#I'm sorry this is- a lot- when I said I'm obsessed with them I mean it-
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dissvicious · 2 days ago
Heyo! I absolutely love your comics and I hope you have a wonderful month!
My question is how fast do you come up with storylines? Loki is kinda new so did you have different story line before our favorite gigant came into the manga? It’s totally fine if you don’t answer btw I’m just honestly amazed how fast you can come up with stuff
( sorry if my English isn’t the best btw )
Thank youuuuuu!!!!
I'm not a native english speaker myself, but from what I'm seeing here you're doing great :)
To answer you, the whole CMK story after the time skip including them breaking up because of Zap death after Shanks attack, Nina slut era on Elbaf and being somehow saved by the strawhats came naturally, with both Nina and Kid personality and the codependency I headcanon KidKilker to have, it was only a matter of time before things go south, and Shanks offered the perfect breaking point. The global whole story has been written since the moment I really got emotionally attached in Nina - between her two pregnancies or so. Of course things changed a bit over time, for exemple at the beginning of Nina's story I hadn't met Wyv yet so Shriek wasn't her official-tm daughter and I had to rework a bit my story around where our canons crossed, and sometimes fun things happen between me and my readers that make me change the story a bit (for exemple Nina having a fanclub in beast pirates when y'all started defending her rights and wrongs)
Loki wasn't planned in the original story and the whole NinaLoki thing started as a joke with my discord besties. God I wish I could find the exact moment where it became an idea but when the famous panel of Loki all chained up was released I think I said something like "wah, Nina would top him" or something like that, because ahaha she's tiny for a human, he's tall for a giant, he's canonically a yandere simp, that's funny you see? I wasn't even a Loki simp at first!
And then the most we learned about Loki the more LokiNina just... Made sense. So I reworked the storyline to include what was initially a silly joke in. (Shoutout to @nethhiri who was high key involved in this ship before anybody else)
The whole complete ChainsawMetalKiller storyline, including how things will end, has been planned since Loki first appearances - with some changes here and there. And I think you can say the second half of Elbaf, the one that will not be canon compliant and really an AU, is gonna be a collaboration with @wyvernslovecake because we kinda wrote it together? We yap about our shared canon every day and slowly but surely the story wrote itself.
Even if like me you don't like working with people, having a small group of close friends you yap daily with and with who you're being deeply involved in each other stories is an INCREDIBLE creativity boost. Shoutout to @nethhiri @wyvernslovecake @a-killer-obsession who became incredibly important and precious in my life in such a short amount of time, I love you guys ❤️
And last but not least: I'm a professional! Today I'm 28, which means I've been writing comic books every day without stopping for the half of my life - my first real big graphic novel is 10 years old now. I don't say it to flex, just to say I have a lot of practice, storytelling in any form always has been my passion, so it comes up naturally.
Sorry for the quite long answer, TLDR: find yourself a bunch of weirdos, start doing stuff you enjoy doing and don't stop
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ask-squidbeaks-agents · 8 months ago
Staring at Four and Kay and rotating them in my mind
Got any 4K bits you haven't had a good chance to share yet that I could ask for?
They are one of *the* ships of all time
// Oh I mean they may be my own characters that I'm obsessed with but I wouldn't call them that... they're just my silly idiots lol- But I do! Mainly stuff I haven't had the chance to draw or write yet- I still find it a little crazy how much some people like these two- Anyway here's a ship chart I've done for them- I've done it for 3/8 and my idol ships but- not important rn lol
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// Everything under here is going to be rambles cause I'm a loser who's obsessed with their own characters lol
// I haven't shown much of their dynamic outside Four teasing Kay but generally Kay's pretty normal around Four, he just gets flustered from her teasing and what not. In fact Kay also likes to kinda tease Four- in a very friend like way for instance holding something she wants above her head till she says please.
Kay and Four met about- 4 years prior to this blog or 2 years prior to Splat3, I am attempting to write out this first meeting so once it's done it'll be posted here and maybe on AO3 (however I'm a slow writer- might take... some time lol)
Four has saved Kay's butt on multiple occasions however there was one specific time where she full on saved him from getting shot, it was during this case- Kay had been lured out for getting too close to solving it, Four had tailed him and from the shadows using a charger prevented the assailant from shooting Kay. While there are many reasons he loves Four this was the moment he realised.
The moment Four realised she loved Kay- he was helping her with a mission, and while Four jumped over the fence no problem, Kay's suspenders (that he doesn't wear properly) got caught on said fence causing him to fall and land himself upside down against the fence. Of course Four found it hilarious and it was just this kind of "Oh I love this idiot" moment.
The reason Four, who is much more confident in her feelings then Kay is, hasn't confessed is because 1. she finds him getting flustered cute. 2. she wants him to actually have the confidence in their relationship and 3. she won't admit it but she's actually scared of ruining their relationship- she worries that she isn't actually good enough (which is the same reason Kay won't confess, that and while he knows Four likes him as a friend he doesn't think her feelings are actually anymore than that)
The pair share a few interests, they have similar tastes in music- Four loves it when Kay shares his music, it might not always be her taste but it makes him happy so it makes her happy- they also both like video games- Four's more into RPG or action games akin to like Sonic or Persona whereas Kay is more into puzzles and horror like Resident Evil.
They understand and respect each others boundaries but ironically they are also the except to the rule like in Fours case- Four hates physical contact and others being in her personal space to which Kay then goes out of his way to not be too close to Four but Four actually likes being next to him but she also does very much appreciate the fact Kay understands that boundary.
OH- There's this one little story idea I had for them- something silly not really agent related- Four gets herself caught out in the rain, luckily she's slightly more water resistant but Kay runs into a very soaked Four. Obviously he's extremely worried for her despite her waving off his concerns but eventually he convinces her to at least get indoors and get dried. Four points out his place is closer and they should go there to which he reluctantly agrees. Once arriving Kay instructs Four to stay by the door while he grabs her a towel which he gently throws upon her head once returning. Four being Four then starts to a bit too roughly dry her head to which Kay promptly stops her- reminding her that she's still in very melty state and she'll hurt herself doing it like that. Kay points her to the bathroom where she can go dry herself and get changed (into one of his old t-shirt/shorts) Four complies and returns shortly after dried and with her soggy agent gear which she hands to Kay who throws it into the dryer. He says it wont take long but Four points out its really late, she might as well just- crash at his place for the night- she'll just sleep on his couch. Kay is- a bit taken a back at the suggestion but realises she's right by the time her gear will be dried it'll be super late. So he agrees, reluctantly, to which Four wastes no time in running to his living room and checking through all the games he has (cause she wants to play some) She finds that he's got a game she has been dying to play and begs him to let her try it, obviously he lets her (seeing her face when he agreed was- way too adorable for him) Kay sits and watches Four play for a bit before ending up asleep on the couch next to her, when Four realises this she turns off the game before just- leaning her head against his shoulder for a bit before falling sleep herself.
Kay definitely plays rank in his free time, he's tried to convince Four to join but every time she refuses- at first he thinks it's because she's too high a rank for him (He's like A-) but he learns it's actually because she too low a rank to join which major surprise considering the feats he's seen her do. When he finds out he actually offers to help teach her which she initially refuses, pointing out how her whole family are S/X rank and none of them have been able to teach her. Kay understands but does point out that he doesn't play like her family, they're strict and pro, taking rank very seriously where as he's just- a causal player and is much more loose about playing the games and that might be the approach she needs. Four is yet to actually agree to train with him (more out of embarrassment for herself) but she has started to consider taking up his offer.
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kalkydra · 5 months ago
such a nothing of a bitch but i just remembered when i asked the eds subreddit for advice going into my first gyno appointment asking about a hysterectomy and in it i mentioned that one of the reasons i didn't want to birth kids is that i'm severely disabled and wouldn't be able to take care of children how they need and deserve, and that's not even mentioning how pregnancy would wreck my already crippled body and someone like ignored the other reasons i mentioned (like dysphoria and a family history of cervical & uterine cancer and my sister having multiple miscarriages and Not Wanting To Be Pregnant) and was like "you really shouldn't correlate being disabled with being unable to take care of children" and it's like. yes i know that that is like a very serious and personal issue that is especially touchy for people with genetic disorders. however. that is not what i was saying. i was not making any generalizations. i know this because i have ocd and spent three days writing the post trying to make sure it covered all my bases and was as thoughtful and inclusive as i could be. actually i think they said the same thing about me mentioning dysphoria and how i shouldn't imply that trans men can't and don't want to be pregnant. and i was like. 😐 NOT. what i SAID.
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honeyjynxxed · 2 months ago
DeadTired Draft
"You're very good at pretending to be a shadow."
Tim's voice shook Danny from his quiet note taking and he looked up at his study partner with furrowed brows and confusion on his face. "I'm sorry?" It was as much a question as it was an apology which meant it was neither really.
Electric blue eyes pinned him in place, and Tim looked at Danny as if he had just said the sky was green. "If I had not been partnered with you in our ecology class I wouldn't know you exist. No one at this school knows you exist besides the staff and even then you're a name to a face to a grade. Nothing else. You're very good at pretending to be a shadow, a bodiless thing gliding along the edges of society."
Danny bit his lip slightly, mulling these words over. Tim was right of course, he never allowed himself to make waves, he stuck to the background of any place he was in, and really he was surprised that he wasn't more noticeable with how often Tim Drake-Wayne was his study partner. "I guess...I've never really like attention anyway. Why, you stalking me, Drake?" He raised a brow at the other boy, attempting to hide his confusion behind snark. He hardly ever used Tim's last name, either of them, but this seemed like an appropriate time to do so.
"Hiding something, Nightingale?" Tim snarked back but there was a bit of genuine questioning under his tone that had Danny tensing up in his sit, gripping his pencil a little too tightly in his left hand. "I can only contact you through your student email, you don't have a phone number or a phone period as far as I can tell, you have a laptop that barely works and seemingly requires a blood sacrifice to do the most basic of tasks. You live on campus but you never let me see your dorm, you never agree to meet me anywhere but the library on campus and I just-" He lets out a heavy sigh and runs his hands through his hair and suddenly Danny is a lot less tense in his seat. When Tim's eyes settle on him again there's genuine concern there and it breaks his heart. "I am worried. Daniel Nightingale doesn't exist outside of this college and it makes me think you're running from something or someone. If that isn't the cause then by all means please tell me I'm overstepping but Danny..." Tim reaches across the table that separates them and grabs at his free hand. "If you need help I'm here, ok?"
And oh...oh Danny's core positively sings in his chest at the admission. Protection was a major obsession for Danny and the way Tim talked, the way he explained his thought process, it made Danny feel warm and fuzzy inside despite the permanent chill in his body. Tim wanted to protect him and wasn't that so sweet? "I-" Danny stuttered before a sad smile was spreading across his lips and he gave the boy's hand a gentle squeeze. "I appreciate that but unless you have a way to somehow get an entire government organization disbanded and legislature revoked then I'm afraid this is out of your ballpark."
And really, Danny should've known better than to open his fat mouth. He should've known that the Fenton luck would bite him in the ass with his first real friend since Sam and Tucker. Tim may have dropped the conversation after that but by no means had he dropped the topic entirely. No instead apparently he had somehow gotten into contact with the Justice League because less than two weeks later Batman, Red Robin, Superman, and John Constantine of all people were waiting for him inside his dorm when he got back from a late night of studying.
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lulunothulu · 7 months ago
“Jealousy, jealousy”
Tyler Owens x Fem!Reader
Summary: Tyler has tried everything to impress you, yet you're still uninterested...at least he thought you weren't until your jealousy gets the best of you, making you cry.
Content: careless (kinda only bc he’s trying to get your attention) Tyler, jealous!Reader, FLUFF
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GIF credit to @austinbutlermischief I’m so sorry I couldn’t remember who I found this from 😭
Tyler had made it his mission to make you laugh and fall for him.
He’d tried everything.
He took you on a chase, fireworks and all. Nothing.
He’d tried falling over in front of you, and while it warranted a smirk…still nothing.
Tyler was up to his wits end and his ideas were dwindling.
“Why are you trying so hard?” Kate, your colleague and best friend asks him one night.
Tyler was sitting on the other side of a busy parking lot, watching as you and Javi laughed at something Boone had just said.
“I just want her to laugh, to smile really, at me.” He tells her. “I really like her and I just…I feel like she hates me.”
Kate only nods, lips tight.
If only Tyler knew.
You were obsessed with him. Obsessed might’ve been a strong word, but the feeling was mutual. You wanted to tell him how you felt but because you thought he had a thing for Kate, you never did anything to reveal your true feelings.
From across the parking lot, you half listen to Javi as he goes on about some tornado data from today. The only thing you can focus on is Tyler and Kate, sitting on the other side and talking.
Tyler looks like he’s having a great time talking to Kate, small smile and leaning back in a chair. He crosses his arms behind his head, biceps bulging under the sleeves of his flannel.
You frown, what could they be talking about?
“Is she looking?” Tyler asks Kate. They’d planned on making you so jealous, you had to come over and talk to him.
Kate glances around, making it look like she’s looking around the parking lot and stopping on you. Your face was twisted in what she knew was jealousy—but to others was a thinking face.
She turns back to Tyler, a wide smile on her face. “Oooh yeah, big time.”
“What should I do now?” He asks.
“I’m gonna squeeze your bicep and you’re just gonna smile at me. That’ll get her on her feet,” she tells him, knowing exactly where to strike in order to get your full attention.
She knew you’d been a fan of said arms, veiny and muscular. She knew this would work.
Tyler lowered his arms, bending them as he placed them on his knees. He didn't like using your best friend to get to you, but he had to do what he could in order to get you to react.
Reckless? Maybe, but he was willing to do whatever it took.
Kate's smile as she touched his bicep and squeezed made his stomach turn. That should've been you touching him.
He turns his gaze to where you were sitting and to his surprise, you were standing up.
"This is it, Kate," he tells her. "I think she's coming over."
But as soon as you wave goodbye to Boone, rest of the Tornado Wranglers, and Javi, you speed walk toward the stairs that lead to your motel room.
Tyler's heart drops straight into his ass when he sees you wipe at your cheeks. He'd hurt you.
"Fuck," he mutters.
Kate removes her hand from his bicep and turns in the direction of his gaze. She sucks in a breath and begins to stand. "I should go talk to her."
"No," Tyler says, standing and stopping her by grabbing her arm. "I'll go. I need to make it right and just straight up tell her how I feel."
Tyler turns in the direction of the stairs, walking a few feet before turning back to Kate.
"What room-"
"204," she responds with a smirk. "Go get her, lover boy."
Tyler smiles to himself as he jogs to the stairs, taking two at a time and trying to think of what he should say.
"Y/N, I didn't mean to..." He starts as he walks to your room. "I'm sorry I.... No..."
Finally, 204.
Tyler takes a deep breath before knocking on your door. He hears shuffling and sniffling before hearing your sweet voice asks, "Who is it?"
"It's Tyler," he responds. He can feel his heart breaking at how small and defeated your voice sounds, small and slightly gravelly from crying.
It was his fault you were crying. If he could kick his own ass he would.
When you open the door, your eyes are rimmed red, tear stains running down your cheeks. He watches as your eyes harden on him, lips in a tight line.
"What do you want?" you ask harshly.
You didn't mean to cry. Must've been Kate touching Tyler and a mix of you about to start your period that did it. Either way, you were crying over a man that obviously had feelings for your best friend.
So when you heard a knock coming from your motel door, you were expecting Kate, Javi, or literally anyone else.
You did not expect Tyler, face stricken in sadness, to be standing there.
"What do you want?" you asked harshly. Maybe a bit too harshly because he too looked like he wanted to cry.
"I just wanted to check if you were doing okay," he tells you, deep and southern voice velvety soft. "I saw you wiping your eyes on your way up here."
You were stunned, heart pounding in your chest. Tyler noticed you leaving?
"You saw that?" you ask.
"I did," he tells you with a nod and small but reassuring smile. "I notice everything about you."
"Hmm," you hum.
"Anyway," he continues. "I just wanted to see that you were alright...so, are you?"
"Am I what?"
The look on his face was expectant. It's like he wanted you to be fine. Why?
Instead of asking, you nod. "Yeah, just hormonal I guess."
Tyler's ears redden at that before he clears his throat.
"I can get you some stuff. Do you want something?" he asks. "Anything at all."
"Anything?" you ask, brow raised and smirk forming on your lips.
"Name it and it's yours," he responds, his signature cocky grin appearing.
I'd like you. "I could go for some pizza."
Tyler smiles at you and you have to fight not to smile back, even though that’s all you wanna do right now.
"I'll be right back," Tyler says, starting to walk away. He walks back to ask, "Any particular toppings?"
You shake your head, another snack popping into your mind. "Can I also get some Twizzlers?"
Tyler turns to walk backwards and say, "Of course, Darlin'."
You quickly close the door, feeling the blush creep up your neck. Holy shit, he's gonna be the death of me.
Tyler was gone no more than ten minutes and you could tell he ran to get you the pizza and Twizzlers.
He was a panting mess by the time he knocked on your door again.
“I got the stuff you requested, Darlin’,” he drawls, attempting to catch his breath.
“Thank you,” you say, a small smirk appearing on your lips.
He stands there, waiting for you to say something else, but instead, you just smile sweetly at him.
Tyler’s mind was racing, you were actually smiling at him.
“Okay well,” you start, still smiling. “Bye.”
Before he could react, you close the door on him. His face confused and almost…heartbroken.
You walk to your bed, opening the box of pizza and sighing at the first bite.
That’s when you see the small note he’d taped inside.
I’m sorry if I made you cry. Forgive me?
You carefully rip the note off and close the box. Padding back to the door, you open it, fully expecting to run after Tyler.
Only…he never left.
There he was, standing at your door, puppy dog eyes trained on you.
“You never left,” you point out.
“I couldn’t leave without telling you something,” he starts.
“Y/N, just listen,” he interrupts. “I’ve been trying to get your attention, hell even just a smile, from you for the past few weeks. What you saw out there,” he points to the parking lot. “Was me trying the last thing I thought would grab your attention. I never meant to make you cry.”
