#I'm not saying it was perfect but based on how the actors talked before the movie's release I'd say studio meddling was likely
ct-hardcase · 2 years
getting in one of those moods where I can hardly wait for the tros tell-all when someone's NDA finally expires
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joenotexotic99 · 1 year
Hey can I request band of brothers characters x reader first time headcanons ? Also by the way I love your work.
A/n: sorry I dropped off the face of the planet for a minute. I was in a bit of a slump. Enjoy! [Lmk if you want a pt 2]
-This is a work of fiction based on the actors portrayal of these men. Every ounce of respect to the real soldiers-
Warnings: contains NSFW themes, plain filthy smut, language, minor dni.
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Dick winters
-he's the type of man to not want to hook up or have any short term commitments. So sleeping with you would probably be when the two of you have are already been well into dating. He cares so much about you. That loving matter probably carries on into the bedroom. Will always make sure you feel comfortable and is Def big of consent. Later down the road he might get a little more adventurous but for the first time he wanted it special. Gently taking off your close. Lots of kisses. So much passion. His hands would roam your body. He might even light a few candles. Like I said he's definitely on the vanilla side. At least in the beginning of you two's sex life so it most likely would be missionary. But nevertheless he for sure rocked your world. King of aftercare.
"You look so pretty naked for me you know that"
Lewis nixon
- he has just as much respect for you as winters but is more on the spontaneous side, as well as that sleeping with you is what started your relationship. The sexual tension between you two has been going on for months until he invited you to his house for a drink and a movie. One drink in and you both got flirty and your confidence skyrocketed. One thing led to another and he had you slammed into his bedroom door in just your panties. He kisses up and down your neck before laying you down on the bed. Would be such a tease omfg. Kissing up and down your legs never going where you wanted. Making you say exactly how you want him. Forsure wants to see you ride him. Making sure your boobs get plenty of attention as well.
"Use your words baby, tell me what you want"
"Fuck nixon I want you to eat me out"
George luz
-so playful but so sweet at the same time. Cares so much about you but is so fucking horny for you at the same time. It happens after a few dates. He is super nervous but after a glass of wine from dinner and a whole lot of pinning you finally see the sexual side of him. Once you are through the door of his house his mouth is on yours and your back hits the door as you wrap your legs around his waist. I wholeheartedly believe that this man's fingering game is on top. He can make you come in less than five minutes with his fingers alone. He is big on moaning during sex. He is a vocal man. You definitely know that he's feeling good by how much he's praising you. Can see him liking when you pull his hair. Enjoys being more dominant however if you take the lead he is for sure a very happy man. Watching you ride his dick does things to him he can't explain. It's a long night of moaning, laughing and SEVERAL orgasms.
"God dammit luz I'm gonna come"
"Fuck you feel so good around me you know that"
Joseph Liebgott
-hes a big fuckin tease when you sleep together. Leaving hickies up and down your body. You would ache for him to fuck you long before he's done exploring your body. His hands roaming you as he eats you out. Would LOVE cowgirl. We all know he's a boob man. As you ride him he would pay so much attention to your boobs before making his way to your mouth he would take your face between your hands and kiss you. He brings his hands down to your waist to halt your movements before he starts slamming into you. Talks so much dirty talk and praises into your ear as he fucks you. Seeing you come would send him over the edge. Afterwards he would be so caring during after care. However when you are in the shower cleaning yourself he would not hesitate to hop in with you for round number two.
"Your body's so perfect for me, just me"
"Just you joe, just you"
Carwood lipton
- so caring the whole time omg. Like winters it happens when your relationship is already established. He would make sure you are well and comfortable the whole time. Tells you to tell him if anything hurts. Just wants you to feel good. Will probably come in his pants from eating you out, he adores you so much. When it comes to it he's so nervous he's going to hurt you but you reassure him that he's not. Will fuck you with so much passion. He makes it his mission to know every square inch of your body by the time the night ends. And he definitely does. He loves watching you tilt your head back and arch your back while you scream his name. He makes sure that you finish several times wanting you to have as much as much pleasure as possible before he even considers himself. Afterwards he would make sure that you are ok and that he never made you uncomfortable at any point.
"Am I ok? Car I just had the best sex of my life. I am more than ok"
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fuckyeahizzyhands · 10 months
COLLIDER: I'm so glad that we finally got the chance to touch base about the show.
CON O’NEILL: Yeah. It's been really uncomfortable not being able to talk about it.
COLLIDER: Izzy, as a character, really goes on a beautiful, poignant journey this season. In the beginning, Ed is Blackbeard and back to the old lifestyle of raiding and pillaging ships, but it feels like something's off. Izzy has what he wanted back, but at what cost? What was your take on that — reverting to the way that things used to be, but, obviously, there's been a shift, and things aren't quite the same?
O’NEILL: It goes back to how it used to be, but Ed’s broken, and that's the difference. Before Stede appeared, Izzy and Blackbeard worked as a unit really, really well because they were both on the same page. When Stede breaks Blackbeard's heart, Izzy and Blackbeard aren't on the same page. Basically, Izzy’s looking at a man that he loves falling apart, and all the joy is gone — not just from Blackbeard, but from piracy. He can see Ed's decline, he can see the decline in his crew, which is fundamentally really, really the most important thing to him. He can feel his own heart breaking, because he's seeing the devastating impact of his actions. So, it's a pretty bleak start to a season, but we do have fabulous make-up.
COLLIDER: It does feel bleak, especially for Izzy at times, who goes through the amputation and has to adjust to a new normal of not being able to get around the way that he used to. But it's also an opportunity to see the changing dynamic with the crew. I was really touched by the moment when they built [Izzy] a new leg. It's moving on an emotional level, but it's also proof of how far this group has come. Was it nicer to be able to play those moments of camaraderie instead of being at odds all the time?
O’NEILL: What's interesting, though, is the love for Izzy to his crew and the crew to Izzy, it's always been there. It's just not being presented in this way. The giving of the leg, I believe, is the first time in his life where he's actually had an emotional connection that he wasn't able to control. That act of kindness overwhelms it. But he's still a pirate, and the leg ultimately allows him to be a pirate again. He does change his attitude towards his crew after the new leg and after the unicorn statement, but it's also about how to navigate the new crew as the first mate. And that's the beauty of what David's written. It's not suddenly he's this new guy. He's still a bit of a dick, but he's their dick, as Vico says.
It's a beautiful human version of the story that could have been really sentimental, and I don't think we go there. He doesn't suddenly become everyone's mate. That was never going to happen. That would have been dishonest. But he just has a need for them more because he's not as physically able as he used to be, and with that comes an understanding of them. The way he deals with Lucius is very specific in that he can't give Lucius love and understanding without calling him a twat — because that's who Izzy is, but he does give him love and understanding — and that's down to David and David's choices. Remember, this is a comedy. He's done all this in a comedy. That's really profound that we're going on these routes of human stories in what is essentially a comedy.
COLLIDER: One that really stuck out to me was Izzy singing in the “Calypso's Birthday” episode, especially because it plays as a backdrop to some pretty significant moments. I wanted to ask you about the preparation process behind performing that song. Did you have to record it and also do it live on-set?
O’NEILL: I got an email from David a third of the way through the shoot asking me if I knew “La vie en rose,” which, of course, I knew, but only as I'd heard it. I was actually in Wellington filming a different show because I did a different show for a week, and I just got this message. We were just gonna sing the English version because we didn't have the rights to the French version, and I don't speak any French at all. Nothing. Zilch. And then I got the phone call. Would I be able to learn it in French? So I did. I called a lot of people, and a lot of people who say they speak French don't. But my partner does, and I have a friend who just played Piaf. So, between the two of them, they gave me an understanding of the French.
We recorded both versions, and I lip-synced to the English version first before the scene with Ned. I thought we were just gonna do a little bit of the French version for the end of the episode. I had no understanding that it was gonna play out the episode. I’m thrilled that it does, but it was terrifying. Every minute of that, from the recording of it to the lip-syncing it to the filming it, was terrifying. I haven't sung in public for 20 years. But it felt right, and it felt like the absolute right choice of song. It felt like the absolute right choice of language. I didn't want him to be too French, I just wanted him to be able to because Izzy speaks bits of every language, as most pirates would. I thought it was audacious. I thought it was moving. I thought, again, it shied away from sentimental. And I’m just in awe of how David's brain works. If you would have asked me prior to doing it which song Izzy would sing, I'd never have thought “La vie en rose,” and now I can't think of a song that's more appropriate for Izzy.
COLLIDER: I talked to David, as well, about the scene of Izzy talking about piracy in the finale, and he said it's kind of like Izzy giving his own eulogy, in a way, before what happens next. That scene where Taika is holding you feels significant for the show — not just in terms of the weight and impact, but because so much of the cast is there, and it really feels like a moment of family getting to be together. Even if it's mostly an exchange between Izzy and Ed, everyone's there to send him off. I would love to hear about the experience of filming that on the day.
O’NEILL: David sent me the scene a few weeks prior, and the date was set to film it, which was gonna be in the last week of filming. It was early on in the last week, and then it was in the middle of the last week, and then it was scheduled for the morning of the last day. Then, suddenly, it became the last thing we were gonna ever film in Season 2.
Those things aren't easy. They're quite difficult because no matter how you think about it in your head, it's not gonna play that way. We were on a set, we were on the ship, there were hundreds of crew, there was the whole cast, they were setting up the shot. It was busy. David, bless him, played a playlist to help us all get in the mood, but it's just a cacophony of noise and busyness, and we’re getting towards the end of the day.
