#I'm sorry if I'm super late to the party but WHAT DO YOU MEAN??????????
Be me suffering from random tummy ick since Saturday. You're up cause you have a teeth cleaning appt that you have now cancelled. Turn on Defunctland in a rare choice because they did something on your favorite childhood show (besides Blue's Clues), The Big Comfy Couch, and you might as well have it playing in the bg while you journal and do your nebs. It ends, and you also see they did something on Legends of the Hidden Temple, another show you really liked.
You click and they start talking, eventually playing clips of different items the rock dude tells the contestants to get, when all of a sudden you hear,
"The mystical spellbook of the imperial wizard!"
I'm sorry.
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potterrstar · 2 months
do you miss us? ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
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sirius black x fem!reader
summary: james wants to ask lily out, but she can't because she's always with y/n, so sirius decides to help him a little, that means spending a little time with his ex girlfriend.
warnings: a lil bit of angst! and then fluff! sirius and reader used to date, and a lot of jily!
word count: 2.5 k
a/n: hi everyone, hope you are doing great, this is literally my first post ever! i'm excited but at the same time i find everything super weird, i'm trying to settle in so i'm sorry for any mistakes, i hope to improve!
Sirius was a bit fed up with James if he was honest, not to be misunderstood, he adores James with all his heart but he just wouldn't shut up about Lily. The worst part was that he wouldn't ask her out, he could talk about her all day but he wouldn't make a single attempt to ask her to Hogsmeade or anything.
"I understand how much you like her, Prongs, I just don't understand why you don't ask her out, it doesn't have to be anything exotic, you know?" Sirius fiddled with his wand, sitting on the couch in the common room.
"Because she's with y/n all the time! Lily's never alone, I can never get to talk to her, you know, alone" James sighed dropping his body into the chair at the table.
Y/n. It was even a little hard for him to think about her, they hadn't ended in the worst possible way, it just didn't work out the way they would have liked it to in the first place. They had only broken up a couple of months ago, sometimes he thought he missed her, the times he didn't miss her it was because he convinced himself that he didn't, but however! They were still friends… Or something like that, at least he hoped so.
"Well, interrupt them, I don't think y/n would mind you stealing Lily away for a bit" Sirius rolled his eyes.
James plopped down at the table, giving an exaggerated sigh "This is it, we're never going to date, or get married, or have kids, or-"
Sirius interrupted him laughing "What are you talking about? Calm down mate, it's not as bad as you think" Sirius got up, sat down next to James and gave him a little pat on his shoulder "Look, at the weekend we're all going to Hogsmeade, there you can buy her a drink or go for a walk, yeah? You're not finished."
It was already the weekend! You were extremely excited as you hadn't been out to Hogsmeade for weeks, there had been so much homework and exams lately that there was no time for anything. An outing like this was a huge respite.
"Look, sour popsicles! James used to give me these in first year" Lily showed you the little colourful lollipops. Just now you were in Honeydukes buying sweets out of hand. It was going to be Marlene's birthday soon and you wanted to throw her a big party.
You gave a little chuckle. "Yeah, let's take those too" You thought it was a bit funny how much Lily talked about James, she did, even if it was unconscious, James here, James there! It didn't bother you though, it was nice to see her denying it.
"What are you laughing at?" Lily asked you with a frown.
"Oh! James used to buy me these! He's so cute! I want to marry him!" You mimicked her laughing.
"What are you talking about? I never said that, I don't even talk like that! Pretty bad imitation of you, huh?" Lily was completely offended, which again made you laugh.
"Oh, hi, James!" You said looking behind Lily, as if James was there, which he wasn't. You just liked to tease Lily.
Lily turned around quickly, arranging her hair, nervously. "Where did you see him? I can't find him." Lily searched for James with her eyes.
"Come on, Lily" You said laughing as you gave her an obvious look.
Lily turned to you, noticing your stare. "Oh leave me alone." Lily's gaze dropped a little, which worried you a little.
"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad." You patted her shoulder a little in apology.
You played this way with Lily all the time, it never bothered her, you don't know what her sudden sadness is about.
"Don't worry, it's not that, it's just- I don't know, do you think James likes me? I mean, I know he always jokes about it, but he's never tried to go out with me, we've never even had a conversation alone."
"Lily, are you kidding me? All of Hogwarts knows that James Potter has an absolute and complete crush on Lily Evans" You laughed a little, which caused her to laugh too. "Come on, Li, don't be put off by that! He's probably even around, all of us students came, I don't think he's the exception."
Lily smiled gratefully at you "You're right. Thank you, sweetheart."
Suddenly, James appeared behind Lily, this time in earnest.
"What's up, Potter?" you greeted the brunet, not to mention that your ex-boyfriend was standing next to him.
"Listen, Y/n, I don't think it's funny a second time," Lily demanded.
"A second time of what?" James asked behind Lily, giving her the fright of her life.
"James!" Lily shrieked. "Lily!" James shouted back, imitating her.
As the two of them frolicked around as they always did, you shared a couple of glances with the black-haired boy next to James. You examined him a little better, you hadn't seen him in a couple of days, he was wearing his white shirt with the first few buttons open revealing a bit of his chest, he had half his hair up, a little longer than he had when you were done, his eyes looked greyer than they normally did. He looked good. He always did.
"Hello," you said, giving him an uncomfortable look. It was a little hard to meet those eyes that were once yours.
"Uh, hi…" He responded in kind. He was having a hard time seeing your eyes, which were once his.
You don't know at what point Lily and James ended whatever conversation they were having, but Lily turned to you. "I'm doing some shopping with Y/n, sorry" Lily apologised to James.
"But Y/n doesn't mind, do you?" James said looking at you, you looked back at him wanting to know what the hell he was supposed to be talking about. Maybe, just maybe, you missed a lot in the pale boy in front of you.
"Umm, sorry I- I wasn't listening" you stammered a little looking at them.
"James was just telling me that, if we could go to The Three Broomsticks, but you know we're buying Marlene's birthday stuff and I don't want to leave you alone" Lily said looking at the floor.
You realised that this was the opportunity Lily had been waiting for a long time. "Are you kidding? It's fine, it's perfect, don't worry about me, we don't have much shopping to do anyway." You told them with a smile.
"See? Everything is fine," James looked at Lily.
Lily analysed the situation, it was clear that she wanted to go out with James, but leaving her friend didn't sound like a viable option. "No, James, I'm sorry, I really don't want to leave her alone." Lily said somewhat sadly.
Sirius, on the other hand, also saw the situation. He knew Lily wasn't going to leave her friend shopping for things on her own, and he also knew how depressed James was going to be for the rest of the month if Lily turned him down for the one way out he had risked asking her. He thought about staying with Y/n, not that he wanted to of course, but it was for the greater good, it was definitely for that, he was only going to help his friend, it had nothing to do with him.
"Maybe-" Sirius suddenly spat and everyone looked at him "Maybe I can stay with you" He turned to look at you and you felt your heart skip a beat. Stay with you? Just today was the first time you'd been with him in the same room for more than ten seconds without running out since you broke up. "I mean, to help you finish shopping, after all Marlene our friend right?" Sirius tried not to make it sound like he needed to spend time with his ex-girlfriend, which he kinda did.
Lily and James smiled "Actually, it does sound good" Lily said with a bit of hope and James felt his soul return to his body.
You were paraplegic, saying yes meant spending, Merlin knows how much time alone with your ex-boyfriend who you're probably not over, but it also meant that Lily could finally go on a date with the guy she liked and the truth is that didn't sound bad at all, I mean, you knew how excited she was about that and there's nothing you wouldn't do for your best friend, even go shopping with your ex-boyfriend, why not?
"Sounds good" You gave a genuine smile "I hope you're good at picking out candy" You joked to Sirius.
"I think I am" Sirius gave you a wink. You felt yourself turn a little red.
"Thanks Y/n, I promise I'll make it up to you, I love you!" Lily said as James led her out of the tent. You laughed a little at this and Sirius mimicked you.
"I really hope they get married because I can't stand it anymore" Sirius rolled his eyes and that made you laugh.
"What?" You asked him as you looked at the shelves of candy.
"James!" He expelled as if he was taking a weight off his shoulders "I swear to Merlin that's all he talks about!"
"Is it that bad?" You looked at him, you watched as a couple of strands of hair fell across his forehead, you felt the urge to move them, but you couldn't, not anymore.
Sirius rolled his eyes "You doubt it? The worst thing is that I'm the only one he tells, Remus and Peter are smart enough to ignore it."
You laughed "Poor thing, Sirius. He's just very much in love."
Sirius sighed "Well, I was never like that."
You gave him a somewhat sly look, wondering if Sirius ever talked about you like that with James.
Sirius immediately caught your gaze and stumbled a bit over his words "I mean- Not that I wasn't in love like that- Just that I never bothered him that much about it- Not that it bothered me being in love with you- you know." Sirius cursed inwardly, it was kind of funny, he thought of himself as a confident person, somewhat boastful even but when it came to you, all of that just disappeared.
"Don't worry, I get it" You smiled a little "I think I used to annoy Lily a lot" Remembering when you first liked Sirius.
"Did you?" he asked curiously.
"Quite a lot. I hope she wasn't that bothered" You laughed a little.
Sirius smiled "I don't think so, how could you ever bother anyone?"
You rolled your eyes "Don't do that" You said to Sirius.
"Do what?" he laughed, feigning innocence.
"That thing you do, you're flirting with me, don't do that." You smiled.
"I'm not!" He defended himself offended "I'm just telling the truth, which is different."
"Shut up" You rolled your eyes smiling. For a moment you felt everything like it was before, and for a moment you wished everything was like it was before.
Sirius relaxed his face a little "I mean it, you genuinely are the most interesting person I know, I don't see any way for you to annoy or bore anyone."
You felt a bit of tension in the air so you made a little joke to ease it "I know I'm the best thing you ever had, you don't have to tell me."
Sirius laughed "Hey don't you think that's enough candy?" he said looking at the bag you were carrying, you didn't even realise how much you were carrying from talking to him.
"Oh Merlin, you're right, more than enough, let's go pay."
You and Sirius walked over to pay, so you took out the money you had counted with Lily yesterday, you paid and you walked out of the shop, Sirius helping you with the bags.
There had been a freak snowstorm at Hogwarts a few days ago, even though it was the middle of June. Professor McGonagall at first thought it was a prank by the Marauders, eventually she found out it wasn't them as James told her that they didn't play pranks on that silly level. Then she found out it was a prank by some Hufflepuff second graders, honestly you found it funny, they couldn't reverse the spell so we had to wait a couple of weeks for the snow to stop.
"What should we do? I honestly don't think James and Lily are done." Sirius looked at you.
"Definitely not, I think we should head back to the castle so we can take advantage of Marlene being around and I can hide this well" You smiled at him.
Sirius nodded and took off his coat and placed it on top of both of you so you could get to the castle without getting covered in snow, on the morning you went down to Hogsmeade the storm wasn't this bad.
You grabbed the edge of the coat next to you to cover yourself better and discovered the initial of your name embroidered with red thread that you had made a couple of weeks after you started dating Sirius. A small smile escaped your lips.
This little thing of embroidering your initial on his stuff came about as a silly joke that people would realise he belonged to you, obviously you didn't mean it, but he didn't have a problem with it, so he embroidered a couple himself.
"What's up?" Sirius asked when he saw your smile.
With a small smile you showed him the edge of his coat.
He rolled his eyes with a smile. "Leave it."
"Why didn't you take it off?" you asked curiously.
Sirius frowned "Why should I?"
"I don't know, because we broke up?"
"So?" He turned to look at you. "Just because it's over doesn't mean it wasn't real, you're the realest thing I've ever had."
You stopped walking and looked at him "Sirius, you don't mean that."
"Of course I do" He stopped as well, he picked up his scarf and showed you the corner, where your initial was also and his ring, which on the inside he wore it as well.
" I take you wherever I go." He said to you with a nostalgic smile.
"Do you miss us? Because I feel your absence wherever I go." You asked him directly, feeling your soul leave your body.
Sirius dipped his hand into your neck and you felt your neck crawl.
You smiled "Just to confirm? Will you tell me?"
Sirius moved to your lips and kissed them tenderly "More than you can imagine." He murmured against your lips and kissed them again.
"This is great" You smiled and moved the strands of hair that were in the way of his forehead. "I've wanted to do that since I saw you."
Sirius laughed against your lips. "I have to cut it" Referring to his hair.
You let out a gasp. "Are you mad? You cut your hair and we're done again I swear."
"We're done again?" Sirius repeats. "Does that mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend again?" Sirius asks with a grin.
"Absolutely. Any problem with that?" you smiled back.
"Never" Sirius grabbed the back of your neck and kissed even harder, careful to never let go again.
Though if he did, he'd always take you with him anyway.
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totalswag · 8 months
can i request rafe x fwb reader where reader finds out hes dating sofia and she goes to confront him that he didnt even have the decency to let her know their arrangement was over and he says "who said it was over?''
stuck in the middle - RAFE CAMERON
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authors note as you guys may notice i'm finally publishing requests that you guys sent me. super sorry this was very late to publish. i hope you like what i wrote and it was what you hoped. so, thank you for sending this requests.
requests are still open so feel free to send them my way and i will get to them and put them into my docs :) if you click on the bold red ink it will take you to my ask box lovies!!!
summary you find out through people and social media sofia and rafe are together. you go to confront rafe about this since he never thought to tell you that your arrangement was over.
warnings friends with benefits, mentions of sex, cursing
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Lately, you've been having this weird gut feeling in your stomach. No idea what the meaning behind it means but you want to find out what it could be. You started feeling this way whenever you were with Rafe on a random Wednesday.
Rafe and you have been friends with benefits for about three months now. When you two came to this agreement, you agreed that it was solely for your sexual pleasures and not to establish feelings for each other, and that the most important thing was to let each other know if one of you became serious with someone else so that the bargain could be broken off.
You overheard a rumor at a party this past Friday about Rafe and Sofia being together for a month. You couldn't believe your ears and wanted to vomit. Sofia works at the island's country club, and Rafe visits it from time to time.
The next day, you decided to do some research to be sure this was accurate. Even as you looked at her Instagram, the emotion returned. You checked her story highlights and discovered what you were looking for. Your stomach sank.
She had a couple pictures on her highlights that you knew were of Rafe, including one with his right hand on her thigh in his car and another with his back to her as he looks out into the distance. Based on what you discovered, they appeared serious.
What made you upset was the fact Rafe and you have been seeing each other for three months which meant he'd been with Sofia for who knows how long before he asked her to be his girlfriend.
"Why didn't he tell me?" You asked yourself, setting down your phone and running your hands through your hair, upset that you found out at random person at a party.
There's a part of you that doesn't want Rafe to be with Sofia. There's a part of you that wants him all to yourself. Regardless, he should've told you the arrangement was over.
That was the deal.
After thinking about what you should do, you decide you are confronting Rafe about this, tonight. You are gonna make it seem like you want to hookup but really you are telling him what you found out.
you- are you busy tonight? i wanna see you
rafe- funny you say that because i wanna see you too
rafe- meet me at the spot at 9pm.
"I'll be back in an hour or so," you tell your mom as you go past the living room, holding your keys. "I'm going to hang out with Samantha."
"That's fine, sweetie; please stay safe tonight, I love you," your mother adds, smiling.
When you get to the spot you see Rafe sitting in his car on his phone. You parked your car next to him so he knows it's you- when he sees you get out, he unlocks the car.
You sigh casually as you sit in the passenger seat.
Rafe says smiling "Hey pretty girl" in a tone that makes you weak in the knees, leaning over the center console to kiss you but you pull back.
"We need to have a little chat, Rafe," maintaining eye contact.
His smile fades, and he looks at you, puzzled, "What do you mean?" His response indicated that he was nervous or knew what was going to happen.
"Why didn't you tell me you and Sofia were together, Rafe? You never once said to my face, "Y/N, we can no longer meet up like this anymore because I have a girlfriend now," mimicking Rafe's voice, "we've been hooking up this entire time while you've been in this relationship that I had no idea about until I heard someone talking about it," you explain frustratedly in your voice and expressions.
In the midst of your rant towards him, he places his hand over his lips, chuckles, shakes his head, and looks down at his lap.
"Why the fuck are you laughing?" You ask, folding your arms, leaning back against the passenger door, annoyed.
He glances up from his lap, licks his bottom lip, and smirks: "Who said it was over?"
Before you could respond his lips were already on yours.
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my taglist
if you would like be in my taglist to be notified whenever i post please let me know if there's a line on your username, that means i couldn't find your account
@runningfrom2am @winterrrnight @brooklynscherry-z @kaydsr3venge @johannelis2302nely @chenslucy
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divinesolas · 5 months
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Summary: Despite how close the two of you are you're sick of waiting around for Jace no matter how much you like him, so you decide you’re going out on a date! but he doesn't like that.
r.q: childhood friends to lovers with modern frat boy Jace and he's like rlly popular and known to go from girl to girl. reader is like really smart and different from Jace so people get surprised when they find out you two are really close. Jace is always dragging you to parties and you’re always at his football games and he gets really protective over you. idek where im going with this 😭 but w smut too, your fics are acc amazing ty for your work 🙏
w.c: 2.5k
c.w: reader has hair (unspecified type, could be a wig wtv), Jace's anger issues, idk what locker rooms look like, cregan <3, fingering (f!receiving), p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys), not proofread (as always)
a.n: I CANT STOP WRITING FOR JACE every request of him i get becomes my priority, literally when i woke up and saw this i had to get to writing it immediately like there’s smth wrong w me, anyways hope you all enjoy <3, this ones probably not my best T_T
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Knocking on the door cuts through the music playing out of your speaker while your getting ready. “Come in.” you already know who it is. Your longtime best friend and housemate Jace who comes in with a smile on his face before it turns to shock as he looks you up and down, “woah.”
You finish clamping your necklace around your neck and look at him, “what do you want?” He leans against the door with his arms crossed with an amused look. you ignore how your heart flutters at him and turn away to adjust the dress you currently had on. “i just wanted to tell you im about to head out for the game, its a little odd to get all dressed up for a football game no?” The looks falls from his face as you drop your gaze from his in the mirror and fiddle around with your hair. he says your name breathlessly as he pushes away from the frame and takes a step into the room. You finally lift your head and meet his gaze in the mirror. “I'm not going to the game tonight Jace.”
He flinches as if you had thrown something at him and stutters for a moment his face covered in pure confusion as he brings one of his hands to his neck. “what do you mean you're not coming? you always come! if this is about me eating your leftovers then im sorry i thought you left it for me-” “i have a date.”
There it is. You didn't want to tell him. Hes always been, well a little protective of you, but you mostly blame it on your introverted personality while he's more of a people person. Youve had a crush on him for as long as you can remember but he's never been interested in you not the way you wanted him to be anyways, barely staying single or without a girl on his arm for a second you don't even know the girls names or maybe that's the point. He doesn't bring them around you but you know he's with them when he returns home super late with his hair all messed up. You fear he does it on purpose, he must know you like him and he doesn't bring them around you to make you upset.
You really didn’t want to tell him. You had thought maybe he would have just left for the pregame and just shot you a text and you could have faked some sickness or have pretended to go to sleep early. You walk over to your bed sit down grabbing your shoes to put them on. His silence is off putting. and you don’t dare raise your head to look at him.
“with who?” “This guy from lab, mark.” you finish lacing your shoes and stand up, finally looking at him and noticing the blank look on his face. “Jace-” “I don’t like this. i mean i don’t even know the guy how do we know he’s not some serial killer or something? Mark? Why don’t you just push it off for a couple days, come to the game and ill find out if he’d a good guy-” “I'm going whether you like it or not.” you cut him off. You couldn’t let him stop you from forgetting about him even if it was just for a bit. You grab your purse moving to push past him only for him to grab your arm. “Jace-” “You look beautiful.” The skin where he was holding you burns. You don't say anything as he lets you go and keeps his back turned to you. “text me?”
You try to ignore the pit that forms in your stomach at his sudden change of tone. you want to say something to him, you’re not used to seeing him like this. he would usually be pestering you about how you he asked you out or did you really like him but he was quiet. The sound of a horn outside brings you back to reality and you nod at his back as if he could see you and walk out. Putting on a fake smile as your handed a nice bouquet of flowers from mark, gulping to try and swallow the pit in your stomach.
“who the hell does this guy think he is?” His fist slams into the wall of lockers he's pacing in front of. All his gear is put on, his helmet is laying on the bench next to cregan who can only watch his best friend act like an idiot with an annoyed face. “Who the hell are you to care? Her boyfriend? No. So you have no say in it.” Jace bites his nails as he ignores the urge to hit the wall once more. “she’s my best friend.” “and? shouldn’t you be happy she’s on a date with this guy. i like mark he’s nice. what you like her or something?”
Jace ignores how is blood boils at the idea of you now sitting in your pretty dress smiling and giggling at some other guy that's not him. that doesn’t mean he likes you…. Jace attempts to come up with an excuse in his head about why he's so upset and why he's always been so upset over you going out with other guys, he usually just tells himself he's all worried about you and then he finds some girl to take you off his mind for the night…. that doesn't mean he likes you.
Cregan watches with a raised brow as Jace has an internal conflict with himself. He expected Jace to turn to him and admit it but all he does is grumble to himself and grab his helmet walking away from him. “I don't like her.” Cregan just shakes his head and picks up his own helmet following after him, “that fucking idiot.”
Mark is nice. Hes cute. He told you you could order anything you wanted off the menu since he was paying. He pays attention to you when you talk. Hes not Jace. You try your best to not think about him but you can’t help it. You wonder how the game is going, you’ve never missed one of his games. Maybe you pushed it too far and should have scheduled this date for a different day, but you know if you did Jace would have managed to convince you not to go and you would have fallen into the same cycle you always do. You nod your head and hum as mark tells you some story as you phone begins to buzz. You ignore it but it just keeps on buzzing to the point even mark looks concerned. “You can check it i don’t mind, ill use the restroom.”
You let out a hushed thank you as you check you phone to see what looked like a million texts from cregan.
‘hey i know the two of you are like fighting or wtv but you gotta see him asap.’
