#I'm happy to explain what details of him I have settled on if people are interested
sudriantraveler · 6 months
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Realized I've never shared this guy here. This is one of my attempts at an engine OC.
I really like the look of the 8f's that got shipped to Turkey during WW2, so Göçebe here is based off of them.
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The main reason I've never really done anything with him so far is because I keep going back and fourth on a lot of the details of his story. his character has so far never fully settled into something I'm 100% happy with.
Still though, I like him, and researching his basis lead me down a rabbit-hole of learning more about Turkish steam engines in general, so I figured it was about time I let people know he exists.
Technically this isn't the first time he's appeared on this blog actually. He's in the background sitting in the sheds in that one drawing of a Skyliner I did a while back.
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97linelover · 4 months
Where do Broken hearts go? - Jeon Wonwoo
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18+ / mdi
summary: Marrying the man of your dreams will finally come true, but what happens when the day comes and the Man is not there?
content: Fiancé Wonwoo x reader, fight, crying, angst, happy end, wedding au
wc: 1.9k
a/n: I watched the firs t part of sex and the City and then I thought I want to write about Big and Carrie. I´m not really happy with it..
Organizing a wedding takes a lot of time and preparation, it takes passion and a vision.
You had all of it, except the time.
When your Fiancé, Jeon Wonwoo asked you to marry him you did not hesitate for a second. You jumped at him kissing him until you both were entangled under the sheets.
But since you were not very patient you wanted this wedding as soon as possible. Perks of being the famous Vogue writer? You could get help from everyone within days.
Your best friend came over helping you planing a sweet little garden wedding with 50 people. Your boss gifted you Giovanni Conti as your wedding planer.
Suddenly your simple wedding dress from a vintage store was now a Vera Wang one that she send you, it was crazy and it happened fast.
While wonwoo was busy working, your list with guests got longer and longer, your bill got higher and higher and your vision got bigger and bigger.
After work you always laid next to Wonwoo on the couch explaining him the details while he listened with a smile on his lips. „I'm sure it will be perfect my love" he kissed your forehead softly „remember the suit fitting with Armani tomorrow" you rambled and he pulled you on his lap „let's forget about everything for a second" with that he kissed along your neck.
But things were to perfect, you became obsessed with the idea of the perfect wedding that you forgot about the most important part.
Your soon to be husband.
Everyday after work you were busy with planing while he waited for you to cuddle, to talk about your day, for you to ask about his.
He looked at you with so much love in his eyes that he ignored to feeling of regret bubbling up.
„The dress fits absolutely perfect" Minjae said smiling while you felt her heart breaking „Jae, I'll cancel everything if you want me too" you took her hands in yours „Chan is stupid for cheating!" she wiped her tears away „it's your night, so let's have some fun" she put on her best smile and you two walked out of the room.
Wonwoo was waiting for you in his suit, looking as handsome as always. „You're breathtaking" he said gasping while pulling you closer „I adore you" he softly kissed you.
„I love you Wonu, so much" you said honest while smoothing out his tie. „Let's not keep the guests waiting" you took his hand walking into the huge dining room.
Everyone clapped as you two made the entrance.
I mean, you two looked majestic walking hand in hand inside the building.
„Thank you all for coming, we are forever grateful for all the loving people around us, Wonwoo and me, thank you all for being here on this journey with us, so let's enjoy the food! To the love" you said with a proud smile and Wonwoo watched you with fond eyes.
While you all talked and had some drinks Wonwoo went out with the boys having a smoke, when he gets nervous he sometimes takes a puff but tonight he declined just watching the busy streets of Seoul.
„Man you're gonna be married, settled" JeongHan laughed „first one to settle"
Yes Wonwoo was the first one of his friends to get married. „But I'm really excited-„ before he could finish the taxi parked and Chan got out.
„Hey Nonu, congrats, I wasn't sure if I was invited because Minjae is the maid of honor" he scratched his neck.
„No chan that's fine" wonwoo said „just maybe keep a good distance to Jae" he said carefully. „I'll grab a drink"
„He looked miserable" Mingyu said while watching after him „he cheated with his secretary after Minjae and him had a fight about sex and she said she doesn't enjoy it anymore" he explained.
„But he loved her, I can't understand" Wonwoo muttered „mistakes can happen" Seokmin whispered . „Let's not talk about that right now" Wonwoo said and the boys nodded walking inside.
„NO I WANT YOU TO LEAVE DON'T EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN"  with that Minjae stormed out of the room and she looked at Wonwoo „I would think twice before agreeing to a marriage" she spat and Wonwoo´s heart fell into his stomach.
Why would she say something tonight? Before he could think more about it Y/N took his hand „I'm gonna head home with the girls, I'm gonna see you at the chapel tomorrow?" she had the biggest smile on her face „I'm gonna see you tomorrow, have fun tonight" he said while softly leaning down to kiss her.
The night didn't end well for Wonwoo, he sat in his leather chair thinking about everything that just had happened. About the last two months. About how they wanted the smallest wedding and now it's one of the biggest weddings.
How you talked non stop about the people that will be there, how you didn't ask about his day at work anymore. He dialed your number „Nonu, is something wrong?" He could hear the chatters in the background „baby" he breathed „wait Minjae" you giggled.
„Sleep well, I love you." he said and ended the call. You got ready the next morning, your dress already on and the last touch was your lip gloss, you smacked your lips and smiled „I'm gonna be Mrs Jeon in a few hours" you looked at your best friend and she nodded „I can't believe it!" You hugged her softly and she sobbed slightly „you look so beautiful, Wonwoo can be lucky to have you"
„Y/N the car is already waiting for you!" your friends rushed outside with you, you all got into the limousine and took a Glas champagne „to Wonwoo and Y/N" Minjae said and you all cheered.
„I can't believe I'm too late at my own wedding" you said with a slight giggle and you got out of the car, you did not realize the car behind you with your fiance inside pleading that you look at him.
„Come on baby look at me, I need to know that it's still about us" he whispered, but you only rushed inside.
„Okay the wedding can start now" you said but the priest furrowed his eyebrows „that will not be possible"  „What do you mean?"
„I mean that the husband is not here" he said nervous.
Your heart stopped, you felt like all the air got out of you lungs. „What do you mean?" she frantically asked „someone give me the phone" you said panicked „SOMEONE GIVE ME THE PHONE" Minjae gave her the phone.
You dialed his number and within a seconds he picked up „y/n" he whispered „where are you?" you asked with hurt in your voice „y/n I called a dozen times"
„WHERE ARE YOU" you yelled „I'm in the car, I can't walk in there, I don't think this is about us anymore "his quivering voice spoke, she gasped „so you're ditching me? On my wedding?"
„Baby please, I tried to call you" he pleaded „I can't believe this" she whispered and let the phone fall „get me out of here" she whispered „where is he?" Minjae asked „he left me here, he did not show up" you breathed „he won't come" you realized what you had just said.
„He won't come" you sobbed „get me out of here please" you began to panic and your friend helped you to get out. You got into the car and you felt like your world just crumpled apart.
You could not believe this. What has just happened?
When Wonwoo's driver began to drive he felt like choking, he felt like all the air has left his lungs "fuck turn around, FUCK" he realized what he had done.  But before he could react he saw the car passing by "Y/N" he screamed out of the window, but the car drove further until you heard the brakes. 
Wonwoo got out and he saw you getting out aswell "listen baby, I did not meant to, I was not thinking straight" but you showed no mercy, your pink bouquet landed with slaps against his chest, you screamed at him. 
"YOU USED ME" You screamed "I HATE YOU SO MUCH" the petals were flying around "how could you do that" you whispered heartbroken and your friends carried you back to the car "don't ever claim your love again" you looked at him with so much pain in your eyes that he felt like screaming. 
The people around you looked at the scenario in front of them and you could not blame them, you would look aswell. 
When Wonwoo watched you drive away he got into the car driving towards the Apartment you both shared. 
He walked over to the whiskey table, grabbing directly the entire bottle.
Meanwhile you walked inside Minjaes building, your Make up smudged, you hair messy and your white dress full of Mascara stains. 
You walked passed the mirror and you began to Panic "get me out of it" you pulled at the white fabric, it felt like the dress would suffocate you "GET ME OUT OF THIS" you cried and Minjae grabbed some scissors. 
"do it" Hyerin said and the cut the ties so that the dress fell down, you fell to the floor and just sobbed. 