Tyler shakes his head, rubbing his chin. “I just wanted you to react. Kate said that that would be the best way to get your attention and I just went along with it. Don’t blame her, if anything blame me. I feel so ter-”
You stop him, pressing your hand on his lips. Stepping closer to him and wrapping your arms around his neck.
You didn’t know what you were doing until it was too late.
You kiss his cheek, his scruff prickling your lips.
“Do you want to come inside for some pizza?” You ask. “This really hot pizza man just brought it so it’s still warm.”
Tyler breaks into a smile at you calling him hot.
“Of course.”
Next part
A/N: this was kinda bad BUT I really like this idea so I’m sorry lol 🥹
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gguk-n · 5 months ago
Jokes In The Cloud (Carlos Sainz x Comedian!Reader)
No Face Claim. All the pictures are from Pinterest.
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punchlineprincess Vacationing with the people who get on my nerve the most
y/bff/user you forgot to take me😔😔 punchlineprincess y/bff/user sorry bbg, next trip with you alone😘😘 y/cousin/user you annoy us more🙂 y/mum/user not a nice thing to say Y/N punchlineprincess y/mum/user I was joking😅😅 user1 if someone saw her IG they would think she's a model😍😍 user2 God I've seen what you've done for others, when is it my turn🥲🥲 user3 pretty and funny. I want her!!❤️❤️
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{Reader's POV}
The gears in my head my turning, I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I still had to refine my script; I was sure I could do it if I have a few hours. "Sweetheart, dinner's ready" my dad called out from the bedroom door. "Dad, I have to leave" I stated. "To where?" my dad asked, walking in. "You know that Netflix special I was gonna film" I began, he nodded along, "well, they want to film it on Monday" I finished. "That's in a day" he stated. "2, since it's in New York" I explained. "Cassidy will send me my tickets, but I think I'll be leaving now" I spoke. "Sorry about ditching the family trip. I know how important it was for you" I mumbled. "It's okay, darling. This is bigger. This will catapult you to fame like you always wanted, I mean I'm already so proud of you but this is still bigger" he explained trying to calm me. "Me and your mum will help you pack, come on" he said and called my mum.
The two of them helped me pack my bags. He explained how my Netflix special would be filmed soon and I would be leaving soon to everyone. All my younger cousins and nieces and nephews were so excited. Cassidy sent me the tickets. I made sure to pack everything while my mum fed me, it was chaos in the best way possible. "I'll be leaving now" I hugged my parents good bye. "Can't wait to watch it" my aunt spoke patting my back. "Mention us" one of my younger cousin's spoke. "I'll try" I laughed. My niece kissed my cheek wishing me good bye. My nephew wasn't ready to let me go yet, my brother had to pull him off me.
I waved good bye as the taxi left the resort, my family waving back as I disappeared. The ride to the airport was short, I was too busy going through my material to notice when I reached the airport. I paid the taxi driver and hauled my luggage to the check-in desk. The person behind it, checked me in and I was headed to immigration. This was the first time I noticed that I was sitting first class. When did my manager have this kind of money to book first class. I'd have to bring it up with her once I had the time.
I got done with all the formality and headed to the waiting area, where I spent my time going through my script and tweaking it ever so often. I downed a RedBull to try to align myself to New York time, so that I can combat the jet lag.
As the speaker's announced the boarding for my flight, I grabbed all my stuff with the plan to finish it up on the plane. The air-host lead me to my seat. I noticed a man sat on the seat next to mine, he looked an awful lot familiar, until it hit me that it was Carlos Sainz; my heart started pounding. I walked up to my seat, put my luggage away and sat down. My hands were shaking by the time I sat down, pulling my laptop out. I started typing away with shaky hands. "Is that a script?" a voice came from beside me. I turned around to find Carlos with his head turned, trying to figure out what's written. "Yeah, I'm a comedian, this is a script for my show" I tried to speak as confidently and calmly as possible. "That's cool. I'm Carlos, Carlos Sainz" he introduced himself. "I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N" I shook his hand. "I'm a Formula One driver, maybe you'e heard about me" he further elaborated. I know, I've been obsessed with you for years, my poor brother has to listen to me talk about you for hours after every race, analysing the whole race. I have a fan account called carloslover, were the thoughts running through my head. "Yeah, I must've heard about Formula One some where" I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Well it's nice to meet you" Carlos said. "It's nice to meet you too" I said with a smile. "I'll let you get back to your work" Carlos said pointing at my laptop.
I spent a couple more minutes working on it before I was disturbed by Carlos, not like I was complaining; "I'm sorry but I'm kind of curious about what the script your working on is about" Carlos spoke slowly. "I'm filming a Netflix special in New York. So, I'm fine tuning my script" I chuckled. "Oh, sorry for disturbing you" Carlos replied sheepishly. Damn, he looked so cute, I caught myself fawning at him. "Ah, it's nothing." I quickly looked away, "I love when people are interested in what I do" I smiled. "Then, I will continue to annoy you a bit" he laughed. "Be my guest" I smiled back.
A few more tweaks and a good hour later, I was able to close the laptop, happy with the script I had at hand. "I'm guessing you're done" Carlos chimed in. "I am" I said stretching a little. "Maybe you could practice a bit with me" Carlos suggested. "I do want to practice my crowd work" I thought out loud.
"So, Carlos are you really a full time driver or a model? I can't really tell" I said. Carlos's face turned red, "Is this how you do crowd work?" he trailed. "I, no, can't let the opportunity to flirt with a man as handsome as you go" I smirked. Carlos's blush only deepened, "So, I'm special" he laughed. "Obviously" I shrugged. "If it's anything, I thought you were a model and not a comedian" he retorted. "I get that a lot. But doesn't work in my profession when people don't think pretty people tell good jokes" I retorted back. "I've never heard any of your jokes, but I'm sure you're funny since Netflix wants you" Carlos said. "Hope so" I said holding up my hands with crossed fingers.
I felt like the time flew by, as Carlos kept me company. Just as the flight was about to land; "Will I see you again?' Carlos asked hopefully. "You could, if I had your number" I remarked. Carlos pulled his phone out and handed it to me. I put my number in and called myself. "I'll see you soon." I winked as I saved Carlos's number. "Can't wait" Carlos replied, smiling at me as we grabbed our luggage to leave.
Cassidy was waiting for me as I exited the airport. "I'm so sorry, I should've checked my emails" she apologised grabbing my bag. "It's fine, let's go. I'm exhausted" I replied grabbing my bag back. We caught an uber back to the hotel. I rehearsed my script with Cassidy for the next few hours, trying not to memorise it so it would sound genuine.
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Liked by y/bff/user and 2,378 others
punchlineprincess Done filming my first special, can't wait for it to air🥹🥹
y/bff/user I'M SO EXCITED🤭🤭 user4 I'll watch it just to see that outfit😍 user5 so pretty😍😍 y/mum/user so proud of my baby💖 y/dad/user my baby's all grown up😭❤️
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Liked by y/bff/user, carlossainz55 and 3,289 others
punchlineprincess Joked my way into his life🫣🫣
y/bff/user ooohhhh who is this??👀👀 y/dad/user what is this behaviour y/n??? user6 OMG!!! I love this❤️❤️ user7 the best couple ever and idek the guy😅😅 user9 y/n being sporty wasn't in my bingo card🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ user10 the golf date!!!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 user11 I want to go to an art museum with my lover and imitate art like that😏😏 user12 this is so Carlos coded plus he's in the likes😣😣
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Liked by y/bff/user and 5,378 others
punchlineprincess I may have gone overboard for the premier at home🥲😅
y/bff/user I'M SCREAMING WHILE WATCHING IT🥹🥹 y/mum/user my baby❤️ carlossainz55 so proud of you ❤️Liked by Author user13 what does Carlos mean by that, like he knows her🙂👀 user14 the funniest shit i've watched in a while🤣🤣 user15 loved this so much!!!❤️🤣 user16 finally the real comedian that's getting the recognition she deserves😂😂
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Liked by carlossainz55, y/bff/user and 1278,340 others Tagged carlossainz55
punchlineprincess Sorry I'm not normal about my boyfriend winning his second race this season😭😭
carlossainz55 I think having you there was my lucky charm🍀❤️ punchlineprincess carlossainz55 aww!! but it was your big brain and hard work❤️❤️🥹 y/bff/user aww!! watching both my babies win respectively 😭😭Liked by carlossainz55 and punchlineprincess y/dad/user good job Carlos👍 Liked by carlossainz55 user12 I should've known after those dates🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ user20 seeing her hug his mom when he won was so cute😭😭 user21 the most unlikely couple🥹🥹 user22 I get it Carlos, I get it😍😍 user23 Vamos Carlos!!👍👍 user24 I want a full timeline how everything went down😩 user25 I'm so happy I got to witness this race😭😭 user26 she was so sweet to all the fans and even took pictures with us!!😭🥹
After the race win celebrations on the podium and the team, after the interviews when I finally got him all to myself; "I'm so proud of you baby" I whispered as I pressed a kiss on his lips. "I'm so happy you got to see me win" Carlos mumbled not letting go. "I can't believe instead of watching you on TV I got to watch you in real life" I said pulling away. "I don't know why you lied to me when we met" Carlos laughed. "Well I couldn't tell you I'm @ carloslover on Instagram and Twitter and I've been in love with you since you debuted" I laughed. "I think I wouldn't have paid much attention since you're so pretty" Carlos smiled running his hands down my sides to rest on my waist. "Well I'm a Carlos lover and I am Carlos's lover. It's a win win" I smiled, "You and I both, princessa, you and I both" Carlos captured my lips in another, yet steamy kiss pulling me closer so my body was touching his, "You are all sticky and smell of champagne", I mumbled against his lips trying to pull away but Carlos pulled me closer, "No" he muttered and continued kissing me. He walked back to sit on the couch pulling me down with him, straddling his lap. He pulled me closer, our bodies touching, his hands roaming mine before they found home on my ass. We pulled away slightly breathless but Carlos than started his assault on my neck, sucking on my sweet spot near my collar bone while pushing me down on his lap. I could feel him grow under me. I pushed him away, "Nope" I said firmly. "No?" he asked cocking his head to the right with his big brown puppy eyes, "We're not doing it here. Let's get back to the hotel, maybe after you smell a little less like alcohol, I'll think about it" I said getting up. "Y/N" he whined holding my hands as I stood in front of him. "Not even for today's race winner" he pouted. "No. Baby, this is your work place. I will do anything and everything you want but out of the paddock" I said. "The car?" Carlos perked up. "Carlos, darling, we'll be on the headline tomorrow reading Carlos Sainz Jr knows how to celebrate his win in Mexico with girlfriend in his black Ferrari" I said. "Fine, Let's go back soon. I can't wait" he humphed before going to change out of his race suit. "I love you" I called out. "También te amo" he called back.
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takes1 · 3 months ago
thankz ::3 -🩻
clingy!kentarou x reader (taming maddog)
heyyyy :) finally getting to this hope it's aight
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warnings. heavy nsfw, minors DNI
details. fem!reader / riding maddog / 69 / obsessive!maddog / clingy!needy!maddog / possessive!maddog / loneliness theme / 'i can fix him' trope / libero!reader / johsai girls' team reader / maddog being canonically mean / implied virginity / experienced!reader / emotionally intelligent reader / emotionally stunted maddog / 3.6k words
links. my masterlist. more haikyuu. my ao3
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"(Y/n), like, I know you've got a type and all..."
"Mhmm," You follow absentmindedly, tracking your latest obsession like a hawk.
Number 16 was different- not just attractive, but he had a threatening, intense, sharp presence about him. He was just about the only member of the guys' team who didn't subscribe to a cheerful, cooperative environment. His little outburst earlier caught your attention, and he was currently benched for pushing Oikawa.
He sure was aggressive. You bit your lip and watched him stretch from the bleachers.
"But I heard he's actually crazy."
The other girls on your team would never understand what possessed you to put yourself in danger, going after the most deviant of guys you could find. It was an endearing joke amongst the team, at this point, but they did worry for your safety.
"What's his name?" You looked to them for the first time, mind already made up.
Whispers of Kentarou, Kyoutani, Maddog, were shared as you settled back to watching him. Lots of horror stories of him getting in trouble, getting into fights, yelling at teachers, other students, getting suspended for a time all encouraged you. The nickname he earned made you significantly more fascinated.
You could fix him. It would at least be fun to try.
You couldn't help but ponder where his true fault lied, how it twisted into so much unwarranted aggression.
Was he not held as a baby? Did he have a bad home life? Had it manifested into some kind of sexual dysfunction? You wondered if he was this big of a presence in the bedroom. You smiled at the strong possibility that he wasn't.
Maybe that was a bit Freudian of you to assume, but your previous diagnoses hadn't steered you wrong yet. The guys you slept with were all weirdos- losers- psychos- and yet, they were all a step closer to normal after a little love.
They couldn't stop you from approaching, especially when nobody had the guts to go anywhere near him.
"Hi," You tapped his shoulder after a bout of hesitation.
He looked to the side, then behind, and realized you were referring to him.
His brow fell from its subtle version of surprise, making all his features look heavier, meaner-- you shuddered.
"Yo." Was all he said.
Though dismissive and already uncomfortable, it was enough to work with.
You smoothed out your uniform with a nervous sigh, "Um- I'm sorry if this is forward, but,"
"I think you're really cute. I'd like to go on a date, sometime."
Kentarou looked angry even when he was shocked. The dark around his eyes made it impossible to look soft, and it seemed he didn't have the capacity to smile yet.
The only way you could deduce that he was embarrassed was the way his hands balled into fists at his sides, how he looked around your face over, over, and over again for an ounce of insincerity.
It was adorable. You giggled at his long silence.
Laughing shut him down. His mouth curled in a sneer, positive you were laughing at him.
The gaggle of girls, filling the entrance to the gym, all clad in your uniform, wasn't great for optics. It looked like you were playing a prank on him.
"Are you kiddin' me?" He rolled his eyes before you could even try to explain, "Go fuck yourself."
It wasn't the first time something like this had happened. Though you loved your team, visible swarms of women never put the guys you went after at ease.
That rejection was still tame for what you had seen before from him.
He put his back to you and crossed his arms, watching the game, instead. Getting benched and made fun of couldn't have been a great feeling.
Determined now, you shook out your nerves and tapped his shoulder again.
"Tch-! I said fuck off!" He scowled down at you, but you knew it was misguided. So it didn't hurt as bad.
You purposefully didn't mirror his body language- you didn't want him to cut him off even more. You stood facing him at an angle, trying to catch his eye and take his attention again.
Voice quiet, sweeter, genuine, "I'm serious."
Even if this was a joke, you were the most persistent he had ever seen. Nobody usually got this far. If he told somebody to leave, they did. Especially after the second time, and a girl, at that.
"I mean- I get it if you're not into short girls, that's totally fine," You fixed your hair, glancing away from his overwhelmed, slow expression, "But, please, just... think about it. Here's my number."
For a moment, you were unsure if he would take the paper in your hand. He gave you zero indication that he believed your story, but after just enough time to make you doubt, he took it.
Kentarou held it tight, confused, as you joined your team to leave the gym. He watched them look over and preen you like birds to make sure you weren't hurt.
It could've been a real confession. The gravity of it didn't truly land until he was back home, looking up the girls' team Instagram to find your personal handle. You were following the page and even had a few features in their posts.
Doubts began to grow that it was your real number. He decided he didn't want to use it.
Instead, he lay on his bed, palming himself to the poses of your greatest receives- you were such a pretty girl, with a nice body, cute face--reminded of those things now, it only made him more skeptical at your choice to speak to him.
Luck was on his side once again, because your own profile was public. You even had a few beach posts. Lots of likes, lots of followers. You wouldn't notice if he liked a few of them, unless you were being honest about your interest.
You were all over his signals in a flash.
A follow, a bit of page-stalking that got you nowhere (because he had 0 online presence, other than a couple blank accounts), and a long string of messages that went deep into the night, all earned you a date.
Now that the game had officially begun, you needed to curate each move carefully. If you waited too long to take advantage of any clear signs of interest, he wouldn't find you worth the trouble. You needed some dick.
Kentarou was lonely, too.
It was as you suspected, monitoring him during that practice match. People who had a good support system didn't act that way he did.
He wasn't wistful, or desperate, and didn't invite friendship. Shit, he barely let you court him, and the only way you could convince him to meet you for coffee was if you sent a few pictures 'to prove it was just you.' And yet, after the one misunderstanding, he didn't deny you any opportunity to get close.
His experiences shaped him to be incredibly firm, mistrusting, and overly cautious, yes; It all fell short though, when it came to the very simple, universal longing for companionship.
The cafe wasn't too quiet, thankfully.
You were most worried about the possibility of him causing some sort of commotion and being asked to leave, but other patrons were lively enough to drown him out, if he did raise his voice.
To your surprise, that also wasn't much of an issue.
He ordered for the two of you, even -begrudgingly- accepting that you wanted a more intricate drink, too. He didn't let you do much for yourself. When he told you to go find a seat while he waited at the counter, you stayed with him so you could be close. He still didn't argue.
Though he wasn't polite, he wasn't a monster. He was just brimming with attitude, and that rubbed people the wrong way. When unprovoked, he was mean-looking, sure, but docile.
A predatory gaze watched the skirt of your casual dress flutter up- just a little, not quite enough- as you sat down next to him with your elaborate drink in hand. He set his cup down and you felt his leg flex as you closed the distance to snuggle up to him.
"You're taking this joke pretty far."
Insecurity filled the quiet between his words, and it took a sensitive ear to detect under all the venom. Was he testing you? Probably. Was he still trying to protect himself? Absolutely.
"Mm," You considered how to respond while sipping on your coffee, staring forward, not really minding his intensity, "I don't have the kind of time to go on fake dates, you know."
It was an argument less emotional in nature, but due to its legitimacy, it left him stumped enough to drop the subject.
In its wake remained discomfort. Mostly at your thigh, busy rubbing against him as you pretended to be more invested in the ambience of the cafe, or the flavor of the drink in your hands.
