#I'm not super proud of this page but I think the next definitely makes up for it~
ros3ybabe · 4 months
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Daily Check-in: May 20, 2024 🎀
omg it'd almost the end of May, what the heck? I'm so excited, I leave to Colorado for my 8 weeks of work very soon and I can't wait! it's going to be such a cool experience being in a new place for a while!
Monday was a good day. My dad and my boyfriend both think I overdid it on the physical exertion a bit, and I agree. I took a long walk, outside, in 95 degree heat, with no sunscreen. Which is why they said I overdid it because my chest and shoulders are sooooo sunburnt. But Monday was amazing! Started off strong, ended not as strong but still good!
🩷 What I Accomplished:
~13k+ steps for the day
took an hour and a half long walk outside(it was amazing, I loved it, I stayed hydrated ans soaked up all the sunlight and fresh air)
completed a 30 min beginner pilates workout from Move with Nicole
did my morning journaling and gratitude
wrote down a positive quote of the day and read through my journal where I wrote down some things that I want to read daily
read and "annotated" 14 pages of Atomic Habits
took a 20 minute power nap
worked a ~6.5 hour shift
drank at least ~80oz of water (that's pretty good given I used to drink like 20oz a day and wonder why I never felt good)
took my two medications + vitamin D supplement
took a cool shower and washed my hair at the end of the day
went to sleep early!
💞 Good Things That Happened
my friend and a supervisor im close with complimented my appearance in a way that gave me a confidence/motivational boost
my other friend and I decided we're probably getting our nails done together next week
that same friend ^ and I are going to go shopping next week as well
my work is going to schedule me where I can still go to brunch with my dad on Friday!
my man starts his first day of work on Tuesday (I'm so excited for him! It's gonna suck not being able to text him all day, but I'm so proud of him for getting this job and all the progress he's made)
got complimented on how efficient I was at work by the night shift supervisor
ate goods that made me happy without feeling guilty or anxiety about it
💔 What Could've Gone Better
I over ate a bit at night after work and felt kind of bloated and sick when I went to bed. it's okay tho, things happen, and Tuesday is a new day <3
super sunburnt!!!! my chest and shoulders are bright, bright red! and I'm a naturally pretty tan person, so seeing my skin that red, yep, I'm definitely super burnt! need to wear sunscreen and protective clothes when I take a shorter walk on tuesday
I definitely overdid it on that walk. got too overzealous and pushed myself a lot. my legs were hurting so bad by the end of the day and that's not good. as much as I enjoyed the walk, I need to be so much more kinder to and thoughtful of my body. it does a lot for me, and I need to treat it right <3
💗 Stuff For Tuesday
take a shorter walk outside in the morning
read more of Atomic Habits (and annotate)
begin studying Spanish some more (fell off the habit but I have a lesson next Tuesday the 28th, so I need to be prepared!)
do some gentle morning and night skincare (my face is a little red from yesterday but not too bad since I wore a hat during my walk)
do my morning beginner pilates and gratitude journaling (I've already done these as of right now, but I struggled with the so-called "beginner" pilates video from IsaWelly. practice makes perfect, tho so I've got to keep consistent!)
book nail appointments with my friend for next week (hopefully the nail tech/nail salon I go to has availability for her and I to go together! I also need to pick the design i want!)
budget for this upcoming paycheck and what I need to save vs what I'm going to spend (and need to buy)
work a ~5 hour shift
talk to my man over video call at the end of the day to see how work/training went for him (it's his first day of work, but it's a hands on training kind of day for him as well)
💕 Song of The Day: aespa - Supernova
what an absolutely amazing song omg. aespa literally never misses with their music. I almost put Spicy, but I've been obsessed with Supernove since it dropped. I love it so much <3
That's all for Monday, like I said, it was a beautiful start to the week for me! And here's to Tuesday being a good day as well <3 I hope everyone here has a wonderful beginning of their week!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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gryffindorkus · 8 months
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I just finished my 4th fic bind and I'm finally feeling proud enough of a bind to post it!
It's for the fic 'the years go by like days' by georgiestauffenberg. It's for the ship reddie (Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak) from It! This fic is my reddie canon and if you haven't read it but ship those two I HIGHLY recommend checking it out.
Anyway, into the bind.
I learned a lot with my first three binds and I applied those months of trial and error to this one. The parts I'm proud of are:
A paper cover! For the other 3 I did pretty simple cardstock covers but I wanted to try out making a paper cover for the fic this time, that way I could go a little more crazy with the design. I think it turned out super well! I'm definitely going to be doing this again for some of my fics in the future!!
The 3 sections the fic is split into (Derry, Los Angeles, and New York) all have their own full page illustrations to separate the sections
A fake price tag that is actually a QR code to the fic on Ao3
FINALLY FIGURED OUT MY PREFERRED TEXT SIZE! I've always liked fics with slightly larger text and this time I think I got it perfectly and my margins are good (I really struggled with margins for my first ones)
The things I didn't like slash messed up on and will remember to do differently next time are:
The cover is a few millimeters too small (which you can clearly see in the pictures). Next time I'm going to make the design bleed out quite a bit so I can cut it to the exact right dimensions once it's printed.
The text on the spine of the cover is a little too close to the top and needed a bit more space, it looks a bit crowded how it is.
((thankfully these are both things I could easily fix by just editing the sleeve and printing it again))
So all in all I'm sooooo proud of this bind and really amazed at the improvement between this one and my first fic bind, especially because I've only been binding fics for a few months. I have one other fic I'm already in the middle of binding and I'm trying another technique (going super traditional with this one), so I can't wait to see how it turns out!
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patibato · 2 months
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-A17 - Alien Egg
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Ushio: …
The washbasin isn't dried after use, and of course, the mirror's covered in water.
The towels are wet, and the paper I brought for my own use is empty.
And best of all, they're playing appropriately loud music for a quiet night…
…Hahaha, hahahahaha…!
(This is why I don't want to live together with humans!)
*door opens*
Ushio: You lot- -!?
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Akuta: Ah, whoopsie.
Ushio: What… is this…?
Akuta: Cola!
Nanaki: Aaah, it got all over your face. That's what happens when you come in without notice. Poor thing.
Muneuji: Are there towels? Kinugawa, please check to see if the floor's dirty.
Kiroku: …
Nanaki: We were having an "Adult-Free American-Style Party". Didn't invite you cuz we figure you hate lively stuff.
Ushio: … …
Akuta: YEAH~! I always give a warm welcome~! The carbonation'll reduce the wrinkles on your brow~♪
Ushio: …Why are you sucking the can from the side.
Akuta: This is "shotgunning". Saw it in a movie. You make a hole in the cola's guts, put your mouth there, and drink it di-rect-ly!
Makes you look like a super refi~ned adult. Popular with the ladies too!
