#I'm really disappointed with the quality of those gifs
helahyma · 2 years
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@theflyingfeeling 💫
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redwinewhiteroses · 1 month
What are your future spouse's qualities? 🧡💛🧡👰🤵👼
Pick an image
‼️For entertainment purposes only‼️
Use your intuition. Choose the image you are drawn to the most.
What reading should I do next? Lmk in the comments. Thanks for joining me for this reading.
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Purple butterfly
First of all I'm seeing your fs is a social butterfly. Very very outgoing, radiant and lively. They might feel really content with themselves so they reflect this warm peaceful celebratory joy into the world. They might nurture and foster connections with people from a very genuine place in their hearts often times celebrating people and their loved ones.
Your fs might be a very strong and resilient person. They will put up a good fight to defend their loved ones. They might also be protective of you and your children and will defend you like a warrior. Your fs will face challenges head on and will be really courageous. They will always stand up for what they believe in.
Your fs might be highly skilled and a master manifestor. They get what they want and they possess the power to create what they want. They might be charismatic and will really stand out in a crowd. They might be skilled at multiple different things, could be a jack of all trades and will most definitely be good at all those things.
They are very well put together and will have a commanding presence. They must be super confident about themselves. They might value  and respect people and will demand to be treated the same way. Your fs could be a CEO or an entrepreneur.
Your fs might be very intellectual. They have a strong sense of self and not easily swayed by things. They might not be emotional as much, definitely more inclined to logical thinking. They might really value honest and clear communication. Honesty could be a priority to them. They might have a zest for life. A hardworker, creative and analytical could be some of their most prominent qualities. Your fs could be well accomplished in life and could be quite independent on their own. Could uphold positions of power and definitely commands a lot of respect from others.
Random messages : Enchanting, Ask and you will have it, I'm sorry, Wit and humor/Gemini/Sagittarius, Forest retreat, Soul's desire, Mystic, It's always you, Hope for something more, Going with the flow, Try again, Forgive and forget
Vibes they give off : Harvey Specter from Suits
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Blue butterfly
Your fs could be a bit of a loner. They would fight for what they want even if they are the last one standing. Might have a win at all costs attitude. On the downside they will be quite cold and people could resent them sometimes. They might be a bit aggressive and get involved in conflicts easily. They could possess a sharp intellect and see things through. They might make enemies or get on the bad side of people. They could be a bit manipulative and will try to have the last word on anything and everything. Could be a fighter and a tough cookie. They could go by the motto 'Never back down, Never give up' .
Your fs is very introspective and will be on a constant journey of self discovery. They might seek a deeper meaning in life. They might be disatisfied with the circumstances of their life and will try to reinvent themselves and will desire to find more authentic experiences in life. They might not be driven by material rewards but rather value experiences and constant evolution beyond the material realm.
Your fs could be a bit restless and impatient. They might be facing delays and obstacles in creating their desired reality. They could face a few setbacks in life which will create a sense of disappointment in themselves.
Your fs might struggle to give and receive care and affection to some degree. They have this inner turmoil which restricts their nurturing side. They might be dealing with mental health struggles or stress might be a major theme in their life. They might be a bit possessive and act from a place of low self esteem. They could struggle with issues related to self worth and lack of purpose.
This might just be a major theme in their life during a significant time frame in their life. Nothing is set in stone. This is the current energies of your fs. This is not a final verdict. Remember life goes on constantly, redefining things and situations day by day. So have hope that things will get better eventually.
Random messages : Light hair, Yes, Sail the seas, I want to control/Mars/Aries/Charge, Love, Damsel in distress, Wait for me, Ill will, Love is light
Vibes they give off : Professor Snape from HP
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Green butterfly
Your fs might have a difficulty of letting go of things that no longer serve them. They could hold on to the past and resist change. They might display feelings of nostalgia, regret and fear the uncertain. They could hold onto things for their emotional significance and memories. They could reminisce about their childhood often and may have an emotional attachment to their past due to some reason. Your fs can be someone who thinks they were born in the wrong generation. They might love vintage stuff and lifestyles from a different era. They could feel a bit out of place in the dynamics of the present world. They might have an interest in history, archaeology or philosophy. For some of you, your fs could be a librarian, anthropologist or a historian. They could be a bit restless and indecisive. They could be prone to overthinking and running in circles.
They could possess strong traditional values and beliefs. They could be a mentor, a teacher, professor, a guide or a coach. They can have some outdated beliefs as well. They could hold onto long-held traditions and practices to the point they will resist evolving. They could be a bit impractical and stubborn. They could be a conservative person, maybe religious, wise and emotionally stable. They might be well respected among people and seen as a dependable figure. They could even be a religious leader. They can be significantly older than you or very mature beyond their age. They have a love for traditions. They consider courting, marriage and commitment very seriously. They value stability, practicality and has a strong moral compass and will hold people accountable. They value morals, good intentions and values. They might have an ethnic background or might have some special cultural practices. They could be from generational wealth, true old money. They really do have some unique structure in their life kinda like old, refined, antique and of deep value. They might drive a vintage car. For some your fs could even be living in a mansion or has an estate.
Your fs might be recovering from a heartbreak, a past sorrow or pain. Maybe they lost someone who was quite influential in his life like a grandparent, a teacher or a parent figure. Maybe that's the reason of your fs looking back into the past. They have newfound strength and overcoming emotional pain. Your fs's emotional journey is marked by a gradual release of sorrow and an embrace of healing and growth. They could be a counselor, therapist or even a writer. People might be inspired by your fs's journey of overcoming pain and past hurts. Your fs could be inspiring people to be stronger by sharing their story or personal experiences. They may be guiding others to overcome emotional conflicts.
Your fs might have a zest for life. They can be incredibly passionate about life. They can be lively and active. They're passionate, optimistic and might take risks and have a thrill for life. They possess leadership qualities and a strong desire for actions. They are assertive and takes initiative. They might lead your relationship and I'm seeing wise leadership. They'll believe in traditional gender roles and will provide emotional security and material stability in the relationship. Your fs respects you and loves you in a gentle but passionate way.
Random messages : Cute romance, Sweet kiss, No way, Running with the wolves, Sour cream, Say something, You are on the right path, Aphrodite, I'm wondering why, Harmonious, Diabolical, Fruitfulness
Vibes they give off :
Thomas Shelby from Peaky Blinders
Edward Cullen from Twilight
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Red butterfly
Your fs might be a really strong individual. Definitely good looking and charismatic. Will most likely have a commanding presence. We got two kings here and the magician. Your fs will defend their loved ones like a warrior. They will face challenges head on and won't fear fighting for what they truly believe in.
Your fs might be a bit closed off at first. They can have their guard up. They might also not see their truest potential. I think they underestimate themselves constantly and might feel trapped by their own mental chains. They tend to feed their own mental limitations. But I think they are capable of more, they just don't see that for themselves.
Your fs might motivate people around them. They will encourage you with words of affirmation all the time. They definitely have a strong sense of self assurance and will be in control. They can be tall and charismatic and extremely good looking. Might have a great sex appeal. They are very driven (might have high libido) courageous and passionate. They have a warm hearted nature. For some of you guys, your fs can be a CEO, entrepreneur, self-accomplished businessman, creative director or an authoritative figure.
Your fs might be fiercely competitive. They like to test their own limits. Might enjoy dangerous hobbies and martial arts. They might enjoy physical fights or activities that require strength and endurance. They might be really good in bed if you know what I mean. They can go for a few rounds at a time without getting tired. Extremely passionate and strong. They can be quite passionate in arguments as well so it's better to solve problems without delay. They might like competing with others and they thrive in competitive environments. Your fs will be in the spotlight and they stand out in any crowd. They could a sportsperson for some you guys.
Your fs is highly skilled in many things. They are really creative. Might be good with their hands. They will be a very well put together person. Will have a good sense of style and a knack for aesthetics.
Your fs can be mature and have a zest for life. They are passionate about living life you know. They might enjoy hiking, vacations and experiencing new things. Your fs is really really wealthy and abundant. They might be successful or even famous. They have a lot of achievements under their belt. They are incredibly protective of their loved ones and have a strong sense of responsibility towards them. They are secure in themselves and people can easily rely on them. They might build a lasting legacy with you. They could be working in finance or real estate.
You guys could have a lavish wedding and you also might live in a beautiful home. Your marriage will be stable and quite passionate.
Random messages : Christmas time, Haphazard, Miraculous, Count to three, Eat up, Love and care, Why do you avoid me?, What do you want?, It's easier when you sleep
Vibes they give off : Christian Grey from Fifty Shades
Nick from My fault
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Thanks for joining me!
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natalchartnurtures · 8 months
PAC: what do you owe yourself big time?
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I channeled these messages with the intention to aid self love and the connection to self for all those who come across this. Hope it does just that. Happy reading!
Pile 1 to 3- left to right
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Pile number 1:
What do you owe yourself?
Grace. You owe yourself grace, sweetheart. You've been doing SO much (be it physically, mentally, or spiritually), and even though you're exhausted, you simply power through. You might feel like there is an invisible standard that you need to hold yourself to, for whatever reason, which might keep you stuck in your head. You may be grappling with perfectionism too. You might even accidentally fall into analysis-paralysis (too much thinking and not enough doing), which is keeping you in the frequency of resistance to the abundance that the universe is ready to give you as a result of ALL the work you've put in right now. You might feel like life is getting a little dry, and everything seems like drudge-work and as if it's sucking the life out of you (in extreme cases). So what I see you owe yourself right now is some self-love, the permission to rest, and the grace of knowing that you've been hard on yourself as a result of a wound that is now ready to be healed. Your healing needs your attention right now; you need your attention right now.
How do you give what you owe yourself?
Reflect on why you keep yourself so busy, pile 1. Maybe reflect on it a little? Is it coming from a healthy place or a wound or societal conditioning? What makes you think taking care of yourself is secondary to anything else in the world? If it's your work-life that's keeping you in this rut, try working in some "me time" into your routine when you can simply breathe and be alone by yourself and marinate in your energy. Even for about like 5 minutes would be a great start. Doing some simple breathing exercises like the 2X breath (breathe in for 4 - hold for 2 - breathe out for 8) could help you MASSIVELY, and it won't even disrupt your routine to do like a couple of cycles of these. This will help clear out some mental clutter, which will greatly improve your quality of life. It's 20% effort to get 80% results. What's not to like? If you had a meditation routine, you could resume that again as well, and if you didn't, now is a great time to begin. Try whatever ones that call out to you. Your intuition has always been a powerful guide to you. The trick to giving yourself what you need right now is making it feel like it's very little effort and not another chore for you to get done with. Love, light, and hugs, sweet soul.
Pile number 2:
What do you owe yourself?
A chance to recuperate. You might have lost something/someone recently and haven't been able to give yourself the chance to grieve it fully yet. That's what you owe yourself, big time right now. You really wanted something to work out here and were super excited about it, but it ended up disappointing you instead. I'm so sorry, pile 2. Allow yourself to grieve this. Feel into it to heal yourself from it. I'm getting that if it was a love situation that ended, it was for your highest good because the person you were dealing with had secrets of some kind, and you didn't need another person with hidden agendas around you (that was very specific, take it as it resonates). You are making space for a more pure kind of love as you grieve this old connection. You will gain a lot of clarity after you have grieved this situation. You might get hit with a lot of epiphanies about the situation and maybe even some blessings from the universe. I'm not getting anything specific in terms of that because it's probably different for each of you reading, but it's mostly around the themes of love and emotional well-being. You are headed towards a situation that will replace your current loss and bring you some much-needed fulfillment and relief. You might even stumble into some success in your work life too if that's a desire of yours.
How do you give what you owe yourself?
It's really simple. Throw yourself a pajama party for one and watch sad movies, cry your pretty heart out, and embrace this loss. Also, I hear - "Is it a loss or a redirection?" Reflecting on that question could help you get some of those epiphanies I talked about earlier.
Love, light, and hugs, sweet soul.
Pile number 3:
What do you owe yourself?
Some fun. I feel like y'all need some much-needed fun because it honestly feels like y'all have been holding your breath for a while (proverbially), like you were waiting on something to happen or just waiting in general for something good to happen so you could relax and have fun. But the thing is, pile 3, you're supposed to make this thing you really want to happen, happen for you. You may believe nothing good happens to you, and this belief in particular is hindering your ability to actively create the things you want in your life. After all, taking aligned actions is an important step in manifestation. You owe yourself aligned action. Taking actions however small towards your desires is exactly what you need right now. The challenge here is that you might not know what you want right now, and that's something you have to actively take on. Side note: You might have had to take on different identities for different people to survive childhood (for some people) or simply to get through life in general, and this has left you feeling detached from yourself, but you're learning how to "come back home" to yourself now. Which is wonderful pile 3, yay!
How do you give what you owe yourself?
Start to take an active interest in learning about yourself and about your likes and dislikes. Spend some time by yourself away from the burdens of others' expectations from you. Reflect on the origins of your lack mentality, and by that, I simply mean - ask yourself why you believe good things can't happen to you. Is it because you think you don't deserve it? This could lead to some revelations about yourself which will further empower you to pour into yourself and nurture your energy, which will inevitably lead you to develop deep and profound inner peace along with a sense of groundedness within yourself, which is also something you owe yourself big time. You'll find that new pathways start to open up for you where once you found dead-ends (specific message, take it only if that one resonates).