Suddenly, it was just me and Taika. Suddenly, all the noise disappeared, and suddenly, all the process of filming a scene disappeared, and it was just me and him. And Taika is a wonderful actor. Everyone talks about his writing and his directing, and this and that. Taika is a beautiful actor to play opposite. And in that moment, we just got to say goodbye to a character that we both loved. You never get a death scene that's going to get all those boxes, but for me, it was never about what Izzy said. It was about Izzy being vulnerable enough and brave enough to say, “Sit with me.” It was about Izzy being allowed to be held in the last moments of his life. That's all I remember about the day. I’m very proud of it.
COLLIDER: I just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me about the show. It's been great to finally get to reconnect with the cast and to really get to talk about Season 2.
O’NEILL: Oh, it’s my pleasure. It’s my pleasure.
COLLIDER: I’ve enjoyed your performance so much these last two seasons, and who knows? Maybe we'll see Izzy's ghost pop up in Season 3.
O’NEILL: Who knows?
COLLIDER: You can't predict anything with this show.
O’NEILL: No, none of us can, and none of us know. Literally, we are all in the dark, all of us, David included. None of us knows what's gonna happen. David always wanted three seasons, and I think this story should be allowed to run its course. I would say that because I'm involved, but even if Izzy isn't involved in Season 3, I would be heartbroken for the show if it didn’t get to conclude, because it's an important show.
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lorkai · 8 months
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*゚⁠+ A/N: I don't talk enough about how relatable Vil is to me, when I was a kid I also used to take acting classes and perform. And I've been thinking about writing this for a while now and I decide to do this rn. Those are just some headcanons but maybe later I expand this and write a full fic based on this, idk, today is my birthday and I'm feeling very inspired!
*゚⁠+ Things that happen on the theater club (based on things my professor, my colleagues and I did)
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ People feel intimidated when when they think about participating in the drama club, precisely because there is a professional actor. But despite his strict nature and high standards for everyone, Vil is someone who is easy to work with, he is very observant and know the limits of each of his colleagues and know where he can help them improve, he knows how to offer tips and even demonstrates.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Scripts are good, but not always necessary. Vil likes naturalness so improvisational exercises are done regularly to encourage a relaxed body posture, creativity and quick thinking, it is still common for people to sometimes burst into laughter after saying or acting in a silly way. In times like these, you notice that Vil smiles softly.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ The stories you perform vary greatly from classic tales to originals that each club member helps write.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Taking the newbies who entered the club to drink milkshakes and eat hamburgers.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Acting goes far beyond working to create the perfect film, acting is also about the memories and good times spent with your friends. Vil likes to propose game days to de-stress and relax, a relaxed mind generates a good performance. Musical chairs, pie in the face and games like that are often played before rehearsal.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Sometimes club members switch roles with their friends and act as their characters instead. This sometimes help when someone needs another perspective in how their character works.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You, Vil and the members working together to sew the costumes. Plus, he does your own makeup when the big day arrives, leaving a soft kiss on your cheek for good luck (my friend used to do this wksksksl 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。).
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ If you or any other classmate suddenly gets stage fright, Vil's right there to calm them down and encourage them.
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archer-kacey · 6 months
Shawn Flynn (Analysis)
Let's talk about my favorite JDS weirdo!
We first hear Shawn's voice in Bendy and the Ink Machine, but Joey also mentions him in Illusion of Living in passing.
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Joey mentions two things here, firstly that Shawn does "an excellent job." I know Joey lies more than a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar, but considering the fact that JDS is held together with duct tape and rubber bands, I'm inclined to believe him here. After all, how the hell could they keep up with demands (so much so that the Alice dolls were overstocked) if the foreman fucked off constantly.
Joey also says that Shawn's "creativity knows no bounds." Makes sense for his position, but also helps confirm that Joey does think highly of him in terms of his work. On a personal level, though, maybe not so much.
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Based on Joey's insistence for perfection, we can infer that Shawn, like many, was just trying to do his damn job, and Joey blew his lid when things weren't exactly to his liking.
Shawn also mentions that the Alice merchandise wasn't selling well, and offhandedly proposes that they may have to melt the remaining stock down in order to get rid of it. Pretty self-explanatory tape, all things considered.
(The Bendy Wiki also mentions that he has a Dublin accent. I am not at all an expert on ANYTHING Irish but I did find out that Jacksepticeye is from Offaly, Ireland (Midland/East Ireland) and Dublin is also part of East Ireland, so...I'm assuming this is correct.)
There is also an easter egg with the Seeing Tool in BATIM written over Shawn's audio log, though this is mostly a nod to his voice actor.
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Anyway, onto Boris and the Dark Survival.
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In BATDS, Shawn mentions that he bought a new belt, (a one-of-a-kind toolbelt apparently,) and it was stolen immediately the next day. The perpetrator was a Gent employee, and they very brazenly wore it around right after stealing it. We aren't sure who this employee is, that's mostly speculation. But I don't think that's the point- this odd anecdote represents some of the first seeds of distrust being sown between JDS and Gent employees.
This brings us to Dark Revival.
Funnily enough, I find Shawn's departure from the studio much more interesting than his actual time employed there.
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Firstly, Shawn mentions that Joey took it well when he decided to leave. Between the shift towards Gent's experiments and new technology, the funding from Gent, and the sudden irrelevance of having Bendy merch going out in droves, it's possible that Joey just didn't care.
Shawn also seems to give zero fucks about Joey's opinion, based on his Dark Revival and Bendy audio logs, which I find fucking hilarious. Not the first disgruntled employee, but certainly the most confident when faced with Joey himself.
He mentions wanting to find a cabin upstate, see some open sky, and start anew with his family. Overall it seems like leaving JDS gave him a more hopeful lens on life.
But the MOST headscratching thing about his parting audio log is the last few lines;
"But before I go, I've made one last toy. A little parting present for the factory lads. Let's see how long it takes them to find it."
We never hear from Shawn again, so we have NO IDEA WHAT THIS MEANS LMAO. Leave it to Shawn to be mysterious for no apparent reason.
However, there is a possible connection to be made. In the Heavenly Toys area, there's a factory output sheet slapped on one of the walls.
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The last column mentions a "Bendy Starface Stuffed Toy", which we've never seen presently. There was only one ever made, and after that it was immediately discontinued.
I don't know why it would be listed at all if Shawn did leave the Starface Bendy as a gift, so this may all be a dead end. (I'm also aware that this might be a "Scarface" reference, although I really don't know what that has to do with anything.) Regardless, I find it a weird coincidence that Shawn left a single toy behind, and Starface also seems to be a completely unique Bendy toy.
TL;DR Shawn Flynn is cool and might have left an Among Us plushie at the studio for his co-workers
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
Hello! If possible, could I request the Obey Me brothers + dateables and their reactions to an MC with dyscalculia? If not, it's totally fine!! I hope you've an awesome week <3 !!
obey me brothers + an mc with dyscalculia (pt. 1)
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in order to get shit out in even a remotely timely manner, i've decided to now and in the future start splitting asks into two individual posts based on character group (brothers vs dateables/side characters). it was between that and shortening the posts and since i'd rather bite my own fingers off than put out content i'm not proud of, this is my solution! so let's call this part 1 to this ask. also sorry it takes me obscenely long to post i am a mess
content warnings: none
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"Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that affects a person's ability to do math. Much like dyslexia disrupts areas of the brain related to reading, dyscalculia affects brain areas that handle math- and number-related skills and understanding." - Cleveland Clinic
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lucifer is such a dad about this, like i cannot express this enough.
he knows you have dyscalculia before you even arrive in the devildom. he sees it on your paperwork before they pull you from the human realm, so he's already preparing the best strategies to assist you. he will, however, wait until you say something about it to make that information known.
he will make you bring your math homework to his office every night so he can check it. that is not optional. he doesn't care how much you hate it, because at the end of the day you need to pass. tough love, in a sense.
but, on that same note-- he's not actually mean about correcting your work. it's very odd. you'd expect big, bad, "i'll string mammon up from the ceiling on any given day" ass lucifer would be a brutal teacher, but he's really not. he knows that you brain simply does not work the same way as others, so he's extra particular about his explanations. he doesn't ever call you out in a way that makes you feel stupid. this proud demon never wants to make you embarrassed over something you can't control.
ideally, you'll come around on doing homework in his office every night. he thinks this is the perfect choice for both of you. his office is quiet and warm, with the soothing sounds of a crackling fire comforting you as you work. he can make sure any distractions (aka, his brothers) are completely out of sight until you're finished for the night. he'll also be right there in case you need any help-- he'll drop whatever he's doing and help until you're sure you've got the problem down.
lucifer is protective of this time together. it's the one time where he's certain he can do more for you than the rest of his brothers, and he's determined to prove you won't ever need to turn to them for help.
if you get overwhelmed with your homework, he's easy on you for the rest of the night. lucifer knows when to call it quits-- he'll slide your homework away across the desk and set a reassuring hand on your back. he doesn't speak as you get all your frustrations out, whether they be tears or anger. it's easy to forget that lucifer is actually an older brother. but in moments like these, full of quiet comfort as he carefully works you down from the ledge, you think maybe he's not so intimidating after all.
oh, you're not good with math? join the club, bestie.
mammon takes an embarrassing amount of time to realize that you've got dyscalculia. like, a near impossible amount of time. you're not hiding this information from him. he's seen lucifer help you with your math homework, heard you talk about special accommodations for tests, hell, you've even said it aloud! this man would lose a spelling bee to a box of bricks.
