#I'm so proud of Julian
masterofiodine · 9 months
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sort of binge-watched bbc ghosts and niw i can't stop thinking about them
(tap for better quality)
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brandtsstuff10 · 1 month
Captain Brandt in the Bundesliga for the first time ©️🫡
📹 fearlessbrandt. 24.08.24
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Fanwork Spotlight
Rules: share a fic, fanart or gif that you’re proud of!
I'm most proud of this Radskier fanfic. I was sure everyone would see the reveal coming, so to get some nice comments saying they hadn't was lovely to hear.
Here's the opening snippet and a moodboard (which is optional, I just liked the soft gold and reds in it and had to share again).
Drown Out All The Sound
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Radovid paced up and down the floor, wringing his hands, feeling hot all over waiting for him to arrive.
The place was set. His most trusted servant had made up his softest bed with the finest red silk sheets, set ablaze hundreds of candles around the room, and prepared him a bath filled with a pleasant concoction of honey, milk and rose petals.
His skin felt smooth after soaking for an hour, the red robe he wore sending tingles through him with each movement he made, swishing around his thighs when he turned around on his heels.
Outside, the sun was setting, lighting up the sky with sweeps of purple and blues before the night descended. Radovid smiled each time his eyes flickered to the window, feeling like Jaskier was getting closer.
Maybe one night Jaskier would stay with him permanently.
Radovid shook his head at his folly. He didn’t want to ruin this night with sad thoughts. That could be saved for later.
Full fic on Ao3.
Tagged by the lovely @cha-melodius 💖💖
Tagging @mobius-m-mobius @natendo-art @wolfpup026 @insert-witty-user-name-here @mirilyawrites @iwillbringyouruin @misterkarchie @limerental @dancingwiththefae @flootzavut @endiness @underthebluerain @lorifragolina @artaxlivs @eriquin and anyone else who wants to do it.
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hannibard · 8 months
"I'm choking from the taste (but I can't help but swallow)"
Pairings: Geraskier, Radskier
Summary: "There's too much at stake Geralt, it's not worth it. Go back to Kaer Morhen and forget about me."
"You're more than worth it Jaskier and I'll do anything in my power to get you out of this hell. Melitele help anyone who stands in my way."
Jaskier is taken by Radovid in the midst of his travels with Geralt and Milva. The Redanian king, changed from his recent ascent to power, is determined to get everything he wants, with Jaskier having the misfortune of being on top of the list. Jaskier spends time serving Radovid in the Redanian court, drowning in despair and losing parts of himself in the process, his only consolation being the knowledge that his friend was safe from the Redanian army due to his sacrifice.
Sometime after Geralt has united the north under his rule, he decides to pay a visit to Redania in the hope of reuniting with his bard. But Jaskier is not as he remembers, his psyche having been fractured in their time apart. Will the witcher be able to help him escape his tragic fate?
Inspired by the song "Poison" from Hazbin Hotel
Click here to read on Ao3
Chapter 1: How it all started
He had been traveling together with Geralt and Milva for a few months when they took him. The three had made good progress on their way to Nilfgaard, occasionally adding other skilled individuals that were willing to aid in their cause to their group, like the high vampire/surgeon Regis, and the possibility of reaching Ciri was becoming more apt with each passing day. Jaskier was, despite the sharp worry in his gut for the girl he had come to consider something akin to a daughter, relatively content.
Things were in no way easy, but at least he was (finally) at Geralt's side again. Plus, this time around he was actually able to pull his weight. Gone were the days of him being barely more than a burden that slowed the witcher down and made his life harder, as his role had been for the majority of their acquaintance.
(If life could give me one blessing-)
He had been by himself in some backwater village, because they needed to make money somehow and Jaskier was, despite all his faults, an excellent bard. His ability to be useful, even amidst such impressive individuals, filled him with pride. The others had made camp a few miles away in order to not draw attention. It was risky enough for Jaskier to make those semi-frequent appearances in the public eye, even with the new moniker he had adopted in his attempt to pass as different person. He had rarely traveled this far south in the past, so he wasn’t too worried about being recognized.
(it goes without saying that he avoided performing any songs from the vast repertoire he had created centered around his greatest muse, the White Wolf.)
His set was coming to an end, and he was looking forward to drinking an ale after gathering his earnings, before starting his long way back to his companions. He was in the middle of just that when he was approached by a hooded figure. They moved gracefully, weaving skillfully through the crowd before sitting down across the bard.
“Beautiful voice you’ve got there.” Their face was hidden in the shadow created by the hood, which was dark and modest, not carrying any identifiable markings.
Jaskier didn’t let his alarm show. “Thank you friend, I’m always one to appreciate compliments.” He took a long sip from his tankard methodically in a show of nonchalance.
The hooded figure cocked their head to the side and reached their hand out. “With talent such as yours, it’s a wonder you’re not more well-known Master…?”
Jaskier gave a bright grin, subtly wiping the sweat making its way down his forehead, and shook the stranger’s hand. Their grip was firm, and its hold lasted a bit longer than was considered socially appropriate. “The name’s Dandelion. And you are…?”
“A beautiful name to match the beautiful voice.” The figure avoided the question and tilted their head back so that their matching grin could be visible to the bard. Jaskier couldn't see their eyes, he had a nagging impression that he was being checked out from top to bottom. “Of course I can't neglect mentioning the beautiful appearance. Though if you don’t mind my humble opinion, I’d say there’s another name that would suit you more fittingly.”
The bard’s grin twitched ever so slightly. “And what would that be my dear fellow? Do say so.”
The stranger leaned forward. “Jaskier.” they said almost conspiratorially.
The bard’s smile fell all together, and he looked around with the corner of his eye. None of the inn’s patrons seemed to have heard, too busy drinking, eating and chatting loudly with each other. The innkeeper himself was curiously missing from the room.
