#I'm so very stumped on what I want to do lmao
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lowkeyrobin · 11 months ago
First of all I love your stories like Trevor Spengler is so goooood!
I was wondering I was scrolling through your posts and saw jaeden Martell as an actor one shot?
I was wondering if you could possibly do a headcannon what it would be like dating him please?
Like a sfw version and a NSFW version please
Absolutely no pressure.
And if you don't do that sort of thing I understand lol
Have a miraculous day lovely and keep up the good work ✌️😄
yeah of course!! and thank you so much, I'm glad you're enjoying them! ; also I did see your other thing about apologizing for the NSFW, and you're totally fine, no biggie! I wanted to put this here too bc idk if u saw me reply to it before I deleted it ; thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
JAEDEN MARTELL ; dating shenanigans
summary ; dating stuff with jaeden
warnings ; language
word count ; 564
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literally a picture perfect duo
one because he's jaeden martell and two because you look so good together
both of your Instagram pages are filled with pictures of each other
honestly, yall don't have any haters, you worked on a few movies together, so people have been shipping you for YEARSSSS
every once in a while you scroll through tiktok and find a few handfuls of edits of you and jaeden + your characters
they're the cutest thing ever
you always like, repost and favorite them
it's so funny going back and seeing the ops reaction lmao
sometimes you do some cutesy photoshoots together cause like, why not?
always indulging into each other's interests
you two religiously go on picnic dates
always going on roadtrips to go see something new
you find all sorts of new little restaurants and places to go on Facebook (thank your parents for that one... it's an awful place but it's good for finding new things)
you guys met on the set of IT
it was so awkward at first with everyone meeting each other and whatnot
but after a day or two it was like you'd all known each other since forever
you quickly formed a special bond with jaeden, like just bonding over a lot of the same things and your feelings
people were shipping your characters but the interviews post it2017 and it2019 releases 😭 got the fans all over you two
you had a minor role in defending jacob but the edits of your characters went hard
same thing with metal lords, like 😭
you had about the same size role as hunter so pretty much a main character but your character barely talked to his outside of with hunter 😭
those editors were struggling but feeding
he was the first to confess, surprisingly
it was like a bit before he got the role for jacob barber
he took you out for coffee and a long walk through a park and stuff
thing like hozier vibes if that makes sense
bro became a poet talking to you like that
he couldn't look at you because he was embarrassed the whole time but you were staring at him while walking. like a mix of shock and happiness
you found a tree stump to place your coffee cup (he'd already finished his) placed it down, and just kissed him
cause wtf did he think was gonna happen? speaking all romantic like that like you wouldn't kiss him...
he's not a big pda person, maybe a 4/10
will happily hold your hand or give you small pecks on the cheek/hand/lips but nothing else
he's not jealous at all either so there's no reason for his pda level to just go from 2-10 at all
on the topic of jealousy, it's very rare for him to be jealous of you
he trusts you and it's not something he really worries about when it comes to other people
you're not that jealous over him either, yall got that healthy mutual trust
and finally, some songs that kind of sum up your little relationship 🙏❤️
cloudbusting ; kate bush
crush culture ; conan gray
bourgeoisieses ; conan gray
empire now ; hozier
wildflower and barely ; hozier & allison russell
too sweet ; hozier
lost it to trying paper towns mix ; son lux
thinking bout love ; wild rivers & wrabel
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canisbrutus · 2 months ago
AAAHHHH your headcanons are amazing !! Do you have more to tell us on the bullies? Maybe Trent, or Tom? I would love to hear about them too!!!
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you're flatterin me lmao. alright lets see. this was supposed to be short. its not. youre gettin Trent Tom & Ethan. And i'm barely holding back from dumping abt Russell too bc goddamn everyone did him dirty. anyway enjoy.
Trent Northwick 🎬
The Basics:
he got laid exactly once and made it 3/4ths of his personality.
yeah he's got a bit of an ego, or so it seems. but he's arguably still one of the better folks on campus.
he's also an actor, part of the drama club, something he takes very very seriously.
wants to make it to hollywood someday. make it big. be adored.
and he is a Very good actor, believe it or not.
"i'm so hot" this, "I'm a star" that.
a begging to be believed.
tough crowd at bullworth, you know? not his fault nobody can recognize pure talent.
but at the end of the day, its not even a convincing enough performance to fool himself.
Expanded Lores:
his home life aint the greatest. not the Worst, but not good.
father aint in the picture, he had his grandmother for a moment, but she died, as old people tend to do, and he was on his own with his mother.
and his mother. hrms. after a certain point she just got too tired to really give a fuck about him or anything he did.
he helped out with finances by working part time. as they did struggle with like. food insecurity. keeping the lights on and the water running. all that jazz.
at least they had a house. in a slum, but still.
much like wade and co., his grades were ass, and he didnt feel like concussing himself on the field over Balls.
with not many options on his plate, he turned his gaze to his one passion and form of escapism: the big screen.
the man can memorize entire films in ~3 watches at most.
has the shittiest notes known to man but he's still good.
yes he was part of the drama club as mentioned before. and yes, he was romeo in that one play.
and yes, he got Really into the role. and Really into 'juliet.'
was he accosted by his buddies for taking a fonder interest in a nerd? also yes, but when pressed he'd laugh it off.
'it's not his fault there's prettyboys everywhere to those with eyes to see.'
their fling was cut short when earnest caught them in the library tangled together and he chastised cornelius for. well. 'getting sloppy' with one of their sworn enemies.
many such cases. but luckily for trent he caught the eye of another boy: kirby olsen, star of the field.
i can talk about those two for ages but i'll try to keep it brief here.
in short they were the only ones who took eachother seriously and recognized the effort they put into their respective passions.
they had their hangups still, most notably being kirby's own internalized homophobia, but clung to eachother like moss to a stump all the same.
trent actually told his bully boys about his relationship, top secret shit. but believe it or not that was chill.
long story short they made a blood oath they'd always have eachothers backs, cause as ive said before, they aint got much else.
that, and, well. it's not like they werent unfamiliar with such bonds anyway. between troy's questioning and certain other things, what happens in the trenches stays in the trenches.
the trenches being the various Ditches around, usually the school parking lot.
yeah none of these boys really care abt getting dirty they usually took cover in them.
this earned them the nickname 'gutterslime' from the preps.
funny story: trent once pulled a muskrat out of a particularly wet ditch. named it Bucky II and held it up for his friends to see.
the rat then bit him and ran away, of course.
final thing take these two songs that fit him. 1. 2. moving on.
Tom Gurney 🧿
(CW: abuse/stalking mentions)
The Basics:
alright this one might be a stretch but hear me out.
he doesnt live with his parents, just his crazy ass brother.
his paranoia? comes from them and alll their stunts.
that trauma and fear's wormed under his skin and ofc it reflects in like. most of his worldview.
hard to trust anything or anybody when your own parents turned out to be monsters ya know?
but he still tries to trust his friends.
that blood oath meant sumn to him.
if only they'd just listen to him a bit more sometimes.
