#I'm such a freak for knowing these episode titles by heart
maya-matlin · 3 months
What are your top 3 favorite episodes for each of your favorite Degrassi ships?
I probably won't do this in any real order:
1.) White Wedding
2.) Message in a Bottle
3.) Friday Night
1.) Take on Me
2.) The Power of Love
3.) I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
1.) Dressed in Black
2.) Voices Carry
3.) Neutron Dance
1.) Voices Carry
2.) Rock This Town
3.) Turned Out
1.) Paradise City
2.) Bust a Move
3.) Owner of a Lonely Heart
Toby/Kendra (not sure they even have three episodes worth mentioning):
1.) Karma Chameleon
2.) Careless Whisper
3.) Mirror in the Bathroom
1.) White Wedding
2.) Our Lips Are Sealed (1)
3.) Mother and Child Reunion
1.) How Soon Is Now
2.) Don't Dream It's Over
3.) Ghost in the Machine
1.) Redemption Song
2.) Foolin'
3.) Pass the Dutchie
1.) Take on Me
2.) Anywhere I Lay My Head
3.) Our House
1.) Holiday
2.) Showtime (Degrassi High)
3.) One Last Dance (Degrassi High)
1.) It's Raining Men
2.) Total Eclipse of the Heart (even though I hate half the plot)
3.) Free Fallin' (1)
It's literally just Uptown Girl. Everything else they get is group scenes when Mia is with Peter.
Sav/Holly J:
1.) You Don't Know My Name
2.) All Falls Down
3.) Halo (2)
Danny/Chantay (see Toby/Kendra):
1.) Waiting for a Girl Like You
2.) Keep on Loving You
3.) Why Can't This Be Love (2) (this is solely because they look cute at prom)
1.) Heart Like Mine
2.) In Your Eyes (for some reason, they were more interesting to me as exes)
3.) Uptown Girl (2)
1.) Should've Said No
2.) Lose Yourself
3.) Nowhere to Run
1.) Sparks Wil Fly
2.) Something's Got to Give
3.) Everything Is Everything
1.) Smash Into You
2.) Got Your Money
3.) Mr. Brightside
1.) Ray of Light
2.) Close to Me
3.) Cannonball
1.) Purple Pills
2.) The Way We Get By
3.) Still Fighting It
Wesley/Hannah (see Toby/Kendra):
1.) Drop It Like It's Hot
2.) Hide and Seek
3.) What's My Name Again (they're basically around in the background while Connor is off stealing panties in at least two different episodes)
1.) Sabotage
2.) Dead and Gone
3.) Lovefool
1.) Tonight, Tonight
2.) Building a Mystery
3.) Scream
1.) Doll Parts
2.) Hollaback Girl
3.) The Time of My Life
1.) Hypnotize
2.) If You Could Only See
3.) What It's Like
1.) #Fire
2.) #YesMeansYes
3.) Get It Together
1.) Thunderstruck
2.) #CheckYourPrivilege
3.) #RiseAndGrind
1.) Summer Girls
2.) #NoFilter
3.) #Woke
1.) #Unsubscribe
2.) #Preach
3.) #ThatFeelingWhen
Frankie/Esme (they technically dated):
1.) #KThxBye
2.) #GetMoney
3.) #Fire
1.) #TheseAreMyConfessions
2.) #Fire
3.) #GetYouAManWhoCanDoBoth
1.) #Preach
2.) #GetYouAManWhoCanDoBoth
3.) #GetMoney
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Give me merch, BoC!
Before I freak out about colors in episode three of 4 Minutes, just know that if this was a time-traveling show on GMMTV, the cats in the claw machine would've been merch yesterday!
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BoC, why don't you want our money?!
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But even without making them merch, these cats made my day!
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And it's all because Great gave Tyme the white one.
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Tyme is color-coded black and Great is color-coded white.
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So each cat represents them in this time-shifting story, and Great gave himself to Tyme by giving him the white cat.
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And strangely enough, these color-coded boys won several cats which is a successful date, but also something something about several versions of themselves existing within the story . . .
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But what really makes me happy is each cat has a heart in the other color on its side, so when held together, those heart patches form a dual-colored heart!
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And although I think Tyme approached Great because he wanted information on Great's family, the boys got hit with a tiny blinding light of love right before they were supposed to kiss.
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And Tyme did expose himself to Great instead of fighting him even though he could have easily overpowered Great, which is something we saw when Tyme fought Title.
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Because this story is really about the gray area everyone is existing in.
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When Win showed up the first time, Tonkla was guarded with a boundary firmly planted between them and Win was light.
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But this episode, Tonkla removed his barrier, and let Win in, but Win, in his dark colors, definitely crossed a line he shouldn't have.
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Win is a good guy.
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And so is Korn.
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But circumstances and choices change people.
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And even the best people are capable of doing bad.
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So it's interesting that Tyme has been positioned in black from the beginning even though he is a doctor.
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And Great is positioned as white even though we have seen him run away from doing what's right several times.
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Yet when Tyme went to ask Great out and Great confessed to seeing the future, Tyme was in gray as he shifts between the two colors.
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Great's interactions with Tyme advance the clock a minute closer to 11:04 from 11:00, but the number four is special, as many people have pointed out because it represents death.
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And Great keeps getting closer and closer.
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So him throwing down his phone causing the number four ball to roll into the pocket was perhaps telling that it's not all Tyme moving the clock, but just like Win and Korn and their colors, Great's choices are moving the clock and impacting his life.
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Doctors save lives, but we have been shown through the woman who tried to die by suicide and the patient this episode in Bed #4, that doctors also need to know when to listen and end a patient's suffering.
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(Spare Me Your Mercy, I'm so ready for you and your color-coded boys in love to give us a story about these specific ethics! I'm going to watch you so hard!)
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Tyme continues to say he isn't a doctor but a surgeon. Tyme doesn't listen to his patients, which is why Den is upset at him. And Tyme isn't listening to Great because if he was he'd hear exactly what is being said - "these symptoms happened when [the] heart stopped"
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Tyme needs Great to remind him, that regardless of the past, it's important to listen and care, and Great needs Tyme to listen to his sad rich boy stories. They need each other to save each other. Triage, is that you homie in a trench coat and mustache glasses?!
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But more importantly, they need each other to save each other's hearts! Great needs Tyme to literally save his life by saving his heart, but Tyme was hardening his heart. He had stated several times that he is in his career for the money, but Great reminded Tyme that money was irrelevant if the love was missing with his story of a 1,000 baht toy. They have both good and bad in them, but they need the other color-coded person to be complete. They need the other person to live.
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Since I still believe Tyme is the one having cardiac arrest in the first episode, if one of them actually gives up his heart to save the other, I'm gonna be unwell about it.
Random Thoughts:
The friend calling Tyme a "pale guy, very handsome, and kinda brooding" hit me personally because I call characters who are black color-coded Black Brooders and Tyme is the Black Brooder in this story.
Great seeing the message on the tea cup change from "Don't forget to get your wound checked at the hospital" to "Can you forgive me, Great?" has me thinking this won't just be about Tyme trying to get dirt on Great's family and Great being upset about. That question feels heavier. That question feels like both their lives are changed by Tyme.
The female patient who experiences the same symptoms as Great was wearing white and black when she was being interviewed, but when Great envisioned a woman on the bed, red lights were flashing, like they were meeting while coding.
The way the red reflects on Great's shirt in the car makes it look like a heart on his sleeve when he looks at Tyme.
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elfboyeros · 2 months
Things in TDP that surprised me but I'm not mad about
The title is a bit misleading because I could never be mad at The Dragon Prince but I'm specifically talking about season 6 because I think Aaron, Justin, and everyone that worked on this show infused this season with drugs because this is so fire they fucking cooked with this one.
Soucering: most of the gifs used in this post are from this post  by celestialowlryx unless stated otherwise! (I am not in the business of stealing people's shit)
The Blood on the Beach!
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There was a lot of blood on that beach like the blood that you could tell was blood on that beach in the first episode, and I know this show doesn't shadow away from death but THAT'S A LOT OF FUCKING BLOOD IN THE SAND! Not to mention, CLAUDE IS COVER IN BLOOD! Plus the whole Claude amputated her own leg, and her fucking voice actor during that scene, oof my heart!
The Bathing Scene
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I'm very surprised that this was allowed dispute knowing nothing about TV rating (I mean obviously it was allowed it's in the fucking show!) But that scene is silence, besides a backing track, and you have a Terry bathing Claude in the ocean! That scene is so fucking intimate, especially for what is supposed to be a children's show and it makes me go insane!
Rayla and Callum's Bed Sharing Scene
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Yionked from this post by rayllurn 
I'm looking at this in part from the eyes of a parent dispute not being a parent and just being a 23-year-old fucker that watches children's cartoons they have a weird obsession with, But this is another scene I'm a little surprised was allowed. Although I love that it was allowed! I can see from the eyes of a parent this scene be too "raunchy" because "What happens when two be people share a bed... sex!" but Fuck you this scene was great!
Viren and His Wife's Backstory
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Yoinked picture from this post by Kilfeur
Okay fucking attack me in the internet town square if I'm wrong, but Viren described abuse... right!? Like that was Spousal Abuse right!? Because if it wasn't it was so fucking close! And where the scene wasn't animated in the traditional sense respective to The Dragon Prince, that whole sequence is insane!
All the Kissing Scenes
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Damn, there was a shit ton of PDA this season, Specially thinking about the one scene with Rayla and Callum on top of the Starscraper, THINGS ARE GETTING FUCKING INIMATE FOR KIDS SHOW! I fucking love it! I love when we can do Romance like this so no complaining here there was just a lot, or many in the scope of the series as a whole this seems like a lot, I don't know, but regardless a win for romantics everywhere!
Viren's Sacrifice*
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Yoinked from this post by madou-dilou
This one is more of an honorable mention, was it surprising, fuck yeah, but it didn't surprise me in the way everything else did. I did think Soren was going to be murdered for a hot second, which was shocking but fuck this scene had been balling like a God damn baby!
Janai and Amaya's Wedding*
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Another Honorable mention because it's not shocking that it happened The Dragon Prince has not strayed from representation and the longer it continues the more representation we seem to get, although queer representation is still always shocking to get especially in children's cartoons, so it's going on this list for all the creators that have wanted to give us queer rep but couldn't and to those that have paved the way for us to get here!
Couldn't find a picture of Allen lol
Okay, you may not get this if you haven't read the graphic novel Through the Moon but Allen is a minor character way back from season one that Lujanne couples up with and I was surprised to see especially because the day before the season came out. I had read the graphic novel and cackled at his presence! So I freaked the fuck out when he was just there, at the moon nexus!
Rayla and Her Parents*
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I'm adding this because it was another scene that had me balling (I think mostly because I have a good relationship with my parents and I couldn't imagine losing them) Knowing Rayla's character it wasn't surprising but I respect everyone who made that scene possible because, brother, that's emotional!
Finally Leola
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*sigh* Leola's existence in general is a shock, and to me changes Aaravos completely! That purple motherfucker created the Sea of the Castout with his own tears, then got imprisoned in a pearl in a calm in his daughter's bones in the same sea he made with his own tears of grief! In addition, THEY FUCKING ANIMATED CHILD DEATH! THE ANIMATORS ANIMATED A CHILD DYING ON SCREEN! I don't give a fuck if there wasn't blood, THERE WAS CHILD DEATH ON SCREEN IN A CHILDREN'S SHOW! HOW HEAVY METAL IS THAT?!
Honorable of the honorable mentions: Big Aarvaos
Fuck he's huge.
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Alright, I'm done.
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greythemed · 1 year
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𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ bloodhounds . kim gun-woo
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˚ TITLE 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ how is like to date gun-woo part two ˚ WORD COUNT 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ 1770
dating gun-woo consists of you being a lightweight while he has the best alcohol tolerance in the group, consequently making him your babysitter for the rest of the night no matter how much he drinks (this man's tolerance is no joke, we saw it on episode seven).
he IS the type of boyfriend who spoils you like there is no tomorrow. gun-woo is so detached when it comes to money that soon after winning a pay-per-view match (it was his first one after being officially sponsored by your father!) he was ready to deposit the whole freaking 3 billion wones on your account like that was NORMAL.
