#I'm due for a reread tbh
necromancatrix · 1 year
im not sure if you’re still part of the johannes cabal fandom but i was hoping you could provide a few details for me. ive been interested in reading the books for a while now; however im not the biggest fan of too much romance in the books i read. i’ve seen some ppl shipping cabal with a character named leonie barrow and i was wondering if anything happens or is implied/suggested between the two? ive heard that she’s supposed to be like his dead lover (berenice) so i was just curious. like, is it a canon ship or is it more open to interpretation. does anything happen with berenice? i also really don’t mind spoilers btw
Hey, it's been a while but I do still enjoy the series! Also: honestly, there's not a significant Cabal/Leonie romance, at least by my read. She looks like Berenice and... other people saw chemistry in Detective (book 2) but I personally didn't. She's not a main character in every book and, at this point, they definitely haven't ended up together. They do have a... kind of weird kiss in book 5, which to me personally came a bit out of nowhere, but either way they don't end the book as a couple. Absolutely nothing happens with Berenice because she spends the whole series dead (I'd like to see... any of what their relationship looked like/see her get some agency, but that's a different conversation.) Also, while it's not romance I feel like I should maybe mention it: the character named Zarenyia who appears in A Long Spoon and book 5 is a succubus and while there's nothing incredibly graphic there is... a lot of her feeding and it kind of being played off as a joke when she, y'know, murders lots of people via sex. I find her endearing but ymmv for whether that's content you want to engage with. I hope you enjoy the series if you do read it!
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helianskies · 1 month
holy shit i just finished the first draft of my translation for my dissertation that took SO LONG but it was also SO FUN. and i know that when i have to read through, proofread and edit that beast, i am in fact going to be in tears pulling my hair out over it LMAOOOO
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idontknowiknow · 1 year
I think something else I might have preferred is if god in hdm was still god as expected. Having him be some angel on a throne of lies kind of muddies the waters imo on why killing him is a good thing to do? Like asriel was clearly anti god as the creator and still wanted to kill him before it turned out god wasn't actually the creator. I guess it's something about orthodoxy and religious powers just setting themselves up as the source of goodness and truth and everything without ever actually being that for real, but it makes me wonder what would have happened if they WERE that for real and God genuinely made everything but was still saying consciousness is something to be controlled and feared and asriel still wanted to kill him about it. What if the world had an inherent moral schema baked in but you still disagreed and wanted revolution. I just want it all, basically!!
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infamous-if · 4 months
Ngl, Seven's special was very disappointing :( I just want MC to be loved and cherished without their ROs making them so insecure. Even G and Vic made MC feel important and loved, like they belonged together. And in Seven's it felt like MC didn't fit into their live anymore.
I guess my answer is spoilery so ///
I respect your perspective but I don't think I agree tbh I think Seven making the effort not to be the same overwhelming, intense person they were for their relationship's sake is trying to fit them in their life. Seven could easily revert back to their old ways and become even worse since they lost MC once, I can't imagine Seven being a healthy person to be with due to their intensity. Present Seven trying to be like their old self would probably be far too codependent and extreme out of their fear of losing MC.
The other ROs are making sure MC feels loved and important but they're not fundamentally changing themselves for MC. Seven is going against their nature and their personality to make sure they're a healthier version of themself for MC. And I'm not trying to be like kissing Seven's ass but it's hard to compare ROs who have never had a past relationship with MC to an RO who had one, fell out, and hated them for three years. It's just not as easy and it doesn't feel realistic to me to make it easy. I could've written a short full of fluff and I tried but it felt disingenuous and wasn't what I wanted to do lolol
It's also a non-canon short story that is written with an insecure MC. The point you're supposed to focus on is the message of the story as a hint for the route but everything else is written because it made it easier to convey that message. So MC being insecure isn't a canon thing, it's a Amy-felt-like-writing-mc-that-way thing lol
If you're worried, just reread the last line! You'll get what you're hoping for I promise lolol
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
May we get some general dating headcanons with Ticci Toby Masky and Hoodie please :)?
Dating the proxies
I'm more than sure that I've written these hcs for masky and hoodie before like way back when this blog was first made but ykw imma make new ones.. or not, idk I'm not rereading my old posts LMAO
Characters: Masky, Hoodie, and Toby
Notes: reader is GN
CWs: None
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Semi verbal- he talks every now and then but like hoodie hes more of a listener than anything
Hovers around you when hes home, let's you ramble about what you've been up to because theres no way in hell hes going to tell you what hes done- at least overtime he learns to give you a headsup before he vanishes
It's almost like having a cat tbh...
Very defensive about the mask, he'll pull it up when hes ready..
Actually wait he really is like a cat because it's best to let him seek out touch and affection- he does lean into it if you show signs, though..
Acts of service and quality time, he may be absent for a few days at a time every now and then but he does try to make up for it
Jealous, but not as much as toby- VERY possessive though.. it's almost like a 6th sense when you're in danger or when someone tries to make moves on you.. he almost just.. spawns/hj
Gentle and sweet with you, but very firm when setting boundaries and honors them
More of a listener than a talker, however he does engage in conversations via sign
Speaking of, he's more than willing to teach you so you can better communicate with him instead of having to rely off of writing
Loooves stealing a kiss from you before he has to head out to do something, you usually only ever see the lower half of his face though
Compared to masky hes more likely to take the mask off, though
Very warm! Great for snuggling up to him when its colder out!
Very physically affectionate, loves holding you.. will linger or graze his hands on you as he passes by.. also acts of service- that's another thing he does to show his love!
The least jealous out of the three
You're definitely his first partner. The nature of his work doesnt exactly leave him much room to interact with many people, and before that he didnt have that large of a social circle
I bring this up to stress that he is very new to this, this is a learning experience for him and.. actually all things considered hes not doing that bad!
He can be a bit of an asshole every now and then, but ultimately hes so hyper focused to make sure you feel comfortable and happy around him, subconsciously he doesnt want you to feel like how he did when he was surrounded by the people in his old life
Very clingy, but he does his best to try to mind your personal space and boundaries, as well as this he tends to be jealous- overtime you do get him to talk about it rather than react or isolate
Hes soft for you, absolutely spoils you and anything ever happened to you he would scorch the earth if it meant making it right
Let's you borrow his jackets, sometimes to his detriment due to not being able to appropriately gauge how cold it is out- though hes naturally a physically cold person in general..
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sadly-never-after · 2 months
I reread Kitty's diary because of a fic I am writing and I'm sick.
No but seriously as a first gen immigrant Lizzie is so dear to me and her relationship with Daring (& Duchess) is so fucking heartbreaking and I've been there, I've been there, I've LITERALLY been there.
(A guy who I reluctantly befriended and started trusting started dating my roommate three days after he and I stayed up till 03am in the morning having an extremely intimate conversation in which he ended up embracing me in an overly romantic manner. After that he ignored me for the rest of our remaining time together. Also I think he stole my necklace)
This is a silly doll line for children but Lizzie feels so weirdly realistically written when it comes to her experiences as a child-teenage immigrant-refugee. Her culture is alien and strange to others, she can't go home again, she comes off as hostile and mean-spirited purely because of linguistic differences.
And then Daring...
