#I'm still new to Tumblr and am learning some things haha
“What if we just… quit?” I ask suddenly.
Noah is washing the dirt and plaster off his arms, scrubbing them so hard that what little of his skin isn’t scarred is bright pink. His scars are so faded that they look decades old.
We’re only twenty, but he looks so much older.
“I can’t,” he says simply, not looking at me as he washes the last bit of soap down the sink. His voice barely even broke.
The television host’s voice chatters for us.
“Stormwalker and Supernova: heroes, or no better than the villains?” it says, staticky from poor connection.
Our apartment is on the outskirts of the city—even as government workers, we’re paid far too little to live downtown. Even if it’d make our jobs easier to be there.
“—today the two heroes helped make a record number of arrests, stopping three riots and two villain attacks within one day. But are they any—”
“Why not?” I ask, pushing myself off the stool and moving to put a hand on his shoulder.
He shrugs it off.
“Because it’s the right thing to do.”
He finally turns to look at me, silent resignation written all over his face. He tries to fake a reassuring smile, but I know better.
“—left thousands of dollars in damages and thousands more homeless as—”
That’s their excuse for paying us so little. ‘Because they need it to repair the destruction left in our wake.’ ‘If we want to be paid better, we should do a better job; don’t cause so much damage.’
If it’s so easy, why don’t you do it yourself? Try dodging lasers while saving people, while leading the villains away from populated areas, while trying to take them down! Then—then you can tell us to ‘do a better job!’
“Even if they can’t appreciate it,” Noah finishes defeatedly.
The pain in his eyes makes me want to fly all the way to the reporters, standing out front of the half-destroyed West Bank and talking trash about us, and to punch them so hard they go flying into the wreckage themselves.
Like Noah was when Genesis made him pick between himself and the people trying to flee the streets.
Lasers do an incredible amount of damage, even to people whose skin is hard as rock and bones are hard as steel. Even Noah—Stormwalker himself—couldn’t fight against those.
That kind of force—powerful enough to send a man of steel through stone walls—is strong enough to cause cuts and scrapes and bruises on one of the strongest heroes in the world.
But, yeah. ‘Do better.’
I can’t even step in myself. I have to stand back from afar, watching Noah get bloodied and bruised while reporters salivate at the thought of talking shit about us once the danger is over. I have to wait for Noah to get close enough for me to heal him.
Because that’s all I can do. Heal.
Next to Noah, I feel useless.
I’m just as squishy as everyone else, but I still put myself at risk in order to help the heroes. Well, mostly just Noah. But he and Supernova are the only heroes in this city, so.
‘Do better,’ they say.
I want to spit in all of their faces.
‘It’s the right thing to do, even if they don’t appreciate it,’ Noah says.
“Okay,” I say gently. I fight the urge to cup my hand around his cheek.
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Part 2 | Part 3
Divider from @cafekitsune
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vsaintsin · 5 months
Writeblr Re-Intro
Yo! I'm V Saintsin. Or V or Vin or Saintsin or whatever you want to call me that sounds right on your tongue. I'm a self-proclaimed Social Media fumbler who got a late start to the party and has never quite figured it out. I hate how hipster and edgy it sounds to say "I'm bad at social media" but like I used to work with some people who actually managed the social media accounts for the business we worked for and there were rules and whatnot and damn, I think online media is just not my medium. That being said, here I am! Hah
I'm an author and general mess who's hoping to be the miracle man (somebody who makes a living writing silly little stories). I do use a pseudonym but please hear me out when I say I didn't realize how edgy it sounds, it just has some sentimental value to my personal life. I'm so sorry that I sound like I'm in my emo phase HAHA
About me -
He/Him Transguy from the American Midwest (arguably the south, depending on who you talk to, but the older people still say "Sodi-pop" and "ope").
I'm dysautonomic, bendy, permanently sleepy, and a survivor of Crappy Doctors Who Suck At Doctoring.
I like DnD, Pathfinder, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk, Dragon Age, and other things in that vein.
I do make art of my stories and characters (Tablet is currently not working so I'm in a dry spell).
My writing background is predominantly ancient, dusty RPs from as far back as the foopets days and fanfic writing on Quizilla - I am an old and wizened elder of the net.
My formal education was music performance and behavioral neuroscience, I don't really know how I got where I am.
This is not my first rodeo with tumblr but it is the first time I have anything to SAY instead of just lurking.
In the event of malfunction, you can put me outside for 5 minutes and I'll probably factory reset.
My existence as I know it hinges on a massive number of sticky notes plastered throughout my room.
What I'm lookin' for -
Idk, whatever? I'm down for most things. Did you write it? Cool, let me see. I'm not too bent on genre or anything, just fascinated by the art of storytelling.
A bit tentative with fanfiction but that's just because if it's not a fandom I'm familiar with I am rather clueless about what the hell is going on and if it's a fandom I am familiar with I HUNT DOWN THE DEEP LORE.
I like art a whole lot, including fanart. Also art advice, love seeing things from different perspectives and learning something new.
Mutuals, really, for any reason. Building better connections on here, getting to know people. I am hideously bad at this but I try.
What I write -
Science Fiction with heavy subjects that matter to me - trigger warnings on a story-by-story basis.
High Fantasy (eventually books I think?) characters and their backgrounds for DnD and Pathfinder - I have been tempted to share these to help people get ideas or just for free use?
Things that I delete because I have crippling imposter syndrome and publishing makes me nauseous (doin' it tho).
Stories that I hope will make people feel less alone or that people could relate to, stories that I wish I had when life was worse and I was reaching out for anything I could find to keep me afloat, stories that try to be critical of things that SUCK in a way that's any helpful.
Lots of curse words and cussing (that's just how people talk 'round here), dubious science, things that I hope might make you cry but in a good way though.
Character-Driven stories that revolve more around the development of the person and less around the plot itself if that makes sense.
I've put blurb things below for my primary project/series which features a grumpy, queer, 37-year old chain smoking Frenchman and his misadventures with life and love and unbridled rage. If any of that sounds cool stick around and hang out? (This part is a plug bc I did a thing and I'm proud of it) And if my books sounds interesting the first one is 99 cents on Kindle and you just need a phone and a free app to read it!
THE SECRET OF LIFE (Published) - Sci-Fi/Psychological Thriller, Bi M Lead, Lovers to Enemies, AI but the oldschool cool kind not the real world thing that's stealing our future
Carlisle-Trystan Antoinette is a mercenary on a hard road, navigating life and death itself in an infinite cycle started by powers above his understanding. He has one mission - warn The Dianican Space Station of the coming threat and put a stop to a war that would encapsulate the whole of the Sol System before it can ever begin. Unfortunately for Carlisle, reality is a tenuous thing, made up only by our understanding of it. At least, according to his Psychiatrist, who tells him that there is no war, that he was never a mercenary, and that what Carlisle is experiencing is a severe but manageable psychotic break. Stripped of his combat enhancements, his bio monitor, and everything he's every known, Carlisle has a decision to make. Does he give in to the thoughts and memories, so real that he can almost taste them, or does he live a life of comfort and ease, returning to a husband and daughter that he left behind?