Expanded Lores:
tom is what youd call legally emancipated. in other words he went thru the courts and got divorced from his own parents and doesnt need any guardian's permission to get a job enroll in school n shit etc etc etc.
this was hell.
for one they didnt want him out of their vise. for another they Damn sure didnt want him under the same roof as his disgrace of a brother, not after they sent him off to that boarding school.
yeah tom didnt grow up in bullworth and his brother kind of kidnapped him. but it was justified.
as such, he was kind of an oddball amongst the bullies, being one of the youngest, if not The youngest addition to their group.
this all went down his freshman year, two years prior to ingame events.
regardless they did accept him wholeheartedly. he's got his own attitude and Bite.
they even included him in the blood oath. which was Very significant to him.
practically solidified them as his Brothers. his new family. etc.
sidenote: his actual brother is the townie Gurney. his deal was he dropped out and just never went home because it sucked. he's got a few screws loose but he's a good guy. he's also like 20something.
anyway tom's a horror nut yeah. always was. likes junji ito, texas chainsaw massacre, that sort of thing.
he was actually in a creative writing club working out his own creepypasta-esque stories lmfao.
earned him the title of creep. sometimes got him smacked.
he Also likes radiohead but shhhh.
sigh. his parents Really didnt let him go easy.
in fact they refused to accept the court's orders.
came up, watched him, for a time.
he thought he'd just be experiencing sleep paralysis, seeing shadows from the window.
if only. no. they Wanted him back.
they got arrested thankfully. finally. gurney spoke of moving again but tom didn't want to leave his friends behind.
anyway. absolutely horrid upbringing aside, tom was a pretty decent guy, largely.
yeah he's been through a lot, but it toughened him up, or so he thinks. if nothing else it's hardened him somewhat.
bullworth was a shithole for many, but it was probably the only place he felt really free.
on a lighter note. damn this boy loved bmx tricks.
liked bikes just as much as the greasers really.
wasnt uncommon to see him at the park on the ramps practicing his stunts.
didnt wear protection nope who needed that.
thats for girls and he aint a girl. he's rawdogging life already.
you can tell how that went by his face alone.
usually gurney cooked bacon n eggs to help him feel better n shit.
fav food yaknow. poached especially. extra crispy bacon.
i got a song for him too dw. boink
Ethan Robinson 🥋
The Basics:
he's arguably one of the most put together of the bunch.
or at least, he knows what he believes in and he's sticking with it.
it's all self-empowerment to him. discipline and whatnot.
he's still a hooligan, but that's just the way of the world. to turn the other cheek, to not assert yourself? that's weakness.
they'll thank him for showing them the way, someday.
they'll know respect. they'll know strength.
they'll see.
Expanded Lores:
the home he comes from has suffered some hardships. but he didnt have a bad upbringing, per se.
loving parents, strong father, they only want to see him succeed.
some things just cant be helped. like the shithole neighborhood they're in.
but at least he met his lifelong friends there.
the boys pile up on his couch to watch cowboy bebop on a semifrequent basis. lol.
his place was a safe haven when trent's home wasnt available for movie night. and movie night was Important.
this boy has a massive collection of flicks, on that note.
most of which are either kung fu, samurai, or anime related.
yeah his obsession runs deep.
one might even call it a special interest.
he's got katanas on his bedroom walls and shit.
absolutely heartbroken he cant bring them on campus.
but he makes do with his fists, of course.
he was lucky enough to join an afterschool martial arts club in his elementary years. unfortunately it shut down sometime in middle school and he hadnt been able to find another since.
he doesnt remember all the moves, but he still has his Belts.
he also has a very fat orange cat named Buddha.
morning tradition is to rub his belly for luck every day.
not a hard task as that cat is frequently splayed out on his back.
or in somebody's lap. the boys frequently pass him around like a potato during movie night.
admittedly he really likes animals. feeds strays and whatnot.
volunteers at shelters. usually on weekends.
breaks his heart when he cant save em all.
anyway he does meditate and Often.
usually under an ice cold shower pretending its a waterfall.
sometimes perched precariously on the roof of some building.
how does he get up there? parkour.
yeah in his quest to be a ninja he picked up some tricks like Scaling Buildings and Long Jumps.
he's Very hard to knock off balance.
sometimes he can be seen just chilling on top of the boy's dorm when he wants some peace and quiet.
the others accompany him up there sometimes but usually they back out from fear lol.
tom's generally fine with it though. he's used to heights.
funny pair of alleycats they are.
anyway aside from his.... particular views on pushing folks around, and his attitude most of the time. he's a nice kid.
honestly he's got some of the best grades of the bullies lmfao.
music blast
that took me all night i hope u like it lmao. these boys. shakes my fist. their dynamics amuse me.
requests are still open but i may close them soon
[hc masterpost link]
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qqtxt · 2 years ago
omgomgomg i cant let this thought go help meee but imagine the cliché bad dream trope with txt specifically the one where reader wakes up from a bad dream where the dream version of bf!txt was cheating on them then they wake up and get angry at irl txt lmao (im not really thinking angst but lighthearted and soft hours)
*smacks them awake with a pillow*"WHO IS SHE?!"
Them: 👁👄👁 "Babe I just woke up wdym..."
oh my goodness this is too real. i have done something similar to my bf before and he's really just 💧👁👄👁💧 this made me giggle so i just had to write a little something! I'm still a little stumped with my studies but i really wanted to write something out so this is a bit short and not really proofread! so apologies in advance but i do hope it's okay! 💖
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[🌸] bitter dream, sweet reality w/ txt
✿ pairing: ot5 x reader / fluff, crack 🌸🤡 / idol!txt / non.idol!you / soobin and yeonjun get roasted for nothing ✿ mini-fics with each member for the same situation / less than 400 words for each member / altogether, word count: 1,591 words ✿ in which you dreamt that he cheated on you and you smack their face with a pillow [masterlist 🌸] / other members under the cut!
[����] soobin  soobin lets out a whine when he feels a smack to the face. as he opens his eyes, he flinches when he notices you're already looking at him with a frown on your face. the worry overtakes him too quickly as he sits up, hands to your shoulders, "hey... you okay?"
"how can you ask that when you did what you did?" you mutter under your breath, looking away from him with a huff. he gapes, blinking a couple of times to recuperate. 
"i-i just–what did i–"
"you cheated on me. in my dream. you suck."
initially, soobin's stumped. listening to your words, he was ready to apologise until he realises that–"wait, in your dream? i cheated? on you?" he chuckles when the words sink in, and he watches how you cross your arms in front of your chest. "you can't be serious, right? why would i ever cheat on you?"
when you press your lips to a thin line and refuse to look at him, he takes it as his cue to–"ah..." he hums softly, relenting as he wraps his arms around you. it was easy enough to curl you in given that he makes use of his figure; effectively nudging you towards him and engulfing you in his embrace. "i apologise on behalf of dream soobin, but real life soobin won't ever do that," he gives you a gentle shake, "hm?"
"hm," you nod, putting your arms around him to snuggle closer towards him. sure, you might've hit soobin in the face with the pillow but the way he's able to hug you like this might've been all the more worth it as he smiles into the side of your face like a hopeless romantic.
[🦊] yeonjun yeonjun nearly falls off the bed as he comes to wake from the hit to the face. he can't quite believe he's woken up just from a hit but when he snaps his eyes open and turns to the side, he's a mumbling fish.
"what?! who? what's going on?" he frantically looks around, and then he spots you sitting up with a pillow in your hands, nearly looking like you're about to squish it to death. "yah..." he murmurs, a hand reaching out to you but his brows furrow when you dodge his touch, "what's wrong?"
"you cheated on me."
his eyes visibly widen as he swallows.
"me? when?"
"in my dream. last night. i don't like you."
he didn't intend to but you make it very, very hard not to smile. the corner of his lips already tug upwards at the thought of you being frustrated at the fact you thought he would cheat on you, or even comprehend that.
"look at me, please?" he tries to reach out to you and this time he manages to put a hand on the pillow you're holding. he tugs at it and you let go of the pillow so he can put it back next to him as he puts his hands in yours to give a squeeze. "c'mon now, the quicker you look at me, the faster we can go back to sleep."
you reluctantly look at him and that's when you see it. the way his eyes look at you with love, overflowing with warmth. the way he's so infatuated with you that he couldn't ever, possibly do it.