you eventually ask him if he knows what dyscalculia is. he tries to play it off like he knows, but of course, he's not a great actor. you let him flounder for a little bit before choosing mercy and explaining the concept to him. it takes him a bit to understand that it's an actual learning disorder and you're not just making shit up to explain why you suck at math.
mammon prefers when you do homework together. in his head, he justifies this by saying he'll be close by when if you need his help. in reality, he'd probably do more harm than good to your grade. he spends most nights trying to coax you into working on homework in his room. at the very least, he'll be able to spend some alone time with you
reality is often disappointing. you do actually spend most nights doing your math homework together... at the kitchen table, while lucifer sits between you two and makes sure you get your work done in a timely manner. no talking, mammon, or he'll hang you from the stairwell by your ankles.
don't ask him for help. just... don't. you'll honestly do worse than if you had just tried yourself.
if you get overwhelmed trying to do your work with dyscalculia, mammon is right there by your side. you won't be doing anymore work tonight, that's for sure. he'll pull you into his arms, red-faced and sheepish, as he soothes your frustrations with gentle, murmured affirmations. you are so much more than this math shit, alright? don't forget it.
levithan simply won't pick up on something as subtle as your difficulty with numbers. even if he notices it, he'd never say anything. what if he's wrong? what if you feel bad about it? what if he offers to help you with that math homework you're struggling with three feet in front of him and you hate him for it? oh god, maybe he should mind his own business. what if he's making all these assumptions about you-- assumptions that you'd hate him for? he can't handle if you-- oh, what? you want to talk about it with him? haha, no worries. totally chill. levi's nothing if not totally chill.
you have to tell levi about your dyscalculia if you ever want him to know, or at least tell one of his more loose-lipped brothers. he's willing to talk about it if you are. but no matter how close you are, he would never bring it up first.
he's got passable grades. he'd probably do better if he applied himself, but honestly, he's far too interested in throwing himself into another anime or video game to dedicate much brain space to school. if you want to do homework with him, he'll probably opt to play a game on some handheld next to you to keep you company. he's extra considerate to keep his headphones on and stay quiet for you. he's just honored you want to spend time with him like this.
you want levi to help you with homework? are you sure? you don't want one of his smarter brothers, like satan or belphie or-- you're sure you want him? he's not convinced he's stellar at tutoring or anything, but he'll try. he brings out his own (rushed) homework and explains his thought process to you... funnily enough, helping you points out the flaws in how own work, which he can now fix before turning it in. helping you has quiet literally raised his grades in the long run.
if you get overwhelmed, levi is quick to panic. please don't cry. his best solution is to distract you. wanna watch him beat this level? wanna start an anime together to take your mind off of it? you guys end up wasting the rest of the night recreating the HoL and demon brothers in the devildom equivalent of the sims. so much for raising your grades together... lucifer is not happy hearing how easily both of you got distracted (but lets it slide when he realizes it was math homework you skipped).
satan is an observant fellow. he probably knows within your first month at RAD that you've got an issue with numbers. he might not know the exact diagnosis, but he can tell you're not nearly as confident with math as you are in other subjects. he notices you're more dodgy about anything to do with numbers. he had not intention to bother you about it, of course, but he'll watch with a bit of curiosity as you encounter these sort of situations-- he doesn't understand you, after all, and he wants to know why.
by the time you guys are on friendly terms, he'll offer to help you with any homework you might struggle with. satan gives no indication that he knows you're not the most confident in math. while he hates lucifer, satan still knows the value of pride and dignity in these situations. he waits until you approach him one night for help-- bashful, a little ashamed, all interesting emotions for him to witness up close-- and carefully guides you through the work. that's when he sees it. you have an odd way of interacting with numbers. there he notices little mess ups when counting, longer pauses mid-equation, how quiet you are as he helps you out... interesting. guess he'll have to keep assisting you for now.
when you do eventually tell him, he... i mean he basically flat out tells you he knew from the moment he watched you solve a math problem. hopefully that explanation doesn't upset you. it's just facts. one time you had to pay for something at a festival stall in cash... watching you try to calculate the combination of coins and bills you should hand over was painful.
he doesn't really mind accommodating your dyscalculia. you, at least, aren't just a dumbass with no explanation (like mammon, he's talking about mammon). satan will usually ask if you want his help before stepping in, out of courtesy, but usually prefers to handle number-related tasks himself. it just goes faster.
if you get overwhelmed with your homework, you'll see satan get really confused. he didn't think it was something that could upset you in that way. he'd sooner expect you to get pissed off and storm out, y'know? that he can relate to. he'll follow your lead on this one. what would make you feel better? if you want to power through, he'll do his best to explain everything as simply as possible. if not, he'll do something with you to take your mind off of everything.
it's easy to write asmodeus off as some sort of surface-level ditz, but that's truly a disservice to the bubbly demon. he's still one of the most powerful demons in the whole realm, after all. but he's always been good at picking up those small details-- your dyscalculia is something that stumps him for awhile, but eventually, he figures out something is up.
the main problem is shopping. he'll often drag you along with him to majolish, either as a pack mule to carry his things or as a lovely little doll to try on every outfit combo his pretty little head can put together. the real issue came about as he tried to get your help calculating a running total for the items in his arms. see, asmo is quite good with numbers (new headcanon alert? honestly i'm into it i now declare asmo's a secret lil math whiz). so as he's adding up the prices, he'll shout numbers at you from another changing room and ask you for help. what's $74.36 + 189.20? quickly! oh, too late, he's got it. will you remember $263.56? now say that back to him?
when you inevitably stumble through every single number-related task, even just counting certain things in the bag, asmodeus realizes that maybe you're just not that good with numbers. not in the way that mammon is, that's just general stupidity (so mean!), but in a way unlike you are with anything else. eventually he'll stop handing off number-related tasks to you and take a couple extra seconds to do it anyways.
asmo would help you with homework, but that requires doing his own homework, you see. and considering the fact that his nails are wet AND the devildom culture reading sounds boring as hell... he doesn't have any plans to do it. in fact, he'll calculate just what assignments he can skip while still passing. if he's not going to do his homework, he'll at least keep you company while you do yours! expect quite humming as he scrolls through social media next to you.
on the rare occasion that he does in fact do his work, asmo is more than willing to help you with your math homework! he does, however, have a system. first of all, you guys are studying in his room with the door closed. not to hide anything from the others-- unless you'd like to take advantage of the closed door?-- but to keep his brothers from interrupting you. then the two of you will spread out on his floor or his bed and get to work. if you help him with devildom history, he'll gladly help you with math!
if you get overwhelmed by your math homework, asmodeus is quick to ditch school work for the rest of the evening. honestly he didn't want to do it either! he's almost excited to be there by your side and comforting you-- in part because it's him you're asking for comfort and not his brothers, and in part because he gets the chance to charm you with one of his greatest strengths: hospitality! expect an evening of pampering with no expectation of reciprocation. he enjoys running you a bath (won't even joke about joining you... this time), doing your skincare, painting your nails... it's your call. he just can't wait to take your mind off of the stress and remind you just how wonderful you are.
beelzebub doesn't even come close to finding out about your dyscalculia until you tell him. he thinks watching people work is a little rude, and he's usually too busy snacking, or thinking about snacking, or planning his next food order, or-- you get the picture. and even if he did notice you struggling, he'd kindly turn the other cheek to give you privacy. he might mention something to belphie later, considering how smart his twin is and all, but it's always out of a place of genuine concern and care for you. beel is trusts you to respect your own limits and, if you want him to know about your struggles, to approach him when you're ready.
beel is the type to have a structured homework routine. he just gets too distracted when left to his own devices! his stomach can lead him to the wildest of places. beel goes to the same spot in his room every night with a mountain of snacks and gets to work. belphie is usually somewhere in the room to "supervise", mainly acting to keep his twin on task when his brain goes into overdrive. no beel, you didn't miss fangol practice. it was cancelled tonight because of the weather. is lucifer making dinner toni-- i don't know who's on dinner duty. no, don't go check. beel.
if you're joining him to actually do your work, belphie is thankful. you essentially take over his job of "beel wrangler" and allow him to sleep peacefully nearby. if you're there to be a distraction, it's only a matter of time until you're either wrangled yourself (much to belphie's irritation) or shooed out of the room until beel finishes his work.
tutoring from beel is really collaborative. you tackle each question together, one at a time, until the assignment is complete. he wants to hear how your brain processes the question-- learning difficulty and all-- then he'll share his thoughts. somewhere in there the two of you will usually find the right answer. if not, belphie's always willing to try to help the two of you.
if you get overwhelmed with your math homework, beel is quick to comfort you. what can he do to help? he's got some snacks if that would take your mind off of things. actually, these are new ones from the convenience store across town. in a couple of minutes, you're playing a devildom version (and surprisingly tamer, considering this is supposed to be hell and all) version of beanboozled. beel never guesses a flavor incorrectly. eventually you and belphie are just feeding a blindfolded beel jellybeans and watching him guess each and every flavor correctly. at least you're not struggling with your work anymore!
belphie, after sitting in his assigned seat next to you for exactly one (1) math class, asks if you've always struggle with numbers. blunt but to the point, i guess? he doesn't mean to be offensive or anything, but he's not going to sugarcoat it, either. he noticed you were struggling keeping up with the notes. you're welcome to borrow his if you need to.
