#I'm sorry for doubting you all it'll never happen again
haledamage · 21 days
me, reading DBDA fanfic: it's really cute that no two writers quite agree what color Edwin's eyes are (genuine) (affectionate)
me, trying to write my first DBDA fanfic: *staring at pictures of George Rexstrew* what color are your eyes, you lovely boy?????
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floppnopikka · 22 days
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He would call you nicknames like 'sweet cheeks' 'sugar pie' 'honey crackers' 'hot stuff'
When you ever feel like you're in your lowest moments this man doesn't know what to do to comfort you BUT he will try his very best to cheer you up. In the Book of Bill, his life has been in his lowest moments and there was no one to comfort him except for his mom, Jimmy Snakes (probably) and Stanford. Taking you to dinner (his treat ofc but only because he hates seeing you all depressed) go fishing and getting a free souvenir from his Mystery Shack.
This man is STRONG, never doubt his strength, he can punch, kick, and punch again. All his fats are his muscles so if you ever have anything heavy to carry just let him do it or if you got a sprained ankle because of your clumsiness, expect this man to insult you first before carrying you like you weigh nothing, ok he might struggle BUT JUST FOR A LITTLE BIT.
Needs constant reassurance, this man has always been looked down and stepped on in his whole life only for himself to stand up again without anyone's help. If you happen to get in a relationship with him, he will ask and look at you for support and words for him to keep going. He can get a bit dependent on you but not always, he knows how to stand up for himself after decades of insults from others and your praise may seem skeptical for him but knew better than to trust your words.
This man cannot read without his glasses, if you see him without his glasses and he's trying to read something on his news paper or watching TV, you can see him squinting his eyes in a verge of closing them.
If someone harasses you or talks bad about you, this man will definitely talk shit to someone and punch them so hard they will end up in the hospital.
He's prideful and won't back down to any teasing you call him (in a playful manner) but when it's serious moments, he'll have a hard time expressing his feelings because it always turns to anger or walking out but when he does something wrong, it'll take him a few minutes to apologize because he was never one to apologize or people would just ignore his apology.
Stanley isn't a fan of those cheesy romantic things like, giving flowers, chocolates, writing poems and stuff like that. Unless it's valentine's day or your birthday, he'll ask Mabel and Dipper for help on how to greet you, set you up with him. Just because he's not that type of man doesn't mean he's not showing his love and affection for you.
When you're not around, he would fr brag you to anyone 'Have you seen Y/N? well, bad luck for you buddy, you literally missed a sight for sore eyes. Which happens to be my significant other!' and then he would laugh at the child or 'Look here buddy, Y/N is someone who's very passionate on anything they do, I mean look at them! don't you feel the raging flames of passion they're putting there?' he pointed the direction where you stood and then it's just you arguing with a karen in the grocery store while he grins lazily as he sips his soda 'Yup, very passionate'
When you two got into an argument and didn't end well, he would stay up all night thinking about it, tossing and turning on the bed with a groan. He will apologize but it's messy because he doesn't know how or it's too hard for him to do say it. "Look, I made a mistake and I... I know what I did was wrong and I just wanna say..." long pause "...m'sorry..." in the most quiet yet audible apology you'll ever hear but if that didn't budge you he'll try even more "Ok! ok! I really... am! I'm sorry, ok? what I did to you was wrong, I'll give you space if you need it and... I'm sorry, again, really" but you can't stay mad at him for long so you forgive him in an instant.
Overall, a patient and understanding partner is what he needs perhaps someone who has the same ego as him would be fun, an adventurous partner would be his cup of coffee since he is the most wanted criminal in America, you two would be partners in crime >:)
A/N: hope y'all like it, might be ooc of Stanley Pines
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madschiavelique · 9 months
Hello everything is fine? I could write an imagine where reader calls Miguel by last name just to tease him.
OMG HI SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG school has been taking up all of my time and i'm almost on holidays so yey !! i hope you'll like it <3
summary : you tease miguel by using his last name content warning : none, tensed miguel (aka just miguel in general), afab reader, no use of y/n (not proofread) word count : 1,4k
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There was nothing special about the day - in other words, nothing out of the ordinary had happened in the previous few days, nor was it about to. There was nothing exceptional about it, nothing out of the common, nothing new or repetitive. Except perhaps this:
"Good Morning, O'Hara."
Miguel's finger, which was about to settle on his holopad, stopped just above the orange screen at the appellation. The very word had frozen him in place.
Never in all of society was he called O'Hara. He'd made a point of everyone calling him Miguel, simply Miguel, no nickname, no length, just Miguel. 
He'd only ever been called that before in his life in a purely and harshly professional context. So why were those few letters suddenly pronounced between your lips giving him an impression of something less than professional?
You'd come to drop off some papers, more mission reports to read and check, more work for him. Nothing extraordinary in his routine, so why the name?
He turned to you, his eyebrows furrowing as he analyzed your face. Nothing unusual, you seemed fulfilled, awake, radiant... 
"Is everything okay?" you asked as he stared at you silently, his eyebrows trying to meet and wrinkling the skin of his forehead.
He blinked several times, coming back to reality and swallowing, giving you one last look before turning his head back to his screens. Maybe he'd just dreamed up that name, which meant another cup of coffee was in order.
"Yes, everything's fine." he said, clearing his throat, his finger finally settling on the still-pending key.
You placed the sheets on the edge of his desk, letting your fingers run up his arm and rest your hand on his back, caressing him gently to encourage him in his seemingly never-ending task. He sighed at ease, the simple gesture cancelling his frown.
"Unclench your jaw. You're tense, it'll give you a headache." you say simply, pressing lightly on the top of his shoulder.
The tension faded very gently. He relaxed his jaw, the gesture easing the pressure in his temples, and as he took a deep breath, a small portion of the reasons why he might be cranky today eased.
You turned away from him, he already missed your presence as your hand parted from his back. You moved on, beyond his platform on the ground, no doubt in search of more documents or perhaps in search of a mission...
"Ah! There you are," smiled Gwen, who had just entered the room when she saw you, "I've been filling my report on the last mission and I've heard you were collecting them today? I'm not too late for it now am I?"
"Not at all," you reassured her, and Miguel could hear the smile on your lips. "You'll find the pile of it next to O'Hara," you affirmed with a nod to the side, indicating the pile's location.
This time, he hadn't been dreaming. You'd deliberately pronounced his name that way. 
All the little tensions that had been wiped away by your hand like a brush over a white line of chalk clashing on a perfectly clean chalkboard reappeared bitterly in his body and mind.
No Miguel, no "Grumpy" as he could sometimes be called, but only by you - his name directly. He turned to you, eyebrows again furrowed and lips parted, but your back was to him as you made your way out of the office.
The day went on, and as the tasks piled up, Miguel's patience began to wear thin. At lunchtime alone, when he'd arrived in the cafeteria, you'd called him "over here O'Hara!" to your table.
He wasn't going to start counting the number of times you'd called him that today, he told himself, yet he couldn't help mentally noting all the incidences in question.
Just this afternoon when he'd mentioned wanting yet another cup of coffee, you'd smiled as you left, chuckling on your way, "Right up, O'Hara!"
Then, when other spiders had come asking for information, you'd replied, "You can see later with O'Hara."
Or even when Lyla had asked you a simple question and you'd replied, "O'Hara's in charge of classifying these files."
He had never been sick of his own name, and in truth the situation wasn't as unpleasant as it might have seemed, quite the contrary: he was intrigued, amused, entranced.
The taste his name seemed to have on your lips was far too sweet and enjoyable for him to deprive you of uttering it. He felt like chasing it, searching for it, finding it and enjoying the taste of it on your lips. 
Only, the rumor that you and Miguel had had an argument spread like wildfire through society.
"She called him by name!"
"What? Impossible, no one calls him O'Hara directly."
"'Tis so, though, and Miguel turned to her, completely dismayed."
"She even repeated it several times! Either she's lost a bet, or she's searching and running toward certain death."
And having attention focused like this on your relationship when other things had to take priority displeased him. He couldn't miraculously create missions to divert their attention, although administering more paperwork to certain members of the company wouldn't have gone amiss... But it was when he remembered the state in which certain documents had been returned full of Hobbie's matter glitch or stained by Mayday's drool when Peter had handed in his report that he realized it wasn't going to be possible.
It was when you repeated the appellation once more that he decided to confront you on the subject.
"Cariño?" he asked, stopping his movements on his holopads to cross his arms. "Come here."
With a small, innocent smile, and feigning surprise at this sudden request, you approached him. Clasping your hands behind your back, holding yourself upright as you rocked back and forth from a lean on your heels to the tips of your feet, you stood in front of him.
He inhaled, the motion bulging his torso just as he sighed and looked at you, biting the inside of his cheek between his two canines.
"What's going on?" he finally asked, his jaw clenching again and letting you catch a glimpse of the small muscle tensing under his skin.
"What do you mean?" you question as if nothing had happened.
He runs his tongue over his teeth, mouth still closed as a low chuckle rumbles in his chest.
"My last name, you've been using it to call me since this morning."
"Oh really?" you say, pretending to frown as if what he'd just said made absolutely no sense.
He relaxed his brow, eyes half-closed before he raised his eyebrows, tilting his head back.
"Don't play this with me, nena."
You then simply smiled, letting your eyes turn to the ground for just a few seconds before returning to his gaze. Although you still looked playful at the moment, he felt you were slightly more capable of answering his questions. At least, he sensed that you were no longer pretending.
"Why do you keep calling me with it?" he asked as he half-sat down on his desk, one leg outstretched and the other slightly bent.
"It's a pretty name," you reply as you step towards him, now close enough for the barrier between the professional and the personal to be crossed, "am I not allowed to say it?"
Your hands came to rest on his chest, one moving up to his shoulder. He sighed, feeling your fingers press against his taut trapezius.
"Oh," he smiled with his eyes closed as you brought your hand up to his neck, "I want you to say it," both his hands came to rest on the small of your back, pulling you closer to him as he opened his eyes again, "but just for me."
He didn't care that it was probably selfish, he could well afford a slip about it. He didn't want to hear you say his name in front of anyone but him. He considered, after all, that it was his, and that he had the right to choose how he would be treated.
He came and gently seized your chin between his thumb and forefinger, bringing you up closer to kiss you tenderly. You stayed there a second, forehead pressed together.
"As you wish, O'Hara," you murmured against his lips.
The hint of a smile passed over his lips.
"Be careful with this name, because sooner or later it'll be yours."
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fivelila · 1 month
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- It's because he's in the CIA, huh? I'm just a dumb delivery driver. - No, Diego. - Then why? - Because I needed something for myself, okay? Something other than changing diapers and wine moms and ballet class. At least you get to get outside the house every day. I'm just trapped in this unending suburban hellscape. - I mean, that's good to know. That the life we built is so bad. - That's not what I meant. - You think I like delivering packals day in and day out? Busting my ass? Oh, trust me. I'd rather be out there cracking skulls, but, I mean, somebody's gotta show up for this marriage, ecause... it sure as hell ain't you.