Three weeks passed, three weeks where he did not get any response from you, his friends told him that you went on the honeymoon trip with Minjae.  He wondered how you are, he wondered if you're still thinking about the day, because the only thing he could think about was the moment you left. How you took his heart with you. 
He started staying late at work because he could not deal with the empty bed, he worked so much that his colleagues began to worry. But he shut down everyone, he felt empty and like the biggest douche ever.
He entered the apartment at 11 pm on a Tuesday when he saw your shoes at the entrance, he rushed inside placing his work bag on the floor "Y/N?" he walked inside the living room where you were sitting on the couch, you were dressed in a beautiful summer dress, but you did look tired. 
"You're back" he whispered and you could only nod "I saw your message, and I think we need to talk, we need to talk about what has happened so that I can finish this chapter and close this book" Wonwoos heart fell into his stomach "no baby, there is no closing this book, finishing this chapter yes, we will redo this." he lifted your chin softly "we will focus on us, only us" his thumb stroke your cheek. 
"you and me Baby, only us" he leaned his forehead against yours "you don't know how sorry I am, god there's nothing more that I want than marrying you" he was completely honest. 
"But I want us alone, I want nobody around us" before he could say anything else you kissed him "I really hope you don't ditch me again" you whispered jokingly. 
"god I missed you" he lifted you up kissing you softly, while he carried you inside the bedroom. 
And here you were now one week later at the registry office, standing next to wonwoo.
"I declare you as Mr. and Mrs. Jeon" the elder lady said and smiled at you two "you may now kiss the bride" and Wonwoo wasted no time, he kissed you passionate and you smiled into the kiss.
"we did it" you cheered "we did it baby, you and me" he agreed to you and kissed you again.
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flaetsbnortoriginals · 8 months
I've just had a dream that was so steeped in Magic: The Gathering lore that I need to post it to tumblr on the off-chance that people who know enough to understand it will be able to read it, because if I tell it to the people I usually tell my dreams to they won't understand a dang thing. Sorry @one-time-i-dreamt
So. The dream was in Ravnica, and was about this planeswalker lady. She was white, with long straight blonde hair, and a fancy blue dress. I have the feeling that I was dreaming I was her before my dream remembered I'm a boring cis man without any amazing powers so as far as I can recall I'm just following her, like the main character of a story. I'm not sure I should call her my OC since she was created without any prompting of my conscious mind but none of the characters in the dream have names so I'll call her that.
OC was walking down a boulevard in Ravnica with this dude. They were pretending to be a couple, but the dude was actually a Dimir spy she had bested and was kind of her prisoner. Dimir guy wasn't very happy about it but wasn't too angry either, he saw his "custodianship" as a work thing and kind of respected OC, so they were chill.
OC saw a woman who she realized wasn't from this plane, although she was pretending to be a local. She challenged Dimir guy to point out what made them realize this. Now I expected this to go like a Sherlock sequence, with each one pointing out a detail in the woman's outfit or some very precise behaviour. Instead, OC starts by pointing out that this woman is wearing
and not only are soccer jerseys not usual clothes in Ravnica, (at least not until Hooligans at Rakdos Stadium is released), but it also has a giant number on it (77 if you're curious), except that Ravnica uses a different writing system, so any planeswalker would immediately clock her as an outsider. (I think that it's only sort of implied that each plane uses a different writing system, but in the dream that was settled truth.)
OC is so apalled at how poorly this woman - who needs a name, so I'll call her BadKellan for reasons that will soon become apparent - is at hiding herself, she decides to have a word with her. BadKellan realizes she's being followed and hoofs it - but OC and Dimir guy immediately use their Dimir crap to become invisible. BadKellan thinks he's shaken them off, but she's quite rattled, so she goes to her safehouse, which happens to be just around the corner. OC and Dimir sneak in behind her, then make themselves visible.
Now I should tell you that Dimir Guy does nothing else in this story. I was going to say that he's just Ken, he's just there, but it's actually worse - his presence makes the story make no sense, since OC is about to reveal some secrets to some random lady. But the dream didn't forget him: I vividly recall that he was still around all throughout this part of the dream, even though he does nothing else.
So. OC reveals herself and tells BadKellan that what she's doing is very dangerous. She tells her about the Dimir (the guild, not the random guy) and says that if they see her poorly sneaking around and think she's going to be trouble, or even can't figure out what her deal is, they're just going to kill her. Which means it's incredibly dangerous for her to go around like that.
BadKellan reveals a few things about herself. She's from Earth - yes, our real world. She's not a planeswalker. She was brought to Ravnica against her will and told to blend in and pretend to be a local. She doesn't feel comfortable revealing who told her to do that.
OC decides to give BadKellan a few pointers on how to lay low on Ravnica. She explains that she would dress mostly in gray, since colours are strongly associated with the guilds and she should stay away from them to stop making waves. She asks her to change her outift and she'll say if it draws attention.
BadKellan changes clothes. She's now dressed entirely in gray, which is good, except that her shirt
IT'S THE EXACT SAME THING AS BEFORE. IT'S A LARGE PRINT USING OFF-PLANE SCRIPT. It's not as large as the jersey number, sure, but I'd like to remind you that it's glittering!
OC is apparently as taken aback by this as I am, because she turns her into a squirrel.
In fact, she specifically turns her into the squirrel from Bloomburrow key art.
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OC's logic is that BadKellan is so bad at blending in that this is the only way she can be safe. OC intends to release "squirrel girl" in a park while she tries to look into exactly whose plans she just ruined and how bad of an idea it was.
There was more to this dream, but my memories are fuzzy and it's (even more) uninteresting. I think it involves the Boros having a special currency that they gain when they help people but the Dimir also use it in a kind of ironic way? I don't remember.
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myslutwritings · 1 year
Hi there! How are you doing?:) I've loved your writings and I'm so happy that you mentioned that you're comfortable with writing for self harm as I'm never sure if I shall request such topics or not. :(
I'd like to request sfw headcanons for Muzan and Douma when they discover that reader has got many self harm-scars(cutting)? How would they react and what would they say? I don't really care if reader is AFAB or GN but I'd say to make it GN so more people can enjoy your writing!!:)
Thank you and take your time!<3
Aw, thank you so much. I’m happy to know you are fond of my writings! thank you again for requesting.
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➤ Muzan and Douma with a S/O who has self harm scars
➤ SFW headcanons
Muzan & Douma x GN!reader
warnings: self harm
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Muzan Kibutsuji 🩸
Muzan wouldn’t know how to react at first.
He’s never dealt with anything like this before.
I mean, Muzan is in fact familiar with the concept of self harm.
He’s just never witnessed it first hand, you know?
Is in shock at first. You can’t tell because he often wears his calm expression. But he’s panicking on the inside.
Muzan is absolutely distraught to discover the scars aligned your wrists. (Fresh or old it still counts)
Then again, he honestly doesn’t know how to help at first so he asks if there is anything he can do to make you feel better.
If you don’t want to talk about it yet he will try his best to understand and not be so pushy. gives you the space you desire because he would hate to make you uncomfortable.
Doesn’t mean to be pushy about it but he’s only like that because he cares.
However, do not just expect him to drop the whole thing! Muzan wants to know everything still. he isn’t going to let this slide.
How long have you been self harming and what compelled you to commit such harmful acts upon yourself?
Is curious and wants to know everything on your mind. even if it secretly hurts him to witness you in so much pain.
He hates the fact that your beautiful skin has been damaged.
Holds you in his arms all while comforting you properly.
This is the first time you’ve seen Muzan this affectionate.
After the two of you have a heart to heart conversation about this he will force you to throw all away your blades
If your refuse he will do it for you.
Muzan is angry, not at you, just by your choices. He knows you can’t help it and that it was a former addiction but he just can’t control it.
He’s also angry with himself for not finding out sooner.
After he finds out you self harm you bet he’s going to become even more protective and keep an eye on you.
If anyone dares to upset you or point out your scars he’ll just kill them right on the spot. Even if it’s one of his uppermoons.
“My dearest, please do not ever do this to yourself again. You know that i’ll always be here for you, don’t you?”
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Douma ❄️
It takes Douma awhile to find out.
Mostly because he’s so busy running the cult. His lack of emotion doesn’t make it any better either.
However, with you he feels things! Doesn’t give a fuck about his naive little followers and his duties.
Still dedicates his time to you! Whenever he is bored or not doing anything he will check up on you.
He found out while the two of you were having a cuddling session.
Douma is aware that people self harm but like Muzan he never witnessed it.
