#I'm not sorry ahaha )
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sandflakedraws · 4 months ago
continuing thoughts from This Dream AU
re : why it might have taken the gang a while to find Bruce & Floyd
how about i erase just a little bit of the plot convenience from TBT
what if, bruce's postcard didn't survive unscathed, and they had to go off of john dory's foggy memory of the thing.
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so like. they're stumbling their way through a bunch of could-be-heres before they hit on the correct one.
and what if, the Vacay Resort section was legit hard to find.
like, the entire island chain is still at Vacaytioner scale, right? so even if the search party's idea to eventually look there was right, it could still take a long time to navigate thru the tropical jungle on any individual island, let alone many of them.
.... aaaaand what if i drew way too much for a potential reunion anyways because i'm a sap
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duckiemimi · 5 months ago
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lazulines · 7 months ago
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somerandomdudelmao · 2 years ago
Hoooowww did you become so good at art? Tbh, I'm convinced you were a rottmnt storyboard artist.
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calme-nwn · 2 months ago
Does Megatron know about Acoustician and who his sire is? Has he thought about using the little one as a bargaining chip to hold over Optimus's head or does Soundwave keep him hidden?
Speaking of Acoustician existence, do the other Autobots besides Ratchet know about him? How do they feel about the fact that their leader 'wazooed' with Soundwave?
Sorry for not answering for so long. I wanted to draw the answer. But I only got around to it recently. I hope you don't mind if I draw about the Autobots a little later ("。ꞈ。)
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spacebubblehomebase · 4 months ago
Is there anything else we should know about Lilian (Lilith) in your Stargazers AU? Such as: What was she like as a mother? Why do you think she had postpartum depression? What was her postpartum depression like? How was her relationship with Lucius (Lucifer) like before they divorced? What does she think of Lucius (Lucifer) and Charlie now?
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All really amazing questions that I wonder why people don't ask more often XD But rest assured, EVERYTHING you ask about got answers to them! I kid you not when I say this AU is jam packed in lore! With hints of future story arcs sprinkled through almost every related post as all major characters WILL have their chance at development (whether they want it or not). Unfortunately, due to plot reasons, I can't answer most of these questions YET. But I can tell you they were very much drawn to each other when Lucius and Lilian first started going out and she still keeps in touch with the father and daughter dynamic duo! Even if getting a hold of her now is quite difficult. In any case, I'm grateful for your interest and I apologize for the long wait! I had my first owned art booth experience and it coincided with Midterms. So you can just imagine the schedule I've been following recently. 😅 Still, look forward to more because the next update is all about Alastor's motivations! ^v^ -Bubbly💙
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(Note this draft is subject to change.)
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calqlate · 5 months ago
crackfic idea: sylus x reader mafia boss au but it uses all the cliché wattpad tropes used in every chapter. i'm talking about 365 days level. yanno, those plot highlights written by middle school girls who thrive off werewolf/vampire fics and books. but ofc it's a crackfic, so it's not 100% frfr and one scene in the fic would go something like this (more utc):
sylus leaned against the doorframe, broad frame blocking the doorway. his lips were quirked up into a smirk as he crossed his arms across his chest before he proceeded to say the following line:
"are you lost, baby girl?"
silence followed. you could practically hear the awkward cricket chirping sound effect in the background. you could only stare at the silver-haired man, jaw slackened in disbelief at what he had just said.
sylus' brow twitched as he broke character, raising a hand up and running it down his face as a disgruntled sigh left his mouth, "i knew following the twins' advice would be terrible."
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elena-illustration · 1 year ago
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get scooped idiot
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harmonicabisexuals · 1 month ago
they really had raw unprotected sex in a tent while one pretended to be someone else and the other hallucinated their dead wife 😃👍
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oddsconvert · 4 months ago
what would your characters be like in crossover AUs between your stories? :>
I've surprisingly not considered much in the way of crossover AU's between my own series! I have, however considered one giant crack-fic piece before where all my whumpees are shoved into a basement together (Josh, Declan, Izaak & Henley) as the whumpers all have a little soiree upstairs (Felix, Vince & Ronan) 😈
Ronan would completely idolise Vince and look up to him for insight of how to break down a pet into a mindless subservient. Both Ronan & Vince would be weary and cautious of Felix...they'd be totally and utterly fucking creeped out by him. Felix would not stop rambling on about his perfect Joshy, his lover and soulmate...