"but babe, you don't want it?🥺" he says once he is out of the ring, innocent eyes rising accordingly to your patience. "you can buy whatever makes you happy 'cause i want to see you happy". and you're like "NO GUN-WOO YOU CAN'T SPEND YOUR ENTIRE MONEY ON ME". and he be like. "yes i can????".
honestly we should navigate more of that. gun-woo knows the value of money in this world, he knows that it can change some people's lives. but he never once did something to get money for himself. he was always running and fighting for his mother, her café, her safety and her dreams. so when everything was over and he caught himself with a pile of gold in his hands (he helped his mom and there was still much money left!), he didn't know what to do and how to spend it.
that's when you came through and saved gun-woo's life. because again he has something to spend money with, and someone to spoil.
it doesn't matter if you're rich already (your dad is a ceo and you just became a doctor by yourself!), gun-woo's love language is buying you food whenever he goes out. it is your birthday? expect numerous gifts throughout the entirety of the day. he caught you eyeing something in a store for a little more than 4 seconds? boom! new package arriving at your door the following day.
and that goes even before he became a well-known pro-fighter in korea. when he still was only your cousin's friend that min-beom suspiciously kept by his side during difficult times. he wasn't that big on money, you could tell that, but he still was trying to get your attention by buying different snacks on his way to your home.
each type of gun-woo's hugs has a different meaning and he is so happy that you caught that in the early stages of your relationship. this six feet tall man is hugging you from behind while you're innocently staring at his penthouse's living room's view? that means he's feeling vulnerable and in need of some of your love.
when you feel his arms enveloping your waist and his lips leaving a kiss on your ear? you already know he is feeling excited enough to express his love for you in many different ways.
gun-woo is a loveable person at the end of the day. he needs some validation from time to time and will get clingy if you don't express your feelings for a while. that causes some agitation in your relationship, including arguments about the different love languages both of you have.
sometimes, you think gun-woo is too honest about certain things. the fact that he wears his heart on his sleeve while being a war trunk makes him incredibly dangerous. how do you expect to act around your gorgeous boyfriend while he is a softie on the inside and you know it? you have no option left but to act like a slut.
he points that out someday when you are both alone. "baby, are you okay? you are staring weirdly at me for the past 30 minutes and i'm getting worried".
and you cannot react, otherwise, you'd be ruining your family dinner and jumping that man's bones in the middle of the fancy restaurant while everyone's watching.
even when he is in desperate need of some affection, he doesn't want to disturb you. he doesn't know how this works in the long run, after all. he doesn't feel confident enough to say that out loud. that he needs you at that moment. so you'll have to get pretty good at reading his signs, especially his eyes.
woo-jin's knowledge comes in handy in times like these.
like the first time you met his mother (you were his first ever girlfriend, so he wanted her to like you too!) and he was staring at her the entire afternoon at the café with so much anxiety coming out of him that you had to drag him to the bathroom so he could calm down.
he had the habit of clenching his jaw when he was anxious. "it's okay, baby, i'm gonna be fine, i'm sure she is lovely". you tried to reason with the boxer, constantly having to cup his jaw so he could relax. "i'm sorry, i'm just apprehensive". he replied with those puppy eyes that you'd immediately pout for.
everything went smoothly with his mother and she even made a special dish for you that day! but the second you're alone in your room that night you call woo-jin and ask for some advice on how to deal with your boyfriend's anxieties because who else would know about that other than his marine best friend?!
i'm not done talking about this man's alcohol tolerance because is SO FUCKING SEXY AND FOR WHAT?! i swear on that scene in episode seven, my eyes were glued on the screen every time he took a sip like sir please be my boyfriend????
and even woo-jin was surprised it was so funny to me.
so expect your first club night outs (honestly, gun-woo just came because you asked him nicely) to be completely HORROR for the boxers. the second you started drinking, woo-jin and gun-woo didn't take their eyes off you because they KNOW how YOUR alcohol tolerance is almost non-existent but still you want to have a good time.
like "NO Y/N YOU SHOULDN'T PISS ON A BURNING TO TAKE THE FIRE DOWN BC ITS EASIER". and woo-jin would be SO done with you all the time, glaring at gun-woo every time you said something stupid. he'd be like "this is your phd doctor girlfriend???". and send a dirty look to his best friend.
and on the rare occasions where you don't feel like drinking you can't help but stare intensively at gun-woo's adam's apple bobbing every time he takes a sip from the soju bottle woo-jin challenged him to take (it was indeed a rare occasion) because WHY WAS HE SO HOT?!
and then finishing with the most polite smile and the glossiest eyes you've ever seen like IT WAS NOTHING?!?!?
he looked at you asking what was wrong and you would turn nonverbal for the next 30 seconds before kissing him in front of the bar AND WOO-JIN
nsfw under 😳😳😳
hear. me. out.
at first, gun-woo wasn't the most speaker in bed because - let's be honest - the boy is timid. but the second he sees your reaction when he accidentally lets a whimper slip from his mouth one day, a whole key is turned inside the boxer's brain.
when you're riding him, he entwines your fingers with his, placing kisses on your wrist, your palm or wherever possible and just breathing "you're going to make me lose my goddamn mind, fuck".
you get high from watching him orgasm and vice-versa.
when he comes back up from between your thighs for a breather, for example, his eyes notice your clutched hands at your sides, nails digging into your palm - because he pays attention to every little detail you let it slide, you already know that - and he wasn't having it. leaning down to continue from where he left off, he takes your hands in his and places them on his head, a gesture telling you to just pull his hair already.
this man is timid but he's also a romantic. when i tell you gun-woo needs confirmation from you whenever you are together, i mean at sexy times as well. the moment you start to feel too level-headed and too euphoric and close your eyes, he is fast to turn your attention to his voice so he could guide you.
"no, no look at me baby—keep 'em open. need you to see me, ye?". he grunts and your eyes flicker open once again, obediently following his rules, giving him the eye contact he so desperately craves.
there is a thing we need to talk about gun-woo sizing you up for the first time.
when the realization dawns on you, your eyes almost roll to the back of your head. gun-woo was sliding his length past your clit and up your stomach so far that his balls press against your core. he said it was for 'safety purposes' when you caught him doing it, embarrassment evident on his flaming cheeks and stuttering mouth.
but the second time he does it? you were feral, almost coming right then and there. essentially, he was trying to see just how far in he was going to be, just how deep he was going to fuck you and you clenched so hard around nothing that you had to slap him to stop.
"you can't just do this, gun-woo!". you wanted to curse. "s-sorry", he was caught again, but now not a single drop of shame adorning his features. by the looks of it, he was smirking.
cursing? let's talk about that.
you knew you dated an angel so to speak. but the whole angelic persona gun-woo carried on his daily basis was left at the door when he was alone with you. cursing? he did on rare occasions, maybe when woo-jin went too far with a joke about his mother or when he pressed his little finger on the car door while rushing to the gym.
but never with you.
so imagine your surprise when the first string of 'fucks' slipped past this man's lips when he entered you for the very first time. and then the constant self-control he needs to collect when you are too far in orgasmland and whisper dirty things in his ears.
"feel too full woo", you moan absentmindedly and gun-woo lets out a heavy breath, dropping his head down so your foreheads can touch.
"god—fuck—you can't say shit like that, princess". he warns.
i began to pass out and my head hit the wall boom!
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i am not proud of this one (sorry for any misspellings, this is not proofread!) and i'm sorry for ending this here hahahahahah leaving y'all dry and wanting because that's what life is about!!! (suffering) THANK YOU ALL FOR THE KIND WORDS YOU GUYS ARE THE LOVELIEST <33
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Season 1, Episode 7 - Hook Man
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
"Enjoying your coffee flavored sugar that you try and convince yourself is coffee, princess?" Dean teases Y/N who's innocently enjoying her favorite coffee order. She narrows her eyes at him and he snorts at her reaction. "With a side of sass. Just how I like it, charming" She retorts sarcastically back, winking at him. Making his heart leap as per usual.
Y/N and Dean are sitting at a table in a outdoor cafe while Sam is at a pay phone trying to call the FBI while impersonating as a agent to get any information on John and F/N. "Alright. Thank you for your time" Sam says politely before hanging up and walking back over to their table.
"Your half-caf double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Frances" Dean calls out to his brother teasingly laughing a bit. "Bite me" Sam retorts back and Y/N chuckles. "So, anything?" Y/N asks hopefully and Sam shakes his head sighing, causing Y/N's face to drop. "I had them check the FBIs missing persons data bank. No John Does matching Dad's or Mr. L/N's descriptions. I even ran their plates for traffic violations" Sam explains frustrated.
"Guys, I'm telling you. I don't think our dads want to be found" Dean says and they shake their heads in disappointment. "Check this out" He says and shows them his laptop. Y/N adjusts herself in her seat to get a better look. "It's a news item out of Plains Courier, Ankeny, Iowa. It's only about 100 miles from here" Deans says. On the news article is the title 'Mysterious Death of a Fraternity Brother'.
"The mutilated body was found near the victims car parked on Nine Mile Road" Sam reads off the article. "Keep reading" Dean says  while taking a sip of his water and Y/N starts. "Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying 'the attacker was invisible' " Y/N finishes reading.
"Could be something interesting" Dean says to them. "Or could be nothing at all" Sam says. "One freaked out witness who didn't see anything does mean it's the Invisible Man" Y/N adds. "But what if it is? Our dads would check it out" Dean tries to reason.
"Really? You're gonna play that card" Y/N raises her eyebrow and Dean shrugs with a smug look on his face.
The trio pull up to the fraternity house if it's fallen brother. "One more time, why are we here?" Sam asks as they jump out of Baby and walk into the yard. "Victim lived here" Dean tells him. Y/N notices some of the frat boys wolf whistle at her, she smiles coyly and flashes them a wink before turning back to the boys.
Dean scoffs, seeing the thirsty looks college brats are throwing at Y/N. They approach a couple of guys who have their hood up on their car fixing the engine. "Nice wheels" Dean tells the young man causally and he looks at the two hunters weirdly. "We're your fraternity brothers. From Ohio" Dean thinks of a lie on the spot.
The guy looks over at Y/N, his eyes trailing over her body making Dean narrow his eyes at him. "And you, gorgeous?" He asks smirking. She inwardly rolls her eyes but keeps a pleasant smile on her face. "I'm student too. These are my friends from back home in Ohio. I'm staying at the sorority not too far from here. Told me they needed a place to crash so I let them know you might but taking in" She says sweetly.
The lie seems to work so the boys and Y/N are upstairs in the frat house, the boys entering the room where there supposed roommate would be sharing with them. When they enter they see a young man painting his whole body with purple paint. Dean knocks slightly, a little weirded out at seeing this.
"Who are you?" The purple man asks. "We're your new roommates" Dean says smiling slightly. "And you?" He turns to Y/N. "Just helping my friends get aquatinted" She says causally. "Then do me a favor, get my back. Big game today" He asks her, handing her the paint brush to paint his back.
She raises her eyebrow and points to Sam behind her with her thumb as Dean sits by the window. "He's the artist, the things he can do with a brush" She says, going to sit next to Dean while Sam lightly glares at her and looks little uncomfortable. He hesitantly takes the brush and Dean and Y/N sit by the window, trying to hide their snickering.
"So..." Dean starts, picking up a magazine and seeing a name on it. "..Murph...is it true?" He asks, flipping open the magazine and putting one of his leg on top of the other. "What?" Murph asks. "We heard one of the guys around here got killed last week" Y/N asks as if she's gossiping.
"Yeah" Murph says sadly. "What happened?" Sam asks while painting Murph's back. "They're saying some psycho with a knife. Maybe a drifter passing through. Rich was a good guy" Murph explains. "Rich was with somebody?" Sam asks as Dean flips through the magazine. "Not just somebody....Lori Sorenson" Murph says proudly.
"Who's Lori Sorenson?" Dean asks. "You missed a spot" He points to Murphs back that Sam was painting where he missed a spot. "Yeah. Just down there in the back" Y/N adds, drawing notice to the empty spot near Murphs ass. Sam clenches his jaw, glaring at his brother and best friend who look at him innocently, holding back their laughs.
"Loris a freshman. She's a local. Super hot" Murph says exaggerated. "And get this, she's a reverends daughter" He adds suggestively. Dean leans forward to ask, "You wouldn't happen to know which church, would you?"
Y/N, Dean and Sam enter the church during the wake of the recently deceased, slamming the door behind them accidentally a little too hard upon entering, causing the congregation to look at them confused before the reverend goes back to giving his speech.
"....as a community and as a family. The loss of a young person is particularly tragic" The reverend states, as the trio take a seat in the room, his daughter, Lori, looking at Sam a little intently. They exchange looks as the reverend speaks. Sam shoots her a small sympathetic smile before Lori turns back to listen to his speech.
"A life unloved is the saddest of passings. So please, let us pray. For peace, for guidance and for the power to protect our children" He concludes to a moment of silence and everyone bows their head except Dean. Y/N peeks one eye open notices Dean didn't put his head down, nudging him a bit to follow along. He complies, bowing his head.
After the service, whilst everyone is conversing between themselves outside, the three approach her. "Are you Lori?" Sam asks her. "Yeah" She confirms, turning to them. "My name is Sam. This is my brother Dean and my best friend Y/N. We just transferred to the university" He introduces himself and them as Dean and Y/N wave saying "Hi".
"I saw you inside" Lori says nodding and smiling. "We don't wanna bother you. We just heard about what happened" Sam says sympathetically and Loris smile drops a bit. "We wanted to say how sorry we were" Y/N adds, giving her a small smile and Dean nods. "I kinda know what you're going through. I-I saw someone get hurt once. It's something you don't forget" Sam explains. Y/N and Dean look at him slightly shocked.
