wants to draw ratattorney. wants to draw mobshifter. doesn't want to draw.
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spirit-small · 2 years ago
admittedly maya channeling mia mid-trial doesn’t really make any sense in ratattorney but i like that it’s something we’ve all just kind of collectively chosen to move past and pretend isn’t an issue
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spirit-small · 2 years ago
sorry if you’re only here for ratattorney it’s not what my brain currently defaults to thinking about when i don’t have a Task so writing has slowed so much
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