#I'm moving to ibis after this
Chance Meeting at Sameria
Small lil hurt/comfort thing I wrote for this painting in like 2 hours containing lore of Lynda and some of her new friends, please enjoy! ^^ (Derek belongs to a friend, I only own Lynda :D)
Also TW//Blood, wounds
The city of Caitara is wonderful, bustling, filled with colourful fabrics and merchants selling their wares in the covered market near the walls. Camels are led to and fro, women carry jars and baskets on their heads, salesmen display carpets with intricate designs and herbal blends for cooking. The air smells like spice and dry sand and it suits the unrelenting heat of Sameria irritatingly well. Lynda doesn’t think she could last long living in such a place; it’s too hot for her tastes but it makes for a good vacation destination. Too bad she isn’t here to relax; there is a war coming –a war that she is definitely not prepared for with a lame arm in a splint.
Enizor said the bone would heal in a few days if she let it rest with the lifebloom concoction he’d prepared for her once they had recovered the Phoenix Crown. So, she has temporarily let go of her dual blades and opted to use one of those bejewelled staves that once belonged to the Greenwish Cult. Some of her crew have tagged along for the walk and are doubtlessly planning on loading the ship with as many bags of exotic herbs and trinkets as they possibly can. The twins are already using their salary to buy out a merchant’s Samerian Ice stock –she chooses not to ponder on what they’ll do with that much ice (it’s not like they’ll stay here for that long). The less one pokes into their business, the less likely they’re to get involved in their mess.
While browsing the fabric rolls at one of the stalls in the market, Lynda notices something rather unusual. She caught a glimpse of a navy blue coat and two feathers sticking out of the crowd, a sight that’s quite familiar to her. Without thinking twice about it, she abandons her crew at the market (silently apologises to the stall owners for the inconvenience) and chases the blue coat in the blazing streets. The noise, apparently, is too loud for her voice to be heard when she calls out, so huffing and unwilling to give up, she stubbornly follows to the entrance of a bar.
“Derek!” she calls out as she pushes open the door, right after the man in the blue coat and the feathered hat, and walks in with her makeshift walking cane, ignoring the two hooded heads that raise at the sound of her voice. The man in question is already seated at the bar with a glass of whiskey and his hat placed beside it, raises his head and waves her over, a smirk playing on his lips.
“It’s nice to see you again, Lynda! You’re as stunning as ever.” he says once she sits on the stool beside him. She rolls her eyes at the compliment but still smiles as she looks at him. She rests the staff against the bar.
“Always such a charmer.” –if he had one handy, he’d be offering a rose along with the flattery– “What brings you to the Nimbus sea?”
Lynda orders something simple so as to not get kicked out from the establishment once the barkeep clears his throat with quite the pointy look. They happily chat for some time, with Derek becoming increasingly more flirtatious the more sips he takes of his drink and Lynda sharply criticising his poor pick-up lines. It’s familiar, a little game she’s realised she’s missed since the time they spent hiding from the Grand Navy in Frostmill with some other friends of his.
And then, within a moment, his grin drops as he looks at something behind her and he excuses himself afterwards to walk outside. Derek has a habit of smoking and always does so outside, so Lynda doesn’t think much of it. He didn’t take his hat with him, so he’d likely return in a few minutes. So, oblivious to the one remaining hooded head that is turned her way,  and the intense eyes burning holes in her back, she takes a few sips of her own drink. That is until she is approached by someone, and the table where once sat two mysterious people is now empty.
“I’m not interested,” she waves the person off once she feels a shadow behind her. Ignoring, however, does not appear to do the trick, as the person remains brooding behind her. She sighs, and shuffles in her seat. “If you have something to say, then say it and–”
The look in his eyes is intense and there is something swirling in there that makes Lynda’s blood freeze: bloodlust. In a place like this? Seriously? What is she supposed to do? She can’t initiate a fight in a crowded bar with a wounded arm and Derek is outside, doing who knows what and taking too long to return. She doesn’t know this man, meaning that he is most likely a mercenary –she has (unintentionally) pissed off a lot of people, especially after the Silverhold incident. Surely, there is a way for her to weasel her way out of this.
“Are you with him?” the man asks in a gruff voice. She glances at his hands and notes one of them is wrapped around the handle of the sword hanging from his belt. He isn’t going to strike in here, is he? And his words stick in her thoughts. Wait a minute… What mess is Derek involved in?
“I know him.” she says, neither lying nor telling the full truth; just enough to be considered irrelevant to whatever mess has come knocking at her door. But, apparently, the odds are against her today.
“You’re affiliated with those pesky Haze scallywags, then.” the guy spits at the floor with distaste at the name. Oh, I see what’s happening now. “Prepare to die.”
The bar erupts in flames. The door is blown off its hinges, smoke and screams blow in the streets that aren’t in better shape. Lynda dashes away, holding the staff in one hand as she runs away. Derek is nowhere to be seen but his presence is visible in how ash is raining from the sky and the grey particle clouds that darken the evening sky. Whomever that hooded man is, he is certainly not alone –if only she’d noticed sooner. This must be what changed his mood so spontaneously. And he certainly doesn’t give up on the first hurdle she throws at him. He swings a strange, wet sword at her and she can only deflect each strike with how fast he’s moving, only receiving nicks and a few searing slashes.
A strong gust of air blows that vulture off her back. A woman in iridescent teal armour with gold accents quickly comes to her aid, black, messy hair and narrowed eyes. She helps her to her feet and shouts at her to hide until everything calms down. Another man steps up, wielding some solid type of magic that she has half the mind to note before she runs off again.
The fight is over in a few minutes. It was a hit and run attempt from a rival clan, by the looks of it, and by the time everything has settled, the royal guard has evacuated the streets, duly prioritising the safety of the people. They were probably going to get involved in an attempt to end the armed dispute but they were too slow. When Derek regroups with two of the clan’s allies that happened to be in the Caitara, he thanks them both and they pat each other on the back.
It’s disappointing how that fight couldn’t be ignored but those men in the white hoods had been looking at him and Lynda the whole time they were at the bar. Their eyes were locked on them, and when the first one walked out, he knew there would be trouble waiting to happen. Only, he was hoping the second one would follow behind him once he left, and not stay behind to go after a wounded woman. He is surprised and relieved to hear from his allies that they stopped his pursuers from chasing after Lynda. Though… neither of them know where she is.
