#I'm only at page 188
david-talks-sw · 1 year
More George Lucas debunking misconceptions about the Prequel Jedi:
"Anakin killed the Jedi in retaliation. They failed him, betrayed him and didn't allow him to have a relationship, so he killed them all."
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"[In Revenge of the Sith] The controversy is going to be that people expect some horrible, horrific thing to happen to [Anakin] that caused him to [become Darth Vader]. It's much subtler. It's something that everybody faces— when you're looking at yourself, you can see your good and your bad, and say, "Is this a selfish choice or is this a compassionate choice? And once I get something, what would I do to keep from losing it? Would I make a pact with the devil to keep it?" - Entertainment Weekly #785, 2004
"… some of the people had a hard time with the reason that Anakin goes bad. [...] They wanted a real betrayal, such as, "You tried to kill me so now I'm going to try and kill you." They didn't seem to understand the fact that Anakin is simply greedy. There is no revenge." - The Making of Revenge of The Sith, page 188
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"The rest of the Jedi have dogmatically forgotten how to love out of fear of having attachments, Qui-Gon is the only one who knows that you can love people selflessly, without getting possessive."
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"The fact that everything must change and that things come and go through his life and that he can't hold onto things, which is a basic Jedi philosophy that he isn't willing to accept emotionally and the reason that is because he was raised by his mother rather than the Jedi. If he'd have been taken in his first year and started to study to be a Jedi, he wouldn't have this particular connection as strong as it is and he'd have been trained to love people but not to become attached to them. But he has become attached to his mother and he will become attached to Padmé and these things are, for a Jedi, who needs to have a clear mind and not be influenced by threats to their attachments, a dangerous situation." - Attack of the Clones, Director’s Commentary, 2002
"Obviously, it’s a progression. But in [Attack of the Clones], you begin to see that he has a fear of losing things, fear of losing his mother. And as a result, he wants to begin to control things, he wants to become more powerful. And these are not Jedi traits. And part of this is because he started to be trained so late in life, that he had already formed these attachments. And for a Jedi, attachment is forbidden. You can love people, but you have to love them unconditionally, in terms that you can’t hold on to them." - CNN, “Countdown to the Clones”, 2002
"The Jedi are trained to let go. They're trained from birth. They’re not supposed to form attachments. They can love people - in fact, they should love everybody. They should love their enemies; they should love the Sith. But they can't form attachments. So what all these movies are about is: greed. Greed is a source of pain and suffering for everybody. And the ultimate state of greed is the desire to cheat death." - The Making of Revenge of The Sith, page 213
"Ultimately for a Jedi Knight, it’s very easy to give up. One of the things they give up is marriage. They can still love people. But they can’t possess them. They can’t own them. They can’t demand that they do things. They have to be able to accept the fact, one, their mortality, that they are going to die. And not worry about it. That the loved ones they have, everything they love is going to die and they can’t do anything about it." - Celebration V, Main Event, 2010
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"The Jedi in The High Republic are the Jedi in their prime/heyday. By the time of the Prequels, they've become political and dispassionate/prohibitive."
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"[In Phantom Menace] you see the heyday of the Jedi, when they are the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, sort of like the old marshals out West. And there's thousands of them." - Vanity Fair, 1999
"We've actually never seen real Jedi at work, we've only seen crippled half-droid half-men, and young boys that had learned from these old people. So to see a Jedi in his prime fighting in the prime of the Jedi, I want it to be a much more energetic and faster version of what we've been doing." - The Phantom Menace, “Fights”, 2001
"Jedi Knights aren't celibate - the thing that is forbidden is attachments - and possessive relationships." - BBC News, 2002
"[When Obi-Wan talks to Anakin about politicians, we learn about] the Jedi’s disenchantment with the political process, due to the corruption and the ineffectiveness of the Senate." - Attack of the Clones, Director’s Commentary, 2002
"The Jedi aren't really allowed to be involved in the political process. They're [present in the Senate when Palpatine is given emergency powers], but they can't suddenly step up and say, "No, no. You can't do that." They have to let the political process go." - Attack of the Clones, Commentary Track #2, 2002
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oliveroctavius · 11 months
What would be the top ten Harry Osborn that isn't the green goblin stories?
I read this ask and went "ten? Really?", sure I couldn't even come up with ten arcs he had a notable part in. (It's one of the tragedies of Harry Osborn's life that the moments when he's trying to kill his best friend are some of the only times when he has Peter's full attention.)
But then I sat down to write the list and they just kept falling out of my pockets. Not ranked, but in in-universe chronology order:
A childhood flashback. "Nice Things", from Amazing Spider-Man Extra #3. I love this Norman characterization.
Giant-Size Gwen Stacy. High school Harry as Gwen's sidekick... I adore the little friend trio that exists only here.
Obligatory Spider-Man: Blue mention. If you're okay with the background characters truly being in the background, you can also read the non-TLDR'ed version in ASM (1963) #39-47.
Also obligatory ASM #96-98. If people know one thing about silver age Harry, it's the scandalous drug overdose thing. Would be great if they read the actual plotline.
Everyone's read The Night Gwen Stacy Died... so I'll skip ahead to ASM #176-180. Technically he IS the Goblin for a bit during this one, but it belongs here for the finale. Start with ASM #172 for full context, including Liz's side of things.
SSM #63. Getting Harry's house burned down is really not Peter's best moment and that's kind of why I'm putting it on this list.
ASM #260-261, 263: The highest-octane entry in the saga of Hobgoblins harassing the Allan-Osborns. Plus, Normie is born!
"A Matter of Trust", from Amazing Spider-Man Family #4. An exploration of Harry's return in Brand New Day.
"Birthday Boy", from Amazing Spider-Man Extra #1. Short and sweet story about the Peter/Harry friendship.
ASM (2015) #12-15. Rare Slott endorsement. Harry and the ladies bust a supervillain, Peter punches Tony Stark in front of Miles...
As a bonus, the backup story about the Coffee Bean at the end of Amazing Spider-Man Presents: American Son #1. (Ignore the main story, I know he gets shot on the page before the story break, just, don't worry about it, he's fine.)
I'll also drop a handful of underrated bits from the Harryliz era: ASM #188, ASM#249-251, SSM #130, SSM #177... These are more background appearances, but ones that I consider to have solid characterization and/or make up important dots in his overall arc.