Iirc her official description on Storybook romance she explicitly states that she only wants to start dating when she is back in Wonderland. She knows how difficult a romance with an Ever Afterling would be. She knows that feeling of wanting to have someone from your own home, not due to bigotry but because there's a part of her that will never be understood by an Ever Afterling. And then she lets her guard down. Here he comes, Best Ever After Boy, guess I could try to be your Best Ever After Girl. He is acceptance of her host culture personified. He is the proof that she could thrive Ever After too. To top it off he laughs at her oddities with little mockery. Kitty comments on how she changes herself because of him. On how she almost starts hiding a part of her identity and heritage as a way of adapting and becoming (in her eyes) more suitable to Daring Charming.
And it's not enough.
I know a lot of people are really pissed at EAH for what they did to Dizzie and I get that but I kind of love that development for how heart wrenching it is. It is painful, and not even only for the Lizzie shippers but also for Duchess & Lizzie whose friendship was already unstable because of the events of NTP.
And the fact that none of the episodes or diaries in the future address this makes it even better/worse (depending on your liking of angst) because there's this apparent lack of remorse from Daring who doesn't seem to ever think back on their story. Tbh I think one way the writers could have gotten to develop a better darabella would have been to have her help him in some manner to acknowledge the pain he caused on Lizzie.
You are a teenage refugee. Your family and home is inaccessible. Your only friends are those who escaped with you. They are the remnant of your home. They are the only ones who understand. They are the only ones you trust. You deprive yourself of other connections because you've experienced the pain of rejection, you refuse to change but are forced to adapt. You begin to trust and perhaps to even love. And the two people you loved defrost your heart and proceed to shatter it.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
Thank you so much for your posts defending Sirius. 🙏🙏🙏 It's so refreshing to read! I'm always a bit taken aback when people say that Sirius' projects James onto Harry tbh - or even that Harry was looking for James in Sirius. I mean, he was the connection, but that's it. They were always so clearly precious to each other (at least to me lol). Honestly, it reads to me like Harry has the least in common with James, on a deeper level. Like, sure, the surface stuff is there but their childhoods, lives and values were so fundamentally different. It's rather sad.
You're welcome and thank you for the kind words! 😊
Yeah, I love Sirius and Harry as individuals and their dynamics with each other. Like, I made it no secret that Harry's my number 1 favorite precious son, but Sirius is a close 2nd most favorite of mine. I just love Sirius a lot, especially in my more recent rereads.
Sirius isn't the image of perfect mental health (how could he be after 12 years in hell?), but he is clever and sensible and much more mature than I'd expect him to be. He so clearly has Harry as his first (and really, only) priority.
Sirius and Harry don't neatly fit into a father-son dynamic, and it's a result of both of their lives up to this point. Harry never had a parent or adult he could look up to as a parent. He was abused all his childhood, and he learned not to trust adults, and yet he trusts Sirius with everything, and he does so easily. But Harry isn't exactly looking for a father, he thinks he is, but he is too independent for that, too uncomfortable with authority of any kind. I think he trusts Sirius as much as he does because their dynamic isn't a neat parent-child one.
And Sirius was sent to Azkaban when he was 21! (younger than I am, which is insane to me) Like a 21-year-old isn't that different from an 18 or 19-year-old in behavior and development, and sure, the war matured him, I'm sure it did. But the kind of maturity war brings is not the same as being allowed to age and grow up. This means Sirius, in his head, is younger. Yes, he is an adult and he can and does act like one, but it is easier for him to connect to Harry and his friends as equals than to the older members of the Order. Like, we see him having fun talking to the younger members more than the older ones (except Remus who's an exception due to their shared past), as Azkaban did stagnate Sirius' development. He was probably quite mature even before Azkaban in ways, war does it to people, being an eldest child with a younger sibling can do it. Even before Azkaban, he was willing to lay down his life for James, Lily, and Harry with no hesitation. But he still has that early 20s behavior to him, especially in OotP when Grimmauld Place brings back all his worst and best memories while being locked there:
“Speaking of dogs,” said Snape softly, “did you know that Lucius Malfoy recognized you last time you risked a little jaunt outside? Clever idea, Black, getting yourself seen on a safe station platform . . . gave you a cast-iron excuse not to leave your hidey-hole in the future, didn’t it?” Sirius raised his wand. “NO!” Harry yelled, vaulting over the table and trying to get in between them, “Sirius, don’t —” “Are you calling me a coward?” roared Sirius, trying to push Harry out of the way, but Harry would not budge. “Why, yes, I suppose I am,” said Snape. “Harry — get — out — of — it!” snarled Sirius, pushing him out of the way with his free hand.
(OotP, 520-521)
Harry, the 15-year-old, needs to be the adult for two 36-year-olds in the above scene. It shows their dynamic isn't a neat one, it's messy and it's between two traumatized individuals who are both trying to protect each other because they are the only thing close to a family that either of them has. They both know what it is to be completely on your own, and they try to be there for each other in their own way.
Honestly, their dynamic kinda reminds me of the one I have with my mother, tbh (if less intense and with way less trauma, lol). Like, yeah, she's my mother, and she would make huge sacrifices for me, but we talk more like we're best friends and not like a mother-daughter. We go shopping together, we gossip and talk shit together like friends do (like, I'm an adult now, so it makes sense, but it was like that when I was 14-15 too). So, like, I know how a dynamic of a parent-child where the child is really mature and independent so they're sorta treated like a friend can be. And it's a lot of fun, I mean, I love my mom and we're still really close friends (although this style of parenting isn't necessarily good for everyone).
And Harry is that. An incredibly mature and independent child who doesn't actually know how to have a parent. And Sirius is not trying to be his father, he isn't trying to be James, which results in their something between a parent-child to close friends dynamic we see. But even with this, Sirius doesn't really see Harry as James, nor does he treat him as James. He sees their similarities, that do exist, but he sees Harry as Harry. Harry who is younger than he is, who he is responsible for, and who he needs to teach and protect. With James, I think it was the opposite. James was kinda the unofficial-official leader of the Mauraders, Sirius usually followed him around (so did Pettigrew and Remus) so their entire dynamic was different. As peers, yes, but, peers where Sirius would defer to James in a way he doesn't with Harry. With Harry, he listens carefully without the friendly shit-talk I'd expect him and James to have and is willing to give out advice that James likely wouldn't have asked for. He'd move heaven and earth for both of them because that's how Sirius is like when he cares about someone.
In my headcanon, how Sirius treats Harry is closer to how he treated Regulus than how he treated James. He is half in denial about it, but this half-parental half-friendly dynamic is probably close to what he had with Regulus. Like, older siblings tend to be the more responsible ones, but it's exaggerated when the parents are absent, neglectful, or generally not overly involved, even when the age difference isn't a large one. I think when they were younger, Sirius, as the heir, got more attention from his parents than Regulus who was a bit overlooked as a child. I honestly think that as children, Walburga and Orion raised Sirius and Sirius raised Regulus (in a way. And in a joint guardianship with Kreature). Baby Regulus looked up to baby Sirius and followed him around constantly and it hurt Regulus so much when Sirius left. I'm sure when they were younger, Regulus would come to Sirius with his issues and Sirius would sit and listen and try to give his advice the way we see him do with Harry.