Before she could respond, the reverend approaches them. "Dad, this is Sam, Dean and Y/N. They're new students" She introduces them to her father. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir" Y/N says formally, putting her hand out to shake the reverends. He takes her hand, smiling "I must say, that was an inspiring sermon" She compliments the service.
"Thank you very much" The reverend says gratefully as they break the handshake. "It's so nice to find young people who are open to the Lords message" The reverend adds and Y/N smiles awkwardly at this. "Listen, uh, we're new in town, actually and uh...we're looking for a church group" Dean begins to explain, walking out of view with the reverend to chat as Y/N and Sam stay back with Lori.
"Tell me Lori. What are the police saying?" Sam asks her nicely as the three of them walk a bit. "Well, they don't have a lot to go on. I think they blame me for that" She says honestly. "What do you mean?" Y/N asks in the same tone as Sam. "My story. I was so scared. I guess I was seeing things" She says a bit pained.
"That doesn't mean it wasn't real" Sam assures her and Lori gives him a small grateful smile.
"So you guys believe her?" Dean asks Sam and Y/N as they walk through the library. "I do" Sam and Y/N say in unison. "Yeah, I think she's hot too" Dean says and Y/N rolls her eyes, scoffing lightly, which doesn't go unnoticed by Sam.
"No, man. There's something in her eyes" Sam says. "And get to this, she heard scratching on the roof. Found the bloody body suspended upside down over the car" Y/N explains as they walk into an aisle of shelves in the library. "Body suspended. That sounds like—"
"Yeah. We know. The Hook Man Legend" Sam finishes Deans thought. "It's one of the most famous urban legends ever. You guys don't think we're dealing with The Hook Man" Dean says doubtfully. "Every urban legend has a source. A place where it all began" Y/N says.
"Yeah. But what about the phantom scratches and the tire punctures and the invisible killer" Dean says. "Maybe the Hook Man isn't a man at all. What if it's some kind of spirit?" Sam suggests.
A little later they all seat themselves at a table in the library and the librarian drops a couple of dusty boxes of files they asked for on the desk. "Here you go. Arrest records going back to 1851" The librarian dusts her hand. Y/N blows some of the dust off the box "Thanks" She says smiling looking back as the librarian walks off.
Sam dusts the top of the boxes off, "so this is how you spent four good years of your life huh?" Dean says sarcastically, cringing as he also blows some of the dust off the box and Y/N opens it. "Welcome to higher education" Sam retorts cheekily and Dean lightly glares at his brother.
Couple hours in, "Hey, check this out" Y/N says, drawing attention to the boys. They peer over her shoulder to look at the report. "1862, a preacher named Jacob Cames was arrested for murder. Looks like he was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes" She explains continuing.
"Uh, right here. Some of the deceased were found in their beds, sheets soaked with bloody others suspended upside down from trees as a warning against sins of the flesh" She further explains as Dean pulls out an old piece of paper with the autopsy reports.
"Get this. The murder weapon? Looks like the preacher lost his hand in an accident Z had it replaced with a silver hook" He says, showing them the old drawing of a hook. "Look where all this happened" Sam says pointing to the location written in the report.
"Nine-Mile Road" Dean says. "Same place where the frat boy was killed" Sam says and Dean looks over at Y/N impressed. "Nice job, Dr. Venkman. Let's check it out" He praises her, patting the small of her back.
As he walks off, she has a small blush on her face. Clearing her throat, Y/N and Sam follow behind Dean.
The boys and Y/N pull up to Nine Mile Road and jump out of the Impala. They make way to the trunk of baby and Dean pulls out two shot guns, handing it to them.
"If it is a spirit, buckshot won't do much good" Sam says, cocking the hun outwards as Dean digs in the trunk. "Yeah. Rocksalt Einstein" Y/N says to Sam, also cocking her gun and he chuckles. "Salt being a spirit deterrent" Sam says.
"Yeah. It won't kill him but it'll slow him down" Dean says and he closes the trunk, throwing his duffel bag over his shoulder. "That's pretty good" Sam says impressed. "Who thought of this?" He asks.
"Mr. Winchester brought up salt grenades to my dad, then Dad came up with rock-salt shell casings" Y/N says shrugging. "I told you Sammy, you don't have to be a college graduate to be a genius" Dean says smugly as they walk. Y/N rolls her eyes jokingly and Sam chuckles.
They hear a few twigs snapping, holting in their tracks. Sam and Y/N aim their guns in the direction of the sound. "Over there, over there" Dean whispers to them and they point it towards where Dean was showing them.
Steps coming closer and closer to them. "Put the gun down now! Now!" A man in a police uniform yells, aiming his gun at them. The trio are startled by this, having been caught. "Put your hands behind your head!" He yells, ordering them. "Wait wait wait wait wait! Okay, okay!" Dean obliges.
Sam and Y/N drop their guns and Dean drops his bag. "Now get down on your knees. Come on, do it. On your knees!" The officer commands. The three hunters get on their knees, hands behind their heads. "Now get down on your bellies! Come on, do it!" The officer demands and Dean groans.
"They had the guns" He groans but they all do as told.
The next morning the three hunters walk out of the sheriffs department. "Saved your asses. Talked the sheriff down to a fine. Dude, I'm Matlock" Dean exclaims boastfully. "But how?" Y/N asks confused. "Told em Sam was a dumbass pledge and we were hazing him. And you were my girlfriend who came cuz you were scared I'd get hurt" He says winking at Y/N who scoffs.
"Please. I'd leave your ass to get hurt" She says sassily, snorting and Sam says. "Yeah. Sure" ironically. Causing Y/N to nudge him annoyed and he looks down smiling. 'He sure loves to use that excuse..' Y/N thinks to herself. "What about the shotgun?" Sam asks.
"I said to you were hunting ghosts and that spirits were repelled by rock salt. You know? Typical Hell Week prank" Dean smirks. "And he believed you?" Sam asks surprised. "Well, you look like a dumb-ass pledge" Y/N retorts cheekily, shrugging and Sam huffs annoyed.
Dean laughs and Sam shoots Y/N his classic glare. "Bite me crack head" He huffs, holding back a laugh. "No thank you dipshit" She laughs as they walk towards the Impala. They hear the door to the sheriff department burst open.
Some officers run out, jumping into a couple squad cars in a hurry. They turn on the sirens and speed down the road. The three exchange looks before jumping into the Impala and following behind.
They drive by where the cars stopped, the sorority where Lori Sorenson was staying. There, they look out the window to see Lori at the back of an ambulance looking distraught. Dean, however, drives past the scene and parks behind the sorority house.
They all jump out of the Impala, looking around to make sure no one sees them. Dean jumps up on the ledge, connecting to the house. Y/N follows behind as Sam does the same. They creep to the back of the garage to see some cops and cop cars in the alley.
"Why would the Hook Man come here? This is a long way from Nine Mile Road" Sam queries as they creep through the back. "Maybe he's not haunting the scene of his crime. Maybe it's about something else" Dean suggest and a few sorority girls come out the side of the house.
The three pull back a into a corner so they don't see them. Sam pulls himself into the ledge and Y/N gives him a boasts, pushing him up to the ledge. "Dude, sorority girls." Dean says checking them out. "Think we'll see a naked pillow fight?" He says perversely and Y/N taps him at the back of his head.
"Ow!" Dean exclaims, holding the now sore spot on his head. "Come on Peeping Tom. Gimme a boast" She grumbles and Dean helps her. When she gets up, she puts her hand out to help him up and he grabs on. Getting up on the ledge, they creep to the side of the house.
Sam opens the window to Lori's room and pushes his body in. Y/N follows behind with Dean getting in last. Y/N ends up falling ontop of Sam. "Crap sorry" She whispers. "It's okay" He whispers back. Sam gets up and Dean ends up falling ontop Y/N, causing her to groan in pain. "Oh, sorry" Dean apologizes a little too loud.
"Hey. Be quiet" Sam grumbles, shushing him. "Me be quiet? You be quiet" He retorts. "Fellas settle down" Y/N growls at both of them and their mouths snap shut. Dean closes the window behind them and Sam peers lightly at the door of the closet.
Outside is an officer scanning the crime scene, blood on the bed with police tape across it. When the officer steps out and goes downstairs. Sam opens the door and they quietly walk into the room. Written across the wall in blood with a symbol below it is 'Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?'
"Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light? That's right out of the legend" Y/N points out, reading the quote on the wall out loud. "Yeah. That's classic Hook Man alright" Dean says, stunned. "And it's definitely a spirit" He adds, tapping his nose.
"Yeah. I've never smelled ozone this strong before" Sam agrees and Dean walks over to peek at the crowd out the window. "Hey, come here" Sam calls him over. "Does that look familiar to you?" Sam asks them, pointing to the symbol underneath the quote.
They head back outside, the three of them leaning against the front grill of Baby Y/N pulls the autopsy report from earlier with murder weapon, the hook, engraved on it is the same symbol on the wall.
"It's the same symbol. Seems like it is the spirit of Jacob Carnes" Y/N says, standing between the boys against the car. "Alright. Well let's find the dude's grave, salt and burn the bones and put him down" Dean suggests. "Hard chance there" Y/N says and Sam takes the report from Y/N and reads.
"After execution, Jacob Carnes was laid to rest in Old North cemetery...in an unmarked grave" Sam reads, flicking the paper in anger. "Super" Dean says sarcastically and they all get off of the car to head back in. "Okay, so we know it's Jacks Carnes but we still don't know where he'll manifest next or why" As Sam says this, Dean pulls a paper off of his windshield reading it.
"I'll take a wild guess why. I think your little friend Lori has something to do with this" Dean says, opening the drivers side door, Sam and Y/N pile in behind, confused.
Later they all end up at a college party in hopes to find Lori. "Man, you've been holding out on me. This college thing is awesome" Dean says enthusiastically and Y/N chuckles. "This wasn't really my experience" Sam says plainly. "Oh, let me guess. Library, studying, straight A's" Y/N says and Sam nods.
"What a geek. Alright did you two do your homework?" Dean grumbles and Y/N laughs. "Yeah. It was bugging us, right? How is the Hook Man tied up with Lori?" Sam starts to explain. "So we think we came up with something" Y/N says, opening the paper and showing Dean.
"1932, Clergyman, Arrested for Murder....1967, Seminarian Held in Hippie Rampage.." Dean reads off of but Sam cuts him off. "There's a pattern here. In both cases, the suspect was a man of religion who openly preached against immorality and then found himself wanted for killings he claimed were the work of an invisible force. Killings carried out, get this, with a sharp instrument" Sam explains.
"What's the connection to Lori?" Dean asks them. "A man of religion...who openly preaches against immorality" Y/N says as if it's obvious and Dean nods. "Except maybe this time instead of saving the whole town he's trying to save his only daughter" Y/N finishes.
"Reverend Sorenson. You think he's summoning the spirit?" Dean adds asking. "Maybe" Sam says but something comes across Y/N's mind. "Or... you know how a poltergeist can haunt a person instead of a place?" Y/N suggests. "Yeah. The spirit latches on to the reverend repressed emotions and feeds off them...yeah..okay" Dean agrees.
"Without the reverend even knowing" Sam says. "Either way, you should keep an eye on Lori tonight" Dean tells Sam and he nods. "What about you two?" Sam asks them. Dean looks over at a hot young blonde chick with a sly smile on his face. "We're gonna see if we can find that unmarked grave" Y/N says smiling tightly.
Deans smile drops "But I-" He goes to contest but Y/N smacks his arm. "The case comes first" She says firmly and he groans disappointed. "Man you're no fun" He mumbles as they walk out of the building. "Do I need to show you how fun I can be?" She scoffs and his smile reappears. "You're on" He retorts and they laugh walking out.
A little later they walk through the Old North Cemetery, flashing their lights at headstones. While walking through they hear some twigs snap and holt in their tracks. They begin walking a little deeper in and Y/N draws the headstone with the symbol from the murder weapon to Deans attention.
"Here we go" Dean says as they approach the grave and began digging. After some time of digging, Dean gets frustrated, "Thats it. Next time...I get to watch the cute girls house" Dean huffs as Y/N rolls her eyes. "Shut it and dig, Winchester" She orders and he groans but obliges.
Y/N hits something hard and knocks her shovel into the pine coffin, breaking the top half of it. "Hello preacher" Y/N says and they jump back above ground, over the hole. Dean gets up first and extends his hand to help Y/N out. "Such a gentleman. Guess chivalry ain't dead" She jokes and he laughs.
Y/N grabs the lighter fluid and salt and Dean strikes his matches. Y/N throws the salt all over the bones and drenches it with lighter fluid. Dean strikes the match, lighting it aflame "Goodbye preacher" He says before throwing it into the coffin. Allowing it catch into flames.
Yeah that's it. If I hear this guy talk about boning another girl one more time. I'm gonna blow my head off. I still don't understand why I'm getting all worked up over hearing Dean talk about other girls. Yeah I had a crush on him growing up but that was ages ago. I don't think it's possible I could still have feelings for him like that.