“What do you want?” he asked through gritted teeth.
“If you want to find out then follow me and don’t make a scene. It wouldn’t benefit either of us.”
Jaskier gulped and slowly stood up. He made sure to grab his lute and not to let his nervousness show. “As you wish.”
They made their way outside, and as soon as they were out of people’s sight the stranger grabbed his arm with a strong grip that left no room for resistance, no matter how much Jaskier tried to pull away. They reached a building that stood tall in the periphery of the village, and the hooded figure surveyed their surroundings before opening the front door and pushing Jaskier inside. The force made the bard fall to his knees and he hissed in pain, his lute thankfully tucked safely against his back. He vaguely heard the door close and lock behind him just as he looked up, his mind too busy short-circuiting at the sight he came across.
“Hello darling.” said Radovid as he stood up from a makeshift throne, making his way to the bard and dropping to one knee in front of him. The newly-crowned king took Jaskier’s chin in one hand and gently stoked his cheek with the other, smiling gently. “Oh how I’ve missed you.” He said wistfully and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
Jaskier was left speechless, his brows furrowing together in confusion. He hadn’t seen Radovid since that fateful day in Aretuza after the Thanedd ball, in the midst of all the chaos. Their parting had been hopeful but it didn’t take long for Jaskier to hear about Radovid’s sudden enthronement, so he had resolved himself to the reality that their story would remain forever unfinished. His regret lessened more and more with the time he spent at his witcher’s side.
“Radov-, Y-your majesty, to what do I owe the honor of this, ah, sudden summons?” he said when he finally managed to make his mouth move.
Radovid’s eyes hardened almost imperceptibly at the bard’s term of address. He let out a defeated sigh and hung his head low. “I never once stopped thinking about you my dear, every day we spent apart was pure torture, and now that my reign has stabilized I though it was the perfect time to pay you a visit." He looked up and stared unblinkingly into the bards blue eyes. "Aren’t you happy to see me?”
Jaskier swipped his lips with his tongue, a motion that Radovid tracked hungrily. “Oh, I uh, I’m elated to see you, truly, but I’m just a tad confused. You see, your buddy over there that escorted me here, let’s just say they weren’t very gentle in their approach. In few words and with no offense, it left a lot to be desired. I was expecting to encounter some sort of Nilfgaardian general ready to chop my head off and not… you.”
Radovid huffed and offered a hand to Jaskier, helping him up. Now that Jaskier was somewhat over his initial surprise he was able to take in the king’s appearance. There were some subtle changes, like the short beard that had replaced his previously clean-shaven face, his once lean body seemed to have filled with muscle, but the biggest change, the one that made Jaskier’s breath catch in his throat, was in his eyes.
Before, Radovid’s eyes were like a window to his soul that only Jaskier had a key to, full of intelligence and softness, specifically towards his person, but now… Now his gaze was guarded. The only thing Jaskier could detect besides the current show of the king’s emotions, was darkness. It was something he was only able to decipher after his years of experience performing in countless courts and dealing with all sorts of people in his travels. It caused a chill to run down his spine.
“You don’t have to worry about Nilfgaard any more my love, you won’t have to deal with them ever again.” Radovid said as he patted down the outrageously large fur that hung from his shoulders.
Jaskier blinked rapidly a few times and raised his eyebrows. “What do you mean by that Your Majesty?”
Radovid looked at him as though he’d asked a very stupid question. “Redania’s power has grown vastly in recent months as I’m sure you’ve heard. Nilfgaard wouldn’t dare take a single step towards us. Also please cut all the ‘Your Majesty’s, our relationship has evolved beyond such formalities.”
Jaskier nodded tentatively “I’ve certainly heard about your accomplishments, but I don’t understand what that has to do with me.”
Radovid rolled his eyes in fond exasperation. “You’re coming with us silly.”
Jaskier’s heart was beating rapidly in his chest. He had been bombarded by shock after shock in such quick succession that he hadn’t been able to calm his racing mind in a minute.
“I appreciate the offer, truly, Your Majes- Radovid.” the bard quickly corrected his words after seeing Radovid’s face twist in displeasure. “But I’m afraid I have to decline. You see, I’m currently in the middle of a very important quest that I must see through to the end.”
The king’s eyes narrowed, his fists clenching at his sides. “So you’d choose that witcher over me? Even after everything he’s put you through? I could give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of, comfort and luxury beyond your wildest dreams, but you’d seriously rather continue following that monster like a lost puppy?”
The bard wasn’t happy with the name Radovid used to describe his dearest friend, but he let it go, choosing to focus on the matter at hand. “I’m sorry Radovid. It is what it is.”
A glimpse of hurt flashed in the king’s eyes and his shoulder’s slumped as he turned away from the bard. He took a few deep breaths before he straightened up again. When their eyes met once more, Radovid’s hardened gaze was filled with resolve. Jaskier waited with bated breath for his response.
“If you won’t come with me willingly… I’ll just have to bring you by force.”
Jaskier’s eyes widened and his blood ran cold. Before he was able to do anything, two guards surrounded him and grabbed his shoulders from each side. He thrashed wildly but it was for naught, the bard being much weaker than his captors. “No-, Radovid- please don’t do this, I’m begging you!” He asked desperately.
The king looked down at him with his chin up and an air of confidence surrounding him, for the first time appearing as ruthless and regal as his title implied.
“I’m afraid I can’t listen to you darling. One of the perks of being a king is that I can do and have whatever I wish for, and nobody can stand in my way.” He waved his hand towards the bard nonchalantly as he addressed his followers. “Bring him a pen and paper. Have him write a letter to the witcher and deliver it to the innkeeper. He’ll know what to do.”