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IMDb Graphs 📉📈
I'm excited 😁
Hi Anne - Graph Girl with the latest numbers. Just some fun for us all to enjoy! 😂 Wishing everyone a great week! 😁 Love you Anne! 😘
For the week ending July 21, 2024:
He went down 2 to spot 282 this week. Nothing new to report. Hope he and Dodger are enjoying the summer with the cool breeze of air conditioning.
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She is down 1,775 this week to spot 1,917.
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Sorry, I can only express myself in gif format. 🤣
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I can't stop laughing 😂😂😂. It was so obvious.
The Mother Mary film page also dropped 1,515 to spot 13,425.
Top spot goes to Shannen Doherty. 😢
Sydney Sweeney is up 5 to spot 13. 👏 Hunter Schafer, also in Mother Mary, rose 31 to spot 188. 👏
Justin is down 17,103 to spot 182,014 Joana is up 3 to spot 17,947 Amanda is up 170,154 to spot 455,670
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What do you think about the theory that Rhysand was never supposed to be the main love interest? I can kind of see it, but was curious about your thoughts.
I disagree vehemently, and I would argue that there were a million obvious hints in ACOTAR that show Feyre was always going to end up with Rhysand. I think two things can be true: that she loved him and he was always going to be her first love AND that Rhysand was always meant to be her last love.
But just to back it up:
As early as page 15, the infamous:
I slung off my outer clothes onto the sagging dresser- frowning at the violets and roses I'd painted around the knobs of Elain's drawer, the crackling flames I'd painted around Nesta's, and the night sky-whorls of yellow stars standing in for white- around mine.

And then again, on page 31 when discussing why she'd chosen Isaac as a lover:
Relatively handsome, soft-spoken and reserved, but with a sort of darkness running beneath it all that had drawn us to each other, that shared understanding of how wretches our lives were and would always be.
When Lucien pays Feyre his backhanded compliment on page 53, he uses familiar night imagery often used to describe Feyre:
Your eyes are like stars, and your hair like burnished gold.
Here, on page 87, an amusing bit of foreshadowing about Feyre's future:
Prythian was ruled by seven High Lords- perhaps this she was whoever governed this territory; if not a High Lord, then a High Lady. If that was even possible.
When Feyre is faced with the Bogge and wants to look, she soothes herself (pg. 90):
I stared at the coarse trunk of a distant elm, thinking of pleasant things. Like hot bread and full bellies....A starry, unclouded night sky, peaceful and glittering and endless.
On 116, when Feyre finds the map of Pyrthian of all 7 territories, only one is spared any detail outside of the place she currently resides:
The other six courts of Prythian occupied a patchwork of territories. Autumn, Summer, and Winter were easy to pick out. Then above them, two glowing courts: the southernmost one a softer, redder palate the Dawn Court; above, in bright gold and yellow and blue, the Day Court. And above that, perched in a frozen mountainous spread of darkness and stars, the sprawling, massive territory of the Night Court. There were things in the shadows between those mountains- little eyes, gleaming teeth. A land of lethal beauty.
On 125, Feyre considers what she might want if she were immortal:
Did Tamlin or Lucien ever grow tired of day after day of eternal spring, or ever venture into the other territories, if only to experience a different season? I wouldn't have minded endless, mild spring while looking after my family- winter brought us dangerously close too death every year- but if I were immortal, I might want a little variation to pass the time. I'd probably want to do more than lurk about a manor house, too.
The first time Feyre really starts to relax around Tamlin and find joy in Prythian and her circumstances is at the pool made of starlight, which is such a long passage I'm just glossing over. Tamlin does comment she makes TWO jokes that day, and I'm choosing to draw a parallel between this moment and in ACOMAF when Feyre smiles for the first time after her ordeal under the mountain during Starfall. Feyre feels most at peace surrounded by starlight. [pg 159ish]
On 169, when Feyre thinks of her nightmares:
And though my dreams continued to be plagued by the deaths I'd witnessed, the deaths I'd caused, and the horrible, pale woman ripping me to shreds- all watched over by a shadow I could never quite glimpse-I slowly stopped being so afraid.
When Feyre can't stay away on Calanmai / mating bond language that SJM loves (pg. 183):
There was a string- a string tied to my gut that pulled me toward those hills, commanding me to go, to hear the faerie drums...
And then obviously this, on page 188:
Standing before me was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen
Like Feyre, Rhys is couched in Night imagery (pg. 189):
As if he'd been molded from the night itself I could have sworn tendrils of star-kissed night railed in his wake (190)
On 235, when Rhys goes to visit Tamlin, he alludes to the fact that he has his reasons for aligning with Amarantha, which are later explained in ACOMAF:
Her whore I might be, but not without my reasons
Also Feyre describing Rhys through the entirety of the scene in the Spring Court dining room is like...a brick to the face (starting page 234): 
Rhysand smiled- heartbreaking in its beauty.
His voice dropped to a whisper- an erotic caress of sound that brought heat to my cheeks
Rhysand laughed- a lovers laugh, low and soft and intimate
And from the way darkness seemed to ripple off him, from those violet eyes that burned like stars...
No- I would never dare to pain that dark, immortal grace-
Rhysand, when he realizes Feyre (who he is beginning to suspect might be his mate) is there (pg. 237):
A flicker of excitement- perhaps even disbelief- flashed across his features
Again, described in the same night imagery:
The sunlight didn't gleam on the metallic threads of his tunic, as if i balked from the darkness pulsing from him
on 310, when Amarantha demands Rhys explain the mix-up with humans, she thinks this when he lies:
Humans all look alike...I didn't believe him for a second. Rhysand knew exactly how I looked- he'd recognized me that day at the manor.
On 312, once again hating Rhys but thinking this about him:
She must have allowed him more power than the others, then, if he could still inflict such harm while leashed to her. Or else his power before she'd stolen it had been...extraordinary, for this to be considered the basest remains.
The obvious on 328:
"Yes, I'd say almost my entire court bet on you dying within the firs minute; some said you'd last five, and"- she urned over the paper- "and just one person said you would win."
Amarantha frowned at her list, and she waved a hand. "Take her away. I tire of her mundane face. " She clenched the arms of her throne hard enough that the whites of her knuckles showed. "Rhysand, come here."