Regardless, it's freaking irritating. I need to figure this out. What I know for sure is, even if I do like him in that way. He can't possibly feel that way about me. Screw what the shapeshifter said, it's not possible for him to feel that way about me. For Christs sake, he calls me his little sister. Yeah he flirts but he flirts with everyone dammit.
Dean and I rushed to the hospital after hearing Lori's dad was attacked, we see Sam down the hall and run towards him but some cops try to stop us. "Hold on there, kids" The cop says to us. "It's all right, we're with him" I say.
"Yeah. That's my brother. That's- Hey, brother" Dean says cheekily, smiling and waving at Sam. I follow waving at him. "Let them through" The sheriff tells the cops and they oblige. "Thank you officers" I say sweetly before me and Dean walk towards Sam who meets us in the middle.
"You okay?" Dean asks him. "Yeah" Sam assures us. "What the hell happened?" I ask. "Hook Man" He responds. "You saw him?" Dean asks. "Damn right. Why didn't you guys torch the bones?" Sam asks us annoyed. "What are you talking about? We did" I defend.
"You sure it's the spirit of Jacob Carnes?" Dean asks. "Sure as hell looked like him. And that's not all. I don't think it's latching onto the reverend" Sam adds. "Well, yeah. The guy wouldn't send the Hook Man after himself" Dean states and we look back to the room where the reverend is situated.
"I think it's latching onto Lori. Last night, she found out that her father is having an affair with a married woman" Sam explains. "So what?" Dean asks. "So she's upset about it. She's upset about the immorality of it. She told me she was raised to believe if you do something wrong, you get punished" Sam explains further.
"Okay, so she's conflicted" Dean says. "And the spirit of Preacher Carnes latching on to her repressed emotions and maybe he's doing the punishing" I suggest. "Right. Rich comes on too strong, Taylor tries to make her into a party girl...Dad has an affair" Sam puts the pieces together.
"Remind me not to piss this girl off" Dean says cringing. "But we burnt those bones. We buried them in salt. Why didn't that stop him?" Dean asks. "You guys must've missed something" Sam suggests and I shake my head.
"No. We burnt everything in that coffin. I doused the son of a bitch with lighter fluid. Whatever preacher is latching onto, it ain't in that coffin" I say firmly and something dawns on me. "Holy crap. The hook" I say in realization. "The hook?" Dean asks.
"It was the murder weapon. And in a way, it was part of him" Sam says shrugging. "So like the bones, the hook is a source of his power" Dean says in realization. "So if we find the hook.." Sam starts. "...we stop the Hook Man" We all say in unison, smiling and nodding
"Here's something I think" I say, sitting between the boys at a desk in the library, reaching for some kind of information. Dean pulls his pen out of his mouth and they peer over to look at the book. "Logbook, Iowa State Penitentiary. Carnes, Jacob. Personal effects...disposition thereof.." I read out of the book.
"Does it mention the hook?" Sam asks. "Yeah, maybe. 'Upon execution, all earthly items shall be remanded to the Prisoner's House of Worship to, St. Barnabus Church' " I read out loud. "Isn't that where Lori's father preaches" Sam asks and I nod. "Yeah" Dean says. "Where Lori lives?" Sam adds scoffing in irony.
"Maybe that's why the Hook Man's been haunting reverends and reverends daughters for the past 200 years" Dean says. "Yeah but if the Hook were at the church or Lori's house, don't you think someone might have seen it? I mean, a blood stained silver handled hook?" Sam suggests. "Check the church records" Dean says and gets up to grab the record book.
"St. Barnabus, donations. 1862. Received: silver handled hook from state penitentiary. Reforged" Sam sighs, reading the record book as Dean sits across from him and I sit next to him. "They melted it down. Made it into something else" I say shaking my head
We end up back at the church, hoping to find the reforged hook. "Alright. We can't take any chances. Anything silver goes in the fire" Dean says as we walk towards the church after getting out of the car. I nod and Sam says, "I agree"
"So, Lori's still at the hospital. We'll have to break in" Sam tells us. "Alright. Take your pick." Dean says to us. "I'll take the house" Sam says. "Okay. We'll take the church" I say and he gives me a curt nod before he heads over. "Hey" Dean calls out to his brother.
"Stay out of her underwear drawer" Dean says smugly and Sam scoffs while I laugh. "Not everyone is you, Dean" I say laughing as we walk towards the church. "Damn right they ain't princess" He winks at me and I felt my heart flutter a bit. "Whatever charming" I grumble laughing.
We immediately get to work after breaking in, throwing everything silver into the first. "I got everything that even looks silver" Sam says coming down from the stairs with a bag. "Better safe than sorry" Dean says and Sam hands me the bag. I put it down and me and Dean start emptying stuff into the fire.
Some floorboards creaking caught our attention, we holt in our actions, looking up into the direction of the sound. "Move, move" Dean ushers us to go up the stairs. We all creep behind, following into the church. Dean has the shotgun in hand, ready to shoot.
In the distance on one of the pew, we see Lori kneeling, crying as she prays and my heart gives out for her. Sam looks at us and walks towards her as me and Dean go back downstairs to finish up burning the silver.
"Let's hope after this he finally gets some" Dean chuckles as we walk downstairs to burn more silver. "Is sex all you ever think about?" I laugh, grabbing some silver to throw in the fire. "I'm a growing boy, Y/N. Hormones and all" He smirks at me and I snort. "Oh you're something" I retort as he laughs.
"You okay?" He asks me concerned. "Yeah why?" I ask back surprised. "I don't know. I just haven't seen you smile much in the last couple weeks and it's weird because you're always smiling. I'm just concerned" He says nicely. "Woah, Sammy is rubbing off you on there champ. Are we gonna braid each others hair next?" I joke and he rolls his eyes laughing
"Bite me" He grumbles, throwing the last of the silver in the fire. "Maybe I will" I counter and his eyes snap up to mine. My breath hitches in my throat as his eyes pierce into my (e/c) ones. Our heated gaze is once again cut short by some ruckus above us in the church. We immediately bolt into action.
Dean runs in with the shotgun in his hand and I grab my iron cuffs out of my boots, clutching it to my fingers. When we run up we see Lori on the ground, the Hook Man towering over her and Sam pulling himself out of a bookshelf.
"Sam! Run!" Dean yells as we run and Sam ducks as Dean shoots the spirit. Sam and Lori at on the ground, gasping for breath. "I thought we got all the silver!" Sam exclaims. "So did I!" Me and Dean say in unison. "Then why is he still here?!" Sam yells. "Well, maybe we missed something" Dean states the obvious.
My eyes flicker over to Lori's necklace. "Lori, where did you get that chain??" I ask her. "My father gave it to me" She says hastily. "Where'd you dad get it?" Dean asks roughly. "He said it was a church heirloom. He gave it to me when I started school" She explains. "Is it silver!?" Sam asks loudly.
"Yes!" She confirms and Sam rips it from her neck. When he turns to us, necklace in hand, we hear a scraping behind us. Turning to see the Hook man scraping the wall down the hall. Dean throws the shotgun and some rounds of salt to Sam, which he catches, while simultaneously Sam throws the necklace and I catch it. We run down the hall to go downstairs and burn the necklace.
As we run down we hear a shot fire. Throwing the chain into the fire which takes it sweet time to burn, it finally catches a flame and melts. Me and Dean cheer before hugging, he picks me up and spins around. My heart flutters when I realize what just happened. He drops me back down quickly but gently, clearing his throat.
"Sorry...got caught up in the moment" I say softly. "We're good" He nods at me winking and we run back upstairs to see Sam and Lori in the floor. Happy and sighing in relief.
The next morning the police is questioning me and Dean meanwhile Sam is getting patched up by the ambulance. "And you saw him too? The man with the hook?" The officer asks us for the millionth time. "Yes, I told you. We all saw him. We fight him off and then he ran" Dean explains exhausted.
"And that's all?" The officer asks. "Yes sir, that's all" I say calmly. "Listen, you, your brother and girlfri- " The officer goes to say to Dean and he begins walking off. "Oh, don't worry. We're leaving town" He says annoyed, cutting him off and I hold back a laugh. Walking with him towards Baby.
As we're walking to the car I ask him, "aren't you freaked out by it?". He cocks his eyebrow at me, confused. "By what?" He asks me, leaning against baby on the drivers side while I lean on the back right passenger side. "People assuming I'm your girlfriend" I ask shrugging and he freezes.
I couldn't help but notice the tinge of pink the rose on his cheeks but I choose to brush it off as the cold weather. He just shrugs and says nonchalantly. "Cant tell people what to think" He jumps into baby before I could respond and I take that as the end of that conversation. Don't get you hopes up L/N, he will never look at you that way.
I jump in and look through the side mirror to see Sam and Lori talking by the ambulance. "You think he's gonna do it?" Dean asks me. "I think he already did it" I say back and he snorts, looking slightly disappointed as Sam walks off and towards the Impala.
Sam gets in, sighing a bit and holding his head. "You alright Sammy?" I ask him concerned and he nods. "We could stay" He says to Sam and he shakes his head sadly. Dean and I look at him worried but with that we make our way out of there.
Authors Note:
This is once again, unedited and to whoever is reading thank you for reading and being patient with this upload. I appreciate your support so so so much.🫶
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #25
Fairy For a Day
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FAIRY CON!!! Third appearance SWEEP!
Okay, now THIS is more useful to me in setting up a timeline. Definitely saving that.
"Cosmo and I look forward to this convention all year!" -> Yeah, you've gone 3 times since meeting Timmy; I bet you do.
I actually own a Cosmo Con button IRL and it's precious to me <3
?? So... "Cosmo Con" and this episode both went with godkids not being at Fairy Con, but we know from the Season 10 "Fairy Con" episode, Timmy's gone every year. Hmm.
If we see the same tents that appeared in both "Cosmo Con" and "Fairy Con," I'm gonna lose it.
Fairy Con is at the CASTLE?? Are they allowed to do that?? We never get to go inside the castle!! I wonder if the Fairy King is still implied to be either dead or abandoned his throne, or...?
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Hey wtf, Jorgen put his office on top of the Castle?? I missed that, if that's come up before.
oh my gosh, I can't believe even in the spin-off, King Northiae and Prince Eastkal are still out of the picture... Lmao??
"Eastkal appear onscreen when he's not dying" challenge (Impossible)
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Disclaimer, they don't have canon names. These names come from my 'fics where I've written them alive and interacting with people until the war, so these random background characters have significance to me <3
We did see the title Fairy King in "Jimmy-Timmy Power Hour 1," but he was mysteriously absent then and any other episode about Fairy World, and "Balance of Flour" (the episode this screenshot is from) confirms the people I'm talking about were important in Fairy society even if we didn't have their names.
slkdfjskdljf, they're still getting their tickets scanned. And everything goes off without a hitch?? Somewhere out there, Chloe - who lost her ticket and was banned - is staring into the void.
Hazel looking at her cosplay options: Hmm, what's my fairy vibe? :)
She's so cute.
I'm glad Cosmo and Wanda's friends just... have accepted their goofiness and it doesn't damage their friendship.
Hmm. Godkids were able to attend in previous years, but not this time. I have suspicions Hazel will run into another godkid even though she snuck in.
Presumably Dev, but this would be a fun place to reveal a new kid (or see nods to OG characters)
OMFG, I know these are probably meant to be candles, but I said in Post #5 that I've always used these interior decorations in worldbuilding as memorials and/or representations of the soul:
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- and they're so important in Fairy culture that in Frayed Knots Chapter 27, Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Sanderson used their presence or absence to check which Fairy homes had been evacuated from the fire. So... I just find this very funny :'D For incredibly specific reasons.
(Hazel's little hand gripping the pole)
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SDLKFJSDF. Memorial for people lost to magical back-up this year.
I mean... I didn't think it was that serious considering Cosmo and Wanda have survived exploding from magical back-up multiple times, but... Good to know sometimes you don't survive?
Holy flip, this makes the Fairies dropping H.P. and Sanderson on earth and forcing them to drive / bike home without using magic so much darker. hey wtf.
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Technically I did headcanon Pixies as getting inspiration back-up if they didn't inspire people to innovate rather than the magical back-up route, but... basically the same thing.
I just saw the Musical ending to get this screenshot and ?? I'm so glad Flappy stayed long enough to see Gary and Betty take over and make changes to the Learnatorium? In my memory, he ditched them instantly, but I'm glad he was there to make sure they'd be okay without him <3
F in the chat for Betty toppling over from a heart attack and Gary freaking out in the background while Flappy is partying onstage. lol.
I wonder if this is how Fairies pass when they're old as well, like if whatever magic they have at that age becomes too much for their physical forms.
Hm. Okay, so is the canon we're going with for New Wish that Fairies leave confetti when they die? In the OG series, it's heavily implied Fairies turn to dust and that's why Jorgen freaks out when he finds glittery dust on Cosmo and Wanda's beds in "Fairy Idol," but I'll take it! That's clever, and it's close.