The guards dragged Jaskier towards a desk and deposited him in a chair, writing tools bring placed on the surface before him a moment later. His hand was shaking as he picked up the pen. A tear slid down his cheek as he tried one last time to change the king’s mind. “Please Radovid... Let me go.”
The king crossed his arms and his mouth formed a tight line. “That’s ‘Your Majesty’ to you.”
Jaskier let out a sob and stared down at the paper, blinking rapidly in an effort to clear his blurry eyesight. His mind was racing trying to find a way to leave some sort of secret message to alert Geralt of his situation. Radovid seemed to read his thoughts however, because he gripped the bard’s nape tightly and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Don’t even think about pulling any tricks or your dear witcher and the rest of your group will leave their last breaths at the camp they’re currently stationed on. My soldiers have the place surrounded as we speak.”
With those words the bards last hope was extinguished. The last thing he wanted to do was put his friends in danger. Even with their combined extraordinary strength, he didn’t want to chance either of them getting seriously injured. If obedience was the price to pay for their safety, then so be it.
“At least promise me you’ll leave them alone.”
Radovid gave a chaste kiss to the bard’s neck and ran what would be considered under normal circumstances a comforting hand down his back. “You have my word. I didn't care about them in the first place.” He gave the bard one last squeeze and went to sit back in his throne.
Jaskier took a deep breath and started writing. The single tear that hit the paper, while certain to be identifiable with the witcher’s heightened senses, would probably be assumed to have been a product of Jaskier’s typical sentimentality and nothing more.
Dear Geralt,
You’ll find me dearly saddened to inform you that our long-standing companionship must come to an end. You see, I’ve had time to think while staying in this lovely little settlement away from you lot, and I've come to realize what it is I truly want. That of course being king Radovid of Redania. I’ve talked to you about our ill-fated relationship before as you might recall. Somehow, things for us two don’t seem as bleak as they one were. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel and thus I’ve decided to go to Redania and try to build a future with him. Love conquers all and the like.
For the first time in my life, I’m putting myself before you. I’m choosing my own happiness. I hope you’re able to achieve your goals and manage to locate Ciri safe and sound. When you do, which I've no doubt you'll achieve, give her all my love. Please inform the rest of our group about my decision. I’m sorry for doing this so suddenly but you know how matters of the heart can be. They leave no room for patience.
Ever your affectionate friend,
Julian Alfred Pankratz.
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caitlinclark · 2 years
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@RiverPlate: ELLOS ❤️
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
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JULIÁN ÁLVAREZ - Manchester City vs FC Bayern München - April 11, 2023. (Photo by Catherine Ivill)
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martianbugsbunny · 8 months
Precursor To A Love Song (A Frankenwolf Fic)
heeeey!!! I know it's been a while since I wrote a fic, I've been both busy and having a severe case of writer's block, but I've finally got something new!!! It's a Hyperion Heights AU one shot (which I could use as a springboard for a proper chapter fic if I ever feel up to it) and I think it's pretty cute. Props to @stardreamer28 for putting up with me talking about it for a couple weeks and procrastinating on the end lol. Read on and enjoy!
Liza Whale was finally taking a night off.
It was well-deserved, she knew that, but she had been slow in taking it. Her little boutique on the corner in the heart of Hyperion Heights kept her busy, and she didn’t have anyone to help with it. Business had gotten a little lighter after the Christmas rush, though, so Liza had decided to just close early that Thursday and go out for a couple of hours.
She ended up in a bar a couple of blocks away. It was classy place—no blaring neon or loud jukeboxes, no peanut shells on the floor, no casual clothes. It wasn’t the kind of place she thought she might come back to often (a little neon and a jukebox never hurt anybody, after all) but it was nice for an evening of self-pampering.
Liza sat down at a table for one, laying her black wool jacket across the back of her chair and smoothing out a small crease in the skirt of her deep red dress. It was one of her own designs; the things she sold in her boutique were produced by proper brands, but she created most of her own wardrobe in her spare time. Her favorite thing in the closet she didn’t even remember making, even though it matched a lot of her other clothes: a long red cloak with a warm hood and floral embroidery. She had ripped it last time she wore it, and was planning on fixing it when she got home later that night.
As she waited for someone to come by and take her order, she glanced around the bar. Her eyes fixed on a man halfway across the room, seated at an elegant piano. He was blond, with striking blue eyes that sparkled in the light of the wrought-iron chandelier. When he caught Liza’s gaze, the corner of his mouth lifted in a half-smile.
Liza couldn’t help blushing. He was cute, and if she was reading her signals right, he thought she was cute, too. It had been a while since she had had any romance in her life—actually, she couldn’t remember the last time, it had been that long—and she liked the idea of drawing the eye of a handsome piano player.
After about half an hour of them sneaking looks at each other while he played and she sipped at a drink, the piano player got up for a break. Liza’s heart sunk when he walked right past her table, then skipped a couple of beats when she realized he was just getting a second chair from nearby.
“Julian Wolf,” he said, setting his chair down and holding out his hand for Liza to shake. He had smudges of what looked like paint on the side of his thumb. “I play piano here a couple nights a week.”
“You’re brilliant,” Liza said, grinning. She liked that it took him a couple of seconds to release her hand. “What do you do the rest of the week?”
“Freelance artist.”
It was paint! Liza smiled a bit wider. “That’s cool,” she said. “I do some drawing, too. Nothing big, just for the clothes I make.”
Julian smiled too. “Well, now I know we’re both artists, but I don’t think you’ve told me your name yet.”
“Elizabeth Whale. If you call me Lizzy I’ll kick your shins—I like Liza, though.”
“Well, Liza, I have to go finish my set, but I’ll be off in about an hour. Do you want to go for a walk with me then?”
She nodded. “I’d love to.”
Julian returned to his piano, where he started playing again, soft and sweet. The music sounded…familiar, Liza thought, but she couldn’t bring to mind a specific instance of hearing it before. Maybe I heard it in a past life, she thought, chuckling to herself. The music made her giddy, like any moment something wonderful might happen.