‘never seen him lose his mind like that’
‘got himself hurt’
‘nothing too bad but he’s bleeding’
‘know he thinks it cost us the game’
‘now he wont talk to any of us not even me’
‘think his head wasn’t in it’
‘know it’s not my place but he likes you so much’
‘losing his fucking mind over you not being here and being on some date’
‘please, for his sake at least try to talk to him, know you’re busy sorry to bother but I'm worried for him’
You stand out of your seat in shock as your heart begins to race. He was hurt? He likes you? Mark hadn’t come back yet so you open your purse and throw down some bills before running out of the restaurant. You sprint your way back to campus where the field was, thankfully living in a college town meant everything being super close by, you cant hear anything other than your own racing heart and the sounds of your feet as they slam on the floor.
You slam the hallway door open and cregan and some other guys look at you in shock. You stand there and take some steps towards cregan barely being able to catch your breath. Cregan stands up and looks at you shocked, “You ran here?” You just nod as you look at him expectantly, “where is he?” He uses his thumb to point behind him to the locker room doors, “Completely alone, everyone's already left.” You nod as the guys wish you good luck and leave.
You just stare at the doors for a moment, clarity finally hitting you as you realize how ridiculous it was you just left your date and ran all the way here. You couldn't just ignore cregans message. Pushing open the door its dead quiet other than the sound of running water. You walk slowly into the room the door closing behind you louder than you expected causing you to wince before you call out his name. He doesn't answer so you walk around the wall to where the showers were and you can see him outlined in the curtain and almost gasp but you cover your mouth to prevent anything from coming out.
“Jace?” His head finally snaps up due to your voice being so close and he looks in your direction, calling out your name softly in question. “I’m here.” “What are you doing here?” He turns off the shower and you turn your back incase he stepped out of the shower. You attempt to suppress the heat and want that fills your body as you imagine him naked before shaking your head, “Cregan texted, i was worried about you.” He just hums. You wish you could see his face but you hear the curtain open and the sound of him stepping out. “What about your date?”
You freeze as you clutch your purse tighter in your hands as you let out a deep breath. “What about it?” Hes suddenly standing so close to you you can feel his breath tickling your back and you gulp. “You’re here and not there, why?” One of his hands slides down your arm to grab your clenched hand as his forehead hits your shoulder, he's takes a deep breath as he awaits your answer. “Does it matter?” You don't want him to ask because you don't want to have to answer him. you don't want to have to admit to yourself you just wanted to be with him and nobody else.
“You wanna know why it matters? Because i was so fucking mad that you weren’t here i threw the fucking game and hit my head. because nobody makes me lose my mind like you do. Needed you here and you weren’t. You were out with some stupid fucking guy and i was so pissed.” He presses a kiss to your shoulder and you try to suppress the whimper that climbs its way up to your throat. “What are you saying Jace?”
His hands move to wrap around your waist and his head moves to your neck, You can feel his wet naked chest soaking the back of your dress and the heat of his breath on your neck “You know what, That i would go find a new girl to fuck because i couldn’t have you, that i think about you all the time because i like you so much, that it makes me sick when i think about you with a guy that's not me.” He begins to suck at your neck and you now do nothing to hold back the moan you let out as his grip moves to your hips pulling you back against him closer. “You mean it?” His hands slide down to the hem of your dress and he slides his hands under it and upwards pulling your dress up to poll around your hips, “of course i do baby, can i touch you?”
You let out a strained please and he pushes your underwear aside to run a finger down your slit letting out a groan, “fuck..” He quickly sticks two fingers into you and you fall back against him, withering under his touch as he moves at a rough pace, clearly very eager to please you and his other hand comes down from your hips to play with your clit. Your knees almost buckle from the amount of pleasure but he keeps you pressed tightly against him curling his fingers.
You swear he has magic powers because as you were right about to cum he pulls out of you and you whimper. He chuckles at your reaction and twists you around to face him, “want you to come around me.” He pulls you into a heated kiss as you two frantically pull off your dress, kicking it to some random corner of the locker room along with your underwear. “I don't have a condom.” You hear him swear and mumble to himself but you cup his cheeks to stop him, “I'm on the pill.” “It’s not the same-” “what are you not clean?” “of course i am-” “Then fuck me Jace.” He looks in your eyes for any signs of hesitation and when he doesn't find any he quickly pushes himself into you.
You feel like you can’t breathe, he pushes you against a nearby wall and feverishly pounds into you as his hands move to play with your tits. Hes talking but you can’t decipher what he’s saying so lost in your own pleasure. “fuck you feel so good fuck.” You tug on his hair and pull him to kiss you, your on the brink of release as the feeling of his thumbs rubbing on your nipples and the combination of the millions of emotions racing around you. You grip on his hair tightly and he groans, “You close?” You nod you head, “Wait for me.” You open your mouth to complain but his hips begin to move faster and his hands move to your hips to slam you closer to match his thrusts. “Want to come together.” His words are slurred as he’s approaching his release. Your hands scratch down his back as he groans in your ear, taking your ear and sucking on it.
“Come.” He breaths in your ear and you do, he hisses as he feels you pulse against him, your fluid completely covering him and he cant help but follow suit. He kisses you running his hands down your arms. As the two of you settle down he makes no move to pull out of you, seeming content within you.
“I'm gonna get a fucking earful from cregan.”
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delulu-baddie · 2 months
Special Surprise
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Summary: You plan a surprise party for Kate but in order for your plan to work you have to pretend to not plan anything for her.
Pairing: Kate Martin x Reader
Warnings: None just fluff
Today is Kate's birthday and since I’ve known her, I've always made a big deal of it even when we werent dating. However, today my plan is to make her think it’s the last of my priorities, when in reality I’ve been planning a party for her for the past two months. I have a career in event planning so I went all out to celebrate her special day. Her parents, siblings, and some close friends flew in last night and are staying in a hotel close by. I rented out a venue for us to have enough space for everyone, and were getting caterers and many other things.
 It's currently 7:30 and I have a lot to do today, so I quietly get out of bed and start getting ready for the day. As I'm finishing up the final touches of my makeup, I hear footsteps in the hallway signifying Kate is now awake. I take a deep breath and pray that I don't cave and screw my whole plan up by just telling her everything I have planned out of excitement. She knocks on the door and walks in immediately  wrapping her arms around my waist and snuggling her head into my neck. “Good morning birthday girl” I say, giving her a quick kiss on the head. She lifts her head saying good morning back to me, turning me around and giving me a kiss on the lips. “So what are your plans for the day?” I ask her, she gives me a confused look and I immediately know what she's about to say. “What do you mean, didn’t we plan to do our birthday brunch tradition like always” she asked, lifting an eyebrow. Kate and I have always gone out with each other for brunch on our birthdays just to have time with the two of us, but I have so much to do today I'm not going to be able to do it today so I'm hoping the party will make up for it. 
“I'm sorry baby, I must’ve forgotten to tell you. I have a meeting today with my boss about an event coming up for a special client. I'm not going to be able to make it. "I say feeling guilty about bailing on the one thing I know she was looking forward to. “Oh, it’s okay we can do something later when we're both done, I have practice anyways so I probably should’t eat a bunch of food anyways.” she said trying to play off but failed to hide her clearly disappointed face. “ I promise I'll make it up to you, maybe we can go out after we both finish what we need to do today, but I really need to go. I'm already running late, i love you”  I give her a kiss and quickly start gathering my things to leave. Thankfully I didn't say anything about tonight's plans but her saddened expression almost broke my facade. 
The first thing i have to do today is to go pick out an outfit for Kate to wear tonight so i make my way to the mall and go into a few stores before settling on an all red suit with a white top. I go to check out and run into Jada and Gabby “OMG hey guys, i wasn’t expecting to see you until tonight” i say bringing them into a hug “Hey! Yeah we had to get some last minute pieces for our outfits” Jada says hugging me back. “We’re really excited about tonight, it sounds like you have a lot planned out.” Gabby says with a wide smile. “I do, I feel bad about keeping it from Kate, but I know she's going to love it, especially seeing all of her family and friends.” I replied, “Do you need any help with anything, we don't have much planned for the day and we know youre going to be super busy.” Jada asked. “Yes, actually would you mind picking up the cake from the bakery on your way to the party. The table will already be set up so you can just ask the workers to bring the cake in because it's going to be a little heavy. "I ask “of course, just text one of us the address and we'll text you when we get it.” Gabby says “Thank you so much, I have to get going but I love you guys, I'll see you later.” I give them another hug and make my way back to my car.
After getting into the car I get a text message from Kate, it's a picture of her with a birthday girl tiara and button the A’ja got her. I heart the picture telling her she looks adorable before putting my phone on, continuing the errands that i need to do . After a couple of hours I finally finished setting everything up for the party, loving how the decorations turned out. I decided to do a casino themed party since it's our first year celebrating in Vegas. I got a few slot machines, a card table, all of the decorations were casino related, and there was a photo booth that I'm very excited to use tonight with kate. I make my way back home hoping Kate is home when I get there since it's getting closer to the start of the party. I told everyone to get there at 7 and we would get there at 7:30 to give everyone a chance to get there and mingle a little before Kate arrives. Once I get inside I see she still hasn't arrived so I go and hang up the new outfit I got her in the closet and start getting myself ready before she gets here. It's 5:30 and Kate has just arrived back home and I immediately greet her “Hi babe, how was practice?” I asked, walking up, noticing her looking me up and down. “It was good, you look nice” she says, grabbing my waist. “Well I did promise you that i would take you out for dinner tonight, now hurry go get ready your outfits hanging up in the closet.” I told her. “You got me a new outfit, babe you didn't have to do that, i have plenty of clothes.” she says. “I know but I felt bad about this morning so I decided I was going to go all out tonight to celebrate you, starting with making sure you look good.” I say pushing her towards our bedroom urging her to go get ready. She finished getting ready at the perfect time and we started heading to the party that she thinks is a dinner
We get to the car and she tells me that she’ll drive but I insist on driving for obvious reasons, excited to finally show her that my meeting about a “special client” was actually for her. “Oh shoot, I totally forgot I had to drop off some of the decorations for the party I have tomorrow, would you mind if I stopped at the venue before we went to dinner?” I ask her “Yeah that's fine, as long as I get you all to myself for the rest of the night” she says. I park the car and tell her to come inside with me. As we were walking I text Jada and tell her we just got to the venue so that she can let everyone know to get into position for the surprise. As we walk in I grab Kate's hand before opening the door revealing everyone. “SURPRISE” they all yell with smiles on their faces. “WHAT THE HELL” Kate yells looking over at me with a surprised look on her face. “I told you I promised I'd make it up to you” I said with a light laugh. Her parents approach us giving us hugs, giving us each a hug and telling me how much they love the decorations. 
The night is a huge success. Kate kept on telling me how much she loves me and appreciated the party, but I would do anything for her so this was really nothing to me. We make our way over to the photo booth and talk for a little bit before stepping out to the party. “So when you said you had a meeting about a special client, did you mean me?” she says with a smirk on her face. “Yes, you are the most special person in my life” I say smiling up at her. “Well if I'm so special, why did you lie to me about your plans for today?” she asks sarcastically. “I didn’t lie, I just didn't tell you” I say laughing. “Well nonetheless, I love it, thank you so much babe.” she says, bringing me into a kiss. “Of course, you know I had to go full out for your first Vegas birthday.” I say. “Well if this is what you came up with for my birthday, i can't wait to see our wedding” she replies grabbing my hands. “Yeah this is going to be hard to top” I say before kissing her one more time before making our way back out to the party. 
As the night comes to an end, everyone starts to say their goodbyes and tell me how much fun they had, which warmed my heart. I'm just glad that I was able to give my girlfriend the best day today. I make my way over to Kate who's talking to some of her teammates and join in on the conversation, which wasn't too long since it was getting late and they all were ready to hit the sack. “I had so much fun tonight,” Kate tells me, wrapping her arms around me, rocking side to side. “I'm glad you had fun but i have one more gift for you, but we have to go home for that” I say with a smirk. She looks at me confused before catching on to what I just said. She immediately grabs my hand dragging me out to the car eager to receive that last gift.
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𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄: Hate Sex w/ Ex!Fratboy!Bucky Barnes (ft. sorority sister!reader
a/n: i cannot begin to tell you how fucking aware i am that this is late and i'm almost falling behind but ohmygoodness i've been literally exhausted for the past two days. i'm lowkey pissed about it because i was super excited to write for this day and actually writing for it felt like i was dragging my feet behind me.
masterlist | kinktober masterlist | AO3
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Fuck James Buchanan Barnes.
He’s a piece of shit, an asshole, a womanizer, a player, a liar and a dirty fucking cheat, but goddamn it, why do you always find yourself here? 
You hated him – no – you do hate him! 
Even people that hate their exes like the fact that they catch their eye, that they can’t find it within themselves to look away from them, that in some way, some capacity, they will always want them, that they will always be theirs regardless of whoever they get with in the future. 
Bucky knew you’d come to the party at his frat, and you knew that you would go with every intention of fucking with him. To everyone else, you were just bitter exes - that needed to fuck out whatever was going on between the two of you - so when you showed up in a dress that fell just below your ass, your friends figured you were just trying to get laid; but no one knew that this was his favorite color on you, let alone his favorite dress.
You just so happened to pick it out, that’s all! Couldn’t a girl want to pamper herself nowadays?
You fake laughed at whatever the dude that had fallen right into your trap said, a manicured hand lifting up to slap him on his arm gently, making extra sure to graze the naked skin of his arm that was exposed by his muscle tee with your acrylics. You fluttered your eyelashes at him innocently, a faux sweet smile on your face. 
Subconsciously, you knew that you wanted Bucky to take you home, or to his room, or to wherever the fuck he wanted too – but you’d never admit that to yourself. You couldn’t. He couldn’t win this game of cat and mouse, not without a fight, and you just so happened to love playing dirty.
You could feel Bucky’s stare burning into your back. Your bodycon dress was completely strapless, leaving little to nothing to the imagination as your breasts threatened to spill out over the top. You weren’t a sorority slut by any means, one of your sister’s had that covered, but still, you were going to go home with somebody tonight.
Even if he was an idiot.
“That’s so funny, Aaron.” Aaron laughed nervously, cheeks blooming a deep red as he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s uh- actually Eric.” Right. “Sorry.” You giggled, raising the neck of your beer as if it was some sort of explanation for the fact that you don’t really give a shit about what his name is and more about what’s in his pants.
Before you could speak, your eyes raised up to meet Bucky’s, who was standing across the pull, two ladies vying for his attention as he puffed on what looked like a blunt. It looked like he was in the same boat that you were; that he didn’t care about what they were saying, only you.
Biting your lip, you turned your gaze back to Aaron – Eric. 
You knew you’d have to up the ante in order to get him to move, because right now you know he thinks that you’re all bark no bite. You’ll show him.
“You know…” You made a finger walking motion up his arm, the tips of your nails now slightly digging into his skin. “How about we get out of here?” You fluttered your eyelashes up at him. “It’s too crowded… and loud.” Your hand finally rested on his upper bicep, giving it a soft squeeze. The poor man’s jaw was slightly dropped, as if he was a fish out of water. 
“Yeah, yeah, I-” He attempted to say, but when you raised your gaze again, Bucky was gone, and you had forced yourself to bite back a wolfish smile because you knew he was on the move somewhere.
“What’s goin’ on over here?” Bucky’s voice sounded as he approached the both of you from behind. Eric looked as if he had seen a ghost, but the poor boy had no idea that he was just a pawn in your game. 
“Oh- uh- nothin’ man, just talking.” You raised a brow at Eric’s shaky excuse. Internally, you rolled your eyes. What a pussy. 
“Really?” Bucky asked in amusement, not even bothering to hide the face splitting smirk that contorted his face. “Yep.” You responded, popping the ‘p’ as you took the blunt from him. You wrapped your mouth around it, your gaze almost challenging him as you sucked, pulling the smoke into your lungs. It burned but it was worth it to see the tick in his jaw and the slight twitch in his eye at the sight of your pursed lips.
“I think that I um- I’m just gonna go.” Eric squeaked awkwardly. All lustful intention slipped away from him as he grasped his hand and shook it. From the poor man’s wince you can tell that Bucky put a little bit too much force in his shake.
When the random guy slipped away you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Real smooth.” You commented. “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.” 
“I’m talking about you trying to act like you weren’t trying to fuck me right in front of him.” The way you said it was as if it was the most casual thing on earth. “I almost forgot how possessive you get when you know someone else wants me.” You tilted your chin up to finally face him, and you caught yourself from almost stumbling over your words at the primal look on his face. 
You did it. You won this game fair - enough - and square.
“Too bad my pussy doesn’t belong to you anymore, isn’t it, James?”
“Shut the fuck up.” He growled, taking an intimidating step towards you. But you weren’t scared, if anything you were turned on. 
“Don’t get mad at me because I’m right, even though anger does look good on you.” 
You went to step away, but he was quick to snatch your wrist, “Were not done talkin’.” You made a noncommittal attempt to tug yourself free. “I am.” 
The tension between the two of you sizzled like oil on a pan, beckoning, calling for someone to do something, anything, to appease the burning desire that was coiling in Bucky and yours’ guts.
“If you’re not done then I guess we should find somewhere quiet to talk then.” 
He didn’t give you the chance to offer a rebuttal because he was already dragging you away from the prying eyes of party goers, his frat brothers and your sorority sisters. You already had an idea of where he was taking you, pushing the both of you through the sea of people that flooded the house, most of them drunk or high or a hammered off of a little bit of everything that was rotating throughout the home.
When he’d found his room, he was grateful that no one had decided to fuck in it, because that was what he was supposed to be doing.
He let your body be the thing that slammed the door shut with a loud bang!
He kissed you harshly, his left hand grasped your chin while the other hiked a full leg over his hip, grinding his erection onto your needy core.
“Fuck!” You gasped, your back arching off the wood as you broke the kiss. The friction of his jeans against your pulsing clit sent you staggering for balance, your inhibitions clouding your mind when you allowed your self-control to completely flee from within you.
“Bucky baby.” You whined. The man practically preened at the sound of his old nickname, his humping turning harder and calculated. He clearly had an end goal in mind. 
“What were you sayin’ about this pussy not bein’ mine no more?” He quipped. “I still mean it.” You gasped. He growled, but nonetheless, that didn’t deter him from shoving his face in the corner of your neck and biting down on the skin. Hard.
You yelped at the pain, but it shot down straight to your stimulated core. The bite only drew you closer to your embarrassingly fast approaching orgasm. It had been so long since you’d been touched by him, and God, you missed his hands, his voice, his touch, his smell, his cock.
“‘M close, Buck, ‘m so close.” You murmured, waving your fingers through his brunette hair and tugging on the strands. You felt a burning bitterness well-up in your gut when the tips of your fingers brushed against the hard plastic of the silver crown on top of his head. You sneakily took it off before throwing it somewhere in his room.
“No need to be jealous, honey.” He teased with a smirk on his face. “Shut— shut up!” Your rebuttal only came out as a whine. You could feel the cloth of your laced thong stick to your wet labia with every grind on his jeans – which also now sported a dark spot on his pants.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You swore as you came. “There you go. That’s it, good girl.” Small whimpers slipped out of you as he worked you into overstimulation. 
“God,” He groaned. “I’ve gotta fuck you.”
Guiding his face up to yours, you brushed your lips together, holding your intense eye contact with one another. “Then fuck me, Buck. I think you have a point to prove.” He leaned forward just a bit to nip at your bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth. 
“Fuckin’ naughty.” Bucky grunted, forcing your leg down from his hip for a moment to snatch your panties down your legs. Your hands shot out to his belt buckle, slipping the leather out of it and unbuttoning his jeans. It was your turn to shove his pants down and grab his hard on, his hot cock pulsing in your hand.
The air in the back of his throat caught at the feeling of your stroking, “God– turn around.” You did as he said and felt his large, calloused hands pushing up your dress.
“Gonna make sure everyone at this fuckin’ party knows you’re mine.” He says lowly, pulling down his underwear to his mid-thigh and prodding his tip at your entrance. “Even if you fuckin’ hate me.” With that, he entered you, splitting you in half on his cock.
You cried out at the feeling, false nails scratching at the surface of his door in an attempt to keep yourself steady. “Feels so good, Buck. So, so, good.” You mewled, your hips pushing out on their own accord to try and take your own pleasure. “Always so fuckin’ greedy.” He chided. His hands grabbed at the fat of your ass, pulling out of you only to slam back in, sending you up the wall.
Your bodies moved in a familiar symphony that had been sung numerous times before, as they hadn’t forgotten one another, they were just simply waiting for the both of you to press play.
His dick repeatedly prodded at your g-spot, the friction sending you into overdrive as you moaned, and cried and begged. “God, I think ‘m gonna cum, Buck!” You exclaimed, walls repeatedly clenching down on him. “That’s right, doll. ‘Fuckin squeeze me.” He bellowed, his own thrusts growing sloppy as he neared his end.
Your noises raised in pitch before your arms gave out and you collapsed forward, instead opting to cross your arms and rest your head on your forearms.
“Gonna cum in this sweet pussy, sweetheart.” He said through gritted teeth, his thrusting growing sloppy and uncoordinated.
“Do it, fuck, I-” Your words died out, your body wracking with shivers as your second orgasm of the night overtook you. 
It wasn’t long before you felt his seed warm your insides, painting your womb white as your eyesight went white, and your pussy sucked him up for all he’s worth.
Your chests heaved.
“I still hate you.” You huffed.
“I wouldn’t have expected anything less.” He said through a smile.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @murdadixon @zippertwat @hallecarey1 @zippertwat @alixwriter @dixonzzgirl
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bearambles · 2 months
sober (haymitch a.)
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words: 3.9k
warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, p in v, oral (f + m receiving) , teasing (?), too much plot 😭
notes: this is so late! i am so sorry to whoever requested, i got super busy and couldn’t post it the day i planned. also, this is my first ever smut! so i am sorry if this is terrible, i’ll get better over time. enjoy!
The party lasted hours. Your feet hurt, your stomach is churning, and your head pounds. You've never wanted your district bed more than now. This place reeks of wealth and lies.
