#I'm staying up late to wish him at midnight
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In my COHF Alec era 🤪🤪🤪🤪
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luneariaa · 2 months
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✰ — mentions of you having some troubled thoughts during the night, implications of self-doubt(?), momentary phone calls, sweet and comforting kenji, pretty much self-indulgent.
. dividers by @/cafekitsune 🌙!!
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IT WAS late at night, and yet, your mind itself refused to let you rest, preventing you from getting your own desired slumber. Your sole figure could be seen standing just by the balustrades of the balcony— breathing in the twilight air contentedly despite your turbulent mind.
These thoughts get too much sometimes, allowing yourself to at least try and loosen yourself up for the night— attempting to soothe any present aches and other unneeded distractions, especially from deep within.
You just wished that you'd never end up acting on them— hopefully not. Bad days are normal, so to speak. They'll pass, and eventually, everything will be better again. There's always light at the end of the tunnel, after all, so you keep holding on to that no matter how hard it may get at times.
The will to live is still reasonably strong, even when life itself isn't so kind to you. It gets exhausting, but you'll be there even with tons of struggle that you have to endure in the process.
Taking the phone out of your pocket, you glanced down at the clock, which shows it's exactly at two. Your sleeping schedule is unavoidably messed up, and you knew that you'd probably get an earful of scolding later on.
Breathing out ever so slowly, your fingers almost too subconsciously made their way to your contacts folder— which isn't that much, and ultimately pressed on one of the displayed names.
Should I call him, or not?
After a fair minute or two of mentally debating whether to make a call to him, despite it being quite late at night— you did it, in the end. You just needed to talk to him for some unexplainable reasons, even when you don't really have any specific topics to talk about this late.
The phone didn't even need to ring twice when it was being picked up immediately, much to your surprise. Like, at this hour too?
"Hey— that was quick."
"Hey too," he chuckled facetiously over your words, maintaining his push-up position but on one hand. "Wouldn't want to miss a call from my favorite lady ever— and you're lucky I wasn't even asleep yet."
This piqued your interest. "What were you even doing?"
"Just doing some workout. Y'know, the usual." Ah, of course, he would. Even if Kenji already has those toned, healthy physique, he will always try to keep his body in a perfect shape.
"At a time like this? Gosh, you're questionable sometimes." A faint mirth could be heard on both sides of the phone call; sharing a laugh with one another.
"But anyway—" Kenji grabbed the towel nearby and wiped the sweat off his face, still maintaining his hold on the phone. "What's up? Couldn't sleep, hm?"
"Kinda. Got distracted, as usual." You couldn't contain the smile from forming upon your face, already feeling some of your worries gradually alleviated just from hearing his voice alone. "Glad that you aren't asleep yet too."
Kenji grins through the phone, even when you aren't there to witness it— eventually taking a seat on the nearby chair to rest for a while.
"But seriously, are you alright?" His tone turns a tad bit more apprehensive, just in case since it's a pretty late hour too.
"I am, don't worry."
"It's just that— my thoughts are being quite a bother for some reason. But yeah, it's probably because well, it's late past midnight."
He nodded for a bit from the other side, seemingly understanding of your situation as it happens to him sometimes too.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
His simple offer made you think for a few seconds there, not knowing how to reply to him just yet.
"It's just something like— I don't know. Out of all people, you're the only one who stayed the most by my side. I'm so grateful for it, and sometimes, I still can't get used to it for some reason."
"You're too good for me."
He sighs softly, leaning his back slightly against the chair. "Hey, c'mon, don't say that. I did all of this because you genuinely deserved it."
"You deserve nothing less, trust me."
Even when he's unable to catch any glimpse of it, you grin so broadly, feeling touched by his words all over. You're quite the lucky one since it's not really a side he shows to anyone that often, and it radiates warmth; endearing, even.
"You're always the sweetest."
"And so are you, sweetheart."
He asserts tenderly, "That's the least I could do for you. You deserve only the best, and I mean it."
"I'm just glad that you decided to call me, even at this ungodly hour. Even if I'm asleep, just know that I will always try my best to answer."
"I know." You chuckled briefly, before pausing for a bit, contemplating over your next words.
"It's kind of a mess, I just—" Your previous smile drops without a warning, trying your best to remain composed, not wanting to have a sudden mental breakdown on a call with him like this. Why do the emotions have to rush through you like this?
With a quick clear of your throat, you added further. "It makes me confused sometimes, and I just.. Don't know on what to do."
He could notice the hint of shakiness within your voice alone; expression softening ever so slightly yet noticeable— not to anyone but to himself— seemed to understand the internal struggle you're possibly going through at the moment.
"And that's alright. It happens to each of us at times. It's bound to happen in one way or another." Kenji admittedly wasn't really good at giving advice and stuff, but he's willing to try his best to do so, because it's you.
"You don't have to rush things; the world can wait. Sometimes, it's best to let them be, and know that not everything is in our control."
"It's not your fault, if that's what you're wondering."
"I may not get it fully as to what you're thinking and going through right now, but please, remember that you're not alone. You have me."
You allow each of his words to sink in within your mind, making sure to process everything in, and let the deep realization hit you after. You're aware that he's just trying to help you— which you fully appreciated on, and even when it's quite hard to act based on someone's advice at times, you cherish his efforts.
Because no one really did that for you. No one was willing to go that far for you, yet here he is— willing to break through your walls no matter how long it takes and how you've set it up. Taking it slow, he still respected your boundaries despite everything, yet never once gave up on your well-being.
Before you could even give out your own response, his voice came through the phone once more.
"You know what— gimme a few minutes. I'll be there."
Your eyes widened in utter disbelief, like at an ungodly hour like this-?
"Ken, you don't have to do that, it's pretty late."
Despite your attempts of trying to reason with him, it merely falls on deaf ears; rolling his eyes without you knowing. "And you think that's gonna stop me, sweetheart?"
"I'm not gonna let you miss your needed sleep because of your thoughts and inner struggle, okay? And that's final."
Leaving no room for any arguments, he added a few words as his last statement. "I'll be there in a few minutes. Don't fall asleep just yet, love."
You have no choice, but to simply follow along and concede with him, feeling appreciated deep down; unable to suppress the feeling of warmth and solace from resurfacing within you.
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@luneariaa. do not repost; reblogs are welcomed. all rights reserved.
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spiriteddreams · 1 year
waited around, I should've known you wouldn't show / and I'm just a fool who spent her birthday all alone — maisie peters (birthday) cw: angst
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neuvillette, who has to go to the courthouse on your birthday. he says, "the law demands that i be there.” and who are you to argue against the iudex. justice waits for no one, not even you. and you’re only left to wonder if he even remembers if it's your birthday or not. he leaves you with a kiss on the forehead, so brief and chaste that when you step out for the day, the wind seems to wipe it away as if mocking you. and you count the minutes from the moment you wake, as balloons are inflated and then float away, as wax melts down candles one by one and as the day comes and goes. and neuvillette doesn't show. 
and when he returns, house cold and curtains drawn shut, he is greeted by the silence of burnt out candles and opened gifts, none of which are signed by him. the gift that he has brought feels heavy in his hands. guilt guides his figure as he navigates through the hallways once filled with warmth, now devoid of any light, just remnants of a party that he didn't attend. 
and as the clocks hands drag closer and closer to midnight you sit there alone, still halfway hopeful that he'll show. so you can only wonder if he remembers, or if he even cares. actions speak louder than words, and the silence of your home reminds you that to neuvillette, the law stands above all else. and that selfish part of you wishes that for once, he would make an exception for you. for your birthday. because while it is wonderful to spend a special day such as your birthday with your closest friends, there is a small part of you that wishes that if anyone, neuvillette would have remembered, he would have come.
as you drift off to sleep, you miss the sound of the door opening and closing. you miss the sound of footsteps padding across the floor. you miss his guilty eyes, clouded with the dull throb of an aching chest, and the unmistakable shudder of his breath as he steps closer to your tired figure. you’ve pulled the sheets closer to yourself, as if trying to comfort yourself, tugging whatever lingering warmth he might’ve left you with in the morning.
he wonders, how long will you stay like this, how long will you allow him to show up to every moment of your life late, to only crawl beneath the sheets to savor your comfort and warmth in the middle of the night. because it’s unfair to you, neuvillette thinks to himself, and he must be the most selfish man of all to still crave the softness of your heart and hands, a special spot carved out for him. he is selfish, he thinks to himself. selfish and cruel and undeserving of the welcome of your embrace.
and yet you turn around, seemingly in tune with his actions and thoughts. he sees the hurt in your eyes, the dried tears and puffy eyes, the slight part of your lips with angry words ready to spill. but you say nothing and instead untangle yourself from the bedsheets and hold them open for him. you take in his hesitance but still don’t say a word, and neuvillette wonders if the silence is hurting you more than it is him.
“i’m truly sorry,” he rasps out. his voice wavers, fingers tremble and yet you stare at him in the dim light of your room. “i don’t deserve your forgiveness, but—“
“come to bed.” your voice is stern but still kind. for a moment he hesitates again, but finds himself moving towards the bed, towards you, without thinking. your warmth is comforting and familiar, daresay he considers it forgiving. 
“thank you for coming home.”
the clock strikes 12, the sign of a new day, and he finds that he's forgotten to wish you happy birthday.
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reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated
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flwrkisses · 11 months
for the birthday boy — sim jaeyun.
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happy jake day! this might be a little late but hey better belated than nothing at all! hope you guys enjoy :)
genre: fluff, established relationship au.
word count: 1.3k (english)
warning: a teeny bit suggestive.
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ever since you and jake had started dating, you always made birthdays a big deal. regardless of the age being turned or who it was, you always emphasized the importance of celebrating birthdays and making sure those close to you got their one day a year to feel special.
jake had gotten used to waiting until midnight for your long and cheesy love filled text wishing him a happy birthday and boasting about how you were the first person to say it to him on the day of his birthday. regardless of the time zone he was in, you somehow always got it right, even if you had to stay up for it. it made him feel special, warm inside knowing how much joy it brought you to do such things. they were so simple and yet it meant the world to him. so when this year came around, 11:59 pm the day before, he was sat in his plane seat finally on his way back home to you, waiting for the text pop up on his screen exactly at 12 am.
however this time, 12:01 passes... then 12:05, and nothing from you. it was strange, you couldn't have forgotten his birthday. jake knew you always marked your calendar with his name surrounded in hearts on the 15th of november. so where was his long heart filled message he always excitedly waited for?
well, on your phone, in your hand.. half written. yes, thats right. for the first time in the 3 years of your relationship, you had fallen asleep mid birthday text. however, jake truly had no way of knowing that.
your sweet birthday boy of a boyfriend panicked, what if there was something wrong? what if you had been kidnapped? what if you didn't love him anymore? of course these were insane exaggerations of the truth but jake was dramatic in situations like these. his plane was going to take off soon and still no birthday text from the one person who means the most to him? he would be anxious all flight.
"ayy, stop freaking out- i'm sure they just forgot." said sunghoon whom had been sitting next to him and watching him freak out in his seat. of course sunghoon didn't see the big deal, he didn't know you like jake did. he didn't know the little texting habits jake had picked up about you. so when he waved it off as forgetfulness jake couldn't take it as a solid answer. it just wasn't like you. "or maybe they fell asleep, either way it'll be okay just relax." his best friend commented once more before laying his head back and getting comfortable in his seat. and with a sigh, jake decided to try and calm down and sleep a little on his flight. even with his mind jumping to the most terrible conclusions he forced himself to think about finally being able to see you after being gone for the past week. it helped... kinda.
6 anxious hours later, jake had gotten out of the company car and hurried into your apartment building. the sky was still dark and the street was still for once. checking his phone, his digital clock read 2:47 in the morning. surely at this time you'd be in your apartment tucked away and sleeping. so when jake quietly entered into your shared apartment, he couldn't help but dart directly into your bedroom to see you. however, the bed was empty, perfectly neatly made the way you had always left it in the morning. his heart sank, where the hell could you have gone at this hour? and why hadn't you been in bed? why hadn't you texted him? that was when he turned around and frantically looked for a his phone which he had place on the kitchen counter.
just as he entered the kitchen something told him to look on the sofa, and there you were. curled up on the sofa with your phone in your hand and your mouth hanging open in exhaustion. he felt slightly embarrassed, considering he had walked past the furniture twice without noticing you on it. all he wanted to do was engulf you into his arms and hold you close after such a long flight of wondering if you were okay. he just didn't have the heart to wake you.
looking around, he noticed the birthday decorations hung up throughout the living room. streamers, tinsel, balloons and banners hung up just for him. he couldn't help but smile like a child when he saw all the work you had put in to celebrate his birthday for him. you most definitely did not forget.
jake looked at the time, 3 am. before it had gotten any later he figured moving you over to your bed to be much more comfortable. gently, he pulled you into his arms and walked you into your shared bedroom. just before he placed you down on your side of the plush bed, you mumbled. "happy birthday jake-" your boyfriend couldn't help but smile wide and lay you down, hoping you'd go back to sleep at his lack of response. however when you looked up at him with sleepy eyes, he knew he had awoken you from your slumber. "ah... i didn't want to wake you." he admitted sheepishly, while moving your legs over a little bit so he could sit next to you.