As for Harry and James being very different on a deep level, yeah, that's definitely the case. Like, they have some surface similarities, besides their looks, but at their cores, they are very different people. I think James' priorities near his death were closer to Harry's, but they had such drastically different experiences growing up and just existing. I think Harry's anger is James' though. I mean, we see Lily when angry, she doesn't curse anyone, or get volatile, instead, she removes herself from the situation (or gets sad in some instances, like with Petunia). Lily is cold when angry. James, on the other hand, is more volatile, we see him curse in anger, cursing Snape after he calls Lily a mudblood. I think this is something Harry shares with James, his volatile temper. But his values, his priorities, his compassion, and his self-sacrificing tendencies are much more Lily than James.
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merakiui · 18 days
Oh so real!! Aaa I would love to learn more about RSA. It's been, like, what? 4 and a half years now? They've gotta give us something eventually!! (coping) I do think in general we should get more fun traveling events. I know we're getting those obviously with the hometown events, but I'd love to learn some more about the world that isn't the few countries surrounding Sage's Island? Like we still have no idea where Sam's hometown (Port O' Bliss) is! Though considering what Sam's twisted from maybe they could be saving it for something like halloween??? They probably won't tbh but it WOULD be really cool.
I want to update and say I unfortunately did Not pull b7 eel cards (Jade got me to about 87 before the banners ended, no chance to pull on Floyd 💔 so greedy) so I'm handing in my Jade lovers card and twirling his poor twin around. Floyd wouldn't do me and my savings like Jade did. Trust. This does remind me actually to reread some of your Floyd fics ,, it HAS been awhile I fear
It is a really cool feature!! And AAAA I LOVE BARB !! We share,, many fictional men. Right down to my poor poor childhood crush on Kyoya. Reiji though has plagued my brain for YEARS I would love to see what all you think of him if you ever do read a full translation!! There's been fan-made english patches made actually for the first two Dialovers games on the vita if you have a pc and patience with the silly silly world of emulators. It's how I did his Haunted Dark Bridal route :-) and goodness what a trip that game is!! Ohh Reiji and Laito the interesting little critters you are,,,,
Vampires though in general,, auughfhh,, I think about vampire fish a good bit honestly. I can't remember rn if I've stumbled across any works like that but maybe I should check ao3 after this,,, for science. of course. Also don't worry about answering these quickly or anything. You could respond to this in a month and I'd still have the same joy reading your response as I would if you'd responded immediately. So always take your time.
(Also I wasn't sure how to throw this into my ask, but have you ever shared your twst friend codes here? If not, would you be open to doing so? If you aren't it's totally chill!! But I'd been wondering for awhile :]! )
- :3 anon
Begging twst for an RSA event!! OTL I want to see the inside of RSA and see more characters from there,, more Neige and Che'nya!!! Omg and it would be so fun to learn more about places beyond Sage's Island and the other areas nearby. I would love more Sam crumbs, especially hometown crumbs!! Thinking about a Princess and the Frog inspired Halloween event,,,, AAAAA THAT WOULD BE SO AMAZING!!! OTL OTL hoping with all of my heart for something.....
No eels... (◞‸◟;) I am sorry you couldn't bring either of them home. Those rotten eels!!! ( 。 •`ᴖ´• 。) how can they be so troublesome and slippery!!! Friendship ended with Jade. Floyb is the new bestie and he would never treat you or your savings in such a disrespectful manner! Certainly not in the way Jade did. I hope he will comfort you more than Jade ever could. <3
We are on the same wavelength, :3 anon!!! Immaculate taste as always for us hehehe!! We are passing the fictional men around and letting them spin in our brains like conveyor belt sushi! I definitely want to learn more about Reiji because he was one of the brothers I sort of,,,, ignored due to my lack of interest. ^^;;; but now I am very intrigued. What do you MEAN he creates drugs and potions and other nefarious things!!!! I fear I am not immune to a cordial smile and the drugs slipped into my tea (winking and nudging Reiji). How terrible it would be if attractive vampire with glasses did that to me...... uuwaaaa,,, I want to be able to play those fan-made patches!!!! One day I shall have a PC that allows me to unlock full gamer potential like Idia. >:D haunted dark bridal route sounds so fascinating... 👀
AND LAITO!!!! Dare I say,,,,, what if Cater x Laito crossover!!!! Cater in Laito's outfit,,,, VAMPIRE CATER?!?!?!?!?!?! OTL my brain chemistry was irreversibly altered when I first watched that church altar scene in the anime. LAITO, THE VAMPIRE THAT YOU ARE!!!!! Truly the most interesting of critters.
Vampire fish my beloveds. AAAA I just love vampires. <3 gothic vampire Azul is amazing, but I also love modern-day vampire Floyd....... and of course vampire Jade who loves playing with the cute vampire hunter who is after him. Many thoughts for those three. May you find plentiful vampire works in your very scientific ao3 search!!!
UUWAAA you're too kind and patient,,, 🥺 thank you so very much... I would feel so terrible if I responded as late as a month later!!! orz but it's a relief to know you would still be happy to read my thoughts. Please also take your time in replying!! There is never any rush.
:o I haven't shared it before!! Here it is below! Feel free to add me as a friend! My profile is very Rollo as of this moment. I hope my level 105 tako card can be of use in battle. 🐙 ✨
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aihoshiino · 3 months
I don't know if i like or dislike this chapter exactly…in one side, we all knew Ai loved Hikaru in some form, but now it seems it's romantic (i think?) but then the twins comes in play and, i don't know, i get that Ai might regret not having the father in the twins' lives and having wanted to build the family together but this feels more like the twins were born because of Ai and Hikaru's love and kept so, instead of Ai keeping the twins because she always specifically wanted a family of her own, and not due to Hikaru…also, the dvd has been recorded specifically during the twins' 1st birthday (the couch behind her) Then it'd be way before Ai called him about the twins and saying she doesn't want to get together, but she only gave Gotanda the dvds not long before her dome concert so her death…am i not understand Ai's feelings or the dvd? Was she just keeping those as something for the future her alongside 15yo Aqua to figure out and not right now? What about the forever together then The timelines and retcons are another issue on a whole level though (hospital chapter hello?)
YEAH LMAO………… I won't pretend I wasn't also like "……… okay……………………." when I first read it and tbh it isn't really how I would've delivered that. I definitely think there's an element of Akasaka, like… IDK how to put this but it feels like he's doing a similar thing with HKAI as he did with GRSR where he's roiding up and slightly simplifying the emotions at play to try and make their payoff even more exaggerated and dramatic. But it ends up coming off kind of… yeah.
I don't necessarily think one cancels out the other and even in the DVD, Ai explicitly talks about having wanted a family - it clicks into place more when you realize that wanting a family means a family with Hikaru, at least at that point in her life but that it simply wasn't possible with his trauma.
Alex on the OnK Brainrot Discord put it really well when we were all chatting about the chapter just now, so I'll quote them directly:
rereading this a few times, I'm thinking that Ai felt what she wanted - a happy, normal little family - was impossible for Hikaru, who was already weighed down by his horrible trauma, which was all tied in with being raped and fathering a child, so she felt that if she added the twins to his life he would totally collapse from the pressure. She was even scared to have them b/c it could hurt him (!). in other words, I think she put herself & the twins into the box of "the burden he carried" after she got pregnant
The DVD was made when Ai was around 17ish and she got in touch with Hikaru when she was about to turn 20. So it's possible that her feelings just evolved over time but I'd have to chew on things a little more before I got my head around it.