The bargain of chapter 37, too numerous to detail (this is already so long)
The entire scene of Feyre in his bedroom, but especially this on page 342:
Indeed, it was still Rhysand's face, his powerful male body, but flaring out behind him were massive black, membraneous wings- like a bat's, like the Attor's. He tucked them in neatly behind him, but the single claw at the apex of each peeked over his broad shoulders. Horrific, stunning- the face of a thousand nightmares and dreams. That again-useless part of me stirred at the sight, the way the candlelight shone through the wings, illuminating the veins, the way it bounced off his talons.
They grabbed for me, but he bared his teeth in a mile that was anything but friendly- and they halted. "No more household chores, no more tasks," he said, his voice an erotic caress. Their yellow eyes went glazed and dull, their sharp teeth gleaming as their mouths slackened. "Tell the others, too. Stay out of her cell. And don't touch her. If you do, you're to take your own daggers and gut yourselves. Understood?
When Rhys is trying to get a rise out of both Amarantha AND Tamlin on 349:
The Faerie Queen straightened a little bit- even Jurian's eye seemed fixated on me, on Rhysand. For the rest of my life- he said it as if it were going to be a long, long while. He thought I was going to beat her tasks.
Page 355, when they're talking (more mating bond foreshadowing):
Sadness flickered in those violet eyes. I wouldn't have noticed it had I had not...felt it-deep inside me.
His help in the second task, but especially this pep talk when she's breaking down over the thought of nearly dying on 366:
Don't let her see you cry. Put your hands a your sides and stand up. Stand. Don't give her the satisfaction of seeing you break. Good. Stare her down- no tears. wait until you're back in your cell. Count to ten. Don't look at Tamlin. Just stare at her. Good girl. Now walk away. Turn on your heel- good. Walk toward the door. Keep your chin high. Let the crowd part. One step after another.
369, this feels blatant:
It took me a long while too realize that Rhysand, whether he knew it or not, had effectively kept me from shattering completely.
Rhys visiting Feyre after that kiss and explaining why he's been making her dance, and what he hopes to accomplish on page 384:
Regardless of his motives or his methods, Rhysand was keeping me alive. And had done so even before I set foot Under the Mountain.
"When you healed my arm...You didn't need to bargain with me. You could have demanded every single week of the year." My brows knit together as he turned, already half-consumed by the dark. "Every single week, and I would have said yes. " It wasn't entirely a question, but I needed the answer.
A half smile appeared on his sensuous lips. "I know," he said, and vanished.
Darkness rippled near the throne, and then Rhysand was here, arms crossed- as if he'd moved to better see. His face was a mask of disinterest, but my hand tingled. Do it, the tingling said.
394, Feyre once again drawing our attention to Rhysand during this horrible moment:
Rhysand's face had gone pale- so, so pale.
399, obvious foreshadowing:
Rhysand yelled my name again- yelled it as though he cared
400-401, more mating bond language:
Rhys's arms buckled as he fought to rise, and blood dripped from his nose, splattering on the marble. His eyes met mine. The bond between us went taut. I flashed between my body and his, seeing myself through his eyes, bleeding and broken and sobbing.
Chapter 45, when Feyre is dead but tethered to Rhys's soul, like COME ON.
412, more mating bond language as Feyre goes to Rhys:
I was pulled from sleep by something tugging at my middle, a thread deep inside.
414-415, two final scenes:
"You never told me you loved the wings- or the flying." No, he'd made his shape shifting seem...base, useless, boring.
He shrugged. Everything I love has always had a tendency to be taken from me. I tell very few about the winds. Or the flying."
-and then-
His eyes locked on mine, wide and wild, and his nostrils flared. Shock- pure shock flashed across his features at whatever he saw on my face, and he stumbled back a step. Actually stumbled.
Sorry this was so long. It escaped me BUT Feysand was always right there from the beginning. They were always going to be together, from book 1. SJM is a fated mates writer, and I think it's a blatant misrepresentation of the book she wrote to say ACOMAF is a retcon, and Feysand was never going to happen. People are free to disagree with me, of course, and say I'm wrong (but I'm not).
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iltaimpi · 1 year
{One of the JJBA wikis has some... inaccurate information, and for a fleeting moment, I lived in a reality where Illuso was taller than Risotto.}
{It was not a particularly good reality. The only reason I even checked the source that the wiki provided was because I was simply so fucking indignant at the suggestion that Risotto, famously titanic in size, was shorter than Illuso.}
{The source itself is a height comparison reference sheet for the anime, containing every La Squadra member save Sorbet and Gelato, (and Giorno Giovanna because he's the main character), with a numbered height chart. The problem is the source contradicts itself, as Risotto is labelled as 185 cm at the bottom, (what the page has listed) resulting in an understatement of Risotto Nero's height by approximately 10 centimetres, as he is clearly drawn such that the top of his head (it's obvious that his jester-hat-in-hood-form adds no height and simply drapes over his head, so there's no need to account for it and no height disparity) is situated precisely on the height line for 195 centimetres, and that's even with his head slightly bowed; so he might even be slightly taller but I'll let it slide.
And even once I had determined this error, I still find myself in a reality where Illuso is over 6' (188 centimetres to be precise) which, absolutely fucking not; that is far too fucking tall for Illuso, and for what? For what purpose does he even need to be tall? I would have never for a moment considered that he exceeded, say, 5'9" (175.26 cm), perhaps. He is of such incredibly average stature in my mind. And Pesci is only 5'5"? Really? He's the shortest? I'm not too terribly sure why but I was under the impression that he was much taller. Like, if I'd gone on the wiki and read that Pesci was, like, 6'0"? I would've believed that rather easily. Aside from him, (unless Sorbet or Gelato are shorter than 171 cm) Ghiaccio is the shortest, and, yeah, that tracks. I could maybe see Gelato as short as 5'0".}
{In other related news, Zatta in her heels is just about 4 centimetres (roughly an inch) away from being as tall as Risotto, and without her heels, she's dwarfed by the entire team, being approximately 8 centimetres (about 3 inches) shorter than Pesci (supposedly is). No wonder her heels are so ridiculous. I'm envisioning the 'how to talk to short people' meme. (Information's accuracy no longer certain).}
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jolikmc-thoughts · 5 months
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@megaman-r / @afniel
… bvvvrk—
My longest story — a Final Fantasy VI fan fiction story of 13-ish chapters across 188 word processor pages — was only 62,032 words long. And you have almost twice that across 25 chapters?!