Ushio: …
Nanaki: Ahahaha, you really are stupid. So soothing.
Ushio: It's not.
Muneuji: I see, so that's how all adults consume canned beer. I learned something new.
Ushio: …Is your helmet fully waterproof?
Muneuji: Yes. It's very pleasant, being guarded from the spray.
Akuta: Gimme another!
Nanaki: Aaalright, what song do we put on next. DJ's gotta be good at picking something to liven things up
Ushio: You guys can go to hell.
Akuta: Huh!? Of course we can! Falling, falling~!
Nanaki: Fine by me. When that happens, you'll be going there with us.
Ushio: …
Kiroku: …Ku… …
…Kurama… you might… know this, but-
Right now, the adults are… at a gathering… with some of the locals-
Ushio: -Buddharupa…
Kiroku: …!
Ushio: Idiotake doesn't listen, and it's annoying how Panda just has to get the last word in, so I'm gonna talk to you.
Kiroku: … …
Ushio: Why is it that you aren't stopping them?
Aren't things in a terrible state all over? Are you calm, even seeing such a disastrous scene?
Kiroku: Disastrous… scene?
Ushio: Selfishly using other people's paper, leaving clothes lying around after getting changed. Making my face all wet and sticky with cola. Saying things are noisy is an understatement, aren't they causing a disturbance?
What are you doing, hiding in a safety zone without stopping them? It's obvious the adults will be angry when they return, isn't it?
Kiroku: … Uh… ah…
Ushio: Hey, why? I'm absolutely not letting you get away until I get an answer.
Kiroku: … Ah… um…
Egg: …!
Kiroku: Ah.
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Ushio: … …
Muneuji: Oh. It's the egg.
Akuta: It's clinging to Ushio's face…!
Kiroku: …The, egg…
Ushio: Hh…
Kiroku: …Has, sprouted… legs…
Kiroku: Kurama… you're kind of… r-reacting like a little girl…
Ushio: I can't see anything! Oi, Buddharupa! You're there aren't you! Huwwy and, and, get, get it, get it aaawff!
Kiroku: …Don't, move…
Egg: …
Ushio: …What the hell…
Kiroku: The egg has… legs…
Ushio: I can SEE that! That's so disgusting! Something like that, on my face…!
I'm going to wash my face. With a scourer.
Kiroku: -…But it's… so cute…
Ushio: Is something wrong with your aesthetic sense.
Kiroku: ……
Akuta: Yeah, I also got mega scared when I saw it earlier! It's all squiggly! So cool!
Nanaki: …I don't think it's alive, but I wonder if it has a purpose.
Kiroku: …I don't know… but, it's… cute…
Muneuji: I'm proud to be able to witness the miracles of space.
Ushio: You guys, what are you talking about this so casually for!? That's not normal!
This is ridiculous! Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous! Saying it upfront, I'm changing my mind!
No way we can keep this! We've gotta throw it in the sea! It's my turn next, so I'm telling you now I'll definitely throw it away!
Nanaki: Yes, we're on the same page.
Ushio: First time I'll agree with you. Alright, the people who want to throw it away are me, Panda, and Kinugawa, so that's three. Majority rules means-
Kiroku: …!!
Ushio: …What is it.
Kiroku: I won't hand it over…
Ushio: Huh!?
Kiroku: I absolutely… won't hand it, to anyone… won't let you… be cruel to it.
Akuta: Ah, you comin' over to our side? Then we're the majority once again~! I'm not throwing it away!
Muneuji: Not throwing it away.
Kiroku: … Not…
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Nanaki: shit.
Ushio: …
Right. That's fine. Give it here.
Kiroku: I won't, let you… throw…
Ushio: You're too suspicious. I won't. It's just my turn now.
Or do you think I'm a guy who's so bad at reading the room that I'd try overturning a majority decision?
Kiroku: …
Ushio: (I mean, obviously I'll throw it away. Aaah, but I don't want to touch it directly… I'll put it in a bug cage or something later…)
-Later, then. You guys make sure to clean up properly.
Akuta: 'Kaaay, good niiight. Nanaki, put a new song on! Something with oomph~!
Ushio: …
*door closes*
*Akuta and Nanaki laughing*
Muneuji: ……
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News Reporter: "Moving on to our next report."
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News Reporter: "Early this morning, a fire broke out at a coastal park in a metropolitan area. A cleanup robot's entire body was…"
Ushio: ……
News Reporter: "The incident saw no casualties."
Ushio: ……
Momiji: (Ushio's watching the news like it's the end of the world… I wonder if he's alright.)
Ushio: …
Momiji: (No response. …Seems he doesn't want to talk.)
*door opens*
Muneuji: I have returned.
Momiji: Ah, welcome back. Thanks for going in my place!
Muneuji: No need to thank me.
In regards to Kinugawa, who is working hard by himself in the atelier, I would be happy if I was of even a bit of help.
Momiji: Kiroku-kun… how was he?
Muneuji: He's holed himself up in there, immersed in his creation like a man possessed, but-
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*knock knock*
Muneuji: Kinugawa.
Kiroku: …
Muneuji: Pardon me for entering while you're concentrating. I come with provisions from Chief.
It's a large size bento centered around deep-fried food. An irresistible course for any growing Japanese boy.
Kiroku: …It's big… and… tawny… Thanks…
Muneuji: I'll leave it here. Well then.
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Muneuji: Though there didn't seem to be any signs of it just yet, I'm sure he'll wolf it down sooner or later once he gets hungry.
And - I feel his countenance has changed somewhat. Any indication of his melancholic worrying has disappeared, or rather-
It was like an evil spirit had been purged from him.
Momiji: I see. That's great! Good job… ah.
Is that a souvenir? Did you get that for your family?
Muneuji: Yes. I took a quick look at a souvenir shop on my way back, and as there were many good-looking items, I got this for my younger sister.
Momiji: (So you really love your little sister, Muneuji-kun.)
Alright then, could I get your report on how everyone's getting on?
Muneuji: Understood. To start, as I'm sure you are aware, Nanamegi has begun composing his own music as he found simply operating it to be boring - he's full of motivation, and doing well.
Isotake has been vigorously shooting various scenes in Shodoshima, and is enthusiastic about editing them to match shots from the festival.
Momiji: Everything's progressing soundly, then!
(It's Day Five of the study tour, too… the festival's the day after tomorrow.)
(My only concern is…)
Ushio: …
Momiji: (This kid, who's lying down in front of the TV… I guess.)