Unfortunately, skipping these monthly events would anger Snow. He already dislikes you and your district, so you have to do whatever it takes to please him. If that means enduring long nights of drinking and throwing up, so be it. It's better than death, you suppose.
There's only one other District 12 victor here with you, and he disappeared halfway through the night. Haymitch, despite being a good friend and your former mentor, is possibly the worst person to rely on in these social situations. He's been sitting at the bar for who knows how long, drinking who knows how much. It's only when the host literally announces it's time to leave that you find him, slumped over the counter on a stool.
"Haymitch? Come on, we have to go," you urge, shaking his shoulders.
"What? No, let me stay. I'm sleeping," he mumbles.
"You're not sleeping. You're fine. Here, I have one of those drinks that make you throw up. It'll sober you up enough to say goodbyes," you say, handing him the glass. He pushes it back towards you without even looking up.
"I don't want that Capitol shit."
"This Capitol shit will help you a lot right now. Haymitch, get up!" You push his head to the side so you can see his face. He opens his eyes to look at you.
He's only in his late twenties, but his eyes seem older. He looks as rough as he acts. His hair is too long, and his beard is starting to come in slightly, despite him saying he'd groom himself for this occasion. Still, he looks handsome. Not that it matters; his current state reflects his antisocial night.
"Please. I'm trying to keep us out of trouble. You've been alone all night. At least come say goodbye to people with me. Then we can go home, okay?"
If harshness isn’t working, you'll try being soft with him. Sometimes, just sometimes, it works. It seems to today.
He sighs and sits up, steadying himself with his palms flat on the counter. He reaches for the purple liquid and swallows it like a shot, squeezing his eyes shut and grimacing.
"Okay, I'll be back then," he says, going off to throw up.
You nod and take a seat on the stool next to where he was sitting, waiting. You can't help but feel guilty. You should have stayed with him longer that night before he went off on his own. You knew he'd go drinking, but you didn’t know it would get this bad.
Since you've known Haymitch, he's had a bit of a drinking problem. Mostly under control when he mentored you—never more than tipsy. But in recent years, as more of his tributes lost the Games, it's gotten worse. It's weighing on him, you can tell. You want to help so badly.
"Okay, let's go," he says, returning a few minutes later, running his fingers through his hair. He's clearly sobered up a bit, maybe even washed his face. His breath smells of mint.
The host and his wife are among about a dozen people remaining by the time you leave the bar and walk to the main room together. Nonetheless, you both put on a show, shaking hands and smiling, thanking them endlessly. You never know who's watching, present or otherwise.
As you make your rounds to the last few victors, Haymitch latches his arm closely with yours. The move surprises you; you realize he hasn't been this physical in a while. It seems to come with sobriety or maybe just part of the Capitol's show. Together, you almost look like a couple. It's odd.
When you leave through the doors, he doesn't let go of your arm. It's a cold night, and you shiver, but the warmth of his body next to yours feels weirdly nice.
"Thank you," you say, looking up at him on the train ride home.
"For what?" he asks, furrowing his brows.
"For taking the glass. I know you hate that stuff, but—"
"But I need to get sober," he says, looking away from you into the distance.
"I didn't say that, but it's nice when you are. I mean, it's helpful with the image when you aren't stumbling around—"
He detaches his arm from yours.
"So I shouldn't drink because the President said so?"
"He didn't say so, Haymitch. I'm saying so. You shouldn't drink because I say so."
"And why's that?"
"Because I like you better like this."
He goes quiet, then looks down at his feet, his hair falling in his eyes.
"Yeah, well, it's harder than it looks, sweetheart."
"I know that. I'm sorry," you say softly.
The rest of the ride is quiet. It's just the two of you on the train, and any sound you make seems to echo for ages. Neither of you wants to speak; too much is unsaid.
You care about him; you know that. You just aren't sure how. Though it seems increasingly clear to you in moments like this when all you want to do is tuck his hair behind his ear and kiss him softly. You have no idea how he'd feel about that, though. You have no idea how he feels most of the time.
In fact, just then, it's the first time he's seemed to feel bad about his drinking. And it doesn't seem like he cares about his health or the Capitol's opinion on his image. It seems like he feels bad for disappointing you.
When the train stops, you both get out, him first, then you. He offers his hand as you step down, and you take it with a slight smile. His hands are cold, as is the night.
Your houses are directly next to each other in Victor's Village, making the walk there excruciatingly awkward. You can't tell what he's thinking, or if he's thinking at all. Finally, after what feels like an hour, he speaks.
"That stuff is really nasty, you know that?" he says.
You look up at him. "The purging stuff?"
"No, the desserts they were serving," he says, rolling his eyes and bumping his shoulder against yours. "Yeah, the purging stuff."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. You're right. What you said and stuff. That's all right. You're right."
You smile and look up at him. He looks back at you and smiles softly, then looks away. He clearly hates to admit it.
"Don't be cocky about it, though. And don't expect me to stop. It's not that easy."
"I don't. I just like you like this."
"Yeah, you mentioned that. What do you mean?"
You've reached your house, and he stops in front of your door, feet planted. He looks down at you with a questioning gaze, and his blue eyes seem to dart across your face. Your cheeks flush. You have no idea what to respond.
"You know, just... sober," you say, looking away.
"No, I know, but the 'like' part. What do you mean? Because you got all shy when you said it," he says, swaying a bit where he stands, impatiently waiting for a response.
"I don't know," you say quietly.
"You don't know?"
"No. I think we should go to sleep. You should go to sleep. No more drinks. At least wait until tomorrow."
You try to push past him to your door, but he takes both hands out of his pockets and gently shoves your shoulders back. Not hard, but enough to make you stumble. He gazes down at you and steps forward, closing the space between you.
"Whoa, you're so eager all of a sudden. Look at me," he says, tilting your head up with a hand under your chin. "Why are you so embarrassed?"
"I'm not."
"Yeah, you are. You like me?"
"Haymitch, stop. You're—" You stop, tears pricking at your eyes. He's teasing you, you're sure of it. The last thing you want is for him to figure out your feelings. Not after he's been your mentor, not after he's seen you at your worst, after he's been your friend (?) for this long. It doesn't make sense. You know that. And he knows that, most definitely. That's why you're sure he doesn't feel that way towards you. He can't.
"You're crying. I thought you were all tough?" he says.
He's right. You were tough. Crying makes you weak. You hate talking like this. So honestly.
"Stop it," you jerk away from his hand, which had crept up to your cheek. "Go to bed."
But you don't take a step forward, don't shove past him again. You just stand there, your breath heavy, looking away. He gazes at you like he's seeing you for the first time, his eyes darting from your eyes to your mouth to your body.
"I don't want to. I want to talk to you," he finally says.
"About what?" you say, still looking away.
"Us," he says softly.
"What about us?"
He takes a step forward.
"Come on, sweetheart. You're so good to me. Take care of me. Trust in me. Give me hope."
Your breathing speeds up as you feel his hand stoke your arm gently up and down as he speaks. You’d always been cautious of his words, so used to his drunken thoughts being untrustworthy and sometimes cruel. But this feels honest. Real.
“I know you feel something.” he says as you lift your head to look back at him. “You might not know what. I don’t know either. But c’mon.” 
He starts to lean closer and your eyes drift closed. Before you can even register, his lips are on yours, and you’re kissing back. Your hands hold his elbows and his hold your face. 
His mouth tastes of the mouthwash from the capitol washrooms. He’s so slow with you, like he’s trying not to scare you. You aren’t sure if he possibly could. 
Suddenly you pull away. 
“What’s wrong?” Haymitch asks, his eyes wide.
“We should go inside.” 
“Oh. Yeah.” He registers quickly what you mean. 
All along the village are cameras for the capitol to see what goes on. Although it’s unlikely you’d get in much trouble for a kiss, you never knew what would land you a meeting with snow. Or just become the talk of the next victor event. 
You push past him and unlock your door quickly, before turning back to him, motioning for him to come inside. By the time you close the door, he’s kissing you again, this time the careful act gone. He catches your lips and kisses you like his life depended on it. It’s messy and wet and you’re so turned on it’s insane. 
His hands both reach down to hold yours, and he pushes them up against the door. The motion catches you by surprise and you moan softly into his mouth. He hears you and holds down tighter on your wrists, just enough to feel but not to hurt. 
His knee starts to spread your legs apart slowly as he kisses down your neck, and you let his name slip from your mouth.
He stops to look at you.
“Yeah? You like this?” He sounds like he’s genuinely asking. Like he needs to know. 
You nod, your brain already fuzzy. 
“Okay. Okay.” He sounds out of breath but resumes 
his task, getting down to your collarbone. 
Hes rough with his kisses when he’s below where any marks would be seen. As he unbuttons your shirt, he looks at you, smiling like an idiot. It hits you then that he seems to have wanted this as badly as you all along. He leans in to leave a soft kiss on your lips before pulling your sleeves off your arms and throwing your top to the floor. 
“Jesus…” He mutters as he looks down at your tits. 
You reach behind you to unhook your bra, and let it all forward and land next to your shirt. 
“Holy fuck.” 
You laugh quietly at his words. He looks up at you in awe and with a look of asking as he creeps his hands from your waist up to your chest. You nod and let out a sharp breath when his cold hands hold your tits and knead them slowly. 
You wonder then if he’d ever done this with a woman before. He was younger than you when he won, so probably not before the games. And after…he’d never really seemed the type. But then again, he was attractive and still young, so you couldn’t be sure. 
Besides him, you’d only been with one or two boys from district before you were reaped. They were, however, nothing like this. 
He takes one nipple between his thumb and pointer, pinching slightly. Between the pressure and his cold hands, you let out a noise of surprise and pleasure. 
“Does that hurt?” He asks
“No, just…it’s a lot.” You say through deep breaths. “K-keep going.”
He smiles and does the same with the other, and your hips jut forward slightly in reaction. He doesn’t notice, which you’re grateful for. You’re so eager it’s embarrassing. Every touch makes your stomach flip and your underwear wetter. 
Slowly he starts to kiss down from your collarbones to your chest and takes a breast in his mouth. He looks up at you as he sucks softly, his tongue swirling your nipple. His big eyes looking into yours makes you feel like you could cum then and there. you let out a moan instead. 
He plays with your breasts for a while longer before they’re nice and covered in both his spit and dark, red marks. He knew what he was doing, putting them where nobody could see. you thought of changing in front of a mirror days to come, just looking at them. Knowing it was from him. sober. He wants this. 
He gets to his knees before you can stop him, and begins to pull down your skirt. 
You’re left in your underwear, your slick having left a clear spot in the front. You turn your head in embarrassment as he touches up your thighs and leaves open mouth kisses. 
“All this from that, huh?” he asks, laughing softly 
“Shut up.” you mutter into your hand. 
“You want me to stop?” he asks, his fingers hooked under the sides of your panties. 
“What was that sweetheart? C’mon, look at me.”
“Don’t stop.” you say, clearer now, making eye contact as he kneels in front of your pussy. You couldn’t be more vulnerable, and yet, you trust him with every inch of your being. 
He looks back at your core for a moment before licking a stripe up the thin fabric. You curse quietly and he pulls them down, the air hitting your heat before his tongue does. But when it does…
He laps at you like he’d wanted to for years, which you’re now sure that he has. The urgency makes your legs buckle and he uses both hands against your knees to hold them open. He switches between your folds and your clit, paying attention to both. Every so often he stops and just admires. 
At some point haymitch sucks at your clit, and your hands fly to his hair, pulling slightly. 
He lets out a groan of surprise against your core.
“Sorry, sorry…” you mutter, loosening your grip. 
“No, keep going, I like it.” he says, stopping to look up at you, his eyes nearly glazed over in bliss. 
You resume your hold on his head and tug as he continues. Between his lips and his tongue, you’re  overwhelmed. before you know it, you feel the coil in your stomach tighten. 
“Stop…stop…” you manage in between moans. 
He gives you one last kiss to your clit before standing up, wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“You okay?” 
“Just don’t wanna finish yet.” you say without thinking, before getting flushed. Even after all that, you couldn’t believe you were speaking to him like this. Haymitch. 
He smiles lazily and goes in to kiss you again, and you can taste yourself on his tongue. It should repulse you, but instead, it turns you on more. He's so happy right now, and it’s so hot. 
“Do you wanna go to my bed?” you ask him when you get a breath, his forehead resting against yours. 
He picks you up and carries you. 
Haymitch knows your house as well as his from all the press training, meetings, and late night conversations you’ve had there. He practically lives with you at this point (Besides the sleeping over part. Usually. Unless he’d passed out.) 
He drops you on your mattress and pulls off his own shirt in one motion. Your breath is caught in your throat. 
You knew he was in shape, at least he was when he had mentored you all those years ago. But even now, behind the big shirts he wears and raggedy jackets, soft abs trace his stomach. His arms as big as your thighs. No wonder the pressure on your neck felt so nice. 
He sees you staring and smiles, leaning down to tuck your hair behind your ear. 
“You gonna say anything, pretty girl?” 
You try, but you find no words. Instead, you kiss him, and slowly trail your hands down his chest. you can feel raised scars and for a moment, remember what he’s been through. What you both have been through. 
You reach his belt and whisper into his mouth, 
“Can i?”
He nods against your forehead and you start to undo it, throwing it to the side. You pull his pants down with urgency and run your palm against his boxers. 
He lets out a noise you’ve never heard him make before, a mix between a whimper and a moan. You smile and start to palm him faster, before taking him out of his underwear and looking between you at his length. 
He’s bigger than you expect, and definitely bigger than the boys you’ve been with before. A solid seven inches and thick. Your eyes can’t look away and your breath rises and falls. 
He takes your hand softly into his and guides it to his length. He looks up at you as he does, searching for any hesitation in your eyes. Instead, you look up at him before flipping you both over quickly, so you sit on his thighs. 
He’s strong, but so are you, and he doesn’t resist as you take charge over him. He does, however, look a bit surprised, and reaches to hold your hand again. You take it and kiss it, which he smiles at. Then, you lean down, and let a glob of spit dribble from your mouth to his cock. 
“Jesus christ…” he mutters, as you use your free hand to pump up and down. “When did you…fuck…feels so good sweetheart”
You smile and take him in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down quickly. His other hand still holding yours, he grips at your hair (much gentler than you did his) and makes a make-shift ponytail so he can see your pretty face. 
Despite the view, his eyes flutter shut in pleasure, and your pace quickens. You feel him pulse inside your mouth and you’re sure he’s about to cum. 
You take him as deep as you can before pulling off, leaving his cock hard as a rock and covered in your saliva. You admire your work for a moment before he reaches forward and pulls you on top of him by your hips so you’re right against his chest. 
“C’mere” he moans, fucked out, before taking his cock in his own hand and looking over your shoulder to position himself in front of your entrance. 
“You want this?” he asks, taking your cheek in his free hand and stroking his thumb against it. 
“Please.” you whisper. 
Slowly, he inserts himself into you, catching your moans in his mouth as he kisses you slowly. He stretches you out so well, and your slick helps him move without much pain. Still, you bite down on his lip at the feeling of being full once he’s in. You let out a whimper. 
“I know baby, I know. Shhhh. Tell me when to move, okay?” he looks into your eyes. 
For a moment you just kiss him, his mouth so warm on yours and his cock so warm inside you. You could die like this. 
Then, you pull away, and lift your hips, before slowly moving back down. 
“Fuck…” he moans, before catching into the pace you set and moving you up and down on his cock. “So perfect for me, yeah? You feel that?” 
You nod dumbly at his words. He could say anything to you at this moment, and you’d agree. He feels so good. So right. 
“You wanted this huh? Is that why you want me sober? To fuck me?” he asks, and you shake your head as you bounce on his dick. 
“Hm, but that’s part of it, yeah?” he insists, “You like this. Me. C’mon sweetheart, you’re needy. That's okay, I'm givin’ it to you. I'm here.” 
You fall against him and place your head on his shoulder as he fucks into you like you’re a doll. He knows just what to say to get you so embarrassed and so wet. The words only add to your pleasure and you can feel yourself getting close. 
“Haymitch…” you moan against his shoulder. 
“M’ close pretty thing.” 
He takes one of the arms holding your hips and moves to your clit, rubbing quickly. The feeling sends you over the edge. 
“Fuck, haymitch, i’m cumming~” you mutter, raising your head to look at him as you fletch down and your orgasm washes over you. 
As you come down from your high, he speeds up rutting into you, and you put each hand on one of his shoulders for support. His eyes are closed and his mouth slightly open as he mind your name over and over like a prayer. 
He lifts you off of his cock and back onto his thighs before cumming all over your belly. You reach a hand down to stroke him as he does, but he catches your wrist. He’s sensitive, you can tell, and you laugh softly. 
“Sorry pretty girl. Made a mess.” he says, looking in between the two of you. Between his cum and yours, there’s not a part of either of you that isn’t slick. He takes a finger and swipes a bit of his own before putting it in front of your mouth. Grinning, you take it in your mouth and suck, tasting him.
“Jesus.” he says softly, as you lay down next to him, your face buried into his neck. 
You lay there like that for a moment, breathing. His hair sticks to his face in certain places, and his cheeks are rosy. The reality of what had happened hits you.
“You know, this isn’t the only reason you should drink less-“ You begin, propping your head up on your hand. 
He sighs. 
“I know. I’m too happy right now for lectures though, alright?” 
You consider for a moment before deciding that’s fair. Laying back down, you cuddle into his side.
“You admit this is part of why though, huh?” he says after a few moments, and you can hear the smugness in his voice.
“Was it worth it?” you ask
There’s a pause.
“I’d do anything for you.” he answers.
And for now?
That’s all you need. 
tysm for reading! like + reblog if you enjoyed :)
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tomssexdoll · 5 months
HOI🖖👽 sooooOOOOOooo can you do a Tom kaulitz x fem! reader
Like were he says sumthing he didn’t mean like:example,he said something about ur past that’s a VERY touchy subject during an argument
Add fluff at the end pls🙏🙏🙏🥺
hiii cutie ofc
I didn't mean it
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2014 x Female reader CONTENT: ANGST + FLUFF SYPNOSIS: During an argument Tom brings up something really touchy from the past as an insult, you're heartbroken and hurt from his words, he instantly apologises and tries to make it up to you. A/N: AHHH WARNINGS: yelling, !!!!VERY GRAPHIC MENTIONS OF SUICIDE AND A SMALL MENTION OF RAPE!!!!!!!!
Me and Tom were yet again in an argument, I got upset at him because he's been neglecting me, staying out late, not even touching me or holding me, nothing.
I brought it up to him this morning and it just exploded into an argument, him being defensive as usual.
"I'm so sick of you being so fucking controlling y/n!" he grunted, storming up the stairs. I scoffed and followed him closely "don't walk away from me Tom! You always do this, always running away when confronted with the truth!" I yelled.
"Because you take things so seriously! I just wanted time alone is that so hard to ask for?" he sighed heavily.
I grunted, him clearly not getting the point, "it's not that I don't want you to have alone time it's just that you're basically avoiding me!" I followed him into the bedroom, he was trying to find something to do to disract himself.
"Listen to me!" I grabbed his arm and turned him to face me, my eyes staring deeply into his, rage washing over them. "There's nothing to talk about!" he pushed past me, going into the bathroom.
I kept on yelling at him, following him into it, he turned around, hand on the doorframe and yelled "no wonder why your friend killed himself, he couldn't fucking stand being around you and neither can I"
My heart shattered instantly, the memories of my best friend killing themselves, him being in my arms as he died.
6 years ago my best friend Arnie died, he was a gentle soul. He was gay and was heavily bullied about it, drowned in the toilets, food thrown at him, followed home. Arnie had learned to have thick skin, not allowing that to get to him, he knew they were just miserable with their lives and I loved that about Arnie.
The last straw for Arnie was when he was raped at a house party in 2008, the last time I saw him happy was when we seperated, I was hooking up with a random boy and he wished me goodluck. When I finished and tried to find Arnie, he was sprawled across a bed, bleeding from his back side.
I rushed to his aid and discovered that he was raped. Arnie was different after that, didn't insult back, was super quiet, didn't hang out with me after school like we usualy did.
I tried to offer help but nothing worked. One day I went to his house, he wasn't answering my calls or texts and his parents were out of town for the week. I found it weird that the door was unlocked, I went inside and into his bedroom.
I wish I didn't see what he had done, everyday it replays in my mind. I have nightmares about it every few nights.
I walked into his bathroom, he was in the bathtub, wrists on the edge of the tub, cut so deeply. I stood there for a second, shocked, trying to take in what I saw. After 10 seconds I screamed, running to him and holding him tightly, examining his wounds. 7 deep cut wounds, he was bleeding so much, the bathroom tiles covered in them.
My knees smudged the blood around as I held him, sobbing uncontrollably. "No no no..arnie you're ok.." I whispered, stroking his hair gently. He looked at me briefly, the life draining from his eyes "i'm sorry...i love you.." he muttered before taking his last breath, dying in my arms.
I screamed for him, my vocal cords ready to burst. Some neighbours called the police from my screaming, they came in and rushed to the scene, practically ripping me off Arnie.
"No! No no no! He'll be ok!" I sobbed, trying to get back to him, "ARNIE!" I screamed, the female officer held me close, stroking my hair softly, "he's gone baby...i'm sorry.." she whispered softly, I looked up at her, a tear falling down her cheek.
I buried my face into her chest, her vest cold and hard on my face.
They carried his body out, I couldn't bare to look and just stood there frozen. Later on the police women gave me a note he wrote, it read:
Dear my beloved Y/N,
I'm so sorry you have to read this, I'm sorry for even doing this. I know it's stupid and I know i'm supposed to have thick skin but I can't do it anymore, after what he did to me I haven't been able to eat, sleep or do anything properly, it runs through my head all the time, that memory of what he did never leaves my memory. It's driving me crazy Y/N, I wanted to stay strong for you, I wanted us to grow up and see each other get married, have kids, go through breakups together, live our 20s to the fullest, party like theres no tomorrow but I can't do it anymore. I wanted to be your best friend forever, be friends until we die, but I guess my fate is early. You know I love you more than life itself, you showed me it's ok to be me. You helped and guided me through everything but it's time for me to go, I love you and I'll be watching over you. Keep being your weird self and never forget me
Your soulmate, Arnie.
