#I'm crying the way she's holding it like a proud mother is so funny
charnauk · 11 months
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Gonna show people this out of context panel from Marvel adventures fantastic four and try to convince them that this little alien is Reed and Sue's third child
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
You Remind Me
Shanks and Vivican OOC and Luffy
Support me on Ko-Fi
Also obviously not Canon but fun to think about!
No Warnings
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Shanks stood in the hallway as he leaned next to Vivian's bedroom- it had been only a week since she had moved in with him on the ship. She had been polite but very quiet, meeting all of the crew however she had spent most of the time in her bedroom hiding. At night Shanks knew she was crying- he left like a worthless father truly... taking a breath he worked up some courage.
"Hey Vivian?..." He said softly and knocked on the door gently, waiting for a second before opening the door and looking inside. Seeing Vivian sitting on the bed reading through one of her mother's book clearly in a daze it seemed. His movement snapping her from her thoughts as she gaze a light lipped smile at him.
"Hey Vi- Uh we are heading to shore soon to meet up with someone I'd really like you to meet" He asked, She nodded softly at this and set the book aside. Shanks sighed at this and walked over taking a seat next to her on the bed, shifting a bit as he turned to look at hia daughter.
"I know this has been tough for you Vivian and I'm sorry... I-I want to make this a gold envirment for you but I understand if you want to be alone for a while.. but just know I'm here for you whenever you need it" He said softly, watching how Vivians eyes began to water as he said this, she nodded as tears rolled down her cheeks. He wrapped his arm around her as she leaned into him and silently cried.
"I'm sorry my dear..." He whispered, knowing that there were no words to bring you back to them but he would make sure your legacy lived on happily.
A few hours later the crew landed on the small island and started to dispurse to either the pub or getting supplies for the Ship. Vi being quiet the whole time as she followed Shanks out to the markets so she could pick things she liked and he giving her some Berries to spend for herself.
Walking off to a food cart she decided to get some meat on the done for herself and smiled as the vendor handed her the large treat.
"Good choice that's my favorite!" A cheerful voice sounded next to her, looking up to see a lengthy teen holding 3 in his own hands. She giggled since he looked so odd to her paired with the Strawhat on his dark locs.
"It's my favorite too, But I couldn't eat three of them" She said with a cheerful smile as she pointed to the ones in his hand. He laughed at this clearly amused by her words- However he paused and cooked his head to the side.
The teen squinted at her in confusion stared at Vivian, kneeling down and squinting his eyes as he stared at the little girl- Who looked at him in confusion and a bit intimidated by the stranger now way too close and stating at her funny.
"You remind me of someone-" He hummed squinting his gaze further. Tapping his chin as he stared hard at Vivian who was looking at the weird teen in question.
Shanks turned the corner trying to see where his daughter had wondered off to- Before he smiled brightly at the sight before him.
"Do my eye deceive me! Luffy!" Shanks laughed as he pushed the hat onto the teens head further with a laugh, Luffy looking up at Shanks with a wide smile.
"Shanks!" He yelled out with a laugh, Hugging his mentor who stumbled back and patted his back calmly.
"Luffy! Look at you" He said with a proud laugh as Luffy pulled back with a happy grin, Vivian staring at the duo with a raised eyebrow.
"This here is my daughter Luffy. Vivian this is Luffy! He's essentyally like your older brother" He said with a wide smile proudly showing off Vivian who shyly smiled and waved at Luffy.
"It's nice to meet ya Vivian!!" He said cheerfully ruffling her red locs which made her giggle.
"You know you're set up to see such amazing adventures Vivian with one of the best crews out there! Just wait- Shanks has had crazy adventures hell I've fought Fishpeople in a amusement park, Saved villages, Beat marine bases and met with pirates that are things of legend. Youre adventures are just starting" Luffy said with a grin, clearly good with kids and making them smile.
"Wait you really did that?" She said amazed, smiling as Luffy who nodded.
"Of course! I'm going to be King of the Pirates!" He said cheerfully which made her eyes widen at that. Shanks chuckled at this and placed a hand on Vi's head gently.
"Pretty amazing right?" He said with a chuckle as she nodded enthusiastically, Shanks noticing how much more cheerful she was while talking to Luffy.
After some talk between them all and Luffy updating Shanks proudly on his life the Older pirate felt the need for a beer starting to peek. Patting Luffy on the shoulder proudly.
"Im proud of the man youve grown into Luffy, We will need to depart and we are going to go to the market to finish getting supplies" Shanks said calmly, Vivian pulling on his sleeve nervously.
"Uh Dad? Can I hang out with Luffy today? I wanna hear more about his adventures!" She said cheerfully with a new sparkle in her eye.
Shanks had seen that sparkle before- That wash of inspiration that had bloomed in his eyes, in Luffy's eyes and now his Daughters.
Truthfully he didn't know if he should be proud or really frightened at how interested she was in being a pirate now.
"Well alright I suppose, Just remember we are heading out tommorow morning Vi" He said with a smile, She nodded excitedly at this and went with Luffy who had already started to talk her ear off and the two ran off. Shanks standing there with a small smile on his face, and a but of worry to his heart.
Vivian spent the whole day talking with Luffy's crew, Meeting every single one of them and exploring the ship. A bright smile on her lips that reminded him of you, the way she giggled and her growing excitement at every turn.
Luffy took on a older brother roll, even picking her up and running around with her like the ADHD kid he was as- entrusting her to even wear his straw hat which she wore with pride and care as they roamed around all day.
After Sanji had cooked a large seafood pasta dish for the crew and guest she ended up falling asleep soundly. Luffy carrying Vivian out back to Shanks ship who was holding his crew getting the last of the supplies they would need. Chuckling at the sight of Luffy carrying his daughter wearing his old hat.
"Looks like quite the adventure" Shanks said amused, Luffy giggling as he carefully took his hat off Vivian who didn't even stir from her sleep and transferring her to Shanks.
"Yeah, We had a lot of fun today! Honestly she is a natural. Took up to navigation with Nami and all of that" Luffy said with a laugh clearly prideful in having spent the day with Vivian. Shanks smiled at this as he told Luffy to hang back while he put Vivian to bed.
When Shanks returned from tucking Vivian in bed he went back to meet Luffy, seeing the young man leaned against the railings staring out fondly.
"Shes going to be great, I can already see it" Luffy said with a chuckle, messing with the ties of the hat calmly as he thought fondly- Shanks chuckling at this and nodded in agreement.
"I can see it, you really inspired her Luffy and brought her some happiness" He praised, earning a big goofy smile from him.
"You know when I become Pirate King, I did swear to return the hat to you. But who knows! Maybe it will go to the next red head" Luffy said with a joking laugh, Shanks rolling his eyes as he shoved the hat further down on the lads head making him laugh again.
"Maybe it will, Maybe it will.."
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heyidkyay · 4 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Twenty-Five (The End)
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way?
Authors note: The ending! The final chapter of Matty and Mouse's story, my heart is actually breaking. Honestly loved writing these two, as well as baby Teds, and I hope you lot loved them too because all the love this series has gotten means so much, it feels surreal. Hopefully I can write a few blurbs of them or something in the future but this is it for now. So thank you for all the support!
Warnings: EMOTIONS, Matty and Mouse way of thinking, little bit of angst, referencing to past hurts (such as not making it to a certain age), smut, unprotected sex, self-conscious characters?
> Last update: look back here if you'd like!
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Matty wouldn’t have been able to say what the time must have been if anyone had dared ask. He’d been propped up against the headboard, still in his t-shirt and jeans, his hand never having fallen from the top of her head even after she’d finally worn herself out and drifted to sleep.
His stomach churned pitifully at the reminder, at how hard she had cried. Gasping and sobbing into that fucking pillow she still held onto, all whilst clinging to the skin of his wrist with an unforeseen strength. As though she’d been pleading in her grip of him, asking him not to go just yet.
That hold had diminished a tad during the night, she’d always been a fitful sleeper– had kneed him one too many times between the legs for him to not know that fact– but this time around… She’d been almost deathly still, aside from the frowning expressions that clouded her face whilst she’d dreamt.
He continued to sit there though, watching on as the moon sunk so that the sun could slowly climb its way into the irradiating sky, giving way to that first hint of morning.
He hadn’t slept a wink, not really. Nodded off for a second or two once or twice before he’d found himself jerking awake again. Couldn’t seem to stay down for much longer than that.
And why would he? When he’d all but destroyed the woman laying beside him. This proud, strong and resilient woman that he’d been so idolised by, so enraptured with. The one person in his fucking forsaken life that had appeared so utterly invincible.
She was a survivor. A mother. A friend. 
And she was kind. Funny. Resilient.
Then she’d gone and met him, hadn’t she?
And he’d ruined her like he did everything else.
Practically broken her. 
Torn the last pieces of her further apart.
The thought alone made him feel sick to his stomach. Aching with this unbound need to grovel and cry at her very feet, to make her see enough sense so that she could understand just how much she didn’t need someone like him. That she was strong enough to do it all alone. That she didn’t need to cling to him as she had, like rust to a buoy long lost at sea.
That was what that sticky feeling growing in his gut was. That overwhelming malady that was eating him up from the inside out, making him feel so utterly sick.
He had come over to see her. So that they might be able to talk things out. He’d come to apologise. To make things right between them. But instead, what had he done?
He’d pushed and fucking pushed, forcing her hand enough so that she had cracked and he’d been able to slip past those high guarded walls of hers.
And now here they were.
He couldn’t bring himself to regret it though– not all of it at least. 
To have held her again… It had calmed some sick twisted part of him. 
To have just seen her and heard her voice, no matter how pained and angry it had been. It was like the world around him had softened for a split second. Become all grainy.
Matty glanced back over to her sleeping form, to the way she had bundled the duvet high up over her head so that the tip of her nose could bury itself in the slight curve it made, her chin tucked away. 
His hand was still lost somewhere in her hair, thumb cascading out over her temple every now and then, but he didn’t dare pull away. Not until he had no other choice in the matter. 
So he carried on, staying there and lying awake. Thinking over the night before. Thinking back to her devastated expression, to the wary look her eyes had held. To the way she hadn’t spoken a word. To how she had simply forced her cries into silent sobs.
Suddenly, he was stuck on the very realisation that she hadn’t been reacting to it all, to everything she’d been feeling, to what had happened, but rather retreating. Hiding away whilst, somehow, still allowing him to be near. To stay. To watch over her.
A soft sniff had him blinking, regaining composure quick enough so that he could catch the scene play out before him. 
I was embarrassed by the previous night's events. By the fact that I had been so determined to keep Matty at arms length and then failed entirely. That he had seen me so weak and well– broken.
But it had all come to a head, I supposed.
I’d been keeping up appearances ever since everything had fallen out, putting on a brave face and a smile for anyone and everyone who could see. It was only ironic, I guessed, for Matty to have been the one to shatter that image completely. 
Still, I swallowed at the sight of him still sitting there beside me the next morning, seeming as though he hadn’t moved an inch throughout the whole night, and shoved all that shame back down. 
“Thought you’d be gone by now.” I heard myself say as I flipped over onto my back so that I could stare up at the ceiling and at the sun drawn lines that stretched out across it.
I listened to his quiet laugh, to the way he shuffled slightly on the mattress, though I didn’t dare look back at him. It was too early and I already felt as though he’d seen enough of me. “Was just hoping for a chance at one of your brews, is all.”
Something in me shifted at his easy words. At the fact that he’d chosen to try and make me smile, instead of calling me out on all my messy bullshit.
“And if I’ve got no milk?” I replied, just because this was easier than arguing anymore.
I felt him shift, probably shrugging if I knew him as well as I thought I did. “Shops open soon enough.”
The corner of my mouth twitched, although I continued my staring contest with the blank space sat high above us. 
“Who says I’ll let you back in?”
He did laugh then, a deep rumble of a chuckle that was rough from disuse and a lack of sleep. Matty sniffed, “Just gonna have to try my luck then, I ‘spose.”
It was only in that next second that I realised something, something that had me inhaling sharply as Matty’s fingers dragged their way through my hair to tuck a frizzy strand behind my ear, before then pulling away entirely.
My eyes slipped closed at the sudden loss and my hands curled into tight fists beneath the duvet at the very thought of him having stayed that way throughout the night. Of having held me in the only way he’d been able to, as though he believed it might have kept some small part of me together. Only pulling away now that he could see that I wasn’t going to crack beneath the weight of everything I still held.
The bed shifted and the sound of his feet hit the floor.
From the corner of my eye, I watched him as he stood.
Matty moved throughout my bedroom with an ease I didn’t even own, picking up the hoodie he’d thrown over my desk chair all those days ago, the same one I hadn’t allowed myself to touch, let alone wear. 
I almost told him not to take it, but withheld. Only just managing to bite down on my tongue as I watched him shrug it on. It was his afterall.
“Gonna nick your keys,” He told me whilst he shook the hood out around his neck and dragged it up over his tousled curls, “Only be about ten minutes. You can shower or whatever, not worry about letting me back in.”
I could only nod in return and he smiled, pausing in the doorway to look back at me for a second or two before he nodded, almost fretfully, and turned away.
I waited, lying there still enough that I was surprised I didn’t go stiff from how tightly I was wound, until I heard the familiar rattle of keys and then the squeaking hinges of the front door. It closed behind him so quietly that had I not been holding my breath I might not have even heard it. 
I was rubbing at my face not a minute later, hauling back tears leftover from last night's show, before I heaved an anguished scream that was more air than actual sound from my lungs.
Forcing myself to calm– and not dissolve into fucking hysterics– I willed myself up, noting that I was still naked as I kicked the covers away. Another thing I’d gone and bared for him, I supposed. As though it wasn’t enough that I had already cried myself to sleep with him just sitting a hand’s stretch away, but that we’d actually gone and slept together. After everything.
My head was warring with my heart as I dragged myself up out of the dirtied sheets, throwing on an old tee so that I could shove them into the washer before he got back. I forced myself into the shower quickly after, letting the hot water roll off my skin.
I must’ve been stood there for a long while, drowning under the heavy spray, because it was the sound of the door that broke me from the faraway place I’d found myself in whilst staring at the tiled walls.
Blinking, I wiped the water from out of my eyes and forced myself to wash, lathering up my hair and going through the motions, before I finally stepped out. 
I didn’t dare peer into the mirror, not all too desperate to see the state I’d worked myself into on my way out. Choosing to head back into the bedroom instead, padding over towards the dresser to pull out some clean clothes and only noticing the fresh sheets that had been pulled onto the bed when I’d finally dressed.
The towel I’d been holding to lightly dry my hair slowly dropped to my side at the sight. I opened my mouth to call out and probably ask– But I stopped myself before I could. Ask what? I wondered. Why? Then shook my head at the very idea.
Doing the smart thing by shutting my mouth, I dumped the towel in the hamper and pulled on a pair of socks, taking a deep breath before deciding to venture further out into the flat. 
I found him in the kitchen.
He didn’t peer over his shoulder but he must’ve heard me putter in because he greeted me: “I know I said I’d be quick but I passed by that little bakery on my way back– that hidden gem we liked that one time? Anyway, it just smelt fuckin’ devine.” He accentuated that last bit, making me smile slightly, “And I just couldn’t not, you know? Been a while, but they had those danishes you like in the window. Got a couple to share as well as some other bits.” Matty explained, head still halfway in the bag he’d obviously brought back with him, a pint of milk sat alone on the side, “And a sausage roll for Teds– kid was eating them like he was gonna starve a while ago. So I just thought...”
Matty shrugged, as though that in itself was no big deal, him thinking of my son, and turned around to glance my way with a display case of baked-goods now lining my kitchen counter.
I snorted softly at the sight, jerking my chin out towards the lot of them, “Just thought you’d bring back half the shop?” I teased and was all too pleased when he chuckled around the beginnings of a smirk.
He was quick with his quip, “So I’m guessin’ you don’t want one of these danishes then?” 
I narrowed my eyes at the sheer nerve. “I never said that.”
Matty’s nose scrunched with his next shrug before he moved to snap one up for himself. “Sort of sounded like it, sweetheart.”
I shook my head, biting down on my growing grin as I slid across the kitchen to grab at one too. 
I hummed around the first bite I took and all but moaned at the flavour of it, blinking my eyes back open only to find Matty wearing the most delighted little grin. I rolled my eyes but didn’t grant him the gift of an actual reply, though it didn’t seem to waver him either way.