Well, maybe it was the music. Or maybe it was the charming young man playing it. Either way, Liza was really looking forward to that walk.
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walkingstackofbooks · 6 months
5 time Julian watched Miles die (and 1 time he didn't)
I've just published the first two chapters of my Time Loop fanfiction which I have been working on for seemingly forever, and I'm so excited to share it with you!
The premise is as above - very much a time loop à la Spn's Mystery Spot - set in an alternate version of Visionary where Julian was affected by the radiation instead of Miles.
If you like oodles of angst, an emotionally-battered Julian, and the whole crew coming together with hugs and comfort, then I hope you'll enjoy my story!
"He stopped dead in his tracks, swaying a little on the threshold. He shook his head, blinked his eyes -- but that didn’t end the illusion that the Chief was standing right in front of him. “This is a joke,” he whispered hoarsely, laying one clammy hand on the doorway so he didn’t fall over. As unbelievable as that sounded, it was downright impossible for a living, breathing O’Brien to be in his infirmary, and his mind failed to present any other alternatives."
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padmesgreene · 2 years
it's so weird reading people on tumblr and seeing them fangirling over julian alvarez. like, i saw him play from the very beginning on river plate, when he was just a little boy, i screamed his goals and celebrated the championship that we won in big part thanks to him. so now seeing people from all over the world loving him and cherishing him makes me so happy. he deserves it.
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footballfanficwriter · 2 months
Prise giving ceremony
Summary:Jude and the reader are invited for their children's prize giving Ceremony
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"Jude c'mon we're gonna be late" I say
"Yeah, I'm coming" he says, he takes my hand and we make it out the front door
"I've already spoken to mum she says they'll meet us there, cause they need to get a few things before the Ceremony starts" He says
"Are your parents going to be there?"
"I don't know honestly, but it would be really Nice if they showed up, it would mean so much to the kids if they did"
"Hey don't worry, even if they don't show up, I'm sure it will still be fun"
" how many awards do you think the kids will get?"
"I don't know, besides, I don't care I'll be proud of them either way"
"Yeah, me too, But you know how they are, they always want to be top achievers in everything they do"
"I think they get that from the both of us to be honest"
"I don't always strive to be a top achiever"
"Yes you do Jude"
"What about that time after one of your matches and you didn't play the way you wanted to, were you not having a fit?"
"I did not"
"Babe you did"
"Well you're also like that"
"Oh I already know I strive to be a top achiever, I'm not going to deny who i am"
"Whatever" he says rolling his eyes
"But I'm sure the genes didn't spread to our kids, right?"
"Yeah, no that is a lie, our children are so competitive it worries me sometimes"
"You're overreacting"
"Oh, am I?"
"Yeah you are"
"Remember that time when Julian, lost his football game and he got so upset he wouldn't even eat his dinner?, or what about the time Julia didn't get first prize for her 1200m run, and she nearly fought the girl who did, need I go on?"
"Alright you've made your point"
"Thank you"
We arrive at the school and Jude parks the car, he walks out of the car and comes around my side to open my door
"Thank you"
"It's a pleasure babe"
"You actually look beautiful in that outfit you know"
"Really, you like it?"
"I love it"
Jude has a black turtleneck on, with a suit Jacket, black slacks and dress shoes and a silver Rolex watch, while I have on a black dress that reaches just past my knees, with a criss cross back and a slight low V cut in the front, matched with a pair of black heels a gold necklace, gold earrings and my wedding ring
As we enter the venue we see people taking pictures, no dought that these pictures will be on the internet by the time the ceremony is over
When we enter the venue we find Denise,Mark and Jobe sat in the second row behind all the teachers and principals, we make our way to where they are sitting and greet them
"Mom we're here" Jude says
They turn their heads towards us and stand up
"Hi Darling, you alright" Denise says greeting me and coming in for a hug
"Yeah mom, I'm alright"
"Aren't you proud"
"Very proud"
Mark taps my shoulder getting my attention
"Hey" he says coming in for a hug
"Hi dad, how've you been?"
"I'm alright"
I greet Jobe and give him a brotherly hug while he daps Jude up
We all take our seats with me sandwiched in between Jude and Denise and Mark sitting next to Denise and Jobe
The MC starts the program and the school choir sings the school song, after that the MC starts her opening speech
"Good evening everyone, we're so grateful for your presence here tonight, thank you for coming to celebrate the children who have undoubtably worked hard to achieve these achievements, without further ado let's get started, I would like to call on Mrs. Clinton to come and present the awards"
Mrs. Clinton walks onto the stage and greets everyone
"Good evening everyone, I am here in front of you all to present the special awards to the children, the first award is awarded to the most creative student, Jessica James"
Everyone claps for Jessica as she walks onto the stage to get her award
"Why does she walk like that" Jude asks
"Don't Judge other people's kids Jude"
"Next, this award is for the most kindest and caring student who always puts other's needs before their own, this award is awarded to Ronald Johnson"
People clap for Ronald and  he collects his award
"Those are some big glasses he's got on" he says as he fists his hands making a hole in between each hand and putting each fisted hand on each eye
"Jude, stop" I say tying to hold my laugh in
"Next this award is for the most improved student, who has improved either academically or Socially, having had a hard start when they first arrived in the school and to adapting the school's culture, this award is given to Melissa Hall"
Melissa collects her award and we all clap for her
"Now lastly this award is a prestigious one and is a shared by two students, this award is for the most ambitious and Hardworking students, Julia and Julian Bellingham"
Both Julia and Julian walk onto stage to get their shared award, I turn to my right to see Mark filming Every moment
Jude and I stand up so both of them can see us, they see us and wave and we return the gesture by smiling and waving
Next they announce that they'll be announcing the prizes for the year 1s ( first graders)
Which is Julian and Julia's year (grade)
"We will first start with the year 1s and their achievements" the MC Says
"I would like to call Mrs. Madden to the stage to present the Awards"
Mrs. Madden walks onto the stage, greets the audience, and continues Jude gives me a side eye as if to say "look at her outfit" Mrs. Madden has on an old looking cardigan and a pair of baggy trousers, bright red glasses and Pebbles/stones for Jewelry "Good evening, everyone. It's my pleasure to present the awards for the Year 1 students. These young minds have shown remarkable dedication and enthusiasm throughout the year. First, we'll start with the award for Excellence in Mathematics, which goes to... Julian Bellingham!"