Either I'm a grand-scale slacker, or you're a massive overachiever, yo. But, when you find something you're extremely passionate about… the creativity just comes right out.
Like that combined 75,289 words I wrote for / about KaitlinEXE's namesake. Oo-er~
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tokiro07 · 1 year
I’ve actually had this headcanon that Namanie was on her way to becoming a Minus before she met Fukurou and her Style prevented the total loss and suffering to become a Minus in the first place, since out of the Stylists with inferiority complex (Namanie, Joutou, Kakegae and Momo to an extent), Nienami is the most likely to comprehend the Minuses and speak on their wavelength. Then again I haven’t found anything talking about what in the world happened to her during middle school, and the extra materials I read only briefly talks about Nienami after graduating so almost nothing else I can say support this headcanon (unless in the 188 written pages of the guidebook has something about her).
I'm extraordinarily late in answering this, but better late than never
I've said before that Nisio doesn't care about Medaka Box's power system nearly as much as I do, and the Stylists are unfortunately a huge indicator of that since, despite their clearly extreme personalities and capability of fighting on par with Abnormals, it is never even so much as hinted that they had the capacity to be Abnormals of any shade (except maybe Momo depending on if that translation about her project name is correct)
Nienami in particular is a fascinating case because her darker tendencies at a glance make her feel like she could be a Minus, but upon closer inspection, there's pretty much no way she could be for one simple reason: as far as I can recall, she never smiles (with the exception of 1+1, but the point of that scene was that everyone was smiling)
As Kumagawa states, Minuses are always smiling regardless of the hardships they face. Naze and Gagamaru are exceptions, but mostly due to their circumstances, and they end up smiling in inappropriate situations, usually because of sadism. Nienami doesn't smile at all; not sadistically when she's winning, not to put on a front when she's losing, not even when she's relaxing and cracking jokes
One could argue that her jokes are used in lieu of a smile, as it shows that she has the same kind of glib, contradictorily positive personality that Minuses have, and if Nisio analyzed her character enough to explicitly suggest she might be a Minus, I'd absolutely concede that point
However, there is one other factor that seems to separate her from the other Minuses - her unwillingness to use her Style. More specifically, the reason she doesn't use it is because it's a broken ability that she fears would make her a "worthless person" if she were to come to rely on it. While we have a fairly small sample size of Minuses, I don't believe that any of them would have qualms with the idea of winning through underhanded means. They do have a skewed sense of morality, like that they should wait until they're adults to commit murder so that they can receive a proper trial, but that doesn't mean that they have an intact sense of responsibility or fairness like Nienami seems to
Like I said, Nisio clearly didn't care quite enough to really dig into the nuances of the different Mentalities, mostly giving us high concept descriptions every once in a while, but from what he did give us, I think that Nienami is supposed to look like a Minus but clearly miss the mark upon inspection
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pamgkrthwrites · 2 years
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I posted 244 times in 2022
188 posts created (77%)
56 posts reblogged (23%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 101 of my posts in 2022
#lmk x reader - 81 posts
#lmk - 73 posts
#monkie kid - 71 posts
#lego monkie kid - 66 posts
#x reader - 65 posts
#lego monkie kid x reader - 59 posts
#macaque x reader - 35 posts
#lmk macaque - 34 posts
#sun wukong x reader - 33 posts
#macaque - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#i had to write a tommyinnit video to get into the reason mindset for the fanfic i’m writing run don’t come for my kneecaps
My Top Posts in 2022:
Oh gosh, the hc post with the 'cute lil housewife with a breeding kink' prompt was absolutely perfect! Would you be willing to write hc's of the same prompt but with Swk, Macaque & Red son? (Also preferably nsfw 😳👉🏻👈🏻)
711 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
Monkie men being complimented on their Beutiful lashes!
Tumblr keeps deleting my progress on this so sorry this took so long, blame Tumblr.
Sun Wukong The Monkey Kid
You were laying on Wukong's lap, looking up at his face as he read poetry.
You watch as his lashes swayed side to side, up and down as he read the contents on the page.
His lashes were long and had a curl to them. They had brown roots but they turned an orange half they, making his hair and furr.
"What are you starin' at?" He asked before arching his head downwards to look at you with a smile and half lidded eyes.
"Your eyelashes are really beautiful." You smiled up at him, only to get the book gently swatted at you.
Wukong chuckled, his cheeks being a bright red as he was blushing. He covered his face with a hand, his chuckles turning into laughter.
"I'm not making fun of you!" Your said as you threw your hands up with a pout.
"Do you like making me flustered, Peaches?" He asked, pulling the book away and letting you see his face.
You blink then smiled. "Only because I love you, sunset."
He leaned down to you and gave you a kiss.
Macaque the Six Eared Macaque
You and Macaque were simply laying around on the couch watching some TV.
His body furr was sweaty from just coming home from training but you still kept your arms around him, giving him a side hug. In return his arm was wrapped around your waist.
You looked up at him only to see his eyes closed and his breath was even.
You were going to yell at him for falling asleep like this, but you ended up just watching him sleep.
His eye lash looked really soft and were a nice silky black. They looked thin but he had a lot of them so it evened out. They were mostly in a straight line, only having a slight curl to them.
You didn't think you were staring for too long until one of his eyes cracked upon and looked straight at you.
You blushed and snapped your head away. "S-sorry!"
"What were you staring at? Is there something on my face?" He asked, starting to rub at the bridge on his nose.
"No, no!" You put your hands up and sat up properly. "Your eyelashes just look really pretty."
He was silent for a moment before letting our some air and turning away.
You would think he was annoyed with your statement until he started caressing your back with the back on his knuckles.
You smiled gently and wrapped your arms back around his waist.
723 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
Ok so I’ve had this au in my mind about what if Macaque never joined LBD’s side and actually formed a truce with the gang to defeat her. I know the gang + Wukong would definitely be skeptical and not treat him fairly even if he was trying to be civil, so what if Y/N was the only one who treated him nicely? Like getting him food, helping with wounds, talking with him, etc?
Macaque grumbled as you patched him up. "You don't need to help me, Y/N."
"You literally can't even reach the wound, Macaque." You retorted, tightening up the bandage.
Macaque turned his head tightly and looked from the corner of his eyes just to see Wukong and MK glaring at him. He scoffed and looked away.
"I mean you don't need to risk your friendship with them just to help me."