Interesting move considering one of the Season 1 episodes depicts Cosmo exploding from magical back-up, because it's not like it was buried randomly in Season 7 or something- It's one of the things that people are first likely to encounter.
But I'm not really picky; just noting it down as a reminder to myself that this show is a spin-off and AU and I shouldn't try to jump through hoops to see if it will fit in my canon-compliant-with-OG-series Cloudlands AU. It's still fun to watch and this is a creative spin on the OG magical back-up!
I'm glad we're still playing into "Fairies don't leave skeletons and all the skeletons we keep leaving in jails are fake." lmao. Iirc, the canon from "Wishology" was "Halloween party that never got cleaned up."
I think bones are just really freakin' scary to people who are elastic and turn to dust. Like, what the heck is a skeleton? A dead human?? omg. doin' me a frighten.
Oh, maybe confetti is for this death specifically and other deaths can still be dust. Yeah, I'm good with that.
I was totally prepared for some kind of familiar face to show up on the board, like Mama Cosma or Big Daddy or Juandissimo, but I'm glad it didn't. But Cosmo and Wanda are going to be in trouble, probably later this episode...
Presto, old manager from the diner? Gonna make a note.
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I like this tent dedicated to sleight of hand.
skdjf, you get a close-up on this tent in a moment and this guy also has the Shakespeare for Mimes book that kids always have at school. Reused assets...
?? There was one tent in the background I saw that made me say "Huh, they didn't put any detail inside this one except some boxes that haven't been unpacked," but I like how we get a new angle on it and it's just called Mystery Crates. That's fantastic.
I am OBSESSED with the fact that we are in the Pink Castle courtyard, so of COURSE there are still crossed wand symbol tapestries hanging on the walls. I love how much thought was put into the location.
I like the tent that says [word]-Free Books. I wish I could see what that first word was. I hope it's something like Curse-Free Books.
I'm LOSING IT at Hazel once again reminding us she likes paperwork.
Oh, and Wanda backed me up on that! ... PLEASE let her meet the Pixies, I am begging.
Surely they're setting us up for that someday. There's an established species that does paperwork and writes contracts. It's right there... We even have the cube head model already in play! My favorite boys are so close, I can taste it... and yet, so far.
I will actually have a meltdown if I get to see H.P. again. It's such a foreign concept, I can't even imagine. I just really miss him... I watched "Oddlympics" recently and it made me sad.
I wonder if Hazel likes official documents because she likes researching rocks :) Girls only want one thing and it's wonderful
Wow. I can't believe it's that easy? You can just sign a paper and be a fairy? Lol.
???? This feels like such a dangerous plot thread to play with. There's a million ways you could swing this. Are some Fairies former humans who chose the magical life?
Where is Timmy. Did he find out about this? I'm stressin' out...
Actually, wait... Godkids aren't supposed to be here. It's probably fine.
Now that Hazel's made herself a fairy, she's gonna experience magical back-up if she's not careful.
Oh, I love her dark, sparkly purple hair.
Holy flip, batgirl-
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That's not the direction I thought this episode was going??
Oh no... And right after Dev's gone looking for Anti-Fairy info? He's gonna flip... This spells trouble...
I'm delighted Lezah was born in a gray smoke cloud like Foop :>
?? I like that she has a snaggletooth. I personally gave Teen & Adult Foop a snaggletooth in my design for him, but I think I like Lezah's blatant "the rest of her teeth are flat and she only has this one fang" vibe better than what I went with for him.
I think I already said this in Irep's debut, but... If Anti-Cosmo shows up, is he going to debut with the name Osmoc; is that legit the direction we're going? Lol.
At this point, seeing as Irep's griping implies he didn't have a choice in changing his name, and Lezah is the 2nd Anti-Fairy to have a backwards name (With Hazel and us as audience only knowing these guys in New Wish), I feel like they HAVE to commit to Osmoc and Adnaw.
I feel like they're trying to make it easier to distinguish them or at least so they can have cool names or something, but I feel like that's actually harder on the audience?? At least without subtitles.
A lot of people headcanon Nega-Timmy as Timmy’s anti when they do fairy designs of him, so… Ymmit??
Anxiety girl...
Lezah: You're not cool and it's about time you knew. Hazel: If anyone already knew I wasn't cool, it was me.
oh no <3
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Huh. That's a lot of blue structure. I like it.
I appreciate how Lezah, in traditional Anti-Fairy fashion, got bored in 2 seconds. I think that's the best part of Fairy-Pixie-Anti-Fairy dynamics to me:
- Fairies are nervous and jumpy, but they calm down when they have structure and rules. So the Pixies always take over by giving them new rules to follow and no one makes a fuss; Timmy always has to step in and rescue them because the Fairies (except Binky) just go along with it. - Anti-Fairies are super restless and bad at sitting still. They can't handle boredom, which means they can't focus on rules or plans. Even when they make plans, we know Anti-Cosmo gets so distracted that he switches pen colors throughout his notes, implying he leaves and comes back 4 or 5 times before completing one sheet of paper... which is probably why Anti-Cosmo defers to the Head Pixie, who gives off "knows what he's doing" vibes. lol. - Luckily for everyone, H.P., is always down to relinquish everything he took over for raves and soda <3
Shout-out to the totally real upcoming plot of Lezah kicking every rock she sees into the void because Hazel loves rocks
Saving Hazel's signature for my collection:
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I like how Timmy and Hazel both sign fae contracts with only their first name. I hope this means H.P. would also call her Hazel at least sometimes... He used to call Timmy "Turner" most of the time, but he called him "Timmy" when he was prank-calling him <3
Holy flip, I can't believe Cosmo and Wanda touched butterfly nets so they could catch balloons. I think it would've been funny if they caught each other on accident.
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Purple road gives me the same energy as Fairy World's purple grass in "Odd Squad."
Okay, so... the Big Wand is now inside the castle? Interesting.
??? I'm curious about what the logic is in designing Irep with a cube head. Lezah doesn't have one.
Me, who has an established square mutation in my 'fics, but it's for Pixies and not transferrable to Anti-Fairies :'D
Hm. Well, it is a kids' show. Maybe they weren't sure kids would recognize him without the cube head.
I'm sorry, I hate to be the one to say it, but... Since Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda were alone when Foop was born, do you think anyone ever thinks Foop has a Pixie parent? At this point, I'd be shocked if the Pixies didn't have square heads in this show, so ??
If A.C. and A.W. show up without cube heads when cube heads are established in this universe, I just feel like there would be questions of legitimacy??
Does Irep just look like that on purpose because he likes it? He WAS a cube for (implied) way longer than other anti-fairy babies, and the only other anti-fairy baby we've seen wasn't a cube but was of ambiguous age, so... Hmm. Is it just HIS biology? Does it run in his family? Huh. Well. Okay.
You want to give us pixies; you wanna reuse your cube head model for pixies so bad...
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Those eyelash designs are super clever. Also, I like how the lightest parts of Hazel's sweater match the darkest parts of Lezah's shirt.
I'm really glad Fairy-Hazel is not immune to getting upset by her counterpart. I'm glad she's not trying to befriend Lezah; I'm not the biggest fan of counterparts getting along well. It's great. Give me weird complexity and bullied children <3
I was going to make a joke about how I couldn't believe Lezah had better magic when she was just born, but then she screwed up her magic and that's hilarious.
Hazel: I don't want more of me! I want less of you!
I like how we've been going the direction of "Hazel is a person who overthinks things." I'll definitely keep that in mind, because I didn't see that in the early episodes, but it seems to be a thing recently.
Lezah is 3 seconds away from dying. oh no.
..... I'm really uneasy about where the magical backup lore is going since it wasn't relevant in this episode. We've got a storm on the horizon, I'm sure. :'D Also that chip powering the Big Wand is definitely coming back.
I assume Lezah is a one-off character. I really like how much thought and detail was put into her design in spite of that.
Fingers crossed for Anti-Wanda to get a mild redesign (Ex: new clothes) if she ever shows up.
Me staring into the void: Hey, why were we shown the Hocus Poconos earlier in the season, and should I be worried that we're making new, detailed characters and ditching them?
slkdjf ?? Literally on the floor that King Northiae and Prince Eastkal have a second chance to indicate to me they're not totally dead, but we're not taking it. SKLDFJSDF.
I mean ?? I don't know what I expected since it's heavily implied the Fairies and Anti-Fairies called a truce to end the war after Eastkal's death, but...
Nobody cares about these background characters who appeared only once in a flashback in Season 7, but I care!! Eastkal, my baby!! D:
Stuck In My Head
For some reason, it's funny to me that Dev eats cafeteria food despite being rich and lactose intolerant.
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I was going to make a joke about Winn being allowed to wear a hat in school, but I don't think I can when we had Timmy Turner.
I really enjoy these characters with new hair styles, especially after 3 notable characters with the same hair for so long (Timmy, Cosmo, Vicky, Anti-Cosmo). I always struggle drawing their hair and I'd like to draw some new guys :)
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Dev has had some bad times lately, but he's SO ready for lunch.
Hazel, on the heels of the overthinking episode: I am once again overthinking myself into oblivion.
I love Hazel's parents. I love how Cosmo and Wanda are totally down to dance. They used to love dancing <3
I like how the Hazel museum has Hazel's drawings from past episodes.
Oh, I'm sad we can't treat everything here seriously. The fact she wants to be a comic book artist is likely true, but her inventing the sun... I don't think so.
I wonder if Hazel's going to learn something she doesn't even know about herself.
Oh no... Hazel's anxiety led her to try getting rid of stuff that embarrassed her by throwing it down the trapdoor she was warned to never, ever open... That’s so funny… She is 10.
The mind worm concept is funny and engaging. Nothing much to say except I enjoyed the bit with the bird and all of Hazel's negative thoughts.
Mind Worm: wow, what a loser thought you are. can't even exist outside a child's mind. lmao. cringefail.
Hazel loves and trusts her mom so much <3 She's saying things her mom's surely taught her.
Another good moral, and more fun Hazel lore. Hazel's got a good home life and we still get to see some messy parts of her, so I really enjoy that.
Winn and Jasmine adore Hazel and her creativity so much.
Mind the Gap
Uh-oh, Hazel's friends just made it clear they notice Hazel's tooth gap all the time...
Geez, Hazel was doing (mostly) fine in the early episodes of the season, and ever since her fight(s) with Dev, she's gone from 0 to 300 in the anxiety department. Girl, are you ok?
Crying, I love how Hazel's hiding spot is the janitor's closet. She's been going there ever since Episode 1. I'm so glad we get to see her struggle.
Tooth Fairy!!! I knew she'd be here for a tooth episode, and after Cupid's redesign, I was wondering if she'd change much. She looks the same and tbh, I enjoy that.
??? I was going to make a joke during Lezah's ep, I think, about how the DMV keeps coming up and it's always different. I should've made that joke. It clearly wasn't just me.
I'm disappointed they made a "Seal the deal" joke with the tooth exchange program and did not seal Hazel's tooth into her mouth with dentistry.
Jasmine: Did you get your gap filled? How'd you get a new tooth so fast? Hazel: Uh... the Internet?
slkdfj, oh no.
omg, H.P. and Sanderson would think Guzman is the coolest. I miss them so much...
I like how Hazel's mom was disappointed with her (Hazel's tooth) for booing her dad, but instead of snapping at her, she just gently suggested Hazel spend some time alone in her room. She's so good. I love her <3
I'm glad Cosmo and Wanda went to get their mail in human form again. They love mail so much.
skldfj, oh... They actually DO love mail.
If there's candy and soda at the tooth party, I'm going to lose it.
I am SO GLAD Jorgen is at the Tooth Fairy's gala! He supports his WIFE!!!!!!
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SLKDFJSDLKF, there's soda at the party! Cosmo and Wanda are gonna get so drunk... They won't onscreen, but I'll know.
This is the final episode before season finale. I hope they get some good rest or they're gonna be hungover at a very bad time. oh no.
AAAH, it wasn't just coincidence! I was unsure since the gala was full of familiar models, but Jorgen IS here on purpose! He even dressed up nice for it!!
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He loves his wife!!
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marsmarauders · 1 month
The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology (Marauder's Version)
So me and @idkjustlemmedrownlikerab got carried away again... and we related every single song on TTPD to the Marauders characters :D
You put a Jily shipper and a Jegulus shipper in a chat together and this is what comes out of it.
(We also had some help from @noblehouseofgay, so shout outs to him!)
(We plan on covering every album, so make sure to look out for those!)
So now we present... TTPD (Marauder's Version)
"And for a fortnight there, we were forever."
The way we interpreted the song was that it's about what starts as a loveless fling, but someone ends up catching feelings. Narcissa resenting Alice (and Frank) after they break off what they had.
The Tortured Poets Department
Mohishaa and I had different views on this one, so I will share them both!
"You're not Dylan Thomas, I'm not Patti Smith."
