#I'm debating on how angsty i should make part 2
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noxiousgrace · 4 months ago
I need more self indulgent cale & eruhaben fics in my life 😔
(set after part 1 of the novel, canon divergence, spoilers ahead)
I'm writing this at 5 am, don't mind the inaccuracies i haven't re-read part 1 fully yet
> cale telling the truth about his transmigration to eruhaben <
----- part 1/? -------
'This ability is more of a curse, than a blessing, for fucks sake. Is a good nights rest too much to fucking much to ask for?' Cale lamented, a few seconds after waking up.
inside of his room in the super rock villa, he sat up to rest against the headboard of his bed.
He didn't say anything after waking up, silently munching on the assortment of fruit placed conveniently next to his bed, his gaze focused on nothing.
Eruhaben: "good morning."
Cale flinched, but replied almost immediately: "good morning, eruhaben-nim."
Eruhaben: "..."
Eruhaben: "so, you're just gonna refuse to talk about it?" He asked, a single eyebrow raised in accusation.
Cale glanced at him from the corner of his eye, debating on what would end this conversation the fastest.
Eruhaben, all too familiar with his tactics, continued speaking: "the kids aren't the only ones worried about you. I think these last 2 years have been more than enough for you to realise you can rely on us, no?" His voice held a slowly rising feeling of irritation.
Cale, his eyebrow raised and voice almost drowning in confusion, replied: "where is this coming from, eruhaben-nim?"
The ancient dragon didn't reply to the ignorant human. gathering his thoughts so that he could, by some miracle, verbally beat some sense into this dense bastard.
The bastard in question had been talking in his sleep, every night for the last week, which wouldn't have been much of a problem if the words coming out of his mouth weren't so unnerving.
They weren't even in a language that eruhaben could understand, the dragon had questioned choi han, after noticing the swordsmans discomfort to cales newly acquired habit.
"the language is korean" was the only explanation the elder managed to get out of him.
Tsk, the easiest way was to just question the source of concern directly.
Eruhaben: "how the hell do you know korean? Choi han is the only person from his hometown as far as we know."
Cales expression remained stoic, the sweat gathering behind his ears was the only sign of discomfort eruhaben could see.
After a few beats of silence, cale seemed to have reached the end of his internal war, and sighed: "it's better if i just tell you the truth, please keep this a secret between the two of us."
The dragon nodded, his unease only growing with Cales anxious attitude: "I promise."
Cale, at his wits end, spat out the truth: "I'm a transmigrator. I was born in choi hans hometown, which is called korea by the way, and ended up here soon after i turned 36."
Eruhaben didn't reply immediately, processing the information. Eventually, he found the explanation sensible, and asked: "I see, what does that have to do with your sleep talking?"
Cale: "my ability, record, has been acting on it's own and replaying everything I've recorded so far."
Eruhaben nodded, hiding the rising confusion and concern inside him: "i understand. I'll make something that'll help you sleep easier."
Cale: "thank you"
There weren't any further problems since then, but eruhaben was known for his curiosity, so he continued to question cale anyway.
The questions themselves weren't too invasive, mostly asking about the korean lifestyle and culture. Nothing pertaining to cales backstory specifically.
Until now, of course.
Eruhaben: "what was your family like? "
Cale: "I don't remember. "
Eruhaben: "what? "
Cale hesitated, he knew it was disrespectful to not even remember the face of the person who gave birth to him, but it wasn't entirely his fault. he just didn't know how eruhaben would react to it.
Well, he's already in this deep, no reason to stop telling the truth now.
Cale: "I don't remember them. "
Eruhaben was stunned, he gave cale a once-over, this kid seemed to have a good head on his shoulders, so the dragon had assumed the parents worked hard for that to be so.
Eruhaben, with a sense of foreboding, asked anyway: "how come?"
Cale: "they died when i was young, it's been a long time since then, i hardly remember anything from my childhood."
Eruhaben, with a heart pinched by guilt, answered: "that's okay."
Cale simply nodded, unaffected.
The dragon didn't ask any more questions for a while after that.
Cale: "eruhaben-nim."
Eruhaben: "what?"
Cale: "you've been staring at me a lot lately. Do you need anything?"
Eruhaben: "tsk. I'm just worried about you."
Cale: "oh?"
Eruhaben, never one to shy away from a problem for too long: "what happened to you after your parents died?"
Cale, not entirely expecting the blunt question: "i lived with my uncle."
Eruhaben, relieved, answered back: "i see, he must've raised you well then. I'm glad you weren't alone."
Cale: "No."
Eruhaben: "No?"
Cale snorted: "that piece of shit doesn't deserve any praise, eruhaben-nim."
Eruhaben: "what do you mean by tha-?"
Cale simply turned around and left, preferring disrespecting eruhaben to opening about this specific part of his life.
The dragon stared at the receding back for a while, his previous relief reduced to dust.
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spoopy-nevermore-dump · 2 years ago
Hey pssst hey. Have you ever considered: Montada?
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I hate it, and it nearly killed my hyperfixation
But I understand my opinion on this may affect others, and many may be hurting from this episode soooooooooo
Art requests open
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fortheloveoffanfic · 6 months ago
What if this is the last time I see you?
Hozier x fem!reader
Author's note: I'm sorry that I haven't finished one angsty story before forcing another onto you. But this one is shorter, I promise.
Summary: A chance run-in between exes at the farmers market leaves Andrew wondering if he’ll be okay never seeing Y/n again. Part 1 of 2.
Warnings: ANGST
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At first, Andrew thinks his eyes must be playing tricks on him. But the longer he stares, the more it makes sense – and the more it makes sense, the more he is convinced. A pop-up farmers market, a fruit vendor selling an assortment of brightly coloured, sure-to-be sweet, freshly picked fruit. Or so he says.
She’s wearing a jacket that he swears he’s seen before, but it could’ve very well been on a mannequin in a store front and not in her closet – or on her body.
But he’s certain that its her. She’s carrying the basket in a way that’s all too familiar. She’s looking at strawberries and those are her favorite in the summer. It must be her.
So it must be divine intervention that he drove past the farmers market and decided to stop, because Andrew usually gets his produce at the grocery store, on the occasion that he’s home for long enough to do his own shopping.
Setting down the bright, glossy apple he’d been holding onto for a criminally long period, he inches towards her little section of the booth, debating what he should say. ‘Hi’ doesn’t feel like enough, but he fears that if he takes a chance with anything more he might stomp all over their impromptu reunion. He doesn’t want to be too much;
What a funny thought, he thinks. Considering the whole reason for their end was because he wasn’t enough.
Well, that might be a bit of an unfair distribution of blame. He’s pretty good at playing the victim where the demise of their relationship is concerned.
By the time he reaches her, Y/n has already placed a few strawberries into a plastic baggie and is looking for a few more to round off her purchase. And he settles on the very measly and shamefully uneventful; “hey.”
Surprised, Y/n jumps slightly and twists to face him, eyes going wide. “Andy, oh my gosh, hey.” She hesitates for a moment before reaching out for a hug that becomes quite a clumsy endeavor. They don’t seem to know each other as well as they used to; he can’t tell if she’s reaching for his neck or midsection, so their limbs get tangled in a strange manner. “Sorry,” she mumbles bashfully when the whole thing goes on for longer than any ‘I haven’t seen you in five years’ hug should take.
Shrugging off the unwarranted apology, Andrew stuffs his hands into the pockets of his dark jeans in an effort to keep himself from touching her again. “How have you been?” He tries to sound nonchalant, but his gaze drips to her left hand, looking for any sign of a ring. And when there isn’t one, he feels a knot in his chest loosen a little.
“I’ve been….” Y/n trails off, as if the question is the hardest one she’s been asked in a while. In some ways, she supposes it is. Is she supposed to lie to Andrew? Tell him she’s fine and happy and her life is going fantastically well when the truth is she hasn’t been able to scrub the memory of him from her mind and she still buys his favorite brand of tea because when it brews, the smell makes her house feel a little more like home. “I’ve been alright,” its something between the truth and any lie she can tell; she is alright. Alive and healthy, if only a little sad sometimes – but who isn’t, right? “You?”
Andrew fumbles with his words, he’s not sure why but the question feels almost taunting. Why would she throw that back to him? Why wouldn’t she just assume that she’s stowed the best of him into a box and taken it along with her? Everyone else sees it, they tell him he hasn’t looked the same since she left, that he talks differently and he’s truly a little depressing to be around sometimes. “I’m…..okay.” Just okay – not good, not bad, but somewhere in limbo, surviving.
At his response, Y/n nods absently. God, he wishes he knew what that meant. He wishes he still knew her well enough to know what anything she does means. There used to be things that only he understood about Y/n. There’s a version of her in his mind that still whispers in the dark, even if they’re the only people in the room, and ensures all the cutlery in the drawer is packed in the same direction. There’s a version of her that might have tilted her head at his response, and told him that she knows that ‘okay’ is never just ‘okay.’
But this is someone else, someone he doesn’t know. But he loves her anyway.
He’ll love every version of her. But at least he’s only lost one.
“You’re probably the last person I’d expect to run into, here especially,” but maybe she doesn’t really know him that well anymore. Maybe he goes to the farmer’s market every Sunday now and they’ve just been missing each other.
Maybe he goes with his girlfriend - a wife even -and right now she's at another vendor. She's going to be back soon. And she'll be beautiful and Y/n will think; no wonder he let me go so easily, because he knew there was better was out there.
Shaking off the unsettling thought, Y/n adds, “you used to get everything at the grocery store.”
“You used to grow everything yourself,” he notes, not maliciously though. It's really just an innocent observation; he wonders why she stopped.
“I guess…..we’ve changed,” Y/n muses, and a little sliver of her wonders if they’ve changed enough to make it work for a second time around.
“Not too much, I hope,” but what he really means to say is; ‘I hope we’re still the kind of people that can love each other.’ “Ehm,” he clears his throat softly, and finally gathers the courage to ask what he’d been thinking about since he discreetly examined her finger, “seeing anyone?”
What a question! Simultaneously, it makes her want to laugh and cry. “Not right now, no.” Of course, she’s seen other people since their break-up, but nothing ever sticks, and that might be because every man is now measured to Andrew; does it taste the same when they kiss her? Hold her hand the way he used to? Do they tell the same sort of jokes or thread their fingers through her hair before falling asleep? “What about you?”
Andrew waves his hand dismissively, “no one serious,” there isn't really anyone at all, but he doesn’t want to seem like he’s a complete wreck and one more white lie can’t hurt.
“Good,” the word slips out almost without thought, and Y/n quickly shakes her head when Andrew arches a brow. He isn't supposed to know that she's relieved; that he just quashed one of her biggest fears - that there's another woman that knows him as well as she does, but couldn't love him half as much, “well....not good. Just you know….you’re good at being on your own,” he was pretty damn good on his own even when they lived in the same house, “so I’m sure you’re doing good,” god, she wishes she had stopped talking three minutes ago.
Hesitating, he bites his tongue as the urge to tell her that he's not okay and it's all her fault wells up. Didn’t she see the lie in his eyes when he said he was okay? Is he that much of a stranger to her now?
Again, Andrew shrugs halfheartedly, “I’ve been okay,” he repeats before pressing his lips into a thin line. He doesn’t trust himself to add anything more, because then he’ll say he still misses her and its been far too long for him to still be mourning an empty side of the bed and the sound of her laughter in the drawing room.
He shouldn’t still go into his home studio and still expect her to come trailing after him, armed with a book with the intention of curling up on the sofa that gets just the right amount of noon sun. He shouldn't miss the way she looks while humming along softly to what he's working on, blanket draped on her folded legs, hazy light washing her face - he shouldn’t have left her blanket there after all this time.
He shouldn’t even be thinking about it, because the more he does, the more he wants to tell her. Beg Y/n to come back – to take him back because he’s really only half himself without her.
“I should let you –”
“You probably have –”
“Sorry.” Another clumsy, awkward apology, this one in aching unison. There’s silence for a while, and Y/n tugs her lower lip between her teeth. In a way, it feels like they’ve been standing there for too long, at least, like this. Not knowing what to say to each other, with the nails of her free hand digging into her palm so she doesn’t reach out to touch his arm. It shouldn’t be like this, she never wanted them to come to this; reduced to two awfully familiar strangers. “I should um….I have to….go…” She goes to say home, but the word doesn’t come, “I gotta go, Andrew.”
Swallowing the lump that’s been caught in his throat since he first saw fifteen minutes earlier, Andrew nods stiffly. “Of course,” he breathes. The last thing he wants is for her to leave, but he doesn’t really have any right to keep her. “I’ll leave you to it.” They both nod that time, shy and unsure but no one leaves. Not immediately. His eyes stay matching hers, and there’s a hundred things weighing down the tip of his tongue, but clinging to it like molten sugar.