Love, light, and hugs, sweet soul.
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Happy with the staff content this year but am I the only one who is disappointed with the PV we got? It's basically a slideshow of art we've already seen, major downgrade from the year 1 PV that had literally all the events. There was a drop in quality of the anniversary PVs over the years and it really shows this year. Sorry if you find this too negative I don't mean to hate I just wish Twst would do better for it's ANNIVERSARY.
[For everyone's reference, here are the anniversary PVs in order of release: 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024]
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Mmm, now that you mention it, I noticed this trend with the Halloween PVs 🤔 For year 1, there was a video that showed all members of the NRC casy, even those that did not receive cards at that time. There were then several short variants of the PV released for year 2/Endless Halloween Night (part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4). Altogether, they feature all of the characters, including the students from year 1 but heavily shadowed and with glowing eyes to indicate ghostly possession. Even Glorious Masquerade features all of the students that get new cards for the event plus Rollo, although there are notably more still shots here. The Stage in Playful Land CM, by comparison, is significantly shorter and only shows us the three SSRs (Ace, Ortho, and Kalim) as well as the two new characters (Fellow and Gidel).
As this anon has said, the anniversary PVs have changed a lot over time too. The first one was the most animated and integrated several event outfits. The second one was also animated a fair amount, but you can tell corners were cut in some places where they transition to photographs/still images. This alone works thematically given that the player is a photographer, but you can still catch dips in quality when it comes to the art style. I remember finding Deuce running and the Kalim + Silver flying scene odd, as well as Jade and Trein's faces strange in general. Then the third PV rolls around and it only features the third years; the animation also seems to be much more sluggish (although this could be a stylistic choice; not sure). A friend actually recently pointed out to me that Lilia's pose looks like he was pulled straight from other assets; his artwork in the animation is almost the exact same as his smiling expression in the game. This year's is the most different (+ most static) and, like year 3's PV, only provides "new" content for a select few characters (the dorm leaders). They also reuse pre-existing illustrations already found in the game that don't seem to be picked for any particular reason (like, there are random Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles groovies in there). This direction, I'm guessing, is less costly and more efficient than making an entirely original animation, which is what was done in previous years. (Not that Disney or Aniplex is hurting for money to fund this, lol) Would I have preferred another PV in the style of year 1's? Yeah, for sure. I want to see other events and their outfits animated! Was what we got this year bad? Not necessarily; I think the production and editing was very technically impressive, but I'm still sad we didn't get anything substantially "new" to chew on (as someone who isn't a fan of most third years or the dorm leaders). Maybe it's just something we perceive as a deficit only because year 1 set the bar so high. It is what it is; whoever was in charge of the anniversary PV was probably doing the best they could with whatever budget they were given 😔 Let's hope that next year's will be a return to form, or that at least the money/effort is being redirected to other bigger projects (maybe the anime?).
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Hey it's me again sorry if I'm overwhelming you with my multiple asks what could you do more old Predacon buddy with maybe just hanging out with the kids and stuff along with they're adopted son aka preking (I hope I'm saying his name right) Just some wholesome fluff and possibly make sure ratchet actually recharges and doesn't stay up all night working including the Optimus and the others old Predacon buddy has those sweet old Southern Grandpa vibes or you could do some old Predacon buddy interacting with Megatron during his glory days or something similar to that whatever you choose I'm not really picky also Make sure not to overwork yourself and make sure to hydrate every now and then and eat something at least healthy =]
They are back!
Caution: Grandparent vibes nearby
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon slice of life
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronain reader
It had been a rather busy month on base.
After the latest Decepticon mining activity, all the Autobots were on edge and running around like crazy.
Buddy mainly took care of the humans while everyone was busy on base. They swear if they didn’t have such an eye sore of an alt mode, they would pick up the kids instead of having to remind some of them to do it themselves.
Buddy lumbering around the console behind Bulkhead.
“Bulkhead? What are you still doing here?”--Buddy
“What do you mean?”--Bulkhead
“Bulkhead why isn’t Miko here? Is she sick?”--Buddy
“She at school today.”--Bulkhead
“Bulkhead its Saturday. Miko doesn’t have school.”--Buddy
Bulkhead transforms quickly and drives out.
Buddy shaking their helm at Ratchet.
“Kids these days.”--Buddy
“You said it.”--Ratchet
“You count too Ratchet.”--Buddy
Ratchet raises an optic at Buddy and vents a bit.
“You may be old by these young bots but don’t forget I’m the eldest here.”--Buddy
“Yet you try to do things a young bot would. It’s not good for your joints.”--Ratchet
Buddy gentle flicks Ratchet in the back of the helm with their tail.
“My frame allows some extra movement.”--Buddy
Buddy stretches their arm.
“…”—Buddy and Ratchet
“Not a word Ratchet. Not. A. Word.”--Buddy
Buddy knew that entertaining the kids with stories was only going to go so far. Especially when their guardians could stay with each of the children for long.
It was frankly getting on Buddy’s nerves.
It finally reached their limit when Movie Night came around.
The kids had gotten permission to spend the night at the base.
The original plan was to have a movie night with everyone.
Just some quality time with one another catching up on everything.
But it looked like most of them had forgotten about it.
Buddy didn’t like this. At. All.
And their spark broke a little seeing their disappointed faces.
Buddy looking down at the kids.
“Kids meet me at the exit with the gear.”--Buddy
“The gear?”--Jack
“Yes, you which one I’m talking about. Meet me over by the exit, we’ll have that Movie Night when we are done with it.”--Buddy
Once the kids came with the gear, Buddy knelt and had them climb on using their magnetic seatbelts.
These were almost light the Earth car seats but they were specially designed to be placed on Buddy via magnets.
Nothing was going to peel them away from Buddy until the end of any trip.
As soon as everyone was ready Buddy shot upwards.
Did they scare the kids a bit?
Yes, but it was worth it.
Buddy flying through the night sky.
“You seem pretty fast for an old timer.”--Miko
Buddy huffs a bit.
“This old timer still has a few tricks up their metaphoric sleeve.”--Buddy
“But you shouldn’t fly too fast, you can pull something.”--Raf
“Oh, my sweet Rafael, I’m spry for my age.”--Buddy
“Yes Jack?”--Buddy
Jack points forwards.
Buddy wasn’t too bothered by the sight of Predaking.
But they might have forgotten how the kids didn’t know the other predacon like they had.
Soon the two Predacon’s were flapping their wings circling each other.
The clouds around them slowly formed around them.
Through a series of clicks and roars the two talked.
‘Predaking, how are you? It’s been too long.’--Buddy
‘Fine Buddy. How are you faring with the enemy.’--Predaking
Buddy huffing.
‘They are not the enemy of mine, Predaking. I’ve told you before.’--Buddy
Predaking’s turn to huff.
‘There’s a reason you wanted to talk isn’t there?’--Buddy
‘…You know me too well.’--Predaking
‘I would be an awful ‘grandparent’, as the humans say. At least that’s how I remember the saying.’--Buddy
Predaking huffs.
‘I have been considering… leaving the Decepticons.’--Predaking
Buddy raising their optics.
‘You have?’--Buddy
‘I can put a good word in with the Auto—’--Buddy
‘No. At least… not now…’--Predaking
Buddy nods.
‘You still need time. I understand. Just let me know, okay?’--Buddy
Predaking nods and flies the other way.
Buddy huffs a bit.
“Oh yeah I forgot you don’t understand the clicks yet.”--Buddy
“I will teach you three one day.”—Buddy
“What did he want?”--Jack
“He just wanted to talk, nothing more.”--Buddy
They continued their flight before it was time to go back to base.
As Buddy touched down, they could see some of the Autobots come out of the base to see what was going on.
Buddy simply walked inside with the kids still on their back.
Buddy kneeling down so the kids could get down and take the gear off.
“Where were you four?”--Arcee
“Flying around Arcee. It can get stuffy in here.”--Buddy
“You know that someone could have spotted you?”--Arcee
“I am fully aware of that Arcee. I think with one of the largest alt modes here, I’d keep that in mind.”—Buddy
“Then why—"--Arcee
Buddy stands back up to full height.
“I do believe that there was a ‘Movie Night’ that you all needed to attend.”—Buddy
Buddy stretches a bit.
“…I’m old, okay. Haven’t you all heard of joints popping?”--Buddy
“Yes, but not like that.”--Bulkhead
Buddy lays down near the projector.
The kids follow with their blankets and pillows.
“Beep boop bop bep? (Do you need to see Ratchet?)”--Bumblebee
“I’m fine. Now let’s watch the movie the children have chosen.”—Buddy
Team Prime give Buddy a side eye, but ultimately gives in.
The Autobots crowd around the projector to watch the movie into the late hours of the night.
Buddy looks around, just happy to have a family together.
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pommedepersephone · 10 months
You Say Potato, I Say Excellent! Or blocking, accents and legacy of morality tales in ‘The Resurrectionists’ minisode PART II
Alternate title: how Aziraphale’s naivety in this episode was supposed to make you a bit outraged
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I have to shout out to @bowtiepastabitch for their AMAZING historical analysis of this minisode - it prompted me to finish this long ramble that has been drifting in my notes. Anyway, I have a major obsession with the ways blocking and dialogue interplay in Good Omens - you can check out my analysis of the blocking in the flashbacks in S1. But The Resurrectionists is really something special. This got so long I am splitting it into two parts. 
What we see in this minisode is a morality tale - a genre of children’s literature that was extremely popular in the early 1800s where the minisode is taking place. Catch up on the historical background in Part I.
When looking at this minisode, it is really important to look at two complementary narrative tools - Crowley’s accent and the placement of Aziraphale in relation to Crowley. Through the minisode, Crowley switches between his standard English accent and a delightful Scottish accent. But the switching isn’t random!
Scottish lines =  character Demon Crowley, who moves the plot of the story along
English lines = Crowley, the moral guide leading Aziraphale
Additionally, the two of them swap sides in their blocking frequently in this episode. Their standard placement is A/R + C/L but the swap to C/R + A/L is almost the norm in this minisode.
Analyzing Blocking and Dialogue
We open in the graveyard, with Aziraphale and Crowley in their standard placement, observing the statue of Gabriel. But then they notice Elspeth, digging up a corpse. When Aziraphale approaches Elspeth to inform her that her actions are Not Good, he actually ends up swapped with Crowley and finds himself on the left because what he is doing - making moral judgments on the actions of Elspeth with no understanding of what led her here - is doing Good, not good.
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The next scene finds Crowley helping Elspeth cart the corpse away from the graveyard, while the trio debate all the other ways Elspeth could make money - Aziraphale suggests running a bookshop, farming, weaving, giving the standard Good party line about hard work blah blah blah. Aziraphale remains on the left - after all, those supposed options are completely unrealistic, unobtainable professions for someone in Elspeth's socioeconomic position. They aren't remotely helpful suggestions.
Aziraphale only finds himself back on the right when he and Crowley are introduced to Wee Morag, and have some time to listen and observe the reality of their situation.
Then, off we go to complete our journey to sell the body. Aziraphale and Crowley find themselves having a debate about morality, but Aziraphale is again ON THE LEFT as he waxes poetic about the virtues of poverty - doing Good, not good again. What I loved here was you saw the clear purpose between Crowley’s two accents as he switched mid-line -
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Crowley: (SC) Oh, I'm down with wicked! (EN) Anyway, is it wicked? She needed the money. 
Upon reaching the lodging of Mr. Dalrymple, FRCSE, Crowley and Aziraphale take their standard places but this scene has one really important moment that I want to highlight. When they open the barrel to find the rotted corpse, the look on Crowley’s face is so telling. He often finds Aziraphale’s machinations amusing even when they are annoying, but here he looks decidedly disappointed. Aziraphale might have done Good by rendering the body unsellable, but what good did it do? The body is still been un-interred. Elspeth has wasted her energy, and has made a terrible first impression of the surgeon whom she needs to pay her for her services. It looks like Crowley wants to say something, but he stops himself and clenches his jaw. The PATIENCE he is showing to Aziraphale - this is a quality that Crowley has in SPADES but we really see him exercise it here.
After the discussion with Mr. Dalrymple, in which Aziraphale realizes the importance of dissections for educating medical students and thus leading to better care for the living, he asks the right question - why should the poor have to risk death to obtain bodies? But he let's himself get sidetracked by a blatant appeal to his emotions...
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At this point, Aziraphale goes all in on body snatching being Good. Which... it still isn't because it is based on a broken system that disadvantages the poor? FOCUS, angel. He even goes as far as to offer to help Elspeth and Wee Morag in obtaining another corpse but note that again, he is on the LEFT -
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Remember, Wee Morag is deeply conflicted about the morality of body snatching, and instead of explaining anything to her (like, that having your body dissected won't keep you out of heaven would be start) Aziraphale just sort of joins Elspeth in pressuring her to join in - which is pretty awful and coercive, but gee if that isn't just heaven's playbook for doing Good, not good.