My heart was shattered into a million pieces, I still have that note to this day, I can't leave the house without it near me.
I got a tattoo of the last line, in his handwriting, 'your soulmate, arnie'. (inspired by evieskiess book my one and only <3)
My eyes widened, heart breaking into a million pieces, the heartbreak from that night coming back. My body went stiff, frozen in place. Unable to say anything.
Toms face instantly softened, he rushed towards me and started to apologise profusely, "oh honey no..i'm so sorry, I was just mad and I wasn't thinking straight, you know I didn't mean it", I looked at him, a stray tear falling down my cheek.
"Don't touch me.." I whispered softly, pushing him off me and walking to the bed, sitting on it. I bursted out into tears, sobbing uncontrollably, the tears unable to stop. All the pain I had tried to forget coming back.
He rushed to my side and held me tightly, "no baby..I'm so sorry, I'm so so so sorry" his voice thick with emotion, I could tell he was telling the truth but I was just so shocked, so hurt by his harsh words.
"Why.." my voice broke slightly "why would you say such a thing.." I choked out a sob, covered my mouth with my hands, they were trembling violently.
"I don't know..it was an in the moment thing, I didn't mean it at all, I'm so sorry baby I will do anything to make it up to you I swear, I love you with all my heart" he started to cry, tears falling down his cheeks as he buried his face in my shoulder.
My heart ached at him crying, I really wanted to forgive him but my heart just couldn't. I stood up and sighed, "I'm sleeping on the couch.." he nodded, standing up and brushing stray hairs from my face, kissing my forehead softly.
"I love you baby..." he whispered before letting me go, I turned my head to look at him and sighed "i love you too.." before walking off to the living room.
I sat on the couch, staring into nothing, my heart heavy and my eyes red. I rolled up my sleeve and stared at the tattoo, grazing a finger over it. I grabbed the note from my pocket and held it against my chest, laying back onto the couch, slowly falling asleep.
A few hours later I was woken up by soft arms wrapping around my waist, holding me close. I turned around, placing the note in my pocket and looking up at Tom.
"I know you didn't mean it baby..but I'm still hurt" I mumbled, he nodded slowly "I know baby..I know..i'm so sorry" he rested his chin on my head, stroking my hair softly just like the female officer did. I felt comforted, safe in his arms, again, just like I felt with the female officer.
"Do you want to go back to bed schatz?" he said softly, I sniffled and nodded, getting up and holding his hand, walking towards our shared bedroom. I grabbed one of his shirts and put it on, slipping into bed.
He smiled softly and slipped behind me, pulling me closer and wrapping his strong arms around my frame, keeping me warm and safe. "I'll make it up to you..I swear" he sighed, kissing the top of my head lightly.
"I'll be home more, I'll take you to band practices, I'll take you out with me, I'll do anything for you baby, I'm sorry I neglected you, treated you so badly.." his voice shaky "I love you, you're my world, my beautiful wife, my light. I'll do anything it takes to change, anything at all" I slowly turned around again, looking up at him, looking into his eyes for any sign of deceit, but all that presented was sincerity. Pure honesty. His eyes soft and gentle, willing to do anything for me.
I tucked a stray stand behind his ear, kissing him softly. "I love you..thankyou for that.." I smiled softly.
"I've always wondered though, why do you always keep his note with you?" he tilted his head, genuinely curious. I chuckled softly, "I don't know, it's the only thing I have left of him, something to remember him by" I frowned, tears welling up in my eyes again, "it's a reminder to me that he loved me and to keep going without him" Tom winced at my pain, stroking my hair gently and nodding.
"I understand..I'll keep it safe for you always" he kissed me softly, I smiled "thankyou baby.." I muttered before falling asleep in his arms.
E/N: I sobbed so hard while writing this no joke
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tags: @itsmealaiah @tomscumdump @tomkaulitzloverr @tomscumdoll @syylss @ge-billsgf @miyukafujii @charliesgoodboy @20doozers @ballhair @bkaulitzlover
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sunny44 · 1 year
Business party
Pairing: Max Verstappen x girlfriend!reader
Warnings: couple fight.
Summary: The night of the company party has finally arrived and Y/n was super excited to introduce her boyfriend Max to her work friends but unfortunately the night doesn't end as she would have liked.
Next Chapter
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It was the day of the party for the company you worked for, you were super excited to attend since you would formally introduce your boyfriend Mason to your friends but at the last minute, Mason decided that he is no longer going.
Finally the day had come.
I was super excited for this party and even more excited to officially introduce Mason to my friends from work.
He was away training but would arrive on time to get ready, meanwhile I was getting ready for the party.
After showering and washing my hair I dried it and did some curls and as I was finishing my makeup I heard the noise from downstairs.
I finished with my lipstick and went downstairs wrapped in my robe to find my boyfriend in the kitchen.
"Hi love." I smiled and gave him a kiss. "How was the simulator?"
"It was good, tiring but good."
"Are you going to shower now so we won't be late."
"Late for what?"
"For the party."
"Oh I'm not going to the party." Just as he says this I feel the sadness hit me.
"What do you mean you're not going? I warned you months ago and you promised you would go with me."
"I know but I changed my mind, I don't want to go anymore. I'm tired."
"But Max you promised and..."
"I'm not going, can you just leave me alone? I'm tired from the day and I don't feel like going to this stupid party." He says rudely, and I shut up.
"You always do this, when it's something important to you I have to support you and go to those stupid Redbull events, but when it's something important to me you let me down like I don't matter to you. I always prioritize you and support you in everything so why don't you do the same thing for me?"
"I never made you go."
"I go to support you, and as my boyfriend I expected you to do the same thing for me."
"I already said I'm not going."
"Then I'll go without you."
I went back to our room and put on my skirt and blouse, the one that I had bought just to match his tie. I grabbed a jacket and my purse, went downstairs and got the car key from the door.
"You don't have to wait for me, I'm not coming home."
I slammed the door behind me and headed for the party.
I had to hold back tears many times tonight just because all my friends were asking about Max and I had to lie saying that he couldn't come, I didn't have the heart to say that he let me down because he was tired.
"So where is the much talked boyfriend."
Stacy, for sure one of the people I wasn't the least bit interested in introducing Max to, she hates me for some reason unknown to me, it's always been that way since I joined the company.
"He couldn’t make it, he got tired of the simulator."
"Oh yeah, he's an F1 driver." She says wryly. "What's his name again? If he even exists."
"It's Max and I don't have to prove anything to you, if you'll excuse me."
I left there and went to the bar, I honestly had lost all excitement about the party, the reason I wanted to be there was an idiot with me. And once again that night I felt like crying.
“Are you ok?" My friend Kylie asks.
"Yeah, just bummed Max couldn't make it."
"I'm sorry, I know you really wanted to introduce him to us."
"Yeah, but that doesn't matter anymore." She smiled sadly and I took the last sip of my drink.
"Are you okay to drive later?" She says pointing to my drink.
"Yeah, not only is this night sucking, but I'm still drinking a non-alcoholic drink.” She laughs. "Actually, I’m going home.”
"Are you sure? We can still dance and have fun."
"Thanks for trying to cheer me up but I'm really not in the mood."
"All right, see you Monday."
"See you."
I didn't want to go home, I was mad at him and also because I said I wouldn't come back but my sister was traveling so I couldn't go to her apartment. When I arrived I left my heels on the door and locked up, went upstairs to our room and when I opened the door Max was lying down watching TV.
"Guess you weren’t so tired after all."
"Can we talk?"
"No, I’m too tired to talk." I said walking into the bathroom and locking the door.
I took off my dress and put on my pajamas, took off all my makeup and when I was done I left the bathroom taking my cell phone and walking to the door.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm not sleeping here."
"Baby I'm sorry I..."
"I don't want to hear your excuses Mex, when I wanted you to listen to me you didn't, so I'm not going to stay here and listen to your stupid excuses after you ruined my night." He doesn’t say nothing. "I honestly still don't know why I’m still trying."
"What are you talking about?"
"I can't stand feeling like I'm the only one who values this relationship anymore. I'm tired of F1 always coming ahead of me in this relationship.”
"That's not true." He stands up.
"Then why didn't you go today? Oh yes because you were tired of driving an imaginary car in that stupid simulator." He still in silent. "I work just as hard as you do Max, but I've never let my work get in the way of our relationship. But I don't think you care about me as much as I care about you. So maybe we shouldn't be together.”
I wiped the tear that ran down my cheek and left the room, slamming the door and going to sleep from the guest room.
Maybe we shouldn’t be together anymore.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername stories
“It suck’s that my night was ruined.”
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This will have a part 2 so let me know if you want to be tagged
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angelfrombeneth · 7 months
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Lorenzo Berkshire x F!Reader
Summary: *REQUESTED* In which, Enzo and Y/N are best friends and Y/N finds out about Enzo sleeping around with many girls and questions, what exactly IS sex?
Warnings: Talks of a sexual nature, otherwise fluffy Enzo and Reader relationship.
A/N: SUPER SHORT!! Do not expect a whole fic, its a tiny conversation between friends.
What even was the point, how did it work. Why did people want to do it so much, so badly?
You pondered about those very questions while you layed across your bed waiting for Enzo. He had promised you, you both would study for Ancient Ruins after your dinner but he seemed to had been widely occupied juggling the Ravenclaw Twins.
"Sorry- I know- an hour late! Im sorry!" Enzo barged in, pratically breaking down your door as you sat up in stick shock of the loud bang of the door pratically swinging off its hinges.
You looked at Enzo, his neck meticulously patterned with various dark purple bruises, scattered all down his jawline to his collarbone. His shirt was messily buttoned, missing a few making him look extremely disheaved.
"You look messy" You smiled, giggling as you relaxed back into the comfort of your plush pillows.
"Don't even, the twins are like leeches" He laughed as he threw his blazer on the back of the desk chair as he shut your door and jumped onto the bed beside you.
"Ah ah- Shoes!" You yelled.
The sound of him flicking off his shoes by pushing his heels together sounded the room as the pair clomped to the floor.
"What you been up to, today then?" He smiled, throwing his arm around your shoulder as you instinctively snuggled into him laughing at his actions.
"Studying, as we should be doing right now" You peered up at him.
"We can study another time, let's talk" He smiled, kissing your forehead softly.
You groaned before setting aside your textbooks and turning to look at Enzo while still snuggling into his side.
"Just studying the whole day? That's boring" He laughed as he poked at your cheek with a pencil.
"Well I like to be top of the class Enz, you know this" You shrugged, tying your hair up into a messy ponytail of sorts as you flicked your legs out from below you to lay infront. You looked at Enzo's neck again as he began to tease you for being such a teachers pet when you took the pencil he hand and poked the end into his neck.
"Whats all these bruises?" Your eye rows scrunched as you looked at him.
"They're hickies- You know what that is right-" He laughed.
"Of course I do, but why so many" You laughed.
"Twins, what can I say" He shrugged and you laughed, rolling your eyes.
"How does that even work- How does.. the whole thing even work" You flayed your hands around as you spoke.
"How does what work?" Enzo chuckled as he stopped your hands from moving about.
"You know.." You flashed your eyes, nudging at his hickies yet again.
"Hickies?" He raised a brow.
"No. You know-" You started to grow agitated, poking at his neck and flashing your eyes.
"Sex?" Enzo said.
"Yes that-"
"Why won't you say it" He laughed at you.
"I dont know.." You looked down.
"Are you a virgin?" He laughed, looking at you.
"Of course I am, you think I.. stick myself about like you Berkshire?" You liked at his body with the pencil.
"Ow- Touche" He rubbed his arm. "Its just I don't know, fun? Pleasurable? It's just a nice activity for both parties" He shrugged.
"But why?" You tilted your head.
"I guess in a sense, everyone has pleasure points they wanna scratch and sometimes they can't get that alone so the seek put others to help. It's enjoyable but it's always important to make sure everyone is comfortable with anything you do" He smiled.
You reached forward, ruffling his hair as you smiled. "I see.. I still don't want to- what if I did something wrong or embarrassed myself?"
"You just need to trust the person, don't have flings if it's not your thing. I mean- I know I'm a whore but atleast I'm safe about it unlike Mattheo. He fucks anything that walks, with or without a condom" Enzo groaned.
"Jesus Christ" You laughed.
"You know, I can always show you" He placed a hand on your thigh, smirking as he winked at you.
"Ugh- Absolutely not" You laughed as you swatted him away. "Begone you- sex devil!" You threw your pencil at him as he laughed.
A/N: Sorry it wasn't long, I just didn't really see smut for this and it was kinda just a super short mini fic of Enzo and Y/N's relationship. I didn't want to romanticise it I guess? Hope you enjoyed.
If you enjoyed this fic and want to buy me a coffee, you can do so here!
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insanermin · 8 months
oh god, can you make my heart stop?
pairing: college!au ellie x fem!reader
warnings: alcohol, uh soft ellie? lowkey nsfw, not really proof read sorry
word count: 1,8k
summary: ellie isn't a huge party fan but ever since you failed your only mutual class she hoped to see you again, and she does. or; ellie is lowkey awkward but you make out in the middle of a kitchen during a house party.
another friday night, another four walls you're not familiar with. ever since you failed this one class, you've been escalating a bit and suddenly you find yourself at every house party there is, but this is just temporary, to 'calm down'.
and for once, the music roaring from the speakers is actually good. although, when did it get so full? earlier, you could comfortably navigate your way through the living room all the way to the hallway, but all you see is bodies and red cups at this point.
so, the genius idea that the kitchen must be a little emptier comes to your mind.
you make your way to the kitchen, squeezing yourself through all the sweaty bodies until you can finally make out a room that looks like a kitchen.
relieved, you lean against the kitchen island.
"guys what the fuck, i'm not your barkeeper, i've been making drinks for 15 minutes now," a voice emerges from right behind you, how can someone speak so loudly over the booming speakers? you turn around, and,
that is ellie williams. the ellie williams you had literature with, which you failed horrendously. but it's too late to turn around now, she recognises you and a smile creeps up on her face.
"oh? i know you! haven't seen you in a while!" she yells, waving with the red cup in her hand. shit shit shit, not only did you fail the class, ellie knows too, and the worst: you will never see her again. you won't lie, yes, maybe you did have a crush on her but please, who didn't? it's not that big of a deal. and she probably knows that too. well, now you do care. what if she knows that you actually have been watching her this whole—
"hey? ignoring me? that's a little harsh," ellie shouts, her eyebrows rising in disappointment. why does she look so good? maybe you've had too much to drink, but you can't help but observe her.
white, unbuttoned shirt, black tank top.
sleeves rolled up, the tattoo on her right forearm on full sight. her hands are so veiny and big, you're relieved that no one can read your mind.
"no, sorry, just bummed about failing class, you know," you chuckle in self pity. damn, this is depressing.
"can't hear you, come here," she yells, her eyes squinting in order to hear you better, interesting. wait, did she just ask you to come closer? no, you can't, you probably smell like alcohol, you're super sweaty and why is the overhead light on? you will look so unflattering and—
ellie's standing right in front of you. now this was unexpected, you want to take a step back, but you're already leaned against the island. dead end, pretty much. you didn't expect her to be the same height as you, which makes you chuckle.
"laughing at me too now, huh?" you can hear her clearly now, all you can focus on is the way her lips move while she speaks.
"sorry, think i had too much, but how is, uh, uni treating you? doing well?" you ask, never have you ever thought so hard about what to ask during small talk. you see ellie's shoulders shaking, she's laughing. what's so funny? you pout, then realise you're standing in front of ellie williams, that probably looked really silly.
"okay, i see. small talk it is then," she chuckles, her head slightly tilted to the right, studying your face.
"what do you mean?" you ask, because quite frankly, what does she mean? small talk then? what kind of answer is that?
"don't mind me, i'm just the barkeeper," ellie says. god, she's awkward.
in your imagination, she was more cocky but now you can't decide if imagination or reality is better.
but what you don't know is, that ellie has been watching you the same way you've been watching her. the first time you entered class, ellie couldn't take her eyes off of you. you were totally her type and to her luck, you decided to sit right in front of her. she couldn't even concentrate, all she did was observe the nape of your neck and your side profile, well to specific your soft, plump lips. it was disheartening to hear that you failed class and that she wouldn't see you again, so unlike her usual self, ellie decided to go to a house party and forget about you. but here you are and you look way too good for her not to try and shoot her shot.
"can i make you a drink?" she asks, but all you see are her veiny hands.
"i thought you hated playing barkeeper?" you shoot back, is ellie flirting with you? you're confused, however you're liking where this is going.
"for a pretty woman like you, i don't mind," ellie chuckles while her hand briefly brushes against yours. you raise your eyebrow in suspicion, but ellie shakes her head, she'd never put something disgusting in your drink, not yet. ellie makes her way back to her friends, earning dirty looks from them.
"you suck, i'm losing millions of bets because of you," one of them says, but ellie returns only a smile. she finds some vodka and ginger beer, but moscow mule sucks without lime juice. you watch her open the cabinets, looking for something, her arms reaching for the top. they are really toned, you never noticed before. finally, she stops and you watch her hold something round and green in her hands. she cuts it in half, a lime you assume, you have perfect view on whatever she's doing. inappropriate isn't enough to describe what you're thinking and feeling while watching ellie squeeze the juice out of the lime, her fingers entangled in hot mess.
your whole body follows her as she comes back to you, your chest facing her again. ellie holds the cup up to her face, with her index finger on the rim of the cup.
"i spilled some lime juice right here," she taps her finger against the cup while she grins in anticipation. you cross your arms, tilt your head and raise your eyebrow in confusion.
"well, both of my hands are full—" she places her right hand on your left arm, her thumb stroking you gently.
"and you could help me out," ellie continues, her eyes fixated on your lips. suddenly, everything starts to spin around you, you feel the bass through your whole body, you see ellie's chest move up and down, her breath slowing down, slow and steady. anything you do now is a consequence of you drinking too much, you tell yourself. your right hand reaches out for her sleeve, you pull yourself closer to the raised cup, there where ellie's sticky finger rests. she looks you up and down and her gaze is so intense, you can feel your lower body throbbing. realising that makes you blush, you want to look away but you suddenly feel one of ellie's big, rough hand run your body down, leaving goosebumps everywhere. not once did she look away, her eyes still fixated on you, watching your every move. her hand stops right above your hip, pulling you closer. you look back up, move your head closer to the cup that hides ellie's neck, until you're lips are close enough to touch her fingers.
"return the favor?" ellie whispers, her grip tightening around your hips. you gently press your lips against her finger and use a little bit of your tongue, making sure it's completely clean, of course.
"tastes good, lime juice," you chuckle while you lick the lime juice mixed with saliva on your lips. watching you lick her fingers, then your own lips, ellie can't hold back anymore. she wants to know what it feels like to be kissing you, what you taste like. holding you close to her isn't enough anymore, her thoughts run wild. what does your skin feel like? how many clothes does she need to take off to get on your skin? you observe her put the cup on the counter and feel her hand leave your body as she runs it through her hair. you're surprised that you're disappointed that her hand isn't on you anymore, but before that disappointment could settle in, you feel both of them on your waist, pulling you closer than ever.
"if it's good, mind letting me have a taste?" you're even more astonished to see ellie's face turn a bright shade of red, you expected her to be a natural flirt, but she is much cuter this way. with your arms around her neck and hers around your waist, you could swear that heaven must feel just like this very moment. you nod and can't believe she waited for you to give consent, god, she is just adorable. her hands move up to your neck, cupping your face gently, the last thing you see is her smiling before you get a taste of her wet lips. ever since ellie saw you she couldn't stop fantasising about kissing you, she'd wanted your lips on hers for months and she makes sure you feel it.
your heart skips a beat or two, breath shortening, your hands suddenly in her hair. god this is messy. all you can feel is her body grinding up against yours as the bass roars from the speakers and pounds right through you. she slips her tongue in while you breathe in her intoxicating scent. burying your fingers in her hair isn't enough, you need more, and all of a sudden, ellie pushes her pelvis against yours, you inhale sharply. your lips were separated only for a few moments before she pulls you close again, devouring you. never has anyone kissed you as hungry and sloppy as she did and you felt so incredibly weak. and ellie realises that it's too late to stop, she doesn't want to, she wants her hands all over you, she wants you all to herself. She tugs your bottom lip in between hers and grins.
pounding bass, pounding heart, pounding pulse. her lips trail down to your neck, she breathes hot air on you. you roll your eyes back, biting down all sorts of noises you'd love to make at the touch of her lips. rough hands, she gently holds you by your hair and pulls your head to the side. chest to chest, you feel each other's palpitating heart while the throbbing in between your legs has made itself apparent. ellie glances down, there where you need her the most and she chuckles. You shoot her a glare; apologetic eyes return as an answer.
"you wanna take this like, somewhere else?" ellie whispers, her wet lips brushing against your ear. god, she's such a tease. you nod and she plants one more kiss on your lips, takes your hand and leads you through the crowded rooms, dancing bodies brushing against yours, but none of them feel like ellie's. her touch has left you lingering for more and ellie can't wait much longer to have her hands on you again.
a/n: wrote this omw to uni bc there's this one class that has mandatory attendance and i missed twice already,,, third time's not a charm. also this is inspired by 'bellakeo' peso pluma.
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imnameimswrld · 8 months
lee soohyuk x model!reader
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━━ ❪ description: yn gets over a breakup and ends up meeting someone older, who knows exactly how to treat her right // smau, age gap. ❫
━━ ❪ warnings: language ❫
━━ ❪ fc: jennie kim ❫
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liked by gigihadid, nicolaannepeltzbeckham, and 8 345 898 others
ynusername life lately : /
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user hol' on...WHAT
user did her and tae break up or ???
user wait a damn minute...someone...older ?
user okay but hear me out... is it just me who feels like yn wanted be public about her relationship, and since tae is a super private person, he didn't ?
⤿ user I bet it must've been hard for yn, because we all know how much of a physically affectionate person she is, and all the times they were pictured together, she always had her hands behind her back with a sad look on her face
⤿ user FINALLY ya'll are seeing how so not right they were for each other, jeez – they clearly wanted different things for their relationship.
⤿ user just proves that, just because you're in the same industry, doesn't mean you'll get along.
user soo...older men, huh ? why do I feel she about to do something wild...