We seemed to move seamlessly around one another after that; him filling up the kettle whilst I placed two mugs down on the countertop; the clink of a teaspoon being shot into one cup as I moved to grab the tin of tea bags; Matty switching the radio on like it was second nature and me smiling away to myself as I poured the milk.
I chewed on the inside of my cheek once we’d finally settled, he’d chosen to take up room at the table whilst I carefully stored the remaining pastries away for later.
I wanted to talk, to try and hash things out again, because this felt right to me. Him being here. In my dingy little kitchen, small but still so crowded with all sorts of bits and bobs, as well as a plethora of crayon coloured drawings. And he just, well, Matty just fit here. Or maybe that was just me hoping. Ignoring the bigger warning signs so that I wouldn’t have to feel so alone again.
Was he lying to me?
Had he relapsed?
Did he cheat?
It didn’t seem like he’d done any of those things. There was no guilt in his gaze and yesterday… I’d never seen him like that. Even whilst stressed or overwhelmed, Matty had never cried. He’d never looked at me like that either, as though he was slowly breaking before my eyes.
He’d said his piece, he’d promised, and then he’d apologised. 
What if I was just making a bigger mug of myself here?
Letting him back in. Giving him my forgiveness. Having him in my bed.
Was I saying that it was okay? Was that the impression I’d be giving? That he could lie and walk all over me and that everything would still be fine.
It left the world feeling a little more tilted than it had been only moments before. It left me questioning everything, once again.
“What are we doing, Matty?”
Matty was slow in looking back over at her, fingers tapping aimlessly away on the kitchen table to some song that had been playing on the radio. 
“What do you mean?”
She huffed, a quiet chuckle full of disbelief rippling through the air, “I mean, what are we doing here?” 
“The fuck if I know.” Matty replied, just as soft as that laughter she’d given him, shrugging at her from across the kitchen. Because what was he meant to say to that?
She just shook her head in turn though, completely unaware to the way he was now watching her. Taking her all in. The way the outline of her body glowed whilst bathed in the morning light that shone in through the windows. Of how her slowly drying hair curled at parts in the easy breeze that crept by. And how endeared he was by the way she never failed to tuck her joggers, or pyjama bottoms, or whatever else she’d decided to throw on whilst at home into her socks. It made her who she was, all these mindless little tidbits that he’d gathered over the last year, that he had observed. 
“We can’t just– move on. Carry on like nothing’s happened.” She sounded frustrated. Sad.
“Why not?” It was almost sarcastic, the way he said it, but his voice held a whole lot of truth to it. He wanted this and he wanted her. And he’d be a fucking fool to deny it. 
And what would the world make of the two of them anyway? Cause she’d gone and claimed the very same thing last night, hadn’t she? 
The pair of them, fools.
“‘Cause everything’s a mess.” She answered back, staring at him now, almost defeated. 
Her shoulders were slumped and she wore that sad smile she often favoured when she was at a loss, slowly being eaten away by a horde of thoughts she couldn’t seem to control. 
He watched her fidget with the hem of her sleeve, peering down at it. 
“Because after everything, Matty,” She breathed, voice soft even in the quiet of the kitchen, “I know that I love you and I don’t want to lose what we have left here. I don’t want that ruined.”
Matty’s mouth worked itself into a small smile as his eyes dragged between her own, trailing over the short scar that crossed the bridge of her nose, remembering the night she’d teared up when he’d reached out to caress it. 
“I’d rather be ruined by you than not have you at all, Mouse.”
She blew air from out of her nose in a soundless chuckle, cheeks rounding around an amused grin for the briefest of seconds before her eyes skittered away from him again. “That meant to be all poetic?”
He gave her a curt nod and then just grinned, legs fanned out before him. “In the job description. Musician, remember?”
“Oh, do I.” She quipped back just as sarkily, leaning against the counter as she continued to watch him from under dark lashes. Matty reckoned he’d let her shove him under a microscope if it got her to let him stick around. If only for a while longer.
A silence passed between them. 
“I love you.” Matty murmured, so sure of that fact, “That much I know. But I won’t ask you for anything more than I already have, you make the choice. You can hold the cards. And whatever you decide, I’ll accept.”
Her face hardened a fraction, as though she were steeling herself for an argument or something other. Hiding how underprepared she’d been for his words perhaps. Matty only hoped that she’d heard the truth in them.
“No fight? You’ll just accept it and leave?”
Matty didn’t dare blink but dipped his head in slight acknowledgement. “If that’s what you want.”
The woman before him just continued to stare him down and for once, Matty couldn’t read her face. Had no idea what the hell she might’ve been thinking. Or feeling. Or what plans she was currently devising in that clever head of hers.
It took all of his sheer effort not to react to that one simple word, even though she had practically just gone and ripped his fucking heart out of his chest. 
Actually, he supposed that was another lie he’d told. She’d done that months ago, on the day they’d met and went and ruined him for good.
I’d rather be ruined by you.
It’s what he’d said.
He couldn’t go back on it now. 
“Okay.” He answered her, voice just barely above a whisper that he wasn’t sure she heard over the squeaking of his chair legs.
And then he was standing in her kitchen for what he supposed would be the last time. He saw her grip the edge of the counter, knuckles whitening, gaze unstraying, but she didn’t say another word. 
They stared at one another for what felt like the longest minute on Earth and Matty could practically feel the ground shifting beneath the soles of his feet as he realised that now everything would really change.
His breath caught, the thought hitting him like a shit ton of bricks and he knew then that he had to leave before he broke down and took it all back. Before he was a fucking mess of a man on her kitchen floor. 
He turned on his heel and made for the door.
“Where’re you going?”
Matty froze, entirely rooted to the floor.
He continued to stare resolutely ahead, scared to move in case she had changed her mind. In case she was saying what he thought she was.
“Your tea’s gonna go cold… and I thought you could pick Teds up with me later.” She was going for nonchalant, aiming and almost hitting, but she missed the mark by just a hair. “He was with Ads yesterday, you know, and she dropped him off at nursery this morning for me. Just figured.”
Matty pivoted on his heel, slow going and hardly daring to steal a breath as he did, before he was looking straight at her. At the way her teeth had sunk into her lower lip, the careful sheen her eyes had taken on, and then the singular strand of hair which had fallen from behind her ear. He was across the room and on her in a second. 
Firm hands held her face, thumbs guarding either cheek as he bored everything he couldn’t seem to say into the next look he gave to her. Wanting her to see it all. To know, or simply understand.
“You’re gonna kill me.”
She laughed.
“Wanna bet…” Her words trailed off into a heavy breath and Matty could feel the strength of his grin as he leaned in close, nose bumping against hers, his eyes flickering over the entirety of her face, attempting to take her in all at once.
There was buzzing under his skin, he could feel it in the tips of his fingers, all the way down to his toes, and heard the way it hummed throughout his chest. 
It was then that he realised he couldn’t see an end without her in it.
He wanted everything with this woman. 
And that should’ve been the most terrifying thought.
Because once he had believed he would never see the end of sixteen, puking into the bushes outside his bedroom window and not having the strength to make it that extra mile. To let mum know that he was alright.
Then it had been nineteen, that first real stint in hospital. He’d been scared to shit and alone, the darkness hiding all the groans and upset of the other patients with real issues.
But nineteen had come and gone, so then he figured twenty-one. Maybe twenty-two? Definitely twenty-five… Had to be.
Twenty-eight had been both the end and the beginning for him. 
But even without everything that had been holding him back after that, the drugs, the people, the money. After he’d gotten clean– proper clean– he’d never really thought far enough ahead. 
To a point where he might feel settled or want to start building a place for himself in the world. A real place, one amongst family and friends, not just amongst admiration and music– as much as it had helped shape him.
He’d never once pictured this. A person. 
Girlfriends? Yeah. Flings and one night stands? Sure. But a person that would be his. Completely. That he could share half of himself with?
No, he couldn’t say that he’d ever seen that coming, that something like this would have one day been in the cards for him.
And Matty wanted so badly to sink his claws in and cling on for as long as he possibly could, for as long as she’d be willing, and then even more so. Until somebody else came along and inevitably unhooked him. But he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t dare. Because this was too perfect to go and destroy like that. 
He’d always claimed to be a selfish man, but in this regard, all the love he had worth giving would be spent on her. On the days they’d spend together. On meals and dates. On flowers and apologies for when he eventually messed up again, because he knew himself too well to deny that fact. He’d spend it on giving her security, on rebuilding her trust. He’d spend it on her son. On the little boy he’d become so besotted by.
And if it ruined him, if it killed him? He reckoned he’d be okay with that.
He’d be content. Finally having something to be proud of.
“What are you waiting for?”
Matty eyes tracked the length of her face, fingers tangled in her hair whilst his thumbs pressed into the grooves of her temples. What was he waiting for? 
As soon as he thought it, Matty was pressing against her once more, stealing all the breath from her lungs in his haste to answer her.
It was slow, the kiss; soft in the way his lips captured hers for only a few seconds before he was pulling away again, hands shaking where he still cupped her cheeks.
He wanted to make sure that this was what she wanted, but he could see it in her face, that surety, the warmth. And he wouldn’t question that, maybe in some regards he’d be willing to give her anything, but here and now, with this, with wanting her, he would as selfish as he fucking could be. He’d take all that she would give him.
The next kiss was full and deep– urgent.
Matty’s tongue slid into her mouth, hands falling aimlessly away from her face to whatever part of her he could touch, feeling no ounce of remorse over it seeing as she was on the exact same journey, her fingers winding their way up and over every inch of him. 
She kissed back with just as much force, colliding with him in a way that almost felt tortured, as though trying to make up for all the time they had wasted. Not just over the past few days, but the weeks and months they’d spent dancing around one another, pushing and pulling. Despairing this game of tug of war they had started. 
It ended here.
Matty continued to lean up into her, pressing her into the counter as she clawed at the hoodie he wore. Matty felt her nails catch on the skin of his back, whilst he wrapped his arms around her hips.
“Baby,” He whispered breathlessly and then moaned when her mouth closed around his bottom lip, teeth grazing against the flesh before they then bit down. She rocked into him and Matty swore his eyes rolled into the back of his head. 
He reached up a hand to cup the back of her neck so that he could mouth his way across her jaw and down her collar, favouring the skin just beneath her ear. “Need you.”
It was both an admission and a plea.
And then she was grabbing at his face too, forcing his mouth back up to meet hers, breath sweeping over the cut of his jaw. She tangled her fingers in his curls and Matty had the barest second to register that he was actually staying. That she was letting him back in.
His body jolted forward on impulse, arms snaking their way around her waist to splay out over her lower back, pulling her that much closer. Her hold tightened too, hand moving down his neck, thumb pressing lightly against the pulse point there. 
Matty stepped nearer and she welcomed him in, legs parting to let him step between them, kiss turning hungrier as she arched her back up and away from the countertop. He wanted all of her.
She let go of his hair to press in harder, pulling back only so that she could lick his mouth back open and drive her tongue inside. She murmured his name against his lips, once, twice. And then Matty’s hand was between the blades of her shoulders and holding fast. He moved, spinning them outwards, over towards the kitchen door.
She let out a sharp sound that was half gasp and half moan, but all love and desire when they knocked into the arm of the sofa in the living-room and fell back against the soft cushions. 
When they broke apart it was only out of necessity, the need to catch back the breath that had been forced out of them on their tumble down. They shared an airy chuckle.
Then he watched on as she stretched out further up the settee, fingers caught on his wrist so that she could tug him along with her. Their hips aligned as Matty crowded her again, elbow digging into the chair's arm to hold him up above her. He hovered there, their faces and foreheads pressed together, noses lined up side by side. Matty wished to savour every detail of her.
He kissed her again, slower, softer. His lips moved against hers so gently that it was almost reverent, worship-like, and she matched him toe for toe, pouring her whole soul into it, gifting him all the sweetness that she possibly could. 
Matty prayed to whoever might’ve been listening that he could have this.
He supposed someone must’ve heard him because she said, “Stay,” in this careless whisper, in a tone that was more breath than anything else. And his heart stopped.
And then he was nodding. Almost frantically.
He kissed her, the tip of his nose brushing the underneath of hers as he lifted his head to nod one more time. “Long as you’ll let me.”
She whimpered and he groaned, forehead pushing against hers once more as she lifted her hips up to meet his. 
Then they were both lunging for clothes in the same instant, nearly laughing at their clumsy eagerness to get undressed, the sofa being of no help.
Matty pushed back to sit up for a moment, luring her up gently with him so that he could slide her shirt off over her head. She returned the favour, letting him trail a finger over the curve of her shoulder and down her arm once they were done before she was on her back once more. 
“So beautiful.” He felt the need to whisper, even though there was no one else around to hear it. She glanced away.
Matty wouldn’t have that though, a careful hand coming up to coax her eyes back to him, hoping that she would hear the sincerity in his words. She was the best thing he’d ever seen, no matter the time of day. No matter how horrible she felt. He’d never been so enamoured by another person, or so utterly lost in his desperate need to make it known. 
His thumb caught on the corner of her mouth and he smiled. “I meant it.” He assured her and felt her shiver beneath him as his words fanned the skin of her cheek, “Beautiful.”
She swallowed thickly, he saw the bob of her throat before he slid his palms down her sides to unhook her bra, dropping it off to the side so that he could mouth along the length of her torso.
He continued to murmur, tone so full of admiration as he attempted to press the words into her skin, hoping that this way they would somehow sink in.
By the time he reached the hem of her trousers she was writhing beneath him, eyes pleading, so Matty made quick work of ridding them, allowing himself to look her over for just a second. She truly was beautiful. 
“Matty,” The sound of his name forced his eyes back up and he was thrown by the dazzling smile she then wore. She took one of his hands in hers, linking their fingers, “I don't have all day, baby.”
He merely shook his head and laughed, figuring that she must’ve seen the many emotions that played out across his face afterwards because she tightened her hold on his hand and motioned him closer so that she could kiss him again.
He took her there on the settee. Worked her over slow and hard, his gaze only ever wavering when they slipped shut or he buried his face alongside the skin of her neck. His hands wandered whilst hers clung tight, leaving him marked and gasping. She murmured the whole while, legs wrapped around his middle to keep him as close as she possibly could, so that he could drive that bit deeper. Matty had never heard her so vocal, just muttering on and on, only ever stopping to cry out or jolt. But even then her words would either come out all warped or in a sharp shout. It only proved to spur him on though, fingers digging in and bruising the soft sides of her hips and thighs.
He could hardly think, listening to her pleads and commands. Such a demanding little thing. 
The heels of her feet dug into his flesh as her arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders, holding on, sinking her nails into his skin deep enough to have him hissing. He didn’t dare tell her to let up, just attempted to pick up his pace, hand falling away from the crease of her thigh to drag along her folds, needing her to let go before he could.
He was met with a choked gasp: “Yeah.” Followed by a cascade of assent, breath wetting the cut of his jaw as her hands jumped up to curl themselves along his shoulders.
Matt felt himself nod, but was hardly even aware of it, gaze trained on her face, the watering of her eyes, the pink swell of her lips. “So good for me. Don’t deserve you.”
His words just made her strengthen her already too tight hold and then she was writhing beneath him, tear sliding down the side of her face just as her head tilted far back against the cushions and she moaned.
He wasn’t far behind her, but she continued to work her hips to the best of her ability whilst his thrusts became more and more desperate. He only noticed that he was clenching his teeth when her fingers came up to thread through his hair, slackening the muscles there in his face just as his head fell forward, hovering a centimetre or two above the dip in her collar.
Matty felt lips press against the side of his head, soft but there. “I love you.” She said, and he couldn’t even respond, lost in the sensations that overwhelmed him as he jolted forward, every muscle in his legs tensing as his eyes slammed close. 
His breathing was harsh and laboured when he finally managed to pull out, falling into the little space she created for him on the side of the sofa. He draped an arm over her middle, not giving much thought to the damp sheen on their skin or the mess between her thighs. They could have this for a little while longer.
Matty hid a smile, nosing along her shoulder as he better settled into his position before he kissed the sweet skin there. Her back was to him now, him wrapped up around her body, their legs entangled, and he thought back to those few words of hers. 
Back to that night she’d first said them. 
To when she had last said them.