“I saw her run towards the market,” the woman in the iridescent armour shrugs her shoulders. “She’s probably fled the town by now.”
“No, no…” Derek shakes his head. Lynda wouldn’t flee and leave her allies or friends behind, she isn’t that type of person. However, the fight ended so fast because his attackers ran away when they realised they were outnumbered; she should be back by now to check up on them, bringing food and ice packs and some type of antiseptic cream; stuff like that. “I’ll go see if I can find ‘er. I’ll see ya two later.”
He leaves, marching to the market that has been temporarily abandoned and most of the goods have been destroyed. There is blood on the ground, little dry droplets that blend in perfectly with the leftover ash, and would have escaped an untrained eye. It should be normal, there was a huge fight after all, and he has a still bleeding scratch on his face as proof. And it should be normal but it isn’t. It can’t be. Something feels incredibly wrong, and cold claws of dread shred through Derek’s back.
There is more blood the deeper into the market he goes, with fading sunlight and the shadow of the tents, it’s more difficult to see. Yet, the silhouette of a figure lying on the ground is unmistakable. The dress with the flowers, the gleaming emerald of the staff, the light green hair. Please don’t be dead. He rushes to the unconscious woman and removes one of his gloves to check for a pulse.
“...rek?” comes a weak murmur and he lets out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding when ruby eyes open just enough to see. 
“Don’t speak.” he tells her, carefully arranging her limbs to lift her into his arms but when he tries to pull the stave away from her, her hand closes even tighter around, so he lets her hold onto it. “Let’s get you to a doctor.” She doesn’t say another word. Soon she decides that sleep is underrated and closes her eyes, letting Derek’s movements lull her. He can smell the dry blood and the seared flesh when he shuffles her body against his chest and the way her head thumps against his collar the moment she’s safely caged in his arms makes his blood boil. If he ever crossed those vultures again, he’d make sure they’d pay for this.
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Derek has ash iL so that's what all the smokey stuff is (also saved me the trouble of detailing the boots hehehe)
Lynda has got a fructured arm thanks to Captain Maria.
The twins are the misfits of Lynda's crew.
Also that isn't the complete design of the flowerdress bc I have a sash thingie of flowers to go with it (under which Lynda hides her weapons- what? The dress doesn't have pockets! she had to get creative!) (I dislike the neckt thing of the roblox model, it just makes the character appear like they have no neck, like it's pretty but a neckline would do it good)
Krita clipping is weird, I don't like it (the clipping, Krita's tools are amazing)
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graphic--horde · 3 months
How do you make your stamps? :0
Disclaimer: this is an obscenely long explanation, with pictures. Efficiency is stupid
So, for the static ones, I make a 99x56 px file on ibis paint x. Other programs are probably available online but I don't use them.
After that, I either upload an image I want to make into a stamp, or I draw one.
Then, I find a frame I want to use. Ill upload them here but let it be known I stole all of these right from deviantart
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Most of them are from Lil-Devil-Melii on deviantart. The rest i have no idea. They're not all 99x56px but you can crop the canvas it's fine
Make sure to erase the edges of the picture , so they're transparent. It's not as cute otherwise
Upload those frames over your image in whatever art program you're using and viola, stamp.
For moving ones, it's a lot harder. Mostly because I refuse to download Photoshop.
There are a couple ways to do this. Some are simple animations, like with flashing text and whatnot. For these, you download the individual animation frames from your art program. Make sure it's transparent.
Then, upload each frame to ezgif.com under the option "GIF maker." You can play around with how fast each frame goes and whatnot but in the end, it'll be a stamp with some rad text that moves. This is easy, and doesn't make me want to shit my pants and cry. If you're new, do this. This is fun. This is good. This does not kill me inside
I made that↓ stamp with this method :)
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this next one is how we turn gifs into stamps. This one makes me sad. It involves math and sucks. But we gotta do it. For the vibe
First, grab your gif. I'm using this cow gif because it's awesome
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Then, I resize it using ezgif. Literally everything for this will be using ezgif. I am a simple man
At this point you should decide what frame to use. I'm using this one because its the first one I clicked
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Figured out what size the inside of the frame is. That's what I resize the gif to, so the edges can be transparent. The inside of this one is 93x50 px, so those are the dimensions I'm making the gif.
Figure it out by putting the frame into ibis paint and realizing the canvas to fit just the inside of the frame, then seeing what the dimensions are. But there could be easier ways
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Woah it's so small now
Then, still on ezgif, I go to the "crop" option.
Make sureeee to upload the smaller gif
press the button that says "extend canvas size", and then put the "width" and "height" as the dimensions for your FRAME. This'll put a bit of a transparent border around the gif. For this frame, I did 99px and 56px.
The "left" and "top" boxes show how many pixels the cropping happens from the edges of the canvas. The formula for finding that is
(width of gif / 2) - (difference between gif width and frame width / 2) = left box
For me it's (93 / 2) - (6 / 2) = 43.5
Then you do the same.for the height, which for me ends up being 22 from the top
This is reallyyy touchy and annoying though
Here's my result , with no visible difference
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Okay so THEN you go to the "overlay" option, under "effects." And upload your frame. If the cropping was done right, you shouldn't have to move the frame at all and can just download it
Here's my result:
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if you don't care about transparency, you can resize your gif to be the same size as the frame, and then put the frame over it. But I'm a slut for transparency
Anyways. I'm sorry if anything was unclear, it's two am. And I hope this was helpful :) these really are fun to make once you get it down
also if anyone has an easier way to make stamps from gifs, please god tell me
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squish--squash · 1 year
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It starts, as it will end, with a garden
edit: s2 companion piece found here!
anyways I got ibis paint on my laptop and then immediately learned how to break it so I could bypass the incredulous "1 hour a day" free trial bs (it would've taken me 8 days to do this otherwise)
moving on- stained glass good omens! I'm surprised I haven't seen any more of this bc of the surrounding theology, but after making it I understand why (it was fun but tedious). This is probably my new favorite art piece I've ever made and I'm ngl I kinda wanna make more; we'll see.