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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mulling-over-milgram · 6 months
Day two // actually started binding in my book binding project :0 (unbelievable)
Today was much more productive! I had the whole day (mostly) to work on it so l got heaps done! I didn't get as much done as I thought but l'm starting to suspect that it's because I over estimate my out put rather then I wasn't productive enough.
first thing I finished I don't have a full photo of because it was ripped to pieces :) it was a second prototype for the mechanism. It works the exact same way as the original and is pretty much same in general except for alterations to the decorations and this one was made to scale and with the same material as the final project.
I needed to make lots of alterations to it the first one didn't need because the first was to see if I could get the general idea to work this one was to get the exact details fully fleshed out they have the same skeleton but the sizing, shape and placement of the decoration is different something you can't see because it is as aforementioned ripped to pieces :) since it was a prototype I wasn't exactly super careful with it on top of the fact thing were getting changed/moved alot and that I scarified the material for other thing were I could its not in great shape.
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(what remains…)
got the window? Thingy done today. (Well their the odd thing I want to tidy up and ad but functionally done) It's definitely the part I'm most proud of so far but I do sorta wish I had different materials. The colouring in pencil looks kinda out of place and the card is flimsier than I would have liked but l worked with what I had and I do like it. The star was originally supposed to be the earths moon but I stuck the planet circle on wrong so they weren’t next to each other anymore…so it changed it to a star! Surprise lucky reference in my kotoko book bind? More likely then you think
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Something else thats more likely than you'd think actually book binding shock and awe. The binding isn't great but the biggest problem is l punched the holes in the wrong place :) it was fine in the end it just means the pages are a little out of place but man am I mad at myself for messing up something so simple.
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And now for the thing that inspired the project actually pressing the book! Now you might be looking at the video below and be wondering about the label clearly saying 'flower press' and this is what I meant in the original poll when I said the press wasn't technically meant for books. My dads cousin had gotten it for an art project but never used it so he gave it to me because he thought l might want to incorporate some pressed flowers into my art but I realised that the press was big enough to fit a text block into it if you took out the cardboard layers so thats what its being used for.
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Lastly I cut the cover boards! They aren't anything to special for now its just cardboard from the backs of old sketch books cut to size.
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-uploading all the pictures is taking so long ITS BEEN OVER TWO HOURSSSS so while I waited I cut/folded and glued the inside pages. Nothing fancy just coloured paper.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 11 months
Hello!! For the ask game: ✏️🖋️🖥️
(It’s nice to meet another sapphic aspec!)
Nice to meet another one too! Thanks for the ask!
I ended up writing A LOT about this ask! Super excited to share everything (thank you!!!) but it's super long so under the cut. But I did format a bit to make it hopefully easier to read.
✏️"what are your current WIPs about?"
The main WIPs that I'm currently focusing on are The Secret Portal and School of the Legends, the former of which with more focus.
The Secret Portal is about a group of preteens/teens who discover a portal to another dimension. This dimension is full of people with powers with a minority of those without. After decades of protests from the oppressed minority, tensions rose, and eventually turned into a war of two extremes.
Hard to explain how everything connects, but I appreciate the nuance and multi-perspective approach this needs, but man is it hard. So much brainpower to make this story work, but I'm proud of what I have.
Despite a young cast this is a YA series (think Stranger Things in terms of age of characters vs demographic. This is TV-14 so to speak). I focus heavily on young perspectives because a) I was a kid when writing this for the first time (see later this post) so it just happened but also b) it ended up working thematically with a level of innocence needed there. Bonus, c) being in education I'm fascinated with young minds.
Still a long way to go and currently in the beta reading stage (see pinned post), which is definitely needed given a wide range of topics and fully appreciated to those who have given me their advice.
Planned to be a five book series that's essentially a long continuation from each installment to the next.
School of the Legends is a much easier story to write even if I don't have everything planned yet. It deals with various legends, stories, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, etc. in the same universe, but My Version, aka, things are based on the above, but not a direct copy.
The titular school is an international school meant for those gifted (people born with powers), magicked (people learning magic as a skill), and cursed (people who have powers thrust upon them).
I have an outline for the overall plot of the series (four books are planned) but not super far into it.
Have more characters planned than I know what to do with but most will probably be in the background no matter how sad that makes me.
🖋️"what inspired you to write your WIPs?"
Hm... Sometimes it's just impulse but let's backtrack.
TSP was first conceived as a grade school creative writing project. I just went overboard. Let's get into it.
Went into more detail on my website and tiktok, but the short version is that it was loosely inspired by a stuffed animals game from when I was a little younger which was in turn was loosely inspired by (drumroll) The Rainbow Magic fairy series. Don't know how that happened, so I guess that was a huge influence despite no similarities now.
My friends all inspired parts of it, as most of the OCs have their roots being friend inserts (gone now but it's funny the fragments that are left over from this).
What inspired me to keep going, however, was actually a bit of pride. I was super proud of the original assignment (15 pages!!! Twice as much as the second longest!! I got a 100%!!) and was also super invested in the world I made.
Admittedly when middle school me decided to turn this into a more """"grown up"""" series, it go really cringe...but I was so ambitious this would be published some day (HA).
TSP became what it is today due to an obsessive amount of writing in eighth grade (age 14) and hitting a block in all projects and deciding to start it over, very different from previous drafts.
SOTL was a bit of a passion side project that wasn't meaning to be #2 in WIPs, but I like where we are and it has more broad areas of inspiration.
What started my love for fairy tale adaptations were the Whatever After series and The Land of Stories series, especially the latter. I wanted to make my own version, so had some ideas for characters once again based on my friends. No plot ideas.
In early seventh grade I wrote a dreadful draft that included a "princess school" which was inspired by...I don't actually know I think I read a lot of princess school books but I don't remember the titles. So inspiration from there of course.
Other fairy tale retellings just increased my love for the subgenre, and I got more passionate about making my own, though each draft is so different it's hard to draw connections. It was basically an idea I tried until it worked.
🖥️"what types of writing do you do?"
Well, there's the obvious novel writing.
I love it. It's so hard but I live for the thrill.
Novels are more my thing because I have Too Many Ideas. I wrote a lot of short stories in my creative writing class and found them too limiting. Some may become novels, some maybe novellas. We will have to see.
Fiction is my thing but especially fantasy (I'm using this as a broad term that means "not realistic fiction" including sci-fi and other branches - I'm actually bad at high fantasy).
TSP has annoying sci-fi elements (I walked into this as if this project needed to be harder!), but SOTL is a more relaxed fantasy.
I love reading realistic fiction, but for my writing RF is too real sometimes, if that makes sense. That's obvious...idk how to get across what I'm saying, but I find myself able to express myself through fantasy when I'm doing my own creative writing.
Even in my creative writing class, I'd always make a fantasy story, since we never were told anything had to be realistic fiction. Never intentionally, that's just where my brain defaulted to. I can't think of a single realistic fiction idea I haven't scrapped completely.
It's not that I don't like RF, I LOVE reading it. But it's not for me writing.