He started to trail a finger over her side, up and then down before he decided to trace each letter one by one. He heard her huff a laugh when she finally caught on, but he pressed on, writing more.
When she patted his hand and shifted, he frowned, wondering if he’d pushed too far, too quickly, even though she’d been the one to say it first. But she just rolled around to face him and grinned at the face he must’ve worn.
“You’re an idiot.”
His brow pinched but he still felt himself smile, “What?”
She laughed all lovelylike and he blinked at the sweetness of it, wondering when he’d gotten so used to hearing such a pretty fucking sound. 
He poked at her side, prodding, “Go on, tell me.”
With a fond roll of her eyes, Matty watched the stretch of her smile  soften before he stilled slightly at her slow touch, the drag of her finger which trailed over his stubbled cheek. “Just such a you thing to do.” She teased him quietly, fingertip reaching up to skim over the bridge of his nose and then his eyelids.
Matty shrugged, narrowing his eyes a tad but unable to truly hide the small smirk he was wearing. He moved his hand back to her hip, tracing another word that had her huffing and shaking her head in sudden exasperation. Then another. And another.
Her eyes were wide when he chanced a glance up at her and she swallowed at the earnest expression he gifted her. “I mean it.” He whispered into the tiny slot of space that rested between their heads.
He watched as her stare tracked along his face, flicking from one eye to the other. “How can you be so sure?”
Matty shrugged the shoulder that wasn’t pressed up against the settee, a small smile dancing on his mouth. “Never been sure of much, but I know this.”
She quirked an eyebrow, “This your way of askin’?”
Chuckling lightly, he shook his head in turn. “Nah, gotta think of something good. Big.” He grinned at the snort she gave, but continued on anyway, fingers simply brushing against her hip now, “Figure we need time to get there again, sort through this mess.”
Matty hummed, thinking back to the bout of songs he’d been working on over the last few months, to the days G had smirked and asked about some of the lyrics he’d written down. “Been playing on my mind.”
There was a small curve to her brow now, an almost frown but not, Matty knew her well enough to know that she was just a little thrown by his answer.
“How long?”
Her whispered ask had him thinking, but he couldn’t really give her an exact time span. He’d hardly even realised it himself. “I don’t know, but for a while.”
She breathed out a quiet little laugh, eyes darting between his own once more, “So one day then?”
Matty hummed happily, face breaking into a slow going grin as one of his hands came up to cup her face, thumb soothing her cheek. “One day, Squeaks,” He murmured to her, “I’m gonna marry the shit out of you.”
Her cheek warmed beneath his touch but she laughed, shaking her head ever so slightly whilst her eyes looked down before shooting right back up again. “You’re gonna regret that.”
Wrinkling his nose a tad and curling his upper lip, Matty just shook his head, “Nah, don’t reckon so.”
“You say that,” She all but sang before she was kicking up a storm in his hold, quickly trying to get away from the hand that had come up to run a rhythm down her side, tickling her into shutting that daft mouth of hers.
“Yeah, I do fuckin’ say.” Matty chuckled, grinning madly as he continued to grab at her, teasing her bare skin with his tormenting touch. It was with that in which Mouse went sailing, rolling away from him in an attempt to escape, and dragging Matty with, him still so caught up in her that the pair of them went tumbling to the living-room floor.
Matty felt as though all the air in his lungs had been kicked from his chest once the world had stopped spinning and finally righted itself. He realised all too quickly what had happened, a heap of hair splayed over his face as he spluttered. 
“Fuck.” He managed to drag out, forcing a huffy laugh from his chest.
He watched on as she struggled for a second, him having cushioned her fall, and she pushed up onto her palms so that she could glare down at him, not entirely unhappy. Matty snorted and raised his arms in defence.
“Don’t blame me.”
If it was at all possible, her eyes cut sharper. “The fuck I won’t! Why’d you start tickling me?”
“Because you never know when to shut up!” Matty laughed, wheezing a little as he did and bending a knee so that he could plant one foot firmly on the floor, his hand rested on his chest.
She just rolled her eyes though as she battled to sit up, spine curving once she had. Matty reached out to trail the length of it, pulse jumping at the shiver he watched run through her.
“How’d we even go from you being such a sap to us on the floor?” Mouse huffed, reaching up to grab at a throw that had been resting on the nearby armchair. Matty watched through a lazy gaze as she bundled it into an oddly shaped ball of sorts before turning back to him. “Fucking all sticky now too.”
He smiled stupidly, folding his hands behind his head, unashamed as he was, to better protect it from the hardwood floors.
She stood with a roll of her eyes, on unsteady legs mind– something Matty felt all too pleased with– and caught sight of his smirk, and before he could even see it coming the bundled blanket was being thrown at his head. He yelped girlishly and floundered to shield himself from it but it still managed to catch the side of his face with just enough force. 
He listened to her hearty laugh as he tossed the thing back at her legs, frowning when it missed and her footsteps began to trail away. “Oi, where do you think you’re goin’?”
“To shower!” She called out from over her shoulder just before she could disappear through the doorway, “Again!”
Matty huffed a small snicker to himself and resorted to simply staring up at the ceiling whilst he waited, but before he could get too comfortable there she was calling out to him again.
“So you coming or what, Healy?”
And fuck if that didn’t have him scrambling up off of the floor to join her. He smiled when she merely laughed at the eager sight of him rounding the hallway and he found himself wondering how the fuck he’d managed this as she turned on the tap and pulled him under the water with her.
He must’ve seemed a little out of it though because she was tilting her head at him when he peered over at her, her hands at his hips. “You good?” 
Matty hummed quietly, dipping his head to kiss her once more because he could. “Yeah, just happy.”
And wasn’t that a thought. Him happy.
Mouse grinned at him, eyes lighting up with it as he stepped on closer. Her hold tightened, “Me too.”
Me too.
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howlingday · 5 months
Lord Taurus
Adam: Hello, ningen~!
Adam: Ha ha... Your threats are as empty as your title.
Adam: All hail Weiss Schnee, heiress to nothing!
Adam: Well, well, this could be quite salubrious for me.
Corsac: I'm not sure I...
Fennec: ...know what that means.
Adam: It means "beneficial to one's health and well-being," you dolts!
Yang: Thanks for the assist, Ozp-AGH!
Adam: ...Oops! How rude of me. The pommel of my sword has slipped into your chest~.
Yang: Heh heh... No problem.
Adam: HURGH!
Yang: Sorry 'bout that. My fist just happened to punch your chest "on accident," too.
Harriet: It's a simple fact; I'm the fastest member of the Ace Operatives!
Adam: So you're a master of retreat, eh? You must be so proud.
Harriet: (Activates Super-Speed) Get ready for a surprise!
Adam: ...
Harriet: (Running in place) My semblance will allow me to dodge your sinister and nefarious attacks with the greatest of ease! JUST TRY AND HIT ME! (Blinks out)
Adam: ...I'm just going to let that play out.
Harriet: (Attacking Adam, Missing)
Adam: (Backhands Harriet)
Harriet: Rgh! B-But how?!
Adam: That's funny, because I was about to ask the same to you. As in, "But how do you expect such pitiful attacks could do any damage to topple a top tier titan like me?"
Adam: (Grips sword) A grievous insult I intend to pay back tenfold.
Adam: Is Yang not here yet?
Penny: No, but she's on her way!
Adam: Oh, look at that; the toy robot from Atlas. I remember watching you die on-screen before Cinder took over. I guess the Maiden's powers can bring back both the powerful AND the pathetic!
Adam: Heh heh heh... There's nothing for you to be scared of Schnee. I won't bite.
Adam: Well, well, it seems the woman of the hour has finally arrived! I've been waiting a long time for you! And I see your Schnee friend is with you, too. I would be surprised, but ningen never were good at fighting alone, were they?
Ruby: Huh? It's you...
Adam: Salutations, ningen~!
Adam: I remember when Nikos' partner was just a shrimpy, little thing. It's so touching to see boys becoming men.
Jaune: Adrian, stay back!
Adrian: But Uncle Jaune-
Jaune: You don't stand a chance against him, so just leave him to me!
Adrian: (Pouts)
Adam: What tender love~! I can barely stomach it. When I'm done with him, I'll kill the brat, too, so you can hold hands together in Hell. (Blinks out)
Jaune: Huh?!
Adam: (Behind him) NOTHING PERSONAL, KID.
Nora/Ren: JAUNE!
Jaune: AUGH! (Falls to the ground)
Adam: ...I'm sorry, but I don't think you understand how this works. Once you're on the ground and can't move, you're supposed to beg me for mercy! Say you'll do anything to spare your nephew's life!
Jaune: Ngh!
Adam: Come on! Let's hear it, boy! Cry for me! Scream! SOAK YOUR FACE IN TEARS AND TEAR OFF YOUR ARMOR IN FRUSTRATION! AHAHAHAHAHA! Not that I would let you live, but it's all part of the fun for me!
Pyrrha: (Struggling)
Adam: Oh, I do respect powerful fighters. But there's one other facet to my character, which is...
Adam: That's it, Xiao Long! Keep getting stronger! Be your best lizard!
Adam: Care to put her to the test?
Adam: (Draws blade)
Willow: (Shakes head)
Adam: (Sheathes, Ahem)
Winter: Huh?!
Ozpin: There must be something you care about! The White Fang?! Loved ones?! Memories?! Everyone has SOMETHING they want to protect-
Adam: You're pissing me off! I don't care about anything or anyone. Hm... Except for myself, of course.
Adam: I can't stand the sight of your pitiful, broken faces wearing MY masks...
Adam: (Grips handle)
Blake: (Eyes widen) EVERYONE RUN, NOW!
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Yang: You're definitely not a pushover, that's for sure. If you weren't so evil, you'd actually be a fun sparring partner. What a waste of talent.
Adam: It's exactly that kind of small-minded drivel that makes ningen like you so especially intolerable.
Adam: WAKE UP! Torture isn't any fun if I can't hear you scream! (Stabs Yang's prone body)
Adam: Attention, brothers and sisters of the White Fang...
Adam: (Points)
Penny: Huh?!
Adam: I will grant ownership of any human settlement to any one of you who can slice that Atlas toy in half!
Penny: What?!
Adam: Ha ha ha! History repeats, with only certain details that change. And when Xiao Long shows up, she'll give in to her rage again, leaving her wide-open for me cut not just her arm, but her head off, too!
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pascaloverx · 3 months
Rewrite The Stars
Finale Chapter — Season Two
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
The end of this beautiful story is upon us. Thank you to everyone who enjoyed this fanfiction and followed it. You are the best. See you soon ❤
chapter seventeen
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The anticipation for the most important moment of your life is overwhelming. Your eyes meet your mother's as she nervously adjusts your hair. Your best man, Enzo, is looking for something blue for you to wear. Pedro's younger sister will be your maid of honor. You've spent months debating every detail of this moment with your mother and Pedro's family. After much discussion, your wedding will be in a church.
"Running away is still an option if you're thinking about it," your mother says as she finishes helping you with your hair. You look at her through the mirror, disapproving of her words.
"Mom, it's not funny. Seriously, do you think Pedro will be at the church? I mean, the weather forecast was sunny and now it's raining. What if he backs out of everything?" you ask nervously, feeling your breath escaping you. The dress is tight in several places and the anxiety of being about to marry Pascal is overwhelming you.
"My daughter, don't say such nonsense. This man loves you. He didn't even let the fact that I disapproved of him get in the way of your relationship. I fear that he would marry you even in the middle of a storm." Your mother speaks so seriously, with no patience for what you're saying, that you realize she truly believes it's impossible for him to abandon you. You smile, standing up and adjusting your dress one last time before heading to the church.
"I'm ready to marry the man of my life, Mom. Wish me luck," you say softly, and your mother stands on her tiptoes to kiss your forehead. She whispers "good luck" to you, and you both head towards the wedding venue.
As your feet touch the church floor, you feel your legs trembling. Your eyes well up with tears as if you're ready to cry. Your mother holds your arm firmly, guiding you towards your groom. And there he is, your beloved Pedro Pascal. He looks stunning in an expensive-looking suit and has a huge smile on his face. Everyone you both know is in the church, witnessing your wedding. When your mother hands you over to Pedro, your hand almost slips from his, but he holds you firmly. The priest begins the ceremony, but all your attention is on Pedro, and it seems like all his attention is on you.
"I have to say, you look stunning. I think I hit the jackpot…" you say, leaning slightly closer to Pedro Pascal. He lets out a muffled laugh, prompting the priest to give you both a stern "shhh." A few seconds later, the priest
asks you to say your vows. You're almost certain that Pedro memorized his like a script and threw it away because you searched the whole house and couldn't find it anywhere.
“Well, what can I say about Y/N. When we first met, I felt like you were going to change my life. And I was right. Until we started dating, I thought it was impossible to find someone who would complete me this much. But you feel like another part of me. And you make me crazier, more in love, and happier,” Pedro says while holding both your hands, gently stroking them. You start to cry as you listen to him declare his love.
"The craziest thing about all this is that our love story often seemed more invented than real. Until one day, when you and I were playing the great lovers for the world; I realized that seeing you was the best part of my day. That filming a romantic scene made me miss you, and every love song seemed silly because none of them were about you." When Pedro says this, almost everyone in the church lets out a loud "ahhhhh." You feel so proud of the man you're about to marry. He really knows how to love you.
"I loved Mr. Pascal even before I met him. I loved him for his work, his commitment to being an excellent actor, and for appearing to be an even better human being. But he surprised me. He raised my expectations of what a perfect man could be with the way he treated me, always being the most kind and gentlemanly. But don't get me wrong. He was a challenge too. Getting him to open up to this relationship was a beautiful battle to fight." You say, looking deeply into his teary eyes. He gives you a sweet smile.
"But when we both stopped fighting what we were feeling and let ourselves be carried away by the emotions growing inside us, I knew I would love him forever. And I didn't even imagine marrying him back then. I just knew that the love we were creating was something unique and eternal. And that's how I want it to be. I want this marriage to last until we're old and gray. And I can't wait to see what our destiny will be like." You barely wait for the priest to declare you husband and wife. Your lips meet like two magnets, and you throw yourself into Pedro's arms, feeling him hold your waist with great affection. And that was the beginning of your happily ever after.
tag: @wanniiieeee , @hungrhay and @leilanixx
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Favorite boss(es) in No Straight Roads?
Least favorite?
(Sincere apologies. I've been holding this one for more than a year in my box, so I hope you don't mind a really late reply ^^")
(Also Happy 3rd Anniversary, NSR!! 🎉)
I will tell ya honestly - they all are my favourites!
Tho if to be more specific I decided to set them up by TOP.
1. Sayu
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Oh Sayu, my beloved <3
The Best Virtual Idol and The Reason I bought this game in the first place!
Her music and style of battle was the most fun and dancy! I still vibe to it to this day-
Sooo many references to Internet Culture and Digital Art fills my heart with warmth and gives me determination just like her song itself as well!
Funny Useless Fact: She is the only boss I've beaten on Rank B on my first blind playthrough!
2. DK West
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My second favorite and at the same time the hardest for me to beat.
I personally didn't adore RAP genre at first and never seen anyone preform it as an actual entertaining battle until he showed up...
Anyway, despite damaged fingers - 10/10, would fight again!
Funny Useless Fact: When I was drawing him for the first time I listened to his theme on loop for 4 days straight in order not to get myself distracted or lose motivation, so I finish the piece.
3. Yinu
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Oh, sweet child...
I love Yinu and her theme lots even if I'm not that big of a fan of Classical Music. And her backstory...Gosh! It made me cry a lot.
And I'm still feel ashamed of breaking the piano ;;-;;
Love the pace of how music goes with the fight and it feels even better when you get into actual rhythm. There were issues that gladly wore off thanks to practice and fighting this boss over and over.
Tho those slamming cords haunt me whenever I listen to the song off-battle-
Funny Useless Fact: I didn't like her Mother at first but when I read more about her and relationship with Yinu my opinion completely changed. And this is why I would nominate No Straight Roads for The Best Storytelling and Character Design.
4. EVE
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Two-faced, tall woman.
Used to be one of my favorites but due to some circumstances I can't look at her the same way I used to but I still adore her as a boss!
I honestly love her style of the fight and music that changes depending on who you play.
Tho fighting her is literally like eating a lemon but eventually you kinda just accept your fate and roll with weird artistic antics happening around you.