TWs: Domestic and War Violence, suicide, rape, medical trauma, grief, drug use
THE SILENCE OF ANGELS (Due 2024, TSoL 2) - Betrayal and Rage, Learning how to love again slow-burn romantic subplot, Learning how to Dad, A general inability for any one thing to just go right
(Quick Rough Blurb that offers no spoilers for TSoL) Making connections isn't easy for somebody who's accustomed to burning bridges. Isolation has always been Carlisle's mantra for surviving his life. Playing a role comes second nature, pretending to be the man that everyone else wants to see in him. When an old friend is murdered Carlisle finds himself as the primary suspect with all evidence pointing to him so clearly that even he calls to question what he is capable of. Unwilling to believe that he could commit such a heinous crime, Carlisle sets off to find the truth of his friend's death - was Carlisle framed or does he truly have the capacity to bring such harm upon those he loves? Old and new bonds will be tested, faith broken, and the future of everyone called into question as lines are drawn and sides are picked.
TWs: Violence, mentions of SA, graphic character death, more grief, more death
I don't know what else to say... Later!
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suzukiblu · 5 months
May I ask how you got people interested in your works? You have so many people who love your writing (rightfully so bc you're awesome) and I just want to find some people who like my writing like you did
ik that I should be writing for myself and everything, and for the most part I am! I write bc I like writing and it makes me happy! But it's just so so discouraging to see my little silly posts that take me 5 minutes to make do fantastic, meanwhile the works that take me weeks of effort get like 3 notes yk?
How do you do it? Did you ever deal with something similar? Any words of wisdom for the struggling noobs?
(This is a genuine question, I'm not trying to be rude in any way shape or form and I'm very sorry if it came off like that) (Also sorry to bother you)
You’re good, I’m not bothered by questions and I don’t think you’re asking anything rude either! I especially don’t mind the “please explain this thing I don’t know much about to me” type of questions, there’s just some shit you can’t effectively google or things that just make more sense coming from someone with direct experience. 
First and foremost: the two cakes meme is law!! No one will ever complain about getting two cakes, no matter if you think someone else already did it better! 
Second and second-most: as a newbie, before you read any of my advice at all, remember that you're currently comparing yourself to someone who’s been writing fic for their entire writing experience and has also been in fandom on and off for pretty much all of that time on multiple sites and through at least a couple major migrations of fandom hubs, and that time has been about twenty-five years now. Like, it has very much been a long-term process, me learning how to find a receptive audience for my stuff. Also I am a grown-ass adult who is currently pushing forty and am pretty self-aware of who I am as a person due to a WHOLE lot of personal introspection and therapy and general life experience. Like, I know how I work at this point in my life, if nothing else.
The long-form answer of my personal fandom process will definitely require a cut at this point, though, haha. Like, this got kind of involved, ngl, but since you’re asking I figure it’s reasonable to go into detail.
So anyway, the “how to find your audience” answer is obviously gonna be different for everybody, but PERSONALLY, I've been in fandom for a long-ass time and just about always been pretty prolific and consistently communicative and available during the times I was around. I have a ton of different fandoms and fics in my history and have run into a lot of different people and written a lot of different things over the years, so I've cast a pretty wide net of options for people to find me through. I've got readers who've followed me through multiple fandoms and even deliberately gotten into new ones because of me just because they like how I write and know me well enough from my other writing to trust that I’ll be respectful of certain things (or at least put in a good-faith effort to be). Your kink is not my kink, but I’m not gonna hate on it; your thing is not my thing, but you have fun over there, you DO your thing!
Being prolific is super-helpful, of course, because that gets people in the habit of checking in on you regularly and keeps you fresh in their minds, but one of the most effective ways I’ve gotten people long-term interested in my work is by being very responsive to readers and very open about what I’m currently working on. Taking requests has helped, asking who wants to see more of what has helped, talking to people in general has helped, and definitely playing “yes, and?” with ideas I’ve been offered has helped. Also I had the benefit of LiveJournal being one of my main fandom hubs for a while, where I met a lot of people and got in the habit of talking to them in a way Tumblr does not necessarily intuitively facilitate, so that’s just a habit for me. 
I definitely still produce stuff that comparatively flops and get bummed about it, it’s just a thing I’ve gotten used to over the years and so I either kill my darlings and move on to the next thing or I decide “naw, I’m still into this idea, I’mma work on it more anyway”. That’s obviously much easier when at least a couple other people are also into said idea, but still, it’s a thing you just gotta decide for yourself either way. Like I’ve DEFINITELY had stuff I slaved over get just about totally ignored while things I only tossed up on a whim off the top of my head or just intended as jokes people adored and resonated with way more, which is part of why I do so many WIP memes where I’m drip-feeding bits and pieces of content more regularly. One of my recent fics didn’t get near as much of a reception or interest on AO3 as I’d hoped it would, but when I was writing it on Tumblr people DID get excited for and enjoy it during the process, so that helped soothe that particular indignity/frustration for me.
Also, I’ve gotten enough people invested in my writing at this point that it’s much easier for me than it is for some writers, because I can do things like ask “hey what do you guys like/want to see more of?” and I’ll pretty much always get an answer, simply because so many people are in the habit of regularly checking on my blog and talking to me now. Polls are very helpful that way too, because it’s a functionally anonymous way for shyer people or people who are just casually scrolling their dash to give you an idea of what they’re enjoying from you without having to disrupt their flow or psych themselves up or anything like that. Like, it’s low-pressure, you know? I have done a LOT of polls since I found out Tumblr has those now.
I also constantly encourage people to both talk to me about and also play with my interpretations and AUs as they so please, and I deliberately cultivate responsive relationships with as many readers as I can. I don’t always have the spoons to answer every ask, but I always try to answer the majority of them and try not to ignore questions. A significant chunk of people have told me that they read tropes and AUs from me that they hate from other writers because they just trust that I’ll write it in a way that they can enjoy. I will include certain things and a certain level of respect that they just would not be comfortable without, and if I don’t have those things in there or there’s a common trigger, I’ll at least have done my best to tag for it. And I listen to people who tell me when I’m fucking up and I either take reasonable accommodations or change my behavior where appropriate. I tag for common triggers, I don’t use terms I’ve been told are insults or slurs, I try not to associate negative connotations with physical characteristics or things people can’t change about themselves, and when I have a reflexive “squick” reaction, I try not to assume shit and try to examine my biases. Or I just back-button and move on, if it comes to it. I also do my best to assume the best of people until they prove that I should not be. I am very much going to de-escalate when and wherever I can. 
I generally consider myself a low-drama blog and a low-drama person to follow, and put in effort to be that as best I can, and at this point I think (or at least hope) people feel relatively confident that they can talk to me without having to worry about immediately getting their head bitten off, which seems to be an increasing fear/concern that some people have in fandom. Therefore, I get people talking to me pretty regularly, because I’ve gone to the effort to be as approachable as I know how to make myself.
Also, yeah: above all else, write what you wanna write! Write your weird and niche dreams! Trust me, somebody out there LOVES your weird and niche dreams and wants all the deets on ‘em. I get the most engagement and interest when I just write what I really wanna see and don’t particularly worry about how goddamn weird I think I’m being. People are actually gonna be EXCITED about how goddamn weird I think I’m being, because a lot of them want it too and they’re not finding it as easily as a lot of the more popular stuff. 
So like . . . hope at least some of that was helpful, feel free to ask follow-up questions if you have any, hah.