"i wanted to be awake when you came home." you pouted slightly and reached for him. to which he just laughed softly and moved closer. jake grabbed your hand and held it gently as he looked into your sleep ridden eyes. "your sleep is more important than staying up for me." he reassured you with his warm box like smile.
"but it's your birthday and i had things planned! but i got out of work late and i spent hours decorating and when i finally sat down to text you-" the explanation you attempted to give your boyfriend was cut short by his lips meeting yours. he couldn't help but steal a soft, passionate kiss from your lips as you spoke. you looked so genuinely sad, he couldn't hold it in him. "i promise you, we'll do everything you wanted to do in the morning... or when the suns finally out." he chuckled sweetly. using his hand to caress your side lovingly as he spoke. "being with you right now is the best birthday gift i could ask for right now." he admitted.
he didn't just say that to make your heart melt, he truly meant it. he honestly thought his schedules would cause him to once again be apart from you for his birthday. luckily, he was home, with you, in your arms. "fine, but special birthday breakfast was not included in my original plans." you point out making your puppy like boyfriend laugh before gently throwing his body over yours. "i thought you were my special birthday breakfast~" he said in a playfully flirty tone which made you blush as you hit his chest lightly. "jake!" you warned making him laugh between sweet apologies and kisses.
"but what if that's what i want for breakfast?!"
"starve jaeyun!"
"starve?! ... on my birthday?" he responded, enjoying the playful banter you both had going on. his over dramatic nature took over his body as he laid in bed, closing his eyes and sticking his tongue out like a cartoon character that had just been knocked out. "you're such a drama queen." you laugh and shake him slightly. he continued his act until you pulled your shared blanket over your body and turned your back to him to get comfortable. "i'm going back to sleep, the birthday boy should too... yknow... if he wants his super special birthday breakfast." you teased him, feeling his arms wrap around you and his face nuzzle into the crook of your neck.
"ayyye~" he pleated softly, slightly admitting his defeat. "good night baby~" he mumbled as he left soft quick kisses to your neck.
"night birthday boy~"
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©flwrkisses ; please do not copy, translate, repost and/or reuse my work without my permission. (2023)
masterlist. — requests are open!
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darlingshane · 4 months
bear the brunt
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Michael Berzatto x GN!Reader
Summary: Michael is down after the Christmas incident, and you're there to make him feel better.
CW: 18+, smut, hand job (m. receiving), mild angst, established relationship.
Word Count: 1.1k
— Links: AO3 // Michael Masterlist.
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You're mindlessly scrolling through your phone when the sound of the front door pulls your eyes away from the screen. You look at the time above to see it's past midnight. It's not an unusual hour for Michael to come back, but lately it has been taking him longer to return home after work.
Your boyfriend has been on edge lately – more than usual you’d say. And you can't blame him. If someone in your family had a mental breakdown on Christmas that ended with them driving the car into the house, you'd be on edge too.
The frustration of his heavy steps is palpable on the wooden boards when he steps into the apartment. The place is small enough for you to hear everything he does. From when he tosses his keys on the bowl on the table, to when he opens the fridge to take a fresh gulp of his drink of choice, to when he goes to the bathroom.
It's impossible to say what's in his head nowadays, or if it's anything in there– other than him obsessing over the dinner incident. It’s taking a huge toll over him, draining every ounce of hope he ever had, and you feel powerless against it. It has its claws on him, pulling him away from you, but you’re not going to let it. You’ve come too far to give up on him now when he needs you more than ever.
Even though you live together, and see each other every day, it feels like he’s disappearing on you. Sometimes when he comes back late like today, you’re already asleep; and by the time you leave in the morning he’s passed out on the other side of the bed.
Tonight, you’ve stayed awake. You took a long nap earlier so you could keep your eyes open for a few more hours until he got home.
He’s so tired, he can’t even express shock when finds you awake when he enters the room.
“Hey, sweetheart. You still up?” He tries to force a smile, but it’s as faint as the lifespan of a snowflake.
“I was waiting for you. I miss you.” It’s the God-honest truth. You miss talking to him, and laughing with him, and cuddling with him… all of it.
Placing the phone aside on the nightstand, you watch him lazily slip out of his clothes, leaving them haphazardly on the chair before sitting down on the edge of the bed in his underwear.
Under the soft light of your night lamp his skin glows almost as pale as the snow pooling on the windowsill. When your hand reaches to hold his arm, it feels just as cold as you thought.
“I’m here now, baby,” his voice is hoarse, tired under that heavy layer of brunt.
Kneeling on the mattress, you inch closer to him to cup his bearded face in your hands, looking directly into his eyes. They're dry and aloof, avoiding at all costs lock with yours for more than two seconds at a time.
“Did you walk here?”
He nods. “Car wasn’t starting.”
“You should’ve called me, bear.” You rub your nose against his, warming it with yours, noticing one of his palms landing on your thigh.
“Didn’t wanna wake you up.”
“I’m up. Even when I’m not. You call me, okay? I'm here. I'm always here for you, bear.”
“I know, baby,” he says, letting the corners of his lips curve up gently into a real smile this time.
His thumb rubs small circles on your leg as you place a small kiss on his lips.
You pull your head back and smile at him softly, pushing aside a strand of hair away from his forehead before kissing him again; firmer this time.
It takes him a long second to respond and kiss you back, but he gives in easily and sighs in your mouth as if he was taking the first breath in years. You wish you could do or say anything else to lighten his burden, but this is the only trick you got— and it’s one that works so damn well every damn time.
He doesn’t have to tell you how much he misses you or loves you, cause his tongue slowly spells that for you as it curls with yours. You can feel all his aches and desires burning deep in your mouth as you shift together in bed. You invite him to lay down, placing his head gently on the pillow, guiding him to safety. Though you can’t dull all that pain, you can feel it temporarily fading as you devote yourself to push away all his worries and fears.
Curled against his side, your fingers dance across his torso, warming the surface, touch after touch, kiss after kiss. While the wind blows icy and dark outside the fogged window, inside your room the air turns warm and delicate, wrapping him like a blanket.
As his skin gains more color and warmth, you smooth your palm down his stomach, gliding over the elastic of his boxers to fondle his bulge. He makes a small noise in your mouth when your fingers curl around him over the fabric of his underwear.
“Like that, bear?” you purr in between kisses. “Should I keep going?”
“Uh-hmm,” one of his hands slides at your nape as his tongue slowly wakes to fight with yours.
Your hand softly jerks up and down, getting him to grow to full completion. It's then that you tuck your hand under the waistband to feel his velvety taut hardness in your palm.
His body temperature rises as you exert your wrist to give him as much pleasure as you possibly can. This man needs a good stress reliever and by the way he squirms and throbs in your hand makes it clear that he needed one.
Reveling in his arousal and the way his shaft fills your fist, you pull your head back and watch him pant unevenly, burying his grunts in his throat.
When his eyes are drawn shut you tell him to open them.
“Let me see you come, bear,” you repeat. “Open your eyes.”
You bite your lip and squeeze his cock a little harder, observing his beautiful browns open and become glossy as they drown in nothing pleasure at the mercy of the sharp movement of your wrist.
“Fuck…” he mutters, using a tight hand to frame your jaw and pull your face closer to him while you adamantly push him over the edge to have him spill his seed all over your fist.
You love having the control of making his body shake when the orgasm takes control of him for those few seconds he touches the highest point of his orgasm. It might have not been the most explosive one you’ve ever given him, but you can tell that is just what he needed to clear his mind.
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whorekneecentral · 10 months
Come Home
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Dominik Szoboszlai x Fem!Reader
Warnings: separated for the holidays, staying up late, waking up your partner for a selfish needs, phone sex, dialogue heavy, masturbation (self - fem and male), mutual orgasm, some scandalous things that on both ends, dom!reader for a second there, lots of pet names.
Word Count: 1,573
Author's Note: okay this is my first full fic for dom, I had only written like 2 blurbs or him prior so hopefully it's okay <3
merry smutmas series
The two of you are separated over the holidays and you’re missing each other a little too much to keep this going. 
London was rather cold this time of the year, not quite as cold as Germany, but still cold.
In your boyfriend's recent move to Liverpool, you had joined him, which meant a new apartment, a new city and a new job. Your family was originally from London, so it wasn't much of a difference that you had moved back but Dominik's family was not.
Your boyfriend have gone home to Hungary to see his family for the holidays, and while you wish you had been able to join him, you were stuck doing last-minute work as everyone else had booked the holidays off and you were one of the last hires - automatic grounds for you having to stay in doing the grunt work.
It wasn't so bad seeing that the time difference between Hungary and London was only an hour. Dom had always been an early sleeper, so when you got home nearing midnight and you finally settled into bed at some point after that.
You couldn't help but text him anyways.
To Dom: hi my love 
It was 2am for you and you couldn’t sleep but you figured Dom would be sleeping. Hence your surprise when he answered. 
From Dom: hi baby 
To Dom: you’re awake? Shocking. 
From Dom: barely, I heard the phone buzz. are you okay? 
To Dom: yeah, just couldn’t sleep. 
It takes him a minute to answer, you figured he might have fallen asleep.  You send another message, it’s selfish when you know the noise will wake up - he had always been a light sleeper - but you missed him. 
To Dom: I miss you. 
From Dom: I miss you more. 
To Dom: that’s cheesy. don’t one up me, dom. 
From Dom: only you’d think that. 
To Dom: can I call you? Just for a minute? I wanna hear your voice. 
From Dom: of course babe 
The phone rings quietly, resting on the pillow next to your ear as you wait for your boyfriend to pick up. You hear the click of the line, "hi love," he whispers, the sleep evident in his voice.
You feel a bit bad for waking him up but you were but a woman and selfish one at that.
"Hi Dom," you whisper back, "I miss you."
"I miss you too, darling."
You sighed, your hand stretched over the empty half of the bed - his half of the bed. "It's hard to sleep without you, I'm so used to you suffocating me."
It was no secret that Dom was affectionate, even in his sleep. The man clung to your side and at first, you hated it and his furnace like body but you had gotten used to it after a few days. As much as you complained, you found it hard to sleep without him now.
Dominik smiles, a soft chuckle slipping past his lips. "I wish I could be there too but I doubt you'd be sleeping if I was there, my love."
"Yeah?" You find yourself smiling, Dom had no idea what he was opening up by saying that. "What would we be doing instead?"
"Well," he whispers, it sounds like he's shifting on his end. "Perhaps what you had on would end up on the floor.. or maybe my hands would slip under it, touching everywhere you want me too."
"And where would that be?"
Dom hums, taking a moment to think. "Your tits, or maybe I'd drag a finger down your stomach to your hips, biting that sensitive little spot by your upper thigh? Maybe I'll skip all of that and bury my face in your cunt, what do you think?"
He can hear the way your breath hitches, the man smiles to himself.
You clear your throat, "y-yeah.. that sounds like a good plan."
"Which part, darling?"
"Use your words, princess. C'mon."
"All of it," you whispered, the man smiling. Dom glances down at the scene before his waist; his hand wrapped around his cock, imagining all the filthy things he could be doing to you if only you were there.
"Dom?" You called out to him, "you still there?"
He lets out a breath, nodding. "Still here babe."
"You got quiet for a minute there. Thought you fell asleep on me."
"Oh no, I'm still here, darling."
Dominik is quiet, his hand moving up and down his cock slowly as he reimagines what he could be doing to you. You find yourself in the same situation; imagining what your boyfriend was doing on the other end of the line, your hand slipping down the front of your panties. 
“Is that why you called?” He asks you softly, his voice pulling you back to reality. “Mhm, missed your pretty face,” you say and Dom smiles. 
Even when you're horny, you're still as charming as the day you met him. 
“I think you miss more than my face, my love.” 
You play dumb, “what do you mean?” And it’s almost like you can see the cocky smile on his face. 
“I think you miss me, y/n. My touch, my hands, my lips, my taste.. my-” 
“Yeah,” you cut him off with a ragged breath. “Everything about you.” Your words cause him to smile to himself.
You rubbed slow circles over your clit. “I was thinking about you,” you tell him, “missing the way your fingers stretch me out, make me feel so full.” 
“Really?” He asks a little too eagerly, mentally kicking himself for sounding so desperate but 3 weeks without you is a long time. 
“Really, baby. Mine don’t feel as good as yours do.” 
Dominik groans, “you can’t tell me that.” 
You bite back a smile, and you’re quiet for a moment before you speak. “Why not? Not enough to get you to touch yourself ? Or did you already start?” 
“You’re horrible,” he huffs, earning a laugh. 
“Oh come on Dom, you’re no fun.” You smile when you hear the movement of his hand on his side. “What are you doing?” You ask him. 
“What do you think I’m doing?” 
“You can’t answer a question with a question, Dominik. I know you know better than that.” 
He groans, irritated that he’s been on the phone for the last 15 minutes, you’ve been spinning him in circles and he has yet to cum. “Either you help me or I hang up, sweetheart.” He tells you, the pet name a dig at you. 
You love to tease him, it was your favourite pastime honestly. “How can I help you if I don’t know what I'm supposed to help you with?” 
“Fuck- y/n, come on. It’s not funny. I can’t stop thinking about you.” He rambles out in one breath. 
“About me? How sweet.” You chuckle, “get your hand wet, baby. I know you didn’t.” 
He hums, moving his hand to spit on it before wrapping it around his cock again. 
You hear the satisfied sigh that leaves his mouth, “that’s better,” you tell him, your own fingers moving a little faster. Your boyfriend is quiet, his hand moving up and down, he can hear the soft whimpers coming from your side of the line, the slightly wet noise filling the silence in between. 
