#I'm fond of them and it's... i dont know how to put it
bardengarde · 4 months
You are the patron saint of those people and places within a country torn asunder who time might have forgotten if not for your bright and brilliant mind. (I think your special interests are neat :D )
Hi I'm in SHAMBLES over this🥺🥺🥺
This is incredibly kind to say, thank you so much
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gutghost · 10 months
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Imagine you get cheated on...BUT- the cheater turns kinda...yandere?
It felt like an awful nightmare. Bile rising in your throat as you looked at your lover - the person who you loved through their highest and their lowest, the person who you invested blood sweat and tears into, the person you promised yourself to - undoubtedly pressing their lips to another person's. It took a hot minute before you tried to step back, only for you to bump into the doorway, causing a loud thump. The two looked at you, one with horror, the other with confusion. It took you no time to turn around and make a run for it. A hiccup making its way out of your throat as you felt a sob start to shake through your body.
It's been afew months, well. More then few months since that incident, and safe to say you have been doing...fine. not great, but fine. You've decided to collect your things while your lover was away from the house, your friends and family helping you out as you found a new place to live. It was bare bones, considering you didn't take the shared couch, or tv, dressers, not even bed. But it was yours, and you've been getting by. You'd like to think you've gotten stronger.
That was until odd things started happening around your apartment. Things were being moved, shit you know you wouldn't misplace. Your clothes were going missing, much to your dismay. You barely had any, so to lose even one shirt was frustrating. Then roses started appearing in vases in your home. Seeing as actual items were showing up you decided to call the police, and when it seemed that the window to your bedroom was broken, seemingly from an outside force, they told you to invest in better security as they kept a look out.
Which is why you were going to the store so late at night, I mean, what could go wrong?
bad decision, you later decided as you looked at the scene infront of you. Your throat tight, bile rising, just like that night, the night you lost your true love. In front of you was your lover - now ex - looming disheveled, gasping for air as their voice broke, a small, unnerving, almost crazed look, crossing their features.
"My love, my everything, oh please-"
Your lip trembles as you step back, your look of surprise quickly turning into that of anger. They had no right to call out to you with such fondness, not after what they put you through. The pain and suffering, all due to the person who swore to love you.
A look of hurt crossed their face at the sight of you backing away from them, as if you kicked a puppy. The idea sickened you. Quick to try and close the space once more as they struggled to walk straight they would stumble forward. Their voice trembling as they fell to their knees, a whimper coming from them as they scrambled to grab at your sweatpants.
"Please - my love I beg of you, I know what i did was sin, I know - I've never been more sick in the mind then i was that night, oh I was so stupid, thinking I could ever so much as THINK of another woman! Even more so after wards, how could I think I could ever live without you??? You! Oh precious you, the sun only shines when you are near. Those next few weeks were torture my dear, I've never wanted anything more then to RIP MY SKIN OFF WHEN I REALIZED MY MISDEEDS."
Their insane rambling continued as you tried to shove them off, tears starting to stream down their gaunt cheeks. Had they been eating? You wondered as you tried to get them off you.
"I'm...i'm better now though! I've never been thinking clearer, I came to a realization life isn't worth living without you! But by then- you...- you had already left, I tore through that house to try and find you but you had already been far gone. I asked your family, your friends - but all of them simply turned me away, your LOVER - isn't that what I am? I am, aren't i?? They should've...they-"
You couldn't listen to this anymore. A disgusted feeling filling your gut. What did you ever see in them?? You quickly shoved them away, a small gasp coming from them as you stepped away, your ex lover falling backwards onto the sidewalk. A look so firey resting on your face it could rival the heat from the depths of hell.
"You lost that right. You lost it the moment you took that person into your arms, the moment you brought them into our home, the moment you pressed your lips against theirs."
They seemed dumbfounded, sobs starting to wash over their body as they tried to sputter out apologies. But you had none of it.
"Did you get a kick out of it? Seeing me suffer? Seeing me jealous as you placed your hands on that person's? Your lips on them? When i left did you just go right back to kissing on them? Fucking them??"
You spat at them, your ex lover crying their heart out as they struggle to breathe. Whether it be from guilt or heartbreak, you weren't sure. They shook their head as they continued to cry, trying once again to reach out to you, to hold onto you for that comfort you once so readily gave them. But you stepped back, putting space between you once more. A scoff coming from you as you did so
"Baby please don't do this to me, please please please-"
Their voice wavered heavily. Some part of you, the part buried deep down in your heart, ached at the sight of them so broken down. They looked ill, both mentally and physically. But what done was done. You quickly turned on your heels as you made your way home. Your ex lovers cries filling the street as he urged you to come back, to not leave him. To not abandon him.
Maybe some sick part of you felt good that you left them a blubbering mess, after all. They rept what they sown, did they not?
Little did you know, oh how blissfully unaware you were. They were gonna get you back, one way or another. They will have you back in their arms, with all those roses they left in your apartment in pretty vases all over your newly bought home in the woods, far from everyone.
They will have you be their's again.
that corpse that once used to be their side piece left rotting under the concrete of their basement proves it.
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mire1li · 8 months
Reader as Alastor's Mother part 2
Part 1!, Part 3!
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𓋼 You would absolutely decorate his microphone with a bunch of ribbons you found!
And he would absolutely allow it in fear of upsetting you, although he began to take them off later on when he had to leave, but seeing you get sad at his actions changed his mind… It did not help that the ribbons were glittery.
“Oh look, Sparkles got sparklier!” Angel had said when Alastor was passing by.
𓋼 He wants you to be happy but don't even try having feelings for anyone in hell, they'll most likely 'disappear under mysterious circumstances' and then you'll just so happen to hear their screams on Alastor's radio broadcast <3
Lucifer tries to flirt everytime he sees you outside (or once he comes back to see the hotel which… would be 'some' time later…) But it's not long before Alastor shows up bcs he has a shadow follow you everywhere
“My mother certainly would not want someone so… ancient…”
“are you trying to make me sound like a fossil?”
“Maybe~ I can’t say for sure though!”
"Y'know, I've stolen wives before… maybe it's time to steal a mother instead!"
"I'm going to fucking kill you"
𓋼 Lucifer would play silly games with you and bring you gifts by leaving them at the hotel’s doorstep, although you never received any (like he thought you did) because Alastor would always take them before you saw them. Or he would make them his own to give to you if you were having a worse day than usual!
“Mother, I had noticed that you weren’t feeling all too great so I brought you a wonderful gift!”
“Oh, thank you, darling!”
Your mood always brightened when he gave you these gifts. 𓋼 One time when Lucifer visited the hotel, he went straight to you to ask you about how you liked the gifts.
"[Name]! Hello, deer, how are you? Did you like the gifts that I left you?"
"Hello Luci, I'm fine, thank you! … Gifts? what gifts?"
"The ones… that I left on the doorstep of the hotel!"
"I dont recall seeing any gifts there… but Alastor recently started leaving the hotel more often! Not for very long though…"
And then Lucifer realised. You never received his gifts because Alastor got to them first! After that, he made sure to put a note with his signature on them. Though, that still didn't deter Alastor, to Lucifer's dismay.
𓋼 One time, Angel returned to the hotel at an unreasonably late hour, so you went to make sure everything was alright.
"Are you alright, Angel?"
"Huh? No, I'm totally fucked!"
"Why? What happened?"
"You know Valentino right? My boss?"
"Of course I do, everyone hates him quite a bit here and you always talk about him"
"Right, well, fuckin' Val made me work an extra 10 hours!"
"He what?!"
"Yeah! Absolute bitch move."
Naturally, Alastor was watching and listening to you two so you turned to him, with quite the menacing look in your eyes.
"Oh Alastor, prepare your radio broadcast!~"
𓋼 You noticed that most of the residents of the hotel all came to you for advice quite often (except Niffty, she's just an entirely different entity)
"It seems they have become quite fond of you, Mother"
"They have, haven't they?"
Alastor's expression was always one of annoyance whenever someone came to you for help. He wouldn't dare admit it, but he was most certainly jealous of anyone who even stood too close to you, let alone talked to you.
𓋼 Because of that one time that Alastor stood right next to Charlie to spite Lucifer, Lucifer decided to stand just that close to you to get back at him.
"An eye for an eye, Mr Radio!"
"I recommend you watch yourself."
𓋼 One time, when you were out of the hotel and walking around Hell with Alastor, Vox just so happened to see you on one of his tv screens, Valentino sitting by him, messaging someone.
"Hey Val, who the fuck is that with that old-timey prick?"
"Hm? No clue."
"You didn't even look, fuckhead"
"How would you know? You're too busy eyefucking Alastor."
"I am not"
"She's probably just another one of those redemption hotel idiots. It doesn't matter"
But Vox still just glared at the screen.
𓋼 Vox continued to keep an eye on you, seeing just how wonderful you are and so when you were outside the hotel alone (or so he thought) he went up to you. Somehow he didn't catch onto the fact that you're Alastor's mother.
"What do you think you're doing?" Alastor, of course, suddenly appeared out of thin air, standing in between you and Vox, with an even more annoyed smile than usual.
"Alastor, is this another one of your friends?"
"Yes, absolutely, ma'am. Great friends, in fact!"
"Ha! Well, you see, this is my Mother."
"Your what?"
Yeah, Alastor simply walked away with you whilst Vox was buffering.
𓋼 Vox constantly tried to talk to you alone but Alastor was always there to stop him, so unfortunate.
"Would you stay away from my Mother, you-! Ahem, my apologies, Mother."
"Hah! Your mother? I think you meant our mother!"
𓋼 Alastor would absolutely cover your ears when swearing at, or insulting, anyone.
𓋼 When you first met Valentino, you were so mad at him on Angel's behalf that you knocked him out and brought him back to the hotel with you. Of course, Vox was there with Val but he was like a lost duckling, just slowly trailing behind you, unsure what to do.
"I'm back!"
"What the fuck did you do??" Angel was lying down on the couch when you entered, dragging the unconcious Valentino behind you.
"A favour to you and hell!"
"No, but how?!"
"That's a secret~"
"Ok… so why'd ya bring him here?"
𓋼 Back to Lucifer! He would tell you random animal facts to try and impress you! He would also unironically ask around, and search up (if necessary), how to impress a woman.
𓋼 Lucifer would suddenly start playing the violin for everyone in the hotel 'for everyones' entertainment' as he called it. (It was meant for you though). Each time Lucifer did this, Alastor told you that something important happened that required your attention. You always stayed for the beginning though.
𓋼 One day, you were baking cookies and you and Alastor left the kitchen for a while whilst they were in the oven, however, you both somehow managed to forget about them… so when the smoke alarm suddenly rang, you ran into the kitchen, everyone wondering what happened.
"Language, Mother."
"Don't you 'language' me, young man!"