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Like, I'm sorry, but that was torture to watch. At this point, I thought Five was just going to be used for a wannabe humorous interlude in a story about Lila supposedly having an affair with no further response… But… do you really feel like their relationship is just one grey cloud in the sky? That all they have to do is talk and it'll all be resolved?
The way she looks at him, he's showing off for her and she's just embarrassed. In the car, she wants to confide in him about how she feels and he turns it back on himself and his problems. Plus, he fits the role of hero, head of the family. And she's the ungrateful and selfish. At this point, I was just thinking, oh, girl, I'm sorry it turned out this way.
I think she talked to him many times, but he didn't want to listen or even understand her. That's the worst thing that can happen in a relationship. Their paths may have started together, but after that they went their separate ways.
In fact, I get the feeling he didn't appreciate her at all and took her for granted. He found a girl with wild blood, a crazy personality and a sparkle in her eye and made her a housewife. She looks so tired, unhappy and frustrated! And he's like, you got me, you got the kids, you got the house, take care of all that and be happy!
In my opinion, Lila was never that type. She probably did it for him (I don't doubt her love for her kids) but it must have been killing her more and more every day.
Sorry, this is what I think. And I'm not saying this as a shipper, but as a woman. I understand her for my own personal reasons, let's say. It made me really sad...
The fact that she fell in love again and someone actually saw her, cared for her, understood her and loved her above all else was just beautiful.
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lonelylonelyghost · 2 months
The argument between Qiushi and Nanzhu in episode 36 is still driving me completely nuts, because of how much it screams "I love you too much" in every word, every gesture, every glance, from both of them.
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Qiushi, I'm sorry. I know that it hurts. I love you. This wasn't supposed to happen, I was literally not built with this function in me, but then I met you and all my previous convictions and designs came crushing down. You made me real. You made me care. You made me love.
I've never had any choice in the matters of my life or death, but what I chose for myself was you. You can have doubts about everything in this world, but please don't ever doubt my feelings for you. I know that you noticed the way I look at you all the time, how could you say that none of it is real? I love you
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Nanzhu, I love you. How can you do this to me? How could you force me to choose between the rest of the world and you? And is it really a choice if the outcome has already been decided beforehand? Because you know that I'll choose you over everything else every time. I've never had much and now I'll have to lose you too? The reason why I can smile again and see the world in color, and feel like the life is worth living for the first time ever?
So, don't do this. Don't disappear again. Stay with me, I don't care whether it'll be in illusion or reality. Just be with me. Please. I love you
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Just rip my heart out at this point, why don't you
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Hii, sorry if you aren't willing to write for Voltron anymore. But I discovered your blog cause of the name, so I thought why not try? So here is one of my yandere ideas.
Yandere Voltron with isekaid reader? Basically, the reader was from real life, till they died. Either by truck-chan, or to a disease. But given their life was already very shitty, they didn't really care much. At least. Till the reader wakes up in their favorite show. Not as a main protagonist, or not even as a side character in one of the many episodes. Nah, the reader simply wakes up as an unknown character on some random planet. A planet that hasn't isn't a part of the Garla Empire, and reader paln to kept it that way. Eventually, Voltron starts to get on the move, and main characters meet reader. Except, reader doesn't really realized that they are now the main character of the story. So despite, being very perceptive of everyone and everything, they some how don't know that the characters are becoming yandere. One by one.
Again, sorry if you don't write about Voltron anymore, if you want you can ignore this completely. I just thought you might want to hear the idea. Don't let the Karens bite you, fight them off with the power of the shows you like if needed, and remember to take care.
Yandere Voltron with Isekaid!Reader
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OMG STOOOPPPP I LOVE THIS SMMM!!!! AND THIS BEING A YANDERE ASK?? It's like all those batfam fics i read, i'm so happy you thought of this. I will always write for voltron, don't worry pookie
This might be long, hope you enjoy😅
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A series of very much unfortunate events, readers life goes from crap to ok to crap again. Readers death was very short and brief on their end. In your world, Voltron was just a silly little show that you watched to get away from reality, a show you loved so dearly. So never did you imagine to be isakei'd into that same very world.
I like to think this was caused due to voltron traveling through different dimensions, like that one Altean reality. Kind of like an event that perfectly aligned, readers death and them escaping the reality.
Of course at first reader doesn't know where the HELL they are. Exploring this new place, its not hard to convince yourself you miraculously made it to heaven with how beautiful everything was. But it isn't long until they find the residents of this strange world. You live a good and easy life the weeks after your arrival as the townspeople openly accepted you into their world.
Reader has many similarities to these aliens, yet its very obvious that you take on a more humanoid appearance compared to them. Perhaps you share a similar skin tone, like green or blue. Maybe your eyes are the same shade as theirs. Despite this, your physical appearance is more human than alien without a doubt.
Reader only knows they're in the Voltron universe due to how often the townspeople talk about the Galra and Voltron rescuing imprisoned planets. Like I can imagine reader immediately jumping into someone's conversation to get more info, only for them to get weird looks
"Galra? Voltron?! Like from the show?? They're real?"
*Cue confused faces*
"Show? Um, I don't believe they're based off a show. They've been doing a lot of good for the universe!"
Its easy to put two and two together, but have no fear! Reader, being SMARTTT, already knows that they're in the Voltron universe. And if anything happens to the plot causing it to go astray from the og, it'll most likely have devastating consequences, so its a good thing that they're stuck on this unknown planet!
Especially one they don't remember ever being on the show!
Until some divine intervention wrecks that very idea one day with a giant mechanical lion falling from the sky.
You make sure to keep your distance from whatever paladin is staying in the village. It's not hard to do so with how many people lurk the streets to see a paladin of Voltron
But of course nothing ever goes Isekei'd!Reader's way when they bump into the one person they've been avoiding. It's as if time literally stops as they're eyes meet.
He's surprised to see someone almost like him after seeing all the townspeople's appearances. Shiro's seen some pretty wacky looking aliens so its almost like a slap in the face to find someone so human in the village.
Before he can even say anything though, you quite literally run away from him, leaving the black paladin in a state of confusion and curiosity. And since you're running AWAY from him, he figures you probably know the reason why his lion crash landed on this specific planet when it was fine before.
Cue to you trying to outrun him. Emphasis on TRYING. Cuz there's no way you could ever outrun him.
Once he catches you, its safe to say you're now permanently apart of their story. You, however, fail to realize that. It's hard to not reveal everything to the man in front of you, but some things may or may not have slipped out your mouth.
"HELLO STRANGE PALADIN! Welcome to our, um, planet? Uh, if you could get off of me Shiro, that would be amazing cuz I currently am freaking out right now!
"Keith is probably looking for you so get that black cat working and get outta here haha!"
With all of readers rambling and bad avoidance, Shiro can't shake off a growing feeling in him. Was it endearment? Pity, annoyance? Protectiveness? Possessiveness? Shaking the dark thought quickly, the man already knows you know more than what you're letting on.
"How do you know Keith?"
"Ummm we're cousins?" You're internally smacking yourself as the man in front of you raises an eyebrow.
Being introduced to the team, they all seem to be drawn to you. Like there's some invisible force dragging them to your very being. It's sort of like an inner battle for them, allow themselves to get dragged into whatever this is willingly, or fight against it and fall harder into it.
Reader is kind of their unofficial prisoner, but not really a prisoner? So while it is very cool to meet some of their comfort characters, they accept the fact that they are now living in their world. They have no idea what the others are feeling or thinking, so they're kind of on their own from now on.
Some paladins I think that would willingly allow this divine obsession take place in their hearts are Shiro, Lance, and Allura.
Shiro was the first to find them, so it only makes sense that his obsession would take place first. He would mistake this new feeling as a need to protect. If reader is younger than him, then get used to being treated like a child. He doesn't mean to coddle you, but with how you seem to have ZERO survival skills and an air of childlike amazement at everything, he can't help but want to keep that to himself.
Lance is an easy going person, and very open to meeting new people. He's the easiest to fall into his yandere tendencies. He's basically a puppy whenever reader is around. He doesn't see anything wrong with his feelings ignoring how twisted they get the longer he's around them. You capture his attention as you don't necessarily push his overbearingness away like he's used to with everyone is. It's not like you can with how he's practically glued himself to your side.
Allura is a bit more on the umm condescending side? I don't want to say condescending, but she does feel like she has to help you learn space life. She enjoys teaching you about the ship and her planets history, of all the planets they've visited. Allura might actually see herself above you as she believes she holds more experience and knowledge of the universe than you do due to your previously mentioned childlike amazement. I think she might even see herself as your teacher, a master, and you her student. Little does she know that you are much familiar with the things she speaks of.
Now for the paladins that would be hesitant in the growing obsession, Hunk, Pidge and Keith.
Hunk is naturally a wary person when it comes to new people. Especially if he feels the vibes are off. I mean, here comes in a new person on the team that happens to know a little bit too much about them, about him! Like how do you know his name before meeting him? He's hesitant on being near you but seeing how kind you are to Lance of all people causes his a rift in his feelings. Maybe you aren't a bad person after all? He'd start growing a bit more protective of you each day the longer you guys hangout. Is this a good thing or a bad thing; only time will tell.
Pidge is standoffish to anyone who seems to know more than what they're letting on. She can tell it on you face when you look at her with a sense of familiarity despite her never having met you. She tries her best to block off the feelings of wanting to get closer to you, to hear you laugh at her jokes the same way you do with Lance and Hunk. There's not much she can do (does she even fight it anymore at this point) when you begin approaching her, mentioning some of her interests to continue talking to her. You seem to know exactly what to say to lower her guard, and she honestly doesn't know how to feel about that.
Keith is a double edged sword tbh. He'd be hesitant to get near you with these unfamiliar feelings flooding him. So he would either awkwardly get used to your prodding or he'd be quite aggressive with your presence. If we're talking about earlier season Keith, than I think he would most likely be the latter. He'd try interrogating you when know one's around. He'd try to get you to admit to something, anything to confirm his growing emotions are of suspicion instead of interest. He's immediately conflicted though once you turn emotionally at his barad of questions and accusations. He apologizes in a quiet voice and leaves, but one things for sure. He never wants you to look at him with the same fear you just did moments before.
Reader is just trying to get the plot to continue because hellooo?? The universe needs saving??
Reader knows EVERYTHING about the show and about the people they are now personally familiar with. However, they fail to realize the dark turn of events their presence brought to the team.
Sure they're acting a little unusual to how they normally would be on the show but it's not that big of a deal, right? Right?
Unrelated, but can you imagine how they would react to finding out reader is from another universe?? Even if you were to reassure them that you wouldn't be able to go back anyways, their paranoia would skyrocket.
If you were to die in their universe the same way you died in your universe, there's a chance that you'll get transported to another world! A world where you'll live without them. A world they'll never be able to reach. A world without them.
That thought alone terrifies them, so that's honestly when the true horror kicks in. BUT THAT'S FOR A DIFFERENT TIME!!!!