(i feel the need to note here that belphie's notetaking is ass. he's on the verge of passing out each class period, so all of his work is slanted heavily and mostly undecipherable. it's a shame, really, because he's got good handwriting when he's awake).
he's found most often in his room or the attic curled up among the blankets. because they assume he's asleep, wherever belphie is tends to be a good study spot. sometimes he'll beckon you to join him on the bed as he tries to distract you encourages you to pace yourself. other times he's fast asleep with the lights on, leaving you to your studies on the floor or at a nearby desk/table.
if you specifically request his tutoring, he'll make time for you. sure, he'll probably be half asleep and will appear in your room to help at an odd hour between naps, but he'll be sure to come. the problem is that his "tutoring" is mostly him just telling you the answers. if you're cool with this, great! if not, he's a bit less helpful. it's best to just use him as one would the answers section at the back of the textbook to check if you found the right result and, if not, as a resource to work backwards and find your mistake.
if you get overwhelmed with your math work while doing homework in belphegor's room, he immediately suggests a break to help calm you back down. unfortunately, this is the avatar of sloth we're discussing-- any break he suggests will most definitely turn into a distraction that stops any and all progress for the rest of the night. honestly? sometimes that's what you need. sometimes you know you're going to stress beyond the point of improvement, and those nights need to be stopped before you crash. his first suggestion will always be to curl up together to take a nap. if you're interested, you should be aware that the "nap" will not end until the next morning. if you decide to be responsible and veto that plan, then you will probably both curl up to watch a movie-- your pick-- and spend the rest of the night far, far away from any math homework that'll stress you out further.
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cvrnelians · 1 year
unfollowed - chapter one
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Kendall has been building up the courage to talk to you for a while now. When he finds your Twitter account, he sees this as the perfect opportunity to get to know you anonymously, without any preconceived notions.
He didn’t mean for it to go this far. He’s planning on telling you the truth eventually, he really is! One day. When it’s the right time.
Ideally, before you figure out he’s not Greg.
chapter two
chapter one
You figured you knew all there was to know (and more than you ever even wanted to know) about the Roys. Who didn't? They were that perfect mix of arrogance and absurd wealth that made news outlets go apeshit. You tried your best to tune them out as you scrolled through social media, but your attempts to evade them were simply unrealistic at this point.
When you were away from your phone, you were still inundated with information about whatever scandal of they week they were involved with. You would catch a blip of Roman being hounded by paparazzi on the news, or one of your professors would bring up Shiv's campaign strategies as a controversial talking point. They were even a source of conversation during forced family functions, somehow melding into a foolproof way to break the ice. You were doubtful of many things in this life, but if there was one thing you knew for certain, it was this:
Nothing created stronger bonds between people than by banding together to talk shit about other people.
Everyone seemed to have something to say about that family. There were so many of them, and they were so awful, and their power and influence only made them even more awful. You likened them to the popular kids at school, or the Kardashians or something. The general consensus was that everyone hated them, and yet, no one turned down an opportunity to see what they were up to, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days a year. They were a guilty pleasure for the masses, actors in a soap opera designed to make everyone stop and stare.
But mostly point and laugh.
It all started with a Twitter DM. Seriously. A Twitter DM.
In retrospect, you couldn’t help but think about how comical it all was—being romantically pursued through a Twitter DM. 
At least it wasn’t Instagram. Whenever someone messaged you there, you never gave it a second look. Instagram DMs from strange men you didn't know typically manifested as a reaction to one of your photos, which you were none too crazy about. A Twitter DM was strange in a different way. You had little to no identifying information on your account, just your first name and your birthday. Your avi was a photo of your cat taking a nap. If someone had something to say to you on Twitter, it wasn't appearance based. It was a genuine reaction to something stupid you said, plain and simple.
And so, because you had a grand total of seven followers (two friends you barely spoke to, your sister, three acquaintances from college, and one bot), the message stood out. As one could expect from someone with seven followers, your tweets were nothing groundbreaking. You treated Twitter like it was your personal diary, or some kind of vat to pour your stream of consciousness into.
Your most popular tweets?
i'm exhausted
i dyed my hair all by myself and it actually looks ok ( o :
should i go vegan
oh god i'm so exhaustedddddd rn
that one song by the gorillaz about sunshine in a bag??? that's my shit
i'm. so. EXHAUSTED ): ): ):
You were quite the wordsmith, if you said so yourself.
Best (or worst) of all, though?
can we as a society please make a pact to collectively block the roy family on every platform? i’m so sick of hearing about them and seeing their dumbass posts on my feed. i’m honestly going to have a mental breakdown make it stop please
Within ten minutes, someone favorited what you wrote. When you went to check your notifications, you were surprised to find that the person who liked it wasn’t anyone you knew personally, or the bot. When you tapped on the profile, you felt a pit in your stomach. You reminded yourself that you should really make your account private, simply to avoid such a bizarre, anxiety-ridden feeling. You hadn’t thought anyone would actually try and contact you. Why would they?
You breathed a sigh of relief when you pulled up the account, which was nothing too crazy. The impression you got from the very limited information you had (considering the person’s avi was the Gucci logo, which elicited a massive eye roll) was that it was most likely a man, probably in his twenties or thirties. Very into bitcoin. Very into US stocks. Very into retweeting disparaging things about Harvard and trashing various platforms’ “algos” and other things that were totally irrelevant to your life.
The one thing that broke up the monotony of it all?
The Beastie Boys.
Oh, and Wu-Tang Clan.
Whoever this dude was, he had a Spotify account, and he wasn’t afraid to use it. He had a penchant for screenshotting whatever (predominantly 90s of any and every genre, and occasionally EDM) song he was listening to and posting it for all the world (aka his 35 followers) to see.
As if anyone cared. You couldn’t be too hard on him, though, not when you had done the same thing on your own account multiple times, and continued to do so. You actually had similar taste in music, which you thought was always a fun commonality to share.
Just as soon as you started to lurk the profile, you got a message in your inbox. It happened so fast that it almost made you jump, like he knew you were looking at it.
I would have to agree. They’re pretty awful, but definitely not worth the mental breakdown.
Then, a few seconds later…
Kendall doesn’t seem so bad, though.
You weren't planning on responding. It was rare that you had any interaction with strangers on the internet. It wasn’t like you were avidly against it or anything. You just…never really found the time. But it was 4:30 in the morning, you were wide awake, your tv wasn't working, and you wanted something to keep your mind occupied. 
You got home from your sister’s wedding at around midnight, but you felt too wired to sleep. It had been a nice evening overall. The ceremony was beautiful, the reception was fun. You were beyond happy for your sister and her now husband, who you suspected she was going to marry for years now. There was drinking and dancing and you saw family members you actually liked, family members you hadn’t seen in years. Your mom had flown in from California. Even though you spoke on the phone nearly everyday, getting the chance to actually see her was always wonderful.
Conversely, Aria’s wedding had forced you to come into contact with someone you hadn’t seen in years, someone you hated more than anyone else in the world.
Well, maybe that was dramatic. There were worse people in the world. But you did hate him. A lot.
Your father.
Crazy, how just one drop could poison the well, ruining a perfectly good night.
You shoved those thoughts down, instead redirecting your focus towards the weird little man on your phone. You decided you had reached your allotted crying limit for that week.
You both replied at the same time.
Really? I get weird vibes off him.
Not to make you feel weird or anything, but I'm scrolling through your tweets and you listen to some pretty good music.
That did make you feel weird—but a good weird, an amused sort of weird. This random person was scrolling through your tweets, developing a positive opinion of you based on your disdain for the Roys and the your penchant for blaring the Blood Sugar Sex Magik album in your car on the way to work. You had stalked his profile too, so you supposed it was only fair to allow him to do the same.
Wait. Weird how?
Oh thanks. I know no one really cares what music I’m listening to but idk, I just like posting about it.
I’m the same. It’s like, I like my music so I want other people to like it, too.
Weird how though??
Meanwhile everyone else is just listening to *their* music, thinking the exact same thing.
I can’t really pinpoint it. It just seems like there’s more than meets the eye with him, but maybe not in a good way. Like there’s a lot going on under the surface that we don’t get to see.
I get the impression that he has a lot to hide, you know what I mean?
Hah. I think you’re dead on with that one actually.
I read somewhere that he’s a pretty private person, which I think is kind of understandable all things considered.
Yeah, maybe. I don’t know, for some reason I get this weird feeling that in a few years it’s gonna come out that he’s done some seriously bad things that got covered up because he has money.
It’s one thing to keep things to yourself, but I think there’s more to it than that.
There’s private and then there’s secretive, if that makes any sense.
Yeah, I get that.
But what do I know? This is coming from someone that posts their every waking moment on twitter. I’m mostly anonymous on here, but maybe I need to “take a page out of his book” or whatever.
I would prefer not to, though.
Too complicated?
Yeah. And bleak. 
At least, that’s how it seems to me.
His replies had been coming in fast, but this one took a bit longer to arrive. You could see the little dots indicating that he was typing pop up and disappear a few times, like he kept writing something and deleting it. He seemed to actually care about your reaction to what he was saying, trying to come up with the right thing to say next...which was odd.
Then again, you kind of did, too.
Wow. Tell me how you really feel.
I’m not normally this judgmental. It’s just with that family in particular. They’re so oversaturated in the press. Maybe he’s a nice guy. He clearly has some depth to him. Who knows, though? I’ll never actually meet him lol.
I mean, not that I should care what some random on twitter thinks of me anyway. But idk.
“Some random” lol. Thanks for that.
I do have a name, you know.
What is it, then? I MUST know.
You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
Post Malone??? Is that u????
Lol Jesus Christ. No.
Jesus Christ???? I didn’t know you had a secret twitter. Do you have a finsta, too?
Alright smartass. My name is Kendall, ironically.
Also, what’s a finsta?