"how could i ever cheat on you when i get to look at you look at me like this? do i need to run up to the rooftop to profess my love to you to the entire world? because i would, let me just grab my slippers and–"
you make a noise that crosses between a whine and grumble, squeezing his hands. that alone was enough for yeonjun to be able to get you to lie down next to him as he cuddles you in bed until you fall asleep with a smile on both of your faces.
[🐯] beomgyu  beomgyu merely groans at the soft plush feeling he feels on his face. he doesn't bother opening his eyes, only reaching out blindly until he hooks his arm around what feels like your waist and he pulls. he whines a little when you don't oblige it makes him peel one eye open to see you frowning at him. instinctively, he shrugs it off and shifts closer towards you instead, nuzzling against the side of your arm, "what time is it? it still looks dark to be awake..."
when he doesn't hear a response, he huffs and opens his eyes, now noticing the way you're still frowning.
"nawh... what's wrong? can't sleep?"
"i was peacefully sleeping until you decided to cheat on me in my dream."
his first instinct is to laugh, then drag poor, innocent yeonjun into this.
"the day i ever cheat on you is the day that yeonjun-hyung turns into a bird,"
"...okay, not funny. but look at me," he sits up on his elbows, turning to look at you properly even though he has crust in his eyes and he looks like he needs to sleep for another year and a half. "i'm so hopelessly in love with you that i still feel like i don't see you enough,"
"i'm with you every night," you counter, with a scoff of laugh that he holds onto with a grin, "exactly," he nods. "so how can i possibly cheat on you?"
when you don't respond, he knows he's won when he's able to lay back down and lure you into his arms.
"better?" he hums, burying his face in your neck as you cuddle against his chest, as he moulds into your back with a sigh. "better."
[🐿] taehyun  taehyun's half-sleepy, half-confused when he wakes up from the fluff of a pillow that greets him awake. it takes him a while to process that okay, i'm awake and to notice that oh, you're the one who woke me up when he notices the pillow in your hands, a frown etched to your lips, brows furrowed. he sighs and sits up, tilting his head at you, "can't sleep?"
you keep silent, fidgeting with the pillow that taehyun shakes his head.
"c'mon, pretty thing. i can't help unless you tell me what's wrong," he shifts a little closer, placing a hand on top of yours, lifting his brows just a little on instinct, "hm?"
he sees how your features change in the dark and he shouldn't laugh but he does when you're all pouty and sulky.
"you're a cheater, kang taehyun."
"me?" he snorts, giving your hands a squeeze, "since when?"
"since last night, in my dream."
you watch as your words seep into his brain, and it shows on his face when his lips turn from an 'o' to a small smile.
"that's not fair, now is it? i can't control dream taehyun, but at least i can control real-life taehyun," he moves to wedge his hand between yours and grips onto one of it, his thumb brushing the back of your hand, "and real-life taehyun would never do that to you."
"promise?" you know you sound childish, maybe even a little irrational but it's the way taehyun nods with such firmness and genuity, even locking pinkies with you that makes you feel at ease, "promise."
[🐧] kai kai is the definition of clueless and flustered upon being smacked to wake with a pillow to the face. though, he's surprisingly not as panicky as imagined when he sits up with a sharp intake of breath, eyes rapidly blinking as he adjusts to the darkness of the room and calls for your name softly.
"are you okay?" he mutters, rubbing his eyes as he sits up, half-lidded.
"no, because you," with another pillow hit to the chest, he oofs back onto the bed despite trying to sit up, "cheated on me."
he remains laying down on the bed, moving his hand from his eyes with a chuckle.
"what's so funny?" you huff, nudging him with your weapon (pillow).
"me cheating on you is like saying soobin-hyung willingly signed a gym membership."
"...do you think this is funny?"
"y/n," he sits up, testing the waters to see if you'd hit him again but when you lower your weapon down, he smiles at you so sweetly, it's making you feel a little guilty for waking him up like this and he's still so sweet to you. "i literally flew back ten hours just so i can be with you for two days before i'd have to leave again. i'd still do it again and again because i love you so much. do you think i'd cheat on you?"
"then why'd you cheat on me in my dream?"
he shrugs, "i can't answer that. that's not me."
when you don't say anything, he sighs and peels the pillow from your hands so he can place it back on the bed. then, he crawls over to you, wrapping his arms around you to carefully lure you back to where you belong; in his arms, side by side in bed.
"you don't actually think i'll cheat on you, do you?" he murmurs, rubbing your stomach as he hooks his chin on your shoulder.
you shake your head and lean back to his touch, "no, but it felt real. and i didn't like that feeling..."
"mm..." he hums, "that doesn't sound like it feels nice. but do you feel a bit better now?"
you nod, lapping your hands over his as your eyes close, "yeah, much better now."
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f-imaginings · 3 months ago
I need more billford content from you! SO BADLY! I remember you mentioning that you’re working on some sequels. Can you give us like a sneak peek or do you have any writings you did of them? Or is there any fics that you read that you enjoy? It’s just you write them so well, it’s kinda hard to find other works similar to yours. Basically I’m STARVING
Hi lovely,
Your comment is so lovely I reread it a bunch before deciding to reply today with links and all the good stuff.
I have given the majority of the sequel sneak peaks I can afford to give yesterday, so we'll have to wait until KMKY is finished for more sequel goodness, I only caved yesterday bc it was my birthday and I love giving presents.
What I can do is link some old answers to various gravity falls writing prompts I've done before on my blog, and recommend some of my fanfics in other fandoms to tide you over.
I'm working as hard as I can to get the next chapter ready for you, so hopefully it will be ready after xmas or in early jan, and we literally have the roadside attraction chapter, Dipper and Mabel vs the Future and Weirdmageddon to go and then its the end of KMKY!
I'll be plotting and organising the timeline for ITBICD (It's The Best I Can Do or KMKY 2 electric boogaloo lmao) during this time too so hopefully I can launch straight into it after the final chapter of KMKY is posted!
So here are the links:
Shailesh and Jolene bounty hunter romance short
Fiddleford went home for thanksgiving, here's what Bill and Ford did
Down in the bunker Stanford sexperiments on Bill
Stanford psychoanalyses Bill with an old psychology textbook
For those who haven't read it yet, there was a uptilnow unpublished sex scene from KMKY that has recently gone up on AO3 here
Not from KMKY but an AU where Stanford becomes dependent on percepshrooms instead of Bill for his successes
A half baked Supernatural Billford AU bc I was a nerd haha
If you're keen to explore other fandom fics I've written, I have a murder mystery FMAB AU for folks who loved fullmetal alchemist that I'm pretty proud of.
For people who like the spooky side of Billford I have a half finished Magnus Archives AU fic too that sort of predicted the Jon in a computer part of The Magnus Protocol (I am cursed with the gift of prophecy)
For fanfic recommendations I haven't had the chance to read a lot of Billford fanfic since I tried not to read others fics while working on KMKY (there were a few notable exceptions, Theseus's Guide by @stump-not-found slaps (its fun, well paced and zany!) and I read Statement Abnegation (dark and gritty, not sure I was a fan of the ending since I like Ford to have more agency but for a dark fic it went places) since it was recommended to me. I also enjoyed A Postcard from New Mexico by roseverdict (an excellent concept and nice Stan brothers bonding) that I felt compelled to read)
If you don't mind other fandoms, I'll link my ao3 bookmarks of other stories I loved. There's a lot of batman, magnus archives, star trek, the locked tomb, miraculous ladybug, witcher, thor, rise of the guardians and homestuck (because we all had that phase, don't lie) and the list isn't very long, just some fics I like rereading there.