Everyone is wary of you at first, but with the strange emotions growing in them, they can't deny that your presence brings them an overwhelming sense of peace.
Their possessiveness will definitely set some alarms in your head but you stay in denial. You don’t want to believe that you may have, irreversibly, changed the Voltron universe.
A big question to think about is if you're gonna regret being isekai'd into this universe because they won't stay sweet for long.
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nix-writes-mcyt · 8 months
Oneshot Tango x Reader Contains: Fluff -----------------------
With a sigh, you rise from your seated position, checking the clock again. 10.03am. Mornings are long these days, and not just because it's summer.
No, that's how it would be anyway. But these mornings drag even more. These mornings are unusually quiet and uneventful. You have no Tango to make them anything else.
He's been gone for so long now. At this point, you've lost track of the weeks, but it's got to be nearing three months now. Perhaps that's passed already.
At first, you kept going as per usual, seeing hermits you'd normally see, getting in on the community projects. Lately you just haven't had the motivation. You've not even ventured outside your base.
You spend much of your time in the cottage you built for Tango and you at the beginning of the season. You've added a few things to the grounds outside since Tango has been gone, but nothing major. You don't want to remove all the Tango from this space.
It's safe to say you miss him. No one can doubt that.
You glance out of the window as you walk past, the giant silhouette of Deep Frost Citadel no longer intimidating. At this point it only brings you sorrow.
You've spent many an hour staring from various windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of the one you love. Hoping he will come home at last. Sometimes you think you see something moving in the distance, but who knows? Maybe you're too far away to tell.
Your communicator beeps quietly in your pocket, it's not an uncommon occurance but it doesn't happen often still. Every now and then someone will check up on you, see if you're okay since you're not venturing out as much any more. That's what you expect this message will be too.
You're pleasantly surprised when it isn't. When the message reads - <Xisuma> I'll be 5 minutes, be ready to leave. Or else ^.^
The threat and uncharacteristically cute face give you mixed messages, but you decide you'd rather be safe than sorry. X isn't very threatening, sure, but while you don't think he'd hurt a fly you've never seen him in that situation to be sure.
So you move away from the window and go sort yourself out for company.
Before you know it there is a pounding at the door, you find yourself pulling on your footwear and trying not to smack your face into the wall as you rush to silence the knocking.
Xisuma looks unimpressed, or so you think behind the mask anyway, pulling you out of the house.
"We'll I'm at least glad I didn't have to drag you out of the house." He says, the slightest hint of amusement in his voice. The emphasis on the word 'you' seems strange, but you decide not to question it.
Xisuma gives you some coordinates, just in case, but tells you to just follow him and it'll be easier. He shoots off into the sky, making flying look easy.
You've not flown in some time. While there is some muscle memory it's certainly rough going. You're a little all over the place for the first five minutes, but you settle back into it fast enough.
The landing isn't particularly smooth, not at all. You almost go flat on your face, but manage to save it last minute and roll.
Xisuma helps you up, not uttering a word or any kind of an expression. Once you're on your feet he immediately sets off walking.
You follow behind him as best you can, relying on the small path. Here the trees are thick, the spruce forest pretty dense. It's beautiful though, the dark green of the leaves glowing from the sunlight above. Moss covers most of the podzol, small white flowers managing to grow over the layer of green.
You haven't been walking for long when Xisuma comes fully back into sight, a clearing up ahead.
Here you're able to see the sky once again, but that's not the most impressive feature. There is grass here, mixed with the moss, on it grows many many flowers of all different colours.
Hidden in the tree line you spot a small building, but see no door for it. Not that it seems you'll be going over there.
X pulls out a picnic blanket, laying it in the center of the clearing. "Care to sit?" He suggests, nodding in approval when you take a seat on the blanket.
Then Xisuma leaves without a word, moving towards the small building. You think of asking him what he's doing but decide not to. That's a man that works in mysterious ways.
Being alone again makes you miss home. You haven't left in so long, not that it isn't nice to, it's just who knows how far you are from Tango.
You can feel the sadness that comes with that thought rising in you. Xisuma disappears and you sigh deeply, choosing to focus on the trees just past the building.
This keeps you occupied until Xisuma reappears. Not that he really looks like himself, the helmet and armour is gone or covered up by long, black robes lined with blue. His eyes glow frosty in the darkness cast by his hood.
This isn't Xisuma at all. This is "Tango?"
"The one and only, my love." He takes a seat in front of you, taking down his hood. His hair is a mess, you can see the dark circles that have formed under his eyes. He looks paler now than he ever has. But it is, unmistakably, Tango.
You forget any sadness, any anger that you haven't seen him sooner. All you feel is happiness in this moment. Especially as he shuffles and pulls you into his side for a hug.
  "I'm sorry it's taken so long to do this. I lost track of time in the dungeon." His voice is sincere, you know he's not lying. You had also lost track of the time in your own home waiting for his return.
"I would have waited forever to see you again." You say in return. Your eyes meet Tango's, his expression is still sad.
"I know you would, as I would for you. But let's be honest, all this time apart hasn't done either of us very good." You nod in agreement. It's not like he's wrong.
The time apart has done a number on you both, it seems silly when you look at it in hindsight. All the problems being apart for so long has caused. You can't change that now, but Tango speaking once again fills you with hope.
"I'm coming home. Every night. No excuses. I even got a Bdubs Offical.' Tango smiles now, a smile you've missed dearly. He waves the clock around, taking the time to point out the Bdubs signature on the back.
You wrap your arms around him, the joy you feel taking over your entire body. Tango holds you just as tight, as if to say he wasn't going to let go again.
You make a mental note to thank Xisuma for bringing you here, for just generally being there for you. It's good to have friends that care about you. It's good to have Tango back If he belongs.
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Ermagerdddd, your Leona leadership post kickstarted the Leona brain rot again <3 It got me thinking what would happen if for his birthday he received a card/letter with all the positive things people have said about his skills and leadership. It doesn't seem like many of them say it outright to his face.
[Referencing this post!]
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EW, NOT THE L*ONA ROT BRAIN 🤢 I'm sorry to say that the condition is terminal/j
Mmm, I feel like that actually wouldn't change much or invoke that strong of a reaction from him???
Leona's not usually very forthcoming with his true feelings, and nor is he the kind of person that gets openly sentimental when presented with praise. There have been examples of him casually accepting recognition or compliments (Jack tells Leona he's an incredible dorm leader, Leona responds with a short laugh asks Jack to serve as a model for the rest of the dorm). Sometimes depends on how the praise is worded though, as there’s many times when Leona gets offended because of it (Vil says Leona is “only good” for his handsome face; Cheka says Leona is good at Magift but then asks him to teach him how to play; Farena/Falena tells him “even if you can’t be king”, he's intelligent and there's a lot of good Leona can do for their country). There are also times when he deflects or attributes compliments to others’ ulterior movies (like when he rightfully points out Ace is gushing about him to stay close for protection in Endless Halloween Night). He has a voice line as recent as his Broomquet (that just dropped) where he says there's so many herbivores looking at him with sparkling eyes, so he may as well entertain them this time. Even when Leona's got all the attention on him and is being showered with affection, he tends to act very lowkey about it or act in a way which implies he doesn’t believe them. (For example, maybe he’s convinced himself it’s his birthday, so the attention is condition or fleeting.)
Leona is already well aware of what his own skillset is, and where his strengths like. He's frustrated with the world for not seeing his merits—but because he's been verbally beaten down so much in his childhood, he's had to build up emotional walls to prevent his little-kid ego from getting hurt. That's likely manifested into this sort of reluctance to fully believe/accept and internalize praise (because no matter how confident in himself Leona may outwardly act, there's always still that lingering doubt and collected bitterness toward the world that once denied it to him). It’s an inferiority complex resulting from the critique he got as a child and constant comparisons to his older brother, so… in actuality, Leona’s confidence isn’t 100% “real”; there’s an element of self-doubt there, so more often than not he’s scoffing at what others say about him or taking their words cynically (ie focusing on the negative aspects interpreting their words negatively).
Learned behavior like that won't be reversed with one birthday card from all his peers! (I think it's probably something Leona ought to unpack during his mandated post-OB therapy sessions.) Maybe Leona would be sarcastic when he first receives the card—"What, for me? You shouldn't have. It's just going to be shoved into a drawer where it'll never see the light of another day" (you know, like trying to deflect how he's really feeling by acting a little dismissive about it?), but he'll claim to keep it anyway so as to not hurt 'all his fans' precious feelings'.
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crownmemes · 7 months
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House Sentences, Vol. 5
(Sentences from House (2004-2012). Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Can I ask what he's done to deserve your loyalty?"
"One day, our friendship will break, and it'll just prove your theory that relationships are conditional and you don't need human connection, or deserve it, or whatever goes on in that rat maze of your brain."
"You think I'm a bureaucrat with a badge, following some arbitrary guideline?"
"None of you are innocent. Not one of you."
"A bully's a bully. If they don't get a reaction, they'll lose interest."
"People think you have no inner censor. The fact is, you hold yourself back, because when you want to hurt, you know just where to poke a sharp stick."
"When I see people with their kids, it's so natural. It's like they have an instruction book imprinted on their genes. Maybe I just didn't get a copy."
"I did this to help you!"
"You need to believe that I've got a problem so that your betrayal has the illusion of nobility."
"Being different, you get used to people's idiocy."
"Only an idiot goes to prison for being stubborn!"
"We both know that my pride far surpasses my instinct for self-preservation."
"Normal's not normal if you're not normal."
"You could throw a dart at all the adjectives between arrogant and unhinged and I'm sure you'd hit one that describes me."
"I live in pain. Pain that on good days is merely intolerable and on bad ones will suck the life-force right out of you."
"You're not my mom! You don't have to keep checking up on me!"
"You find fault in everybody because you're afraid to look at yourself."
"You ever trust an addict? You ever give one the benefit of the doubt? How many times did it work out for you?"
"People like you, even your actions lie."
"I'm sorry, but I don't remember you."
"Does your voice always get that high and annoying when you're angry?"
"How can I help you this beautiful morning?"
"You owe me. I kept you out of jail; I can put you back."
"When you entered, I noted your shirt hadn't been pressed; you hadn't shaved in quite some time. I extrapolated you were a person for whom detail is not a major concern."
"You cannot make the uninteresting interesting."
"Why are you wearing perfume?"
"Is this a real case, or one of those imaginary cases that happen when you’re bored?"
"I'll get better. I always get better."
"Stop looking at my ass when you think I'm not looking!"
"Do you put all your patients through this many tests, or just the important ones?"
"I take it you two aren't sleeping together anymore?"
"I didn't realise you were going to get hurt. I'm sorry I misled you."
"No! I’m not getting sucked into the vortex of your insanity again!"
"That’s such a bad idea! There’s no way that won’t cause damage to the large intestine!"
"Are you keeping us here just to torture me?"