You couldn’t help but laugh at that. You didn’t want to make him feel bad, though. If he didn’t know, he didn’t know.
Wait, how old are you?
My guess? Probably older than you. Actually, definitely older than you.
But not by much.
Wow. Very elusive. Are you sure you’re not Kendall Roy?
Again, you were left waiting. The dots popped up and disappeared. Once, twice, three times.
I could only dream of being that handsome and powerful. But no, I’m not. Sadly. 
Lol I like how you had to think about it.
I was sending an e-mail for work, geez. I’m not obligated to respond to you immediately.
At 4 in the morning?
You must be a workaholic.
Oh, you have no idea…
You wondered if he was bored, too. He seemed genuinely interested in keeping the conversation going.
Usually I don’t like to give out my info but you seem fairly non-threatening. So, ballpark estimate, I’m somewhere in my late thirties.
It probably wasn’t the brightest idea to be talking to a stranger who claimed to be in his late thirties, which was, in fact, older than you. He easily could’ve been lying. Maybe he was twenty, maybe he was eighty. There was no way for you to know definitively what was real and what wasn’t, unless you did a bit of digging. You didn’t have much to go on, but you supposed it didn’t matter. You were just talking, and this little conversation would likely end within the next twenty minutes or so, when you finally willed yourself to shut your eyes and go to sleep.
What are you doing up so late, anyway? Assuming you’re in the US. You did mention that it was 4am.
Ah. So he was having trouble sleeping, too.
For context, I’m on the east coast, where it is also 4am. Which is ungodly late. Or early, depending on how you look at it.
I’m on the east coast, too.
You’re just as crazy as I am, then.
Speak for yourself, House of Gucci.
Lol wow you really are kind of a smartass, aren’t you?
I’m in New York.
No way! I’m in New York too. Upstate or downstate?
I don’t like giving out my info, remember?
You just opted to tell me you lived in New York completely unprovoked but ok.
And you’re right. You are older than me. "Ballpark” I’m in my twenties. But it’s nice to hear that you’re thirty and flirty and thriving.
Wow. I would love to be even just one of those things right now. 
You frowned at that.
Aw. I can relate.
Well, maybe we can commiserate together.
Maybe tomorrow? I really need to try and sleep. I have work in the morning.
I kind of figured. What do you do?
Damn. He really did want to keep this going, what with completely ignoring everything you just said about wanting to go to sleep.
I don’t like giving out my info, REMEMBER?
Yeah, yeah. Sorry, I’ll let you sleep. Sorry if this was weird, I’m at the airport right now and my flight got delayed. I wanted to kill some time and you seemed like you might be cool, so
Have a good night, alright?
You smiled to yourself, leaning back into your cocoon of pillows. Texting had actually made your eyes a little tired.
You too.
As you set your phone down on your nightstand, you saw it light up one more time. You wanted to groan. Was this guy seriously trying to keep it going even after you said goodnight? Were you going to have to block him?
But no. It was just a notification that he had followed you.
“Cute,” you mumbled to yourself, following him back.
If this weird, pleasant little interaction was any reflection of what “internet friends” might be like, maybe you would leave your account public.
…for now.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Use this ask to ramble about anything, better if it's about Roach 🪳💖
(btw I think I found you in twitter by accident, I'm not sure, too anxious to follow anyway)
I haven't gotten to yell about my boy by himself in so long omggggg
Oh also before I forget, you probably did find my Twitter! I haven't really made any posts about it cause, tbh, I still have no idea what I want to post there, but I do indeed have a Twitter! It is here for anyone who wants to follow me. Right now I've just really been dropping random cod thoughts and reposting a lot of artists content, but who knows maybe I'll start doing some Twitter exclusive stuff or thread fics or something (has no idea how thread fics work). Anyways on to the boy:
I'm using this as an opportunity to just talk about whatever comes to mind and the first thing I wanna start with are like some alternate ideas I had for Roach's family before I landed on the Sanderson dynamic that I have now:
Roach from a military family
Imagine how fun it would be if Roach was raised in a military family, especially if they still had that overprotective aspect to them. Like baby boy who was raised around the military so he's been intimately familiar with it
Maybe he had some different talent and his family wanted him to go down a different path and not go military like them
He says fuck that and joins the military and fucks around and ends up joining taskforce 141
Extra funny points if his family don't realize that he's on a specialized taskforce cause he was so nervous about telling them and they find out in dramatic fashion
Maybe he drops in to save them on a mission or something like 🤭 the drama of it all I love it
Also side note but I was thinking so hard about the Sanderson boys (Johnathan and Eddie) and I can't draw so I have to snatch some Face Claims for them so this is what I think Roach's older brothers look like:
Johnathan is played by Lee Pace don't test me this man is tall and probably acts as his own security at his bar and also is a goofball and idk Lee Pace is perfect (this should not detract from me also thinking that Lee Pace is a perfect fc for König)
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Eddie to me has to look something like Luke Norris idk I feel like he needs a softer and more like nervous/panicky energy than Johnathan and this man fits don't test me don't test me
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Also for anyone who is wondering: No, I still don't have a face claim for my Roach. In my mind he changes so much I see so many different artists versions of Roach in my brain at all times so choosing an actor for him is so hard. I have...thoughts, but idk that anyone would enjoy the thoughts that I have so we'll pretend I don't have them.
More on Roach cause he's my lil guy, my lil dude, my lil buddy
Listen y'all know Southern Roach is my bias but also also also have been falling in love more and more with the idea of Russian Roach. He would be so funnn like he works with Nik beforehand maybe he was undercover with the ultranationalists. I also enjoy the idea of him cursing Shepherd and/or Makarov out in Russian I think it would be fun.
However Southern Roach rains supreme I was thinking so hard about a ghostroachsoap au recently based loosely on the song "Farmer's Daughter" by Rodney Atkins. (Y'all let me know if you want the full au its really just farm au cuteness)
Thinking so hard of Roach just being beloved in his small town as this Golden Child precious little dude then he goes off to the military and finally let's that feral side come out a little. Imagine how funny it would be for Ghost and Soap to go home with Roach and see their boyfriend pu on this innocent act and listen to people describe him as this perfect little guy when they know for a fact that Roach is like borderline feral two steps away from being considered a wild animal.
"He's such a good boy, would never hurt a fly."
Ghost and Soap who watched Roach tear a man's throat out with his teeth last week:
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Also taking the opportunity to say that we as a community need to start acknowledging hoe canonically skilled Roach is with weapons! Like this is a boy who had both Price and Soap cursing because they couldn't get any kills because he was killing them to fast. This is a boy who beat Ghost (his luitenant) on a rifle test by a wide margin and on the test that ghost beat him he only fell behind four points.
Roach canonical has several extremely brutal takedown moves that he can do, including the pickaxes and the little fucking kick thing he does to the one guy before stabbing him. Also he's like straight up flipping his guns and doing tricks with them and shit in his weapons inspections, Soap talks about how good he is with C4 and shit.
Like I think people see the like spots where he got into trouble and nearly died in the campaign and take that to mean that he's like not as good as Ghost and Soap and needed their help a lot but like honest to God all of the trouble he gets in to is less because he fucked up and more because the world seems to have it out for him.
The roof breaking out from under him, the ice cracking on him, explosions happen to rock his ass just as soon as he hits an open field. Like someone was trying to kill this little fuck and two outta the three times they failed.
And like its not like Roach doesn't help himself during these situations. Like when he fell yeah he had Soap guiding him but he was the one having the run and slide and do all that shit like no amount of Soap's guiding could have made that easy for him.
Also this boy almost falls off a cliff but is able to get himself back on track enough that he not only finishes climbing the cliff but then does a whole ass stealth mission basically invading a Russian military base on his own???
Roach is a very talented and skilled bug and we should all be patting him on the head for how cool he is.
Also I think its absolutely funny cause In my mind he's smaller than Soap and Ghost both like height and build wise (not small, just smaller than those two behemoths) and so when the trio of them are together people like tend to underestimate him meanwhile Ghost and Soap are like "Uh, no, no you uh hey dude no" because they know that Roach will gladly fuck people up.
I also love the idea of Roach appearing out of nowhere like a fucking cryptid. There is no talking behind Roach's back or keeping secrets he is everywhere at once and will appear out of thin air. Ghost and Soap have to like fully leave base if they want to plan a surprise for him and even then both of them have no trust that Roach won't somehow pop into existence next to them waahahhahaha
Alright thats all for my rambling for now
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strangerstime · 11 months
Perhaps this information will totally influence my future writings
This topic exhausted itself a long time ago. But is it always a bad thing to return to something that still weighs on you to this day? Yeah, I'm talking about Sun and Moon Show.
So why did I pull this topic out of the nailed coffin when I have already stated my opinion before? Well, there are reasons for that. My friend, @visionthefox, often makes little posts debating this, and I read them from time to time. And the post about Bloodmoon and Lunar has me quite interested. More specifically the fact that BM broke his arm. I was impressed: in a show made for kids, they showed that moment in a very violent and intimidating way. For that they have my respect. I hadn't heard my boys' voices in quite a while and was immensely happy to hear the two of them again (if you remember, it was after BM and Lunar died that I finally gave up on the show). But my happiness didn't last long.
I watched a few other episodes, including gameplay episodes (where I think the BM actor underplayed emotionally, since I saw him as Moon the whole time, but Ruin Eclipse behaved pretty similarly, but not about that), and was somewhat disappointed. Not only that they made two hysterical twins out of my fun and active twins (which is justifiable, since they've been betrayed many times and suffered mentally from it), but also how much the plot became… monotonous? I just didn't have the fervor to find out what happens next.
