#I'm soRRY
trek-tracks · 2 days
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hell of a time to ask
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liaragaming · 3 days
Did Solas and Lavellan do it?
I made a post a while back about my changing thoughts on whether or not Solas and my Lavellan did the deed, and I did not word it well, so let me try again.
It is 1000% up to Lavellan whether or not they slept together.
The entire Solas romance is him trying to hold back and then failing his Will save every time she touches him. He is incapable of denying her when her hands are on him. That is the important factor all of this hinges on.
It depends entirely on how YOUR Lavellan would have approached the subject.
If things just got hot and heavy one evening with kisses and touches and maybe a little champagne (looking at Solas being tipsy and perhaps a little too relaxed at the Winter Palace), then that man is doomed. Whether he would have preferred to have held back, it wouldn't matter. He would be incapable of thinking things through in the heat of the moment. We have seen that as a canonical fact.
But, if your Lavellan would have had a conversation about it and given Solas time to voice his concerns (like he does after the Fade kiss), and she acknowledges that and decides to wait until he's comfortable and is certain to make 100% sure he's comfortable with it before going through with anything, then Thank the Maker for Lavellan being the responsible one in this relationship.
It's Lavellan, not Solas who decides.
That was honestly the switch for me. Because my very first playthrough, I was picking up vibes during the Winter Palace quest line. And I had the idea in my head of Solas having a thought in the middle of things of "Wait. We shouldn't do this." And only recently have I realized - Nah, honey. The two of you have got a room. Half your clothes are off. You are already gone. You're going to have fun in the morning after the adrenaline and the champagne has worn off.
So yeah, Inan and Solas totally smashed because that's what she wanted and she thought he wanted it too, and they didn't have a conversation about it beforehand. And honestly, if asked in the heat of the moment, I think he'd say yes anyway because, of course, he would want this even if he would prefer to hold back. The question is if he would hesitate and if she'd pick up on it.
My point is, YOUR Lavellan completely steers the ship in this matter.
And if she's impulsive and not the kind to approach Solas beforehand and have a conversation about it when his mind isn't already clouded with longing, Creators help them both.
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karimitic · 9 hours
I present onto you:
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Atsune Mike U.
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serene-sky-kid · 1 day
I'm weak but I resisted for several months… Now I just have to resist my furry side and that season pass, I don't want it… I don't want it (although I'll probably open commissions for the tail that's in the next season, being a furry is stronger than me)
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limprizzkit · 13 hours
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"Are you excited for Halloween?" Yeah how'd you know?
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magicalmikuri · 2 days
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Rough doodle but may I propose a crackship?
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lejoursobre · 1 year
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Global warming is wild isn't it? I mean? Warm and salty raindrops 24/7? specifically in Soho???
(I physically can't draw angst sorry I did my best here)
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hel7l7 · 7 months
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I don't know how to talk about this
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puff-the-bunny · 8 months
*It would be from someone else, another human, and it would be on you in at least a semi-direct way, including at least part of your clothes. Pick.
E.2: ... You know what? Nevermind. This post is my bastard now. Who even cares LMFAO
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sparklingjay · 5 months
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Sonic Prime Season 2 vs.
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Sonic Prime Season 3
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cabinette · 6 months
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you make me feel complete.
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sunshinelui · 7 months
Dogday needs a hug.
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I'm so sorry. But I love these two so much. They're just so cute. I can't 😭
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I can't get this image out of my head after reading Book of Bill.
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thelostconsultant · 2 months
Wanna be my part-time cat?
pairing: Max Verstappen x shifter!reader
summary: You can turn into a cat and spent a really nice day as one in Monaco. Until some maniac picked you up and took you home, that is.
part two
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It wasn't your fault. No, really, it wasn't. You were minding your own business, wandering around the streets of Monaco as a cat, occasionally begging for pets, and enjoying the view from the side of the road, watching as luxury cars kept passing by. It was a good day. Relaxing.
But then this idiot appeared, for some reason assuming you were planning to jump in front of a car, and he didn't hesitate to pick you up. “You shouldn't be hanging out here, it's dangerous,” he cooed as he scratched your ear.
It was nice, all right, but being held without waiting for you to decide whether or not you wanted it was too much. You tried to twist your body to escape, but he only adjusted his grip to keep you there in his arms. You watched him with your ears pushed back, but he only smiled.
“You don't have a collar. Who would let such a beautiful ragdoll out without one? You must be a stray,” he added, clearly thinking about something that you had a feeling you wouldn’t like. “All right, you're coming with me. I'm sure you'll get along with my cats.”
He carried you to his car and gently put you on the passenger seat, and even as he drove, he kept glancing over at you with that stupid smile on his face. When he reached out to touch you, you hissed at him and backed away, hoping this would make him understand that you didn't want to be there.
He kept talking to you in a hushed tone to calm you down, as if you were a little kid, and it became a lot more effective when you didn't hear the engine of his car running in the background anymore. You became sleepy and couldn't hold back a yawn, but that only made him chuckle before grabbing you and taking you up to his home.
“You'll stay in my bedroom for a while, just until the others get used to having you around,” he explained over the meowing of his other cats. “It's okay, you'll get to know her, don't freak out,” he then told the other two.
All you could do was play along for now. It was Saturday afternoon, you only had to work on Monday, so hopefully you'd get the chance to sneak out before that. Once he put you on his bed, he sat down and waited for you to make the first move. You didn't want to do that, so you just kept staring at him, hoping he would get the message and leave you alone.