I also tend to write geared toward Young Adult. Maybe I'll go for MG or New Adult but I think YA is my ballpark.
Outside of fictional writing, I mainly write reviews or analyses of other media.
I don't post these anywhere attached to this pen name, they're mainly just for me and my friends.
I don't need the world to know my opinions, but I need my opinions on paper. I am a writer by nature, so I feel a compulsion, an itch, to write down my thoughts on everything and anything.
And when I have super strong opinions about X media...well I gotta write about it. Whether it's short form reviews of movies, complex reviews of TV shows, rants about X subject, I gotcha.
I'm working hard on a review/analysis right now, so haven't worked on TSP in over a month, which is awful, but I need to reach a stopping point for this project before going back to it. I do think it is a needed break, though, since I find marathoning writing for TSP before needing to take a step back before another marathon.
I also find analyzing media, why I like it, why I don't, what worked, what didn't, helps me in my writing. By examining other works, I realize how I can improve my craft, by either doing something or not doing something or learning from another media. They're intertwined, to me.
I do writing for school, too. Education major and am working on a case study. I actually like it?? Combining two interests is interesting who knew?
And that's the end of this super long post!! This was so much fun thank you for the ask and thank you and anyone who actually read this far!
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mister13eyond · 1 year
4, 6, 16!
4.) Which has the most “you” in it, however you’d define that?
I think it's definitely April 6th, for a whole lot of reasons- I talked about this a little yesterday, but it's very much a fic that (even though I didn't know it at the time) was me Dissecting a lot of things- but on a less introspective note, I think it also has the most "me" in it simply because I gave up making it a fic comprised only of words Very Quickly. I've always struggled with the actual act of putting words down on the page, so writing April 6th as not only chapters but also text exchanges, social media posts, polaroid images, a twine game with illustrations, etc really let me tell the story in a way that feels more ME? I'm a kind of all over the place person and it's a kind of all over the place fic, but because of that I think it's very much the kind of thing that has My Voice all over it and I'm still really proud of it!
6.) Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work?
God, I think there are two tied for the top and both of them are horror concepts 😭i LOVE horror and i LOVE good horror writing but i struggle so hard with catching the FEELING of horror in text alone? The first one was a fic about Giorno attempting to use GER to bring Bruno back from the dead that I got 90% of the way through and then just COULD NOT get the ending to hit right- nothing felt like it hit hard enough!
The other was a KiraBoss fic that was ESSENTIALLY consensual snuff rp- diavolo is still deathlooped and kira is a ghost haunting his home in morioh, and every night they play out scenes where Kira hunts Diavolo through the house and kills him, only for a twist at the end to reveal this is an elaborate game they play and they're both Super into it. I still REALLY love the concept but the actual pacing and atmosphere of the horror segment with Diavolo being hunted and murdered just... never felt sufficiently horror-y.... so it will linger in my mind forever i suppose!
16.) 3 favorite comments ever received on fanfic.
god, there are So many that I would say, it's honestly been wild getting so many heartfelt and in depth comments on my work? like holy shit i made something that people are Having Feelings about. I made something and it gave people emotions and they're reacting to it and it's really actually reaching people emotionally? holy fuck?
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then there's this one which made me fucking HEEHOO when it hit back to back (context is kinda hard to explain without spoilers, but giorno Does Some Fuckshit and then the immediate next chapter changes course):
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and lastly, this one which ONLY exists in screencap form for reasons that will become apparent-
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but honestly i could go on and on, it's kinda insane and special to me that people have said anything sincere and heartfelt or funny and witty or ANYTHING about my work?
(also bonus points: i. i literally keep a compilation of every time someone has said my fic made them cry. this is actually an outdated version but the current one is on a different device so.)
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Daily update on Into the eyes of fire:
As it‘s pretty early, there might be a second update coming later
You‘re so right. I often struggle with giving up as soon as something doesn’t go as I planned/wanted it to.
This project means a lot to me and I think the fact that I’ve already mentioned it so much to you helps with keeping me at it (because I can’t just give up and never do it and nobody will ever know nor care)
It makes me so so happy that you‘re excited for it! /g
Those days suck. Usually the only thing that helps is sleeping and hoping the next day is better (even tho then I’m often scared that the next day might be just as bad)
We definitely do ♥️
Yeah, snuggling with owl plushies has helped surprisingly much. It‘s an old habit I just recently picked up again, but plushies truly are very nice (and owls simply mean everything to me. I‘m not getting called Owl for no reason xD)
Today started terribly, but I managed to get myself together somehow which meant I was at least a little productive
I’ve also drawn a little, but I’m planning on going on with that now
I read that ask about casual ghoul nudity and it totally made me think of ItEoF, because it‘s the main reason why I decided not to host it on webtoon
And now there is an entirely naked ghoul on the second page lmao
So yeah. There‘s gonna be a lot of casual nudity in it
~ @owlishanon
I am also very guilty of quitting something if I'm not immediately good at it. Or as soon as it starts to go wrong. It happens to me a lot with craft projects. But I've gotten better about following through--and trying again if the first time isn't what I want. Perfectionism is super not healthy, and I'm trying to break myself of it. Not everything has to be perfect. Just doing it at all is something to be proud of. I'm glad that talking about it keeps you motivated. You can talk to me about it whenever you want. It's fun to hear your thought processes about it and I'm excited to see it take shape! Today was a better day for me than yesterday (not perfect, but better and that's all I can ask for). I also snuggled with some plushies when I went to bed last night. And when I got home from work the keyboard I thought I'd ruined was back up and running (thanks to my partner cleaning the absolute shit out of it and doing everything he could to salvage it). My keycaps are still a little sticky, but they all work. I really really love casual nudity ghouls. They're so important to me. I'm glad you're including them. It just feels so normal that they wouldn't have any of the same humans have around nudity for so many reasons! I'm glad you're going to include it!! I hope the rest of your day went well and you got some drawing done! I have the next two days off so I am going to try to get some crafting and some writing done. We'll see how successful I am.
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lunashiba · 2 years
December 24, 2022
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I drew a page today. Although it wasn't what I had planned on drawing yesterday, I'm happy with what I got today.
I started today with the hand and the arm- I knew right away I wanted to draw those because I had skipped out on drawing them these last few doodles.
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Woohoo! I was happy with this hand and arm. I think I'm slowly getting closer to what I usually want to draw hands like. I've got a lot of adoration for art where the hands are pretty detailed, rough, and less "anime" in the sense the hands are very thin and elegant. I like drawing these sorta hands because I want to show that these are very beautiful, and share it with everybody. Not to sound hand-crazed, but the rougher and more detailed hands are, the more in love I get with whatever character they're attached to.