𓋼 You redecorated his room. He wasn't a fan of all the new colours, but he still appreciated the gesture. (There was a lot of glitter involved)
𓋼 After a while of you staying there, everyone definitely sees you as a mother figure (Alastor didn't appreciate this much either but he's willing to look past it for his friends)
𓋼 As small gifts, you made everyone items that resemble them and filled them with different colours of glitter and paper that remind you of them. Bonus: Behind the scenes! 1. Yuri's bad timing:
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2. Vox and Val:
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ddejavvu · 7 months
I saw a video on tiktok the other day of a man on his wedding day getting down to the level of his new stepdaughter and reading out vows to her about how he'll always love and care for her and I bawled my eyes out. Now all I can think about is Hotch and single!mom reader on their wedding day getting down and reading vows to each others children. I dont know if you write single! Parent reader, but if you do could you write something with this premise? Thank you lovely if you can
Your daughter is mildly confused when Aaron beckons her over during the ceremony, but at four years old, she's mostly obedient to her parents. Well- to Aaron. To you, she protests and screams and giggles maniacally, but you suppose you're the one that gave it to her, so you can't complain without sounding like a hypocrite.
You set a hand on Jack's shoulder, ushering the older boy into your own grip.
"You look so handsome," You gush, eyes teeming with tears that threaten to ruin your mascara, "Jack, I- I won't embarrass you by calling you a mushy nickname like CrackerJack, or JackAttack, or Jackers-"
"You're using them all right now-!" The teenager protests, but he doesn't shrug your hand off of his shoulder; his protests are for show.
"Sorry! Sorry," You sniffle, and you let the fifteen year old wipe a tear away from your eye before it ruins your makeup.
"Jack," You repeat, steeling yourself, "I- I just want you to know that I love you. It's not because I love your dad, it's not because we live together, it's not because you woke me up with breakfast in bed on my birthday. It's- it's because of you, sweetheart. I know you're getting older, and- and you might be going away to college soon," You poorly withhold a sob, thinking of an empty bed in the room down the hall, "-but I just- I need you to know that it's you that I love, just the same as I love June. Your mom was an amazing woman, and she made an amazing son, and I'm so honored that you've given me permission to be your stepmom. I love you- Jackers."
Perhaps its awkward for the teen to face such strong emotion head-on, but you won't tattle to his schoolfriends about the tears that well up in his eyes, or the red tint to his nose as he bites them back.
"Love you too," He supplies weakly, surging forwards to wrap his arms around your waist- but it's all you need. One of your photographers makes to readjust your veil where it's been momentarily crumpled beneath his arm, but damn the veil, your stepson is more important.
"They're gushy," Aaron accuses, holding little June in his arms and pointing at you, "Are we gonna be gushy, Junie B Jones?"
Her eyes are mystified as she stares at her mama and her brother, but she shakes her head dutifully at Aaron.
"Oh, go, you're sappier than I am," You tease Aaron, and it rouses a light chuckle from your guests.
"Loony-Junie," Aaron starts, and the girl in his grasp giggles at the name. Encouraged by her delight, he employs her favorite moniker; her most desired snack, "My little pickle. Thank you, for letting me marry your mama. And for giving her the ring, even if it fell in the eggs instead of the fully-baked cake."
The little girl roars with a squeal of laughter at the memory, and- now you know why the Lysol wipes were on the counter the night of Aaron's proposal.
"You were a super big helper to me and your brother," He continues, holding her close, "And I'm so happy I get to be your stepdad now. I know you're a big girl, and you can do pretty much everything by yourself now," He lets her pipe up, falling silent as her tiny voice rings out.
"-I can even put my own shoes on the right feet!"
Not every audience member manages to stifle their giggle, but the little girl doesn't look abashed for it. Aaron nods with a fond grin on his face, and Jack leans into your side where you've pinned him in a hug.
"She can not. I had to switch her mary janes before the ceremony."
"Stop," You pinch him in the side, snorting with laughter and concealing it in the warmth of his shoulder, "Do not make me turn into an evil stepmother, Jack. Let her have this." He concedes- oh, such a good brother.
"I know!" Aaron exclaims, one of his large palms spread wide across her belly as he holds her in his arms, "I'm super proud of you, baby. But. If you ever need help with your shoes, or with your hair, or with your friends, or with your teachers, or with your brother," He shoots a suspicious glance at Jack who sticks his tongue out at his father, "Or with anything at all, pickle, you come tell me. Okay? Even if it's a problem that I'm part of."
"Okay," She agrees easily, unaware of the dozens of painfully-swollen hearts watching the display, "Thanks, dada."
"Oh, pickle," He bites back a shallow, raw twinge to his voice as he hugs her and you hiss, 'Gushy.'
"I love you too," He promises June, "Forever, and always, and even longer after that."
"Infinity?" Her eyes shine; it's a concept her pre-k class came upon in a library comic book and she's fascinated with it.
"For infinity." Aaron confirms, and her teeth show in a grin as brilliantly white and gleaming as the beads sewn into your outfit.
Her response is two tiny, chubby arms slung around his neck, and a delicate face buried in his shoulder. Despite your no-photography request, you're fairly certain a camera shutter goes off that doesn't belong to the photographer you hired.
Oh, well.
"Alright you saps," You manage to blubber, your voice barely clear of the sobs creeping up your throat, "Let's get married before I cry and ruin my makeup. I paid so much for the stylist."
Jovial laughter rings through the tent you've set up, and Aaron sets June down, though she follows at his heels the same way Jack does at yours. They stand together, brother and sister, just as you do with Hotch, soon-to-be husband and wife.
"Don't cry." You command, "Or I'll cry."
"Don't cry," He repeats with a sheepish grin and a thick voice, blinking rapidly, as your babies join hands, "Or I'll cry."
"I'm crying," A faint voice from the audience rings out, but you can't manage to find any annoyance towards Garcia's repeated disruptions.
Aaron laughs, squeezing his eyes shut and letting a tear slip despite his best efforts. He presses his forehead to yours, and you do the same, feeling his breath fan over your face as he reels himself in.
"Come on, Hotchner," You urge, your voice wobbly, as your heart races in anticipation, the officiant stepping towards you, "Get it together, big guy. I'm not leaving this tent without your last name."
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
Since the last post you made about him I've been wanting to ScReAM my love for him but I never had the time and the energy at the same time! D: until now >:]
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Now, continuing to be an acceptable member of the Tuna Lover society.
Hold yourself because I have 0 self control when it comes to ramble about my specialist little guy and I'm afraid I wrote quite a lot.
Tuna looks like he is so tired. Look at him! His whole body language is screaming "I'm so tired but i dont really think sleep cluld help me". What did this rascal do that he's so tired? I wonder, but for some reason he looks more like being emotionally tired than anything. Poor bean! Did he had a rough week? A bad day? Is he feeling down? Maybe he's just tired for no specific reason, it happens sometimes. I wish I could cup him in my hands and pat his head softly as I rock him to sleep because he's so my baby :'[ <3
Ellie oh you heart of gold woman how lucky is the crew you're a part of it! Like seriously. She looked at this sad teen and said: not under my watch young boy. And went to cook his fauvorite rolls??!? She's so grannie coded I need her in my daily life you have no clue (oh no I got nostalgyc-). She's trying to hype him up and she's not just silently sliding the rolls under his hands. She's actually talking with him and something about physical contact. WAIT. IS THAT IT? IS TUNA SO VERY TOUCH STARVED THAT THIS IS HIS REACTION? OOOUGH MY HEART CANT HANDLE IT. I'll follow this train of thought later. (🚂)
Like. She's so gentle, so careful, so... She's really making sure she does all she can to lift up the spirits of that young man!
Because the way he's looking at her... the fondness.. the care and gratefulness????? Oh dear momma fish I'm dying. He's looking at her so sweetly! So gratefull! He's screaming "thanks for being a part of my life" without his mouth. He's screaming "I am so gratefull you love me" with his only one eye and I'm so down for it. I need more of them. They warm my fish heart so much... She's the grannie he never asked for bur always needed! Y'know? He's capable of looking at someone like that after all he's gone through and if that doesn't make me want to cry I don't know what does. Because that's just... OUGH I CANT WITH THEM HE HAS SUCH A TRAGYC BACKSTORY AND FEELS LIKE NO ONE LIKES HIM AND THEN THIS OLD LADY IS LIKE: YEAH, ILL BAKE HIM SONETHING SO HE CHEERS UP??!??! I NEED THEM HUGGING I NEED THEM BONDING I NEED THEM BEING A MEANACE TOGERHER BECAUSE OHMYGOD WHAT I WOULDNT GIVE TO SEE THIS TWO BEING LIKE THIS EVERYDAY.
A tiny part of me kinda wants to see one of them hurted really bad and the other protecting, but the other part of me is terrified of the mental implications it would have. Especially if it's ellie the one hurted. Oh no, no, let's end that thought there for my own sake 🫠
Ok, returning with that train of thought (🚂)... I probably have alredy rambled about this before, but... When was the last time someone hold this guy gently? I mean, not even hold, but just... touch him without meaning harm? Or more precisely, when was the last time someone touched him with care? With fondness? With the intention to lift his spirit? To make him smile, at least a little tiny eety beety winesy bit?
She puts hers hand on his shoulder and he jumps, freezing with his mouth full of delicious food. It's her. Of course it's her, they were chatting alone in the kitchen, although it felt more a monologue as Ellie cooked than an actual conversation. He was too in his mind to really listen. The sudden contact was what made him blink with his only eye, staring at the caring old eyes of the lady at his right. It was nice. Warm and rough hands squeezed his arm softly, fully aware that she had startled him. She looked at him with a fond smile and placed the fresh rolls in front of him. "There, you better enjoy them boy!" She may or may not say. Thing is, his eye goes to the hot, delicious food, and then he realizes. The hand is still there. Gentle. Almost can't feel it. It's. Why? It's strange. It should hurt. But it didn't. Of course it made sense, but why? Of course it didn't! It was Ellie! And then the realization hits. All in a matter of seconds. Ellie would never lay a harming hand on him. And he felt... He felt.
"You can't eat literally with your eyes, you do know that, do you?" He forgot he was eating. He smiled. And seeing that smile made her smile too. After all, how couldn't she? That wasn't something she saw everyday! Much less in such a sincere way! He was just... smiling at her. Oh she felt so happy! "I'm glad you like those! If you want more just tell me!" Oh wasn't he in the verge of tears? Happy tears! Him! Oh. The realization hitted like a truck. (Or like a ship? What's the equivalent? Idk, like a punch of Louis if you please.) He was cared for. He was loved. There were hands in this world that weren't meant to harm him. He just smiled, fondness burning in his chest like a wildfire because how this woman can change a man via kindness/food.
What is so crazy is that maybe he's just staring lovingly at the lady that cares for him. Because he feels like he's a rock on the boots of the crew most of the time but he's good at what he does so they bare with him. Maybe he feels they don't want him around but... but this lady does. And isn't he gratefull for it? Isn't he so happy she's around? She touches his only arm in such a gentle way? The other won't feel kindness never again, did it ever felt it? Not punches, not grabs, no, just... placing her hand there. Like he isn't an animal with the rabbies but actually a just really fucked up little guy who is terrified of people because people gave him reasons to and barks and bites but is, at the end, very lonely and afraid because he pushed everyone away. Except for this lady. He tried. He bited and barked until he realized she doesn't care, that she alredy saw the scared guy he was and didn't cared. She didn't cared. She cared so much more than anyone that she didn't cared! She wasn't afraid! She wasn't going away! If anything, she sitted closer as time passed. And suddenly, a pet on the head. A so waited, so dreamed, so strange, so scary! Pat on the head. Gentle. Not like those who grabbed him to calm him down and only made him bark and bite with more energy. No. Gentle. It was new. It was nice. But he was afraid. Afraid. How long until she hits? He thinks. But she never hits. She brings him treats. Suspicious. But... not so... Why? It's just that he isn't used to see someone care. But she cares. And she doesn't goes away. And she doesn't turn her back. If anything, only to take the rolls out of the oven!