And EVE herself as a character is so fascinating. Like this is the moment where I started to see that these aren't just bosses, they are actually characters that tie this little but complex story together bit by bit. And this is why I would nominate No Straight Roads for The Best Storytelling and Character Design AGAIN!
Funny Useless Fact: EVE was supposed to be a next character to have a complete and detailed art of but due to my forgetfulness, difficulties with her design (and many other things) - it was never finished but I hope to get that dusty sketch out of WIP folder someday.
5. Tatiana
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The Bitch. The Boss.
I don't really like her music and rhythm but I can forgive that since it is kind of fitting for conflict between her and the BBJ.
She tries to hide her true image throughout the story and the fight but ultimately crumbles cause escaping from the past isn't the best option to improve.
I love her design and personality and I wish there were more villains like her. Strict, simple, stoic and yet well-written.
Funny Useless Fact: I've never drawn Tatiana until NSR announced their release on Steam with addition of Fanat Graffiti Contest that I certainly didn't want to miss out on. It was difficult but I did it and ngl, I am still proud of the results.
6. DJ Subatomic Supernova & 1010/Neon J
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I can't really say anything much about both of them. Sorry, guys...
Their designs and personalities are fun and well-made but due to one of them being the first you fight as "tutorial" and the other appears only at the end of a fight. (1010 band doesn't count as an actual boss to me more like a part of it) They didn't struck me much as the others did...
I will say this thou: their backstories are interesting. One is an academy astrology teacher with a goal of achieving the stars and other is a war veteran who just wanted everyone to live in peace and he himself despite everything never stopped his passion for doll-making and making people happy.
Just simply, beautiful...
Cool Science Fact: Their VAs are GOLD!
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letstalkaboutit100 · 9 months
Pt 20/pt 2 of Lizzie's episode (This is after way too wonderland)
Courtly's plan is to have all of Wonderland turn their backs on Lizzie and her family! She wants the throne! *Well she can't have it!* Lizzie thought. "Enough!" *everyone freezes and looks at her while Courtly tries to escape* "All of Wonderland listen! I do love you! I care about our home and our future! My destiny is to become your next Queen and I take great pride and honor in that! You are not all just friends or subjects but my family! I stood by you! I fought for and with you! You all know me! You all know that I'm still just a kid with dreams of my own! Wonderland will always be my home and its welfare is my first priority! You all know that I am WAY too young to become Queen now! My mother is still in excellent health! I have so many things I want to do before I become your Queen! Just because I don't want to now doesn't mean I don't want to ever! It's a lot of pressure but I promise just as I have just sworn *you know when someone is about to be crowned king or queen that makes an oath? that's what she means* to be loyal to my kingdom and all who live here!" "It is you!" *Points to Courtly who somehow still hasn't escaped lol* "Who doesn't care for Wonderland! Who doesn't care for it's people!" "You tired to force me into my destiny early thinking that I don't want to be Queen at all when in truth it's all that I think about! Sure I want to be a fashion designer, but you know what? Who says I can't do both!? I AM following my destiny but I'm following it my way! There may be detours along the way! There may be bumpy roads ahead! But it's all worth it in order to secure Wonderland's future!" *Points her scepter to the ceiling* *Every cheers and claps and wipes tears from their eyes* *Lizzie looks down and has a shy smile on her face* *She looks back up and says while pointing her scepter at Courtly* "Guards! Capture that trickster!" "And take her to the dungeon!" *Courtly tries to wiggle out of the guard's arms but fails* "W-WHAT?! NO! She's lying! I do care! I care for Wonderland as if it's my own kingdom! WHICH IT SHOULD BE! Lizzie hearts and her mother are-" Chase: *Takes off his helmet* "Oh give it a rest Courtly. You're not taking over Wonderland today." Lizzie: "Or ever!" *Courtly looks behind her to Chase with a shocked face* "C-CHASE?! D-did I say takeover the kingdom?" "Yeah, you did" "Oh! Well, I-I didn't mean it! I was just HELPING Lizzie! Yes! I was helping her to-" Kitty: "Oh shut up Courtly!" (I feel it would be funny if they were somehow cousins. Maybe friends but then became enemies or something.) "Stay out of it feline!" "Ok! Off you go!" (Got a bit protected of kitty lol!) *Chase still holding her hands behind her back ushes her to walk forward to the dungeon.* "NO! C-Chase baby! C-Can't we talk about this?! I'll make you a deal! You let me go and help me take over Wonderland and I'll make you my king!" *Everyone says EW! lol* "No way!" "OK! Ok! How about captain of the guard!" Lizzie: "That won't be necessary." "Oh? Really?! Why is that royal brat?" Chae: "OK! I've had just about enough of you-" *Lizzie holds out her hand to silence him* "That won't be necessary because when I'm Queen Chase will be my first choice to become captain. Now take her away!" *Chase bows down to Lizzie and gives her a silly wink* "Yes Your Majesty." LM: "And good riddance!" *everyone stops and looks back to the real Queen of Hearts forgetting that she was here* (She escaped at some point and went to the mad hatters when everyone else was planning on what to do and told them everything How Courtly snuck into the palace and kidnapped her and locked her and up in her own dungeon! And when Lizzie found her Courtly threatened her Mother's safety so she escaped with Chase's help. She also did a funny war cry when her and the other came through the doors lol. She feels like a badass warrior queen to me) *Lizzie runs to her mom* "Mom!" *they hug* "I am so proud of you!" *They have a mother-daughter moment and talk about what she said in her speech and stuff* They have a big feast, talk, and go home!
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
14 || I Promised
Series: Trust | Maze Runner (Thomas x OFC)
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: none
A/N: Might be a few mistakes
"There you are." Newt says as I join them.
"Why are you crying?" Fry asks as I sit down with them.
"I just met my mother and I remember being taken from her." I give them a smile.
"Your mother?" Minho asks.
"The doctor, Mary, she's my mom. After talking to her, I remembered getting taken from her." I explain to them.
"I'm happy for you. Getting to see a family member and remembering them. Even if it's a little memory." Newt puts his arm around me.
"What happened when you three got separated from us?" Fry asks me.
"Got chased by cranks that were fully turned. Had to keep climbing up to get away." I laugh remembering the height.
"Bet you lost it being terrified of heights." Minho laughs, making me slap him.
"Not funny! You try being stuck holding on to a doorknob in a slanted room where if you slide down all the way you fall to your death. I was in tears and thankfully Thomas got me in time because I was having a panic attack." I explain making him apologize.
"And at Marcus's? What did you hallucinate?" Newt rubs my arm.
"Gally dead and you as a Crank." I tell them.
Soon Thomas joins us, "Is she doing better?" I ask him.
"Yeah." He sits down.
"You know, I wish Alby could've seen all this." I look at the whole place.
"And Winston." Fry adds.
"And Chuck." Thomas adds so in my head I say Gally too. He would have liked all this if he wasn't such a pain.
"He would be proud of you, you know Tommy." Newt tells him so he agrees.
"Hey where's Teresa?" I ask cuddling Newt for warmth.
"She went up there." Newt motions to her so we all look over at her.
"Weird." I say making Thomas look at me.
"I'm gonna go check on her." He gets up still looking at me before leaving.
"Are we missing something?" Minho asks, eyeing me.
"Huh?" I asked, confused.
"Did something happen between you and Thomas recently?" He asks me, causing Fry and Newt to wait for an answer.
"My mom told us we were super close before the maze. Something like most of time we were kept apart, but we always found away back to each other." I just tell them that part.
"You're not telling the whole story. I know you, Ellie." Newt says, making me look at the ground.
"At Marcus's we sorta kissed. He leaned in first and well I kissed him back. But when I leaned back, that's when I hallucinated Gally then you, rushing away."
"Do you have feelings for Thomas?" Fry raises an eyebrow.
"I-," get cut off as a Wicked aircraft fires at us.
Everyone starts to panic and the first thing I wanted to do was find my mom. "Where's Thomas? Where is my mom?" I shout as we rush down to what's going on. "Vince! Harriet!" I rush over to join them and the boys follow. "Where's my mom?" I ask, picking up a gun.
"She went back to help Tyson and they got her." Vince tells me, causing me to start shooting more. A soldier ends up throwing a shock bomb at us causing all of the to fall to the ground.
"Shit. Shit." Thomas watches his friends go down and dragged off.
"I'm sorry. There's just nothing you can do for them. If we don't move now, we won't be much better off." Jorge tells Thomas but he won't leave them behind.
"You guys gotta go right now. They're not looking for you. You'll be safe, but you have to go now. I can't leave without them... and I made a promise to Elizabeth years ago and I'm going to keep that. Go." Thomas tells him and Brenda.
"Good luck, kid. Bren, we have to go. Come on. Come on." Jorge tells her so they leave and Thomas sees a bag, getting an idea.
Wicked lines everyone up, all the adults together and all the kids together. Elizabeth looks over to see her mom and she mouths it's gonna be okay to her. Wicked soldiers scanned the back of everyone's necks to see how many kids they had.
"Where's Thomas." Janson finally takes notice he wasn't lined up.
"Right here." Thomas comes out, going up to Janson to get punched in the gut.
"Bastard!" Elizabeth tries to get up but is shoved back down.
"If you hurt her!" Vince gets hit for shouting about Elizabeth as Thomas is shoved down next to her.
"You're stupid for coming back. Why didn't you run?" Elizabeth asks him.
"Other than I'm tired of running and can't leave my friends behind... I made a promise to you years ago." He looks her in the eyes.
"You're still stupid." She says, making him nod his head.
The WICKED craft comes down and Ava walks out to the crowd. They start to load kids in while she gets Thomas to come to her. "I'm glad you're safe." Ava turns to Teresa as she walks up to her.
"What the hell? Teresa?" Fry says hurt as the group stands up, confused.
"What's going on?" Elizabeth asks, eyeing Teresa next to Doctor Paige.
"She's with them." Thomas lets them know.
"Since when?" Minho looks away to Thomas.
"Oh, Teresa's always had an evoked appreciation of the greater good. Once we restored her memories, it was only a matter of time." Janson explains to the group.
Teresa sees the look of betrayal on everyone's faces, "I'm sorry. I had no choice. This is the only way. We have to find a cure." She tells the group, making Elizabeth laugh at her.
"Bullshit! You had a choice so don't use that pathetic excuse. Everyone has a choice when it comes down to shit. You just picked the wrong one." Elizabeth says with disgust.
"No, Teresa's right, Elizabeth. This is all just a means to an end. You never understood that and refused to, but you used to understand that Thomas. No matter what you think about me... I am not a monster. I'm a doctor. I swore an oath to find a cure! No matter the cost. I just need more time." Dr. Paige tells them.
"More blood." Mary speaks up, making everyone look at her.
"Mom." Elizabeth says getting worried.
"Hello, Mary. I hoped we'd meet again. I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances. Especially seeing that you reconnected with your daughter for a brief moment." Ava tells her.
"I'm sorry for a lot of things, too. But not this. Dragging my daughter away from me twice. At least my conscience is clear after the first time you did it." Mary tells her.
"Mine too." Ava says as a gunshot goes off. Everyone looks at Mary and Elizabeth breaks as she sees the blood spread on her shirt.
"Mary!" Vince yells her name over and over while Elizabeth screams mom trying to rush to her but a soldier shoves her back hard and she falls to the ground.
"You fucker!" She yells at Janson, crying out down on her knees.
As Ava tells the men to load them up, Teresa was speechless as to what just happened. She didn't know Mary was Elizabeth's mother until this very moment. She started to feel guilty watching Elizabeth cry over her mother getting murdered in front of everybody.
"Get back!" Thomas shouts pulling out a bomb making everyone point their gun at him and Minho pull Elizabeth up to him.
"Thomas, please stop. I made a deal with them. They promised we'd be safe. All of us." Teresa tries to calm him down.
"And I'm supposed to trust you now?" Thomas asks her, making Ava say that was her only condition.
Ava tells Thomas to think about how he really wants all his friends to die so Elizabeth moves away from Minho, joining Thomas. "Always find a way back." Elizabeth gives him a smile with tear-stained cheeks as the rest of the group join them.
"We're with you, Thomas." Newt tells him.
"Do it Thomas." Minho tells him.
"We're ready. Fry adds.
"We're not going back there." Thomas tells her grabbing Elizabeth hands with his free one as he put out his hand with the bomb. "It's the only way." He says making all five of them close their eyes ready for it.
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zeniths-haven · 11 months
"I'm Sorry"
Just a little something I wrote in an attempt to process the loss of a loved one a year ago.
Loss. It’s never something you want, and it’s almost never what you expect. Whether you’re waiting right next to their bed in the hospital room or miles away from them, you never expect to hear that continuous beep, or to hear those two words that carry so much weight it feels like you can’t breathe anymore. Passed away. 
It’s funny, almost. People hardly ever use the word “dead” to tell you that someone you care about is no longer in the world. Sure, when it’s celebrities or people you barely know, it’s easy to say: “They died.” But people attempt to sugarcoat when they know you have an emotional connection to the person– as if it’s possible to sugarcoat death. I get people would try to let you down easy, or try their best to not offend you, but how would using a euphemism help the feelings that come crashing down after hearing that someone that had practically meant the world to you was no longer in it? 
Eventually, it gets easier. They all say that. But how easy can it get after losing someone that’s been with you for quite literally as long as you can remember? I’ve had the displeasure of losing someone very dear to me recently, and truthfully, I did not know how to handle it. 
I was walking up the stairs with my grandmother after we had gotten home from grocery shopping when she had decided to break the news to me. “She’s gone.” In a way, I wasn’t shocked, because I knew it was bound to happen. I simply said “Okay.” and went up to my room. Then I started crying. The day had been going so well despite the typhoon and me having to wake up at 3 A.M. for a test. I couldn’t believe it, but at the same time, I accepted it. She was gone. 
I would never see her again, hear her voice, have her ask me if I had class the next day, or what I wanted to eat for breakfast. I would never get to taste her cooking again. Truthfully, it lost its touch over time, but knowing that it was her cooking always made it taste so much better to me. She made the best version of a certain kind of dish, and I think that’s something I’ll miss the most. 
I’ll also miss how she used to sing me to sleep every night when I was little, or how she’d pat my back to coax me into falling asleep. I’ll miss that she’d come to me immediately after I slipped in front of her, or how she’d blow onto a wound whenever she saw I had one. I’ll miss how she’d hold up clothes or accessories for me with a proud smile on her face because of how good she thought I’d look in them. And I regret that there were times I took these habits of hers for granted.
Something they don’t tell you about loss is that all your regrets suddenly make you feel like you’re guilty of committing a crime. They don’t tell you that even though there are words you never would have said to them while they were alive, you’d wish you told them. Whether it be a “Thank you.” or an “I love you,” you’re never going to get to tell them in person anymore. For me, those words are “I’m sorry.” Never have I regretted having a temper more than I did when I accepted that she was gone. Some of the first memories that replayed in my head were me snapping at her because I wasn’t in a good mood, or me dismissing her suggestions because I was stubborn. But I’m trying to not dwell on those bad memories, because even if we had rough patches, she always looked out for me. She would always come to me a few moments later like nothing had happened and still treat me like I was her favorite. And I would reciprocate, because she was my favorite, too. 
I was never a religious person, but I always went with her to church, and I always carried around a card of Mother Mary and Jesus with me because she told me it would keep me safe– I realized today that it always did. I struggle with faith, but I pray because of her. I pray for her. It’s because of her that I turn to God whenever I really need help. And it’s because of her that I made the most sincere prayer I’ve ever made in all the years of my life: “Please take care of her.” I thanked Him for ending her suffering. If He is real, then I have no doubts that she’s up there with Him. And I hope He takes good care of her, because it’s nothing short of what she deserves. 
My most recent memory of her was my grandmother telling me how she wanted to come home because she was worried my family wasn't feeding me enough. To be honest, I think that was when I realized she might not come home anymore. But I subconsciously chose to be in denial, and I started looking forward to seeing her again. It pains me so much that I’ll never get to. 
I’m not even sure if we have pictures together, and I’m almost one hundred percent certain that I don’t have a recording of her voice. That’s one of the scariest things about loss: forgetting them. She’ll never get to watch me grow up. She’ll never get to watch me be an adult. She’ll never get to watch me get into my dream college. And I’ll never get to hear her say she’s proud of me ever again. 
