#I'm relieved
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crazydaymycrazyway · 3 months ago
So the new chapters out, and I love how Suryong is mad that Su is injured. Ahhhhh! Like, my gosh I'm giggling and kicking my feet. They're definitely gonna be besties!
It's like that insta reels that asks, what was your first impression of your bestie?
I thought she was a bitch.
Like, isn't it exactly what happened with Su and Suryong?
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missmamibee · 7 months ago
Got a call from the doctor. They said the white is probably fluid build-up from the Chiari malformation. She sent an urgent referral for me to a neurosurgeon. Good news though it's not deadly!
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luigislady · 10 months ago
Oh good so they weren't lying about irl 4*Town 😭😭
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the-same-moss-everyday · 10 months ago
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April 29th 2024
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kitty-pilled-gamma · 6 days ago
Chikurun Bee Benson is back!
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the-blossica-fan · 5 months ago
Thomas is. Actually doing alright ^-^
As far as Tomos go, their history can be traced back to a single individual, more than 20 million years ago for them in the past, from Ancient Egypt:
Azrael, The First Tomo; said to have wielded a sickle named Knowledge, a spear named Choice, and the two being able to become a scythe named Wisdom.
They were known far and wide, especially considering that, given he apparently served under Tutankhamen and Cleopatra VII, it makes their lifespan over 2000 years old, which would also make some sense given the long lifespans of those in the Tomo family.
In Philip's time, the legacy of Azrael lives on as a revered figure in Haravin, the desert nation to the west, as Azrael Anubis, who was said to have challenged even the Deity of Death.
But, that is the ancient past, and only Darlin' has the ability to go back and meet him. But, they won't. Mysteries are fun, you know? :3
Woah actually what the heck, Tutankhamen and Cleopatra?! (The VII? I didn't know there were other six Cleopatra)
Dude knows things, I'm more amazed that the legacy lasted for so long. The story goes far more deep than I thought, huh. I love it, I love it
I love Darlin' just not getting involved in that, they seem like the type to be able to get the answer but instead be like "Theories are fun actually, tell me your theories" and never check the source
I'm intrigued, Azrael died a long time ago, assuming, so where did his scythe go?? Lost in time never to be seen again, held by the Tomo somewhere safe or just another mystery surrounding the Tomo family?
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xitty · 8 months ago
Oh and here's the Japanese trailer:
Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames | Genshin Impact
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O god of fire, infernos, and war,
Your fate forged amidst strife,
Your path paved in glory and names renowned,
Your radiance resembles the setting sun's might.
Under the assembled stars' flames we gather,
To bear witness to the triumphs and defeats of this tournament.
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princess-massacre · 8 months ago
I'm so tired, but shit keeps on happening.
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atomiccosmic · 1 year ago
drunk + a bit stoned
he mentioned a second date...
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theblissfulchaos · 2 years ago
what a day to suddenly come back on tumblr for a little peek.
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simlicious · 3 months ago
Update I've got good news, I was able to solve the issue and I know now what's behind it! I already got an answer from the MyAdvent support, and the issue happened because I used the old Editor to paste in a pre-formatted text (I actually have a story that shows up for you to read instead of a download any time I'm getting behind on schedule with the upload). The hidden formatting info must have been quite excessive and the calendar preview cut off that information. And because the calendar then only used the formatting to interpret how big the door should be, which is no actual text and thus has no actual height, it caused this error. They were already aware of this and this is why they fixed that in the new editor! So I just deleted the text and added it back in in the new editor and the problem was solved. Since everyone who is making a new calendar will automatically use the new editor, this will hopefully not happen to anyone else anymore either! But for anyone using MyAdvent and using the old editor too, this might be helpful to know. I'm relieved that the issue is solved now, and you can use any link you want to watch the calendar in all its proper glory, yay!
Thanks to everyone who helped me troubleshoot and test the links!
Calendar Trouble
Regarding my Advent calendar in the previous days, was the calendar visibly broken for you (doors look squished together and visibly cut off)? I', still hoping maybe it's just me, but I tried different browsers and all displayed that problem. Squished:
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(contents blurred to avoid spoilers)
The calendar uses a different editor since this year and they said you can switch back to the old one any time, and I did switch back to the old one use the old one because I generally like it better, but when I use the new editor the doors appear broken and apparently the link I've been using and giving you all this time is tied to the new calendar editor and always displays the calendar as broken. I did not notice because I have been using the old editor and it looks fine in that one and if I use the preview function from that one, it also looks fine. So I have to use another link from the old editor so it does not display broken. I'm kind of bummed out that you may have had a broken calendar this whole time 😭😭 Really, today isn't my day, all my patterns I wanted to use had flaws I only noticed last minute, and tried to fix them, but realized that it would take hours and I was already late uploading. And I'm not even happy with the current one either, but what's done is done, and you will hopefully like it well enough. My standards are way higher than everyone else's it seems.