Here's what it looked like before the effects btw, if anyone's interested
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tinibuni · 7 months
how do you make your pixels?
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Basically I usually go in picsart to find transparent pngs..
Or I go to ibis paint to make them transparent..
Then I go to capcut, to make it move and stuff..
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After I'm done with that I download it, then I go to
To turn it into a gif
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Then I go to
To make it transparent!
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So sorry for this kinda sloppy tutorial.. I'm not good at explaining things...
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playertale-au · 5 months
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[NOTICE] Thank you for the 300+ followers. To celebrate, bits of PLAYER!Tale AU concept( regarding Player) is shared
Reposting because Tumblr decided to post instead of saving it in drafts when I'm not even finished. Love you tumblr!  (╯ᐛ)╯︵ ┻━┻
Oh, wow! We actually reach 300+ (as of now 310) followers!
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ 
Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, I’m glad all of you enjoyed the story despite my art not being that good. I actually wanted to draw for 250 followers but I didn’t realised we passed that milestone. 
Anyways! To celebrate, I wanted to share some concepts regarding the Player based on my memories, though sorry if there is like a black blotched in the drawing as that is considered as spoilers.
To start off, I began creating this AU maybe 5/6 years ago, on and off, (re-writing or removing some stuff along the way) I had loads of concept art and drawings back in 2019 but sadly those old arts were, ummm, forcedly deleted after a disagreement with someone I trusted, haha. The pain for a FT user in ibis paint. 。゚(TヮT)゚
Then 2023, I wanted to move forward. So I decided to give it a shot and start drawing again. I wanted to share my AU (better late than ever),\\\(۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶//// and also I thought it will help overcome my fear of drawing and start liking to draw again.
Anyway, here we have Player’s design concept (+ explanation):
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Version 1:
Player actually does not inhibit Frisk’s body, as they are not trap in the game, instead, they have their own “Avatar” basing on the data and sprites of Frisk and Chara. (The situation is more towards VR? AR? I’m not sure what to call it) The Player has their memories intact.
The story is just Player goofing around in Undertale, until plot happens, but I didn’t really like the idea as I have no clue how to progress the story forward, so the whole story was re-written.
Player mostly hack codes, while Frisk has the Reset/Reload button.
Initially, their eyes didn’t change colour when using abilities. But I wanted to distinguish what and when the abilities are used.
Version 2:
This is where, I decided that the Player actually inhibits Frisk body, though they are not amnesiac. Frisk is like a ghost (narrator?) here. The image above is post-skip version to maybe 1 year trapped in Undertale. This idea was scrap and rewritten due “Chara” ‘s story and I wanted to involved Gaster in the story. (Also, because I didn’t want to draw this version hairstyle anymore, hahaha (  ≧ᗜ≦))
Player has both the hacking and reset/reload abilities.
This version of Player is more uptight and serious.
Version 3:
I think this is like 2nd or 3rd version of the finalise concept. 
Our current Player. I made the hairstyle simpler.
This Player inhibits Frisk body and is amnesiac. The personality shifted so it’s easier for the player to act consistent. This version is more carefree than ver 2, they are similar to ver 1.
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First design of the Player (ver 3).
Despite being ver 3, I wanted to keep a bit of the ver 1 and 2 hairstyle but decided not to. Again, I wanted a simpler hairstyle.
This personality is just them being stress and filled with anxiety. A nervous wreck and a crybaby. Cries a lot at the first arc until they pull themselves together. But I didn’t wanna make them cry all throughout the story, if I continued to write them like that, I might ended up smacking Player myself hahaha. I ended up toning down the personality. 
Gaster would have replace Frisk as the ghost (narrator?). But I decided not doing it, because it conflict with the plot. That, and the story would be over much quicker with him around.
Side note: I had to change the relationship between Sans and the Player(hate, confuse, no interaction, chill, idk? etc), a lot of times, but in the end I decided to make him not trust the Player. 
Previously in most iteration, he just hates Player.  I planned to have him to kill the Player the first time they exited the ruins, but decided to go against it as it doesn’t really fit his style. Also, the story would go very differently if he did commit to it. Maybe one day I can make him kill them. In an alternate timeline maybe. ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª
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Extras: Player in different outfits (loosely)based on the other fallen humans in this AU. (+ ruin outfit)
There is a reason, why the Player had worn some of these outfits in chapter 3 and 4. 
Don’t worry, it’s not originally the clothes worn by the other children, Toriel made them. She has spares. (Sorry, to the one that find it creepy, when it was first shown, hahahaha)
And, that’s all for now I am able to share, I wanted to show more, but I’m afraid, that’s already in the spoiler territory. 
Anyways-! Thank you again for the follow, each and every one of you are the best! And I hope you enjoyed the upcoming story! 
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princess-glassred · 4 months
Reddie Corpse Bride AU
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It's 1989 and young adults Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak are arranged to be wed to one another, Eddie's mother has seemingly been able to put her homophobia aside for her sons sake, but still hold the outdated opinion it has to be an arranged marriage so she can make sure it's "the right person". However, what she really means by the right person is just wealthy since they're almost destitute, but of course Sonia would never admit that. That might make her sound like a bad mother who extorts her son, and she would NEVER do that. Never ever.
Richie, despite being overly confident and outspoken most of the time, is nervous as all hell to make a good impression on Eddie and feels like no matter what he does he'll mess up. Miraculously though, they do seem to hit it off when Richie tries to teach Eddie piano since his mom never let him learn it since she thought it'd give him arthritis. Slowly but surely, they start to bond, and even start calling each other by their nicknames instead of edward and richard. But alas, that comes crashing down when their families have a big victorian themed costume ball/rehersal dinner that's so chaotic it ends with Richie accidentally lighting Sonia on fire, and he's so embarrassed he flees to the town's abandoned arcade to hide away. Confused and dejected, he picks up a random token he finds laying around and pretends it's an engagement ring, practicing his vows and even slipping it inside one of the machines to imitated putting it on Eddie's finger. The vows are perfect and he's satisfied, but suddenly the arcade machine starts to rumble and crack, until a lone figure bursts out from inside and destroys the whole thing in a heavenly glow.