He musters up the energy to speak, “what are you doing?”
“Exactly what you'd be doing if you were here.” You tell him, panties pulled to the side and your own two fingers buried in your pussy. He huffs a breath, “fuck- god I wish I was home.” 
“You’ll be home soon.” 
“Not soon enough.” 
“I miss you,” you tell him, starting your teasing again. “I miss waking up beside you, miss your touch, your arms around me, your mouth, your fingers, your cock.” 
Dominik's brown eyes close, imagining how pretty you looked laid there; legs spread, fingers in you. He could sit there and watch you all day if you let him. 
“Dom,” you sigh, your fingers curling up. “Yeah?” He answers. 
“Feels so fucking good.” 
“I wish I was there,” he admits, hand still moving but a bit faster this time. “Me too,” you hum, eyes closed as your other hand reaches down to rub on your clit.
Both you and Dom were on the edge of orgasm, the tightening knot in your stomach. “Dominik, god, fuck, please.” You ramble out, “yeah me too, baby.” 
Head tossed back into the pillows, eyes fluttering shut as you feel yourself slip over the edge. Your fingers are moving but you barely register the physical feeling of it. His name falls from your lips like a prayer, along with a string of please, yes and all the explicits under the sun. Dominik follows a moment after you; his name coming from you, in that context, imagining how pretty you must look was enough for him. The warm liquid all over his hand and his lower stomach. 
The line goes quiet, Dom breaks the silence as he reaches over to grab a tissue. “Do you have work?” 
You yawn, settling back into bed. “No, have the day off today and tomorrow."
“Good,” he smiles, wiping off his stomach and hand. He tosses the tissue in the trash before settling into bed again. 
You whispered, feeling yourself get more tired as the seconds passed. “Going back to sleep?” 
"Probably, stay with me?" He asks and you hum, turning over to settle on your side. "I love you, Dominik."
He whispers back; "I love you too, y/n."
taglist: @nosugarallspice  @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16  @books-and-netflix-pls  @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade  @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @trentsfav @trentsmyfave @noturbabe22
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surielstea · 8 months
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Pairing: Azriel x reader
Summary: Reader is sick & Az being the best bf ever
Warnings: slight suggestiveness, tooth rotting fluff
A/N: Literally wrote this when I was sick asf and high on cough medicine so I hope this makes sense 😭😭
2.2k words
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My body tremors as another weak cough racks through me, my throat pulsing at the feeling. Watery eyes form tears, sliding down the bridge of my nose and dripping onto the plush pillow beneath my head.
I stare out the floor to ceiling window, marveling at the way the sidra morphs starlight into rainbow refractions. I sniffle, one of my nostrils completely closed off and making it a challenge to breathe. It was late. I didn't know the exact time but from the moons position in the sky I could guess it was far past midnight.
My mate hadn't come to bed and I debated clambering out of this all too hot bed to go and find him, wrap my arms around his waist and guide him back to our bed. But I can't expose him to whatever virus plagued me, in turn getting him sick, no matter how badly I missed his touch. It was already a risk to share the same bed, I couldn't push it.
Madja stopped by earlier and gave me a tonic to help ward off the cough but there was nothing she could do beyond that. I took the tonic minutes ago, the effects still settling in, I just hoped the cough would cease long enough for me to be able to fall asleep.
It's been days, my mate was convinced I was getting worse. He surveyed me like usual, but his gaze turned soft and pitiful every time a raucous cough came over me. Shadows kept me company, swirling fluidly against my back in a reassuring manner, the chill touch of them making me cool off from my heated state.
There was a soft knock at the door and I didn't have to look to know who it was. I adjusted under the covers, using my strength to sit up and lean against the headboard, teary eyed but making eye contact with the large winged male in the doorway. "Az." My voice was practically a whimper, a feeble excuse at calling for him.
"My love," He drew a long exhale, my sickness seemingly weighing on him as well.
"You can't be in here." I murmur, wiping my tears and wishing it was his hands instead of mine doing the act.
"I miss you." He offers me a soft smile as he tilts his head against the frame of the door, his silhouette from the hallway light made him look like some sort of angel.
"I don't want to get you sick." I shake my head, holding my arm out as if to shield him away but we both knew I held no power at the moment.
"It wouldn't be so bad," He tries to lighten the mood with a shrug. "I'd be off work, we could quarantine together. We'd read and cuddle and I could actually go within a ten feet radius of you." His words were convincing, and the idea has a smile tugging at my lips. That is until a croak of a cough rattles my body and I remember how irritating this illness is. I wouldn't want him to have this, ten foot radius or not.
"It's hard enough to stay away from you, don't tempt me." I sigh, allowing my bones to sink into the large matress.
"Worth a try." He mirrors my smile. "Do you need anything? Tea or soup?" He asks and I twist my lips to the side as I ponder what he could give me that would ever amount to how badly I want him and him alone. "A good book perhaps?" He arches a perfect brow. It pains me how well he knows me.
"A book would be nice." I hum and he pushes from the doorway, excited to accomplish a new task. His gaze lingers on me before he closes the door and his silent footsteps recede down the hall.
I look back out the window while I wait, fiddling with the mating ring around my fourth finger. My cough seemed to have settled, I'll have to tell my brother to increase Madja's salary for her admirable work — or maybe I'd pay her directly myself. As soon as I'm better I will, whenever that might be. I release a long sigh and allow my eyes to shut for a moment, I must've slept for half the day earlier but that didn't stop the rest from weighing at my heavy lids.
Before I dared slip into a sleep the spymaster opened the door with a multitude of items in his hands. I couldn't help but smile. The night courts intimidating Shadowsinger was at my door, with soup and tea and a book, taking care of me. He had one of the world's deadliest knife's at his thigh and he probably used it to cut open my tea bag.
"Az, I'm gonna cry." I warn. My already watery eyes verging on tears as I think about how much he does for me.
"No don't cry." His brows crease as he sits on his side of our bed, placing a bowl of soup down on my nightstand. "I tried to follow your mom's recipe but it won't be as good." He frowns and there's nothing more I want to do then kiss the pout off his perfect face. "And this is hot, so don't drink it for a few minutes." He places a steaming cup of tea beside the soup. "And this," He holds up a worn paper back book. "I went to Nesta and asked her for the best romance novel she could think of and she gave me this so." He places it on my lap. "Hopefully it's as smutty as you hope." He mutters beneath his breath and I flush hot but blamed it on my fever.
"Thank you." My voice was a rasp, he looked to my eyes. Hazel laced with love and admiration, the emotions reflecting on the golds and greens of his irises.
"Get some rest after eating, you have to get your strength up so I can get my sparring buddy back." He placed a hand on my forehead to check my temperature, something on his expression falls when he doesn't notice any difference from the last time he checked my temperature.
"Is Cassian not good enough anymore?" I scoff.
"He's not you." He huffs and an upside down smile spreads over my expression.
"I know you're sick but I really want to kiss you." He admits and just the idea makes me feel warmer inside. I grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him into me, his upper half hovering over me as I plant my lips onto his. I grin against the sensation, it's only been a few days but gods, how did I forget how perfect it felt to have his mouth against mine?
He pulls back first and I debate chasing him back but he pecks my forehead and I settle for it, leaning back onto my headboard yet again. "I'm going to finish up an assignment then I'll come to bed, okay?" He gets up from the bed and my eyes follow.
"Mhm." I nod tiredly.
"If I find you reading that book when I get back I'm taking it away." He warns and I bite my bottom lip mischievously.
"Goodnight lovely." A shadow tucks a strand of hair behind my ear as I watch him make his way to the door.
"Night Az." I muse in reply, already reaching for my bowl of the nostalgic meal.
About an hour later I had finished my entire bowl of soup and cup of tea. Both of them reminding me of my mother humming her favorite songs as she sewed her dresses, of Rhys teaching me how to fly before I could even walk, of Cassian brawling with my brother when he first moved in, and of Azriel's warm embrace.
I was curled into a ball with a mage light over my head, flipping through the pages of the romance novel Nesta lent me. It was a fantasy with just the right amount of erotica, the kind that would make any female flush. There were a few times when I'd have to close the book and take a breather before opening it back up, which meant it was perfection.
The door opened with a creak and I slammed the book shut the way a teenage boy might with a nude magazine. Azriel crinkles his brows at me and I look at him guiltlessly. "Evening handsome." I greet and he blinks at me like I'm crazy.
"Why are you being weird?" He utters, coming further into the room and closing the door behind him. I fold my lips inward to keep myself from laughing or possibly exposing that I was reading absolute filth just moments ago.
"Just reading." I shrug innocently and he narrowed his gaze in on me but seemed to let it go when striding over to the armoire to change. I watched him shamelessly as he stripped off his shirt, golden tan skin inked in swirling black. He shuffles through the drawers, giving me a full show of his muscular back and those large wings. My breath hitched as I stare without caution and a small chuckle sounds from him. He knows I'm watching, and at this point I can't find it in myself to care.
"Are you flexing on purpose?" I ask him as he discards his leathers for a pair of lounge pants.
"I'm not flexing love." He confesses and my stomach does backflips. Cords of muscle rippled from his shoulders down to his bulging arms, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little turned on. And he was just standing there. He turns to look at my tinged cheeks and it only makes me blush more. The eye contact just might kill me. The nonchalance and causality of it made my stomach churn, as if he wasn't standing there in front of me shirtless.
"You're teasing." I set my book on the nightstand and sink down into my pillows.
"How so?" His question is half a laugh because he knows what he's doing.
"I can't have you right now." I whine like some sort of child, pulling the blankets up and over my head so I don't have to look at his chest that seemed to be sculpted by the gods themselves. The bed sinks and I know he's now beside me. I can't help but gravitate towards him only to stop myself because I know cuddling would get him sick.
His strong arm wraps around my waist and pulls my back to his chest.
"No, Az I don't want to get you sick." I protest, pulling away with the weakest strength since the predicament at hand wasn't all too bad.
"I already told you I don't care if I get sick." He brings me in closer and who was I to deny my mate's embrace?
It was nice to lay beside him, nice to have his warmth radiating onto me. I missed him even if it's only been a few days, even if he still sleeps beside me every night. I missed the physicality of it. Azriel's never been one for touch but sometimes I go through phases where if I don't have my hands constantly on him I'd collapse.
So I allowed myself to lean into his chest, matching my breathing to his and intertwining my hand with his scarred one. "I love you." He hums into my shoulder, placing gentle kisses to the crook of my neck and a soft smile spreads across my lips.
"Would you still love me if—" I begin but he doesn't let me finish,
"Yes." His tone is confident and didn't waver for a beat.
"You don't even know what I was going to say." I pout and I feel him shake his head against me.
"As long as you're still you, I love you." He professes and I flip around to look at his golden eyes that the stars themselves were outmatched against.
"I love you too." My voice is a mere whisper but a wide grin takes over his face, revealing his dimples. His smile was so bright I thought for a moment that sun wouldn't rise in fear of rivaling it. "And I'm totally getting you sick." I threaten but he doesn't seem to mind, especially not when I lean forward a few inches in order to kiss that grin.
"Sleep, love." He coerced and pulls me into his chest, his wing draping over me like a blanket, blocking out any seeping light from the moon outside. "I'll be here in the morning." He muses, smoothing a scarred hand over my hair. He continues to play with the strands until I'm drifting off into that touch, his warmth inviting me to sleep.
Azriel was quick to follow, once he noticed my breathing even out. Shadows settle around us as his lids grow heavy and his weight falls into the bed. With me in his arms it was easier for him to sleep, the comfort of knowing I'm safe while in his hold pushed him further into that sweet relief of rest.
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gojo-enthusiast · 11 months
Kento Nanami ~
Wake Me Up
*Sleep Sex* MDI, 18+ Only! Kento wakes you up to a sweet surprise *😉* after working a long day fighting curses. Do not read if it triggers! Anyways, enjoy my first piece 😈
Word count: <2200
PSA: did not proof read, honestly I’m always horny for JJK men, so beware and stay tuned for more disgusting pieces. Also are we gonna talk about how fucking hot Nanami is in season 2???? Follow me on X (Twitter)
Like and reblog🫶🏻
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You had stayed awake until midnight, taken your shower, exfoliated, & shaved.
"Ken should be home anytime soon" checking your phone seeing the time
6:00 PM
Getting yourself all prepped and ready for him to come home to a sweet surprise. You had been aching all day long, this morning he had been loving on you, slowly caressing your thighs, and right when he was going to put his hands into your heat, his phone starts ringing,
“Fuck. Who is calling me?” He groans grabbing his phone, “What the fuck does Satoru want.” He groans once again. Your husband was not one to cuss often, only when he was upset, (usually at Satoru) or when he was fucking you.
“What is it Gojo-San?” Nanami ask begrudgingly,
“Nanamiiiiii-“ Satoru says in a shrill
You didn’t hear all that was said, but the moment the called ended, your husband stood up and kissed your forehead.
“So sorry my love, but I have to leave. I promise we will finish what we started when I get home.” He says smiling faintly.
“Everything okay?” You ask, wrapping the sheets around you as he gets in the shower to get ready to leave for another day of killing curses. A job you hated so much, but you knew that him working his office job, was only making him feel suffocated, and had no meaning to his life.