I hope this helps! I'm working hard on the next chapter so there will be more content for you soon, plus there's always a good reread as a backup option, and the wonders of maladaptive daydreaming haha!
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If people want to add their own recommendations to this for fanfic recs please do in the reblogs!
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olenvasynyt · 2 months ago
Hi!! I was wondering what kind of music do the van bros listen to?
Alrighty I thought long and hard on this. You have no idea what you're actually asking for because I am crazy when it comes to music. I listen to too much music. (I'm also just crazy in general). I am going to throw a few bonus people in just cause it's relevant.
Eris...oh god this is so hard because I feel like he's not very outward on his music taste but he. Loves. Disco. ABBA and Boney M are probably his favorites but he also loves synth pop like Eurythmics and A-Ha. You guys can hate on me and disagree but come on. Look up Eurythmics' album Touch and come back to me.
Raivis. He would be so weird and pretentious I just know it. He would probably love goth music like Sisters of Mercy and Bauhaus. Keep it classic and overbearingly gloomy.
Elmar. Ughhhhh he would be pretentious too and probably have the worst music taste out of all the brothers (imo). He'll probably listen to classic rock that every white upper-middle class person knows and vaguely listens to: The Police, Rolling Stones, Rush, Styx...I'm being such a hater lmao I'm sorry but he's one of the people who's like "ugh the music today is so awful I miss the classics!" and listens to the worst type of classics 😂
Galeti is a club rat who is in his Brat era. He listens to a range of stuff including music for the girls and the gays (Chappell Roan, Addison Rae, Sabrina Carpenter, Charlie XCX ofc, Magdalena Bay, etc). He also loves the good ole techno, electronic, and phonk music, and can get into 00s music remixed, european techno, rave, etc. Anything you can snort a line to dance to. Look up SPFDJ and Sara Landry, I feel like they would be his girlsssss (because they’re my girls and I’m self-inserting for almost all of these answers)
Aatos is a stomp and holler guy. Gregory Alan Isakov, The Oh Hellos, Of Monsters and Men, Hozier, etc. The soft stuff you would listen to if you want to get emo while hiking in a park or something.
Jora is a basic bitch who secretly loves Taylro Swift and Sabrina Carpenter but is ashamed of it because Elmar makes fun of him, so he sticks with the basic rock or something. I feel like he loves podcasts too.
Lady of Autumn would loveeeee the very terrible and wonderful soft rock 70s - 80s hits such as Barry Manilow, Barbra Streisand, Lional Richie, Roberta Flack, Andy Gibb, etc. It's such a vibe and idk I feel like it's perfect for the moms who reminisce the old lovers they miss when they were younger 😂😭😭😭
I feel like Lucien listens to everything, and I mean everything. He's got 10 different languages on one playlist: he'll flip between bollywood, early 00's American rock, hardcore russian metal, indie, stomp and holler (he would love mumford and sons because Tamlin got him into it), hip hop, Caribbean, disco, european club music (he would LOVEEEEE Eurovision and yes that is self-insert because same). He loves obscure music, popular music, soundtracks etc etc etc. He's not really trying to find something new, but he's just naturally an explorer so he really loves everything.
When he meets Jesminda in this modern AU where human music exists, she would ask him what kind of music he listens to and for some reason he blanks. He's like "uhhhh I listen to everything" (and it's true but that's a very basic non-answer). She says "okay dumbass what's your favorite artist? 🤨" and he is still stumped and he blurts out the first thing he can think of which is the music he listens to with his mom:
"Barry Manilow."
Jesminda laughs so fucking hard lmao and he has to explain and eventually they'll listen to one of his playlists and do a Spotify Blend or something but that gets me to:
Jesminda's music taste would be 2000’s music including but not limited to Amy Winehouse, Fiona Apple, Shakira, Black Eyed Peas, Mariah Carey.  She also has an obsession with Back Street Boys.
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saltymongoose · 1 year ago
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With the nose asks I'm surprised no ones brought up nose bleeds. I get them pretty often so I can imagine the first time any grunt sees the Player just randomly throw their head back as they ask for a napkin Probably doesn't matter how severe it is they're gonna freak out. Doc (and or Jeb and Hof depending on where Player is) completely losing it on the inside as it seems to be bleeding from the inside, and then mid way through mentally preparing himself for surgery or something Player's like "yeah it happens when the airs dry" or "Oh I broke my nose one time and now it just happens occasionally."
I love it - yet another distinctly human phenomenon to throw the grunts into absolute pandemonium lmao.
Any injury that the Player gets becomes the top concern of whoever they're with, and random, causeless ones are the most panic-inducing of them. At least if you trip or get hit by a spray of debris, your grunts can properly assess the situation and use their background knowledge to help you. But if you get a nosebleed, it essentially concerns a body part of yours that they know very little about sustaining a wound that has zero obvious cause to exist.
It's not like you got hit there or anything, which then leads your grunts to fear that you've got internal bleeding or perhaps a bad head injury that's only making itself known now. You know, otherwise lethal things.
Even the most intelligent of grunts (i.e. Christoff and Hofnarr, perhaps even 2BDamned) are stumped on what to do, which of course just pushes them further into a panicked spiral. They're rushing to get medical supplies for you, pushing you to tell them all about your wound while subtly nudging you to lie down on whatever flat surface is closest so they can examine you, and even preparing mentally for surgery on the most important person in their life. You're sitting there with a tissue to your nose and a mostly nonchalant expression while they're trying to come to terms with taking your life in their hands to do urgent brain surgery.
The funny thing is that they're so worried it causes you to be more concerned over them than your own nosebleed. You don't want them to get a heart attack, so you gently try to reassure them that you're okay while trying to stop your blood from dirtying your shirt too badly.
Since we're on the topic of them, I also think that these three grunts in particular are probably the easiest to calm down (at least outwardly) with your explanation of what a common nosebleed is. Their panic comes from it being you who's bleeding combined with their lack of knowledge over what's happening to you. And also what they should do to help treat you, which is actually nothing because you have it handled - but you know they're not going to be content with that, so you may as well assign them to be your "nurses" during this whole mishap. If not only for their peace of mind.
As for the other grunts, their distress is far worse by comparison, because 9/10 times they don't even have any background with medical things at all - nor have most of them had in-depth discussions about your anatomy like Doc. And given how much blood can pour out of your nose when it happens, you're going to have to try a bit harder than you'd like to convince them that no, you're not dying, this is just sort of normal for you. (Cue them freaking out again because wtf, bleeding like this is a usual thing for you? Why??)
Even after your nosebleed passes, your grunts are going to be far more cautious and protective around you than they usually are (which is saying something). They wouldn't want to risk you being hurt again after such a recent injury, especially after losing all of that blood.
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mahi-does-some-art · 5 months ago
puff the world needs to know, are you working on any new servamp pieces or projects?? :3
I am, actually! Although it has been very slow progress because I'm no longer in school and there's nothing justify using art as a distraction anymore right now lmao.
I'm sorry I haven't been posting any art as much as I used to. I'm in that sort of "in-between" part of my life where im not in school and dont have a job yet so I'm rather bleh about doing anything rn 😭
However that doesnt mean i havent done anything at all!! Just a lot of unfinished stuff! Behold and thank you for asking!
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(Context: These are some sketch designs for Mahiru and Inner Sloth for a human au of mine where Mahiru and Inner Sloth (Rowan) met and end up forming a legendary punk band bc Rowan was a punk and he met Mahiru in a time where he was most alone and susceptible to change thanks to it.)