"What're you doing it for?" He pressed, different, but still carried with a grumbly, shitty attitude he always spoke in.
That took some getting used to, but once you understood he just talked that way, you were able to take his words at face value and waste less time miscommunicating.
A warm hand, palming the squish of your bare thigh encouraged your desire to be honest.
You waited for him to stop scanning the cafe, for the right moment to tell him.
His eyes dipped first to your pretty thighs, all soft and warm and new in his hand. Then he was taken by the all the sweetness in the way you looked at him.
"I wanna sleep with you."
You expected him to not believe you, like the first time, but his surprise was now pretty conventional.
His mouth hung open, just a little, and you noticed a tongue piercing. How did you miss it before? Did he not wear it at school? Your thighs tightened and he met it with a firm squeeze as he took a sobering drink of his coffee.
It was obvious he wanted to know why. But he was looking for something better to say, instead.
"The fuck are we doing here?"
That was a good question. Such a good question, in fact, that after a bit of conversation about where to go to fuck, you landed on going back to your place.
He made himself comfortable on your bed as you shut the door and locked it, just in case. Your room didn't have a whole lot of conversation starters, so he took a while to really examine it.
He wasn't witty, or spontaneous, or chatty.
There was no value in sitting around, acting like you wanted to delve into a discussion about each other's families, or grades, or volleyball.
His brow softened as you dropped the straps of your dress down.
There was a small attempt to look you in the eye, which you appreciated in a very limited context, but once you kept going, he might as well have been wearing a collar.
A half-sigh, half-laugh pushed out of his open mouth, brow furrowed again, as he tried to speak a few times while you posed for him, drunk on such a cute, endearing reaction.
There were a lot of things for him to think about. You could almost smell the smoke of grinding gears when you stood in front him and rubbed your hands against his shoulders.
He kept getting his fill, eyes unable to stay in one place too long, practically trying to back up so he could keep looking at all of you.
You giggled, "Kentarou?"
His breath stopped. You couldn't feel it, tingling across your skin, anymore.
You took some fingers to his curly hair, playing with it, "Aren't you gonna touch me?"
"I-," He didn't know what to do with himself for a moment, "Where?"
Your charmed, bitten back smile made his ears bright, bright red. Instead of telling him, you settled onto his lap and felt for his hands, gently guiding them towards your hips.
It was slow, natural, and gentle how you decided to kiss him.
You could feel how heated he was, with one hand on the back of his neck, the other cooling off the side of his face. One second to part for some breath, which he needed, badly- you waited for him to say something.
But he was forcing his mouth back onto yours quicker than you thought he would- his fingers dug into your flesh, and he brought you down onto his hard-on with a sudden loss of reservation.
It didn't take long to start catching that little tongue piercing against your lip- you groaned against his mouth, "Fuck, I really like that."
He was a fast, eager, and very rough learner. Kentarou was also laughably easy to please, because it was obvious he had no preferences built up yet. Everything you did left him stunned and hungry.
You reveled in your private victory and helped him undress. He wasn't shy about his own body, but you made it clear that he had a nice figure by taking the time to kiss along his muscular arm, then shoulder, and up to his neck.
His quickness to mirror you, kissing the same places on your body, was cute. He never once smiled, but he showed his investment in other ways.
When you offered to 69, he immediately fell onto his back from his upright position, rubbing his warm face.
A weak, "Yes," from under his palms was all you got, but it was so sweet from a guy like him. He sounded broken in, in a way.
You pressed a deserving kiss to his jaw and turned around.
His cock looked just as angry as he was, normally. Twitchy, leaking a bit of precum on his toned tummy, tinged dark with the all the time it had been waiting.
"You're- so fuckin' wet," He sounded stunned to say that aloud, understand what it actually meant, and that he was obsessed with it.
You smiled and pressed a kiss to the base of his cock as you settled into a good position.
How long had it been since you got laid? Apparently too long, because you were dripping with anticipation at the salty taste of his tip sliding past your teeth.
That was the downside of having such a specific type. Not many options.
He was still figuring out how to use his own mouth when you took the breath out of him- a strangled gasp at the sound, the sensation of your lips and tongue sucking off the slickness there. You held him by the base, briefly.
"You should let me know if you like it," You teased, just before bobbing your head back down.
"Mm-mmnh-! Fuck! Do I-ahh, have to?"
With that whiny tone?
You slowly came back up, careful to leave no spit behind. He was flexing in your jaw, his stomach twitching against your chest. Poor thing wouldn't last very long, he was so sensitive.
"Uhh, yes," You grinned, tongue darting out to lick him all the way down his shaft.
"Fuuuck- whatever- augh, just keep doin' that," His groan broke into a murmur of sorts, against your pussy.
From there, he was starting to find what worked with you. It was curious, and not great, but you didn't need it to be; something about the clingy way he held you, the shift in his attitude, was making you feel like you could take him already.
It made your nails dig, deep into his thighs, your already sparse breath grow a bit shorter.
Though his desperate tone and slow, gentle tongue made some parts of you tighten, it helped your throat relax and take more of him.
He started to come apart long before you wanted to be done.
Breathy, incomplete "Stopstop-sta-aah," every twenty seconds flattered you, letting you take more frequent breaks to ride his face and break in that little metal ball.
You thought about his nickname during one of these breaks. It was one of those instances where it seemed fitting, but for more than just surface-level aggression.
Nothing about him scared you. Not after you showed him that you had no ill-intention. He was like a dog. He wasn't vicious because it was in his nature; he just had a thorn in his paw.
He 'bit' people because they didn't give him a chance.
All of these chances you were giving him proved that he was worth all the effort to get close. It wasn't even much work, in hindsight.
You showed him the mechanics of the condom you brought for the occasion, and managed to talk him through some important sex-centered courtesies.
"So, y'know, you'll want to yield to whatever she's ready for--,"
Kentarou kept you from sitting on his cock, for just a second-- his eyes grew narrow, darting around your face.
"You mean: 'you.'" He corrected.
He looked like he was about to bite through your face.
"Right!" You smiled, growing a bit warm at your inconsiderate slip in language, "Yeah, of course."
Your apologetic kisses, smattered all along his sensitive face and neck, calmed him. His grip softened, slowly, as he became convinced that this was sacred again.
As you started to take him, he forgot all about it.
"Aughh- my go-d," He couldn't stop watching where you came together with a knotted brow, at how slick, and tight, and hot you were.
Your confidence read in the form of slow, rolling motions of your hips, the cloudy look in your eyes as you were finally getting filled up again after such a dry spell of no dick. You put your hands over his, already on your hips, and encouraged him to squeeze harder.
"Mmn-ah-h," You placed your hands on his chest, to keep yourself upright.
It hurt, how much he reciprocated that squeeze, but you quickly learned to like the sting.
Like most everything else, he replicated what you showed him. He started fucking you back, his hips able to take you faster, harder--
The pretty little pout on your lips was enough to make him screw his eyes shut, just to try to settle down.
He was getting so worked up at your tight little cunt that he was forced to let you keep your slower pace, contribute a little less, for fear he'd finish too soon.
His breath was like a stutter- so shallow and huffy that you rubbed your hand across his cheek, to check if he was okay. As you did this, the look in his eyes burned into the back of your skull.
You had seen that somewhere before. Not in someone you knew personally.
You were careful not to look away from it, and you only closed your eyes when it was too intense, too good to see straight.
The way he gripped you was like a lifeline, clawing, leaving rough and raised lines across you-- It wasn't intended to hurt, but more or less to make sure he left you with some lasting impression. He didn't understand that he didn't need to do it.
He couldn't take the concern on your face. Not as you fucked him so close, not with that perfect body taking his cock so well. Nobody ever looked at him with so much warmth.
"Ah! Just- just like that," You gasped, shaky all of a sudden.
"Fuck-," He sighed, suddenly having to remember what exactly he was doing.
He grimaced, face twisted in the pain of trying not to cum, head thrown back so he didn't have to look at you.
But your hand left his chest to grasp him by the jaw- it wasn't hard, but it was enough to move him. You begged him to look at you. You wanted him to watch you, and it looked like he was just short of a confessing something sinful.
That's what you saw. In those narrowed eyes were praise, an exaltation of the love you had spared for him.
It filled you with a dizzying, raw confidence- you took in a breath through your nose, getting railed so hard, so close that your eyes started watering.
"Fuck- I'm-Ah--!" You couldn't quite finish your sentence before you crashed over, your body seized up, firm, grabbing and gripping him like you needed, wanted him so bad.
It left him a groveling, panting mess underneath you. He was watching in awe just like you told him to, only allowed to cum after you were done.
He fucked it all out of you, thanks to the timing. Your slow wave-riding kept you pleasant and buzzed as he fucked you hard for his own orgasm.
You even egged him on, breathless, a little smirk only interrupted by a pleasurable wince a couple of times.
"You wanna cum for me?"
"Yeah? Yeah?"
After finishing so loud and performative, nothing could have prepared you for how cuddly and silent he got.
You shouldn't have given into the desire to hug him, because he wouldn't let you move to pull him out.
"Mm-mm," Was pressed in a sloppy kiss against your neck.
Those muscular arms were shaking a little, just barely, around your waist.
"I'm- not going anywhere," You laughed, returning a few light kisses against his temple, "But we need to clean up."
He made it difficult, almost impossible, to separate and throw the condom away. You opted to just tie in a knot and throw it closer to the trash can so you didn't have to get up.
The way he watched you was careful, intense, looking for any opening to get closer to you again.
You finally sighed, smiling, "Okay."
Kentarou pulled you back down to lay next to him at the soonest opportunity. He kept an arm heavy over your chest, his leg kicked between yours, his eyes never leaving the side of your face.
His intensity was what you signed up for, but now, warm under his persistent and acute attention, you realized: maybe you hadn't thought this through the whole way.
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@integers @paradoxicalwritings @yuchacco
my masterlist. more haikyuu
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dontbesoweirdkira · 5 months ago
Platonic Yan! Batboys x Batsis darling
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A/N: I want to talk about the concept of batsis having a s/o or a crush and how the family would react to that. I'm sure this concept might've been done but if i may speak-
Warnings: Obsession, relationship sabotage, overbearing family dynamics
Requests: always open.
Dick Grayson
I think he's kind of complex about this issue. I don't think !yan Dick would have a problem with you dating in itself. Like there is so many siblings and no way to keep all of these hormonal teen and young adults at bay. He's been there, he gets it.
But there's some conditions. You have to have a good relationship with dick, first. It you are close, that means you tell him...everything. He can easily monitor you and the progression of things. You'll be trusted to tell him is something goes wrong and he can step in. You won't mind Dick tagging along or being generally invasive. You won't forget about him or the family, he knows that you'll drop everything and come running. His grip is already secured firmly around you and your mind so theres no reason to worry. Have fun, be safe.
If you're anything like my previous posts where batsis is not close with dick in the slightest, he'd sabotage that relationship. He's not having it at all. Your dating is a threat to the family. You already have an apprehension of him, so anyone can swoop in and take his sis away. He doesn't want that. He doesn't trust your judgement or decision making skills enough. Dick knows that if someone hurt you or was dangerous, you'd hid it from him. You refuse to give Dick any sort of access to your life so therefore dating is a no. Sorry baby bat, it's for your own good!
But maybe i'm wrong. Maybe Dick doesn't want any of his siblings dating..especially his batsis. I've said before that Dick has given up his previous relationships among other things for the family. His siblings are his most important priority and he's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure they're properly provided for. What if he expects the same. He's jealous over the fact you all get to go out and date and he cannot because he's stuck playing dad? What if he's jealous that you're spending all your time with someone else? You don't have time for your older brother anymore
He's hurt when you embarrassingly hide your partner from him. You're critiquing everything he does and tells him not to call you by the nicknames he gave you. Yan! Dick hates being discarded. And maybe, none of this happened? Maybe you gladly show off your brother to your partner? Maybe just the thought of you one day getting married and leaving him fills his mind. He overthinks about being left here alone like Bruce was...he doesn't want that. He cannot have that. You cannot date for your own good...for his own good
Jason Todd
I don't think he'll ever vocalize his true feelings. and reluctantly allows it. Jason is rather against you dating, but because he doesn't trust anyone outside of the family. Plus he doesn't like that he gets to see you way less now.
Jason would be the brother that'd be cleaning his guns while you're introducing you partner to him. His tone is sharp and he doesn't embrace them once. He wants them to know there is someone in your life that'll kill for you if they hurt you.
I think if Jason sensed the person you were dating wasn't any good, he'd handle it privately. Your partner ghosts you for three days then sends a "i don't want to see you ever again." text. Weird. Everything was going great. Luckily your brother Jason just got back from his three day trip to comfort you.
If the partner is good but he doesn't really get any time with you, i think he's get a little out of character. Suddenly he's a lot more clingy to you when you're there. He's just following you around the entire house and wanting to spend every second with you. If it gets bad enough he will have to intervene with his other siblings. He misses you. This whole dating things sucks, who needs them when you have a perfect family. They're all you need.
Damien Wayne
He doesn't like change. At. All. This family is perfect as it is.
So don't mess it up by changing the natural order of things. This partner of yours is a nuisance. An incompetent, brain dead loser who is dragging you down with them. You don't need them. Damien is rather offended that you felt like you even needed something more outside of the family. What does this prick have that they don't?
He's weary of the fact that this person wanted to date you. Not that you're not enough but you're a Wayne now. People always wants something, if not money, its something else. You're foolish for this.
On a deeper level, Damien feels like he's loosing a parent. It's clear that your partner doesn't like your younger brother or even want him around. He misses you driving him around, reading together and sneaking out. You've never taken his often impolite banter to heart, you loved him as he was. He felt drawn to you. You were like a mother figure to him..don't do this. He;s sad and thinks you don't love him anymore.
Tim Drake
Maybe the least closest to you. You probably think he doesn't even like you but it's not true. He's just an observer more than a hands on type of person. He's just as yandere as the others, he cares. The second he got the name of your partner, he spends all day searching up dirt on them. He has a file of blackmail sitting pretty on his hard drive in case that person hurts you.
He's not confrontational like the rest. He's a bit too socially awkward for that but if he seriously felt you were in danger, he'd stop you. I think he'd mainly plot with the others to sabotage the relationship.
Like Damien, he doesn't understand why you need someone so badly. The family is more that fulfilling to him so why not for you? Time misses the little things like when you'd bring him food to his desk, or usher him to take a break from his computer. He misses your laughter and interactions with the rest of the family. He doesn't feel safe with you being out so much. The world is a dangerous place, it's safer here, where everyone can protect you. They all love you, and their love combined is far stronger than your partners.
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rafesslxt · 10 months ago
✧.* 𝑭𝑨𝑽𝑶𝑹𝑰𝑻𝑬 𝑨𝑭𝑭𝑨𝑰𝑹 | 𝑺𝒂𝒎 𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒓𝒐𝒆
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summary: you and Sam have a secret affair while your bf is his enemy. when you call him to pick you up in that slutty outfit of yours, he shows you what you‘ve missed while partying. - based on this request
warnings: smut!, arguing, cheating, mention of alcohol, smoking, oral (on both), unprotected p in v, cum, choking, orgasm denial, breeding kink, 69 position, dirty talk, dom!Sam but still whimpering here and there bc you cannot tell me he wouldn't
words: 6,5k (bro WHAT) + it‘s 5am so sorry for typos i‘ll correct later
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"Don't tell me you're wearing that!" Sam's voice echoes through my room when he stares with jaw down at the dress I changed into. "Sam, it's none of your concern." I sigh, combing lightly through my curls so I don't separate them too much.
It was supposed to be a mistake, a drunken slip, a one time thing. It's been three weeks now and I can't force myself to pull away from the grip he has on me and I don't think he even knows how powerful that grip really is.
It's like I can finally breath again when I'm with him, even If it's never for long or outside our rooms. Currently he's at mine. He came over when I told him I'm getting ready for a party and well - one thing led to another and now he's sitting on my bed with his clothes back on (imagine it like in the picture at the top) watching me getting ready again.
"Are you gonna fuck him?" he asks, jealousy dripping from his voice. "No." I shake my head and glare at him through the mirror. I'm sitting in front of. Since I started sleeping with Sam I didn‘t let him touch me and Sam knew.
I notice him standing up from my bed and slowly stalking over to my chair. He leans down so his head is at the height of my ear. "| want him to fuck you, so you know I can do it better." he almost demands, suddenly tugging my head back with a hard grip on my curls I just styled so perfectly.
"Sam!" I hiss and roll my eyes at him while he still holds my head back. "You're gonna listen to me m'kay?" I gulp and loom at him through my long lashes, batting them at him. He leans closer again and I see his face upside down from my position.
"If you leave wearing that, then the second you come back I'll bend you over everything possible."
I feel the heat creeping up my neck upwards my cheeks, leaving a slight red tint behind. "You belong to me, don't forget that." he mumbles against my lips so soft that you could think he just said the most beautiful thing but his hard grip in my hair reminds me of the opposite.
I know he's obsessive, possessive, jealous. Kind of funny when you think about the fact that he's the affair with me having a boyfriend. And on top of that, his biggest rival. "Enemy" how my boyfriend James would always say.
James. He's the complete opposite from Sam. Mean, bully, rich, entitled, popular, typical jock. I forgot a long time ago why I am in a relationship with him in the first place.
I remember how he alway told me to stay away from Sam when I met him in the cafeteria in school for the first time. Not even a minute after James came and dragged me away from him, not without insulting Sam for speaking to me of course. I smiled at him apologetic, not understanding what was supposed to be wrong with him.
James said Sam's a lot into drugs and stuff but I didn't care. Half of the school is and as long as he's not harming others with it, I really couldn't care less.
I feel Sam's lips ghosting over mine, teasing me with with his hot breath. I love how he kisses me. It's always so full of life, passion and longing. When James kisses me it's just eager, sloppy and wet. Sam kisses like his life depends on it. As If he can't breathe properly but when his lips touch mine.
