#I'm not sure what to expect
last day of work before Christmas are customers going to be chill just wanting to tidy the last few things up or are customers going to be chaotic and out of their mind insisting we perform works of magic to get them stock before the weekend starts. Guess I'll find out
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
btw cellbit's stream was apparently retitled to 01/06 or something, which is june 1, which is thursday, which is the first day of pride month, and so i choose to believe that this is when his gatinho will 'rescue' him, because anything otherwise would be homophobic
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egophiliac · 1 year
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just thinking about hair and faces
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danielsarmand · 3 months
television drastically shortening the amount of episodes for shows really is ruining what would otherwise be Good stories because i feel like most of the complaints this new season of doctor who is receiving are due to things that could've been fixed by articulation and lengthier build-up
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt in Memes 4
Another prompt, but in memes because trying to gather my thoughts is hard sometimes lol.
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st-eve-barnes · 2 months
What happened to comments on fanfic??
For the past couple of months I've noticed a huge increase in activity on my fics on here, both old and new. I've gained new followers, I see blogs Liking their way through my entire masterlist (thank you for that) and I even get the occasional reblog now (thank you even more for that).
But through all of this boosting activity something has been strangely missing: comments.
Not one single person who read my fics in these past months left a comment. Not one, in a sea of daily Likes. Not even a gif or an emoji, nada. Complete silence.
Is this how we do fanfic now??
I am not a content creator, I don't write for Likes, I am a fellow fan who loves writing and wants to share that with other fans and see their reaction to my silly little stories and ideas. That's why I got hooked on sharing my fics on here.
Atm I'm no longer hooked, and I don't want to sound ungrateful for all those Likes but they do not motivate, encourage or inspire me.
I'm an older generation, I grew up before the Insta/Tik tok mentality took hold. I've read fanfic for over 10 years in different fandoms and I very rarely don't leave a comment when I've loved a fic.
As writers we work hours, days, weeks or months on those stories and share them with you all, for free. Is it not the least you can do when you enjoyed the work to leave a few words? Like, that's basic human decency to me and it takes you less than a minute.
Can we bring this back, please? Before more and more writers decide it's just not worth the effort anymore.
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blackkatdraws2 · 4 months
This little NPC is lost. The Narrator [Black] has come to guide her back to where she needs to be. [Blank Scripts AU]
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I imagine Black would be a lot more tolerant toward his NPCs since they're basically just the Dungeons spawns, and by extension, his own creations.
[If you're familiar with manhwas / manhuas that features the dungeon / system genre, you'd be able to understand this AU a lot easier. The majority of my inspiration for worldbuilding came from those specific genres.]
[NOTE: 'Dungeon' is just another term for the Parable. Technically, Black owns a Dungeon and the Parable is just a small part of it. The Dungeon itself is much, much larger.]
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For context, the comic below references this post about the Dungeon's children/guard dogs.
[They're more like the immune system since all they do is make sure the (body) is safe.]
[The reason the Narrator [Black] considers them his children is that the Dungeon is feeding off his energy and in turn shares the 'nutrients' to the monsters it produces, which transforms them into an image that resembles his power.]
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And the old man below is Joseph!
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Joseph is NOT AN NPC! He is a person who exists outside of the Dungeon!
[There are two separate 'worlds' for this AU. Inside the Dungeon (where most of the game-like stuff is happening) and the world outside (pretty much their normal world.)]
[There is a secret third world, and that's our world. Our reality.]
These characters are not actually important or anything, I just made them to make the AU feel more lively. To make a world that exists, you know?
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When the Narrator [Black] first established himself in their world, he found a growing problem with homelessness. Not understanding human norms or why this has become a problem in the first place, he offers (tricks) them into working for him as janitors for the Dungeon and they accept for the money.
Most of them left after they got paid, but Joseph was one of the people who stayed. He doesn't have anywhere else to go and has no ambitions in life. He just wishes to live a peaceful life with food and a roof over his head.
Joseph defaults to referring to the Narrator [Black] with feminine terms due to his appearance despite his voice. The Narrator [Black] is not the type to care for such terms anyway so he doesn't care how other people refer to him as long as there's respect.
This post focuses more on the worldbuilding and background aspects of the AU! There are a lot more in store for the Blank Scripts AU, and I want to explore more on how the characters might interact with their surroundings and how this would work to make a world that makes sense.
It would be so cool if people made self-inserts or OCs for my AU actually. I'd love to see how you guys would work with my stuff. Play around with it like a barbie world for your little barbie dolls. Be canon compliant, be canon divergent, who cares, have fun.