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
In your opinion, how would you rank the 7 from most powerful to weakest?
ooooohhh ok ok i'm gonna have fun with this
i'm gonna rank them based on physical strength, speed, intelligence (specifically in battle), and power (like water manipulation, darkness manipulation, etc)
(also im gonna be adding nico and thalia just cuz hehe)
(additional also: i'm ranking them based on hoo, not any further than that cuz i don't remember much afterwards 💀)
im gonna start with the top cuz this surprises no one:
FIRST - percy jackson (duh)
literally no explanation needed, it's percy jackson 💀 he's got it all: super strong, super fast, super powerful, and he's scary intelligent when in battle, and this was all BEFORE he even got the curse of achilles. the curse just gave him an even BIGGER boost than before. he's pretty much the closest thing the humans have to a mortal god tbh.
SECOND - nico di angelo
I KNOW THIS MIGHT SURPRISE SOME PEOPLE! but i genuinely do believe nico is the second most powerful demigod. solely because of his excellent control over his powers. he may not be the physically strongest or fastest or that skilled in his sword, but he has exceptionally good control in his powers!!!
THIRD - jason grace
this guy is like... perfect. physically strong, fast, good with weapons (sword and spear), and good control over his powers, AND strategic in the battlefield. he was not only the praetor of camp jupiter, but he stayed there since he was TWO YEARS OLD, and the thing about camp jupiter is that they're an army, and jason most definitely know how to lead an army.
FOURTH - hazel levesque
her powers literally woke up gaea 💀 that, and don't underestimate the mist too
FIFTH - thalia grace
honestly, i didn't know where to put thalia. we don't really get to see much of her after the first series, and the only reason i'm putting her in the top five is solely because she's a child of the big three, and children of the big three are naturally powerful af, so i feel like she should be somewhere up here.
SIXTH - annabeth chase
is the only one who doesn't have super powers but that doesn't mean she should be underestimated. she is not only scarily intelligent in battle AND outside of battle AND knows how to trick/manipulate her enemies, we know she's physically strong and fast. we also know that she stayed in camp since a very young age, so she's exceptional in hand-to-hand combat and multiple weapons (dagger/knife, sword, bow and arrow, etc.) due to camp's daily training regimen.
SEVENTH - frank zhang
he's a son of mars, so he's naturally going to be physically strong and strategic (battle-wise). also, we know he's adept at several weapons too (bow and arrows & a spear). plus, he was literally so powerful that he needed to be limited via stick 💀 (poor kid). let's not forget to mention he's got a bit of poseidon's blood too which granted him the shapeshifting ability that percy's jealous of (lol).
EIGHTH - leo valdez
he's low solely because of physical capabilities, sorry! he's not as strong and fast as the others, and he's not that good in weaponry, but he makes up for it with his fire powers and his genius intellect. if you reread the second series, you'll notice that a lot of his fights were won through by outsmarting his opponents (+ his fire powers too ofc, but him being really really smart helped him a lot).
NINTH - piper mclean
(if we're going with how rick wanted her to be, she'd probably be up there with the children of the big three ngl 💀 he loves her too much)
piper is not that physically strong or fast, nor is she that good of a combatant, but this is mostly due to inexperience. leo is inexperienced too, but he makes up for it with his intelligence which... piper doesn't have much of, at least in battle. she was stated to have trained in swordsmanship when in the argo ii, but that was described in a single paragraph and she was magically adept at it later. a lot of characters had to be downgraded in order to make her stronger: annabeth became dumb and emotional during a fight against a giant so piper had to beat her, the aphrodite kids were weak and useless to make her stronger and different, charmspeak worked on GAEA despite rick providing us a list of ways for charmspeak to fail and gaea checked every single one of them, etc. 💀
so realistically, she'd be down here at the bottom.
aside from hazel, everyone in the top 6 have years of experience in the demigod life (+ immense power) while those under are pretty new to this and lack proper experience, so i definitely believe the lower ranks, with more time and training, could move up. would they be as powerful as the top 3 (percy, nico, and jason)??? i lowkey kinda doubt it, but they could probably climb higher than thalia and annabeth and MAYBE hazel.
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kazetokinouta-a · 10 months
I'm the (og admin lol). I first discovered kazeki around 2017, but it wasn't fully translated then, so I finished reading it in 2019 thanks to russian scans (VK). That's why I decided to create this blog, feeling that there was a lack of unity within the fandom which was quite small back then and I wanted to somehow archive all of Takemiya's work. In the last two years I've seen more and more people fully reading kazeki (thanks a lot to the person who commissioned the translation of the last volumes) and I'm so happy about all the posts analyzing the characters, themes, fanart, fanfics. Tbh I'm not very active on this blog or don't remember much about the manga but I promise next year I will reread everything and analyze it in more detail.
I always felt this manga should become one of the new classics in literature in general due to its legacy and how many mangas or animes have been inspired by kazeki.
Thank you so much for making this fandom even bigger and more united. <3
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ajjpng · 3 months
Good Omens - Angel Clothes
So I'm rewatching season 2 for the millionth time and I just noticed something that I haven't seen anyone talking about before.
I noticed this in Season 2, Episode 1, scene 1: Before the Beginning
To preface:
- "I mean, I couldn't open it if I wanted to. I don't have clearance. You'd have to be a Throne or a Dominion, or above." - "I haven't always been a demon, and they never change their passwords."
[Season one, episode six, 7:29-7:43, between Muriel and Crowley]
And yes, this has already been pointed out, the fact is that Crowley was canonically kind of very high up in the Heavenly corporate ladder.
Now, back to season two. In the first scene, we see an Angel (to be Crowley), who is currently creating Nebulas and is very involved in space stuff. And Aziraphale, who knows about humans. They are both in angel clothes in the same time period- but we already know that Crowley is ranked higher than Aziraphale.
What I noticed is that the edge of their sleeves are different.
Crowley has a line of gold around the collar and a line of gold a bit further up his sleeve.
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Meanwhile, Aziraphale's has the gold around the neck BUT a line of gold right at the end of his sleeve.
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So I'm just wondering if there are different uniforms amongst angels that show their ranks and if I can figure them out.
This isn't really conclusive thus far but I will certainly be checking angel outfits in as many scenes as possible from here on out. What I'm hoping is that I'll be able to assign differences like this to Heaven's hierarchy and be able to get a better estimate on Crowley's exact rank and therefore a better guess at who he was.
Although I know it will be difficult due to different time periods and suchlike but I digress. At the end of the day this is really just a fun thing to geek out about.
REREADING THIS AND I JUST REMEMBERED: during Gabriel's trial they tell him that he needs to change his clothes because they are no longer appropriate. So that confirms that there are different uniforms for different ranks and everything. (+will look more closely at Muriel at some point because her outfit is notably different)
OH, also, this is unrelated to the clothes, but I find it super interesting that Crowley had no idea about Earth or humans. Like he's so high above and exclusively in the space/universe stuff that he might've never been intended to have anything to do with Earth, which (I feel) places his rank above Archangels as they have some business with humans (ex. Gabriel and Eve's birth).
EDIT: rereading this now and I change my mind lol. I realize now that the stars wouldn’t necessarily rank him higher- I just find it super interesting that he has absolutely no knowledge of humans meanwhile Aziraphale knows all about them and earth. Oh and I realize now that if anything, humans might be more important than stars tbh, because them and earth are such a huge part of the Great Plan- it would make sense for someone of higher rank (ie Archangel) to help orchestrate that.