I'm sorry I let you walk out, I'm sorry about everything. I still keep your ring in my nightstand, just in case. My mom still asks about you. I should've been better, let you in and I know that now. I'd do it now. I'm actually horrible on my own now, because you've ruined me in the best way - and the worst. But he doesn't say any of it; the moment is long gone and his pride does a pretty good job at keeping him quiet.
A shuddered breath escapes her lips upon realizing that she actually hasn’t moved an inch; Y/n doesn’t think she can be the one to bring herself to leave this time. She doesn't want to turn her back to him again. So she lingers, and she swears roots are sprouting from the soles of her feet, keeping her in place, staring into his eyes because lost in them is suddenly the only place she wants to be.
“I should go,” he eventually determines, glancing away. Though, the minute he says it, Andrew is lashed with immediate regret; he does not want to go. He doesn’t want to leave, but he suspects that this time its entirely on him to turn around and walk away.
“Right, right,” Y/n blinks quickly, then, just as he’s about to turn, she interjects, if only for the purpose of holding him there a little longer, “it was really nice seeing you.”
He nods, but doesn’t say anything, not right then. Though, when he turns away and starts retreating to the other end of the small tent, squinting his eyes at the midday sun, catching him square in the face, he pauses. Throwing a cautious backwards glance her way, he finds that Y/n has returned to picking out strawberries and on a whim, Andrew finally allows himself a singular moment of weakness – perhaps in a way of giving her what she’s wanted since their very last fight. “I’ve missed you,” he utters.
Y/n’s head snaps up just as she hands the bag over to the vendor for weighting, “what?” Her brows are furrowed and her lips are slightly agape.
Hating the sudden vulnerability that comes with those three little words, he shakes his head, “nothing. I’ll see you around,” he spares her a short wave, and she does the same.
After that, not a single word is traded between them again; Y/n pays, plops the bag into her basket, and walks off, and he watches her go. There’s a sinking feeling in his chest as she weaves her way through the busy market, and there’s a strange sort of finality in the moment where the last inkling of her green jacket disappears.
What if he never sees her again? What if that moment, in that tent, surrounded by fruits honeyed by summer’s warmth and the bitter heartache of something unfinished, constitutes the last fifteen minutes they will ever share?
What if she’s gone from his life forever and he’s damned to an eternity spent looking at her pictures and never hearing her voice again? Wondering what she’s doing and if she’s finally moved on from him?
Can he survive it? Truly? Without feeling like a shell just being shuffled around by the wind?
Returning to the assortment of ruby-toned apples, he struggles to escape the onslaught in his mind and Andrew finds himself unable to choose any, not even one, so he goes with strawberries instead.
To be continued.....
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shycloudkitty · 3 months ago
You're too sweet for a monster like me (part 2)
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Pairing: Vendetta Leon × Fem reader
Tags: Mentions of depression, overall fluff maybe a bit angsty, Ice skating, Leon being agile af to do that in his first try, a bit inaccurate related to ice skating but spare me🙏 (If you find some mistakes please spare me😭 english is not my native language)
Part 1 of YTS
A/N: The first part did better than I expected, so here's the second part. I have to stop going on hiatus lol. Also, I have never ice skated, though I know rollerblading ☝🤓
Also there are some words in pink and blue, pink are the reader's thoughts, while blue are Leon's thoughts.
Edit: Christmas themed dividers from @/anitalenia
WC: 2.6K
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You quietly sigh, rubbing his back while hugging him, trying to make him feel better about himself. In all seriousness you can’t bear to see him like this–Wasting away and giving up.
He can't give up on himself. You can't let that happen.
You turn his face so you can look at him properly and give a soft smile. “Why don't we go out somewhere? It's been a long time since we had a date and Christmas is around the corner. Plus…I think we need a change of scenery. Let's go to a park.”
Leon looked at you a bit surprised and then down at the half empty glass of whiskey, debating with himself if he wanted to go outside.
But you are having none of it. You weren't going to let him stay here and get more depressed than ever. A change of scenery is what you both need.
You give him your best sweet puppy, mustering up in the moment. You add a small pout and make your eyes look sad and say softly. “Please.”
Leon groans immediately, pinching the bridge of his nose when he sees that look—the famous puppy eyes you always use to get your work done every time. “That's cheating.” he says
He never understood why it works. Like he's a grown ass man who has killed dozens of zombies and what not. He should be immune. But, apparently, military life didn't build him for these kinds of attacks.
You innocently smile and say. “What? I'm just politely asking.”
Leon snorts. “Uh huh…right. Your ‘polite asking’ uses emotional blackmail.”
You gasped dramatically, bringing a hand on your chest. “Little ol’ me? Blackmail? Heavy accusations, Mr. Kennedy.”
Leon rolled his eyes, a small smirk tugging at his lips and pulled you in his lap. “Right. You're so innocent.”
You grin and playfully roll your eyes at him. “Of course I'm innocent.”
Leon snorts but doesn't say anything.
You grip his shoulders and shake him lightly. “Oh come on… let's go outside. Look, it's almost Christmas, so there will be pretty decorations. Don't they have that ice rink too? Come on…it’ll be funny kids and their parents falling flat on their faces. ”
You hear him chuckling a bit at your words, his lips curling into a smile and…finally it feels like that the man you knew is in front of you again. Life slowly returning to him…
Leon smirks and says. “Sounds kinda harsh, you know. What did the kids do?”
You roll your eyes. “That's not the point. Can we pleasssseee go?”
Leon sighs and says. “Fine. Fine. But we're just gonna walk around the park…and no ice skating.”
Like hell you guys won't go ice skating.
Leon sees the immediate change in your expression, going from pleading like a puppy to almost elated and he couldn't help but chuckle.
Somehow you were the only one who could bring this side of him no matter how far he was gone. He had always wondered ‘why?’ part of it. But it's probably useless to ask that question by now.
You immediately get up from his lap and take his hand and start tugging him towards the bedroom. “Good, let's get dressed then.”
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You both are bundled in warm clothes, walking towards the park hand in hand.
Leon looked down at you, taking in your eager expression to get to the park. You looked adorable–like a kitten. No, literally, you were wearing that cute little pink beanie with kitten ears. That beanie always made him smile no matter what, it looked so childish but suits you perfectly.
He gently flicks at one of the ears and smiles to himself. Doing it again and again till you look up at him with a narrowed-eyed expression and say. “Do it again and I will make you wear this.”
Leon grins to himself, feeling satisfied. He looks ahead, holding your hand tighter and walking towards the park. “Nope, I'm good.”
Soon, you both find yourselves walking in the park, taking in the lively scenery with each other.
People of all ages walking around, kids laughing and playing with their parents or grandparents. It was a bit crowded but it's manageable.
You look up at him with a smile. “This is nice right.”
He nods but doesn't say anything, looking around the snow and decorations, the hustle bustle of people distracts his mind a bit. Maybe this was a good idea. He admits he wouldn't have thought of going to a damn park in the middle of a depressive episode.
You notice his shoulders relaxing, and his facial expressions easing up a bit. Mentally, you pat yourself on the back for the first step to make him feel like his old self again.
You squeezed his hand to get his attention. “Do you like snow?”
Leon blinks then looks down at you. “Oh..uhh… I don't know.” He never really thought about mundane things like this, never had time to do that. Maybe when he was a kid? Probably.
He shrugs. “Eh, never gave it much thought, but if snow gets in between my missions and delays it then maybe? But I'm also a bit frustrated then. So, mixed feelings.”
There were times when his missions got delayed because snow had blocked some crucial areas. He used to be a bit relieved when that used to happen, as it was rare for him to catch a breath but also a bit frustrated that he probably won't be able put an end to the mission on time.
You snort and say. “Do you always think like that? Comparing everything to how it would help in a mission? Doesn't it get exhausting?”
He looks at you with a small frown, a small huff leaving his lips. Well it was exhausting but he's not gonna tell her that. He doesn’t like being called out like this and definitely not by his own damn girlfriend. “Try having a world saving job, then we'll talk, sweetheart.”
You chuckle, knowing he was a bit pissed. “What do you mean? Are you implying that I don't have one?”
Leon raises an eyebrow and scoffs. “Do you?”
You smirk and nudge him. “Going on dates, being with you is a pretty important world saving job, my darlingggg.” sweetening up your voice some more in the end and batting your eyelashes at him.
He rolls his eyes and laughs. God you were so cheesy. He looked down at you with a smile and says. “Yeah, you right. Pretty important job. But I pay you enough cuddles and kisses for it.”
You smile, leaning close and kiss his cheek. “That you do. Here's your payback too.” You definitely see him blushing after that. No matter how much he denies it, it never gets old to see him look away, trying to stifle the wide grin threatening to take over his face. It was cute.
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You both reach the makeshift ice rink, Looking around seeing little kids trying to skate with the help of their parents. Falling on their faces but getting up with a big smile on their face and some cried, but most of them were enjoying themselves.
“Jeez, I thought you knew how to stand straight.” he grumbles a bit before holding your waist with both hands to help you balance.
You were clutching his shoulders, desperately trying not to fall. “I'm trying my best okay?! I didn't know ice was this slippery, it's my first ti- Ah!” You slip again, nearly pulling him down with you, but his grip on you was strong enough for you to not fall on your butt.
He grunts, before wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you against his body. “Don't worry, darling, I got you.”
You cling to him like a baby who doesn't know how to walk, falling again and again before you could even take one step. “Don't let me fall, okay?”
He rubs your back, keeping your face buried in his chest. “I have your back, sweetheart.”
Your heartbeat slowly returned to normal, closing your eyes for a moment. “I don't think I can do it, this was a bad idea.”
Leon looks at you, seeing you grumbling & pouting from disappointment. His heart melts from seeing his sunshine upset. He kisses your forehead and smiles. “No, no, no this was a wonderful idea, okay? It's fine you can do it, I'm right here I won't let you fall. Look, see it's my first time too alright. If I can do it then you can too.”
Oh yeah, it was his first time ice skating too and he's doing ten times better than you.
You look up at him from his chest and narrow your eyes. “How are you not falling on your ass like me?”
He chuckled. “What? You want both of us to land in a hospital?”
You rolled your eyes and glared at him light-heartedly. “Nooo but it makes me suspicious. Did you used to do this with your exes?”
Leon burst into a laugh. “Sweetheart, you're like the only stable relationship I ever had. Plus, this is improvising.” He kisses your cheek. “Now come on, I know you can do it.” Giving you a final pat on the back before pulling back.
He had a tight grip as you slowly stood up straight, balancing yourself with his help. You breathe a sigh of relief. “Okay… What do I do now?”
He tilts your chin with his finger, making you look in his blue eyes. “Breathe, you can do it. Your legs are strong enough to skate, don't stand too rigid or you'll fall.”
Slowly, you feel his words empowering you, helping you be more sure of yourself. You feel more confident now, your legs gaining the strength and flexibility needed for ice skating.
Leon smiles seeing you grow more comfortable, his grip then shifts from your waist to both of your hands. “See you're doing it…Good job.”
You look up at him and say. “Yeah but I doubt I will be able to do more than this.”
He chuckles. “Don't worry, you have me…Now just believe in yourself and in me, when I said I won't let you fall I won't. Now, slowly take the first step.” He slowly starts to skate with your hands in his.
Your legs are a bit wobbly at first but you do it, looking in his eyes for reassurance and finding nothing but pure love and encouragement in his eyes.
He slowly nods and smiles at you. “Good… just keep it going.”
Slowly, you start to grow more confident in your footing and follow his steps efficiently. You were still a bit nervous and there were small bumps here and there but you had gotten the hang of it by now.
Leon slowly starts to skate a bit faster, feeling your hand gripping his tightly whenever he does. But he simply squeezes your hand & passes a smile.
Slowly, you both fall into a comfortable pace as you skate together. You grew more confident and laugh softly. “This is great!”
Leon just had a smile of his own watching you laugh and skate with him. It was as if nothing else mattered in this moment, except the two of you. He quietly savored this rare moment of tranquility and peace.
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You were sitting on the bench, watching the decorated Christmas tree with lights and ornaments in front of you. Leon said he had something to take care of, so you were waiting for him to come back.
After a few moments, he came back and sat down next to you quietly, watching the tree lights twinkle in front of him with you. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close to him.
You shift closer to him and rest your head on shoulder. “Everything alright?”
He slowly nods, kissing your forehead. “Never been more alright than this.” He rubs your sides and continues. “Thank you for today. I really needed this date.”
You smiled up at him. “You're welcome. Although, a part of me did think you were starting to regret it considering how much of a wreck I was at Ice skating.”