You may say to me, "Well, it's a show for kids! Why pick on it?" Well, I came to this show when I was a kid. And I thought it was pretty strong script-wise. So what happened? When did those subtle plot lines weaving together turn into constant "here-this-twists!"? All in all, it's pretty sad. I don't deny that there are some positive aspects to the show: I like that the BMs are shown to be much more serious and more realistic, with their complexes and fears; that they brought up Lunar and BM's "brotherhood" (After a year- KHEM) and other minor pluses, but there's nothing here that can bring my attention back. The saddest thing is when watching something leaves no emotion at all…. Just emptiness...
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I am in no way judging you if you like this Show! This is my subjective opinion, which I just decided to express for one simple reason: I feel guilty.
Guilty of falling for it, of following the creators' leash, of deciding to base my universe on it and thereby creating so many problems for myself that I won't be able to solve anytime soon, because all the problems start from the first comics… I've only been doing this for a year, and I realize I'm as far from perfect as the Earth is from the Moon. I realize that I should have thought of the consequences earlier, but I was going with my emotions and hopes, which ultimately didn't come to fruition. I accept the fact that people unfamiliar with SAMS will not get on board, they will be confused and end up drowning in trying to understand what is going on here. Which leads me to ask just one question:
"What should I do now?"
Is it worth restarting the whole thing? Flush a whole year of my efforts down the toilet to convey the true essence of my complicated plot? Or should I give up and just pretend like this is how it's supposed to be, finally finishing at least one part of this story….
Many people won't get to this point, but the few that do, hear me: never repeat my mistakes. Don't put your fate in the hands of other people.
End of communication.
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doverstar · 8 months
Hey Doverstar. Fellow Christian here. :) What do you think about The Chosen? They just started releasing Season 4 eps in theaters this February in the United States. I really love this show. What about you? If you do...I think that would be groovy! If not...well. That would also be groovy too. ✌
Hi there! Woah, it's in theaters, that's crazy! Back in my day it was barely stream-able and we had to be in a specific person's living room to get it on the TV, how far we've come by matchbox twenty- I'm glad you asked, this will be long-ish!
I used to attend the church that the creator of the show had been attending at the time when we lived in IL (his name is Dallas, I think we had dinner with him? don't remember). That was before The Chosen was a thing. He had great ideas about what Christian media could be, but The Chosen in particular went downhill fast for me. I think it's an excellent show, but I also think that when you're using historical, real people in the content, you have to be very careful. Especially when it's biblical figures in history. Then you have to be insanely careful, and Dallas is not being as careful as one would hope. Because you don't want people who know nothing about Jesus to watch that show and have that expectation in their minds when they go to read the Bible. Jesus probably didn't talk like that, may not have looked like that, and may not have even smiled like that during His ministry here. But I've literally spoken with people who say things like if Jesus doesn't smile like Jonathan Roumie when they get to Heaven, "what's the point". That's dangerous. (And theologically the show is not sound.) I get taking creative liberties in order to make a television show more engaging for a modern audience, but not with the Bible. I get trying to make it easier to understand and follow for people who are just not brought up in the church and don't know the language. But I've decided for me, personally, not to continue watching The Chosen. For one thing, I don't want those actors/actresses in my head when I'm reading the Bible, and for another, I don't want to start being in a "fandom" for a show that's supposed to be portraying the events in the Bible. I don't want to start treating the Bible like it's fiction, like Peter's my blorbo (as the kids say), like it's just entertainment. It's not. It's real. It's all real, and I know me, and I know I have a tendency to over-romanticize the media I consume. I'm not going near that show with a 39-and-a-half foot pole anymore. It would be too easy to start thinking the wrong way about what I believe based on the way the show makes me feel. That, and I think the show is disrespectful and wrong. Great idea, good execution, went off the rails. And yeah, The Chosen is so good at making you feel things! I saw that first Season. I loved that first Season! Little ideas like having the Jesus-character laugh in bed while knowing exactly what the family of the lame man he cured is waking up to, literally able to see them rejoicing miles away? That's beautiful. When the Jesus-character cries with the woman at the well, and he tells her from now on it will all be about the heart, not about works? And she says "You promise?" And he cries and smiles and promises and she's so happy? That's beautiful. I cried too. And my favorite was the line when Mary says that before she met Jesus, "I was one way. And now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him." That's perfect. That's so good. That's what it's like, in three sentences. Excellent. Well done. Oh, and the music swelling at the end of each episode? Fantastic. Emotions everywhere. But like I said, I don't trust it. I got through about four episodes of Season 2 before I was like, okay, that's enough. This isn't good for me. Does that make sense? I could go into the discrepancies and how they often treat Jesus in the show as though He wasn't fully man and fully God (He was), and how they often make it seem like you can believe He was or He wasn't and it's all fine, when it's not all fine. But that would take a while! In a nutshell: I'm glad the creators had the right heart to start out with, and I'm pleased to see it proven that Christians can make excellent media, but not if it's like this, and I don't think the show should continue. If it does, I think they need to get their heads on straight and be super clear about the Truth, otherwise there's no point. I won't be watching it. Doesn't make you evil if you watch it! This is just what I think. Since you asked. Glad to hear from you! <3
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that-left-turn · 3 months
sorry to vent but let me just say how annoyed i am right now. i've unfollowed the twd account everywhere because, well, no need to explain the reasons why, but yesterday i decided to read the comments on a rare tweet about Carol and i was so disappointed at the amount of hate and mocking tweets. i just can't take it anymore. i mean it's exhausting to fight people hating on her for no reason and i fear this might affect the promotion as well! what do you think about that? i mean why can't people just avoid what they do not like? why do they feel the urge to be edgy? i've read jokes about sophia, izzie, henry, laurent... i'm tired of this fandom
Female characters are always held to a much higher standard than their male counterparts. Men can be flawed, complicated and morally gray, but women have to be perfect. Unattainably so. I find Carol fascinating and relatable because she struggles. I don't want her to be perfect—perfect characters are boring, and just like a good story needs tension and conflict to drive the action, good character development needs an arc. It has to 'take a turn' before it gets somewhere. As a character, Carol more than provides.
Like you said, problems arise when people with whom she doesn't resonate keep commenting in a negative way. It fosters a toxic fandom, and perpetuates sexism and ageism. The spinoff isn't about Carol—this season might focus more on her, but as the title tells us, it's not her show and TPTB have been treating the larger TWD pool of viewers as their target demographic. That invites this behavior. The anti-Carol part of the audience sees something they don't want and are vocal about it, in a destructive/abusive way. That could be one reason why AMC hits so hard on the 'best buds' aspect of the messaging.
Part of it is that there's clearly competing agendas in the promotion and a different strategy is employed by the studio/network vs. the non-acting EPs. The relationship among executive producers on a show isn't equal; it's based on function within the production and what kind of deal the individual EP struck with the studio. There's usually a lot of internal politics and jockeying for power going on within ranks. Like any other workplace, I'd imagine. It's competitive (the job market is particularly harsh right now) and from what I can see, these particular EPs are trying to position themselves in a way that ensures their continued livelihood.
The acting EPs are "safe" because they're the face of the franchise, so pay attention to the discrepancies in how they position the characters and plot arcs in comparison to the N/A EPs. Who and what actors hype during the promo circuit is tied to their work environment. From the looks of it, Gimple is trying to make some power moves to ensure his continued relevance to the franchise (which is a whole other ugly discussion—I have plenty of thoughts on that photoshoot at Tribeca lol) and the way in which Norman and Melissa position Zabel when talking about the plot arcs and character development suggests that they're attempting to block Gimple from reaching his goals.
When whatever's going on backstage has settled, one way or another, the audience should see a more cohesive approach to the promotion.
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riahlynn101 · 11 months
What are your thoughts over the movie? I have some myself (and a mild mental breakdown over the Thing™), but overall, it was good. I want to talk about it with anyone, lol
Okay, so....
Spoilers below the cut:
Firstly, I loved it. You can tell how much effort they put into this movie, and it really shows. Kudos to everyone involved.
Things I liked:
Piper Rubio did amazing. No comment beyond that. Abby is one of my favorite characters now, and if anything happens to her, I'll cry.
Actually, all the kids did a wonderful job. Especially Grant Feely. He really embodied that creepy, restless spirit vibe.
Mike and Abby's sibling relationship was everything to me!
Vanessa asking Mike if he wants to dance with her (OMG).
The Springbonnie suit looked great!
Mike having a little bit of an attitude (I love him so much)!
The animatronics were cool. I like that they took the time to make them seem friendly, and almost childlike, before switching gears.
Things I didn't like:
I'm not an expert on filmmaking, so excuse me if I'm wrong here. But the pacing was all over the place. The first act of the movie was perfect, and then the second act was....fast. Like fast-fast. Based on what other people are saying, I'm 99.9% sure they cut out a lot of footage.
This one might come back to bite me in the ass later, but some plotlines felt unnecessary. I know this is FNAF and complicated is written somewhere between Freddy and Fazbear, but did we really need some side plot about an evil aunt? They didn't go anywhere with it, and we still don't know what happened to her. Did Golden Freddy K.O her? Kill her? Who knows? Because we certainly don't. We see her legs, and then she's never mentioned again.
I don't know if this is controversial, but I hate that Vanessa's an Afton. Maybe it's because I was so set on Mike being an Afton, but I really, really hate that they changed it. (I'll elaborate on that more down below).
I felt like they could have given us some more background. Some more flashbacks to the 80s. Anything.