Is horrified his S/O would do such a thing.
Doesn’t understand.
He knows it won’t make it any better if he throws a conniption fit so he settles down and communicates with you about it.
He still doesn’t fully understand but do not let that mistake you for him not caring. Douma cares SO much. you may just need to explain everything to him in greater detail.
Oddly is fast at understanding? Because he feels emotions around you it makes things easier.
It breaks his heart to know his S/O would have such thoughts and hurt themselves because of it.
Douma and you throw away your blades together.
And from that moment onwards he’s never letting you out of his sight or giving you any privacy. Not even to use the restroom.
You’re sleeping with him, attending his meetings with his pitiful followers, bathing with him, etc.
Ditches his basics duties for the sake of his beloved S/O.
Douma takes care of you pretty damn well. just his only red flag is the lack of privacy.
Doesn’t give you privacy until you promise him you aren’t going to relapse again.
He just wants to look out for you and protect you from harms way:(
Mentally checks up on you everyday, asks how you’re feeling? etc!
Doesn’t care for other peoples problems in the slightest, he isn’t even listening to his followers, but with you he does as you vent to him about anything that’s on your mind.
Cradles you in his lap whenever you’re upset and gives you all the attention you need!
He loves you fiercely and doesn’t want to lose you.
Reminds you that he’s here for you and that self harming is not the answer. Honestly gives you great and genuine advice.
“My lotus, do you know how upset i would be if i lost you? Please never do such things to yourself ever again!”
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A/N: If any of you out there are struggling right now i promise it gets better! As someone who used to self harm frequently who is now almost a year clean i can assure you it gets better over time. You matter and you are loved! <3
I promise i’m getting to everyone’s requests! Feel free to keep sending them in. It may take me time but i’ll make sure to do everyone’s requests in my inbox. Thank you for the overwhelming support. I appreciate you all so very much.
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hirayaea · 15 days
What I see most is people criticizing both Xavier and Queen MC, even though, as you yourself said, their relationship is more complex than it seems! Queen MC's duty as a defense mechanism and Xavier's focus on discreetly wanting to save her.
But now I'm curious, do you think Xavier would have run away with Queen MC if she insisted?👀
hello anon (о´∀`о)
that is a shame, because the lightseeker era actually gives a lot of insight to xavier’s personality, and it explains why his persona is so complex!
lightseeker xavier is a prince tasked with carrying the legacy of philos, but he when he finds this legacy is actually bathed in the blood of the woman he loves, instead of choosing one or the other, he decides to explore a third option (which is operation backtrack).
while all the details haven’t been revealed, we do know that xavier has been, for hundreds of years, trying to find a way to save mc from death. but, we also know that he wants philos to prosper (i forget what he says in English, but in Japanese he definitely says “may the planet of Philos last everlasting”). when he leaves mc in the lightseeker era, these are definitely his goals.
however, I also believe that if xavier were cornered into a choice, he would probably choose mc. and, the only person that can convince him to choose otherwise (like choose philos instead) would be mc herself.
hence i think, if queen mc had told xavier very clearly, that she wanted to run, he would have dropped everything and brought her to uluru and they could live until philos’ core expired or until one of them perished. but i also think that both of them know, deep down, that neither of them are that selfish. both of them have a strong sense of duty to each other and to their people, and running would mean abandoning all of that. one of them (likely mc) would probably hesitate and say, “we have to go back”.
their hesitation to abandon their duty is actually what makes them such great characters, because they are so upright and strong but they acknowledge they sometimes waver in their own beliefs.
however, from present time onwards, i feel that there will be a disconnect in how strongly they feel about their responsibilities simply because of how xavier is the same person all throughout time while mc resets as she reincarnates.
i imagine that as time went by xavier’s priorities might have changed and he may be leaning towards choosing mc without thinking of saving philos anymore. some of the anecdotes actually hint at this (that maybe he should just abandon traceback II and settle down). however, he’s obviously still not decided (he told jeremiah that one day, he’ll get them all home).
i’m really excited to see how this will all unfold because so far this story is so wonderfully written, and the complexities only make me hungry for more
again I’d be happy to discuss more cause I do have a lot of thoughts (sooo sorry for rambling)
thank you!
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Carl Grimes x male reader who is the leader of his own settlement in a private school and they become close and they are so cheesey and cute together and sneak out to see each other
I miss The Walking Dead. I stopped watching after like the middle of the 6th season. I just couldn't handle all the death anymore. But I hope you enjoy.
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When (Name) was a kid he had a best friend that not only was his classmates, but was his neighbor. His name was Carl Grimes. He was everything to (Name). Just like how (Name) was everything to Carl. Especially since all (Name) had was his grandmother. Who half the time didn't even remember the poor (hair color) male.
So when the world fell apart. Neither boys knew what happened to the other. Carl tried to convince his mother and Shane to help his friend but they were more worried about getting themselves out and to safety then for the kids. Sadly when (Name) when to the Grimes household and saw it ransacked he thought the worst.
That Carl hadn't made it. (Name)'s grandmother hadn't. In fact she had attacked poor (Name) who sadly had to choose between his life or her dead life. She was already turned so (Name) didn't feel as much guilt as he would've if she was alive.
(Name) over the years had been all over the place. Saving many people and families. While some people tried to double cross him, (Name) didn't let that affect him. (Name) would save whoever he could and if they chose to stay with him, he'd let them as long as they don't hurt others in the group.
(Name) had honestly never been one for violence but sometimes that's all a person knows. He has done some questionable things over the years. But the others in his group didn't hold it against him. They knew he was just doing it with their safety in mind. Especially after an incident when a man tried to force himself on one of the younger girls.
That was the first time (Name) had killed a living being. It haunted (Name) but the thanks that the girl and her parents have him helped. His wife had tried turning the group against him. Calling him a murder and a liar. Until the girl explained what happened in exact details.
The woman didn't say anything after that. Just asked for a few supplies and left the group. (Name) had of curse blamed himself but the group supported him. So when they had found a private school in an hour and half from D.C. he decided the group needed to settle.
So he worked hard along with the volunteers that helped him clean it out. They turned it from a private school to a heavily protected fortress. He set up a routine with the workers and was even able to give the children the feeling of normality with going to school. Which made many people happy including himself.
He had a routine fr scavenging, training, teaching, and guarding. He had displayed it on the inside of the front door. But when people wanted to change they had to discuss it with him and see if anyone would switch. If nobody could switch he'd do it himself. Since everybody needs a break he'd say.
So imagine his surprise when on one scavenging hunt he runs into not only the old sheriff but his son too. "Mr. Grimes? C-Carl?" The two had quickly turned with weapons drawn. But both were pleasantly surprised to see it was someone alive. "Um I'm sorry how do you know us?" (Name) pulled his long hair up showing off his face.
"It's me. (Name). (Name) (Last Name)." The two froze. "Holy shit (Name)!" Carl practically tackled the poor male to the ground from the surprise hug. (Name) yelped and winced upon impact and Rick quickly pulled Carl off the smaller boy. "Are you bit?" Rick asked gun trained on (Name). "Ah-no. I broke my left hand earlier trying to get something off a high self."
The two Grimes looked at him confused. "Oh I was scavenging for my group." The two tensed at the information. "Are you talking about the Saviors?" (Name) confused tilted his head. "Saviors? I don't know who that it. But I'm talking about my group. We're set up at John Kennedy Academy. It was a private school before everything happened."
The Grimes looked at each other then looked at (Name). "Whose the leader then?" (Name) pointed at himself. "I am. Surprising I know but I've worked extremely hard to get to where I am and I'm very proud of it." The two shared a look and Rick nodded. "We'll take you back to your group then. I know Carl is dying to spend more time with you." Carl blushed and lightly hit his father.
(Name) chuckled and nodded. "Alright follow me if you want. I came in a car. Do you guys need a ride?" The Grime winced then nodded. (Name) led them to the van he was using. "This is our Scavenger Van as the kids like to call it." Rick chuckled with a nod. He knows how kids are. When they piled in (Name) realized something. "Um actually could one of you two drive. I forgot about my broken hand..."
Rick nodded and took over as the driver as (Name) directed him to the Academy. When they arrived at the gate an older male had his gun trained on Rick. "Staye your business!" (Name) rolled down the window and stuck his head out. "Nick! It's okay they're with me. I accidentally broke my hand again!" The man now identified as Nick opened the gate.