The audience erupts in applause as Julian confidently strides to the stage to accept his award. His smile is radiant, and his eyes gleam with pride.
"That's my boy," Jude whispers to me, his face beaming with pride. I squeeze his hand, sharing in the moment of joy.
Julian accepts his award, posing for a quick photo before returning to his seat.
"Next, the award for Outstanding Performance in English goes to... Julia Bellingham!"
Julia, not to be outdone by her brother, walks gracefully to the stage, her expression one of quiet confidence. The applause is even louder this time, with our family cheering her on.
"I'm so proud of them," I say to Jude, my eyes welling up with tears of happiness.
"I know, me too," Jude replies, his voice full of emotion.
Julia accepts her award and waves at us again before taking her seat beside Julian.
Mrs. Madden continues, "The next award is for Excellence in Sports. This student has shown exceptional talent and dedication in various sports activities. The award goes to... Julian Bellingham!"
Julian gets up again, looking slightly embarrassed but very pleased as he accepts his second award. The applause is thunderous.
"He's going to need a bigger shelf for all these awards," Jude jokes, making me laugh.
"And finally," Mrs. Madden announces, "the award for Leadership and Teamwork goes to a student who has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and the ability to work well with others. This award goes to... Julia Bellingham!"
Julia stands up for the second time, her face glowing with pride. She walks to the stage, collects her award, and waves once more, her smile brighter than ever.
As the ceremony concludes, the children are invited to take pictures with their families. Jude and I rush to the front to congratulate our kids, enveloping them in big, proud hugs.
"You both did amazing!" I say, kissing each of their foreheads.
"We're so proud of you," Jude adds, ruffling Julian's hair and hugging Julia tightly.
"Thanks, Mom and Dad!" they both say, their faces glowing with happiness.
Denise, Mark, and Jobe join us, offering their congratulations. Denise takes out her phone and suggests, "Let's get a family picture to remember this moment."
We gather together, with Julian and Julia holding their awards proudly. As the camera clicks, I can't help but think about how lucky we are to have such amazing children and a loving, supportive family.
"Alright, let's go celebrate!" Jude announces, lifting Julian onto his shoulders. And me taking Julia into my arms, planting a kiss onto her cheek then her forehead
"Yeah, ice cream for everyone!, Say goodbye to your grandparents and Uncle Jobe" I add, placing Julia back down then holding her hand
"Bye nana" Julia Says as she hugs her grandmother
"Goodbye my Darling, I'm so proud of you, and you as well Julian" Denise says as she hugs the both of them
We continue saying our goodbyes and walk them to their car and we start making way to our car as well
as we make our way out of the venue, hearts full and spirits high.
The evening is a perfect blend of pride, love, and celebration, and as we head to our favorite ice cream parlor, I know that this is a day we will cherish forever.
As we walk to the car, Jude spots another kid and nudges me. "Look at that kid's bowtie. It's bigger than his head."
I laugh, nudging him back. "Jude, be nice!"
"And that one," he whispers, nodding towards a girl with a massive hair bow. "Is she trying to take flight with that thing?"
"Stop it!" I giggle, trying to hold back my laughter.
"Alright, alright," he says, chuckling. "But you have to admit, this is entertaining."
"You're terrible," I say, still laughing. "But I love you anyway."
"I love you too," he replies, pulling me close and kissing my forehead. "Now, let's go get some ice cream."
We pile into the car, the kids chattering excitedly about their awards in the backseat. Jude starts the engine and we head to our favorite ice cream parlor, the mood in the car light and joyful.
As we arrive and park, Jude turns to me with a playful smile. "You know, I was just thinking..."
"Uh-oh, should I be worried?" I tease, raising an eyebrow.
"Maybe," he laughs. "But seriously, what if Julian and Julia go into comedy? They seem to have a knack for entertaining, just like their old man."
"Oh, really? So now you're a comedian?" I say, laughing.
"Well, I did make you laugh, didn't I?" he retorts, winking.
We all get out of the car and head into the parlor, the kids rushing ahead to choose their favorite flavors. Jude and I follow more slowly, holding hands and enjoying the moment.
As we enter the ice cream parlor, the sweet aroma of freshly baked waffles and scoops of ice cream fills the air. Julian and Julia rush towards the display of flavors, their eyes wide with anticipation.
"Mom, Dad, look at all the choices!" Julia exclaims, pointing excitedly.
"Yeah, Dad, they even have that weird green one you like," Julian adds with a grin.
Jude chuckles. "Hey, mint chocolate chip is a classic! Don't knock it till you've tried it."
I roll my eyes playfully. "You and your adventurous taste buds."
"Just trying to keep things interesting," he replies with a wink.
We join the kids at the counter, scanning the menu for our own favorites. Julian opts for a towering sundae while Julia goes for a colorful cone with sprinkles.
"I think I'll go for something simple today," I say, eyeing a scoop of strawberry cheesecake.
Jude nudges me. "Oh, come on, live a little! How about a triple scoop with all the works?"
I laugh. "I'll leave that to you, Mr. Mint Chocolate Chip."