You feel his chest rumble as he laughs. “You kidding me? That was the best part!”
You raise an eyebrow and huff, pretending to be mad. “Are you saying, me making a fool out of myself was the best part?”
He was still shamelessly smiling, not regretting anything he said. “Yes, but I also liked the part when I helped you skate.”
You roll your eyes and shake your head. “Fair enough.”
He softly sighed, resting his chin on top of your head. These were the moments that reminds him what he was truly fighting for. He was fighting for moments when you both hugged, kissed, cuddled, roasting each other for fun or when you both were simply together and talked just about anything.
He was fighting for you.
He was fighting to protect that precious smile of yours, to keep that sweet innocence of yours safe from the ugly horrors of the world. And if protecting it meant that he had to be a pawn in bigger scheme of things or that he had to be a monster to fight those who created monstrosity to wreck havoc. He was okay with fighting all of it.
As long as you were safe and sound, he was ready to fight anything that threatened your peace. And he wasn't someone who would go down easily without a fight. Your love made him the bravest soldier.
He blinks, as his train of thoughts stopped when he felt you nudging him. He looked down at you. “Hmm?”
You shrugged. “You want to go home now? It's getting a bit late.”
He paused then smiles. “Actually, there was something.”
You looked at him puzzled. “What is it?”
He smirks, then takes out the small mistletoe from his coat pocket he brought earlier and raised it above their heads and playfully said. “Oh my my, who could have hanged this mistletoe here of all places?”
You could barely contain your grin and continue the ruse. “Hmm…Who could it truly be, Do you know?”
Leon shakes his head, smirking at you while still holding the mistletoe above their heads. “No, but it seems like fate, no? It appeared all of a sudden and that too just for us. How strange…Well anyways it seems like we have to do the tradition now.”
You roll your eyes at him your smile barely contained. “Uh huh. Right. The tradition.” He was so smug, it was taking everything not to laugh in his face.
He grins, seeing you try to control yourself and pulls you closer to his body. “Mmm, that's what the traditions are about after all.” His voice lowering and getting sultry.
Your breathing quickened as his other hand brushes some hair out of your face, his thumb gently caressing your bottom lip. Tilting your face towards him. You give him a smile and softly whisper. “Well then, we have to do it. What are you waiting for?”
He smiled and leaned closer. “To hear that.” And gently presses his lips close to yours, kissing you softly. And it's like the world around you both fades once again. You cup his face and kiss him back, slowly deepening the kiss. He wrapped his arms around you holding you gently in his embrace as he pours all the love he has to give you.
Everything that led upto this moment was all worth it to him.
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OMGG Hi everyone!!! Things are a bit hectic but all good. Hope you all enjoy this day. Merry Christmas to anyone who celebrates!!!🎉🎊🎊
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grey-gazania · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers
Yoinked from the lovely @sallysavestheday and @melestasflight!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 65, though one is a compilation of unrelated short pieces.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 199,601
3. What fandoms do you write for? Mostly Tolkien, though I have a few older bits and bobs from other fandoms hanging around.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? In terms of kudos, my various Kidnap Fam stories are overwhelmingly my most popular:
A Stitch in Time (Elrond's life as seen by a quilt)
And They Looked Up and Saw a Star (Early-days Kidnap Fam WIP)
Root and All (Kidnap Fam feat. Maedhros, Elrond, and botany)
Speak No Evil (Kidnap Fam feat. Orkish lessons)
Little Drop of Poison (Kidnap Fam feat. injured Maedhros and healer Elrond)
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to respond to them all, but sometimes my responses are very late, especially if the comment comes when I'm having a depressive episode or a chronic illness flare-up.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Leaving aside unfinished multichaps that will have angsty endings but haven't gotten there yet, it's probably either The Hearts of the Eldar (the Third Kinslaying and all that it entails) or Pain Unbearable (Maedhros' death).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Half Past Ten in the Rose Garden (Caranthir/Caranthir's Wife engagement rom-com). Still debating whether I should add another chapter or wrap it where it is.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Only ever on fics featuring Fingon's wife. Some people get real heated about those.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I don't, nor do I read it. It's very much Not My Thing. I think the closest I've come is The Bed We Share (Fingon/Fingon's Wife, Fingon/Maedhros), which does have a sex scene, but it's not particularly detailed.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No, though I do enjoy reading them on occasion. I'm going to take this opportunity to recommend Evidence by Camwyn on FF.N, which is the single most delightful crossover I've ever read. (Silmarillion/Discworld)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! A kind reader translated Root and All into Russian, where it seems to have been moderately well-received, at least from what I can tell using Google Translate.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope. I suppose I'd be willing to give it a shot, but I do have Very Strong characterization opinions that might make it difficult.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Maedhros/Fingon! Though Elrond/Celebrian and Caranthir/Caranthir's Wife are close seconds, and Glorfindel/Erestor and Legolas/Gimli are very old and longstanding favorites as well.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Things ain't lookin' good for The Longest Journey I Have Known (Fingon's wife and Celebrian travel to Valinor). I am Extremely Stuck.
16. What are your writing strengths? Worldbuilding, character dynamics, and description.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? PLOT. God, I am so bad at come up with interesting plots. Also probably pacing, I need to improve in that respect.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I do it rarely -- in fact I think Maps might be the only Silmarillion story where I've done it. I included a Quenya translation of part of a Yiddish folk song, and in that case I had help from the Lizard Council, and particularly from the esteemed and dearly missed Darth Fingon, who looked over my translation and corrected a few errors.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Star Wars, back in, uh, 1999, I think? I've been doing this for a good 25 years.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Girl, that's like asking a mother to choose her favorite child! But if I absolutely must pick, it's probably The Flight of Birds, which features Elrond, newly arrived on Balar, dealing with his conflicted feelings about his mother.
Tagging @thelordofgifs, @vidumavi, @cuarthol, @swanhild, @leucisticpuffin, @emyn-arnens, @polutrope, @welcomingdisaster, @zealouswerewolfcollector, @that-angry-noldo, @thescrapwitch, @spiritofwhitefire, @swanmaids, @hhimring, @elfscribe, and anyone else who wants to share -- @ me and say I tagged you!
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kawaii-butt-crust-core · 1 year ago
Random HB headcanons / thoughts I guess
(tw for some sexual mentions and cursing )
Mammon fucking HATES jingle bell rock
Asmodeus sending fizz "send this to someone you love!" Type of videos and fizz sends shit like this
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Just the thought that asmodeus ( the embodiment of lust ) believes love is not love without consent is honestly a great detail
Also thinking about how fizzarolli has eyebags
Millie can use a bow and arrowwwww
I think the human versions of blitzø and his family are indigenous, idk the nose and the skin tone, it might be a long shot but I like the idea yk
Also love seeing indigenous characters
Stolas loving outer space that's canon right
Imagine him as a kid just reading a shit ton of books about space and in any occurrence it's brought up now you know how the universe is going to end
Blitzø: I just need space-
Stolas: SPACE???????
I think after Octavia gets out of her super angsty teenager phase ( do not come after me I know it's more than an angsty "mom leave me alone I wanna be famous" thing, I'm kidding ) she would really like indie music
Like indie rock if that makes any sense
I'm sorry but there neeeeeddsss to be more Millie appreciation
I kinda wish there was an episode that centers around her yk ?
Do you think imps nipples are white too like scars and freckles or am I weird
Ozzie posting on everything " YES THE RUMORS ARE TRUE THIS IS MY FUCKING SOULMATE" because for some reason there was a lot of controversy and debate if it was real or not
Then next to it it's a picture of him and fizz
People were PISSED
I thought mamom was played by bluey's dad bandit if I'm being completely honest I'm so sorry
Millie is spider man moxxie is hello kitty
Stella likes soup. What is she eating now? Oh some fucking soup. What's wrong with her icecub- SHE FROZE THE SOUP TO MAKE ICE CUBES-
Loona has a very bad picking at her skin habit, not really with her face but with her legs and arms ( human form obviously )
Fizz posting " FUCK ALL OF YOU" on all of his socials , deleting everything ( especially the sexually explicit things )
I think being a part of the circus is equivalent to trailer trash in hell
I mean look at em
I love it
Human form Ozzie would have THE MOST luscious hair ever
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This image just says so much about them as a pair it kills me
The way the animators just go above and beyond is just amazing to me
How did fizzarolli get the 2 minutes notice thing planned so quickly...........
Fizz over sharing as a teenager ( not projecting )
fizz really thought in "oops!" That he wasn't gonna make it out of the fire again
Like bro just put his knees to his chest and CRIED
Speaking of fizz how did that mark in the next episode get there? What was that? Idk if it was maybe a bruise from.. something.. I don't wanna say it was from mamon because that would defeat the purpose of his character being EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE and that emotional abuse is still abuse, but idk some people said it might be because of him?
Can you tell I'm obsessed with fizzarolli
The sexual harassment rep.... People who have experienced sh usually think "it's not as bad as *other s3xual trauma* so I'm just being dramatic" ( I say this from experience ) but it ABSOLUTELY IS AND SHOULD BE RECOGNIZED. It's still something you're not comfortable with. Fizz brushing it off as "oh well they're just fans who express their love differently!" Should not have been taught to him.
I'm not slightly projecting again. Nuh uh
Ozzie can play saxophone. He just gives me the vibe.
Beezlebubs design just screams if kesha. Even if they didn't mean to.
Millie getting stuck in trees as a kid and being too scared to get down
Was Barbies real name barbie or is that a nickname? Or was it for the sake of the circus ( like blitzøs name being .. well blitzø )
Millie name is short for Amelia maybe? People used to call her Lia but she hated it so much she started writing her nickname Millie on everything.
People saying they hated / thought the stolas human design could've been better can go FUCK themselves HONESTLY
Blitzø and fizzs as teenagers going to their town center and being like "?????? Why is everything so FANCY it's AMAZING"
Octavia can't handle spicy things for SHIT
Look at their British asses
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They cough at smelling PEPPER
Stolas just randomly texting Octavia "you're so beautiful darling! Have a nice day <3 -your dad" or "don't forget to eat! -your dad" ( he texts like that IDC )
Octavia writes poetry! It's actually really good
Okay so I have this headcanon that in the HELLUVA BOSS universe that songs like contoursionist, toxic ( by ashnikko ), tunnel vision and agorah hills, NYMPHOLOGY, and he has this "one last show" thing where he preforms these songs and HE IS SCREAMING SOME OF HIS OWN SONGS
But that would also defeat his character development so I'll just imagine him singing this songs in the car or smth
Mamon having to do some toxic gossip train shit
Millie kills the spider.
I think that may be all okay byeeee
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probablynottola · 11 months ago
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @beckstraordinary
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
9 completed works, some of them multichapter but nothing tooo long. one series.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
More than my actual thesis... that i should have been writing... for my actual work... (almost 85k)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ted Lasso and Tedpendent specifically! But I am a multishipper, so you'll find some TrentBeard in there and some TrentRoy too.
I'd love to write for Midnight Mass but I'm scared of how to write all the religious talk. I thought about writing for OFMD and BBC Ghosts but sort of didn't find the inspiration. There's something about TedTrent that just has that sort of grip on my brain I guess!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
So... Michelle’s Bisexual Bureau of Investigation seems to be the most liked. I mean, it's basically about Trent being a gay disaster on social media so I think many of us out there can relate (it's actually largely based on something I personally did). It was fun to write and I can sort of see why it's a fun read.
Second, third and fourth place we have 🪄The Smut Fics🪄. It's all private on ao3, so you'll need a profile to access them cause, well.
Fifth place we have Bicycle Day Surprisingly Not About Cycling, which is about divorced dads with a mutual crush doing LSD together. 😇 It was so hard to write but I had one (1) idea and had to stick with it!! Also it was for a challenge so I was extra determined to get it out of my system.
Ironically (in the Alanis sense of the term) some of my personal favourites have the least kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I love recieving comments and I wanna let people know I really appreciate them. Also, I love commenting on fics and treat the comment section on ao3 as a sort of community-building place. People have been so nice and lovely in the comment sections, it's amazing, really.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The ending is not angsty, cause I like to give some happiness to my fictional babes, but this one is sort of angsty and has the least explicit happy ending: Can you still edit a written book?. It's about Beard and Trent being sad and miserable about Ted leaving and hooking up about it. I also wrote a short sequel here: A different pace. This is a wip series and it's the most emo / earnest i got with fic writing. I don't mind it tho!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Inside of me there are two wolves. One wants to make a sex joke out of the question and thus recommending smut, the other wants to link a wholesome future fic written from the Crimmlet's pov. The duality of humankind.