“Yeah, just some curses. Nothing to be worried about. Satoru is out of town, I have to take the new kid Yuuji Itadori with me today.” He says washing his face, you see the bubbles of the soap form, and sink down his skin to the drain. You look down, and see his member hard as a rock, he looked frustrated.
“You sure we can’t fix that before you go?” You smirk, “Don’t tease me, or you’ll regret it later on.” He groans, you watched as he slightly stroked it in the shower, you watched, knowing he was about to burst any second. He wanted to fuck you right then and there, but he knew if he did, he would be late, and he wouldn’t stop. And then there it was, he had finished all over his hand, the water washing it off.
“Fuck. I wish that was in me right now.” You moan, “Get out before you tempt me anymore.” He says as he looks away from you. You do as he says, you already know how hard working your husband is, that’s why you spent the whole day pampering yourself, getting a facial, getting your nails done, everything that would make you feel and look done up. You knew how much your husband loved to see you all dolled up and manicured. I mean he didn’t work so hard for nothing. He always wanted you to be able to feel spoiled, and go definitely spoil yourself with his money.
But little did you know, your husband would be working overtime today. And you would be passed out by the time he got home.
Hubby🩵: Baby I'm running late today, I promise I will be home as soon as I can. I love you. - 6:02PM
Your husband is always home by 6PM, so you knew if he wasn’t, it was definitely something a little more serious. But you know your husband, he’s a grade 1 sorcerer, he will be home in no time.
As you lay in bed, watching some trashy reality TV, trying to stay awake. You look over at the clock
You feel your eyes getting heavy, the red wine you had drank during dinner finally hit you. And next thing you know, you’re cuddled under the blankets to a pillow, asleep, wishing it was your husband.
It was 1 in the morning, and Nanami finally made it home. Walking inside the house, feeling sluggish, and ready to lay in bed next to his wife, and feel her warmth.
“I need to shower.” He mutters to himself. He steps into the guest bathroom, which he usually does after a mission, because he doesn’t want to get your shared bathroom dirty. Washing off his day, feeling his muscles finally loosen up.
His phone rings again, it’s Satoru;
“What the fuck do you want Satoru?” Nanami hisses, “hey hey calm down Nanami-San, I just wanted to thank you for taking Yuuji, and taking care of those curses. Get some rest, and some ass. Ijichi told me how grumpy you were today. Take the day off tomorrow.” Satoru giggles to himself, “Was planning on it, now leave me alone.” Nanami says back, hanging up.
His phone beeps, showing that he received a text message,
Satoru Gojo: YOUR WELCOME, have fun😼
Nanami: 🖕🏻
Satoru Gojo: 🫶🏻
He finally turns his phone off, wrapping the towel around his waist, walking out the restroom down the hall, to your shared bedroom. He knows you’re asleep, there’s no way you stayed up this late for him. He walks into the bedroom, and your bottom half is under the blankets, while your top half is completely nude, and you’re sprawled out.
“Fuck, where is your clothes?” He mutters, feeling his cock stiffen, becoming erect. He climbs into bed, leaning in kissing your lips, then kissing your cheek, to your neck. “Damn it, I can’t do this while she’s sleeping.” He groans.
You had always told him how you would love to wake up to him in between your legs, but Nanami was such a “consent” man, which you loved about him, he was so respectful to you, and treasured your body, but you sometimes just wanted him to take charge and do something that wasn’t so good boy / gentlemen behavior. He remembered the conversation as he stroked himself next to you, “fuck it.” He says to himself, taking the blanket off your body.
Seeing your white laced panties, his cock at this point was throbbing. “Such a pretty little thang aren’t you?” He whispers in the crook of your neck, climbing on top of you, placing kisses down your neck, going down to your breast, starting the suck on your nipples. Placing his teeth in between your nipple, slightly biting it. Causing a moan to come out of you, while you were asleep.
“Mmm dreaming about me baby? You should wake up so you can catch the live action.” He says swirling his tongue around your areola and nipple. He started the bring himself down to your heat, sliding your panties down swiftly. “Oh how I have craved to taste you all day.” He says opening your folds with his fingers, gently placing his tongue on your clit immediately. He knew your body more than you did, and he definitely knew where you liked it the most. He quickens the pace of his tongue, sucking on your clit, you’re moaning in your sleep. Dreaming of your husband in between your legs, he doesn’t stop, wanting to taste your juices all over his tongue. He starts to rub his index and middle finger on your clit, rubbing it up and down quickly, as his tongue dips into your hole, tasting you deeply. Your eyes start to flutter open, and you’re moaning loudly now, seeing your husband in between your legs. “Ken-kento. What are you- what- ugh yes.” You try to ask what he’s doing, but he has no desire to respond back to you, his only desire is to make you cum over and over until you have melted into him. That knot in your stomach has finally snapped, and your finishing all on his tongue, he flicks his tongue up, tasting every drop coming out. “Ffffuuuuucccckkkkkkk” you groan bucking your hips up, practically humping into his face. “Yes baby just like that.” He says, still rubbing your clit, and abusing your hole with his tongue. He had one of your legs pinned down with his free hand. And the other one, was pinned down by his elbow, as he was still flicking your clit. As he continues to abuse your poor clit into overstimulation, you feel yourself about to bust. And there it was, exactly what he was wanting. You to squirt all over him, “KENTOO-!” You loudly moan, “stop, oh my god.” You cry out in pure ecstasy. You look up and see his face dripping with your liquid.
“Fuck, that’s so hot.” He says licking his lips, wiping his face with his towel. “Nanami-“ you pant, “yes baby?” He says, moving up to you, positioning himself to enter. “I missed you.” You say, wrapping your arms around his neck, as he brings his head down and starts to kiss you, sticking his tongue in your mouth. “I missed you too baby.” He kisses down your neck, sucking on it, leaving hickies all over. Because why not?
“I tried staying up,-ugh, Kento I tried staying awake.” You moan, as he starts to slide himself inside slowly, he was big, not only did this man have a long cock, but the girth was the size of a coke can. So he always had to slowly go in, never forcing himself in too fast. “I’m sorry baby I was late- ugh, today was so-fuck, - it was- so-s-so stress-stressful.” He moans, feeling your walls clench around his throbbing cock, he felt like he could burst at any moment possible.
“Damn baby you feel so so good.” Kento says finally pushing that last inch inside of you. Stretching you out at full capacity. “This sweet pussy has been on my mind since this morning. Can’t believe I went the whole day.” He pants, starting to thrust faster, “yes Kento, just like that.” You’re moaning into his ear, “fuck me baby.” You say looking into his eyes.
And that was it, that was the string that kept your husband in control, once it snapped, he and you were done for. Your pussy was about to be his flesh light. He starts pounding into you, kissing your G-spot with each thrust, you had came 3 times in the last 30 minutes from his cock alone. He kept edging himself, you knew he didn’t want it to end. He would fuck you fast and hard, and as soon as he felt like he was about to bust, he was slowing down. “Kentoooo- cum inside of me.” You moan out, “not yet baby, I’m not ready to finish.” He groans, feeling himself overstimulating himself. “Baby you feel so good. We fit perfect for each other. You belong to me, do you understand?” He says, you know it’s not a question, it’s a fact. You are his, and he is yours. And he will kill anyone who tries to get in between you two. He even thought about killing Satoru, for calling him before he was supposed to even be up getting ready to leave.
“Kento, I love you.” You moan into his ear, cumming again for the 4th time, “yes princess, cum for me.” He moans, finally about to reach his high. He’s pounding into you, with no desire to stop. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, yes-yes, I’m gonna cum in you, princess.” He whimpers, groaning in your ear, “yes baby, cum in me.” Your moaning, and that’s when he finally does, shooting his hot cum deep inside of you. Feeling your chest go up and down. The sweat from his forehead dripping down.
“Damn, that felt amazing.” He pants, staying on top of you, not yet taking himself out of you. “It was.” Your panting in union with your husband. “I just showered too.” He laughed, finally rolling off of you, pulling you to him, to kiss you.
“I’m sorry I was so late today, today was long.” He sighs, kissing your nose. “That’s okay baby. I understand.” You say nuzzling your head into his sweaty chest, not a care in the world.
“Princess, let’s take a shower before bed. I’ll change the sheets when we get out.” He says lifting you up, seeing his cum drip from your core. “Fuck that’s so sexy.” He whispers to himself, caring you to the shower, turning it on.
“Princess?” He looks at you, as you step in the shower,
His cum is dripping down your thighs, and your cheeks are red. He felt his cock twitch in excitement, I mean you guys usually go a couple rounds, so what would hurt if you both went again.
“I know you’re tired, and I’m tired. But, I’m going to need you to bend over and hold the shower rail.” He says, you look over and you see his cock rock hard again.
“Yes daddy.” You smirk, you silently thanking the universe you told your husband to give you head while asleep. It was going to be an exceptionally long shower & long night.
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del-thetiredwriter · 1 year
Mafia au/ Good Luck while running away from the mafia part 1
Intro , part 0.5 , part 2 , part 3
Notes: Guess what I’m back . To be honest I didn’t quite like it but anyway I’m posting it and I can’t write fight scenes ( ̄▽ ̄;). It’s so exhausting.
Tags: @loivre , @randomlyappearingartist , @serenity-loves-red , @hasty-desert , @moonlight-nightwing , @hrhqueenfox , @oceanside-pixie
Warning: cursing, fighting, blood, shooting, Yandere stuff…
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“Riddle-san, what are you doing, sir?”
At the question, Riddle briefly lifted his eyes from the documents and looked at you.
“I was just wondering about a thing.” He replied.
You looked around at the files arranged in order. All of them had one thing in common: betrayal, crime, wrong, etc. against the organizations punishments .
“I was really curious about what caught Riddle-san's attention. What could possibly make you go through even the files from the old manager Trein-sensei's time?"
Riddle smiled.
"Don't worry, you'll find out soon." said Riddle.
You were suddenly startled by the sound of footsteps. Apparently you fell asleep. You're not normally someone who sleeps a lot, but for the past two weeks you haven't been able to sleep properly.
After leaving the organization or rather escaping, you temporarily settled in a remote coastal city where you hoped they'd find you a little late. With a little help, you changed your identity, your phone line, everything. You've removed everything that indicates Y/n L/n.
Life here was calmer compared to your old life. You wished you could stay here forever. But you knew they would find you eventually. You lived ,one night in your sleep afraid that they would find you at your most vulnerable moment.
You were currently working in a cafe. Although it may seem a little illogical, working at the cafe, which was open until midnight, was actually a little better for you. The more people around you, the easier it is to avoid them.
"Yo!" You turned the way you came. Your colleague Alex was glaring at you with his arms folded.
“Yuu, what are you doing in the camera room again, are you skipping work again?”
'Yuu' is your new identity that you created to make it harder for them to find you while running away. You still had a hard time getting used to the name.
“No, Alex. I just- "
"Anyway, I'm going downstairs. You have the upstairs okay?"
You nodded and Alex left the room. You looked at the clock, it was 10:00 pm. You stretched yourself and yawned. Two more hours until the end of the shift.
As you were about to get up, your eyes were caught by the cameras. Your eyes widened in panic at what you saw. You watched three people enter the cafe. You'll recognize those red hair, those grins, those faces wherever you see them. Heartslabyul found you. No, they all found you. You clenched your teeth, your time was limited.
The reason you spent most of your time in the camera room was because you could see everything from here. You quickly grabbed your gun from the locked drawer and loaded it. Deuce and Cater took a table downstairs near the front exit. Ace was walking up the stairs.
You took a deep breath. You should have thought fast. You should have gotten out of here . But for that you had to go down the stairs first.
You went behind the door and waited. You waited for Ace to find you.
Look at the cameras. It was approaching. You gripped your gun tightly. And the door opened. You punched the poor boy in the face as the door opened.
“Agh-“ A bitter moan broke out from Ace.
Before he could draw his gun, you kicked him in the stomach and dropped it to the ground.
“Agh- it's been a long time and the first thing you do when you see me is attack me? Really Y/n.” Ace grinned . Clutching his nose, which was bleeding from your punch.
You muttered, "Bastard."
“Come on Y/n didn't you miss me? I missed you so much." He tried to punch you, but you avoided him. You both started to struggle. Ace might have been strong, but you were more experienced and stronger than him. You grabbed him by the head and knocked him to the ground. Before he could regain his balance, you took his tie and tied him with it.
“What am I going to miss about you, you sadistic bastard!”
You picked up the gun on the ground.
“What? Are you going to shoot me ?” Ace said in a tone you didn't like.
“You have to stop asking questions you know the answer to.”
At 11:00 pm, screams broke out in a cafe with the sound of 'bang' gunfire. Everyone in the cafe began to flee desperately, except for two people. The two men, one with red hair and the other with black hair, started to make their way to the upper floor of the cafe.
“Do you think who shot whom, hmm~” Cater asked the younger one.
As the two of them went upstairs, the power went out suddenly and the whole cafe was plunged into darkness.
“Looks like Y/n-chan won.” said Cater to himself.
“Let's separate . You stay here, Y/n has to use the stairs before they can get out of the cafe.” Cater instructed.
“Okay, sir.” said Deuce.
You held your breath under the table. You waited for Cater's footsteps to go away. You were the one who cut the electricity. Five minutes later the generator would start working . You should have gotten out of here by then. Finally, making sure that Cater was far enough away, you slowly came out from under the table. No matter how hard you tried not to make a sound, Deuce heard you.