Once they entered Nick immediately opened (Name)'s door and took a look at his hand. "Yep definitely broken. What'd you do this time kiddo?" (Name) bashfully looked away and softly spoke. "I tried climbing shelfs for items." Nick huffed and messed up (Name)'s hair. "Well get to Stefanie then. We should have the right material to bandage it."
The male nodded and turned to leve but saw the Grimes. "Oh I completely forgot! Nick meet my old neighbors M. Sheriff Rick Grimes and his son Carl." Nick nodded at the two and shook their hands. "My name is Nicholas Blake. Or just Nick for short. I was a baker before the world ended." Rick nodded before asking. "How'd you meet (Name) then?"
Nick was silent for a moment. "I-I had lost my wife and daughter. They'd be bit and I couldn't kill them. So they turned. I couldn't find it in myself to end them but luckily this kiddo saved me." Nick ruffled (Name)'s hair again making said male whine. "Now (Name) go to Stefanie for that hand while I take the stuff in." Rick offered to help which Nick agreed. Leaving (Name) and Carl.
"Wow (Name). You've done a lot over the years haven't you?" (Name) nodded and started up the Academy stairs. "Care to join me?" (Name) held out his right hand. Carl smiled softly and grabbed it letting (Name) lead him. It honestly felt like old times as they walked and talked about what happened over the years.
"Wait so your telling me. Because you killed her husband who was trying to harm a little girl, she tried turning your own group against you? What did you do?" (Name) smiled sadly. "I didn't do anything. The girl came forward and told everyone what had been happening before I stepped in. She told her everything in detail. The wife didn't say much after that. Just asked for a few supplies and left."
Carl nodded. He knows how hard it is after killing a living for the first time. While they were walking and chatting many and the settlers saw how happy their leader was and smiled. Glad he finally had his happiness again. Well that was until they made it to Stefanie's office.
"(Name) (Last Name)! What on earth did you do this time?!" Stefanie was a lady in her early 40's and honestly the look on her face scared Carl a little bit. (Name) stared at the ground and kicked at an invisible rock. "I was climbing a shelf to get a some cans of food and an undead sent the shelf backwards and I landed wrong."
Stefanie sighed and ran a hand down her face. "Honestly kid. Your so clumsy I swear. What are you gonna do when we run out o medical supplies?" (Name) had answered without hesitation. "I'll go out for more. We have too many people here to not have any medical supplies. Which reminds me! I found the equipment you had asked me to look for a few months ago! Nick should be bringing it up here or Mr. Grimes will."
Stefanie smiled softly. "Thanks kid. Your always looking out for us. But whose gonna look after you?" That's when Carl spoke up. "I will. I know how clumsy he is. So I'll gladly look out for him." Carl sent (Name) a soft look and Stefanie couldn't help but snort. "Young love."
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kairiscorner · 1 year
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
mfw the rest couldn't fit in one post, so imagine:
atsv babes with an insomniac partner (part 2!)
(part 1)
pav would have received a miss call from you, which you regretted later because you knew how worried he gets when he misses a call or a message from you. the minute he heard his ringtone and watched as the light faded from his phone, he panicked when he saw your caller id and immediately called you back, even if it was 1:15 am when you called. you answered, because of course, what could you do? you didn't wanna worry him anymore, you wanted to explain you called randomly because you couldn't sleep, but boy was asking you questions a mile a minute. "babeareyouokayimsosrryicouldntpickupiwassleepingohareyouokaypleasebeokayimissyouandiloveyouandifyoustillneedmeimhereaaaaahpleasetalktomeee" he said that all in one damn breath, and the only thing you could pick up was the "are you okay" and "please talk to me". "i'm sorry, pav, it's just... i called you because i had trouble sleeping." you admitted, a little ashamed of yourself that you called and worried him for such a minor detail, or at least, a minor detail to you. to pav, it was okay to have done that, not a lot of people are in their right state of mind when they're running on a body that's barely slept and can't sleep. if anything, he's happy he was the first one you thought of telling and confiding in about it, it goes to show you trust him and want him to know. "love... it's okay. i'll be here for anything and everything you're going through, even if i can only help at a distance right now, i'll never fail to meet you halfway. i'm spider man, after all, i can do everything for you a thousand times over, just ask me to do something for you, and i'd do it." he told you over the phone, which relieved you so damn much. "would you... be willing to listen to me ramble all night until i sleep...?" you asked seriously, but you wouldn't blame him if he didn't want to. but, surprisingly and unsurprisingly, he said yes. "and hear your voice and have a peek of your mind? yes!" he beamed as he settled in his bed, hoping to hear your voice all night, until the instant you both finally doze off.
hobie would have probably caught you leaving your house in the middle of the night while out on the streets as spider man. "hey, what are you doin' out here? last time i checked, you were on a curfew you so religiously follow. not that i'm upholding authoritarian rule over adolescents by shirty 'rents... but i'm a li'il worried, y'know? you good?" he asked in a concerned tone as you avoided his gaze. "not... exactly." you croak out as you look up at him. "well, lemme hear it. wait, before that..." he muttered as he gently grabbed hold of you by the waist and swiftly swung the two of you up to the roof of a tall apartment complex. you screamed as hobie smirked. "still not used to it? that's ar'ight. sorry for startlin' you, love." he said as you breathed in and out heavily as he still held you in his arms. he sat down by the edge of the building's roof and took off his mask, patting down a spot on his side for you to sit down. "so... what's wrong?" he asked again as he caressed your cheek with his palm. "i can't fall asleep." you said briefly in an exhausted manner. he nodded as he looked at your sullen face. "well, tomorrow's a weekend, innit? how about you and i make the night ours?" he suggested with a comforting smirk on his face. you raised an eyebrow at the suggestion. "we can go anywhere you want tonight, do anything you want--my treat." he said as he stood up and extended you a hand. "let me help you live a little more, so what's one night of not sleeping? a whole world of possibilities, is what." he said with a small chuckle as you smiled up at him. "take me away then, spider man." you say as he mutters a, 'wicked' underneath his breath. he holds you close as you cling on to him, and he swings you all around the city; taking deep plunges and high jumps--the wind behind your hair as you two scream into the night in excitement and adventure; he may not be very consistent, but if you ever wanted, he'd stop everything he was doing and take you out for an adventure, just for the two of you in your own world in the night.
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freakattack · 4 months
Since you did that LGBT+ headcanon post for the Mario cast, could you do one for the WarioWare crew?
LOL thank you for taking interest in my gay luigi posts. I actually did make one of these before but that was two years ago and also mostly jokes so I think this is as good a time as any to do it again but in serious mode. I have also changed my mind on some of these so they might not all line up with the other post but such is life. Obligatory "That's My Opinion" so if my tabloid speculations don't line up with yours feel free to imagine me falling down a very deep hole, or you can squint your eyes and pretend you're squishing my icon between your fingers like a bug if that's more your speed
WARIO: Briefly said this in the mario post but sure I'll go into more detail about wario's sex life, I think he's aromantic and bisexual. I do realize it comes off as kind of shitty to make Mario be Romantic Asexual and "Evil Mario" be Aromantic Sexual, but as a Wario Megafan I just think that he values his friendships a lot more, and given what we have seen of wario's disgust for romance despite his very active libido* (I promise that link is not as bad as it looks), I think it would be remiss to pretend that he would ever want to settle down with someone. He still loves people in a platonic way - even beyond the warioware cast, he cared a lot about princess shokora by the end of WL4, and even though he does not necessarily LIKE waluigi (and I do subscribe to poppadopolos theory so I am of the belief that they were fuckin' and truckin' for a good portion of the early 2000's), I think wario still cares about him in his wario way. They are like a divorced couple that still has kids except instead of kids it's cheating at tennis. Also, I think that wario is transgender, because it explains a lot about him (e.g. his lack of nipples) and because that way nobody has to think about what his "real name" was before it was wario. It was his deadname! Everybody go home! Have a rotten day!
*I do not think that wario would canonically catcall random news reporters but I'm still counting this as nebulous evidence that wario can be horny
MONA: I think that she is bisexual but doesn't know it at this point in time and also isn't really stressing about it. Her taste is kind of skewed towards whatever wario is (in a puppy love type of way i do NOT ship them), but if she ended up having a close friendship with a girl her age I could see her catching feelings. I don't wanna say that her thing with wario is comphet because that's not entirely true but I do think that his unattainability is a comfortable way for her to not have to think about actually getting into a relationship. (For the record, I don't think she even wants to BE in a relationship with him, I think she is perfectly happy with the way things are, but mona has TMI'd about her opinion on wario's physique often enough that I kind of get the idea.)