Mohishaa's interpretation of the title track was that Barty and Regulus only really had each other and they knew that. Just replace the names with "Evan Rosier" and "James Potter" and you've got yourself a Bartylus anthem.
"But I've seen this episode and still loved the show."
I have personally always viewed this song as Sirius just being knee-deep in love with Remus. Everything from the lines about chocolate, to the wedding ring line just screams Wolfstar to me.
(I wanted to include both because we're each very attached to our own headcanons and that is okay! Disagreeing does not always have to result in arguing!)
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
"And I'll tell you that he runs because he loves me."
This is basically just James and Remus talking about their traumatized, unstable boyfriends.
Down Bad
"For a moment I knew cosmic love."
We both agreed that it's Jegulus, but we cannot decide between it being from Jame's perspective or Regulus's perspective.
So Long, London
"I stopped CPR, after all it's no use. The spirit was gone, we would never come to."
Sirius and James mourning the loss of someone who was to one brother and to another a lover. (Shh... it's Regulus).
But Daddy I Love Him
"...Thinking it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me and counteract the chemistry and undo the destiny."
Lily about James... except she wasn't lying when she said she was having his baby.
Fresh Out The Slammer
"At the park where we used to sit on children's swings, wearing imaginary rings."
Mohishaa didn't have many thoughts on this one, so I basically came up with this one. I see it as Sirius after he escapes Azkaban doing everything he can to find Remus again. (After he rides away on Buckbeak, that is).
"Little did you know that your home's really only the town you'll get arrested."
We, for the life of us, could not think of something for this song, so thank you Reg for pitching in! He came to the conclusion that is song is Rosekiller coded because, and I quote "Drug and murder vibes are them."
Guilty as Sin?
"I dream of cracking locks, throwing my life to the wolves or the ocean rocks."
"Crash the (Halloween) party as I scream: "Who's afraid of little old me?!"
I did not have much to say on this one, so all credit due to Mo here! "Guilty is Sin is Jegulus to me and I can and will not see anything else."
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
Peter Pettigrew. That's it. That's the argument. No one suspected a thing about him. No one knew that he was capable of being the reason everything went wrong. (That being said... all love to younger Peter <3)
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
"I can fix him. No really, I can. And only I can."
Mo and I also struggled with this one and then Reg came in with the most brilliant interpretation we had ever heard and we both felt like freaking idiots. I thought Lily about Severus, Mo thought Rosekiller about each other, and then Reg said "My gut says James" and we were both like "OHHHHHHHHH!" My man James has the want to fix everything. To save everyone. But he simply just can't.
"It was legendary, it was momentary, it was unnecessary, should've let it stayed buried."
Sirius and Remus during the second war because their love was so tragic that not even a second chance could save it, even thought it was meant to be. (We also had Jegulus in mind for this).
I Can Do It With a Broken Heart
"Cause I'm miserable! And nobody even knows!"
"And I don't miss what we had, but could someone give a message to the smallest man who ever lived?"
If this song isn't James Fleamont Potter, then I don't know what is.
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
I am not a Severus hater by any means, but both Mo and I agreed that the song is 1000000000000% percent about Severus.
The Alchemy
"The greatest in the league. Where's the trophy? He just comes running over to me."
This song is written about the beautiful romance between James and Lily Potter and you cannot tell us otherwise.
Clara Bow
"Flesh and blood amongst war machines, you're the new god we're worshipping."
In the wise words of Mo herself "It's James maybe? Cause he was brought up by parents who loved him so much and always told him he was special and how he was a little arrogant and cocky because of that. But as he grew up he realized that it's hell to be heavenly you know because everyone idolized him and he was this ball of sunshine and felt like he couldn't share his problems cause other people had it worse???" Couldn't have worded it better myself.
The Black Dog
"I just don't understand how you don't miss me."
No discussion was needed for this one. It's obviously about Sirius Black. (And possibly about the resentment he held towards Remus and Tonks after he died.)
"Whether I'm gonna curse you out or take you back to my house, I haven't decided yet."
Barty and Evan because "no one else is toxic enough."
The Albatross
"She's the albatross, she is here to destroy you."
My main girl, day one, love of my life Dorcas freaking Meadowes.
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
"And you saw my bones out with somebody new who seemed like he would've bullied you in school."
"We learned the right steps to different dances...how did it end?"
This is Severus after finding out Lily and James started dating. He never wants to know if Lily ever loved him back because it would make the pain hurt even more than it already did.
How Did It End?
James Potter and Regulus Black if I've ever seen it.
So High School
"Truth, dare, spin bottles. You know how to ball, I know Aristotle."
At first, I had no idea because "None of them really lived that long after highschool to be able to look back on it." (I know, that was foul of me).
"I hate it here so I will go to secret gardens in my mind."
We were debating between Jily and Wolfstar, before eventually settling on Wolfstar (and giving the Alchemy to Jily!)
I Hate It Here
"But I can't forget the way you made me heal."
Remus post war because he's alone and lonely because all his friends are dead because the love of his freaking life killed them all or so he thought and how his he ever supposed to move on and get ov-
thanK you aIMee
Instead of Taylor to Kim, it's Lily to Severus. Instead of "thanK you aIMee" it's "Still, No APologiEs?" (I tried... I really tried guys).
I Look in People's Windows
"I look in people's windows, in case you're at their table."
This song is Mary Macdonald post war. She looks for the faces of people she knows are no longer there. She longs for what they had before everything went so awfully wrong.
The Prophecy
"It was sinking in, slow is the quicksand. Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand."
"You can mark my words that I said it first in a mourning warning no one heard."
So... you know how there's a blood sacrifice required to get into the cave... and how a certain someone drowned... or in other words sunk? Yeah. That's what I'm talking about.
Pandora Rosier Lovegood. Thank you very much, have a great day!
"You said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me."
The tragic tale of the Black Brothers told by Regulus.
The Bolter
"Behind her back, her best mates laughed and they nicknamed her "The Bolter."
So we heavily debated between Marlene and Sirius for this one, but I'm gonna say Marlene because she's the only character we haven't given a song to yet. Isn't the whole story in fanon that Marlene ran away to stay with her family, and that just so happened to be the night that Voldemort went after them? Fitting.
"Buried down deep and out of your reach, the secret we all vowed to keep it, from you."
The tragic tale of the Black Brothers told by Sirius.
The Manuscript
"Now and then I re-read the manuscript, but the story isn't mine anymore."
This song is Regulus looking back on his break up with James after he took the dark mark.
WOO, if you're still reading, THANK YOU! This took me like 2 hours to type out! Make sure to come back to see Midnights, coming soon! (To a theater near you.)
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scoobydoodean · 10 months
Thinking about 4.05 "Monster Movie" and how the shifter (Lucy) who dresses up as Dracula fixates on Jamie and Dean, casting Jamie as Mina and Dean as Jonathan Harker—Mina's fiance—the righteous hero who, with Van Helsing, saves Mina from Dracula.
The last time we really focused on the POV of a shifter was 1.06, where our shifter was a Dean parallel. This time I think our shifter represents Sam—or rather, the shifter represents Sam’s feelings about his own monsterhood, and the occasional envy he feels toward Dean—Dean who is cast by the envious shifter as righteous hero who "gets the girl" (but not this time, Harker!) In season 4, Dean will be given the title “The righteous man”. The same angels calling him that will call Sam “The boy with the demon blood” and “abomination”.
Opening on the scene where Dean has been dressed in lederhosen and tied up by the shifter:
DEAN looks at a portrait of a woman’s face on the wall which resembles LUCY. DRACULA She is beautiful, no? Bride number three from the first film. She never got the acclaim that she deserved. Which is why I chose her shape, her form, to move among the mortals unnoticed. To listen to the cricket songs of the living. That is when I discovered my bride had been reborn in this century.
The shifter wanted to fit in—to be perceived as normal—so they chose Lucy’s shape. It isn't difficult to connect that desire for normality with Sam's initial desire for normality. But the shifter discovered Mina (Jamie) and then everything changed.
In “Monster Movie”, the shifter initially despaired of their monsterhood, but monster movies gave the shifter a sense of dignity—a taste of power.
DRACULA "Real" is being born this way. Different. "Real" is having your dad call you "monster" -- it's the first time you hear the word. And he tries to beat you to death with a shovel. Everywhere I ran, everywhere I tried to hide, people found me, dragged me out, attacked me. Called me "freak," called me "monster." Then I found them. The great monsters. In their movies, they were strong. They were feared. They were beautiful. And now I am like them. Commanding. Terrifying.
I'm immediately reminded of a speech Sam gives in the previous episode, explaining why he's decided to embrace demonic power (4.04):
SAM I've got demon blood in me, Dean! This disease pumping through my veins, and I can't ever rip it out or scrub it clean! I'm a whole new level of freak! And I'm just trying to take this - this curse... and make something good out of it. Because I have to.
In Dracula, Mina was saved from Dracula at the end of the story by Harker and Van Helsing. Lucy wasn't able to be saved—she was a victim of Dracula’s, who started out a kind, soft hearted woman, but was killed by Dracula and reborn as a monster who fed on children. She was subsequently destroyed by Van Helsing.
In our parallel, I don't think Mina (played by Jamie) parallels a person so much as Mina represents an ideal or desire. Mina represents "getting to be the hero"—Mina represents the capacity for redemption.
What the shifter (and Sam) don't know is that redemption is something Dean is also seeking:
JAMIE That must suck. I mean, you're giving up your life for this terrible... I don't know, responsibility. DEAN Last few years, I started thinking that way, and, uh, it started sort of weighing on me. Of course, that was before... A little while ago, I had this – let’s call it a near-death experience. Very near. JAMIE sits down next to DEAN. DEAN And, uh, when I came to... things were different. My life's been different. I realize that I help people. Not just help them, though. I save them. I guess it's -- it's awesome. It's kind of like a gift... like a mission. Kind of like a... a mission from God.
Dean is on a mission from God—and we as forward-looking viewers who know Dean tortured souls in hell have a better understanding of why Dean ties himself to that mission—as a form of redemption.
Monsters on the other hand... monsters don't get the girl—monsters don't get redemption—monsters don't save the day. Harker and Van Helsing save the day, and Harker (Dean) gets the girl.
DEAN You do realize what happens at the end of every monster movie? DRACULA Ah, but this movie is mine. And in it, the monster wins. The monster gets the girl. And the hero, he’s... electrocuted. And tonight, Jonathan Harker, you will be my hero.
This is, in some sense, our Sam from 4.04 manifesting a win—manifesting becoming the hero through monstrosity. Dean doesn't get to be the hero this time.
SAM Dean, I need her to help me kill Lilith. I know you can't wrap your head around it, but maybe one day you'll understand. I'm the only one who can do this, Dean. DEAN turns back around. DEAN No, you're not the one who's gonna do this. SAM Right, that's right, I forgot. The angels think it's you. DEAN You don't think I can? SAM No. You can't. You're not strong enough. DEAN And who the hell are you? SAM I'm being practical here. I'm doing what needs to be done.
Sam wants Dean to take a back seat. In a sea of motivations for lying and working with Ruby, one of them—most certainly—is that Sam wants to be the hero and wants Dean to not be the hero... and in some sense, this also fits with shifter who tries to force Dean into a role—who insists Dean play the role of Harker... who, while one of the story's heroes, also plays the part of the damsel in distress at various points in Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Crucially though, Sam isn't just represented by Lucy and the shifter in "Monster Movie". Sam is also associated with Van Helsing—or rather—when Sam arrives to free Dean and Jamie, the shifter shouts,
DRACULA You will never be Van Helsing!
This is Sam's despair in the mouth of the shifter. Sam could never be a traditional hero. He's unclean—he could never be a hero like the badass Van Helsing—the closest thing the Dracula novel has to a hunter (knowledgeable, strong, tenacious, clever). Sam could never go on a quest like that.
SAM Knights of the Round Table. Had all of King Arthur's knights, and they were all on the quest for the Holy Grail. And I remember looking at this picture of Sir Galahad, and, and, and he was kneeling, and— and light streaming over his face, and— I remember... thinking, uh, I could never go on a quest like that. Because I'm not clean. I mean, I w— I was just a little kid. You think... maybe I knew? I mean, deep down, that— I had... demon blood in me, and about the evil of it, and that I'm— wasn't pure?
The thing is, Sam is paralleled with the shifter as Lucy (desperation for normality) and as Dracula (despair, reclaiming monstrosity as his own), but Van Helsing is also a part of Sam too. Van Helsing represents Sam's ability to choose his destiny—Sam's ability to choose to be a hero, despite how he's despaired of ever being clean. He just has to realize it's his choice—that life is not a maze he has no choice but to run through. He is not unclean. His destiny is not defined by Azazel's blood.
JAMIE Ever think that maybe you're lonely because you kill people? DRACULA Or I kill people because I’m lonely.
Sam continues through season 4 with this same frame of mind in a sense—not in the sense that he's killing people (though... at one point, he will) but in the sense that his actions are someone else's fault and are out of his control. And yet, the capacity to be Van Helsing and not the monster who despairs remains.