OK LAST EDIT I SWEAR BUT we know that Crowley was known for asking questions (“Always asking damn fool questions.” - Metatron s2e6) and now I’m just wondering if he was left out of big plans on purpose, regardless of his rank, because they were annoyed with him 😭 Like he was a THRONE OR DOMINION OR ABOVE and Aziraphale is a principality, he should probably at least vaguely know about humans.
Lastly, I wanted to organize some of this in a Heaven hierarchy chart, because I'd seen a Good Omens one before but I cannot find it for the life of me- if anyone could drop it below or in a reblog or something that would be greatly appreciated!
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overly-verbose · 4 months
Lol I look forward to the unintentional psychological damage your SIkuna is constantly giving everyone (except Yuuji)
Same tbh, it's being a difficult Part to write but I'm looking forward to it being finished as well (both to be able to finally post, and to reread it in its finished format for them Serotonins heh) 😂
And yeah lmao once again SIkuna's rolling basically only Nat 20s on random Intimidation checks all the time, whilst trying to just be spooky Enough - yet still as cooperative as he can afford to seem without coming off as completely OOC/unbelievable
(that Sukuna Filter and all-too-natural sinister-looking mannerisms are definitely working against him lol) 😂
As for Yuji, he isn't gonna be totally stress-free here, for one he's most definitely not going to be happy about the whole 'Ijichi got a bit freaking mauled' situation amongst other things
- but by the end of this 'Arc'
(Part 8/end of the Detention Center Confrontation + a short Part 9)
he'll be starting to properly wonder if Sukuna is either not as evil as everyone thinks he is (and he himself plays himself off as, though he's definitely not 100% good either) or at the very least if he doesn't have some sort of... Soft spot for him and his friends??
A Thought which, by the end of the VS Mahito Arc Junpei Doesn't Fucking Die Arc, becomes an almost certainty in his mind due to a few things
- then 'sunshine child'/Part 2 happens
(and all that follows it on the timeline lol)
(Can't wait 'till I get to Nanami's reaction towards that whole thing lmfao
- the poor guy's gonna get hypertension at 28 because of this kid and his 'if evil then why friend-shaped' attitude towards the freaking King of Curses 😂)
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delimeful · 4 months
Hello! Do you have an approximate update schedule for any of your fics? ( if not- me too. As a fellow fic writer I’m someone who updates when the mood strikes me and that’s not often tbh). Totally chill if you dont! I just didn’t see a concrete answer in your faq! I love reading your fics whenever they update ( and often reread them as well). Hope your day goes well and your irl stuff is getting better <3
thank you!
previously, my update schedule was a new chapter posted once a week, but due to aforementioned irl issues, i've temporarily dropped to posting a new chapter once or twice a month. i'm not sure when/if i'll be returning to the previous posting rate atm
none of my fics are abandoned, but i don't really have an update schedule for specific fics, either? everything kind of gets updated based on what is requested by patrons + what i have the inspiration to work on.
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detectivebambam · 5 months
For the choosing violence thing.
I curious about your thoughts on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24, and 25
(Your thoughts make my day tbh)
lol i gotchu pinky
the character everyone gets wrong: Dan. she's not a badass. i mean she is, but she's not. she's a scared little girl who had to raise herself and has no idea what she's doing at any given time and i love her for it
why andrew would never top or bottom: actually he does both, and tends to enjoy it. kind of an agressive top but Neil likes it, and sometimes likes to follow orders when he bottoms 🫣 i think they do anything and everything with each other. Neil could be dominant or submissive at any given time, which gives Andrew space to learn about what he actually enjoys. He finds that as long as it involves Neil, he doesn't mind
worst tumblr take I've seen: that Andrew was a misogynist because he doesn't like being manipulated, and "manipulation is a woman's weapon" like how is THAT not misogynistic be so real
why did you block that annoying person?: kept saying that Kevin abused Riko as much as Riko abused Kevin. don't know how far they had to reach into the depths of their asshole to find that one, i just hope they didn't get stuck
i don't have discord
which ship fans are the most annoying: y'all are going to absolutely murder me for this but kevaaron. 1) where did it come from? 2) what's wrong with Katie?? 3) no hate ship what u want but also, i can ship what i want? and it's fine it's literally fine
what character did you start to hate because of fanon: i hate to say it but Thea. i adored her when I read the books originally, but after 4 years of exclusively fanon content i didn't like her. but i did a reread recently and adore her again so it's all good
common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about: Andrew being a sex god. Neil is his first consensual sexual partner. like yeah he knows how to suck dick like a dying man, which he learned in juvie (when he was 13-16?) but in terms of sex? he doesn't know what he's doing and he's probably really scared and nervous
worst part of canon: kevin and thea turning their daughter into a mini Raven 😔
worst part of fanon: Renee erasure 😔😔
fandom related words you've filtered: as of currently? anything tsc related because I don't have access to it yet and people aren't tagging properly. but I also have Rinee (rixo x renee) blocked because,,, what do you actually mean
unpopular character you like and why people should like them: Aaron. yeah he's an asshole and a little homophobic but he was raised that way and he's getting better
worst blorboification: if this means what i think it means, fucking riko. like wdym "he serves cunt" he needs to serve time
answered prev
answered prev
you can't understand why this is popular: kevaaron, any riko ship, riko himself, ichirou x neil, andreil breaking up in fics ?
there should be more of this: fic: oral fixation. sexual or non sexual idc but let's Freud these bitches. fanart: ANDREW WITH LONG HAIR PLS PLS PLS
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like: i don't feel guilt I'm Presbyterian
part of canon you found boring: anytime they were in class like wdym
part of canon you think is overhyped: this one is going to get me in trouble so i wanna start off by saying that yes, Riko was a victim of abuse. I'm not disputing that at all. but the part where he got beat by Tetsuji and "was more blood and bruise than skin", while being horrible, was also because of Kevin leaving due to Riko breaking his hand. Tetsuji lost one of his biggest investments because of Riko's petty ego
fav part of canon that everyone ignores: Stuart Hatford man
ship you've unwillingly come around to: Kandreil lol. i didn't like it at first but idk the more fanfic i see I'm like yeah that could be cute
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse: picture this, if you will: Nora Sakavic says something about her own damn characters. yeah that's all
common fandom complaint you're sick of hearing: "it's poorly written" it's not. if you can get over the first chapter of The Raven King, the rest is actually written very well and it's so so beautiful and depicts traumatized characters in a way I haven't seen before that is very refreshing
ty for the ask pinky ily
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bugs1nmybrain · 8 months
Give Your Heart a Break - Chapter 3: Tomura Shigaraki x fem!reader series
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Notes: This series is going to be released slowly due to my workload from school and jobs. That said, it may be sloppy and inconsistent. I will try my best to make it all mesh together! I reread Chapter 2 and will admit it was weak, but I was kind of just trying to gear up for them to meet in person.
ALSO! I am going to try to include songs that inspire my fics at the top of them! I hope it helps convey the mood of my stories.
Summary: Tomura and the reader finally meet in person after their discord call from last chapter.