He doesn't thinks all that in the moment. He just wants. Oh. That felt nice. But was kinda unexpected. It's later at night that he thinks, if his three neurons decide to work. Mayne this is how his complex being feels but his tint neurons don't know how to think. He just loves and cares about the lovely woman that cares and loves back. I need more of them. They mean everything to me at this point factual I'm descending to madness.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Making heart shaped cookies with/for the HH cast (Part 1/?)
Long ass title I know but 😭😭😭
Originally this was going to be just for the main cast but then I realized the post would be long as hell and honestly I dont think I'm ready for that yet so splitting this with some characters!! Depending on the reception I might try to do the rest, or maybe some smaller characters (ex. Vox, adam, ect)
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You make them together! And the kitchen ends as a mess! The cookies still taste pretty good, and while they may not be decorated the prettiest, charlie is thrilled that the two of you got to spend the afternoon together! Would take a billion pictures of you in your apron working on the cookies and keep them to herself.. will definitely talk about this the next time theres a group activity where people have to share fond memories
You both make them together! As seen in the show hes actually pretty efficient in the kitchen, and is fairly neat. The kitchen is still in good condition when the two of you are done! Oh if you two are together you definitely do the cheesy thing of feeding each other a cookie.. pentious seems like the type to make pairings off of what's commonly put together and what logically makes sense. In the case of baking he actually isnt that adventurous or experimental.. perhaps the idea of you getting food poisoning scares him too much..
Hes staring at you as you shove the box into his hands. He definitely wasnt expecting them, but hes not going to complain about free food! He does make a small joke about how they should have been asses, or even dick n balls.. he makes those comments between bites. He would go further but he just let's slip that your baking is amazing. Congratulations you've knocked the whore out of him with it. In all seriousness, expect him to subtly ask for you to bake something for him every now and then.. he definitely has a sweet tooth!
You decide to make him cookies. Alastor was already thanking you as you approached him with the box but his voice cut as he opened them. While yes the cookies inside were heart shaped, you had decided to take.. a creative approach with alastors; making them anatomically correct. You had even decided to fill them with jam! Grody. But the laugh you got from the radio demon was worth it! Hes not one for sweets, but he does enjoy your baking. He does not care for sharing his little gift with the other hotel residents... he let's you know the quality of them, giving an honest review of the taste and stuff.. surprisingly it's a nice encounter with the overlord
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eldrith · 2 months
oh babe dont get me wrong, i thoroughly enjoyed the fic (everything you write is an automatic favorite) and it was so, so heartwrenchingly beautiful but omg i'm in pain lmao.
also going back to the last ask you answered of mine (before the sad fic one. lol)!! absolutely he is the #1 wifehusband. dare i say #1 malewife. but this part!! "he’d want to talk to his wife for days on end, and also could (and does) talk about her for so so long to anyone who was around. #1 wifehusband i stand by this" skdufhaskf YESSSSSSSS. i can just imagine him keeping his wife up later than usual (and not for the reasons she truly desires. jace is a dumb Loser for not noticing.) yapping her ear off, especially if it's been a busy busy day as the crown prince.!! or rhaenyra having to cut jace off in a council meeting bc he's droning on and on about his wife, and while she thinks it's cute and endearing, they have actual business to attend to.. "and wearing pieces of jewelry that belongs to each other omg." girl i just went weak in the knees ugh akshfaksj didn't know i needed that in my life but now i do. or jace having jewelry crafted from pieces of old swords/equipment of his for his wife to have something of his with her always, or his wife giving him a tiny pocket square of embroidery to tuck into his pocket that has become so worn from the amount of time he spends rubbing his thumb over it (especially during longgggggg meetings). he lowkey gives fidgeter vibes so i can just see it becoming a soothing mechanism for him !! "so cute and like can u imagine how rhaenyra would just be so happy to see how happy jace is (& how incredible of a man hes become… hes so devoted to his sweet wife)" i'm getting teary eyed with an idea of rhaenyra thinking about how proud harwin would be of jace and what a great man he's become. anyway don't let me expand further on that bc i will Cry (and talk your ear off for 12 hours)!!!!!!! also rhaenyra would be the best mother in law??? ever??? so so supportive and sweet and loves how much you love and adore her son. anyway. Anyway. also in my head luke lives and spends 90% of the day teasing jace over how whipped he is for his wife :// little brother things i fear. and jace has zero shame bc he's #1 wife guy and knows luke will be the exact same way one day soon.
one day i will expand on jace as a father but. i fear i've talked enough today pookie. love u. - hubby jace anon <33
aw stop ur too nice omg :') im glad u enjoyed it <3
but omg yes 10000% to all of this.
jace literally bounding into his wife's quarters, basically oblivious to the looks she's sending him as he just rambles and talks, so excited to be with her. and asking her about her day, sighing gently when she starts to kiss up and down his neck nevermind i can't go there
also in the earlier stages of marriage or when the war is quite stressful and theyre at council and jace out of nowhere just snaps to defend his wife's honor, calling someone out who slightly disrespected her and the chamber goes silent... <3<3 love <3<3
i also loveee the idea of having a piece of him on her at all times <3 and like... jace gets one of her rings and puts it on a necklace and wears it under his clothes. he fidgets with it when he's reading or strategizing, just as he does with the pocketsquare (you have to give him a new one bc the first one is so frayed) alSO he takes your hair ribbons and uses them as bookmarks. yeah
& ur so right rhaenyra would be emotional and see so much of harwin in jace and shes just so proud. also yes she'd be the best mother in law i see her inviting you to dine with her and just thoroughly enjoying your presence, gossiping and just loving spending time with you & seeing you interact with her son. she would love you like a daughter - she always wanted one.
also stop can you imagine luke... oh my goddd. hed be thrilled to make fun of jace and i feel like he'd become so fond of calling jace ur dog lmao.
things like being in a hall with luke when jace enters, speaking with some lord - you wait for him patiently to end his conversation but luke has no mind for that and immediately teases jace. calling out to him, "here boy!" mocking and whistling like one would summon a dog, "your lady needs you!"
or or or (you've awoken a beast in me this is your fault) like
him walking past and catching jace adjusting the clasp on your necklace or something, maybe helping you with your slippers and he cant help but just go "i swear you’ve got him trained better than the hounds." you roll your eyes at luke, shooing him away with a grin as he mutters "he’d probably sit and beg if you asked him to.”
but jace would just grin so proudly, laughing and shaking his head as he stepped back to admire his handiwork - then sending you a look when luke is gone lmao.
& luke and jace sitting at a feast watching you dance with others and luke just gives him a look, "wipe that grin off your face, you look like you've gone mad. i think you're salivating" and jace is just like "she's so beautiful." & luke rolls his eyes, gagging, “gods help me if i ever get like that.”
but jace knows his brother, and he smirks, "oh, you’ll be there someday, luke.” luke rolls his eyes and huffs, "strike me dead first." and with no hesitation jace just mutters "i'll be sure to. if not before."
yeah i have so many thoughts about that... luke would become jace's wife's annoying little brother but also her bff
also PLEASE father jace bring it on omg. he'd be the cutest father i actually am going to pass out
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
Sick stubborn anon from yesterday. Hoping I can call myself 🍓anon.
Imagine stubborn s/o adopting the slimes or other dangerous creatures?dont ask how they befriend it, they did and now it follows them around
Hiii, nonnie! Welcome back and I'm sorry I'm only now getting to your ask, I was super busy and couldn't sit down to write at all. I love this idea though, it's super adorable! I went and noted down some HCs for the men I could imagine best in this scenario. Also ofc you can call yourself 🍓anon!! I'm happy to welcome you :3
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"That Day I Befriended A Slime" ft. Xiao, Zhongli, Tighnari, Alhaitham, Childe, Diluc x Reader [Fluff, Crack]
→ Masterlist || → Taglist
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→ Xiao immediately pulls you away from the little anemo slime that trails behind you as you walk along the path of your shared home. He immediately pulls out his polearm and points it toward the little slime. It closes its eyes in panic and starts to cry and shake, flapping its little wings in terror.
"Xiao! What by the Seven are you doing?", you pout. You throw yourself between him and the slime with furrowed eyebrows, before you push the tip of his polearm away and pick the slime up to cradle it in your arms protectively. "Do you know what this is? It's dangerous!", he remarks with a sharp tone. "Dangerous?! Where? Look at it! You even made it cry..."
Needless to say, you hold a slime as a pet ever since. Although he keeps a close eye on it. Can't be too trusting.
→ Zhongli left you alone for a mere three hours and he comes back to see you kneeling in your garden and feeding bread to a geo slime. It wasn't often the ex-archon has gone into high-alert mode since he retired, but this sure is one of those situations.
"Love, get away from this thing and come back inside!", he says with evident panic in his voice as he hurries your way. He moves his arms in a swift motion making a jade shield appear around you. The geo-energy shockwave it creates sends the little slime flying backwards into the flowerbed. "Arthur no!", you yell as you hurry after the slime to pick it up again and brush the dirt off of the slime with your bare hands. "He is friendly, don't hurt him, darling! Look! He reminds me of you.", you explain with a fond smile as you hold the slime out in his direction.
Living with you surely never became boring. To Zhongli, you are a marvel he finds himself lost in every day anew. And he loved you oh so dearly.
→ Tighnari finds you tending to several plants as he arrives in Pardis Dhyai. You smile and wave in his direction excitedly as you spot him, which he mirrors. That was until he saw a pair of very familiar-looking leaves move behind you in the grass. All his hair begins to stand on end as he rushes over to you to knock you out of the way and making you clumsily fall on top of him to soften the fall.
"What's has gotten into you, T?!", you fumed as you get back up again, pat some dirt off your clothes and stare at Tighnari in disbelief. "This slime was about to attack you!", he says as he grabs his bow and begins to scan the environment. "Where did it go?" "Probably into hiding, you scared the poor thing." "Poor... thing?", he questioned in confusion. "Well yes, I've been looking after it. It's very cuddly. Look there it is." Completely baffled he watches as you hurry over the little dendro slime that was peeking up from the flowerbed.
He quietly watches in disbelief as you talk to the slime as it nuzzles into your trousers. You were truly full of surprises.
→ Alhaitham is just reading a book as you walk through the door with a big flower pot. A few leaves are sticking out at the top of it. You put the pot down on the dinner table before going into the kitchen. At first, he didn't pay it too much mind; that was until the leaves in the port started rustling and a dendro slime suddenly jumped out of it.
"What you brought home is not a plant!", Alhaitham sighed. "I know.", you simply shrugged as you came back from the kitchen with a tray of vegetables. "You know? What do you mean you know?!" "I found the little guy in the wild, he was wounded by a Rishboland Tiger just outside the city gates. I nurtured it back to health and then he started trusting me. Now I picked him up.", you explain rationally. You begin smiling excitedly as you feed some carrots to the happily gurgling slime.
He knows there was nothing that would deter you from keeping the slime, so he just quietly accepts that he now has yet another roommate. At least this one was able to be quiet, unlike a certain architect.