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prongsfish · 2 months
*blinks* headcanons *blinks*
okay. i am almost a month late to this ask hi @ethanmilo ... sorry about that... and i will be using it to give the barty hcs you asked for over a month before this but the ask expired... sorry about that again... my bad time is scary
but yes barty headcanons. these may end up leaning into bartylus territory because i am So obsessed with them right now but i have no idea what i'm going to write yet so we'll see HAHA
(jumping back here after writing this, most of these are lighthearted but some do get a bit more serious/dark, nothing out of character for what you see scrolling on maraurders tumblr but i just don't want people to be shocked by the tone shift)
he doesn't take day-to-day school life seriously and fucks around in most of the classes he doesn't skip altogether BUT his competitiveness is not to be underestimated. he's barely in class and he never pays attention but he gets away with it because he's so smart that when he started school he was already suuper advanced. he just kept working on his own and so was always way ahead of whatever he was supposed to be learning, so he's super annoying and disruptive during classes but when it comes time to it he's still at the top of all his classes. he and reg are always warring for the number one spot and they're a nightmare to be around during exams because they are SO competitive
he'd give himself those shitty stick and poke tattoos at like age fourteen, if you've seen the videos of kids on tiktok with the ugliest shoddiest tattoos you've ever seen you know what i mean... i just found this image on pinterest and this is Exactly the sort of shit he'd have. i think he'd have always been constantly drawing on his work and skin with a quill/pen and he does not fear permanence. the moment he found a way to give himself tattoos he was doing it.
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the absolute biggest shit stirrer you've ever met, everything he does is always in the hopes of pissing someone off. he will lie, he will argue, he will push and shove his way into a confrontation and when someone eventually breaks his nose he just starts laughing
he knows Everyone. he has connections to everyone in whatever city he's in, he constantly "knows a guy" and every time it's the most absurd story that his friends have never heard a single word of but it's 100% true. his lore is infinite. and people expect it to be limited to just where he lives but no, he could go to a whole new country and still be being stopped every 5 minutes by some old friend who's thrilled to see him
related to the above, he is that Coolest Fucking uncle. he's awful with kids but god damn it if he doesn't have the most legendary stories to tell luna as often as she could ever want!!
he knows a shit ton of languages. he started learning them because he was bored and it eventually it just became a Thing and he's fluent in like 4 or 5 but can hold a decent conversation in upwards of 10 others too
he looks like he smells bad. he wouldn't smell bad when he was younger, still too used to certain privileges of his class, but the further he strayed from his father and family, especially into young adulthood, i think he would start to—unless regulus was in his life, in which case he'd better smell like fucking roses if he ever wanted to be seen anywhere even Near him in public
i heavily associate him with nu metal and post industrial music but i also think that when he was younger he would've been suuper into all those whiny indie rock bands that normal people call midwest emo, music nerds crucify you for calling midwest emo, and i have no clue what to call. he'd totally have his own band inspired by them too, and he totally has the voice for it—the voice that's objectively terrible but works perfectly for that style of music
he doesn't talk about how he feels like ever but those close to him have worked out ways to get him what he needs when he needs it. he refuses to ask for help but his friends know him well enough that they don't need him to ask, they can pick up his question in far fewer words, and even though it's still hard for him to even imply that he needs help it's a lot easier when he can talk around the issue rather than having to actually using his words. his friends know that it'd be better if he Did use his words but they also know that if they tried to stop letting him get away with not asking properly he'd just stop trying to ask at all
his favourite film genres are horror and action, the gorier the better. he loooooves all the saw films
he's super messy, his room is a fucking NIGHTMARE. shit EVERYWHERE. clothes strewn all around, dishes stacked in several tall piles, three different rubbish bins that are each around 70% full from the times he's been forced to "clean up" and eventually gotten bored/distracted. regulus despises it and refuses to go anywhere near his room meanwhile evan is so excited because every time he goes into barty's room he discovers a new species of mould. sometimes when he's really lucky barty will kick over a pile of clothes to find something and like eight cockroaches scurry out (evan immediately rushes to grab as many of them as possible before they disappear and then takes them home)
by the time he was a preteen he'd given up on the idea that his father would ever be proud of him, had flipped to doing everything in his power to anger him further, entirely stopped caring about the consequences because if his father would hate him no matter what he did why not make it reflect badly back on him, since he cared so much about his public image as a politician. he never intended to leave though, because he couldn't bear the thought of leaving his mother with him. that was until he pushed too far with his dad, got too sucked into the lifestyles of others who'd given up just like him, fell too deeply into the depression and the anger and the violence, until he crossed a line and his mother was looking at him like she was disappointed, too. he realised that he was trying so hard to stay for his mother but staying was making him a worse person and it wasn't worth it anymore if she could no longer see what he was doing as a sacrifice, and only as surface level "badness". he hated leaving his mother more than he hated his dad but in the end staying was only making things worse for the both of them
he uses humour and stupidity as a defence mechanism, and while he does find it fun to do ridiculous and reckless things he also does it because it gives him a role to fill. he can't stand being genuine because he's terrified of rejection, so he'd rather lean into all the superficial judgements made about him. if when someone shuffles away from him in public transport he bares his teeth at them and when someone expects him to be stupid he purposefully misunderstands a simple concept, then nobody actually knows him and nobody can hurt him in a way that matters. the person they insult isn't actually him so they can't possibly get to him
he is VERY judgemental and he and regulus can spend hours talking shit about anyone from lifelong classmates to complete strangers. it surprises everyone that he actually gets along with remus really well, but it's because remus has a more judge-y side that he hides when with anyone but regulus and, apparently, barty
he and dorcas are the gay man and lesbian best friends duo and people have probably mistaken them as a couple before, which they'd both be mortified by. "have they seen us?!?!"
okay i'm forcing myself to end it there because i have an essay draft to finish and a substantial amount of french homework to do in the next like 4-5 hours (nobody is allowed to say shit about my sleep schedule i don't want to hear it HAHAHA) and i've already been writing this for WELL over an hour so i really should stop giving myself ways to procrastinate, i hope these were enough to make up even slightly for the very long wait <//3 ah barty crouch jr, the one and only love of my life... i would be utterly terrified of you in real life but i would also be very attracted to you from a safe distance which is basically the highest form of compliment i can possibly give a person
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angelmush · 4 days
hi molly, you inspire me so much, thank you for being you. im about to move to a new city by myself for the first time and im scared. how did you build your life into one you loved? how do i meet people? i want so many things but sometimes they seem so far out of reach!! anyway, wishing you well and it always makes me happy to come visit your page and see you living life so fully :)
hello sweet anon!! sorry i am just getting to this, i was out of town for a few days and have been pretty offline in general lately. to be honest, i feel really really really underqualified to answer any questions about meeting people and making friends, as it is something that has never come easily to me, but i will do my best because i am SO excited for you!! moving somewhere new can be really healing!! i also want to gently remind you that social media-- even tumbr --is a highlight reel.
building my life into one i loved.
i think it's a few things.
it's a skill to find excitement about small things. delicious meals, nice weather, cute animals. being intentional about noticing and allowing yourself to feel excited about the little stuff does some kind of magic in your brain, and in appreciating your life in general. i am not naturally gifted at this whatsoever, but it's a muscle that takes practice to build, like anything.
i also dedicate a LOT of my free time to hobbies. right now it's mostly knitting, but often it's cooking and training my dog as well. watching movies and talking about them with people. spending time decorating the house. i'm very very very much a homebody, often to my detriment. it is monumentally difficult for me to take the first steps to leave the house to do things, even fun things, but once i do i am almost always better for it.