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liked by user, user, and 678 335 others
koreadispatch SPOTTED: this past weekend following up towards Y/N L/N's launch party with her collaboration with Calvin Klein, the top model has been spotted out more than once with a new man on her arm. At first his face couldn't be seen, until...it could.
It's none other than famous South Korean "Tomorrow" actor, Lee Soohyuk. Like she said, it appears Miss L/N is indeed, into older men now – but what went down with her previous partner, fellow top model Kim Taehyung ?
Comment your thoughts down bellow !!
#YnLn #LeeSoohyuk #KimTaehyung #koreandispatch
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user chanel told yn "no way you're dating a celine boy on our watch ! here, have a dior MAN instead."
⤿ user LMAO 😭😭
user so mother wasn't kidding ? she really is into older men...
user damn he's fine...
user ...daddy ? yeah, he's very much daddy.
user I watched the drama and i fell for him immediately... he is SO GORGEOUS OMFG
⤿ user SAME OMG, honestly, mother yn slayed
ynusername added to their story
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[ seen by leesoohyuk, iamhyunjishin, and 8 238 333 others ]
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liked by ynusername, sooyaaa_, and 3 448 090 others
leesoohyuk my pretty,
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user this feels surreal. this man almost NEVER posts.
user tell me he's not hacked...cause it's been 7 months since his last post
ynusername your pretty what, hon ?"
⤿ leesoohyuk come over from that side of the bath and I'll tell you.
[ liked by ynusername ]
⤿ user I...what...they...oh.
⤿ user THE BATH !?
user holy shit this is...this is... MY PARENTS !?
user bro said screw soft launching, this is a HARD LAUNCH
user a whole post dedicated to her ? oh yeah, he's in deep.
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liked by leesoohyuk, xeesoxee, and 9 334 990 others
ynusername and in a world full of boys, he's a gentleman ♡
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user yes mother. YES MOTHER.
taylorswift i am in love with your love.
[ liked by ynusername ]
user TAYTAY !? okay, taylor and yn collab WHEN
user he truly treats her like a queen...where's my older man ? 😔
user them>>> the wolrd.
leesoohyuk you deserve only the best, my love
⤿ ynusername mhm...so, round 3 ?
[ liked by leesoohyuk ]
user I'm sorry...WHAT !?!!!?
user oh they are insane... and i love it.
user so... onlyfans when ?
user I am so here for yn's idgaf attitude, because she ain't messing with boys no more, she has a MAN now.
[ liked by ynusername ]
191 notes · View notes
jungkookschin · 2 years
to restrain is to love (to err is to love part 2)
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synopsis: yea, it was totally your fault for pouncing on your ex husband and shoving your tongue down his throat at your kids' super mario birthday party. (totally romantic!) but after establishing boundaries? despite feeling nauseous, jungkook has to show great deal of self restraint when he finds out that his ex wife is going on a date. word count: 13k
pairing: dilf!jk /ex husband!jk / ceo!jk x afab reader
warnings: mentions of divorce, death, and cheating
to err is to love masterlist
"So, you want me to pretend like it didn't happen?"
Your ex-husband finally arrives home- his disheveled nature indicative of an exhausting day at work probably filled with tedious meetings and unexciting paperwork. He looks like he got the soul sucked right out of his body. His tie is loose around his neck, his hair is swept back sloppily, dark circles prominent, and there's a very obvious annoyed grimace hazed on his handsome face. 
It’s not like you enjoy contributing to his stress, but right now you have to draw the red line and establish boundaries. You hate the way your heart flutters at his mere presence- even when stressed out of his mind. You rip your eyes away from him so the notion departs from your mind; acknowledging your thoughts means accepting- or even embracing your feelings for him, and that’s just something you can’t do. 
After practically pouncing on him and salaciously shoving your tongue into his mouth after your children's Super Mario birthday party, you abruptly jolted from your sleep with regret plaguing your system. Instinctively your fingers come up to alleviate the aching pain in your temples whilst you recall how sinful it felt to have his lips against yours. The butterflies threatening to erupt in your stomach irk you, and you despise yourself for craving him like you are right now.
Even when he’s blinking at you incredulously like you’ve cut him deeply- you can’t help but be soft for him. 
“Yes,” you enunciate sternly; the dramatic roll of your eyes effectively masks how you truly feel, and it makes his heart ache painfully. “It was entirely inappropriate, and I apologize for that- let’s just pretend it never happened.” You mumble pointedly before redirecting your focus back to the soapy bubbly plastic Hello-Kitty dishes piled in the sink.
You brace yourself for a response as hostile as the words you just spewed out. 
Perhaps he perceived the way your body visibly tense because instead of a sarcastic response, he acts opposite of what you’re expected. You hear the soft thud of his briefcase echoing through the room and as a gentle sigh falls from his lips. 
He makes calm strides toward you, placing a hand on top of yours; the soapy bubbles on your hands rub onto his- it even gets on the cuffs of his shirt, but it goes unnoticed by him.  He just wants to help out. His other hand takes hold of the sponge as his body softly nudges you to the side. He begins to maneuver the sponge against the dishes, not gracing you with a single word.
Heart aching in your chest, you let out a concerned sigh. "Jungkook, you don't have to do that, it's alright-"
"I'm sorry for coming home late tonight,” His soft words are spoken in a hushed tone, as if he’s trying to bring you down from how panicked and aggressive you were previously behaving. "Thank you for making the kids dinner and cleaning up."
"It's my job to do that-"
"I know. But you work so hard. I just want to let you know how grateful I am." His words encapsulate the tenderness that has been stagnantly stinging his heart- and it sends an explosion of emotions to your stomach. He’s got this hold on you, and you find it unfathomable that he can reillumine the dull flame idly sitting in your heart. 
"Are you mad at me?" you squeak out, fingers brushing a stray strand behind your ear. He releases a soft chuckle, putting the last dish in the drying rack, turning and leaning back against the kitchen counter. He shakes his head to sweep the hair out of his face.
“Not mad, just a little sad,” the casual shrug of his shoulders enkindles a bubble of confusion in your heart. 
Your mouth dries up. You haven’t a clue of how to respond-especially when the situation isn’t combative in the slightest. You suppose that you adapted entirely to toxicity and hostility that you’ve become emotionally dysfunctional. You hesitate, gnawing on your bottom lip. “I’m sorry,” is all you’re able to muster up.
He smiles bitterly to himself, his sharp jawline flexing as he looks away from you and at the ceiling. For a split second, you detect a hint of pain on his face, but he masks that by playfully pinching your cheek before swinging his hand back down- further adding to your confusion. “Don’t be sorry- you can’t change how you feel. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” 
The response he gave you was exactly what your brain was looking for, but for some reason your heart is left completely dissatisfied. 
He suddenly begins undoing the buttons on his shirt, letting his chest finally breathe after being trapped in the confines of a tight suit all day. This wasn’t unusual for him to do. Jungkook often paraded around the house shirtless. After all, this is his home, and he is entitled to comfort and privacy. Besides, it’s not like you’ve never seen it before.  
Biting your lip, you swat his hands away and begin undoing the buttons for him. Though the action intrinsically seems questionable, you’ve basically been his little wifey when the two of you decided to cohabitate again (for the children). You wash his clothes, make him breakfast, tie his tie for him- the more you think about it the more dysfunctional this relationship is. No words were needed- this isn’t intended to be sexual or seductive in the slightest- your love language has always been acts of service and this is how you’ll express your appreciation.
He raises his brows at you. His eyes haze over you like he’s checking you out, but he’s really scrutinizing you and peering right past your facade. And perhaps he’s simultaneously checking you out. He can’t help himself- your smaller frame is adorned in one of his white oversized tees, making you look so soft and wifey. At the same time, he finds it somewhat ridiculous that you’re telling him you don’t want him while you have his damn shirt over your body.
Once you get to the bottom of the shirt, you pout slightly and look up at him. Your eyes are met with dark eyes that peer into your very soul. Black eyes scan over you, pupils are dilated completely, questioning authenticity of your rejection towards him. 
At the same time, he gazes at you with so much desire that it hurts.
 “Please tell me how you really feel,” he whispers.
You break eye contact, snapping the strings of attraction that were pulling you together. “Just don’t want to ruin everything again.” you quietly murmur
He brings his calloused palms to rub his face. He already knows. He sees right through you. He’s known you so long he’s confident he’s familiarized himself with everything about you- knows how your mind processes information, knows the meaning behind all your gestures.
What haunts him the most is that he knows he fucked up his own marriage. As the man of the family, he was supposed to hold everything down, and it’s been eating him up that he placed that burden on you.  “I know,” he responds, “It’s my fault- I know I fucked everything up beyond repair. I don’t blame you for feeling that way. The divorce was really hard.” 
It’s the first time he’s ever explicitly said the d word. He places his arms behind his head, his biceps bulging through his shirt, and you rip your eyes away. This is not the time to be thirsting over him.
“I wasn’t the best either- so don’t say that. The divorce was hard for you too so let’s not think about that,” you mumble, staring at the photo of your children stuck onto the fridge with a “#1 MOM” magnet. The cute photo of the twins holding up peace signs stabilizes you. They are what keeps you going.
He sighs. “But I know you gave it your all to save us- and I didn’t. I know that if I put in more effort, we would have made it. I was entitled and arrogant,” he bites his lip like he’s trying to find the right words, “Please let make it up to you.”
His analysis of the situation is somewhat accurate. Though the rockiest part of your marriage was mostly because of carelessness and hostility from both sides- Jungkook was the one who ultimately expelled you from his heart while you desperately towards clung onto hope.
“There’s nothing to be made up- we can’t do this again. Our kids would be heartbroken if mommy and daddy got back together….  just to break up again,” you send him a faux smile with the intention of comforting him, as if your fucking divorce didn’t absolutely crush you. Jungkook’s resolve begins to crack at your mannerisms. He sees right through you, knows when you’re faking shit.
“Is that how you really feel?” 
 A deafening silence washes over the situation. You won’t grace him with a response. No one would ever be able to pry the words out of you.
He speaks up. “I respect that Y/N, but if you ever change your mind, I’ll always be here.”
Your brows furrow deeply at this words, and Jungkook winces at the haze of mortification that appears on your pretty face. What did he mean by that? Is he implying that he’s going to stay single forever if you don’t want to be with him? That it’s you or nothing? What an impulsive and ridiculous statement. As much as you care for him, he can’t just be saying shit like that to you 
You purse your lips.  “I have a date next weekend-”
“What?” The harshness and rapidity of his response doesn’t faze you. During college he was especially possessive over you, his possessive nature never fading even after the divorce. You were still the mother of his children so the sense of protection he felt for you was practically implanted into his system.
“I have a date next weekend, so don’t say stuff like that. Don’t give up on love because we didn’t work out. We didn’t work out for a reason- we can both be better for who we were truly meant for,” you rub his bicep diplomatically, your lips curling up into a polite smile.  
Brushing your hand away, he responds with a look that teeters on the brink of mortification and disgust. “Who’s taking you on a date?” He’s doing that thing where he presses his tongue against his cheek- like you’ve just horribly offended him, and you simply frown. 
“Don’t worry about that- if it goes well then I’ll tell you more, but it’s just a first date,” Growing slightly irritated, you tut because he’s really doing too much at this point.  “I’m only telling you because I don’t want you to give up meeting other people.”
After tensing up he closes his eyes and sighs steadily, expelling the negative energy that accumulated in his chest.  “Okay fine- go on a date. Not my business anyways,” he mumbles lowly, and this pit of guilt expatiates in your chest.  
Before he walks off, your hand automatically latches onto his wrist. “Hey, can we talk about this? I hate it when we fight and I don’t want to upset you,” you plead, gnawing on your bottom lip in concern.
Jungkook softens, regaining rationality before his shoulders relax. “There’s nothing to talk about. It’s not your fault. You’re allowed to move on if you want to,” he reasons, attempting to give you a smile. 
Suddenly, the realization washes over you that Jeon Jungkook looks utterly exanimated. He’s paler than usual and he just looks so spiritless and dull. It saddens you deeply and your purse your lips. You hope it’s from work and not because of you.  “Sorry,” you whisper.
“It’s okay Y/N. Not your fault. We separated years ago- don’t worry about it,” 
Desisting, your lips utter no response. 
“Well Y/N, ‘m getting tired so gonna go to bed.” His voice stiffly trails off before he speaks again. “Can I get a hug?” 
You don’t even realize how pouty your lips become when you lean into his embrace, hugging him from the side. 
Gosh. Is this what we’ve come to?
A side hug?
You and this man used to be madly in love, unable to keep your hands off of each other- so passionate and so intense. It’s genuinely crazy that's left.
 A side hug.
When you stepped into work that morning, asking a man on a date was the last thing on your list. In fact, the notion never existed because you making the first move? Disgusting. Totally defeminizing. 
"Ew, is this what people like?" Your coworker Soyeon peeks over your shoulder, scrutinizing the monitor. She grimaces while she makes an ugh sound with her lips, eliciting a lighthearted giggle from you.
You currently work for a luxury cosmetics brand called Belle Meraviglie, as lead of the analytics team at the Korea headquarters. Basically, you’re in charge of data mining, transforming survey results into applicable suggestions for product development. There’s a lot of math and statistics involved, which occasionally makes you question why you’re in this field because you can’t do math for shit. 
Though your job sounds tedious, the average workday is filled with jovial playfulness thanks to your coworkers.
Right now, you're inspecting the results of a recent survey about optimal lip shades for each season. Surprisingly, this ugly ass peach shade popped up as the number one result for fall, which you (and Soyeon) are not fucking with. With one tap of the keyboard, the results are modified into a line graph, and you swivel your office chair around 180 degrees, facing Soyeon.
"Hey, if it brings us in more money then it's good to me," you joke, eliciting a playful eye roll from your friend. 
“Of course, it’s all about the money for you…” 
A lightbulb seemingly appears on top of her head, and she really starts to regurgitate her thoughts. "I really want a chocolate croissant right now," she expresses aloud, very unsubtly you may add, so you quickly become suspicious, narrowing your eyes at her. Giving you her classic puppy dog eyes, you give her a knowing look before relenting.
Perks of working for a luxury brand is that there's a Starbucks cafe on the second floor of the office. You have to admit that the chocolate croissants are to die for, hence why you're willing to walk all the way to the elevator and to the cafe to buy Soyeon one.
Unsurprisingly, the line at the cafe is pretty long, wrapping around the corner of the interior of the building. Chocolate croissants are delicious, and you love the way the buttery dough melts in your mouth, so you're more than willing to wait it out. Your arms are linked with Soyeon's so you won't be separated amongst the crowd of buzzing employees rushing to get their coffee or snacks.
Looking around, you really conceptualize the diversity of your workplace. People of all ages and colors flock around the lobby; you're noticing that there are a lot more young people around, probably college interns. 
Amongst your scrutiny of the people walking in and out, you gracelessly walk straight into a brick wall of a man, even despite Soyeon's efforts of driving you away from bumping into people.
The man turns around and you begin hastily apologizing. Soyeon follows your lead. "I'm sorry!" you urgently express, but when you straighten your body, you realize that the brick wall is a familiar face. 
"Seokjin?" you mimic his confused tone, the two of you blink at each other before you both burst out into laughter at your clumsy antics.
You give him a warm one-armed embrace, delicately brushing Soyeon off to the side. (uncannily similar to when you used to force your friends to follow your tracks, so you’d muster up the courage to talk to your middle school crush)
But in reality, this situation couldn’t be any more different.
 Seokjin is actually head of the marketing department- so a manager like you.  During monthly meetings, you go out of your way to ensure the seat beside you is vacant for Seokjin. Coughing excessively into your arm to ward off everyone else,  but then when Seokjin walks in, you’re magically healed!
When you were abysmally stumbling through the divorce with your ex-husband, Seokjin was a saving grace. Being a divorced father of two kids himself, he empathized with you whole heartedly, heroically taking responsibility for your work while you took the time to mentally recuperate.
"How have you been?" he exclaims, beaming at you. Seokjin is always bubbly and radiant at work,  something you found comfort in whenever you interacted with him.
"I've been really good! We actually got the report back on the survey for the new lip product..." you trail off, "The shade the stakeholders chose is really ugly," you whisper, making Seokjin lightheartedly chuckle.
"Well," he begins. "If it brings us money then that's all that matters!"
You dramatically gasp before playfully smacking him on the chest. "That's what I said too!" You join him in his contagious laughter; it's just so easy to get along with him.
After the laughter dies down, Seokjin wipes a fake tear from his eye. "So, how're the twins?" he inquires, and you beam at him.
"They're awesome. How are your boys?"
Seokjin has two boys, who are a lot older than your kids. His oldest Seokmin is 14 and his youngest Seokjoon should be 12 or 13 by now. Seokjin shoots you a comically petrified look before shaking his head and exhaling deeply.
"Seokmin is in high school," he dramatically enunciates, as if it's the scariest thing in the world. It really is, though. You're horror stricken but thrilled for your kids to get to that stage, but you'll handle it when the time comes. "He actually brought home a girl the other day- it scared the shit out of me and his brother," he jokes, making you smile at his silliness.
"Awe, don't say that," you coo, "So was she his girlfriend?" you inquire, to which Seokjin shakes his head.
"They're in the 'talking' stage, so not dating but they kind of are," Seokjin explains, before feigning faux shock to dramaticize the situation. "What the hell does that even mean? I told him that if he likes her he should just ask her out, but he said that no one does that and it'd make him look weird," he elaborates while he rolls his eyes and shakes his head, which just makes you laugh.
"I've never heard of that before. Maybe we're getting too old," you kiss your teeth, making a yikes sound.
Seokjin shakes his head. "Us? Old? Never that. My boys still can't beat me in a sparring match, so I'd say I'm young as ever."
This catches your attention, and you perk up a bit. "I forgot that your kids do Taekwondo!" you exclaim. "Did Seokjoong finally get his blackbelt?"
"He actually did last month! Hey- the offer still stands. If little Haru wants to start Taekwondo, I can get my boys to take him to class. He'll be in good hands," Seokjin suggests with a casual shrug.
You get soft at the thought of Haru in a Taekwondo uniform, kicking boards and doing flips, so you start to pout. "Thank you, Seokjin. I'll talk to Haru's father about it."
Seokjin purses his lips and nods. He hesitates momentarily, gnawing on his lip, appearing as if he is contemplating whether or not he should verbalize his thoughts. He's always been careful not to overstep boundaries. "If you ever want to talk about anything, I've been in your place and I get it. You can always text or call," he offers.
You blissfully sigh, nodding your head while you give him a knowing smile. "Thank you Seokjin, I might just have to take you up on your offer," your voice sounding shriveled  and exhausted.
"Well, I have to get back to work now. I'll see you guys later," he looks around and finally notices Soyeon, shooting his hand out while he introduces himself. "Seokjin, by the way."
She shakes his hand weakly, being well aware and slightly intimidated by her superior. "Soyeon. It's nice to meet you," she smiles at him and he returns the smile before making his way back to his office.
You and Soyeon waddle back into the office and settle down at your desks, chocolate croissants in both of your hands. Soyeon shoots you a conspicuous look. "That was... odd," she states, and the expression you give her can only be described as quizzical.
"What was?" you ask, taking a bite out of your croissant. "The barista?"
"No no, your interaction with Seokjin," she insists, rolling her office chair over to yours so that no eavesdroppers would catch heed to the conversation.
"What do you mean?"
"Are you guys fucking?!” she whisper shouts, her facial expressions screaming urgency and incrimination. She’s staring at you as if she just caught you in the act, but you respond with a mortifying glare. 
You clasp your palm over her mouth. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”
You feel the sensation of her tongue licking your hand, and you jerk your hand away.
“I have never seen you act like that before,” she points out while she gives you a snobby look, eyeing you up and down.
You roll your eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you bark back, particularly unamused.
“Like a high schooler talking to their crush?!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” you hiss, petrified that your interaction with him could be perceived that way.
“Bitch, don’t try me! You were fucking giggling; I have never seen you do that,” she crosses her arms at you and gives you another accusatory look.
“Oh wow now I can’t smile? Or be happy?” you muse, forcing Soyeon to deepen her scowl while she looks at you particularly unimpressed.
“Well, there is literally vacant dick for you right in front of you, but if you want to ignore it then there’s nothing I can do about it," she continues.
One of your palms comes up to smack your own face. “Someone’s gonna report us to HR,” you grumble, making Soyeon bite back laughter.
“Are you just gonna stay single for the rest of your life?” she then asserts, and the question has you melting into a puddle of realization. The only person you’ve seriously dated is- well, your ex-husband. Since you had your kids so young you’ve centered your entire life around your kids and work, the thought of another man has never even crossed your man.
After the divorce you came to peace with the idea that love just wasn’t for you, but you suppose that doesn't have to necessarily be the case, so you begin to welcome some of Soyeon's crazy ideas.
“I don’t know,” you meekly respond, “Right now I’m solely focused on my kids, so I haven’t thought about it.”
“Well their father has women constantly flocking around him, so you have every right to as well,” she insists.
“Okay but it’s not like he reciprocates their feelings-”
Soyeon raises a brow at you and you acquiesce. “Yea,” you agree, shrugging. "But it's not going to be Seokjin- he doesn't like me like that."
"Dude. He didn't even notice I was there until he was walking away," Soyeon deadpans at you and you laugh, deliberately not saying anything because you don't want to admit that she has a point.
"Plus," she muses, "I can make the case that Seokjin is the hottest guy in this entire building," she chimes in a sing song voice. 
You respond with a mirthless look. She knows damn well that there is no competition about 'hottest guy in the building' because all the men here are either super old, or college interns.
"There isn't that much competition."
"So you agree?" she teases, and her inquiry sucks you in to a whirlpool of quandary. 
Out of all the men at work, Seokjin is the most attractive here- now that you think about it, he is pretty cute. Probably on the more attractive side of all the men you've seen in your life. Maybe you should try to ignite a flame between you and Seokjin. Thanks to the sensation of adrenaline rushing through your veins, you become quite impulsive and bold.
"Shall I try to seduce him?"
"Yes!" Soyeon squeals. "Please! I'm tired of seeing you depressed all the time. Please get back into the game," she pleads.