The figure reveals itself to be a zombie groom named Connor and he claims Richie and him are now married despite his terror and adamant denial. He takes him away to Derry's underworld and explains his tragic life story to him and why he was in an arcade machine. Appearently he died sometime in the 1970's after he fell in love with a guy but his homophobic cousin Henry disaproved of it. Enraged, Henry sent a fake letter pretending to be Connor's lover, asking for him to the abandoned arcade they met at so they could elope and run away together.
Niave little Connor did as he was asked, but when he showed up to the theatre Henry and his friend jumped him, and when they were done they stuffed his body inside the arcade machine where nobody would ever find it. His cousin went to an asylum after that and his friend went on the run, so even in death Connor never got closure over what happened. So, instead of moving on, Connor vowed that he would wait for his one true love to find him in that machine, marry him, and set him free, and unfortunately for Richie he did just that.
When Eddie inevitably finds out about this and tries to get help nobody believes him, his mother outright demands they take him to juniper hills for psychiatric evaluation IMMEDIATELY, but something quickly changes her mind. Suddenly she finds a new rich guy for Eddie to marry, Patrick Hockstetter, who she takes a liking to because he's quiet and good at manipulating her. Underneath his handsome looks and quiet demeaner though, he's really just a gold digging psychopath that ACTS like a gentleman. So how the hell are Richie and Eddie gonna get outta this one???
This took, i'm not kidding, 30 hours in ibis paint on my phone. 30. Hours.
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writingjourney · 5 months
Hi, ibi! Just a self-indulgent suggestion if you don't mind it
I popped my hip on choreography classes when I was a child (my teacher forced me down to quick in the ground while I was doing a central split). And usually it doesn't disturb me and my leg functions with ease, but today I have bothered it so much, walking a lot at work and after working hours that now my whole leg is trying to kill me, especially my hip and ankle 😔
I am sure all of the Papas will try to take care of their s/o with the same problem even thought they are busy with their "papal duties" whatever they are (yes this is self-indulgent but I think today I deserve it lol)
Oh damn, I'm sorry you're in pain! I hope it's a bit better today? ♡
I think the Papas would love to pamper you. Usually it's you who rubs their little aches away and massages the tightness from their muscles so they would be eager to return the favour. No Papal duty is more important than their amore!
You know Primo has some ointment he mixed together that he applies which doesn't just soothe the pain but also smells nice. His fingers might not be the most nimble anymore but they're still strong and firm enough to help your leg. Secondo too is an amazing masseur, he probably took a massage course at some point in his life to make sure he does it right when with his lovers (he has a strong grip) and he's even more happy to finally have a steady partner he can pamper with said knowledge.
I think Terzo too is very good at massages since he seems the type of man who truly wants to pamper his lovers and lavish them with attention. He will dedicate some time to soothe your leg while whispering compliments and praises and perhaps you can relax in his arms for the remainder of the day. Copia I think would order a restful evening with your leg propped up and a movie on while he makes sure you DO NOT MOVE as he takes care of dinner, cleaning your quarters and ultimately joining you to cuddle the pain away.
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justanothersimsblog · 17 days
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Finally after a long loooong day of lessons it was time to relax. Well, evening, it was still the same night. Julio and Lucian were taking him out to a nightclub, the newest clan acquisition. They were crossing the lobby when they heard some sort of altercation outside.
Grayson was there. Arguing with the guard outside. Grayson wanted to come in but the guard wouldn't let him. He’d retorted that he should be able to go inside and gather his belongings at the very least. 
“Ah, your Highness!” He had spotted Ibis. “Please, I'm sure there is some misunderstanding. I know you're taking over immediately and I would never usurp. I'd just like to go inside. I can move my things to another room.”
“Enough bullshit Grayson. You're not doing anything.” Ibis hadn't noticed before just how slimey he sounded. It was obvious what he was after, though. “Your things? Honestly I don’t give a shit, just buy new stuff.”
“What about irreplaceable stuff? Heirlooms?”
“Like what?”
Bullshit. He just wanted whatever component he had stashed in there. Ibis got a feeling that they needed to check other rooms beyond the office. Yet he wasn't fully lying when he said Heirlooms.
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darksoul6444 · 2 months
Haiiiii friend!!!!! :D
If I may ask, what's your drawing process like? I've seen your speedpaints, but I do wonder what layer types you use and such :P
Sure ^^
I made the last post i made as a speedpaint. For it to be a example :0
First of all I'm using IbisPaint
1. Sketch
Just making general sketch how I would like it to be etc.
Here I just made one 1 but sometimes I made sketch on sketch if the first one is too messy.
2. Sketch Flat colors
Making seperate layer and coloring the sketch
3. Checking proportions
I'm not doing that much always. Usually just checking if everything is alright and if it's not moving with liquify pen. Here I did a bit more. I made another layer painted on everything in red and then moved everything.
4. Setting lightning on sketch.
Now I'm setting lightning on sketch to visualise and reused some of the lightning layers later.
1 layer multiply.
I choose the main color for the lightning. Here was dark blue. So I made whole canva that color. Set it to multiply. (Idk how much % I set here because later I merge layers) I usually set layers opacity here like 15%-50%. To be honest it depends. Just lower the opacity.
1 add layer
I made main yellow lightning from the lantern. Set it to add. Lower the layer opacity.
5. Merging sketch layers
I merge sketch and sketch flat colors layers together. And lower opacity.
6. Sometimes lineart i guess??? Sometimes fuck lineart and colors
Usually i turn off layers from nr 4 here
I really hate lineart so I'm not always making it :3
Here really depends if my sketch is really clean. (They usually not)
If they are:
I overpaint on it make it clean. In someplaces making lineart to some elements from scratch. (Here example eyes.)
If they are not but lineart is in a huge focus:
I just make lineart
If they are not but it's not a huge focus:
I use a brush with outline
Really depends but I usually mixing those 3 steps
And ofc doing flat color
7. Setting down the atmosphere ?
I turn on nr 4 layers which are lightning.
Here if I like i add more multiply and add layers if I want.
And adding things
It really depends to be honest
Here I added some leaves
To not make them the main point of focus I blured them. Filters in ibispaint -> Blur -> Gaussian blur
8. Lightning
Add layer on add layer on add layer....