"Sam.." I breath out in a whiny tone. "Dress like a slut and I'll treat you like one. I don't kiss sluts." he whispers against my lips before pulling away and letting go of my hair. I sigh in frustration when he let's go of me and apply my blush with a pout on my face.
I hear him chuckle behind me, he probably saw the look on my face. "Don't pout angel, write me when you're on your way home later alright?" he grins at me, putting on his shoes and opening my window to climb out of it. I roll my eyes at him playfully, hiding a smile with it when I already feel the excitement in my chest knowing I'll see him later.
And with that he climbs outside and closes the window behind him, winking at me before walking away. It's a miracle to me how he tells me I'm a slut and how he calls me angel the next minute. He always does this, making me feel alive, giddy, like a fucking teenager.
Wait, I am a teenager. But I mean like a teenager with no experiences or one that never talked to a boy before.
I concentrate on my face in the mirror again, applying my favorite lipgloss before I take my purse and throw the lipgloss in it. "Bye Mom!" I shout through the house when I open the front door, hearing her calling me to have a good time and not come home too late.
I love her, she's not too strict and understands me, not forgetting how her life was when she was young like me. But at the same time she would kill for me and protect me from everything. It's a great balance. She trusts me and I don't overstep boundaries.
When I arrive at the party I dressed up for, I can already smell the alcohol and weed from a mile afar through my car window. I roll it up and park a few houses further away when I see everything full of cars.
But what did I expect right? It's James, I mean everyone in either jealous of him or of me because they wanna be with him. If they only knew how easy I would trade that ticket. So of course his birthday party would explode of people. He lives in a big house, his parent's house of course but I think he mentioned something of them being on vacation for two weeks.
I grab the birthday present that rots since two weeks at the backseat of my car and get out of it, making sure that I closed the doors properly. My stomach wrenched and the closer that I get the more my head is starting to get dizzy from all the weed clouds around me.
I greet a few people that I know, hug some of my 'friends' from our friend group and slowly get inside. The air inside is a little better but still smells like alcohol and sweat from the dancing body's in the big living room. "Y/N!" I hear someone shouting over the music. I turn around and notice James' best friend coming towards me.
"Hey Mike, how are you?" I ask him trying to be polite but the truth is the more seconds passed, the more I wanted to throw my gift at James and get the hell out of here. There was a time were I loved nights like these right I front of me. Where I was one of the dancing body's sweating and drinking, sometimes even smoking. But now I just felt so - out of place.. wrong.
"I'm good, I'm good. I guess you're looking for your boyfriend? He's in the backyard with the rest." I smile at him and nod, thanking him for telling me before I watch him disappearing back into the crowd.
I let out a deep breath. I got this. It's just one night. A few hours, right? And then I'll be at Sam's. God I have to stop thinking about him like that, he's just.. sex, right?
I walked into the kitchen, looking for something to normal to drink but of course they only bought alcohol. I took a red plastic cup and filled it up with tap water, taking a big chuck from it, trying to calm my nerves a little. Oh fuck it. I grabbed a whiskey bottle and filled my cup up with Pepsi and the alcohol in my hand. Yeah, that's better for calming nerves. I mean, I'm already here so why not try to have at least a little fun.
With the drink in my hand I leave the kitchen and open the glass doors t the back yard where James is supposed to be. And doesn't take me long to find him with 'the rest' how Mike said. 'The rest' is usually our friend group. I like them, I really do. But they're just.. not that deep. It's fun to party with them, go to school with them - well the ones that don't skip all of their classes, and maybe even talking about little problems like arguing with parents or fights with boyfriends and girlfriends. But that's as far as it goes.
Maybe that's the reason why I feel so comfortable around Sam. I remember the first night we had sex, he lit up a J afterwards and asked me If I wanted to. I shook my head and sat on my rooftop with him, watching the stars. I never talked to him a lot before, like I said James kept me far away from him, but still we talked abut everything that came to our minds.
Aliens, the universe, the stars, the whole fucking galaxy. How does everything work? Is the government telling us everything? Are there already people on our earth that don't come from here? Maybe it was the weed, but I don't think so. It felt natural to talk with him. Having a good laugh for the first time win months.
My heart starts to race when I think about that night with him. Sometimes I wonder If I'm - no. That couldn't be. It can't be. He would never also. Right?
I get thrown out of my thoughts when I feel two arms sliding around my body from behind. "Hey baby." a deep voice whispers into my ear. I know it's James. I smell his cologne and obviously I recognize his voice. His breath smells like alcohol, a lot alcohol.
"Hey James. Happy Birthday." I force a smile on my lips and turn around in his grip. He kisses me and cups my face in his hands, squeezing my cheeks together. "Thank's babe. Why are you standing here tho? Come on let'S go to our friends." He takes my hand into his and pulls me towards a little chill lounge where everyone sat with drinks or J's in their hands. "Hey guy's!" I greet every single one of them before sitting down next to my boyfriend.
"Here, for you." I smile at him and give im his present. "Thank you baby." he smiles brightly when he opens it and see's what's inside. "Hell yeah!" he grins and pulls out a pair of shoes. To be honest, I don't know what's so special about him but I knew he talked 24/7 about them with Mike and how hard they are to get to I asked a friend of my dad who had a lot of connections when it was about fashion.
"They are great, thank you baby." He gives me another kiss, sloppy and a little too wet. God how I missed Sam's lips and - no. "Yeah, no problem." I answer, trying to hold my smile up.
The night went by slow, my mind racing with the wrong thoughts when you're considering I'm sitting right next to my boyfriend. He has his hand on my thigh, and his other one around his red cup filled with liquor.
At some point I started to take drink after drink, probably not being able to drive later. I took out my phone, reading some messages I have gotten. Two from my best friend Lisa, who lives in New York, sadly, and one from Sam. My heart starts racing again so I take another sip from my drink before opening it.
"How's the party going?"
I try to hide a smile when suddenly a evil little idea gets to my head. Everyone around my was busy ding something so no eyes were on me when I took a photo of James hand on my thigh and send it to Sam with a little message.
"How I wish it was your's."
I bite the inside of my cheek when I wait for an answer, not expecting it to come as quick as it does.
"Is that you'r way of showing me how sorry you are for ging out like that?"
I swallow down the clump in my throat and try to ignore the bad feeling in my stomach. Is he mad? Was it a bad idea to send him a picture? I know he's a jealous type but I already have too much alcohol in my veins to be reasonable.
I lean backwards against the lounge I'm sitting on and take another picture. This time of my face and cleavage not letting a lot to the imagination. I bite down on my bottom lip and smirk into the little camera of my phone, looking up as innocently as possible.
"How about I show you how sorry I am later?"
What I don't know is how Sam's breath got stuck when he saw my message. He looked at it, imagining how he would rip that damn dress off and fuck me through the whole night. His hand wanders down to his hard cock, massaging it slightly through his sweatpants. A quite moan leaves his lips when he stares at the way I bite down on my lip. "Little minx." he mutters to himself when he closes the picture and let's go of his boner.
"Trust me, you'll be sorry. Have fun at your little party, angel."
With a smile on my lips I put my phone away again, grabbing my cup. "Why're you smiling like that? Who texted you?" the voice of James ask me, making me jump a little. "Huh?" I look up at him when he towers his head over me a little. " I saw you texting and smiling. Who texted you?" he repeats himself, a serious look on his face.
I sigh when I knew how this would go. I mean, he's right and If we're being honest, I'm cheating on him There's nothing romantic or noble behind this. He's right. But at the same time, he was jealous in a little meaner way than Sam is. I never cheated on James before and even two years ago when we started dating, he always accused me of cheating on him or texting other boys when in reality I've never done such a thing.
Oh, there even was a rumor once that he cheated on me with a girl from our friend group, Amanda. She's nice. But also knew it was true that she had an eye on James.
"Lisa texted me." Well, that wasn't a lie. "Oh yeah? And what made you smile about it?" he asks, glaring at me. I roll my eyes at him and look away, knowing he hates it. So I'm not really surprised when he pulls my face back into his direction and repeats himself again.
"What made you smile, y/n?" "Oh my god she's my best friend and lives in another state! I was just happy she texted me!" I groan annoyed and stand up from my seat, his hand dropping from my thigh. "Where are you going?" he calls after me but also doesn't make any attempt on following me so I ignore his words and walk back inside through the house and up some stairs that I know lead to a bathroom.
When I get inside I lock the door behind me and let out a deep breath. I pull my phone out of my purse and look for a certain name in my contact. I hold it against my ear when it starts ringing on the other side. Not even two rings later he picks up.
"What's up, angel?" Sam smiles into the phone. "Miss you.." I mumble into the phone, sitting down on the edge of the bathtub behind me. I hear him chuckling. "Then leave, it's that easy." "You know its's not." I argue, pouting while looking into the mirror over the sink. I run a finger over the corner of my mouth, taking off a little of my smudged lipgloss.
he sighs into the phone now too so I continue talking. "he's gonna ask where I'm going and then will insist on one of his friend bringing me home just so he knows I'm not going anywhere else. And If I go without telling him he'll literally stand in front of my house after at least an hour."
"Break up with him." he says. "What?" I gasp, surprised he said that. I mean yes it is obvious that I should but not one time one of us really spoke these words. "You're not happy with him and you'll never be. You should find someone where you are." Someone. I don't know if it's the feeling slowly creeping up my neck and spilling over after holding them in for so long or simply the alcohol but I only scoff and roll my eyes.
"Yeah, right. Someone." my voice sounds cold and distant, pissed. "Y/n was you know what I mean.." "No, Sam. Actually I don't" Silence. And another sting I feel in my heart.
"See you, Sam." I chuckle sarcastically and press the red button on my phone. Not a second later I hear someone knocking on the door. "Y/n? Are you inside??" I groan when I hear James voice. God why can't he just leave me alone.
I stand up from the bathtub and walk over to the door, unlocking it. "Oh, Mike." I say, realizing it's not James. "Uh- James told me to look after you." "Oh, great? And he couldn't do it by himself?" I scoff, pushing past his best friend. I hear him sigh too and walk after me. "You know how he is." "An asshole?" I state, looking at him. He just grins and shrugs. "It's fine. I just wanna be alone for a moment, okay?" "Okay." He nods slowly and leaves.
I really don't know why he's keeping up with James bullshit. He's way too smart and nice for all of this. Well, just like me.
Still annoyed I wander through the hall of this ridiculous huge house, scanning all these portraits and pictures on the walls. My parents are rich too, really rich but this is just.. hideous A family of 5 living in a house as big at the fucking White House.
My mind races with thought when I suddenly hear voices whispering and giggling. I knit my eyebrows and try to be as quiet as possible to hear them again. They lead me to a big door to which I press my ear against. I recognize the voices but I couldn't quite put my finger on who they were so nosy me slowly opens the door a little just to take a little peep.
I didn't expect to see what was I front of me. My boyfriend. And Amanda. Making out on a couch. "When are you finally breaking up with her?" I hear Amanda whine like the little bitch she is. "I don't know. I told you this is just a one time thing Amanda." he answers.
What is going on? "One time thing? You're telling me four months are a one time thing for you?" she argues back. What did she just say? Four months? I close the door and take a step back.
I mean I know I'm cheating on him too. I'm no saint. But fucking four months? At the same time, I go inside myself for a moment and try to feel anything. But nothing. Not a single tear, not a single ache in my heart. I feel.. relieved? Am I crazy? My boyfriend of two years cheats on me and I feel relieved?
I quietly walk back down the hall, back down the stairs to the party. It's over. It's fucking over. I feel a smile creeping up my face when I walk outside into the backyard again. "Hey y/n, everything good?" A girl named Jessy asks me. I smile at her, almost laughing. "I'm feeling as good as never before." A giggle slips out my mouth when I sit down and take another drink from the table. They share a few looks but I couldn't care less.
I take out my phone and open the chat between me and Sam. Just now I see he texted me right after our phone call.
You know what I meant y/n.
It's complicated.
Please don't ignore me.
Are you still coming over later? I miss you
Miss your tight litte pussy around my cock
I roll my eyes at the last message but chuckle.
Oh and I know you just rolled your eyes at that
Wanna see your pretty (your eye color) eyes roll back when I fuck your attitude out of you
I quickly type in my answer, sending it with no regret now.
Can you come pick me up Sammy? I'm drunk and I want you, please.
Of course angel. Where do you want me to park? The street before the main?
Just park in front of the house
He was surprised at my massage but shrugged it off.
Alright. Gonna be there in 30.
I tucked my phone away again, taking in a deep breath. The excitement crept up in my chest again. Now that I knew James cheated on me too, I had a much less guilty for doing it with Sam. Old me would have ripped her hair out when I saw her sitting on my boyfriends - ex-boyfriends lap. But you know what? Let her have him. I know he's bad in bed. Let her realize one day she's off better.
After only fifteen minutes I heard them coming outside together, giggling slightly before sitting back down and pretending nothing happened. I played dumb and smiled at James. "Hey, where have you been? I looked for you." Yeah, let him sweat a little. "Oh uh- I looked for you too, I've sent Mike to tell you." he grumbled, glaring at his best friend.
"Hm, weird. And why did you came outside with her?" I point at Amanda, who looks at me like a deer in the lights. "She uh- she helped me. She helped me looking for you.." he stumbles over his own words.
I just nod when I felt my phone vibrating.
I'm here. Drove faster.
I smile at Sam's message and stand up without saying a word. "Where are you going?" James asks, this time following me. Amanda and Mike stand up too, following him like fucking puppy's.
"Home." I say, shrugging with my shoulders without looking at him. " You're drunk. Let Mike drive you home, he didn't have that much." he tries. "Oh don't worry, my drive is already here silly." I giggle, my stomach tingling in the best way possible when I see Sam's car lights through the windows.
"What do you mean?" James asks me mad, walking a bit faster now to keep up with me. I walk through the living room again and then outside the front yard where I see Sam leaning against the passenger seat door.
Before walking towards him I stop and turn around. "James, it's over. I'm not mad at you okay? I did the same. I'm just so relieved that you obviously feel the same about our relationship." He looks at me dumbfounded. "What are you talking about?" I roll my eyes and laugh at his words. "Oh come on. I saw you and Amanda and I heard you too and don't even try to deny it please cause I'm fucking someone else too."
I see the anger creeping up his face, ignoring the fact that he's cheating on me completely. "WHAT? Who the fuck are you talking about?" Then it hits him. He looks at me and beside me in the distance, he recognizes Sam standing against his car.
"You've got to be fucking kissing me you dumb slut!" he starts shouting and insulting me but I turn around and walk to Sam. I notice him looking at me confused but I just straight walk towards him, push myself against him and kiss him with all the passion inside me, in front of everyone.
I hear James yelling in the background, Mike probably holding him back. Sam's lips move against mine, his hands wandering up my sides, gripping the flesh beneath his fingers. "Fuck, what's that all about huh?" he mumbles against my lips, pulling away slightly.
Out of nowhere I feel the heat pooling in my stomach, yelling at me to finally fuck him. "I want you Sam. Want you to fuck me stupid." I had to giggle, I can't stop it. God he has to think I'm ging literally crazy but he just bites his lips and pushes me inside his car, driving off with me.
"What happened in there?" he chuckles and gazes at me for a second before returning his eyes back to the road in front of us. 
"You'll never believe! When I hang up I wandered around the house and found him with Amanda, making out and her saying that they are fucking for four months now. And I - I just felt so free all of a sudden. No tear no anger, nothing. Just free." I ramble my words down, smiling the whole time.
"So I got you for myself now huh?" I don't know why but my cheeks burned like hell when he said that. Did he want me for himself? I mean yeah well who wants to share but like- does he want me or want me?
When we arrive his house, he parks in front of the house, helping me out of the car and inside the house. "Your Dad home?" I whisper to him when we walk up the stairs to his room. He shakes his head and grins devilish. "He's camping or something. Means you can be as loud as you want, angel." I bite my lip at his comment and rush upstairs with him, him basically throwing me onto his bed but upside down, so my head is at the edge of the bed.
"Remember what I told you If you go out in that outfit, I'm gonna fuck you over everything possible?" he remarks with his voice so raspy in my ears. I bite down on my lip again, nodding and trying to hide a smile but failing miserable. "This will be the last time you're laying on this bed for tonight." he grins down at me and leans down towards my lips, licking over my bottom lip before kissing me.
I hum against his lips when I feel him nibbling on mine. When he pulls away his breathing gets heavier. Is he just as excited as I am? He puts a hand on my cheek and strokes the skin with his thumb. "You're gonna be a good girl, angel?" "Hmm of course."
"Good, then do what I say, alright?" he half demands. I see him opening his belt, and pulling down the zipper of his jeans. "You got me so fucking hard you have no idea." he chuckles while pushing everything in the way down.
No matter how often I see his cock, it always amazes me again how big he is, his pretty pink tip leaking pre-cum. He takes a step closer to the bed again and grabs my arms, pulling me so much that my head hangs over the edge. "You're gonna suck my cock and maybe I'll play with you." I nod eagerly and open my mouth for him, ready to take him in.
He takes his dick into his own hand and rubs it teasingly against my lips, biting down on his own lip. I sneak out my tongue and lick off the salty essence from his tip, letting it slide over and over it again.
"Hmm.." then out of nowhere, he pushes in, almost choking me with it. His eyes roll back before he moves his hips, fucking my mouth without giving me a moment to get comfortable. "Shit, it alway surprises me how well you can take it. Let's see how far you can." he groans, pushing his hips deeper.
I try to breathe through my nose and concentrate on pleasuring him, hoping he would reward me for it. "I'm gonna fuck your throat baby, 's that alright?" he asks before pushing in deeper after I nod slightly. "Oh fuck.." he let's out a deep groan and closes his eyes. "I can see my fucking dick in your throat baby. God that's so hot."
His gaze wanders over the rest of my body until he sees my purse beside me, my phone fallen out of it. He leans forwards, choking me even more and takes it into his hands. I see him start taking pictures of it and smiling at them like a artist who just found his muse.
Tears start forming in my eyes due the feeling of him choking me every few seconds. "Fuck you look so pretty when you cry baby but that's your fault hm. Got outside like a little slut. Remember, you act like one, I'll treat you like one." he repeats himself.
