#I'm going to make sourdough cookies
kakashihasibs · 2 years
When i was a kid my dad got a new smoker and all our meals for like 3 months were made in the smoker. And we were like dad please we know ur excited about ur cool new smoker but there are other ways of cooking food
Anyway that's me with my sourdough starter
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rreids · 8 days
guys i need to buy more chocolate
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Y'all know what's solarpunk? Or at least sustainable? A good sourdough starter. It requires flour, quite a bit of it to get started, but it's healthier for you, and you can use the discard after the initial start phase for all kinds of tasty things meaning no waste and less store bought pancakes, crackers, brownies, breads, etc.
Here's how you make a starter (disclaimer this is how i made it, I've noticed a lot of sourdough purists insisting u need to weigh everything every time you feed and you need a scale for all your recipes, etc i have done none of that and i don't have the energy for all that either)
You need:
Flour, i use unbleached but that's because i had a bag lying around i used for vegan cookies as a gift and i heard it works for starters, Harold (my starter) seems to like it so why change, but I've heard of people using literally any kind of flour
Water, enough to mix into a thick pancake batter consistency
If you feel weird wasting flour you can try the quarantiny starter idea from king Arthur's flour which uses only a tablespoon of flour and some water until it's active and then you bulk it up when you want to bake with it.
You're going to want to add your flour and water and mix until it's a thick pancake batter consistency, i started with a half cup of flour but i left on vacation and my grandma accidentally bulked it up so now it's up to like a cup.
Every 24 hours (not exact measurement and some people swear by feeding it every 12, i do 24 but it varies by person and starter) you are going to want to toss half (in the garbage at this stage) and mix in about the same amount of flour as the mixture you just tossed (ex. You estimate you tossed half cup of starter, add half cup of flour to remainder in jar) add enough water til you reach consistency. I've gotten told this doesn't work but my starter is happy and thriving so I'm sticking with it.
Once your starter is active and consistently doubling within 8 hours after feeding (you will notice it does this in the first few days, that's Bad Yeast do not use. Your starter will hit a slump and then come back to rising, that's good yeast. I recommend putting a rubber band or hair tie where it is after u feed so u can monitor rise easier) experts recommend waiting ten days from initial starter start date to use it, i waited three weeks. Toss all starter at feeding during this time.
ONCE UR STARTER IS ACTIVE then u can save all the stuff u were tossing in a jar in the fridge (i use an old spaghetti sauce jar, and my starter is also in a big olive jar lmao) and use it in recipes that doesn't require yeast, this is sourdough discard and you can find a ton of recipes online for it.
If you want to use it to bake bread, you will use it when it's at its peak rise area, usually double what it was when you feed it. This is the yeast being all active and happy which will rise your bread. I recommend this recipe for beginners:
I reduced the salt to 1 tsp and added probably around a cup and a half of whole wheat flour, i had it lying around and why not. Changes will depend on your elevation and what works for you, it's not a science which is why no recipe will work for literally everybody. Almost everybody's first sourdough bread will fail one way or another but 98% of the time it's still edible and you learn!!!
Feel free to ask questions :)
Edit: forgot to mention that you should keep your jar covered, but don't screw the lid on, i just use the flat part of a canning lid placed on top
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Find the word
Thanks to @elsie-writes here and here!
My words: behind, yell, couch, bird, away, eyes, stretch, moon, worm
Your words: present, just, unaware always
Tagging @whatwewrotepodcast @talesofsorrowandofruin @leahnardo-da-veggie @pluppsauthor @sunset-a-story
@eccaiia @buffythevampirelover @space-writes @alinacapellabooks @rickie-the-storyteller
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy
Keep reading for:
Kelsey's first appearance
Noelle's grilled cheese opinion
Meet George
I'm using a different definition of bird
Gwen and Akash meet
This is based on a true story
Scary telepathy facts with Carla
Gwen and Akash are dating now <3
Gross Halloween Party games
Behind - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
I snuck up behind her before tackling her in a hug. Kelsey yelped, but laughed, giving me a semi-hug back; the best she could give from the awkward angle. “Hey, Maddie,” Kelsey greeted, taking her backpack off the chair she saved for me and moving it to the floor. She removed the pods from her ears and shook her head to knock her short, choppy hair out of her eyes, but her bangs just fell back in her face. I took the now-empty seat next to her. “Your glasses are smudged.” Kelsey removed them and rubbed them on what I hoped, for the safety of her lenses, was a cotton shirt.