“Y/n? Is this you ?"
Now that his eyes were accustomed to the dark, he could barely make out your silhouette. Everything happened so abruptly. You took a chair and hit Deuce with it. While he was stunned by the blow, you ran downstairs with your names and the electricity came back. Your five minutes were up.
When the lights were turned on, an unexpected sight was in front of you.
Riddle was sitting at a table eating strawberry pie as if nothing had happened.
“Ah, Y/n you finally came down. I was getting really bored waiting for you.” He said while taking a slice of the pie.
You pointed your gun at him. "Get out of my way if you don't-"
"It's been a long time since we've seen each other, Y/n, but will you put that gun down?" A familiar voice said as you turned around and saw Trey pointing his gun at you. As always, even in this state, he was smiling gently at you.
“Tch. What do you want ? Why are you here?" You asked questions that you know very well the answer to.
Riddle smiled.
“Y/n L/n you are posing a great danger to the organization right now. You also have cases of injuring my men. You understand what I'm trying to say, right?"
"Get out of my way or I'll shoot you."
Riddle laughed.
“You won’t t kill me, you can't. Just like we can't do to you. Now if you drop that gun, I'll do my best to mitigate your sentence."
This was clearly a lie. You grit your teeth. You smiled calmly and did as he said. You slowly put your gun down and raised your hands in the air.
“Well done, here it is. I wish you would always listen to my words like this. Now let's go back." said Riddle.
“Sorry Riddle but I won't be back!” You said and detonated the smoke bomb you were hiding. The area was suddenly covered with fog. You quickly walked out the front door through that mess and got into your car.
“Get them quick!” Riddle shouted.
You quickly drove away. There was no turning back anymore. The Game has started.
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meguwumibear · 4 months
togame x reader writing warm up
It's nearly midnight when the first of many rocks ricochets off of your first story window with a sharp plink. You don't even need to draw back the curtain to know who's waiting for you on the other side, likely still wearing his yellow shades despite the late hour.
You don't know if the man is stupid or suicidal.
Not one to reward poor behavior, you decide to wait him out. Togame will grow bored of tossing rocks at glass eventually.
Or not.
The next rock thrown splinters the pane with a quiet crack. The asshole never could take a hint.
You're not prepared for the sorry looking face that meets yours as you yank back the curtains. Togame's nose is practically smushed up against the ruined glass as he surveys the damage he's done, warm breath fogging up the window. The colorful specs he dons do little to hide the raised purple bruise forming under his left eye.
"Shit," you swear, as you fumble with the lock, "you gonna give me a matching shiner if I say I told you so?"
Togame has the nerve to look offended.
"When have I ever put my hands on you, huh?"
Never. Togame is known for his violence but has ever only been gentle with you.
"Tch, first time for everything."
You turn your back on him as he shimmies gracelessly into your room. If you keep looking at his ruined face, you might forgive him too soon.
"This mean you won't kiss it better?" he asks.
Damn him and his ability to make light of even serious situations.
"Does Choji know how you cool off after a fight?"
"Does Umemiya know who keeps your bed warm?"
A fair hit. You did throw the first punch.
"Baby, I don't wanna fight," he sighs, moody little pout making him look like something the cat dragged in. "If I'm not getting any kisses, I'll settle for some ice."
He closes the distance between the two of you, draping himself across your back. His long arms wind their way around your waist, leeching any lingering bitterness from you with their heat.
You wish it was easier to stay mad at him.
The expression you're met with as you twist around is soft, hopeful even. Apparently, it isn't easy for him to stay mad at you either.
You remove his glasses gingerly, placing them down on your crowded vanity. Green, green eyes watch you set them carefully aside.
"One kiss," you relent.
"This isn't a negotiation, Romeo. And you owe me for the window."
"What if I say please?" he asks, following the question with the plead before you can even respond.
Fuck. Fine. Whatever.
The black eye is punishment enough. Now need to rub additional salt into the wound.
You slot your lips against his slowly, and he smiles into the kiss, victorious. You have to stand on your tiptoes to reach his mouth, despite the fact he's made himself small for you.
"More," he moans as you playfully nip at his bottom lip. "Please, baby."
He's already semi hard against your hip. It's always so easy to work him up. You wonder if yours is the only kind touch he knows.
You pull back reluctantly. His lips chase after yours, but you still them with a finger.
"Ice first."
"Ice first," you repeat.
He frowns as he flops face first onto your bed, burrowing into your pillows and blankets. When he lifts his head it's to say, "fine, but I expect much more than kisses once you're done playing nurse."
And that, at least, you two can agree on.
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atarathegreat · 8 months
Sleepy Time Mirio Togata
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Showing that he was stressed out wasn't who Mirio was. Hero work took it's toll after a while, whether you were Endeavor or Hound Dog.
"Lemillion, sir?" One of the many assistants was peeking in his office, "It's after hours." She was right, it was after midnight and Mirio wasn't an overnight hero. Mirio sighed and thanked her for reminding him as she walked off. 1:30 in the morning for a man who was usually home for a delicious dinner and spent an hour watching tv with his beautiful wife was too late and too upsetting. Not only had he not eaten since midday, but he was also unable to spend time with the woman he loved before waking up the next day and doing it again.
The clanging of his locker opening filled the empty changing room, making him groan. If one more thing was loud and bothered his brain, Mirio was sure he would lose it. With his gloves tucked neatly in the bottom of his locker, he kicked off his shoes and placed them in with. An unanswered call home told him that Y/n was asleep, as expected at such a late hour.
Street lights revealed his way home. Mirio just wanted to be home, wished he would've been home hours ago instead of ever having woke up for work. Dark alleyways and brightly lit store fronts assaulted his eyes as he tried to stay focused on road signs and street lights.
He felt guilty, so guilty, for opening the door and dropping his keys loudly. A heavy sigh scratched at his already dry throat, but he could tell that Y/n had gone around and placed her hands on the very wallpaper. Mirio was eternally grateful for his wifes quirk, the way her simple handprint could exude calm like a lavender candle, no matter it's placement.
"Baby?" Mirio spoke softly as he walked into their room, slipping from his jeans. Waking her up wasn't really his plan, but he would love to speak with her for at least a little bit.
Y/n was laid on her stomach, soft snores sliding from her lips and reaching his ears. He loved her, more than he thought was probably healthy, but he loved her. Just the way she was laying, the fact that he knew she wasn't wearing any bottoms under that blanket, and her thin tank top was enough to make him stare. Groaning, he palmed his crotch as he thought about her body. Y/n shifted slightly as Mirio pulled the blanket from her, folding it out of his way as he settled between her legs, using his knee to spread one of her legs wider.
"Baby?" He pressed himself to her back, slipping his hands under her and groping at her breast, "Wake up, honey."
She hummed in her sleep, hardly a reply for the man who wanted to hear her voice, but he wasn't in a position to complain. He'd left her at home all day and missed their time together. The way she wiggled rubbed her bottom on his cock, making him hiss into her skin. Mirio couldn't take it and shoved his boxers off his thighs, "I'm sorry, baby, I know I should wake you up."
He hooked his fingers in her panties and moved the fabric aside, making her groan disapproval at the cold air that he didn't doubt was taunting her cunt as much as it was taunting him. "Just a second, baby," Mirio spit into his hand, rubbing it along his length, "it'll get warm again."
"Oh, hell..." Mirio rubbed his saliva coated tip through her folds, feeling the slight relief only her contact brought him. "Little wider, sweetheart." Mirio bent her knee, picking her up a little to stuff a pillow under her hips. Soft kisses were trailed across her shoulders, his hand gently rubbing his tip around her entrance. "God, I'm sorry, Y/n." Mirio grunted as he pushed all the way in, bottoming out as softly and quickly as possible. The way Y/n's brows knit together and her soft moans went straight through his body and twitched in his dick.
Slow, deep thrusts pulled silent grunts from the tired hero, his hands wrapping back around and groping his lovers breasts. Panted breaths blew heat onto her neck, whiny moans escaping her as a heat in her own body woke her. "M-Mirio?" Her breathy voice caused his grip on her tits to tighten. Mirio placed a chaste kiss to the back of her neck, "I'm sorry, baby."
She gripped the pillow under her head, "Fair trade, since we missed our movie." And Mirio laughed, thrusting deeper into her warmth, "Will you leave a handprint on me?" Fuck, Mirio was almost too far gone in her body that he wasn't sure he could hold out much longer. "Finish this and I will." She nodded, scooting her legs under her to raise her body into him. Mirio leaned back and squeezed her hips. "Hold tight." Was the only warning received before Mirio started pounding into her, his own whimpers joining in with her loud moans.
"Sorry, baby." Mirio panted, grabbing her wrists and holding her up as he went faster, eyes trained on where his cock was disappearing into her, "You're holding me perfectly, I can't take it."
"Oh, yes you can." Her sounds were honey. Mirio was always lost in her voice, but when it was breathy and tired and whining, it was like his dick took on all the thinking. He could feel his tip hitting as deep as her body allowed, her gasps confirming that he was hitting right where she needed him. "Gonna come for me, baby?" Mirio chuckled, dropping her chest into the mattress. Once more, her whines were enough of an answer for him, enough of a silent plea for him to go a little faster. "Shit, Miri!" She moved her ass to meet his thrusts, her breath hitching each time his cock kissed that sweet little spot that she loved. Mirio's eyes rolled back as she came, her cunt squeezing him and milking out his own orgasm.
"I'm sorry, baby, I should've woke you up first." Mirio rested his head on her back. Her giggles reached his ears and she wrapped her fingers around his wrist, leaving her print, "Apologize by making breakfast in the morning."
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its-vannah · 2 years
The Great War | Jacaerys x Reader
A/N: Y'all, I'm a member of the Rhaenyra support club and I'm not afraid to show it. She's such a good mother-in-law in this one.
Warnings: Childbirth, pregnancy, war
Midnights Masterlist
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Jace had been gone for nearly three months defending his mother's right to the throne. And as much as you admired his determination to defeat the greens and secure Rhaenyra's crown, you couldn't help but feel left behind.
Say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair
You were anxiously awaiting his return, running your hand over your swollen stomach, praying to the Gods that he'd be back for the babe's birth.
That was the night I nearly lost you
He had already escaped capture once, narrowly making it out of the palace with his life. When you had heard the news that he had almost died trying to escape, your heart dropped. No part of this war was safe, none of it easy.
There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair
As much as you knew Jace was doing the right thing at the forefront of the war, you selfishly wished that he would just come home.
Always remember
After pacing your chambers for what felt like eternity, you sat on the edge of the mattress, staring a hole into Jace's side of bed. If you looked hard enough, you could still see the imprint his body made from sleeping there for so long.
I vowed not to cry anymore
Blinking away the tears, you took a deep breath. The Maester had told you to take it easy, especially with all the stress you were ensuring as of late. He warned you that if you weren't more careful, you could lose the babe.
Spineless in my tomb of silence
Sitting in silence, you pressed your hand onto your stomach. Your eyes fluttered shut, and a small smile came to your face. He'll be home soon, you told yourself, He has to.
Uh-huh, sweet dream was over
But when you opened your eyes, you felt more alone than ever.
When you woke up a few days later with intenss pain in your abdomen, you knew something was wrong.
Broken and blue, so I called off the troops
You winced as you sat up in bed, clutching your stomach as you screamed for the Maester.
Screamin' from the crypt
It didn't take long for one of your handmaiden's to hear your cries for help, dragging the Maester in behind her as fast as she could.
He took one look at you and knew: you had gone into labor.
The Maester gave you a knowing look, an apologetic smile on his face. Looking up at him, you shook your head, "I can't, not without him."
"You must, Princess," He said, "Your life depends on it."
Your face fell, tears beginning to form in your eyes as your voice cracked, "I can't do this alone."
It was in that moment that the door opened, a woman with long silver hair stepping into your chambers, searching the room until she spotted you.
"My Queen," The Maester bowed in between grabbing towels and linnens to prepare for the birth, "I'm not sure this is the best time to see the Princess."
Rhaenyra turned to face him, continuing to make her way to your side, "I'm here in my son's place, if Princess Y/N will have me."
Maybe it was her
Your heart melted open seeing her, and you nodded, "Stay, please."
Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur
She sat down beside you, brushing the hair out of your face, "I came as soon as I heard, Y/N. I know what it's like to be alone during birth. I don't wish the feeling upon anyone."
Nodding, you grit your teeth, crying out in pain.
The Queen took your hand, "Take deep breaths, my dear. It'll all be over soon."
My knuckles were bruised like violets
The labor lasted forever. Or, that's how it felt to you. Once you stared pushing, you were gripping the headboard so hard, you felt your fingers going numb.
My hand was the one you reached for
But nothing had prepared you for the pain you'd experience when you began pushing. Beads of sweat were running down your face as you squeezed Rhaenyra's hand.
To that bloodshed, crimson clover
Nearly an hour and a half later, you gave one last final push.
Uh-huh, the worst was over
Falling back onto the pillows, your chest heaved as you struggled to catch your breath. But all of that went away when your newborn babe was placed upon your chest, it's soft cries echoing throughout your chambers.
"It's a boy, my princess," The Maester said as he began cleaning you up, "The Prince will most certainly be happy."
I would always be yours
Looking down at your son, you couldn't help but smile, noticing the similarities between him and your husband. They had the same eyes and nose, same lips. In an instant, you realized you loved him more than anything.