"The only difference between me and you is that I made some bad decisions, and you made some good ones."
"I don't like you. Never have, never will."
"I'm not breaking into somebody's house! I have principles!"
"Tone it down or I will hit you."
"I thought this was going to be fun. I mess with you, you mess with me - eventually, you give in. But you've shown a startling lack of humour."
"I approve of your shamelessness."
"Your hair makes you look like a hooker."
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circular-bircular · 2 months
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I'm putting this blog to rest.
I'm done. I'm out. And god, is it a relief.
You might notice I'm posting this around the same time that SAS is posting a major post in an effort to light the tag on fire. I highly doubt it'll work, but it's the best attempt. Me and SAS are close. Nearly one in the same, some days...
You'll notice the end of the post says, "just wait for what happens next."
This is what happens next.
I'm deleting my syscourse blogs. Finally. No "maybe I will" or "I've been considering it." I've been considering it for a loooong time, and I've actually been intending on getting rid of Circular's-Reasoning for awhile now. I just... haven't had the energy to.
But now... My life is moving on. I'm moving on, quite literally, I gain possession of my new house... probably today when I end up posting this. I'm not sure, it's my first draft, we'll see how this goes. That's terrifying to realize. I'm like... an adult. I'm an adult who's craving good conversations about my disorder, about systemhood and how it's conceptualized, and more intricate parts of my selfhood. And... Syscourse just is not that.
I've done this sort of thing before, if you all know MotCR -- @memoriesofthecircularroom, for the uninitiated. That's the OG Circular Blog, and is an archive of the first few years of syscourse. But... Now, it's going to become a bit more. Here's my game plan.
I update MotCR to be the Circular Archive. Anything I think needs archiving -- good posts of mine, silly reblogs, or just good posts overall where I added something of my own -- will get reblogged there. It's gonna be busy for a bit.
In the meantime while I start that process, I answer any and all final questions/asks or drafts that've been in the works. I don't want to leave people hanging.
I delete a lot of blogs. And... I do mean a lot -- not even just the syscourse ones. Just the ones I think it's time to let go of.
I've often teased how many blogs I have. It's fluctuated wildly in the past. But here's the down and dirty. Here's what I own, and what I'm planning on removing.
@circular-bircular (Hi, Hello, You're Here)
@circulars-reasoning (Already planned to be gone awhile ago)
@systemquirks (I just don't have the energy to run it, and I'm so sorry for that)
@yourfaveissecretlysas (Yes, I am the one running that)
@system-confessions (Surprise! No name blog that barely exists, again, I don't have the energy)
@debunkingsyscourse (Look, I make these too easily)
@equalsys (Not sure how this is a shocker to anyone)
@ricejustdidthings (An old system-no-syscourse blog I have that I don't use anymore)
@my-systems-cringe (Been meaning to delete this for ages)
@circulars-answers (Unneeded)
And potentially one other, unnamed for now blog -- that's the one I've never told people I have outside of select discords...
So that's 11 blogs I'm getting rid of, potentially more. And that's with me still keeping 2 syscourse blogs and an 18+ system blog. Jesus christ.
It feels good to get it off my chest, though. It feels really good to be leaving.
"But Circ! Your posts make me happy!"
Fantastic! You can follow the new system blog I'm going to be making, @thecircularsystem (is that link working? I don't know, it's a brand new blog.)
Try this link out instead if that doesn't work!
I'm still going to be posting system related content there. I'm still going to be doing my normal random shit that I always do. I may even dabble in syscourse -- and definitely in sysconversation. I like that tag! But I'm not going to be doing syscourse nearly as often, and I'm going to try and stay out of that tag in search of reblogs and such. Too often, it results in me getting aggressive with someone, rather than just... spreading good information about systems, or existing online as I want to exist.
I just need a refresh. A new step, a big change. I'm moving on.
I really hope you all can too <3
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
I’ve arrived with more horny william brain rot!
There is little doubt in my mind that our favorite afton to slut up likes to read. He’d probably love to share that with his darling bunny. And you absolutely know that man is making the polaroids he took into bookmarks. He just loves to see his bunny everywhere!
Bunny is in fact a college student, and sometimes certain classes end up requiring/give the option for a field trip. And that trip happens to fall on a weekend. They’re a little bummed, Willy is like actually depressed (lol), so bunny decided to hide a little something for him. As a ✨treat✨
So when afton wakes up Saturday, he reaches over for his book to read a little (because what else is there to do when his little rabbit is gone), and his usually bookmark feels a lot more lumpy than usual. So he opens it and what does he find? Polaroids of his precious, lovely bunny in nothing but his shirt, and a pair of her panties 💜
YEAH i uhhh,,
warnings: age-gap relationship (reader is 20 will is almost 40 yall know the drill), swearing, smoking, drinking, dom/sub undertones, sir kink, not proof read AGAIN IM SRY
"What? What do you mean the whole weekend?"
It had been an especially hard week for the brit at his diner. For one reason or another, it seemed as if nearly every single damn brat in that town just had to have a birthday that week. The diner was booked from start to finish every day of the week. William was frustrated. But every day drew him closer to the weekend. Closer to when he'd be able to see you again. And god did he fucking miss you. He missed his little bunny next to him; kissing them, holding them. Coming up with so many fun activities to show you.
But, it was in the past now. It was Friday. You'd be over tomorrow, and help relieve him of his pent-up stress like the good bunny you were.
"I knowwww, I'm sorry!" You pleaded with him at the other end of the phone, the older man taking a long, drawn out puff of his cigarette, "I just totally forgot about it until today!"
William sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, leaning against the wall, "And you're certain you have to go, love?"
"Yeah..." you sighed back, "It's required for my major. And I already rescheduled it last month, too. I can't do it again or I fail."
"Bunny, the weekends are our time together. You know this."
"I knoww, and I'm sorry! I'd stay behind if I could but I just can't. I'm sorry, Will. I'll be back for next weekend though!"
William took another puff of his cigarette, "Are you certain you can't come over even for a little? I... I miss you, bunny. It's been a tough week, and... I want you."
You let out a sympathetic hum, "I miss you too. But I have to go. I'm sorry."
"Alright." William sighed, "Fine. But don't expect to get off the hook next time I see you, little one. You need to tell me these things sooner rather than later."
The brit heard you giggle over the phone, "It'll be fine, Will. Surely you can survive two weeks without me."
"Getting smart with me now, hm?"
"No, sir."
William let out a pleased hum, "Good bunny. I'll miss you, okay? Have fun for me, alright? I'll be here waiting for you."
"I will, I will... Hey, before I forget; you remember that book you gave me, right? The old, thick and dusty one?"
"It's not old, love. It's classic."
You giggled again, "Classic, sure. Well, I finished it. I'll leave it in your mailbox before I go. Maybe that'll keep you occupied until I get back."
"Nothing could replace your company, little one. But, thank you. That's very kind."
"It's no problem. I gotta go pack now, Will. I'm sorry again. I'll see you next saturday, okay?"
"...Alright, bunny. Have fun. I love you."
"Love you too."
It was odd to have an empty house on the weekends. While William was used to Michael being away at his mother's, the house felt more depressing than usual without you in it. Dull. Grey. No life whatsoever.
William didn't drink often, not at all. He never found it to be that classy, and he wasn't about to throw his charm to the wind over alcohol. But god fucking damn it. He missed you so fucking much that Saturday afternoon. His cigarettes weren't having their usual kick to them. He needed something stronger to fill the void where you should be.
Pouring his second glass of whiskey for the evening, he couldn't help but wonder how you were. Your college was taking you an entire state away from him. Those fucking bastards. How dare they drag you so far away from him. What if you got hurt? Or in trouble? And he wasn't there to save his precious bunny? You knew his number, sure, but you were still so fucking far away from him. And a lot can happen so many miles away.
William took a large swig of the alcohol.
Fucking hell. He missed you so damn much.
He knew you didn't mean to tell him about the trip so late. You were a good bunny. Hell, he was the entire reason you didn't go when you were supposed to. He vaguely remembered convincing you to stay in town the first time you told him about it. You had just forgotten this time, surely. He couldn't stay mad at you for that. It was hard for him to stay mad at you in general. You were just too cute.
But William was miserable. He didn't want this shit to happen again. You would need to learn your lesson. And he'd make you learn it next time you were over.
But would he? Thinking of it now, it was hard for him to imagine giving you any sort of punishment. He just wanted you close to him. To pull you in his lap and kiss those sweet lips of yours. Hold you close to him. Lie down on his chest while he read his books before bed.
Oh, yes. That's right. The book he leant you. You said you'd give it back before you left.
Maybe he should take your advice. Use it to get his mind off you.
Finishing up his glass, William finished up his glass before he walked to the front door, opening and shutting it behind him as he made his way to the mailbox. The cool breeze of the sunset blew his neatly-combed hair out of place, washing over his pale skin. Upon opening up his mailbox, sure enough. The book he leant you was in there. But, it was... strange. Looked a lot fatter than normal.
The older man reached in and took the book out, brow furrowing in slight confusion. Leaning against the mailbox to shut it, the brit opened up the pages to see inside.
William could feel the heat creep down his neck and cheeks.
Oh, bunny. Sweet bunny.
Strewn about the pages was a handful of polaroid pictures. Pictures of you. In so many different positions... so many. He could see the plushness of your thighs. Your sweet little smile. Those big, gorgeous doe eyes. Your cute little pair of underwear...
You even still had some of the marks he'd given you last time you were over. And was that his dress shirt? It certainly was. How long have you had that, little one? Why, sir barely noticed that it was gone. Stealing his things now, are we? Naughty bunny.
You've been so bad recently, haven't you? William didn't much appreciate that. You had earned yourself a punishment, bunny. You probably know that just as sir does though, don't you? Was this your attempt at getting out of it?
William calmly shut the book, but quickly walked back into his house.
It worked, bunny.
For now.
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Just Let Me Adore You Pt. 12
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: okay soooo many. Violence, quite a bit of it actually, and then later it gets so nasty; oral (m & f receiving), double v penetration, mad dirty talk, praise kink goin craaaazy, double creampie, dumbification kind of- I think that's all of them but idk they fuck and it's filthy basically
Genre: maybe a little angst i think, lots of smut, even more fluff
Summary: You’ve been dating your boyfriend, Bruce, for 3 absolutely blissful years. He’s a scientist and professor who is as smart as he is kind and if anyone asked, you were sure you’d spend the rest of your life with him. That is until two mysteriously charming men that Bruce swears are dangerous take an interest in you that threatens to turn your entire life upside down. I mean… what exactly are you supposed to do with two gorgeous men telling you something that suggests that basically everything you think you know is a lie? And why does part of you have enough doubt to wonder if they might be telling the truth?
Series Masterlist
"Did you find her?" Steve asks.
"Fucking hell." She breathes out.
"What? What does that mean?" Steve frowns.
"How quickly can your people get ready to move because we need to go now."
"They're ready. Been on standby for your go ahead all night." Steve says.