one sort of silly way i have helped to mitigate this, is that my girlfriend and i have started making seasonal bucket lists and magnetizing them onto our fridge. it turns it into sort of a game i guess, and it makes me feel accomplished to cross things off. we did really really well with ours this summer! we have three sections, small things (make smoothies, try a new dinner recipe, make a playlist), medium things (take the dog to the lake, see a movie in the theater, have drinks on a patio), and large things (go camping, go to pride, celebrate my birthday), etc. we just made our fall/winter one and i'm already sooooo excited for it!! it helped me to have a reason to leave the house while we were still getting our bearings in this new city.
i also have limited my social media time more recently on all apps except tumblr and pinterest to 15 minutes per day total. this helps me feel so much less frantic and it's easier for me to stay present than it used to be.
i also started taking medication! it's been a really big piece of the puzzle for me, personally. it helps my baseline be significantly more resilient and regulated and stable. it isn't a singular fix, but it opens up more space for that joy.
as far as meeting people goes, i will let you know when i figure it out LOL. im someone that needs a lot of quiet alone time to function and so i spend a lot of time with myself. i am still learning how to make the bridge from casual friends to a deeper and more meaningful friendship with the people ive met since moving here last august, and it's been a very clumsy imperfect process.
i'm sure this probably wasn't all that helpful haha it felt disjointed to write, but like i said, i am severely underqualified to give advice on this topic. but these are a handful of things i think have helped me in the last year, so hopefully there's something you can take from it!! wishing you all the luck and joy and wonder on your endeavors!! you can send me an ask anytime!! <33
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jojo-schmo · 9 months
Jojo I've been listening to the Kingdom hearts 1 title screen music non-stop because a friend of mine told me that It was good and now I actually want to start playing the entire series like you don't understand. The song just gives off a calming atmosphere and I'm legitimately curious on where to start.
I know that you Played Kingdom hearts before because I see you mention it on your blog multiple times. And I was wondering where you first started on the Kingdom hearts series.
(I know Kirby is your main priority at the moment but I couldn't resist asking this question, also FNAF rules ngl)
OHOHOHO. OHHHHH. These are floodgates I have yet to open on this Tumblr but I am a huge, HUGE Kingdom Hearts fan. I am not currently in a Kingdom Hearts phase (since it’s been a few years since we’ve gotten anything new). But when I am, I am utterly consumed hahaha. It was the first game series I was a truly a fan of. Years and years before I learned about Kirby.
Kingdom Hearts music is INCREDIBLE and I could talk forever about it. I’ve been to three of their World Tour concerts when they came to the US. The OST albums on Spotify consumed my top statistics this year :P with every new game, I always quietly sit and listen to the new version of Dearly Beloved on the main menu for a while before I begin as a personal sentimental tradition. :’)
I started playing Kingdom Hearts almost at the very beginning. I followed the series across all the different platforms it released on over the years. Thankfully it’s easier than ever to play now! If you’re interested, I recommend getting your hands on the “All-In-One Package” for the PlayStation or PC- whatever you happen to have (however I hear the switch version is extremely flawed. I don’t have it but maybe be careful with that one).
Some people would recommend playing them in chronological story order since it can be quite a wild ride. You can look up the chronological order out there. But my personal recommendation is to play the games in the order they released so you get the same experience as the people who followed the series from the beginning like me hehehe. But do whatever you’d like! I love this series very very much, through all of its triumphs, and even for its flaws and the absolutely wild story it has,
…because where else can you have a frame with a realistic looking Orlando Bloom as Will Turner Pirates of the Caribbean, with a cartoonishly bright Goofy staring blankly in the background? Or Yao from Mulan socking Donald Duck in the face?! I love it I love it I love it anyone can talk to me about Kingdom Hearts whenever they want!!
Here’s a condensed version of how I got into the game. Just for fun. :)
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Free games?! I already loved my PS1. Now could I pass this opportunity up?! Thanks EJ, for changing my life with your generosity. If you ever see this, hope you’re well. You rock.
Anyway- The life-changing part of the game happened to me almost immediately lol. Like in the opening of the game and the tutorial section haha
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I was instantly hooked. It’s been a huge positive influence in my life. 20 years later, I still remember the emotions I had playing each of the games for the first time. I’ve probably played KH2 a few dozen times, just on the PS2! I can’t wait to see where the next game takes us- but if there’s one thing you have to be as a Kingdom Hearts fan…. Is patient! xD
TLDR: I love Kingdom Hearts and I hope you do too.
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mad-c1oud · 3 months
probably a dumb question, but I'm working on a charlie and etoiles fic and i was wondering if i could get some advice on writing them? (or just writing in general)
the current plot of the fic is essentially that etoiles was a tiny (abt 7 centimeters) person but used technology to make himself human sized, until the tech fails and he shrinks again, while charlie is also tiny and he finds and helps etoiles. it has a modern world/political backdrop in a world where tinies and humans live together
ALSO AHHHH THE SILLIES!!!! So glad to see someone else writing :333
I’m gonna try to give some advice but take everything I say with a grain of salt. I’m just a lil dude with no formal training or “practice”. Idk how I do what I do tbh
All advice under the cut so I don’t take up anyones dashboards!!
For characters, esp mcyt, I’ve found that comilation vids on YouTube are a really great resource!! Heres one I like for Étoiles: X
There’s also this amazing masterpost from echotunes with tons of mcyters AND the eggs: materpost here
Don’t always trust my depiction of characters since I myself am not immune to the oocification of them at times. Plus, my guys get shaped by the narratives I’ve forced them into for several chapters so they are not exactly like their cc or q counterparts. But the beauty of fanfiction is that I can play dolls however I please!
One thing I didn’t do in the beginning that I try to watch now is vocabulary for certain characters. For Étoiles, English is his second or even third language. There are certain words native English speakers use that he probably wouldn’t, same for phrases or sentence structure. Earlier, I wrote him a little too… neat and clean with his words. Even his internal monologue was off bc of that. Here’s an example I remember from fingers-
Og: “Please, treat yourself with the same kindness that you afford others.”
Edited: “Please, treat yourself with the same kindness you give others.”
Even now that sounds stilted, I would probably change it to: “Slime, give yourself some… understanding. Be nice to you just like you are nice to everyone else.”
He wouldn’t casually use the word “afford” like I might, and his English might be a little more jilted or awkward. Though don’t always make that assumption- Étoiles is fluent, just consider how learning a new language affects how you use it compared to a native speaker. I still slip up and definitely say things he wouldn’t but I’m learning as I go too!
I wish I had better resources for Charlie but I’ve been watching him for so long now that his character is easier for me, thought I’m not perfect.
When writing starcicle- the biggest thing to note this that they both love their bits. Someone said they get into a recursive feedback loop until one of them dies or logs off and it’s true. They goof off and Charlie flirts with Étoiles, which is sometimes reciprocated jokingly. I wish I had a video of all their interactions, they’re just so good. But yeah they feed off each others silly while having genuinely nice moments like when Étoiles complimented Charlie’s ability to make people smile and the election dinner. I use their separate personalities and the few interactions they’ve had to build on and expand their relationship in fanfics. Kind of like an informed understanding??? Idk it’s fanfiction. You can write them however you please tbh. I wanted my progression in immi to seem a little more natural but it’s still not exactly them and that’s okay! I’m just here to have fun and so should you!!
As for writing in general- dig through related tags on tumblr!! There are some great resources on tumblr and buried in peoples blogs. Look to see if people are tagging posts for personal sorting and then stalk their blog to see what else they find useful haha. I do it all the time… I wish I had a masterpost for this but sadly not yet. I’m trying to build my own tag for references but it’s slow going. Just yesterday I saw a great text ref for writing fight scenes on tiktok so you’ll keep finding new resources all the time. Start your own collection of posts and resources since there is no gigantic one available.