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thefringespod · 15 days
Hello wanderers, its time for another late #AudioDramaSunday post! This week has been wildly busy but there was still time for @doyoucopypod to rip my heart out of my chest (on my birthday of all days, Delaney!!) We're getting closer to the end of season 2 and I have Many Concern
@woebegonepod continues to stress me out (positive). I'm so worried about all of the Mikes Walters but especially my boy MW what's going on with him Dylan what is happening please leave him alone he's a good not-cowboy
We're gonna drop in some older episodes because I didn't post last week so let's talk @grottopod because whooboy episode 12 really lived up to the title of Shattered I have. Concerns. About Emily. I'm sure she'll be fine (<- lying to myself)
Last week also had @audistorium's first foray into romance and it broke my heart into a million pieces Landon Lemon Whisnant has written another brilliant story and I'll be unwell about it forever I cried SO MUCH YALL
I am officially caught up on @thecellarletters and I'm. Gnawing on wood over it every aspect of this show is phenomenal but the way it's weaving mystery and horror is REALLY making my brain buzz right now it's so well crafted and Jamie is phenomenal
@ethicstownpod this week terrified me!! It was so well done!! Idk if yall know this from listening to the Fringes but AI freaks me out. And Ethics Town is REALLY digging into that fear of mine it's incredible I love Ethics Town so much
Today marked the launch of @allatseapod which is. Fucking fantastic already. Not only is Noah Bell an incredible writer and voice actor, they are also my friend and I love what they've done so far I can't wait to keep listening to this show congratulations Noah it's amazing!
Here on the Fringes, we've released the season 3 trailer! Our final journey to the Fringes begins on September 18th, I hope you'll join us
And over on @forgedbondspod postcards for indiegogo backers have been mailed! We're getting closer to the point where I can release that trailer/release date but for now know that I'm buzzing with excitement and love for my cast
If you want to get access to all things Fringes and Forged Bonds early (as well as supporting my fantastic casts and the creation of my next projects) you can check out our patreon at patreon.com/pinetreepods!
That's all for this week! Before we head off, I'd like to share some belated birthday wishes for my dear friends/cast members @totcoc0a and @taytayheyhey because gods know i couldn't do this without the two of them and I will take any excuse to mention that 💜
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winter-tospring · 7 months
You know I'm so maaaad seeing multiple videos with titles like "The ATLA live action actually sucks" on my feed. It's so freaking upsetting to hear the worst takes trying to justify their negativity just because the show is not point for point exactly like the cartoon. NEWSFLASH, IT WAS NEVER GOING TO BE EXACTLY THE SAME, IT DOESN'T MAKE IT BAD. The crew clearly cares a ton about the show. The additions they made truly ADD to the scenes we already know. The meshing of episodes/settings necessary to go through the whole first season in only eight episodes is honestly as clever as it could be, things make sense.
Fans just decided from the get-go, from the very announcement of the show, that they would hate it, that they would be disappointed, that it would be terrible. It's really unfair to the creators and young actors who clearly put their hearts into this, to have the fandom just shit on their work, and for what. What do you really want? You would've shat on any live action remake. Do you realize how rare it is to have a cast and crew like the one on this show???? Feels so ungrateful whek they're simply reviving something beloved for new and wider audiences to get to know and love. It's truly shameful to see the lazy take down takes given as reasons to hate this. Really ashamed of what I'm seeing. Wish we could just appreciate getting this new content because it's freaking amazing.
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nalyra-dreaming · 9 months
I freaked out so much when I saw those episode titles!! I know in my heart that "don't be afraid, just start the tape" is going to be the finale, and it's going to be said by Lestat when he shows up in the present day. I can't wait!
Ohhhhh, that would be something spicy indeed!!
I'm not so sure myself, I think it might be the first one instead, but... I do love the idea!!! :)
Not that long till we'll know :))))
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asherlockstudy · 1 year
LMAOO!! ok I'm not gonna spoil the R&L video but plspls if you watch it tell us what you think!!
OKAY I have watched it twice now. It is obviously another symbolic work but the first time I was so dumbfounded by all the weirdness that I got like only a couple of symbolisms. The second watch was more fruitful. So let's get to it!
The Brown Diamond
First of all, the moment we got the title and the teaser I knew this would have potty humour and that, also, it would be about anal again.
The standing doggystyle in the beginning is fun but does not have a significance in the story. However, since the title is "The Quest for the Brown Diamond" it might be an attempt to create a subconscious connection between the two.
It is interesting that the very next scene sort of subverts the expectations formed from the previous one: Rhett is a very awkward and reserved, shy, gentle, intelligent man with many phobias, Horst, whereas Link is Sandy, a loud, crude, angry but good hearted man, with an established interest in women. They seem like total opposites of the characters they play, however there is truth hidden in them i.e Rhett is an introvert and he can be gentle and intelligent and Link can be angry and loud despite being a good person. I don't understand what was exactly the concept behind making the characters diverge so much from Rhett and Link in other aspects. Perhaps it was a red herring.
Whatever they said in the end, there is no more genuine statement of affection than "You look weird as hell...... but you always do".
Horst says he has this hair to have a form of natural shield and this might give as a hint as to why Rhett's character has so many phobias and puts up so many defenses; maybe it's about all the things he considered sinful and unacceptable when he was still in the faith.
The whole quest to essentially steal the diamond is Sandy's initiative and passion, while Horst simply follows because that's what he does, he follows Sandy. This might explain Sandy's assertiveness; by every allegorical work of theirs we have seen before it is implied again and again that Link (perhaps counterintuitively) was actually the pursuer of their relationship. Don't forget Carney in Friday's GMMore freaking saying that Link was Romeo between the two, whom Stevie had just described as an extrovert who pursued his relationship with Juliet! And that was the last episode before this video! Isn't all this...WILD? This also suggests that at this point a lot of the crew members know.
Horst opens tentantively the door and Sandy sarcastically says: "Look, Horst contributing already to the project!". They get in the mansion, where Sandy decides to rub himself on every single surface while Horst watches scandalized. The one time poor Horst tries to mimic Sandy, he realises he was trying to rub on a cherub which obviously kills his mood again. So this is likely about how much Link had to "throw himself out there" to make this work and how hesitant and scared Rhett was in the beginning.
By the way
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Of course.
This gives me Rhett mixing his words flashback and saying "Link McLaughlin". Except this here is intentional. Then again someone could say best friends and branded business partners could do that too. However, with all the other stuff here, we can suspect this is not that simple of a case.
Horst pumps them both up with energizing food for the quest and it might be associated with the whole theme of the puzzle video, where it was implied they needed some... assistance in their first times. Sandy has to eat some seaweed, an experience he describes as "cunnilungus with the ocean" and Horst eats a sausage wrapped in bologna, which is the point where he breaks character a little, as Rhett apparently finds this too amusing! This all means that the energizing food scene though is heavily sex-coded.
After a straightTM moment, when Sandy builds up the courage to ask his ex-stepson (Tanner? Tunner?) if his mom still thinks about him, he starts looking for the diamond. He mentions he was looking at his Nana's drawers when he was young but then he asks this to be cut from the film as he doesn't want people to think that about him, which means this too is suspicious and in this case it probably implies he was exploring his feminine side. Ironically, this was also mentioned in the last GMMore, when Link asked for a few more years before he starts dressing like Miss Pingy...!
Meanwhile, Horst doesn't look for the diamond but gives as an empathetic, admiring, caring and loving description of Sandy. Yes, Sandy is frantic, angry, a brute but Horst sees through him and understands why he is the way he is. Sandy's childhood is similar to Link's to some extent.
Sandy follows and gives a shorter but emotional description of Horst: he stands out, he is a little weird but he is good and smart. Sandy also establishes he is protective of him and warns the stepson to not hurt Horst.
AND THEN OF COURSE THEY BROUGHT UP THE PUZZLE ARRYFFUJBIOGD Sandy even has a tattoo of the notorious puzzle piece, while Horst keeps it in his bracelet of things he fears and loves. (If you don't know what the deal with the puzzle is please read this).
Horst finds a guitar and starts playing a sweet song... so sweet that it is literally called
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Sandy, much like real Link every time Rhett sings and plays music, stops his frantic search and listens hypnotized to Horst's playing. He joins him by the fireplace and they sing together. It is very sweet, very domestic. When the song ends, the silence between them is heavy and uncomfortable but full of warmth. Sandy asks Horst how he is feeling and Horst admits he is still scared. Sandy, pensive but respectful, decides that they should go, as apparently this whole thing isn't working out for them. He expresses regret for dragging Horst into this.
But, lo and behold! At the last moment, Horst finds a secret door and is suddenly the more excited one who reminds Sandy of their quest. In this secret room, they find a video recorded by the deceased owner of the mansion and the diamond, who gives instructions on how to get the diamond. The quest is bound to a riddle and this riddle IS THIS ONE:
To be shared between three, the heart must not be free but the damage is done if the heart is given to one.
Get it? If you have to give your heart to other two, your heart is not free, but then again when the heart is given to THE one only, that's when shit hits the fan (well literally in this video).
Can you believe it? Can you believe this is the story of these apparently extremely romantic middle-aged Southern youtubers?
The heart, the diamond, is of course inside Bahau moon, a three-ass artifact. Reminds of "the way to a woman's heart is through a worm's / woman's anus".
Sandy and Horst hear noises from upstairs and it appears Brandy, Horst's best friend at work, was trying to steal the diamond before them. And that is because Horst told her their secret as “he tells her everything”. What does Brandy symbolizes? Horst loves her a lot as a friend and keeps no secrets from her, Sandy is antagonistic to her. Sandy gets his hand in this ass first and competes with her for the diamond. Horst follows hesitantly again. They realise neither can win over the heart and all be happy. So Horst implores them to all lay off the heart diamond. In fact, Sandy has grabbed the heart and agrees to let it go only if Brandy promises to also not stick her hand to the ass again. Sorry for suggesting this...but can Brandy be a wife, like Jessie? Once they are all out of the Bahau moon and safe, Horst realises that his "phobias and loves" bracelet is dropped inside the artifact. He begs the other two to get inside the Bahau moon once more so he can retreive his bracelet. This might be associated to Rhett always having this pattern that he wants this to stop, to prevent it but then he is the one falling back to it (check Hazel where he tries to save Link but then Hazel takes him first and in the dig-a-hole video where he pulls Link out of his enjoyment only to later suggest a larger hole than Link did and drive the excavator himself). Horst really begs Brandy, tells her to do it for the sake of their “old good memories” together. This whole thing reminds me of that time Rhett was bringing up a lot that his marriage had gone through a milestone, that he and Jessie had had a very big and serious talk that changed but also supposedly “strengthened” their marriage. And then once Link let it slip that he was present during that serious talk of the couple, which one would expect would have happened privately.
Brandy betrays them, takes the brown diamond and leaves them. The Bahau moon starts releasing toxic gas. Sandy tells the camera man to save himself. The camera man still records Sandy and Horst's last moments from outside the window. As they are dying, they hold hands with their still free hand. Sandy asks forgiveness for everything but Horst does not hold anything against him. Before he takes his last breath, Sandy tells Horst he loves him. They die there, trapped forever. This ending resembles Hazel a lot, where they disappear forever in Hazel's forest. In Hazel, Link was also trying to tell Rhett he loves him before what he thought would be their last moments.
This gives the riddle another dimension, because in the end Sandy and Horst remain with their One, meaning each other, also stressed by the love confession, and this kills them. It is perhaps suggested that Brandy (a wife?) got her heart back and went on with her life, while they can't do the same. They stay trapped with the love that kills them.
And here's another ANON I got, I hope they read it cause I am answering here:
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Thanks a lot for telling me!!! Yes it doesn't surprise me one bit. The ending is supposed to have that despair and melancholy of always staying trapped, hidden. Just like Hazel. Very interesting that it was braver before the cuts. Perhaps they thought it would make it too obvious? But, too little is obvious for A LOT of their fans, right? I also don't understand, do they actually want people to pick up on it after all, or not? They confuse me so much.
Unless the few of us still imagine all that stuff lol never in my life before have I seen friends act like that but the funniest thing is that I haven't seen people in love act like that either! Will we get an autobiography from them in the distant future, I wonder? Because we should.
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respectthepetty · 22 days
The Loyal Pin - Episode 5
To know if a dish is good or not, pay attention to the tortilla. If someone eats the entire plate and the tortilla, the dish is fine, but if someone eats the whole plate, then uses the tortilla to clean the plate, that dish is one of the best damn meals ever eaten.
The Loyal Pin is a plate cleaned with a tortilla.
Because just like Pin's amazing dishes, it's fucking delicious!
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To begin this episode with Pin running away from Anin and locking herself in the room WHILE IN ANIN'S BLUE and Anin crying outside to be let in is exactly how I want my meal served!
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Because Pin loves this Blue Beauty but she cannot bring herself to admit that such a love is possible.