You suppose that Soyeon must possess some supernatural hypnotic ability, because you find yourself doing something atypical to your normal behavior.
Knocking on the door of Seokjin’s private office, you take a measly step once you hear “Come in!” bounce on the walls.
“Y/N!” he greets happily, directing his attention from his giant computer monitor to a cumbersome you, fidgeting awkwardly in place. “What’s up? Do you have the report for the monthly meeting?” he asks, gracing you with his typical Seokjin smile.
“Oh- um- sorry, I actually don’t,” you say, clenching your teeth from the anxiety rushing through your veins. “I actually came to ask you- well I actually wanted to ask-“
Seokjin pays no heed to your stuttering or the way you wriggle around in his office, just clasps his palms together while he gazes at you fondly. 
“Do you maybe want to get dinner with me? Next weekend?”
His face immediately falls and you wince, instantaneously regretting even stepping inside his office. On Seokjin’s end, his expression actually reflects pleasant surprise, but you don’t know that.
A moment passes where the two of you blink at each other before his hands grasp a stack of papers, straightening the stack against the table.
He clears his throat.
“Like a date?”
Your cheeks blush crimson and you shyly avert your eyes downward, tucking a stray piece of strand behind your ear. At this point, there’s no going back now. Your impulsivity has gotten the best of you. You look up, gnawing on the plump of your bottom lip. “Yea,” you release. “Like a date.”
The shy smile that spreads on Seokjin’s face mirrors the goofy smile on yours. Anyone viewing this situation from the third person would assume you've never spoken to a man before; your cherry red cheeks indicative as much. 
His eyes finally meet yours, and you can’t help but think that he looks  cool. Seokjin tends to emanate approachability. He’s the cool boss- the guy every employee can confide in.
Not now though. You’ve penetrated a barrier no one else in the office has and unlocked the cool and suave Seokjin.
His large hand combs through his hair, revealing a peek of his forehead. He looks so handsome and quite honestly it’s making you giddy. “Yea Y/N, I would love to.”
“Oh- um- that’s great!” you say before you shrivel up in embarrassment. “Just text me and we can arrange a time,” you squeak out before shyly waving and taking a step back towards the door. He raises his eyebrows amusedly before waving back at you, and you return the wave that he returned to your wave, shutting the door ever so slightly. 
“Ah shit. She’s cute.”
You wake from bed with a splitting headache. The preceding day just happened to me the most eventful day for your love life since your wedding. Last night, your talk with Jungkook had all sorts of emotions and colors bursting and bubbling in your chest. However, no matter how drawn you are to him, no matter how weird you feel about him, it’s over, and you had to firmly establish those boundaries. 
Any lingering resentment toward Jungkook proceeding the divorce had long vanished- for the sake of your children and for the sake of your inner peace. Honestly, you were fed up with how salty and miserable you always were. You realized it was unproductive was to dwell on the aches and failures of your marriage; you found it in your heart to genuinely forgive him just like how he forgave you. 
After that, your co-parenting relationship flourished, but now it seems like everything is coming full circle again. He explicitly told you that he wants you.
But you can’t let it happen. It didn’t work out before, and it won’t work out if you try again. 
Life has blessed you with another capable, intelligent, and handsome man, and you can’t let yourself blow it because of your complicated feelings for your ex-husband. You like Seokjin. Seokjin is handsome, you click with him, and he makes you feel safe and comfortable. 
Your time spent with Seokjin is reminiscential of a dulcet hot spring. You find comfort in the way your skin absorbs his warm steam emanating from the water. You find comfort in the way he makes you feel normal and validated, the way he accepts you as yourself. Your relationship that had been a cordial friendship for so long has the potential to blossom into so much more. 
Jungkook on the other hand, is a tsunami whose waves violently crash down on the little control you have over your rationality. When you were a teenager, he washed into your otherwise peaceful world and aroused this sense of infatuation in your being, evoking your reckless behavior.
Holding his hand in a skintight bikini while he coaxed you into sneaking into one of his father’s hotel pools. Standing arms open outside your house waiting to catch you while you jumped from your window- my goodness you even had twins with this man!
Had you been a little younger, you would have chosen the exhilaration of infatuation over the sensibility of comfort. Now that you are a mother, you have the lives of two other people to consider. You ought to prioritize the viability of any potential relationship over anything else. 
With the plethora of thoughts banging against the interior of your brain, you fail to notice your son crawling into the bed.
“Hi mom,” It’s like the he popped out of nowhere, kneeling on the comforter in front of you. 
“Oh, hi baby,” you respond, pulling him into your arms and into your lap. 
“Dad said you’re going on a date, is that true?” he innocently inquires, large doe eyes blinking at you dumbfoundedly.
You kiss your teeth. No way he told your kids that. “He told you?” 
“He said that you’re going on a date next weekend, so Heeseung and Jake might have to come babysit,“ your son innocently explains, casually playing with the strands of your hair. 
You soften impossibly when he places the strand of hair above his lip, puckering his lips to use it as a fake mustache. You giggle and press a soft kiss to his forehead. He quickly wipes the saliva off with the back off his hand with the fiercest glare he can conjure.
You simply giggle in response. “Are you mad at mommy for going on a date?”
Haru shrugs. “Not really, but sometimes I wish you and dad were still together,” The casualness of his response halts the gears in your heart, and your heart drops. Sometimes you feel like you’ve failed as a mother for not being able to keep your family completely intact. Coparenting is sufficient, but you’ve always had insecurities about not giving them the full family experience.
Haru fails to notice and continues talking. “But I’m still happy you and dad are best friends. Who are you going on a date with anyway?”
You’re glad it doesn’t seem to bother him and you boop his nose with your pointer finger. “Do you remember Seokmin? The older boy who taught you how to break a board at mommy’s work picnic?”
His eyes instantly sparkle at that, and he eagerly nods his head  like a golden retriever pup.
“Well, mommy asked his dad out on a date.”
“So does that mean if it goes well I can play with Seokmin more?” His fixation on Seokjin’s son leads you to realize that he probably doesn’t even care about your romantic life- Roblox and hanging out with older cool kids are all he needs to make his little heart happy. 
“If your dad’s okay with that, then of course you can.”
On cue, Jungkook busts into the room, daughter on his hip and granola bar in the other hand. Your daughter’s such a little princess, always loving being carried in her father’s arms even though she’s been walking for years.
Wearing an oversized black tee and gray sweat shorts, Jungkook raises a brow at you. “Oh, so you’re making the first move now?”
You ignore him, grabbing your son’s chubby cheeks before peppering sloppy and dramatic mwahs all over his face. Jungkook’s eyes subtly role at your unbecoming habit of using your kids as a mechanism of brushing him off.
“Haru, Hina, you can have iPad time for thirty minutes- mommy and daddy need to talk,” Jungkook voices sternly, and you shoot him a dumbfounded look, locking your arms around your son. 
“Why? I want my babies here,” you complain, and Jungkook sends you a look so sinisterly serious that you zip your lips.
Once the kids scatter from the room, he settles on top of your comforter. He collects his thoughts before he speaks. “So?” he sends you an accusatory look and you mime his expression.
“Since when did you start making the first move?”
“Oh my fucking- that’s what you wanted to ask me?”
He crosses his arms and narrows his eyes at you. “Why are you being so secretive?”  
You roll your eyes. He’s acting like a child right now. You push off the comforters to walk away until his hand latches onto your wrist. “Sit down,” he breathes out lowly and you frustratedly yank your arm away from him, but acquiesce nonetheless.
“So who’s the guy? I think I deserve to know if he’s met my kids,” Jungkook inquires a bit bitterly and you purse your lips into a thin line to express your distaste. 
You relent because the man has a point. You can’t bring your kids around your work colleagues and not supply the details when requested. “Just someone from work, the kids met him at a work picnic a long time ago and Haru really liked his son.”
He projects his next question at you with lightning speed. “How old’s his kid?”
“Probably like 14 or 15 right now, and he has another that’s like 12-”
“The fuck? Are you looking for a sugar daddy?”
Your ears must have deceived you because you can’t comprehend the audacity of this man, and you can’t help but gawk at his shamelessness. 
“Is he rich or something? I just have no fucking clue why you would ask some old dude out on a date. You know I’ll buy you whatever you want-”
Now you’re irritated. Scoffing, you scoot away to distance yourself from him because you can’t stand being in his presence.
“I know you’re not talking. He was around the same age we were when we had the twins,” you reason. As logically as that statement was, it has an inverse effect, fanning the flames of his irrationality. 
“So this guy’s just looking to hookup,” he seethes, leaving you dumbfounded because Jungkook honestly had no right to be spewing this bullshit. What did he mean by that? Is that what Jungkook was looking to do? Hook up? The thought of him with another woman leaves you sick. 
You scoff, shaking your head in disbelief at his hypocrisy. There was no reasoning with him at this point. You know how he gets when he’s all riled up; the best thing to do is to disengage. “You don’t know how insulting you’re being,” you release shakily. 
“And you don’t know how bad you’re hurting me,” he bites back. 
Saying nothing, you get up and walk steadily towards the door, closing it ever so gently. 
“Whatever. Do what you want.”
When you return home from work, you spot Haru dozing off on the couch, head resting on the arm of the sofa, already tucked under his Paw Patrol blanket. Hina’s resting her head on her father’s abdomen, her soft snoring mirroring her twin brother’s.  Jungkook’s plopped down on the sofa, eyebrows furrowed vexedly while he glares at Sanrio Cartoon playing on the screen. What did Hello Kitty ever do to him? But as angry as he may be, he’s stroking his daughter’s hair with the utmost gentleness. 
The sound of your footsteps makes Jungkook whip his head in your direction. He gently lifts his daughter up from his body and lays her on the couch, draping another vacant blanket over her small body. 
With soft steps, he mouths the words “We need to talk”  while pointing up at the second story. Sighing, you relent and follow his lead up the stairs and into his bedroom.
The door closes softly, and he faces you. You lock gazes, refusing to look away so he knows that you won’t be tolerating any bullshit this time. After a brief moment of just staring at each other, he exhales sharply. “I’m sorry.” 
You owlishly  blink at him and he continues. “I acted like an asshole, and I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way. After you walked out of the room, I felt so disappointed with myself- like I was still the same guy I was when we got divorced- I’m just so sorry and you didn’t deserve to be spoken to like that,” his words are flowing out and when he finishes, he nervously anticipates your response. 
Emotions swelling in your chest. You nearly look pained and Jungkook is scared that he may have hurt you even more. Instead, you tip toe to wrap your arms around his neck. Jungkook melts into your embrace immediately, arms around your waist while he holds you close to his body. 
“I accept your apology,” you whisper into his neck, releasing your embrace. “I was thinking about it today, and I was kinda-sorta thinking that you might have thought that I was trying to replace you or something, so I was going to apologize first,” you explain hesitantly, and Jungkook’s lips churn into a slight smile. 
“I didn’t think that,” his hands are still on your waist and he’s peering lovingly at you. “You wouldn’t do that to me, but it did make me feel a little... threatened,” he explains. 
“I’m sorry I made you feel like that. You’ll always be the father of my kids and my best friend,” you reply with a smile, and he releases a lighthearted laugh.
“But really, I said a lot of things I didn’t mean. I’m sorry for that… and I-I just wanted to let you know that I’ve never thought about hooking up with anybody. That’s not what I meant when I said what I said” he reasons nervously.
You shrug. “It’s not like it matters anyways. You’re free to do what you want. Just keep your kids in mind if you decide to be... Impetuous.” 
Your reaction disappoints Jungkook, his shoulders slumping and all he can do is let out a forlorn sigh. “You really like this guy?”  He suddenly asks, his tattooed hand brushing defeatedly through his hair. 
The question is unexpected, and it somewhat surprises you. You waver, tapping your pointer on your chin while you conjure an appropriate response. “I don’t know. That’s why we’re going on a date.”
He kisses his teeth. “Is he a good guy?”
You hum and step back, plopping on the bed. “Yea,” you bite your lips. “He is,” you conclude while nodding your head.
“He treats you nicely?” Jungkook adds, carefully speculating your gesticulations. 
You smile to yourself. Jungkook furrows his eyebrows at that. “He always takes care of me at work. He’s really been a great help. I mean that.”
Jungkook scrutinizes you intensely, and when he perceives the genuineness behind your words he nods bitterly. “Okay,” he sighs. “If you think he can make you happy then I’m happy too,” he offers you a faux smile, and you avert your eyes so you aren’t confronted with the sad twinkle in his pupils. 
You know for a fact Haru gets his athleticism from his father, because you don’ t have a single athletic bone in your body. Jungkook has always been eager to enroll his kids into sports. When they were three he suggested putting them into swim classes, but the idea was actually vetoed by his mother, who insisted that three was way too early. 
Personally, you were indifferent- it’s not like sports were going to make or break your kids’ future. Of course, being active would be beneficial, but they also didn’t have to start that early.  Anyways, you can imagine Jungkook’s enthusiasm when his son asked him if he could start playing soccer. 
Now, going to Haru’s Saturday soccer games are encrypted in your family’s weekend routine. 
Saturday morning routines have become familiar. You dress Hina up in one of her prettiest summer dresses before drowning her in sunscreen. One of Jungkook’s friends helps Haru get ready while Jungkook loads the lawn chairs and ice coolers into the Mercedes. Sometimes it’s Taehyung or Jimin. When it’s Namjoon, his wife and daughter tag along- the presence of his cute little girl always being a sweet treat. However, today it’s just the four of you.
Lathering your daughter in sunscreen, you place her mini sunglasses on her face while Jungkook gazes at his girls with awe. 
“Really girls? We’re only going to be outside for like two hours, do you really need to do all that?” Jungkook coos, and you roll your eyes. 
“Tell your father he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“Daddy, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hina sasses her father, and Jungkook scoffs before scooping his daughter up and tossing her up into the air. He catches her and throws her up again, her squeals and giggles filling the morning air. 
Haru steps out of the door, clad in his soccer uniform, cleats laced up, and socks rolled properly. Putting Hina down, he approaches his son. 
“You ready to score a goal today?” Jungkook asks his son, kneeling down to his height. 
Haru jumps in excitement. “Duh! And you promise you’ll buy me and Hina ice cream if I score a goal?” Haru questions, and his dad immediately agrees. 
“Of course. I’ll get the two of you whatever you want, doesn’t have to be ice cream.”
Haru shrugs. Suddenly Jungkook’s awards don’t seem as appealing to him. “You can just ask Squidy for whatever she wants- I don’t really care.” 
Your son’s gotten to that age where he loves acting tough and chivalrous, taking care of his twin sister and being the little man of the family. He’s even adopted the name Squidy for Hina, which makes you and Jungkook eye each other humorously at the cute nickname. 
“Did you hear that Squidy? You have to cheer for me so dad can get us something, okay?” 
Your son’s valiant effort of being sweet fails, because Hina sasses her brother like she does with her dad. “Whatever,  if I see cute boys then I’m going to cheer for them-”
“Whoa whoa,” Jungkook intervenes, immediately deciding that conversation is over. He scoops his daughter up and places her in her car seat before shutting the door. He looks at you with urgency in his eyes and you laugh. 
“She’s boy crazy just like her mom, huh?” Jungkook teases, and you roll your eyes before slapping his bicep. 
Upon arriving at the field, you absorb the Saturday morning atmosphere. The crisp blue sky, the nostalgic scent of grass that fills your nose, your children prancing around the parking lot, and your ex-husband who carries the ice cooler on his shoulder as if it’s nothing. Your family walks ahead of you, but you stay in place simply observing them.
A few seconds later, Jungkook whips his head around, searching for you when he doesn’t sense your presence. Feet planted into the cement, he looks at you with concern. “What are you doing? We don’t want to get separated,” he calls out.
Suddenly, it strikes you that you hold an irreplaceable place in this family. You created your two babies; you gave them life. Two beautiful kids, a handsome father, and then there was just you. Sometimes you felt so average you had no clue what you did to deserve this. You can’t believe this is your reality and your heart soars. 
You jog up and catch up to him, slowing down when you’re secure by his side. He laughs, admiring how cute you are. “So ditzy, Y/N.”
You shrug. “Was just thinking that I’m lucky to have you guys.”
Jungkook’s eyes gaze at you, the softest expression on his face. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t know- jus guess I was feeling a little overwhelmed seeing you guys all cute and domestic like this. I’m really happy I have you as my family,” you smile at him, your fingers wandering towards his to give his palm a gentle squeeze. 
Jungkook melts at the action, gingerly bringing your knuckles to his lips to place a delicate kiss on the top of your hand. “I’m happy I have you as my family too.”
Family. The word settles heavily in his system.
Along with his two kids, you were one of his most precious treasures. He cherishes you deeply, would drop everything in hand if you’d simply ask. If family was all he could do, then just looking at you like this would suffice. He loves you, is okay with loving you only as the mother of his children if he couldn’t love you as his wife. 
Loves you so he wants you to be happy; needs to let you spread your wings and find your own happiness. Exhaling a shaky breath, he drops your hand and places his vacant arm around your shoulder. “Let’s go, yea?”
On the sideline of the field, you and a few other moms on the team congregate around each other and start making small talk. 
All the moms are significantly older than you, but they still welcome you and treat you as one of their own. They invite you to group brunch dates, playdates, and sometimes drop off home-cooked meals at your door. The group chat always shares resources with each other, like old toys or community events at the park.
After laughing at some cheesy joke, you say your goodbyes and walk back to Jungkook and Hina. 
When you return, Jungkook smirks a little at you. “That was cute,” he comments.
“What was?” you question innocently
“You’re a cute little soccer mom now,” he grins at you and you laugh. 
“Well, I am, I guess.”
“You have a cute little soccer mom group. That’s so fucking cute, Y/N.”
Jungkook sets up the umbrella for you, planting it into the ground while you relax on the lawn chair. Your daughter’s on your lap, and you’re both calmly observing the soccer game, matching sunglasses on as well.
“Do my princesses need anything else?” Jungkook inquires sarcastically. You giggle, pressing your hand to his cheek while your thumb smoothes over the coarse skin of his cheek. 
He removes your hand from his cheek and shoots you a playful glare. 
“Mommy! Haru’s going to score a goal!” The declaration of your daughter has you and Jungkook whipping your head towards the goal post, and sure enough, Haru is pelting the ball into the goal post.
You and Jungkook immediately shoot up, cheering and celebrating. Jungkook grabs your daughter and throws her into the air before catching her. Out of pure ecstasy, Jungkook grabs you by the waist and squeezes you, holding you up whilst he embraces you tightly.
“Hey! What about me?” You hear Hina’s voice and Jungkook chuckles, putting you down and enveloping his daughter into his arms. 
This is what happiness must be.
Having to act like this doesn’t bother him is requiring a great deal of self-restraint. 
You stand in front of your bathroom mirror, carefully twirling your hair around the barrel of your curling iron. Your bangs are in a roller that sits on the top of your head, and you’re humming along to the music that echoes from your phone speaker. 
Once you’re satisfied with your hair, you move to the makeup. You apply rosy blush on the high points of your cheeks before your  shirtless ex-husband enters and leans against the doorway. Hands shoved into the pockets of his gray sweat shorts, he observes your meticulous self care routine.
You see him through the mirror, and you have to stop yourself from taking a second look. Thighs are on display, abs are on display, muscles are on display, him just being there is short circuiting your brain. 
“You look good,” he casually inserts, leaning against the door and crossing his arms. 
“Oh, um thanks,” you respond, unable to conjure an appropriate response. 
He stands there, scrutinizing you through the mirror. His eyes narrow at you every time you bring the makeup to your face, It’s killing him. He’s really trying to be mature to hold things down at home while you’re out, but you look so beautiful without makeup- and he doesn’t get why you’re trying to make yourself prettier and for another man at that. 
His lips twitch into a bitter smile. 
“He’s a lucky guy, if you’re doing this all for him.”
You don’t say anything but this immense pit of guilt swells in your stomach. You set your brush down and inhale deeply, while Jungkook strolls to your closet and starters going through your dresses hung on the clothing rack. 
“Which one are you planning on wearing?”
“Huh?” you swivel around to his direction and shake your head. “I’m wearing a blouse and dress pants; I already laid it out on the bed.”
“You wore a dress on our first date,” he adds.
“That’s when I was young and wanted to seduce men with my sex appeal.”
“Well it worked,” Jungkook licks his lips, recalling the tight red dress you wore on your first date back in college. My goodness were you a sight to see, all dressed up for him- so gorgeous it made him dizzy. You were so shy- could barely look him in the eye, and it spurred Jungkook on with the desire to corrupt you.
“And look where we are now,” you conclude coldly, pulling Jungkook from his little euphoric fantasy. At that, he frowns. You didn’t really have to say that. You did a great job of stripping all and any sense of hope from him. 
Jungkook opens his mouth to retort. “Doesn’t have to be like that. I can take you and the kids out instead if you cancel.”
Before you can reply, you both become distracted by the alarming sounds of his two kids screaming at each other. He closes his eyes and releases a sharp exhale, giving you one last look before going down the stairs to take care of his children.
A few minutes later, you join them down the stairs, red blouse and beige dress pants adorned on your figure. Quite frankly, you almost look like you’re going to a work meeting, but just with a tad more style. You pick up some of your kids’ toys and throw it into the basket and join Jungkook at the dining table with your kids.
“Mom, if the date goes well can I play more with Seokmin?” Haru asks.
You direct your attention to Jungkook, who simply sighs. “I’ll have to meet his father first, okay?”
And on cue, the doorbell rings. You shoot up, and Jungkook peers at you like your enthusiasm is thoroughly messing with his brain. 
You scurry over to the front door, opening it to see your Prince Charming waiting for you. There stands Seokjin, looking as classy and handsome as ever. You suppose he’s opted for something casual as opposed to his usual suit and tie at work- the black button up and jeans indicative of that. His hair slick back very prince like, his glorious forehead showing. A beautiful bouquet of flowers is in his hand. “Hey Y/N,”
“You didn’t have to bring me flowers,” you pout before accepting the bouquet and tiptoeing to hug him. 
He waves the notion away. “I always tell my son to bring flowers on the first date, so I have to live up to my word or he’ll call his dad a hypocrite.”