He didn't. Well, he did leave for a few minutes at the time, but he always returned before you could do anything about your situation. Late at night he put his handheld console aside and lay down in bed, patting the mattress next to him in an attempt to convince you to move over to him.
But you didn't move, you simply sat there in the armchair next to the bed and watched him with a judging look in your blue eyes. He looked over at you every now and then, but eventually he let out a long sigh and said, “Please, stop staring at me like that.”
For a short while you kept watching him, but then you let it go and curled up to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night you jumped over to the bed and took a closer look at him. He was familiar, but you couldn't remember where you had met him. Either way, he smelled good. And he was warm. And there was a little empty space on the left side of the bed next to him that was the perfect size for you.
Though you felt the bed shift in the morning, you were too lazy to open your eyes. If he wanted to leave, he could, it was his place, and right now you were way too comfortable to care. But when you realized he had been away for a little too long compared to the day before, you decided to move closer to the door to eavesdrop.
No sounds were coming from outside. Maybe he left. Maybe this was your chance to get away. Knowing opening doors and dealing with locks would be a little difficult as a cat, you shifted back into your human form. Before you went anywhere, you decided to raid his walk-in closet and look for something to wear.
You weren't a big sports fan, but thanks to a friend who was a die-hard Red Bull Racing fan, you recognized their merch right away. Why did he have multiple t-shirts? You rolled your eyes, but still decided to steal one of those–at least you could hand it over to your friend–before moving on to find some shorts or sweatpants.
The biggest obstacle turned out to be waiting right outside the bedroom door; his other cats. When you opened it to leave the room, they immediately raced there and kept hissing at you, convincing you that maybe you shouldn't force leaving on your own. You didn't want to reveal your secret, but those damn idiots didn't give you another choice.
So you lay down on the bed and waited for the man of the house to return. Your sense of smell was weaker as a human, but you still recognized that familiar musky scent of his that was all over the pillow. It was surprisingly nice, you could've slept pretty well here if you were about to let that happen.
Another two hours passed before you finally heard the front door close, and you sat on the edge of the bed to wait for him. A very small, but very loud part of you couldn't wait to see him again. You tried to shut it up, you tried to remind yourself that he quite literally kidnapped you, but this little voice kept telling you that he thought you were just a normal cat.
“What the hell are you doing in my bedroom? And why are you in my clothes?” you heard his annoyed voice the moment he entered the room.
He wasn't freaked out, if anything, he was annoyed. Did it happen often? Did random women show up in his home every now and then? Rolling your eyes, you shrugged then pointed a finger at him.
“You were the one who locked me up here,” you told him.
The man took a threatening step forward, his phone already in his hand. “I most definitely didn't. And where's my cat?” he asked as he looked around to see if you were hiding somewhere.
With a sigh, you stood up and walked over to him. “Right in front of you. And by the way, I wasn't planning to jump in front of those cars, I was perfectly happy where I was. Oh, and I was staring at you from the armchair because I didn't trust you,” you informed him with a cheeky grin.
It took him a few seconds to comprehend your words. At first he didn't seem to believe you, but then he gulped and nodded. “Okay, let's say I believe you. How?” he asked with his hands on his hips.
“Does it matter?”
“I won't tell you. I can't.”
Letting out a frustrated groan, he gently grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled you closer. “So you're telling me that I found a gorgeous cat that I can't keep?” You nodded, although this close proximity put some strange ideas in your head that you tried to push aside for now. “Too bad, I slept so well once you curled up next to me.”
You tilted your head to the side as you watched him. Was he flirting with you? Well, he sure wasn't wasting his time. “I don't even know who you are,” you informed him.
He looked genuinely surprised. “You don't?” You shook your head in response. “I'm Max. Three-time Formula 1 world champion, but who's counting,” he added with a laugh. Realization probably became visible on your face, because his smile grew even wider. “So you've heard about me.”
Nodding, you tried to look anywhere but into those stupid blue eyes. “My friend's a big fan.”
“Then keep the shirt. Not everyone has one of these. And it also looks good on you,” he added, making you clear your throat. It wasn't good, he knew perfectly well how to get under your skin. “But seriously, I want my cat back.”
“I have a life with responsibilities, I can't be a full-time cat,” you told him with a laugh.
“Then be my part-time cat. Do whatever you want during the day, then come here and be my cat for the night,” he suggested.
You looked at the door over his shoulder where you saw a glimpse of one of the cats. “Your other cats hate me. I couldn't even leave your bedroom,” you said with a pout.
Max turned back to look at the criminals in question. “It'll be fine,” he said when he turned back to you.
But you didn't look convinced, and your words confirmed that when you pushed his hands away and took a step back from him. “I should go. I'll get your clothes cleaned and return them as soon as I can,” you promised.
“No need. But think about my offer.” You nodded, then pointed at the door as you took a hesitant step towards it. “Right, the cats. Come with me, they'll leave you alone if I'm there.”
He took your hand on the way to the front door, and it was getting harder and harder to convince yourself it was bad. Because it wasn't. It was nice. And you couldn't deny that last night you slept pretty well next to him. It was comfortable. Being near him was comfortable.
You were actually beginning to consider his offer.
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finnbin · 1 month
More @donniipao's puppet Bill AU because I'm quite literally obsessed
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this was just a silly idea I had after finding out the puppet was wooden lmao, not at all based off anything OP said! :)
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