So we return to the graveyard, and this is where everything goes sideways. Aziraphale spends basically this entire sequence on the left. First, he notices the ingenuity of the grave guns but fails to acknowledge the travesty of so much energy being spent on protecting wealthy corpses while the poor suffer. Then, the tragedy strikes. After Wee Morag is shot, Aziraphale wastes time justifying saving her, resulting in her dying before he can act. And after all this, after the heart break of seeing her partner die, we see Elspeth come to the logical conclusion. If body snatching is Good, then might as well take Wee Morag off to Mr. Dalrymple, right?
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What shouldn't be overlooked is what takes place when Elspeth gets Wee Morag's body to Mr. Dalrymple. Because while Aziraphale is very clearly illustrating the dangers of black and white morality through religion, Dalrymple is showing that black and white morality through science is just as bad. Dalrymple has unshakable belief in the power of science and knowledge to alleviate human suffering and sees his work at Good. He cares about preventing illness, but ignore his role in perpetuating poverty - an unfortunate side effect of rigid belief systems of all shapes and sizes. He is downright cruel to Elspeth.
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This is already getting real long, so we won't go into the absurdist comedy of the scene in the tomb - suffice to say that the surreal nature of Crowley's bargaining with Elspeth smacks of a fantastic tales of pacts made with the devil. It's delightfully unhinged.
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The one line I think worth pointing out?
"Do I sound like a goat?"
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I think this line is key in the narrative connection between the three minisodes in S2. All three flashbacks show Crowley and Aziraphale engaging in acts of deception, but they all have important differences:
In A Companion to Owls, the two work together, and they manage to pull off the trick and evade punishment.
In Nazi Zombies from Hell, Aziraphale comes up with a plan and Crowley goes along with it, and they barely manage to evade punishment.
In The Resurrectionists, Crowley comes up with a plan and Aziraphale goes along with it, and Crowley is sucked down to hell.
I think it's worth noting just how silly Crowley is in the first two minisodes. Bildad and Scottish Crowley are FUN even when dealing real heavy shit. Just a complete joy to watch. And we never see that level of silly from him again. Whatever happened in hell was clearly really bad since the next time we see him in St. James Park he is asking for holy water. He may have moments, but he is never the same.
Questions, comments, additional thoughts? Lay them on me. I'd love to dig into new lines of inquiry on this minisode because I just love it so much <3
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pinkdaiisies · 3 months
Where’s your boyfriend? Dale Cooper x reader
Summary: Reader looks forward to Dale's routine morning visit to the Double R diner. The two have grown quite close and Dale finally has something to ask her.
Based off of this request Hello, I hope you are doing well! I was wondering if I may request a fic with Dale cooper where the reader (female reader please) is a waitress at the Double R Diner and he asks her out on a date! Coop definitely loves how she makes coffee and is absolutely smitten with the reader... anyway!
Notes: EEEEEE I haven't written anything in soooooooo long. I'm really proud of this and I love Dale so much!!!! I hope you enjoyyy
Word Count: 1285
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Dale had been going into the Double R diner every morning since he had arrived at Twin Peaks. Even though the sheriff's department served coffee and donuts every day, Dale couldn't stop himself from sitting down at the same stool every morning for a cup of coffee. If someone asked Dale why he went there every day, he probably would've lied and said something about the quality of their coffee or pie, but deep down Dale knew the real reason why he went there every day. A certain waitress had caught his eye.
The day Dale showed up at the diner you had been quite frightened with the talk of murder going around town. When the tall man in a fancy suit told you he was an FBI agent and he was here to catch the killer you immediately felt a lot safer. You both introduced yourselves and started to chat while Dale enjoyed his cup of coffee. Your first impression of Dale was that he was very intelligent, extremely handsome, and his jokes were a little bit silly. There weren't a lot of guys like him in Twin Peaks.
It soon became Dale's morning ritual to wake up early and head to the diner before he had to go to the station. He heavily enjoyed your company while he drank his coffee. Being with you allowed Dale to escape the scary reality which the Laura Palmer case brought. Your conversations with Dale made you forget of the boring monotonous days the diner gave, each day fading into the next. Dale visiting you every morning gave you something to look forward to. If you got lucky, he would visit another time later in the day with the Sheriff and Deputies Hawk and Brennan.
Norma soon noticed that when you arrived at work in the mornings you were much happier and bubbly than you had been for a while. She also noticed when Dale Cooper walked through those doors, the other tables were not being tended to. Norma understood what was happening between you and the FBI agent. She didn't mind taking a few more orders and cleaning a couple more tables while you flirted away with Cooper.
One morning you had arrived at work earlier than you usually do. You had woken up extra early because you were looking forward to seeing Dale today. You knew your hair looked especially good today too because you kept checking your reflection on the side of the coffee pots.
You made a special pot of strong coffee just for Dale and continued to take customers orders. Even after serving their food and cleaning their tables, there was no sign of the agent. You began to feel disappointed. You had put so much effort into how you look this morning all for Dale to be a no show.
"Where's your FBI agent boyfriend?" Shelly teased while pouring a cup of coffee for a customer.
"I'm wondering the same thing! and he's not my boyfriend." You smirked at Shelly. Everyone could tell that the conversations between you and Dale meant a lot to each other. Dale Cooper had even gotten a handful of teasing from Sheriff Truman. The tension between you two couldn't go unnoticed by anyone.
Almost as if he was summoned, Dale Cooper walked through the diner doors. He immediately caught your attention, and you two smiled at each other. On instinct, you grabbed a mug from under the counter and poured the agent a cup of his coffee as he sat down in his usual stool.
"Good morning y/n! I'm sorry that I'm later than usual." Dale said with a smile on his face. You could tell his apology was sincere.
"That's okay Dale. You don't have to apologize." You said while putting the coffee pot back on the warmer, checking your reflection one last time.
When you turned back around to him, Dale was looking at you intently like he had something important to say. He made eye contact with you and didn't break it. Silence ensued.
"I'm sorry, how rude of me! How is your morning going?" Dale said after a second of awkward silence. He is such a gentleman you thought to yourself. No man in Twin Peaks has ever been so considerate of your feelings. Dale knew how to make you feel seen and heard.
"Better now that you've arrived," You smiled, "I thought you were a no show for a minute." Dale's nerves settled when he heard this. Knowing that you were happy to see him made what he was about to ask much easier.
"y/n. I wouldn't miss your coffee for the world." He said while lifting his coffee in the air then taking a sip. You giggled, your coffee couldn't have been that revolutionary. He smiled and then put his cup down. The look that Dale's eyes had before came back. He looked into your eyes and suddenly seemed nervous. "Can I tell you something?" He said while not once breaking eye contact. You however did break eye contact. It was nerve racking to know that as an FBI agent, Dale has to know how to read people. He was probably taking in all of your micro expressions and analyzing them every time that you spoke to each other. Hell! He probably knew that you had a crush on him!
"You can tell me anything Dale." It was true. You both learned to trust each other throughout the short time that Dale has been in town. Every conversation with him felt easy, you felt like you could tell Dale anything as well.
"I've really enjoyed getting to know you throughout my stay at Twin Peaks. Visiting you every morning has been a highlight of my day." His words made your cheeks blush. You didn't think that Dale's feelings were similar towards your own. "I was wondering y/n, if you'd enlighten me with the pleasure of having dinner together tonight. That is if you don't have any prior commitments."
Your world stopped spinning. It felt like you and Dale were the only two souls in the diner. That was until you heard a giggle coming from Shelly who was close by helping another customer.
"Of course. I'd love to Dale! That sounds great." You flashed him a smile. It felt like the diner got 30 degrees hotter, but that was just the effect that Dale had on you. You were oblivious but you had the same effect on Dale too.
"Great! I can pick you up at your place at 5:30." Dale had a lovesick smile on his face. He could stare at you all day if was able to. Dale took one last gulp from his coffee and stood up from his seat. "I'll see you tonight."
"Goodbye Dale! I'm looking forward to it." You smiled and waved to Dale while he walked out of the diner while somehow keeping his eyes on you. He was about to walk out of the diner door when he stopped himself. He peered his head back through the door.
"One last thing!" You looked back at the agent. "Your hair looks beautiful y/n." Then he walked out and let the door shut behind him.
Shelly and Norma could've sworn that they've never seen a smile that big on your face ever.
"Well he sure does seem like your boyfriend now!" Shelly said. You and Shelly giggled and squealed together like schoolgirls. Norma watched the happy expression on your face from the cash register. She was glad that you found someone that made you that happy.
Dale walked outside to his car while pulling out his tape recorder.
"Diane! I have a date tonight!"
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jahnavisurenda-21 · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel||Alastor X Reader||Calming Afternoon
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The weekend has just begun, and all my other outdated plans will just have to schedule themselves at my convenience. Food just seems to brighten the day, even in the most unexpected times.
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It was an especially hot summer noon in hell, This wasn't a place where sinners were really into gardening, or watching cherry blossoms while they sip some green tea, it was unpleasant.
Unpleasant enough, to make Alastor cancel all his radio shows for the day, he told you, "I know my dear! Someone with style, and flare needs to make this hellish afternoon a little bearable but, you see my dear this sun has made me quite unmotivated to put the pen to the paper or sit at my office desk!"
You were a little disappointed, at his decision because you looked forward to his audios to add to your collection you had one for rainy day audios, comfort audios, he did those only for you, and some audios when you just wanted to hear his voice. Those audios always set the mood right.
Sometimes you would play them on repeat while drinking a can of soda, or drowning in caffeine when you just didn't feel like yourself.
Alastor picked up your sudden shift of mood, "My dear I promise to make you another audio, I'm working on that one for almost a week. It almost feels like a brag more than anything!" Alastor looked at you, "All though It flatters me immensely knowing you enjoy these audios more than those silly books you read, and that noisy picture box!"
You got excited, something he had been working on? For a week? You resisted yourself to ask more questions, Alastor would simply smile more wider than he usually did.
Sometime in the late afternoon, Alastor was looking at you with a disapproving look, "No, my dear, I must disagree I don't enjoy eating this lazy type of food it certainly gives no quality to the food. Nothing better than a homecooked meal."
Alastor, However, did cook the sweet dessert so ward or distract you from the sun and it felt even better when he shared it with you. Alastor had discarded the heavy coat and casually crept towards you where you lay you were flipping through a new romance book.
He should be asking you, where were you getting those books?
For the evening you were relieved to see some rain had cooled the land, and Alastor was stroking your hair, as he watched a movie you picked out on the picture box.
He was delighted to how these few hours had passed in your company, you were pleasant as always, he missed your voice. And was almost glad he feed you homecooked meals and prevented a day of lazy food.
The rest of the night you spent with each other where you talked about the things that happened over the week, what you intend to do, and to your excitement Alastor had created a meal prep plan for you, so you could enjoy.
Alastor is really good at cooking, it's like adding proportions to the meal flows in the blood, he teaches any recipe you particularly like. But he also loves it when you put in that extra effort to put together a good Lunch, or dinner. It's different when he eats your meals.
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mywifealhaitham · 2 years
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various genshin valentine's headcanons ♡
⚠: mentions of a shotgun in mikas, lazy writing
a/n: I almost threw up and passed out in the process of writing this :3
albedo - ♡ • he draws you! he isn't experienced in gift giving or dates so he just goes with something he's familiar with • Klee stops by to give you two a drawing of all three of you holding hands and he hangs it up by his workplace smiling like the proud brother he is
alhaitham - ♡ • he gets you books he likes and commented on himself (DORK! NERD! LOSER! affectionate) every other page is a little note from him consisting of the meaning of this is actually... to this idiot reminds me of Kaveh, don't you agree? •he also takes you to a nice restaurant in sumeru and pays • like halfway through the date he forgot flowers and called up kaveh to buy them! he does not! and alhaitham makes him pay!
amber - ♡ • she got you your very own plushie! it matches with baron bunny and doesn't explode! • she takes you on a nice picnic where you two match outfits and feed eachother cake • she immediately gets home and writes to collei about everything while kicking her feet and twirling her hair
arataki Itto - ♡ • oh my god he gets you the largest bouquet of flowers ever like four members of the Arataki gang have to hold then Shinobu is deadpanning in the corner • with granny onis advice he also takes you on a picnic! unlike Amber's peaceful one yours is not! he makes the Arataki gang play instruments while Shinobu is dressed in a suit and is severing you two food
barbara - ♡ • she gets you two matching outfits! hers is baby blue and yours is light orange so it compliments eachother • she definitely sings you a love song behind the cathedral and you two giggle and dance and hold hands man I love barbara
beidou - ♡ • she gets you.... drunk! yep she's hosting a valentine's day party on the crux with plenty of drinks • after the wild party when you two are stumbling back to her room theyres some nice flowers laid out on the bed • she tries to woo you but passes out on you... I mean she tried!