Yell(ing) - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
“Best grilled cheese sandwich?” Noelle stopped, thinking. “Sourdough, Cheddar and Muenster, sliced tomatoes, sauteed greens, sliced pear, ham, and cut into two diagonal pieces.” Silence. I peeked into her mind. “Could you by any chance make that sandwich sometime?” Noelle smiled slightly. “Sure.” “Told you Muenster was the best,” Liam said. “Which means, I win.” This ensued more overlapping yelling.
Couch - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
Carla and a taller, older boy were sitting on the larger couch. The boy—or maybe young man—held what appeared to be a granola bar in his hand, out of a wrapper. A world of dragons and portals and they still have regular food? On the table in front of him sat a plate with other unwrapped granola bars set on top of it. Jeez. He wore earrings and a red beanie-like hat with a green fringed jacket over an orange crewneck. His bright blue eyes against his skin tone reminded me of Maddie. Based on the state of the room, I couldn’t help but wonder if these two lived alone.
Bird - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Ash POV)
“The rules of this exercise are simple,” said Wade from the other side of the room. “The goal is to remove the other team’s necklace. If your necklace gets taken, you cannot get it back—you are out. You can attempt to incompacitate your opponent, but the ground rules is that you can’t knock them unconscious. We don’t want any serious injuries.” “Boooo!” Jazlyn and Parker said from next to me. Wade gave them the bird from across the room. They just returned it.
Away - from The Secret Portal Part One (Gwen POV)
I realized I was staring when Akash smiled. “You’re new around here, aren’t you?” When I didn’t answer, he added, “You want me to help you down?” I nodded, and Akash wrapped his arm around me. I flinched slightly—a cute boy was touching me!—but allowed him to do so. I let go of the vent and let him fly me to the floor. I suddenly realized I had wrapped my arms around him. I quickly pushed away from him. “Thanks,” I muttered. I glanced off to the side and panic ran through me when I noticed a bed. I could feel my cheeks turning red. I just fell into a cute boy’s room! As if I wasn’t embarrassed enough.
Eyes - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
Shelby giggled as she reached for a cookie in the center of the table. “And what happened next?” I sniggered, trying to hold my laughter in so I could tell the story. “So—” I burst out laughing. Shelby rolled her eyes, but while smiling. “So, Mr. Taylor got mad at Jasmine for not playing soft enough and?” “And—” I took a deep breath, trying to keep calm. “And Jasmine said, ‘Mr. Taylor, I wasn't even playing!’” Shelby burst into a fit of laughter as her dad walked into the dining area.
Stretch - from The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
Carla fiddled with the ring hanging from the chain around her neck. “The mind can only stretch so far. If advanced telepaths did—or even do—exist, there would be no way they could function. Their minds aren’t able to communicate the information that they can comprehend. They end up lost in their own thoughts, unable to reach out to another being.” I fell silent.
Moon - from The Secret Portal Part One
“You’re right. But… tomorrow?” “Sure. It’s a—” Gwen stopped herself. “It’s a what?” “It’s a...n event. That I will mark. On my calendar. My mental calendar. In my head.” “Oh. Okay.” Akash took a deep breath. “I… just thought you were gonna say date.” Gwen felt her cheeks burn up. “Only if you want it to be.” “I would want that,” Akash said, smiling shyer than usual. “Cool.” Gwen wasn't sure if she was nervous or over the moon, but she looked around, trying to find a distraction. “Hey, look, is that Gills under that sheet?” “Yo, Gills!” Akash shouted. The person in the sheet turned. “Yes, it’s Gills.” He raised his voice again. “So lemme guess: you’re a ghost!” “No, I’m a high schooler in a sheet!” Gabriel replied. “Ah, that’s a unique costume!” “Says the person dressed as the most recognizable character in the world.” “Not this world!”