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Next, came this guy. Hello this guy. There was nobody in particular this was based off of, but I wanted to try a new hair style because I always draw the same type of hair, where it's very boring and is just a few boring bangs in the same places. I also wanted to give more volume to the hair in the pony tail, so I kinda used the method I use for drawing ribbons to display them all bunched together. I like it, but I think in my usual drawings, it's a bit hard to use because they're so rough, and tend to fit on only certain types of characters (or the hairstyles kinda give the vibe of a different type of character). I added prayer beads inspired by the ones my dad hangs in his car and sometimes wears. I'm sorry for making you so troubled so that you have to meditate and pray all the time for me.
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Here is the finished page. I apologize for all the eraser shavings. I hope that as I keep practicing, I'll be using less of my eraser. I'm going to keep working hard- as hard as I can. I'm gonna work so hard, everybody's gonna tell me "Luna, you're a hard worker. I'm so, so proud of you. You're doing great!..."
Just kidding. As it is now, people tell me to relax and be easier on myself. Thank you, everybody. I definitely will. I'll keep telling that to myself and keep typing it so I don't forget that I have friends and family that care about me and love me, no matter how mean my brain is being to myself.
I think it's pretty easy for a lot of people to just go "It's literally as easy as X, Y, and Z." or to say "Literally just don't think about it," but I hope that if you've experienced that too, to not let that person get you down. I've seen it myself lately, and I don't think it's fair to some people. It's not as easy for some people as it is for those people that say that sort of stuff. I'll keep my chin up if you guys promise to keep your chins up too.
The type of person that says the word "literally" super often to put somebody down, or to legitimately trivialize hard work isn't somebody I personally want to hang out with. People everywhere of different circumstances struggle with everything. It's hard for some people- a lot harder than those types of people could ever imagine. So props to the hardest workers out there, who have to struggle under people who say that whatever they're doing is easy, even when it's not for them. Best of luck to the people who have to put in a hundred hours for every ten somebody else spends. That in of itself is beautiful beyond comparison- far more beautiful than the people that have it easy and do nothing but think less of others. Have a great Christmas Eve, everyone.
Thank you for reading.
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 1 year
for the fic writer question things !!
2, 4, and 7 mayhaps?
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
well i really don't have a lot of fics (i have 3 total :p), so all of these show up a total of one (1) time lol. so i'm super sorry anon but i can't really answer this question because when i write fics, i mostly write long multi-chapter things and have only a singular oneshot and then two others so there's really not much i can do for ya here :/ maybe when i've written a bit more i'll be able to answer that in good conscience lol.
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
ooooooh ok ok!!! well in robert aeor high (slighttttt spoilers ahead so be wary!!! next update doesnt come out for a little bit as i've been busy with across the great divide and my brothers birthday) i'm really proud of the foreshadowing i did from the very beginning, like how i mentioned that grian went to scott's school in, like, the second or third chapter, and the way i alluded to scott's mom being a cult leader in the first. i've found in writing it's better if you don't just dump a bunch of new thigns on the reader at the plot twist, but rather make it so if they go back they can see the events that lead up to the twist. it just makes it much more satisfying to read in my opinion :3
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
i am NOT GOOD at worldbuilding lol- but i think i would have to say it would be in scarian oneshot i wrote that one time,, i managed to pack a lot into those like, 2000 words or however long it was. i really enjoyed writing a kind of classic fantasy environment, and definitely got a lot of inspo from other fantasy fics i've read in the past!!
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cgcgs43046 · 4 months
Co-writer(s) needed! Copied directly from a fic/a repost:
Hello to anyone who is reading this!
I am proud to announce that I finished Part 1 of my fic and I'm eager to get back to writing the next few parts of AU's and produce as many as I can. I used to have a co-writer, but they don't have much time or can be unresponsive at times.
I really want to improve my writing skills and avoid making my stories/the way I portray characters feel one-dimensional and not emotionally impactful for anyone reading them, then getting a thread of angry comments/harassment for writing something outlandish and "un-creative" 😅
By the way, the fandoms I write for can be found on my user page. Most of them are Hellaverse (Helluva and Hazbin), Owl House, Amphibia, Gravity Falls, SVTFOE (Star vs. the Forces of Evil), Amphibia, ALTLA (Avatar and the Last Airbender and Korra), Ducktales, and some lesser-known ones such as Disenchantment (2018) or Adventure Time and any of its spin-offs, Infinity Train, and so on. It will vary at times. If you can be a co-writer and are willing to put in time and effort to write with me.
I’m looking for someone who (please read, these are high expectations so if you don't want to meet those, then don't read):
Knows Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss or any other fandoms well enough so you understand the characters and their personalities/lore and little details and stuff and would want to make suggestions; also knows the character reaaaaally well to...
Is a chill person, and nice (Idk why I put this here, but this is a requirement)
Has good ideas and suggestions
Can write well (with good grammar/punctuation/dialog format, good formatting NO spacing, Textual Styles for Emphasis, advanced vocabulary/techniques. I know I'm asking a lot, but I believe in creating quality content)
Is not a hardcore shipper and chooses to annoy me with my ideas and hates what I do with the characters, and their stories (cough, cough Stoliz cough, cough)
Willing to write explicit sex/mature stuff, (mostly will be minor but can be referenced or shown in some chapters)
My ideas can be a bit outlandish, so bear with me, please! 
Has a light schedule and can keep up with my plans/ideas (trying to be as polite as I can be here...)
If you think that’s for you, then definitely send me a message, or comment down below! Then we can talk about it, but let me know what your favorite characters or story arcs are in the fandoms we share, how you approach storytelling or character development in your own writing... and some general stuff (not anything specific) and why you would want to be a co-writer, I'll try to let as many people comment as possible before I make the final choice. And please be specific on anything you want me to know (if you want.)
~Anonymus338 [AO3 Username] (I have Discord, and AO3 in case you want to chat, and how it will work is that we'll write the fic in Google Docs, then copy and paste it into AO3! Or if you have any other ways, please let me know 😊) I'm mainly focusing on Helluva and Hazbin fandoms mixed with some of the fandoms I listed for writing btw, with emphasis on Helluva Boss, so if you watched the show(s) 100 Billion times/know the characters super well, maybe this is for you! ;)
Here are the summaries/links for both of my works for it, if you guys need it:
Part 1 - The Omniversal Mix-Up! (https://archiveofourown.org/works/52360120/chapters/134117518): 
Heaven: An ethereal realm for redeemed souls, filled with angels and marked by divine judgment and virtue, yet harboring deep-seated secrets about its annual Exterminations, coming down each year to cull the population of demons. Earth: The realm of mortals, teeming with diverse life and cultures. Hell: A chaotic realm defined by rampant sin and freedom—created by the first act of sin, where a princess champions the possibility of redemption for all. In an alternate scenario, a group of mischievous imps runs a unique assassination business—thanks to a magical Grimoire from the Ars Goetia, navigating the complexities of Hell while maintaining their operation amidst adversity. It may all seem straightforward, but the story holds deeper secrets unknown. Think you've unraveled it all? Think again. Enter the "Eclipse Queen" who ties into many known stories we've all grown to love, yet her secrets are deeply entrenched within the Omniverse. Who IS this Eclipse Queen? What lies beyond the knowledge we possess? Who exactly kept those big secrets? And just what exactly is the Omniverse? The answer to these questions and more lies in the twists and turns of this story... read to find out!