"Good. This is the go ahead. I know where she is." Wanda says.
A glance at the clock tells you it's after nine. The clock is analog and there are no windows on this floor so while you're pretty sure it's morning, there's a chance it's been a whole day and it's night again. You sit cross legged on the bed, facing the clear wall, trying to come up with a plan of action. Your eyes narrow when you notice two shadows on the floor. People are walking this way. You gasp when you realize who one of them is and walk over to the glass wall.
"Bruce!" You yell banging on the plexiglass to make sure you get his attention. He jumps and turns to you, eyes the size of saucers when he sees you.
"Y/n? Oh my God." Bruce walks right up to the glass.
"What did you do?!" You ask.z
"Me? I- I had nothing to do with this I swear. I didn't know you were here! I swear." He shakes his head frantically.
"There were six people that knew what I was Bruce SIX and you were the first to find out. You kept a file on me like I was one of your little projects! How much do you wanna bet that stupid file is how I got here in the first place?"
"All I ever did was run a blood test and jot down some observations." He says defensively.
"All you ever did was run a blood test? On your girlfriend. Without her permission! Do you realize how not okay that is?!"
"I'm sorry! Look, I never wanted anything to happen to you. I will- find out who's responsible for this and get you out of here I swear."
"If you plan to help you'd better do it quickly because I can guarantee hell will be on your doorstep soon." You say.
"What's your tag?" Bruce asks you.
"Excuse me?"
"The uh- identification they gave you. Instead of your name. He would've given you an identification number, we use them for, ya know." Bruce's words trail off.
"Say it Bruce. Don't be shy. This is your work. I'm an experiment here."
"Look did he tell you your tag or not?"
"89273. I think." You say.
"You think? You need to be sure."
"I heard it once Bruce. Excuse me if I haven't committed to fucking memory yet." You roll your eyes.
"Y/n." He sighs.
"That's it. I'm sure." You nod.
"I need the letters."
"The letters at the beginning. That's the part that makes it unique.  Everyone here uses a different letter combination to keep our work organized. It'll help me figure it out."
"AZM." You say. Bruce mutters something that you can't exactly hear through the glass, but his face gives him away anyhow. "What is it? Why did you just get all pale?" You ask him.
"Nothing! Just- hang tight. I will- figure this out and get you out of here."
"Not like I can go anywhere in the meantime." You mutter. "Bruce!" You call before he can get far. He runs back over to your cell.
"If I find out you're more involved in this than you are letting on, I will rip you to shreds in every sense of the word." You say. Bruce nods and dashes off. A few minutes later the camera in the back corner pops out from the wall and the whirring of its mechanics makes you turn around to face it.
"Good morning subject AZM89273." The same voice from before rings through the room. So, it is morning, just like you thought.
"You know, that arbitrary combination of letters and numbers is so many more syllables than just saying my name. I'm sure this is supposed to be some sort of display of your power in this situation but it really just seems like you're giving yourself more work." You say.
"That's funny I don't recall asking for your opinion on the matter."
"Yes well if we all stuck to doing explicitly what was asked of us I wouldn't be here so, we can't always have it our way now can we?" You roll your eyes.
"We will begin round two of testing in one hour and fifteen minutes."
"I'll be waiting! Not like I can go anywhere on my own." You say with a lazy shrug. The camera disappears back behind its panel in the wall and you're once again left with your own thoughts and plans.
"Wanda where exactly are we?" Bucky asks when the trio pulls up to the address she gave. She'd rushed them into action when she located you, giving an address to the driver with a group of their, Wanda calls them minions, following in other vehicles.
"Bruce's lab." She says walking towards the door quickly.
"Bruce as in y/n's ex Bruce?" Steve places a hand on her shoulder.
"Wanda hang on we don't have a plan." Bucky says.
"Yes as in y/n's ex. And the plan is to get in there, get her out, and maybe break a neck or two in the process." Wanda says.
"You didn't want to mention in advance that y/n's ex was responsible for this?" Steve asks.
"It makes sense." Bucky scoffs.
"I didn't say he was responsible because I don't know if he is. As far as I know he's not the only person that works here. It could be someone else that uses the space." Wanda says.
"Wilson." Steve looks over his shoulder to call towards the group that's waiting for instructions. Sam walks over to the three of them quickly.
"What's the plan?" He asks.
"Surround the building and find every entrance. I want the whole place covered. The primary goal is extraction. If you find y/n, she is your top priority other than that nobody gets in or out of this lab until she's safe and the bastards who did this are in front of me and Bucky is that understood?" Steve says.
"Crystal clear." Sam nods.
"No, wait. I will prioritize finding y/n. Your guys should focus on locking the place down so the culprit doesn't make a run for it." Wanda says. Bucky and Steve exchange a look and a slight nod.
"Fine. Focus on keeping everyone inside. If you find y/n in the process she still takes precedents but in the meanwhile don't let anyone get out of there until we've got who we need." Bucky says.
"On it." Sam returns to the group and starts giving out directions while Wanda stays with Steve and Bucky to discuss their own strategy.
Fifteen minutes to go before they move you again. Time drags so slowly in this room of blank white walls. Assuming they sedate you again, you'll have to wait until they're wheeling you back to this room to make a break for it. If you're lucky like last time, you'll wake up before they make it here and you should have no problem getting by a couple of scientists.
The blaring alarm and sudden flashing red lights coax you quickly to your feet. Perhaps you should be alarmed by the sudden alert and angry red flashes considering you're trapped in a room, but you'd bet money the security breach in question is here for you and you're the only person whose safety is guaranteed.
"Uh- Don't know if anyone is listening to me or not but in case you are, I'm pretty sure that warning code of yours, means your time is up and you should start running. Or don't, it'll make everyone's life easier. You can't really escape this." You say loud enough that you should be heard even over the repetitive warning.
"Y/n!" You spin around at the sudden call of your name. Wanda's magicked a hole in the plexiglass wall of your cell.
"Wanda? Wait a second did you bring the calvary here?" You ask stepping through the hole into the hall with her.
"You sent me an SOS did you expect me to do nothing with it? Of course I did, you have the mob basically at your disposal." She says hugging you tightly.
"I know, I just didn't think you'd be here with them." You say with a small chuckle.
"Oh please they're just the muscle on this mission. I'm the one that found you." She scoffs. "Come on, your boyfriends went looking for the culprit. I'm sure they're waiting for you." She says draping her arm across your shoulders. The two of you head further into the facility, every so often passing frantic scientists being corralled by Steve and Bucky's men.
"I don't think all of these people were involved in this ya know." You say to Wanda.
"I'm sure they weren't but Steve and Bucky said no one's allowed out until they find the right people. Better safe than sorry." She shrugs.
"Yeah I guess so. There were three guys that kidnapped me, I didn't hear them all talk so assuming none of them are the guy orchestrating this there could be anywhere from 4 to 7 people involved, based on who I've seen or interacted with. There could be others of course. There have been some periods of unconsciousness on my end so-" You rattle off.
"Don't worry. I'm sure between your boyfriends and their minions they'll find out the exact number and their identities in no time." Wanda says. Eventually, you find Bucky and Steve, their backs are to you and Bucky's got someone pushed up against the wall. You rush up to them when you realize it's Bruce they're shaking down.
"Bruce." You say. Steve and Bucky turn to you and Steve has you in his arms not a second later. He's mumbling about you being okay and blaming himself and Bucky for this all happening (somehow), between kisses atop your head.
"Thank God you found her Wanda." Bucky says. As much as he wants to hug you he's not about to let Bruce go.
"Steve I'm alright. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, you can let me go." You mumble into his chest. It takes a few seconds before he unwinds his arms.
"Are you hurt? Do you need anything? I am so sorry princess. This should never have happened. I-"
"I'm okay Stevie. As far as I know all my parts and pieces are exactly where they're meant to be. You can stop doting and blaming yourself. That doesn't even make any sense." You say.
"We're just- so relieved to see you." Steve sighs.
"Right back at you." You say turning your attention to Bruce. "Are you going to tell me who's responsible for this Bruce, because I think you've known since you saw me a few hours ago and I couldn't push it then but now, your life is in- technically in his hands but whatever you tell me will determine if I let him kill you or not so choose your next words very carefully." You say.
"Wait a second it's not Bruce that locked you up?" Bucky glares at him.
"Not directly, I don't think so but I have a strong feeling he knows who did." You say.
"Y/n, please." Bruce chokes out.
"I need a name, Bruce. A name." You say.
"Dr. Gekko. Colin Gekko." Bruce relents.
"Describe him." You say.
"Brown hair, green eyes, tall and pale. He's got a birthmark on his neck." Bruce rushes the description out breathlessly.
"Drop him Bucky." You say. Bucky lets Bruce go and Bruce hunches over struggling to catch his breath. Steve is already on the phone before you can say anything.
"Clint, we need to find a Colin Gekko. Brown hair, birthmark on his neck, tall and pale with green eyes. If you can find a photo- yes, make sure everyone knows. He is the target." Steve says into his cell phone.
"We should start looking too." Wanda tells you. You nod in agreement.
"Y/n, wait." Bruce says before you've even started to walk away. He holds out a flash drive to you that you look at with confusion. "It's everything we have, on you. What Colin was doing, my- initial file. I've wiped them all from our servers but... I thought you'd wanna have the information." He explains. You take the thumb drive from him.
"Thanks." You mutter.
"I was so looking forward to finally having a reason to break his bones." Bucky rolls his eyes.
"You can break Colin's bones when we find him." You say. "I bet he's still in whatever observation room he was using to watch me."
"End of the hall." Bruce yells after you all. Following his suggestion, the four of you head down the hall towards the observation room. Bucky kicks the door in before you even try to open it. Chances are this Colin guy tried to barricade himself in there anyway. Sure enough, when the door flies off its hinges one scrawny looking green eyed man, birthmark on his neck and all, turns to look at you all with fear on his face. Steve grabs him before he can make a move, holding his arms behind his back.
"So you're the one behind all of this." You cross your arms.
"I should rip your head off your shoulders." Bucky glares. You hold up a hand to stop him from moving towards the cowering scientist.
"I want an explanation." You say.
"You want an explanation? You broke his heart and one of the greatest scientists I've ever known couldn't do his work." Colin grits out.
"So- Bruce, put you up to this?" Wanda frowns.
"No." He scoffs.
"Sorry, let me see if I can piece this together. My boyfriend, lies to me for months, so I break up with him, well within my rights and you kidnap me to run experiments in hopes that you'll- what? Fix him? Get brownie points? Maybe a promotion?" You ask.
"I've been here for years, always flying under the radar, I thought for sure you, the bitch who ruined him-" he stops to groan when Steve tightens his hold on him in response to his vulgarity towards you.
"Watch your mouth." Steve warns shoving Colin to his knees.
"I deserve to be a head scientist here." Colin says.
"Aw, well now you'll be a dead scientist. Broke the code of ethics and all, only to wind up with nothing." You shrug. "Not even a pat on the back from your 'so-called' idol who, by the way, totally gave you away for us to find you."