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rawliverandcigarettes · 3 months
Thinking about Mass Effect, as you do, and how I'm kind of sad that the way it's been engraved in pop culture has more to do with the way internet reacted to it at the time than what the actual game is about. Yes sure, it's about romance (and not that much all things considered) and it's pulpy (but not solely because of hot lady aliens), but it's also intricate worldbuilding that touches on a lot of sharp ideas, and a complicated tug-of-war between a genuine and vulnerable belief in reconciliation and community VS post 9-11 US military propaganda and steadfast belief in heroic exceptionalism, and the melancholic yet energizing mood, and the daring narrative systems, and so so much more than the 'We'll Bang OKs" and the "There's No Shepard Without Vakarian" and the whole ME3 ending situation
It's all there, but I'm sad the impact of the series is often reduced to (what I think is) the least interesting parts of its sum
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teaboot · 4 months
Was in the car with a few of my brothers when I (oldest, riding shotgun) told one (upper middle, driving) that our mutual brother (youngest, back seat) had Damian Wayne vibes.
This started an excellent conversation about the virtues of various Robins that abruptly ended when I admitted Jason Todd was my favourite, upon which my brother (the one driving) groaned loud enough to alarm truckers in the other lane
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razrogue · 3 months
Folks should be mindful when engaging with Black creator's OCs through appreciation type stuff (gifts of fanart/fanfic/etc).
If you're unsure if you're capturing the essence/appearance/personality of their OC, ASK!
I understand wanting to surprise a creator with a gift because you want to show your appreciation for their OC. But that gift is harmful when the creator sees you've whitewashed their OC or applied stereotypes or tropes that aren't a part of the character.
When in doubt, ask
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quentinfiletmignon · 10 months
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DAVID TENNANT as CROWLEY, a demon who deserved better an angel who did not so much fall as saunter vaguely downwards
A4 • STABILO point 88 liners
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shalom-iamcominghome · 3 months
I've seen the last '"g-d made you perfect" that I can handle, and it's led me to a realization about how I think of g-d.
I don't think we were made perfect. We were made human. And, if I'm honest, the only perfection in my mind is g-d, and that sense of perfection is what differentiates humans from g-d. If humans were as perfectly-made as g-d, I for one wouldn't see the point in following, believing, trusting, caring for, or loving g-d.
I guess for me, I see the ways in which humans alter the Way We Were Created that I really don't think it's right to speculate as to if there's a limit to altering our abilities or bodies. For instance, as a trans person, I've definitely been inundated with this idea that because g-d made my body "perfect" that I shouldn't alter it ever, but isn't that a dangerous precedent? Is it really so, that our bodies are magically made perfect, as g-d that to even tamper with the idea of change would be the same as cursing g-d? I really don't think that's compelling.
I love thinking about just how much g-d is placed into people, but I don't think it warrants restricting the ability to learn, create, grow, or change. Thank g-d that He created the ability to change!
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snakebites-and-ink · 4 months
Feel free to expand on the weirdly loving handler and living weapon thingy you blessed our eyeballs with 👀👀
F-feel free to share more 👀👀
The thingy in question
With pleasure :D
I hope you wanted a lot more because this got long.
You can have:
Cuddles with undertones of power dynamics
Handler gently guiding/maneuvering a currently very dissociated living weapon (possibly after a hard mission/battle/something else that was difficult for them to go through)
Dogged loyalty and devotion
Weapon too conditioned to fully understand what they’re feeling
Both protective of each other but express it in different ways according to their roles
Denial. Denial that the living weapon is really a person, denial that one or both of them have gotten too attached/emotional about the other, denial about the ways the relationship is unhealthy, whatever else.
Can’t express their love/care the way two people normally would but find other ways to show it to each other.
They get each other in a certain way that no one else does, see sides of each other that aren't shown in many other situations
The drastic contrast between violence on the field and tenderness in private
And it comes in different varieties
Flavor 1: “I take care of my things.”
Very possessive
Heavy on the dehumanization
Handler/owner won’t let the weapon forget that they’re no more than an object in their eyes; every kindness and comfort serves as a reminder of this because each one is the handler taking care of and maintaining a thing that belongs to them.
—But they’re a very valued object. Maybe they’re expensive. Maybe they’re irreplaceable. Maybe the handler is very picky discerning about what kind of living weapon they’ll work with and others don’t fit the bill. Maybe they’ve saved the handler’s life more times than anyone else the handler has worked with on the field. Regardless of the reason, the handler won’t even entertain the idea of tossing the weapon aside like any other object.
A form of ownership that looks a lot like love. It’s hard to tell where the lines are drawn between sole ownership and monogamy, between maintenance and tenderness, between carefulness and caringness.
Handler definitely will not share. This weapon is theirs and theirs alone. You are not taking it on a mission without them.
Flavor 2: Basically BDSM but more questionable in the “safe, sane, and consensual” department.
Heavy on the affection & fondness. Probably in both directions.
Handler treats the weapon as more than an object, but never as a peer. They’re beloved but ultimately expected to obey.
One or both of them delight in their unequal roles.
Likely some kind of tension and want between the handler and the weapon. Also probably in both directions.
Some dubcon intimacy going on. I’ll let you decide how dubious and how intimate. Suffice it to say, the weapon is conditioned to do what their handler tells them, and that conditioning doesn’t just disappear when they leave the battlefield.
Maybe there is some consent involved, at least at some stage. Maybe they volunteered to become a living weapon out of their own desires.