Meanwhile, Declan (if not deep in the throes of persuasion) would be inconsolable and cowering. He'd keep deathly quiet, out of sight and out of harms way - he'd be petrified of anyone and everyone and wouldn't trust a soul. Izaak wouldn't help the matter, he'd be laughing and making cruel remarks about him. Josh and Henley would offer him security and friendship, and try to pull him out of his shell. They would all exchange stories of their captors, and even Izaak would be shaken to the core to discover that vampires are real, and how powerful they truly are...
I imagine Felix convincing Vince to use persuasion on Josh... just for a taste of it 👀 of complete and utter submission without question or thought. Felix tells Vince the command, and Vince relays it to Josh. Declan would plead for Josh at the first flicker of fear in his eyes. Henley and Izaak would exchange a panicked glance.
There would just be a lot of mix-n-match, connections and dynamics 👀 I'd love to think about it properly!
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svtskneecaps · 5 months ago
if i get a purgatory 3 before the year is out i'm so sorry i'm going to be INSUFFERABLE
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desultory-novice · 8 months ago
Have you ever thought/played with the idea of mirror noir?
You know, I hadn't, since there was White-Haired Noir, who filled the parallel role so nicely. But now that you bring it up, it's...
...It's really easy to imagine. ^^;
Because if we enhance the bad and submerge the good, I know instantly what Mirror Noir would become...
CW: blood, knives, creepy doll, button-eyes, YANDERE
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"...Have you seen my sister? She accidentally slipped out of the handcuffs while we were sleeping. Oh, Adeleine... Mom and dad said it was my job to protect you, remember? Where did you go on your own? Don't you know it's dangerous out there...?"
I want to note that if we go by "Mirror selves are created by looking into the Dimension Mirror" then there is no matching Adeleine for Mirror Noir. There could only be Adeleine's own Mirror Adeleine.
This means that Mirror Noir will never actually find "his" little sister (...this is a good thing...) but that won't stop him from trying to make any other Adeleines he runs across "fit."
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chenziee · 8 months ago
AKA Obligatory everybody is alive and nothing hurts, attempt #254666
This piece is a "Pick one" commission from the_rin on AO3! Thank you so much again for commissioning me and for your endless patience while I struggled with this creature that decided to run away from me 🤍🙏
One day, I might be able to actually write this story in Luffy's POV (which is what it was originally supposed to be both four years ago when I first had the idea and now.. but I still don't have enough skill and confidence to successfully make it ☠️
So for now, please enjoy Nami's slowly losing it while chaos rules over Sabaody 🍊
As Nami climbed up onto the Sunny��s deck for the first time in two years, with a wide smile on her lips and arms full of shopping bags, she could barely contain her excitement. After all, it now finally felt like time was moving again after the crew’s separation.
When she had gotten the news of the war while on Weatheria, it was like a punch in the gut. She had seen the photos of the state both Luffy and Ace were in before their escape—both with terrible burn scars on their chests with blood all over their faces, looking on the brink of death. The following days were nothing short of a high-speed nightmare filled with nothing but worry, fear, and the need to be by Luffy’s side with no way to get to him.
She trusted that Luffy would make it… but there was no real guarantee he would. Or that Ace would.
Nami didn’t dare imagine how Luffy would feel if he had lost his brother. While completely alone, with no one from the crew by his side… Her heart nearly broke at the mere thought of it.
So, when the news of Luffy’s escapade at Marineford reached her a few weeks later, seeing the message he had for his crew, it was like a huge weight had been lifted off her chest. She knew what Luffy was trying to say. She understood. And she knew that she, too, could get stronger.
With Weatheria’s science, she was sure she could become a navigator capable of getting Luffy wherever he damn well wanted.
And she was confident that now, two years later, she was more than able to do that.
Even though she imagined that Luffy was going to come up with the stupidest, most dangerous places to sail to…
But, that was a battle she would fight when they got there; for now, she was just beyond excited to see everyone!