Rhaenyra gazed down at her grandson, stroking his small hand with one of her fingers, "He really Jace, doesn't he?"
You nodded, "He does, your grace."
"I'm so proud of you, Y/N. Truly," She said, "I hope he'll return to Dragonstone soon. He has plenty of reason to, after all."
After three days, you received word that Jace had defeated the greens in the northern region—a great win for the blacks.
In honor of his victory, he flew home immediately, not wanting to wait another second to meet his son.
Uh-huh, the burning embers
As soon as your chamber doors opened and you saw him step inside, your heart leapt.
I really thought I lost you
Even though you knew he had survived the battle, a small part of you still prepared for the worst. You had toyed with the idea that you had been misinformed, or that he could be hurt on the flight back.
You said I have to trust more freely
But your constant thoughts and questions were put to rest when you saw him.
You lay in bed, your son asleep on your chest after a feeding.
Jace crossed the room, a wide smile on his face as he leaned over the bed, pressing a kiss to your lips.
Pulling away, he pressed another kiss to your temple, "I'm sorry I missed it, my love. I would've done anything to have been here."
'Cause we survived the Great War
You gave him a reassuring smile, "You're here now, that's all that matters. You survived like you promised."
He nodded, looking down at his son, "He favors you, you know?"
"Really?" You questioned, "I believe he looks more like you."
Jace tilt his head, "He has your skin tone, the color of your hair, and the shape of your face."
Looking down at your son, you nodded your head, "Yes, but he has your eyes, nose, and mouth."
With a sigh, Jace agreed, "I suppose he looks like the both of us. But it seems he got my brother's hair."
A soft smile spread across your face upon thinking about Lucerys, "He'll be honored to share something of his Uncle's."
"So, does he have a name?"
You shook your head, "I was waiting for you to return."
Jace bit his bottom lip, "I had an idea, if you're up for it."
"Of course."
"I've had three father figures in my life, as you know. My father, Laenor, my mother's husband, Daemon, and the late Harwin Strong," He explained, "I wanted to honor each of them."
"So what name do you propose?"
He sighed, "That's the problem. I'm not sure how to do it."
So I justified it
"Well, you could take a bit from each of their names," You suggested, "It doesn't have to be their first name. But their last, too."
Jace contemplated it, "Vaemin?"
And maybe it was ego swinging
"You want to name your son Vaemin Velaryon?" You quirked a brow.
He shook his head, "Shall we think of something else?"
It turned into something bigger
"I like Saenor," You said, "It takes the S from the Strong name, the ae from Daemon, and the final three letters from Laenor."
"Saenor Velaryon," Jace repeated, "I believe our son has a name."
You gazed down at your sleeping son, adjusting yourself so you could gently pass him to Jace to hold.
Looked up at me with honor and truth
He took him in his arms, "Saenor Velaryon, first of his name, the future King of Westeros."
The love Jace already had for his son was beyond measurable, as was your love for the two of them. A twinkle in his eye as he rocked Saenor slowly in his arms, you caught his gaze.
I vowed I would always be yours
Smiling up at him, you leaned against his side. For the first time in months, your family was together again.
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rpmemes-galore · 2 months
Chappell Roan : The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess album ... sentence starters
tw for some sexual content and language
"Is it casual now?"
"You're losing it lately."
"I'm so sick of online love."
"It's gonna cause a scene."
"You wonder why I'm bitter…"
"I just wanna get to know ya."
"You coming home with me?"
"We're hot, we're drunk, wow."
"Won't make my mama proud."
"Mini skirt and my go-go boots."
"But I can't help what I can't help."
"Baby, why don't you come over?"
"Let's make this bed get squeaky."
"So slow down, sit down, it's new."
"Got so close, but then you lost it."
"Oh my god, you are heaven sent…"
"If karma's real, hope it's your turn."
"It's comical, the bridges you burn."
"Should've listened to your friends."
"If I didn't love you, it would be fine."
"Fell in love with the thought of you."
"So, baby, let's get freaky, get kinky."
"I thought you thought of me better."
"It's hot when you have a meltdown."
"Do you picture me like I picture you?"
"She showed me things I didn't know."
"Every place leads back to your place."
""Here we go, again. Everything is fine."
"Not overdramatic, I know what I want."
"And he was wearing these fugly jeans."
"Touch me, baby, put your lips on mine."
"Wishing you the best, in the worst way."
"This is what I wanted, this is what I like."
"Oh, some good girls do bad things, too."
"Can't be a good, good girl even if I tried."
"I try not to care, but it hurts my feelings."
"I love a little drama, let's start a bar fight."
"It's all in my head, but I want non-fiction."
"You're hating yourself, I'm feeling myself."
"I know you want it, baby, you can have it."
"I could be the one, or your new addiction."
"Never waste a Friday night on a first date."
"Now I'm choked up, face down, burnt out."
"I've been a good, good girl for a long time."
"But, baby, I like flirting, a lover by my side."
"So, now when we kiss, I have anger issues."
"I don't want the world, but I'll take this city."
"Could go to hell, but we'll probably be fine."
"Every night's another reason why I left it all."
"Got what you wanted, so stop feeling sorry."
"Ruined my credit, stole my cute aesthetic…"
"'Cause if we do coffee, it's never just coffee."
"I try to be the chill girl but, honestly, I'm not."
"We're leaving the planet and you can't come."
"People say I'm jealous, but my kink is karma."
"You'll say that you're sorry. I know that's a lie."
"Can't meet you for dinner at the Italian place."
"Um, can you play a song with a fucking beat?"
"Here come the excuses that fuel the illusions."
"That’s my type of fun, that's my kind of party."
"Who can blame a girl? Call me hot, not pretty."
"You don't have to stare, comе here, get with it!"
"I guess we could pretend we didn't cross a line."
"And you're getting pissed off, it's getting me off."
"'Cause everything good happens after midnight."
"If you really wanna leave, I'll never make you stay."
"No need to be hateful in your fake Gucci sweater."
"To think, I almost had it going, but I let you down."
"No one's touched me there in a damn hot minute!"
"I'm feeling kinda freaky, maybe it's the moonlight."
"I'm feeling kinda freaky, maybe it's the club lights."
"There's no one else who could. the only one is you."
"You sent him pictures and playlists and phone sex."
"I heard you like magic. I've got a wand and a rabbit."
"I kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend, if you don't mind."
"We've done this before, and I don't need it anymore."
"It's not attractive wearing that dress and red lipstick."
"If it hasn't happened, yet, then maybe you should go."
"Who knew that we'd let it get this bad when it ended?"
"He doesn't have what it takes to be with a girl like me."
"I hate that I let this drag on so long, you can go to hell."
"My friends call me a loser, 'cause I'm still hanging around."
"Baby, do you like this beat? I made it so you'd dance with me."
"I'm too scared to say half of the things I do when I picture you."
"Nothing good happens when it's late and you're dancing alone."
"And you're getting called out, 'cause you're running your mouth."
"'Cause if we have wine, 'cause if we have wine. I know that's a lie."
"Lying to your friends about how he's such a goddamn good lover."
"What's it take to get your number? What's it take to bring you home?"
"Should've listened to your friends 'bout his girlfriend back in Boston."
"Knee deep in the passenger seat and you're eating me out, is it casual now?"
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I don’t have a picture specifically but it is my birthday today! Can you write something with Andrew surprising you when you thought he’d be on tour somewhere else and wouldn’t be able to make it for your birthday? Can start out fluffy but then turn into smut please :)
Well, let me present you with a picture then... (He is on his way.)
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Happy Belated Birthday, love. (It seems we share that special day. 😉) I hope you don't mind I kept it fluffy this time. I'm having a mild fever and I couldn't handle more heat than I am already battling with.
warnings: language; a little heartache
 Only fifteen minutes left. Thank god, you thought. You could not wait for this day to be over.
It was your birthday today. And you loved your birthday. But birthdays without Andrew sucked. It did not even feel like a real birthday, much less like a day you wanted to celebrate. And so you had not. 
You had told your friends and family that you would be busy at work all day and that after that, you definitely would not be in the mood for company. And astonishingly, they had all accepted your excuse and taken to calling or texting you instead of coming round to congratulate you in person. 
All the better, you thought, as you prepared to go to bed. Disposing of your empty glass in the sink, you walked over to the open window. The world outside lay in complete silence, slowed by the darkness of night that had settled a while ago. It was time to let go of the day and rest. 
But how could you let go? How could you find peace when a part of you was missing, leaving a void in your chest that seemed to grow bigger with every passing second, like a black hole that swallowed all the goodness you should have felt on a day like this?
You sighed. This was unfair. You knew it was. It was unfair to you as much as it was unfair to him. If there would even be the slightest chance, the tiniest possibility, he would be here with you right now, no doubt. And still you felt like crying.
He had called you, first thing in the morning and you had talked for a long while. He had reserved some extra time for you, more than he usually could, and still you missed him. So much. More than you had ever thought it possible to miss someone. In some moments, the worst of them, when you just could not hold up your walls anymore, it hurt. It hurt to a point that you needed to lie down and roll up into a bundle of misery, and all you could do was just stay like that until the pain had faded. 
Afterwards you always felt a little stupid for being so whiny. He would be back with you soon enough, no time to act like a clingy puppy. But most importantly, he could never know. It would break his heart. And one broken heart was bad enough already. 
You jolted as your ears picked up the harsh buzzing of your phone on the living room table. Probably another message of birthday wishes, you assumed, as you walked over to pick it up. But as soon as you read the name on the screen your heart jumped a little. It was his goodnight text. He sent you one every night. 
Told the moon to hold all my love. So don’t be surprised if it shines a little brighter tonight. Just for you.
Well, someone had clearly been listening to an awful lot of Mitski lately, you thought, and chuckled to yourself. But only one glance outside was enough to make your heart drop, opening the vaults, and letting your eyes spill over. The moon was nowhere to be seen. 
If only he were—
But you did not get to end that thought as the clock made you jump again, telling you it was midnight. Your birthday finally over. 
The wave of relief that washed over you made you sigh through the tears. Time to go to bed at last. With two harsh strokes of the back of your hand, the visible remains of your heartache were gone and you were just about to switch off the lights, when an unexpected noise startled you for the third time tonight. 
Had that been a knock on your door? At this time? It could not be. You had probably misheard. Still you chose to stay for a moment and wait, and it did not take long before it came again. Loud and clear this time. 
This was impossible. Insufferable. Had you not been absolutely clear about not wanting any company today? Well, obviously not. But you would correct that mistake right away.
“I told you I didn’t want to see anyone. Go away!”
But instead of some well-earned silence, there was another knock. 
“For fuck’s sake, can’t you just leave me alone?”
Obviously they could not. Just as they most likely could not read the atmosphere to understand when it was time to leave. And when they even showed the audacity to knock yet again, you felt like you had no other choice. With a huff of pure rage you stomped over to the door, let your hand smash down on the knob and yanked it open. May god have mercy on the poor soul that was waiting outside.
There had been so many words on your mind, all the curses and swearwords your vocabulary had to offer, but as soon as your eyes landed upon the intruder that stood in your doorway, you could not remember even the simplest one of them all. 
“I just wanted to make sure the moon is shining perfectly for you."
This was not real. It could not be. You had probably fallen asleep and your desperate mind had chosen to give you exactly what you needed, what you had been craving ever since he had left through that exact same door, looking back at you from a pair of watery green eyes. But it seemed you were not granted this little treat for long as tears began to blur your vision once again. 
“The moon is not even shining tonight,” you managed to pipe up, your voice breaking halfway through your statement, making it sound awfully shrill.
“So, it’s a good thing I came then. Because how else would you have know how much I love you?”
A loud, clattering noise echoed through the night as his bag fell to the ground. It had taken him less than a heartbeat to decide whether to hold on to it or hold you instead, and as his arms closed around you now, the familiar warmth of his body pressed against yours, back where he belonged, for the first time in months your heart seemed to remember its natural rhythm again. 
“Sorry I’m late, baby.”
You hugged him a little tighter, basking in the way his breath slowly crept along your neck as he spoke, the way even one word from his mouth was enough to silence the white noise in your brain and let you breathe again.
“It would be so out of character if you weren’t.”
You chuckled, and so did he. 
“Happy Birthday, my love.”
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ckret2 · 10 months
Chapter 29 of human Bill Cipher will find a way out of being the Pines' prisoner or so help him, featuring:
and also:
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Kryptos doesn't actually talk like that, it's just how he's currently feeling.
January 1, 1982
"You're late," Bill said, a bit reproachfully.
Ford gave him a surprised look. "Did we have an appointment?" He didn't remember one. He was pretty sure he'd remember an appointment with his muse, even if he'd made it in a dream.
"Pfff, appointments are for people without an eternity of time! No, I'm just used to you dreaming by midnight. It's weird for you to stay up past two when you aren't working on a project."
"I suppose it is." Ford was flattered Bill was paying close enough attention to notice his sleep habits. "I thought I'd stay up late to bring in the new year."
"The what?"
"The... new year?" What wasn't registering. How do you explain New Year's to an alien/angelic messenger? "It's when—"
"Oh, oh right." Bill waved off the rest of Ford's explanation. Several calendars and clocks spiraled in the air like a Ferris wheel in front of Bill, "Between trying to figure out whether you meant it was 0 Pop or Tishrei 1, I completely forgot about Chaos 1. You guys have too many calendars!"