Part 2 - Chaos Reborn (link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56033533/chapters/142316074)
Our tale continues as we now focus on the most recent adventures of the members of I.M.P. are thrust into a vortex of conflict, grappling with adversaries both familiar and unforeseen. At the heart of their struggles lies Blitzø, the eccentric and ever-dynamic leader, whose past actions have left a trail of unresolved tensions and emotional debts, that are coming back to haunt him. To make matters worse, or better, his ex from the past, not Verosika or any of the ones you might know. Has begun bleeding into his life begins bleeding into their life and Blitz is MORE than happy to re-start their relationship since it was the only relationship he had a MUTUAL break up with, but the problem is that he has to keep her a secret, because she's none other than the Eclipse Queen of Heaven, and a very powerful figure... and to top it off, he's the reincarnation of Chaos itself. Should he embrace the forbidden love that beckoned him, becoming the thing he was always meant to become and keeping secrets? Or should he forsake his own happiness for the sake of maintaining the fragile peace of those around him? Read to find out...
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Aesthetic Of My 2023 Reads- All My Summer Reads
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My summer reading is a lot different than everyone else's. I've figured out the longest duration I have reading a book depending on the pages is 1-3 and a half weeks and that I often end up reading two books per month.
So I challenged that my summer reading from Late June to Early September will be four books that were higher up on my TBR.
I'm a person that has a very random tbr so if your wondering why the book order is very random that's why.
So let's start with the aesthetic of the first book in my summer reading collection that I managed to read which was Bullet Train.
1: The Aesthetic Of Bullet Train.
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I decided to go for a very dark thriller spy aesthetic as I think that's what summed up the themes of the book. I also decided to feature Kimura and Nanao out of all of the cast of characters as to me although Lemon and Tangerine were cool, their storylines held the grip of the book.
Honestly if it wasn't for the outdated language and stereotypes in the book, it would have been five stars. Definitely has made me interested in reading other translated books in the future.
Really enjoyed it and I loved all the character dynamics throughout.
2: The Aesthetic Of Into The Dark
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Another legendary entry into the high republic that had me hooked every page. Just had to use concept art of the characters as their isn't enough pictures from Star Wars themselves to use. Definitely proud that I managed to get the spooky vibes of the aesthetic though.
Claudia Gray has become one of my favourite authors like this was an absolute blast. Every character shone and seeing the High Republic from a different perspective was super interesting. Those flashbacks I thought were really necessary in developing Orla and Cohmac which makes me worried both of them might die in the future.
Apart from Dez Rydan not being developed enough it was so fun. Really hope Orla, Cohmac, Reath, Affie, Leox and Geode show in other Novels as I can't read the comics unfortunately.
Can't wait to pick the next High Republic book in future when I get to it on my TBR.
3: The Aesthetic Of Mirror, Mirror
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Sort of a reread that I'm suprised held up so well. I'm honestly shocked as normally when you like something as a child, you hate it as an adult but shockingly I didn't. To me I thought it was a well done Twisted Tale with a few flaws but apart from that it was fab. Younger me rated this five stars whilst I would now rate it four stars. To be honest though losing only one star isn't that bad.
I think this Twisted Tale took what made the original Snow White good and made it even better. The characters are more developed and have way more interesting backstories especially Ingrid aka The Evil Queen and the magic mirror.
For the aesthetic I wanted to add a sinister colour palette as alot of the backstory is super disturbing. I also wanted to highlight Henrich and Snow as they are the key main characters of the book. Hope you like it.
Honestly I think the Twisted Tales are a really interesting concept similar to Marvels What If and I think they're underhyped. I saw a lot of reviews complaining it mirrored the orginal movie when I don't think it did, I just think it branched of into an alternate timeline like a good what if story should.
The Aesthetic Of The Many Half Lived Lives Of Sam Sylvester
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Wow amazing every part of this book was amazing. I wish Little Mel had this kind of rep for themselves when they were younger. This book had one of the best representation of autism in media that I have ever seen. Sam was amazingly compelling and rich character and they didn't fit any stereotypes which was so heartwarming.
I think although the murder mystery was part of the story, the main plot thread was Sam finding a new found family that accepted them and wouldn't treat them like Lee did back where they moved from. The found family warmed my soul I loved all the side characters Shep, Sky and Adien it was so comforting. Sam's Dad Junius was also a standout.
For the aesthetic I wanted to blend the spooky parts of the book as well as essential plot points without giving anything away at all. Still wanted to make sure I could include Sam even though there's no adaptation yet. Really proud of it the only thing that looks odd is the Nonbinary Flag colours I wanted to en corperate.
Amazing concepts and a wonderful debut novel . I can't wait for the future of Mayas published novels. I have read an arc copy of Will and its certainly good.
For my full review of each of these novels you can follow me on my storygraph and goodreads page. There I have reviews of every single book I've read.
Goodreads: Melody Soundy
Story Graph: melsage1822
Ps: This is Future Mel. This post was before the Actors strike. I stopped making the aesthetics after I couldn't post about them I'm afraid. Hope you liked them though.
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monkberryfields · 10 months
omg a beatles advent calendar sounds like so much fun!!! now it’s got me thinking about what other bands there might be advent calendars for…….