→ Childe sees you kneeling next to a little hydro slime as he is out on patrol. He draws his bow and gets ready to shoot and arrow at the slime that is currently nibbling on your finger.
"Step aside, love!", he demands sharply. You look over to where you find him standing, drawing an arrow with his bow with furrowed eyebrows. Before he is able to land the shot, you throw yourself over the slime, causing him to have to shoot the arrow into the air instead. You could hear a gurgly whine as the slime attempts to flee in panic. "Ajax! Stop! You're scaring it!"
He stands there dumbfounded as he watches you chase after the crying hydro slime, trying to console it. You really were one of a kind and Childe found himself falling in love with you even more again. You always managed to see the good in everything surrounding you and he admires you for it.
→ Diluc comes home late as he spots you sleeping on the sofa. There was a faint warm glow coming out of your direction and he wonders what it has to mean. As he gets closer he spots a pyro slime sleeping on top of your chest. You are clinging your arms around it in your sleep.
All alarms inside of his head went off at the same time as he quickly grabbed the flower vase on the table and started pouring the water over the slime.
"Luc, what in Celestia!", you scream as you jump up from the sofa, now soaking wet. The slime let out a gurgly whine as it crawls under the blanket, scaredly peeking up at Diluc from under it. "There was a slime lying on top of you!", he says, panic still evident in his voice. "Yeah, I know!! I met it today and it jumped into my lap cuddling with me. So I took it home!"
He stood there completely flabbergasted. How did you even manage to befriend a slime? He has never heard such a thing was possible. But yet again, you were special in any meaning of the word. He knew as much by now. So he shouldn't even be surprised.
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always appreciated!
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vaguesxrrow · 5 months
this was for a request for an edwin payne/gn reader dating hcs but i accidentally deleted the ask SORRYYY 😭😭 if you requested it here you go !!
edwin payne/reader dating hcs
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a/n: there is nothing in this pertaining to the reader's gender but i'd like to clarify they are not a girl, as edwin is not attracted to women (to my knowledge)
reader can be read as either alive or dead
tags: gn!reader
what dating edwin payne would be like...
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- before you started dating, or at the start of your relationship, edwin would be a little closed off (as is expected from him) but it was still obvious to everyone he had a soft spot for you
- even if he didnt outwardly show how taken with you he really was, it would be obvious through his actions alone
- on cases, he would especially watch out for your safety
- if you're sick or feeling even slightly unwell he will suggest you take a break from this case
- "i will come back to you. i promise." when you protest that he might need you there
- he'll give you long, long hugs when he returns
- lying in bed together after the case, facing each other, as he tells you about it
- would lay down with his head between your shoulder and neck, tracing patterns over your hand and wrist
- isn't terribly fond of pda but cheek kisses and hand holding, or linking your pinkies together are always on the table
- will also let you, and enjoy it when, you latch onto his arm
- this boy would totally try to court you
- at first his gifts would be typical types of gifts, like flowers or something expensive and fancy because he wants you to think highly of him
- but then one day he finds a silly stuffed animal he thinks you'd like and gives it to you
- you LOVE it ofc, and you dont waste a second in telling him
- he's a bit surprised but is happy you love it and would grin at you fully once you promise that yes, you really do think it's lovely
- after that, if he finds anything he knows you'll like, or if you say you want something, he WILL get it for you
- edwin taking you out on dates:
- he would put a lot of effort into your first date because, with all the running away from supernatural beings that want to kill you, he thinks both of you deserve a little normal
- imagine: a museum date, but at a kind of obscure museum that showcases ancient artifacts or something
- edwin would know a lot of facts about the different pieces and tell you about them
- however he will feel bad about going on too long, because this is your first date and he doesn't want to put you off already
- "i... apologise. i'm rambling."
- you: 'i don't mind. it's... attractive how smart you are."
- you were totally gonna say 'sexy' but is edwin really ready for that?? maybe not.
- then you kiss him before he can react, and his system kind of crashes (yeah, definitely not ready for 'sexy' just yet)
- he appreciates how you value his whole personality and genuinely love all parts of him
- he loves you just as much, if it wasn't obvious
- his love languages would probably be quality time and acts of service
- constantly making excuses to be near you
- "[ ] and i will go conduct some research in the library, the three of you can interview the witnesses."
- he thinks he's being subtle but charles, crystal, and niko always grin at you knowingly
- "have fun, lovebirds! try not to get distracted," <- coming from either of the other three, or maybe even all of them in unison
- edwin will splutter and blush
- once he realises there's no use in hiding how whipped he is for you, he'll outright say he wants to "go with his [boyfriend/partner]" to do whatever he wants to do
- he likes saying it out loud that you're together - it makes him feel giddy inside in a way no one else has before
- if you want a specific book for your research he'll take finding it very seriously
- you need a book from the top shelf? he's on it (like, literally on it, because if there's no step stool around he might actually climb the bookshelf)
- getting tired from your research? he'll mirror travel to a coffee shop and get you a drink and a sweet treat
- edwin would get jealous, and once he's secure in the relationship he would show it
- in the case of you being alive: imagine someone trying to flirt with you, maybe in the library or something from the earlier scenario
- he would knock over a book on purpose to spook the person who dared to flirt with HIS s.o
- when you tease him for it later he'll mutter something about being 'possibly a bit jealous.'
- it isn't that he doesn't trust you, as he will of course clarify, he's just very protective
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crushedsweets · 1 year
Would you ever consider including nurse ann in more of your art/ stories? She's one of my favorite characters and I think your design for her is amazing lmao- I'd also sort of like to know what her relationship with the others would be like
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yes. actually. i would love to . ok i have some vague ideas for how shed fit into the lore so thatll be under the cut !! i also start rambling about lulus lore too cuz i decided theyre friends.
ok so, again, my au is based around slenders forest being like... some sort of magnet for the paranormal. slenderman wants to keep all of these cryptids within the forest.
since its in a fictionalized forest in tuscaloosa, where marble hornets was filmed, i decided to move the abanonded hospital they visited up north of the tuscaloosa lake. she roams there.
SOOOOO nurse ann is just... a demon. slenders forest is sort of like limbo for a lot of the cryptids and kinda puts them in like.. a long daze and loops unless they're consistently leaving or being grounded by humans.
i dont EXACTLY know why/how she's in that specfic hospital, especially since i dont believe she has an official origin? maybe when the hospital shut down, she was let go and wasn't transferred to work in a new hospital, so she lost her shit and preformed some crazy rituals that ended up making her an undead nurse ? now she's forever roaming the hospital. or maybe she was killing patients when she was a human and kept doing weird demon shit with their bodies and the operator/zalgo fed off of her bad vibes. LOL IDK.
now about lulu cuz i drew her too.
i used to be sooo fond of lulu. and i originally said she was just going to be another ghost roaming the forest pointlessly, mourning everything and being incapable of interacting with humans, BUUUUUT. she is 24 and NOT A GHOST?!?!??!?! IDK WHY ALL THIS TIME I THOUGHT SHE WAS JUST A GHOST WHO AGES CUZ YK HOW CHIBIWORKS STUFF WAS BACK THEN LOL... i def am tired of little kids being tortured and all these children ghosts tho so im kinda glad to have smth new to write. anyway. so im thinking lulus just another little demon thing... i'm thinking her story goes.
she was in strict private schools all of k-12, and went to uni on her own in tuscaloosa. she wanted to branch out, have a little rebelious phase, make friends, etc. tried to join a co-ed frat. she experienced an absolutely horrific hazing when she was like 19, the frat fully believed they killed her by accident and in their panic, tried to bury her in slenders forest, and some demonic entity in the forest infected her before she was buried fully. she ends up climbing out of her shallow grave, never having died. perhaps the operator did it, perhaps zalgo like in her og lore ? PERHAPS ANN CUZ SHES A DEMON HERSELF?
anywaaayyyyy :3 l think theyd be cute friends. they just look really cute together and i could see good chemistry so i totally would love to expand on them and make them friends. maybe expand more on the type of species they are, what kind of powers they have(esp if i make ann the demon who infects lulu).
BUUUUT ALSO this made me realize i should totally look into adding zalgo to my lore. cuz it doesnt make sense for the operator to make anyone a demon, thats not really what he does.... and i dont want him to do that i just dont like the vibes. so mmm yes.
anyway in terms of relationships..
lulu and her are cool good besties beautiful they would take selfies and do tiktok dances together.
masky and hoody are incredibly indifferent to her, because they dont have to worry/visit her often. she stays in the hospital thats in the forest, and thats exactly where slenderman wants her, so theyre content. theyre kinda grateful she keeps lulu in the hospital too, cuz lulu actually freaks them out bc she'll be jumping at them and shit talking about their eyes.
tobys EXTREMELY scared of ghosts (bc of his hallucinations of his sisters ghost . . ). he eventually gets over it(kinda?) with sally, but he keeps accusing ann and lulu and the sort of being ghosts cuz they just.. kinda pop in and out. at least jack has to walk into the room to show up. so he doesnt like them
mmm jack wouldnt like her IF he knows that she kinda turned herself into a demon through like, a ritual or smth. he'd be beyond pissed to know someone CHOSE to be what he is. if he doesnt know, he doesnt care for her. he kinda jokes about 'well why dont YOU be their medic' and shes like 'dont fuckin wanna be'.
jane and liu and kate prob dont know her... kate might but wouldnt care.
jeff would prob think shes hot or some bullshit and nina would be beyond pissed. at first ninas like AHHH SHES SO COOL cuz shes a fangirl at heart, but the second she hears a single 'goddamn' from jeff shes livid.
ben prob wouldnt care much for her... hes so uninterested in demons idk why i just feel like he doesnt care.
clockwork would LOVE HER. she'd think she's so fucking cool. she'd try talking to her all the time but ann prob wouldnt be interested in clocky at all...
ofc the proxies purposefully come into contact with the paranormal the most because thats their job, so i wrote the most for them, but that doesn't mean theyre the closest or anything.
ok thank u anon you did smth to my brain that benefitted my mental health cuz i love writing this shit for the creeps thank u sm .
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byunpum · 2 years
Experiment 56 [part 3]
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Neteyam x Human reader ( like a mix of human and Navi )
and sullyFAM x human reader, spider x reader , and quaritch x reader (dont blame me )
Tw: mmm neteyam baby, reader being mutant, neytiri being a sweetheart-mother, jealousy, a little 18+ but a little, all the characters are aged up 20's.
POV: Y/N is surprised that it is an indispensable piece for the human race. Her family will do everything possible to keep her hidden and safe…
Experiment 56 masterlist | Experiment 56 sequel Masterlist
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
Note: I got a little carried away with the pov. So the reading is a little long. But I hope you enjoy it, I already have the other parts in my head. I know you're going to love it, thanks again to all of you. From now on I warn you that I am not very expert in this Navi culture, but I did my best. And I'll be using events that happened in the movie, but they won't be exactly the same. And sorry for the spelling. English is not my mother tongue.
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"Ok, we're all awake now" Jake said, "no, loak is left, he went out to do something" kiri said as she braided your hair. "Well, I'll go get him" Jake came out of the hut. Neytiri came over to you and took your hands to see how your wounds are." How are they feeling? How do you feel? better?" said Neytiri as she also checked the bandages on your ankles. "I'm fine, mom." Neytiri looked at you and laughed a little.