Worm - from The Secret Portal Part One
“Ooh!” Lexi gasped, pointing at a table with a bag of Skittles and cups. “Is that the Skittles game?” “Skittles game?” Robbie asked. Lexi smiled deviously. “It’s disgustingly fun.” “You use your mouth to put the Skittles in the cup,” said Parker. “Whoever has the most wins.” Robbie scrunched up his face but smiled. “Aw, that’s nasty. I love it.” “Gummy worm spit!” Maddie gasped. “Yes!” “You’re welcome,” said Tyler from the punch table. “Oh, by the way, in the center table there’s a jar of candy corn. Write down how many you think are in there. Whoever gets it closest gets the entire jar.” “Time to write down 5 million,” said Akash, floating over. “I hate candy corn.”
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roaring-screaming-20s · 6 months
Sourdough is solar punk and communism and all the good things
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Sourdough is the gift that keeps giving. It's an ancient tradition that's been shared and passed down between neighbors, friends, families, lovers, and communities. You can create the magic goo (sourdough starter) yourself from just flour and water, then spread it to others, or get a starter from someone else, often one that's decades (or even centuries!) old. Once you have starter, you don't have to buy yeast from the megacorporations that are killing the planet grocery stores. Or sandwich bread. Or dinner rolls. Or cinnamon rolls. Cookies. Tortillas. Bagels. Pie crusts. Pizza. Naans. Flatbread. Croutons. Bread crumbs. Pancakes. Waffles. Crumpets. Garlic knots... you see my point. And I'm certain there's way more.
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You will still have to buy flour for feeding starter and baking ingredients for whatever you're making, and a water that's acceptable for your starter. However, you'll know what's in your food, you know how it's made- with love/care in it, as fresh as you can get it. And you will support the systems that devastate our planet and bodies and country slightly less. If you can secure a direct supply of grains (then mill them yourself) or flour, say from a farmer's market or friend, you can be completely independent for stuff that's purely bread- loafs, sandwiches, buns, etc. You can also source most baking ingredients in sustainable ways, such as farmer's markets or growing them. You can choose how deep you want to go with this. Think about how much of your diet is bread/grains, and how much that affects your wallet and health (not the carbs, but the preservatives/fake ingredients/contaminants)
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What about disabled people? Busy people?
That's the beauty in sourdough. While establishing a new starter can be tricky, if you buy/are gifted and established one, it's VERY forgiving and can be flexible. You can feed it daily and make stuff multiple times a week, OR you can stick that bad girl in the fridge and feed a little flour and water every two weeks to every few months- whenever you have time to bake and are feeling excited/able! Baking takes some time, sure, but most of that time is letting the thing just sit, so it's not too bad labor wise. And the discard that you accumulate is both an ingredient AND a back up starter in the event your starter dies. Reactivate it by setting it out and feeding or simply dry it out, powder it, and store for up to, oh, a few thousand years. You can then rehydrate it and reactivate when you're ready.
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It's good for your gut, great for diabetics, AND most recipes are friendly to peeps with gluten issues because the longer doughs does the big ferment, the less gluten it has!
If you're not self sufficient and homesteading or whatever the ideal solar punk communist dream is, that's ok. You will still have to buy some things. But sourdough is one of many steps you can take to make yourself less dependent on the rich jerks who own everything and poison us. Happy baking! Get involved! Talk to people about it! Trade starter/baked goods for other things! Mutual aid and mutual support!
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(all pics are my baking)
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ask-majoko-and-pals · 5 months
It's Rye time.