Multiply layer on multiply layer on multiply layer....
To be honest this is the best explanation because I used add and multiply like crazy. Depend but here I had at least 5 add layers and at least 7 multiply.
But let's try disassemble steps.
Main add layer:
Main lightning for example here tips of the fingers. I use almost white like yellow but not white.
Another add layer:
Under the main add layer I use 20% airbrush (btw this is the main brush which I use a lot). Set it to add. It's to make less hard edges. I think you can see on hair the best.
Multiply layers:
I made multiply layer and make everything darker. I usually use dark blue or purple. If the lightning is more daylike i use dark red.
If something is not dark enough I just made another multiply and use a bit darker color then before. Later if not enough do it again and again.
Other add layers:
If i'm not satisfied with lightning so far. I add some yellow with 20% airbrush. Just like multiply do it again until it's alright.
9. Lightning part 2 elements
If I had some elements for example here leaves.
I duplicate layer with them. Choose the layer which is under the other one.
Filters in ibis -> Adjust color -> Black and white
Usually making it black with it but there are some situations when I use white.
It's just for the shadow
Next after making it black move the layer a bit. Lower the opacity.
10. Merging everything
11. Having fun with filters
Here there should be just 1 layer. Duplicate.
Choose the layer above.
Filters -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur
Set the opacity on 5%-10‰ something like that
Now duplicate the first layer again (not the blur one) if I said duplicate later I mean the same layer
Now u should have 3 layers. Choose 2 one.
Filters -> Artistic -> Noise
Adjust and lower the opacity
Duplicate 1 layer again
Gradation map:
Filters -> Adjust color -> Gradation map
Set the map u like. Here I used yellow, purple one. Mostly I use the basic one which is red blue.
Set the layer to overlay and lower the opacity
Not everyone has gradation map. Parallel gradiation is a great alternatve. It's in draw section.
Those are the usually 3 I use everytime. But mostly I'm just playing with it and checking what's best.
The other ones which I sometimes use: Anime background, glitch, chromatic abberation, retro game, bloom, stained glass.
And it's the same for those like with gradation map
Set overlay and lower the opacity
As you can see in a speedpaint here I struggle to choose xd
12. Merging
Merge everything again
13. Playing with brushes
Here I choose some brush and add finishing toches
Sometimes i add some dots, sparkles etc.
Depending on what I do I set the brush layer on add, multiply, overlay, screen, hard light or soft light.
Sometimes I also use glitch or chromatic abberation on the brush layer.
Here is a example in speedpaint.
I used rain like? I guess brush. Set add. Filters -> Artistic -> chromatic abberation. Duplicate layer. Set the one below to blur. And that's how I made the efect. Erase with 20% eraser the ones which are to bright.
14. Finished ^^
I think i explain everything
At least I hope so
Anyway thanks for the ask have a great day ^^
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~Child Of The Storm~
Nikolai Lantsov x OC
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Image by - @brokendreamtale2
Warnings- gore, numerous mentions of blood and wounds
A/N- I'm finally back after dealing with excruciating family events and exams. But since now my summer vacations are going on, I've written a bunch of chapters that just need to be edited (pray for me editing has NOT been easy😭). Anyways, updates are going to be a lot frequent from now on and lemme know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist!
Taglist- @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @sirisuorionblack @marauders-wife @evelyndane @el-de-phi
Ch-55 ~Gathering the last scraps of hope~
They’d been preparing to leave when the chaos had erupted. Nichevo’ya swarmed through every window, every terrace. Zoya had managed to find the others and they’d headed to the hangar. However, she couldn’t find Anaya anywhere. Tolya had gone back to look for her, Alina and Mal.
However, upon reaching the hangar they’d found the place already too crowded. The Pelican and the Ibis were already swarming with people and the Pelican left shortly after.
One of the nichevo’ya had charged at Adrik’s arm and had taken a massive bite out of it. His arm hung from his body at a bizarre angle. His face was white with shock. 
Genya knelt over him, tears streaming down her face as David stood above her with a rifle, firing down at the attacking crowd with precarious aim. They couldn’t find Stigg anywhere. Whether he’d succumbed to the shadow monsters or he’d simply ditched them and had left when he’d gotten the opportunity, they didn’t know.
Zoya, Nadia and Harshaw stood backed up against one of the hulls of the Bittern, attempting to keep the Grisha and Oprichniki away who intended on taking the ship. Tamar was on the deck of the Bittern along with Nevsky and a few other soldiers from the twenty-second regiment.
Zoya sent a gust of wind towards the assembling crowd and before she could catch her breath, she noticed Tolya rushing their way along with Mal and Alina. However, she noticed Tolya held someone in his arms. She was quick to recognize the person as he inched closer.
Zoya stilled at the sight of her. Anaya lay unconscious in Tolya’s arms, her hand falling helplessly at its side. Her face was pale as if all the blood had been dried out of it.
Then she noticed the bleeding wound at the side of her abdomen.
Alina rushed their way and examined the group with a quick glance.
“Stigg-” she began.
 “There’s no time,” Mal replied. 
“She’s bleeding a lot” Zoya said, passing a dreaded gaze at Anaya
Tolya led her to the deck beside Adrik and Zoya saw both Genya and David panic stricken upon seeing Anaya.
Tamar slid into place and seized the Bittern’s wheel. Zoya and the other Squallers scrambled on deck. Mal stumbled as a bullet struck his thigh, but Harshaw had hold of him and dragged him aboard. 
“Get us moving!” Nevsky shouted.
 He signaled to the other soldiers, and they arrayed themselves along the hull’s railing, opening fire on the Darkling’s men.
Alina took a place beside them, sending bright light up against the crowd, blinding them so they couldn’t take aim. Mal and Tolya took their positions at the lines as Zoya filled the sails with all her strength but it wasn’t enough.
 “Nadia, we need you!” Tamar bellowed.
Zoya then glimpsed at Nadia whose face was streaked with tears. She forced a draft up into the sails. The Bittern started to slide forward on its runners. But still they couldn’t manage to manoeuvre the ship properly.
“We’re too heavy!” Zoya cried out.