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So having Anin give her color and her love to Pin only to be left standing outside alone is the exact angst I needed from this sixteen-course meal.
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Anin is making herself sick as she is quickly shut out, but all I know is Becky and Freen better win all of the awards because we are only five episodes in and I. Am. Invested!
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Pin shows Anin she still cares by cooking her favorite meals, but she cannot bring herself to face her because she knows what is in her heart. Her pink is so light, it's almost white, yet her skirt is lines which shows Anin is always on her mind.
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She is barely herself and the servants are running scared going as far as contemplating eating the food just so Pin will snap back to herself.
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So by time her mother returns (still not in her color!), Pin has started turning into an AKA with the pink and green (This is a Greek-letter org joke, but I don't want no smoke from them very kind and fine ladies. They have phenomenal branding is all I'm saying, so good for them. Please and thank you.)
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But, thankfully, Prik is a real one and quickly runs back to her princess upon her return only to find her talented and intelligent Blue Beauty passed out on the floor, so my girl runs to save the day.
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Because Anin truly has made herself sick over Pin's rejection.
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And her color-coded brother is freaking out already making arrangements for his sister-in-color and blood to move back into the big house immediately!
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Luckily, Pin decides to take it upon herself to lift Anin's spirit, so Anin takes advantage of the situation and tries to lift some other things as well.
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But that backfires and Pin reinforces that she feels nothing for Anin which makes Anin a different kind of blue.
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And just like that, Anin loses her color!
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She is putting on a brave face for her brother, but then she gets hits with even more bad news from her other color-coded brother.
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Ueangfah's father has died!
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But leave it up to the realest one in the house because Prik makes sure to always stay loyal to her beautiful and intelligent princess by spinning this dark tragedy into a golden opportunity to make Pin jealous! Sidenote: can we all appreciate the button on Looknam's top that is fighting for its life because it was all I could think about in this scene?
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And BOOM, just like what I wanted to happen to that button, Pin snaps and is fully back in her pink color with a knife in her hand and jealously in her heart!
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Sorry for your loss Ueangfah, but whatever gets the plot moving works with me.
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Pin isn't afraid of what is in her heart anymore. She is a Pink Person once again in her floral skirt!
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So once her mother returns (not in her color, so now I'm very worried!), Pin wears her pink skirt with lines for Anin and runs straight over to The Palace of Pines when she hears Anin is back.
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Because even though Anin lost her color for a moment, she is as radiant as ever in a blue floral dress. It's clear her heart still belongs to Pin and @babyangelsky and I cheered!
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But now it's time for Pin to give her heart to Anin (as well as a few other things).
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And we finally got the title-relevant pins!
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(well, until the angst returns again next week but until then . . .)
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applepixls · 3 months
I think theres a certain level of heart break to jimmy's secret life episode 4 title that hasn't been acknowledged
it is titled "Its happening again" and in that episode jimmy and martyn become the first 2 reds on the server
every season before secret life jimmy had died and been out of the series first which we call the canary curse around these parts
so with that background knowledge theres this element of dread about that title, like he thought this might finally be the season where he broke the curse and didn't die first. yknow?
this sounds really stupid but i personally have a sort of curse? i don't believe in a higher power but I've noticed a pattern with my friendships where i tend to run away or everything tends to crumble around me between 3-6 months after going skating with the group? its really stupid and I'm just drawing connections between things that arent connected, they're coincidences. but the reason I'm saying this is because i genuinely feel a bit cursed. so its like... i know the dread; each time i make a new friend, become part of a new group. i feel like a ticking time bomb like its my fault everythings blown up before and i ought to warn them it'll happen again. i just have a big sense of dread each time i make new friends, feeling like i want to stay away, to not get so close so maybe I'll not feel so bad when it inevitably falls apart but eventually the momentum of a friend group, they pull me into their orbit and i jump full in almost like i don't remember the curse
jimmy each season says "i'm not going to be out first, I'm going to play it safe" but be it a soulmate getting blown up or just a series of freak accidents he always ends up first out. so the pure dread and knowing he can't escape being doomed by the narrative in that title has kinda come back and punched me in the throat.
great work everyone.
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platypusplayhere · 1 year
Thank you @dangerliesbeforeyou for tagging me, im mentioning all kinds of media bc I love to rant, I have a lot of love in my heart and I have trouble choosing just 8: (im making this on mobile hope it's readable).
Howl's moving castle (2004)
My first experience of gender envy, gender fascination, gender emulation for Howl, at a time I didn't even know that gender was a thing because I was like idek 7 years old.
Kiss of the rabbit god (2019)
A short movie, stumbled onto it bc of Tumblr. You honour, I simply love it.
Shrek (2001)
I'm not being ironic I'm very serious about this one. My mom used to braid my hair weekly when I was little and I constantly played this one, I know it by heart and I'm not joking. I freaking love this movie. Same goes for Mulan, Beauty and the beast, Charlie and the chocolate factory, and the whole Shrek franchise up to the 3rd one. (Gotta watch Puss in boots 1 and 2 tho.)
V for vendetta (2005)
This is a shout-out to 14 years old me who might have at some point based their personality around this movie or maybe they didn't, who's to say. I'm not sorry. Kinda still like it tho.
Corpse bride (2005)
There is an independent cinema in my hometown and they did run it often over the years. Bestie I don't know how many times I went to see this movie with my mother as a child. Recently learned about the Jewish origins of this myth and im a lil upset about the stolen storyline without the context. But some will say it's a Burton movie and they're right.
Valentine's day (2011)
First movie I went to see alone with my friends, I was like 12yo. Rewatched it again like 2 years ago, yeah it ain't that great but it's the memories right.
Father and soldiers (2022)
The last movie that made me cry. I hate war movies but my friends convinced me to go because it was less than 2 hours and I've been mad at movies being more than two and a half hours lately (looking at u House of Gucci, Doctor Strange 2) yeah, I cried my eyes out. It's not a perfect movie but the message is great and very moving. I don't like the English title because the original/French title directly refers the name of a group of African soldier recruited by France in its colonies during WWI -> "Les Tirailleurs" (if I remember well, the soldiers were recruited in every colonies but they left Africa from the Senegal and so all these soldiers are referred as Senegalese regardless of their actual origins). The English title is more fitting thematically wise I'll give you that.
Fulmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009)
Knew about it, was recommended by a dear mutual of mine on this very hellsite and yeah, ppl keep saying it's good because it just is.
I told sunset about you/ I promised you the moon (2020-2021)
If you read my tags u know how I rant about this show often. Watched it 2 years ago thanks to someone i follow on Tumblr (but im not really sure who it was anyway if you're a mutual thank you sm). My first foray into BL (back when I didn't even know what it was) and I couldn't be happier that I started with this. I don't have enough words to praise it. (currently writing a post about it tho, stay tuned for whenever I get around to finish it (tell me if u wanna know when it's up), big up to Bad Buddy and To My Star too)
Honoured mentions bc I started making a list and had more than 8 and couldn't not mention them:
Other movies: O'brother, Love and Leashes, God's own country, Jackie Brown, The big lebowsky (idek if I like this movie but I needed something to base my personality around when I was 15yo)
The book The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo, I'm gonna keep my rant about how the English title is a misunderstanding of the book locked and not even start it.
Alice isn't dead and The Magnus archives (although they're podcasts and I haven't quite finished them, the first seasons are exquisite)
Welcome to Night Vale, I have a lot of episodes to catch up on (currently working on that) started listening like in 2016 then stopped around idek 2 years ago. Some of these episodes are masterpieces ( some I know by heart: Guidelines for disposal, Love is a shambling thing, What happened at the Smithwick House, If he had lived, and The Pilot ofc)
the ballet Swan Lake (1995, 2012) by Matthew Bourne. I don't have enough words. I'll just say it's on youtube.
.....and many more im not think abt rn
*acts surprised* this became a real long post, real quick
(That's why I take a lot of time to answer those lmao, shout out and thank you to the ppl who tag me in these and then I take a lot of time to answer)
Tagging these people and anyone who wants to do it can mention me: @sherlockig @dontbesoevil @lordmeowdemort @namelessbeing @hairbackc0llarup @comrademichael @johnlockdynamic @lovelywickedsoul @frenchsiren
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prettyflyshyguy · 6 months
Alright for the freaks who are oldschool Supernatural tumblr people, or just normal supernatural people, and for the rest who are just like me and don't know shit: I'm dumping all my garbo takes under the cut.
Mostly gonna be me either being really enamored or really upset.
No in-between. These things are either great or the worst. My tastes are specific and I'm picky with vampire fiction and rarely do I find media that ticks the boxes yet, I still watch almost anything I can find obsessively.
Who knows maybe this'll become a new casual TV series if I like the dynamics. Anyway, long post warning under the cut.
They got Bela Lugosi's Dead playing in a room full of nu-metal heads LMFAO
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truly the alt communities have always been done so dirty in media
least they did their research on song choices
jesus christ
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flashbacks to my steampunk phase circa 2011
I LOVE that this woman looks so normie and looks so delighted when she meets this equally normie looking dude in an alternative bar (i want to go there the people seem chill and the vibes are impeccable)
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anyway who is this guy he seems familiar
love that they made the most normal dude in the bar the real monster good on them :)
christ they just took one look at twilight and went yeah lets TV parody this shit just for a laugh didnt they
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OK ok ok you get big bonus points just for this bit. Just for this bit.
Thank you supernatural go off
"I'm just scared I'm dreaming and I'll wake up in math class" girl me too
im sorry this woman looks so much older than 17
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great eyes, horrendous teeth. very dissapointed. I'm only here for the fucked up canines because we already HAVE them and whats better than perverting the existing human form into something subtly wrong
This show has such an aggressive title screen compared to buffy and the x files LMAO
ok i can get behind the chevvy, the chevvy is nice
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POINTS ADDED - holy shit points added for this cheesy poster alone really capturing the schtick of the late 2000s
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ok i get it, i get it guys, they're fun, they're funny, they've got a great sibling energy, the periodic 'screaming' happening in the background of this scene is sending me
this has been too fun so far i feel like somethings gonna ruin it
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Ok this is so self aware yet the degree they're committing is just.
its marvelous. this is peak. I'm into it.
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there are so many ads please i want to see dean have a bad day
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Holy shit is that Skinner from the x files i love that guy
the fashion. iconic. if anything I'll be coming back to this for inspiration for myself.
the way Dean just slammed that guy on the car yelling "OPEN YOUR MOUTH"
yeah instant favourite.
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you've rounded a corner, a dude has just beat the shit out of your brother and now he's about to force feed him blood and your response is: stand there staring like the shocked pikachu
oh so you wait till after he's done to scream "no!" in a half hearted tone
is there something I'm missing here, i know Sam gets a bit cooked at some point (does he get possessed??? idk) so I'm gonna assume thats whats going on
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this is the best 'turning' scene I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing in all my years of trawling through vampire media
holy shit the team that wrote this episode fucking get it
the audio design, the acting, is so on point
Supernatural Crew you cooked so hard and I'm deeply thanking you for it
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this was fucking made for me what the fuck what the fruck what the fuck what the fuc
Nooooo dont have an emotional breakdown in the bathroom looking at your fangs, but you're so sexy aha
The constant heartbeats anytime Deans in a room with someone got me grinning like :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
ok points deducted, again, for bad teeth but my god
the "I gotta go-" scene GOOD SHIT GOOD SHIT
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someone get this kicked puppy a sippy cup
a red fanta chug jug
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where is his sippy cup
look i know its probably not fun, at all, to drink red mystery meat juice on set but its gotta be cheaper than CGI teeth. Please.
Please let more relunctant vampires reluctantly chug jug (with you)
Oh Never Mind they wrote it in that he can't drink or he's stuck >:(
im still having a good time, just a bit less of a good time
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using a large serrated knife to cut appart a horde of vampires seems like a great idea and getting covered in blood you're not supposed to drink is inevitable
but watch out
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Sam: thats a pretty mentally stable thing to do
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ok this scene of him makes up for the lack of authentic blood chug jug I'll take what I can get
Ok final thoughts: that was a solid 7 and a half out of 10
thank you Supernatural you hit almost all the high notes when most stuff falls flat for me. Still, you came soooooooooo close. And got so far. And Yet in the end it doesnt even matter.
Still, this one's going straight to the pool room, and I can comfortably say I'm throwing it on the shelf of 'comfort media' that I can go back to on a bad day.
This had some fucking BANGER scenes that surpassed my expectations and deeply pleasantly surprised me. Good shit! As someone who is hard to please, this was a riot. Still; a shame they arbritrarily rules-d him taking a chunk out of someone. Would have been sick. Could have had the great slow build up of the initial turning scene - him and the love interest, holding back - then him cracking it after holding out and snapping.
It is not too much to ask, I swear. It's a good trope.
Do I dare take the risk of trawling through fanfiction to find another horribly specific weirdo like me, because Supernatural seems huge and a scary place to fanfic trawl.
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