I move my tongue up and down at the side of his cock, massaging the prominent vein he has. I hear him whimper slightly, his tough facade faltering a little.
He let's his hands wander over my body, massaging the flesh beneath my dress, pinching my nipples through the fabric making me whine around his cock. "Fuck you like that, right? Think I'm gonna reward you for listening so good." he slowly pulls out his cock and let's me catch my breath. I cough a little and swipe away the tears that started to run down my face.
He looks at me expectingly and raises one of his brows. "Thank you." I choke out to which he nods and leans over my body, pulling up the front of my dress. I hear him chuckle when he notices the wetness soaking through my underwear. "You get off on sucking my cock?"
His fingers ghost over my aching clit, teasing it through the fabric. I whine out loud and push my hips up. "Please, please touch me Sammy." "Hmm but I', already touching you. Gotta be more specific."
"Pleeease, need to feel your mouth. Please." never in my life would I beg any man like that. But for Sam to touch me I would get on my knees and start praying.
He pushes my underwear to the side and laps at my puffy folds, tasting me and groaning. "You taste so good.." then he starts sucking my clit and I almost faint at the feeling. I let out a silent moan, bucking my hips but he presses them down and slightly nibbles at my clit.
"Fuck Sam!" my scream echoes probably through the whole house. "Suck my cock again." he mumbles against my pussy, adding a finger and teasing my entrance with it. I grab his hard cock and wrap my lips around the tip, sucking on it with a lot of pressure. "Oh yeah.." he groans against me, sucking harder on my nub.
I feel his finger entering me slowly, then another one so it's two and curling them up just right. I let out a long moan around him, squeezing my eyes shut. I take him deeper until he hits the back of my throat.
He groans against my clit, making me moan around his cock because of the vibration. It's like an endless circle of pleasure.
He starts pumping his fingers faster, flicking his tongue over my clit like he knows every inch of my body. Well – he does.
Then I start feeling it, the fire pooling in my abdomen. My walls clench around his fingers, signaling him I'm almost there. He let's go of my clit and continues pumping his fingers. "Are you close baby?" he asks tauntingly and puts his thumb on my now sensitive clit, rubbing it without any mercy.
I cry out around his cock, tears running down from all the pleasure around me. Never ever did James make me feel like this just from oral. Then, right before I explode, he stops. Pulls out his fingers and let's go of my pulsing nub, even pulling his cock out of my mouth.
"Sam!" I cry, bucking my hips into the air. "That's for leaving in that fucking dress." he whispers, kneeling down so his face is in front of mine. I huff out some air, pouting when I lose my orgasm.
He grabs my should again and pulls me up, away from the bed. He pushes me towards his desk with a mirror on it, grabbing my neck. " 'm gonna fuck you from behind and you're gonna watch yourself in the mirror, yeah?" "Yes." I answer, leanin forwards, my upper body on his desk now. "Spread your legs." he commands and pushes them apart with his knee.
"Look at that, I don‘t even have to fucking touch your dress, you‘re such a little whore." he spat when he sees my dress isn't covering my ass anymore. A sudden pang hit's me. I look over my shoulder back at him and see him grinning at me, slapping my ass again but this time a lot harder.
I moan when his hand hits my skin, making him smirk even wider. "I should have known you're gonna like that." he pulls my underwear down and positions himself at my entrance. "Beg for it, wanna hear what a little slut you are for me."
"Hm yes your slut only.." I moan and wiggle my hips against him, hoping for some friction. "Please Sam, I need to feel you inside me, please. I've been so good, please." my begging is like music to his ears and before I can see it coming, he pushes inside me with one go.
"Oh fucking hell!" he groans loudly, his mouth wide open and his eyebrows pushed together. "Fuck Sam, I feel you so deep!" I whine, grabbing the edge of the desk. He starts moving his hips, slowly at first and then fast like never before.
The sound of his thrusts, his skin slapping against mine could be heard through the whole house together with our moans and groans. Thank god his Dad is camping.
His right hand finds it way around my throat, squeezing it just lightly to make me feel lightheaded. "Look at yourself." he demands. I bite my lip when I watch him through the mirror. I could see the sweat on his forehead, a few hair strands clinging to it. His eyes are slightly hooded from the pleasure he felt every time my walls massaged his cock just so perfectly.
"So fucking tight I swear If I didn't knew better I would think you're a fucking virgin." I love how dirty his words are, every time. "God, you're milking me." a little whimper leaves his lips when I squeeze my walls around him, the sound going straight to my core, making me clench even more. Like I said before, just a circle of pleasure.
"You know what's the best of it all? At first it was more about fucking his girlfriend, knowing she's coming around my cock. But now I have you all to myself and I'm gonna die before I let anyone else touch you ever again. You're mine now, angel." he pants and Strats to move his hips in a brutal pace now, making me scream out his name.
"Yeah, scream my name so loud the whole fucking neighborhood knows who you belong to, come on." The grip of his hand around my throat get's tighter, making me dizzy but also so soaked.
"I'm gonna fill you up so good until your little cunt is dripping with my cum." I gasp at his words, my walls clenching around him automatically. "Oh you like that baby? Like the idea of me pumping that pussy full with my cum? Shit, you're like a fucking dream. Just as sick and dirty as me." "Sam.. please.." I whine, sobbing at the thought of his words.
"Say it baby, say it, come on. Let me hear it. Fucking let me hear you beg for it." he groans, his cock already throbbing inside of me, ready to bust. "Oh Sammy please, please fill me up. Come inside of me, wanna feel it so bad." I let out a few sobs again, watching him react to my words in the mirror.
His eyes roll back and one of his hands wanders around me, rubbing my clit in circles, adding to the tight feeling in my stomach. "I'm so close.." I whimper, closing my eyes.
"No no no, you're gonna watch yourself come around me." I open my eyes again, feeling tears pooling inside my eyes. I look at the desk beneath me, rocking back and forth, all his school stuff already on the floor. "Sam, please let me come, please."
He lets out a dark laugh and slaps my ass again with much more force than before. "Want me to fill you up real good? Wanna feel my cum dripping down between your pretty thighs? Wanna walk around with my baby inside you? Fuck you would be such a good mommy hm.."
My eyes roll back at his words and the crushing feeling finally explodes inside me, a broken cry leaving my lips when I finally come around him, milking him so good.
"Fuck y-yes oh I'm gonna come. Gonna come in that tight pussy." a whimper leaves him again, adding to the crushing orgasm I have. His grip on my hip and my throat get's tighter, so tight I almost can' breath.
With a loud moan he let's go, spilling his hot seed inside of me. "Shit.." I whimper, feeling him flooding my cunt. When I slowly calm down again, I look over my shoulder, seeing him panting heavily, his chest rosing up and down. He slowly pulls out of me, a little whimper leaving me.
He takes a step back and smirks the he scans my body, his cum running down the inside of my thighs. "Hmm looks so fucking good." He comes closer again and pushes his cum back inside. "Keep it there." he whispers inside my ear, leaving shivers down my spine.
He pulls me back up and hold me when he notices my numb legs. "Don't think I am done with you angel. I said on every fucking surface."
My wide eyes look up at him but only met with his devilish looking ones. "This is gonna be so much fun, angel." he speaks before pushing me against his window, my legs wrapped around his hips.
This is definitely better tan crying after a break up.
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Sooooo what do we think? My first Sam Monroe fic 🤝🏻
hope u liked it and thank u for reading! 🖤
My Masterlist
xoxo sarah <3
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yan-randomfandom · 7 months ago
HIIIIIIII I love your writing alot!!!! Soo, I wanna request something:3
Maybe a Yandere Stanford Pines x GN reader who only saw him as a close friend? They became friends when they were still in high-school up to this day! (Yes, reader did sort of wait 30 years for Ford and never forgot about him)
Maybe just Stanford obsessing over Reader romantically, and Reader just think him as the greatest best-friend ever!!
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Stanford Pines x GN!Reader
UM UH,,, IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG ANON— and it's something I'm not even proud of 😭😭
context btw; reader doesn't know about weirdmaggedon or fake death or entire lore, they dont tell them anything uhhh idk anymore
You took the bus to Gravity Falls! Stanley reached out to you after decades of not having contact. It was a bit sudden, but there's no way you're going to ignore his call.
Stanley Pines was the first man you saw when the Mystery Shack's door opened. Wrinkly, exhausted widened eyes looked at you in silence. He looked unprepared... kind of crusty musty... and very unhygienic.
"You look disgusting! I'm gonna hug you anyway!" you beamed, pulling him in for a big hug. Unwillingly, a strong whiff of his scent hits your nose. "You stink too! You haven't changed a bit, Stanley."
"Glad to know ya missed me," he laughed, giving you an affectionate noogie.
When Stan finally let you go, you looked up to see Ford. He stood in front of you, speechless as he stared into your eyes.
"...Ford," you grinned, walking towards him. In curiosity, you placed your palms on both his cheeks. He seemed to relax with your touch. "You changed a lot."
Your eyes, while they've wrinkled, are as warm as the day he last saw them. He smiled back, his large hand covering one of yours. Your smile widened when you saw his fingers. "And you aged beautifully."
Poetic as always! A laugh bubbled up your throat as you wrapped your arms around him.
He quickly returned the gesture, burying his face into your neck. He missed this. He missed you.
Your warmth didn't change. Fascinating.
"I missed you, man! How come you're such a silver fox now? Good for you!"
"I still have no idea what a silver fox is," he chuckled, already longing for you the second you pulled away from him.
Ford merely stood there for a few moments before he grimaced. Damn it. He still likes you, doesn't he?
It's been more than thirty years already. He thought he would have moved on, especially after the whole weirdmaggedon thing. Why would Stanley ever get the idea of calling you back here??
All of you now sat at the table with you in between the Pines twins. Mabel wore an apron, sophisticatedly offering you tea. The sweetheart made the recipe herself!
"So, how have you been doing these days?" Ford asked, resting his cheek on his palm. Every passing second with you, he gets reminded more and more of why he used to like you.
You are, after all, the first and only person to not call him any sort of names because of his hands.
"Oh, I mean, I've been financially doing well, and it's been a bit difficult to settle down with a partner... but," you blushed. "I think I finally found the one."
Ford coughed out violently, pounding a fist against his chest. He really shouldn't be surprised. He really shouldn't! You're bound to have found someone!
Get a grip. Fourty. Years.
...He truly had missed out on this dimension for such a long time.
The sky is dark. Dipper told you about the roof spot at the shack, and now you're here, thinking about life.
"Dipper said you'd be here," a voice murmured. You looked up and saw Ford walking up to you. Chuckling, you offered him a non-alcoholic drink.
"How many days will you be staying here again?" Ford asked as he sat next to you, sparing a small space between.
"A week at most," you shrugged, kicking your legs at the edge. Ford simply stared at you.
"I guess it'll be forever before we see you again, huh?" he mumbled.
You turned to him with a smile. "Of course not. You guys are invited to my wedding."
... Wedding.
A small huff left your lips. "We're so old now. I still remember being in high school and grouping up with you and Stan when a trio was needed. Good times."
Ford continued staring at you.
"You guys were my best friends. Probably not now, I mean, been decades since we last talked. That reminds me, what made you call—"
Ford suddenly interrupted you with a hug.
"Woah, Fordsy, you miss me that much?" you laughed, hugging him back.
Don't call him that. His arms around you tightened.
You simply let him hug you.
It was such a long one.
And it only grew tighter by the second.
Like he never wanted to let you go again.
but his aim is getting better 🗣️
i love your idea so much btw, i too am a fan of one-sided pining.... the desperation yk.. I THINK I JUST SUCK AT WRITING FOR THAT WHAT 😟 (says the yandere blog)
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lodeddiperactivate · 8 months ago
A new kind of high (Barry x Reader)
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Pairing: Barry x fem!reader
Word count: 1.6K
Warnings: smut, drugs
Summary: You have never done drugs before but decided you wanted to try it just so you can finally understand what the hype is all about.
Author’s note: I'm obsessed with Barry pls I need him to split me in half. I have a lot of Barry fics coming soon so please reblog if you enjoy this so I would know, and that would fuel this hyperfixation.
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You have never done drugs before but decided you wanted to try it just so you can finally understand what the hype is all about.
"Aight princess, so what you need to do is..." Barry started explaining the basics.
You've only met him a couple of times in passing when Rafe needed supply. And even though, everyone has warned you to stay away from him, the truth is that you were intrigued, which is another way of saying you had a crush on him. You couldn't really help it when he's so flirty with you but you do know that there is a dark side to him, which is why he was not your first or second choice when you finally decided to try drugs.
"Rafe, come on, you're really saying No to this? You?"
"I'm sorry but I have to go to the mainland today for business. Why don't you ask Topper to teach you?"
"I already did but then he freaked out so I think he might rat me out to my parents. I need someone I can trust!"
"I'm sorry but I have to go now. We'll do it when I come back!"
"Yeah, in two weeks!" You called out to him as he boarded the truck with his dad. You sighed and decided to walk back home. That was when you saw Barry talking to one of the kooks, probably selling them stuff.
You stood there for a while, deciding if you want to ask him to help you out. You decided against it and started walking away when you heard him call your name.
"Oh hey Barry."
"Hi princess, is country club at home right now?"
"He just left for the mainland, won't be back until the end of the month."
"Shit, I swear that kid's gonna take a beating when he comes back."
You haven't realized it but you were now looking at the small bag of white powder in his hands. He looked down at what you were looking at.
"Saw something you like?" He said as he lifted the bag.
"Oh no, I was..." you stuttered. "Yes, err maybe?"
Barry gave a light chuckle before admiring you in your cute yellow sundress. Your innocence intrigued him but he was mostly impressed with your insane level of curiosity.
He moved closer and placed a hand on your lower back guiding you closer to his side as he whispered, "Come on, let's go back to my place and I'll teach you how," he said as if reading your mind. You obliged.
"Aight princess, so what you need to do is bring your nose closer like this and snort the line," after Barry showed you how it's done, it was your turn. Surprisingly it was not as bad or difficult as you thought it was.
"Good girl," he whispered in your ear. You can feel your pussy pulsate at his words. You find yourself leaning closer to him as if in a trance, wanting to close the gap between the two of you. You snapped out of it when you heard him talk.
"You alright, princess?" He had his hands on your shoulder to steady you.
"Yeah sorry, I just didn't expect the effects to be that quick," you said as he did another line. He looked at you and grinned.
"Nothing, I just thought you were one of the good ones."
"The good ones? What's the supposed to mean? I can be bad," you tried to defend yourself.
"That's not what I meant, dollface," Barry said as he rested his arm on the back of the couch, leaning closer so that your lips are mere inches away from one another. You haven't realized it but your hand was on his knees, supporting your weight as you leaned even closer.
"I know you can be bad," his other hand pushed the hair over your shoulders as it trails down to play with the strap of your sundress. "Why don't you show me how bad you are hmm?"
You half-breathed, half-moaned his name before allowing your lips to crash on his. You were quick to reposition yourself so that you were straddling him on the couch. His hands found its way to your ass, lifting your dress along the way so that there's little fabric between your pussy and his cock. You grinded on top of him and you feel him groaned and moaned your name into the kiss.
With one quick move, he unbuckled his belt and lowered his shorts to reveal his fully erect cock. You moaned at the sight, obviously feeling the full effects of the drugs now, you instinctively got off him and on your knees ready to taste him.
"Why don't you show me what that pretty mouth can do?" His voice was like honey and you mindlessly licked him from base to tip, before sucking him fully. Barry threw his head back and grabbed your head, guiding you.
"Oh baby, you're so bad," he said encouraging you. "I bet none of the guys on your side of the town can make you feel this kind of rush huh?"
You lifted your head up to him smirking, "you have no idea how boring that side of town is."
"Hmmm you get off on a little danger huh, a little fear?" Barry said as he pulled out a gun from the back of his shorts. You froze at the sight of the gun.
"Don't worry baby, not gonna hurt ya, come here."
You straddle him and he arranged a line of coke on the flat portion of the barrel, and he held it up to your face. "Go on baby, it's gonna feel so good," he encouraged. Your mind was hazy from the first but you can feel yourself get even more wet from this whole thing. You grind on top of him, trying to feel as much as you can of him as you snorted the line on his gun. He then proceeded to lift your dress and pull your panties to the side so he can tease you by rubbing his tip at the entrance of your pussy. The knot in your stomach becomes more evident as you cannot control your whimpers, you rested your head on Barry's shoulders as he positioned himself, ready to enter you.
"It's alright princess, I got you," he said as he slowly dipped the tip inside you. You moaned his name into his ear. He couldn't believe this was happening, he had always to some extent fantasized about you but never really did anything as he thought his lifestyle was too much for you. Seeing that you were more than interested in learning all of it, he took that opportunity and eased himself even more inside you. Your walls accepted him as you feel every inch of him inside you, hitting all the right spots.
"Barry, please.." that was all he needed to bottomed himself inside you. You yelped at the impact but slowly adjusted. He was big and thick and filled you in all the right ways. You started to slowly grind on him, your hands on his chest supporting yourself. He looked up at you with hooded eyes and your head was thrown back, moaning his name again and again.
"Never thought I'd hear you moan my name like that princess. Fuck!"
You looked at him and smirked, "told you I'm not some fragile spoiled kook," you leaned in to whisper in his ears seductively, "I can take it."
"Oh yeah?" Barry grinned as he burried his nails on your hips, holding you into place, and proceeded to rail you thrusting his hips upwards so you can take more of him. You were held in place by Barry's strong grip so all you could do was hold the back of the sofa for support and another hand on Barry's chest. Your mouth was wide open and your eyes rolling from pleasure. Barry has no intention of slowing down and you were almost at your limits. Barry kept pounding you, thrusting his hips upward as he brought yours down, matching the rhythm perfectly.
"Barry, please, I'm close!"
"That's right, such a needy little slut, tell me what you want baby."
"I wanna come! I wanna come! I'm gonna come!"
"Shit, me too baby. Where do you want me to come?"
"Inside me, please, I want it. I need it!"