bennett - ♡ • he got you some flowers but they withered away then he made you some sweets and accidentally mixed the salt and sugar! • he's very bummed for how everything turned out, he wanted this day too be accident free! • it's ok to make up for it you two walk around the town holding hands while you pray that the boxes that some people are carrying aren't gonna crush you and Bennett
candace - ♡ • she gets you a nice jeweled necklace! she carefully puts it on you and kisses your cheek • since the desert isn't the ideal place she keeps you inside we're you too spend quality time together • right before you go to bed she kisses you all over telling you how much she loves you
chongyun - ♡ • writing for characters I dont really know anything about is stressful sweats profusely • he probably gets you the standard flowers however for the date he takes you ghost hunting • by the end of day he's disappointed that he can't find any ghosts so you say that maybe they didn't want to ruin your date and now he's planning to go ghost hunting on a different day what have you done!
collei - ♡ • she gets you one of those valentine's cards you'd get for every kid in your elementary school class • it took her like 20 tries to perfect the card and when she did she threw it at you and ran • when she came home cyno and tighnari were sitting at a table with all the failed attempts of cards on said table. scariest thing collei has ever experienced
cyno - ♡ • he gets you a joke book to use on him. yes he fully expects you to pull out the book and start saying jokes like he does • he does get you flowers and brings you to a nice restaurant using his mass amounts of maha-mora (winks I'm so funny right winks again plz) • he told so many jokes that night you're just about done with his dorky mouth
diluc - ♡ • he gets you some nice jewelry this man is rich rich • he of course makes a candlelit dinner and sets up a table in the dawn winery fields • the maids fan over you both and start spreading rumors that you're gonna get married
diona (platonic) - ♡ • makes you your favorite non alcoholic drink. she'll MAYBE make you an alcoholic one but she'll spit in it • drags you to wind rise and forces you to make her a picnic. she'll violently rip flowers out of the ground and give them to you :3
eula - ♡ • she gets you the classic flowers and like necklace combo. the necklace is blue to remind you of her • she also took you to a restaurant and someone ruined your date by crashing into your table. she swore vengeance on the entire holiday of valentine's day
faruzan - ♡ • tbh I dont know shit about her • she makes you get her gifts and flowers. she also makes you pay for everything because she is a poor unfortunate lady boohoo • she wears one of those hot dresses so it's worth it
fischl - ♡ • forces diluc to decorate the patio of the dawn winery in purple fairy lights and asks his maids to cook something for you two • dilucs like erm ok I guess he's so lost and taken aback. also she got Oz to make hearts in the sky for you :3 • fischl gets you matching bracelets she made herself please wear it everyday or she will sob
ganyu - ♡ • she gets you flowers right as she sees you because she will accidentally eat them • gets Ningguang to let her use a nice part of the jade chamber for a nice date • at the end of the day you make her nap because SHE NEEDS IT! so hardworking! so smart! what a girl!
gorou - ♡ • he is so nervous the entire day... he tries to swoon you but embarrasses himself badly • he gets you a sentimental gift like a painting of your first date area or something! • you made him dog treats as a joke. he devoured them. what a day!
hu tao - ♡ • you woke up and she SMOTHERED you in kisses and hugs, if you didn't know any better you'd think she wanted you to be her next client • she planned the entire day and it's very sweet and cute. she takes you shopping then walks around liyue hand in hand with you. she kisses your hand at the end of the day saying that she'll stick with you through life and death
jean - ♡ • another hardworker that takes off the day for you! she prepares a nice candlelit dinner like half the cast 😊 • she gets you a necklace and while she puts it around you she swears to be your knight forever then kisses your neck
kaedehara kazuha - ♡ • in the morning he wakes you up with the sweetest of kisses then reads you some poems • beidou insists on having him bring you along to the crux annual valentine's day party but he says he just wants to spend time with you • he has you lay on his lap while the sun sets while he strokes his hair and declares his love for you (kazuha HIT MY LINE)
kaeya - ♡ • gets you an expensive wine he bought off of diluc, it's in your favorite flavor and everything • he takes you to starsnatch cliff and tells you stories he's heard about the stars, most of them are from the long forgotten parts of his childhood • kaeya actually didn't buy the wine bottle he got venti to steal it so your lucky if diluc doesn't doesn't marching towards you looking angry!
kamisato ayaka - ♡ • she gets you a matching fan! she thinks it both brings out your beauty and cools you off during hotter days • she then takes you shopping around inazuma, everything is on her! • when your both almost ready for bed she'll insists on doing a small waltz with you in your bedroom
kamisato ayato - ♡ • he takes the whole day off surprisingly • normally he doesn't spend alot of time with you because he's very busy but today all his attention is on you • overall you two just chat about everything ranging from politics to what crime did itto commit this week over some nice thoma cooked food
keqing - ♡ • another hardworking women we love to see it • keqing is very classy and also rents out a small spot on the jade chamber for you both • she gets you a bracelet and a Rex lapis Keychain. she does not look you in the eye when your excited about it
klee (platonic)- ♡ • when she was in confinement jean made her make valentine's for all her friends in mondstat! she put her heart into all of them, yours especially • she hands you the card in which she drew you two playing with bombs along with a heart shaped lollipop • she also did the cute little leg hug thing and said happy valentine's day best sibling ever (I LOVE LITTLE KIDS THEYRE SO ADORABLE!!!)
kujou sara - ♡ • she gets you some hand picked flowers! • since crime never stops she unfortunately has to leave for the day, but she sends you off with a kiss • when she gets home you run her a nice bath and massage her tense shoulders
kuki shinobu - ♡ • the worst idea of her entire life was telling itto about her date • he insisted in helping her by adding a special arataki touch to the day • by arataki touch he means the arataki gang scaring off everyone at the restaurant and playing horrible music • she apologized so much at home but you just kissed her and said the best part of the day was her !! (itto thought he did so good and starting advertising a entertainment service....)
layla - ♡ • when you went to sleep the night before she was still working so you didn't know what she was doing while you slept • she promised herself not to work and take a break for once! she just wanted to snuggle you • before she went to bed she put some fresh flowers in a vase next to your bed with a note
lisa - ♡ • she set up a little table in the library with some fresh flowers and a basket of fruit and sweets • her gift to you was some of her favorite books which she reads to you! • she's a bit lazy so she rather do some of her favorite activities than deal with the hussle and bussle of mondstat couples
mona - ♡ • she takes you stargazing for sure! she tells you about every star you point out • seeing you so interested in the stars so much she gets you a telescope! • as you look at planets in the sky and gasp them, she only smiles softly at you knowing the money she spent was worth it
nahida (platonic) - ♡ • she's so hyped because one of her first real valentine's day! with her bestfriend! • she hand picks some flowers for you then knocks at your door • it's early in the morning but when this sweet child is at your door with some flowers and the brightest smile ever you can't really complain
nilou - ♡ • she dedicates a whole dance to you! it's a lengthy dance and she's elegant with the whole process • afterward she tells you how much you mean to her then extends her hand because her gift to you is the art of dance! • she holds you tight as you two dance the night away
ningguang - ♡ • gets you the most elegant clothes pieces ever, like your even afraid of wearing them incase a stitch snaps • surprisingly she's humble with her date spot, preferring a nice field instead of a five star restaurant • she picks a beautiful glaze lily for you and puts it behind your ear
noelle - ♡ • she makes you a whole meal • at first the meal was only for you but you insisted that she take a break and eat with you. she took the offer and got to know you better
qiqi (platonic)- ♡ • she probably forgot all about valentine's day so baizhu had to remind her • she probably just made you a quick card and picked some silk flowers for you • she also took you to her favorite napping spot for a nice nap !! you deserve it and don't worry qiqi will be your litte guardian
raiden shogun - ♡ • miss ei has experienced alot of valentine's days but actually never had a date for herself • miko would sometimes get her some flowers as a thanks for being my friend but other than that her knowledge is limited • so she gets you a nice bouquet and takes you on a walk around inazuma • she shares stories of the land while you two walk into dusk
razor - ♡ • another person who probably doesn't know what valentine's day is • bennett and fischl told him all about it and he was intrigued • he picks you some fruit and some lamp grass • he spends the whole day with you!
rosaria - ♡ • she probably just takes you to angels share and let's you get whatever you want, it's on her • on the walk she'll put a stray flower that fell out of someone's bouquet into your hair while giving you a kiss on the cheek, a silent vow to protect you forever
sangonomiya kokomi - ♡ • she sets up a seaside table with some delicious looking food she made herself • headcanon but autistic Kokomi and her special intrests are war strategies and sealife • she'll take you on a walk and excitedly point at all the small creatures, spitting facts about them left and right
sayu (platonic)- ♡ • she doesn't really care for lovely dovey stuff and probably gets annoyed at all the pinks and reds around inazuma • however she does get you a small plush and some flowers she picked, afterwards though she immediately goes to sleep
shenhe - ♡ • ever since you became her s/o cloud retainer has been going on and on about couple stuff • a topic that came up was valentine's day, so cloud retainer suggested doing some of her favorite activities together • however most of shenhes favorite activities are either training or meditation so if your fine with that then good for you!
shikanoin heizou - ♡ • when you wake up he's missing and the only thing left behind is a note and a map with some things circled • you followed the map and soon found out every circled point had some gift for you awaiting patiently • eventually when you reach the end heizou is waiting for you with a nice dinner
sucrose - ♡ • she makes you some sort of artifical flower with albedos help! • she also makes you help her on her lab and when you pour a certain chemical in it makes a heart • that's the boldest you'll ever see her
tartaglia - ♡ • childe always used to buy a big stuff animal and flowers for his siblings for valentine's day, but now he has you to spoil! • you wake up and turn to silence your alarm clock and there's like a huge vase full of flowers • you find alot of gifts scattered around the house, all signed with a love, ajax ♡
thoma - ♡ • he's so excited!! he's such a dork for cheesy days like valentine's day! • he's stuck between just being himself or being romantic, in the end he chooses being himself • being himself means a nice walk stopping to feed all the stray animals and a nice warm home-cooked dinner later in the day
tighnari - ♡ • deep in my bones I feel like he just doesn't care about valentine's day at all • he'll pick you some special flowers he's been growing himself for months just for today but like he doesn't careee • he'll be nicer to you when he gives you your gift of a jar of herbs that can help cure alot of things... but he says he doesn't caree... suree....
venti (platonic) - ♡ • you never really cared for valentine's day nor did your mischievous little friend so you both decided to cause chaos • chaos as in stealing some wine from diluc and fake argue out loud to ruin couples dates • at the end of the day he takes you to windrise were he makes a toast to your long lasting friendship
wanderer - ♡ • valentine's day?? love?? affection?? EWWW thumbs DOWN!! • ^ he proceeded to say but you don't fail to notice that he's a bit more affectionate today hmm.... • he doesn't get you alot because he has to keep up his eww valentine's day persona however if you pass something you like he might buy it.... just maybe...
xiangling - ♡ • she makes you food duhh! she knows exactly what you likes so she incorporates your favorite flavors into new recipes • she makes guoba wear a little suit while severing you two the meals she made • she spoon feeds you and gets super excited when you like her cooking!!
xiao - ♡ • another eww valentine's day guy but alot mode toned down.. • he just... doesn't care at all. but for you he'll try • he makes you a plate of almond tofu along with a small bunch of flowers, he's so embarrassed he kinda just teleports away
xingqiu - ♡ • he plans an adventure for the both of you! he'll lead you through monsters and almost dangerous path, but do not fret he is here to protect his leige from all harm! • the real date area is a old swinging bench he found awhile back! it's not the most scenic but it's the thought that counts • he brings a book you both enjoy so he can read for you (aww how cute now come home c6 Xingqiu.)
xinyan - ♡ • probably gets xiangling to make you guys your favorite food! you two eat and happily chat away • afterwards she takes you to the shore were she plays a softer love song on her guitar
yae miko - ♡ • she's extra flirty today. normally she's sly and makes you flustered but today she gets real bold • she takes you to a nice restaurant and gives you your gift, which is a novel she likes • before you two part ways she gives you a big kiss
yanfei - ♡ • because I'm tired she probably just takes you on a nice outing, occasionally telling you about intresting court cases she had recently • madame ping saw you two holding hands and immediately went elderly grandma mode and asked thousands of questions
yaoyao (platonic) - ♡ • like faruzan I don't know much about her • probably made little valentine's day cards for her favorite people in liyue with includes you! • she also got you a hearted shaped lollipop
yelan - ♡ • like Sara she also is busy because sadly crime doesn't stop for valentine's day • however she does send flowers and chocolates to your workplace along with a note saying she'll meet her later
yoimiya - ♡ • fireworks? fireworks!!! • she makes a ton of heart-shaped fireworks for you and all the other couples but mostly you • she excitedly points up at the sky when they finally go off, her eyes scanning your face to look for satisfaction
yun jin - ♡ • I also don't know much about her • she probably preforms an opera about love to the people of liyue and during the parts were she sings about couples kissing and giving gifts she always winks at you in the crowd
zhongli - ♡ • this old soul probably does the classic candlelit dinner and some sort of jewelry gift • he's been alive for so long so this valentine's day means alot for him • after all, he's chosen you hundreds of times
dainsleif - ♡ • he also doesn't care for valentine's day alot, after all he's been alone for so long • on the actual day he takes you to an open field where the breeze is just right and the sky is clear • here he points out constellations he recognizes and tells you stories about them that should be long forgotten to time
kaveh - ♡ • one word: dramatic • probably steals alhaithams credit card and buys you the most beautiful flowers and the most elegant clothing ! • he takes you to an expensive restaurant were as you two eat he tells you all the latest gossip along with how much he loves you
mika - ♡ • he gives you a free assassination ticket with the biggest grin on his face • you're like what and he pulls out a shotgun still smiling • plz point to someone you hate and run • fandom mika is so funny never change him
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kiyoitiepie · 9 months
My Favorite BL Dramas of 2023
happy new year to everyone who uses the gregorian calendar. we had so much good content come out this year. i'm gonna list my favs. please remember these are my personal faves and may be objectively terrible. do not be alarmed.