JIMMY T: My opinions on him have not changed. Who do you think gave him the T? Also, I didn't mention this before, but I do think he is bisexual, and although it kind of feels like a cop-out to make the Holy Trinity of Warioware all bisexual, sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles. Groovy!
DRIBBLE: This is where things start to diverge from the original post. I said he was bisexual before But I lied I think he just likes men. I think that he has a supportive family, but he's still a little shy about actually going out to meet people and start a relationship. Anyways you're probably not gonna like what I have to say next
SPITZ: I am soooooo sorry. But I think that he is straight. More power to you guys but I never really got into dribblenspitz as a Ship because I associate their dynamic so strongly with the Cool Boss + Rookie dynamic that we have all been at least one half of that I can't imagine them in a romantic relationship. They have the most beautiful bromance of course, they would go to the ends of the earth for each other, but they wouldn't smooch. I think that spitz's dating life is/has been kind of sad (not in a angst way in a regular way) and were he to go back into the dating scene dribble would hype him up about it and give him advice and spitz would be like hey why don't you have a girlfriend? You're clearly better at this than me and dribble would say uuuhhhhh
ORBULON: Orbulon is hard to pigeonhole into these labels because the guys on orbulon's home planet operate on an entirely different paradigm from humans on earth. Reproduction via budding, communal childrearing, telepathic mega-cliques*.....on Earth, orbulon certainly has no interest in romance or beyond (both because he has no need for it and because he is two thousand years old on the planet of the apes), but he does have fun being a girl. You could call him "genderfluid", but he also doesn't feel too much of a connection to earth genders in general; he just likes wearing different hats.
CRYGOR: I think that he has had no interest in romance for a hundred years, but also if he randomly picked up a stepdad for his adult children one day I would not be mad. (Mike might be, but he would eventually come around due to the Power of Love and whatnot.) Penny is his "granddaughter" but I think that this is more a label for convenience's sake and because she IS his granddaughter at heart. "But why does she randomly show up into everyone's lives in smooth moves as a full grown kid" Until warioware decides to show me her parents themselves I'm not entertaining this plot hole
PENNY: The reason I don't think penny is his granddaughter is because I still think she is a transgender clone of dr crygor. I think that crygor is enthusiastically supportive of her, gets her all the pink glittery shit her heart could desire, and helped her transition with his Science Inventions. I also think she is a lesbian, although I don't Ship her with anyone in the main cast (sorry again).
MIKE: Earlier I said that mike was "gay but he thinks everyone is annoying". That was before they revealed this bombshell:
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Now, this could mean absolutely nothing. Checking the translation of the japanese website yields pretty much the same sentence. However, due to an incident involving a botched translation before the english version of this website came out, I had it in my head for a while that the connotation here was of a certain kind of fascination. And honestly, who could blame him? This is a karaoke machine that got frosty the snowman'd into existence. Of course he would be conflicted about who he is supposed to love. Does he have the heart of a man, or machine? Even Mike does not have an answer. So, my revised LGBT+ headcanon for Mike Crygor is "gay, and whatever this is".
5-VOLT: I'm on the fence about whether i Actually Think This but I am very fond of when people headcanon her as a trans woman, so I'm giving that a shout out. Shout Out! Other than that, I think she's only ever dated men and is happy that way.
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fanstuffrantings · 5 months
how did zeref create the dragon slayers?? and are natsu and zeref still brothers
As I answer this I want to note: a lot of these ideas are from 2022 and not as fresh in my head, and rewriting the lore of fairy tail has taken a backset to my own personal story so things can get muddy and may change.
First zeref has a parent/child dynamic with the dragon slayers. None of them really know him but he is their creator and has a certain level of fondness for all of them. Natsu he's actually disappointed in. I'll explain in a moment.
Zeref is cursed due to hubris and how he dug into every type of magic no matter how taboo just to learn and gain power in this au. He had a love of learning and a zest for life that ultimately leads to him corrupting the very core of magic causing death and desolation around him.
He's only able to be killed by people blessed by divinity, however out of pettiness as gods can often be, no truly blessed mages have been found since Zeref was cursed.
And by divinely blessed I don't mean magic based in divinity. I mean a child the gods claim as their own. Someone made holy without training for it.
He takes matters into his own hands and crafts children to act as sponges for dragon magic since in this version dragons are children of God's who have taught humans before. Zeref's idea is that maybe this could work in killing him.
Irene would have known him from this point and she's the reason the dragons take in the children at all. But when it comes to Zeref, anyone who assists him is worthy of sharing in his punishment and she's given a similarly horrible one to endure for it.
The thing is he knows for someone to kill him of their own free will he'd need to be hated. He'd need people who are angry and volatile. And natsu being the fire dragon slayer really should've been perfect for that but the dude is just too friendly and happy. Causing zeref to think him the biggest mistake of all.
Again: I really would need to sit down and spend a few hours/days figuring it out and most likely rewatching fairy tail to refamiliarize myself with the finer details but this is the gist. A lot of Zeref meddling in humanity is for the sake of finding his own oblivion. He's in a way killed what magic once was and can't find peace in the world because he corrupts everything. He absorbs things around him to keep himself alive unwillingly. If he doesn't absorb life he starves but exists until something appears that he can take from.
I hope this is good enough for now! Sorry if it's a garbage answer, I'm aware I need to revise and focus on it. Unfortunately my mind goes where it wants and it hasn't settled into lore building in a while.
Thank you for the question!
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fantomette22 · 5 months
Ok, let’s hear about your favorite Gehrman and Maria happy AU!!
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With pleasure!!!! :D
Ok so for context yesterday I refound this post :
And I was like "hey guys in my happy AU Gehrman could totally get or make something like this for Maria!" And then it spiralled into "oh I completely forgot to explain my bloodborne "happy ending AU" so there it is finally I guess. I think I only share to a couple of persons so far XD (I have a few others many different AU and darker but it isn't for today).
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I already did a few drawings in link with it : here, here, here and there. Yeah with the gehrmaria ship involve so pass your way if that isn't your thing.
I did end up making the cottage house of the AU in Minecraft since a few months ago by the way XD I even have a tanner, hunter and a freaking cleric villager who now took possession of the house 😂😭 even Laurence decided to live here now I can't. I would need to redo it I kinda screw up proportions I think. Sadly Minecraft bedrock doesn't offer to put many details. I guess it would be better in the sims? If someone knows a good game to built house (and 19th century one) I'm taking it!
So now about the AU it's kinda an AU of my fic verse who can be consider like an AU as well I suppose (even if I tried to stay as canon complaint as possible in this one). Like you can guess from the name Yharnam doesn't became hell on earth and most people don't end up dying horribly. I will copy paste below the summary so you I can explain it better.
Bloodborne happy/good ending AU Summary :
Basically after bloodborne game event (in my fic verse interpretation) our dear baby squid good hunter decided it was rewind time and give everyone a 2nd chance. Don't ask me how
Then it's not clear but either the souls of everyone were taken and yet back in their old self, decades earlier of if people from the past dreamed of the future or a weird mixt of both. But it's what happened. Decades before the game invent (Byrgenwerth era) people started wake up and remember events that haven't happen yet + message from the new great one that they were giving a 2nd chance to make things right etc. It feels like a very strange dream but they knew it was real. Some people remember more than other and they especially remember their own future and they lived/are gonna live+ a couple of other things in game event for exemple.
Now it's up to them to not make the same mistakes and make things right.
So imagine it’s like 2-3am at Byrgenwerth, everyone wake up from well this dream/ nightmare and they basically remember everything that happened to them. So you haven hundreds of people outside in their pyjama. Crying, hugging, and some almost throwing hands with others 💀 quite emotional. I know it’s pretty crazy (i don’t have everything settle yet)
*Yeah you have people who were basically bestie at the time almost punching each other because one betrayed the other years later lol and people who didn’t like each other at Byrgen but become friends way later are hugging and crying. Some people were really confused xD like the one who die earlier on the timeline or weren't very important or just leave this mess early.
So of course you have Laurence & Gehrman crying and holding each other in pyjama in the middle of the dark campus. Then Maria show up in the distance 👁️👁️  it’s even more of an emotional reunion.