Flavor 3: Stuck in this situation and doing what they can to be nice
Handler knows this is a weapon but it looks so human
Surely the conditioning can’t completely eliminate their emotions. They must be able to feel the difference between kindness and callousness even if they don’t show it. It would be cruel not to give them gentleness and comfort when they’re past the point of being able to seek it out for themself.
Finding excuses for the “unnecessarily” nice treatment. It’s to keep them operating in peak condition. It’s to reinforce their loyalty to their handler and contrast with the violence of the enemy. It’s because it would be more unnecessary work for the handler to break the habits they formed interacting with actual people. It’s because the handler has fallen for those doe eyes.
Would probably decondition them if they were in any place to do so. But they have to answer to a higher power, whether that be a commanding officer or a greater moral good, etc. so instead they focus on making the aspects that they can control of the situation they are in more merciful and comfortable even as they continue to use them as a weapon.
Flavor 4: Love each other but both believe the dehumanization.
Conditioned like you wouldn’t believe
Maybe the handler has fallen for propaganda. Maybe they took the weapon at their very conditioned word. Maybe they’ve gone through some kind of conditioning themself. Regardless, they see the living weapon as just that: a living weapon. Definitely not a person, but not some lifeless, inanimate thing either.
There’s a deep, non-sexual intimacy to the relationship between a weapon and its wielder. To depend on another to save your life time and again, to destroy foes you could never overcome with your own bare hands. To trust someone so deeply you respond to their orders faster than you can assess a threat or target yourself, so completely you don’t even think to question them. To participate together in the intense acts of killing and fighting for your life.
That forms a bond no one else can truly understand. No relationship in polite society compares with one founded on mortal peril and unquestioning faith.
In the end one is a person and one is a weapon, but they’ve both developed a love for the other. Their relationship is built on the difference in their roles and functionally inextricable from that difference, yet is defined by more than roles alone. If you asked them what they were to each other they would say “It’s my weapon” and “They’re my wielder” with absolute surety, but they would say it with love in their eyes and fondness in their voices.
Flavor 5: Handler doesn’t realize how deeply gentle their treatment affects the weapon
Maybe the handler considers it basic human decency. Maybe they consider it more efficient to keep their weapon in top condition. Maybe they’re just a naturally gentle person. Regardless, they treat the weapon better than any handler or trainer before them but (at least initially) don’t think much of it.
No one else has shown the weapon any sort of kindness since before they were a weapon.
Taken by surprise when the weapon breaks down crying in a tender moment
Handler is kind because it just makes sense. Cruelty doesn’t serve any purpose. It doesn’t have especial meaning to them.
In contrast, the kindness means everything to the living weapon. They become deeply devoted to the handler over it.
Maybe the handler finds out how much it means to the weapon. Do they try to tell them it’s no big deal? Do they make it more of a point to always show that kindness now that they know how important it is? Do they worry this means the weapon needs more conditioning?
I’ve had this on the mind a lot can you tell
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egophiliac · 4 months
@enderfore replied to your post “What do you think of Rook's savanaclaw card? <333”:
Chenya pic where???? I can barely see anything in that room there so much going on, rooks such a lil freak (affectionatr)
​he's under the row of flags on Neige's side of the room, next to the big Neige poster with the yellow background (look just to the right of the hand holding the apple)! he's REAL little; once you know he's there you can kind of see him in-game, but I only noticed him in the first place because I took a screenshot and was having fun zooming in on all the details!
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I think that's either Hop or Snick and Dominic on either side of Neige, but if the others are meant to be anyone in particular I don't recognize 'em. though I do love all the absolutely terrifying implications of Rook having this. was this some kind of officially-published merchandise (and if so, why) or did Rook like...go hunting through the RSA trash to find this random student lineup just because it included Neige, and has had it hanging proudly on the wall ever since. (I mean, he definitely did do this, I don't know why I'm asking. the real question is why he hasn't cut out little pictures of his own face and stuck them over everyone else's yet.)
there is seriously SO MUCH in this room. how did Rook manage to keep this hidden for three years. also, somebody give this background artist a raise immediately.
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dawntainbobbynash · 5 months
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I'm not gonna tell you how you feel about Marisol, Eddie. Only you know that.
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hajihiko · 1 year
Sonia and Komaeda getting along well enough to room together is so good honestly. Even if its mostly bc she takes no shit, Komaeda was still like the only person to stand up for her when Teruteru was trying to get frisky about her naiveté in the prologue/ch1.
I kind of suspect she was acting more unknowing than she really was then, to suit her role as a princess, but he had no way of knowing that then. Plus, if she was aware then, it might be easier for her to recognize the side of him that isn't all hope n murder? Since outside of the killing game he's pretty polite (if self effacing) and generally not down for creepy behavior.
If you've got any more thoughts on these two's interactions postgame, I'd love to hear.
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I dont think it's perfect by any means (nothing on the ship is!) but its proooobably the best quick-solution scenario?
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