I will say a few things: outlines, no matter how do you them, are great. Jumping off of that- when creating a world like you are, write down all your rules and world building first so as you write, you can reference it and make sure you are staying within the guidelines of the world you created. I do this for hybrids like Charlie so I don’t say one thing and change it a few chapters later.
-Never fully delete anything you write unless it’s minor edits. Remove it from the doc sure, but save it somewhere else. You never know where it might work better.
-Read. Read others work, read books, read articles, read anything creative. I think the only way I can write the way I do is bc I’ve spent the last 10 or so years obsessively reading lmao. I was not a good writing when I tried back in 2011, and I’m still learning now, but just reading so much other material really helped I think. Don’t stay in your own bubble.
-Write for yourself first. You can write to share with others but always write for you too. It’s easy to get caught up in needing “approval” or validation, I do too, but love what you make as well.
-read your work aloud to yourself. This is great for proofreading and also awkward sentence structure/placement.
-when you want something to happen, don’t just flippantly make it happen. That’s how you get ooc moments and actions. Want something to happen and then look at your characters, understand where they need to be in order for that thing to occur. Not just in a physical sense but also a character sense. You can bypass this by letting the audience know if there’s an established dynamic already so you don’t have to build one, but you still need text to support and uplift it.
I have a lot of thoughts and ideas on writing but also I’m not always right. Like I said, look at other creative work, look at other resources. Practice!!! I’m practicing too still
Sorry if this was too brief or too long haha, I wanted to answer the ask properly but nit be too long winded.
Good luck on the fic!!!!! Cant wait to read if you decide to post it, but also take your time. Don’t rush
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vox-multimedia · 18 days
(a message for the mod, if you need it :D)
i am so sorry if i manage to bother you with this ask, mod. it's completely fine if you don't answer this. and i know that my words can't really do or worth much to anyone who happens to be on the other side of the screen, but that doesn't stop me from spreading the positivity and appreciation that i feel to all of the RP blogs, so i'll send this in, mod :D. there could be a better way of doing this, which i have learned is through the art of tagging (yes i'm slowly learning my way through Tumblr because i, myself, am still a huge Tumblr newbie, lol), and i'm too nervous and shy to do something like that haha, so here's a personalized positivity ask in your ask box :D.
i love seeing how your Vox interact with everyone (anon or not). even if they happen to slightly be different, i still like it because it was made by you. because you added your own twists and spin to his character :D. interacting have really been a blast and i'm sure everyone have fun with your characterization of Vox. seeing new posts from you brings a smile to my face because i just love it so much.
i do hope that those anons/people would stop sending everyone hate because frankly those people have no clue what they're talking about >:(. again, sorry i'm bothering you with this rather man, i didn't expect it to be this long ask.
and that i hope that you have a wonderful day/night/whenever you manage to read this ask. don't feel the need to respond if you don't want to, just wanted to send this positivity ask in :D.
you might be able to tell who this is, but in case you don't, i wouldn't want to expose myself, so i hope you understand this being on an account with literally nothing but a tracker of who i've been to already (yes, i made an account just to do this but without any identifiable information on this account :P).
luv you and all that you do for this community :D.
you do what you do best so keep on doing it, mod :3.
-spreading positivity anon :D (the anon that only interacts with mods unless the characters are in need to raising their spirit :3)
(yes i see the contradictory notion of me having this sign off, lol, but i'll be around the other RP blogs and try to spread some positivity with the same sign-off as an attempt to fight off the unnecessary hate that seems to be thrown around :D. and i will become a virus which spreads positivity if i need to >:3. don't test me on this claim. i have enough positivity for everyone >:3.)
Oh my.. Thank you SO much for this, I don't know when it was sent, and I'm so so so sorry that I did not see this sooner, I genuinely am so grateful for this and it really brignted my mood, you really don't know how bad I needed this right now. I have been super unactive on tumbler and I haven't posted on this blog for over 6 months, but I was just taking a look through my inbox and saw this. I clicked immediately to respond and I feel super bad for not seeing it for so long.
I am genuinely so thankful for this and I want you to know your efforts have NOT gone unnoticed, you took time out of your life and out of your day to write all that for me and I am so thankful.
My life has been very hectic and a lot of things have happened over the last 6 months, if I'm being honest I have been in a pretty bad place but this means so much to me and I want you to know how much this really impacted me.
I wish I had seen this as soon as it was sent and I want to apologize to not only you but all my followers for being so inactive. I'm also sorry to all the others that have asks in my inbox that where not answered!
Anyways, Thank you for your support and you have my utmost gratitude. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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My Beauty/Skincare/Fragrance favorites, in no particular order:
I guess this is kind of a list of my holy grail products? Do people still say that or am I showing my age? Whatever.
I see a lot of people talk about this stuff, but hardly anyone ever mentions some of my absolute favorites so I wanted to give them what little love I can from Tumblr, haha.
There is going to be a large amount of price difference between these products because price is not the end all, be all of quality. Some lower-priced brands produce products that wow me, specifically in skincare, though I have my high-end vices as well, as you will see. I won't say don't splurge, I would say be particular about what you splurge on. That's the trick. Figure out what you want from the product, then look at what each price point promises. As a general rule, more high-end, or luxury brands have been leaning into a more natural look, so I tend to find myself gravitating to cheaper mascaras, or eyeliners because I like my eye makeup to be a bit heavier. At the same time, most highlighters I use are very expensive, because it is hard to find a cheap highlighter that looks as natural as I prefer.
I will also say that for the skincare portion, I have sensitive, or reactive skin, in combination with minor oiliness in the T-zone, and across my jawline, with very minor dryness on the cheeks. I have tried two-dollar cleansers, and fifty-dollar cleansers, and the lesson I have learned is trial and error is your friend. Don't be afraid to try new products, as the only way to truly know how a product affects your skin is to try it. I recommend looking out for samples, and trial sizes. They are your friend! Anyway, My personal favorites are below the cut.
La Roche-Posay: Toleriane Purifying Foaming Facial Wash
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This cleanser is life-changing for me. One pump of product is enough for my entire face and neck, so the bottle lasts ages, the product is extremely gentle, something that is harder to find when you have sensitive and oily skin. In my experience, I usually have to choose between feeling clean, and not irritating my skin. This is the first one I've found that does both, for me.
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I don't know if this does anything, but it's pretty cheap, feels nice, smells good, and I like it. It has witch hazel in it, so, maybe? But also, it can't hurt, and life is short, you deserve to spray yourself with nice things just because you like it.
All-Over Body Exfoliator:
Frank Body: Express-O Coffee Scrub
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This isn't the only product from this brand on the list. I love Frank Body, and honestly, all of their scrubs are top-notch. This one is my favorite, only because I think it's a lot easier to work with, and less mess to clean up when I'm done, but with all the same great benefits of their other products. I would say it's beginner-friendly, I guess, haha. Honorable mention for their illuminator, which does not make my list, but is a fantastic, natural, buildable highlight.
Kiehls: Ultra Facial Oil-Free Refillable Moisturizer
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This one was a close race, between this one and the Bobbi Brown hydrating moisturizer, but what threw me over the line is that I only ever heard anyone talk about this brand for their other moisturizer, one that I sampled, and found entirely too heavy for my skin, but would do well for someone with a more dry skin type. I wanted to let people with my skin type know that this brand has thought of us as well, and this product is just as good, for our skin! And it's like thirty dollars less than the Bobbi Brown one!