So you have this 2 idiots then Maria show up in the distance, they’re stunned and then Laurence tells him « what the hell you’re waiting for just go!!!» so he runs extremely fast (maria too) and they stop a few meters away from each other just staring. Then he tried to apologize says he’s sorry for everything. « YOU’RE SORRY?! » she’s kinda mad and sad about everything that happened she kinda hit him but he is surprise it’s not that hard then she hugs him and they hug each other and cry. (Yeah the Doll is discuss a bit later it's all good)
At some point Laurence try to eclipse himself and Maria’s like « you fucking stay here! » because she have things to say to this dumbass too.
So everyone reunite and all. With Caryll/ Rom/ Ludwig etc.They are hugging and all and then you have like Damian trying to kick Mico’s ass and nobody stopping him XD
Also Charles and Laurence threw hands 💀it’s a mess.
*People who’re not suppose to be very friends at this era are in each other arms and some bff are like throwing hands.
Then Willem show up and tell everyone to shut up and calm down 😂
Charles and Maria later go to Cainhurst to hug all their family who slightly remember all the shit too. And so it don’t cause a war again as well 😂 because they're kinda salty about their nightmares were the church + executioners killed them.
Anyway they all kinda calm down and some times later they’re all reuniting by Willem & Laurence because we need to talk about what the hell happened. « Yep that was real » now time to change it. 
After this mess and discussing what the hell happened and « we need to changed things! » they need to make a big plan how to avoid the fishing hamlet pb and save the orphan. they also can't just not use blood because it does save lives so it's quite complex.
So years later (because the beginning of it during like Maria, Ludwig, Caryll & Rom's hm 3rd of 4th years of university) they manage to make sure the hamlet don't became fishmen, and help Kos give birth (she isn't dead yet but her physical body do die afterwards). And baby orphan is fine and taking care off 👍
Then it's party time 😎 Well they still have things to take care of but I didn't thought of all the details yet. So Maria & Gehrman officially get together 🎉 (never really happened in my main interpret, it's complicated) and some times later travel between Yharnam and other places to help people around (to put it shortly).
THEN they buy a house next to a forest and a small village and live there for some time, maybe start a family etc (see the drawing with the baby!! I won't get into all the family detail today through). So they got the cottage/country house ✨
How they found it? Well funny story one day old hunters were on the mission (not the happy au but fic verse) and the mayor leave the house to them so they could sleep for a few nights and Gehrman really liked the house and even made a deposit for it for a few years if one day he wanted to buy it XD
Then after some time they accidentally adopt a lil dog too (before the huge white wolfhound years later) XD
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Something like this. Need to find a name for this lil guy.
And recently I've been thinking a cat could be cool too. A really fluffy one
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I made those 2 other sketches last year in link with the AU as well. I never share those so there it is.
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And I have a fic planned (1-2 chap max for now), an entire summary, a chapter plan and even a few sentences written for this AU in particular. But idk when I could write it. And I could even have 2 versions depending the rating @_@ so maybe one day...
So yeah it's a bit messy but it's all the fluff & some other things I need. And that's it for now!
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monsieuroverlord · 3 months
Hellverine #2
I've had time to process and I think I've settled a bit. I think the transition from "Very Serious Logan Manpain" book to "Fuck It, Demons n' Shit, PLUS SURPRISE: THE GUY I CALLOUSLY HAD BUTCHERED IS BACK" book gave me a bit of whiplash.
I still maintain its bit weird to be transformed into a visage of your own father (especially considering Akihiro's history with Logan). Though I do understand it from a storytelling perspective, as it would completely give away the grand reveal if the new Hellverine even had trace hints of Akihiro, you know?
Plus, its pretty easy to explain away in-universe with demon magic, as the Bagra-Ghul was twisted by initially bonding to Logan. (And they kinda did explain it that way)
On to the Spoilers:
We open to some exposition in relation to the Sabretooth War:
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And surprisingly, it still kind of glossed over Logan's feelings about the situation. The narration here (and with this issue overall) was very Akihiro-focused-- at least, much more focused than I was expecting.
We have some clarity on what happened to his body:
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Logan had taken his remains and buried them.
Presumably, Logan had gone solo (as his tends to do in his grief) and built his own grave for Akihiro.
Weirdly, I have mixed feelings about this. I personally really like this grave and having a burial site of stone and horn is badass.
Also, perfectly in character for Logan to build something like this for a loved one. In the sense of honoring them in death as a small attempt at atonement for what he couldn't give them in life.
But also, Logan knows 100% that NOT cremating his son is bad fucking idea. I'm sorry, but he's been dug up and used as an experiment himself (He made Tony Stark promise not to use his DNA for anything).
Like, I know people aren't the most logical when grieving, but this isn't the first time. And you can't tell me they "didn't have enough resources to cremate him." yes, they did.
But that is a really badass grave though.
Anyway, we also got more details on how Bagra-Ghul works/his motives:
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Essentially, Aki is stitched bck up like that because of Demon Magic.
Bagra-Ghul chose him because he's Logan's son, and his recent death made him a suitable enough vessel. Presumably because the soul of the person was no longer there and couldn't fight back.
We then cut to Logan, who was taken to the Pentangle -- and General Harms has since decided to be more honest with Logan about the origin of the soldiers.
Logan is unimpressed, but doesn't really give a damn about American Soldiers-turned-hell-infused-undead-soldiers (probably because he's Canadian, but more importantly -- his son is involved. sorta).
Logan goes solo, but the Pentangle group has a hellhound to track him. Logan's idea is to use the hellfire soldiers as bait to get close to his son and go from there.
We then cut to the lone survivor of the undead unit that makes up the Hellfire soliders. He is alone and grieving (suffering from PSTD and survivor's gulit) and trying to distract himself with the news. He then sees the Pentagon Attack and recognizes his buddies.
We cut back to Akihiro, and we get that preview page. Aki doesn't have his memories and can't form words yet. He stops a terrorist who was trying to board a bus with a ton of c4 -- said terrorist wanted to go to the White House.
We then cut back to the graveyard, where General Harms meets with the Madam Secretary, who funded the Hellfire project. She's not happy and orders the General to fix it.
Then we shift to the grieving widow and child of one of the soldiers, but then the undead soldier shows up (clutching his daughter). Understandably, the widow is freaked out and asks him to leave.
The soilder, memories coming back, but not quite there yet, can only say "mine" but he does listen to his wife, lets his daughter go, and seems hurt and confused.
Logan immediately shows up after and decapitates him.
(Don't worry, that wasn't enough to send the soldier back to hell) Logan interrogates the head, asking where the other two soldiers are.
There's a scream from outside from the daughter and widow, because the hellhound also found them!
But luckily, the other two soldiers show up, logan gets hellfire blasted by the decapitated one so he's out for a bit. When he comes to, he finds dismembered hellhound and its handlers bits surrounding the widow and daughter.
Logan asks what happens, and basically the soldiers (called the Destroyers this issue) have declared war.
The scene then shifts back to Akihiro, who is also starting to piece his memories back together (THANK GOD -- I don't think I could handle it if they dragged out the memory loss thing too long)
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He's being called to fight the destroyers.
My Thoughts:
This issue was much more Akihiro-focused than I expected.
We got a lot of answers, and it answered a bunch of my personal questions.
Namely, the shell is in fact Akihiro, and not a completely empty house for a demon. Also, why his body looks all stitched up like that. Helpful, but a little silly as to reasoning.
And thankkfully, he's already starting to get his memories back!
I suspect this will play into the final conflict, with Akihiro initially only remembering his hate for Logan (with the other stuff still hazy). Then, there's a big fight, Aki remembers, there's a touching moment and mini wraps up all conveinently with a hopeful ending.
(I mean, that sort of happened both with X-Force and Wolverine #50 -- both endings just wrapped everything up with a nice little bow)
I also suspect something similar will happen with the hellfire soldiers and their still-living comrade. As in, the comrad will make his way to the final showdown, remind the hellfire soldiers who they are, and then everything's fixed.
Maybe Bagra-Ghul transfers to them instead. Maybe he leaves Akihiro in general because his work is done, or something.
I'm still being a huge worrywort because the writer will not gain my trust back that easily, but I think this issue is a step in the right direction. I hope it can continue.
But also, the best boy is still going through it and I miss Aurora too (I personally want her to show up by the end to comfort Akihiro and that he makes a full recovery!)
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malachiwardyt · 9 months
Hello again, podcast side of Tumblr.