I've decided to try make a top breads/bread dishes of the week thing (even if some of these aren't breads, but according to Majoko and Hack, are "bread-adjacent")
10: Atrocity Sandwich. Molasses, honey, marmalade, and peanut butter are very good at sealing in a sandwich stuffed with a gooey texture. Consider it payback for our school years, Lucibelle. 2/10, incredibly petty move on my part, but not particularly harmful.
9: School cafeteria whole wheat roll. Not super good, but not terrible. They're baked en mass as part of necessity. 5/10, average.
8: Majoko's gingerbread cookies. I know they're cookies, but she said it's in the name, which is why it's ranking so low. The cookies themselves were good, but the chocolate was discolored. Hack did say they were the only good gingerbread they've ever eaten, so that's got to account for something. 6/10, not bread, but still good.
7: Galatea's cucumber sandwich. Not too bad, but she cut them up really small, and the bread didn't hold up too well because of the wet things (cucumbers, mayo, etc) in the sandwich. 7/10, good but wet bread.
6: Curry with toast. A student from Galar told me about it. They burnt the bread a little, but it's the thought that counts sometimes. 7/10, the bitterness of the burnt toast added something I thought was good, but that's just me.
5: Dante's ??? Bread. Majoko said he found the recipe on KlingKlok, but he must've done something weird to it. It looked huge, and the crust was crispy, but the inside had giant air pockets in it. 7/10, better than it looks.
4: Homemade sourdough rye. My mom called from home and asked if I could come over the weekend and make some. Turns out she really did name me after the bread. 8/10 for the naming story.
3: Croissant from Patisserie Soapberry. Galatea and Majoko insisted I go along with them to try it even though I get a bag whenever I'm there. I guess they just wanted to see me rate it on this list. 8/10, Super buttery, but not the real thing from Kalos.
2: Banana bread from Majoko's grandma. All I can say is that I want the recipe. 9.9/10, the only downside is that it arrived frozen, but I'm frankly impressed it tasted that good.
1: SOURDOUGH RYE BREAD BOWL WITH CORN CHOWDER. This is the best bread bowl and soup combo of all time, and I will battle anyone who says otherwise. It is my favorite. Hack also loves it. I made it for lunch for them and I think I'm going to do it every week now. 11/10 best bread bowl and soup combo, made Hack smile.
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becomingkatie · 29 days
I reached out to a sort-of friend (he's a friend of a friend, and he and his wife and I play DND together with that mutual friend, but I'm not actually friends with him and his wife beyond when we're at gatherings with the mutual friend) to ask for some of his sourdough starter and am going over to get it tomorrow! I'm making him cookies as a thank you and I'm excited. Ken is also excited because he loves this friend and his wife, better than the mutual friend that I'm actually close with, and he wants me to become better friends with them so he can hang out with them more. I'm excited to give them cookies and I'm very excited to bake bread again after several years off.
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namocchi · 1 year
a wizard's guide to defensive baking: thoughts
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Title: A wizards guide to defensive baking
Author: T. Kingfisher
Page count: 308 pages
Genre: Fantasy, Young adult.
14 year old Mona is a wizard, but unlike the kindom's military wizards able to control the elements and make lighting strike, Mona's magic works only on bread.
Opening the bakery on her early shift, she discovers a dead body on the floor. A story unravels as Mona tries to figure out what happened, and whats her part in stopping it.. only using bread and cookies
beware spoilers below
This book is AMAZING.
It has great humor, it made me laugh countless times. Mona and her later friend and accomplice Spindle's dynamic is really funny. She has a homicidal aggresive living sourdough starter that is basically her pet. And the little gingerbread cookie who is alongside her the entire story, adding tidbits of cuteness into their actions.
“It is nearly impossibly to be sad when eating a blueberry muffin. I'm pretty sure that's a scientific fact.”
The story ends up being more than it meets the eye. Starting with a "oh no, a dead body. lets investigate whats going on" turns into a whole plot involving the kingdom's politics, corruption, a murderer who wants to eliminate all magic folk for the sake of higher ups. The more information they feed you, the more you as a reader start conspiracy theory-ing.