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I really like this one even tho im p sure im not gonna finish it rip
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For this one, i wanted to make what's sort of like a game resting place for all of the pairs? I only ever got this far really but maybe i'll try again sometime!
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and a sketch of an attempted merlisono comic lol
Im trying to work on a Halloween art as we speak to try and get myself out of my creative stump so we'll see how that goes. Thank you for asking and sorry for not posting a lot again
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charlie-pippin-faraday · 5 months ago
my danganronpa v3 chapter 3 investigation and trial running commentary:
would it be too obvious to predict that kiyo killed angie? because it seems like there was a ritual involved, and he's the ritual guy. and he wouldn't shut up about the resurrection ritual angie wanted to do being like an offense to proper rituals or whatever
you know people have been saying "yeah they're definitely dead, positive, i watched them die" so many times i'm starting to get suspicious
the instant kiyo was like "the spirit medium should be a girl" i knew it was gonna be tenko, and i had the immediate thought of "she's about to die, isn't she?" which only grew stronger as she was saying all that uplifting stuff to himiko
"alright himiko i'll see you later!" i have the sinking feeling you won't
"i'll see you all after the seance!" no you won't, tenko
this singing strongly reminds me of being in church lol. no tune, rhythm, or pitch, everyone's singing terribly, it's barely more than a chant lol
there was a huge obvious thunk in the middle of our song and we just kept singing?? lol okay
kiyo looking at tenko surrounded by a pool of her own blood: "something is amiss." yeah ya think???
tbh i expected there to be a double murder at some point. there was one in each of the previous two games (both in chapter 3, if i recall correctly), so this isn't a surprise
even though i 100% saw it coming, i'm a little bummed it was tenko. i fucking HATED her at the start but she was really growing on me
however, i DID predict that all of the girlies would end up dead, and they took out 2 of the 3 of them in one fell swoop
lmao maki you can call kaito stupid as much as you want, but i see through your ruse. i too was once an angry, brash teenage girl. i know that "he's so stupid i can't stand him" is teenage girl code for "i want him so bad i don't know how to handle it." and like, someone treating her kindly, including her in the group constantly, and believing in her on blind faith alone has got to be out of the norm for her, i get why he gets her so bent out of shape lol
she really did punch him super hard in the mouth tho lol
i miss having kaito around, my buddy my partner in crime. was really missing him the latter half of this chapter
but he's with me at all times in spirit, now that i have the kaito monopad theme! it's like i stuck up a picture of him in my locker, that's what that feels like. he's always there, cheering me on, inspiring me. a constant reminder...of Him
now, as for this case, i do not have nearly as clear of an idea of what happened or who's guilty. i'm definitely more confused than last time. last time i knew basically how the murder happened. this one i'm stumped, on both murders. there's so much that doesn't make sense, idk how it happened. OR who did it. my only hunch is that i think it could be kiyo? but that feels like too simple an answer just because of all the occult stuff and i have no clue why he would do that
"i believe that inner voice will lead me to hope as long as i listen to it" keebo you don't happen to hear the voice of makoto naegi in your head, do you?
LMAOOOO @ kokichi and miu going back and forth about "cum dumpster" and gonta just being like ".......anyway what should we talk about now?"
the taxi game should just be called "reckless driving: the minigame"
"soul bro"????????? kazuichi soda is that you?????
"as a self-proclaimed expert of stepping through floorboards" i'm glad kokichi can make fun of himself as well as others
i mean once they said the loose floorboard was inside the magic circle, the magic circle that kiyo drew and that kiyo told us not to step on, in order to perform the seance that kiyo put together and convinced us to perform........the answer there felt kind of obvious
kiyo was acting very sus the whole trial, trying very hard to pin the blame on himiko
the very unhinged nervous laughter gave it away tbh
is miu saying that she makes keebo look at her shit everyday? also, why go through all that? wouldn't a camera be easier?
why is everyone bullying keebo PLEASE stop
i would just like to say, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart: what the FUCK, kiyo
i didn't expect this game to include an incestuous serial killer, yet here we are
"i nearly went mad" you know what my dude i think you can cut out the word "nearly"
"all the girls here are worthy except maki and miu" hey shut the fuck up, those are my two favorite girls!!!!
"i have finished my explanation to you, friends" we're not friends
"i'll watch over you as a ghost! as your friend, i'll watch over you!" please don't. and once again we're not friends
now i know why i couldn't figure out what happened in these murders or why they occurred - it's because kiyo is INSANE and just did murders for funsies
"i'll put in the effort until everyone trusts me" i see that kaito finally got through to maki
she's still annoying but i'm glad to see that himiko finally grew a bit of a backbone and fought back. and it's heartening to see tenko inspire her, maybe she'll be more interesting as the rest of this game progresses
i do feel bad for her tho, they cruelly took out both prongs of her love triangle at once. she wailed about being alone now, which is sad, but i sure hope she doesn't come to ME for comfort or friendship; despite these developments i'm still not interested in hanging out with her
i thought he was gonna end up annoying me endlessly, but kokichi has become very fascinating. what's your motive, my dude? why do you do the things you do? what's your endgame? i don't understand you and i'm never hanging out with you, but i'm curious
gonta carrying himiko on his back is actually the sweetest thing
bro holdup is kaito dying??????? no no no!!!!!! i need more information IMMEDIATELY!
oh great, i get kiyo's mask as a present, exactly what i wanted
on to chapter 4!
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fob4ever · 1 year ago
patrick stump & neal avron on tape notes podcast (12.15.23)
songwriting stuff, demos, lyric process, a bunch of things! they talk about the songs lftos, heaven iowa and smfsd.
long summary under the cut!
talked about how they sat outside “emo” because they leaned more towards hiphop/rnb, but also how they didn’t fit in the “pop” genre too and how they would be put on pop shows and “comparatively it was like slayer was playing” lmao “but we’re still a pop band!”
they experimented with reggae and 90s shoegaze and hardcore during the pandemic
they recorded most of stardust together in neal’s house :D at the beginning it was mostly just neal and patrick working together, at the end of the day everybody would come in to listen
patrick said he got “kinda obsessed” with streamlining pete’s lyrics in the chorus over the past few albums: “pete is very wordy. he has all these ideas that take up a lot of space.” and that their manager sat him down at lunch and said “don't do that. you guys used to ramble. why don't you ramble?” and lftos was the first song patrick put together after that convo
lftos writing process: patrick followed what he was feeling, and most of what he did in that song were things that years spent working in pop music had scared him off on doing.
the “every lover's got a little dagger in their hand” lyric tied it all together for patrick: “[i was] singing that line and EAGERLY emailing neal: listen to this!”
they play a little of the lftos demo (16:55). it's wild. VERY guitar-forward
“neal and i lost most of the demos for [folie a deux].” the burning of the library of alexandria. to me
talks about how the folie demos were infinitely stranger than the final versions, “psychedelic at times”
for stardust, they didn't really keep much of the demo stuff- patrick: “and my demos are pretty decent!”
lftos piano demo (21:35)
patrick: i want some drama. when i look back at our records, our best ones start off with a sense of melodrama
they play individual parts of the lftos instrumentation (31:25), andy's drums, pete's bass, joe's guitar. <3
bridges are patrick's favorite thing to write, because he just gets to play
patrick: "pete doesn't even send lyrics in lyric-form, he just sends words. and it's interesting when you see it- it's almost like one-liner after one-liner. and i'll just get an email of those, and then you kinda have to figure out what thematically goes together, what feels like the same song. but then i also try to keep lyrics together as much as possible, because i feel he's in a place where it does feel like one thought."