You tilted your head in confusion. You turned your head to look at Wukong and MK, only to see them waving. You waved back and turned back to Macaque.
"They will come around, Macaque. I know there will." You smiled at you, your hands leaving the bandages once everything was tidied up.
"You sound like them, you know?" He pouted, turning his head away from facing you.
You leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Lightened-up, Macaque."
Macaque grew quiet, looking up at you with his cheeks warming. He was going to say something but MK grabbed your wrist and pulled at it.
"Y/N! I need you help- Like now. Over here!." MK said, pulling you away from Macaque.
Macaque's eyes followed you before he felt pain at the back of his shoulder. He looked behind him, seeing Wukong's feet. He looked up and frowned.
"What do you want, bud."
"Stay away from Y/N, Macaque. They don't need to be influenced by you." That was all Wukong said before walking after MK.
Macaque glared at the two before there were at out his sight. He rubbed his hand on his cheek and smiled.
Maybe changing for you wouldn't be so bad.
771 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Can you pls do romantic hcs of normal Sun Wukong & Nezhu (Separate) x Fiancé reader?
878 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i love your writing (especially how you write Sun Wukong)! can i have some soft HCs of Sun Wukong and Macaque cuddling with their S/O and giving the monkey boys head scritches, please?
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Headscratchers? Onto the Monkey boys? Fluff. Pure, pure fluff.
Sun Wukong
Look at this man and tell me he isn't touch starved
If you can then you a liar
Anyway, this man cuddles you as if you were a body pillow.
He likes resting his head on your chest and hearing your heartbeat.
He is already purring just by the little attention you are giving him.
Once you put your hand into his hair and start to give him head scratches?
Oh, he melts.
He has melted so hard.
His purs sound as if he is an engine.
You won't be moving for sometime so I hope you brought snacks.
Getting cuddles from Macaque is a hit and miss.
Like if you start them he will return them but the only time he starts a cuddle is if he has come home angry and grumpy.
He comes through that door wanting to break someone and he just, wraps his arms around you.
He grumbles and complains when cuddling, usually about how perfect you are and how no one else matters to him.
He actually likes to give you love bites along your neck while he cuddles you.
Grumpy little man.
So when you push your fingers into his hair and scratch him, he is very blushful and tries to hold down his purrs.
"What are you doing?" "Giving you scratches." "Disgusting... I didn't say stop!"
Very much in denial about how much he likes them.
He will get very hissy if you call him a cat.
1,674 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
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holofoiltowercard · 11 months
The Journey of The Tarot Haiku
VII: The Chariot - Embarking on the Journey
Next to the Fool, the Chariot speaks most clearly about the start of a journey, with the added connotation of needing discipline and determination to stay on the path. The road is smooth and the goal is clear, you just need to keep to it is how I see it...
...so when it appeared in my Tarot readings about the book, I listened every single time.
But before that, it might be nice to talk about exactly how I got to actually finish the book, because again, I needed discipline and determination. It wasn't exactly hard, but it took effort. So after those first two poems, with Eight of Swords now fully covered (I am still in awe that it was the Eight of Swords, you don't often see that card as the start of anything good, do you?) and a few more poems coming along, I made that progress page I showed off in a previous post, and I set myself a goal of twenty poems. I'm sure that at one point, I adjusted just so I would have a total of X8 poems, in order for the new batches of twenty poems to seamlessly land me at 188. And from there, the writing process began.
I didn't write every day. I didn't get a burst of divine inspiration each time. But I did, whenever I had the time, take out my cards and a notebook and looked the cards over, to see if any caught my eye and turned the gears - if they did, good, if they didn't, at least I tried. I also remember one time having to travel to another city, finding some time on my hands, and scribbling into a notebook as I waited for others to do business. I didn't have the cards out since we were constantly moving about, but the notebook I could manage. Sometimes I could only do a single poem or a draft of one, and other times I got inspiration for several at once. Sometimes I focused my attention and only studied the Suit of Cups or the Suit of Swords, and other times I was glad to grasp at anything. Those two suits were the first to be finished back in the day - they came much more easily than the other two or the Major Arcana. Indeed, my last card, the last poem I had to write was for the reversed Knight of Wands, which to me speaks of your progress stuttering because your energies are scattered...
And then the readings came. I finished all the poems sometime in early September - I can't even tell you what day because my bullet journaling has been very scanty. But I did thankfully jot down the big reading I did on September 17th, when I started asking the Tarot questions about publishing:
What might I experience if I...
...published under my real name / a pseudonym?
...published in October / November / December?
I found the real name and October the most favorable answers - December also had promise so I gave it a shot, but when I did a reading about it and asked if I should aim for so and so dates, the answers didn't feel encouraging, so I returned to October, which I had been drawn to from the start.
With Tarot having so many ties and attractions to mysticism, I thought of October and saw three possible dates to aim for: the new moon, the full moon, and Halloween. Accordingly, I drew a card for each, and the full moon got the Ten of Cups, which was lovely, but the new moon got The Chariot.
I love the Ten of Cups as much as the next person, but when I saw that Major Arcana, suggesting I could embark on a whole new journey after so much stagnation (the pandemic not only affected me personally as a source of isolation, stress and grief, but also destroyed my previous sources of income), I said to myself, it has to be the new moon. This is it. I deserve to step onto a new, better path and I'm going to do it.
Mind you, I was struggling. Not so much with discipline or determination as with mental illness, so progress was sometimes slow and anxious. But I gently pushed myself along - "do it scared" is a phrase that described me well, because I knew so little about self-publishing, and even when you read up on it, actually doing it is a totally different experience of doing and waiting. And when at last I was there, and had to price the ebook... I input 7 dollars, 7 standing for The Chariot. The paperback was then priced 28 dollars to account for printing costs, 7 being multiplied by four. The hardcover would have also followed this pattern and be 35 dollars, but when I did a reading just to check in, I kept getting reversed cards for 30 dollars, 33 dollars, etc., until 34 dollars landed me an approving Six of Cups. I later realized that 3 + 4 = 7.
Thank you, Chariot. Because of you, the book is now out, and with luck and support, it might just reach those who will appreciate and love it, and give me a new chance at life.
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fennfromthefen · 2 years
The Worms
FFF prompt 188: where secrets lie
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The door creaks as I push it, it's wood aged and splintered. Light floods the room. Dust particles fill the air, leaving a musty smell in the room. Ok, find the book, rip out the latest page, not run into the secretkeeper, and not suffocate on my way, I remind myself of the plan as the door shuts behind me.