As we wait for our treats, Jude leans closer to me, his voice low. "Did you see that kid's hair over there? It looks like a bird's nest."
I stifle a laugh. "Jude! Be nice."
"I'm just observing," he insists, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You know I can't resist a good hairstyle critique."
"Well, keep your critiques to yourself," I tease, trying not to giggle too loudly.
Our ice cream arrives, and we settle into a cozy booth. Julian and Julia dive into their treats with gusto, their faces quickly turning into a sticky mess of smiles and satisfaction.
Jude leans back, savoring his mint chocolate chip. "You know, I have to hand it to them. These kids really know how to enjoy life's simple pleasures."
"Like ice cream," I add, licking a stray drip from my cone.
"Exactly," he says, nodding. "I mean, who needs fancy dinners when you've got a scoop of your favorite flavor?"
"Or a tower of sundaes," I reply, gesturing towards Julian's creation.
We watch our kids laugh and talk between messy bites, their joy infectious. It's moments like these that remind me why I fell in love with Jude—the way he finds humor in everyday moments and brings out the best in our family.
As we finish our ice cream, Jude leans over and whispers, "That kid over there looks like he's trying to break the world record for fastest ice cream eater." He says eyeing the poor child that just seems to be really enjoying his ice cream
I burst out laughing, unable to contain myself. "Jude, stop, what's wrong with you today and making fun of kids!" I manage to say between giggles.
He grins mischievously. "What? I'm just stating the obvious, and it's not like I'm saying it to their faces, how will they know I'm talking about them ?"
"You're terrible," I say, shaking my head, still laughing.
He chuckles softly. "But you love me anyway, right?"
"Of course," I reply, reaching across the table to squeeze his hand. "Even when you're making fun of kids' hairstyles."
He squeezes my hand back, his eyes warm with affection. "I love you too, always."
We sit together in comfortable silence, watching our children and soaking in the happiness of this simple, perfect moment. As we prepare to leave, Jude leans over once more.
"Ready to head home, or should we challenge the kids to a rematch in mini golf?"
I laugh, shaking my head. "Let's save that for another day. Right now, I think we've had enough excitement for one evening."
"Fair enough," he says, rising from the booth. "But don't think I won't take you up on that challenge someday."
I smile, knowing that whatever adventures lie ahead, we'll face them together—as partners, parents, and best friends.
"I love that idea," I say, kissing him on the cheek. "It's perfect."
As we sit there, enjoying our ice cream and each other's company, I realize that moments like these are what life is all about—love, laughter, and the simple joy of being together.
Jude takes a spoon of his ice cream  and leans back, content. "This is the life," he says, smiling at me and the kids. "I wouldn't trade it for anything."
"Me neither," I reply, squeezing his hand. "Me neither."
The evening winds down with more laughter, stories, and plans for the future. As we drive home, the kids eventually fall asleep in the backseat, clutching their awards.
Jude looks over at me and smiles. "We did good, didn't we?"
"We did great," I reply, feeling a warm glow of happiness. "Our little achievers."
We pull into the driveway, and Jude gently carries Julian inside while I take Julia. We tuck them into bed, kissing their foreheads and whispering words of love and pride.
Back in our bedroom, Jude wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. "Thank you for being my partner in this crazy, wonderful life," he says softly.
"Thank you for being mine," I reply, resting my head on his chest.
As we drift off to sleep, I can't help but feel incredibly grateful for this beautiful family we've built together—a family filled with love, humor, and endless possibilities.
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Hi lovely! Can I request an MC who has OCD and likes counting things way too much? (I'm terrible at math but my OCD makes me count things. I know, very contradictory)
MC likes grabbing the M6's hands and count their fingers, nails, and then proceed to count how many lines their hands have on the palm, how many veins are visible, etc.
(Sorry if you didn't really understand the request, it's hard to explain just with words ^-^')
The Arcana Mini-HCs: When MC has OCD and likes to count
Julian: conflicted because he knows this would go better without his gloves on. resolves it by adding small scratches/details to count
Asra: loves it. loves everything about it. count around their hands as many times as you like and their curls and feet too, just don't let go
Nadia: honored that you find her so soothing, but it does get inconvenient on occasion. might invent other things to count as well
Muriel: if it's grounding, soothing, and not hurting you, he's proud of you for giving that to yourself. could you avoid the scars, though?
Portia: yes, yes, take her hand, memorize it back and forth, and she'll feel butterflies every time you pay such close attention to her. loves it
Lucio: initially scared because you double checking how many fingers he had made him wonder if any of them had gone missing
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lonelymoonrambles · 2 months
I just finished season 5 of deep space nine as a first time viewer and here are my thoughts:
- so we're entering the war seasons huh
- Quark's got game and no one (Odo) can deny it
- Worf, please get over yourself, Jadzia is so hot and so into you
- Ensign Vilix'pran singlehandedly causing overpopulation on the station
- Trials and Tribble-ations!!!! Watched it twice
- as if Kirk wouldnt notice smokeshows Jadzia and Benjamin!!!!! he would flirt with both of them in a second
- Curzon Dax... im obsessed with your passing... getting fucked to death? slay
- quodo camping trip, enemies to loves, huddling for warmth, only one bed(roll), hurt/comfort... i see you ds9 writers
- once again Kira is dating a boring ass white guy (she should date me)
- I'm so proud of Nog, that's all 🥹
- ziyal needs therapy for her daddy issues cause why else would she have a crush on an old gay lizard? who is in fact her father's nemesis???
- Dukat, they could never make me hate you (I hope)
- I'm so sorry Julian! I def would have noticed if you were missing 🥺 ily so much, you looked rlly good with your jail stubble 👉👈
- Julian's parents, they could never make me like you!!! Losers!!!