All of my fics have happy endings, so I'll re-interpret the question and I'll link A very special Crimmlet Diary entry for Coming Out day because it has a glimpse on a very cute and happy family future for Ted and Trent together.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Only from my own brain when I feel down about my writing! 🙃
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
More open than the jar of peanut butter on my kitchen counter is a multi-chapter multishipping madness of a fic I thought about orphaning many times and which I keep as a testament of my own progress in writing fics. I am still grateful for having had some help with beta-reading it but it's just such a mess and very self-indulgent. There's some fun sexy parts including potentially problematic dirty talk, public sex, platonically holding your hands with your bff while you both get head... Ops.
I also wrote an alternative chapter for it which became a one shot, called Cowboys are secretly frequently fond of each other, which is about Trent getting horny over Ted singing karaoke.
But I think the only one I really like it's You’re an angel I’m a dog (Or you're a dog and I'm your man). It's a nasty (you've been warned!) PWP pup play fic. I just think those men deserve to be freaks once in a while. I debated over publishing this as anon but my lack of shame won.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No... but I do think Trent deserves boyfriends from every corner of the multiverse.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'd love to. My DMs are open!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
💙Ted and Trent💙. Truly a perfect ship. My losers. I love them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Midnight Mass AU that lives rent free in my head and that most likely will never see the light of day (...wink wink, pun intended).
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't know! I think I can be quite funny. And sometimes poetic, even accidentally so, in the way non-native speakers sometimes can be, using language in a different way. I think I can also write pining quite well (gay water sign talent).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I hate, HATE, writing dialogue. I am terrified of it. I am afraid it will sound fake or artificial. I also feel insecure about English not being my first language and it showing in fics, in them sounding weird somehow. Not seeing mistakes etc. But I also lack the impulse control needed to wait for fics to be beat read and I sometimes just post the second is done. Which. Not ideal.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
The bane of my existence. Hell on earth. Help. (I willfully misinterpret this question and answer implying that all dialogue is in another language for me).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Somewhere, on EFP (Italian fanfic site) there are some original works of mine from AGES AGO, and even (if memory doesn't fail me) some Harry Potter wips that I hope are long gone, since fuck that TERF and her work.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Probably the last one I wrote for the AFC Richmond discord server bingo challenge. To love flowing in different directions. it's about queer chosen family and love. It has puns about sex toys, drunken confessions, fantastic wing man action, lots of mutual pining. It was fun to write!
No pressure tags: @bookqueen101 @leeofthestone @thistableforone @rootingfordorks @crimmcakes @carduelisfinch @tinylilemrys @jamiepoptart
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your-girl-mj · 3 years ago
Soulmates [Camilo x gn!reader] prt.2
Summary: Just how much does you hate Soulmates?
Warning: kinda angsty?? Idk
Note: he/him for camilo, they/them for reader. Second point of view.
Created: February 28, 2022
Published: March 8, 2022
Part 1 part 2 part 3
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"Their family is against Soulmates."
Luisa continued on her path, letting the boy grasp the reality he's in, but looking back after moments to make sure he was alright. Camilo felt his heart pump faster in milliseconds, questions flooding his brain of his. Why, how, when?
The green-eyed trailed behind the woman, eyes glued at the ground as they walked. Forming questions that he wants answers to. "Why..." he hesitated as his next words, thinking that it's rude, but still inquired. "Why are they against Soulmates? They bring nothing but, I don't know—love? Hope?"
"I think it's not about love or hope, but being betrothed to someone, is what they're against."
Is that why [name] hates me?
"How? I mean isn't it good that you already have someone out there for you? How did they hate it?" He inquired once again, brows knitted together. Flinching at the sudden impact at the back of his head, glancing behind him with grass-green eyes searching for any source of life that hit him from behind, but found no one. He figured it was you who caused it, so he brushed it off.
Luisa hummed in thought, adjusting her hands to carry the shovels that is slipping out of her grasp. "I think it started when Señora left..." she mumbled to herself, debating if she should tell her cousin.
"Señora? Señora who?" Camilo inquired once again, wanting to know the answer, as he now strolling beside his prima. Curiosity is getting the best of him.
"I don't think it's my story to tell, Milo." She dismissed, waving her hand at her two sisters in the distance, who's glad that she returned, but raise a brow at their cousin who's bothering her about something.
"But Luis—" He tried once again, but the said sisters stopped him from coming any closer, a vine various flowers bloom at the sides of it, as it made an 'x' position making the boy unable to get through, deep frown painted on Isabela's face.
"She's busy, now go!" She pointed her slender fingers to the opposite side of them. Her brown ones bore into Camilo's skull.
"I'm not a dog! You can't expect me to obey you!" He sway his arms around him, clearly offended, mimicking her glare at him. "Luisa! I shall save you from these dragon-looking creatures!" He dramatically announced, moving his hand past the plant, reaching to the air. As the giant woman shakes her head in amusement.
"Dragon?! Well, at least we don't eat like a dog!" Mirabel protested, erupting a gasp from the boy, putting a hand to his chest. The glass-eyed hooked her arms with the first-born together, throwing her primo a mocking look, smirking at him.
"You take that back!"
"No. That's for stealing my leftovers."
"W-well! At least, I don't look like a lizard."
"Milo, your name sounds like a lizard, maybe tía did it 'cause you look like one." The youngest throws another payback. The brunette in a bun covered her eyes with her palm at the background of the two, her white shirt lightly going up and down as she held the laugh that was begging to come out. She can't take to look at the scene anymore, knowing she will laugh.
The green-eyed boy pouted in defeat, leaning his head at the plant that's being held as a barricade. His curls bounced as he did so, a thin layer of sweat is formed on his forehead, with the ray of the sun it appears like it's shinning a bit. "I just wanna talk to Luisa..." he whined in a softer tone.
"We know, but do it later. Luisa needs her time to rest, okay primo?" The oldest brought her hand up, ruffling his fluffy hair. The boy's eyes are still narrowed from the teasing, but he started it, so he didn't mind much.
"Okay," finally admitting his defeat, he strolled his way away from the sisters, recalling his conversation with the brunette.
His thoughts went paused when he heard one of them call, "we still love you even if you look like a dog!"
A hand ran through his curls in distress, as he played detective with your family's issue with Soulmates.
Señora? Señora who?? Does she have something to do with you? Probably. But what? What did this woman do to your family to make you hate Soulmates?
Should I just ask? No, that's too personal. Maybe they'll open up after some time?
The shape-shifter is snapped back when a ball hits him square in the face. Causing him to stumble backward, swaying his arms to balance, ignoring his throbbing head. The once clear view of the sky is now getting blurry.
A series of gasps are heard from a small group of children, one of them looked horrified and nearly tearing up.
"I'm good! I'm alright!" He stalked towards them, kneeling to their height, his pants made contact with the dirty. His arms gestured his appearance and reassured the now crying girl. "No wounds, no blood-" he patted the bottom of his freckled nose, glancing at hit for any source of red, and found none. "I'm perfectly fine, don't cry." Softly patting her arm.
"But yo-you said, you can't get hurt anymore because," she paused when a hiccup interrupted, her little hands clenching her colorful skirt, before continuing. "Your Soulmate can feel it too! I don't want them to hate you!" Letting go of her dress, her hands cover her petite face, sobs coming out of her mouth.
The three of her friends went to comfort her immediately, one soothing her back, the other went to get some water to calm her down, while the other one offer her a napkin to blow on, brows knitted, worried for their friend.
"I'm sure [name] understands, they're a good person, they'll understand that it's an incident. Don't worry about it, okay? We're both fine." He said truthfully, beaming when the kid finally stopped, grabbing a fistful of her friend's ruana for her comfort.
Camilo wipes her tears with the napkin from the little girl offering it, giggling a bit when the girl complains when he teasingly pinch her nose.
Earlier that day, right after you left the shape-shifter's side, you were pulled to the side of a house by the tall cousin of yours. His Sombrero's thread hung by his neck, keeping it from falling to the ground. His back pressed against the cold concrete, putting an arm in front of you as he peek from the side. He's hiding from something. But from what?
"What are you-" you questioned his movements, but he quickly brought a hand to your face shutting you up, accidentally bang your head at the stone wall. Wincing slightly as you rubbed the sore spot, but kept quiet.
"Sshh, sh, sh, sh!" He paused, Manuel's jet-black hair moves against the blowing winds, as his chocolate-like eyes squint at the wagon parked outside your house. "Look, we have a visitor. That witch is back."
His statement caught you off guard and peeked to see if he was telling the truth. Much to your dismay, he is. The so-called "witch's" things scattered on top of the wagon, its disorderly is getting on your nerves. A blanket covering on top of it, making a little cave-like hole, every little kid's dream cave made out of things and blankets.
You swore that you saw a movement inside of it, but you're more focused on the conversation you guys are hearing from the inside of the window above you. The circular casement is a little higher than both of you, so you can't see what's going on.
"Come on, let's sneak inside. Stay quiet, and keep calm." Manuel instructed, holding his hand out for you, muffled voices are heard from your current place.
Agreeing with his plan, you wordlessly took his hand, and stalked inside, the door creek a bit, but it's unheard by the people inside. Crouching a bit to be unseen. Sandals gaze over the tiled floor, a sickeningly sweet tone coming for the sala.
The both of you made it into the kitchen, ducking down a counter as you two spy at the elders. There she is, the witch herself, Señora [last name]. She held both hands of your Aunt, the two seemingly have a conversation about something.
Your father leaned by the wall, staring deeply at his sister and his former wife as they talked like old friends. His [eye. color] twitch in annoyance, big arms crossed over his chest, breathing heavily. He's quite thankful that his sister is nice, or the woman will a thrown outside as she deserves.
He knows she didn't visit them to check on them, she needs something.
"What are you doing here, Ada?" The [last name]'s words echoed through the casita. The chatter from the women died down. His former wife: Ada, gave him a confused expression, one eyebrow raised.
"I'm visiting! I want to see how you guys are doing-" He can read her like an open book, and the man can't stand how fake she is to them.
"The real reason." You never heard him this angry before, it's scary. He spits that sentence with venom, it went right down your spine. Your cousin is a shredder, so you guess he felt it too.
"Aye Cisco, you know me so well..." she approached him, leaning her head at his shoulder, her [hair. color] locks swing as she did so. Your father's head faced forward, not a single glance down. He can't look at her, especially at the red spring attached to his pinky to hers. "I need someplace to stay, and I thought that maybe we could try our relationship again?" Her fingers trailed along his arms, using two fingers her crawl her hand up to his shoulders.
The [lastname] can't take his ranging feelings anymore, and harshly grasp her hand, his eyes bury into her soul. You watch from the counter, eyes widen from your Father's reaction. He's usually a gentle guy, but right now he's hurt, and he doesn't want any more of this woman in front of him.
"We don't want you here. Go back to that guy you run away with!" Extending his hand to the door, more furious than you have ever seen before.
"I'm here to make it up to you! To [name]! Just gave me another chance!"
You flinch at their raised tones, putting a hand over your ears. Plugging out their voices, you can't imagine how Dolores is holding up. Manuel put an arm other your shoulders, comforting as best as he can. Also looking at the two in worry.
How long has it been? 5-6 years, when she left you and now, she's begging to come back to your lives like she didn't disappear. Like she didn't run away from being a mother to you.
"I gave you so many chances, Ada! Leave me and my family alone!" Your father demanded, his sister coming over his side, not wanting the situation to go farther than it already is.
"Then let's try again, we're soulmates Cisco! You can't push me away!" She reasons, putting a hand over her chest. Not that word again, he despises that word so much.
"Soulmate or not, I want you out of our li-"
You throw your head back, as you felt the sudden impact of something, hitting you right in the nose. It was unexpected that you yelped in surprise and pain. You immediately put a hand over your face, it hurts like hell, what did that idiot do now??
"You good? Is it gone now? Where is the part that hurts?" Your cousin inquired, whispering as he pulled your hand away to see what part of it hurts so much.
"By the nose-" you pointed out, eyes closed. Did Camilo trip again? Did something hit his face? You're about to speak again but cut off.
"[Name], Manuel." You both wince at your father's voice, you were caught red-handed. His tone is soft, unlike earlier.
"You two can come out now. It's disrespectful to eavesdrop," your Tía stated, strolling towards the counter.
The boy is the first one to stand up, pulling you along with him. He mumbled a small, "sorry, mamá..." to his mother, who smiled at him, forgiving him for his actions.
You, on the other hand, stared at your parents. Mostly at your Father who seemingly staring at you too, silently having a conversation through eye contact. One topic that includes: this woman needs to get out of the house.