Entities Explained has officially come to a close with the final episode explaining the End. If you didn't know, Entities Explained has been a series where I, over the course of the last year and change, have explained each of the Fears from hit horror anthology podcast The Magnus Archives. This is the longest episode of the series, but I think it's totally worth watching.
Also, this video contains a major announcement: I am currently working on a MASSIVE video explaining The Magnus Archives in as much detail as I possibly can. Hopefully, it'll be a great refresher course before Protocol, and trying to get it done in a month won't absolutely destroy me.
For the art, I decided to draw the moment from Oliver Banks' statement in MAG 121: Far Away where he and the rest of the crew on a research vessel are destroyed by falling satellite pieces. I wanted the whole piece to be very dark and to have this slightly dusty feel to it, which I think I succeeded at.
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I went back and forth a lot on what to dress Banks in, but, in the end (pun intended), I went with something a bit more casual, since he is mostly just hanging around a shipping vessel. If I ever drew him as The Coroner, I'd probably go with something more formal (full black suit with a wilted red flower on the lapel?), but this felt fitting. I also wanted to give him a rain coat because, hey, I imagine it gets pretty rainy out there.
Unfortunately, Banks' design doesn't get to shine through too much in this piece, since his back is to the audience but, for one, I think that's sort of fitting for his themes, and, two, it makes the composition, at least in my mind, a bit more interesting.
The falling satellite was something I experimented around with a lot. Using reference pictures of real satellites, I tried to get something that felt small, but also like it could do some serious damage. The motion blur was a late addition, but I can't say I don't like it.
The moon was always going to be an important part of this piece, but it was during the sketching phase that I realised I could make it into a bit of a stylised skull, which is just a subtle enough detail to be fun. The angular clouds were originally meant to cut through it, but I settled on it being in full view instead, which I think looks much better.
Finally, there's the veins themselves. I actually went with less of them than I originally planned because I think it felt less repetitive, but I'm really happy with the way they turned out. My one addition was adding a pop of colour to this very drab and grey piece (which could, now that I think about it, be seen as a parallel to the desaturated people in Banks' dreams) in the form of the red flowing through the veins. This is technically only described as happening when Banks saw Gertrude Robinson in his dreams, but I figured, if there was another time for it, it was in the moment that he was truly in the grasp of Terminus. I also, honestly, just think it looks better.
That wraps up Entities Explained, so I hope y'all have enjoyed this series while it lasted. I'm not going to stop Magnus content, as I have plenty of ideas already and I'm sure Protocol will only bring more, but I am interested to see where my content goes from here. If you've read this far, thank you so much for listening to my ramblings and, if you celebrate, enjoy your holidays. Good night, Tumblr people!
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finniestoncrane · 4 months
HIII im now a big big fan of Eugenia, she’s got the most beautiful face!! And look at those curves omg🫀🫀 what’s the lore behind her story? C:
jkhakjhasd EEEEE thank you!! ;-; i had her lore all written out and ready and then realised i had kinda accidentally written the plot of shrek so... yeah BUT i'm keeping it because i like it!!
adding it under a read more because it's kinda long and ramble-y!! 💚
SO post-war, eugenia is a single woman in her early 30s. her family are wealthy and she's an only-child, so she's a little bit spoiled and a little bit sheltered. she doesn't want to be though (and this is a big source of her conflict with the world around her, where she's so desperate to not be coddled by her parents that she sounds quite ungrateful and often doesn't realise the privilege she has).
her family are obsessed with her being single and her mum especially is pushing her to find a husband. like desperate enough that she's bought her a space in vault 111 because they reasoned that if she was one of the few people left alive then maybe she'd stand a better chance of someone settling for her (her family are... not best pleased with her nature, she's kind of rebellious in the most middle-class white way imaginable... also she's not slim which is a real disappointment to her mother)
vault 111 is close to where her apartment in concord was and her uncle, who lived in sanctuary hills, while her family were living in nahant (she grew up in quincy but her parents retired to nahant)
so yeah, gene (which her mother hates as a nickname, though her father did call her little genie) is frozen in vault 111. bit of canon divergence, but not everyone in vault 111 died.
upon hearing rumours of the vault dweller (nate or nora i havent decided yet) who was unfrozen, jack cabot decides that he would LOVE to have someone to talk to who remembers the world as he did. he sends his trusted sentry edward deegan out to the vault to see if there's anyone worth rescuing. most of the people have died, but there's one single person left: gene.
edward is kinda taken back by her, and as he's explaining to her what happened they kind of bond, especially on their journey back to cabot house. there's a bit of flirting, but both deegan and gene are happy to settle on friendship since they both assume the other wouldn't be interested in them
when gene gets back to cabot house, jack is going to offer to let her live there with them all (his mother and sister are less than amused, but his mum will grow to like her) and gene is a bit hesitant until she learns deegan lives there too. it slowly becomes more obvious however that jack is kind of falling in love with her, and she's not returning his advances. he gets kinda pissed off and says she cant stay there if she wont at least play along and try to get to know him, and she doesnt want to lose the security (plus jack has threatened to get rid of deegan too for... reasons... and gene doesnt want him to lose his job) so she agrees BUT jack has to let her live her life and go out with deegan sometimes to explore AND he has to let her cut hre hair and dye it a crazy colour which she's always wanted to do
anyway her and deegan are going to have an insane affair but i'm teasing myself up to that point and i havent decided on most of the details of that yet lol
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hey-hamlet · 1 year
Happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday!!!!!!
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For the prompt thing, how about something based on the song The Tornado by Owl City? It is my utmost beloved. Not sure which of your au's would work with it, so if you pick this prompt you can pick whichever you feel like <33
Good luck on the quarter life crisis btw, I'm sure you'll figure stuff out and end up happier on the other side <3
Was my birthday about a month ago? perhaps. I am back now. I'd say this will not happen again, but it will and for that I am sorry. Anyway!! Onto the fic.
It was quiet. So very, very quiet.
Izuku carefully picked his way out of his bedroom, all traces of sleep long gone. The house was that strange bright darkness that lit the earliest hours of the morning, hours before the sun peaked over the horizon but still close enough to light the sky an odd, sickly grey. He'd woken abruptly to a deafening quiet that was impossible for the bustling apartment complex in downtown Mutsufasu he and his mother lived in. He had the childish urge to go get his mother, but it was Wednesday and her night shift wouldn't be over until sometime past sunrise.
Nothing was wrong with the kitchen, nor the entranceway. The light was too low to pick out any detail, but everything was where it should be. He paused.
The light was too low. In the kitchen. There was no glow from the clock face on the microwave, nor from the pilot light on the oven. He couldn't hear the faint hum of the electrical outlets nor the groan of the coolant through the refrigerator. A blackout? That explained some of the quiet.
Not all of it.
With a creeping sense of dread, he grabbed his keys from the front pocket of his backpack where it lay abandoned on the kitchen counter. He'd tossed it aside, too fraught from the terrible day he'd had at school to put it where it belonged. Kacchan had - well. It didn't matter, not right now. He'd have given anything for Kacchan to be right here. Kacchan was never quiet.
His keys were too loud as he unlocked the front door - first the deadbolt, then the main lock, before finally pausing at the latch. His hands shook, fine tremors he struggled to see in the darkness. Breath in. Breath out. Move.
The door, too, was quiet. Well-oiled hinges opened silently. The bright-dark of an approaching dawn met him - no street lights. He grit his teeth, leaving the false safety of his apartment, and almost dropped to his knees when he got a good look at what was around him.
Destruction. As far as he could see, Mutsutafu had been reduced to rubble. The apartments beside him were missing, rubble and rebar and limp, unconnected powerlines. It was still the tallest building left. How was it so quiet? No sirens, no people yelling, not even the sound of running water from a burst pipe. The rubble had already settled.
And Izuku had only been woken up by the silence.
Who - who could have -
Kacchan's house. Where was Kacchan's house?
He scanned the distance desperately - past the park, the grass now covered by fine grey dust, the nicer area with the freestanding houses - he couldn't see. It was too far, too far to see if Kacchan's house was rubble or if it was just caught in the blackout.
Izuku took off down the stairs. He didn't think about the fact every apartment that bordered them was either rubble, missing or silent. Kacchan had to be ok.
Kacchan was never quiet.
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dreamonseems · 2 years
- Story six of Líf series of one-shot stories, about Ubbe, his reader wife, and their children. Every story will be different but within the same universe. Nothing will be in order just random stories about their lives.
- Ok I made up a place called Raven United so any race reading this can Imagine being the reader.