Lip Balm:
Frank Body: Lip Balm
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This is another hard one. I have been a lip balm addict since I was a child, and the question then became, do I pick the one I use most often, (The Softlips one I mention below) or the one that is actually my favorite. I chose the better product. RIP to the cherry version that blew this one out of the water. I prefer a petroleum-free lip balm, but mostly due to texture preferences, not for any added benefits. Also, if you aren't a lip balm addict, or looking for something that REALLY softens your lips, you don't NEED this, you can get a much cheaper one, this is the best, but please don't let someone tell you not to buy Vaseline lip balms, they work fine and are cheap as hell. 'Rosy lips' in the mini jar is my preference for that one. Softlips in the pearl tint is also a great brand that no one talks about. It was my mother's favorite, and it became my regular lip balm as I got older. It works, it's cheap, it's pretty, and it's at every dollar store, or Walmart checkout I've ever been in.
Thrive Cosmetics: Liquid Lash™ Extensions Mascara
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This one went viral for a little bit, I think, but then fizzled out and everyone went back to better than sex, which is a damn shame because not only is this stuff fantastic, (thickening, lengthening, volumizing, and long-lasting!) but the brand gives to charity for every purchase! Why not buy it!? I've been meaning to look at some of their other products, but haven't had a chance yet. I will say, remove it in the shower. It's easier. Steam helps.
Body Moisturizer:
L' Occitane: Shea Butter Ultra Rich Body Cream
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This stuff is high-end and knows it. A little goes a long way, so use sparingly. They have other body moisturizers, including an almond-scented one, but I like this one better, it's gentle, and deeply moisturizing without irritating my reactive skin, and I find that the scent blends with whatever perfume I use nicely.
Daytime Fragrance:
L' Occitane: Néroli & Orchidée Eau De Toilette
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I know, I know! We just went over this brand, but I swear, this perfume is so light, floral, and pretty. It isn't overpowering but does make an impact. It's a secret weapon for a first impression, honestly.
Fragrance Notes of orange, mandarin, neroli, lily of the valley, fig milk, and peach, with a base or orchid, iris, and musk.
Nighttime fragrance: BLACK OPIUM EAU DE PARFUM
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No one talks about this perfume anymore, and they should. It is approachably sexy, and intriguing. This is a perfect date night perfume and my personal favorite that is currently on the market.
Fragrance notes of: Coffee, pink pepper, orange blossom, jasmine, vanilla, patchouli, and cedar.
Now, a moment of silence for three products I can no longer recommend, but would have made the list if they hadn't been discontinued:
Physicians Formula: Va Va Voom Mascara
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If this was still on the market it would be the only mascara I use. It's sultry, it's sexy, it's thick, it's.. it's EVERYTHING I want in a mascara. This stuff is worth its weight in gold to me.
Pacifica: Alight oil-free Foundation
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Hands down the best foundation I've ever used. Oil-free, but non-drying, natural finish, has medium-light coverage, is buildable, and feels like nothing on the skin. I've paid more than 50 dollars for foundation before, so believe me when I tell you it brings me no joy to tell you that not only was the best of them like 8 dollars, but it's also gone now. You can still find some shades online at second-hand resellers, but my shade is gone forever. Heartbreaking.
Wet N' Wild: Megacushion Foundation
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I know- divisive, especially with oily skin, but this was more of a touchup product than a regular foundation. It would work to help any areas where my foundation begins to sweat off. It's light and compact, and because of how easy it is to apply, I could carry it in my purse. I know there are other cushion foundations, so maybe this trick could work with them as well, but I have yet to try them, so I cannot in good conscience recommend them.
Please please please, like and reblog in you enjoyed, or if you'd like to see more of my useless knowledge on this crap. Also if you have any questions about any of it, I'd be happy to help! My ask box and messages are always open, and I'm happy to make use of my years of wasting money, haha.
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ectogeo-art · 5 months
WIP ask game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @nostalgia-tblr (thanks for always giving blanket permission to jump in on ask games, haha)! I think the last time I did this WIP game was... last July? Anyway, I'm gonna separate out my WIPs into some categories.
Fic wips that I want to talk about:
Sub Rosa sloanshir (answered)
Past Prologue sisko & garak
all I’m in is just skin (answered)
soulmate sloanshir+garashir
AMV wips (if you ask about one of these, I promise I will work on it enough to show you a new clip from it!!!!! multiple asks for the same amv wip are allowed/encouraged. force me to finish my amvs one clip at a time via ask game, I am begging you):
mmitpm_siskarak (<-someone PLEASE ask me about this one, it’s so insane) (answered)
bad_romance_siskarak (<-I haven’t actually started this one, but I will if someone asks me to lol) (answering...)
No-pressure tagging @sapphosewrites @ernmark @hellostuffedtiger @cardassiangoodreads @cemetrygatess and anyone who wants to do this game themselves! (I'm truly terrible at remembering who even likes to do these things, and tumblr only allows 5 tags per paragraph nowadays anyway.)
A bunch more WIPs that I don’t really want asks about are listed below the cut.
Fic wips I’ve talked about before and don’t really have anything new to say about because they’ve been stalled forever, but it’s still POSSIBLE that I’ll eventually finish and post them:
pre-Inquisition siskarak
Broken Link garashir
astral plane sloanshir
Fic wips that I’m already on the verge of posting or that literally just need a title, so I feel like y’all can just wait to learn about these ones hehehe:
sloanshir embroidery
a contract is a contract is a contract
sloanshir starting line
Operation: new suit
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melodymay-k1tty · 1 year
This is a blog that will have +18 content, and will soon be suitable for people of legal age.
I don't know if people often write about themselves on Tumblr, because I'm new here btw, but I will♡
I have nothing to post, so I'll tell a little about myself.
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My name is Maya and I'm almost 18 years old. Of course, I'm still 17, but I'll be 18 in less than 3 months, so don't worry about that.
I like a lot of things! In fact, I love watching anime and doramas, as well as following K-Pop groups♡. I'm a fan of 90+ K-Pop groups, so you can imagine.
I'll highlight some K-Pop groups that I like!
These are BlackPink, BTS, Twice, Girls' Generation, EXO, 2NE1, f(x), Super Junior, 2PM, BigBang, Red Velvet, Mamamoo, GFriend, Momoland, Got7, Stray Kids, Itzy, SHINee, (G)I-dle, After School, Apink, Lovelyz, Miss A, 4Minute, NewJeans, TXT, Wonder Girls, TVXQ!, Everglow, SS501, Fin.K.L, Baby V.O.X./Baby Vox Re.V, Shinhwa, Kara, T-ara, IVE, S.E.S., and 1TYM (i know the latter is a korean hip-hop group).
Note: I also like some solo singers like BoA, Henry, and Park Bom (ex-2NE1).
Of course there are other groups, but at the moment I don't remember them. When I remember, I'll put them here too.
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Now I'm going to talk about my otaku tastes.
I can't say that I've watched that many animes. However, I've watched One Piece, Naruto (Classic and Shippuden), Death Note, Sailor Moon, Futari wa Pretty Cure, Citrus, InuYasha, Tokyo Revengers and Demon Slayer. I didn't finish all of these, but I got to watch a little (or a lot).