You didn't usually call her mama, but when you did her heart would grow with joy. She didn't understand how she had become so fond of you. She thought it was because you had Navi blood, and that was the reason you were closer to her, but no, it was something else. She loved you as her daughter. It was like that time you were in the lab, you were about 5 years old, and you were in Jake's arms while Norm was taking blood samples. Jake looked up something on the computer, and put on a video of him when he was human. y/n stared at the screen, and then looked at Jake, "Did you see who's there? That's me, daddy." y/n looked at Jake "but you're pink and now you're blue" . Neytiri laughed a little, she was admiring the scene. Y/N was the baby she and jake would have had, if jake was still human. She fantasized about that idea. And if y/n was a gift from eywa, she was grateful for it. Because you were such a well-behaved, kind, strong child. Very strong.
"It's ready," kiri said as she continued to fix your hair. "I think the beads neteyam gave you, they look good "you looked at kiri with a withering look." Which beads?" asked neytiri while looking at your hair. "Yes, neteyam gave me some to put in my hair." Neytiri analyzed your expressions, "well… they look good on you." She shifted her gaze and got up to prepare breakfast.
"Kiriiiiiiii why did you say that?" you whispered to kiri while tapping her on the shoulder." Hey, I think it's cute…that coordinating outfits thing" she giggles at you, while still playing with her. You and kiri were so close. You said you were almost twins, since you gave them away on the same day to your parents. And they were the product of strange circumstances.
"Yes, but no one must know. You know… what mom and DAD will think. I don't want to imagine what dad will say, he's going to bury me alive and then you guys for covering up this secret." You look at kiri with worried. "hey…take it easy. Yeah, we grew up together and all. But we all know you and neteyam like each other…the looks and all. Trust me, I think dad knows something. Besides, neteyam was your first kiss." You turn completely around to look at kiri "kiri…we were 10 years old and it wasn't neteyam….it was spider." Kiri couldn't hold in her laughter. "ahhhh I remember now, it was a challenge. But neteyam kissed you later and ran off." You guys kept laughing until jake came in with loak.
"Ok, together everyone" You all settled in a circle and turned your attention to jake. "Family, you know what happened yesterday…the attack there was towards y/n." you lowered your head, you were trying to forget what happened. "Your mother and I talked and thought about going somewhere else." kiri stood up upset." what????" you tried to take kiri's hand." Hey, this is going to get worse… they want y/n. And then they'll go after all of us. This is for the best" jake took neytiri's hand "guys, it's the right thing to do" neytiri affirmed squeezing her partner's hand. Kiri didn't like the idea and left the pot in anger. Behind her were loak and tuk, these two were not upset by the idea, but went to look for their sister.
You were silent "dad?" Jake looked at you "yes, y/n" you took a deep breath "what about spider?" neteyam looked at you, while jake adjusted "honey, he's got…" "he'll stay here and that's it" said neytiri somewhat annoyed. You knew she didn't tolerate spider, but you still loved him so much. "But they're going to look for him. …. They know he knows me, he knows us. He must go with us. They can hurt him" neteyam stood up in discomfort and came up for air. Here you were again, worrying about spider, thought neteyam.
"Y/N, he will be fine. I promise", jake put a hand on your shoulder " no, please daddy…. He has to go with us. Please" jake looked you in the eyes, he knows how important he was to you spider. He knows his children love that monkey-human. "ok, that's fine he will come with us". "What do you say? No." Neytiri is upset. " Any clan we go to, they're going to reject us. And it's going to be his fault" you stood up and looked at neytiri "then they're not going to accept me either, mom look at me… I'm a human, a fucking demon. An experiment. A fucking human, with a navi tail. I'm sure they'll judge me more than the spider himself. We can't just leave him here." Neytiri looks at you with teary eyes, you just called yourself a demon. No, to her you were not a demon. "come here" neytiri hugged you " don't ever say that again… you are my precious girl". You hugged neytiri tighter, the woman looked at her mate and ascended with her head." It's okay, spider will accompany us." Neytiri looked at you, she saw your face light up. "thank you, thank you!!!" You ran off to break the news to kiri and the others.
"This is a disaster, How she knows it's an experiment. Besides, taking that kid…. I don't like Ma jake" neytiri moved closer to jake as he pulled her arms around her. "We'll be fine, I promise."
Kiri was with spider, loak and tuk. They were discussing the idea that jake had said. Kiri couldn't believe it, she loved her home. And leaving meant leaving everyone, leaving spider. Kiri looked up, when she saw you running, she had to laugh a little. You almost fell to the ground, you were funny when you ran. "Guys I have very good news" you go and hug spider. "what's wrong?" spider hugs you back as he puts his hands on your waist "ahhhh I'm so happy" you start jumping up and down, making spider copy your steps. Tuk joins you "what happened?" kiri asks, making you look at her." Spider is going with us, of course…if he wants to" You look at spider, the boy's eyes widened. "Is it serious?" Kiri couldn't believe it. She hugged spider. "Sure…but how?" spider couldn't believe what you were saying." Well…I have my charms" you say as you grimace, "sure, manipulative" said loak, as he pushed you to the side, so he could hug spider." Come here bro, I told you we would all be together" loak pulled you all closer in a big hug. "where's neteyam?" asked tuk. He was right, he was nowhere to be found. Oh no, you knew where he was and how he was. "Hey, why don't you tell norm and the guys everything while I go look for neteyam" Before you left, spider held your hand, looked you in the eye and rubbed his thumb over your hand. Your heart skipped a beat, you must admit that you and spider had a history, before you liked neteyam. Spider was your first crush. Loak and kiri looked into each other's eyes and tuk made a disgusted face. "well, you come or not" kiri said, as she dragged everyone with her.
You got to the soul tree, you knew neteyam was going to be there. And boom…you were right. He was sitting, while his queue was connected to eywa. He was praying. You sat next to him, and waited for him to finish. When he noticed your presence, he opened one eye and then ignored you. He just did that, you said to yourself." If you don't talk to me, I won't leave. And you know it" neteyam moved away from the eywa branches and settled down next to you. "Why do you always worry about him?" you couldn't believe what you just heard." Excuse me… are you talking about spider?" neteyam complained and you saw his face change color. "hey, don't be like that with me. Spider is part of the family. We can't leave him here" you take his hand "I know, but have you ever asked me how I feel? The first thing that popped into your head was to ask if…he can go with us." Wow, neteyam was right. You were always worried about spider, ever since you were kids. That was the reason why at 12 years old you had a crush on him, but when you confessed spider said you were "weird and ugly". Which caused neteyam to fight with him, loak to tell his mom and neytiri to try to drown him in the nearest river. Thank goodness Jake, everything was under control. After that, you became disillusioned. It wasn't until, at the age of 19, neteyam confessed that he loved you.
"sorry, yes. forgive me for not asking for you" neteyam settled in front of you, and took your face in his hands. "don't apologize to me, you know I don't like it when you do that." You lifted your heels and gave him a kiss. His lips were soft and warm. Neteyam slid his hands down to your waist, to pull you up onto his lap. Your hands tangled in his hair, as the kiss grew hotter. The kisses were messy, as neteyam kissed his way down your jaw to your neck. A gasp came out of your mouth, as neteyam pulled you closer to his body. Shit, you never went this far before. " neyet…" you sighed when you noticed how needy he was " that's not…mmm" you looked down at his crotch. "I'm sorry, I can't contr…" you interrupted him kissing him again. You two were so wrapped up in your make up section. That you didn't hear loak.
"ahhhhhhhhhh YUCK, NO NO NO NO. Ahhhhhhh" Loak yelled, you and neteyam separated quickly, trying to fix yourselves up a little. "you idiot, you need to learn how to call people" neteyam, turned his back to his brother, while trying to hide his recent erection. "hey, I'm not the one running around fucking in a PUBLIC area. You heard Public" Loak was yelling at his brother, until you hit him. "Shut up already, and don't you dare say anything." You threatened him, "I already knew you two were together, I'm not stupid. Plus, kiri, she's not that good at keeping secrets." You looked at him in shook, oh no. Why kiri had to open her mouth. "what do you want? what are you looking for us for?" neteyam asks, "dad, he says to pack up everything, we have to leave before sunset." Neteyam takes your hand, as you all start walking towards the shelter.
"You and I need to talk miss… I'm your best friend!!!! Why am I the last one to find out that you and neteyam are together. You know you're hurting me." I said loak, while still walking. "don't ignore me!!!!!" you and loak continue your discussion all the way to the shelter. Neteyam just ignores them.
AREA 12, northeast of pandora:
Quaritch sat staring at a fixed point in the lunchroom area, while his teammates laughed and talked about god knows what. In his head there was only one thing… you. How could such a beautiful woman, be the mix of a species that, to his taste, was unpleasant. Well not unpleasant, because now his body was the same. But he didn't find it attractive. "Hey…you're still thinking about that girl, aren't you?" said Lyle as he tapped his arm. "I'm just thinking how she could have gotten away from us" Quaritch shifted his gaze." Yeah, yeah…" Lyle giggled a little. "And did you notice that human boy?" commented Lyle, he looks like your son….miles" Lyle looked at Quaritch waiting for an answer." Yes, he does" There was a short silence until Lyle spoke, "do you think he's that girl's mate? He looked a little worried when John tried to touch her." Quaritch complained "that idiot…he doesn't know how to keep his fucking dick tucked away…. But I don't think boy is the mate. I think it's the blue monkey." Quaritch looked at each other as they analyzed the situation." Lucky guy…she's very pretty." Lyle said "hey…watch out." "I knew it…I knew it!!!!" Lyle got up from the chair and walked towards the exit as he teased Quaritch. "Knew what???" he yelled back…what did Lyle know.
After the saying goodbye to the clan and jake passing his toruk makto position. You all went to the area where the ikran were, all the family belongings were packed. Neytiri was checking that everyone was ready, putting on some kind of tunic, for the cold and wind. When it was almost spider's turn, she handed you the tunic "go and put this on him." Said neytiri as she looked at the poor boy out of the corner of her eye. You approached spider," look, this will keep you warm and safe" you place the tunic over his head, neteyam was next to loak talking about something until he saw the scene in front of him, "watch out… he might take your girlfriend away" said loak, causing neteyam to punch him in the stomach.
"hey, you two stop!!!! family are we ready? let's go!!!" announced jake, already getting into his ikran. Neteyam walked towards you, and took your hand walking towards his ikran. You had to go with someone, because even though you can use your queue, the ikran was too big a beast for you, so you had to share it with Neteyam. Spider noticed neteyam's look and lowered his head and walked over to kiri. "I feel that neteyam wants to murder me," says spider as he settles in behind kiri in her ikran, "don't mind him, he must be upset. After all… this is a big change for everyone" kiri tries to comfort spider. Everyone left, you sat right in front of neteyam, your back was against his chest. And he already had a hand on your waist. "hey…. Hands to the front" chuckled jake to neteyam as he noticed the position you two were in. You heard tuk giggling next to you, when you turned to look, you noticed neytiri was watching you too. Damn…this was going to be a long ride.
p.s:What do you think? Did you like it… Between today or tomorrow I will be uploading the fourth part. And remember the tag list is open. Just let me know. Kisses! <3
Neytiri babies tag: @st4rrry @valeriinee @inutheangel @gielrmn @sloppierjewel @purple7theparty @itscheybaby @ssc7514 @namorslit @ducks118 @tpwkstiles @elli-aesthetics @nao-cchi @uselessbutinteresting @msjae @austynparksandpizza @gamorxa @andyyy4444 @itssomeonereading @meivap @barbii04 @mm-nope @dorck26 @nessrin @purple7theparty @ssc7514 @sloppierjewel @yeosxxx @legendleopard100 @pandoragalora @jayzes-blog @ducks118 @laylasbunbunny @kyriekurokami @heesoftiefreak @teamanime
If there is any problem with the tags, let me know. Soon I will make a post with all the parts.