I know I'm being overdramatic, but having the plot twist be Vanessa's an Afton kind of killed all my excitement. Which is stupid, I know, but yeah....
I mean, I'm still going to write fanfictions about the movie, and about all the ways that Mike Schmidt is actually Michael Afton.
--Sorry in advance, but I'm going to ramble--
I have a feeling that William knows Mike better than he's letting on. Of course, he did kidnap Garrett, who could have told William everything about Mike. He could have also watched the news and seen Mike with his parents, asking for Garrett to come home.
But that's not the vibe i was getting from William during the office scene. But I'll let you all decide for yourselves:
William Afton is a skilled manipulator and actor, but the expression he makes looking down at his coffee doesn't scream, "holy shit, the brother of my victim is sitting in my office." He has no reason to look concerned. Mike has no idea who he is, and he isn't even looking at William. So, why put on a show?
Also, the change in his attitude is telling. He went from cold and distant to personable in a heartbeat.
Of course, there's always the possibility that I'm totally wrong, and William is scared he's been found out. Which could be true, given that he doesn't hesitate to fuck Mike up the second he's able to.
In the same vein, why would William Afton-a guy known for killing/kidnapping kids around the pizzeria, or at least close to the pizzeria-drive to the middle of nowhere, pick a random kid, and kill him? I know he's crazy, but I don't buy it.
Some people are saying that Garrett is a Charlie parallel, and that Mike is Henry's son. Which could be the case, I mean, we see a mechanic in the training video that bears a striking resemblance to the actor that plays Mike's dad. I don't know if those two things are connected, but it's interesting to point out.
But, like I said, it's weird that William went out of his way to kidnap a kid for no reason. And he likely wasn't in a costume (at least I hope he wasn't, because if he was and no one saw who took Garrett, I think a kidnapped child is the least of their worries.) So, how did he convince Garrett, who was by himself for a grand total of five second, to get in the car? Maybe he offered him candy or toys? I dunno.
I might go into all the evidence/theories so far that Mike's an Afton in another post. And where they're going with Garrett's character. But yeah....
Everyone, please, feel free to share your thoughts on the movie. I would love to hear them :D!!
((Thank you for this question btw <3333))
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wordsaresimple-imnot · 4 months
The next day (Drunken Confessions part 2) - Bill Guarnere x F!Reader
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Summary: The morning after Drunken Confessions, can be read as stand-alone if you wish, but part one is worth a read if I say so myself :)
Warnings: 18+ content, smut (p in v), oral (f receiving), soft smut, basically porn with feelings, female 1st person pov.
A/N: I have the biggest respect for the real life heroes of WWII (and all other wars, past & current), this work & all other works is based on the actor(s) and character(s) portrayed in the Band of Brothers series.
It's still dark outside when I open my eyes, my brain foggy with sleep. Slowly the fog dissipates as I notice the warm wall behind me and something heavy draped over my waist. A smile breaks out across my face as I remember the previous hours of Bill and I kissing and that he stayed the night just so he could hold me.
I let out a happy sigh and burrow myself backwards more so I'm even closer to him. His arm tightens around my waist, hand slipping under my shirt to rest on my stomach and lightly stroke my skin. Bill's head nuzzles into the crook of my neck, dropping a kiss on the flesh there before speaking in my ear.
"Go back to sleep, it's late." His voice is rough and deep, sounding like heaven and sin at the same time.
"Just getting comfortable." I whisper back, hints of sleep still evident. I burrow back into him once more to get comfortable but stop short when he bites my shoulder just hard enough to get my attention.
"Keep doing that, sweetheart, and we wont be getting anymore sleep tonight." I open my mouth to ask him what he's talking about, but when he presses his hips against me a moan comes out at feeling him hard.
"Sleep is overrated." I say lightly as I press my ass back against his erection, this time making him moan.
In the blink of an eye my back is being pressed against the bed and Bill is hovering above me. The hand that's under my shirt trails up to graze the underside of my breast then goes back down to play with the waist band of my pants. Keeping his eyes locked on mine, he undoes my belt and top button, dipping his hand underneath. My breathing picks up as he slowly rubs me over my underwear, feeling how wet I've already become.
Bill leans down so his lips are grazing mine, "So wet already, sweetheart. I've barely begun." He presses his lips against mine, swallowing my moan as he starts to rub harder. Everything is slow and intense and perfect.
I raise my hips up to press against his hand as I begin to chase the pleasure building up inside me. When Bill moves his hand out of my pants, I bite down on his lip in protest. He kisses me hard again, returning the bite before he sits back on his knees.
He makes quick work of tugging my pants and underwear down until I'm naked from the waist down. Slowly his hands trail up my calves, then thighs, past my hips, grabbing my shirt to tug me up enough to pull it off me. Before I fall back down I undo my bra and toss it onto the floor with the rest of my clothes.
"Fuck, sweetheart." Bill's voice comes out closer to a groan than actual words. I can feel the blush taking over my face and fight the urge to try and cover up. "You're a goddamn masterpiece."
His hands are back on my thighs rubbing up and down, getting closer to my core each time. Just when I'm ready to lose my mind, one of his hands makes contact, spreading my slick around before landing on my clit. His other hand trails up my torso to my breasts and starts alternating between massaging and pinching my nipples. My own hands are gripping the sheets as I press myself harder into his hands.
Bill pinches my clit hard enough to get my attention and lock eyes with him. "Eyes on me, baby." While maintaining eye contact, Bill lowers himself down between my thighs and replaces his fingers with his mouth. I don't think I'll ever see anything as hypnotizing as Bill Guarnere eating me out like a man starved, his eyes nearly solid black with desire.
When he gives a hard suck on my clit, my hand moves to his hair gripping hard which makes him groan. As my orgasm begins to build my breathing starts coming out harder and I begin pressing myself more into him. Bill lifts his head away just enough to speak.
"Say my name." His voice is a cross between a plea and an order. I can never deny him anything so I comply. It turns into a chant as he moves back to his previous post, adding his fingers to pump in and out of me paying special attention to that sweet spot. I'm right on the edge of the most intense orgasm I've ever had when I notice Bill's grinding his hips into the bed.
The knowledge that he's so turned on by what he's doing to me and how I'm feeling completely pushes me over the edge. He doesn't slow down his ministrations, helping me through my high until my breathing starts to get back on track. I watch him move back to sit on his knees again and begin to undo the buttons on his shirt and let it join mine on the floor. I sit up and pull him down by his neck to seal our lips together, tasting myself on his tongue and loving it.
My hands roam down his chest reveling in the feel of his skin until they land on his belt and I start making quick work of unfastening it. Once I get it undone, I unbutton his pants and get them pushed down just enough for his erection to be free. Wrapping my hand around his penis, I start with soft strokes and gradually make my grip harder as his moans increase.
Bill pulls away from my lips with a curse and pushes me back down on the bed, removing my hand from his member, and shoves his pants the rest of the way off. He wraps my thighs around his hips and after a few strokes between my folds he lines himself at my entrance and pushes in all at once. He drops himself down on his forearm next to my head, his other hand still gripping my thigh and gives an experimental roll of his hips.
"Bill, please. I need you to move." I trail my lips across his jaw, nipping lightly and then a little harder when I reach his neck. He lets out a groan then starts a harsh pace that has me gripping hard on his back.
Bill moves his hand from my thigh to grip by jaw and turns my head to the side to give him open access to my neck. It's all teeth and tongue and I know I'll look like a leopard by the end of it but can't bring myself to care. I rake my nails down his back to leave my own marks on him. When I feel the familiar pressure beginning to build again, I whisper that I'm getting close and this causes him to speed up his thrusts.
My head is turned again, this time to face him as his lips crash down on my mine and he swallows my moans. As his thrusts start to become erratic I know he's getting close as well, prompting me to move my hand and rub my clit. Three hard swipes is all it takes and I'm cumming for the second time that night this time taking him with me. The only sounds leaving our lips is harsh breathes, curses and each others names. Bill's head drops down to my chest and he lavishes slow kisses across my collar bone and breasts as he maintains slow thrusts through our orgasms.
Once we've completely come down from our highs, Bill gently pulls out of me and rolls us onto our sides, arms still around each other. I bury my face against his chest, dropping a kiss over his heart and where his dog tags lay. Bill moves just enough to pull the blankets over us and drops a tender kiss onto my forehead.
"I love you." His voice is so soft and quiet I almost think I imagined his words until his fingers lightly grab my chin and nudge my head upwards to face him. His face is skillfully void of emotion but I see the vulnerability in his eyes and way he seems to be holding his breathe.
"I love you too." I say back just as quietly and my heart melts at the happiness that over takes his gaze and the perfect smile that forms on his face. He leans down and gives me a long, slow kiss, somehow holding me tighter against him.
When we finally part he tucks my head back against his chest, resting his chin on top of my head and lets out a content sigh. I let his warmth and steady heartbeat lull me back to sleep with a smile on my face.
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yurizinmaster · 1 year
My Review Of The Movie "Red, White Royal blue".
Hello, how are you? So today I came to give my honest opinion of the movie, Red white Royal blue. And the reason I'm talking Only now is because I'll just watch the movie one of these days (🤡) I'll talk about the positives and negatives and I thought of the movie at the end.
First Impressions 💜
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I saw this movie for the first time through reviews on youtube, I admit I didn't find it that interesting at first I haven't seen any of these videos so I didn't get any spoilers for the movie.
but when I was browsing Prime Video I found this movie and thought "I have nothing to do I'll watch it, maybe I'll like it". So this is where my new obsession started.
To start the film is amazing! I know there will be people who don't like it. But I can't forget to mention that (Taylor and Nick) did an amazing job as (Alex and Henry).