Summary: Sweet conversations and tattoo appreciation.
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"I never met women other than Viking women that have tattoos." As we settle down for the night, Ubbe tells me holding me close to him.
I explain how our homelands are similar in that aspect, how tattoos were a sign of strength, courage, God worshiping, legend telling.
"I received my first tattoo when I was just a child, a coming-of-age gift we get," I say gently loving the way his fingers trace over intricate designs on my body.
"What was the first?" He asks eyes looking fascinated waiting for my reply.
"The Raven over my heart represents our loyalty to our land, people, and ancestors."
Ubbe caressed my back, his fingers tracing lines of the tree that was inked onto my skin. "What does this tattoo mean?" he asked, his eyes fixed on the detailed design.
"There's a tree that is sacred to our people. It's said that we were born from the earth underneath it. It has healing powers, and we use its bark and leaves for medicine."
Ubbe listened intently, his hand still tracing the lines of my tattoo. "It's beautiful," he said softly.
I traced my finger over the tattoo of runes on Ubbe's face, he began to explain the meaning behind it. He told me that each symbol represented a different aspect of his life and that it was a way for him to honor his ancestors and the gods.
As the night wore on, we lay together in front of the fire, sharing stories and dreams for the future. He went on to tell me about the battles he had fought and the victories he had won, as well as the losses he had suffered. I listened intently, fascinated by the stories.
We talked about having children, and the life we wanted to build together as a family. For the first time in a long time, we felt truly at peace together.
I told him about my family in Raven United, telling him about my father, the king, who was my favorite person and who had taught me how to be a warrior and strategist from a young age. I spoke of my mother with whom I got into silly arguments, and of my younger sister who was my best friend. I talked about my youngest brother who I loved as if he were my baby.
I felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, I was happy to share these memories with Ubbe, but on the other hand, the memories were bittersweet. I missed my family terribly, and the thought of never seeing them again made my heartache.
Ubbe could sense the sadness in my voice and pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me and whispering. "They sound amazing."
I leaned into his touch, feeling his warmth and love surrounding me. "I'm glad you think so, I want to show you my home one day, Ubbe. I want you to see where I come from and meet my family." I said
He knew how much it meant to me to have someone to talk to about my family, and he was glad that I felt comfortable enough to share these memories with him.
Ubbe smiled "I would like that," he said, his hand still caressing my back. "But for now, let's just enjoy this moment together."
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partyanimal167 · 1 year
Be Careful, She Bites- Nico x F! Twilight! Reader
Idk why, but I randomly got into a Gangsta. kick again, and gosh, I really miss this anime. I've read some fics on AO3 and know some people here who are in the fandom. I don't think I've ever written anything for the fandom, so I might as well try while I'm on this plane. I need to remember to add this anime to my pinned post.
I hope this is good. Thanks for reading!!!
CW: canon-typical violence, language, slightly unhinged fem reader lol
You weren't interested in being on your best behavior while trying to settle in a new town. Someone needed to make things interesting.
"You need to act right." That was the order you continued to repeat to yourself as your trailed behind your employer into a bland abandoned warehouse that could have been easily confused with the tens that surrounded it. You didn't really care what business was being carried out right now. The boss only needed you as protection which was a smart decision. The two of you were still new in town and while you had the blessings of the big heads' across the country, their protection from money alone could only do so much with the distance.
You easily ignored the lecherous stares shot your way from some low totem pole men. You continued to roll that sour hard candy in your mouth as you leaned against a stack of crates. The weather was sweltering, so you were happy you decided to don a cropped hoodie and capris. One guy kept staring, so you flicked him off. "Y/N," Damn you could never have any fun.
Negotiations were wrapping up when yelling and gun shots could be heard nearby. A window crashed from the side of the building, and two men stood casually. One had a gun out, long white blonde hair, and an eye patch. The other looked a little more rugged. He had black hair, a permanent scowl, and hand rested on the sword resting on his side.
You crunched your candy and grinned wildly. This looked like the good type of trouble to be in.
"Yoohoo, the Monroe family sends their regards." The blonde says before shooting a weaker pawn. The men instantly move to attack before other individuals join the intruders' side.
"What the fuck is going on?" the man who was talking to your boss exclaims before starting to run away.
You wanted in on the action, but you knew your priority was to get to safety. You leapt to your boss' side and started to run towards an exit.
You were cut off by that dark-haired fellow who crouched down and seemed ready to pull out that sword on you. You grinned and held out your arm in front of your boss. "I'm really in a playful mood, but I suggest you get out of my way." He didn't say anything to you, but your reflexes kicked in and tossed a knife behind him--knocking down a man who had a gun in his hand and aiming at you.
"We're not with them. Just candidates for a business relationship." the boss explained. The man didn't seem to care at all, but he looked passed you two towards his partner.
"Let them be. We don't need more work." his friend called out. In an instant, he was over by him; the light breeze passing by you.
You chuckled and continued to run off. "Hope to catch you soon!"
Your boss was adaptable if anything. That attack led to that group being absorbed and now business wanting to be done with the notorious Monroe family. You caught some of the details when your partner droned on the phone with the big bosses. You wish you paid more attention though because now you were being shuffled around a too nice-looking banquet room filled with overly dressed individuals and you in your finest pair of slacks and dress shirt. Against your better judgement, your top buttons were undone with the chain of your tags peeking at the right angle.
It was insisted that the venue and Monroes would be a safe space for your kind, but in your experience, there was no such thing. You grumbled when greeted by Daniel Monroe and properly chastised afterwards (though he didn't seem to mind much).
The only thing that kept you from running off was the arrival of those two men from before. Since the meeting, you did a little research and got quite a variety of information on the Handymen duo. They seemed like a good type of trouble to keep close for backup, and you expressed that to the boss. They seemed to agree with you for once.
The one named Worick smiled nicely to the boss and yourself--even kissing their hand. You thought the gesture to be corny yet kinda hot all the same. Your boss was not amused. Worick went on to introduce Nicolas to you. Your suspicions about your similarities were confirmed from your research, and you didn't mind peering down at the man. "Hey cuite," you chuckled. He only glared at you. You straightened up and held out your hands. No need to be mean, I don't bite. He showed more emotion with your hands being used to communicate.
"Stop being a brat. Yes you do." your boss scolded. They turned their attention back to Worick. "Excuse her, if I give her an inch, she takes a mile. Can never be to cautious."
That seemed to be enough for a laugh. "Well that's what makes working with our partners so exciting."
Nicolas knew trouble miles away, and you were trouble. He didn't often come across Twilights that were similar in strength to him, and he didn't need to see your tags to know.
He had been trailing your duo for a few hours at the request of Cristiano family who knew that you were from some distant family of powerful people. They just wanted to make sure you weren't trying to upset the city's power balance. It was boring work truthfully, but there were perks to being quiet and knowing how to hide.
Right now, the two of you were in some shitty restaurant, so Nicolas sat in a narrow alley bored. There were probably a lot of things going on during this busy time of day that he couldn't hear or cared to.
However a whoosh passed his face could definitely be felt.
He looked up to see your form standing at the alley entrance and turned to see one of your knifes stuck in the brick wall a few feet away. He reached out for his sword.
"Wow wow," you held out your hands in defense, "no need to get all violent on me." You laughed. "Can't I play with you a bit? After all, you've been on my ass all day."
Nicolas shouldn't be too surprised hearing that you knew he was lurking. He grunted and relaxed slightly on his crate. He glared at you.
"Shame we're on the same side right now," you leaned against a wall, "I wanna know how look in a fight. You one of those pill poppers?"
He knew what you were suggesting. Nicolas grunted. We all pop pills. Gonna die either way.
You grinned then shrugged. "Got a point there." You walked towards him. Nicolas was ready for an attack, but you passed him to retrieve your knife. "So what fun is there to do in this godforsaken city?"
There is no fun for us. We're here to kill and follow orders.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. "What a killjoy." you still had a mischievous look in your eyes. Nicolas didn't jerk away when you reached out your hand and cupped his chin. You ran a thumb across the bottom of his lip and licked your own. "Lucky for you, I still think we can show each other a good time. There's always that at least." you grinned madly when your thumb entered the man's mouth and was held tightly between his teeth.
"Be careful. I bite too."
I miss this show/manga so much!!! I hope Kohske is doing okay. Her wellbeing is more important.
I liked writing for this fandom. The world is such an interesting setting and how things work in it. Maybe I'll try some more later.
Thank you for reading!!!
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