But maybe, just maybe, I don’t have to feel bad. Because at the end of the day, she knew I was never mad at her. She knew I was always thankful for everything she had done for me, even if I wasn’t the best at expressing it. She knew that she had and will always have a special place in my heart. 
And I know. I know she’d be proud of me no matter what. I know she’d be happy with who I become, even if she won’t get to see it. I know that if she’s up there, she’s going to continue to be with me, and still be a part of who I am. I realize now that she was my guardian angel, and she truly is in a better place. I may never get to see her again, but at least we were thinking of each other. I know I’d never forget her.  
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llycaons · 1 year
ep43 (2/3): the most beautiful and emotionally evocative scene ever shot in the snow
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there she is :( arguments about her consent to being married and t being imprisoned for her entire life aside, she doesn't wear a headband. I wonder how she felt to see her sons wear it
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of course he did 🥺 mama's boy
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I love lqr but he has no idea how to talk to children about death. useless idiot piece of crap guardian. your child is kneeling IN THE SNOW. don't reprimand him, EXPLAIN
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but he's holding hands with lxc 🥺 anyway this imagery kills me
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yeah this little moment makes me inordinately fond of lqr even though it's like the bare minimum and also not even that. I guess I didn't expect him to even do this
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and THIS line? oof, what a powerful mental image. what powerful symbolism. I wish they'd been able to incorporate it into the show, but rest assured the fics have it covered.
...though not as thoroughly as you'd think
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another piece of information that's given long after the fact, but still slots into what we know and enhances the character
I will complain about lwj being underdeveloped but through this episode alone it's clear that he's not poorly written. his backstory, choices, and role in the narrative all make sense, are really interesting and powerful, carry tremendous weight, and are endlessly compelling. I mean, if you like him. obviously. but he has a short yet rich personal history that provides perfect explanations for why he is the way he is, and his character development springboards off of his initial personality, values, and motivations. it's narrow in scope, but quite deep, which is a hell of a lot more than hua cheng got
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people laughed at lxc for playing flute 'at awkward moments' but that is so rude and insensitive. he was playing a mourning song for his mother. idiots
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this line confuses me a bit. doesn't lxc know how passionate and messy lwj is? does he really think his brother is icy after knowing him his entire life? maybe he's just commenting on how different people view lwj differently
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ah the classic <3 wwx should probably drink less but I think if you told him to give up emperor's smile in any universe he's start crying. it's symbolic now
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this scene hit me SO hard. lwj with his hair down all informal. wwx, now more aware of how much lwj has given up for him and how deeply he trusts him, coming in slowly to this domestic scene. he's blurry, his back is t the camera. he's the unknown element in a quiet and peaceful scene. and he enters warily, like a wild animal, which is funny because he's been less openly cautious in the past when he has less reason to trust lwj
I guess now...being that deeply trusted and cared for is intimidating. and wwx isn't very good with sincerity or vulnerability. it's easy to imagine his earlier carelessness was hiding a readiness to cut and run at any time, back when he wasn't sure what lwj was doing or why. but now....but now
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well, he's still shy
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this scene is so nice and peaceful. lwj pouring drinks, handing them over to wwx. really simple and comforting. wwx hasn't had a home in so long. that got me choked up. with what happened at koi tower and what he's just learned, it's sinking in. he's starting to really trust. and that's hard for someone with his history! I'm really proud of him!
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literally some of the most gorgeous shots in the show. there's talking about his past, exploring it, what he wants to do moving forward
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his bitterness, his rejection of the rest of the world. his loneliness and isolation
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THIS shot. this is my favorite in the entire series. legendary. wwx on his own out in the cold, distancing himself once again, lwj staying behind near the shelter but not leaving him
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sideways allusion to the novel canon, where he WAS responsible for all of that?
also a post I remember pointed out that he lowered the jar of ES after hearing wuji start, and they claimed like wwx stopped drinking so much bc he heard wuji, but that wasn't what happened. he had already taken a sip and he didn't stop at any point during this scene
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lwj playing wuji again, telling him he's trusted, that lwj will always be with him, that there's a safe and warm shelter for him, that he's loved. and he doesn't go in quite yet. he still has some thinking to do. he didn't have much time, back in his old life. he avoided things that might have hurt him. he kept running
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and that's why it's so rewarding to see him sit down and acknowledge his hurt, and his isolation. something something you don't realize how bad something is until you're relieved of it. now that he's in a safe place, wwx is able to process some of those feelings. maybe break down over them, though he doesn't in this scene. it's a start
I really love this entire scene, not just for being visially stunning and for allowing wwx a tiny bit of processing, but because it presents yet another microcosm of wwx and lwj's dynamic postcanon. wwx wary, wandering, exploring his feelings. lwj steady and warm and welcoming, keeping a place at the table for him when he's ready to come in, and reminding him he's still cared for. it's beautiful. it's exactly the kind of support I love about the relationship
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oh yeah and the soulmate telepathy that never got explained
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yesss they said soulmate!!!!
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this line does confuse me a bit. I assume that lwj trusting in wwx = wwx having that clear conscience bc he trusts lwj to judge righteously, but in that case why is lwj the one to deliver this line?
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his I'm sorry and thank you is very nice and I treasure it dearly, but almost nicer is this smile from him. just so much fondness and warmth in it. I wouldn't call it bedroom eyes, but I can tell why people do
we can very vaguely can see wwx doing SOMETHING as the camera pans away and it probably is him untying his sash or taking off his robe because I don't know what else would cause such a flurry of black material. again I don't think they did anything more this night (their dynamic is exactly the same the next morning, for one) but I can appreciate why people think they did
and on to part three! YOU KNOW WHO'S COMING!!!
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ecmlol · 2 years
Grandfather bruce part 1
At first bruce didn't know how he felt about Dick getting Kory pregnant. He actually asked if he was drugged ? He regretted asking him that when Dick bit his head off about the question. He definitely didn't see this coming. Kory tried to make peace between them by going to Gotham to speak with Bruce face to face. Dick didn't like the idea but Kory didn't want to hear it. She straight up asked Bruce what would it take to have him in the baby's life because he is the closest person they would have as a grandparent. Bruce bluntly said a DNA test and that if she loved Dick that this wouldnt be a problem. She said that if she does this that he has to promise to come to every major holiday. He agreed. He is intrigued by the thought of seeing her DNA seeing she's a aliens.
As another peace offering Bruce offers Dick his mother's wedding band set . Dick was surprised. He was hesitant to take it but he listened to Bruce's speech about doesn't he want to give his child what he had. Dick accepted the rings and quickly asked Kory to marry him.
Bruce offered to pay for the wedding and the honey moon/ baby moon. Dick flat out said no but Bruce reminds him that he was marrying a queen and she deserves the best. Funny enough Kory didn't want a big wedding but she did want to go on a nice baby moon/ honey moon. So after a small wedding in the rose garden at Wayne manor . Kory and Dick are off to Paris for a week. Bruce promise to look after the Titan while they were gone.
Two months later Kory gives birth to a healthy and happy little girl that quickly became her father joy in life. Bruces arrives only hours after her arrival. Dick is in the livingroom holding his wrapped bundle of joy . He isn't talking or singing to her he is just staring at her. Dick is startled by Bruce's voice. Your here? Dick says of course where else would I be. Not everyday a guy becomes a grandfather. Dick smiles. Bruce knows that look in Dick's eyes it transports him back 20 year when he first meet him. Are you all right . Bruce say with his hand on his shoulder.
I was so scared but I couldn't show it . Dick says
What happened I haven't seen you like this in 20 years Bruce says
Have you ever seen someone give birth? Dick ask
No I haven't had the honor of doing so. Bruce say
I help bring her into the world and it was the most beautiful and terrifying thing I have ever seen. Dick say
I can only imagine Bruce says
I wanted to cry everyone around me was teary up. Dick say
What's stopping you now . Bruce say as he steps closer.
No one is here beside you me and your baby do her a favor and show some emotion so she doesnt grow up with a emotionally  constipated father.
Dick looks up and see Bruce. He looks musty eyed to him. Something about that made dick just let go of his emotions. Bruce gentle holds him to him being fullly aware of the bundle between them.
Just let it all out . They are both safe you did amazing job of helping bringing her in to the world Dick I couldnt me more proud of you. Bruce says as he rubs Dick's back. After a few mins dick stops shaking and steps back and wipe his face with his free hand.
I'm sure you didn't come all the way to see me . Dick say and he starts to unwrap Mar'i
It's funny how she looks so much like her mother but at the same time there are things that are all me. Dick says with a smile
Look at her hair there is much of it but is dark like mine and when she wakes up I'll show you her eye s their not green but dark just like mine. Oh you have to see her toes
Let me guess she has your weird feet. Bruce says
Yes ! Dick say as he wiggles her toes and takes off her sock.
Bruce smiles at the boxy looking foot . Dick 's feet are strange looking all of his toes are the same length no matter how much her foot flexed her toe have the same paddle like appearance.
Dick covers her hair and feet up.
Would you like to hold her . Dick ask
Definitely Bruce say as Dick transfer the baby to him. To Bruce surprise he can see dick all over her little face . Her skin is the same as her mother but her figure are very much dick's. He remembers the last time he saw dick sleep when he was a boy . It was like he was transported back in time .
You two looks so much alike.
You think so?
Look past her skin color and really look at her. Dick.
Dick sits closer and looks over his shoulder. Bruce is holding her head in the palm of his hand . Bruce moves her hat away from her forehead .
See your eye and forehead.mom's cheeks bruce says
Gar spotted her cheeks out too Dick say
I think she might have your lips too . Bruce says
I hope not kory has the best lips dick says
Bruce chuckles
Dick leans in some more and rest his head on Bruce's shoulders.
I would seriously kill for her dick say
Spoken like a true father. Bruce say
Mar'i starts to wiggle in bruces hand and then she opens her eyes.
Welcome to the world beautiful I'm your grandfather .
She stretches then shoves her fist in her mouth and the other is reaching towards the two older men in her life. Bruce offer his finger to her and she grabs it.
Her grip is insane Bruce Dick says
I see that . Bruce says with a proud smile
I think she might be hungry let me take her to Kory. Dick say
Bruce gives her a quick kiss on the top of her head and tries to hand he over but she wouldn't let go of his finger.
Ah mar'i let go baby girl. Don't you want to eat Dick says
Bruce gentle pries her fingers aways from his finger and she starts to scream! Before they know it Kory is in the door way
Shit she looks down and her shirts its wet.
Kory walks over and see the fit that mar'i is throwing
What happen Dick did you drop her or something? Kory say only half jokingly.
No no she wouldn't let go of Bruce and he had to pry her hand open and she just lost her shit. Right Bruce
She's already a grandpa's girl I see. Kory says with a smile
Bruce reaches out and she grabs him again . She quites down and puts her fist back in her mouth.
Baby girl it's time to eat. Kory say
Dick can you get my nursing towel .
Yeah sure Dick leaves
When ever you want to do this let me know I will keep him business. Kory say
I'm not in any rush
Your not?
No I'm not
Dick walks in with the towel and hands it to Kory. She drape it over her shoulder and maneuvers mar'i and Bruce's finger so she can try and nurse
Little help Dick
Dick kneels down and helps move her fist her from her mouth
She is as stubborn as you grayson
And as strong as you Dick say
That was the start of Mar'i having her papa wrapped a round her little finger.
Bruce did run the test only because he wanted to know her blood type incase of a emergency. After seeing her he didn't doubt her paternity. Kory is right Mari acts just like her father !
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angelizs · 2 years
holds out the mic to you cause I just octotrio l/tweel thoughts I love—but I wonder what do you think about the tweels parents /azuls mom do you have any lil theories or thoughts to what they may actually be like?
HI ANON!!! in fact, I do!
first, there's canon info about their families in their character fact sheets! (Azul, right at the beggining, and the twins, closer to the end, after Jade's bedroom image.) taking these in consideration, I'll go on about how I think they might be more personality wise.
firstly, Azul. as I mentioned in my Azul brainrot, I think his mom is similar to Ursula, in the way that she's confident and elegant, a true sight to behold! I imagine they looking physically alike too, but not so much as Azul's grandmother did. I think her hair might be longer and wavy, that she wouldn't wear so much makeup and that her eyes are bigger. though in personality, you could see some similarities, as Azul's mother is classy and higly intelligent. she's also very iconic, running an indepent restaurant, getting a divorce to not stay in an unhappy marriage, getting together with the attorney who treats her very well and being a general big inspiration for her son! I stan Miss Ashengrotto so much, I'm sure she's wonderful.
Azul's grandma is very inspired by Ursula in the aspect of being a great witch that helps others out of her "kindness". whether this kindness is genuine or fake, like Azul's, I'm not sure, but surely Azul was able to learn a lot about magic with her.
his stepfather sounds to be very caring towards his family, most likely being close to Azul as another role model. his cleverness and negotiation skills are very powerful, making him one of the best attorneys around the sea. he always has an argument to win any discussion, always keeps his calm and composure during trials, doesn't matter how dire things look. after all, the only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over. (I couldn't resist making an Ace Attorney reference)
I think he lost contact with his biological father after his mother's divorce, as they didn't have a close relationship. he probably gets along with his stepfather's side of the family, as they are also mages and might have helped him with his own studies.
overall, Azul's family is iconic and I'd love to meet his mother on some event because I'm sure she'd be super cool. he's very proud of his family and takes inspiration in all of them!
now onto the twins. their grandmother is probably a very old cranky lady, these grandmas that are always scwoling but have a soft spot for her michievous grandsons. she's strict and judgmental, as she's been hardened by living so long in the cruel waters of the sea, but she loves her family a lot.
their mother is a bit overprotective, especially because she knows all about the dangers of the real world. she had her sons take self defense classes and probably knows they can handle themselves just fine, but she still worries for her babies! I think she's very present and involved in their lifes, sending messages or calling them everyday to hear how they're doing on land.
if you believe the theory of Jade and Floyd being two of many Leech kids, but the only two that survived, this also might explain why their mother is so concerned with their safety, not wanting to lose the only two babies that she has left.
many think their father might be some influential fish mafia boss, what with the way he's involved in some shady stuff, has many rich people coming to parties and signing contracts, and in Floyd's wish, Idia mentions not wanting to know what he does, as he might end up "sleeping with the fishes". I think that's very funny, so I agree with it. their father runs the façade of just selling trinkets and runs some kind of fish yakuza behind the scenes.
whether Jade and Floyd know what their father actually does, I'm not sure, but I think they might. their father also is as involved as he can with his sons, as he loves them above everything else, and tries to teach them proper decorum to not be eaten up alive in such a cruel setting as the sea. I think they both took his lessons differently, as it's reflected on their personalities, and they value him a lot, seeking his advice when needed and obeying him without a fuss.
I think Jade might be closer to their mother, as he's usually the one that answer her calls to keep her up to date on how their lives are doing. Floyd is closer to their father, as he admires his power and way of doing things, following closely any advice he gives (on his own Floydish way). overall, their family gets along very well, despite their sharp edges, and love each other a lot.
I think Miss Ashengrotto and Miss Leech are friends due to their sons close friendship, and Miss Leech is oftentimes found at Miss Ashengrotto's restaurant spending time with her and chatting. I think she's the one that tells her what Azul has been up to, as Azul doesn't have much time to call his mother everyday and she isn't much of a worrier like the twins' mother.
their families are also of a good wealth, as they went to school with a prince and their parents have influential jobs (best restaurant of the Coral Sea, best lawyer, mafia boss). despite their oddities, all have a very good and caring home life!
in conclusion, I want to hang out with their moms at Miss Ashengrotto's restaurant and gossip with them. I bet they have the best embarrassing childhood stories to tell!!
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Hi can I have a daughter version of yandere Bruce and Tim please you know the ones where the reader has there lovers get away
Of course and after I do these two I'm going to do a couple more I got in my request and then I am making it a book. But I am not going to do Tim I don't really do him good.
Bruce Wayne
Cat women pov
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I sigh looking at the one of the fake portal my daughter made to make Bruce and her brothers come to me next. Starfire,raven,Roy there have been hit frist but I do not know who alive and who not.
But we all think the same thing we must keep our kids and grandkids safe even if we die~
My bruce my bat the one I used to love is no longer there but this man of anger darkness and obsession
But then I realized something this is the true Bruce he would do anything for his family.