"Oh my, [name]! You've grown so much!" He approached you, her arms wide open, ready to embrace you. But before she could, you pulled away from her hands, throwing her an uneasy look. "Now, that's not how you greet your Mother." Crossing her arms at you.
"You're no Mother to me." You spat, glaring at your face that resembles yours, you hate her so much, that you can't even look at your face, since you only see her.
"Don't talk to me like that!" The woman exclaims, giving you an offended stare, "I gave birth to you, I'm still your Mother! Show some respect!"
"Not because you gave birth to me, you deserve my respect! You were never there for me!" Angry tear-stained your eyes, you can't handle it anymore. The tanned-skin Cousin of yours, rubbed your back while glaring at the woman "You're always outside, flirting with other guys when your Soulmate is just behind the door-!"
"¿Mamí?" A little voice snapped you out of your range, glancing at the now opened door of your house. A boy, who looks like 4-5 years old, staring at you and your Mother with watery eyes, clenching a stuffed Jaguar in his tiny hands.
She... has a kid?
"Mijo! I told you to stay at the wagon, you shouldn't have seen that." The [hair. color] woman walked to the little boy, crouching down cupping his cheeks before wiping his tears with her thumb.
She has a kid. A kid of her own.
"I heard yelling so I wanna see if you're okay!" The child embraces her, crying once again. It's clear that the boy is her son, and he loves her and is worried about her. That means, he spends most of his time with the woman, and he felt protective of her.
You can feel your chest swarm with envy, you're also her child, so why can't you have that relationship with her when you were younger? Just why?
You storm off by the stairs, nearly tripping but managing to rush to your room as you feel a sob coming out, not wanting to look vulnerable in front of anyone.
"[Nickname]!" The black-haired followed you, right after his Tío telepathically told him to go after you, while he take care of the situation. The boy was faced with a shut door, a loud slam rang through the halls.He sighs in defeat, but still makes an effort to be there for you, considering you did the same to him when his father died. Leaning on the door, he said, "if you need to talk, I'll be in my room," he paused, waiting for your response, rubbing the back of his neck when he receives nothing, "you can sleep next to me tonight, I don't mind..." light tapping at the wooden door before he finally gave up when he heard nothing. "see you at dinner, [name]."
Camilo watched as the pebbles bounce through the water, tiny splashes were made as the impact of the rock made contact with it. He glace at the circular watch, the golden lid shining beneath the setting sun.
5:56 pm
He's been here since 2:30, not wanting to disappoint you. Yet here he is, still waiting for you, keeping himself busy by throwing small rocks, and drawing on the dirt with a stick.
Where are you? Did you trick him? No, that can't be right, you're not that cruel. Did you forget? Should he leave?
Hundreds of questions flood his brain—his heart felt like it's been stabbed. You wouldn't do that, right? You're not that kind of person, or are you? No, stop. The shape-shifter felt like crying to the horrible concept that he can't get out of his head.
You won't do that, you two are friends now. For the past few weeks, you two are getting close. You don't ditch, whatever happens. So, you forgot? You just forgot.
That's right, [name] forgot. Let's believe that, it's easier... he thought, closing the lid of the pocket watch.
Your Father's knuckles gaze with the wood, as he gently knocks outside your room. He's worried, you've been there for the whole day now. "[Name], can I come in?" He questioned, listening carefully for any mumble of agreement. Silence is all he heard, so he tried again, "Corazon, I need to talk to you, can I come in?" Sometimes he curses himself since you inherited his stubbornness. Knowing that the conversation will lead to nowhere, he decided to get in. "I'm coming in, okay?" The man stated, opening the door, peeking inside.
The room is dark, only a tint of sunsetting light is coming from the sealed windows, the curtain blows a bit as the wind slightly past through the opened door. There you lied, your back facing him, covered with your blanket, with your head resting comfortably on the pillow. The [last name] sat by the spot that's not taken over your body, patting your head in comfort.
In someone's eyes, you look like sleeping but he knew better, you're wide awake, so he just blurts the news out. "She's staying here for 2 weeks."
"What?!" You sprang up, the covers fell from your shoulders to your waist, a complicated look on your face as you stared at your Father in disbelief. "Pá! Are you being serious right now?! You're giving her another chance, remember that last hundred times you did! She'll hurt you again-"
"I did it because of the kid, Mi Vida. They need a home to stay, I can't let that child sleep in the cold." You were unprepared with his reasons, but you didn't care about anything from the woman, not even your half-brother. "I'm not giving her a chance with us, just the boy. He doesn't deserve to be a runaway like her. Do you understand now, [nickname]?" You two made eye contact as he turned to glance at you.
Meekly nodding at him, you slowly get back to bed, pulling the covers over your head this time. You heard the Man sigh before you feel the bed creek as he got off, heavy footsteps were heard stalking to your door. "Get down for dinner later, I love you, Corazon."
"Love you too, Papá." With that, he closes the door. Leaving you with your thoughts, you feel tired but don't know why. You also feel like you've missed something—something important, something that's worth. But what?
You need some time to think, and you know just the right place for that. No one knows unless they saw you come over there from time to time. Is it a good thing to sneak out, what if your father came back? what will he do if he finds out you're gone?
Nah, Manuel will handle it.
Silently approaching your closet, you pulled out a rough-textured old rope. You haven't seen this in years, a good thing it's still tough as a rock.
Sneaking out is always been natural to you, just to have some time alone, away from the witch that has returned home. It started when you were 9 years old, that dear cousin of yours showed you how just for you to enjoy life once in a while.
You climbed down the window quietly, so quiet that Dolores can only hear your breath, heartbeat, and the sound of rope stretching from the weight.
Once your foot met the grass, you sprinted through the forest near you, a certain location in mind. The sun is beautiful, orange and pink clashed into each other, a hint of little blues is seen too. Seeing a familiar tree, you turned right from it, meeting the riverbank that only you knew about.
You always stayed here, and wash laundry over here. Only white noise is heard, which is relaxing as the flow of the water makes sounds as well as some of the fishes that swam in it. Crouching down near the waters, swinging the clothing away from it, not wanting it to get wet, you took a moment to think about everything that has happened today.
You were with the Madrigal before you part ways and were pulled by your cousin, then that witch shows up with a kid and you run away, locking yourself in your room.
Wait no, you missed something.
You're with the shape-shifter, then Manuel told you about that not-really-a-mother with your half brother then you lock yourself, and your dad told you about them staying... right?
No there's still something important that you missed. But what? You felt guilty about something, for forgetting something, but can't put a finger on it.
You picked up a rock, it's small and rough but has a few small soft surfaces. You stared at it for a moment before you went back to thinking again. The tree leaves rustling from the wind.
But you know it's about that freckled boy. It is when he was hit by something in the face?? Maybe, but it doesn't feel right...
So what-
"Look who finally shows up!" Startled by an unforeseen voice from above you, straight away you looked up alarmed about your surroundings. There he is, the boy that's been in your thoughts for the past few minutes. Camilo sat by a thick branch of a tree, his ruana is off folded neatly resting on his lap. He looks happy, like really happy. "You're late, Lindo."
"Don't call me that, Madrigal." Shooting him a look, but a small beam is seen on your face. "And what do you mean by late?"
"I told you I'll help you, right? You said by the river at 3. It's past 3, [name]." He stated carefully coming down from the tree, then sitting next to you, bringing his knees up, mimicking you. His ruana lay casually on one of his shoulders. "Can't believe that the person who said 'don't be late' is the one who's a few hours late."
Oh. Ooh.
"Aye, Mierda." You mumbled to yourself— your hands run through your hair, as you bury your face in between your elbows. The boy rubbing your back, muffling his chuckles, your continued head still between your arms. "I completely forgot, ugh you've probably been waiting here for 2? 3? Hours. God, I'm such an Idiot!"
"Don't down yourself, [name]! It's only for a few hours, no biggie!" The shape-shifter cheered you up, bumping his shoulder to yours in an attempt of making you smile or even better, laugh.
"How many hours, exactly?" You inquired, you brought yourself to head up, looking at him with your [eye. color] ones, the boy can see the fret swimming through it.
You're worried about him again! You look so adorable too! It was worth a wait! That way you're staring at him is making his heart melt. This makes him look away for a moment, his face reddish from that small interaction, your eyes never left his form brows frown, lips pressed into a thin line.
"...4 hours," Camilo answered, looking back at you for any kind of reaction, he panicked when you let out a small gasp, mouth agape. He doesn't want you to down yourself again. "But that's not the point! You're here now, and that's all I need to say it's worth it!" he continued, making sure that you two shared a mutual gaze as he tilt his head a bit, giving you an assuring smile. 
"I didn't bring the laundry, we can't wash them. So, it's not worth it."
"Then, we can talk! Just you and me, any topic you want." 
The sun is almost set, only a few bits are seen. Your surroundings began to darken as the light is running away replaced by dim. you stared at his emerald-like eyes, despite the dark place you two are into, his eyes are bright and lively, with a hint of softness inside it. "you're too kind, Madrigal." you mutter, not breaking the contact between your eyes. "especially to me, all I did is push you away, why is that?" you heart increase its beat, as you ask the question that has been in your mind ever since he approaches you repeatedly.
The thought of your problems earlier in the day has been banished into thin air. All of them are focused on the boy in front of you.
The shape-shifter took a moment to answer, too mesmerize with your deep eyes before blinking a few times but didn't look away. " 'cause you're my Soulmate, and I'll do anything just to be close to you," he spoke without thinking, his hair swinging back and forth as the wind blows. 
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I'll write Part 3 soon, maybe after a few weeks :]
Part 3
Taglist: @elisongadaletastuff @dai-tsukki-desu @chayauwu @suncakie @riptide-123 @tanjiroswhore @cassiopeia-black-brenda @stuckindreamland06 @elegantkidfansoul @mymomsaidyouneedtofuckoff y'all many, i didn't think you're all that many 😭
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midnight-fern · 3 years ago
Best Friends pt 1
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Part 2
pairing~ Jean x reader
genre~ fluff to unresolved angst; modern au; college au; friends to something
word count~ 1.6 k
warnings~ some mild intrusive thoughts/ negative self talk; kinda angsty
a/n~ I wrote this like two years ago and found it on my computer and decided to post it:P I'm going to write a part two sometime this week:)
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You woke up to a “come outside” text. After some internal debate on wether or not you should act like you slept through it, you shrug on a jacket and tread out to your best friend’s car.
“Jean, you are aware that its 2 in the a.m., right?” You yawn the question, glaring at your friend as he pulls out of the driveway.
“Oh, I’m well aware,” is the response you get.
It wasn’t uncommon for Jean to pick you up at ungodly hours of the night to just drive around. You met him a year ago during your first week of university, and since then you two were inseparable- although you sometimes wish your friendship had a curfew.
Now, you love and cherish your late night rides with him, he just had a tendency to initiate them once you were already fast asleep.
“So, where are we off to?” You ask as you hook your phone up to the aux, the sounds of the playlist the two of you made for these specific occasions filling the car.
“I think we’ll just drive a bit I don’t want to keep you up long. Unless you have any requests,” he offers.
“I’m fine with whatever,” you respond. The next few minutes are spent in peaceful silence as Jean navigates out of your neighborhood.
Had it been a warmer night, the windows would’ve been rolled down and you would’ve been able to hear the quiet sounds of the city. But, alas, the crisp air of fall is trapped outside while the heater in Jean's car keeps you warm. The warm air, the hum of the car,  the hushed sounds of the music, and the worn in passenger seat is almost enough to lull you to sleep.
The buzz you feel by being with him, though? That will always keep you wanting to soak up every second you can while you’re with him, so you stay awake.
“You know I don’t mind if you sleep, yeah? I know it’s late,” he states, patting your thigh gently as you bring your feet onto the seat to snuggle up some more.
“You know I’d rather talk to you, yeah?” You respond, followed by a yawn.
“Okay then, dearest,” he starts, “let’s talk. How’re your classes going?”
“Ugh, history is kicking my ass. My professor has the most monotonous voice I’ve ever heard and I can’t stay focused.”
“How about calc? I heard there’s a cutie boy in your block.” You know he’s referring to himself, seeing as he sits in the desk behind you.
You have to agree, he is a cutie boy, but you can’t tell him that to his face, his ego is too inflamed as is, so you decide to mess with him a bit.
“Oh yeah, there is this one guy,” you sigh out in a dreamy voice.
“Yeah?” He perks up, “And what’s his name?”
“Eren, I think. He sits in front of me. We also have bio together and he asks to borrow my pen sometimes.”
“Wait, for real? You have a crush on someone and didn’t tell me?” He asks, feigning hurt. It makes you giggle.
“Oh no, I never said I had a crush on him, I just said he’s a cutie boy in calc,” you retort.