And he'd skipped over January entirely. Wryly, Ford said, "The next time somebody asks for my input, I'll let them know you want us to use a few less."
Bill laughed. "Smart aleck." The calendars and clocks vanished. "And all you did to celebrate was stay up a little later than usual? No parties? Okay, I know you don't know anyone throwing a party—but you didn't even celebrate at a bar?" Bill ruffled his hair. "All work and no play makes Ford a dull boy!"
Ford endured the ruffling. He wasn't quite sure whether Bill was scolding him for staying up celebrating, or for not celebrating enough. "I... suppose I could celebrate in here?"
"What do you want, a fireworks show?" In the distance in Ford's mindscape, a single large firework exploded. It shifted colors, purple to yellow to green to red, before fading. "I don't think so! If you wanted fireworks, you should've gone to the show on the lake. I've got some prophecies to pass on, and I'd rather get to them this REM cycle."
By "prophecies" he probably meant a random assortment of warnings about Ford's upcoming week, which historically had varied in severity from "don't visit the lake Tuesday evening or you'll get caught in a snowstorm and die of hypothermia" to "you'd better get groceries in the morning before they sell out of your toothpaste brand." And Ford was always grateful for such messages—but now he wished he could see what sort of fantastical color-changing dream fireworks show his muse could put on. "I take it it's not a new year on your calendar."
"I don't keep track of that stuff. When you're as ancient as me, celebrating the new year is like celebrating a new hour."
Bill had so easily brushed off the implicit invitation to discuss "his" calendar. Ford wasn't surprised. Over the years of sporadic meetings with his muse, Ford had noted that Bill never shared information about where he'd come from or how he filled his time when he wasn't bestowing his wisdom—as if Bill was a thing that simply is, a muse that offered inspiration because it was made to inspire, with no history or identity outside of its role in service to humanity. He always dodged the questions gracefully.
But he never seemed bothered that Ford had asked. In fact, as long as Ford didn't pry into Bill's history and kept his inquiries comfortably shallow, Bill always seemed happy to receive personal questions. Ford had found that even when Bill talked like he was in a hurry, it was very easy to get him off track (and consequently extend his visit to two or three more dreams) by asking him about himself.
Ford wondered why that was. Was it a part of his duty—was he compelled to answer his chosen students' questions, to enlighten them on the mysteries of the universe, to help tug back the curtain of reality to reveal wonders unknown—wonders that included Bill himself? Or perhaps Bill was used to students seeing him as a source of knowledge without seeing him. Perhaps he was grateful that somebody was interested in him enough to ask.
Whatever the case—Bill clearly liked being asked about himself, and Ford liked getting his muse to stick around a little longer than planned. So rather than letting Bill get on to the prophecies he'd promised, Ford asked, "Do you ever... participate in any human holidays? After all, you've offered so much to humanity. I'm sure any of your prior protégés would have been honored to invite you as a guest to our celebrations. I would be honored." And Ford wouldn't mind having friendly company on the holidays that he'd gotten in the habit of ignoring until they shrank to nothing but a square on a calendar.
"Ha, I know you would! But no, not really," Bill said. "Don't get me wrong, it's not that I look down on your cute little local festivals. They just don't have any relevance to me! A celebration of a bountiful harvest, a prayer to get through the winter, the veneration of a local long-dead celebrity... I come from a timeless realm of divinity, sublimity, color and light! Most of your planet's holidays are about issues that don't matter to me."
"Ah. I see," Ford said. "Are there any human holidays you care about?"
Bill mulled over the question. "Maybe one or two."
June 22, 2013
Bill thundered down the stairs, charged into the kitchen, and announced to the Pines, "If I don't get to wear a Summerween costume I will literally die."
Without looking up from the morning paper, Ford said, "Then die."
It took ten minutes for Bill to bargain Ford up from "death" to permission to wear a costume—provided that it was free; that Bill agree to stay inside for the holiday without complaint (WITHOUT COMPLAINT) no matter what fun activities he heard happening outside; that Ford didn't have to do anything to help Bill obtain said costume; and that Bill take a dang shower.
Bill groaned. "Another shower already?"
"You wouldn't need so many if you didn't insist on running around in an acrylic sweater and polyester leggings in summer."
Bill knew that. That was one of the reasons he did it. It was useful for the humans to think the showers were their idea.
Bill agreed to all terms, and even volunteered to get the dang shower over with now so they could both get on with the rest of their days.
He'd never admit it, but Bill had been wanting a shower. Not for the hygiene, but for the privacy. This was the first time he'd had a door between himself and the Pines since he'd broken the shack's unicorn hair barrier.
Time to call in reinforcements.
Bill covered the mirrors, turned on the shower, undressed, stuck his head under the shower stream so that if anyone barged in on him he could use his wet hair as proof he'd been showering, and squinted through the wooden door to confirm there weren't any humans lurking nearby. Coast was clear—but wow, it hurt to bend his eye that way. He rubbed at it irritably as he set up his ring of candles again, and wasn't surprised when his fingertips came away bloody. He thought it hurt more than it had last time. He wondered how many more times he could glance into higher dimensions before this body's eyeballs gave out on him. Hopefully he wouldn't need them that long.
He drew Kryptos on the floor, lit the candles, and started muttering the chant to summon him. "Rhombus sapphirinus. Fraternitas, caritas..."
The steamy air went chill, the water pattering in the tub grew muffled, the whole world slowed and paused. For weeks, Bill's every attempt to break into the mindscape had been a futile strain; but now, instead, the mindscape surged up and swallowed him into its gray twilight, like evening embracing the land on the heels of sunlight's departure. Bill knew he wasn't awake anymore. It was working.
A force outside of Bill borrowed his throat to speak the last of the ritual—it worked!—and before his eyes, a diamond window opened into the Nightmare Realm.
Standing at the edge of one of the Quadrangle of Qonfusion's many perpendicular floors, arms crossed, scowling deeply, Pyronica glared at a neon-acidic cotton candy nebula light years away. "Guys," she said, "it's doing the thing again."
8 Ball, Keyhole, and Zanthar glanced away from their video game toward the nebula. Amorphous Shape peeled a few squares off a column to peer at it with Hectorgon.
"Look at this." Pyronica clapped her hands.
In the nebula, crackles of lightning-like bolts of light millions of miles long shot through the starry clouds. A noise like thunder boomed from it, rattling the Quadrangle. An ugly statue fell off a column-shaped pedestal and landed on a wall.
She clapped twice more—each time, eliciting more lightning—then gestured emphatically at the nebula. "How am I doing that!"
"Can't be you controlling it," Amorphous Shape said. "That nebula's over a dozen light years away. That light had to have happened years ago, we're just seeing it now."
Already turned back to his video game and determinedly trying to murder Keyhole, 8 Ball said, "Maybe the nebula's controlling you."
Pryonica said flatly, "You think a bunch of stars is making me clap."
"Eh. Like astrology or something."
Hectorgon said, "Could be a time loop thing."
"Could be," Amorphous Shape said thoughtfully.
Pyronica threw up her hands, which made the distant nebula's colors shift slightly. "If it's not weird butterfly effects or faster-than-light light, it's time loops. I hate this place. All it'd take is a hard sneeze to knock the whole dimension down."
She'd been saying things to such effect for the past few months. Consequently, nobody really paid much attention to the latest round of griping about the Nightmare Realm's poor maintenance, until she said, "I'm bailing on the Quadrangle. Soon as I can find a decent rock in some other dimension. Who else is coming?"
8 Ball glanced down at Pyronica from the floor with their gaming setup. "Hold on, are you serious?" He quickly had to look away as Zanthar took advantage of the distraction to attack.
"Yeah, I'm serious. I don't wanna break up the gang, but I'm sick of this dump."
Huddled on a nearby wall like an unemployed gargoyle, Paci-Fire said solemnly, "I will stay, Mother. The Quadrangle of Qonfusion is the only home I have ever known."
"Probably one of my worst life decisions," Pyronica muttered. "The Quadrangle isn't our home, it was Bill's. We're just... just..."
Ducking in from between two columns that seemed to lead to a purple-shadowed nighttime meadow, Teeth said, "Eternal couch-surfers."
"Ha! Yeah, that. Hey, where you been the past week?"
"Took a wrong turn to the bathroom. I ended up in that pocket dimension Bill grounded the electrical wiring into."
"I never know how many times to cross that one infinitely looping hallway!"
Pyronica gestured at Teeth. "See, this place is a complete mess. We'd be better off moving to any other dimension. And you'd like living in a real dimension if you gave it a shot, Paci!"
"No." Paci-Fire crossed his arms. "I do not want to."
"At least think about it. Wouldn't you like to live somewhere that has moons? Instead of going on a road trip to another dimension every time you want to drive a civilization to extinction?"
Keyhole muttered, "I hate those stupid road trips. They're always a zillion light years long and we never do anything fun."
"Hey!" Pyronica pointed at Keyhole. "Watch it! My kid's a lunarcide prodigy, he gets to go on as many moon-destroying trips as he wants!"
Keyhole cringed. "Right, right, sorry." 8 Ball muttered something disparaging about Keyhole's intellect, right before blowing him up for the second time.
Paci-Fire asked, "And say we were to move to a dimension with more moons. What would we do when the authorities follow us home after another successful slaughter?" A side-effect of growing up in the Henchmaniacs was that Paci-Fire regarded The Authorities as a nebulous bogeyman that was personally out to get him and all his family and friends. "Are we to lock the door and cower from them like—like cowards? Or constantly flee from one dimension to the next? No, Mother. I do not wish to live like a pariah in the dark corners of—" his lower mouth sneered around his pacifier, "civilized dimensions. There is nowhere safer for us than the Nightmare Realm."
"Sweetie, you don't have to be afraid of the authorities in other dimensions—"
"Mother! I know no fear." Paci-Fire's eyes flared a bright, dangerous red.
Pyronica playfully tugged one of his horn. "We can find a dimension as primitive as 46'\ without any interstellar cops. Like—which dimension were you from, Teeth, it doesn't even have any organized space authorities, does it?"
"Oh, yeah, pretty much every world in my galaxy was still ground bound when Bill recruited me." Teeth stepped on a column, slid off, and shuffled around it, trying to remember which side doubled as a walkway to the kitchen. "I don't really mind staying here, though. I mean yeah, we don't have a roof, or consistent walls, and the wiring's a mess. But the rent's really reasonable for a place this size in this part of the Nightmare Realm."
Hectorgon processed that. "Hold on." He lay on a wall and slid up it until he was mouth level with Teeth. "You've been paying rent?"
Teeth paused mid-column. "Wh—yeah? What's that supposed to mean?"
Pyronica bit her lip to keep from laughing, elbowed Paci-Fire, and hissed, "I thought Bill was joking about charging Teeth rent!"
Paci-Fire murmured, "Bill Cipher was always a most droll prankster."
"Who are you paying it to?" Hectorgon asked.
"I mean—I was paying it to Bill. But I dunno who took that over, so I guess, kinda... no one?"
With a mildly offended tone, Hectorgon lied, "You were supposed to give it to me now."
"Oh." Teeth shifted awkwardly. "Uh... sorry, Hect, no one told me. I don't think I've got enough on hand to cover all the..."
"It's fine, everything's been topsy-turvy since... the last few months. Just give me what you have and pay back the rest as soon as you can, okay?"
"Sure, sure, no problem. Thanks, man."
Pyronica bit her lip to keep from laughing. "All right, so Teeth is stupid enough to stay here."
"But I don't see why the rest of us should be." She looked up at the trio playing games below her, then tried to remember which stupid paradox staircase led to that level. She hesitantly headed up one that looked promising. "Moving out would be worth it just to be somewhere with consistent physics!"
"I am contented with the inconsistent physics," Paci-Fire said.
"It took you fifty years longer than most kids to learn how to walk," Pyronica said. "I know you're my little genius! It's this dimension that's holding you down!" 
"Boo," Paci-Fire said sulkily.
"Paci, you don't even like the Quadrangle. Nobody does."
Amorphous Shape let out a chorus of sharp gasps. They slid around a corner and reappeared sliding from the underside of the staircase to the top, laying zigzag atop the steps to glare at Pyronica. "Excuse us."
"I'll step on you, Morph," Pyronica threatened. Amorphous Shape grudgingly slid over for her to pass. "Fine, Bill's stupid 2D groupies like the Quadrangle. But the rest of us don't."
"What's wrong with it?" Morph demanded.
"What's—?!" Pyronica gestured upward at the floor below them. "You don't see the problem with this?!"
"It's supposed to be like that. It's a shortcut." 
"It's a—!" Pyronica covered her face and suppressed a scream. "It's giving me vertigo!"
"It doesn't give us vertigo," Morph said defensively. They partially peeled off the steps to look at Hectorgon. "Does it give you vertigo?"
"No, I'm fine."
"What about you, Kryptos?"
There was no answer.
"Krypt?" Morph reluctantly peeled off the stairs entirely and hovered in the air to try to get a better view.
"He probably got sucked into The Void," Keyhole muttered, "it was vibrating this morning."
8 Ball sighed. "Why do we even have that Void?"
"Man, I dunno."
Pyronica ascended to the bottom of the stairs, sat on the arm of the gamers' couch, and said, "The point is—none of us need this place. I got by fine before joining Bill, most of you guys did too, and we can get by just fine now without squatting in his weird architecture project."