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eternalmarvel · 10 months
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an: ok hi guys lowkey i havent written fanfiction in years so this is my brief return. so feral for bi-han bro got me writing again
anyways please enjoy this story that i cooked up at work instead of doing what i get paid to do 🔥i got really sloppy at the end because this fic ended up being MUCHH longer than what i intended and i lowkey lose the plot bc it was supposed to be much more different
also if you guys have requests send them in i might do them i might not so dont expect too much
ps+ i'm not chinese so if i mischaracterized something pls let me know!! i'm the wrong type of asian to be writing this lmfao
you returned to the lin kuei outpost hoisted on the shoulders of the neighboring rocky mountains. it was a heavy winter yet, but a meager layer of snow had curtained everything all the same. your breath was heavy as you sighed and looked at the exterior of the stronghold, smoke spilling from your mouth. it had been years since you had been back here, practicing with the lin kuei as only a young woman. you were never an initiate, but your father was a powerful man who had been good friends with the former grandmaster of the lin kuei and wanted to assist them by having you help them out. after a couple of months of training and bonding with all the other lin kuei initiates (as well as the grandmaster's sons), you had left to pursue your responsibilities. you had been burdened with far too many tasks to just remain in one place -- it pained you but you knew you had to leave to do what was required of you. not one for goodbyes (and the fact that if you had to confront the brothers about your departure, you probably would've ended up staying...), you disappeared into the midst of the dark night.
after all with great power comes......
the gates to the stronghold opened and you entered inside. it was difficult being back. how would you approach the brothers? would they still be upset at you for leaving? surely not, considering they let you back in. but what if this is a trap, a ploy to set up a mediation to get you to explain where you were all these years? thousands of thoughts swirled inside your mind but it didn't matter now. you were inside the courtyard now, watching as initiates sparred and practiced with one another. you could begin to feel the influx of raw magical energy as you walked by, prompting you to take a deep breath in and walk with your head held higher. you opened the gates to the interior to see tomas and kuai liang speaking with some of the younger initiates. kuai had his hands crossed behind his back, his eyes stern as ever as he commanded some of the younger warriors to try out a new training exercise. tomas had a small smile on his face, his arms crossed in front of his chest. they didn't notice your arrival and so you quietly walked up to them, with hands behind your back and a shy smile across your face.
tomas was the first to notice you, and his face immediately burst into a smile. "(name)!" he yelled out, excited like a puppy being adopted by an owner for the first time ever. you were originally going to keep this visit somber, but you couldn't help to keep the smile off your face. suddenly a huge urge to hug him overcomes you, and you spread your arms around the nape of his neck, pulling him in. he pats your back, exclaiming:
"i didn't realize you were going to be here so soon!"
you pull away from him, giving him a big smile. "sorry it took me so long. had a lot of stuff to get to."  that smile on your face does not betray your intentions. it's the truth--you really did have a lot to get to. procrastinating and putting off the visit for as long as you did, however, was honestly not your intention.
you see kuai glance at you gently, a fond look washing over him as you peak from over tomas' shoulders.
"c'mon, i know you want in on this too," you say playfully as you beckon kuai over. he smiles kindly as he takes you into his arms.
"it's good to see you again, (name). seems that time's been treating you right," he says with his hands on his hips, admiring your character as he gazes at you from up to down. you can't help but blush, and wave away his comment.
"you guys have grown up a lot too! what have they been feeding you guys?!" you playfully ask. the two of them playfully chuckle, as tomas responds with,  "been drinking my 7 glasses of milk everyday!" you give him a confused look as kuai gives him a side-eye. "pretty sure it's meant to be water, tomas. but i'm glad you're so lactose-affluent," you say playfully with a grin.
kuai takes you softly by the arm and introduces you to the other members. "everyone, this is (name). she used to train with us and it's lucky for us she wasn't officially trained as an initiate or she'd be better than all of us." his compliments cause you to blush and roll your eyes, as you give a humble bow.
"where is bi-han?" you ask, reluctantly. kuai's gaze becomes sterner and yet more cautious.  "he's with some students right now. though i uhh....am not sure how receptive he will be to your....visit." you smile. "don't worry for me, kuai. i can handle the boy i used to beat in our spars." "except he's not a boy now. he's grandmaster of the lin kuei." your eyes fall to the ground. of course he was. their father died just a few years ago and now bi-han had inherited one of arcticka's greatest creations. you look back up and tomas and kuai solemnly.
"sorry i could not attend your father's funeral. i only heard about it just recently and even if i knew about it earlier, i didn't know how you guys would feel about me popping up at his service unannounced."
"you're family, (name). you were then, you still are now. nothing's changed but the time passing," he says tenderly as he rests his hand on your shoulder. you give him a smile in return and nod your head.
"thanks for the sentiment, kuai. but....let's see if your big bro shares the same sentiment."  kuai and tomas share an unsettling look as they take a deep breath in. "you're welcome to try and get through to him. don't blame me if he throws an ice pick at your head."
you roll your eyes playfully. "i'm sure i'll be fine, just tell me where he is."
tomas points to the other side of the stronghold, pointing to the large training room decorated with gold and red lanterns. come to think of it, most of the stronghold was painted with evidence of the Chinese New Year's festivities. you hadn't realized that the new year had encircled so quickly. as you made your way to bi-han, you felt your heart flutter. there was no telling how he would react. what if he actually DID throw an ice pick at your head? the nerves bubbled up in your gut as the cold air outside did nothing further to ease your unrest. as you walked to the large room where bi-han was at, your eyes briskly caught a glance at the remnants of more festivities at the stronghold. you smiled softly to yourself.
at least bi-han cared enough about his initiates to host what looked like some vendors/merchants and games at the stronghold for all of them. this gesture was sweet, almost like a father providing for the children he's adopted. just like his own father, though you didn't dare to say this out loud. this thought process however, had managed to calm you down until you got to the very wide doors to the training room. you took a deep breath in before you quietly opened the doors, peering in to a room with many masked initiates sitting on the floor inside gazing up at bi-han as he fervently explained something.
you moved to the back of the room, carefully moving past the other member to get a good look at bi-han, leaning your shoulder against the wall. a few minutes passed as he wrapped up his lesson, finally catching your eye. for a ninja he wasn't much aware of your presence. but he also hadn't felt your presence in years, and you were aware of that. when his eyes met yours, he didn't look surprised like a person gazing upon a long-dead wraith but rather he looked stunned as to how you even got here. there was anger hidden behind his eyes, but at the same time....
"(name)?" it had been years but you still felt the same way when he called out your name. his voice had gotten deeper and he had changed into a grown man. your eyes explored his stature -- he was taller, his muscles were defined, and a different aura now defined him. he was no longer the softer boy you knew him to be, now he was grandmaster of earth's last defence; of course he was going to be a changed man now.
you smiled cheekily, not knowing how to react. truthfully, you didn't know how you got this far.
"hi, bi-han. i hope i didn't distract you when you were busy teaching," you speak coyly, not wanting the other initiates to overhear your WHOLE conversation. he looks down at you, almost like he's debating what to say next. you take a deep gulp and you scrape away at the skin underneath your nails, causing them to bleed. after what seems like a milennia of consideration, he furrows his brows and briskly walks past you.
you nod your head with a soft smile. you understand why he feels this way but to be honest, you're not sure whether you would've preferred this treatment or having an ice pick gone straight to your dome. the other initiates look on carefully, trying not to invoke their grandmaster's anger. before they can do anything else, they follow their grandmaster out the room.
"don't take it to heart. if you were anyone else, he probably would've frozen you solid. i'm surprised he actually went the mature route."
you turn around to see whose voice those sentences belonged to. your eyes fell upon a man wearing a yellow uniform, similar to kuai's uniform but the colours inversed. his hair is tied up almost in a ponytail and restrained by a yellow bandana across his forehead. he's a good-looking man, but an unfamiliar face.
"i'm sorry, i don't recognize you," you say as you furrow your eyebrows piecing together who this man could be.
"cyrax. i haven't seen you before here either. though kuai said that there may be a guest visiting today." he gives you a small smile and stretches out his hand so you can shake it. you give him a warm yet stern handshake. you take his hand and give him a small shake.
"i was hoping for a warmer reception from him honestly. though it was my fault for thinking he might've reacted the same way i might've towards him."
"eh, he's been cranky for the last few days. still, that makes him not snapping on you all the more interesting. are you familiar to him? personally?"
"oh, ha, no," you wave him away embarrassingly, "i used to train here with the brothers. i'm acquainted with them pretty well. just haven't seen them in years, so...."
"ahh. well, good luck with trying to get sub-zero to warm up to you. you're attempting to do the impossible." he replies with a cheeky grin, before bowing to you and leaving the room. you take a deep breath in, unsure of how you were going to get the grandmaster to liven up a little and talk to you. as the day continued, you found yourself wandering the old halls of the stronghold you used to train in. it was night-time now, and you admired the dark glow on all the new year festival decorations. they shone bright as the gold off of them reflected the moon's light. a little upset at not being able to have the reunion you wanted, you walked out to the terrace surrounding the courtyard, looking down at the dimly lit enclosure. no one was out practicing right now, causing you tp scoff to yourself. when you practiced here you went well into the late night and yet none of these new initiates hold the same respect and regard for hardwork as you did. your mind flashes back to your sparring practices with bi-han. when you both were younger, he could hardly touch you you were so fast. your hits were hard and fast, mirroring bi-han's form but you were just that much quicker. he hated admitting it, but you were just a better fighter -- though your elemental magic couldn't hold a light to his cryomancy.
before your mind wandered off to the unknown, you heard footsteps behind you making their way down the corridor. you turned to see bi-han in a dark blue/black hanfu with a few books in his arms. your breath caught in your throat as you gazed upon him. if he saw you, he was doing a great job at pretending he never did. this didn't matter to you, as you quickly hid behind one of the pillars in the terrace. he had his head down, bad idea. as he came closer to you, you waited for the perfect moment to strike before finally revealing yourself. bi-han didn't react at all and if he did, it was out of pure annoyance.
"no. you're not leaving until we speak."
"are we finished?" he says stoically, before attempting to go around you. "that was enough of us speaking."
flabbergasted, you back up quickly and block his path again.
"bi-han." you say, defeated and exhausted. you didn't come all this way to get dejected and leave without getting proper closure. if you had to move on from him, you wanted to at least clear things up with him before getting on with your life.
"did you not leave the last time? i am simply doing to you what you have done to m-us." he replies matter-of-factly.