“Ahh, I see,” he drawls. “Are there any other cutie boys in your calc class?”
“Why are you so concerned with the guys in my calc class? Do you want me to set you up with one? Or do you need a tutor?” You tease.
“No,” he responds firmly. “Well I mean, I do need a tutor, but I have you for that.”
“So you don’t want me to set you up with a cutie boy in my calc class? Eren seems pretty nice, I can talk to him for you if you want?” You tease some more.
“No, I don’t want you to set me up with some boy in your calc class, especially not Eren,” he rushes the last part out.
Maybe he wasn’t referring to himself earlier like you thought.
“Oh? I quite like Eren. He’s really nice and he’s really good to study bio with. Maybe I could invite him to our next homework party and he can help you with calc?”
Have you passed teasing and made it straight to being mean yet? Maybe not, but if the way he’s holding the steering wheel tighter means anything, you’re probably just annoying him.
“Can we stop talking about Eren?” He asks, irritation spilling from his voice.
Yep, you’re definitely annoying him.
“Okay I’ll stop,” you look out the window. It looks like you’ve ended up back in your neighborhood. It’s late- he must be getting tired. “But why are you so concerned about who I find cute in calc anyways?” You ask, starting to get secondhand irritation. Was it from the conversation or the fact that it was edging 3 am? You couldn’t tell, probably both.
“Maybe I wanted to set you up with someone,” he mumbles, voice laced with the lightest tinge of attitude from how long it took his point to come across.
Ouch, that hurt.
Did you want to get set up with someone from calc? Technically yes, but you want that person to be the boy you’re currently in the car with.
“Really? Why?” You ask.
“I don’t know,” he sighs as he turns down your road, “It’s just, we hang out all the time- and don’t get me wrong, I love hanging out with you all the time, it’s just...” he trailed off.
“Just what?” You frown, not understanding what he’s trying to explain.
“It’s just, I don’t want you to get bored of me, or like, annoyed with me. I just figured that if maybe you found someone else to spend time with then I could keep that from happening,” he rushes out, refusing to spare even a slight glance toward you.
His response throws you off. Did he really think you could get annoyed by him? That you don’t love hanging out with him? That you’re not absolutely smitten towards him?
He didn’t give you a chance to respond (although, you were taking a while to process what he meant) before he pulled into your driveway and put the car in park. “You know what? Forget I said anything. It’s late and you have an 8:30 class in the morning, you should go to bed. Sorry for waking you for nothing,” he says, only turning his head to look your way, his hands never leaving the steering wheel.
“Jean…” you start, not completely certain where to begin with him.
“No, don’t ‘Jean’ me, I don’t know why I even brought it up. Let’s just forget about it.”
“No, I don’t want to just forget about it,” you said firmly, unbuckling your seatbelt to face him completely. “What made you think I would ever get tired of hanging out with you? You’re my best friend. I hang out with you all the time because I love being around you. If I was getting tired of hanging out with you, I wouldn’t have woke up at two in the morning when I fell asleep at eleven.”
“Well maybe I don’t want to hang out with you as much anymore,” he turns in his seat to match your posture.
He might as well have punched your square in the stomach and it would’ve hurt just as much. Was he getting bored of you? Was he getting annoyed with you? Was he trying to find someone to shove you onto so you wouldn’t bother him anymore? There’s as small fire burning just under the skin of your cheeks, a massive weight being loaded onto your chest. Were you crying? You reach your hand up to your cheek- it’s wet. Great, now you’re crying in front of someone who doesn’t want to be your friend anymore.
“Oh, okay, that’s fine,” you reach to open the door, ready to be anywhere besides his car that has suddenly become extremely hot and stuffy. “Good night then.”
“Wait no,” he reaches for the sleeve of your jacket, trying to keep you in the seat. “That came out wrong.”
You shove his hand away and move to get out of the car. How else could he mean it? He doesn’t want to hang out with you anymore, he said it himself.
You stand in front of the still open door, quickly wiping your tears away with your jacket sleeve. “Jean, I’m tired. You shouldn’t have woke me up in the middle of the night to hang out, just to tell me you don’t want to hang out anymore- a text would’ve been just fine.”
You close the door and start making your way back to your house. When you hear his car door close, your pace begins to pick up. Between your lack of sleep and the massive bomb Jean just dropped on you, you’re too exhausted the listen to him anymore.
Before you can reach the front door, fast footsteps approach you and Jean grabs your arm and turns you to him.
“Y/n, please just hear me out-“
“No, Jean,” you interrupt hm, laying a finger on his chest. “It is three in the morning and I need to be awake in a couple hours to go to class. I’m not in the mood right now. If you want to explain later, fine, but not right now.”
Without another word- or look- at him, you made your way into the house, down the hall, and into your bed.
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xiaosmoon · 4 years ago
hi!! I'm OBSESSED with the way you write, so if you could indulge me a little? :D diluc + kaeya + zhongli with an s/o who has to seduce an enemy to get important info—though they try their best to stay put, worry/jealousy gets the best of them, and they arrive at the scene just in the nick of time...
hopefully this doesn't overstep any of your blog rules :< tysm!!
seducing an enemy
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parings: diluc, kaeya, & zhongli x gn!reader (afab for zhongli)
summary: you get sent on an important mission to try to get information out of an enemy by seducing them, but worry/jealousy gets the best of them and they arrive just in time
warnings/content: seduction, angsty but with comfort, suggestive if you squint
a/n: ahhh thank you so much!!! i hope this did your request justice :)
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-> diluc
you really shouldn't be running this late. diluc was pacing back and fourth in main room of the winery. the maids tried to get him to calm down, but he just couldn't sit still. not when you were out on a mission at the risk of being hurt.
and on top of that, seducing someone. just the mere thought of it was enough to send diluc into a frenzy. of course he trusts you. he really does, but you were doing this to a dangerous enemy. the risk of it all was just too much not to stress over.
"i'm going out for a walk. please, do not wait up for me." was all diluc announced to his maids before grabbing his coat and running off.
it was a very cold night, and diluc suddenly remembers that pretty little lace you were wearing.
"it's all apart of the technique, diluc. i can't seduce a person if i'm covering every inch of my body."
obviously you were right, but diluc still wishes you weren't cozying up to a scumbag wearing little to nothing.
diluc hadn't realized how fast he had been walking because he was already at the destination. with claymore in hand, he wasted no time busting open the door. he found you with a knife to your neck, trying to pry the man off of you. your vision was tossed to the side, so you were utterly helpless.
all diluc could see was burning red. he didn't even get a good look at the guy holding you; he let his body do the talking and swung his claymore, not actually hitting the guy but causing him to lose balance and drop the knife.
while diluc was keeping him away, you drop down grabbing the fallen knife and stab the enemy's leg. before diluc could chop the guy in half with his fired up claymore, you quickly push him back with the rest of the strength you could muster.
"diluc, he's down! it's alright now!" diluc was breathing heavily, his eyes fixated on the person screaming in pain. once he feels your body hugging his, his demeanor quickly changes.
diluc drops his claymore and returns your embrace back, kissing the top of your head. "are you alright? are you hurt?" he pulls you off of him, holding your shoulders to examine your body for any injuries.
you put your hand on top of one of his and give him a soft smile. "i'm okay, i promise." you turn around to look at the man behind you on the floor. "he, however, isn't. i'll have to bring him to the knights for further interrogation."
you go and grab your vision before cuffing the man's hands. "y-you're crazy! i'm going to die because of you!" he nearly spat in your face.
diluc was quick to act, grabbing him by the collar and yanking the guy dangerously close to him. "call them crazy again and that claymore you saw earlier will  definitely kill you." if diluc's claymore won't kill him, the fight he felt definitely would.
after diluc accompanied you to take him to the knights, (he wouldn't stop talking about how incapable they were on the walk there. "this never would've happened to you if they knew how to do their job." some things will never change.) he sat you down on a nearby bench and once again examined you thoroughly, even though you told him you were fine for the nth time.
he carefully draped his coat over your shoulders. "i'm just so glad you're alright. good thing i came when i did." he would say. for the rest of the night, he held you tight and gave you many, many kisses while telling you that you're never doing something like that again. not because he was jealous or anything, of course not
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-> kaeya
kaeya knows you're an amazing and capable knight. you have amazing combat skills and are perfect at undercover missions. perfect person for the job.
so why was he so stressed?
imagining you throwing yourself all over that enemy in the short and tight dress you were wearing was eating at his mind. you had looked absolutely tempting in that getup that kaeya couldn't keep his hands to himself.
"oh? all this for me darling?" kaeya had walked up behind you and allowed his hands to run down your sides as you added earrings to your final look.
he kissed your neck, and before he could continue, you turned around placing a kiss on his lips. "this isn't for you, love. i have a mission..."
the wine glass that was resting in kaeya's hand had now been shattered to little pieces, littered all over the floor of angels share. he had came here to help keep his mind off of you, but it wasn't helping. at all.
kaeya quickly slammed mora down at the bar, scaring charles before heading off to you. he knew he could be potentially ruining your mission, and jean would have his head for it, but at this point in time he really could care less. you were more important to him than his job.
if only the grand master hadn't taken all of the horses with him, maybe kaeya would've gotten there faster. damn him.
as fast as his feet could carry him, he arrived at the goth grand hotel (did you really need a horse kaeya?) he pushed the fatui agent at the doorway trying to stop him and barged straight to the front desk.
"if you don't tell me what room y/n is staying in right now, i swear i will freeze hell over this place." the poor frightened desk lady handed kaeya the hotel key without protest. he swiped it from her and marched off.
"a42... a42... come on where are you?" kaeya walked down 2 hallways until he finally found it.
not even bothering to use the key, kaeya froze the knob before kicking the door open. much to his dismay, you were pinned down to the bed with the enemy right on top, ready to weald his weapon.
kaeya wasted no time to act. he shoved the guy off of you and drew his sword, keeping it pointed nicely at his neck so he couldn't move.
you jumped off the bed to retrieve your own. "i was handling it you know."
"if by handling you mean almost getting yourself killed, i would say you did a fine job." kaeya's voice was still seductive even when he was mad. maybe he should've gone on this mission instead.
you quickly cuff the fatui agent before kicking him out of the room, leaving him for the knights to deal with. "i'll get revenge for this! my superior, he won't like this. he'll deal with you!"
you sigh as the two knights grab him. "yeah, yeah, i've heard it all before. the day your superior comes for me is the day you'll see hellfire." was the last snarky comment you made before closing the door behind you, leaving only you and kaeya in the room.
"there were other knights here?" kaeya asked, approaching you. "only two. master jean planted them just in case."
kaeya pulled you to him for a very tight hug without warning. he buried his face into your neck and wrapped one arm around your shoulders while the other holding your waist. he kissed your neck, and then your jaw, cheek, forehead, your lips, ear, and finally whispered, "you're never doing this again."
you pull his face back so his eyes can meet yours and you cup your palm around his jaw. you tilt your head to the side and raise a brow. "why? because you were scared for me or because you were jealous?"
there are very few things that make kaeya aleberich blush. but him being called out by you is definitely one of them. "jealous? no, of course not. i was worried for you, love." he pulled back from you a bit and you became a laughing fit.
"hey, i was! you cant prove otherwise." he mumbled the last part and crossed his arms like an angry toddler.
you wiped a fake tear from your eyes and composed yourself. how cute, you thought to yourself. "but you did know i had it, right?" you asked.
kaeya looked back over to you, arms still crossed. "yes, i did dear. you're more than capable of holding your own. but what kind of boyfriend would i be if i wasn't to worry, hmm?" he walked back to you and brushed away any hair that was out of place.
"but," his teasing voice was back. "we do have this very nice hotel room to ourselves now. how about we make the most of it and-"
cue you throwing a pillow at him
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-> zhongli
he understood your line of work. he understood how dangerous it could be. but what you had told zhongli earlier that night still wandered at the back of his mind.
you were dressed beautifully in black. the outfit hugged your body in just the right places and zhongli thought you looked absolutely ravishing.
"going somewhere dear?" his eyes were drinking you up. you smile and plant a kiss on his cheek. "it's for the mission i told you about."
the mission sounded dangerous indeed. he had no doubt in your strength but this, this just seemed too much, even for you.
the man you were seducing is known to be very dangerous and zhongli's subconscious couldn't rest at that. mortals were quite fragile after all.
"mr.zhongli? did you hear me?" hu tao waved her hand in front of his face. he snapped out of his daydreams about you and redirected his attention to the young funeral director.