She leaned behind Keyhole and 8 Ball to poke Zanthar's arm. "Big Z, you still have worshippers in your home dimension, right? Aren't you still getting offerings?"
Zanthar shrugged noncommittally.
"They've still got legends of you, you can whip them back into shape in no time. Keyhole, you've got family—"
Without looking away from the screen, where he was losing hideously, Keyhole muttered, "I'm not moving back in with my mom."
"I'm not talking about your mom, stupid, what about your sisters?" 
Keyhole winced, though it was hard to tell whether it was from Pyronica's question or from getting killed for the third and final time. "I don't know... Bill and I were talking about them once, and I realized they're as bad as Mom was. Bill said probably the only reason they didn't treat me as bad is because they never got the opportunity—"
"Who cares what Bill said," Pyronica snapped. "Bill's dead! We don't have to listen to him anymore!"
"Hear hear," 8 Ball muttered; but he couldn't throw in anything else, lest Zanthar blow him up and win the match.
Pyronica said, "Face it: the only reason the rest of us didn't leave the Nightmare Realm millennia ago is because Bill couldn't leave."
Morph drifted through the kitchen—reaching around Teeth to grab a drink out of the fridge as they passed—and unfolded questioningly around a corner. "There you are."
Kryptos was in the rec room, lounging on Bill's stupid tacky optical illusion throne with the fabric of reality upholstery, staring out a window (or skylight, depending on your point of perspective). He grunted at Morph.
Morph said, "Bill's gonna be furious you're using his throne."
"Whatever. Z's already spilled time punch on the armrest." Kryptos pointed at the patch of reality on the armrest that was out of chronological synch with the rest of the throne.
"He's not gonna be furious," Pyronica said, shouting through the doorway that inexplicably connected to the rec room. "He's not gonna be anything because he's dead. He died. D-E-A-D."
"He's not." And suddenly Morph were in Pyronica's face, all of their polygons and lines and piercing slitted eyes circling her head like angry moons. Keyhole leaned toward 8 Ball to see the screen around them, and 8 Ball elbowed him back over. Morph said, "He can't be. If Bill was dead, the Nightmare Realm would be falling apart even faster—"
"So let's bail while we can—"
"—but it's not," they said. "If anything, its degradation is slowing down. That would be impossible if he were dead, he's instrumental to holding the Nightmare Realm together—"
"Unless he lied about that, and he was actually making everything worse," Pyronica said.
"Bill's not a liar! We have the data to prove it, we've been measuring the degradation for billennia—"
"I'm sick of your stupid measurements! It was your 'measurements' that said 46'\ was perfect to take over! Was that stupid barrier part of your measurements?!"
"That barrier was extremely localized, there's no way we could have detected—"
"The portal was right in the middle of it! How did you idiots miss it?!"
8 Ball groaned as Zanthar whittled away the last of his HP. Zanthar let out a gentle hum like the sound of an apocalyptic vacuum cleaner as the game declared him the winner.
8 Ball tossed his controller at the TV. The TV squealed in fear. "If Bill is alive, that's just another reason to get out of the Nightmare Realm! Leave before he gets back! He can play king in this dump by himself."
Paci-Fire said, "Surely, you do not mean that. Were Bill still around..."
"No! No, I do mean it! The only reason we've stayed so long is because everyone's too starstruck or too scared to ditch him! Not anymore! If his flat-brained cultists wanna wait for him, fine! But why do we all gotta stay?"
"Hey!" Hectorgon rushed in from the kitchen to snarl at 8 Ball. "Who're you calling flat, cue tip—?"
Kryptos tuned out the argument downstairs/next door as 8 Ball and Hectorgon started brawling. Who were they kidding? Nobody was leaving. Maybe 8 Ball, he'd tried to split four or five times before crawling back, but Kryptos didn't care about him anyway. Bill had always been right about him: he was too selfish to care about the rest of the gang but too stupid to make it on his own. They'd taken in losers like that before and it had never been a big loss when they left. But no one else would leave. Where would they go?
Where could they go?
Kryptos didn't care about the outerplanar Henchmaniacs' reasons for joining Bill; but the shapes were here because Bill had promised to make them a new home. He was the only one in all of reality who could do it. Kryptos was as desperate to hear from Bill as Morph and Hect were. They'd held fast to Bill's promise for a trillion years—so how could they let go of whatever thin thread of that hope remained? Who would they be if they lost it?
But in his heart, Kryptos didn't really believe Bill was out there. He'd been gone too long. And Kryptos couldn't imagine anything less catastrophic than Bill's destruction could have reversed Weirdmageddon.
Yet he was still here, and still waiting, because he didn't know what else to do. He'd stay in the Quadrangle until the whole realm finally fell apart, just in case Bill casually floated back in one day. He'd do anything they could think of to find him and bring him back.
And then Kryptos got a call from Earth.
He sighed heavily.
Calls from Earth weren't unusual. Perks of having helped found the Fishmasons: Kryptos was occasionally summoned by the Fishermen high-ranked enough to be told their organization really did know an interdimensional alien who was their de facto secret leader and presided over their most important rituals. Assuming "de facto secret leader" meant "living equivalent of a beloved sports team mascot," and "presided over" meant "got free invitations to," and "most important rituals" meant "most fun parties." But the humans liked to pretend that their little group was a lot more important and cloak-and-dagger than the social club it really was; and all the wink-wink-nudge-nudge pretending-Kryptos-was-in-charge, while silly, was also kind of flattering. You didn't get many chances to be the star of the show when you lived around a supernova like Bill.
So, Kryptos got calls from Earth from time to time—at least a handful a year—typically from a middle-aged man in a business suit trying to pretend he wasn't giddy about being the guy who'd gotten permission to pull out the candles and contact The Alien.
Kryptos was not in the mood to talk to humans. Humans were why they were in this mess. Humanity could go jump in a lake.
But it wasn't every human's fault that a handful had somehow taken out Bill. And maybe they were calling for a party. Maybe it would cheer him up.
So he sighed again, half heartedly shouted, "Guys—guys, shut up a second, I'm getting a call," and opened up a window to Earth.
His vision was filled with a brown-skinned golden-haired haunted-eyed human who, at the sight of Kryptos, gave him a relieved, face-splitting smile. "H—"
Kryptos hung up.
To reiterate: he took calls from middle-aged men in business suits. That was a naked woman crouched on the floor like an animal.
"Who was it?" Hectorgon asked.
"No one. Some woo-woo witchy type who probably dug up a leaked Fishmason ritual online."
Hectorgon laughed. "I bet it thought it could ask a 'demon' for lottery numbers."
"Sorry, sister, but that's Bill's schtick," Kryptos said. "My number is unlisted for a reason."
Kryptos wondered about Bill's human pals. Well—"pals" was a bit of a stretch—devotees and students. How often did he get calls? And now they couldn't reach him.
Stinks for them. Must be awful, reaching out to someone in another dimension for help and getting nothing back.
An ethereal, sourceless voice whispered in Bill's ear, "The all-knowing dream demon you're trying to reach is currently unavailable for visions and prophecies. If this is an emergency, wake up and call your nearest Masonic lodge. Otherwise, please leave your prayers or petitions after the beep." Beep.
Bill stared, jaw dropped, at the empty patch of air where Kryptos had been projecting just a moment ago. After several seconds of mute outrage, Bill said, "Kr... Kryptos. You... I swear, if you don't get back here this SECOND—"
The sheer force of his anger woke him up. His eyes fluttered open to the world of color and humidity and pattering water. He grabbed every towel he could reach, wadded them up, and screamed into them. "KRYPTOS YOU SON OF A— I KNOW YOU NEVER CHECK YOUR VOICEMAIL! AND WERE YOU ON MY THRONE, WERE YOU SITTING ON MY SPECIAL THRONE—!"
He shrieked until his lungs were empty.
At sixty minutes exactly, Ford knocked and opened the bathroom door. Bill stood scowling behind it.
Dryly, Ford asked, "Have a pleasant shower?"
Wet hair hanging in tangles, face flushed red, eyes even redder, Bill snapped, "Yeah. Refreshing."
Mabel glanced down from the stepladder at Bill, then pointedly looked away and continued taping Summerween decorations to the hallway wallpaper. "What."
"Mabel," Bill tried again, a touch more pleading. "O great Shooting Star. My hero. My one and only friend in this hostile universe. Last person who hasn't utterly forsaken me." He leaned on the wall, the back of his hand pressed to his forehead. "The sole illumination in the dark night of my accursed postmortem existence—"
Mabel grudgingly looked at Bill again. "What do you want?"
"Listen: I know I upset you at the mall, and I still need to make it up to you—I do, I do, I just haven't had a chance yet—and you're still a little mad at me, okay—buuut... can you help me make a costume." He pressed his hands together. "Please. I'll owe you one. I'll be in your debt. Just let me dress up for Summerween."
Mabel frowned at him. She frowned a little more. She said, frowning, "You're so lucky I love costumes."
(Next week: Summerween part 2!! Thanks for reading, if you enjoyed I'd love to hear from y'all what you think! I've been waiting to get to the Henchmaniacs for a long time. Mainly in the hopes y'all will yell at me for putting Bill through heck again.)
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lxclerc · 1 year
𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 | 𝐜𝐥𝟏𝟔
summary... charles' lonely call breaks your heart further requested... yes! warning... angst pairing... charles leclerc x reader
note... a little drabble requested back in november 2022. i'm so sorry for it being super super super late but if whoever requested it is still here then i hope you enjoy it! feedbacks are very much appreciated and encourages me to write more! extra note... also i'm taking a semester gap year so i will be trying to post more and get through requests so let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
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you’re exhausted, having just got home from a forty eight hour shift. being a surgical resident is absolute hell and you’re not quite sure how you’re managing but somehow you’d manage to drag yourself back home, frowning as you reach for the light switch only to find the wall empty. 
right. you’re in your own apartment, a place you hadn’t really lived at for months. mostly you’d come here when you needed something but more times than not, you go home to his apartment. it had been your home rather than this sad, lonely place void of his laughter. 
you sigh, letting your bag drop to your thrifted couch. you suddenly wished you’d stayed in the hospital on call room instead of here. being back in this place reminds you of all the things you no longer have, of the person you no longer call yours. 
god the self pity is getting tiring and you’re far too tired for another midnight crying session and so after washing the grime off your skin, you’d settled on your sofa with a bag of chips, flipping on the TV to some trashy american series to drown out your loneliness. 
however, as fate would unfortunately have it, you hadn’t even reached the second episode before your phone started ringing, his smiling face displayed on the screen. you’d frozen on your spot. you remember the exact date you’d taken that photo of him and you still had the ringtone you specifically chose for him. 
you’re haunted, your body full of memories and his fingerprints imprinted in your soul. even now, three weeks, two days and twelve hours since he’d called it off, he still haunts. you wanted to let out a bitter laugh as the ringing stopped. who’s counting right?
you refused to be his lonely call. you might be absolutely miserable and pathetic but you respect yourself enough for that. you won’t be his lonely call just because his friends and his girls are gone. you’d been his six am good morning but you will never be his midnight number whenever he starts wondering if he’d made the wrong choice. 
your phone lights up again but you let it ring. if he had more things to say to you then he can say it after the beep. 
he calls more times after that, keeping you awake as you stare at your ringing phone. a few times, you catch yourself reaching for it, reminding yourself that he’d been the one to make this choice. he’d been the one to make excuses about both your schedules being too much. and it was so unfair how he tormented you for it. this entire thing was unfair. you were willing to give everything to charles. you loved him far too much and you’d been under the impression that he felt the same but if he was willing to give you up so easily, did he really love you as much as he claimed he did?
he’d made his bed and now he needed to get used to sleeping on it. 
it was around two am when he finally stopped calling and you’re sure you’ll have a headache come tomorrow morning from staying up too late. you decide to call it a night and end your self inflicted torture, putting your phone on silent as you turned off the TV and chucked your empty bag of chips in the trash. you were just about to turn off the light when the knock came and you knew without checking exactly who it was. 
you sigh, frozen in your tracks as the knocks became more and more insistent. 
“y/n,” his voice is rough, scratchy as though he’d spent the entire night screaming at the top of his lungs and you felt a tear slip down your cheeks. he sounded so broken. maybe as broken as you felt. “s'il te plaît, mon amour.” please, my love.
you stay rooted to your place. this is unfair. this is so fucking unfair. he’d been the one to give up. charles gave you up. how dare he come crawling to you now? 
“Je suis désolé. Je suis désolé. Je pensais que je pourrais apprendre à moins t'aimer. Tu me manques,” he rambles. “i miss you so fucking much i didn’t even think it was possible, baby.” I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I thought I could learn to love you less. I miss you.
a sob rocks your body as you fall to the floor, clutching yourself as though you’re trying to hold yourself together. 
“please, baby,” he begs and you can hear the way he’s crying too. “J'ai besoin de toi.” i need you.
and then you open the door. because you loved him too much. because you could never give up on him. 
taglist: @ricsaigaslec @dragon-of-winterfell @coffeehurricanes @privcherry7 @miniminescapist @sebsdaniel @writing-about-current-obsessions @bisexual-desi @cialovessirlewis @multilovebot @lovelynikol16 @troybolton-14 @dr3lover @myescapefromthislife @sunf1owerr @t-nd-rfoot @navixfr
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