"i'm here now aren't i? c'mon now, i know you've been dying to talk to me. i wanted to talk to you all this time!" you say coyly, throwing a playful punch at his meaty arm.
he looks a little upset, or at least his eyes and frown betray him if he was going for a stoic look.
"why now? why after all these years. you might as well return to wherever you came from," he replies lowly and yet it shows that he's hurt. your heart warms a little at the fact that you could've had this much of an impact on him. you nod your head slowly and look into the enclosure beneath you.
"i'm sorry bi-han. you know i had to leave soon. it wasn't going to be forever, even if i wanted for it to be so. and i knew......" you look down, a long distance into the ground, "if i told any of you guys i was leaving i probably wouldn't have ended up leaving." the look on bi-han's face relaxes a bit, but you can still see him holding the stress on his face. there's not much more that you can say. he was right in being upset -- if anyone else abandoned you the way that you did to him or his brothers you'd be livid. the two of you spent months with one another and yet neither of you had confessed your feelings. the tension was palpable and everyone else noticed it too, it was just confusing as to why neither of you acted on your desires. for you, it was the fear of rejection. perhaps it was the same for him as well?
you lean on the terrace on your side, gazing at bi-han. just being near him after all these years was enough of a blessing but something in you wanted more, though you would never publicly admit to this. you stop yourself at first, but then reach for his arm, carefully, almost to not startle him like he's a wild animal at bay for now but at risk of leaving at the first sign of danger. he doesn't retreat, moving his gaze from your face to your arm. you gently get a hold of his forearm, grazing your thumbs against them. he's cold, but retracts the cold from his skin so that it's back to normal temperature. you hold your gaze at his arm, almost too shy to look at his face.
"i think you've missed me all this time."
bi-han scoffs. "not in the slightest."
"then why are you so close to me?"
it's like the act is intuition. he notices how close the two of you are now and apparently his closeness has gone unnoticed because only a mere half foot now separates the two of you. he lets out a small chuckle out of annoyance and shakes his head.
"you still remain as aggravating as ever."
you put your hand on your hip.
"i apologize for upsetting the mighty grandmaster of the lin kuei." you say, coming a little closer and almost closing the already-tiny gap between the two of you.
"that can be rectified." he says, almost flirtatiously. you're a bit taken aback by his frisky comment. you thought he might've actually been offended by your comment but it seems that his playful nature has become unfamiliar to you after all these years. you place your hand gently on his cheek, caressing his cheekbones and acne scars.
"i've missed you, you know," you finally express your true feelings.
bi-han's eyes soften a little.
"i should've been here-with you....i know that i didn't exactly give you much closure bu-," before you can continue on with your tedious apology he fills the space between the two of you and kisses you with a voracious hunger you've never seen before. his nose pushes against yours and you lean into the kiss, slightly moaning. he tries to slide his tongue against you and it's almost as though the two of you are young kids again, sparring. you defend your mouth, refusing to let his tongue inside but he grabs ahold of your other arm, surprising you. taking advantage of your shock, he slips his tongue inside triggering another gentle moan from you. the two of you wrestle with your tongues, exploring the smallest crevices of one another's mouths. years of tension and pressure are finally alleviated with this kiss. you lean in for more, like a child fiending for sugar, but he pulls away to gaze in your eyes.
you take a deep breath -- that workout took a lot of your wind away from you. however, your lips still draw near his, lowkey aching for more.
"i've wanted to do that for so long..." he says, pushing his forehead against yours. "are you planning on leaving again?"
you smile brightly. so the cold-hearted grandmaster did hold a soft spot for you.
"that depends. do you want me to stay?"
he removes his hands from your wrist and brings them up to your face, reciprocating your earlier caresses.
"as long as you don't leave again."
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kedreeva · 8 months
as someone who is ace and entering college years, how has your dating life been as an ace? what other struggles have there been that you have advice for? i dont know any aces or similar around me older or otherwise. thank you for your time and i hope you have an easy day!
Okay this will get a little long so I'll put it behind a cut
Honestly I'm probably not the best person to ask, since I never really...struggled? Not specifically with asexuality or with anything related to it. I can tell you my experiences, though, and you can decide if there's anything worthwhile to take away from it!
I grew up in a house run by science and math. I knew the prefix a- meant without/not and I knew there was heterosexual and bisexual and homosexual, so when young and, importantly, before really ever interacting with other queer folk, I went Ah ha, these are (prefix)(sexual) and so therefore I am asexual (without sexuality), and that was that. That was literally all the thought I gave to it. People had crushes on other people, I didn't have crushes on people, end of story. If, for some reason, I developed a crush on someone, I would deal with it then.
Maybeeeee midway through HS, a very good friend of mine asked me about it, and I said well, some people like everyone the same, and I dislike everyone the same. And she said well, then it sounds like you like everyone the same, that amount is just zero, so that seems like bisexual? (she didn't know the term asexual was an actual sexuality term either at that point, just the biological term for reproduction and, well, I could reproduce theoretically so couldn't be that) And I said well, alright then, and called myself bisexual for the next 6 or 7 years. THEN I found out asexuality is a sexuality not just a mode of reproduction and I said Ah Ha, I was Correct, and that was that again.
So I guess if I was offering advice it would be... you know you. Don't let someone else tell you about you if you think they're wrong. Make up a word if there isn't one. Use a new word if you find one that already exists and fits.
Also, that it's fine to not worry about it. Literally it's fine to just never think about it if you have better things to do. I think a lot of people get really wrapped up in finding the right label and/or "what happens if-" when like... you're not a canned good. You don't need a label. Worry about what-ifs when they come up, don't borrow anxiety if you can help it.
I dated a few people in HS, like... three people I think, and one Almost. One predatory mistake I thankfully recognized (HEY because I had older folks online I could talk to about it!) and got out of quickly, and one hot mess relationship that was a LOT of fun- my boyfriend, Sark, and then his ex-girlfriend, and then I stepped out so they could get back together, and then they said wait no, and invited me back in, and that went on for most of the end of HS, and nearly into college, when I stepped out again (and peacefully, I am still friends with both of them and I married Sark in the end). There was one guy whom I was always, perpetually, extremely fond of, and we hung out a lot, kissed once, and I think we would have had a lot of fun dating, but ultimately it was a near miss that became a fond memory, because we were never in the right place together. Sometimes life does that, and that's okay, too.
In college, I simply didn't date anyone. I had better things to do. I met my best friend, @idkfandomwhatever, online that year (and still talk to her almost daily, sometimes for hours, despite that we are on opposite sides of the world!!), and in person @mishapeep who was the best roomie I ever had (hi!!!!! i love you!!!). I had great friends, I went on a TON of adventures, worked a cool job where I had awesome coworkers, and just all around had a blast learning stuff and napping in sunbeams or on couches at the food court. A couple of guys made passes, and I turned them down because I just wasn't into it, and we remained friends. There was one coworker at my dispatch job that I got along with like a house on fire, and everyone ELSE thought we should be dating, but neither of us ever brought it up- I can't say why he didn't for sure, but I know I never brought it up because I was 85% sure he didn't swing for the right team to date me, which I ALSO never brought up until he found me on facebook years later to tell me about his husband running for local election somewhere. so. again, don't let anyone else tell you what to do lol there was ALSO another guy that I had NO interest in that spent a lot of time around me, but we mostly sat in my bunk watching Queer as Folk, which I KNOW was his first exposure to queer material. I never talked about queer stuff with him otherwise, but I heard from a mutual friend of ours that he's also happily married to his husband. Sometimes just being yourself, openly and without shame about it, does more than you think, even if it's not doing anything directly for you (but it is, it's good for you too).
SINCE college ended, I dated one guy I met through an online game and that was great in person briefly, but ultimately didn't work out because he couldn't be a nice person, another guy I met through the same online game and that didn't work out at ALL in person, and then I started hanging out with Sark and co again. I was on the phone with him driving somewhere, and I said something to the effect of someday you're gonna find a gf and she's not gonna want you to keep going on adventures with your ex, and we won't be able to talk anymore and I had a real recordscratch moment where I realized absolutely NOT on MY watch, I wanted that boy in my life forever actually, and we've been married now for... this is year 8.
I may have landed in a soft place, but I didn't seek it out. I just lived my life and didn't worry about my sexuality or about who I was or wasn't gonna date. When I DID date, I was up front about what I wanted from any of those relationships and part of the problem with the relationships that didn't work out was sometimes that I did not KNOW what I wanted, yet. But, it was IMPORTANT I think, that I gave the chances I did, because I did learn about myself and what I wanted. That's probably the hardest fucking thing to learn, that relationships sometimes happen not because they're likely to be permanent, but because it may be fun or be a way to learn what you do or don't want. Maybe alongside of that, the lesson that it's okay to go "hm, actually this is Not For Me" and exit peacefully whenever possible. But it's okay to give temporary things a shot and see how it goes, even knowing up front it may be temporary (honestly maybe that even takes some of the stress of it off? if you don't have to worry about it being forever, and you don't have to worry about "what if I never experience other things," and you don't worry so much about messing it up so it feels easier to take chances saying and doing stuff you might otherwise consider too risky to ask for etc).
I'm aware I'm lucky that things went pretty smoothly for my entire life so far, insofar as dating or sexuality is concerned. Part of that was definitely because even the worst of the people I dated weren't really all that bad of people. A lot of it was that I just didn't date if I didn't want to. I didn't care about sex, so I didn't have sex for the first time until a few years after college, and only one guy ever pushed the issue at all (the guy in HS I immediately dropped all contact with).
The thing is... I dated or nearly dated like ten people, flirted with countless others (because it's FUN), and the only one I still have regular contact with (not just occasional friendly hellos) is the one I kept at the end.
But the friends I made in college? I kept a lot of those. I still talk to several of my college friends on a regular basis. I have made other friends since, some of whom I talk to every day, some of whom have become irregular contacts I am still fond of. But those bonds are important and the ones you make with your friends from here out do have the potential to span at least huge chunks of your life, if not the entirety of it. If you only take away one thing from this little novel...take that knowledge.
also this has nothing to do with asexuality but for pete's sake find SOME kind of hobby club to be a part of, or make one if there isn't one, follow your stupidest instincts for adventure on occasion (like playing freeze tag frisbee in a lightning storm on the PAC lawn at 11pm until the campus cops show up to make you go home), and take at least one "fuck it this sounds fun" class. Mine was archery at 7am, the only early-morning class I ever took. Worth it, we were all TERRIBLE but god it was awesome.
Good luck out there!