My Beautiful Man S2 and Movie
If you ask me this series is one of the best bls of all time. idc idc. im a hira and kiyoi girlie through and through. how many bl's do you know with 2 seasons and an original movie. not those repackaged ones that they try to hand feed us. an actual movie with a plot???? the bar is on the floor clearly. but hira and kiyoi are gonna surpass that bar every. single. time.
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Love Tractor
I didn't hear enough people screaming about Love Tractor. crickets tbh. Which is blasphemous in my opinion. How could you be quiet when this lovely bumbling himbo with the dopiest grin is on your screen? look at him!!
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Eighth Sense
10's across the board. No question. No notes.
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this scene^ BROKE me
Our Dining Table
Ok hear me out. I didn't think this was the best bl in the world BUT it was so wholesome that it deserves a spot. top tier comfort show. It got me through many bad days. Admittedly, there were a few times I purposely put it on bc i knew it would put me to sleep. please don't jump me.
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Unintentional Love Story
Now...I'm not a huge kbl person. However, this was really nice. Had a solid plot. I don't remember much abt it but I know there was pottery and I had a good time
Only Friends
This was culture. This was a movement. I will never forgive them for how they treated Boston. Even still, I was there every week ready for the chaos. I had the time of my life.
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Bed Friend
It's hard to believe this came out this year. Like ??? But really that shows how much I've established this show as a classic in my mind. BED FRIEND? UEA? baddest bitch in the land?? KING? greenest flag out there???? (debatable but for the sake of my argument lets pretend). It had every element. good plot, great visuals, a little heat. like come on who else is doing it like them?
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i just know if me and uea were ever in the same room he would judge me so much
Dangerous Romance
I've seen mixed reviews on this one but I had a fun time. Kanghan is a prissy little spoiled brat, but he's my prissy little spoiled brat. I loved their story progression. Which is saying a lot for me bc I don't like enemies to lovers. like why are we fighting? also "i'm an introvert" is the funniest shit i've heard all year.
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La Pluie
this was so shockingly good i wish it got more attention. iqiyi in general really did their big one this year. when it rains you can only hear your soulmate? love!
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Laws of Attraction
this was a rollercoaster. i started watching ironically because i thought it would be terrible when i saw the mc go super saiyan. that shit is still hilarious idc.
Love Syndrome III
Now before we start throwing tomatoes...let's hear me out. Nothing has caught my attention this year the way this series did. This was another series I was watching ironically until suddenly i wasn't. It's also just so funny that they released the third one without dropping a first or second. but bad bitches don't need to explain themselves. and YES love syndrome is a bad bitch. let's stop acting like we watch bl's solely for the quality. i don't need marvel cgi to have a good time. sometimes a dollar store wig and the most toxic couple you've ever seen is enough to make some shit shake. if this was released during the tharntype era??? oh bitches would've ate it up. HAPPILY. rant over.
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Last Twilight
it's good man. what more can i say? i hope it doesn't disappoint me in the end.
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Pit Babe
i'm very pleased. very much so. i know alot of folks went into this show expecting a little teehee. to laugh at the omegaverse racecar show. NOT ME. i've waited for this moment. and anyone who's seen me screaming in the tag can attest. this is a game changer. not just for bl but the fandom community at large. and don't even get me started on their chemistry. babe's smile whenever he's around charlie?? mama and papa?? MAMA AND FUCKING PAPA?? we deserve this and i will bask in it for as long as I can. jeff had better be pregnant by the end of the show.
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^ that’s his charlie smile 🥲
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gaybananabread · 10 months
Hii! I hope I'm doing this right 😅
The amazing digital circus, Lee Jax! Ler ragatha!
Banana,oranges,lemons please!! :3
Absolutely fine if your not able to do it but just a request :D
(oh no I forgot something 😅😭 Can the most focused on spot be the ears please!! Super sorry!)
Fruit(s): Bananas, Oranges, Lemons
You’re all good, Anon! Jax is such an ass and I’m here for it (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠◡⁠`⁠). I’ve been pretty sick this week, so I’m sorry if there’s any mistakes or quality issues (ミ⁠●⁠﹏⁠☉⁠ミ). Fair warning, the bunny man is quite the prick in this because I like bickering. Thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Jax
Ler: Ragatha
Summary: Jax is being a total brat, sassing and picking on all the other characters. Ragatha has enough, giving him a lesson on manners he won’t soon forget.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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The Amazing Digital Circus was…an interesting place, to say the least. If one could get over the fact that a likely-sentient AI entity ran a digital fairgrounds that nobody could ever escape from, their minds twisting and going down a deep spiral of paranoia and uncertainty until they lost their sanity, it was kinda cool. That first part was a pretty big hang-up for most, though.
Jax, however, had grown pretty used to the madness. He had his wit and sarcasm as a coping method. Why worry about your own misfortunes when you can laugh at someone else’s? The rabbit took every opportunity he could to quip, snicker and poke fun at his fellow characters. He got on everyone’s nerves. 
His antics really got to one being in particular: Ragatha. 
She felt as if she could tear his ears off some days. Jax would always bully the others, but he had been horrible that day. Pomni was still getting used to things; the poor thing didn’t need another reason to fret. His jokes were only putting everyone on edge, and that jester was already on a narrow ledge… It needed to stop.
“Wow Gangle, I didn’t know you could actually do something productive. Color me shocked.” Jax hovered over her, looking down at the ribbon being’s drawing. It was some sort of fan art, though he couldn’t name the media. It didn’t look that accurate, and he wasn’t that much of a nerd before he put the headset on… 
Before she could think to be shocked at the half-praise, he quickly put the dickery in his words. “Shame it’s too trashy to make out whatever you drew. This place is enough of an eye-sore as is.” 
The tears on Gangle’s mask rippled as she sniffed, trying not to let his mean words get to her. It didn’t really work; she’d put a lot of effort into that… She clutched the drawing to her chest as she ran away, her mouth line quivering. Jax just chuckled, not really caring that she ran off. It was just a joke. Not his fault she couldn’t take it.
Ragatha put her hands on her hips, marching over to Jax. He rolled his eyes, preparing for the lecture. “JAX! What is wrong with you?! Gangle worked really hard on that! You…you need to quit being such a jerky prick!”
The wide smirk stuck, though his eyes widened slightly. It was hardly a solid insult, though coming from such a typically passive-aggressive person, it was surprising. Didn’t know she had it in her…heh.
Jax’s snarky smirk returned, his eyes forming amused crescents. Hello, new source of entertainment… “Relax, dollface! Crybaby’s fine. Just havin’ another pity party.”
She scoffed, letting her typically suppressed temper show. “Seriously? You told her that those amazing drawings were trashy! Why are you such a bratty bully?” Her tone was as curious as it was disappointed. Eugh…
“I’m not a bully. I just say what I see; not my fault you babies can’t handle the truth.” Okay, maybe he was going a bit further than he normally did. He was bored, and the banter was actually amusing. As long as he danced on the right side of the line, he’d be fine. “Like you. I mean, I get this place knows our minds or something, but it really nailed you. Trashy scraps and frayed yarn.” 
This little…ugh! He was bringing out a side of Ragatha she didn’t know she still had. “Oh really? And what’s that make you, cotton tail? A bargain bin, carnival prize knock-off?”
Jax actually chuckled; finally, someone fun. “Nah, I’m just better. Taller, good-looking, not made of sewn together *boink*. I’d say it did me right.” He smirked, leaning in and getting to her level. “You found a nice 1830’s girl yet? They’re all about raggedy scraps.”
Oh, that was it! She glared, her upper lip curling as she reached for him. The lanky jerk leaned away just in time, taking off in the opposite direction. Okay, so it was possible to make her mad…totally worth it. 
Ragatha chased after him, going over revenge plans in her mind. She normally tried to avoid conflict, but Jax was out of control. Rabbit stew seemed delicious, even if it would only be a simulation… 
Jax tried to find literally any not-obvious spot to hide, but everything was ginormous and solid, a vengeful Ragatha on his heels. He just ran for his life. He might’ve made it, too, if he hadn’t tripped on something. “What the-” He went down, face-planting on the bouncy floor. Gloink…of course. He could’ve sworn it smirked at him, even though they had no mouths.
The doll was on him in seconds, quickly pinning him to the floor. For fabric and stuffing, she was pretty strong. Before he could think to fight back, his arms were pinned above his head, the girl straddling him and blocking his every escape. “W-woah doll! At least buy me dinner first!” That one was kinda stupid, but it was there.
The smoldering glare that comment received finally shut him up, if only for a moment. So many ideas, so little time… But she couldn’t do anything to hurt him. One, it wasn’t physically possible, and two, she was better than that. He still needed some kind of shove in the right direction… Ohohohooo, that’s perfect.
“I think you need to learn some hard lessons, Jax. Respect for your friends, and when to shut up.” The tone of her voice was surprisingly playful, even if it had a serious edge. He didn’t know whether to be scared or relieved. 
He wasn’t sure what she was up to. That is, until he felt one of her mitten-esque hands on his stomach, wiggling into the furry surface. Unable to bite his lip, giggles slipped past his defenses, greeting the smug doll. “W-whahat the *bloink* ahare you dohohoing?!” 
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m showing you what happens when you’re a snarky dork.” Ragatha smirked, keeping his hands pinned firmly above his head. “W-whehen dihid you gehehet strohohohong?!”
She tsked, trying not to take offense to that. “You need a filter, Jax. Apparently Caine’s isn’t enough. My way is a bit more…hands-on.” Ragatha went to town on his belly, digging her fabric fingers into his midsection. 
Squealing, twisting and turning, Jax tried anything to escape. He might’ve had the height advantage, but when it came to strength and endurance, he was surprisingly out-matched. Also, apparently very ticklish. Shocks across the board.
Jax kicked his feet, the pads thumping against the floor. She cooed, teasing him further. “Aww, guess you really do live up to your character, Thumper.”
The tickling wasn’t even the worst part, though it did come in a close second. It was the teases. He honestly didn’t think she had it in her, but *sproing* he was wrong. Ragatha squeezed his hip, making him jolt and squeal. “R-RAHAhagathaha!” Okay, make that a tie.
His laughter, to Ragatha, was honestly adorable. Who knew a jerk like him could be so ticklish, much less have a laugh like that. It was bright, bubbly and uncontrollable. Hearing her friends laugh, no matter how rude, was something special. She could listen to it all day, though she didn’t quite plan on going that far. 
While the silliness wasn’t hurting him, his pride was being battered to bits. No matter how much he wriggled and writhed under her, he couldn’t manage to break her hold or knock her off. Beyond that, she just had to keep exploring his spots. “Youhuhu lihittle- GYAAAHAHA! NAHAT THEHEHERE!” Like that one.
Ragatha's eyes widened as she rubbed the base of his ear, not expecting the spot to incite such a reaction. She wasn’t complaining, though. “Geez, Jax. These floppy ears are so sensitive! I have got to tell the others.” The doll switched between each ear, making sure neither felt left out. They twitched and flopped, but couldn’t avoid her skilled hand. 
Even though he was the most prideful of all the characters, her tickling was really pushing his limits; he just couldn’t take any more. Abandoning his ego for a moment, he cried out. “O-OHOHOKAHAY! IHI’M SOHAHAHARRY! P-PLEHEHEASE NO MOHOHORE!” 
She took that as her cue to quit, releasing his arms and climbing off him. The rabbit man immediately curled into himself, giggling like a toddler. She did notice, however, that he was still wiggling slightly, his closed eyes moving as if he had a twitching nose. He was clearly happy, though she bet he’d never admit it out loud.
“Y-youhuhu…youhu’re dehehead!” The threat would’ve been a lot more menacing if he didn’t look and sound like he’d had the time of his life. “Uh-huh, sure. Just try to be nicer, okay Giggles?” Ragatha pat his head, walking away and going to find Gangle. Knowing her, she would need similar treatment, though for very different reasons. 
Jax took deep and giggly breaths as he tried to calm himself. That was…wow. He didn’t even think stimulation like that was possible in the Circus. Then again, Caine did say the only thing he couldn’t control were their minds. How his mind felt right then…he’d rather not talk about it. Her plan had worked; he’d definitely be thinking about that encounter for a while. Maybe not for the intended reasons, though…
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moonartemisia · 11 months
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A Thought of You || Tsukishima Kei × Fem!Reader
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Synopsis: Anniversary years, you and Kei are already in a 4th year relationship. For how many annoying years of teasing, loving, the arguments the two of you ever shared, and the lowest times the two of you ever needed each other's side. You thought of surprising him for your anniversary, but things have gotten a bigger, yet memorable feeling had happen.
tags: fluff, time-skip, college au, anniversaries, skinships
Note: In participating of @sugarbebenireo love language collab thank you so much for letting me join in this event! I had ideas already on where should I start writing once more. Please enjoy reading!