I search for about five minutes before a voice cuts in. 'Can I help you?' It says, impatiently.
'No, I'm fine.'
'Are you sure about that? You know the rules, if you regret sharing a secret, you complain to the librarian.' The 3ft tall caterpillar, the voice is apparently coming from, gives me a disappointed look as I turn around to meet his face. 'The "librarian" doesn't exist, this isn't a library, and I'm not complaining about anything,' I reply, possibly a bit too bluntly.
The caterpillar stares at me for a moment. 'I'm the librarian, you aren't allowed to borrow books, then, and the book you're looking for is already set for burial,' he says, smugly proud of himself. I return his stare. 'Why is i-'
'Random selection. And you'd just shared a good one, so that's an extra bonus.'
I stand up, slowly, and brush fake dirt from my trousers. 'Right then, I'll be off.'
I'm not that great at running, but with the right motivation you can do anything. Like rescue a book full of your secrets from hungry worms before they broadcast them everywhere to everyone ever.
I run up the hill, only stopping every now and then to check if I'm still being followed. I wouldn't call this a total failure yet, since I didn't bump into the secretkeeper, but it's not a success yet, either. 'Come... back... here!' The librarian shouts in-between pants, from behind me, 'You can't... interrupt.... the process!'
'Rules, rules, rules. Don't you ever get bored of being boring?' I shout back. He doesn't reply as I reach the top of the hill, but joins me around the recently filled in, rectangular hole. I stare at it, suddenly aware of the scene going on under the dirt. 'You ready?'
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herbertwest · 1 year
I'm 48499 words/188 pages into my sci-fi sequel and it's FINALLY coming along. I've been struggling with this thing for so long, it felt really good to get a burst of inspiration even if I don't know exactly where to go from here.
Plus, I was able to bring back one of my absolute favorite characters who I wasn't sure I was going to be able to work into the story.
Is it a total mess? Yes. But I just want to finish the draft and then I can fix it from there. As usual, the goal is at least 80k words, so I only have 31501 to go, which is within the realm of possibility at least.
Let's see what happens!
For now though, I'm gonna log off and see if I can finish the book I'm reading before I go to sleep.
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fickleminder · 1 year
Only 200 (130+70) cheat cards so I got the Lucifer UR and made it Skill 2 in the Tasks, but couldn't get close to the Memory UR without using D-Energy
I'm satisfied bummed you need Skill 2 for the flowered icon tho
Same, I only managed to clear page 2 with 188 points per battle 🥲
Now it’s back to trying to S rank the story stages!
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ASOS; Steel and Snow: 14 CATELYN II (pages 188-201)
Robb returns to Riverrun, Catelyn meets her surprise new daughter-in-law, and Edmure learns his victory against Tywin was not the best outcome.
"King Robb has returned from the west, my lady," the knight said, "and commands that you attend him in the great Hall." It was the moment she had dreamt of and dreaded. Have I lost two sons, or three? She would know soon enough.
Reading this line and my first thought is just "there's more than just one way to lose someone." And I think Cat's aware of that, especially with how she's been treated and shunned for releasing Jaime, even if Robb returns alive, he might turn his back on her too. Treat her like the enemy because (it feels like) she's the only one who even seems to remember that Sansa and Arya are still hostages.
(Well not really Arya, not that anyone knows that at the moment outside that little in and King's Landing. But very much it's like no one else cares about the why now that Ned's dead.)
"- Love is not always wise, I've learned. It can lead us to great folly, but we follow our hearts... wherever they take us. Don't we, Mother?" ... "Forgive him, Mother." "If you will forgive me." "I have. I know what it is to love so greatly you can think of nothing else."
Cat, my beloved, let me translate what he's circling around. "Ma, I kinda sorta fucked up, because I couldn't keep it in my pants, but also let's not focus on that too hard because you fucked up too and honestly I think we should all just let bygones be bygones on this one, okay? no blame for anyone? plz?"
all hail king robb, the oathbreaker. but let's not talk about that. I'm sure it will have zero consequences later down the track. (exhausted sarcasm)
She had the uneasy feeling that someone was missing, too. ... It was only then that Catelyn realized what was amiss. The wolf. The wolf is not here. Where is Grey Wind? She knew the direwolf had returned with Robb, she had heard the dogs, but he was not in the hall, not at her son's side where he belonged.
It's actually kind of interesting, ... how to put this? I dunno, I'll just ramble it out and hope that it makes sense.
First of all I suppose: look at that foreshadowing, Grey Wind not being with Robb, and we'll call back to one of Ned's chapters (GoT) just after Summer saved Cat and Bran, where Ned realised that the Wolves were sent to protect his children.
This is the moment, for those of us who've already read or seen the show, we know that Robb's done something he can't come back from, this is the moment we see him set on the path to death.
But it's interesting in that, with Bran and Rickon and Jon, there's a steady presence of their wolves even when they go hunting or aren't by their side, there's still a connection, between the boys and the wolves and Winterfell/the Stark family.
The girls both lost their wolves, Nymeria to the wilderness, Lady to misplaced duty and death, but it's not them being cut off from their heritage at all, it's representative of how their home intertwines with the support they've been receiving. ( "support," "receiving," for given values.)
Sansa (and I have seen the theories that Lady's death means she's not a Stark, and the theory that like the warg who got stuck in the bird, Lady did a reverse and is still with Sansa in spirit) has no help from former allies, she's stuck in place, her help is coming from people with a connection to her mother, and from herself.
Arya literally just reconnected with a man from Winterfell after helping free some of her brother's men, she and Nymeria were in the same area, Nymeria was helping her, but Arya's path is leading her back north to Winterfell (for now) and reconnecting her with those allies (for good or ill) before she'll be lead away from that path again to Braavos (the wilderness, metaphorically).
Jon and Bran are both shown warging with their wolves, but the wolves are both wandering away from them and home to them, and their own paths lead them away from and back to allies and familiarity.
And Rickon is a feral baby.
There is a reflection in the wolves and the fate of the stark children, not about blood rights, or inheritance, or whether they are part of the family, but in... pack bonds, for lack of a better term.
For Grey Wind to be missing in these moments, feels like a reflection of the broken bond, the broken oath which will lead to Robb's death.