She then heard Nevsky shout, “For the Twenty-Second!” 
He vaulted over the side, and the other soldiers followed without hesitation. They threw themselves into the mob. 
Tamar called the order, and they shot from the hangar. The Bittern plunged sickeningly from the ledge, then the sails snapped into place and they rose.
Zoya ushered all her strength and attempted to steer the ship but it still bobbed and faltered. 
Snow lashed at their faces in stinging gusts, and when the hull nicked the side of a cliff, the whole deck tilted, sending them all scrambling to the sides. 
They needed a Tidemaker to keep them cloaked in mist, so as to not be spotted. But the only one they had was now laying on a side of the deck in a pool of her own blood.
Zoya risked a glance at Anaya who only appeared worse. Tamar had rushed to her side and was attempting to stop the bleeding as Tolya attempted to keep her warm.
Genya was knelt over Adrik, trying to stop the bleeding, but she’d never been trained as a Healer.
 Nadia was sobbing, but she held the draft steady.
Zoya was immensely perturbed upon seeing the state of the group. The entirety of the Bittern’s deck was swarming in Anaya and Adrik’s blood. She then noticed the halt of the rise and fall of Anaya’s chest
She wasn't breathing.
She appeared lifeless as all the colour drained from her skin. Zoya felt her heartbeat fasten, “For Saints sake, someone help her!” she snapped
Her words made everyone’s attention turn to her and then to Anaya. Tolya and Tamar rushed to her side. 
“She’s not breathing” Zoya could hear Tamar whisper in a dreaded voice
Zoya shifted sideways to have a better view of them while manoeuvring the ship.
Tolya flexed his fingers in a haste, attempting to make her heart start again. Still, there was no movement in Anaya, no signs of life. He tried again, only to get no result.
Zoya felt a wave of panic creeping over her. Her and Anaya had always had their petty rivalry, a form of hatred towards one another that had been forced upon them. They’d been compared to one another in every little thing they did. If one of them would succeed in doing something, the other would be criticised for not being more like the other. They would be blamed for being lazy.
But it hadn’t always been this way. Zoya still remembered the day she’d come to the Little Palace. She’d been the outcast, the new girl whose power was still unprecedented to her. None of the students would talk to her, or let her sit with them.
It was then she’d met Anaya. The uttermost beloved girl in all of the school. The daughter of two of the most prominent soldiers of the Second Army. She’d first spoken with Zoya, she’d helped her get used to this life. They’d become friends and had remained that way, until they’d begun to become evidently skillful. Until they’d started being pitted against each other, and had been compared with each other.
 Especially by the Darkling whose attention and praise they’d both craved. 
Zoya had then began to despise Anaya, for all the things she’d been lucky enough to attain that no one else had. She had despised Anaya for having parents that loved her, that cared for her. They’d given her the life that Zoya never had the luck of attaining.
However, she now truly understood what Anaya must’ve gone through the day she’d lost them. What she still felt. 
It was one thing to never have something and wish for it and to have it all your life, and be stripped of it in a sudden.
And even though she'd never shown it, Zoya had been utterly devastated when she’d heard what had happened to her and her parents. She missed Anaya. And even though she’d never admitted it, she’d been relieved when Anaya had come back.
Whatever the Darkling had done to her back when he’d destroyed Novokribirsk, what he would’ve done to her for helping Alina, Zoya didn’t know. But she did know that it wouldn’t have been easy.
Whatever Anaya had endured even in Ketterdam, no one had known, no one had cared enough.
Now, when she saw her lying lifelessly on the deck of the ship, bleeding out, she truly realised how desperately she wished for Anaya Nasrazeen to live.
Zoya steered the ship with trembling arms as the twins attempted to restart Anaya’s heart. She glimpsed at them passing a dreaded glance to one another before nodding. She then saw both Tolya and Tamar raise their arms together and flex their arms in unison, applying great force as they pressed them to Anaya’s chest.
A moment passed, then another.
Then in a sudden, Anaya’s chest heaved upwards. The twins and Alina looked at her in relief as they saw her breath return.
Zoya’s own heart grew lighter as she glanced at the steady rise and fall of Anaya’s chest. 
She heard Tolya mutter prayers.
“Can you warm them?” she heard him ask Alina
 She cast light over both Adrik and Anaya. Genya was now bent over Anaya’s side. She’d taken off Anaya’s kefta and was now working on her wound.
They drove onward, sails taut with the force of the Grisha wind. Tamar bent to the wheel, her coat billowing behind her.The air cut cold against Zoya’s cheeks as they picked up speed. 
Even though Zoya wouldn’t admit it, she could soon feel her arm going sore. 
“We need to set down,” She heard Alina speak
“Where are we?” Harshaw asked. 
Tamar consulted her charts. “Just past the permafrost. If we keep heading south, we’ll be above more populated areas soon.” 
“We could try to find woods for cover,” Nadia said.
 “We’re too near Chernast,” Mal replied. 
“Does it matter? If we fly through the day, we’re going to be spotted.” Harshaw adjusted his grip.
 “We could go higher,” Genya suggested.
 Nadia shook her head. “We can try, but the air’s thinner up there and we’ll use a lot of power on a vertical move.” 
“Where are we headed, anyway?” Zoya finally asked. 
“To the copper mine at Murin. To the firebird.” Alina replied in a haste
 There was a brief silence.
 “We could run. Every time we face those monsters, more of us die. We could take this ship anywhere. Kerch. Novyi Zem.” Harshaw spoke, breaking the silence
 “Like hell,” Mal muttered. 
“This is my home, I won’t be chased out of it.” Zoya held her head up.
 “What about them?” Nadia glanced at Anaya and Adrik, her voice hoarse. 
“I’ve managed to close her wound but they both have lost a lot of blood” Genya said
“All we can do for now is keep their hearts steady and allow their wounds to heal” Tolya added
“He needs a real Healer.” Nadia said. “They both do”
 “If the Darkling finds us, a Healer won’t do them any good,” Zoya said. As harsh as she might’ve been, she knew she needed to be rational.
 “We go to Murin,” Alina said. “We’ll figure out the rest from there. I won’t force anyone to stay. Zoya, Nadia, can you get us there?” 