"when i read it, there's almost a passive thing where i just imagine what it sounds like to me. and [the lyrics for heaven, iowa] scared me a lot, because it felt kind of sparse, and i don't really like sparse- i don't really like singing by myself. [...] i don't like being so front and center, and i could tell that there was something really intimate about this song, and it was a big challenge for me."
everybody immediately went for the heaven, iowa demo- it's from the first stardust session and it took the longest to complete because patrick wasn't satisfied with just his voice over keys- "it was too naked."
patrick doesn't ask pete about lyrics because: "first off, he will not explain things. but second off, i think there is something to that. where i'll read his lyrics, and i'll interpret it one way, and years later i'll realize it's another way. there's so many double entendres that i've only gotten decades later, i'll be singing and go, 'OH it's a sex thing.'"
patrick really attaches to the story of a lyric, the craft of it, and then years later he'll be like "oh that was a HEAVY lyric. [and] pete must have felt that thing! i don't really question it when i'm writing- it's kindof unfair on him, like, should i check on him?"
heaven iowa instrumental demo/instruments isolated (53:30)
patrick would tell joe to "go nuts" on heaven, iowa!
neal talks about the ambient guitar pedal joe plays during heaven iowa and how it worked really well. patrick says this was the kind of thing that saved (the song).
patrick and andy double drummed at the same time in the studio for heaven iowa! <3
pete told joe to go "full slash" at the end of heaven iowa : )
patrick almost didn't send out the demo for the title track, smfsd! he was almost sure no one was going to like it, even though he liked it. but he sent it out, and it "kept surviving"
both patrick and neal brushed smfsd off because they assumed they "couldn't do that", but pete really pushed for it, which surprised patrick.
so much for stardust demo (1:25:07) patrick plays drums on it, sloppily. which he freely admits to lol. it is quite sloppy indeed
patrick: "i'm a drummer too, but andy and i are very different drummers. and it's very cool translating our things between each other, because he comes from metal (...) and i'm more a funk drummer."
lotsa joe layering in heaven iowa and smfsd : )
it was patrick's idea to do a lyrical callback in lftos/smfsd, and pete was hesitant about it. but patrick pushed for it, becasuse it made sense as "story beats"- "it's like 'empire strikes back'!"
patrick doesn't like to putz around the studio that much, he just wants to be recording something.
patrick: "my routine [during the writing of the album] was just to make it to the studio as on time as i can be- i have adhd, it's very difficult- but i'd be there within 10-15 minutes of when i was supposed to be there, and then we'd just work through it."
patrick's advice: FROM ELTON JOHN: when you find your producer that understands you, stick with them. patrick: "and that was on a record we didn't do with neal, and i remember thinking [makes unsure noises]..." also prioritize in the short-term, what's important. take a step back.
neal's advice: if music is your passion, do it, and do it all the time
patrick was afraid people wouldn't like him "rambling" in songs, even though it was honest and natural to him. he was terrified of doing it again, thinking people wouldn't like it. but people did! "don't subvert yourself too much."
the host asks for them to choose a stardust song to close out the podcast, and patrick chooses what a time to be alive :)
the end
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thelonelyshore-if · 6 months ago
I love this game so much! Thank you for writing it, i've read it like three times today lmaooo. I suppose I should ask a question so: How would the ROs react to an MC who's absolutely oblivious to their flirting. Very much "MC, I want you..." "Want me to what? :)" type of vibe (maybe not that exactly but you know what i mean) hahaa
Aww, thank you so much!! I'm glad you're getting so much enjoyment out of it. It makes me super happy to hear that people like the story <3 And also thanks for the fun question~
Beck- at first it would be Very Funny and Very Sweet, and then it would rapidly become a challenge for them. How obvious can they make their flirting before MC figures it out?
Croft- isn't oblivious, exactly, but would never assume someone was flirting with them. So both could flirt and neither would realize what the other one was doing. It might take outside influence to actually get them together lmao.
Jay- would think it is incredibly cute and charming. They'd probably let it go on for a bit before trying to be direct about their feelings. It wouldn't stop them from flirting, but they'd make sure MC knew what was going on.
Perri- honestly I think they'd end up super overthinking everything. They'd wonder if maybe MC's doing it on purpose--like, MC isn't into the flirting, and they're trying to subtly let Perri down. Even though if the tables were turned it's quite possible Perri wouldn't realize they were being flirted with, either.
Ravi- he'd assume it was a joke the first few times, but after a while he'd figure out that MC is being totally serious. He'd be a little stumped, but eventually would do what he could to figure out ways of showing his affection where MC would actually be able to figure it out.
Yasmin- she'd be like, damn you're so cute!!! And then she'd be very upfront. "Hon, I'm flirting with you." She wants to be super clear about where they stand, and she'd just ask upfront if MC wants to go further with their relationship.
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my-my-my · 2 months ago
For the character ask game: 4, 18, and 25 for Clive Rosfield and Aizen!
Oh yay thank you for asking me this! I'm going to put my answers under the read more. As an FYI I'm still not done FF16 yet, so my opinion on Clive might change (hopefully not drastically haha).
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Oh this is such a good question that got me fairly stumped! I would have to say I think I would and can see Clive in Nosferatu. I think he would readily accept Ellen fucking Count Orlak even if it pains him. (And fun fact, the doctor in the newest Nosferatu, is Cid's voice actor!!) anyways, I can see Clive being a more daring, rugged Thomas... he has no qualms about killing 😗
For Aizen, my brain kept thinking "Fruits Basket" but ugh, he's too sinister and I would never want Tohru to be subjected to him. She's too good and he's too jaded and would take advantage of her kindness 😔
...so I think my choice would be to put him in xxxHOLiC because Yuko is interesting enough to engage with Aizen, but wouldn't indulge him in his whims. Watanuki would have no idea what's going on, but is polite, Mokona is Mokona, Doumeki would steer clear and (un)fortunately for Aizen, best girl Himawari would inadvertently give him more bad luck (lol). It would be entertaining to see how he handles that kind of supernatural phenomenon.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
So before I played a bit more of FF16 today, my initial response would have been Clive's relationship with Cid or Gav, but I honest to god, I am such a sucker for sibling relationships. I'm very close with my siblings, so I cried when Clive and Joshua reunited and cried LOL. So maybe it's not so much admire, but I really do love their sibling bond.
For Aizen, this is hard because he's someone who manages to isolate himself even though he was surrounded by people. I think though, I would say I admire his relationship with Shunsui. He's polite and respectful enough to Shunsui, whereas someone like me would be upset with Shunsui (if I was in Aizen's position). I think there's a lot of resolve with Aizen to be courteous to someone who rather have you dead.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
At first I didn't think much of Clive, I was like "oh another soldier... in a FF game..." but it wasn't until he reunites with Torgal and befriends Cid where I'm like "oh ok 👁️👁️" (that dungeon scene may or may not have swayed me...). Now I think he's very sweet! Rugged, but sweet! He doesn't sway me like Tidus, Zack or Noel (from FF13) did, but I really like how he doesn't hesitate to kill enemies lol. I hateeeee the deliberation some characters (in other media) have about killing people. Clive is like "yeah let's kill him."
Omg I was so young when I first saw Aizen. For context, Captain Aizen's design is generally the kind of look I go for in men, so watching Bleach and then meeting him?? It was over for me.