By the time she had arrived on Sabaody a few days ago, only Franky and Zoro were already there—one of which was definitely hopelessly lost and possibly half-way to Fishman Island by that point—but now… Now it all felt so much more real.
Usopp and Chopper were with her—or had been before they ran off to rave over Franky—, Shakky said that Brook and Sanji were somewhere on the archipelago, and now, even Robin was on the ship already, waiting for Nami to climb up the ladder.
They were only missing Luffy now, but that was just a matter of time.
Honestly, their biggest problem at this point was finding Zoro and dragging his directionally challenged ass back here.
“Nami! I’m so happy to see you!” Robin said, pulling Nami into a hug as soon as she found her balance on the jelly-like coating under her feet.
Nami laughed easily, returning the gesture. “Same to you! You look amazing!” she complimented the archeologist, sighing in content at the familiar warmth of her friend’s presence.
That is, at least, until a high-pitched scream resounded around the deck, startling Nami and making her jump.
“Hair comes out?!”
“Can you make any hairstyle you want?!”
Heaving a deep sigh, Nami shook her head. “I can’t believe Franky’s body got even more ridiculous. What even is going on over there?”
“Who knows?” Robin chuckled “Looks like the boys like it though.”
“Such a bulky body seems so inconvenient. I don’t get it,” another woman piped up.
“Right?” Nami agreed with a huff. “I mean, what’s with those shoulders—”
Suddenly, Nami stopped talking. Blinking a few times, she tried to figure out what it was that suddenly felt so off… but then, she whipped around in the direction of the last voice—a distinctly unfamiliar voice.
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semperama · 1 year ago
Soak + dosh please
This is way too long for tumblr and I'm sorry, but it totally ran away with me. Also there is going to be a Part 2, I promise. Also I'll put it on AO3 later when I can think of a title lmao. Please forgive me because I have no idea how to write Josh yet, but this was fun!!
It’s probably crazy for Daniel to be in the back half of his 30s and still feel like a fucking imposter all the time.
He opens the door to Josh tossing a football back and forth from hand to hand, mouth curved into a grin, and has to bite down on the inside of his cheek just until it hurts, just to make sure this is real. He heard a story once—maybe an urban legend—about a man who was in a coma and thought he lived a whole entire life, great job and wife and kids and the whole nine. Sometimes he thinks that could be him. F1 driver, friends with fucking—movie stars and NFL players. It’s all a little much when just a minute ago he was a kid with goofy hair and crooked teeth and a sense of humor no one got.
“Hey,” Josh says, with his stupid handsome face. “Good to see you, man.”
Daniel steps back to let Josh in and wills the blood vessels in his face to fucking cool it. “Welcome to my humble abode,” he jokes. Another thing to be self-conscious about, this stupid-huge house that’s always empty. It’d be great for parties, but Daniel’s never thrown one.
They should have made other plans, Daniel thinks. A concert. A movie. A bar. Hanging out at home—who does that? Teenagers?
“Humble indeed,” Josh says with a chuckle, elbowing Daniel in the ribs as he walks by. “They don’t pay you anything to drive those cars, huh?”
“Yeah, I’m barely scraping by.” Daniel settles into the banter, grateful for it. “Can I get you anything? I have water, stale bread, maybe some mouse droppings…”
Josh throws his head back at that one, his laugh sending electric tingles down Daniel’s spine. “No beer hidden anywhere?” he asks, and Daniel grins at him, indulgent.
“I think I can rustle one up for you, maybe.”
He waves Josh out to the patio and then heads into the kitchen to grab two bottles out of the fridge. It’s the middle of the season, just a couple weeks until he has to be in Austin, so he probably should be sticking to clear liquor if anything, but who’s here to judge him?
“Did you bring that for me?” Daniel asks when he emerges into the sunshine, nodding at the football Josh cradles in one palm as the takes the beer bottle from Daniel with the other.
The corner of Josh’s mouth tilts upward. “You just about creamed yourself last time we tossed the ball around,” he says. “I figured I’d make your day.”
“My year, more like.” Daniel can’t deny it; Josh has his number on this one. “I don’t want you to be bored, though. You do this for a living.”
“You ever get tired of racing?” Josh asks.