My daughter ( reader) my precious diamond is a victim of Gotham and so is my grandbabies
Her brothers and father and Grandpa are Yanderes of the night
I rember when I was giving birth to her and when I frist saw her in my womb but what shock us was she wasn't entirely human. But then I rember the book my mother gave me of our family.
Funny enough on my side of the family there was magic users and it been dormant for a long time but my daughter got it and I am so proud.
Bruce was so protective of our little one and when she was born as well.
But when he wouldn't take her as Robin like her brothers I put my foot down and told him to make her a robin or I will become a hero and make her my sidekick.
And I did just that and she became a great hero
Her hero name is catbat women
Because of her gift she has magic but also a mix of a cat bat and human and oh so beautiful.
And The love she has found he cares for her and is kind like her just on the magic side but he loves her.
But Bruce and the family hated him
I remember I had to make them feel bad to let her date him
But I never thought they would make something so wonderful that the bat man Dems a threat.
Falsh back
(reader) hi mom I am home where dad?
Selena you know where he is and Don't Tell me you brought shade
I don't want him to hurt him. And ready for our movie night!
(reader) no I didn't know dad does not like . And mom I am not here for moving night there something you need to know.
I remember crying when the one thing I was trying to deny was true Bruce my Bruce is a yandere for me and our child but I don't know if he is for me anymore but I know he is for our daughter.
And no he not romantic for our daughter but platonic.
(reader) and mom I am scard for my husband dad still doesn't know we mated and got merrid his way and sniff I am with kitten's
I am shock and hug her understand what she means I know he won't let her have this baby and stay with her lover.
But I trying to tell her maybe he will let her keep my grand kittens but when she tells me another shocking thing when she went invisible her father's say I know now I must keep her safe.
And when she tells me she scared for her sister's truns out the her sisters are in the same place.
Yes her nices are like sisters to her and her to them because she is the youngest out of the bunch.
Which I don't mind. But she did not tell them but when I hear that the other are going to have a family I know it time so me and my daughter make a plane.
There a world where they are welcome it where her husband from and his brothers.
So we plan I tell the others when over in code the boys thought it was us talking about them in embarrassing times but it was not.
(reader) mother if it a girl I am namein her after you.
She crying whily hugging me and I do as well
Darke : time to go I promise to keep her safe
I wacht them go though the the portal and it get suck in a mini black hole that my daughter made
I hold on to the picture of me and her holding it to my chest and walk to the fake portal
Flash back over
I hear foot steps and they sound very panicked
Catwoman: you did this Bruce made your path do not blame me for final doing what right for our daughter.
I slowly trun around and I now know my answer he no longer loves me nor his sons but what shock me the most is he holding the gun that killed his father and mother
Bruce: you took everything from me and my son's
And I don't regret what I am about to do
Next thing I know is a shot to my heart but knowing my daughter and granddaughters and great grandkids are ok I am ok with this especially the face he makes when he realizes the portals fake and explodes.
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In the other world
Reader pov
Me and my older sisters hug and hold each other tightly
I will keep them safe and our kids with our husbands
But I know we are not safe not for a long shot so we all make planes and agreed to tell the kids when they're older. About our family
For now we can only do so much and we go to our New home. To prepare to keep our family safe
I hope you guys like it this is one of the post I be doing today!
Have a wonderful night and day 😘
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I wish this trip never ends (sstbthw part 2) - h.h
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Word count: 3768
Warning: angst, swear, mention of smoking
Pairing : harry holland
Request: no.
N/A: okay, i took me almost a whole month to write this but i'm kinda need to work on school too. Remember, english is not my first language, so be kind if you spot mistakes, i really tried my best. I asked you who the reader was supposed to end up with ... I'll let you figure it out but ... don't hate me for the end ... because after all ... it might not be the end. Don’t hesitate to tell me what you think of the fic! Love you all! xx
taglist : @angeliquekalampoka , @harryhollandsgirlfriend (the one and only harry holland's girlfriend to me)
previously - and you can find part 3
Restoring a relationship of trust and regaining the bond that you both had was particularly difficult. You had to learn to find your place in Harrison's life, but also in his relationship with Grace. You were roommates and friends, but it was complicated to plan meetings with Harrison's busy schedule. Between his job search after the cancellation of his Netflix series, his photo shoots, his dates with Grace, those with his family. It was getting harder and harder to find a moment to reunite with the two of you. It was without counting your schedule.
You were supposed to meet at noon for lunch at that restaurant Harrison told you about where he took his mother earlier this year, for Mother's Day. You felt uncomfortable going to such a place. It was very fancy; you had taken a look at the menu and you knew in advance that you would not be able to afford to split the bill. That was sometimes one of the downsides of being friends with Tom and Harrison. They sometimes forgot that their salary was significantly higher than yours. After all, they were still simple, good-natured guys, never saying no to a quick takeout meal or ordering pizza, drinking a beer at the local pub. And sometimes, they offered to go to prestigious places, not paying attention to money, wanting to please their friends or family.
Currently you were in your room. You were throwing countless of clothes across the room, trying to choose what you could wear to this lunch. Harry stopped dead when one of your dresses flew out of your room, right in front of his nose, blocking his way. You had left your door open and your spontaneity got the better of your best friend.
“Easy, Tiger. I had no idea your clothes had the capacity of Dr. Strange's cape.” He joked before coming into your bedroom.
You turned to find Harry leaning against your doorframe, a smirk encrusted on his face. You gave him an unamused frown and his smile widened. This wasn’t funny at all; you were stressed as hell. It’s not like you still had feelings for Harrison and try to impress him – to be honest, you still had feeling for your friend, but not as intense as before, you had drawn a definitive line on the possibility of a romantic relationship with him, which had helped you a lot. – But you didn’t want to be dressed down and looked like a clown.
“Come on Munchkin, it’s just a lunch. At worst, Harrison can still make it looks like he invited you out for charity, sort of “Make a Wish” event” Harry joked, in his significant humor.
“Go to hell, Robert. Don’t you have a pack bag to make, mister “I’m going to Spain to help my superstar brother to hold his tea while he’s filming”?”
“Rude… I’m a film director, now”
Not for that, you thought to yourself, but don't have the balls to tell your best friend. You didn't want to take this joke too far. You smiled at his cute pretending offended face. You pouted mockingly before biting your lip. You loved the dynamics of your relationship so much. Your humor, sarcasm, your outspokenness, that's what brought you together. Harry pulled you lightly from your closet with a comforting wink. He chose Yves Saint Laurent poppy red wool jersey flared pants that Tom gave you on your birthday. You smiled at his choice. You liked these pair of pants because they were sparkling with vitality, the color was flamboyant. Harry then gave you a satin pearl-colored shirt from Zara and you laughed at the drastic brand difference.
“Oh I see. A classy look but no more than £ 1000 that's pretty smart,” you joked.
The choice of your outfit once again proved the reality of hanging out with wealthy people. You were not poor; you could even be grateful for the life you had had. But it would never occur to you to give your friends clothes that were going over the miles and cents. To be honest, you wanted it. You wanted to live up to the gifts your friends sometimes gave you. But the truth seemed quite different: you had cried over the price of a used Rolex you wanted to give Tom for his birthday. Even having saved for 6 months, you could not afford such a gift.
“Shut up, don’t be so dramatic. Wear that necklace Harrison gave you for Christmas. I’m sure you’ll look fine”
“Thank you,Baz…I guess. ”
You kissed his cheek and then invited him out of your room so you could get ready. It didn't take you more than thirty minutes, time to put on the outfit your best friend had chosen and to put on light makeup. When you were finally ready, you walked to Tom's room. He had offered to take you to the restaurant where you were to join Harrison. But when you got to his ajar door, you could hear the soft sound of a slight snoring. You let out a chuckle before ordering an Uber. You knew he had spent almost a full month in Los Angeles and hadn't returned until early last week. You wanted to leave him as much as possible alone so that he could rest before his trip to Spain for the reshoots of his film Uncharted. Tom was a boy who loved being in touch with those close to him, but you also felt his need to recharge his batteries. That's why you preferred to let him sleep.
You went down to the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water before leaving. When your Uber arrived, you left a note on the refrigerator to let the boys know you were safely gone. It was little everyday things that made you look normal that you enjoy. A post-it on the fridge, a table organizing household chores had been drawn up. Note to yourself; It was Harrison's turn to take care of the laundry.
You had really hoped this was just a grotesque nightmare. That it wasn't real. He was going to arrive; he was just stuck into the traffic. Isn't it?
But you were there, waiting for over an hour and a half, without any news from your friend. Some people watched you with pity eyes, the others didn't give you any attention. You internally thank Harry for choosing your outfit. You didn't look like a lost kitten in this prestigious setting. It didn't prevent you from being ashamed right now. The waiter had urged you to order several times but you had told him that you were expecting someone, that he would arrive any minute. The last time, you didn't know if you were trying to convince him or yourself.
But it never happened. Harrison never came to your dinner. You were alone, sitting at a table, pathetically waiting for your friend to show up. It didn't look like him. He had never stand you up before. And not to improve this embarrassing moment, the waiter came to you again. This time, with a man in a suit. He was elegant, carried himself proud but diplomatic. They stopped at your table, a tight smile on their faces. No doubt the man in the suit was to be the manager.
"Miss, my employee told me that you seemed to have occupied this table for a while now. I am sorry to tell you that if you do not order a few things, you will have to leave the establishment"
You looked at him with misty eyes. You have never been so ashamed in your life. You just nod your head, not trusting your voice just yet. After taking a deep breath, you finally apologize to them before telling them that you are going to leave. The manager of the restaurant, out of politeness awkwardly apologizing for this uncomfortable situation.
You've finished the Dry Martini that you allowed yourself to, paying for it with whatever pride you have left. You pulled your cellphone out of your purse and decided to call one of the boys. After three rings, he picked up.
"Hey ... can you please pick me up?"
Your voice was shaky, you were so ashamed but it was less distressing than having to walk the Walk of Shame to your house or cry in an uber. You hung up and shared your location. You left the lobby, leaving the restaurant, standing in front of the entrance to the establishment. The air refreshed your cheeks burning with shame. Luckily it wasn't raining today. Which was pretty nice compared to that early summer you had had.
When you saw Harry's car pulled up in front of you, you slid into the passenger seat without a word. The curly redhead gave you a heartwarming smile but you definitely could see a spark of annoyance in his eyes. You sigh, resigned while shrugging your shoulders. It was obvious that your friendship with Harrison was still shaky.
"I'm sorry, love. He's a jerk about it."
Coincidentally, like a mitigating circumstance, your phone vibrated, receiving a notification from Harrison. You were chewing your lip with a sort of anguish and irritation, watching the message the blond had sent you.
"I'm sorry. So sorry. My agent called me for a pretty urgent casting briefing. She's detained me until now. Are you still okay for this dinner?"
You were angry. You were mature enough and had known the boys long enough to understand their obligations. The fact that Harrison had a lastminute meeting with his agent and missed your dinner wasn't a problem. The problem was, he made you wait for over an hour and a half before notifying you. You wanted him to call you to let you know, or a simple text just after he knew for the meeting. You typed a short answer, shorter than this was impossible. "No". You rested your head against the headrest, turning your gaze to your best friend.
"Hey, he's a Netflix star now" you replied to his last words.
Your voice cracked on the last syllables and your eyes filled with tears. You weren't usually that emotional but the anguish and shame really took over you. Harry noticed, unsure of how to instantly respond to your distress. He would have liked to stop on an emergency lane to take you in his arms but he already had 2 penalties to pay, respectively for speeding and prohibited parking ... a third fine would not be really welcome. He simply placed his hand on your thigh, drawing circles on your pants to comfort you. He simply moved his hand to shift gears and instantly rested it on your leg whenever he had the chance. This gesture soothed you, enjoying the touch, grateful to have someone as your best friend to mop up your pain.
Arriving at the apartment, no sign of Harrison. When you walked in the kitchen, you saw Tom sitting at the counter, scrolling his phone. He looked up at you, not directly noticing your annoyed expression.
"Wow..you're ... gorgeous. I love these pants on you"
You smiled, a little amused by the compliment. Of course he loved the pants, it was a gift from him. But your smile didn’t reach your eyes. With a look on your expression then on the clock, the actor understood that something went wrong. Harry was right behind and still no trace of Harrison. It was suspicious. Tom gave you a worried look.
"Do I have to ask…Never mind, I’m still going to ask. How was lunch with Harrison?"
"I don't know, why don't you ask him? Oh wait... right, he didn't show up" you said sarcastically although you could hear the hurt in your voice.
Tom frowned, biting the inside of his lower lip in annoyance. Harrison was his best mate since forever and he knew him so well. It seemed strange from Harrison to not show up. The blond has told him he was happy to see you again and walking through this whole awkward “feeling situation” because he didn’t want to lose you. In a quick movement, he rose from his stool to walk around the counter. The next second, he took you in his comforting arms and you finally let yourself go under the sight of the two Holland brothers.
“It seems like you need a break of all this shit” Tom said while he ran his fingers through your hair.
You let a little laugh escape through your tears. He wasn't wrong. You really needed to get away from this whole situation for a moment. But how? Harry watched the scene unsure of what to do. You were his best friend and it seemed like the solace you found was never in his arms. He had tried in the car, however, as best he could. He walked over to the counter to make you both a cup of tea. It seems that as cliché as it sounds, tea comforts you, as the English person you used to be. As the redhead waited patiently for the water to boil, a flash of genius - according to him - crossed the glare of his eyes.
“Why doen't she come with us to Spain?”
His brother's words seemed to suit Tom, who released his hold on you. You opened your eyes wide, not sure of what you had just heard. Go to Spain, with them? Once again, you knew you were going to argue on this proposition. The idea was not bad, Spain seemed a rather pleasant country. But you had just graduated and had a student job to save as much as possible. However, you could not afford to leave for several days in Spain, at the last minute. Plus, what were you going to do while Tom was filming and Harry was assisting him? He was sure the film's production crew wasn't going to give you a pass because Tom had decided.
“Yeah! That’s it, you’re coming with us”
“Tom, I have a student job. I can’t just…decide to go to Spain.”
“You never take a leave, come on. It’s not negotiable”
You were looking at Harry for help but he just shrugged. After all, he was the one who had initiated the idea of ​​including you on the trip. You were trying to find a valid excuse to stay home. You really didn't want to impose yourself.
“I can’t afford that” you said, trying your best to convince him to quit the idea.
“I don’t care, it’s not even a problem. You coming to Spain with us.”
"Omg, does Z dominate you in bed to make you so bossy in life?"
Harry almost spitted his tea and laughed out loud while Tom gave you shocked eyes with pinky cheeks. You had always been sassy but hanging out with the boys had made you even more sassy than ever. How many times haven't you heard Tuwaine or Harry make fun of Harrison or Tom on the sex subject? Being a girl seemed to make you an untouchable character. The boys had never teased you about your relationships or your sexual partners. And while you've always had feelings for Harrison, you've had your own experiences. Anyway, you had just gone with the flow and Tom's brand-new romantic relationship with his co-star gave you the perfect opportunity.
“That's not the point.” stammered the actor.
Your smile widened, proud of your joke and the way Tom reacted. You heard Harry clear his throat. He had his phone in his hand and his own smile didn't bode well for you.
"The production is okay but it's at Tom's expense."
“You got to be kidding me…”
You ended up in Spain with two of your best friends. You knew you had limited time before Tom had to fly back to Los Angeles for some Spider-man: No Way Home reshoots. So, you enjoyed as much as possible: accompanying the boys to the golf course - even though you weren't very involved in the sport -, spending time to visit touristic places when they were on set, talking with Rachael and other people from the set. You really enjoyed your trip.
On Wednesday evening you went out to a restaurant with Tom, Harry and two other friends/tom’s colleagues. You couldn't deny that it was fun. You had the opportunity to sunbathe a little while walking through the streets of Madrid. Spain was doing you good and not once did you think about your wobbly friendship with Harrison. You've just left the restaurant when a few fans politely show up to take pictures with Tom. You couldn't help but smile at the thought of how kind Tom had always taken in a few snaps when his fans approached him respectfully - and there weren't too many of them -. You sighed with pleasure before stepping away from the group. You leaned against a wall and took out the packet of cigarettes that Tom had asked you to keep in your clutch bag. Being an occasional smoker, he wouldn't blame you if you took one from him. You tilted your head back to admire the dark starry night when you felt a presence by your side. You narrowed your eyes in mischief as you looked sideways: Harry was there, his nose wrinkled from your cigarette. He didn't like it too much Silence filled your bubble despite the hubbub outside. You were in public and it was not surprising to meet travelers and Madrid residents mingling with the crowd to enjoy this pleasant evening.