Haru runs up to him and Seokjin squats to his level before giving your son a high five. “Where’s Seokmin?” Haru asks and you swat the back of his head. 
“Haru, say hi to Mr. Seokjin first. That’s rude," you berate.
He blows out an annoyed sigh and juts out his hand. “Hi Mr. Seokjin. Thank you for taking my mommy out on a date. She’s very lonely and single." This kid does a great job at making you roll your eyes.
Seokjin laughs and shakes your kid’s hand. “Seokmin’s at home taking care of his little brother, Haru,” He explains while he views your ex-husband from his peripheral, who is approaching with your daughter on his hip “And I’m not so sure that’s true, she doesn’t seem to be very lonely.”
He stands up and shakes Jungkook’s hands with a firm grasp. 
“Nice to meet you. Jungkook.” Jungkook says, his voice distinguished with the husky tone he only uses as a work meetings. 
“Seokjin. Nice to meet you too,” Seokjin responds, also with his work voice. Jungkook puts up Hina’s little hand for Seokjin to shake and Seokjin shakes her tiny little hand. “Hi Hina,”
“Hi Mr. Seokjin, please take care of my mommy tonight,” Hina says sweetly, and you melt.
“Of course, Hina. She’s in good hands with me, and he offers your daughter a comforting smile.
You turn quickly and place your flowers into a vacant vase, kneeling down to your kids’ level. Ruffling their hair, you place a kiss on each of their cheeks. “Okay kiddies, mommy’s going to get going now, okay?” 
Both of your children give you a hug. “Bye mom!” your kids chime before rushing back to their iPads. 
Rising to your usual height, the discomfort of the situation washes over you. You’re becoming extremely uncomfortable, standing in between your ex-husband and your date. Wiping the sweat off your palms onto the front of your pants, you tuck a strand of hair behind your hair. “See you Jungkook. Call me if something happens,” you say after clearing your throat.
He looks at you blankly, with no particular look in his eyes, the ambiguousness of his expression eats at your skin. “Okay. Have fun.”
At this point, Jungkook should have walked away, but he stands firm simply staring at you. You fidget uncomfortably in place before scurrying over to the door and opening it.
Before you can step out, Jungkook places a hand on Seokjin’s shoulder and clears his throat. When Seokjin turns to face him, Jungkook stares blankly at the older man before sticking his hand out. 
“Hey, thanks for taking care of my wife at work. Really appreciate it man- ex-wife, I mean.”
Seokjin narrows his eyes at the man at the odd remark. Seokjin’s eyes scan over Jungkook’s frame, detecting his apprehension. Jungkook doesn’t look away from the guy, blankly staring at him until a response is given. 
Seokjin grips Jungkook’s hand very firmly. “Of course.”
And though the interaction seems very amicable, you don’t miss the way both of the men’s knuckles nearly turn white. 
What was supposed to be a cute and romantic first date turned into you and Seokjin urgently speeding down the freeway.
It started when Seokjin excused himself to check his phone and his face immediately dropped.
“What’s wrong?”
“My son says he’s at a party, and that the party got busted because kids were drinking,” Seokjin explains disjointedly, appearing and sounding very stressed. He brushes a hand through his hair and you can’t help but pout. 
“Oh my gosh, where do these high school kids even get alcohol from?” You step closer to him, peering over his shoulder to read the text. One of your hand rubs his biceps comfortingly because sure enough, the text reads
“dad, please don’t kill me but im at a party and the guy that was driving us started drinking and im scared.”
His son Seokmin sends his location, and when you take heed of the zip code, you gasp. “He’s two hours away? How’d he even get there?” 
Seokjin releases a dejected groan, jaw clenching at his son’s disobedience. Now he has to go clean up after his son’s shit. Great.  
Sighing, he places a hand on his hip. “I’m sorry Y/N, I’m going to have to get him. Do you think we can reschedule for another time?” He looks at you with guilt painted all over his face and you quickly shake your head at the notion. 
“Don’t apologize for that, please. Let me go with you and you can take the HOV lane to get their faster,” you suggest, wrapping an arm around his broad shoulders. 
“You don’t have to do that. Your kids will miss you.”
“They’ll survive without me. You’re always there for me, so please accept my offer.”
Seokjin purses his lips then acquiesce. Nodding, he smiles at you. “Thank you so much. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
“This is you making it up to me,” you giggle, “It’ll be fun. I can tell you about all the office drama.” 
Seokjin’s a very conscientious driver. His pupils fixate on the road, his foot ever so slightly presses on the brakes so you don’t jerk forward like you do with Soyeon. It doesn’t surprise you- carefully observing traffic laws is very characteristic of Seokjin and contributes to his lovely demeanor. 
The car ride is long, but conversations with Seokjin make time hasten.
“What?” Seokjin muses, hand banging on the driver’s wheel. “Jaehyung and Jungmin had an affair?”
You eagerly nod your head. “Yes they did! You can imagine my discomfort when I walked in on them in. In the printing room, at that! I gave them an ultimatum to fess up or I’d tell their partners,” you elaborate. 
“Huh,” Seokjin thinks aloud. “I thought it was coincidental that they were getting a divorce at the same time... But that’s a really great thing you did, Y/N. You know my ex-wife cheated on me too.”
Your eyebrows furrow at the confession. “ I’m sorry. Some people can be so horrible.”
“It’s okay,” Seokjin dismisses the thought, laughing it off. “She’s dead now so it doesn’t matter.”
At that bomb drop, your actions falter. “Oh my gosh, Seokjin. I had no idea she passed away. I’m so sorry.”
Once again Seokjin laughs it off. “It’s alright Y/N. I use humor to cope so it doesn’t bother me as much. I do feel horrible for my boys, though. It’s a lot to deal with but I’m trying my best as a single dad,” a reluctant sigh leaves his lips, and your heart immediately drops. 
“You can talk about it, if you want,” you offer, “we do have a lot of time.”
Seokjin makes a pshh sound of reluctance with his lips. “I mean, I don’t want to trauma dump on you, but if you want to hear the tea then I can spill.”
You giggle at his usage of the word tea. Why is he using the lingo of a teenage girl? He takes your laughing as a yes and continues to speak while he drives.
“Well, she cheated on me about five years ago with one of her work colleagues, and subsequently we got divorced,” he explains with a shrug, “I don’t regret it. I mean, I was heartbroken- I couldn’t even stand being in her vicinity.”
“I would have done the same. That’s completely on her, not you.” you expressively claim, becoming fixated on his words. 
“That’s what I thought too, but then the kids had  to do the whole one week with me, one week with her things, and I wondered  if I should have just sucked it up to keep the family together,” he explains, looking as forlorn as ever.
The notion pains you; you understand where he’s coming from. Sometimes you don’t know if you can handle being in your ex-partner’s  vicinity, especially considering the pain this partner may have inflicted. Nonetheless, handling the situation with emotional suppression and maturity is the only option for the sake of your children.
“Somehow the kids found out what she did, and it didn’t sit well with them,” he continues, eyebrows furrowing at the painful memory. 
You have your own opinion on the matter, but it isn’t about you right now. Of course it didn’t sit well with them. You’ve been in that exact situation- the memory of your father with some woman is still vivid and it makes you nauseous to this day. Betraying your mother meant betraying you and your siblings. The pain and guilt  you felt for your mother was indescribable. You were never able to forgive him for that.
“From then on, there was always a degree of resentment between her and the kids- and it never really got resolved. So, when she passed away, I’m sure my boys had a lot of regrets,” he finishes, sighing deeply. 
“You’re really a superhero dad, Seokjin. You’re doing everything as best as you can for your boys, and I really admire that,��� you insert, and you mean it.
“I’m trying, but I’m not so sure if I can replace the nourishment their mother gave- but I also suppose that she ruined it for herself too,” Seokjin sighs, fingers gripping the wheel even tighter.
“Um, you know, if your boys ever need some mother-es que feminine figure in their life, I would love to fill those shoes,” you offer timidly. “Haru really likes your sons, so I can always help out, or invite you guys over for dinner.”
“You know Y/N, I really appreciate that, and would love to take you up on your offer, but I wouldn’t want to cause strain on your family dynamic,” he expresses honestly. 
For some reasons, his words elicit a very intense feeling of shame that echoes throughout your system. “I’m so sorry,” you enunciate. “You must have been uncomfortable… at my house,” you speculate accurately. 
Seemingly hitting the nail on the spot, he sheepishly laughs. “Not uncomfortable,” he clarifies matter a factly, “He couldn’t have made me uncomfortable,” Seokjin jokes, “But, shit, I don’t know.” He brakes softly at the upcoming red light and leans his head against the window. 
Rendering you speechless, you shrink into your seat in embarrassment.
Noticing your timid demeanor, Seokjin straightens in his seat. “Hey, I didn’t mean it like that,” he perks up, “Y/N, don’t be like that. You can talk to me about it. You can trust me; you know I’d never judge you.”
You gnaw on your bottom lip, the vulnerability of the situation making you want to shrivel up. But honestly you had no right, the man just opened up about his cheating dead wife. 
You shake your head, looking down so he wouldn’t notice the tears accumulating on your waterline. “No, no, it’s not that- I just I feel so awful, going on a date with you when things with my ex are so complicated.”
Seokjin sends you a look of awe before sputtering out a laugh of disbelief. “Y/N, don’t feel bad about that. I mean- we technically haven’t even gone on a first date yet so this” he motions towards you and himself. “Hasn’t gone anywhere yet.”
You sniffle, wiping your waterline with the sleeve of your blouse. “I know, but I want to be your friend. I-I don’t want this be weird,” you explain between hiccups.
Seokjin amusingly sighs at the blubbering mess coming out of your mouth. “Y/N... you are the last thing on this Earth I find weird,” he trails off. “I mean, I am a little disappointed but it’s good we got this out of the way,” he admits. “Do you want to talk about it, though? How do you think you feel about him?” he asks. 
Leaning against the window, you ponder what to say. “I’m not sure how I feel about him. I was hoping that we would get along since I like you,” you mumble softly. “But my ex-husband stays in contact, it's like he has some sort of hold over me.”
Seokjin raises an eyebrow as he processes this information. “What do you mean by persistent?”
Taking a deep breath, you try to push away the feeling of unease in your stomach. “He said some outrageous stuff, saying he'll always be around if I want him back," you explain. "I mean, can you believe that? He's the one who served me papers."
The older man lets out a low whistle. “But Y/N, ou are still quite young. Not to minimize divorce, but being impulsive and immature can cloud one’s judgement sometimes," Seokjin points out.
You don't respond; Seokjin has made a good point, but the divorce was so difficult that you would hate to attribute it to impulsivity.
“Do you think his feelings are genuine?” Seokjin presses on carefully.
“I-I don't know," you answer hesitantly.
"Would you like them to be genuine?" He follows up with another question that shakes you to your core. If Jungkook was truly serious about wanting to marry you again, would that make you happy?
After a few moments of contemplation, you quietly whisper: “Yes, I guess so."
Seokjin gives a half-smile and states matter-of-factly: “And there we go.”
You allow yourself to process the realization before it slams into you like a ton of bricks.
“Oh my gosh I still love him,” and then you place your face into your cupped hands, sobbing at the impact of the intense realization that has been taken over. 
Seokjin is dumbfounded, hasn’t a clue what to do with this crying lady in his passenger seat. The way you’re crying and hiccupping into your sleeves while trying to express how you feel is somewhat adorable; he can’t do anything except extend a hang to pat you on the back. 
“34, 35, 36, 37- daddy, I’m getting tired of counting. Can I get off now?” 
“No baby, keep counting- just til we get to 100,” Jungkook’s replies, appearing a bit out of breath and lethargic. He pushes his body up and down against the rug with both hands, as if he was really out of breath. But really, he had an inner fire that he needed to put out or else he'd go mad. 
Making his seven-year-old kid sit on his back while he does push-ups? That is so Jungkook of him.
“You’re a lunatic,” Namjoon calls out  nonchalantly from his comfortable position on the couch. Namjoon’s wife went out for her friends for the first time since giving birth, leaving their baby girl alone with him. 
The conversation in the group chat went something like this.
jungkook: wyd everyone
taehyung: ?? i told you i was in dubai for a meeting
hobi: he doesn’t listen when u speak, always in his own little world
hobi: I’m at a dinner with my girlfriend’s parents 👀
jimin: OMG!! Does that mean…? YOUre asking them if u can propose to their daughter?!?
hobi: yes
namjoon: COngrats Hobi!1!!1
namjoon: im just sitting on myass at home. The wife went out for girls’ night so i’m here alone
jungkook: congrats hobi, have a long marriage. don't be like me🤣
jungkook: wanna come over namjoon? My kids’ mother is out
hobi: lol they were both abandoned by their baby mommies
“‘m not,” Jungkook replies, aggressively continuing his push-ups until his daughter claws onto the back of his shirt and jumps off her father’s back.
“Uncle Namjoon, can you sit on his back? I’m getting tired,” Hina complains before plopping next to Namjoon and stroking the hair of his little girl.
“I can do it!” Haru appears from across the room, his tiny legs sprinting to practically cannon ball onto his dad’s back, and just like that Haru has K.O’d his father for the first time, leaving Jungkook’s (practically lifeless) body on the carpet.
Namjoon stifles a laugh. “What’s wrong with your dad, Hina?” he ponders aloud scooping some applesauce into a plastic spoon to put into his daughter’s mouth.
“Do you want me to feed Lauren?” Hina asks, and Namjoon nods, handing Hina the spoon so she can spoon-feed Lauren the applesauce. 
“Well, daddy’s just sad because mommy went on a date. He’s still in love with mommy but mommy doesn’t love him,” Hina explains, the bold declaration leaving Namjoon astonished. 
“How do you know so much, Hina?” Namjoon asks.
“I just do,” Hina shrugs casually, leading Namjoon to question the health of this situation.
Namjoon scowls, redirecting his line of  vision to Jungkook, whose body is still on the ground like a thud.
Namjoon stands up, his daughter attached to his body with a baby backpack. “Get up Kook,” He stands in front of Jungkook, offering his hand. Jungkook looks up and accepts the hand, getting on his feet. 
“Follow me,” Namjoon commands and Jungkook really can’t do anything but listen to the older friend. Opening the door to the garage, Namjoon lets Jungkook step outside before standing in front of the door like a bodyguard.
“Wanna talk about it?” Namjoon asks, and the realization makes Jungkook laugh. His misery is so apparent his friend sees right through him.
“The kids told you Y/N went on a date?” Jungkook guesses. “I have half the mind to call her back and say Haru broke his leg or something,” he trails off.
Namjoon looks at Jungkook mortified at his borderline toxic behavior. “You know you divorced her, right?”
“Yes, I fucking know that,” he seethes, “that’s why I just have to suck this up and deal with it.”
Namjoon places his palms over his daughter’ ears at Jungkook’s unbecoming language, glaring at Jungkook. 
“Sorry,” Jungkook whispers, regaining his composure.
“It’s fine,” Namjoon adds. “But are you serious about still having feelings for Y/N? You seemed pretty sure about the divorce.” The comment makes Jungkook want to shrivel up and jump into a hole. He’s tarnished your reputation as a couple, and even his friends are questioning the validity of his emotions. 
Why would you ever believe him? 
“I am,” Jungkook declares. “Y/N.. she’s the only woman I’ve ever loved. I was never able to move on.”
Namjoon softens at Jungkook’s declaration, chewing at the inside of his mouth in contemplation. “Well, I don’t have my two cents to give,” he mumbles, “you already know you have to suck it up.”
He pats Jungkook on the back gingerly, and Namjoon’s analysis that there is no hope sucks the life out of Jungkook. 
“Now let’s go back in and play with your kids. They’ll always make you happy."
Seokjin pulls up at the McDonalds, Seokmin coming out with a noticeable sheen of shame on his face. Seokjin unlocks the car and leans back into the welcoming fabric of his seat, releasing a sigh of relief when his son gets in the car.
Seokmin looks a lot older than you last remember- well that’s quite literally how the process of  aging works, but now he exceeds your height, and has a larger and broader build than he did before. The resemblance between the kid and his father is astounding- Seokmin is practically a mini-Seokjin.
Turning to the backseat, Seokjin sends his son a tight-lipped smile and firmly squeezes his son’s hand. “Are you okay?” 
“Yea I’m alright- was just a little scared,” his son responds, before directing his attention towards you. “I’m really sorry you had to come all the way here, and that I interrupted your date.”
You immediately shake your head and dismiss his apology with a wave. “Not at all, your dad and I had a lot of fun on the way here,” you insist, sending Seokmin a motherly smile.
Seokjin looks at you very amused before he glances at the uncomfortable sheen on his son’s face. “It’s not a date anymore, Seokmin- Dad wasn’t charismatic enough to win Y/N over,” Seokjin sighs jokingly.
Seokmin stifles his laughter, leaning back into the seat. “Oh no, what did my dad do to you?” he jokingly asks, making Seokjin roll his eyes at the comment. 
“No, that’s not it all,” you thoroughly insist. “You know, your dad is very handsome, and very popular in the office, but I, I guess we’re just not romantically compatible,” you explain, and Seokjin laughs.
“Surprisingly I believe that. You wouldn’t believe all the crazy things girls at school say about him,” Seokmin shudders, recalling a particular incident that shall not be discussed!
You take a peek at Seokjin, who looks so effortlessly and naturally handsome, especially when he’s laughing at his son’s words. “Yup,” you agree, “I can definitely see that.”
The clock reads 2:13 AM when Seokjin pulls into the driveway of your home.
“Gosh Y/N, it’s so late. I’m sorry you had to come with us,” Seokjin sends you an apologetic look.
You dismiss the idea with a wave of your hand. “I haven’t had that much fun in a really long time, I feel like I’m back in college going to parties again.”
“But you stayed in the car the whole time,” Seokjin inserts, eliciting a sputtering laugh from his son. Shooting him a look of playful annoyance you smile at Seokmin. “Please try not to worry your dad anymore,” you lecture pointedly.
Seokmin sends you a lopsided grin, as if he can’t take you seriously considering your naturally playful nature. “Yes ma’am, and I really hope you’ll consider giving my dad another chance," he jokes, making his dad slap the back of the kid's head.
You send him a motherly smile before stepping out of the car. “Be good to your dad, and Seokjin, be good to your son. And hey, please consider playing with my son once in a while” you say, bidding your goodbyes.
Unlocking the door and stepping inside, you’re immediately met with Jungkook anxiously pacing around the living room. At your appearance, he pauses and looks at you if he’s verifying if you’re actually real. You stare at with him with mirroring emotion, just so thankful that he’s here, so thankful that he’s waiting for you, and so thankful that he still loves you. 
You drop your purse and run into his arms, melting into the warm and comforting heat of his body. Though heavily confused, he welcomes your embrace with equal fervor.
With him right in front of you, your resolve crumbles. Your knees get so weak that you feel like you’re going to collapse. Jungkook immediately recognizes it and holds you up. 
“Whoa whoa, Y/N, what’s wrong? What happened? Did he do something?”
You shake your head, leaning into him and letting him hold you while he strokes your hair. “Didn’t even go on the date- his kid called him and asked him to come get him cause a party got busted or something. We drove like four hours.”
Jungkook's shoulders relax, feels like a huge burden has been lifted from his shoulders. Thank God it wasn't for any other reason. He would have lost his mind. “You should have texted me back. You worried me.”
At that you check your phone, not even realizing that he texted you. 
y/n: sorry jungkook, you can tuck the kids in and go to sleep- won’t be back until later in the night. 
jungkook: ?
jungkook: what happened?
You crimson. “Sorry- I-I didn’t see it,”
Jungkook nods his head slowly and understandingly. “That’s okay. So, when’s the next date?” 
Instead of responding, you melt back into embrace and rub your face onto his chest, latching into him like a koala bear. 
“Y/N,” he laughs, “Look at me.”
You look up at him, and with the familiar sight of him peering down at you with concern on his face, you become emotional. You make that silly face you always make when you’re about to cry. You squint your eyes and morph your facial features oddly to hold back the tears, but Jungkook recognizes it, nonetheless.
“Baby… what happened?”
You shake your head again, pressing your cheek against Jungkook’s chest. You can’t live like this anymore. You have to let him know. “There isn’t a second date. Jungkook, I-I’m sorry. I hate pretending like my feelings don’t exist., I want to be with you again. I want our family to be whole again,”
Jungkook looks slightly speechless at your heartfelt confession. He hasn’t a clue of what to say, so he just hugs you tightly against him, gently stroking your hair with a tattooed hand. 
Of course, his heart is soaring at the notion, but this is all happening with such rapidity that he can’t process your words.  “Sleep with me tonight?”
“Okay- I will, just- are you mad at me?” you ask in anticipation, wincing at what he might say.
He softens at how tender you’re being. “Y/N, I’m tired. Can we go to bed and talk more?”
You grudgingly nod, so emotionally overstimulates and exhausted you don't want to think. You let him lead you to his bedroom before you head to his closet and change out of your suffocating clothing into one of Jungkook's oversized t-shirts.
Crawling into bed with him, you use his arm as a pillow and snuggle into his chest. Despite the smears of makeup on his shirt, Jungkook doesn't seem to mind. “Did something happen today?” he asks softly.
In between hiccups, you reply. “Seokjin’s a really nice guy and it was wrong of me to ask him out when I still have feelings for you. I- I don’t know…I just want to stay single forever."
Your confession shakes Jungkook up a little. It's not like he didn't know you still felt something, but hearing it explicitly is a different story. Jungkook sighs. “I don’t want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable,” he insists. “But Y/N, I don’t think I can handle you welcoming another man into your life.”
“Okay, if you don’t want me to, then I won’t," you simply say, your voice calm.
“Then,” Jungkook starts slowly. “Do you want to give us another try?”
“I think I'd like that,” you stammer, as you sink into his comforting embrace. 
Jungkook pulls you in close and kisses your forehead lightly. “Let's take some time to think about it, and then let me know how you feel tomorrow morning.”
You nod, snuggling closer to him, finally feeling like home again. You drift off to sleep with his arms still around you tight, both of your hearts beating as one unit now that it’s just the two of you together again.