I confess that I have a special affection for One Piece, Naruto and Death Note. They are definitely works that saved my life.
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I love doramas! I will contextualize dramas here, like every kind of Asian series/show.
So I'll start with my all-time favorite dorama, Hana Yori Dango, and some of its international versions, which are Boys Over Flowers and Meteor Garden. Also, I also love Alice in Borderland, Girl from Nowhere, All Of Us Are Dead, 1 Litre of Tears (this was the saddest drama I've ever watched in my life, I cried SO MUCH when I saw it...), 14-sai no Haha, and King the Land.
I also like the Thai lesbian movies called Yes or No and Yes or No 2.
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I've also watched some series, like Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead, Riverdale, Stranger Things, Orange Is The New Black, Euphoria, Game of Thrones (although I haven't finished most of them because I have ADHD) , and many others...
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Besides K-Pop, I also like some solo singers like Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Lana Del Rey, Melanie Martinez, Adele, Mitski, Justin Bieber, The Weeknd, Lady Gaga, Avril Lavigne, Madonna, Akon, Nelly Furtado, and others...
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And rock bands... Like Evanescence, Paramore, Pierce the Veil, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Panic! at the Disco, Tokio Hotel and more more...
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I love Studio Ghibli movies. I love to read and write fanfics, and yes, I consume and will produce NSFW content.
My mother tongue is Portuguese, because I'm Brazilian. However, I'm trying to learn better and improve my English here on Tumblr.
I confess that I am quite a perfectionist, and sometimes a little lazy. I don't care about likes/comments as long as I'm doing what I really enjoy, but anyway, of course a like or a comment on any future fanfics I create would make me really happy!♡
This blog certainly didn't tell half of me, but it may already have given you a certain idea. I think so...
This is a personal and interactive account, so if I start writing here on Tumblr, I will PROBABLY create another account specifically for that.
So I end up here♡
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Check out Parts 1 and 2 first!
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Death stands before me.
And before you ask, no, I do not mean metaphorically.
A being dressed head-to-toe in black and red robes towers over me, every bit as intimidating as you’d think when imagining Death before you.
A little cliche, but maybe that’s for a reason.
“Alina Jones,” Death begins—
I don’t let it finish.
“Please!” I beg, trying to step forward. I can’t move. I’m frozen in place, eyes burning without tears, as I try to bargain with Death. “I can’t be dead, I can’t die! He needs me—NOAH NEEDS ME!”
I can’t see it, but I know Death is grinning underneath its black hood.
“Why,” it begins—
I try to scream more pleas, but nothing comes out.
“Silence,” Death commands. After a moment, it continues slowly: “Why, Alina, do you think I would take a single soul when, through sparing it, I could claim countless more instead?”
What… do you mean? I want to ask.
Before I can, a flash of light sweeps over me like a barreling train.
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I’m amidst rubble, bleeding but not injured, as fighting continues above me. Noah lays a few feet away, the glider much further.
I don’t feel his life force.
Time drags as I tear myself from the rubble, crawl to him, and reach for his pulse.
It’s not there.
Death may have spared me, but it didn’t spare Noah.
I hadn’t understood what Death meant by its words of sparing me to ‘claim more instead.’
Now I do.
My power isn’t just healing—it’s aging.
And I am not as kind as Noah.
Without him, there’s nothing stopping me from getting revenge on all those who’ve hurt us—starting with the thing that killed him.
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Part 1 | Part 2
Divider from @cafekitsune
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herefortarlos · 1 year
I love seeing your excitement around the fandom and a special thanks for all the support you give me in the tags! I was what made you start watching lone star? What made you keep watching lone star? What’s your favorite part of fandom?
Awwww, hello, Jen!! Haha, I am very happy to know that you enjoy my fangirling and hopefully don't find it annoying 😆.
So what clued me into 911 Lone Star, was seeing random clips from the show when I would be bored and scroll through FB and Instragram's videos section. The scenes that I remember the best are of course the racist neighbor and "Sure ma'am but I am a homosexual." And Paul's, "but I am trans, though." And then the corn silo scene and Marjan popping up and having lost her hijab, and everyone gathering around to protect her modesty. I loved knowing there was a show out there that had, from the brief bits I saw, canon gay, trans and Muslim characters!! Then I bought Hulu in late 2022, specifically to watch the movie Julie and Julia, then I watched all of Modern Family. And then I was like, well, I still have this service for the end of the month, and I saw Lone Star was on it and I have not looked back 😂 I wish Hulu kept track of it, because I don't know how I consumed 3 seasons of Lone Star so quickly while also working.
Tarlos and TK, then later Carlos, when we finally got more of him in season 2, were big reasons I kept watching. I also genuinely like all of the characters! I did not think I would love Judd as much as I did, big, stereotypical Texas man, but is not like you thought at all! Owen and TK's relationship is one of my favorite things too, such a loving father-son relationship, without the toxic masculinity is so refreshing! Getting Tommy in season 2 was such a big improvement too!!
I could go on and on about the characters, but another huge reason I fell in love with the show was because it actually had a trans black man, played by a trans male actor, a gay Latino man, played by a gay actor, and of course the fandom didn't find out about Ronen until 2021, but I learned watching in 2022, was a gay man, played by a bisexual actor!! Representation matters and as a queer person, I was so happy to see a show actually put in the effort to try and cast accordingly!! Even now, when I try to get friends to watch the show, I always start by gushing about tarlos, of course, and then secondly talk about the casting!
Finally, my FAVORITE part of the fandom has to be all of our amazingly talented writers and the stories they provide to keep Tarlos alive, interesting and relevant, especially during longer than expected hiatuses. I have been reading fanfic for various fandoms since 2012? And I appreciate all the work and effort writers put in to provide us fans with more content, without expecting anything in return, so the least I can do is comment on fics and reblog works here with my unhinged tags 😂
Also, I really appreciate how active the fandom is on Tumblr and I loveee saving and liking posts, specifically based on different people's tags 😆 As my name suggests, I made a new Tumblr for Tarlos in January 2023 I believe, so very recent. The last time I was on Tumblr was 2019, after it quickly declined in popularity, and all the previous artists and writers I followed left for Twitter. The fact that I fell in love with a show and couple enough to seek out a community for it definitely says a lot about it! When I fall in love with characters or a couple, I will hyper fixate on them for a minimum of 2 years, and hopefully this obsession lasts longer because of this active fandom and the fact that Lone Star is still ongoing and providing new material, as soon as these dumb companies decide to actually pay their workers a decent living wage anyway.
Phew, time to go find some lunch 😂 Thank you for the ask, Jen, and if you ever need a beta I'm your girl ❤️ But regardless, you can definitely expect me to reblog and express my love for the next fic you tease! I am not going to survive when Meet you After Dark drops!