"I wish this trip never ends." You finally said, breaking the silence.
Harry didn't know what to say to that. Instead, he was just looking at you. You were a little tanned, the Madrid sun had done wonders on you; your loose hair framed your face and the summer dress you had chosen for the restaurant looked great on you: It was a short red floral summer dress with a shingle collar. Light enough to keep you from suffocating but decent to wear on any casual occasion. You were beautiful, stunning. His heart exploded at the sight of you, so much that it hurt a few times.
"I wish I had been there for you more." he finally confessed
You finally turned your head towards him and shrug your shoulders, smiling shyly but sincerely.
“You were working, Baz”
“I meant…not only here in Spain. I’m sorry to have let you down recently”
You give him a confused look. He hadn't been a bad friend but he kept implying it. You just shook your head negatively to brush his words away. Harry had always been important to you. He had been the first to step towards you. It was him who introduced you to the rest of the gang. He had always been concerned about you.
The night you met, you immediately clicked up with him. And to be honest, for a moment, you thought he liked you that night. But he never took that step towards you and you never did either. You dreaded that if you kissed him, he would think you were interested in his notoriety by proxy. So you just acted like any reasonable person would - accept the status he gave you. And the second time he asked you to join him with his brother and his friends, you met Harrison and your heart exploded.
"I'm glad you brought me here"
“I'm happy you accepted to come.”
“I didn't really have the choice, Baz” you joked.
He laughed slightly. You weren't wrong, he and Tom had practically dragged you onto the plane, leaving you no choice to be by their side. But you could only thank them, especially Harry who had the idea. You took another hit on your cigarette before leaning back to check out where Tom was with his fans. He seemed to be talking with the girls and didn't seem overwhelmed. So, you didn't want to interrupt him and were just going to wait for him to finish. Harry played with his hands nervously, looking straight ahead and then at you. He seemed to be repeating this game for several seconds before finally asking the question that was in his mind.
“Have you heard from Harrison?” Harry asked quite casually
“He sent me several texts to apologize and wished me to have a good time in Madrid.”
“Do you still have feelings for him?”
You swallow hard before looking at him. There was an indecipherable glint in his eyes and you weren't sure what to make of it. You drew another puff from your cigarette, maybe that would save you from entering this conversation. But Harry's presence was all around you and you couldn't really escape. So you've decided to be honest.
“It’s complicated. I suppose so...”
“But my friendship with Haz is important, I don't want to lose him because of it.”
“Yeah, you can't imagine how well I understand you” he sighed
“What do you mean? Who’s the lucky girl..or guy ?”
Harry turned to you frankly and you did the same, stubbing out the half-smoked cigarette. You are well aware that the conversation was taking a more serious turn. He moistened his lips and walked over to you. Harry was full of things: he was full-loving, sarcastic, talented, daring, impertinent. But Harry was mostly awkward when it came to love. Not just an attraction, no, love with real feeling. Delicately, hesitantly, he reached out to your cheek, stroking it with the back of his fingers, cautiously. You were frozen, your eyes fixed on him admiring his audacity.
"She's the most beautiful girl I ever seen." he said with a small smile.
Harry walked over to you and your heart was pounding at breakneck speed. Harry had ... feelings for you? You were really confused. Since when had he developed his feelings? Why didn't he tell you about it? Why hadn't he tried anything so far? So, were you right from the start? Was there a tension between you since the beginning of your friendship, since your met? But above all, did you want him to take that step? Instinctively, your body responded. You parted your lips and closed your eyes. You enjoyed the warmth of his hand on your cheek and were waiting for the touch of his lips. But it never happened.
"Hey baz, y/n..we're going back to the hotel" Tom said, taking his eyes off his phone. "I…Mhmm sorry, did I interrupt something?"
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leewritesstuff · 3 years
Lose You To Love Me |Tom Holland x Reader
Paring: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Losing someone hurts, but knowing that things get better, feels fine. You were dating Tom but feels as if you guys were slowly drifting away
Song: Lose You To Love Me
This is my first Tom Holland works, it's a little rusty since I haven't written something that isn't anime for a while.
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You promised the world and I fell for it I put you first and you adored it Set fires to my forest And you let it burn Sang off-key in my chorus 'Cause it wasn't yours
Having an on-and-off relationship was difficult. Especially when the relationship was a secret. You wanted to come out and be public but Tom didn't. The excuses were 'They will attack you' or 'I'm just not ready' but to see him posing for pictures with other models and celebrities made you feel as if you were a secret as if he was a shame.
Moving from the kitchen to sit in the living room couches, you played with his hair, feeling his soft curls between your fingers.
"Tom do you think we could go to that new cafe that opens up down the straight? I hear that they sell amazing cupca-" Without looking up from his phone, he replies with "I would love to but I don't want anyone spotting us" "Well that's fine if they do, don't you think it's time that they know?" "I just want us to keep some stuff to ourselves, ya know?" Letting out a sigh, you leaned your body off of his, grabbed the remote to turn on the tv.
I saw the signs and I ignored it Rose-colored glasses all distorted Set fire to my purpose And I let it burn You got off on the hurtin' When it wasn't yours, yeah
"Who the fuck is her huh?! Is that why you can't hang out? Or why you're always so late? You never have time to spend with me, heck you don't even say sorry for missing out on our planned dates!" "For fucking sake Y/N! Not everything is about you! I told you I was running late because I was at a party for work! You of all people are supposed to know that!" "I wouldn't be feeling this way if people weren't taking pictures of you and that model! Friends don't act that way! You don't see me acting that way with Harrison!"
"I swear it's like you're my fucking mother. I'm a grown-ass man, I can do whatever the hell I want! Stop bitching every fucking time!"
You looked at him in shock, still trying to register the words he used on you. Some fans have been speculating that you and Tom were dating but that was quickly debunked when a few pictures of Tom and another model were 'rumored' to be dating.
At first the rumors didn't bother you. It was for an upcoming movie, but after a while of countless photos of them together, it started to make you feel a type of way, jealously, insecure.
You didn't exactly notice that your relationship was falling apart, only feeling the distance. You nodded your head at him, "Alright"
He watched you, anger from the fight filling up his veins. He was tired of having the same fight with you every time a picture of him and a girl gets posted.
He walked over to you and grabbed your hands, holding them tightly, "Look, I'm not cheating okay? You know how the paps get when they see something like a good story. I love you, and only you okay? You just have to trust me"
You leaned into his touch, hugging him back. Still not feeling secure but decides to ignore it.
He never did say sorry to those planned dates.
We'd always go into it blindly I needed to lose you to find me This dancing was killing me softly I needed to hate you to love me, yeah
After the incident that happens two weeks ago, nothing was the same. The relationship started getting more toxic, one of you would be yelling at the other or mentally abusing eachotherTom started coming home late and was spending more time outside than with you. He wasn't even home for your anniversary, instead, he chose to go to a pub. You tried to get Harrison to speak to him, but he would always come back at you, yelling at you for dragging his friend into his.
So you decided to go to the pub he was in.
You called up your best friend and got yourself ready. You didn't expect the pub to be so filled, but then again clubbing was never really your thing. Music blazing, the smell of alcohol in the air. bodies rolling on each other. Your friend asks you if you were fine then heads straight to the dance floor.
You head to the bar and asked the bartender for a drink. After receiving your drink you sat on one of the stools and drink it, looking around to see if your boyfriend was around.
Finishing the drink and not seeing him, you were starting to feel bad for doubting him, getting ready to leave, you got up but when you do, you saw someone who looks like Tom grinding into a blonde girl.Confusion written on your face. You walk up closer to get a good look, surprised, shock, and anger running through your veins.
You watched as he grinds his hips into her, feeling her up with his hands. It made you sick. Disgusted. What made you feel even sicker was when he turned her around and held a full make-out session with her. Feeling the tears flow from your eyes, you left and tried to find your friend.
You explained to her what happen and even in her drunken state, she tried to comfort you, you both left and head home.
So much for being the only one.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to hate you to love me, yeah
For days you felt like shit, for days you ignored his calls, for days you hated him.
You couldn't stand seeing his face, seeing how he was trying to pretend as if ntohing ever happened. It hurt you to know that he was playing his pretend role as if he was acting about how he feels about you. He tried calling but his calls were always ignored.
Tom felt as if you were slowly slipping away from him. He didn't know what he had done wrong. He thought everything was going well. He tried calling one more time, then gave up, deciding to give you your space.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me
Saying hello was always easy but saying goodbye was the hardest thing to do.Trying to shove all your clothes into the suitcase, shoving his hands off so your shoulder. You watch him, feeling no emotions, just blank. Empty. Nothing.
"I never thought, you of all people would cheat on me." "What do you mean? I never-" "Oh don't lie Thomas, I saw you, a few weeks ago when you were at the club. , If our relationship wasn't good why couldn't you have said anything? I spent days, weeks trying to get you to talk to me but no. I'm not even surprised, I mean they say actors lie about their true feelings, I guess I missed the warnings huh?"
Tom watched you in shock, not expecting you to call him out on that. He didn't plan for this to happen, it was supposed to be a one-time thing but the thrill and excitement he got made him feel something. He didn't mean to hurt you, but he did. And that was something that he could never take back.
"I'm sorry.." You let out a laugh, this whole situation was funny, "Now you're sorry, for what? For missing out on dates? Coming home late? Ignoring me? Oh wait is it because you got caught cheating on me with some bimbo right?"
"Don't call her that!"
"Ha, you even protect her... I thought you were different, but I guess I was wrong"
And now the chapter is closed and done To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah
Months passed, four to be exact and you have been doing better after moving out of Tom's you were able to afford an apartment for yourself which you then rented out half to your friend. You got promoted from your job and now you're working for more money.
Standing in line, to order your favorite cup of drink, someone bounced into you, knocking their drink on you.
"Watch it you asshole!" "Y/N?"
You look up and notice Tom standing in front of you, holding two cups of coffee.
"Hey, how have you been?" "I've been good, have a few acting roles coming up for a new movie. How about you? I remember you were working for a fashion store"
"I became manager, the pay is nice. If I keep it up they might move me to another firm that pays higher"
He nodded his head at you, feeling a bit proud of you," Well I'm in town for a bit, I won't be leaving until next month"
"Nice" Que the awkwardness
"Hey look, I'm sorry for how things turned out, I didn't mean for it to happen. I was kind of hoping that we could probably talk like we used to, or go to dinner or-"
"Look, Tom, no hard feelings but I'm over that. I have a life now, you started this and you can't make me forget all the pain that you caused me. I'm over that, I'm done crying and you should too."
He nodded his head, trying to hide the disappointment he's feeling, he tried to put on a smile to play it off but you know better, "Well I hope to see you again"
Grabbing your cup of coffee from the cashier, you paid her and face time. You said something which made his smile dropped as he watched you walk out.
"And now it's goodbye, it's goodbye for us"
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Sacrificial Bride Part 1//Twisted Wonderland X Reader//
Alright well, that's enough writing for the next few days if you excuse me I'm going to go sulk in my corner. Huge thanks to @softyswork​ who’s story about reader being sent to Malleus as a bride inspired this series. Also, I REALLY want to make some sort of modern-day Frankenstein it would be an amazing scientific breakthrough! You'll understand what I mean when you get to Idia's part lol.
💚🐉Malleus Draconia🐉💚
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It was a common rumor around your village that ever since the death of the sleeping princess your settlement had never been the same. For you, this was nothing more than a fairy tale meant to spark a scrap of hope in the hearts of naive, suffering children who were still too young to fully understand why their fathers never returned from their hunting trips or why there was barely anything to eat for dinner.
Every time you heard this dreaded tail, you couldn't help but scuff. For as long as you've been alive your town had been in utter disarray and chaos. Monsters from the woods -what the town's folk called "fae"- attacked the village daily. Stealing jewels, destroying homes, sometimes even swallowing children or sucking the blood of the dormant. There was also the looming threat of the green flames. Blazing emerald fires who couldn't be subdued by neither water nor dirt. They advanced further into the territory of the village by each full cycle of the moon. Leaving behind in their trail, thick impenetrable thorn bushes that had taken the homes of many and the lives of many more.
Awful, dreaded creatures those fae where...
But alas you did not yet know just how cruel they could be.
On another periodic morning, your younger sister jolted you awake, dragging you to the town center before you got a chance to change out of your nightgown.
In the center of the square was short man..no...not a man you noticed his pointed drawn back ears. "Fae" you gasped under your breath. But unlike the monstrous fairies that ravished your town taking on the appearances of trees and woodland creatures, this one resembled a boy of 15. The young-looking male began to speak, his voice was clear like crystals, and to his tone bats began to flock overhead. "Truly dreadful, these fairy folk are" your sister uttered in terror as she buried her face in your side.
"Heed my words, mortals. The young prince of thorns has decided to take a wife. By the setting of the sun a full day from today, two of his guards will come to collect your offering. If you chose to disregard this Wa-- friendly advice, then what is left of your town will be decimated before the end of summer. Your children eaten, wives imprisoned and husbands killed!" An unsteady hush rippled through the crowd. Some hothead youths began to throw rocks at the stranger only for the bats hovering above to shield him from the stones. Mothers hugged their children close begging for the man to "just leave".
"If" the man's voice rose once more like a cadaver emerging from the grave " my young master is pleased with your sacrifice than we shall reward you! Bring good health and prosperity to your otherwise sick and decaying village." His last words melted into the open air before he vanished in a cloud of squealing bats and ebony smoke.
The town's folk erupted in screeches, cursing at their deities while simultaneously praying to any god that would listen.
"Help us!"
"save us!"
"Don't let them take our daughters!"
The screams escalated to the point where you had to cover your ears with your shaking hands. Your eyes scanning each of the villager's faces, a pathetic lot they were, you thought to yourself. Scared by the words of a young magician. In a flash, your heart sped up, adrenaline pumping through your veins, as you marched to the center square where the boy had been mere moments ago. You stood tall, cupping your hands over your mouth.
"Listen well you disquiet, mindless lot!"
All eyes turned to you. Some holding looks of confusion, whilst others harbored glances of hope.
"This fae is lying! No way will they be satisfied with just one measly girl! No matter who we sacrifice to their so-called master, they'll still come after us! They'll still destroy our village! Let's not be stupid! Let's find a way to barricade the city instead of arguing over who to sacrifice!"
For an endless second all was quite. It was like the world had stopped turning, frozen in its place in the universe trying to decide what to do.
Then it happened,
Chants reverberating through the air
"Sacrifice her!" "Sacrifice her!"
"Sacrifice her!" "Sacrifice her!"
"Sacrifice her!"........................
The crowd started advancing. Eyes locked on your figure like those of a leopard on its prey.  Their mouths were all a gap, chanting the words "sacrifice" over and over again. From behind the mob, your eyes locked with your sister's. You could practically feel the despair rolling off her figure as she covered her eyes and fell to her knees, her whole body rattling with a sort of distant rage...
A full day....it's funny how time passes all so quickly no matter what you do. Day in and day out nothing changes, pain is still pain, laughter is still laughter. Time just keeps slipping from between your fingers like sand. Even in the direst of times, Time doesn't show mercy, never once does it cease. It just ticks and ticks away until the inevitable moment arrives.
Your sister and aunt -the only two relatives that you hadn't lost to the fae- were in charge of preparing you for your so-called "wedding". Since your town was poor and isolated from other civilizations there wasn't much they could do to enhance your beauty. Smashing some berries to add color to your lips -and fervently ravishing the remains- using some coal to add shade behind your eyes, as well as around them and patting the dust of rose petals against your cheek. By the end, you hardly recognized the person staring back from the mirror. Sure the adjustments were minor but this was the most stunning you'd ever looked. "Is it almost time" your voice quivered, failing to hide the tears that began to fall. "Please don't cry sweetheart, we don't have any more coal to fix your eyes with." Your aunt's tone was monotone almost bordering on heartless. You couldn't really blame her, she'd gotten so used to having her loved ones plucked from her. One more would be no different. Sniffing as to keep the tears at bay, you nodded slowly. Your glossy eyes locked with your aunt's you could see the same fear and exhaustion in her fading irises as the night her son was slaughtered in front of her.