Warnings: 18+ content (minors don't interact), shigaraki has a psychotic disorder and his voices act up violently when he's stressed, substance use (weed), POV swings, repressed Tenko Shimura themes, Dabi shows up but doesn't do much, long chapter, reader and Tomura are moving fast tbh, not fully proofread
Word Count: 4568
Notes About Y/N?:
anything from ch 1 and 2 applies here
she's a stoner
reader is actually hella shy
autistic coded
she has an interesting quirk<3
reader is the child of people who use substances, but she herself doesn't use anything past the holy trinity of "okay" substances: alcohol, weed, and nicotine
she's a virgin
Shigaraki was about to jump out of his skin. He could see your silhouette through your window as he stood outside your house. Even through the window, he could see how curvy you were. It made his mouth water. Fuck, you aren't even out the door and he's already being a pervert.
He was so anxious yet very excited. He was confident that you somewhat liked him, too. You wouldn't have agreed to come out with him at almost midnight if you didn't. His mission tonight was to be as not-scary as he could be, which he didn't think he'd ever want to do.
The sound of your front door opening made his heart pound viciously, and he stood where he was across the road with a shit-eating grin on his face and a fruit punch rockstar (pinky up!). You looked at him with a blushy smile and began stepping close to him, stomping heavily in your platform-heeled black boots. When you got up close to him, he couldn't help but laugh softly when he realized that you were still so short even with the shoes, though you didn't seem to pick up on his laughter.
"Hey," Tomura said with a crack in his voice, as if his voice couldn't get any more raspy.
"Heyy," you replied nervously, but forcing a smile.
"I had a long day at work before we started talking."
"Sounds like shit. I got you this," he looked at you like an excited puppy and held you the energy drink. "This is the kind you like, right?"
"Yeah," you smile kindly, taking the can. "Thank you for getting this."
"Of course, hehe. Have you been dressed like that all day?"
"No, I only got dressed like, 20 minutes ago?"
"You look pretty," Tomura smiled, looking visibly turned on by your fitting clothes, though he tried very hard to keep eye contact. He noticed you look down at yourself briefly whenever he snuck a look and you were clearly uncomfortable. Fuck, that's the last thing he wanted. Has he already fucked this up?
You fucking monster
Take her
Tomura began itching his neck in frustration, though he took a deep inhale through his nose and tried to pay attention to you instead.
"Whatcha wanna do?" He asked, huffing out his words anxiously.
"I don't know. To be honest, I don't hang out with people often," she shared.
"That's good, it means you realize how shitty most people are, right?" he laughs.
"Yea, that's true. I'm also new around here."
"It's my pleasure to be your new best friend, then," Shigaraki chuckled. "Or no?"
"You move fast."
"What's moving, exactly?" He retorted with a cocky face.
Your laughter was like bubbles popping to him when he heard you giggle in response. He's got you, he knows it. You kept holding your head down at your feet, a habit Tomura noticed while you were talking. It frustrated him because he wanted to see your pretty face and the spooky makeup you put on it.
On the other hand, he understood what it was like to not want to flaunt your face. If you didn't happen to be a normal civilian he would've shown up with father on his face and maybe some of the others. Instead, he wore a hoodie, though his hood was up. He hardly ever left it down in public.
Now that he thought of it, he remembered you saying you liked his hair. Tomura let his hoodie down, falling to his shoulders and exposing his dry, tangled blue hair. Your face froze as you admired his baby-blue pigment. You also began to take in his ruby-red eyes and dehydrated appearance, with scars on his neck and face. He looked like a beaten-up kitten and a strange part of you instantly wanted to take care of him.
Shigaraki took your appearance in as well because now he could properly see your face. You looked at him with curious eyes, perky and alert. At the top of your shoulder, though, he saw what looked like an animated red heart beside you. Then it faded away.
Was he hallucinating again?
He shook the thought off and started noticing your face, instead. Your black eyeliner smudged your eyes, making them look intimidating, though to him you were no threat whatsoever. He admired your lips, as well. They looked softer than his, and he wondered how they'd feel. Even at 20, he had never kissed anyone. He had gotten one blowjob, but it was a hooker that he had paid for, and he couldn't shake the thought that the one sucking his cock was only doing it for money. Not that there was anything wrong with that at all, Tomura was just more romantic than he thought. They never kissed, and it felt empty for him.
"We could just take a walk," y/n suggested. He noticed your face back down facing your feet.
"Do you want to come to my place?" Tomura suggested back. Though bringing you around his roommates might be a challenge. You're cute.
He saw your hesitant face, a little offended by your quick distrust, at least from what he could tell. "I promise, I don't bite." Oh, the irony. The only thing roaming around in your head was what his intentions were. Tomura didn't exactly know himself.
"Where's your place? I'm not sure if I can stay the night."
"When did I say you could?" He retorted sarcastically.
"Oh, sorry."
"I'm teasing. I live about a 15 minute walk from here, is that okay?"
On your way to his place, you took in the fresh air and calming night scenery. There was a strange nostalgic feeling, though for no particular reason that you could think of. There were moments between you two when you wouldn't talk at all, but when you did, you came to notice that Tenko was a geeky, yet feisty guy. He had an interest in games, and had admitted to playing League of Legends, DOOM, some shit on the Switch, and occasionally GTA but he said that "the fun stopped years ago."
The two of you fumbled a bit, more you than him. Your socially awkward composure made it hard for you to not be jittery, but he seemed like a harmless guy thus far (haha, you had no idea). He was awkward, too, but had more guts to speak up.
Tomura would discover how truly shy you were. Your body shook when you talked, and your voice cracked in sheepish fear (he knew well what that looked like). He could tell you were socially anxious and that it probably wasn't just because he was scary, but he had a deep feeling that you thought he was. However, when he managed to get you to talk, you were quite funny and unique. It was cute to him, freakily enough, turning him on a little. He's had a semi for a bit, but the hoodie covered his crotch, thankfully.
His libido got the best of him sometimes, because the ass on you was a distraction. You were walking a little in front of him, so he could get a look without feeling like too much of a pervert. You looked cozy and huggable.
"fuck," Shigaraki thought abruptly.
He thankfully had a pair of gloves from Dr. Ujiko, ones that combated his quirk. He only really used them when he was sleeping or when he couldn't possibly avoid disintegrating something. He'd been careless, not even realizing how his quirk could easily fuck this up until now. Maybe he was being a bit entitled to already think that you'll automatically let him get close enough to touch you.
Still, explaining his quirk to you was going to be interesting. It would probably break his heart if you didn't want him, fuck, even want to be friends with him because of his quirk.
grab her, she is yours
Tomura ignored his aggravating voices and you and him continued to walk, laugh together, and drink your energy drinks like punkass kids. You finally came up on an apartment complex. It looked run down from the outside, most of the nearby apartments did, too.
His place was a few floors up. As soon as Tenko opened the doors, there was a whiff of a musky, dusty smell. A linger of cigarette smoke, maybe a little weed. For you, there was some level of familiarity with the smell because of your upbringing. The time was about 12:11am, so the apartment wasn't loud, although there was a faint sound of rap music playing in someone's room, and they were clearly smoking, based on how fresh the odor was.
"So, let me address this now," Tenko began. "Are you comfortable being in my room?"
You cocked an eyebrow.
"I mean, like, I know it's awkward being in a guy's room. We can hang out in the living room, if ya want," he pressed his lips together, sort of wishing you said yes to his room.
"Can we hang out-out here?"
"Nooo," Tomura thought internally.