AND THEN HE DIED!?!? I was so upset!! i was gonna stop watching bleach (I was like 15 lmao). And then he became a villain and the rest was history hahaha. He's one of my top favourite characters of all time. He's so mysterious, so I gobble every tidbit of lore Kubo shares with us, and have headcanon the shit about him FOR YEARS! I love how interesting he is, how he balances being polite with being an asshole. Snarky without it coming off as childish. He's so effortlessly cool imo. And yah, he's hot too LOL
Thank you so much for asking me these questions!!
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northopalshore · 2 months ago
Hii I choose these three based off clues you gave the best I could.
I picked these because you said southeast asain, diamond shape, and soft and you really do give off soft, but with your 10h and you said bratty..I tried to find a good mix of some features that could correlate. Or even just the aesthetic. You had me stumped for a good hour but I was invested lmao😭
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With my groom pc I want to ask
What would my fs look like? Like his ethnicity or what he may wear/come off like to others? That type of thing
Thank you love! 💕 Hopefully I got this correct😭
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𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ The game is officially over, but I wanted to answer some of the submissions for fun lmao. I don't think I look like any of these lovely women, I think you can sort of see the resemblance to my features in the game winner post. Thank you for your efforts though! I didn't want to leave you hanging.
Your future spouse, first of all is going to be very attractive (at the very, very least attractive to you). Sun and Venus in the 11th house can mean that they are very attractive to the opposite sex as well. They are tall, have good looking hair and are quite clean. They may look a bit like you, but manlier lol with Juno & Groom here; they take good care of their appearance and may wear a lot of traditionally masculine or conservative clothes.
They're the type to gain friends and popularity very easily. They can be sort of a lone wolf at times lmao. He could prefer to work alone, but does value those close to him.
...why does this give me the vibe of a host? Like the ones in Japan popular for providing their company as a service.
He may put his charms to professional use or to gain money since Saturn is in a Taurus degree (°26). Charming to get paid lol. Aquarius Neptune & Chiron in the 5th with Uranus in the 6th in Pisces (°18 Virgo) really make me think that he sells his charms for a living although, I might be getting ahead of myself. Lilith in the 2nd house also reminds me of that; unusual/ boundary breaking means of earning money. Mars in the 8th too ! Wow.
Selling their charms..? That's interesting to think about.
9th house ruler (Venus) in Virgo (°2 Taurus) in the 11th house:
They could be an Aquarius, Virgo or Taurus/Libra rising in their natal chart. So the aforementioned traits are mirrored here too.
I'm not not sure about ethnicity, but they could come from a very materialistic place? You can check your 10th house ruler in the natal chart to sort of guess where they're from (country/state). There aren't any immediate signs that they come from a different culture/country from just the GPC.
I wonder if that host thing is right though. If not, then they probably work somewhere they need to charm customers one on one like a luxury sales attendant or a host for parties or celebrations.
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Hope this helps!
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willowser · 1 year ago
lol original anon here😭I wasn’t at all referring to the sir or ma’am or even politeness thing. I guess a better way to put it would be like… I was wondering if there was some reason you don’t usually write Bakugo as the fun parent. Cuz he gets home to u decorating cookies so ig im wondering about what fun stuff do you think he initiates with the kids? When hes not working ofc.
Anyway sorry to cause this whole mess, I hope u don’t feel like I was trying to … undermine your choices
OHHHHHH like fun stuff !!! okay !!! hmm hmm !! well tbh i think the unfortunate reality of him having kiddos would be that he's still working a lot, regardless 🥺 it's such a difficult topic i think i just avoid it LOL but anyway !! i usually write us as doing the things with the little bugs bc i just imagine that we're at home a little bit more than he is, or at least have a more flexible schedule that allows to us go out and do things, or pick up gingerbread houses from the store or board games or whatever !!
as far as what he does with them.....hmm.....ykw i think this stumps me a little too bc. i guess i'm just wondering aloud here what—his view of fun would be for a kiddo ?? bc what i feel like we predominantly see of his childhood, he wasn't with his parents, he was leading his lil bully group LMAO hmm. and idk !! was katsuki getting taken to the zoo and the waterpark ?? or was he training his quirk ?? like what WAS fun for him, at that age ?? at what point in his life would he define what is traditionally "fun" for children ??
i think, when he has time, he's just very hands-on with ??? like he's pushing the couch a little out of the way in the living room and the kiddos are tag-team wrestling him on the floor LOL or—
pause. another thought. i also think it would be hard to do anything public with his family bc i think he's very private with them !! so days out are maybe very minimal ! bc he doesn't want to draw attention !!
—anyway, i can imagine him taking the family on a lake getaway trip somewhere, and they're swimming together and he's teaching his littlest bug how to move around with their life vest and hoisting the older one up in the air and throwing them as far as he can in the water LOL do you know what i mean !!! i think his love language is just—being there. that's fun for him. just getting to be involved in any way. i don't imagine him as the one bringing the gingerbread house home bc i think he's working a lot, but when he does get home, he's tossing the kids around for a minute before letting his daughter sit in his lap so she can finish working on hers. do you know what i mean !!! does that make sense !!!
also you didn't even cause a mess whatsoever !!! i think a different anon started the conversation anyway and it was a fun convo to have !!! omg no worries !!
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gunnrblze · 9 months ago
Thinking about writing teen Kick fanfic and I got very vivid ideas for the vibe but I am like so shit at outlining the plot and detailing it to late 90s-2000s tech cuz I was in the desert sand during that time
And since I love your aesthetics with the ghost boys, what do you think about;
Teen Kick:
owns a camcorder, takes it nearly everywhere he goes outside and enjoys making vlogs on tapes, mostly consisting of abandoned place explorations and attempts of paranormal activity caught on camera. (Marble hornets and analog horror inspired)
Obsessed with cryptids and critters, might not actually believe they're real but thinks they're such neat concepts and they're fun to talk about.
↑explains why he found himself exploring the woods and forestry around his mid-late teens
fascinated by weird sightings and loves recording shit to show off and ramble about to his friends, just passionate about his interests
Owns a flip phone or whatever good old fashioned cellphone during that time, would try to invite his friends over to go cryptid hunting, alien watching, or explorations w/ him
I'm stumped cuz I have a few stuff thatll be purely HCs like:
Nickname for him in his teenhood if Kick was his military callsign
Headcanon about which part of America he's from to pinpoint location and setting of the drabble
Tf happened in 90-2000s
Could you help me please🙏🙏 need headcanons<33 a lot of them
Ahh I love this idea! This all sounds so accurate for a fic like this. Teen Kick that takes a camcorder everywhere sounds so on brand, I can definitely see him having that ‘let’s go to this haunted/abandoned house…what do you mean why? Cause it’s fun’ energy lol. Alien/ghost hunting and cryptid sightings seem right up his funky alley.
As for his name/location, that can be difficult since you can literally make up anything you want lmao. But I like to hc him as being from somewhere around northeast USA that starts to teeter into the south, think Pennsylvania/New Jersey/West Virginia/etc. That would also explain his cryptid/alien/ghost loving behavior since there’s a lot of sightings and happenings in those areas. He gives me slight city kid vibes, but lived enough near the outskirts of whatever town to have been doing a bunch of rural exploring.
Since it’s implied that he’s a tech specialist for the Ghosts, I hc that growing up during the rise of technology was very influential in his career choices, and he probably spent a lot of time with stuff like this. I definitely see him with the camcorder here, and maybe a flip phone right around the turn of the century/early 00’s when they became popular. Probably spent a lot of time on some old clunky ass computer setup lol, gets flashbacks from the dial up internet sound like a true 90s kid. I think as tech kept advancing, he was always right on that shit, or at least he kept up with it.