"apologizes miss hu tao, could i possibly take the rest of the night off?" zhongli felt terrible for asking this of her but he just had to go to you.
hu tao granted him his wish, believing that he was feeling ill. at first, zhongli was debating if he really should come to you. it really is their mission, i'm sure they can handle themself.
he was afraid his interference would mess with your mission, but ultimately his concern for you overpowered that thought.
he reached the location in no time. it was a small beach house right on yaoguang shoal. and right outside, 2 guards were posted.
such an important and powerful man obviously has security, zhongli thought to himself. zhongli closed his eyes. he tried to listen for the sound your voice; a sound he had learned to memorize. and he found it. your voice was muffled was full of distress. that was enough for zhongli to approach the guards, ready to break open the door.
"hey," one of the guards stuck his arm out blocking the door. "you can't be here. so lea-" before the guard could get out another word, zhongli send geo shards flying towards both of them, knocking them to the ground unconscious.
he sent a geo spear straight through the door, stabbing the enemy's arm on the other side and pinning him to the wall. you were limp on the floor, but the sight of the geo spear put you to ease. your dress was torn leaving you a bit exposed and you had broken your ankle while fighting the man, but the pain seemed to go away as soon as you saw zhongli walk in.
zhongli sent a few more geo shards to secure the guy on the wall before rushing over to you. "dear, are you alright?" he said squatting down beside you. zhongli took of his coat and draped it over your exposed body. he placed his hand gently on your shoulder, afraid to hurt you.
you smile in relief, raising a hand his arm. "i'm alright, just a broken ankle. could you help me get him to the milieth? they should be here in 10 minutes. i've gotten all the information i need."
"you, this- this isn't over! i'll come back for you. i swear it." the man slurred. your eyes widened at his arm. there was a lot blood was oozing from his wound.
"zhongli, he can't die." zhongli looked at you in confusion. "but he broke your ankle. he can perish."
laughing right now would be very inappropriate, so you had to retain yourself. "i know but the milieth still need him. very alive."
zhongli obeyed your wish and yanked the man off of the wall harshly. "i won't heal him, but he can be taken to bubu pharmacy." zhongli took the spear out and tied his arm tightly with a random cloth he found on the floor. he tossed the man outside for the milieth and rushed back to you. he helped you sit up and you rested your body against his chest.
"thank you, for coming. although i could've handled it myself you know." you look up at him and smile. he lets out a sigh and kissed your lips. "i know dear. but um-" his coat was slipping down your body, revealing a good amount of your cleavage. he turned his head away, blushing a bit. "you should wear my coat." you giggle at his words but put on his coat properly.
zhongli rests you against the wall and scoots to where your feet. he tears some of his shirt to wrap your ankle in. "this will hold it until we get you medical attention." without warning, he picks you up in bridal style. you quickly wrap your arms around his neck so you don't fall.
"w-what are you doing?" you ask, it came out more as a squeak. "the milieth are here," zhongli responds walking outside. "they can take care of that man. we need to get you back to liyue."
yes, he really did carry you all the way to liyue.
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mknightgrant · 3 years ago
i just finished reading silence and i'm absolutely HEARTBROKEN 😭 i saw you mentioned earlier you weren't sure about whether you should make part 2 sad or happy, and honestly, the realistic part of me says sad but the "bandaid over the wound" part of me is praying for happy. maybe two short alternate endings if you're playing with a couple ideas rn?
BUT WAIT YES N E WAYS i loved the way you wrote out their relationship. i've been in this exact scenario before and i love how it's so realistic and all the characters are mature, heartbroken, kind of giving into their selfishness but also reminding themselves that they love this person and want what's best for them. steven not knowing what to do when dealt with conflicting feelings, steven being in love with two people at the same time, marc probably wanting to snitch and that's why steven kept him away 🤧
ngl the first thing i thought of was the 80-20 theory of why people cheat. the person you love fulfills 80% of what you've always wanted in a partner, but you go out yearning for the missing piece. eventually you find someone who fills up that 20%, and since you have two, that 100% is fulfilled. eventually, the 80 finds out about the 20 and leaves, and now you're left with 20 instead of 80, and feeling emptier than before.
First of all, thank you SO SO much!! I’m so glad you guys like it so much! I honestly didn’t think it would end up this well-received, so it really does mean a lot 🥹
And YES! Part 2 is officially in the works, but I’m still debating on what kind of fic it’ll be, since my draft is currently just a bunch of concepts and ideas. There still isn’t a clear distinction regarding whether it’ll be angsty or happy, but I am considering writing two alternate endings! We’ll see 😂
Omg I really hope you were able to cope well! And I did try to make it as realistic as possible, despite not having any experience whatsoever about being in a relationship 💀 it was a thought that lingered in my head for too long and I couldn’t wait for someone to write it out so I had to tend to my own thoughts before I went insane. I’m glad I was able to portray it as well as you say I did 🥺🫶🏼
and oh my god?? Okay. That just made things a whole lot sadder, and that kinda gave me an idea but 🥺 AHHHH I’m really conflicted!! Part of me wants more angst, but Steven deserves to be happy too 😭
let me know if you have any ideas that you want me to incorporate though!!
Read silence here!
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jingerhead · 4 years ago
i'm here to flood your inbox
1. can i pls request something about/from ghost soulmates and here there be dragons
2. you're the best
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Hi lovely, of course you can!! Here you can ask my about my WIPs.
Ghost Soulmates
I'll just tell you a little summary of this one. It is...very angsty. It's probably going to be a very long one-shot or two-shot. It takes place in an alternate universe in which people have soulmates and marks that help them find their soulmate. Andrew has never had a mark, or at least, not one he could find before, and it's impossible for that to not hurt, as much as he attempts to not let it get to him. After graduating, he moves into a new apartment and is surprised to see a full-body apparition that he can only assume is a real ghost, or a hallucination of some kind. I'm not going to say much more about it, because I don't want to spoil too many plans and this is a one-shot, but there will be talk of Major Character Death in it, because ghosts.
Here There Be Dragons
This is becoming my new fantasy baby ;-; First of all, this has become a two-parter pffff, so two multi-chaptered parts. In this world, there were once dragons that had been turned to stone after some evil (that I'm still working on creating lmao) tried to destroy them. The fire dragon Naerved sacrificed his soul to save the world, turning into stone as a result. Andrew is a runaway that was drawn to the Valley of Dragons, making a temporary home under Naerved's wing. And then one day, the dragon wakes up.
I decided to include dragon names 'cause it's fun, so hopefully it's not too confusing, but I'd love some feedback on that. Naerved is Neil's dragon name, throughout the story he will mostly just go by Neil, and in a way his dragon name becomes something different from him - there's the story/legend about him, and then there's the real Neil. I'm purposefully being vague, so here's a little drabble to make up for it :)
The contrast of the sky, yellowed with hues from the rising sun, was a striking contrast against the dark blue of the ocean. The red dragon blended in with the light, and for a moment, Andrew remembered asking how fire could defeat darkness, and being told that it brought warmth and light. That it was dangerous, but not something to truly fear. He supposed that lady was right: Neil was dangerous. He was a dragon, after all, but he'd also become something safe.
"Why do you want to save the dragons so badly?"
"Why do you?"
He still didn't know. Maybe it was some childish dream of adventure, or the unmistakable feeling he could get when he saw Neil at all. He supposed he should care about the rest of the humans that would suffer if they didn't go to free the dragons' souls, but in reality, the only ones Andrew cared about were his family, who were unfortunately included in 'all of the human race' that would be killed.
Andrew was brought out of his thoughts by Neil flying back to the cliffside, transforming back into a human mid-flight and dropping to the ground in a crouch, arms still outstretched like wings. He slowly straightened up, one hand massaging the back of his neck and clearly trying to hide a wince. "You don't like heights," Neil pointed out, turning to look at the sunrise as well.
In response, Andrew just blew some smoke in Neil's direction. He held more tightly on the bowl of the pipe in his hands, debating on asking the question they'd both ignored up until now. "Why do you want to save the dragons so badly?" Andrew asked again.
This time, Neil didn't send the question back at him. "I don't want to be the only one," he said simply.
Andrew didn't push for more of an explanation. "Loneliness," he mumbled, raising the pipe back to his lips.
"I'm not alone," Neil scoffed. "I don't want to be the only dragon."
It was...confusing motivation. Andrew wasn't quite sure what Neil meant, which was frustrating, but it was too early to discuss this. He basked in the silence for a couple of moments, waiting for Neil to ask him the same question back. If he did, Andrew would be honest. A truth for a truth.
But Neil didn't ask.
"There's an island," he started saying, "across the sea. Riko is too weak to cross it for a few hundred years." When Andrew didn't reply immediately, he continued with, "I'd take you there if you asked me."
The offer was immediately tempting, but Neil already knew what Andrew's answer would be. He wouldn't leave behind his family under any circumstance, even if it was to run away with a dragon. "I don't like heights," he decided to remind Neil.
"You're not afraid of heights," Neil countered, turning towards Andrew, the same stony look on his face. But his eyes, they were brightened with more than the light from the east: with some kind of spark. "You're afraid of falling."
He wasn't wrong, but Andrew still hated that Neil understood that. "How do you expect me to get up there?" he asked.
"I have wings," Neil said, the corners of his lips starting to turn upwards. "Let me teach you how to fly."
Also lovely, thank you so much!! I'm crying you're so sweet. I can't wait for Friday :)
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shadowofdarkness22 · 6 years ago
I literally just keep coming up with fic ideas because I'm just so in love with WangXian but guys--
So you know how in the drama Wei Wuxian wears a mask to help hide his identity and stuff? Well I was watching this video for the 100th time because the song works so well and I wanted to give myself feels:
But like all of a sudden the first two episodes finally popped back up in my mind (because that's just how things work apparently?!? thanks brain). Of how Wei Wuxian kept hiding from Lan Wangji and trying to avoid him at all costs because he was supposed to be dead.
BUT LIKE MY BRAIN WAS LIKE: Oh. Hey. What if Wei Wuxian was actually part of that horrible family instead of the Jiang's [Like maybe somehow he met Mo Xuanyu when they were kids and we all know they look so fucking alike that maybe Wei Wuxian being desperate and hungry switched places with him because he had a house with food and Mo Xuanyu either died or wanted to run away?? Or god forbid somehow switched at birth babies lmao or even kept a promise to Mo Xuanyu to stay in his place for him because Wei Ying is just that self sacrificing idiot---] Whatever the reason he now becomes Mo Xuanyu in his place (but still keeping his real name in his heart because clearly he would know his own name)
So my dumbass was still watching the video and saw this particular scene: Yes I had to take screenshots because I can't find gifs right now
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It's like: Oh he meets Lan Wangji for the first time during whole corpse incident at the manor. And who wouldn't fall for that gorgeous man coming from the sky and wrecking shit?!?!?
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So then I remembered more of episode 1 and 2 as I was watching the video and then this other scene:
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Where he was watching Lan Wangji in secret and all I could think of was: Omg hes following him around because he has a huge cruuuuush and trying not be be obvious about it but how can you resist a man like Lan Wangji?!?!?!?!?
And like Wei Wuxian is still himself, but he's been Mo Xuanyu for so long that like he probably acts more shy than normal but it's also Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian cannot resist teasing him and like I imagine that he would wear the mask for a while and eventually even get Cultivation training because come on, Wei Wuxian is strong af and smart af and I wouldn't doubt he would still dabble in his usual trickery and shit.
idk it just seemed like a cute idea of pining!Wei Wuxian trying to awkwardly flirt with the second jade brother since he never went to the Cloud Recesses so he gotta do it by sheer will alone. (i.e playing his flute and being his teasing self and having the mysterious factor cause mask) lmao (spoiler alert Lan wangji is still charmed and falls hard (albeit slower because slow burns are the best)
Or if we really want to make it sad and angsty, you can make it so Lan Wangji lost all of his memories of Wei Wuxian after he died and you get Wei Wuxian (after being resurrected in Mo Xuanyu's body) debating whether or not this is better for him or if he should help him gain his memories back.
But hey. That's just me saying what's on my mind.
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we-arethenewheroes · 6 years ago
Help me help you -part1
Read the Intro
Synopsis: "I only knew how to party and spend my money until someone didn't want it anymore"
Genre: soulmate-ish!au, fluff, angsty, non-idol!au ⚠️TWO ENDINGS
Warnings: drugs abuse, mention of sexe, (very soft I swear)
Notes: it's not smut guys. Part1 of a 3 part story with a bonus chapter. Also short and easy to read. Sorry if I make any mistake :) look at this cutie plz I'm dying here
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He broke up with me.
That ungrateful bastard broke up with.
After everything I've given to him he still managed to go with it, and I can't even approach him. Even the alcohol can make me feel better.
I have to do something, I can't go see my parents like That, what can I say to them? That I broke up with ? Or that he went abroad ? He died ?