“I know I can,” Zoya replied, mustering every bit of her strength
 Nadia’s chin lifted. “Try to keep up.” 
“We can still be seen,” Alina said. “We need a Tidemaker.” she glanced over to Anaya.
They were in desperate need of her, however she was in no state to offer any help.
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gornackeaterofworlds · 3 months
did you know that it’s hard to get anons when you have anon turned off lol
but. when did you start drawing? writing? what’s your creative journey? 👀
I do, I turned them off when desceros did and for the same reason. I tend to see "anons" and "asks" as interchangeable. I can turn them back on if you'd like
Oo that's so funny actually. I was writing before I was drawing, funny enough. I mean, I've drawn traditionally forever. But digitally it was very sparse and usually tracing, and I'd never post it
I got into call of duty in the fall of 2022, and started writing fic for it soon after. I orphaned everything. A few headcanons, some fics I immediately deleted but the ideas are still very tempting....and a long fic called If I Could Be Vulnerable. I had forced myself to write every day for it, and lost steam pretty quickly. I got really embarrassed of how bad I think it is and orphaned all my works. The fact it was ever popular astounds me and I'm proud of my numbers, even if I still absolutely hate the fic
I drew nsfw of CoD here and there, but deleted it all soon after out of embarrassment. But then an incredible artist and friend convinced me to put my OCs on artfight last July, and I drew almost daily during artfight. This was massive for me, I only drew like once a month at most before this. I didn't really color my AF works then, despite coloring past works, because I didn't really know how to render and was afraid. But after art fight, I watched tutorials. I learned things about ibis paint. I found the brush I use for rendering to this day. I started coloring, then rendering. I slowly stopped using references(nothing against them, but I was very dependent on them for a while).
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These are pieces from a year ago, and surprisingly I hadn't used references for these, I didn't use them for a lot of my old AF attacks, which confuses me why I grew dependent on them after this.
I started drawing backgrounds sparingly a few months ago. I only learned what clipping was maybe two months ago maximum. I found lens blur, which I use for rendering also and allows me to be lazier
I tried to force myself to write fic since I moved into a hotel a year ago, and it's just not happening. I don't think it'll happen for another two months at least. My comics are also on hiatus until that point, despite how tempting it is to get the arc over with, I just can't do it. I love to write, so so much, even if it's really hard for me and I don't think it's good. So no hiatus will be permanent unless things are truly at their lowest
I think my art has grown a lot 😭 that is my journey, and I'm proud of it
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g4l4xy-qu33n · 1 year
Hi hello I saw your ask where you showed Inky your printed copy of DWM and I need to know how you did that n o w. I want to do this for both my own fics and my fave ones by other authors. Obviously I have to finish writing my fics first but this is very motivating.
Excuse me I gotta go freak tf out
How I printed DWM
just a warning, this is gonna be kinda long
Well, the first thing I did was transfer the fic itself onto an a5 word document! (a google doc would work as well; pretty much anything that you can write on that can be set to a5, or a custom paper size if you want)
Then after copy-pasting the entire fic, I set the margins to 20mm for the top and both sides, and 25mm on the bottom, then added a page number at the bottom using the add page numbers feature. (You can manually type them if you really want to, but DWM was 599 pages long soooo)
I used the font Garamond set on size 11.5, with the chapter headings being size 12 btw
Then I scrolled through the whole document to check for any spacing errors. I also moved the start of every chapter onto a new page (just pressed enter a bunch until it moved down onto a new page-)
After that, I found some art that I would like to use for the cover page, then put text onto that art using a website called Canva (I’m Australian, and this website may not be available to you. Some alternatives are: Procreate, Photoshop, Ibis Paint, or literally anything that you can use to add text on top of an image that can be set to a5, or your chosen page size; make sure that the covers are the same size as the actual pages with the writing on them)
Then I designed the covers, and put the fanfic description on the back to use as the blurb.
I downloaded the covers next and put them at the start and end of the word doc with the actual fanfic on it. Some printing companies may not want the covers as a part of the main document tho so keep that in mind.
Then I created the spine, but I had no idea of the width needed, since I didn't know how thick 599 pages would be. (The website/company I used to print it out automatically sized the spine to be the right width-)
I also wrote out a disclaimer for the publishing/copyright page, but it's not necessary at all, I just didn't exactly feel like getting sued.
Then after I finished allll of that, I found a website/company that would print it out for me, called ePrint Online, but thats an Australian website so it may not ship to where you are? I'm sure there are alternatives to the website in your country tho. (unless you're an Australian)
If you want to, you can print and bind the book yourself, but the spine may not be perfect.
TLDR; I copy pasted the fic onto an a5 word doc then designed covers then used a printing website to print it out :)
hope that makes sense, and sorry if you didn't want it in that much detail, the autism told me to write it out in full for you <3
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kemendin · 1 year
how do you take such good screenshots? I've always struggled with taking good ones myself
The short answer is - practice, persistence, in my case some photoshop, and a healthy dose of luck when it comes to timing things haha. Combat screens especially are very hit or miss (pun intended) in games like SWTOR where there's no pause button, so I just spam the screenshot key and hope for the best. I promise, for every screenshot that I post, there are 10-40 others that did not work xD
But for a more practical look, let's take one of the Ibis ones I just posted. Here is the original screenshot vs the final version:
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In terms of in game setup, paying attention to the camera angle and where the ambient lighting falls is very helpful. You get a feel for what angles look best on a character, and you decide what your focus is - do you want their face/model to be centre stage, or is it more of an overall composition, maybe with a dramatic back silhouette? (I love back shots honestly, maybe because I'm usually looking at their backs as I play).
Make sure your character isn't lost in the background, some environments can be way too busy for character-focused shots. Sometimes you'll need to move/rotate, sometimes it just takes choosing a more contrasting outfit if you've got one.
Also, play around with emotes/expressions if that's a feature of the game you're in! I have some staple emotes I'll fall back on, and again, you'll get a feel for how to time them if you do it often enough.
As you can see, I do a fair bit of post-processing on my screenshots. I know a few folks use reshade in game for shaders and depth of field - I found it wonky when I installed it, so instead I do all of that after the fact in photoshop.