"Wait I- I don't wanna die." He shakes his head.
"Oh. Maybe you should've thought about that before you kidnapped me. Word of advice, don't target someone with mob ties if you like living."
"You know, if you keep him alive you could teach him a lesson he won't forget." Bucky mutters quietly. You look over your shoulder at him and consider his suggestion.
"Do you have a knife?" You ask.
"Yes." Bucky pulls out a blade and hands it to you immediately.
"Wait a second what do you need a knife for?" Steve asks. You squat in front of Colin and grab his wrist, placing his hand flat on the ground between you. With the knife in hand, you start to sing as you jab the knife between the gaps in his fingers.
"You have all your fingers. The knife goes chop chop chop, and since you were not careful, I'm gonna take some off." You slam the knife down severing the two middle fingers on his right hand and the scream he lets out his piercing. Steve's eyes look like they're about to fall out of their sockets and Bucky's currently trying hard not to let it show how much he enjoyed watching you do that.
"Y/n!" Wanda gasps.
"What?! He kidnapped me! I coulda killed him, taking two fingers is letting him off very easy!" You say.
"Honestly the little song was a cute touch. Clever." She nods.
"Right?! Thought it'd make it a little more fun." You link your arm through hers turning to leave Colin wailing on the floor.
"Hang on." Bucky says. He walks over to Colin and grabs him by the top of his head, pulling him up onto his knees. Bucky shoves his thumb into one of Colin's eyes, sending him into another screaming fit. "Leave town. Because if we ever see you again. I'll take the other eye." Bucky says menacingly, letting go of his hair. Colin crumples to the ground again as Bucky cleans his finger with a handkerchief from his pocket. "Let's go." Bucky says, a hand on your back guiding you out of the room and subsequently Wanda, while Steve walks behind you, discussing something with Sam.
"So what happens now?" Wanda asks.
"We take you home." Steve says.
"I meant with Colin." She frowns.
"He'll probably get out of town thanks to Bucky's threat."
"How did you guys find me anyway?"
"Wanda came to us." Bucky says.
"She interrupted a meeting and nearly got shot in the process." Steve says.
"I mean, I didn't know they were in a meeting until I got there. Besides, I was too busy being angry about you getting kidnapped despite their insistence on security watching you." Wanda says.
"Well I'm safe now." You shrug.
"We want you to see our medic." Bucky says.
"We don't know what that sick bastard could have done to you and we think it would be best to have you looked over just in case." Steve explains.
"Alright. Fine, but you stay the whole time." You say.
"Deal." He nods. "Wanda we'll drop you at your apartment first and bring y/n back later, okay?" Steve says.
"Sure whatever." She shrugs. The rest of the drive to Wanda's apartment is quiet, Wanda hugs you tightly before getting out once you arrive. After dropping her off, the three of you head to Bucky and Steve's penthouse apartment where the medic is already waiting for you apparently. She's quick, but thorough in her examination, checking superficial things like your reflexes and vision asking several questions, taking samples of your blood, and whatnot. When she leaves, you let out a deep breath finally feeling comfortable.
"How're you doing princess?" Steve asks sitting beside you to rub his hand in circles on your back. Bucky sits on your other side with a hand on your knee comfortingly.
"I'm... alright- it's just been, a day- or a couple of days. I don't really know how long it's been actually." You frown.
"It was only one night. Wanda was up til morning trying to find you and we headed out as soon as she got you." Steve explains.
"Oh- well that explains why it's only after 1 pm." You mutter.
"This- may not be the best time to say this but I'd like it to be known that the little knife game you played with that guy, was very... impressive." Bucky says.
"Thank you, although I think it's fine to say that now because it like just happened." You chuckle.
"Seriously Buck?!" Steve rolls his eyes.
"What?!" Bucky says.
"Am I missing something?" You look between the two of them.
"Don't 'what' me!" Steve scoffs.
"Oh come on, there's nothing wrong with what I said you're the one being weird about it!" Bucky says.
"Okay, definitely missing something." You nod.
"I'm being weird about it?! Because I know what you meant by that! Don't play dumb."
"Hello!" You shout and they both look at you immediately.
"Yes princess?" Steve says at the same time Bucky says,
"Yes sunshine?"
"Hi, can you let me in on this weird psychic conversation you're having?" You ask.
"If Bucky was 'impressed' with your little knife trick it was not because of this head up here." Steve says tapping his fingers on his temple.
"What-?" You frown.
"He thinks it was hot." He rolls his eyes.
"Ohhh! You could've just said that. Either of you." You laugh.
"You were just kidnapped, now is not the time to be thinking with our- lower appendage." Steve frowns.
"Come on pal you're telling me it didn't stir something in you seeing her do that?" Bucky asks, grabbing your hand.
"I'm fine Stevie, I- being turned on is a much more positive reaction to me chopping someone's fingers off than I would've expected." You shrug.
"Wait you're- you're okay with it?" Steve asks.
"Well, it's better than you being freaked out by it." You say.
"Definitely not freaked out." Bucky mutters kissing up your shoulder. You relax against his ministrations, enjoying the way his lips feel on your skin.
"That's a relief." You chuckle breathily.
"Buck-" Steve starts to roll his eyes but you grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him towards you, kissing him to stop whatever scolding he was about to give Bucky.
"Alright pal now that she's given you the green light, fess up. I know you better than anyone else, don't pretend you weren't thinking about bending her over when she took that loser's fingers like that." Bucky says, he's stopped littering your throat with kisses to taunt Steve, but his thumb is stroking the back of your neck as he speaks. Steve pulls away from your kiss to answer him.
"I was thinking about what an absolutely perfect queen she'll make." Steve says.
"Won't she?" Bucky smirks.
"Oh flattery like that will get you everywhere." You say with a small giggle.
"Right now I'm hoping it'll get us inside of you." Bucky says.
"Now that's a wish I'm only too happy to grant." You hum.
"Yeah?" He smirks.
"Absolutely." You match his cheeky smile with one of your own.
"Come here, pretty girl." Bucky hoists you off of the couch into a bridal carry. Steve kisses you once more before Bucky carries you up to their bedroom with Steve behind you. When Bucky tosses you onto the bed, Steve immediately pulls you into another kiss.
"Are you sure you wanna do this now princess? You know you can always tell us to stop if-"
"Steve stop talking!" You huff out, cutting him off. He blinks at you with a frown on his face.
"Y/n." Bucky's eyebrows knit together at your sharpness.
"I've had a very shitty 15 hours and I don't want to think about it anymore. Please. I am going to be okay just- distract me." You explain with a sigh.
"Happy to sunshine but, don't forget we love you. Sometimes we'll worry." Bucky says softly.
"I know. You can worry all you want- later. But right now I need my mind on something else." You say. Bucky nods and tugs your pants and underwear off in one go. His lips trail kisses starting at one knee and working up but he skips the place you need him most to repeat the trail up the other leg. The moment Bucky's tongue swipes through your slick folds, Steve drowns your moans with a kiss so fierce you can't breathe. Bucky wraps his lips around your clit, licking and sucking at the bundle of nerves. Your hips thrust up against his ministrations and one of his arms comes up to lay heavy across your waist, holding you down.
"Steady doll. Gotta stay still for me." He grumbles between your legs. When two of his thick fingers slide into your entrance and curl upwards you're forced to break away from Steve's kiss, your head thrown back at the feeling of his digits working you open. Steve uses the moment to take your shirt off and unhook your bra, turning his attention to your newly exposed skin. He litters your chest with blooms of red while his fingers toy with your hardened nipples. Between the two sets of hands and lips, your head is spinning with pleasure and you can feel your release building quickly.
"G-guys I'm- fuck, oh my god. I'm gonna-" you struggle to pant out a full thought with their overwhelming touch.
"You gonna cum for us princess? Go ahead baby, you know how much we love it when you fall apart." Steve coaxes, taking your earlobe between his teeth. Your back arches as your orgasm hits, as if his words were the key to a door that wouldn't open on its own. "Good girl." Steve hums when you take in a shuddering breath.
"You taste so fucking good sunshine." Bucky mutters kissing up your abdomen.
"You tell me every time." You chuckle.
"You disagreeing with me?" He quirks an eyebrow at you making you laugh harder. "Steve? Second opinion?" Bucky turns to Steve.
"I think I need a fresh taste test before I weigh in." Steve nods, effectively ending your giggle fit as he and Bucky shift accordingly, Steve kneeling between your legs and Bucky moving onto the bed beside you.
"Wait, Bucky stand up. I wanna blow you." You tell him. He lets out a groan.
"You don't have to tell me twice." He says standing up and shoving his pants down his legs quickly. Steve huffs out a laugh before diving into your heat. Your mouth drops open with a moan as his tongue laps at your pussy. When it comes to most things, Bucky and Steve have very different styles of approach, between your legs though, both men devour you like their final meal- you sometimes wonder if they discuss what they do to you to determine what works best, but you only allow yourself a second to relish in Steve's tongue as Bucky is standing at attention beside you. You take Bucky into your mouth, bobbing your head along his length eagerly. Bucky's head falls back with a groan as you work him.
"Fuck, feels so good doll." He mutters. Just then, Steve wraps his lips around your clit and sucks harshly making you moan around Bucky. Your hips jerk when Steve slides two fingers into you and you struggle to keep sucking Bucky's dick as Steve pulls you towards another orgasm.
"Let go for me baby." Steve mutters against you, tongue lapping at your sensitive bundle of nerves. You have to pull off of Bucky entirely when your release hits this time around, your body spasming uncontrollably.
"That's it doll, so pretty." Bucky hums, stroking your hair soothingly as he sits on the edge of the bed beside you.
"Gotta say, tastes better every time." Steve nods and you let out a breathless chuckle.
"You two, are ridiculous." You shake your head.
"How ya feeling sunshine?" Bucky asks.
"Good. Ready for y'all to fuck me." You say.
"Someone's insatiable." He laughs positioning himself against the headboard and lifting you onto his lap.
"Yeah and whose fault is that?" You wink. Bucky rolls his eyes but there's a smile on his face that keeps yours in place. At least until Bucky shifts you again, positioning himself at your entrance and pulling you down on him. You let out a shuddering moan as you adjust to the sudden intrusion, Bucky groaning at the way your walls pulse around him.
"Are you implying that we're responsible for this?" Steve laughs kissing your shoulder.
"Absolutely. You spoil me. I have expectations now." You say.
"Expectations, huh?" Bucky smirks, settling his hands on your hips.
"Obviously." You nod.
"Obviously." Steve scoffs. "Well Buck, let's keep those expectations high, aye."
"Was thinking the same thing." Bucky winks over your shoulder. He shifts below you, before lifting you up to bring you back down against him as he thrusts up. You cry out as Bucky takes you like that, fucking up into you and forcing you down on him. He keeps it up for several minutes before stopping, at which point you're reeling from pleasure. "Alright sunshine, we're gonna try something. Stop us if it gets too much." Bucky tells you. You should probably ask what the thing is but you're too busy trying to catch your breath so you just nod as Bucky pulls you forward to lie against his chest. Steve shifts behind you, his hands grabbing your hips firmly. You gasp and jolt slightly when you feel the head of Steve's dick poking at your already stuffed pussy.