- ok but Miles talking about his love for Julian to anyone who will listen 😏
- depressed Quark was kinda... 👀 (I have deep issues and I am aware of them) (I can fix him)
- my mom watched "blaze of glory" with me and asked if Sisko and Eddington were best friends
- I need a full length horror movie of Empok Nor, including sweaty crazy Garak
- twice in different eps someone has said "who told you that?" and they just list characters? Polycule going strong I see...
- ok Weyoun! I get it now! Pouty little brat that you are
- Benjamin Sisko, you are cool as hell. And such a petty bitch for leaving your baseball behind for Dukat! 😘
- not 👏 enough 👏 Keiko 👏
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💙💜🩷 Books for Bisexuality Visibility Month 🩷💜💙
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💜 How incredible is it that I made a list of 99 books for bisexual visibility month, KNOWING there are so many NOT featured on this list? I'm so proud to be bi. Having these characters and stories intertwine with mine warms my heart.
💜 What's your favorite book featuring bisexual characters?
💙 The Henna Wars - Adiba Jaigirdar 💙 Perfect on Paper - Sophie Gonzales 💙 Imogen, Obviously - Becky Albertalli 💙 Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston 💙 Queens of Geek - Jen Wilde 💙 Just Your Local Bisexual Disaster - Andrea Mosqueda 💙 Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute - Talia Hibbert 💙 Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake - Alexis Hall 💙 A Merry Little Meet Cute - Julie Murphy & Sierra Simone
💜 Leah on the Offbeat - Becky Albertalli 💜 The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid 💜 Radio Silence - Alice Oseman 💜 The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue - Mackenzi Lee 💜 You Exist Too Much - Zaina Arafat 💜 Wolfsong - T.J. Klune 💜 The Pairing - Casey McQuiston 💜 Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail - Ashley Herring Blake 💜 Heartstopper - Alice Oseman
🩷 Going Bicoastal - Dahlia Adler 🩷 Some Girls Do - Jennifer Dugan 🩷 Hani & Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating - Adiba Jaigirdar 🩷 Autoboyography - Christina Lauren 🩷 Written in the Stars - Alexandria Bellefleur 🩷 They Both Die at the End - Adam Silvera 🩷 Cool for the Summer - Dahlia Adler 🩷 Delilah Green Doesn't Care - Ashley Herring Blake 🩷 One Last Stop - Casey McQuiston
💙 I'll Be the One - Lyla Lee 💙 Running With Lions - Julian Winters 💙 Take a Hint, Dani Brown - Talia Hibbert 💙 Felix Ever After - Kacen Callender 💙 Not Your Sidekick - C.B. Lee 💙 Ophelia After All - Racquel Marie 💙 Iron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhao 💙 Something to Talk About - Meryl Wilsner 💙 The Girls I've Been - Tess Sharpe
💜 Iris Kelly Doesn't Date - Ashley Herring Blake 💜 Never Ever Getting Back Together - Sophie Gonzales 💜 Her Royal Highness - Rachel Hawkins 💜 Call Me By Your Name - André Aciman 💜 I Wish You All the Best - Mason Deaver 💜 Mistakes Were Made - Meryl Wilsner 💜 Hang the Moon - Alexandria Bellefleur 💜 Kiss Her Once for Me - Alison Cochrun 💜 The Brightsiders - Jen Wilde
🩷 Wild Beauty - Anna-Marie McLemore 🩷 The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - Victoria Schwab 🩷 Payback's a Witch - Lana Harper 🩷 A Dowry of Blood - S.T. Gibson 🩷 Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo 🩷 Dark Rise - C.S. Pacat 🩷 If This Gets Out - Sophie Gonzales & Cale Dietrich 🩷 Let's Talk About Love - Claire Kann 🩷 Carry On - Rainbow Rowell
💙 Under the Whispering Door - T.J. Klune 💙 I Kissed Shara Wheeler - Casey McQuiston 💙 Pumpkinheads - Rainbow Rowell 💙 Icebreaker - A.L. Graziadei 💙 This Poison Heart - Kalynn Bayron 💙 A Lot Like Adiós - Alexis Daria 💙 Sorry, Bro - Taleen Voskuni 💙 We Are Okay - Nina LaCour 💙 Count Your Lucky Stars - Alexandria Bellefleur
💜 Hot Dog Girl - Jennifer Dugan 💜 Verona Comics - Jennifer Dugan 💜 They Hate Each Other - Amanda Woody 💜 The Disasters - M.K. England 💜 The Raven Boys - Maggie Stiefvater 💜 You Should See Me in a Crown - Leah Johnson 💜 These Witches Don't Burn - Isabel Sterling 💜 My Dearest Darkest - Kayla Cottingham 💜 City of Shattered Light - Claire Winn
🩷 The Unbroken - C.L. Clark 🩷 Dread Nation - Justina Ireland 🩷 House of Hollow - Krystal Sutherland 🩷 Love & Other Disasters - Anita Kelly 🩷 Ace of Shades - Amanda Foody 🩷 The Lost Girls - Sonia Hartl 🩷 Of Fire and Stars - Audrey Coulthurst 🩷 This Is Kind of an Epic Love Story - Kacen Callender 🩷 Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire Sáenz
💙 If You Still Recognise Me - Cynthia So 💙 Melt With You - Jennifer Dugan 💙 The Charm Offensive - Alison Cochrun 💙 That Summer Feeling - Bridget Morrissey 💙 The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School - Sonora Reyes 💙 The Luis Ortega Survival Club - Sonora Reyes 💙 The Fiancée Farce - Alexandria Bellefleur 💙 Flip the Script - Lyla Lee 💙 Role Playing - Cathy Yardley
💜 I Think I Love You - Auriane Desombre 💜 Truly, Madly, Deeply - Alexandria Bellefleur 💜 Gearbreakers - Zoe Hana Mikuta 💜 Finally Fitz - Marisa Kanter 💜 The Spirit Bares Its Teeth - Andrew Joseph White 💜 Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl - Brianna R. Shrum & Sara Waxelbaum 💜 Late Bloomer - Mazey Eddings 💜 A Darker Shade of Magic - Victoria Schwab 💜 Love at First Set - Jennifer Dugan
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thekitchenywitch · 5 months
I'm still not caught up on if it's rude to send the same ask to multiple people so feel free to ignore this since I did send this to someone on the 23rd December.