Daniel chuckles, shaking his head. “Touche.”
There’s no grassy field behind Daniel’s house to play in, but they make do with the long strip of pool deck, all the chairs pushed to the side. At first, they just toss the ball back and forth lazily. That’s honestly enough for Daniel, just watching the satisfying spiral of the ball and feeling the slap of leather against his palms. It’s warm and breezy and Josh keeps grinning at him—he could do it all fucking day.
But eventually he gets antsy, wants to make sure Josh is still having fun, so he starts trying to make things difficult, prancing back and forth, sometimes running to the other side of the pool. It feels better when Josh is laughing at him. It feels like he’s pulling his weight.
“Come on, really throw one,” he says, holding his hands up in preparation. Josh chuckles at him, pulls his arm back, hesitates, and then lets it fly. This time, when it hits Daniel’s hands, the sound is loud, echoing. It fucking stings.
Daniel wants it again.
“Is that, like, your maximum?” he asks as he lobs it back.
Josh grins and shakes his head. “Nah, man. I don’t want to hurt you. You gotta be able to hold a steering wheel in a few days.”
“Oh, come on,” Daniel says, hopping from foot to foot and shaking out his arms. “You won’t hurt me. I can take it.”
Josh quirks and eyebrow at him. “You sure do talk a big talk, Ricciardo.”
All the blood rushes to Daniel’s face. He can only hope he’s already red enough from exertion and the sun that Josh won’t notice. Josh seems so fucking implacable, but Daniel’s been soaked in sweat and breathing hard for a while now, his t-shirt clinging to his chest. He pinches the fabric and unsticks it, letting some of the breeze in, but doesn’t help much.
“Just once,” Daniel says, unable to help the pleading note in his voice. “I want to know what it’s like.”
Josh walks over to the table near the house where their sweating beer bottles sit and takes a long swig. Daniel watches the bob of his throat, watches him lick the moisture from his bottom lip when he sets the bottle back down. When he turns back toward Daniel, he starts tossing the ball from hand to hand again, putting a spin on it, the silence stretching until it makes Daniel’s skin prickle with discomfort.
“Alright,” Josh says at last, “but I don’t want to hear your crying if it hurts.” He beckons Daniel with two fingers. “Come here. I need to show you how to catch it first.”
“I know how to catch it,” Daniel says, but he jogs over anyway.
“You know how to catch a ball thrown by a buddy,” Josh says. When Daniel stops a couple feet away, Josh lunges for his wrist and drags him in closer. “You don’t know how to catch a pass thrown by one of the most powerful arms in the NFL.”
“Fuck,” Daniel says, embarrassingly, out loud. He jerks his wrist out of Josh’s hand and wipes his palms on his shorts. “Fine, fine. Show me, then.”
Josh tucks the ball into his armpit, then cups his hands together, a foot or so out from his chest. “This is the way you have been catching it,” he says. “Which is good if you’re a professional receiver. But this time—” He brings his hands to his chest and turns his palms upward— “let it hit your chest first and kinda fall into your hands.”
He motions for Daniel to show him, and Daniel mimics his hand placement as best he can, hands cupped near his stomach. Josh rolls his eyes and puts his hands under Daniel’s, nudging them upward and squeezing, molding them into the shape he wants. His fingers are softer than Daniel thought they’d be, maybe a little callused but still gentle. Daniel can feel his heart thundering against his ribs, and he can only hope Josh can’t feel it too, close as he is.
“And, uh,” Daniel says, voice cracking, “what’ll happen if I don’t to it right?”
“Oh, nothin’ much.” Josh grins, winks at him. “Just a broken finger or two, maybe. But I hear you already have some experience with that anyway.”
Daniel lets out a nervous, high-pitched giggle. “Christ.”
“I’m just messing with you,” Josh says. “I’ve never broken anyone’s fingers.” He pushes on Daniel’s shoulder, like he’s trying to wrestle some of the tension out of him, then points past Daniel’s ear to the far side of the pool. “Go to that corner over there. Then put your hands like I showed you. I’ll put the ball where it needs to be, and you’ll be fine.”