"Wait a second there's no way you'll both fit." You say.
"Yeah we will, just relax for us baby." Bucky kisses your temple.
"Stop us if you need to princess but I think you can take it. You are perfect for us after all." Steve says rocking forward slowly, working himself in beside Bucky. You focus hard on breathing through the definitely too intense stretch of them both. When Steve eventually bottoms out, the two of them hold incredibly still, kissing reachable parts of your skin as they allow you to adjust. After a few moments, you start to squirm against them.
"Move. Please." You breathe out. They take a second to get leverage and then both of them are thrusting into you harshly. They sort out their rhythm almost immediately and all you can do is moan as Bucky and Steve fuck you together.
"Knew you could take us both. Such a good girl for us." Steve huffs out between thrusts, his breath hot in your ear. You whimper out an incoherent response.
"Aw Steve I think she's gone a bit cockdrunk on us." Bucky taunts, taking in the way your eyes are glazing over.
"Think so? Good. She wanted not to think anymore after all." Steve says. You can hear them, but their conversation falls to your ears muted, so overwhelmed that you're struggling to process anything other than the drag of their dicks along your walls.
"F-fuck I, I'm gonna- oh god." Your whiny pant isn't even a complete thought, but it's the best you're able to get out so blissed out from the way Steve and Bucky fuck you.
"Gonna cum for us sweetheart? Gonna soak our fucking dicks like a good girl?" Bucky coos at you mockingly.
"Please. Please. Please. please please please please." Your broken pleas are the only response you can offer teetering so close to the edge you can practically taste it.
"Go ahead princess, cum on our dicks, show us how good we fuck you baby." Steve says, kissing your neck. Their words along with their pace send you over the edge with a cry of their names into an orgasm so strong it's blinding. You're shaking so hard they have to tighten their hold on you as they chase their own ends. It doesn't take long for them to spill into you either, Bucky first with an expletive on his lips and Steve right after with a long moan that sends shivers down your spine. Between the two of them it's too much and you can feel their release leaking out of you. For a few moments nobody moves, it's still and silent aside from heavy breathing. Steve pulls out first and you whine when he does. "We gotta get you cleaned up princess." Steve says in response to your protesting grumble while Bucky soothes you with kisses all over your face. You watch as he walks into the bathroom and you can faintly hear the tub running. After some time, how long? Who knows, Steve returns.
"Alright sunshine. We're gonna get in the bath now." Bucky tells you. You don't have the energy to argue but you do whine again when he, with Steve's help, lifts you off of him to carry you to the bathroom. The plus side of this is when Bucky does place you in their too big jacuzzi bathtub the water is so warm you practically melt into it. Steve and Bucky take their time washing you up, gentle hands and a soft washcloth glide over your skin like it's the only thing that matters to them as they whisper promises of love and adoration and you swear you've never felt safer than in this moment.
It's incredible how what started as an anonymous gift at the mall/two overly complimentary strangers ended with you here. You're not sure loved is a strong enough word to describe how they make you feel.
Part 12/12
Tagged Users: @cjand10 @vicmc624 @mandijo17 @marvel-fandom23 @kattreffic
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athene-owl · 9 months
Dream Video Followup
OK, I know I said I was done but, after a sleep and some more thinking about the video, there are a few things I really want to add before I can never talk about this guy or his fanbase ever again.
This is the one thing I'm kicking myself for not pointing out - the Pastebin stuff. So, in the description, Dream has 3 links to Pastebin posts. The first is a statement allegedly from Jamie, the second is a statement allegedly from an anonymous person in one of the burner account screenshots, and the third is for some reason a statement by an employee behind the whole Dream USB armband thing????
OK so I'm gonna go into the third statement first before getting into the other 2 more serious posts - this statement about the baby photo discourse is quite literally a short statement from a random employee of Dream's merch company saying he doesn't believe the allegations because he doesn't think there's enough facts. He doesn't even mention the baby photos which I don't think people even really cared about. I have no idea why this of all things was included but also cannot take any stock in this because this guy 1. Would have no insight into Dream's private behavior and 2. Would financially be VERY inclined to back up Dream. While researching for this I found out there's rumors of Dream's company being unethical or something? I am not getting into that can of worms my god. Here, I'll put the entire quote below to show you how ridiculous this is, yes this is the entire thing.
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As for the other 2 statements, I'm just gonna say this - as far as I can tell, there is no evidence these statements are legit. In the prelude to the 'Jamie' statement, Dream tries to address this and explains that 'Jamie' wants privacy and how in private he can verify their identity. If you wanna give him the benefit of the doubt, this makes sense to me personally given my current knowledge on the situation. BUT I won't say I'm inclined the do so esp given his history and the stakes of the situation. It'll be enough for stans and will probs make him look respectful and noble for 'protecting' her but it just flat out is not convincing evidence to me. This statement is not the slam dunk people are treating it as, if it is genuine then I am sorry for Jamie for being dragged into all of this and that's all I'll say. This is speculative but I need to mention it - even if this is Jamie, this is not 100% conclusive. If she's afraid of public backlash, if she's afraid of Dream, if she never wanted this revealed, then I think she would understandably just want to say nothing happened and for people to leave her alone. We don't have a clear way of knowing. Given how much Dream bemoans fake evidence in his video, given how much he lambasts people for not fact-checking, this is a huge issue with his evidence and I am not convinced by this personally. This is also all true for the second statement from the anonymous Discord user too.
A lot of the things Dream seemingly proves don't actually matter. With the photo at the police station, Dream got his team of lawyers to use this single photo to find out the exact station so they could contact them. They seemingly succeeded at this and found absolutely no records of Dream being reported for anything. I get the feeling this is the piece of evidence Dream is proudest of and that is impressing a lot of people. Doesn't it look really convincing and impressive that Dream's lawyers went through all this trouble, sent emails, made calls - all to find no report against him? It is impressive, but it doesn't prove as much as people are acting like it does. If anything, the photo being connected to a real station proves that Amanda did at least go to the police, since this wasn't a stock photo or anything. And while I'm no legal expert and am happy for someone to correct me, you absolutely can go to the police, talk to them about something, but choose not to report it. I don't think its impossible that Amanda went to a police station, consulted them on the situation without dropping names or wanting to file a report, and then left. This evidence proves no one has reported Dream and his records are clear NOT that he did nothing. He offers 2 answers - 1. That she was lying about intending to report him which he then leads into 'why wouldn't she be lying about everything' (lots of issues with this reasoning but whatever) and 2. She told the police her story but it didn't meet the standard of proof AKA it wasn't even seen as worth filing a report on by the police. But there's a third option - she backed out due to one of the countless reasons these crimes go unreported. I'm seeing so many people treat this as conclusive evidence, proudly supporting the idea that a woman not reporting her abuse makes her a liar. As if its unreasonable for a woman to plan to report, go to the police, but then change her mind. Really disgusting ideas are being spread and popularized by this video and men online are eating it up.
He also tells Amanda to check her mailbox - he has identified her, found her address and sent something to her, I'm guessing some sort of legal notice. This makes me incredibly uneasy. All I'll say is this - if I was groomed by someone like Dream, with his resources and stans and success, I wouldn't report it.
Small thing but at 1:14:35 he mentions how people thought he admitted to the moaning audio being him because he called it "essentially unsubstantiated "revenge porn"" - people thought him calling it 'revenge porn' was him admitting to it being real while he insists he meant it was fake but being passed around like it was him. And I just need to say that he really should've just flat out denied it was him, just say 'that audio is not me' and this whole confusion could've been avoided.
At 1:17:42, when Dream is discussing 'false allegations' he specifically mentions that it is a current 'trend' in the Minecraft community but assures the audience it will grow and spread to other communities. Really hate how that's gonna be cited as proof of victims being fake from now on, I really must ask why Dream had to speak beyond his own situation and make wider claims about this shit because I am fucking fed up. I need random internet men to STOP positioning themselves as experts of complex issues of rape culture right now. I also have seen a lot of big Youtuber men take Dream's side in this and support this message and yeah this will make things moving forward a fucking nightmare. I want people to at least consider how hypothetical hidden abusers in an online community would react to Dream's insistence on 'false allegations' being a popular trend OK? Again, women are statistically far, far, far more likely to face sexual violence from men then men are to EVER be falsely accused so please keep this in mind and do not let your guard down because I guarantee this will have wide reaching consequences!!!! Remember how many celebrity men started suing their abuse victims after what that shithead did to Amber Heard? Yeah.
I never watched the DSMP, Dream's content, any of his Minecraft friends' content, nothing, so I have no context for the bits where he talks about those topics. I've seen people saying there's a ton to that whole side of things, a lot of complex and interpersonal drama so I wanted to mention that he does briefly talk about it if you're interested.
Even from an outside, casual perspective as someone who doesn't follow the Dream stuff closely, my friends and I know of some controversies he didn't mention and I just wanted to point that out. I'm not even saying these things are true/damning for Dream BUT these are all well-known things that he really should've addressed in a video that took over a year to make (this is not a comprehensive list, I'm sure there's more because this man is in drama every week). And before you say that he wanted to focus on the 'serious stuff' - he decided to address the speedrunning stuff, an AI video of him sucking his own dick, 10 minutes on Nick Cantu, and interviews with both his mother and an Uber driver he met once where they both wholesomely recount how funny and honorable Dream is. Anyway, here are the points:
His whole image/persona was taken from Cryaotic, a sexual predator
Him apparently supporting Trump
The drama he had with his SMP - he does briefly mention the QSMP thing but even I know there was a lot more to say on this
People in the DSMP being bigots, Dream was in charge of the whole thing and should've explained why he allowed this
Dream making sexual jokes and comments about underage friends of his (there's a whole Youtube compilation of this and it's weird as fuck)
The whole Pride month donation debacle
Dream's own bigotry towards various marginalized groups
His fans mass doxxing of multiple people - the most infamous being of Twitter user @/faerieluv, a black person who had a welfare check called on them by Dream stans for criticising him? Where they live, 'welfare checks' had resulted in black people being murdered by police before, their ADHD medication was questioned - their life was in danger due to his stans and as far as I can tell Dream has never acknowledged this. Unfortunately, it seems they have left Twitter but I don't have an account so its hard to verify. Also, I previously said they were a woman but that's not clear now so I apologize.
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wifey-ohara · 1 year
Blood and fire, they burn the same way
Angsty miguel &teen spider!reader
Notes: mentioned characters death, nothing major, sad, mentiones of threats of violence, this one is just dull really, i should really add to it ,hobie is here!,not proof read
tag list:@mvlanchqly
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4:00 am
You woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and well rested, it's been years since you had that kind of good sleep, is this what revenge feels like? Now you understand why villains hold grudges so bad
With a small smirk, you got up and got ready for your day, you didn't have anything to do today, so a day in the lab it is then, your mood got better at the decision you made.