But, how do you think the arcana M6 would react to an Mc that has a hars time feeling accomplished, and usually just doesn't feel it?
Like Mc could work on becoming better at something or work for hours on a project but will almost never feel accomplished for making something. Instead Mc would just see it as something they made or did. Like even defeating the devil didn't leave them feeling proud of themselves but more glad it's over. No sense of accomplishment just something they had to do and did and now it's over.
Hi! It is certainly not rude, please feel free to ask whatever you wish! Also sorry my HC grouping style is inconsistent I’m still figuring out what helps me write more for you all without getting too overwhelmed. Also apologies for the obvious favoritism 🫣
This are made as separate ships but partnered by shared reactions
Nadia and Asra actually get very concerned when they realize that you genuinely don’t think you done some worth celebrating. They won’t push you into act celebrating your accomplishments. They’d both sit with you and try to work through why you don’t feel accomplished though.
Muriel and Julian absolutely understand, they do the same thing but for different reasons. Muriel doesn’t feel super accomplished about it because when he does something he just…. Does it. I don’t think he thinks about it a ton, unless of course it’s something that involves using an ax or weapon, ie chopping wood or hunting. (honestly it’s unrelated but I don’t think he hunts unless necessary.) Julian doesn’t feel accomplished because he thinks that whatever good he does only helps to make up for the damage. Yes, he knows you love him, yes he knows you try so hard to get him to see that he’s worth celebrating but he…. Just doesn’t see it. He looks at himself and he’s just there, and he doesn’t think he should be. Not because he doesn’t want to be but this mans survivors guilt is through the goddamn roof.
Portia will celebrate with you either way. Because you know what? You don’t have to be proud of yourself for her to be proud of you. This woman loves you more than you could ever imagine, and I’m not just saying that. She loves you (X) miles, where X is the number of the stars in the universe. She’s so so happy she gets to be with you and even if you don’t see how absolutely amazing you are, she does.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 7 months
Alison: Mia got the lead role in the school play! I'm so proud.
Pat: I know how you must feel. I remember when Daley got all his badges in Cubs. Cried so much I got dehydrated.
Julian: I remember Margot calling to say Rachel got a prize for best drawing in preschool. Sent my secretary to get it so I could frame it at work. Got the wrong kids picture but that one was slightly better actually.
Fanny: I remember my governess telling me the first time my sons had gone a whole day without needing to be caned. Precious moments.
Robin: Me remember day daughter skin her first wolf. She make me sleeve, see? Can still see little heart she drew with its blood. *sniffles* So cute.
Mike, to Alison: You okay? You've been silent for the last two minutes. Are the ghosts sharing disturbing stories again?
Alison: What do you think?
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dromithecat · 1 month
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Yeah it's here!!!! My masterpiece!!! I'm so proud of this, I could actually shed a tear *snif*
So, a couple pointers:
1- Thank you for your patience, this actually took way longer than I expected and the fact that I got suddenly swamped with work did *not* help-but it's here now!! Hope you like it :D
2- If you remember the original piece I posted (the sketch) you'll notice quite the differences here and there. Can you spot them all?
3- One of the reasons this took so long is that the candies were supposed to be all generic when I suddenly remembered there were canonically halloween arcana candies I simply could *not* exclude and keep my self respect. Or the five years of my life I'll never get back from having to edit them in. *Sigh*
4-The costumes are based on the Arcana Halloween Charms. All you Lucio stans I hope you can understand that I simply couldn't in good conscience give kid Lucio the original outfit that his adult counterpart wore. His new outfit is based in his Devil-sona from Muriel's route, hope it suffices.
5- For a moment I was a little bummed about how accidentally overproduced Nadia's pumpkin was but honestly that's such a Nadia thing to happen that I can't help feeling that it fits perfectly.
6- This was very fun to make but I also kinda felt like my soul had been given in sacrifice to the digital art Gods. I'm freeeeeeeee
7-If anyone wants to repost remember to credit/tag me!!! Also if you want to edit your own Mc too just dm and i can give you the clear version with room for them.
All in all, this was fun!!! See ya around fellas ;)
Edit: Some stuff I forgot to mention:
8: there's a hidden devil's chocolate in Nadia's pumpkin as a reference to her reversed ending (give those players a reference. Players love 'em references. I know cause I'm a player)
9: Lucio's pumpkin is the only one that isn't super loyal to the original, that's bc at first I drew them all from scratch before learning how to properly reproduce them. I was planning on changing it too but I realized that I accidentally made it look like the ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) emoji which i personally find hilarious so I kept it.
10: Julian was suppossed to have a pumpkin like the rest but I thought "Julian is totally that drama queen club kid that is COMITTED to the aesthetic and would totally use a bag instead of a bucket since that's what a pirate would use...completely disregarding the fact that they tear easily and lose like half his candy on the way home" (don't worry, Portia made sure to point it out and they Hanzel and Gretel'd their way back to rescuing his pirate loot)
11-Asra got Muriel his costume since he didn't want to come wear one at first
12- Asra's bucket has licorice that both resemble's faust and his parent's snakes. He also got him bread from the baker (everyone else had 2 themed candies and I felt bad for Muriel who only got one)
13- Both Julian and Portia get Mazelinka taffies
14- Mc's bucket has all 6 themed candies that directly reference the love interests- yaaayyy references son
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