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"Will this be enough?" You mumbled through your way, walking, carrying a box that has strawberry prints on the packaging. In a rush and worried state, you settled on your phone to check the time with a notification from the calendar; alarming the title "Happy Anniversary." It was today, so you were in a hurry.
I completely forgot about our anniversary, busy with requirements, exams, reviews... This and that, THIS and THAT—
Keeping your surprise for him has cut short due to time. You have other plans in mind. College seems to be a hectic hell for the both of you, but rest assured you and Tsukishima always plan a way to spend quality time over such a busy year. You awfully felt disappointed as this day was your last exam day. It ended after, eventually, and head off.
"A strawberry shortcake will be fine. Nothing beats up to a simple celebration."
However, you paused for a bit and noticed something.
Ah, right... the tall blonde has prefecture divisions today. Damn it.
Though, that doesn't stop you. After all, this is a perfect chance to think of an idea for your anniversary.
"Ah, better take my focus on preparing a small party for us. That won't hurt much, as long as when he gets home from the match."
Sadly, you haven't thought of coming there to watch and surprise him. Probably your absence will be at best. You're sure Tsukishima will understand. This is your opportunity to get busy with everything in your hands.
It didn't take you long enough to add decorations at your dorm that you and him shared. You thoughtfully recalled how you and Tsukishima wanted a dorm solely for the two of you. Amidst the enrolment, supposedly Tsukki was assigned into some other room at the dorm. Fortunately, things have settled with the arrangements with the landlord of the dorms. Eventually, it ended just as both of you wanted.
Everything has its memorable course, especially the best feeling of entering the same college as him. Thus, Tsukki now known volleyball players in the divisions. You were proud.
Those random thoughts of you and him together for long lingered as you blushed. You never expected how far your relationship with Tsukki exceeded. Sighing underneath your breath, you carefully placed the shortcake on top of a small coffee table; with a number 4 candle along with a stand saying "Happy Anniversary" behind it.
"That should do it!" You proudly chimed at your efforts, waiting for him to come home soon.
2 hours passed, and Tsukishima wasn't home. You began to worry, overthinking if he was in overtime. Picking up your phone again as you saw no messages from him. It really bothers you, Tsukishima may timely update you on important matters. So what happened?
Frankly, enough to overthink his late presence, you decided to call him on the way. You don't want to waste your efforts on this special day with him. Or maybe just to reassure you if there are things going on.
I knew he was on his division match today. Isn't he already overtime now? I'm not sure if he is... or did he forget our anniversary?
Although with so many ring calls, the blonde hasn't picked up the phone on your line. You decided not to give another call on his contact upon your frustrations. A sigh let out your breath, still waiting for him.
Until a soft ping notified you
You saw his message. Quickly, you jolted from your seat seeing his response.
"Are you already home from uni? Come down, I'm already in front of our dorm's entrance. Sorry for not replying."
He ordered you to come down for a bit. That's odd?
Hurriedly so, you did. You can't wait to see him and give him a congratulatory surprise after his match, right? Carefully following down the stair aisle as you opened the door through the main gate in front of the dorm. You can already see Tsukishima as told.
He is all dressed up... casually formal in his usual apparel. The glasses skimmed the clear lenses with his signature smirking face that you fell for. It deemed your bashful reaction to his appearance.
"What— I mean... your game, is it finished?"
"Yeah, we won... so I came up quickly just to prepare."
He walked towards the gate, volunteering you opened it for him to get inside. Tsukishima's ears turned rose red as he stared at you.
"I saw your missed calls, but I'm aware of our anniversary. It just hits our day that we've been busy. Even if it means to... I managed to end the time just to spend it with you."
"I've booked a reservation just near our block. I can already see you haven't changed your clothes from earlier."
It didn't mind about it, you were busy planning a small party for both of you inside. But, that's another surprise for now, nonetheless. Tsukishima actually planned the same thing for your anniversary. A simple planned date which you never expect.
"Surprise, surprise... I didn't know."
You answered, chuckling.
"Ah, well, there's nothing I can think of. Dates with you always have been the goofy times."
"I actually also planned the same thing as well. Maybe come inside?"
The tall middle blocker blinked, "You also prepared a surprise for me?"
"Well, come inside and I'll show you."
Entering the dorm with Tsukishima, slowly stepping onto your shared room — reaching a hand as you slowly opened the door. The lights were dimmed, yet flickered with led lights and a glowing moon ambiance of the room filled. There were strings of stars hanging quite up the ceiling. Lastly, showing the main area where the strawberry shortcake was placed on the coffee table you put.
"Here, it isn't much since I got from our uni while you were in your division match. Happy Anniversary, Kei."
Greeting your man a warm smile, and it gladly paid off your efforts in preparing this moment for the two of you. Tsukishima couldn't help but chuckled at this cute setup you idealised. Especially the moon, since he is your moon.
"My, my, pipsqueak has her surprise too. I'm speechless."
"Anything I can do for us, Kei... did you like it?"
"No, if it weren't, I would love it."
He teases you, bringing his arm stretching onto your waist, pulling it closer to his.
"Thank you, I never thought I'd be this happy. I'm lucky to find someone who rides and handles this side of me."
Tsukishima said, grinning onto your special appreciation. Indirectly admitting he loves the surprise you made as he hugs you.
"You're the best... I love you."
With that said, he pulls away from the warm embrace. Tsukishima's hands were on your shoulders — face nearing to yours, giving a soft and tender kiss. The lovely feeling gives you butterflies like he has always done ever since the first time. Looking back at it now, everything has been perfect.
"I love you, too... Kei. Also congrats, my middle blocker. You've done it again."
A cunning remark after a kiss, Tsukishima smirked.
"Always, and will be. No one ever tries to pry over my blocks. Well, I won't be so sorry for being so cocky. So— "
"Okay, okay, but how about we start off with this before we head out to our date, hm? Love?"
"Heh, sure. Probably after dinner, I might enjoy two desserts for tonight."
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╰┈➤ @.moonartemisia 2023 || do not copy my works
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chaithetics · 1 year
I was rewatching season 3(the Kendall birthday episode) and I thinking, maybe Stewy and Porce are married, or other story of course; and the part where Ken takes the siblings to see the mocking pictures and it could have one of Porce and Stewy together and Kendall "jokes" about the "crying baby and the shark" and it really upsets her(as it should) and even the siblings are upset by this, and she just turns to him and says "this is why my kids are playing with their cousins(Sophie and Iverson) ,so they don't grow up like you" and goes away. I think that'd be powerful, because the kids have a true bond, Rava and Porce are true friends and Ken is a j*rk, and when Stewy finds out, there'll be a reckoning
Porcelain and the Shark: Too Much Birthday
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Pairing: Stewy Hosseini x f (Roy) reader
(reader has anxiety, no use of y/n, physical descriptions or other names but does have the nickname Porcelain/Porce - due to family viewing her that way not because of her complexion)
Word count: 3.1K
Chapter warning: 18+ MDNI (smut-free fic) established relationship, fluff, soft Stewy, anxious reader, some familial angst, some cussing, some misogynistic views, Roys being Roys.
Authors note: Thank you so much for sending this in lovely Nonnie! It was such an inspiring ask, I hope you don't mind the few changes I made, please do let me know what you think! I adore you! I'm so glad to be out of hospital and after reading this prompt I was inspired to rewatch this S3 episode. I went a little off-track and I think this one is a bit different to other fics but I made the connection about the misogynistic tones with this and also the poster that Shiv had and saw it as a great opportunity to explore and develop Porce and Shiv's dynamic. Especially with all the asks about girlhood in film and then with the Barbie film re-prompting those conversations I just wanted to explore it even more (this doesn't have Barbie spoilers or mentions btw) so I finished it pretty quickly. It's nice to be back! I'm still pretty unwell despite being out of the hospital so I can't promise or commit to a writing schedule again yet but I'll definitely still be writing more Stewy (I've had a few Barbie inspired asks which I want to get around to asap as well haha). I appreciate you all and I hope you enjoy this! Please do let me know what you think, I'd really appreciate it! Comments, reblogs and asks are more than welcome and appreciated! I adore you all! 💗(PS this hasn't been proofread..."
Kendall was sensitive, controlling, and obsessive. Which often manifested around certain significant events and moments in his life. It was a quality all of the Roy children seemed to share to an extent, you’d seen it in your siblings numerous times and even occasionally yourself. 
Kendall’s birthdays were often disastrous, he wanted perfection, he wanted to fill the hollowness inside with extravagance, validation and company. But it never quite was good enough, it was always disappointing and fell through somehow. You knew the self-created stakes would be even higher for Kendall as it was a ‘significant’ birthday along with the latest edition of family drama. Shiv’s letter had hit pretty hard and far. 
You weren’t sure if any of your siblings would go, probably Connor, loyal as always. Rome? Maybe? He had an interesting, pained soft spot for Kendall. Shiv…? You’d think she wouldn’t want to show after recent events but Shiv was cunning and clever. She could show up to play a mind game perhaps? Or maybe they’d show up on behalf of your dad to really get into Kendall’s head. Would your father even attend? You assumed he’d been invited. 
It was a lot of questions swirling around in your mind, you weren’t sure of any of those answers. Which was part of the reason why you were certain you needed to go, some visible and physical support for Kendall as you knew he’d be crumbling, you’d all been walking on eggshells your whole lives but the last few years for Kendall, they’d been getting more and more brittle. 
You feel a little anxious as you’re stuck so deep inside your head until a familiar and soft voice brings you back. 
“Where’d you go?” 
His tone is laced with neutrality and an air of caution but his face clearly says that he thinks this is all a bad idea. He looks at you sitting down, facing the mirror, he thinks you look gorgeous but he notices your legs bouncing now that you’re back in reality. 
“I was just thinking about Ken.” You try to keep your voice level, without a drop of any emotion. 
“We don’t have to go-” 
“I don’t think we should go.” Stewy resigns. It’s at least the twelfth time he’s said it today. 
Stewy hadn’t RSVP’d, he hadn’t acknowledged his separate invitation to yours and had been somewhat silent regarding Kendall. Which was extremely unusual. He didn’t like the direction of the mess of Waystar’s strategic and boardroom politics and his relationship with your family personally and professionally was strained. 
You had to go to Kendall’s birthday to support him and you didn’t want to go alone. You felt bad about it but you and Stewy were both aware that the optics of Stewy being there was beneficial for Kendall’s sake. 
“I know.” You sigh as you shift a little so that your head is facing him more as you look up at him standing. “He needs this though…And I need you.” You walk over to Stewy, giving him a gentle peck on his soft lips. “Please?” You press your lips against his and wrap your arms around the back of his neck as it deepens, his tongue brushes against yours and your hand tangles a little in his hair as you feel his hands wrap securely around your waist. 
“We’ll just go for a little bit?” Your voice is soft as you break away from the kiss, you start to caress his cheek, your fingers dancing over his handsome beard that never ceases to amaze you with how well-trimmed and clean it is. Stewy tilts his head to gently lean his forehead against yours and nods as he inhales. 
“You’re too good to me.” You whisper as you give him another kiss on the lips, you can taste the whiskey on him from his drink that’s sitting across the room half-empty. He’s sweet and his touch is so gentle with you. 
“Well you’re perfect, you deserve nothing less baby.” He says as he gives you a quick but soft kiss on the lips. “Now, am I matching my turtleneck to what you’re wearing?” He asks with a smug smile. You laugh a little at that and nod, giving his cheek another stroke and then a quick peck on his lips before he squeezes your side and then walks over to the walk-in wardrobe. 
You’d always been anxious about the concept of nannies and babysitters and when those services had been needed you’d preferred to have Connor (when possible) and Stewy’s family watch your children. But you trusted Rava with your life, you adored her and you knew she adored Sophie and Iverson more than anything. So with her reassurance, your children were with their cousins and would be looked after by Rava’s nanny. Sophie had been loudly looking forward to some quality time with her younger cousins which was sweet. 
Those thoughts and the anxiety you’d had quickly left your mind though as you and Stewy walked into the venue and through what you were horrified and shocked to learn was a model of Caroline’s vagina. 
“Do you think he talked to her about…this…?” You asked Stewy with widened eyes as you waved your hand around gesturing to the bizarre scene of a campy body horror film in front of you. 
“No.” Stewy said as his eyes flitted across the room once again to take in the nurses, surgical equipment and very briefly, a “replica” of his mother-in-law's vagina. It was beyond reason, even for Kendall. “They don’t talk in the first place.” He spoke as his hand wrapped around your waist a bit tighter, pulling you in closer as he then navigated you both towards the bar. Stewy was certain alcohol would be necessary to make this night bearable, it was inevitable that someone would blow up.
As you and Stewy stand by the bar waiting for your drinks a man comes over, you don’t think you’ve seen him before and you’re not the biggest fan of the smug expression on his face as his eyes hone in on you. 