... Well, at least Lady Mormont and Greatjon are on Catelyn's side with the Jaime-exchange plan... or understanding of it.
The first thought that flew across Catelyn's mind was, No, that cannot be, you are only a child. The second was, And besides, you have pledged to another. The third was, Mother have mercy, Robb, what have you done?
quick on the uptake, if only her eldest son had inherited her intelligence. I'm sorry Robb, I'm being very mean to you, but you just did such a stupid thing.
"- Jeyne had me taken to her own bed, and she nursed me until the fever passed. And she was with me when the Greatjon brought me the news of... of Winterfell. Bran and Rickon." He seemed to have trouble saying his brothers' names. "That night, she... she comforted me, Mother."
Oh? She got you in her bed before she got you in her bed, did she? I'd love to know whose plan that was, hers or one of the adults in her life.
Well played though, shame their efforts to secure themselves to Robb's crown safety are what led to the Red Wedding. (Let's not kid ourselves, it was probably the crown.) And involved taking advantage of an emotionally vulnerable, possibly medicated boy.
(I do wonder if the swap from this Jeyne to Talisa more about false-feminism brownie points - Look, our love interest isn't like other girls, she's a cool battle field medic! Girl Boss! Empowerment! Don't you mansplain politics to her you man! - or about making Robb look like less of a boob by giving him pseudo-agency, and turning his flustered teenage boy hormones and sense of honour into a battlefield romance.)
"- If I'd listened to you and kept Theon as my hostage, I'd still rule the north, and Bran and Rickon would be alive and safe in Winterfell." "Perhaps. Or not. Lord Balon might still have chanced war. -"
Oh he would have, he'd already given Theon up for dead (or worse: turned into a delicate wilting flower like the rest of those land-lubbers!)
Robb bristled at that. "The Westerlings are better blood than the Freys. They're an ancient line, descended from the First Men. The Kings of the Rock sometimes wed Westerlings before the Conquest, and there was another Jeyne Westerling who was queen to King Maegor three hundred years ago."
... which Maegor? Cause babe? Probably not the positive argument you think it is.
...brb, wiki.
... Maegor as in Maegor the Cruel... Jeyne was one of three women he widowed during the wars then wed in a single ceremony (where her son by her dead husband was used as a hostage to force her to go through with it), called the 'black brides' ... got pregnant and ... ah, yeah, there it is: premature labour resulting in a still-born and malformed feotus, Jeyne died shortly afterwards.
Robb: "She'll make a great wife mum, she even shares her name with another queen!" The other queen: widowed and killed in childbirth losing the baby.
Damn. GRRM did not pull punches on this one.
"- Grey Wind doesn't like her uncle either. He bares his teeth every time Ser Rolph comes near him." A chill went through her. "Send Ser Rolph away. At once."
Cat's got more of an eye for the wolf warnings than the boy with the wolf bond. Probably helps that she's not addled by hormones right now, but you'd think Robb would be vibing.
... oh good, and now Robb and Blackfish are telling of Edmure.
I feel I'd enjoy that a lot more if it didn't boil down to "how dare you do things without telling us, now you've upset the plans we had that we told you absolutely nothing about nor indicated you needed to stay out of, how dare you take initiative."
People in this series either need to stop getting upset at people for taking initiative and acting with incomplete information, assuming they get any information to begin with, or start sharing information with their family members/closest allies.
... learning that Edmure's sallie against Tywin led to Stannis' loss from the rear at King's Landing does change the context of Edmure being the sacrificial Groom at the Twins.
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caranox · 2 years
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Flash Fiction Friday Prompt #188: Where Secrets Lie @flashfictionfridayofficial
The Best-Kept Secrets
"All right," Lazarus said as he set the small box down on the counter, it's cloudy, translucent plastic a sickly yellow hue that made Noa think of the teeth of the last creepy patron they'd quickly ushered out of the shop.
She could've handled him if Lazarus had just gone to the back like she repeatedly hinted at, but then she'd likely have to explain the noise and potentially why the floors might be sticky since he'd absolutely walk through the blood.
Whenever she made a mess, he always found it, stopped dead in the middle of it, and made a face like he'd eaten a lemon while Noa stared on in horror because she lost the race. But those were usually cooking mishaps and not rage-induced pummelings of some rich bastard who treated Lazarus like shit and leered at his seventeen-year-old assistant.
Needless to say, half-babysitting a blind man in his own home-slash-business was a bit of a curse.
"How about we play a little riddle game?"
Ah, yes, another curse.
Noa groaned. "Seriously? I hate your riddles. I feel like every time you pepper me with questions, you make me scour the shop for the book that matches whatever the hell you're on about. I lose sleep because of you--"
He frowned, half-pouting like she punched a hole through his heart or kicked him like a puppy. Gods save her.
She rolled her eyes and threw up her hands. "Fine. One riddle. I have deliveries to make."
And just like that, his face brightened. Typical. "Where do the best-kept secrets lie?"
Oh thank gods, Noa thought, slapping a hand over her small plastic container resting on the opposite side of the counter and jostling the contents of her delivery. "In books. Awesome, we're done here--"
"True, but not the answer I'm looking for."
Noa's jaw dropped. "Wait, what?"
A smug smirk accompanied the twinkle in those unseeing eyes while her palm dug into the corner of the container. "You have until the end of the day," he said, and then moved past her to get into the back hall, whistling the whole way.
Noa blinked, stun-locked until she shot his shadow a glare.
Of course the question haunted her as she bundled up and bound into the snow for one of her many journeys through town to the shipping trucks and to the shop's supply carrier. A grumble slipped through in a puff of cold air on her way back. "The best-kept secrets are the ones only one person keeps, old man."
She jogged through the back door and scraped her boots on the mat as he hummed over making himself a cup of tea. Her eyes narrowed on him.
"They're the secrets that lie within only one soul." She folded her arms over her chest, beaming with pride over her fancy, flowery words while her adversary took a sip of his floral concoction.
"Mm... Not wrong either, but--"
"Oh, for the love of--" She fumed and stormed off.
She busied herself with reorganizing supplies in the recesses of the workshop until she caught sight of an old medical handbook with torn, yellowed pages sitting on his desk.
"Lazarus!" she called, her voice echoing down the corridor. "I got it!"
"Do you now?" came his reply from somewhere on the opposite side of the small building.
"Where secrets lie is with the dead." She grinned, gripping the thin repair instruments in her hands even tighter with anticipation.