The relationship dynamics get funnier once Mona and Spindle team up with the duchess and her guards. It is both funny and wholesome :')
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Throughout the story, Mona keeps saying "im a wizard but I CAN ONLY WORK WITH BREAD! i cant do anything useful with bread!!" downplaying her skills. And you witness this little girl grow into a very skilled wizard using bread to her advantage, being creative and hardworking. No matter how "useless" your talent is, creativity and how you use said skill you have, is whats important. You can create wonderful and useful things with a skill someone might deem insignificant. I think its a very poweful message, believe in yourself sort of thing.
“It doesn’t make you a hero just because everybody else didn’t do their job.”
It reads a bit younger, with the worldbuilding not being super fleshed out, some inconsistencies, logically a few things dont make sense, which i wasnt bothered by.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, i was expecting this book to be a cozy small story about a bakery or something, but it expanded to full kingdom invasion and i was pleasantly surprised. 5 stars!
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It was my favorite book of January!
Useful links
-Trigger warnings
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thestudentfarmer · 1 year
March 6, 2023
Hello and Good evening!
I hope everyone has been doing as well as they can and have worked towards their personal goals this week!
The update for the lentil project!
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I took some of the growth and mixed it in the soil, I planted 2 boxstore purchased jalapeños for now. The rest of the bed I'm leaving be for now until the transplants go in.
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The carrots for seed are getting big and leafy now, i am super stoked to see the flowers develop on these carrots! I'll be planting armenian cucumbers among this row when the starts get going., tho of you are looking to do crop rotation it is suggested to do tomatoes after carrots. (Carrots help make the soil fluffier for their roots)
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I picked the peas and got a 1/4 pound
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I plan to use them in veg/meat stir fry. And that will top either rice or spaghetti squash.
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And a new thing to try, we're gonna try to root celery to try and grow and I saw a thing about regrowing lettuce in a tub. I know that it may regrow when sliced from in ground lettuce, but I'm not so sure this way. This lettuce is a romaine.
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I've also been working on some egg aprons for a small event to help fund garden projects, scraps from these will get used for a quilt.
We also finally found some chicks! I'm extra excited because the chicks as far as I understand are from hatchery and chicken keepers in my state! And I am always excited to help support as local as possible when I can.
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While it is the worst picture ever, 3 buff orpington chicks :)
How's everyone doing on the gardening, homesteading or sustainable journey going?
I'm hoping this week to make a batch of bagels, 2 loaves of bread and make a chicken pot pie and some kind of sourdough desert, (as my sourdough is going crazy!) And a batch of cookies for my Hubs.
🌱🌻Happy homesteading everyone!🌻🌱
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prettiestlovergirl · 4 months
ooh that's so cool!
I'm from a south asian country so making sweets kinda comes more under cooking than under baking ig but anyway:
• some regional sweets like rasogulla, payasam, rasmalai and stuff
• bread! absolutely love making bread. foccasia, sourdough bread, and OOH, scoring sourdough bread! boy do i love decorating my bread while scoring it
• a lot of minor dishes like pastries, muffins and cookies cause school doesn't let me make anything requiring efforts like eclairs or croissants
• more like cooking, but i lovee making lasagna
and i barely get anytime to cook or bake since I'm in the last year of high school but i try once a month now :)
also, can i be your 🫶🏼 anon?
ughhh i love rasogulla, i can't make it myself, but my ex's mom always made it for me lol!
i have been wanting to get into sourdough! it's gonna be a summer project of mine this year! bread is always so fun to make but it's soooo time consuminggg
STOP i love making lasagna. i love to make a whole weekend out of it, going to the farmers market and buying all the stuff i need && trying new sauces and etc.
ah, the cursed final year. i feel that, i did not have much free time the second half of my senior year! the biggest dish i had time to make was cinnamon rolls haha.
and absolutely, you can <3
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starspray · 6 months
What's your chaotic blorbo dinner menu? #6, please!