“Hey, I’m Kyle.” He says boldly, Stewy’s right next to you with his hand on the small of your back. Your ring is visibly on your finger. You’re kind of surprised at the audacity of him, especially with Stewy right next to you. You look at him a bit confused, hoping he’ll end it but his smile persists. “So what’s your name?” 
You say your first name as Stewy wraps his arms around you, leaning against your back with his head on your shoulder, making a point. 
“Shit, you’re a Roy?!” Kyle asks, you see the flash of excitement in his eyes at that prospect. It grosses you out. 
“Hosseini Roy.” You say somewhat firmly, as Stewy quirks an eyebrow and then starts to press some kisses to your shoulder and your exposed neck. 
“Right, where’s your husband Ms Roy?” Kyle asks. You don’t know if he’s a stupid asshole or an arrogant one but you know for sure he’s one either way. You feel Stewy chuckle a little at that as the movement of it and its breath tickles your neck. 
“The international space station-” You dramatically quip, and Stewy stops his kisses for a moment to laugh at that against your neck. This stranger is being ridiculous and so you may as well if he’s going to be so oblivious, it just so happened to be convenient that Tillie really liked space books and toys at the moment. 
“That must be lonely-” Kyle cuts you off and the smirk on his face is too much. You scrunch your face up at him in annoyance. 
“Can’t you see that my husband is here? Literally right here?! The whole time you’ve been doing this. Why the cuss did my brother invite you?” You ask with an eye roll as you take Stewy’s hand and walk off before Kyle has a chance to say anything else.
“What a douche.” You say as you lean your head against Stewy’s arm. He pecks a kiss to the top of your forehead with a grin on your face. 
“You handled that impeccably.” He says with a small chuckle. 
“Well, your act was pretty good.” You say moving your hand to rest against his back and trace patterns there. 
“The international space station, I’ve never been. Do you think it has some villas with good views?” He asks playfully.  
“Possibly. I don’t think we should invest in space tourism or realty though.” You answer and he laughs. 
“Does Tillie think I’m an astronaut?” He asks, thinking about Tillie’s fascination with space. 
“No. She’s never said it and I haven’t told her that. But I do think our children are far too young to understand the financial market.” 
“You sure? I’d understand if you were worried Jonathan was going to mansplain stocks to you.” Stewy teases, as he presses another kiss to your head as you scoff. 
“We’ll leave the mansplaining to you, darling.” You say tilting your head up from his arm to press a kiss to his lips, they’re soft and warm. He looks at you with a large smile. 
It’s not long after that that somebody who knows Stewy through work comes over and the three of you have a conversation for a few minutes, you’re pressed into Stewy’s side with his arm around you. You tilt your head and then you see Shiv and Roman coming in and then there’s Ken. 
You’re stuck inside with a hit of worry at first, you look at your handsome husband as he’s mid-sentence talking to this finance bro that you’re not the biggest fan of but who is considerably less gross than Kyle. As Stewy finishes his sentence you quickly cut in placing a hand gently on his cheek, he leans into the touch and looks into your eyes affectionately. 
“Sorry, Kendall’s over there, I’m going to go over. I’ll find you after okay?” You ask. 
“Yeah, of course, baby.” He nods and your lips brush for a quick affectionate kiss, you apologise to the man that you’ve been in a conversation with who nods as you walk off. 
You walk over to where three of your siblings are discussing and come over when you hear Shiv saying she couldn’t find a card that said “Happy birthday” and “Get well soon” You look at her with a somewhat pointed expression, she shrugs slightly and raises her eyebrows at you. 
After he hugs Shiv, Kendall’s eyes land on you and he smiles. You can tell that he’s glad Shiv and Roman came, even if they’re biting him. It makes you sad but you’re glad that he at least has some solace in that. There’s a bit of banter and you do raise your eyebrows when Roman asks about the vagina replica. When he does his little pleased expression and gesture at being told he can take it home you glare at him. 
“Roman!” You exclaim and he smirks at you. 
When Shiv asks if Stewy is there, there’s a pointed look from her, some smugness and a pointed look from Kendall but it’s different. It’s more desperate. You nod. 
“Yeah, uh- Stewy’s here. He was talking to some finance bro. He’ll come over soon Ken. I just wanted to say hi first” You say. You’re not sure if it’s a half-lie or not yet. But you know it’s better for Kendall’s sake for you to say it, he nods at that and there’s a look in his eyes that you can’t read but boy does it worry you. Shiv drops a few more names and it’s very clear that she and Roman showed up to use it as a business opportunity. 
“Hey, I got something to show you. This way. This way!” Kendall says somewhat excitedly and then walks ahead with the Roy siblings following him. 
You watch Roman hand Kendall an envelope and after that he retreats back a bit for Shiv to go ahead of him, you raise your eyebrows at him and he raises them back at you. 
“Please tell me you’re not stirring the pot?” You ask quietly as you walk side by side. 
“I’m not- it’s nice- it’s nice. It’ll be good for Ken.” Roman says, his tone is earnest which surprises you. 
Kendall then grabs your attention by talking about what he’s going to show you, you recognise some of the names and you’re intrigued by whatever it is based on that and Kendall’s imagination. 
You walk into a room that’s being used as an art gallery space. As you walk in your eyes are immediately assaulted by the fictional headline of Roman. Roman’s response is more upbeat and amused than the tone of his voice or his facial expression. You can see it in his eyes, he’s retreated somewhat and he seems to get lost the longer he looks at it. Everyone knows of his intimacy issues and it’s cruel to point them out in this way you think. 
You look at Shiv’s and you just feel angry. It’s a pit in your stomach of fire and you don’t feel this way often, it’s an odd feeling but it’s strong. Connor gets angry with Kendall over his and you understand that but you’re more focused on this. What was Kendall saying? Adding more stigma and cruel jokes onto sex workers? Shaming his sister for her sexuality? Reducing her to just an anti-feminist sex joke? 
Shiv’s bobbed around hers and then her eyes land on your one. You turn, already upset at Shiv’s as you clock her shocked gaze at yours before you get a chance to look at it, to process it. 
It’s an image of you from your childhood as a baby, it’s been digitally altered so that you’re a baby and you’re in shark-infested waters. You read the headline and comments and feel tears forming in your eyes and they’re hot. Your eyes flit between yours and Shiv, Shiv’s doing her best to hide her discomfort. 
Shiv looks at you, her eyes silently saying “I can’t say anything.” And she can’t. You know that. Each step of hers is a careful calculation to avoid the emotional, hormonal, overbearing, hypersensitive, incompetent woman accusations they already throw at her. Whether it’s unspoken or spoken, and it’s both, they all say her head is unfit for that coveted heavy crown. 
As a woman, sister, and mother, it’s already there. Your fate, reputation, and purpose. You’re emotional, a crybaby, sensitive and hormonal. But unlike your siblings, and well Shiv, you do not need nor want that tragic fate that they all betray each other for. While there is a sting in providing them ammunition for those perceived claims from your actions and words, it won’t kill you in the same way. You give Shiv a small nod, a silent “I know.” That is only for her. 
“What the absolute fuck Ken?” You ask, he looks at you with raised eyebrows. 
“What?” He asks with a chuckle. 
“What the fuck is this?” You ask gesturing behind you to the large images of you and Shiv in your brother’s eyes. 
“It’s a joke, c’mon you don’t need to uh get so emotional about it-” He says and you let out a humourless laugh at that. 
“Kendall?! This is disgusting! You’ve reduced Shiv to ‘wife of Tom Wamsgams’ yes, because that’s all she is?! A wife? Oh, and it’s an embarrassing joke to say she’s a sex worker?! So your Times Up campaign is just strictly performative? Mr Fuck the Patriarchy is actually a SWERF trying to humiliate his sister and women for an already stigmatised career? And this is coming from the fact that Shiv has a sexuality…?” You question, he looks at you, not saying a word. Shiv stands near you watching you carefully, as Roman looks down uncomfortably and Connor and Willa stand together tensely. You’ve never spoken out like this against any of them. 
“And what is this?” You exclaim as you point to the image behind you. “I’m your sister, you’re meant to care about me. Not infantilise me like that and make cruel, perverted jokes about my marriage. It’s sick Kendall. Stewy and I are there for our kids- we probably see Sophie and Iverson more than you do. This is why they’re close and Rava and I work so hard with them all, so they don’t end up doing this.” You breathe out shakily for a second, Connor looks at you sympathetically, Shiv is still silent but she’s grateful for everything being said. The tears are hot and burn your cheeks where they stay. “You have no idea what it’s like and you’re part of the problem. This is just cruel and it all reeks of so much fucking misogyny. I’ve-I’ve defended you. I’ve defended and supported you my whole life- I didn’t, I didn’t even sign that letter because it was harsh and cold but this is misogynistic and disgusting. This is just so mean and gross.” You finish.
“Fuck off.” Kendall says, it’s somewhat playfully, he has a smirk on his face but it doesn’t reach his eyes. 
“I can’t do this Ken, I can’t. You need to reflect on this and just do better. For us, Rava, Sophie. Just everyone.” You sigh out as more tears come, there’s nothing else to say to him and you’re ready to leave.
Shiv looks at you again, it’s not a scowl or an attempt at nonchalance. It’s also not a smile but her facial expression has softened. There’s another silent conversation, one that surprises you both as they often happen with every other sibling you have except each other. For you both, it’s a moment of understanding. It’s a genuine thank you and the usual, unusual display of Roy love and affection. You both do care about the other and you’re bonded in the impossible difficulties of being a woman. A brief few seconds of sisterhood are shared between you both. For possibly the first time, and even though you both know Shiv may never see you as more than competition due to her nature and your upbringing, you hope it’s not the last time. 
You nod looking at her, giving her a small, tight-lipped smile and then leave the room to find Stewy. Shiv watches you leave and gives your quickly retreading silhouette a small smile.
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bemyawakening · 2 years
Hi again! I wanted to go ahead and try to send a request in, but I want to apologize in advance; I'm not really familiar with your writing before sending this, so if it's, like, outside of your wheelhouse or comfort zone or anything at all, that's totally okay! If you don't like this one, I can always try to think of another one for you! So I was wondering if you could do an angsty Soap x reader? I was thinking about maybe the reader was a part of their squad and was somehow captured and interrogated for information, like, how exactly Soap and even the rest of the group might react, how they might go about trying to rescue the reader and all of that.
hello, dearest! Thank you so much for your request! I'm actually shaken by the number of Soap fics on this platform - there are from zero to none! I hope you'll like my writing style. I hope I didn't disappoint! pls, forgive me
word count: 2233
warnings: blood, violence, curse words, guns, descriptive violence and gore
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They called you Blaze. You were the easiest link in Task Force 141. At least that’s what your capturers thought about you. You were new in the Task Force and you didn’t have a huge frame or a skull mask that’d make others sleep uneasily. All you had to do now was to survive.
            With the bag over your face that had a stench of pure turd, you tried your best to control your breathing—it was fine. Best case scenario – they will put a bullet in your head and it will make things easier. Worst case scenario – they will torture you and you will speak up. You were trained to keep your mouth shut, but now with a gun wound to your shoulder and tied hands, going into the middle of nowhere – you couldn’t help but panic.
            But you could imagine the faces of your comrades. Of course, it was you who didn’t listen to the command your supervisor gave you and now you ended up here. Half sure, you thought that maybe they won’t even bother to save you – you disobeyed them and got yourself in trouble. This was on your consciousness, not on theirs.
            However, back at the base, there was pure chaos unleashed and you had no idea about it. The others tried to calm down the Sergeant who was pacing from corner to corner, grabbing his assault rifle, and getting ready to go.
            “Let’s think this through, Johnny. You’ll do far more damage than good getting out in this state,” the Lieutenant’s voice forced Soap to stop in his tracks and let himself breathe.
            Of course, you disobeyed his command. Of course, you always did exactly the opposite of what he said because you were so unhappy about him being your supervisor. He loathed that quality about you—always getting into a fight with him, constantly disagreeing, those side-glances, and he hasn’t done anything to you. Many times he told you that it wasn’t his choice to be your supervisor—why on Earth would he want this weight on his shoulders?
            You ended up in Task Force 141 under Laswell’s commands. You were an experienced soldier, but your expertise was the disposal of the explosives. Even he had to admit that you were a genius when it came to gadgets and anything that was making him feel nervous, but you didn’t listen to him. And where did it get you?
            “I can’t just stay here while—what are they going to do Blaze?” Soap was stressed and everyone in the room could feel it.
            “They won’t kill Blaze,” Captain stepped into the conversation. “They’ll want information. Ghost’s right – we need to think this through.”
            Soap didn’t want to think this through. He wanted to get out there and find you, blaze out his guns, get you back to safety. He wanted you to understand why it was important to listen to him, to trust him. He swears to God—he will have such a blast showing his point about why you had to listen to his orders.
            Placing the rifle on the table, he gripped the table rougher than before, feeling how the tension and the adrenaline were making him feel dizzy. “Fine,” he mumbled. “But we are leaving tonight. I won’t wait any longer.”
            “The kid has balls,” Price admitted, referring to you. “Been through worse.”