Typically, I'll crop a screenshot, especially for more zoomed out shots, and sometimes rotate the angle for a more dramatic effect like the above. I love adding depth of field with the lens blur filter, though it can be finicky to make sure just the character is selected, requires a lot of patience haha. And then I'll play around with things like contrast and colour grading. For the above, I actually didn't do a lot of colour tweaks, and I just made sure to enhance the highlights a bit to make things pop. I also added a motion blur effect on the blaster shot. Sometimes for landscape style shots I'll add the black cinema bars, like here, for that extra oomph, other times a shot's fine without them.
So yeah, there's a lot more that goes on here than just hitting the screenshot key - a lot of time spent posing, adjusting, re-doing, and then going in and editing after. As with any art form, patience and practice are truly your friends!
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Annoyed Peashooter And Scaredy-Shroom
I drew this way back then before moving to Ibis Paint X. This is the old digital fan art of my childhood game, Plants Vs Zombies. I draw my favorite plant characters from the game, Peashooter, and Scaredy-Shroom.
This is about the plants getting to fight the zombies, Peashooter wants Scaredy-Shroom to be behind him since he got scared easily. But Scaredy-Shroom refused it and wanted to be in front of him to fight the zombie, and also to be brave as well. Peashooter was a bit confronting to him, however, he had no choice but to accept his choice.
The zombie invasion has already started on the lawn, others plants are taking down the zombies. As for the Scaredy Shroom? He did a good job of taking down the zombie which made Peashooter very proud of him and thinks that his role is “Bravely Shroom”.
Unfortunately, the “Bravely Shroom” was suddenly shrunk down when the Buckethead Zombie came by next to the right side. Scaredy Shroom screamed like a little girl and hid himself.
He was just whimpering and shivering until the bucket-head Zombie got squashed by Squash.
The Zombie invasion ended for now, he got out of his hiding and then looked back, and saw Peashooter who had annoyed looks in front of him.
Peashooter: “Do you realize that the Buckethead Zombie is right side near us, and we are in the middle of the lawn, right?”
Scaredy-Shroom: “Oh…”
Peashooter: *Faceplamed* I told you to get behind me!”
Sunflower was behind and began to scold him, “Peashooter, be nice to Scaredy-Shroom! Look, I understand that you have had a rough time since…you know what I mean. Now, get some lemonade.”
Sunflower left, and Peashooter was shocked. “Hey, uhh…did you want to hang out, we can play something like video games or board games,” Scaredy-Shroom asked.
After ten seconds of going to the zone out, Peashooter replied. “Okay, sure.”
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I also drew Peashooter in the daytime and Scaredy-Shroom in the nighttime from my old sketchbook, but I didn't use art lines.
If you can see them. If you don't?
Then, I'm sorry. This is my old drawing, from way back then.
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call-me-copycat · 11 months
Do you have any tips for drawing?
Tips for drawing? Hmmm..
I'm still learning myself, so forgive me if this list isn't very long or detailed (ㅎ.ㅎ )
Normally I start a drawing with a reference, so I can get the anatomy correct (a real life reference alongside a character reference of the character/s I want to draw)
I normally go into Pinterest for this, there's lots of good photos to choose from
I then go into IBIS Paint and set up a canvas (the size changes depending on the picture)
I then try to mimick that reference as much as I can (since I can't really draw clothes and stuff on my own yet). This first layer is normally in red so I can separate the layers
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Extra stuff I put in blue, just to help differentiate between them
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I'm messing around with line thickness, and I've realized it makes the picture pop out more if you have the area where light isn't hitting thicker and the lightened up areas thinner. I also do this to the edges, I don't know how to describe it:
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After the line art is done (and cleaned up!), then I draw my character on top of this in another layer in another color (typically a shade of orange or purple). I try to keep the lines thick on the outside and thinner on the inside
I start off coloring by doing everything one at at time, and I normally use a bucket for a base color and then add shadows in areas the reference has (if the reference doesn't have any then I try to estimate where the shadows would go)
Same thing goes for the character, and I take colors directly off of a screenshot
Because I keep forgetting to color the whites of the eyes and teeth, I make my entire background a light shade of gray so I can see the white when I do color it in
When coloring the shading on clothes I try to follow the folds
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Sorry these pictures are so big, I forgot how to make them smaller.. (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
I've had some really good drawings, and others that I've thought were really bad. I suppose it depends on my energy and how familiar I am with what/who it is that I'm drawing
I don't draw very much on paper (mainly just for projects and friends), but I do know that if you're drawing something over in marker then moving at a constant pace will keep it from looking odd (and causing it to bleed more in place)
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Sorry if that wasn't very specific, I'm still trying my best to learn what I can! I hope I can be greater help in the future!
It's also a little different for me because I have only my phone to draw on and I have to use my fingers since I don't have a stylus, so I'd say zooming in a great deal with a large canvas can help if you're in the same predicament ✍️(з_з)
Thank you for the question! I'll let you know if I remember anything else! Please have a lovely day! ٩(。•ω•。)و
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thewiz9062 · 6 months
Hi I just wanted to say your art is amazing and I really like it! I was wondering tho if you had are tips on how to draw some of the critters? Mainly poses and that for them as I’m really struggling with that right now. Thank you! (Also ps I loved your lil space doodle of dogday I think I’ve said it before but it’s just so cool!)
Hello! I'm happy you like it!
In terms of the poses, searching the internet for poses or ideas is what gets me my inspiration for poses. search for a pose that you think describes the characters action or feeling. its a lot of references and trial and error. i usually sketch out a pose on paper before moving to digital as well. In terms of drawing said poses, i start with a base a little like this:
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I don't know what program you use to draw digitally (i use ibis paint), but if it has layers then a sketch similar to this is how i start! after i find a pose, i sort of inflate the limbs during line art, kind of like a more rounded version of the paswg art style. idk how well that would translate to your already amazing designs for your critters, but it might be worth a try!
In terms of faces, i actually refrence sonic alot so i keep their mouth (fur, in dogday's case} lower on their heads unless they are looking up
That's mostly my proccess i guess? im sorry if the answer wasnt satisfactory or not what you're looking for and you're more than welcome to ask again for something specific but i hope this helps!
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