"Aaaah I can't tell them that he died or they'll ask me so many questions..."
Yes, I noticed the guy looking at me, but I'm not in the mood.
I stand up, look at the guy, and just leave the bar. How can I not be in the mood..? Maybe I should just find someone I really like? Maybe it's time for me get married? Have kids?
...or maybe not? :)
I go to my car and drive to the library.
It's the only place that make me feel safe.
I've always been very smart, more than average. School was never a problem for me, and I always liked to study.
The library is quiet, and people don't look at me like I'm just meat. There's so many books, stories, and different people.
We all want the same thing: sit down with a book, and read in peace.
I take "Please Look After Mom" and sit in a corner. There's not a lot of people, just some student, kids reading Naruto in the back.
But there is one person,
One guy that appeals my attention
Not because he's very handsome, but because he seems very familiar...
...Ah! Lee Taeyong ! Wait this guy is Taeyong?? When did he became so handsome ??
Now let me share our story
Y/N, 16 years old
I already told you, I was very good at School, always straight A's, but this guy, Lee Taeyong, was too
"Y/N, A, as always. Lee Taeyong, A, I see you studied hard for this test, you have the best score"
What ? He has the best score? That's impossible!...well I mean, maybe I should just give this one to him.
Later that day, I went to the library. I really wanted to read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for some reason. As I went inside, I saw Lee Taeyong in the corner, reading the 5th book of Harry Potter.
I mean, I gave him the best score but does he has to take the book I wanted to read ??
"Hum, excuse me, Lee Taeyong right ?"
He took his eyes off the book to look at me
"Are you gonna read that ? Because I really wanted to read this book and you're getting on my nerves since this morning."
"Hu- why ? Did I do something wrong?"
I just sighed, he really was clueless.
"No, you didn't do anything wrong, technically.."
"Well, I already started to read. We can read together if you want, you probably already read all the books so you know the first 2 chapter right?"
"You want me to read with you?
"Why not? And I mean, no one is here anyway so if you're scared that people think that we are datin-"
"Do you think people are this stupid ? To think that we are dating ?"
I sat next to him and dragged my chair so it's closer to him. He looked at me in silence, and we just started to read our book.
Actually, that was pretty fun. After some times, we started to acknowledge one another when we saw eachother at the library. We would chat about books mostly, and how embarrassing it would be for me if people find out that we know eachother.
One day, we were reading the book again, when Taeyong looked at me,
"What are you starting at."
"You know I like you, right?"
"Yea I knew, why?"
"Oh, no just so I know that..you know."
"Lee Taeyong, don't you dare ruin this and ask me to be your girlfriend. You'll be too embarrassed to read with me afterwards. "
"Yeah... you're right"
A week after, I leart that Taeyong had moved to another country. He had a scolarship, and moved to England. And that test, that score that was better than mine, was what made him succeed.
And after almost 10 years, here he is.
Honestly I don't know what to do, I'm just standing there, a book in my hand, looking at Taeyong coming in.
He saw me,oh shit-
I turn around and start to walk in the alley when-
"Excuse me miss!"
...He recognized me.
I turn around to look at Taeyong, with a small smile. He's smiling too
"Y/N ? Is that you?"
He's even more handsome when he smiles.
"Yeah, that's me... Lee Taeyong, right..?"
He laughs, put his arm around my shoulders and ruffle my hair,
" Woaaah, it's been a while !"
"Well I guess if back then you had tell me that you were moving to England we would've keep contacts, and why are you acting like a big brother right now??" I step back to get his arm off me "and honestly, were we that close ? Hum?"
He smiles at me
"Heey, don't be like that, Hum? You always put your head on my shoulder we when we were reading,"
"Because I was tired and you were my pillow."
"We would always chat in the library,"
"About how embarrassing it would be for me if people fund out about are meetings-"
"See ? Meetings, we were friends stop denying it. You were my only friend, and I was your only true friend."
I looked at him for a moment. Then, why did you left me behind ?..
"And, I didn't told you that I was leaving because I wanted to be mysterious, in case we meet again. "
"I wanted you to ask around, to try and know why I was missing, and the fact that you know that I moved to England prouves me you did." He smiles at my, all cheeky, I just want to slap his smile off his pretty face.
"And honestly Y/N,"
I look at him "What."
He takes a step and lean, a but to close to my face,
"At what ?.."
"At my face. I'm handsome right ?"
Oh my Jesus
I laugh. Wow he's shameless now.
"Why would you tell me that ! Are you shameless our what ? Woaa really I'm speechless"
"So that means yes-"
"I never said that!" I cross my arms
He grin and giggle. He straighten up,
"Hey, Y/N,"
"What again"
"Let's read the Order of the Phoenix together, like the old times. Hum?"
I look at him.
"And are you gonna leave to another country like the old times..?"
He gently laughs
"No, Y/N, don't worry, I'll stay this time."
I slightly pout,
"Okay Then,"
I don't know how much time we spent in the library. We had so much to say to one other. He told me about his years in England. When he started to make friends, to be more confident. That I gave him the courage to talk to people freely, because he knew that he would make friends, if I was his friend.
He told me he still didn't date, to scared for some reason. All the girls were at his feet but he still didn't had the courage, and didn't like any girls at his school.
He said he wanted to contact me, but seeing how much I've changed, how much of a party girl I was on the social media, he got scared and stepped back.
I told him that he changed too. That he got more confident, sassier, cheekier, more handsome. I told him I also got a scholarship. That my relationship with my family got worse than ever. I told him my schedule: the day I work in the bank, at night, I was a party maker, of course shipped the part where I was addicted to drugs and alcohol, and that I had so many fling.
We gave eachother our numbers, and promised to stay in contact.
I was happy. It's true that I didn't really remember him after so many years, but I saw him, i was happy. I realised that I did miss him, and for the time we were together, I didn't feel empty anymore, like the "fun" missing in my life was filed.
When we part ways, more like getting kicked out of the library, I was excited to see him again after so many years.
When I got to my empty apartment, I took a shower, changed into my pj, and went to the kitchen to cook myself something. I got tone a message from my party people, I had to tell them I was sick and I couldn't come, the truth is, I didn't feel like I had to party tonight. Or ever again.
We started to meet a lot with Taeyong. He went to my empty apartment, I went to his crappy apartment.
"But like, Taeyong, don't you think you should move ? I know it's just a for-the-time-being apartment, but it's really crappy and suffocating in here" I say as we hear the neighbours fight.
"Yea I know, Its crappy, but Y/N, I got attached to this crappy place. Maybe I'm crappy ? I'm not like you, I never lived in a fancy place !" He say as we hear the neighbours fuck.
"Taeyong, stop lying to yourself."
"Then find me an apartment."
And that's what I did.
The next day I helped him move out of the crappy apartment to the cute apartment next to his work.
Normally, I would've bought him the apartment, and then ask him something in exchange. But I didn't do that. I found the apartment, yes, he bought his apartment.
The same day, I'm just watching TV when I hear my phone ring.
It's Taeyong.
I smile as I read his message,
"[TY]Dear Y/N,
I'm sending this very official message to summon you to my apartment, tonight, because I just meet my neighbour and he's scary. Sending you my location :)
Thanks babe"
"[Y/N]Don't call me babe."
"[TY] Yes, but you comin?"
"[Y/N] Don't you think just saying that you miss me would've been less embarrassing than this lie?"
"[TY] No"
I laugh, and wait,
"[TY] not that I miss you or anything it's because that's the truth !"
I take my coat and go to my car.
After a short ride, I go to Taeyong apartment and knock. He immediately open the door and pull me inside quickly.
"Did he saw you?"
"Who ?"
"My neighbour !"
I laugh "Taeyong you can stop the act"
He looks at me, debating if he should stop or not.
"Okay ! I'll stop! I missed you"
"But you saw me this morning-"
"No, you help me moved, the only time we saw eachother was when we passed eachother in the stairs." He pout, I giggle
"And when we drank that lemonade?"
"You mean when you took the biggest shot of your life and got back to work" he cross his arms, I laugh
"Ok, ok ! I'm here now, so let's eat." I make my way to the kitchen
"Eat...?" He looks at me
I turn around and look at him.
"Don't tell me... you didn't order anything...?"
He smiles. "In the oven, I order pizza 20 minutes ago"
I smile widly
"You're the best"
I go get the pizza in the kitchen and go back to the living room, where Taeyong is sat on the sofa. I put the pizza on the table, sit on the floor next to Taeyong's legs and start to eat.
We're watching a movie, laughing, eating together. I put my head on his knee
"Woah, I ate way to much"
Taeyong looks at me
"Hey Y/N,"
"Hum ?"
"You're sleeping over right?"
I look at him, "Me ?"
He pout and try to look cute. He looks like a sad puppy "Pleaase Y/Nnnnn"
"OK ok! I'll stay, but just tonight"
"Yess" he gets comfortable on the sofa and pat the space next to him "come here"
I do as he say, and sit next to him. He puts his arm around my shoulder and watch TV.
And I can't help but smile.
My heart is beating a little faster, and I feel like millions of butterflies are in my stomach.
He's staring at me. I look at him and see his eyes shining. No men ever looked at me like that.
He just looks at me, leans in and kiss me.
His lips are soft, and his kiss is gentle.
After, he looks at me.
"I think I never dated anyone because I was waiting for you, Y/N."
I smile and look at my hands
"Pff, I knew you liked me..."
We quietly laugh.
"Can I ask you to be my girlfriend now ?"
I giggle
"You can"
He looks at me " I take this as a yes"
I look at him.
I think I just find my soulmate.
A/N: Thanks for reading ! Plz like and reblog and I hope you liked it !💚
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olliedollie1204 · 4 years ago
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no I agree!! Like idk as a 'newer' fan (tarted watching Oct 2019) it's always seemed like* endlessly debating the characters' actions,- not for the purpose of analysis or theorizing or just enjoying the show, but for the purpose of describing any of the characters as 'irredeemably bad'- is so weird? Like 1, within the context of the show it just doesn't make sense (like how can 1 side be irredeemable without making c!Thomas irredeemable 🤨) and 2, the literal whole entire point of the show has been 'the bad parts of someone don't make them entirely bad', so like??? why would you earnestly talk about any of the characters as totally irredeemably bad?
And like I understand fic writers and stuff wanting to convey to the audience "hey this character will be portrayed doing things that are bad and is the unequivocal antagonist of the story" but I feel like there are better ways to describe that than just a general 'unsympathetic' label. Like there's a big difference between labeling a character 'unsympathetic' bc they're a bully vs. bc they're abusive. Like just say what you mean, for clarity's sake and for the sake of the reader to avoid what topics upset them, u know?
And it's frustrating bc I think the whole purpose of the 'sympathetic' label was for people who actually WERE fans of Deceit to write fic that didn't portray him in a 100% negative light, lest they be dogpiled by others for romantizing manipulation or w/e. Which is like. I've never seen a fandom do that before, bc creators shouldn't have to preemptively defend themselves or their portrayal of a character based solely on if their actions can be 'justified' or not. Like that just feels so limiting to me idk
And also the whole sympathetic/unsympathetic really just came to head in a bunch of ugly Discourse imo, w people seemingly relishing in talking abt how unsympathetic a Side is for no real reason other than they dislike the character's vibes. Like this ties into the whole 'squick vs trigger' thing, where one is a perfectly acceptable term to describe disliking something for innocent reasons, while another should be used for much more serious psychological aversions to a topic.
Like my whole thoughts on it are basically like, it's okay to dislike characters!!! Or the things they do! But describing a character as solely 'unsympathetic' just feels ridiculously overdramatic to me, also insulting to the show by implying that u think these characters are gonna be static the entire time and won't develop any further than they already have. I feel this way for most media but esp for SaSi, like that is THE POINT of the show!!!
*and I do, 100% fully understand that this whole issue is NOT everyone in the fandom. I recognize that there is probably a small but loud minority of fans who do enjoy tearing apart their least favorite characters (or worse, implying that the reasons they dislike the characters are canonical reason why they're ~irredeemable~) as well as the fact that it's equally important for everyone to be tailoring their own fandom to only engage in the parts they enjoy. I try to do that as much as possible, but unfortunately I didn't realize when I first joined this fandom my feelings about this topic, and even now it's difficult to keep any earnest mentions of 'unsympathetic' sides from crossing my dash.
But genuinely, to each their own! I'm fully aware of the delight of having an evil villain in many angsty/whump stories- I just don't care for how the sympathetic/unsympathetic divide has expressed itself throughout this fandom
i think the decision to label/tag characters as 'sympathetic' or 'unsympathetic' in both fics and when talking abt the show was a mistake for this fandom
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