"Fuck!" Barry moaned as he felt you cum all over him, followed by him blowing his cum all over your insides.
You collapsed on top of him, him still inside you. You rested your head on his chest as you tried to calm your breathing. Coming down from the high, Barry let out a low hum as he stroked your back and hair, pushing it away from your face. You grinded a few times before letting him slip out of you.
You were both still breathing heavily as you sat side by side, slouched on the sofa. When you looked up at him, he had his eyes closed. He can feel you watching him.
"So how much do I owe you for the coke?" You jokingly ask.
He opened his eyes and looked at you, he had a wild grin on his face. He leaned closer so you were looking directly into his deep rich brown eyes, "Maybe I can come up with a different kind of payment method for you," he said as he planted a soft kiss on your lips.
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m-jelly · 29 days ago
omg jelly I have been reading all your fics they're amazing. If its not too much hassle may I kindly request a Canon Levi x Female Reader Smutty Fic? They are already together - in a relationship or married - you pick <3 And Reader is a obsessed with giving him head? Like its like she derives pleasure from it too and would drop to her knees at moments notice to suck him any time of the day to pamper her love
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Levi x fem reader
Canon world, smut, blowjob, married, fluff, romance, body worship.
You visit Levi at his office and worship him
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A long sigh escaped Levi as he signed off on another form for training. The scribbles of his pen echoed in the room. Exhaustion washed over him when he noticed the large stack of papers was not going down. He was at his wit's end, he wanted to run away from it and go home to his perfect wife, but he knew he had to finish everything or it'd get worse.
He glanced up when someone knocked. "Tch, what? I'm busy." His heart raced when you opened the door and leaned around. He softly said your name. "Come in."
You slipped into his office, closed the door behind you and locked it. "Hey, honey. May I stay?"
"Of course." He got up from his seat and hurried over to you. "You look stunning." He pulled you against him and kissed you. "So, Mrs Ackerman."
You giggled. "Yes?"
"What do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
You held his hands and showered them with loving kisses. "I wanted to visit you. You're working a lot more and you seem stressed."
He hummed a laugh. "I am a bit, but I feel so much better every time I'm with you."
You pulled him over to his desk and put him in his chair. "You're such a charmer."
"I'm being honest." He looked up at you. "Why am I sitting here? Don't you want to cuddle on my bed?"
You pushed his chair back a little before sinking to your knees. "Well..." You tied your hair up before massaging Levi's thick thighs. "I wanted to help you relax." You pushed your hands up further and squeezed the insides of his thighs. You looked up through your lashes as you bit your lip. "Levi, will you let me indulge and feed my addiction?"
Levi gulped hard as he felt his cock twitch, he knew exactly what you were talking about. He was obsessed with your breasts and eating you out, you were obsessed with giving him head as often as possible. You would sweetly ask if you could at any possible opportunity.
Before you, he'd never done anything like this before. You had taken all his firsts and he'd taken all yours. The two of you had become absolutely addicted and obsessed with the other. Your romance was deep and passionate, but you kept things private in your own little world.
Levi parted his legs. "Are you sure you want to, my darling?" He caressed your cheek before running his thumb over your bottom lip and pushing it into your mouth. He moaned as your tongue swiped over his thumb. "I should know better than to ask you if you really want this." He smiled a little. "I'm all yours."
You gasped in delight before undoing his belt, zipping his trousers down and pulling out his erection. You marvelled at the beauty that was Levi's cock. It was the perfect length, not too long where it felt like a spear, but it was just right and snug. He had a beautiful thickness to it where it'd stretch your walls in all the right places.
His tip was a cute pink that would only get deeper in colour. A throbbing vein wrapped around his shaft caressing it as blood pumped through it. The skin was so soft and warm, it was perfect to the touch, incredible inside you and wonderful to taste. He was a dream and all yours.
You touched and moved him so much that it caused him to grunt. You glanced up at him and smiled. "Sorry, I don't mean to tease you." He was so sweet as he moaned your name. You tapped his heavy tip against your lips and just enjoyed the weight. "Mm, you're perfect. You have such a pretty dick."
Levi blushed hard before looking away. "Tch, you...damn brat."
You hummed a laugh before sticking your tongue out and flicking his tip repeatedly. After licking for a bit you couldn't resist anymore, you needed to taste him fully. You sank your mouth down on him and took his tip. His warmth was electrifying and the taste of his precum spread through your mouth coating every inch, it was divine.
Levi gripped the arms of the chair as you sank your head lower. He squeezed his toes as he felt a tingling pleasure. He lifted his hips a little causing him to push into your mouth a bit. He sat back down dragging his cock back from you. A moaned sigh left his kissable lips as pleasure tingled through him.
When you started moving your head up and down with your tongue moving against him, he couldn't help but lean his head back and pant. He pushed his hand through his hair and tugged a bit. "Fuck." He pushed his hips up a little as a pulse of pleasure hit him. "Mm." He moaned your name and looked down at you. "Shit. You are so beautiful."
He gulped hard when you looked up at him through your lashes. He felt his heart skip a beat when you smiled a little. Levi had to hold back as much as possible, he just wanted to ravage you against his desk, but he needed to behave. He tugged on his hair more and grunted at the added pleasure.
Levi shivered as the vibration of your moan sent him into another world of euphoria. A mixture of feelings was within him, he was relaxed but also tensed up from the pleasure. He panted a little faster and tangled his fingers in your hair. He pushed your head back a bit allowing him to admire your beauty.
He moaned your name as you sucked harder and moved your tongue more. "A-Ah, ha, ha, ngh." He shook a little. "I'm gonna cum." He tried to pull you off him, but you kept sucking. "B-Brat, y-you." He grunted and moaned as he came into your mouth. "Sh-shit."
You gulped down his hot sticky load and cleaned his cock with your tongue. You smiled up at him. "You're delicious."
He panted a little and blushed. "You...tch, naughty brat."
You giggled. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."
"I should spank you."
You got up with Levi's eyes following you. "You should." You went to the bathroom and returned with a wet cloth. "We'd both love it." You cleaned Levi up and tucked him away. "Besides, we've been over this, either I swallow or your cum gets on things and me." You kissed him. "Which means mess and cleaning."
He huffed a bit. "You're right." He gave you his tea. "For the taste in your mouth."
You downed the tea and hummed. "Thank you."
He yanked you onto his lap. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." You nuzzled his neck. "Did you like it?"
"I loved it. You always make me feel good." He squeezed you. "May I eat you? I'm starving, my love." He moved his hand up between your legs. "I crave it like you crave me."
You mewled at his touch. "Levi."
He cupped the side of your face. "Fuck, I love you so much. I'm a lucky man."
"I'm lucky too." You nibbled your lip. "Levi, I'm all yours."
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @levistealeaf @pelicanpizza @hideandgopeep @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously @dreamerofthewest @abiatackerman @minminroie
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lozeyart · 23 days ago
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What am I doing in the year of our lord 2025 drawing Junjou Romantica fanart
Goodness me, I got into JJR back in 2008 when the anime aired and then I got into the manga that same year. At the time, I wasn't really drawing people, I was drawing animals, but I was OBSESSED with this yaoi with my whole heart and wanted so badly to draw fanart for it. So now here it is! 17 years in the making! Btw, trying to interpret anime hair logic with my style is easier said than done, but I did my best lol. All just colored sketches and then some scribbles for funsies.
But I definitely have some complicated feelings about this manga/anime. More below the cut (its A LOT, I'm so sorry).
JJR was one of the first yaois I ever got into, and back in 2008 when I didn't realize being gay was an option, this silly little manga/anime felt like an escape for me. Well, it's now 17 years later and upon rereading this manga (I still have volume 1-12, I could never get rid of them, they mean to much to me) I realize that it has aged POORLY.
This yaoi is definitely a product of its time (2002/2003) and it SHOWS. I find myself disappointed in the dynamic between Usagi-san and Misaki and wish that Misaki would show Usagi-san SOME sort of affection outside of the bare minimum (cooking and cleaning for Usagi) and Usagi definitely has some... Issues of his own. Now, I'm an adult, and I can see that consensual non-consent (CNC) can be fun and exciting for a couple (you know, if agreed upon beforehand), and it can be fun for your partner to initiate things out of the blue, but Usagi definitely toes the line of what that is. Now, I know that this was the early 2000s and yaoi relationships tended to have that dynamic (One being the seme who didn't listen to "no" and the uke who said "no" constantly but actually secretly liked what was happening), like I said, this series is definitely a product of its time. But I don't know man, its not fun (for me) reading sex scenes where one of them is constantly telling the other one to stop over and over again. (I also think it'd be cute as fuck if Usagi-san asked Misaki if he could kiss him and Misaki shyly said yes instead of yelling at him like he always does).
I even went online to read up to volume 27, but all I can express is that same disappointment. Misaki rarely even likes to acknowledge that he's in love with Usagi-san, or is dating the man, or even likes him (it seems to be only under duress that he admits these things STILL. IN 2022 when that volume was released!)
I wish there had been more character development in the years since I stopped reading the manga, I wish we could see Misaki and Usagi-san acting like they actually like each other outside of when they have sex (yes there are small moments between the two, and a bickering couple can be a fun dynamic, but dear lord lets shake things up A LITTLE. I'M BEGGING).
Lets not even get started on the sketchyness that is (at the start of the manga) a 28 year old falling in love with an 18 year old (And we're not even going to TALK about Miyagi and Shinobu) -don't bring up the age of consent in Japan, I do NOT wanna hear it-.
Listen, I'm 29, and I would NEVER even DREAM about dating an 18 year old (or 19 year old) at my age. (Fuck, the youngest I'll date is MAYBE 23 but even THATS pushing it for me).
All of that to say is that I still can't help but have an extreme soft spot for this series, and there are still moments that I love from this (Volume 9, the Christmas chapter, am I right? Gets me EVERY time), and fuck, Shungiku Nakamura is probably still making bank with this series so who the fuck am I to say anything lol. I'm just a rando online with an opinion, you don't have to agree, and you can think that whatever Misaki and Usagi have is fuckin' AWESOME. I'm just an old fart
But, I dunno, I think it'd be interesting to explore Misaki's internalized homophobia, and Misaki slowly but surely growing more and more comfortable with not only accepting Usagi-san's affections and even reciprocating and initiating on his own, but also accepting HIMSELF and being happy with who he is instead of the constant self shame he puts himself through for being with a man. Let's be so real, he is gay, he can't stop looking at other attractive men and FAWNING over how hot they are (Nowaki, Todo, Injuin Sensei, the list goes on).
But who am I to complain, I went and drew fanart of these two anyway. Rock, meet glass house.
Unrelated, I love the art style in volume 3-6 a lot because its very "late 90s early 2000s" art and I think the art peaked in volume 9. And now its unpeaking. Bring back Usagi-san's yaoi chin so help me god.
I do have yaoi I prefer over this one a lot more, and involve older couples (which I find that I prefer), and have fun, cute stories. If anyone has read this far and wants those recs, lemme know (dear god I'm so sorry, this has gone on so long.)
Anyway I do want to redraw some of the sex scenes and post it to my bluesky.
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its-avalon-08 · 8 months ago
omg I love the protective Daniel post you just did, I feel like max would be so protective too, could I please request max and rival driver reader who always bicker but have undeniable tension..and after a race they’re celebrating at the club and mad max comes out seeing a really creepy guy hitting on her and manhandling her across the dance floor. Reader is a bit shaken up cause she hasn’t had things like that happen in a while since becoming more famous and the creepy guy was a lot bigger than her
and max drives her home and comforts her - I feel a hug from his big strong arms would fix all my problems lolz, maybe leading to some spice?? Thank you!!
hi bubs! im sorry im not super gr8 at writing spice so i didnt include any, myabe in the future! so sorry but hope u enjoy
hands. off. (mv1)
✦ pairing - max verstappen x female!driver!reader
✦ genre - enemies to lovers, angst, creepy guy, confessions, happy ending
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The tension was palpable in the team garage as Max and Y/N prepared for the race. Mechanics bustled around, making final adjustments to the cars, while the two drivers stood on opposite sides, glaring at each other.
"You know, Max, just because you have a world championship doesn't mean you're invincible," Y/N said, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she adjusted her gloves.
Max smirked, not looking up from his car. "And just because you're fast doesn't mean you're good enough to beat me. You should focus on keeping up."
Y/N took a step closer, her eyes flashing with anger. "Maybe if you stopped acting like you're the king of the track, you'd see that I'm right on your tail. You're not as untouchable as you think."
Max finally looked up, meeting her gaze with a challenging look. "I'll believe it when I see it, Y/N. Until then, you're just another driver trying to take my spot."
She crossed her arms, standing her ground. "You better watch out, Max. One mistake, and I'll be there to overtake you. And believe me, it'll happen sooner than you think. Until then fuck off."
Max's eyes narrowed. "Bring it on. Just don't cry when you can't handle the pressure."
Their team principal stepped in, sensing the rising tension. "Alright, you two, save it for the track. We need both of you focused if we're going to win today."
Max and Y/N exchanged one last glare before turning their attention back to their cars, the hostility between them lingering in the air.
post race
The race had been fierce, with Max narrowly edging out Y/N for the win. As they walked back to the garage, Y/N's frustration boiled over. She threw her helmet down in exasperation, drawing Max's attention.
"Nice job blocking me out there, Max. Real fucking classy," she snapped, her eyes blazing with anger.
Max shrugged, a smug smile playing on his lips. "It's called defending my position. Maybe you should learn how to do it."
Y/N stepped closer, her fists clenched. "Or maybe you should learn to win without playing dirty."
Max's smile faded, replaced by a cold stare. "I play to win, Y/N. If you can't handle that, maybe you're in the wrong sport."
Y/N's heart raced, not just from anger but from the proximity. She could feel the heat radiating off him, their faces inches apart. "Maybe if you weren't so obsessed with proving you're the best, you'd realize you don't have to be such an asshole all the time."
Max leaned in, his breath hot on her face. "And maybe if you stopped trying to compete with me, you'd see that I actually respect you."
Y/N's eyes widened, the air between them crackling with tension. "Respect? You have a funny way of showing it, Max."
Max's gaze dropped to her lips for a fraction of a second before meeting her eyes again. "It's called tough love sweetheart. You wouldn't want it any other way."
She swallowed hard, her pulse quickening. "Don't flatter yourself. I don't need your respect."
Max's hand twitched as if he wanted to reach out and touch her, but he held back. "Maybe not. But you have it, whether you like it or not."
The intensity of his gaze was overwhelming, making her head spin. For a moment, all the anger and frustration seemed to morph into something else, something neither of them was ready to admit.
"Why do you always have to make everything so complicated?" Y/N whispered, her voice barely audible.
Max's voice softened, the hostility fading. "Maybe because I don't know how else to deal with you. You're... different."
Y/N's breath hitched, her heart pounding in her chest. "Different how?"
Max's eyes softened, and for a moment, the walls between them seemed to crumble. "Different in a way that scares me. And I don't scare easily."
The vulnerability in his voice caught her off guard, and she felt a surge of emotion she couldn't quite name. Without thinking, she closed the distance between them, their bodies almost touching.
"Max..." she began, her voice trembling.
Before she could say anything more, Max leaned in, his forehead almost resting against hers. "Y/N, I..."
The moment was electric, the world around them fading away. For that brief second, all the rivalry, the anger, and the hostility melted into something raw and undeniable. But just as quickly, Max pulled back, the moment shattered and his rough facade was back up.
"We should get back to the team," he said, his voice hoarse.
Y/N nodded, her heart still racing. "Yeah. We should."
As they walked back to the garage, the tension between them was stronger than ever, but now it was laced with something more—something neither of them could ignore.
time skip
The club was alive with music and dancing, the perfect place to celebrate after a hard-fought race. Y/N tried to shake off the lingering tension from her earlier confrontation with Max, letting the music take over as she moved with her friends. But even in the crowded club, she could feel his eyes on her, a constant presence that sent shivers down her spine.
Max sat at the bar, nursing a drink, but his attention was entirely on Y/N. She danced with an easy grace, her movements drawing the eyes of everyone around her, but Max's gaze was different—intense, focused, and filled with the unresolved tension from their earlier confrontation.
As she danced, Y/N's eyes found Max's across the room. The connection was electric, the tension between them palpable. She locked eyes with him, her movements becoming more deliberate, more provocative, as if she was challenging him, daring him to react.
Max's grip tightened on his glass, his heart racing. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, locked in a silent, charged exchange. He wanted to go to her, to close the distance between them, but something held him back.
Suddenly, a large man approached Y/N on the dance floor, his intentions clear. He moved too close, his hands reaching out to touch her. Y/N tried to step away, but he grabbed her arm, pulling her towards him with a force that made her stumble.
"What the fuck? Let go!" Y/N shouted, trying to free herself.
The man's grip tightened, his voice slurred with alcohol. "Come on, baby, don't be like that. Let's have some fun."
Panic flashed in Y/N's eyes. She was used to handling herself, but this man was larger and stronger, and the situation was spiraling out of control. She looked around for help, her gaze finally landing on Max.
Max's vision turned red as he saw the fear in Y/N's eyes. He pushed his way through the crowd, his protective instincts and anger flaring into his "Mad Max" persona.
"Get your hands off her," Max growled, his voice low and dangerous.
The man looked at Max, clearly unimpressed. "Who the hell are you?"
Max stepped closer, his glare icy. "I'm the fucking guy who's going to make sure you never touch her again. Now, let go."
The man sneered, but Max's cold fury was unmistakable. He released Y/N, but not before giving her a rough shove. She stumbled back, and Max caught her, pulling her close to him.
"You okay?" Max asked, his voice softening as he looked down at her.
Y/N nodded, but her eyes were wide, and she was clearly shaken. "Yeah, just... let's get out of here."
The man, not ready to back down, took a step towards them. "You think you can just walk away?"
Max turned back to him, his expression darkening. "I warned you."
Without another word, Max launched himself at the man, delivering a hard punch to his jaw. The man staggered back, and Max followed up with another punch, knocking him to the ground.
"Stay the fuck down," Max spat, his voice filled with anger.