It’s so hard to pick individual songs, so I’m going to go super vague: in general, I prefer their later work and especially songs that are more upbeat. although as one-off songs I tend to really like ones that remind me of my dad. when I listen to drive my car, do you wanna know a secret, birthday, & i am the walrus it makes me think of him singing those songs :) a couple months ago I made a bedtime playlist, which includes across the universe, and a morning playlist, which includes here comes the sun, good morning good morning, and good day sunshine, so I’ve been listening to all of those most often :D in terms of albums, I think a hard day’s night holds an extra special place for me bc one of my best friends was obsessed with the beatles as a kid and she gave me that album on cd for my birthday when we were in 4th grade and I used to listen to it over and over again. it’s still definitely the album I know the best
the other day, I heard an interview with Twiggy on the radio and I thought you’d enjoy this story she told! Paul was driving her and Linda to someone’s house in Liverpool for a New Year’s Eve party, but he had gotten totally lost (lmao) bc the one-way roads or something had all changed since he had last been there. so they pull up outside a pub as a drunk guy is walking out and Paul tries to ask the guy for directions, but the guy, very drunk, recognizes Paul, falls to his knees, and starts yelling “it’s Paul fucking McCartney!” over and over again, after which some others start to swarm out of the pub and Paul drives off. so they pull up to some lady walking and ask her for directions, and she says “actually I’m going that way too, could you give me a ride?” So she gets in the car and directs Paul where to go, totally chill, and Paul Linda and Twiggy all think she’s got no clue who they are the entire time until they drop her off where she’s going and she admits that she recognized all of them, and Paul gives her a kiss ♡ it was a nice little anecdote to listen to while I drove home, and I thought you’d get a kick out of it too lol
I hope your week is going well so far!! Much love!! -🦋
Hello! Yes, my week is going well so far!! I'm nearly done with my semester, although I have a 20-page research paper to do by next week so.....*screaming* I'll get it done it's FINE!!
I found out stuff about the Beatles advent calendar!! I finally found out where it was from but it's like $150 (cue me screaming "hell no!"). I've only done one advent calendar in my entire life and it was a Build-a-Bear one and you could dress up little bears. Was very fun, and given to me after Christmas so I opened it up in one day! Loved it.
Also, that's sweet you have connections to the songs through your family. When I really got into the Beatles, my mom showed me Do You Want to Know a Secret? as one of her favorite songs! And the way I really found the Beatles was through one of my dad's mixtapes. Plus, I love the idea of a bedtime/good morning playlist like that! That's so neat! I have playlists dedicated to specific moments of the year or stories I want to write. One I'm really proud of is a playlist dedicated to the weird in-between season of late fall and early winter. I love that playlist so much. I used to last year make monthly playlists where I would have a few songs I would be listening to for that month. Maybe I should do those again...
That story is very sweet!! I always love hearing stories about Paul/Linda from people who have met them or have known them for a long time. I like the nice insight it gives and I might have to go hunt down that Twiggy interview. I'm trying to think of any stories I might know off the top of my head in return, but I'm unfortunately coming up blank.
I have, however, gotten a few Beatles books for Christmas and I'm so excited to read them! I got the Mal book and a Linda McCartney biography so I am going to wait patiently for Christmas to come so I can read them. I'm trying to read as many books as I can to hit a reading goal before the end of the year. I've read 11/15 books so I only need a few more!! I listened to the Britney Spears memoir recently and I was blown away. I absolutely loved it! Do you have a reading goal, or are you someone who doesn't read very much? I don't read as much as I used to but having a reading goal allows me to try to get back into reading. Grad school gets in the way, too.
Okay! I hope you're having a good day/week so far and I'll leave you with a question: If you could travel back in time, where would you go to and why?
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woozi · 1 year
henlo yza beloved <33
it's been the same for me 😭 how is april even ending like? i am still in my 2023 just started zone, i've been on autopilot mode tbh, also on purpose avoiding the dates lmao because i don't want to perceive the real time (if that makes sense). i'm so glad and proud of you btw <3
" maybe writers didn't think they'd get that far " CRYINGJSJSDJSK 😭😭 they're just like me then <3.
love how we're so alike <3 because i also don't vibe with the revenge type of media too much, nothing is exciting drama wise this year. trying out classics sounds fun, which ones did you watch? i would love to know <3 AND ALSO SAME I'VE BEEN WATCHING MOVIES SM THIS YEAR, it's surprising to me because i used to be like 'i am not a movie person' turns out i just didn't know how to look for what i really vibe with 😭. i've been trying to watch more slice of life-esqe movies these days, i highly recommend canola ( 2016, korean movie) and also a not so slice of life movie, unlocked. i checked it out because of im siwan skjsksks and ended up wishing for him to not come on screen throughout 😭 ( just bit of warning it's creepy and scary </3 ).
i truly get you </3 hope you get will to read soon <333 it's not a solution but i try to read even just 2 pages whenever i feel like my reading block is out. been reading a book like this since feb djsjsksk ( finally at last few chapters lmao ) i just tell myself slow reading is a thing and don't think too much of it.
sorry bss - second wind. i am now friends with seventeen and fml <3 I AM SO HAPPY YZA <3 i didn't know i needed a song based on dragon ball z this bad lmaoo ( i have zero clue about dbz btw, i was a pokemon - digimon kid) but i get woozi, if i was an artist i too would make all songs about my hyperfixations
i love the song, album and them esp woozi 😭. coups wasn't joking around when he said woozi will shine this cb. they all did tbh.
last two days were definitely the second highlight of this year after bss album for me. it's been so long since i got to be in the whole cb fanfare with anticipating teasers till cb day checking out the music. ( i still have to sit down and listen to the album with lyrics. i first listened to album then read all lyrics next day jsdkks haven't gotten time to both together yet ) i really liked everything about this cb and i love that for me. saur excited for the fml mv too. also today is woodz comeback i'm excited about that too it's been long since i heard new music from him
i've been annoying my friend since caratland about woozi (we both watched it together) 😭 now i think this cb cemented woozi as a bias wrecker for me. sorry that got too long i am just rambling same thing atp.