6. Your top 6 blorbos are coming to dinner with plus ones of their choice. What are you serving?
Well, all the blorbos in questions are Elves and/or Hobbits, so I'm going to need a lot of food...
Well, it's winter. Chicken noodle soup should do the trick. I make a very good chicken soup, if I do say so myself, and it's not terribly hard to level up the amounts--so, a giant pot of chicken soup, another big pot of macaroni (made separately in our house, as everyone likes different amounts of noodle and no one likes them soggy), and maybe some nice sourdough to top it off. And cookies for dessert!
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bigmammallama5 · 1 year
You bake too?! Did you get into baking at the same time as pottery? What similarities/differences do you find in baking and pottery? (I'm just in awe in your skills in both!)
you've caught me right as my adhd meds have worn off so prepare for a ramble
lksjghsf i do bake (as does my mother but she hates working with yeast and does cookies and cakes and pies), though it's hard to muster the energy these days now that things are "back to normal" in my neck of the woods. And... I think I started pottery just a little before seriously baking but i had done some stuff growing up. I can't remember if I've mentioned it on tumblr specifically, but I started pottery the fall after I graduated college bc i'd go to work and go home and have nothing to do. After being in art school full tilt for 4 years that was a big difference, so i started potting in an attempt to fill an evening (and now it's literally what i would rather be doing full time and i've started teaching workshops 10 years later).
i do distinctly remember making my first loaf of bread in my first apartment and it was driven by the memory of some really delicious bread i had eaten in italy on a study abroad my junior year in college. that poor loaf was over kneaded, over proofed, and basically a flat frisbee, but it had a crust that reminded me of it. and since then it's been an on-off journey of trying to recreate that bread i definitely can't remember anymore LOL
i suppose i find more similarities with both skills. both get better the more you do them, both have a sort of technical science AND "the right feel", both evoke this excited feeling of is it gonna turn out or did i just ruin a bunch of materials, both have similar physical motions (wedging up clay/kneading dough-though I tend to let the mixer do the work these days), both have An Actual Science behind them that is both infuriatingly delicate, and like... you can eat bread you made off of a plate you made which is just really cool to me. its sort of... i dont want to get all like Mystical Magic Crystal Lady on you because i'm absolutely not that person, but it just feeds this part of my soul that wants to be connected to other people. there are so many others out there baking and eating bread, so many eating off of dishes that they made. in the grand scheme of things we're all so small and so isolated, but in the end the simple things like baking bread and making crockery are what make us truly human.
and yes i have severely neglected my sourdough starters but they're still alive and im workin on refreshing them.
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stargazeraldroth · 9 months
Questions for the Horse AU :v
- Are the Oreo Bros part of this at all, or are Ink, Reaper, and Cross unrelated- Assuming they’re in the AU in the first place? Do they have horses, if they are, and what do you think they would name them? And what about Fresh and Geno- Are they here, and if they are, are they related to Error at all?
- Are the murder trio here? If so, I feel like Killer and Dust should have horses named Mischief and Mayhem. Horror… I’m not sure, but probably something food related, like Sourdough or Paprika, though I guess he could also name his horse something like Hatchet?
- Is this intended to be a completely fluffy AU or will it have a bit of hurt/comfort? Either way is fine, of course! You just posted about it after remarking that you wanted to write something fluffy, so I wasn’t sure if that’s what this was intended to be :>
- Do you have any color schemes for the horses, yet? I feel like Broomie would be a brindle coated horse, if you go with more natural colors (plus, some patterns make it look like there’s ink dripping down the horses back, which could be a cute little nod to Ink himself!), and Sugar and Spice strike me as white/silver and black/gold, respectively. Im nit sure about the others, though.