The bouncers quickly moved in, grabbing the man and dragging him away. Max turned back to Y/N, his expression softening once again.
"Come on," he said, taking her hand. "Let's get out of here."
The ride home was silent except for Y/N’s quiet sniffles. She stared out the window, her hands still trembling. The events of the night played over and over in her mind, and she couldn't shake the fear that had gripped her. She let out a silent sob, tears streaming down her face.
Max glanced over, his heart aching at the sight of her distress. Without saying a word, he reached over and grabbed her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Y/N looked at him, her eyes red and puffy from crying. She squeezed his hand back, drawing strength from his presence.
They drove in silence for a while longer before Max finally spoke. "You don't have to be scared anymore, Y/N. I'm here. I'll always be here."
Y/N nodded, unable to find her voice. The tears kept coming, and she leaned over, resting her head on Max's shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her, holding her close as she sobbed into his shirt.
When they arrived at her apartment, Max turned off the engine and gently lifted her out of the car. She clung to him, too exhausted and shaken to protest. Max carried her inside, navigating the familiar path to her bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and sat beside her, brushing a stray hair from her face.
"Max," Y/N whispered, her voice barely audible. "I was so scared."
Max's heart clenched. "I know. But you're safe now. That guy will never touch you again. I promise."
Y/N looked into his eyes, searching for the strength she always saw there. "Why are you always there for me? Even when we fight, even when we're at each other's throats, you're always there."
Max took a deep breath, his gaze intense. He wordlessly pulled her into a warm, protective hug. His strong arms enveloped her, pulling her close against his chest.
Y/N rested her head on his shoulder, her voice a barely audible whisper. "I've dreamed about this."
Max’s heart skipped a beat. He held her tighter, his own emotions surfacing. "You’ve dreamed about this?"
She nodded, her voice muffled. "About being held like this… safe and cared for. I didn’t think it would ever actually happen."
Max tilted her chin up gently, looking into her eyes with a serious expression. "Y/N, there’s something I need to tell you."
Y/N met his gaze, her eyes filled with vulnerability. "What is it, Max?"
Max took a deep breath, his voice trembling slightly. "I’ve been trying so hard to deny it, but I can’t anymore. I care about you more than I ever wanted to admit. The rivalry, the arguments—they’ve been a cover for what I really feel."
Y/N’s eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and relief washing over her. "Max, I’ve felt the same way. I’ve been pushing you away because I was scared of these feelings. I didn’t want to admit how much you mean to me."
Max’s fingers brushed a tear from her cheek. "I’ve been so caught up in the competition and the fights that I didn’t realize I was falling for you. But now, seeing you like this, I can’t ignore it any longer."
Y/N’s voice was barely above a whisper. "It’s like everything else fades away when I’m with you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before."
Max’s gaze was intense, filled with affection. "You mean everything to me, Y/N. I don’t just want to win races with you; I want to be with you. I want to be the one who’s always there for you."
Tears welled up in Y/N’s eyes again, but this time they were tears of happiness. "I want that too, Max. I want us to be more than just rivals. I want us to be together, through everything."
Max’s smile was tender as he leaned in, his forehead resting against hers. "Then let’s make it real. Let’s be together."
Y/N nodded, her voice trembling with emotion. "Yes. I want that more than anything."
They leaned in, their lips meeting in a kiss filled with all the emotions they had been holding back—passion, relief, and a deep, unspoken love. When they finally pulled away, their eyes locked, both of them knowing that their feelings were finally out in the open.
Max brushed a strand of hair from her face, his smile full of promise. "We have a lot to figure out, but we’ll do it together. I’m in this for the long haul."
Y/N nodded, her heart full. "Together. Always."
Max wrapped his arms around her again, holding her close as they lay down together, both of them finally at peace with the love they had discovered.
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yanderecrazysie · 9 months ago
Twisted Zoo: Chapter 11
Prologue (beginning): here
Previous Chapter: here
Next Chapter: here
This is based on the stories of a keeper reader with the octotrio by @ashensgrotto and @merakiui
Also @twistedcece @cenatour @xiaopleasecomehome @bearshideout @koebishrimpuwu @vash-yuu @twstsandturns @help-whatdoimakemyusername @secret-potion @magmdnv @sunshine-for-serotonin @the-ace-reader @mel-star636 @silkkorchid @pamv11 @coffee-or-hot-cocoa @hrhqueenfox @goseew @luxthestrange @juno-of-wonderland @who-mst @despairingy-obsessed @lanxianschoenheit @ceramic-raven @m0063576 @kimdourden @rammylog @sushiperson @starshiningsirius @im-here-for-the-fun-of-it @the-monochrome-jester @owodi @girl-nahh-two @obeythehuman @berry-efoy @ivorette @the-broken-truth @losingmybrain @sxftiebee @queens-unheard-thoughts @medicine-san @strugglingsleeper @asdorlia @nightskylark @cashmerek @rocketstyx and @ryovel wanted to be tagged! Let me know if anyone else wants to be tagged for future chapters. If you no longer want to be tagged, please tell me! (I have removed the tags that weren’t working for me, apologies if yours was removed!)
Summary: You’re a brand new zookeeper at The Halfling Zoo- a place where half-animals live in captivity. Your job is simple- feed them and study them. Your main worry is that one of the more dangerous halflings might kill you. 
Unfortunately, that may become the least of your worries.
WARNINGS: yandere themes
Note: All characters are aged up, since there will be mature themes in future parts.
Also, I can’t promise I’ll finish this. I suck at finishing stories.
NOTE 2: Sorry that it took over a month to write this, but I needed inspiration + my new job is kicking my butt. It’s pretty short and bad but I didn’t have a lot of inspiration.
You were on your way to the birds’ enclosure when you heard your name being called. You turned around to see Crowley making his way towards you, one arm raised to flag you down. You hurried over to him.
“Yes, Mr. Crowley?”
As you drew closer, you could see the concern on his face. 
“I need you to come with me,” he said softly, leading the way to the aviary. You nodded and followed him, worry starting to consume you.
“Is everything okay?” you asked.
Mr. Crowley led you around to a side of the aviary you hadn’t been to before- a side that faced neither the employee entrance nor the zoo visitors. It took only a few seconds to realize why he had led you there.
The metal enclosure had been dented outwards, as though a lot of force had been applied to it from the inside. The seams were starting to split apart, artificial light from inside the enclosure peeking through the cracks. It looked like an elephant had been body-slamming the aviary’s walls.
“Wha- what happened?” you asked, stunned.
“We’ve had some… incidents recently. All of the halflings have been acting up more than usual and, as you can see, there’s been some damage to the aviary’s metal dome.”
“But the birds are so well-behaved!” you protested in shock.
“That’s the thing,” Mr. Crowley said gravely, “It seems to happen after your visits. The halflings become… agitated when you aren’t around.”
You couldn’t believe that the gentle, friendly birds had caused this kind of damage to a metal enclosure. And because of you? It was almost unthinkable.
“I don’t understand,” you said in a near whisper, “Why would they do this?”
Mr. Crowley sighed wearily, “Halflings form strong bonds, that’s why we have so many bonded species at this zoo. They will especially latch on to anyone who shows them true kindness. You clearly mean a lot to them and your absence upsets them.”
“I didn’t mean to cause any trouble,” you said, a pang of guilt tugging at your heartstrings.
“I know, and I don’t blame you,” Mr. Crowley reassured you, “But we need to find a solution.”
“Do you have any ideas?” you asked.
Mr. Crowley went silent and avoided eye contact. A thrill of apprehension shot up your spine but you willed it away. Mr. Crowley would never put you in danger, right?
“For now, just continue as normal,” Mr. Crowley replied, “We’ll work on fixing the enclosure.”
You nodded and the zoo director dismissed you with a careless wave. You hurried to the enclosure’s employee entrance and were disturbed to hear, instead of the usual quiet, the sounds of squawks and hoots and other cries. 
You stepped inside and were surprised by the scene you were met with. The halflings were clearly distressed: pacing in their cages and looking around wildly, feathers fluffed up in agitation. Even calm-and-collected Vil looked ruffled.
“Guys? Are you alright?” you called out softly.
Ace was first to respond, “Where were you?” he demanded to know, voice tinged with panic, “You’re late! You’ve never been late before!”
“I’m sorry, Ace,” you said, trying to sound as soothing as possible, “I was talking to Mr. Crowley about some… problems with the enclosure.”
Ace’s eyes narrowed dangerously, “Problems? What problems?”
“It’s nothing to worry about,” you said, feeling a little nervous by the intensity of his gaze. Glancing around, you could see that every bird halfling had their eyes trained on you.
Trey flew from his birdhouse to his perch, landing gracefully on the wooden perch and fixing you with a stern glare and saying, “You can’t disappear.”
You nodded, trying to calm them all down, “I understand. It won’t happen again.”
Vil stepped forward, his beautiful feathers out of place and ruffled. His eyes were narrowed and he was frowning as though disappointed in you, “You always leave us.”
You were overwhelmed by all of their intense gazes and you felt a lump form in your throat. “I’m here as often as I can be.”
Epel looked up at you with watery eyes, “We worry when you leave. Not safe out there.”
You forced a gentle smile to your lips, “I’m perfectly safe. And I’m here now. Let’s all calm down everyone, okay?”
Slowly, the halflings relaxed. Rook stopped pacing, Vil smoothed his feathers, and Trey flew back into his bird house. Even though the tension had mostly disappeared, the underlying worry and hint of possessiveness remained.
You turned to Deuce, who hadn’t spoken yet, but instead looked at you wistfully. “Are you doing okay, Deuce?” you asked.
Deuce’s eyes softened, but the troubled frown remained on his face, “I’m fine,” his voice was strained, “I missed you.”
Your heart ached, “I missed you too,”
Ace piped up in an annoyed tone, “Why can’t you just stay here with us?”
You blinked in surprise, “I have a life outside the zoo. I’m sorry, but I can’t stay here.”
It was Cater’s turn to speak, and the expression he gave you made your stomach twist unpleasantly, “You’re too good to stay with us halflings, mademoiselle? We do not have a life outside this zoo, but we deserve that, don’t we?”
“Wh-what? Of course not!” you spluttered.
“Then stay!” Epel whined, a tear sliding down his cheek.
“I- I can’t,” your voice came out in a whisper. You shook yourself and turned around, heading for the staff door,  “I’ll go get your meals…”
There was an eerie silence as you passed out their meals. Each of the halflings took their salads and set them aside, their appetites gone. The tension in the air was so thick you thought you might choke on it.
Finally, the time came for you to leave. As you turned towards the staff door, a hand grabbed the back of your shirt. You turned in surprise to find Riddle outside his enclosure, his pink feathers standing on end.
“Promise… you’ll come back.” Riddle choked out, fighting back tears.
You turned to him and gave him a gentle smile before pulling him into a hug. “Of course I’ll come back.”
“Promise!” he demanded.
“I promise.”
With the way they all looked at you, with victory and possessiveness, you halfway wondered if you had sold your soul with that promise.
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mj0702 · 5 months ago
(after a quick brainstorm with @helen-with-an-a on me way to the Barca vs. Eibar game)
Lucy should have seen it coming. She really should have but yet it was a surprise – not really but it always takes her by surprise. Fans were joking that Alexia and Keira had a weird synchronization but that was nothing to your “Keiraness”. Lucy was currently standing on the sideline – training just ended about 10 minutes ago – watching you and Keira kicking the ball around for fun with Mapí, Ingrid and Marta.
“She really is a pequeña you...” Alexia said smiling slightly as she watched the five of you kicking around laughing “... and seeing her having fun is good – she's healing”
“Mini me... yeah” your sister snorted earning a questionable look from her capitana “... we may share a name, blood relation, eye color and facial features but she's all Keira in her behavior... except for... competitiveness maybe... that she has from me too...”
“Oh please Lucia...” now it was the blonde spaniard snorted “... we all see the similarities between the two of you”
“Yeah... then watch them” Lucy smirked “Watch them closely Capi”
And that's what Alexia did – suddenly she saw what Lucy meant. You and Keira were in perfect sync. Your movement was one-to-one the same. Every time Keira stopped the ball with her right foot her shoulder would go with the move just as her hand turned outwards. Even without the ball at your feet you moved the except same way. Keira went on shifting her weight onto the left foot – you moving with her. Even when Mapí slightly pushed you to get to the ball you still kept the shadowlike movement of Keira. It was like you and Keira were connected with strings and whatever the blonde did you did as well.
“What...” Alexia looked shocked shaking her head lightly when the small game of kick around stopped and immediately you and Keira fell into the same position one hand on your hip the other one pulling the trainings shirt up revealing both of your abs as you wiped the sweat of your faces.
“Told you....” your sister grinned victoriously
“I never saw that” the blonde catalan still shook her head in disbelieve
“Hm... you never saw them on the pitch together” Lucy grinned as you shrieked as Mapí sprayed you with her water bottle after you squeezed said bottle hard while the Zaragoza woman took a sip resulting in the water just hitting the back of Mapís throat making her cough hard
“It started when Bubs was three and Kei and I just started dating...” your sister now had a soft smile on her lips watching as you ran circles around Marta and Ingrid trying to get rid of Mapí who was hot on your heels “... she became completely obsessed with Kei”
“What do you mean?” Alexia asked confused
“Sit down Capi...” Lucy grinned “... that's a longer story... and they'll be occupied for a little longer”
“Ehrm... I'm very sorry I'm late...” a young Lucy stuttered standing next to a table where Keira was seated looking sheepishly “... I tried to leave without her noticing but she... wouldn't let me.... and then I had to grab her stuff to... and parking around here is a nightmare and then she wanted to walk – she's good with walking but she sometimes forget that she only has two legs so she falls a lot and I didn't want her to look like a homeless kid so I made her walk slow... so yeah... I'm sorry”
“Phones do exist you know” Keira looked at Lucy with a raised eyebrow “... you could've called.. or texted”
“I... don't know where I put me phone” your sister said shyly knowing it sounds like a cheap excuse
“Hm...” the blonde opposite to her hummed as you – for the first time – lurked around Lucys legs taking a sheepish look at the girl
“I... would understand if you don't want to do that anymore” Lucy said a little uncomfortable gesturing around a little bit
“And pass on the chance to meet that little Miss? Absolutely not...” Keira now smiled waving her fingers at you making you hide behind your sisters legs again
“I see...” your sister cleared her throat “... you wanted to meet her from the start... I'm just your way in”
“Good to know we're on the same page” the blonde grinned at your sister and suddenly Lucy knew she was forgiven – this time
“So... you going to introduce us?” Keira asked smirking slightly
“Bubs...” Lucy said softly as she crouched down to be at your height holding your little hand in her big one “... this is Keira... can you say hi to her?”
You took a quick glance at Keira before you quickly shook your head hiding your face in your sisters neck who just chuckled
“I tried...” your sister smirked at her date standing back up taking you with her easily “... obviously she's not interested...”
“Hm... what a shame....” the blonde sighed dramatically “... looks like you get a shot in the end after all...”
“I'll make sure to thank her later...” Lucy kept smirking as she pulled out her chair sitting down you perched on her lap still hiding your face “... but I honestly don't know what's going on – normally she isn't shy at all...”
“She doesn't know me...” Keira smiled noticing the small shy glances you threw at her “... of course she's going to be shy”
“Yeah no... that's not her at all... she yelled yesterday at a pal who cycled past to fast – to fast for her liking... called him a twat” your sister snorted obviously proud
“I hope you told her that's a bad word” the blonde raised her eyebrows
“Hey... she didn't called him a wanker or a cunt....” Lucy lifted one hand in defense while she held you tightly to her upper body “... I think that deserved an Ice cream”
“Iwe cweam?” you suddenly perked up
“You had Ice cream yesterday...” your sister pointed out “... no Ice cream today”
“Wucy...” you whined disappointed
“No no.... we agreed on something” Lucy said “... you don't want your tiny teeth falling out do you know? You'll look like grandpa when he forget where he left his teeth”
“Noooooooo...” you said horrified your eyes wide
“See.... so two Ice cream a week... no more” your sister said firmly but Keira could see the playful glint in Lucys eyes “... now that you found your voice again... can you please show I thought you manners and say Hi to me friend Keira”
“Hi” you mumbled quickly immediately hiding your face again
“Bubs come on... you normally aren't like this” Lucy groaned making Keira chuckle
“It's okay Luce....” the blonde waved off “... ready to order?”
“God yes... I haven't had time to eat before coming here” your sister said quickly looking down at you “You hungry Bubs?”
“Mhm” you nodded against Lucys neck
“Okay... what do you want? You know... I'll just order something for you” your sister pressed a soft kiss to your hairline
“Bubs please” Lucy pressed catching your hand once again before you it can connect with the salmon on her plate “That's me food – can you please NOT hit it with your dirty paws?”
“It lookin so foft” you said in awe trying to touch it once again
“Stop” your sister said firmly and you knew you SHOULD stop but the soft looking rose colored fish was just too fascinating for your little brain and your hand moved on it's own accord towards your sisters food again
“Bubs” Lucy now scolded you angrily “Stop it.. NOW”
“It foft” you looked up tears forming in your eyes
“It's still food... we don't play with food” your sister said now holding both your little hands together by your wrist so you couldn't attempt to smash her food “... I happily let you try BUT we do not play nor do we smash food”
“No play... no smash” you wailed out but your sister was immune to your tears knowing it was just because she restricted your movements
“Stop the drama... you're worse than Sophie” Lucy rolled her eyes picking some salmon up with her fork offering it to you “Here... you wanna try?”
“Nooooo....” you wailed even louder
“Suit yourself...” your sister shrugged her shoulders “... you know them tears won't work on me”
“Ehrm... Lucy” Keira now spoke up “... maybe you should let her feel the consistency”
“Oh god...” Lucy snorted “... believe me.. she knows what salmon feels like... she's just hangry... hm...”