which ones are your top 3? mine atp are fml, super and idubilu ( yesterday third one was dust dhsjjs ) tell me your thoughts about cb hehe very curious about it
i haven't seen the carat day live either, just watched it through twt clips jdjdks ( i can't watch actually because the app hates me 💀 it doesn't load anything on wifi for me since last year )
ikr <333 plato's been my place to cool down fr. rules about ludo +#(#)#)2 the rules about ludo are that there are no rules 😭 they keep changing locally too. differs from person to person i think. i grew up playing with '6 is the only number which will give you chance to come out of the house' rule, nothing else. feel free to text on disc we can arrange time and date to play 🥰🤍
thank you for taking time out of your life to hang out with me it means a lot, i enjoy your company 🥺🤍. i hope you're taking care of yourself mentally and physically despite the busy schedule 🫂 i love you 💌 sending the best and peaceful days your way my yza <3
same </3 and no bc… how are we finishing a quarter of the year already,,, i also feel like we're just beginning 2023 😭 ALSO SO VALID?????????????????? also not to be morbid, but it just feels like we're accelerating to our deaths atp LMFAOOO
it's literally like,, watching sumn to stress on 😭😭 what is the pOINTTTTTT???? maybe other people wanna live vicariously through those characters but i just want a lil silly plot </3 just some people being nice and happy we already have enough bad shit irl!! the most memorable one that i've watched lately was the truman show!! (WHICH IS INSANE TBH BC LITERALLY A FEW DAYS LATER THE SVTEENIES DROPPED THE FML TEASER WHICH HAD SO MANY REFERENCES TO IT JKFJKGJK) AND URE SOOOOOOOO VALID TBH DFHJFDH we really are so much alike 😭 ALSO LOVE THESE RECCS OMGGGGGGGGG thanks for contributing to my list <33
slow progress is much better than no progress <3 love how u intentionally try to get back to hobbies, that is good for the soul 😋
ALSO MADE ME LAUGH FJDHJDFHFJDDF this album really is woozi-coded 😭 from the dbz references, the mv itself… he's SOO,,, and the amt of woozidans now,,, i'm gonna have to fight for my life buying tickets now LMFAOOOO ALSO COOL OMG <#3333333333 my cousin was also a digimon kid, but i wasn't so i don't actually know anything about it 😔
FELT TOO OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG i also have forgotten how busy cbs are (especially svt ones tbh) so it was also such a fun experience for me <3 ALSO LOVE HOW U REALLY TAKE UR TIME TO READ THE LYRICS!! more than the vibe and music itself it really is a crucial factor to consider when looking at the whole package <3 AND AGREED!!! i also really liked everything (sans the office photos jfdjkfdjfdk, BUT I LOVEDD the group teaser one bc of the table lol, just feel like we've seen enough office concepts from them and wished they spiced it up a lil but i get how it fits into the whole fml thing). AND PLEEK OMG I DIDNT KNOW?????????? i should've realized that he also had a cb when i saw the tiktok w vernon 😭 the way u open new paths for me every time is so <33
AND PLEEEEEEEEEEEK i'm glad more people are realizing his actual Power <3 he really was so fluffy during caratland wasn't he? 🥺
mine also changes a lot kjfgkjgjk but ms fire will never be dethroned from the no 1 spot <33 rn my 2 other faves r super and dust <3 i previously word vomited on al about that here if u wanna hear more abt my comeback related bs LMFAOOO
ALSO PLS KJFKJDDJK NOT THE NO RULES 😭 and that's so interesting 👁 AND YOU'RE ALWAYS SO SWEET PLS </333333333333333333333333333333 i will actually cry n throw up thank u for always investing time on me </3
AND OFC </3333 I SHOULD BE THE ONE SAYING THAT!! also tried my best but i've been sick for the past 6 days lmfao 😭😭 hope you're staying well and safe on the other hand <3 ily ma cherie <3333333333
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cosmictulips · 2 years
Okay to I need to tell someone! Last night I asked my tarot and moon oracle deck when will love/a romantic partner come into my life… my moon oracle deck showed me new moon in Pisces and new moon in Aries, the back of the deck showed me the full moon in Pisces! So I’m like ok of what I have learned the new moon in Pisces happens in Pisces season, and the new moon in Aries happens in Aries season, while the full moon in Pisces happens in virgo season. (A few days before I had asked something along the lines of when will I meet the person who’ll be my romantic partner in the future, and I got a full moon card and a Pisces card - I don’t remember if it was a full moon or new moon in Pisces) anyway I interpreted as starting in about month aka the next full moon and near Pisces season or something like that.. my cards never give me super clear answers and the full moon card said trust so..) so last night I interpreted the cards as my love life will begin somewhere between Pisces season, getting clear somewhere between Aries and virgo season. And get this, I asked my tarot to clarify the Pisces cards and I got the hermit!!! Virgo!! And I asked to clarify Aries and I got page of wands - not exactly the Aries tarot card but definitely a fire card oriented towards beginnings of some sort. I asked then what virgo and Aries season means for my love life, and I got the page of cups for Aries and the knight of cups for virgo! (Just to be sure I ask if those two are different people or just timing, and I get the six of swords, so to me that means it’s timing/a journey in my love life happening over those months). Anyway I just needed to share that with someone, because of how wild it was to me how my tarot and moon oracle deck aligned so much. And also I felt so sure of my interpretation and it came so easily even though I’m normally very doubtful and don’t easily understand my cards… maybe it was the full moon giving a helping hand but I just felt so much more in tune with them <3 looking back now I’m skeptical if anything really will happen, and I don’t want to be disappointed, but I can try to hope a little you know :)
Hello Star Cadet!
That's actually a really interesting reading and I'm grateful you shared it with me.
Reading this also, I think perhaps the person can have those placements promeniently. like aries venus, pisces moon, virgo sun, etc. or you're right, it could all be with timing. maybe even symbolism! being the hermit when you meet -aka like introspective- being around water or doing something you're pasionate about.
Also, don't ever doubt yourself. it's hard but trust me, doubting yourself will make you go in circles in your head. you're a powerful reader ;) --- Something I've personally been working on is just going with whatever the cards are saying and maybe you should try it to. my cards are like, yup this man is going to talk to you and usually I'd be like ??? okay??? but when? but now I'm like, SURE IS.
ya know? like claim that shit haha.
it's a process. but I'm so proud of you for being on this journey and not giving up.
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threechampions · 4 years
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Chapter 1
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sparkagrace · 2 years
Okay so I haven’t gotten around to reading Lane Lines yet, but as your Swim Team AU buddy I feel like it’s my duty to ask about it! 💕 So, if I may, 3, 4 & 11? 
I hope your Sunday has been a good one, darling! 💖
Kay! 💖 lane lines is a monster so I completely understand. It's definitely not one you can pick up on a Sunday afternoon. Thank you so much for the ask, my dear swim team au buddy 😘🌊
#3: what’s your favorite line of narration?
lane lines is 130k words so I would probably be here for hours if I really thought about it, but I will pick out one that stuck in my mind when I first saw the question:
He’s been ripping out stitches for months, barely letting them heal before ripping them back out, growing that wound larger and deeper. He realizes now that at some point he’s not going to be able to stitch it back up again. He hopes that this is that turning point where he can start pulling himself together and healing, even if it takes him years to do so. He never wants to open that wound again.
#4: what’s your favorite line of dialogue?
I've spent twenty minutes looking through the fic trying to find one that I think encapsulates the story but it's too hard. However, I really like this one in particular because it was one of the ones I'd drafted down a while before the bulk of it was written and it just makes me happy to know it made the final version:
“If I could choose one moment to go back to from this whole week, it wouldn’t be the 4IM. It wouldn’t even be standing on the podium with a gold medal. It would be sitting next to you in a fucking janitor’s closet and holding your hand. I’ve thought about that every day since it happened. Do you know how scary that is?”
#11: what do you like best about this fic?
That it's done! Honestly, I am just super impressed with myself and happy that the 42-page outline I had written in three hours at 5pm one day became this and it's something I'm genuinely proud of. At points I didn't think that I would ever complete it - confidence, life changes and sheer exhaustion almost derailed me. But I'm just so proud of myself that I wrote it and I'm happy with it (like 99.99% happy). I don't think I'll ever experience the same highs or lows of writing like I did with lane lines.
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