But it's really hard for me to endure knowing something isn't as good as it could be. Then I found a glaring error in my first pattern upload that I now have to fix and reupload (it is on its head, how did I not notice that!), and got even more stressed because of that. So I'm super stressed and sad and it's like everything is rigged against me today. I just wrote a mail to the calendar provider hoping that the issue may be fixed. I already edited the Day 6 teaser link and the link on my website to use the older one that displays the right way and will use that one from now on.
Tbh, I haven't had proper time to breathe since I started the calendar and to have a day like this really crushed my spirit.
I wanted to make the day special, since it's St. Nicholas day and it's regarded as a special day here in Germany. I'm really sorry that didn't work out!
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shalmonsdraws · 7 months ago
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what the cat doin
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sereneabyyss · 8 months ago
I see so many things where like SY is the sweet innocent one who shows SJ how to love and be loved and fixes him blah blah blah. But oh come on now, this is Peerless Cucumber we're talking about. Number one hater extraordinaire. He is so bitchy. He would not fix SJ if anything he would make him worse.
I need more content that's just SY and SJ standing with their twin fans unfolded, viciously tearing their opponents (the other peak lords) apart with their barbed insults. I need them casting vicious mockery within every battle, whether it be against demon, peak lord, or random civilian who just happened to spill tea on them.
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vaguely-concerned · 4 months ago
To the ‘themes I am picking up on in Veilguard’ list, let's go ahead and add what I have a sneaking suspicion will actually turn out to be The theme:
— the world has changed and can never be as it was again.
— I have been changed and can never be who I was again.
— in this simple unavoidable truth there is endless grief and endless hope.
And I… may be getting a bit emotional about it haha. Let me show my work a bit: 
if da:o is a game about people who are already dead or half ghosts in some form (through societal forces, psychologically, functionally, literally, in body, through the joining etc.) coming together anyway to save the world from being swallowed by total nihilism and despair (symbolized by the blight) through the power of love and friendship and also this sword/potential heroic sacrifice that I found, da2 is a game about people who have lost their homes and been set adrift finding and building new homes in each other (while completely failing to save the world. also through the power of love and friendship. as well as years of petty bickering <3 we must imagine kirkwall if not happy then worth having been because the love was there the love was there and that's the only sanctifying force we can ever have in this doomed world and city of ours), and da:i is a game about old stabilizing-but-unjust comfortable lies vs. disruptive but potentially liberating uncomfortable truths, and the power of friendship to help us distinguish the one from the other and navigate through them...
folks… I'm starting to think that veilguard might be a game specifically about moving towards recovery and acceptance after trauma — about how even in this flawed, severed, scarred state, what is here right now is worth loving and worth caring for. even in an imperfect and impermanent world and self, there is worth and joy. and of course the first real tragedy — and threat — of Solas is that he just cannot find it in himself to accept this and move on, to let go of what was, the regret won’t let him go or he won’t let go of it. which means that even though on the surface it’s Elgar’nan and Ghilan’nain (and the will to subjugate and violate they represent) who are the main villains, the real antagonistic force in this story beneath that is the Dread Wolf’s despair. A despair Rook must make an answer to by the end of the game, one way or another, compassionately or with righteous fury, triumphant or pyrrhic.
The world will change again and again and so will you — BUT the crucial element is that so will everyone else who exists along with you, you are fundamentally not alone in this existential truth. all we’ll ever have is each other and my god that is plenty, my god that is enough!!! Which is the second thing Solas just can’t accept, he keeps himself separate and completely alone out of an awful mix of fear and pride and feeling himself unworthy of anything else. Rook and the player want to save the world of Thedas because it’s where everyone we love lives, Solas wants to go back to the past because that’s the only neighbourhood where he can still visit those he loved — and the person he himself was, before. A very sympathetic and human instinct/trap to fall into when touched by trauma, I think, if only it wasn’t backed by godlike power, a fundamentally oppositional personality, and a catastrophic lack of therapy to make it literally everyone else’s problem too lol. It’s varric and solas’ banter about the man on the island and where meaning in a life comes from all over again, writ large and with detail work — and the added idea of ‘what if there are also other islands out there, though. With other people on them that you could find if you reach for each other’. Rook with the best of intentions has to make choices to which there are no perfect outcomes and live with what happens — and not cut themselves off from everyone else around them even when there is regret or shame. You get back up every day and you make a life with other people doing the same and you do your best, and that’s the only victory this world will give you. In the end, that is more than enough, that is essential. And I um. I love that. So much. It’s why some of the writing clumsiness on top can’t hurt me because this thematic spine is so solid and so beautiful to me. It’s DA2 all over again that way for me personally — I forgive this story for what it isn’t and couldn’t be, and I love it with my whole stupid open heart for what it actually is. Thank you for coming to my TED-talk and goodbye etc.      
(For my fellow TLT heads out there — you know what this story is reminding me of most of all, actually? It has some big Nona the Ninth vibes down there in the deep. It’s about… the horror and unspeakable beauty that can only be found in liminality, and the role of love in making that basic fact of existence bearable. And also even more unbearable at the same time. I'm so sorry.)
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arcticclimes · 3 months ago
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There's been an incident on Terror.
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sketchupnfries · 4 months ago
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A quick Maya sketch since my motivation to draw has been so low lately...I'm so tired....
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