I'll be real I don't like romance. But this movie in particular made me like it. Everything about this movie works and works so well. Everything is so incredible I will protect this movie until I die.
In short, I started the film in disbelief and ended up converted. the movie is really fun to watch the couple besides having chemistry They are wonderful. The cutscenes are magical when watched for the first time.The note I will give at the end.
Positive Points 💖
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, this movie is perfect, obviously it's in my top 3 best movies ever. But now I will talk about the points that pleased me most in the movie.
The personalities of the protagonists.
The mood of the movie.
The motivation of the characters.
The Kissing Scenes.
the hot scenes.
the comedy scenes
The soundtrack.
The chemistry that the protagonists have.
the dialogues are very good.
Romance works awesome (better than many movies)
The way they approach sensitive topics
The evolution that the main characters have with the passage of the movie
the movie is long.
The actors are amazing at their job.
The scenes are simply to thrill anyone, they are so good.
The support that the characters have.
the entire movie is great on its own.
Despite being based on the book, the movie has its own story.
The movie manages to convey exactly the emotion it wants to convey.
The references!
Protagonists aren't Boring (they're the best I've ever seen)
They don't romanticize crime (as many romance movies do (365 Days specifically))
The main points that I found most relevant From the movie I liked the most (I liked several others too but I only put my favorites).
Negative Points 💔
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This session is going to be pretty vague and quick as I didn't find anything relevant enough to post here (and the movie doesn't have any really significant negatives) but I will mention here the most relevant and important ones that I found.
Henry's mother is unimportant in the movie although in the book she is quite important.
June is not present in the movie.
Miguel Ramos (I just hate the character in a way you have no idea)
Didn't have the wedding of the protagonists 😭
Well, it was just three negative points that I found really relevant,And also because I didn't find any other errors Meaningful to put in this topic. So it's going to be really short (which won't be the case for the next one)
My Favorite Scenes 💜💖
1 - New year party 💖
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What could I say about this scene? Is so perfect in so many layers that I don't even know where to start.. The way in which the other guests fall to the ground as the two protagonists stare at each other is so gratifying. an eye candy. When I saw it for the first time I thought to myself "This is it! This is my favorite movie ever" You can see the chemistry! I was like "Fuck, what a freakout I'm having" my heart was going to stop and I didn't know what to do, Just.
The way they look at each other, the music playing in the background, you can see it and something so magical and magnificent that I can't find words to describe this cinematic wonder. Amazon prime You hottie! You did the best job you could.And the director of that movie was the best.I can't look at this scene without feeling happiness leaping into my eyes.
2 - They First Kiss 💘
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I already knew that at some point this scene was going to happen, but when it happens it's so good but so good that it took me by surprise.and as amazing as all this happens, I sometimes wonder how they managed to make something as amazing as amazing as the book.
The way Alex is slow to understand things makes me identify with him, And the way Henry is impatient just makes me think they were really meant for each other.
3 - Museum Scene 💗
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for anyone who watched the movie knows how symbolic this scene really is.I think it's so cool to see them dancing among the statues, the music makes the scene even better. just facts.
What made me like this scene the most is how romantic it is. This is one of the many scenes in the movie that made me feel Good, the way the scene is Serene, Calm, smooth and silent You hear nothing but the music.And this scene where we also have the famous "history, Huh?" it's just so amazing to me.
Final Notes 💟
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well, there are many scenes that I loved in the movie, I only put three because they were the ones that I found most symbolic. now The movie in general is great Because in addition to having such good Scenes the actors did a great job.
Random Opinion 💖
- Zahra It's the best character Change my mind.
- Miguel is the character I hate the most in history.
the movie is amazing i will protect it until my death as i mentioned earlier.If there are a thousand movies I will watch a thousand movies no matter what! That's it kisses.
Note I give for the Movie : 10/10
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theghostbunnie · 1 year
Since you already talked about your Harrison and Nerris hcs (which I love wholeheartedly <3), I wanted to ask if you have any specific Preston hcs?
Also tysm I'm so happy you enjoyed them 💓
CW: death mentions, mentions of loss.
I was having a conversation with @redheadedratt when I absorbed some of their's and thought of some of these !!
They told me they HC both of Preston's parents are dead, his father before he was old enough to remember him well and his mother years after fell ill but they were deeply in love and she spoke very fondly of him.
I can't explain it but him being raised by his mother and grandma in his formative years makes alot of sense to me he has those vibes.
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I was being withheld information/jjj thought this was funny asked 2 share, anyways
When his mother passes death is still an odd thing he's too young to fully grasp so he became infatuated with depictions of not only loss, but romance, reuniting ect based around his grief and love for hisown parents being gone and their love story. It was his way of coping with it all while being too young to understand. Like he had a big love for theater before this but this had an effect on his art.
He has an infatuation with death in what I perceive as almost a strictly artistic way all throughout the show, obviously with his play "Romeo and Juliet 2: Love resurrected" but also in the commercial he makes in the fundraiser episode his immediate go-to for grabbing viewer's attention is to talk about the potential death of children. Yes I know the whole point to begin with was they were trying to guilt trip an audience but he wrote and directed this project himself surrounding death as his personal go-to.
• Not much of a HC as it is an observation but I love how fluid his exspression is, he's had the most drastic and plentiful outfit changes throughout the series from the football gear, to the leather jacket and backwards cap, to the historical looking full makeup and gown.
Which kinda slips me into this next HC • I think he loves history but has no care for historical accuracy like whatsoever as that "stunts his creative flow" but simultaneously would absolutely pick and choose when to call out historical inaccuracies in other people's work. (proofreads Neil's fanfictions without permission probs lol)
I think Max, Neil, Nerris and Preston all have varying control issues but in very different ways and Preston's is more he'll accidentally overstep a boundary without realizing and try advising people, but mostly keeps his perfectism and temper around things not going as he planned to hisown plans. Like, he only has controlling issues with things agreed he had the biggest say in. It ties into his want to be a director and writer and often stuck with peers who are terrible with following said direction and being a child himself he's not gonna handle it with maturity, he's gonna throw a fit.
Again this is really only strictly tied to things he think he should be in charge of and doesn't just extend to his everyday interactions with people too much.
• Can't tell if this is more observation or HC but he'd pick being a screenwriter or director over being an actor and if he ever got an acting role in someone else's play he'd be trying left and right to make suggestions to it and his character and really overstep without realizing it.
• I don't think he can read a room or have a filter on for the life of him not only would he openly talk about any dark or uncomfortable topics it'd be in the form of out of pocket as hell comments in a really dramatic voice too
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gdp03 · 5 months
To be honest, I have a problem with the characters and pacing of the Fnaf film as well. Nothing against the actors and actresses in the film, they all did a phenomenal job (especially Piper Rubio), but I have that the film needed to be at least another hour and 50 minutes to fully flesh out characters.
For example, Maxine has a lot more hidden depths than what the film somewhat implies. The novelization confirms that she feels guilt for being associated with Jane and betraying Mike's trust. She can see Mike is a better guardian than Jane but feels pressured by Jane and her brother Jeff. Her actress has also confirmed that Max feels envious of Mike's loving relationship with Abby, wishing that she and Jeff could be as close as Mike was with Abby. One thing that the film deleted was her looking through the Parts and Services room, trying to find the ghost kid and reassuring him she wouldn't hurt him, even saying "It's okay, sweetie, I'm not here to hurt you". That's what makes what happened to her hit harder: you can tell she genuinely hates being involved with Jane and didn't deserve the fate she got.
Something about the vandals is that originally, in the script, Doug and Carl were father and son. Doug even says "My boy...." when seeing the Cupcake attacking Carl's face. This would've humanized them to some level: yes, they're vandals but that's also a father seeing his son being attacked by something unimaginable.
I also feel that outside of Cassidy (the blonde-haired boy), the other four kids were greatly underutilized aside from Fritz slashing Mike's arm: they could've added more to the plot, such as when Abby started talking to them (it's implied that Abby started seeing the ghost children long before Freddy's) and even Susie could've been the one to talk to Abby like how Cassidy spoke with Mike in the dreams.
Now, with pacing, I'd say it went by way too fast for my liking. Seeing the camera pan around the pizzeria at the beginning while the night guard screams in the background was perfect, but the pacing needed to be a bit more slower, just so it fully hits the audience that for the first time in 8 years, Freddy Fazbear's is finally here. There needed to be a perfect blend of the right pacing to build up the Fnaf cinematic universe and also allow characters to have the right amount of character development.
After reading the novel I was left with a similar feeling: Maxine was a let down in the movie. You can add up other characters in this list as well, but I think Maxine is more remarkable (you know, her death scene?) You see, she's made a lot more "human", in the sense that it feels like she's actually a character and not a talking plot device.
The missing kids are not really much of a surprise to me. Cassidy gets the special treatment (for obvious reasons) while the others are ... there, I guess. The group is essentially Cassidy + the other kids.
Definitely agree with the pacing; it went too fast in a world that needed more development (both in-universe and in our own universe.) This is the first part of a 3-deal series. Scott needs to be more assertive in that regard.
Regarding Jane from the ask you've sent after this one:
I get the sentiment (especially because the published novel is based on an earlier version of the script), though it'd be interesting to see what else Jane could offer. The main reason for why Mike went after Freddy's in the first place has to do with her (come to think of it, did Mike ever learn that Jane ordered the break-in?) I was kind of ... underwhelmed with how quickly they "solved" her character. There's room for more, as usual.
Thanks again for your time and consideration in your questions!
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