If Josh keeps talking like that, Daniel’s pretty sure he’s going to embarrass the hell out of himself. His shorts are too loose, too thin, and he’s already half hard in them. He wonders, sometimes, if players get like this during games, if it’s normal to be turned on by the perfect tight spiral or the smack of leather against your skin. He’s not sure if it’s the game, the thrill of it, or if it’s Josh, all that power right up close, all of it focused on Daniel.
He turns and jogs back over to the far side of the pool, getting as close to the edge of the deck as he dares. Sweat is dripping into his eyes, and swiping a forearm across his head doesn’t help much. After this, a cold shower. He fucking needs it.
“Alright,” Josh calls to him, “you ready?”
Daniel puts his hands in position and looks to Josh for approval. “Like this?”
“That’s fine,” Josh says. “A little higher, maybe.” Daniel brings his hands up another inch, and Josh nods at him. “That’s good. Now…don’t move.”
The windup feels like it takes forever. Daniel watches Josh’s arm, the bulge of his bicep, the way the muscles of his forearm shift as he brings the football up past his ear. His feet jig a little, his body arcs back. The expression on his face—it’s like he’s already so fucking pleased with himself, and he ball hasn’t even left his hand yet. Daniel wants to reach down and adjust himself, but he can’t move. He isn’t allowed to move. Josh told him not to.
Then, suddenly, the ball is shooting through the air, so fast Daniel can’t even track it like he should. Good thing Josh is a pro and didn’t need Daniel to track it. It hits his chest right where it was supposed to, so hard it nearly knocks the wind out of him, and his fingers curl around it instinctively, hugging it into his body.
“Holy fuck, mate,” Daniel says in disbelief. His palms are still stinging from the last throw, and now his chest aches, and—he feels like he’s losing his mind, but he wants more. It’s still not enough. He wants to catch ten more passes like this. Twenty. He wants his whole chest to hurt, his whole body to be one big bruise.
“You okay?” Josh says, and suddenly he’s right there in front of Daniel again, prying the football out of his hands. “All good?”
“Yeah, I—” Unthinkingly, Daniel reaches down and lifts up the hem of his shirt, looks down at his chest. He expected—maybe was hoping—to see a mark there already, but the skin is just a little red, a faint starburst in the center of his breastbone.
“You’ll have a hell of a bruise there tomorrow,” Josh says. He pokes the spot with two fingers, and the throb of pain makes Daniel’s dick throb in sympathy. If Josh looks down, Daniel’s fucked.
Of course, Josh does look down.
“Hmm.” The sound comes from somewhere deep in Josh’s chest, and this time Daniel’s whole body throbs. “Is that for me? Or the ball?”
That nervous laugh bubbles out of Daniel’s mouth again. He feels so fucking unsexy right now, like he’s in one of those nightmares where’s he’s shown up to school in his underwear. “I dunno, dude,” he says. “You get a personal demonstration of the talent of someone you admire and see how you react.”
“Mhm,” Josh hums again, thoughtfully this time. “No, I know.”
He touches Daniel again, pressing his thumb against the spot on Daniel’s chest and rubbing gently. Anymore of this, and Daniel’s going to have to climb out of his own skin. He takes a deep, shaky breath and pastes on a smile, then steps backward so Josh’s hand is hovering in midair, nothing left to touch.
“Anyway.” Daniel steps out of his shoes. He tugs his shirt off the rest of the way, refusing to notice whether Josh is still looking or not. “I gotta get out of this heat. You coming?”
He’s a coward, but he doesn’t wait for Josh’s answer, only steps around him and takes a flying leap into the pool. The cool water closes over his head like relief. He floats there, weightless, until his lungs burn.
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itsahotminuteinbetween · 1 year ago
some doodles for @sunnyys-jarss roommate au that were done over the course of the month...
(if you see inconsistencies in art style or mistakes hush no you don't these were done over the course of several different lunch breaks-)
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(hush they're watchin a movie)
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anyways yea just a couple quick things cuz their au is great! if you haven't checked it out already do so, they've got a cool ask blog at @ask-the-atwr-au!
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aprillikesthings · 6 months ago
just reading a fan transcript of Corridors (for a fic) is enough to give me feelings fucking hell
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*sobs into hands*
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