“What?” Keira looked alarmed at Lucys sudden smirk
“Hey Bubs... Keira has pasta... you want pasta?” your sister smirked her voice soft “... look... with tomato sauce”
“Excuse me” the blonde looked confused but you were already on the way of climbing over to her and if it wasn't for Keiras quick reflexes you certainly would have hit the ground as you slipped from Lucys leg
“Hi” Keira said bewildered as you got yourself comfortable in her lap
“Omao pafa” you squealed happily your hand already grabbing into the food
“No” the blonde quickly reacted grabbing your hand just like Lucy did minutes before
“But...” your lower lip already trembled dangerously
“That's very hot...” Keira said calmly “... we don't wanna burn our hands now do we?”
“Nu uh” you shook your hands while Keira let go of your hand again
“That's my good girl” the blonde smiled picking up some Pasta with her fork “... now... what do we do when something is hot?”
“Blow is cool” you said seriously
“Smart girl...” Keira held the fork in front of your face so you could cool the pasta down yourself
“You can't be serious” Lucy mumbled as she watched the interaction between the two of you
“I swear Capi... I should've known...” your sister looked smiling at Alexia “... I should've know in that second that whatever bond they were forming in that moment that it would be something special”
“It sound like quite the first meeting” the blonde catalan smiled
“I think Bubs fell in Love with Keira before I did...” Lucy snorted watching as you now sprinted next to Keira your stride basically one “... now thinking about it I'm pretty sure that she was so shy because she immediately fell in Love with Keira... as soon as the name “Keira” fell you could get basically anything from Bubs”
“Bubs...” Lucy yelled down the hallway “... hurry... we promised Keira to pick her up from the station”
“I is coming” you shouted back your voice strained with stress as you quickly finished your present for Keira grabbing the piece of paper quickly running down the corridor towards your sister
“What's in your hair... is that glue??” your sister looked slightly disgusted
“It pwesent fo Keiwa” you said proudly showing Lucy your paper that was covered in glue, paint, glitter and stickers
“Lovely” Lucy mumbled pinching the bridge of her nose before pulling a ManCity hat over your glittery gluey head “Come on.... we don't have time to clean you up... we just stick you in the bath later”
“You no like?” you asked a little hurt
“It's super amazing” your sister said smiling widely even if just wished to get you clean right now “... I bet Keira will be so happy and thankful for your thoughtful gift”
“It you and Keiwa an Is an Tato and Manity and...” you started to explain your masterpiece while Lucy started to gently push you out of the door
“It really is...” Lucy said as she closed the door behind her “... something”
“KEIWA” you yelled happily seeing the blonde exit the train station
“Oy... stop yelling” your sister scolded you grabbing the hood of your jacket before you could start to run off “... she saw us already”
“Keiwa” you said still a little bit louder than inside voice but now quiet yelling trying to run towards her just to be held back by your sister
“Wait” Lucy said calmly “... we don't just run on the road... what do we do?”
“Lookn lefts and righfts” you said your whole body trembling with excitement
“Well... then do so” your sister told you and you quickly did as she said “.. come on Bubs... do better”
“But Wucy..... Keiwa” you whined
“Then take your time to LOOK and if no car is coming you can go” Lucy rolled her eyes “In fact if you'd stop doing half assed things you'd be already over there”
“Otay” you sighed and took a good look left and right making sure no car was coming “... no caws...”
“See... sometimes invest some time to do it properly so you don't have to do it again” your sister said smiling slightly “... off you go...”
“Keiwa” you started to take off basically throwing yourself at the blonde
“Hey Bitsy...” the blonde caught you easily chuckling “... have you been good for Luce?”
“Mhm” you nodded smiling widely as Keira placed you on her hip picking up her bag again
“Don't believe her... she was a complete maniac” your sister said grinning as she reached the two of you taking the bag from her girlfriend pressing a soft kiss to her lips
“I is no manitac” you complained loudly making Lucy and Keira snort successfully ending the kiss
“Sorry I forgot... you're an angel” Lucy smirked poking your side making you squeal
“Ugh...” you three heard suddenly behind you making you look over Keiras shoulder
“Disgusting” you saw a elderly woman stare at you “You have to infect that innocent child with your diseases?”
“Excuse me?” Lucy asked and Keira as well as you could hear she's starting to get angry
“Your disgusting dykes” the woman spat at your sister who put herself between you two and that woman
“Yous listens old hags” you said making yourself bigger in Keiras arms “... my Wucy lovins Keiwa... Auntie Jill says people likes yous just needs a good fu...”
“Jesus” Keira exclaimed as she covered your mouth with her hand looking at you shocked
“See... see what you've done to that poor kid” the old lady spat
“And we're leaving” your sister said finally as she pushed Keira forward
“Bitsy....” Keira looked at you after Lucy strapped you into your childs seat “... you won't EVER repeat what your Auntie Jill said...”
“But...” you started
“No Bits... I'm serious.. you forget what your Auntie Jill said and I personally will have a word with your Auntie as soon as we're back to training” the blonde said strictly
“I mades pwesent for you” you mumbled teary eyed holding up your present
“Oh Bitsy” Keira smiled softly being touched by your action “... thank you so so much”
“Is Wucy and yous and Is and Tato and Mansity” you mumbled as Keira leaned into your space pressing a kiss to your forehead
“It is really beautiful Bits...” the blonde smiled “... you worked very hard didn't you”
“Mhm... jus the best fo Keiwa” you said quoting your sister
“Really? Just the best for me?” Keira smirks her eyes finding Lucys who sported a slight blush
“Wucy always says to Auntie Jill...” you told the blonde as usual using no filter
“Good to know” the blonde kept smirking you oblivious to it “But now let's get home... I can smell the glue in your hair”
“Bubs... bath time” Lucy declared as you entered home again after dropping Keira off at her home
“No” you pouted
“What you mean no? Yes... obviously yes... you're all sticky...” your sister sat you down on the little bench kneeling in front of you taking your shoes off
“I is no baf” you said nodding seriously
“Oh but I think you do... you're sticky and you smell” Lucy poked your sides slightly making you giggle
“I is no smelly... yous smelly” you shot back
“Excuse me little Miss??” your sister exclaimed shocked playing along with you
“You stinks” you stick your tongue out at her
“Oh you just wait..” Lucy suddenly snatched you from the bench throwing you over her shoulder making you squealing laughing
“Wucy nooooo” you squealed
“Lucy yeeesss” she mimicked you
“Keiwa no baf” you tried to make your sister see reason
“Really? That's your argument? That Keira hasn't taken a bath??” Lucy stopped in the middle of the hallway
“Yes” you said still hanging over your sisters shoulder
“Bubs...” your sister sighed pulling you forward until you were perched on her hip “... Keira is old enough to decide if she wants a bath or not.... you on the other hand fall under my responsibility”
“Keiwa baf here?” you asked hopefully
“No Bubs... Keira has her own flat with her own bath... she doesn't need to bath here” Lucy said calmly
“No Keiwa...” you started pouting your little arms crossed in front of your chest “... no Bubs”
“No Keira no Bubs?” Alexia bursted out laughing “She seemed to always be a strong minded character”
“This became such a catch phrase....” your sister groaned watching as you practiced one touches with Mapí
“What's a catch phrase?” Ona asked coming down the sideline freshly showered an changed
“Wait... it still works” Lucy grinned yelling over the field “NO BUBS...”
“.... NO KEIWA!!!” Keira and you yelled back simultaneously laughing loudly
“That's the catch phrase” your sister turned to her girlfriend pulling her down onto her lap “It was Bubs thing to try and get out of things when Keira wasn't involved...”
“Ah...” Ona said confused while Alexia just chuckled
“Apparently our Cariño found quite the liking as a young One in Keira” Alexia chuckled
“Bebita would do everything for Keira...” the freckled catalan rolled her eyes playfully “... no one can ever reach Keira... not even Lucy”
“Oy... not true...” your sister exclaimed pinching her girlfriends side
“Who did you call when she refused to go to the dentist when her cheek was all swollen up?” Ona looked down at her girlfriend expectantly
“Keira” Lucy mumbled
“And how long did it take Keira to get her to go to the dentist while we where trying to get her to go for how long.... days?” the small catalan questioned further
“Two minutes” your sister mumbled embarrassed
“So yes... Bebita does everything for Keira” Ona grinned knowing she won that little argument
“Yeah yeah” Lucy grumbled giving up
“Bubs... you gotta get up” Lucy said coming out of the Bathroom where she already finished
“No...” you grumbled cuddling further into the warmth of Keiras embrace “Keiwa still in bed”
“It's our off day...” your sister said a little annoyed “... you've got nursery day”
“No Keiwa” you started to argue tiredly “no nuwsy”
“Hun it's okay...” Keira now interrupted knowing this discussion would go on forever if she didn't put a stop on it “... I'll take her.. it's fine... I can grab some breakfast on the way back”
“No for God sakes...” Lucy grumbled pulling away the blanket partly so your small frame got uncovered “... you stay here... she's gotta learn...”
“Lucy” the blonde tried again knowing it got to Lucy that you were so fixated on her
“No... Kei seriously... I understand she likes you but she gotta learn that she can't use you like that” your sister said pulling you towards the end of the bed by your ankles
“No Keiwa...” you said strained holding onto Keiras Pjs pants (that the blonde quickly threw on last night as she heard you trying to get to the door handle of the bedroom successfully interrupting “adult time”) “... no Bubs”
“Did you get her to Nursery?” Ona snorted at the image that was forming in her head
“Kinda....” Lucy grumbled
“Keira had to go with you?” Alexia smirked knowingly
“As soon as I had her in the car it was... fine” your sister defended herself still remembering the absolute breakdown you had the second you realized Keira wasn't coming to nursery with you
“Fine...” Ona repeated trying to hold in her laughter
“She stopped crying after four hours...” Lucy mumbled “.... when Kei picked her up.... after they called us... to please get her”
That was it – Alexia and Ona bursted out laughing
“She also started to behave more like Kei...” your sister said “.... copying her moves and stands”
“Okay Bubs...” Lucy smiled at you “... it's just us for the weekend... no games.... no nursery... Kei went to her parents place...”
“Mhm...” you said deep in thoughts “I is don't fink so...”
“What...” your sister looked down at you as you turned on your heels marching into your room “Bubs?”
Lucy followed you confused to see you throwing your little dinosaur backpack on the bad grabbing random things squishing them into it
“What are you doing?” Lucy asked bewildered watching you squeezing a second teddy into the bag
“I is packing” you said as you grabbed your backpack dragging it behind you past your sister towards the front door
“Packing for what?” your sister came after you just as you started to put on your shoes – wrong way around but it's the thought that counted right?
“We goes Keiwa” you declared seriously
“Bubs...” Lucy spoke gently as she kneeled down so she could speak to you correctly “... Kei is in Rochdale... we're in Alnwick...”
“Ands?” you asked tilting your head a little your hands finding your waist – Lucy had to do a double take because for the first time your really looked like a mini Keira who you were standing there “... yous has caw... we cans dwive”
“No Bubs...” your sister kept her voice soft “... Keira is spending time with her Mum and Dad...”
“So we's spends time with Keiwa...” you said confident “... everyone wins – wins”
“That's not...” Lucy shook her head slightly at your logic “... how it works”
“Yous fink a little more” you said patting your sisters head starting to drag your backpack outside “... I is waiting outside”
“She... left you standing there after she told you you can play taxi so she could go see YOUR girlfriend?” now Frido asked confused who sat down behind the trio mid story
“Basically yeah” Lucy shrugged her shoulders
“And she packed her own bag?” the swede clarified
“Wait... what did she pack?” your sister mumbled to herself wrecking her brain “... AH... yeah... two teddies, a bag of crisps – don't ask me why she had a bag of crisps in her room, her draw doodle thingy and a single sock”
“And Henry” Keira pointed out as she helped picking up the rest of the trainigsgear that got left behind by the trainers so you could have some fun
“Yeah... and Henry” Lucy nodded her head “... her rock.. we found him on a market... it was a rock with a face painted on it and googly eyes... she loved that rock... until it disappeared somehow”
“A... rock?” Alexia asked confused thinking she misheard
“Yeah... a rock” your sister confirmed
“She is certainly... a character” the blonde catalan phrased carefully
“Oh she's an absolute nutcase...” Lucy shrugged her shoulders again “.... but she's a Bronze”
“Wucyyyyyy...” you complained loudly as your sister carried you over the pitch with fast stride
“No...” Lucy sneered and you whimpered in process
“You stay here and if I see you on the pitch again before training is over Y/n it will have consequences” your sister put your down at the sideline rather roughly
“Wucy” you whimpered but your sister was already on the way back to training which cause an absolute meltdown from your side making you cry loudly big tears rolling over your cheeks “WUCYY!!!”
“Luce...” Keira mumbled hating to see you so distressed and sobbing
“Keira no...” Lucy snapped “... if Maz wouldn't have reacted so quickly and pushed her out of the way that ball would've hit her straight in the head and she probably would've hit the post... she literally could've died if it wasn't for Maz”
“I understand that” the blonde said calmly “... but she doesn't.. she understands that she got pushed and then you got angry with her... talk to her... explain it to her”
“I will... I promise... but I can't at the moment” your sister said looking Keira straight in the eye
“I know you got scared Luce... I know you ARE scared...” Keira said softly her voice low your loud sobs still echoing over the pitch “... but so is she... I think it's best if you take Maz over with you so you can explain that Maz didn't want to harm her”
“Keira I could've lost her” Lucy said her voice breaking “... a half a second later and she would've been gone”
“But she isn't” the blonde pulled her girlfriend into a hug pressing her nose into Lucys neck “... she's still here and she needs her big sister now...”
“Okay...” your sister took a deep breath “... okay... yeah you're right...”
“I know I am....” Keira smirked “... we both know I'm always right except for when we're both wrong... than it's just you who's wrong”
“Yeah I know” Lucy grumbled lightly “Happy wife... happy life”
“I see you are able to learn...” the blonde teased before pushing her girlfriend towards you “... go”
“Hey Bubs” Lucy approached you cautiously
“Wucy” you sobbed heartbreakingly
“Come here Bubs” your sister sank to her knees opening her arms but you didn't move an inch
“Yous mad” you hick upped scared to put a foot on the pitch seeing that training was still going
“I'm not mad Bubs...” Lucy said gently “... I was scared... come here Bubsy”
“Nu uh... twaining no ous” you swallowed hard
“It's okay... you can come to me” your sister encouraged you smiling softly and she exhaled deeply when you came running into her arms holding onto her tightly
“You have to listen to me Bubs okay” Lucy mumbled against your hair “... you can't just go on the pitch when no one is looking... if Mary hadn't been so quick you could've gotten very badly hurt Bubs...”
“I is no wants ouchie” you sobbed into your sisters neck
“I know that Bubs...” your sister said calmly still hugging you tightly to her chest “... that's why I said you can't just come onto the pitch... you can come on the field after we done training and when Keira and I can have an eye on you”
“I is sowwy Wucy” you sniffed
“I know....” Lucy mumbled into your hair “... I'm sorry too Bubs... I shouldn't have just let you stand on the sideline I should've talked to you... I was just so scared”
“I is fowgive you Wucy” you said seriously
“Thank you Bubs... that's really nice of you” your sister chuckled through her own tears
After that incident you never stepped a foot on the pitch without Lucy or Keira calling out for you firstly. Their teammate quickly got sucked into the circle of your defenders many of them still to this day even tho you were a grown up by now – at least on paper you were. The Lionesses quickly became aware of the bond you shared with Keira always getting a jab in against Lucy joking her own baby sister is stealing her girlfriend. Lucy took it with humor knowing at the end of the day Keira would scream her name not yours.
“Eat your dinner Bubs” your sister pushed the plate in front of you for you to push it away again
“No” you pouted
“Yes...” Lucy rolled her eyes pushing the plate back to you
“I is no wanna” you crossed your arms again over your chest
“Bubs...” your sister groaned knowing exactly why you refused to eat
“No...” you said turning away now the attention from half the team on your little argument
“Don't say it” Lucy basically dared you
“No Keiwa...” you started making your sister groan
“NO BUBS” the team answered for you bursting out laughter as your sister let herself fall backwards against her chair in defeat
“What did you do now?” said blonde chuckled behind you just coming out of a short meeting with the head coach
“Wucy no nice” you explained a little upset
“I just tried to get some food into you – excuse me for caring” Lucy threw her arms up
“Lucy you know how it works... No Keiwa” Keira smirked smitten
“.. no Bubs... yeah yeah... I understood it the first 5000 times... no need to repeat it over and over and over again” your sister rolled her eyes just giving up
“So... Cariño always was so obsessed with Keira?” Alexia asked taking in your stride as you ran up to the ball just outside the box the sunset letting your skin shine golden
“Yeah...” Lucy watched as your shot hit the crossbar for you to just get under it absolutely belting it into the net doing a bicycle kick “... and honestly I couldn't have done it without Keiras help...”
“Eeh... you sap” Keira now emerged from the tunnel her hair still slightly damp from the shower your kit bag in her hand “... she needed you just as much”
“No seriously Kei... I think I never thanked you for putting up with us” your sister looked at her ex with a slight smile “Thank you”
“Nothing to thank me for Luce...” the blonde smiled back “... I've done it happily... but now I'm just as happy I only have to look after her... so... thank you Ona”
“Ehrm... 3 years aren't over... I could still give her back... guarantee and everything” the freckled spaniard grinned
“Ehrm no... guarantee just if some of her parts break and she's not usable anymore” Keira pointed out “Also... I told you you get her as you see her... later reclamations will not be considered or are a reason for refund”
“Maleït” Ona snapped her fingers grinning widely
“Oy... are you really talking about me like I'm some old car?” Lucy looked hurt
“I mean...” Keira snorted making an overall hand gesture
“Fuck you Walsh...” your sister grumbled “I take me Thank you back...”
“Oh really?” the blonde smirked
“Yes...” Lucy huffed
“Okay...” Keira chuckled as she whistled for you to finish up your bag already over her shoulder as she started to walk toward the carpark “... she has to get vaccinated on Friday... it's your weekend”
“WHAT??” your sister shrieked making everyone laugh “Kei wait... I didn't mean it... you know how thankful I am for your help... always was and always will be... please”
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