Then it fell back down
There he was, right where you left him, leaning on the wall eyes so puffy you doubted he could open them
With a small huff you entered the kitchen making yourself a drink, hoping that your day wouldn't be ruined
You were almost done when you heared him a take a sharp breath,
It took a moment for him to move, standing up and walking towards you, blocking your exit,, too much for hoping you think
"Good morning " his voice was hourse, raw, painful, how much did he cry
"morning" you replied standing in front of him drink in your hand, waiting for him to move
"..H-how did you sleep?" he asked, almost shy
"good, thanks for asking" you answered
With a slight flinch he backed up, giving you room to move and go to your lab
Miguel wantched you leave and then with a click, you were gone
He wondered how hard is it gonna be, if it isn't impossible
So now, sitting in the couch his brain trying to process what happened to him in those last few days
He killed his wife and daughter because he was selfish, destroying a universe in the process
He missed his actual wife's death when she waiting for him to return, he didn't get to say goodbye, he doesn't know if he deserve to do so
And you, with you cold eyes and colder replies, pouring acid into his wounds, he deserves it, he knows he does, but he wants to do right by you, try and fix whatever shattered glass left between you two, and it seems that it'll cut him every step of the way, and he doesn't mind one bit, as long as you don't wish him dead, that's all he wants, not forgiveness, not a relationship, not love, only a middle ground, to live with you without feeling the heavy air around
He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the lab door open
"thanks Ben, I'll read it and take care of it" you said getting out, a screen showing that you're on a call with ben, another saving a report
"thanks dude! I'm sorry i didnt do it last night, i was so tired i fell asleep so quick!" the voice from the screen said
"don't worry about it I'll see you next time" you said hanging up..
Then a normal door opening and closing again,, the one to your room this time
He sighed, leaning back on the couch, staring at the ceiling above him
What wouldn't he give for forgiveness?
And then the door knocked...
He stood up to open it, and was shocked to find..
In all his punky glory, with his wide and wild hair, shiny piercings, hobart brown was at his door step
He was smirking a cocky smile, one that fell the moment he laid eyes on the taller man, soon turning into a frown as he looked miguel up and down
Miguel was still confused..
Hobie recovered quick though, pushing past him and into the house, yelling "Ayo, smartass, where you at? You're never late!" into the house, it didn't surprise miguel that much, what did surprise him was you, coming out of your room, a playful frown on your face "I can get too occupied in a project from time to time" fixing you outfit
He stood there in the middle of the living room watching you walking around, collecting your, phone, wallet and anything else someone would need for an outing, hobie behind you talking about something or the other, he didn't really care
He knows he shouldn't ask, that he has no right to do so, but the words leave his mouth, forced.
"where are you going?"
You paused midway through your quick search for your stuff, looking at him, hobie also quieted down behind you, you know it a big deal when that happens
Hobie Brown was your closest friend,(he might say that someone earns such label when you have a bunch of friends, and then choose who you let in or not, which you don't, but you'll roll your eyes every time at it anyway) knows about your fathers, rather nostalgic trip he had for 12 years, only he and lyla do, he found out when came to loot in on your snacks and found you crying, rare, yes, but possible, he asked you what was wrong and you told him, what was a talk about your mother turned into your life story, he listened the whole time, only commenting after, he had alot of choice words, still does but you convinced him out of going to the universe your father was in and beating the crap out of him both for cheating and abandoning you
So now, the fact that he didn't have a "talk" with him is impressive, what's more so, is that he didn't answer miguel at the moment
Is he being funny?
No way he thinks that i must answer
Did he hit his head, is he insane?
Taking a breath, you look in his eyes, red irises, red and puffy "out." you said, continuing your tour around your house, then heading to the door where miguel stood, going past him and leaving, you could swear if you had a knife you could cut the tension he caused, as if he ever caused anything else to you
"be safe" he said
"as if they needed to hear that from you" hobie scoffed, slowly reaching his limits
"Come on we're gonna be late" you said, already out the door
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sorry for not posting, just can't seem to write lately,but i promise to get them doe eventually!
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neteyammeowmeow · 8 months
DeepSeaEnergyHeadcanon during Dragons Rising that Lloyd spent some of his time on a sidequest during his time alone, to try and find Benthomaar, because maybe they didn't necessarily last see each other in decent terms, maybe there were things that needed to be said, or chances that hadn't been taken, or plans that never happened. All he needed the most was to find him, just because. He wants to know if he's safe, or not, whatever he finds, he just needs the consolation that he still exists - just like the rest of the Ninja, whatever that happens or whatever revalation is there, happens, but that's not his priority to stress out over just yet.
and sure, he still keeps it up after four years, he was starting to doubt that it'll ever happen by the third, yet persists nonetheless. But then he meets Arin and Sora- and he finds his siblings, and suddenly that chance doesn't seem so far off anymore. If they come across his scrolls, pictures from books torn or pages ripped, the scrawls he'd messily done on the board, rushed and scribbled as if he had come to a conclusion but never found the answer, it brought up nothing but questions. "I'll tell you, eventually, just remind me, okay?" He'd answer, they all know that's not likely.
and then it happens. How it happened, where it happened, when it happened, he didn't spare a moment to consider. He just knew nobody else that had that hair, curled and swept like the waves, nobody else that had eyes as the striking blue he had, that looked like they swallowed the oceans whole, nobody else had a skin painted like that- a blue on no other, he remembered when he'd joke that the whites on him were like stars, during an evening they had spent gazing at the skies, the hand that pointed towards the distant constellations, he remembers, because nobody else was his Benthomaar.
He could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; he would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. He would know him in death, at the end of the world. There wasn't even a moment to spare, there were no words needed to be said. He simply said his name, and then they just, were.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Lloyd tells, what was he apologizing for? Taking so long for convincing fate to reunite them? Never risking it all, when it was what he had to do? Becoming so weak, against what he feared, just when he was convinced he was past the burdens he'd come across? They were apart for so long, he wasn't sure if they were the same as they once had been.
"Oh, Lloyd," Benthomaar's voice had roughened, not as gentle as he was then, yet the calm voice that lulled him to rest when he was exhausted was familiar as ever, he had longed to hear him again. "There is nothing to forgive."
the hand that held him was enough to assure him.
all that he had lost once, what he longed for, what he waited for, ceased altogether, he was sure for a moment, they had all the time in the world. He defied destinies before, he'll break more, he'd eat the world raw, if that's what it takes for him to keep the tides close, for Benthomaar to be by his side, always. He smiled, and his face was like the sun.
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theerurishipper · 1 year
It's so sad that with the way the love square is characterized I couldn't say with a clear conscious that if Adrien was the one to have a panic attack or mental breakdown Marinette in anyway could handle taht in their relationship. She was never asked to give him this kind of support in return, she only received it while Adrien did all the work to make their relationship happen and conveniently as possible for her.
Or heaven have mercy if Chat Noir had a panic attack or mental breakdown. Chat in Revolution ended up indirectly confessing to Ladybug how unbelievably low his self-worth still is and he only fake it til you make it for her this season, and even if Marinette felt bad for him it was still clear as day in her eyes how badly she wanted him to stop voicing it bc in their dynamic she was never asked to learn to actually supporting him the way he does her.
All she did was saying a little sentence of "You were perfect, Kitty" which from her perspective was well intentioned but Adrien himself wouldn't be able to do anything more with that than categorizing it once again as "Ladybug wants to comfort me and is struggling" bc after season 4 her claiming only now that he was perfect at the end of season 5, when s5 Ladynoir barely asked anything of Ladybug Chat just accepted he has no right to make errors or need help anymore bc Ladybug is stressed™ and needs a care taker - then "you were perfect, Kitty" is the worst wording I can imagine.
For as sweet as taht sentence SHOULD have been, it's only from Marinette's perspective (and when you ignore that she once again says nothing more than a mere sentence as per usual, which is honestly such a painfully underwhelming bar at this point. 5 seasons of partnership and she never improved in giving support. That's honestly sad.)
That sentence makes me so upset and I'm at least glad she at least helps him find the strength to over power the miraculous transformation time limit, but her eyes when he admits to how non existing his self-worth still is just... disappointed me.
I tried reading it in good faith for so long but her eyes show that she doesn't want Chat Noir to voice these doubts in their dynamic because she can't handle it and Adrien then proceeded to take what little she gave him because she made clear that this sentence alone was already asking too much of her again. This is such an one sided partnership, Chat can't voice ANYTHING because Ladybug still can't give more than surface level help.
I couldn't even imagine what would happen if Chat Noir dared to have a panic attack and it didn't manifest in convenient obedient helplessness. He would have to somehow will himself out of the breakdown, deny that anything of importance happened and then make sure SHE doesn't continue feeling bad about herself not being good at helping him.
Sorry for ranting, but thinking about how the Love Square falls apart each and every time Adrien is the one to need help and nothing ever asks Marinette to actually improve in her weaknesses in their dynamics, the moment he isn't cuddling her into development while also serving as her punching bag to take her issues out on him (for which she is also never held accountable or asked to not do it. She can do with him whatever she wants and it's all 100% justified bc she had a bad emotion while simultaneously Adrien has to learn that any bad emotion he feels is literally female oppression)
Is just extremely frustrating.
If Adrien in season 6 feels bad that his father is dead or maybe even both of his parents, I can't imagine how that is supposed to work in their dynamic. It's not a problem Marinette can hit with force and then undo with magic and surface level "I'm sure it'll be fine" won't do it. But it's Marinette Dupain-Cheng. How realistic is it actually to expect more from her from here onwards?
Anon, you put it into words better than I ever could.
It really does bug me that Adrien is never allowed to ask for help from Marinette. Season 4 was literally all about him learning that he wasn't allowed to ask her for anything, and you can clearly see that. He literally shot down Plagg's suggestion to ask Ladybug for help in Conformation because he literally doesn't think he can ask anything of her. Season 4 was full of Ladybug paying lip service to him about how much she needs him and then pretty much never actually taking the time to validate his concerns and try to mend their partnership, even when he tried to voice his concerns. She always went on the defensive and it ended with him just accepting it and resigning himself to being her second fiddle.
And hell, look at Destruction in Season 5. Chat Noir is so distressed about Cataclysming Monarch, and Ladybug can't offer him comfort because she's having her own breakdown. And you just know that if Ladybug mortally wounded someone like that, then Chat Noir would be expected to put his feelings aside and comfort her. Season 5 was full of Chat Noir being the perfect partner for Ladybug on whom she can rely on emotionally and who has learnt the lesson that he must never ask a thing of her, even if he is in danger.
But anyway, you're completely right anon. With all this being said, I have no expectation that Season 6 will allow Adrien to feel sad about becoming an orphan, because that would necessitate that Marinette try to console him, and we can't have any of those feelings that inconvenience Marinette, now can we?
Thank you for your ask!
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