- On the note of Error’s horse, if you really wanted, maybe she was initially named Mistake by a shitty past rider and is actually a former rescue? And now Error calls her Missy and she takes pride in “being such a lovable mistake that she couldn’t be turned away” or something. I dunno, I thought it was cute-
- Are there other animals the characters have as pets, here? Because I could see Ink with a little Welsh Corgi named Canvas… Just a tiny herding guy who rides around with him on Broomie. The theme of art supplies must be upheld, okay? And I like the idea of Ink with a corgi.
I can't believe I'm being serious about this Horse AU. Why am I like this
I'm gonna be honest with you guys... I forgot to include characters like Cross, Epic, Geno, Fresh, Reaper, etc. But for the sake of Oreo Bros and CQ Bros, they'll be here. Cross and Epic are stablehands for the most part, maybe they share a horse. And the horse is gonna be named... Majesty. Epic probably tried to name it something stupid and Cross said no. Look guys, this is Memelord the horse! Rubber Chicken the horse! Cookie the horse- COOKIE! That's the horse's name, Cookie.
No, the Murder Trio's not allowed near the horses. Get them away from Broomie, Sugar, and Spice. And everything nice. Maybe they're the troublemakers of the ranch, I don't know what role they'd have. Maybe Horror makes the food, he's the community chef.
There's gonna be some hurt/comfort, but it's primarily a more wholesome AU. Gotta have some conflict. I remember an episode of Full House where... shoot, I forget if it was Stephanie or Michelle, but one of them was a horse girl and got into an accident that made them lose their memories. Something like that could happen. And the damn eating disorder episode, man. What the hell. If anything, I'll do a social anxiety "episode" where Ink thinks everyone's judging him for literally existing, I'm sure many of us can relate
One of my favorite designs for the horses, and I forget all of their names except Pepper and Sunburst, is the black horse with red streaks in her mane. That's what Spice looks like. As for Sugar, she's a white horse with pastel streaks in her mane- she looks like a Galarian Rapidash, doesn't she? These are the only ones I can think of. I think your suggestion for Broomie is good, with some colored streaks in the mane to match with Ink.
Error's horse is a rescued horse that Ink was taking care of, and then Mistake bonded with the glitchy boi. Because I have an agenda- I have an Errorink agenda, and I will push it at all times. Error renames her because he's not calling his horse a Mistake.
Ink gets all the dogs. A corgi, a husky, a golden retriever, a chocolate lab, a German shepherd- okay, I'll stop, but you get the point. We have Canvas the Corgi, Paperjam the Husky, Glaze the Golden Retriever, Paint the German Shepherd, and Gradient the Chocolate Lab.
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I need some healthy snack ideas if you don't mind.
Mhmm, a really good one is roasting your own nuts! I've done it with cashews and almonds but lately I've been into pecans - soaking them in a bowl with water and salt for several hours, up to 12 hours, then leaving them in the oven at 150 or as low as yours will go for at least 8 hours. Or you can just buy nuts "raw" or "dry-roasted" and add your own salt and/or olive oil whenever you can't roast them yourself.
I also really like MASA chips - they're fried in tallow. Whenever I let someone try them they like them! They're a bit of a pain because they're rare in stores, you have to order them, and they're not cheap, but I find it worth it to subscribe.
Another chip brand that you're more likely to find in stores is Siete, and I like to get their avocado oil-fried blue chips.
For crackers, I'm starting to exclusively use Rustic Bakery sourdough olive oil crackers, they're delicious and extremely simple, lacking a lot of the ingredients that make most crackers (such an innocuous-sounding snack, we've been so deceived!) really unhealthy. Stonewall Kitchen also has some crackers that are seed oil-free.
I also like to try protein balls whenever I see them at a coffee shop, everyone seems to have their own recipe, they're a good satisfying snack. I've been trying to copy them on my own but (to me at least) they're more challenging than they look. Lately, I've been making muffins using bananas, apple cider, whole organic spelt flour, copious amounts of cinnamon (and the standard egg, baking soda, baking powder, salt, vanilla extract, butter) and getting very positive responses! I've also been making gluten-free, incidentally vegan cookies with pure peanut butter, coconut oil, and oatmeal.