Just some tidbits, but similar to Ghost/Simon Riley in the comics/‘09 Modern Warfare, I like to think maybe seeing 9/11 take place inspired his reasons to join whatever branch of the military he joined, seeing that as a teen would’ve def been very surreal, especially if he lived around that area. He also gives me big nerd vibes, was into all the sci-fi stuff around that time&prob played a lot of video games, had like a GameCube console or something lol.
Hope some of this helps! I love this fic idea and I hope you write it! <3
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tinyplanetss · 6 months ago
you finished ghost trick??? yayyy!!! ^_^ did you enjoy the ghosting and the tricking? (asking as someone who also finished it a few months ago)
hm i'm going to put everything including possibly medium vague spoilers below a readmore if you haven't played ghost trick DO NOT OPEN THIS ‼️ i'll know man. don't do it. it's more fun to go in with zero knowledge trust me. go play ghost trick
YES i did enjoy the ghosting and the tricking!!! i played it at a friend's house over like three months and forgot a lot of details of the mystery so i did NOT guess most of the final chapter stuff but i had so much fun with the puzzles and i loved when we were right in the middle of the mystery sprinting around in a panic trying to figure out what was going on/save people. and i definitely think my favorite part was the character relationships, the way lynne especially but eventually EVERYONE would just call out to sissel in a room full of people, trusting he was there to listen and help them out!!!!!!!!!! 10000% my favorite thing the game did. and everyone (again lynne especially) being completely unbothered by talking to herself out loud surrounded by people. they're friends!!!!!!!! besties even!!!!!!!!! and everyone trusts sissel SO MUCH RAUGHHGHGG we helped so many people on the way to find ourselves. i loved early on when sissel and lynne agreed to "use each other" i thought that was a very natural way of not trusting one another but still how people would get what they want. i was admittedly a little baffled by the ending (🐱) i was very much not expecting that because again. i did forget all the details from three months ago. BUT i'm settling into it i really like it now :) when we did four minutes on [spoilerman] corpse i was like. no way we're actually going back to that right???? wouldn't that be a time paradox???? but with all the mystery and ghost tricking i forgot that this is a TIME TRAVEL GAME. anyway yes i enjoyed it very much i loved the in game dialogue and i loved being like 100% stumped the entire time LMAO
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nanakibh · 5 months ago
We gotta do everything ourselves...
Earthspark S3 Spoilers Below
Man, idk what other people are feeling, but I'm just going to pretend that there's only one season of Earthspark from now on. I foolishly thought that things could improve after S2. It really feels like the people who are working on ES now have no interest in anything that ES actually was. Maybe it's also corporate meddling. Whatever it is, I hate it.
I guess I'm glad they brought back the Chaos Terrans because it was pretty messed up for them to kill them off. But I don't think they were ever good characters and I would not have missed them.
The Fairmaestro sucks. He just sucks, dude. I can give his first episode a pass because it introduced Isabel and Cosmos, but this second episode was pure filler. Had nothing to do with the overarching plot. They only had seven episodes for S3 and they chose to completely squander some of them. Infuriating.
Speaking of Cosmos, he was just kind of there. I fail to see why they introduced him and then brought him back if they weren't really going to do anything interesting with him.
I think their treatment of Schloder is extremely fucked up. In S2, they brought him back just to use him for a laugh in the shitty Fairmaestro episode, and now they only brought him back for a couple silly scenes again. I'm going to turn into the Joker. He was one of the best human characters on the show. Genuinely one of my favorite characters overall. The way they've ignored him and turned him into a joke AFTER HE WATCHED HIS SISTER DIE is just disrespectful. It's bad writing.
The whole plot with Isabel was.......... It was something. The way she totally evaporated as a character after the reveal sure sucks. I expected there to be some hint that she really did like Robby even if she was just pretending to be human, but nah. Nah, forget about it.
There were a lot of little moments like that where I thought they were going somewhere interesting with something, but then it went nowhere. For instance, I thought that the Terrans might have been messing up the drive-in theater experience for Robby and Isabel on purpose because they were secretly jealous of Robby spending time with someone other than family. But nope! They're all just THAT incompetent now!
Dude, I'm so tired of them making Jawbreaker look like an out-and-out idiot. I'm so tired of them making the others be mean to him for no reason. It feels like the writers actually just... don't like him? Or at least they don't understand him.
My biggest problem is with the treatment of the Decepticons. They literally just... shipped them off to space? Are they just gone now? I honestly want this show to get cancelled at this point, but I'll also be mad if the show officially ends with the Decepticons just leaving.
Remember in S1 when Dot said that there are no bad Decepticons? Remember that great episode with Tarantulas? Remember Hashtag's heartfelt moments with Starscream? ...And now she's literally stabbing him in the back?? I refuse to believe that she would do that. I think there is a very valuable lesson to be made about how maybe it's not worth giving a person another chance after they've betrayed your trust multiple times, but I don't think that's something the writers were thinking about here. It feels like S1 wanted to redeem Starscream. S2/3 does not. The S1 writers wouldn't have given up on him the way the S2 writers have.
It feels like they were totally stumped about what to do with Starscream in this season, so they kept him locked inside the Titan. That's crazy. lmao I wrote a fic where Soundwave suggests that they should look for Skyfire, someone who actually stands a chance of redeeming him. It was just a small part of a much larger megasound fic, but if I can come up with something like that off the top of my head, I don't know why these writers struggled so much. I'm sure that Starscream fans out there have come up with much better plots for him in the ES universe. (I'm going to assume that they were told that they had to keep the Decepticons as villains. Which you can do! While still making them sympathetic like they were in S1! You can do that!)
This is the part of this rant where I feel the need to say that if you liked S1 of ES, you should write whatever kinds of fics you want and ignore S2/3 at your leisure. If you think something sucks, you don't have to acknowledge it. We can fix it ourselves. I truly believe that popular fanon can overwhelm this shitshow. If enough people say "Actually, Starscream WAS redeemed", that can be our reality.
Soundwave is barely a character at this point, which sucks because he's my favorite character. It seems pretty obvious to me that his feelings of betrayal in S1 came from the fact that he was always so loyal to Megatron. The S2/3 writers seem totally uninterested in examining that at all. We got no meaningful interactions between them. Nothing.
S1 Breakdown and S3 Breakdown are different characters. They actually had the audacity to walk back his S1 character development. And for what? He could have joined the Autobots in this season, but nah.
We simply did not need the Quintessons, but if they had to be there, the Decepticons should have been helping the Autobots fight them. Like, I'm pretty sure a natural trajectory from S1 would have included the Autobots rehabilitating the Decepticons and then fighting a common enemy together to further build trust. That feels like the spirit of S1 to me.
I feel like the status of Cybertron's condition is something that should have been completely left a mystery. If they had to reveal anything about it, they should have saved it until the very end where everyone (including the now-reformed Decepticons!) decide that they're going to stay on Earth even if returning to Cybertron is possible.
Idk how to end this. I'm sure that I'll just keep thinking of more things that bothered me.
Edit: Already thought of more. Jesus Christ... I like Prowl. I don't think this was a terrible rendition of him. But I don't think he added anything meaningful to the show. Again, I'm going to assume that they were told that they had to add a new Autobot for the sake of making toys or something. But why are you going to add a character if they don't add anything to the overarching plot? He literally existed just to give us a ship that would be used to get rid of the Decepticons so the writers wouldn't have to worry about what they would do with them during the Quintesson battle. Especially infuriating when you consider what I said about how they should've been helping the Autobots fight them. Like, we saw this in S1... We know that the Decepticons WOULD help in a fight... That wouldn't be out of character for them... God, this shit is so ass.
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