"Aight," he said aloud.
Tomura plopped down on the couch, looking in your direction to indicate that you could sit there too. You sat some space away from him, making him a bit sad.
Shigaraki had never had a girl in his place before, not one that wasn't Toga or Magne. Not one he wanted. He was kind of nervous, but excited! He saw this as a good opportunity to try to get to know you, and maybe rizz you up a lil. Though, he'd never done that to anyone who wasn't a person on Discord, so he wasn't sure how to establish a bond.
Honestly, he was taking a bit of a chance with you. You didn't really do much to impress him yet, but your warmness to him made him feel important. In a different way than being his master's successor.
"Do you want to play video games? That's kind of the only thing we have to do here. And smoke weed, but I don't know if you do drugs."
"That's kind of an intense way to refer to weed," you comment.
"Then you smoke?"
"Awesome. Let me grab some shit and we can smoke. Maybe game at the same time??"
You laugh softly, "sure, sounds fun."
He could see a restless tremor in you, though, he felt that you liked him. That you enjoyed him, thus far. You were probably just shy because you had a crush on him :)
You had taken note at his neck when Tenko took off his hoodie, noticing how slender he was under it. You only saw him with his sweatshirt on so far. He was kind of...sexy? Your body radiated a few small hearts, dark red in color. Tenko was already out of the room before he could see, you thanked.
Little did Tenko know, you were also an inexperienced person when it came to girl and guy interaction. You were attracted to him, definitely. You were a virgin, though, and were worried to get too close to the "wrong person." You didn't know much about him yet. You sat patiently in the living room, tired from the day behind you. Thanks to Tenko, you now had caffeine, helping you fight the eepy.
It didn't take Tenko long before he reemerged with a pipe and a bag of pot. You got an instant waff of the flower when he opened the bag and took some out. He sat down, close beside you. You were a little nervous and startled, but you now got to smell his scent. He was a little smelly, but in a way that you hadn't known before. It was masculine and acted as pheromones for you right now.
Your hearts started popping out, this time colored a tangerine orange shade.
Tenko swung his head in your direction, instantly seeing them. He squinted at you and looked confused. You recalled that he heard voices, so maybe he thought that he was seeing things. You averted eye contact very quick and started mumbling.
"Uh..I'm sorry.."
"Huh? I can't hear you."
"My quirk."
Tenko began picking out the stems in the weed, and you noticed he was wearing black gloves, but they were only covering he ring finger, pinky, and thumbs. You hadn't seen them on him before. Did he have a germ phobia? He didn't smell like he did.
He turned to face you every now and then, "I'm listening."
"You sure stutter a lot."
"Yea, I do."
"Are..the hearts your quirk? Or am I seeing things. In that case, this must be confusing as fuck to hear. Sorry."
"No! It's okay. No, you're not seeing things."
"Huh..What does it mea-."
Separate foot steps came up to the living room. You and Tenko looked up to see an average height man with black hair and burn marks all over him, staples keeping himself in place. He had piercings on his ears and his nose, and he had a cocky demeanor to him. You recognized this guy, you thought, but were having trouble thinking where from.
"You smoking?" He drawn out in a tired yawn.
"Uh..yea," Tomura replied.
"Who's this?" Dabi said, eyeing you down. Tomura had a millisecond instinct of possession. If Dabi swooned you, which wouldn't be a surprise, he'd be very pissed. Furious, even. He shot Dabi a look of "don't try anything," and Dabi knew full well what his face was telling him.
"I'm y/n," you said.
"Ah. I've never seen you. Are you and Shigaraki together?"
Tomura froze.
Not this quick, he thought. He thought he could pull some Aladdin shit and roll with a fake identity for a bit.
DABI YOU FUCKING IDIOT he thought, starting to panic internally.
K-kill he-
"Jesuss..." Tomura groaned, trying to drown out his voices. He held his hands at the back of his neck and leaned back.
Destroy her, destroy, kill
You furrowed your brows and now it was coming together on your end.
The League of Villains were infamous, of course you knew the name "Shigaraki." The most wanted criminal around and notorious for rather..inhumane crimes. You tried telling yourself that he could be a different Shigaraki, but you now figured out the guy with patches on himself. Dabi, who stood out like a sore thumb in the photos that were taken of their gang. Shigaraki did, too. But he had a dead hand on his face whenever you saw pictures, so you didn't recognize him.
Tomura could sense your own panic from planets away. He saw you trembling, and he was trying to come up with a quick lie in his head, but you were already speaking.
"Are you Dabi?" you said in a neutral tone.
"Yeuh. How'd you know?"
"Uh.Ten...Tomura?" you said his name as if you were asking him a question, but continued. "He's talked about you."
He was confused now. Were you playing along? The fuck? Or did you feel like you had to? You could've felt in danger, he considered.
"Good things, I hope," Dabi slurred.
Tomura wanted to question you, but didn't want to cause tension about the fact that you now both knew he was manipulating you into thinking he was some ordinary guy. He also didn't want to have this conversation around Dabi. You didn't say anything else.
Dabi crouched on the floor. "Give me some."
"Invite Spinner, too, I don't want to look at only your ugly face."
"He's sleeping. Don't you have eye candy next to you?"
Oh right. He thinks you and Tomura are dating. And he called you "eye candy." So many angry thoughts were racing through Tomura's head. You were probably terrified right now, and he knew this whole situation was fucked. He had no idea what to say.
But he tried, turning to you shamefully and mumbled out, "do you still wanna smoke?"
You paused, unsure what the answer should be. You should be trying to find a way to leave and soon. These guys are...well. The League of Villains. Though, you found yourself agreeing with their mission, even if murder, abducting a high schooler, and assaulting people weren't anything you necessarily felt comfortable with.
Tenko- or Tomura, had made you feel seen up to this point. You didn't feel that way, ever. He took interest in you while also wanting to listen to you. You shared interests, and personality traits even if yours were more sheltered away. When you knew someone closely, you were talkative and feisty, too. You felt understood, somehow. And maybe that shouldn't excuse him being a horrible person, but your need for validation and attention took over you.
"Light that shit up," you declared.
You saw a smile crack on his face, which was admittedly very cute. He was scary looking, but not to you. He looked run down and scrunkly, with his pale skin and tinted sharp teeth. Itch marks all over him and dry wrinkles at his forehead and eyes. He also had a beauty mark below the edge of his dry lips.
But he looked adorable, and you had a desire to just have him hold you. You knew of his quirk, of course. But you were guessing that his gloves were because of his quirk. He was protecting you.
Your hearts fluttered rapidly, and Dabi raised an eyebrow. He didn't care to ask anything, figuring it was your quirk. He could tell it was in response to Shigaraki, which was easy to deduce. Tomura started to get it, too.
Tomura, you and Dabi all passed around the bowl, not saying much. You'd cough viciously, trying to hold it back. Shigaraki saw your eyeliner mess up from the tears you made from coughing. He wanted to snatch you up, absolutely infatuated with your girlish charm.
"You alive?" He asked.
"What strain is this??" You asked with slurred speech and dozed off red eyes.
"Uh, weed. I don't know. Dabi, what's this shit?" He asked, as Dabi usually was the one who acquired the League's stash of pot.
"Probably GMO."
"Probably? If you lace my company I'll knock you out."