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decayingdreamer · 5 months
hello 🩶
🦗 i'm super new to how tumblr works, so unfortunately this won't be all pretty like i see in other posts, but i'll get there
🦷 this is just a little intro post. i'm not sure how much i'll post here, if at all, but i'm happy to be here
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𐂯 name:
🐜 asphodel, aster, casper, critter, bug(s), and pretty much anything related to my interests. i'm not picky
『 i go by lots of names and nicknames because i can't pick one that fits me best 』
☾ pronouns:
⚰️ i use they/them, he/him, xe/xem, and it/its
『 i'm demiboyflux. i also use quite a few neopronouns and align with many xenogenders. i might include them at some point but i'll just leave these here for now 』
𐂯 sexuality:
🗡️ i am gay. not very picky about which specific term i use because there's lots that fit me. am boy, like boys 👍
『 i'm still not completely sure about this, but i suspect i'm on the aro or aroace spectrum somewhere 』
☾ more stuff:
🥄 i am neurodivergent. i am autistic, and i have avpd and others i don't wish to share right now. be warned, i am awkward
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𐂯 my special interests are:
animals 『 especially insects 』
music 『 many, many, many artists and genres 』
pjo 『 percy jackson & the olympians, heroes of olympus, trials of apollo and all other standalone and companion books. i plan on reading other Riordan works as well 』
☾ my hyperfixations are:
animals 『 i almost always have at least one animal or type of animal i am focused on learning about 』
ancient history 『 this may be becoming a spin, but i'm not sure yet. i am specifically focused on ancient greece right now 』
motorhomes and other rvs / rv living 『 i am heavily interested in living in a motorhome 』
tv shows 『 i always have a safe show i am watching, often a show i have already seen, and i am almost always fixated on one or more shows. right now they are crazy ex-girlfriend and pokémon 』
𐂯 other interests:
alt fashion 『 i am heavily interested in trad goth, punk and other styles 』
witchcraft 『 i have been reading about it for a few years now and have some interest in practicing but due to lack of confidence in my beliefs i am not currently practicing 』
mental health and disability advocacy 『 i love learning about our weird brains and i'm always hoping to better my understanding and advocacy 』
activism 『 i am having trouble finding the balance of being proactive and not burning out 👍 i'm sure i'm not the only one haha 』
☾ extra:
🌈 i am a therian, an age regressor, and i have fictional attachments
『 due to controversy over terminology i just use this term. i don't feel the comfortable elaborating here, so if you don't know what i'm talking about sorry 』
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🌘 there are many other things i don't have the energy to include right now, such as my favorite music, tv shows, books, etc. and many other interests i have, but maybe i will talk about those another time. it's nice to meet you
『 also, if you're a grammar freak, sorry, i'm never going to start using caps 🩶 』
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theoutcastedartist · 2 years
Hi!! I just wanted to say that I'm really enjoying your shadow & light au so far!! Your art style is super cute and expressive, and the story is really interesting! I gotta say, I love that it's set in the boom universe- not many people do stuff for Boom!Sonic, and it's really cool that you're expanding on the lore!
Also, I really love your backstory for Tails finding Sonic! It's usually the other way around, with Sonic helping him instead, so the switch-up is fun to think about (yes, I am constantly thinking abt your au), and it actually makes a lot of sense for how their dynamic is in boom!
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Despite all the crap the Boom franchise gets, there was a LOT of potential to be had by the lore hints of The Ancients. Sucks that not a lot of Sonic fan artists take it as an opportunity to build upon it, because there are SO MANY DIRECTIONS one can take with what's presented, given how vague yet intruiging it is once you start to dig, but yknow to each their own lol
Funny enough, a couple of years ago I had a similar au for another sonic boom comic called "Ancient Miracles" where Sonic, Shadow, and Silver were from the past alongside the rest of the Ancients (rather than in Shadows & Lights, where Sonic and Shadow are technically mortal imitations of Iblis and Mephiles), but were sent into the future (shadow @ space colony ARK 50 years in the past of the current timeline, Sonic @ the series current timeline, and silver @ the future we associate him with now), but it kinda fell off due to lack of interest it got (also I was still kinda new to digital art and the formatting of the comic was just A W F U L lmao) and just felt like it was too convoluted and not really aligned with what I wanted to portay. It didn't make it past like 3-4 pages I think????
But it did serve as a learning experience. Just as the current Shadows & Lights comic serves as another learning experience for myself, but on storytelling and comic formatting. I have a completely original series, Topsy-Turvy Toons, that I'm still writing out and may make comics about to get that story out there for others to see (though depending on how adult some of the portrayals may be, I may not post them to Tumblr and instead post them on my own website or whatever; I'm not too sure yet lol)
As for the Tails and Sonic backstory, I figured I'd flip the way they met since the Boom series did a LOT of new things with these characters (for better or for worse, it's up to personal opinion) and since it wasn't ever officially revealed, to my knowledge, how they met I took it upon myself to create the backstory. Plus as you said, for the dynamic shown in boom, it weirdly fits lol
It makes me so happy to hear that fans like yourself enjoy my silly, albeit a bit convoluted if I overthink it haha, AU so much that it sticks in your head for a bit lol
Thank you, Anon! It is asks and comments like these that motivate me to keep going, not just for the AU, but my art as a whole in general!
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yoimo06 · 5 months
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09:26 am !! 18.04.24
First day of writing my thoughts feelings and experiences here and whatever else. I heard tumblr works well as a journal/blog so might as well.
Even though I'm honestly still not entirely sure how this platform works (especially not on the pc ver) we all learn as we go, don't we?
Anyhow. I gotta get back home from school.. can't believe I'm sick again! Man, it's all the girl's fault for not being able to keep their asses home when they're sick. I confronted one of the girls about it and she really said "You would've gotten mad at me for not coming to help with the project" (we are unfortunately working on a group contest together — a group of 6 girls) like, no girl, no one would. She was the one that got mad at another person from our group when THEY were sick and told them to come to school. Darn hypocrite.
I hate this damn problem doe. Its so stupid. There are ups to it though. For example, i didn't have to attend a bunch of classes which is cool but then again im falling behind w all the lessons and shit so thats not great.
I just want it to be over fast. Cant stand working w some of these people no more. Fake asf
Rn im taking a bath! My favourite thing to do ngl. Its so warm and nice and cosy. Outside, in the parking lot behind our house theres people setting up the farmers market. Ive always found it so endearing and nice!! I love farmers markets and even if i dont buy anything, just passing thru it is nice.
On another brighter than all the other notes!!! My boyfriend got accepted into Uni here!!! We'll be breaking long distance soon. Its all happening so fast but im so glad so so glad hes coming home soon. I miss him more than anything. He's also going to come visit in a week or so!! I cant wait
Next week our school has this thing called 'Green week' where we take a break from normal school activities to instead do other things related to nature n shit. In concept it sounds nice but our teachers always pick the most boring activities for us...that sucks. For example, we'll be going to the Botanical garden for 4 hours!!! That'd be cool and all but we all know the botanical garden like the back of our hands from how much we visited it.. Theres plenty of other things to see, im sure, but most teachers don't wanna bother with actual interesting stuff, unfortunately.
Another small something is that i have recently started playing Star Rail again! Its great!! I would say im doing quite well, advancing through the story and stuff... I still have to properly build my charas doe oops! Thing is, i came back for this new character called 'Boothill', truly a charming gentleman. Haha! I managed to farm around 100 wishes in a week with a bit of help from my boyfriend as well~ I will get Boothill guys trust!! I kinda gave in though and pulled for Aventurine as well ... and i got him. But theres around 40 days left to farm for Boothill so im sure ill be gucci!! Ill be pulling for both him and his lightcone... and hopefully more copies of him hehe~~~
Todays weather was kinda shitty. The weather has been shitty recently actually. Its so cold and it keeps raining even tho not too long ago it was all nice warm and sunny, like how spring should be! I miss the nice weather, i hope it comes back soon so i can wear my short skirts, long socks and cool graphic tees!
Hmm~ I might hop back on here later mayhaps mayhaps to write some more stuff but for now ill be signing off!
Byebye ~
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