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tbgkaru-woh · 8 months
hi! i was just wondering what it is specifically that you dislike about wangxian? i'm kind of intrigued, because while i get how someone could find them boring, i've never really considered anything about their dynamic (and as you mentioned in response to a previous anon, their confession scene) particularly off putting. no pressure to answer this, and this is in no way hate towards you i'm just genuinely curious <3 (i love your art by the way it's gorgeous)
Thank you for the compliment! ♥ This is gonna get ranty so I will hide it below read more as not everyone has to deal with reading this, so proceed with caution :'D
Wangxian is the weakest WWX dynamic. On god, even if I'm not fond of Yanli, they have very loving relationship where they are protective of each other and gentle with each other in a harsh world. I don't ship WWX/JC but their story and complicated love of someone you grow up with and care for deeply but clash constantly with is more interesting than anything wangxian ever had. Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian clicked together so naturally, they are chaotic and are similiarly not too interested in being up to rules. Jin Zixuan and WWX had a potential of going from enemies to partners in crime, to become family and have each other's backs but JZX was cut short and WWX never really cared afterwards either. WWX with the wens took time to build up but his YLLZ farmer era was one of the best WWX's in the story. Damn, even Lan Xichen who's always amused with WWX's temperament and secretly has a drink with wwx and is altogether looser with the rules while still being lawful matches with him way more than LWJ where there's... nothing. They were smashed together for convenience and we were suppossed to just go with it cause they are the two main characters. LWJ feels like he was just made so WWX has a "hot stoic top" to fuck him and the rest of the characters are actually build with the story and therefore feel more natural
Wangxian don't feel like they are in love, not in the way the fans make them out to be into some romantic picture perfect angsty deserved lovestory. LWJ's personal space is constantly disrespected, he's punished constantly for WWX's mistakes, he constantly needs to be the one to adjust to how WWX is instead of the other way around and after all that, LWJ doesn't really /know/ WWX so his attraction feels very idealized. WWX is the bad boy that goes against the rules and LWJ wishes he could be that (or with that) but it's almost a childish infatuation from their Gusu days that never evolved into something more mature. And WWX? I can't see how he'd like LWJ as anything more than in a physical sense. Even their obnoxious "Back then I wanted to sleep with you" confession scene is purely physical. He doesn't really know LWJ or respects him, LWJ is just a familiar face in a world that is against WWX and he's a hot body that likes him. LWJ is an easy score in a way, he's a safe option. And it'd be SO interesting if they went into that, but instead it's played like the only true love (dont forget, they are meant to be as the ONLY gay pairing in MDZS which I find insane when everyone else has more chemistry and in the end gets shat on so wangxian can fuck in a bush. I mean, LWJ leaves LXC to be depressed and alone after everything LXC stands for and did? Fucking ridiculous.)
It tries to "subvert" tropes but ends up being more stereotypical than anything. WWX was almost meant as this jock-y rebellious hotshot but instead we got a quirky twink, early 2000s shonen protagonist and every yaoi's Uke I've been seeing since like 2008. Are they suppossed to be different because the "stoic white-coded" one is not the bottom? Is the bar this low? If anything, this ornament top is the most usual top, let's be real, LWJ barely has personality or growth or focus, he's there to fuck WWX.
This is a petty reason but MXTX's "wangxian is the only gay couple" everyone else being implied straight as if to highlight just how real their love is that they are gay in time period where it's frowned upon, even though Yi City and 3zun combinations had more chemistry than anyone is. Annoying. And so is the "Don't ship them with anyone else and don't switch their dynamics" that fuels some of the most obnoxious people in the fandom to go after fanwork creators that do/like things differently.
All in all Wangxian is THE face of danmei, they are the most known even outside of danmei circles and they are extremely mediocry written for that. I mean, fuck, you put straight couple in their place and I guarantee no one would like it, it has the depth of a high school hormone-riddled couple who have different classes and "only" get to see each other during breaks and make out during lunch with others at the table, idk it's so fucking annoying to me when I know there were better options, when WWX had so many interesting dynamics that got shat on in favor of bland ass ship and I'm tired of having to like it/tolerate it just because it's gay.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, this was extremely healing 🤣
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awritessomething · 7 months
more brock purdy 🙏🙏
𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 | brock purdy x fem!reader
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | Brock lost a game. His girlfriend shows her disappointment and punishes him for it
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | smut, pre-established relationship, use of Y/N, edging, orgasm denial, crying, sub!brock, mean!dom!reader, ruined orgasm, swearing, short
I'm using this as a freebie. I'm still mad about the Super Bowl
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Another point to the opposing team within the last few moments of the game. They had lost horribly. Brock and the rest of the 49ers left the field shortly after the loud alarms and the cheers and screams of the opposing team and their fans started. Brock had his head hung low and he was searching for his girlfriend immediately.
Brock really did not want to bother with any of those post-game interviews or the pictures or really anything. When he had to go and actually deal with them, he made sure to keep his answers short and bland so that the people would stop talking to him. It worked. He was able to go home shortly afterwards.
Brocks girlfriend had already made her way home to go and wait for him since she knew that he was likely not in the mood to talk to her immediately. He would take some alone time after the game, which would be the car ride home. When he walked into the house, of course Y/N immediately went to his side and hugged him. Even though later that night she planned on being absolutely mean to him, she knew he just wanted a bit of comfort for now.
Brock dropped his head into the crook of her neck and just hugged her. Y/N ran her hands up and down his back to calm him down. He relaxed under her comforting touch and sighed deeply.
"I dont know what happened today," Brock whispered to her. Y/N frowned and then pulled away from him.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, you played great tonight."
"I still lost."
"Brock, stop it." She touched his cheek softly. He subconsciously leaned into her touch. For the next little while, they just kind of sat together and talked. Y/N brought him a snack and a drink so that he had some extra energy, but he just wanted to be with her. '
Later that night, they went to bed. Usually after a game, they would have celebratory sex if the 49ers won. If they lost, usually it would either be just soft sad sex or angry sex. For tonight, it was angry. Brock was laying on the bed, looking up at his girlfriend with glossy eyes. He could not even think anymore. They had spent the past fifteen minutes just making out. Y/N had kissed his neck and jaw to the point where there was no way he would be able to cover up the hickeys. His lips were swollen up from their kissing. He looked flawless.
Y/N had tugged off his pants and his breath hitched. His boxers went off as well, yet she was still fully clothed. Brock reached over for her so that he could unclothe her as well, but she smacked his hand away.
"You don't get to see anything tonight. It's your punishment for losing." Y/N put her hand on his lower stomach, her index finger moving along his happy trail, making some of the short hairs move out of their usual spots.
Brock groaned in frustration from her denial. He kept his hands to himself though and just stuck to watching her hands on his body. That was enough for him for now. Her fingers wrapped around his cock unexpectedly. Usually she would tease him a little bit more, but apparently not tonight. His hips bucked up into her hand. Her other hand moved to push down his hips and pin them to the bed. He let out a whine groan that just showed how badly he needed her.
She stroked him slowly, too slow for him. His chest was heaving, his abs were rolling. He wanted to be able to at least just fuck up into her hand, but she was making it impossible. Eventually her pace sped up a bit and he let out a sigh of relief. She wasn't too fond of that and that was when she knew what she would spend the next few hours doing.
The second Brock was even beginning to near his orgasm, her pace doubled in speed. His eyes widened and he choked out a moan.
"Wait- Y/N- I'm gonna cum-" Brock gasped out his words between moans and grunts. She knew though. The moment she felt his cock twitch in her hands, she pulled away. "No! Fuck you-" He nearly wailed as his orgasm was ripped away. His head fell aside and he held back tears. Y/N smiled.
"You didn't win the game. Why should you get to cum?" She touched his jaw and he looked up at her with watery eyes. She almost gave in. Almost.
Her fingers wrapped around him again and continued to stroke him. As last time, she brought him right up to his orgasm, but then she pulled away. He groaned out in frustration and screwed his eyes shut.
Hours went on like that. His cock was rock hard and just leaking pre cum uncontrollably. He had stopped holding back the tears long before and had let them fall. He didn't have a choice anyways. His mind had been turned to mush.
Eventually, Y/N started to feel bad. She started feeling bad when all she had to do was touch the side of his cock which usually wasn't even super sensitive and he started sobbing. She sighed.
"You can cum this time, baby." Y/N whispered and Brocks eyes snapped open, looking up at her as if he had just won the lottery. She smiled at his reaction and then started stroking him again. Brocks head fell back and he bucked his hips up into her hand.
She stuck to her promise. She let him cum. Not properly though. As the first spurt of cum left his tip, she pulled her hand away. His hips bucked up pathetically into the air and he choked on his moan. Y/N held onto the back of his head and made him look down at his cock. She made him watch as it twitched sadly and weak strings of cum left his tip, coating his thighs and abdomen.
It took a few minutes for him to calm back down. His cock softened and then Y/N laid down beside him, arms wrapped around him. Brocks heart was beating faster than usual still.
"You're a very mean woman." Brock muttered against her hair. She shrugged.
"I know."
"I'll get you back one day. You know that, right?" Brock promised more to himself. Y/N scoffed at the confidence in his voice.
"Oh, of course, baby." She said sarcastically. Brock grumbled something under his breath and then closed his eyes, holding his girlfriend as close as humanly possible before he let himself fall asleep. Y/N was up a while longer, just thinking. Would he really stick to that?
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zuffer-weird-girl · 1 year
I'm just gonna dump this here to another watermelon hater
Pretty self indulgent
Context? You're pregnant with your first child and your husband fulfills a promise from your dating days.
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You couldn't believe the betrayal.
After 6 years together. After spending countless nights bare in front of each other, telling deepest secrets, sharing fond memories. You couldn't believe it as your twitched at the sign of your husband arriving home.
How could he?
"Hey baby!" He smiled like he was fucking innocent "I'm back!" He shaked a bit the bags he had on his hands.
Fucking asshole.
"Yeah I can see that." You growled while crossing your arms keep your chest as he blinked in false innocense.
"What's wrong baby bird?" He asked but he had that damn smile on.
"THAT IS WHAT IS WRONG YOU JERK!" You shouted while pointing at the cursed bags he was holding.
And him? He laughed. He laughed so hard he had to put them down so nothing break as he almost kneeled over in laughter.
To put some context, Keigo had to go to another country due to his hero job as you staid in Japan, and in there, he saw many fruits at a very acceptable price since Japan was famous for the fruits to be very expensive.
But as soon as his eyes found the dammed fruit he couldn't help but start to chuckle without any control. Both Endeavor and the citizens of the market were staring weird at him for it as he started to take pictures of the watermelon and immediately bought two of it on his last day at the country.
On his way back he had sended you the cursed photos and you had threatened him that you would get him out of the house if he even dared to bring these home.
But of course he did.
"KEIGO TAKAMI HOW COULD YOU?!" You shouted as your husband wheezed.
"I-im sorry! Is just that I had promised when I got you pregnant I would buy these!" He said between laughter.
If looks could kill, Hawks would be twenty feet buried in the ground by now.
You hated watermelon. You hated this fruit ever since you were a child. You didn't actually know where it came this, but everytime you inhaled the smell of the fruit you got nauseous.
Keigo discovered this on your first year of dating you and he had teased you with
"When I get you pregnant I am going to buy at least two watermelons, I like those! Maybe you could get a craving!"
"If you do that our baby is going tk be fatherless." You hissed at the time and he jokingly flinched while calling you mean.
But after five years he had done his promise. And you were about to fulfill your threat as you ran after him as he laughed.
"Wait wait wait dove think of the baby! THINK OF THE BABY-!"
"The baby can live without his dad!"
At night Keigo yawned and frowned when he didn't felt your swollen belly beneath his hand or even you on the damn bed...
He blinked his eyes open and let out a confused sound when he saw the lights on and he got on guard pretty quickly, slowly and steadily leaving your shared room to see the intruder.
Only to stare at the scene in front of him in shock and almost having another laughing attack.
You were eating the watermelon with some heavy cream on top.
"Not a freacking word bird brain." You growled as he busted in laughter.
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