You giggled out. Tomura's sense of humor was one of your favorite things about him so far. And maybe you should be scared, but you felt comfortable around him whenever he cracked jokes and smiled at you.
"Jesus, it's not laced. If I wanted to do coke or something, I'd do the actual thing," Dabi joked.
"It's okay. I'm just really stoned," you laughed.
"A lightweight, huh?" Tomura snickered. "It's cuz you're so little."
"Am not."
"You're like, 5 foot nothing."
"I'm (your height)!" You retaliated.
"Uh-huh. I could put you in my pocket, if I wanted. Do you wanna game?"
Tomura turned on his console, giving you the option to pick a game. You chose your favorite video game, as it was already owned by Shigaraki. He and Dabi watched you play badly, with Dabi chuckling and Tomura groaning at the sight.
"Let me try," he said.
"You'll just steal it from me," you assumed.
"Well, you've tried this mission like 6 times," he pointed out.
"Oooo okay smart ass," Tomura said in a flirty tone. "Let me show you then, hm?"
Tomura scooched closer to you, holding his controller with his hands perched on against the top of your thigh. He was trying to show you what moves to play, telling you all his strategies. He was also testing you and paid close attention to how you responded to his close proximity. You had to now know what his quirk was. You didn't pull back from him to his satisfaction, but he was still confused.
"Here, you see how I'm doing this? Now you try."
Every time he talked to you, he had a sort of softness to his voice. A raspy yet nurturing tone, even when you messed up your game repeatedly. And you'd respond with a blushy and embarrassed tone, but obviously swooned by Tomura's charisma.
Dabi could sense the horny from Tomura and got up, not wanting to see this shit. "You two have fun."
Shiggy felt like he could breathe with Dabi leaving. Now he had you all to himself, which might work in his favor. You still seemed uneasy, but at the same time he saw that your body had relaxed more. He was a little shocked, and wondered what the ulterior meaning was for it.
"So.."y/n started. "You're..not Tenko? Or is that a nickname?"
"Uh..jesus," He sighed, cupping his forehead anxiously. "No. No, I'm not. You know who I am, right? I'm sorry."
"I, um. Yea, I think so. I knew who he was, too. You're Tomura Shigaraki?"
"That's meee. Are you gonna leave? Tell someone?" He sad in a worried and sharp voice.
What? No. I won't, it's just, I guess I'm taken aback."
"I couldn't just tell you who I was that quick, d'ya get it? Especially online."
"Yea, I know."
You and him turned and faced each other, both of you breathing hard. Your hearts turned blue, but appeared in slow succession. Tomura cocked a brow, and finally was able to inquire about your quirk now that Dabi was gone.
"What are those hearts about? I have a guess, but.."
"mmmnNN," you grunted in embarrassment. "It's nothing.."
"Liar," he chuckled. "Is it cuz you like me?"
He was taking a bold risk to ask that, but so much was already on the table. Asking you if you wanted him wasn't much more intimidating, unless it added to the mess. His eyes were lidded and he smirked when he questioned you. You could tell he liked you, himself. There was a hint of desire and arousal that you could sense from him, as well.
You blushed a deep rose color and looked away from him. "K-kind of..."
"Mm, and is the Shigaraki thing a dealbreaker?"
"I..I don't want it to be," you smiled, and he saw your eyes shine at him.
"I promise I'll be nice to you," he joked, leaning closer to you.
"I...okay. I trust that, and honestly, I kind of don't care? That you're Shigaraki, that is. Well! Of course I care. But I like you, and you've made me feel like my company is wanted. People see me as weird, and offputting. You don't, at least I don't think. Why me, though? I mean, why do you like me?"
"Uh, cuz you're cute?" wow Tomura. "Shit, that was creepy. Uh, you're nice. Nicer to me than most people, and you like my hair and stuff. You also seem to find me quite funny, yea? You're also unique, and you dress spooky. You're a funny girl, and you play games with me!! I can tell you're an anxious mess, but you seem to want to be around me, and even when you found out about me being who I am, you didn't try to leave or treat me differently. I don't know, I just think you and I would be good together. And what's not to like? You're kind of my dream girl."
You laugh, flustered and feeling undeserving of all the praise. "You don't know me much."
"Can I get to know you, then?"
"I mean..yes..can I get to know you too? I don't know if what I hear on the news is all that you are,"you smiled widely while looking away from him. It pissed him off a little when you'd avoid him. He brought his gloved fingers to hold your jaw, and gently turned you to look at him.
"I can see you better when you look at me," he said in a seductive tone. He stroked the side of your jaw with his thumb while he ran his tongue along the roof of his mouth. The risk of decay scared you, but you trusted the gloves would be okay, and if your quirk did the right thing, you two may not need them soon...The hearts you produced had many colors now, all red, dark red, and white.
He snickered. "Do the different colors mean different things?" Tomura asked.
"Y-yea..The standard color is red, but different colors mean different emotions."
"So," Tomura rang his hand to pet your hair for a brief moment before setting it at your side. Rapid dark red, white, and red hearts continued to flutter out of you. "What do those ones mean?"
You tensed up, knowing full well the meanings, but admitting to two of them was embarrassing. Vulnerable, even. Was this all going too quick? Frankly, the adrenaline and attraction were entirely operating you at the moment.
"Spit it out," he jabbed.
"The red ones..they're standard hearts that say, "I think you're attractive.""
"Thanks. I think I'm ugly as shit, but-"
"You aren't. I think you're very cute, hehehe!!"
"Oh really?" He teased. "Ehah..what do the burgandy colors mean? And..the white ones?"
"What?" He laughed, getting the feeling that they had a not-so-innocent meaning to them.
"They, uh..they mean that-that I'm..that I'm turned on."
Satisfaction grew in Shiggy's eyes, his eyes the color of a scorching fire. He clenched his grin into an excited and relieved expression.
"So I turn you on?"
You nodded your head bashfully.
"And the white ones?" Shigaraki pestered.
"urrrnnnnn, I can't say it!!"
"Come on! Out! I wanna know..."he said with a yearn in his voice.
"They, they mean my body is responding. You know..that I'm wet, and that my horny-ness is spiking."
"Cum colored, haha. That's not surprising."
You and Tomura sat in a quiet tension for a bit, and he looked like he was hungry and trying to hunt his prey silently. His lips parted a little, and you saw his tongue run against his teeth as he leaned his face closer to you discreetly. You pressed your lips together tight and tilted your head up slowly, your eyes darting all across Tomura's handsome face and instinctively moved closer, as well. Your body knew exactly what it wanted and what was natural. Tomura became daring, and pressed his lips on yours without much warning, wrapping his lips in between yours.
You instantly hummed, unsure what to do. You moved your lips to dance with his as well as you could, and you started with passionate and sweet kisses. The whole act was uncoordinated, and you both weren't sure how to keep going. He kissed you for a long time, holding your neck while he leaned closer than you thought possible. His smell clouded your thinking, and built your arousal little by little.
He finally pulled away, taking a deep breathe and looked at you with a seduced flushed face. "Do you wanna go to my room now?" He scoffed, knowing his intentions, and you did too. He wanted you. It was fast, but he didn't really care. He just wanted to claim you, and make you his.
"Mhmm," you mumbled in approval.
Taking your hand in his protected ones, he guided you off the couch.
"Lets do that then, yea? I want to get to know you, like we talked about. I gotta know all about you."
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