"Just a few reminders" your sister's voice was cheery like the chirping of early morning birds, but her face mimicked that of a kicked puppies. "Remember when the prince...fae...when he..you know...Oh, Lord please tell me he won't" She was shivering again. Her face twisted in horror. You knew what she was thinking, she was imagining you laying in the bed of that...that thing. She was imagining him entering you, kissing up and down your neck. Leaving patches of red skin over smooth flesh, bruises wherever his clawed hands touched you. She was imagining what was no doubt going to happen to you tonight...
the mere thought made bile rise to your throat.
"Darling, just keep saying how much you like it. It's all any man wants to hear." again your aunt or rather her lackluster form of speech was the rope binding you to your sanity.
"Do fae even have...those parts like humans do?" Your sister asked, only to be met with a glare from your aunt. "Stop wasting time on pointless questions! Hurry up and see if this dress fits your sister."
Sure enough, as you were escorted to where the thorn bushes met the village, two men, one standing tall and proud, whilst the other looked like he may topple over from fatigue at any moment, were awaiting you.
The green-haired man let out a haughty laugh, his blazing eyes scanning you from head to toe. "She's hardly worthy of the young master!" His dreadful voice was like the booming of thunder clouds. "It doesn't matter, Malleus-sama needs to be wedded off quickly so he can produce an heir. None of us are getting any younger by standing here debating the "worthiness" of yet another measly human" the silver-haired male's voice was the exact opposite of his comrades, his voice was soft and breathy like light drizzle after a storm.
The green-haired man looked ready to argue once more, but before he could open his mouth, his violet-eyed counterpart waved something thin in the air casing a pathway to open between the hedges.
It was dark between the brambles. The air was thick, stuffy, every breath was a struggle. Although it seemed neither of your traveling buddies minded the discomfort. Did fae even need air to survive?
After what could have been no less than a couple of hours, your small group made it to a large clearing where only a few rays of the sun leaked through the thick smoky clouds. Miss matched flowers in shades of grey littered the rocky barren ground. Maybe at some point, this place had been beautiful, stunning even...but whenever that time had been it was long gone now.
As you ventured farther into this monochrome land of loss and sorrow, the three of you approached a castle. It towered over everything else, grim in all its glory. "Young master Malleus is awaiting you inside..." The green-haired male's voice trailed off as his speech was interrupted by the deafening creaking of the doors parting open. Without another word the two men dragged you inside, pushing you through spiral staircases and long bleak passageways. Until you arrived at a lavish-looking room, a large throne sitting smugly in the front of the room. It's black, spiked appearance was enough to make you gasp in horror, you didn't desire to meet the monster that perched atop that throne. "Don't be so afraid." the silver-haired man whispers, his head is almost resting on your shoulder. "Malleus-sama is kind and fair. He is sure to love you better than any human ever could." you catch a hint of nostalgic sadness in the last part, like a long lost part of the lavender eyed boy's past caught in his throat like a glass shard.
Trumpets roared through the room blaring as two men, one short and fickle whilst the other tall and brooding walked in. "Malleus~" The short one sang as they both stopped in front of you "Say hello to your lovely new wife." the tall man's emerald eyes landed on you. His lips parted in a threatening smile...or maybe it was a smirk? He didn't seem to be too good at displaying emotions. Slowly he descended onto one knee, slipping your hand into his and kissing the top lightly.
"Hello, my darling little wife."
🧡🦁Leona Kingscholar🦁🧡
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The After Glow Savanna was an absolute hell to be born in if your family did not belong to some royal inner court class. The endless days spent scavenging for scraps of food, walking miles for a simple glass of water, had become a sort of broken, habit beaten into the residents of the smaller less fortunate districts.
Eventually, you too would follow in your parent's footsteps, working odd jobs around the neighborhood, getting married to some guy, having kids, and giving them the same dreary life your parents had given you. It was simple -miserable- but simple never the less. In an odd way, you found a sort of comfort in how everything was set in stone. How you'd suffer through a few years then die of starvation or some disease in your husband's arms.
But little did you know that the only comfort you had in your horrible life was also going to be swiped from you.
When Ruggie, a dear childhood friend of yours returned from his prestigious school for the winter holidays you were overjoyed! A week with your best friend was the greatest gift you could ask for! But that excitement soon dulled when he announced to the neighborhood what the royal family had planned for the underdeveloped parts of the country.
"They want to demolish the homes and build parks and shopping strips instead"
The people of your tiny community gasped, shock and hopelessness mixing over their dirty, worn out faces. Some older siblings shielded the ears of their younger kin, some mothers hugged their children closer to their chests. "They can't do that to us!" Your voice was like a beacon through the thick fog of confusion. "We can't let them!" You turned to Ruggie who was seated next to you. His blue-grey eyes held a foreign sadness that you had never seen before. He was hiding something...something so grim that he was forced to shove it into the depths of his soul, locking it up and throwing away the key.
"There is a way..."
For such a hopeful phrase, Ruggie's tone harbored no happiness. You could practically see the tears that were clouding his beautiful eyes. "Tell us" someone from the crowd demanded, others soon joined in with their own chants. For a long moment, Ruggie said nothing, the shouts of despair falling on deaf ears.
"If.." his voice trailed off, as his gaze grew distant.
"If someone from the neighborhood were to marry the second prince..." Gasps of fear filled the air. Even the mere mention of the second prince's name was enough to send chills down people's spins.
"Then they could, as the newly appointed  princess, convince the royal family and counsel to scrap this monstrous plan." No one uttered another word. No one was brave enough to face the man who could destroy anything with a simple touch.
But the sake of these people, people who had nothing but their families and a muddy roof over their head was on the line.
Do something, a tiny voice in your head screamed, save them, it begged. You shifted your head so to get a glimpse of Ruggie's face. "I-" you began but were cut off before you could even finish.
"I know you would say that."
His voice broke over every syllable. He knew you would give up your depressing nostalgia for the sake of others. Life in the castle would be hell, being married to that monster would be something worst than the dwellings of the devil.
It was a speedy arrangement, so fast that your head didn't have time to process anything. In the end, it almost seemed like the royal family was desperate to find a spouse for their youngest son.
Just marry him! Was what all the absentee looks told you.
Early that morning, Ruggie had dragged you to the castle, all tears, and grumbles. The palace guards let him in with no restrain, it almost felt like he'd been here before. Your childhood friend led you to a room in the further corner of a grand hall. He told you to stay outside as he went in to chat with the prince. Moments later the newly appointed king and queen came to usher you into a privet room and discuss the marriage. Not an hour later your fate had been sealed, you'd be married off to prince Leona tomorrow at sunrise. For "historical purposes" your neighborhood would be preserved and even taken care of. 'Historical purposes' you thought 'more the like a bribe to get you to marry this beast.
that night you were dragged this way and that by the queen herself. Taken for fitting after fitting. Trying on hundreds of wedding dresses who's prices could feed every mouth in your neighborhood for months! "Leona isn't very classy" the queen sighed in disappear. "He would probably prefer you to be in something laxer, shorter if you will" the tailors ran around trying to find something that would fit her vague description, as you stood facing her royal highness.
"What's he like?" you asked soullessly
"Spoiled, although not as heartless as the rumors make him out to be"  She didn't seem to like giving straight answers
"will he harm me? It was an honest question, although the lack of thinking it took before the queen replied made your heart skipped a beat.
"Quite possibly, he is rather...aggressive at times. Just don't let his degrading comments get to you. He's not used to being around people"
The more she described the second-born prince the more it seemed she was actually speaking of some feral dog that had raised in isolation.
Oh, how doomed you were.
The wedding was even faster than the preparation. Ruggie walked you down an aisle of flowers, walking over the petals, killing them once and for all, ending their pointless existence. You stood by your self at the altar awaiting your husband to be. It took a rather long time before the doors were flung open and the king waltzed in carrying his struggling brother under his arm. "No need to worry, Leona was taking one of his catnaps again and forgot about today's events" the king announced, in what could only be described as a mock lively tone.
How on earth does someone forget their wedding! This prince really wasn't a typical human...heck you where beginning to think that the feral dog would have made a better groom.
snap, snap
A few magazine pictures here, a couple of family photos there...
Everything was so bright and loud...
right before you and the second prince were thrown into the darkness of his room. In the obscurity, you could ONLY make out the glowing of his emerald eyes.
You could feel him shifting closer, all the while you took shaking steps backwards. " I thought wives were supposed to leap into the arms of their husbands? Tell me little herbivore do I frighten you?"
Your voice refused to leave your throat, too afraid to come into contact with the prince.
"What's the matter? Did they not teach you to speak in on the streets you grew up on. Poor thing~"
Leona pounced across the room, tackling you to the ground. His sheer weight pinning you to the carpeted floor. The sound of fabric tearing echoed through the silence.
How careless these royal were was the only intelligible thought that came to your frenzied brain.
Goosebumps littered your skin as Leona's claws cut into your flesh. His lips kissed over each wound as he made his way up to your cherry painted lips.
"You look so cute, you know, like a little mouse about to get devoured by a starving lion."
💙💀Idia Shroud💀💙
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The rhythm of his heartbeat was slowing down, it felt like the patter of ants atop one's flesh. He was dying...this was an irreversible fact. The love of your life was dying and there was nothing you could do but sit idly by and watch the life fade from his pale bruised face. Your thumb ran over his knuckles in robotic-like strokes. Hours had passed, you'd shed all the tears that you had. He was gone...that was all there was to it.
For a hopeless second, you flicked your eyes to the open window on the opposite side of the room, There was never any sun on the island of lamination but regardless today seemed brighter than any other day. "How cruel" you muttered in a deadpan voice. Outside something...or better yet...someone was running through the fields, chasing what looked like a butterfly. The young child had blazing blue hair a symbol of the Shroud family...
Your breath hitch in your lungs, your heart began to pound furiously in your chest. They could help you though hopefully. There family where distant relatives of the god of the underworld and a few years back -to your regulation- the hair of the family had been able to semi revive his younger brother. If he was able to bring back a child from the dead than surly they would have no problem returning your lost lover to you.
Your eyes waltz over his dormant face one last time before you got up and ran for the door.
"This is all for you my love, all of this is for you"
The Shroud family mansion was located at the top of one of the many hills that plagued the island. It was a dark grisly building that resembled the castles from old tales, where monsters laid dormant. Rumors spiraled around the rural civilization, some saying that the family was cursed by the lord of the dead, whilst others claimed that the shroud family were the long lost descendants of the lord of the dead and the maiden of spring. The curse had been placed on the family by the temperamental mother of the maiden of spring, anathematizing the family to be plagued with death and disappear for the rest of eternity.
Regardless of what their misfortune was, they may very well be the last people on earth who could help you. Surely if the family had brought back their youngest than they could bring back your lover!
You knuckles tapped furiously at the old metal doors of the frightful residence. The rhythm was unkept, unsteady, it's mere sound radiated urgency.
Your throat burned as you screamed out those three lousy words.
After what felt like forever, the doors cracked open, revealing a tall man obscured by the shadows. Any light that touched the interior of the house seemed to die acidity, making peering inside nearly impossible.
"What business do you have?" The man's voice was croaky as if his vocal cords hadn't been used in years. For a split second, you closed your eyes, trying to organize the thoughts in your head. "My...my...h-hus...lover, my lover is d-dead...o-or rather he is dying....probably fully gone by now..." despite the mess of stuttered letters and mixed-up words, the man seemed to understand your situation. With a long sigh, he pulled you into the somber house.
Fingers still wrapped tightly around your wrist he pulled you around, guiding you through the darkness until you reached a large room lit only by the mysterious blue flames of the fireplace. Sitting by the warmth was a...well it was hard to tell, her face -despite it displaying every bone of her visage coupled with dark sunken eyes- resembled that of a woman no older than thirty, whilst her body resembled a decaying skeleton. What was she? Was she the lady of the residence or yet another monster this bizarre family had created.
"My, love" the man began to speak, his voice was somehow cleared like it had been given some sort of jolt. "This young lady needs Idia's help, she wants to bring back her lover from the dead."
The woman said nothing, her eyes staring ahead, burning a hole in the wall right by your head. "What will she give him in return" despite her "deteriorating" appearance her voice was like soft silk on one's skin, melodious and fair.
"Why herself!" This time the man's voice boomed across the house, echoing through the hallways and falling on you like a cave in.
"M-myself! What the hell do you mean!"
"It sounds fair" the women agreed "my darling sweet son saves your lover and instead you agree to marry him! Oh how wonderful, just like in the tales about grandfather Hades!"
She seemed too thrilled about this, her snow-white eyes gleaming with a sort of delusional passion.
"Idia! Idia honey! Come down your father has a surprise for you!"
The hollow sound of footsteps soon filled the quiet air. Followed by another soft blue glow.
Was there no normal fire in this house?
But it wasn't fire, not exactly. When your eyes fell on the heir of the Shroud family, you suddenly felt a nervous wave crash over you. There was something -even more- unsettling about him, he looked nothing like his charming little brother. For one his hair wasn't...well hair! Sure you'd expect a small batch of blazes heading upwards but this was something else entirely! It resembled a large bonfire that floated towards the ground, rouge sparks falling in every which direction, sizzling and then dying abandoned on the floor. And his eyes, Miosis like pupils floating around in a pool of lemon yellow.
But all the physical appearances aside, the most unsettling thing about him was the gloomy aura that leaked off him, suffocating anyone in his presence. Nervously you took a step back only to be yanked forward again by the taller man.
"Idia baby!" His mother ran over to him, cradling his hands in hers "This cute young lady has agreed to marry you if you can save her lover, just like in that old tale about your great grandfather! Oh, my this is all so romantic!"
It seemed like no one here understood that you were in love WITH SOMEONE ELSE! Or maybe they did and chose to disregard it. Instead, using the bits they retained as kindling to feed their raw excitement. You shifted your gaze back to Idia's face. To your utter terror, he was...smiling? Could that...look...even be called a smile? It seemed more like the way a shark would bare its teeth at a defenseless seal! Oh, gods please don't let this...thing...be your future husband!
"It should be easy enough," His golden gaze landed on you "W-when did...did he die?" it took a few moments before you register that he was talking to you or technically asking you something. "A...A  few..." your voice cracked, tears streaming down your eyes.
"So recently...okay that shouldn't be a p-problem." He turned on his heels and walked back into the seclusion of the halls "I'll grab some things and meet you by the front door"
A few things ended up being a pile of wires and bolts. Something that looked like a light blue ball of energy and so many tools whose names seemed to go over your head.
Idia was kneeling by your lover's bed, pulling apart the skin and fusing metal in its place. Your darling's chest was cracked open, his ribs poking out towards the sky as if praying for life from the lord of the sky. Every once in awhile Idia would pull out a long tool with smoke floating from the top. He'd lay it on an organ watching as the tissue fiber sizzled away under the heat. He would then tie wires and small circular batteries inside.
"His heart stopped working, I'm guessing from some sort of shock"
You just hummed in response, too caught up in how the man you loved was beginning to look like a modern-day Frankenstein rather than a human being.
The sun had long since faded when Idia finally got up from his spot. His bones cracked and screeched at the sudden change, his muscles giving out halfway leaving him to rely on the wall for support to stand. Your lover's chest had been sewn back and covered with a silver piece of metal. His neck was wrapped in the same sort of alloy. His left arm had been cut open so Idia could shove the energy ball inside than cover it, leaving a small enough gap for wires that stretched from his chest to weld into the ball.
"He just needs a boost" Idia murmured that shark-like grin overtaking his pale face once more. From the side table, he plucked up to jumper cables and clipped them on either side of his neck. Jolts and crackles filled the room and sparks flew in every direction, the once-dead body shuffled around, arms and legs moving at random. You shrieked and duck behind Idia.
Only then did he pry the clips from his neck.
for too long nothing happened... then there was a slight wiggle in one finger, then another. His eyes slowly began to prey open, looking over his surroundings. The moment his confused gaze feel onto you. Idia turned you around to face him, clumsily smashing his blue chapped lips onto yours.
From the corner of his eyes, Idia watched as the other man began to understand what was happening...even if he was just resurrected there was still agony at the sight of his lover kissing another...
Good! That should show him who you belonged to now!
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