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nattroan · 9 months
𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞!!✦
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You were so fucking in love with Natalie, she and you have known each other for a while, ever since Lottie introduced you to Natalie, ever since that day you like to think that you have a special connection with her despite how different the two of you are, Even though Of course, you liked her a lot.
The soccer team was very well known, so they were always invited to parties. The cheer team was also famous for their impeccable victories in cheer competitions against other schools so they always invited you to parties since you were on the cheer team but you didn't go to get drunk or things like that you only went for one person and that person was Natalie. You were very close to Natalie. You were always by her side doing anything but lately you have distanced yourself from her because you were trying to understand why you are so in love. of her if she only sees you and treats you like another friend
(that's what you think but the reality was that she really liked you a lot and people could tell it very easily thanks to how she always looks at you with that loving look and all the compliments and hints she told you that you couldn't understand)
Natalie was confused and a little hurt when she realized you walked away from her without giving her any explanation.
She didn't understand why you walked away from her overnigh
You had been ignoring her every time she greeted you or said something to you and every time she got close to where you were you left super fast, until one day you went to a party at Lottie's house, you didn't want to go because you knew that Natalie was going to be there but your friends from the cheer team along with Lottie convinced you to go, as soon as you arrived you were praying not to see Natalie, until you saw her and stood there looking at her, she looked so pretty in that black leather jacket that she always wore and that dark makeup that you loved how it looked on her, you were wearing a white dress full of drawn strawberries that reached to your knees, with red converse and red heart-shaped glasses that she coincidentally wore. I loved seeing you with them, Natalie as soon as she saw you she thought she saw an angel, according to her you were the most fucking beautiful woman in the fucking universe, she thought you looked like a goddess and wanted to go greet you but you barely noticed that she was approaching you You left super fast, she was fed up with you ignoring her and the fact that she followed you only to corner you and ask you for an explanation as to why you were blocking her, you finally thought you had lost sight of her until you felt someone grab you. from behind and puts you against the wall, it was her, it was Natala who had cornered you, you turned super red because you still had feelings for her,
“why are you ignoring me?” She asked angrily, “Did I do something bad to hurt you or something? Because I don't think it's fair that you behave like a bitch to me overnight without me having done something."
You stayed silent because you knew what she was saying was true.
“Come on, tell me,” she said, more angry at your silence,
“because I like to” you said raising your voice,
"What" Natalie said confused,
"what you heard stupid-"
Suddenly Natalie kissed you, when you separated due to lack of air you said "why?"
"why the what?" Natalie responded
"why did you kiss me?" You said
"because I like you too," you smiled and kissed Natalie back. and you noticed how she
He smiled in the middle of the kiss,
"So that means we're a couple now," Natalie said.
“Of course,” you said and kissed her again.
That night at the party you spent it with Natalie kissing and telling each other how they fell in love with each other.
n/a: English is not my first language, if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry :)
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lavenderlegends · 11 months
can you fall in love after a single kiss?
ship: stiles/derek prompt: crisp air characters: erica, scott, isaac, danny, jackson, allison mention, boyd mention cw: drinking tags: college au, fluff word count: 2.6k ao3 ♞♚♞♚
"Ahhhh," Stiles says, as he steps out into the crisp fall air. He looks over at Erica. "Do you feel that?"
"Hm?" she says, looking up from her phone. "What's that?"
"The air! Fall has begun!" Stiles exclaims. He nudges her. "C'mon, why aren't you enjoying this?"
"Because," Erica says, looking back down at her phone as they walk down the path towards the parking lot. "I've got a lot going on at the moment."
"Mhm, it's that guy, isn't it?" Stiles asks, trying to peek at her screen. She hides it from him with a pointed expression.
"None of your business," she answers.
"Ugh. Well, will I at least see you at Danny's party?" Stiles shoves his hand into his pocket, searching for his Jeep keys. Erica doesn't answer by the time he's pulled out the bi flag lanyard, so he pouts. "Ericaaaa, midterms are over. We have to celebrate. Please tell me you're coming to Danny's party."
"What?" she asks, looking up at him. "Oh. Danny's party. Yes. I'll be there."
"Will he be there?" Stiles asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
Erica's face flushes in a way he's never seen before. She shrugs. "Maybe."
"I can't wait to meet the mystery man, then."
"He's not a mystery man. He's just a guy I met at the library." Erica bites her bottom lip when they reach his Jeep and are about to say goodbye. He doesn't rush to open the door.
"What is it?"
"I think... oh my god, I can't believe I'm even thinking this, let alone saying this... but..."
"Spit it out already," Stiles says, shaking with impatience. He should've taken his Adderall today, but definitely forgot. He likes to pretend he does better studying without it, but his most recent midterm would prove otherwise.
Erica ducks her head. "I think he's, like, the one."
"What," Stiles blurts. He doesn't mean to, really, but he's never ever heard Erica talk like this and they've been best friends since kindergarten. Stiles waits until she lifts her head up again before he asks, "Are you possessed?"
She shakes her head.
Stiles blinks. "Holy shit, Erica! That's huge. I never thought you'd settle down for a boyfriend, let alone the one."
Erica lets out a soft laugh. "Yeah, me neither. I don't know what it is about him, Stiles, but he gets me."
"Does he...?"
"Know I'm trans? Yeah," Erica says, nodding. "I know. It's strange, isn't it? I don't think I've ever been on a second date before."
"But this guy?"
"This guy," Erica confirms, a shy smile crossing her lips. "This guy is something else. Listen, I'm going to go shopping before Danny's party. I want to look good. I'll catch up with you later?"
"Sounds good."
"And if you tell anyone what I said--"
He laughs. "As if anyone would believe me."
"True." Erica grins, and bounces away with a skip in her step. Stiles stares after her.
This party is going to be one to remember.
Erica's in love. It's obvious. She just met the guy a week ago, but some things are undeniable.
He smiles to himself as he gets into his Jeep. Maybe, just maybe, the one for him is at the party tonight too.
Stiles shows up a little late, but he meant to be on time. He even set like six alarms to stop his ADHD from getting in the way, but alas, it was pointless. He just hopes Danny isn't mad.
"There you are!" Danny's voice comes when Stiles enters the kitchen.
"Hey, sorry." Stiles hands him a bag of ice. "I know, I know. Super late. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Derek also brought ice."
Stiles jerks his head back. "You asked Derek to bring you ice too?"
"I did," Danny says. "Figured you'd be late. I've known you since high school, remember?"
"Yeah, yeah," Stiles says, rolling his eyes. "I just can't believe you asked Mr. Grumpy Pants to bring ice. It's like asking a bear to step out of their cave while they're hibernating."
"Ha, ha," a sarcastic, dry tone comes from behind him.
Stiles jumps and whips around to see Derek freaking Hale standing behind him. He groans. "Are you everywhere? I swear, you have the hearing of a bat."
Derek tilts his head. "You shouldn't be that surprised to see me. I am Danny's roommate."
"Mhm," Stiles says. "Don't remind me."
Stiles and Derek haven't gotten along since first semester of first year. The guy has been nothing but rude and grumpy to Stiles. His theory is that Derek's in love with Danny, especially because his attitude just got worse after he learned that Stiles and Danny used to hook up in high school.
But Danny's been dating Jackson pretty much since they started college, so Stiles doesn't get why Derek's not over him yet.
"Alright, I'm off to find Scott and Isaac!" Stiles announces, before muttering, "'Cause I can't stand to be around you anymore."
Derek snorts. "Like I want to be around you either."
"Can't we be nice for one night?" Danny pleads, but Stiles just tosses his hand in the air and walks towards the living room.
Erica's talking to a very handsome guy in the corner, and she's twirling her hair. He freezes, watching them. He's never seen her twirl her hair before. Ever. But there she is, giggling, and looking up at this guy with the biggest heart-eyes he's ever seen.
"Oh my god, I can't believe it," Isaac says, suddenly appearing at Stiles' side. Scott joins him on the other side. "I've never seen Boyd talk so much to a girl before."
"Yeah, it's a bit weird," Scott says. "Erica's like... usually on the prowl by now."
"Jesus," Stiles mutters. "You make her sound like a cougar."
"Well, you know what I mean. She eats boys up and spits them out. It's her thing," Scott says. "I've never seen her so... infatuated before."
"That's a great word for it, honey," Isaac says, grinning. He shares a look with Scott, and Stiles groans. "What?"
"You two are also disgustingly in love," Stiles mutters. "Everyone seems to be these days!"
"Calm down," Scott says, but he's still got a moony look towards Isaac on his face. "You'll find the right person soon."
"Uh-huh." Stiles sighs. "I'm going to find Lydia. You two are making me nauseated."
He doesn't wait for them to protest, but heads out to the balcony. He smiles when he finds Lydia alone. She takes a long sip of her drink before looking at him.
"Nice night out, huh?" Stiles asks.
"Yeah." Lydia sighs. "I wish Ally was here tonight."
"Why isn't she?" Stiles asks, glancing back through the windows as if he might magically spot her.
"She went home to visit her parents."
"Are you two...?"
"Yeah," Lydia admits. "We're keeping it on the downlow for now. I mean, her breakup with Kira is still pretty fresh. But..."
"Damn." Stiles rubs his face. "Everyone seems to be in a relationship these days."
Lydia pats his shoulder. "I'm sorry, darling. You'll find someone. I just know it."
"Yeah. That's what they keep telling me." Stiles sighs.
Lydia finishes her drink and then says, "I'm going back inside. You coming?"
"I think I'll stay out here for now." Stiles doesn't care if he shivers. Nothing is going to make him go back inside now.
Erica has Boyd. Danny's with Jackson. Scott and Isaac have been dating for almost a year. Now Lydia and Allison? When is it going to be his turn?
Stiles stretches his neck before leaning over the edge of the balcony. He's looking into a parking lot, and it's not very exciting, but he can sort of see the city lights from here, and that's nice. He guesses.
He's not drunk enough for this.
Maybe he should ditch the party, curl up, and watch Disney Plus. Anything would be better than this. Being alone. Again. As always.
"Room for one more out here?"
Stiles freezes at the sound of Derek's voice before turning. "What do you want?"
"Thought maybe we could talk." Derek shuts the door gently behind him. "What do you say?"
"Whatever," Stiles mutters.
"What's your problem with me?" Derek asks, as if he doesn't already know. Stiles glances at him again but can't stare too long because his heart has started to pound.
He's never actually been alone with Derek before.
"Like you don't know," Stiles mutters.
"I don't," Derek says, flatly.
"You've been nothing but rude to me, and you only got ruder once you learned about my history with Danny."
Derek blinks. "What are you talking about?"
"Sure. Play dumb." Stiles rolls his eyes. He turns to face Derek now, surprised at how close they are together. It's not a huge balcony, but it's not that small either.
Derek looks down at Stiles, just slightly, and asks, "Talk to me like I'm dumb."
"Fine." Stiles lifts his head and bites his lip. Derek's eyes are unwavering on his. "You are the rudest person I have ever met. You totally changed your vibe around me after the news about Danny and I came out. You were stiffer, and not in like, a fun way. You wouldn't look me in the eyes. You just... grunted. A lot. Danny was my first. I was his first. It was all very sweet, but just because you're in love with Danny, doesn't mean you have like... claim on him. He's his own person. And he chose Jackson. So, I don't get why you're such an asshole to me."
Stiles is shaking now, but he doesn't care.
The crisp fall air has turned cold.
And then...
Derek kisses him.
Stiles would jerk back if he had the ability to think. But Derek's lips are hot against his, and suddenly, Stiles is grabbing onto Derek's sweater, and holding him there.
He'd be lying if he said this hadn't popped into his mind before. But he never thought... never in a million years imagined... never...
Derek pulls away, but not far.
His voice is soft but gruff when he says, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Then he turns on his heels and walks back into the party. As if he hadn't just given Stiles the best kiss of his life.
"What the fuck?" Stiles whispers, bringing his shaking fingers up to his lips.
He doesn't know what to make of that, so he stays out on the balcony until it's too cold, and then when he goes back into the party, Derek's already gone.
He can't stop thinking about it. He might actually understand Erica's obsession with her phone and Boyd now. Stiles waits. He waits for some sort of flicker of hope that maybe Derek kissing him was real. That maybe it wasn't a fluke.
But no notifications ever come. No Instagram follow. No accidental Tweet like. Not even a Facebook friend request.
Stiles hates it.
"Hey darling, I'm sorry, but I have to bail on our shopping trip today," Lydia tells him on the phone a few days later. "Allison had a rough time at home, and came back to campus early. I'm going to go over to hers, is that okay?"
"Yeah, of course," Stiles says, absentmindedly.
"Okay, thank you!" Lydia sends kisses through the phone and hangs up.
It takes him a minute to realize they've said goodbye and she's gone.
He's busy staring at Danny's messages in Whatsapp and debating on what to say.
Nothing sounds right.
hey your dumb roommate kissed me
hey can you fall in love after a single kiss
hey I was wondering if I could come over?
The last one, he sends.
Danny gives him a thumbs-up and Stiles makes his way over. He hesitates at the door, but it swings open and Jackson stands there.
"Jesus!" Jackson says. "You almost gave me a heart attack, Stilinski. What are you doing here?"
"We're going to hang out and play some video games!" Danny's voice comes from somewhere in the apartment.
"That," Stiles says.
"Alright," Jackson replies, shaking his head. "Just, like, knock next time." He pauses to call back to Danny. "Love you!"
"Love you too!" Danny shouts.
Jackson heads out and leaves the door open for Stiles. He slowly inches his way into the apartment and shuts the door behind him.
"Is, uh, Derek here?" Stiles asks.
"Huh?" Danny says, coming into the living room. He wears a bright smile. "No, no. He hasn't been around all week. Studying for some big test he has next week, I guess. The apartment's all ours."
"Where's Jackson going?"
"Oh, his dad's in town, so they're having dinner."
Danny gives Stiles a quick hug. "C'mon, let's play."
It's reasonable of Danny to assume Stiles wants to play a video game, but all he wants to do right now is ask about Derek. He shoves his questions deep down though.
At least, until he can't hold it in any longer. They're three hours deep into the newest game Danny bought and Stiles blurts, "Why would Derek kiss me?"
Danny freezes, pauses the game, and turns to look at Stiles. "He did what now?"
"He kissed me. At your party. On that balcony. Last week." Stiles breathes. He's finally told someone else and it feels good. "Why... why would he do that?"
"I... I honestly don't know," Danny says, slowly. His eyebrows come together. "Although, now that I think about it, he does ask about you sometimes."
"He does?" Stiles asks, hating how hopeful he sounds.
"Yeah. Like he asked if I had heard from you after the party," Danny explains. "I thought it was a little weird, but... Derek's kind of weird, y'know? Keeps to himself a lot."
"Right." Stiles bites his lip. "Okay, you know what, let's not talk about it anymore. Pretend it never happened."
Because that's what Derek's doing.
"Sure thing," Danny says, and hits play on the game. Stiles is almost instantly killed.
Stiles is walking to class with Erica through the courtyard when he finally sees Derek for the first time since the party.
"Hey, I'm not feeling well suddenly." Stiles puts a hand over his stomach. "Dairy issues."
Erica scrunches her nose. "Gross, Stiles. You really don't need to tell me that every time. And also, stop eating dairy!"
Normally, he'd laugh, but he's too tense. "Catch you back at home?"
"Sure. Feel better," Erica says, kissing him on the cheek.
Stiles waits until she's in the building and out of sight before he crosses the courtyard. His heart pounds so loud he can hear it. He's losing his nerve the closer he gets, but he doesn't stop.
"You kissed me."
Derek swings his head up from his textbook. He meets Stiles' eyes and calmly says, "Yes."
"Why?" Stiles asks, slipping into the picnic table bench. "Because I've been thinking and thinking and nothing makes sense except--"
"I have a crush on you." Derek says it so clear-as-day, it almost shakes Stiles' core.
"But why?"
Derek swallows before answering. He keeps his voice low. "Because you are so unafraid to be yourself. Because you clearly care about our mutual friends. Because you show up with ice even when you're an hour late. Because you're loud and obnoxious and funny and a smart ass. Because you don't care that my parents are rich and my dad's the dean of our school. You treat me the exact same way. You don't tiptoe around me or ask me for favours or try to get in good with me to get in with my dad."
Stiles blinks. He's positive that at some point Danny told him about Derek's parents, but he didn't realize that people... did that to Derek because of them. He swallows.
"I... I see."
"Does that answer your question?" Derek asks.
"Yes. But I have one more."
Derek simply stares at him.
Stiles musters up all his courage and says, "Can we do it again?"
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lizzieislife94x · 10 months
Tumblr media
Naughty Girl (w.m)
Wanda Maximoff x G!P reader
Y/ns POV :
"Baby do we need to go to another one of Tony's stupid parties can't we stay in bed and cuddle watching movies " I pout to my girlfriend of 2 years as she does her make up "baby we have to go come on it will be fine, we can have a few drinks and dance the night away" she smiles, I groan and sit up to get my suit "ok fine" I silk in defeat after I fix my suit top covering my breasts and touch up my make up I walk into the bathroom and freeze at the dress Wanda has on its red and "see through wow" I say startling Wanda I can't help but giggle "sorry baby didn't mean to startle you just wanted to know how my suit looks and got distracted by your dress you look so fucking sexy" I say walking towards her leaving gentle kisses on her cheek "you look incredibly hot baby let's go before Tony throws a hissy fit at us for being late" I blush at the compliment and take my girlfriends hand walking downstairs "baby I'm gonna go speak to Nat ill catch up with you in a minute " I smile and press a gently kiss to her lips as I nod "ok wands I'm gonna go and get a drink so I'll be at the bar" I head to the bar and order a whisky letting my eyes land on my stunning girlfriend "hey this seat taken y/n" I look up to see Carol smirking and roll my eyes "no be my guest Carol" I sit uncomfortable as she gets closer tracing her hand down the front of my shoulder "you look sexy in suits y/n" I don't know what to do in awkward situations fuck "eh uh thanks Carol your dress is nice" I smile politely
Wandas POV: 
"Omg nat you should tell him how you feel Bruce is always looking at you with heart e..." I completely stop talking as my eyes land on y/n what the fuck is happening why does Carol have her hands all over MY girlfriend I swear I'm gonna throw this bitch out the window, I watch as her hands rests on her arm while she giggles and y/n continues drinking her drink "hey wands your hands are glowing red what's wrong" I snap out of my thoughts and look at Nat as she looks over at the interaction "oh shit I see, I'm sure it's not what it looks like you know what carols like she always tries to hit on y/n" I know there's nothing going on but I don't like the way she's touching what's mine "I know there's nothing going on nat but I don't like the way she touches what is mine so I'll come find you later"I say as I walk towards the bar "Wanda don't do anything" I hear Nat yellas I walk over to my girlfriend and rest my hand on her shoulder "is there something you want carol" I look at her with a blank expression "baby it's OK nothing happened" y/n says snaking her arms around my waist calming me a little "just testing your girlfriends loyalty " I hear y/n laugh a little to loud "Carol no offence but I'd never cheat on wanda let alone with you " before Carol can reply I grab y/ns hand and pull her towards our bedroom "baby nothing happened I felt super uncomfortable the full time " she defends herself I stop outside our bedroom door looking her straight in the eyes "no one touches what's mine ok and her hands where all over you" I state walking into the bedroom and she follows locking the door as soon as she turns I push her against the door in a bruising kiss biting her lip and I mumble against her lips "I think I need to remind you who you belong to y/n" I state in a stern tone and the moan that leaves her lips makes me smirk, I look down to notice the huge bulge in her pants "did that turn you on? Do you want me to remind you who you belong to"she gulps and nods "yes baby" I smirk and squeeze her bulge earning another moan from my gorgeous girlfriend "well you've been a naughty girl so your not getting it that easy your going to suffer" I drag her to the bed and push her down "strip now y/n" she wastes no time in stripping naked I can't help but bite my lip at the sight of her cock standing at all its glory, I walk to the drawer and take hand cuffs out and some silk ties "arms up y/n you don't get to touch till I say so" she whines and complies as I hand cuff her hands above her head and tie her ankles at the bottom of the bed "mhh such a good girl for me" she looks so vulnerable and sexy"fuck Wanda I'm yours" she moans and I strip taking my dress off slowly followed by my bra and panties the look on her face is such a turn on fuck "I'm gonna take a seat on your face and your gonna make me cum ok" I whisper into her ear seductively making her moan, I climb up and position myself above her face sinking down slowly "fuckk y/n use that tounge baby" Holy shit she teases my clit for a bit before sliding her tounge down my slit to my entrance "oh goddddd baby right there fuckkkk" I grip the headboard tight my knuckles start to turn white but Holy shit the pleasure this woman can give with her tounge alone I start to grind into her face as my orgasm approaches "fuck baby I'm cumingggg" I moan loud as my whole body trembles above her, I climb off and sit on her stomach "mhhh fuck baby that was amazing " I say breathless leaning down to kiss her 
Y/ns POV:
I kiss her passionately and moan "baby can I cum please " I beg I need to cum so fucking badly I look at her with puppy eyes my dick is gonna explode "nope naughty girls don't get to cum" she smirks as she lifts her ass and sits on top of my dick grinding gently "fuck baby please put it in I need to feel you around my dick" I beg but she ignores me and continues to grind on my hard cock I feel the orgasm waiting to bust but I can't cum fuck "mhhhh fuck y/n fuck I'm gonna cum" she grinds harder and faster as my dick slides back and forth through her dripping folds "fuckkkkkk " I feel her cum cover my dick as I moan helpless "please please fuck me baby I need to cum" she looks at me for a minute and uncuffs me turning leaving her ass in my face as she unties my ankles I lean up and grab her ass and bite gently as I flip her onto her back "I'm gonna fill you so fucking much I have so much cum sitting waiting to be unleashed " I moan out as I slam my dick deep inside her tight cunt "fuckkkkk" she screams "shit baby so tightttt" I moan into her ear as I start fucking her hard and fast after a few minutes I feel my cum shooting deep inside her "oh fuck" I groan slowing my thrust as she cums all over my dick."Fuck baby that was amazing but remember your mine" I smile and nod cuddling close to my gorgeous girlfriend.
AN: hope this was OK if you have a request message me ill do my best word count is 1.3k
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