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theladyragnell · 2 years
Another ask, should it spark joy - favorite seasonal baking projects? Or, favorite seasonal things to eat? I've been thinking fall thoughts while also trying to not let any of the farmer's market fruit go to waste on the counter. <3
Summer is for salads! Fruit salads, veggie salads, Salad Season. Summer is also the season for grilled things, of course. I don't bake much in summer, really. (I don't bake as much as I mean to ever, really.) But if you've got a lot of stone fruits, peaches make a good pie or galette or tart, and I'd say plums are good for the latter two of those especially (or try pickling some plums, or making duck/plum sauce with them! That's one of those recipes I try tinkering with once in a while but don't have very good yet). Blueberries are good for pies or muffins or jam ... lots of options!
I feel like autumn is the perfect time for a lot of baked goods. Like, obviously it's apple pie season, but also I feel like muffins are a great autumnal thing, and zucchini bread turning into pumpkin bread as the fall goes on. (And apple bread is also tasty!) Cider doughnuts, too, I'm hoping to make those for the first time this year. Also, applesauce!
Winter depends on what you've got put away, but it's never a bad time for bread, for making cakes with a nice summer jam between the layers, for scones or cookies with dried fruit in them, for lots of chocolate things and for orange-flavored things.
Spring's always hard for me with baking, since winter stores get low and not much is blooming yet! There's still and always bread, of course. If you have a sourdough starter, try using some of the extra you scoop out for crumpets, my brother-in-law does that and it's delicious. Do some savory baking with kitchen-grown herbs, perhaps!
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Do you like baking? If so, what kinds of things do you like to bake?
I bake a lot, but that's not so much a question of what kinds of things I "like" to bake as "what kind of stuff I can reliably turn out". I bake the stuff I want to eat, rather than cooking from my cookbooks. I think in practice I like to bake stuff that tends to be both easy/not too messy (ideally) and good enough to eat, rather than trying to make a "good" product to show off my cooking skills. I really liked baking as a kid (I had this dream where I made really complicated stuff and became famous and the whole internet was like "I baked that!!"), but then I got distracted and never really did more than make little cake pops.
Anyway, some things I bake:
Little cake pops/cupcakes, because they're easy and I like how they taste
Brownies, because they're easy and tasty. I'm kind of embarrassed about this, because brownies are my go-to example of really mediocre food when other people are talking about their good food experiences. (I'm also usually making them because I'm making too many cookies or cakes at the time and my "cookies for people who get home late" instinct is coming on.
Scones, both because they're easy and because my mother told me I can make scones with butter on the stovetop. This is a useful skill, and I also have a tendency to make them with sourdough and jam, which is delicious when I'm in the mood.
Apple pie, because it's the kind of thing you can do on the stovetop and be done in a short time and it's pretty and tasty. I often make this as dessert for people when they're visiting me when I'm staying up all night, because they like the way it tastes but I can't eat more than like two pieces before my brain starts shutting down at like 2 AM.
Kuchen, which is basically just German chocolate cookies but I can make them in the oven.
Pumpkin pie because I think it looks good and that it would probably be really tasty, but also because my mom and I like the smell of canned pumpkin
Chips (for potato chips, for some reason)
Muffins because they can be done in the oven and they can be a lot of different flavors, plus I can sometimes make them with mashed potatoes, cream, and cheese?
I'm sure I have other favorite things I do not bake enough of. They are probably things I have learned to make rather quickly (which has its own charm, although it does sometimes lead to my feeling like there is nothing else to bake), like cookies with brown butter and cinnamon. (Or, as my sister put it the other day: "you bake this cookie recipe about 10,000 times before you get it right. And then you bake it about 100 times.")
I should also do things like making jam, to the point that I have a recipe for my favorite jam already- I don't know why I don't make it more, but I should do it. I also don't really buy stuff from the fancy jam/butter/chocolate section.
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