            In less than two hours, they were all gathered to leave. They knew the last place where you have been spotted and it didn’t take them long to catch on their trail. This mission was important—all of you were trying to prevent a massive terrorist attack. Getting the lead about an organisation, that displayed a huge hatred for one of the richest people in the world, Task Force 141 was instructed to destroy the organisation's base and take their leader into captivity.
            It was a shabby building where the tracks of the car ended and the guys were forced to get out a bit before that. There will be two entering streams: Soap will take the back, and Price and Gaz will take care of the front, at the same time searching for the leader. Ghost will find high ground and keep them all informed about incoming danger until they all will get inside. He was the best sniper of them all.
            They didn’t even have to exchange any words and they got into action. Soap quickly made his way through the forest, keeping a decent distance from the building, not wanting anyone to notice him. Stopping further away, he took binoculars out, noticing two men at the entrance, having a smoke. Won’t be hard to take care of them.
            Sneaking from behind all of the unused containers around this shattered place, he waited for his opportunity when one of the men turned around, coming behind one of them and covering his mouth and stabbing him through the jaw in an upwards motion. Dropping the dead body away from prying eyes, he moved to the corner of the building.
            The other man was holding a pistol in his hand but was too focused on taking the last drag from his cigarette to notice the way Soap moved behind him and pushed his body into the wall, the man falling down unconscious.
            “The entrance is clear, I’m moving inside,” he pressed on his radio, putting his both hands on his rifle.
            “Copy that. We’re entering through the front,” Captain’s voice made him nod to himself and without hesitation, he moved into that building.
            The Sergeant was careful with where he was stepping, aware of his surroundings—moving slowly on the shards of glass, junk and other unknown shit, he was making his way forwards until he heard you—
            Your scream alerted every single body cell inside of him—it was as if he just stepped into a pit of fire, the deepest circles of hell and all of the blood rushed away from him. All he could think about was you.
            The slow, but reassuring walking was over and he was rushing his way towards your scream. In the corner of his eye, he noticed a shadow and he didn’t hesitate before shooting twice, the shadow falling dead. Moving up the stairs, he almost slipped, but he grasped the concrete beside him, moving further.
            Another scream.
            Moving to the end of the hallway, he embraced himself before he kicked the door open. In the middle of the room, there was you, sitting on a chair in a pool of blood and as the two men beside you turned to him, their bloody knives glistering in a dimmed light, Soap didn’t hesitate. Precisely and skilfully, he killed those two men in about five seconds, not giving them a chance to notice his presence completely.
            Pushing the rifle over his shoulder, he rushed to you. Quickly, he moved around the chair, tying the ropes off your hands as you moved forward—barely conscious.
            “Blaze, are you with me?” His voice was stuck in his throat—too breathy, too rushed as he squatted, pushing your body in place so that you wouldn’t fall.
            His eyes were inspecting you—your fluttering eyelids announced that you were about to pass out and he noted the blood patch on your shoulder and your bloody thighs. Fuck, fuck, fuck…
            “I got Blaze. Barely conscious,” he spoke into his radio, before sneaking his arms beneath you, raising you.
            The sudden movement made you wince in pain, your head spinning. It was too cold, it felt like you were trapped somewhere small and the pulsating of your wounds was making you sick to the stomach. “Soap?” You managed to whisper, not strong enough to open your eyelids and make sure.
            Soap imagined that he will be able to yell at you, to demand for an explanation for your foolishness. He imagined that you will apologise and promise to comply from now on, but seeing your limp body on his hands made him break down.
            What if he would’ve been too late?
            “Copy that. Get to the car. We got the golden crown,” Captain’s voice announced and Soap rushed out of the building, praying that you would stay with him.
            “He’s been there all night,” Ghost mumbled, watching Soap’s figure in the distance as he was crouched over the bed you were placed onto after the medic took care of you.
            “He feels responsible,” Price pointed out.
            “He’s in love,” Gaz spoke the truth.
            Ghost shifted in his seat, “Love doesn’t work on the battlefield. Things worse than that can happen.”
            “It’s up to them, Lieutenant. He knows all of it,” Price dropped his eyes to the Sergeant’s figure in the distance and averted his stare else.
            In the medic room, Soap was as if bound to that chair. Leaning back, hands crossed over his chest, he didn’t have a blink of sleep. Even if the medic reassured you that you’ll be fine, you just lost a lot of blood, and he couldn’t leave you alone.
            He wondered, what will you say when you will wake up? Will you be sorry for making him worry? What will he say? What could he say apart from knowing that if he will lose you—
            Your body shifted and a deep breath alerted him, but he didn’t move an inch. From afar he noticed the way you scrunched your nose in pain before opening your eyes, trying to sit up, but you were quickly frozen by the pain and you rested back down.
            Your eyes fell on him and he wanted to scream in despair.
            “Soap?” You croaked out, your throat dry. It felt as if you were on fire, bounded to this bed, afraid to move. And the look on your Sergeant’s face didn’t make you feel any better—you knew you messed up.
            He didn’t say a thing.
            “I’m—I’m sorry,” you whispered, closing your eyes. “I thought that I’ll be able to get him and I didn’t listen to you and I just—thank you for coming to get me.”
            He didn’t say anything. Why wasn’t he saying anything?
            You panicked, turning to him, “I completely understand your anger. I know you’ll want me off the team and I’ll be fine with the decision you make.”
            His eyes were making you feel like screaming, but he offered you only silence.
            “Soap—Jesus Christ! I know I messed up!” Your voice painfully raised as your body slightly moved up—it hurt, but you felt threatened by his presence. “Write me off the team, strip me of my rank, but please—just talk to me,” you were begging, eyes filling up with tears as you never realised how much you wanted for him to like you.
            And yet, you disappointed him.
            Soap didn’t find the words to tell you. He let all of your begging sink into him, thinking he will feel better, but in reality, he wasn’t as mad as you as he thought he will be. Yes, you went against him, but as he carried your limp body, he understood that he couldn’t lose you. He fell for you. Like an idiot.
            “I thought I lost you,” he whispered and you sucked in a breath.
            “You saved me.”
            There were tears in your eyes and the sight of them made him shift forwards, closer to you. “You’re the biggest nuisance I’ve had in my entire life, Blaze,” he admitted, voice breathy. Pushing his hand beside you, he softly crept his fingers on your exposed forearm, his breath hitching as he felt your skin—so soft. “You’ve never listened to my orders, never talked normally to me once and I…”
            You expected him to yell at you, but this close proximity and his words left you breathless: “And you?” You breathed out, in anticipation.
            Your eyes met. The worried glint in his eyes told you the whole story—he fell for you. Jesus, you fell for him from the first day you met him. His accent was the sweetest thing you have ever heard, the annoyed arch between his eyebrows when you were disobeying made you feel warm inside. You were trying to get his attention in the worst ways possible, like a fool, not realising how much pain you put him through.
            “And I couldn’t help, but think that I’d—get fuckin’ crazy if you would’ve died there,” he finished his sentence and your heart skipped a beat.
            “I’m sorry,” you whispered again, watching the way his fingers slowly moved up your forearm, leaving you a trail of shivers.
            “You’re an idiot.”
            “I’ll make it up to you,” you promised.
            His fingers wrapped around your wrist as you moved closer to him. Putting your hand on his cheek, you brushed your thumb on his prominent cheekbone, memorising every scar on his face. You didn’t have to tell him anything as if he read your mind as he leaned forward, your lips touching.
            He ruined you with that kiss. It was desperate, the worry of his was felt in the slight tremble of his lips and the messy rhythm you both created. There wasn’t an ounce of softness in that kiss—he almost lost you and he was going to savour your proximity to the fullest.
            You were everything to him and he knew the consequences of falling in love on a battlefield. Now, he had another reason to survive for. For you.
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animehouse-moe · 9 months
Delicious In Dungeon Episode 2: Basilisk Omelet/Kakiage
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While I like refinement and quality as much as the next guy, it's something that is inevitably possible for any high level studio to deliver upon. Style is a totally different question, and I was disappointed when the first episode lacked that decisive Trigger Touch. Thankfully, this episode delivers on it in spades and gives me lots to chat about!
Of course, I could spend an entire post chatting about Marcille because she's just so damn funny. Her reactions and overall demeanor are just as hilarious in anime, and her voice actor (much like the rest of the cast) near perfectly embodies her Marcille.
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Anyways, more to the point. I think Trigger bringing more of their studio's style into the anime is a great thing, and not just because I really like it.
Exaggeration and excessive animation work great to sell humor, and I think anyone could take one look at Delicious In Dungeon's comedy and come to the understanding that Trigger's style is arguably the best suited to expressing that comedy.
Sharp and fast movement, almost a disregard for character models, and plenty of freedom in terms of art style all culminate in an effort meant to draw the most amount of humor out of each sequence.
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The second reason that allowing Trigger to express their style within Delicious In Dungeon works well is that it balances the episodes. If you're funny 24/7 you're not as funny as you could be. If you're giving 100% the whole time, the effect isn't as effective. Bringing more of Trigger's style in helps balance the more reserved and refined aspects of the series. It helps sell the great and subtle character acting that you see in certain sequences, it helps draw viewers in to the more methodic cooking scenes. It just adds a great deal of variance and value to the episode that, much like Senshi's argument about nutrition while in the dungeon, focuses on rounding out the episode and providing a more 'whole' feeling.
And really, I don't have much of anything to say with the episode past that. I've read Delicious In Dungeon front to back multiple times so there's not really anything new for me in the anime, and I think the direction and boarding more than speaks for itself. I wouldn't quite say there's really any sort of strong identity being expressed with the layouts and whatnot, but I'd definitely say they're still very good layouts. It's just one of those things where it's plain good, and there's not a whole lot else to it. Some might see that as an issue, but I don't really take any offense to it. Trigger's very clearly trying to let the mangaka's effort take center stage with this adaptation, and it's working more than well enough for the time being. I'm still very interested to see how the more action heavy sequences play out in future episodes though.
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shawnsturns · 10 months
Might not update this often as I do not have a title or anything for it and nobody probably will read it so I don't know if I'm talking to anybody but if I am thankyou! :)
It's about a person whose parents get divorce and because their mum has financial issues they live with her mum's best friend for a while. The mum's best friend is the mother to Shawn Mendes and Aaliyah Mendes. Y/N hits it off really well with Shawn and that's all I have so far but I know it will remain pretty light-hearted and non-sexual either way.
This is my first time ever writing a fanfiction so I tried to make it pretty easy for a light read when you're bored and want something not too hard on the brain. loosely based on a dream I had, the person in my dream was a completely made up person, I just thought that I might as well make a fanfiction about it because I haven't had a dream in a while and it was kind of cute so I don't want to forget it.
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It had finally been summer break, all those miserable memories of school were starting to vanish from your recollection, you were excited and surprisingly motivated to socialise with your friends and make those crucial coming of age movie moments. But of course none of that was upon your horizon, this was because nothing worth living through ever happened in your life, for instance the last eventful thing that occurred in your life was when your parents' marriage fell apart and you then had to start living with your mum who then began struggling with finding a permanent house. Regardless of that you were still disappointed when you were told that your next three weeks will be spent in some weird town purely because your mum's bestie (Shawn's mum) lives there.
The whole way to this town you let your mind wonder; what will it be like there, is it hot or cold? Will any of your friends miss you? How long is this drive? Will it be annoying to change the radio channel? Is your mum really ok? Did you forget any belongings at your dad’s? Will you ever be proud of how you live life? Are there gonna be any cool people there? Apparently your mum's friend has 2 kids, Shawn Mendes and Aaliyah Mendes. For your sake you've hoped that the one your age at least will be approachable, especially because your therapist had recently told you to meet new people and put yourself out there, your real self.
This drive was truly revealing of you and your mum's relationship, you had always had a certain awkwardness about you and now that was clashing with your mum's personality, she was and always had been the hardest person to read. You figured you would switch between listening to music and watching a show but the tension was just too much so you just began to ask those questions you thought of earlier, none of the deep ones though mainly just like what your mum remembered about Shawn's mum and what to expect.
Whilst bored in the car you came up with the best plan. Well… now that you know the first AND last names of who you're visiting (your mum told you) you impulsively decided to stalk their Instagram's and Spotify. Was this the most moral thing you’ve done? Not at all, did it give you fuel to make a judgment about them and prepare yourself? Yes. Luckily nothing was really too alarming with either of their Instagram's, they were all pretty casual and had photos of when they’d travel or do fun stuff at home with an occasional photo of just themselves in a fit check or like a selfie, you were way too scared to look at their stories though. You found you have similar taste in music with all of them to some degree, and none of them had Spotify followers which was honestly a huge green flag.
You gave special attention to Shawn's Spotify as you gathered you two would bond the most as the 19 year olds, his carefully crafted almost endearing playlist had phenomenal music and perfect covers. Your favourite was the one titled “I miss quality time”, it consisted of songs so good they felt nostalgic but you’ve never heard before, songs that can capture moments for eternity and give them gracious hugs. With one hour left of the drive you plugged in your earphones and began listening to it unshuffled, certain lyrics would catch your ear and result in you pondering whether it also caught the attention of Shawn's ear or moreover his heart.
i'm sorry this is awful :(
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