A long pause fed her even more hope, like he might grace her with his presence to congratulate her. But the floor never creaked to announce his movement. Instead, she got: "Well, that's rather morbid."
Before she knew it, dinner rolled around, and she slumped into the chair across from him at his rickety dining table. Noa blew her hair out of her face and drummed her fingertips against the glossy surface, waiting for an answer so she could leave.
"Stumped?" he asked in the midst of transferring some of his soup from the small pot into his bowl.
"Just get on with it so I'm not late for dinner tonight."
He smirked and shook his head on his way back to the stove. "My dear apprentice, have I taught you nothing?"
"I'm not your apprentice, I'm your delivery girl and bonus caregiver, you old fool."
A soft chuckle softened her heart before his next words made her want to hit him: "The best-kept secrets lie on the other side of a lock with more than one key."
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bisexualshakespeare · 2 years
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I posted 14,917 times in 2022
That's 2,095 more posts than 2021!
599 posts created (4%)
14,318 posts reblogged (96%)
(my create to reblog ratio is making me embarrassed, i promise i have original thoughts guys they're just mostly in tags or DMs)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
johannestevans (i'm not gonna @ him because he intimidates me)
I tagged 9,179 of my posts in 2022
Only 38% of my posts had no tags
#our flag means death - 952 posts
#no id - 904 posts
#izzy hands - 488 posts
#ofmd fanart - 410 posts
#video - 344 posts
#image described - 298 posts
#fanart - 283 posts
#what we do in the shadows - 254 posts
#ed teach - 253 posts
#tiktok - 246 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#thank you to the person who wrote the id and thank you to the person who called it out in the comments so i wouldn't have to scroll forever
I sent 2 gifts in 2022
(tumblr didn't say this but they were to @lawlessferalgay and @dofnup)
My Top Posts in 2022:
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We don't talk enough about how the Swede was born on a day with red rain what the fuck is that about?
188 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
apparently the oscars were actually amazing this year and we all should’ve watched live so we could see Will Smith slap Chris Rock and Chris Rock’s immediate reaction being “wow”
302 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
"i didn't like it" and "I think it wasn't well written" are different. i can personally dislike things that are not bad and i am being so brave about it
5,826 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
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Blue check marks are visible in mobile now and they push the follow button right off the page! Brilliant!
8,686 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Listen, you cannot write a full screenplay for Goncharov because the whole conceit of this is that this movie is the GREATEST MAFIA MOVIE EVER and as such it cannot actually exist in any concrete form because perfection can only survive in a thought. It is about the collaboration of being inspired by your fellow fans. It's the ability to not be right or wrong because there is no one true source! It's not about filling in the gaps its revelling in them! Living in them! Creating more of them! Goncharov is a dream you cannot nail it down
12,416 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
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petalbypetalmyself · 3 months
188/366 | brain dump?
It's been a couple of difficult days because of work. I have a lot of work to catch up on. Luckily, it's work I enjoy doing, but still, it takes up the whole of my day. I'm losing sight because of it. (Physical and metaphysical sight.) And health. But it's ultimately my choice, since I could be mending things instead. Since June is practically over, and thus we've come to the end of the first half of the year, I'm going to turn things around from now on and design little by little, but steadily, the way I want to live. I want to implement reading into my day, but not only for pleasure or leisure, but to study. Proust is a subject for study, for sure, but that's been my leisure book, suited for subtle education. So instead of thinking "if I can't read 50 pages (be it because I lack time, or the motivation to do so) I'm not reading today," how about I start by reading one page of, e. g., Stanley Cavell's (any book), and build up from there? Maybe I end up reading more than one page, and maybe I don't. But one page is better than no page. And what if I should read, since I'm translating yet another book on Plato's dialogues, only one Stephanus page of the Hippias Major, since I'm now about to start translating the pages concerning it? Maybe I get hooked up and end up reading the whole of it, before I even finish translating its interpretation.
The same goes with nutrition. I'm not following at all my nutritionist's recommended meals and portions, but today I got into Best Body, to which I'm still subscribed, and made an easier-to-follow plan with his macronutrient breakdowns. Two good things about Best Body's meal plans: (1) I customize it completely, and (2) an automated grocery list appears at the end of each one. I didn't know how important this feature was until I reached this nutritionist. So for this meal plan I only have 8 meals in 4 days. Weekends are definitely more difficult, since I'm usually at my partner's or mum's. But at least I get to eat 8 meals following his recommendations (although not his recipes). Will it work? Right now I know is the only thing I can commit to. And that's what's important. Besides, food is pricey. His meals might be delicious, but I don't want to spend more than 50€ per week on groceries.
And the same goes with smoking. I've noticed that I have more cravings, both of cigarettes and food (my cravings are low intensity, even if my mind doesn't believe so sometimes) when I'm stuck at home, and barely moving. The solution is easy in theory, difficult in practice. Why? Not only because of the weather. But because I always struggle with going out of the house. I'm always thinking I'm too fat and ugly. And it gets me an hour only to get dressed to go for a walk. That needs to stop too.
This week's weight has come down (yesterday) to 54.9 kg, but today's weigh in showed 55.3 kg. But yesterday I ate more than I planned, and did HIIT and lower body, so that should explain it.
Edit: I did the scheduled stretching workout for today and smoked three (?!) cigarettes. But it got me thinking about changing my mindset about both craving cigarettes and food (and how similar both "urges" are). They both come down to me being kinda bored, kinda tired, kinda unstimulated.
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Thanks to Kelli's video I've been thinking more and more about health again, and how my goal should be to build a strong household for my soul/mind/self, whatever you want to call it, because I want to live. I want to live.
And it's funny that, even if I felt the most uneasy when I was stretching, since my mother was there and could see me—it's always uncomfortable for me when someone sees me working out, and her especially because I feel like she's studying my body—whenever I tapped into my breathing, I felt better.
So, I know that when I have a craving reason seldom comes to my aid. Reason only comes when reason feels welcomed. Thus, when I have an urge, I never think "I don't want to smoke because I want to live longer," or that "I don't want to binge (and one never wants to binge) because this is a way of harming my health." But I think I could easily begin practicing a simple switch—"what if I don't smoke/binge?"
What if I don't?
Breathe. But not breathe seated or laying down, that never seems to work for me. Breathe while moving, be it mobility or static stretches.
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